diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1dbeeb3..7ebe1b0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -5,13 +5,16 @@ public/build_no_opt
diff --git a/profiles.clj b/profiles.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d0b4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{:dev {:test-paths ["test/cljs"]
+ :dependencies [[hiccups "0.2.0"]]
+ :plugins [[com.cemerick/clojurescript.test "0.2.0"]]
+ :cljsbuild {:builds {#_:none
+ #_{:source-paths ["src/cljs" "test/cljs"]
+ :compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
+ :pretty-print true
+ :optimizations :none
+ :output-to "dev-resources/public/js/none.js"}}
+ :whitespace
+ {:source-paths ["src/cljs" "test/cljs"]
+ :compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
+ :optimizations :whitespace
+ :pretty-print true
+ :output-to "dev-resources/public/js/whitespace.js"}}
+ #_:simple
+ #_{:source-paths ["src/cljs" "test/cljs"]
+ :compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
+ :optimizations :simple
+ :pretty-print true
+ :output-to "dev-resources/public/js/simple.js"}}
+ #_:advanced
+ #_{:source-paths ["src/cljs" "test/cljs"]
+ :compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
+ :optimizations :advanced
+ :pretty-print true
+ :output-to "dev-resources/public/js/advanced.js"}}}
+ :test-commands {"whitespace"
+ ["phantomjs" :runner "dev-resources/public/js/whitespace.js"]
+ #_"simple"
+ #_["phantomjs" :runner "dev-resources/public/js/simple.js"]
+ #_"advanced"
+ #_["phantomjs" :runner "dev-resources/public/js/advanced.js"]}}}}
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index a2d954c..74df297 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -1,47 +1,13 @@
(defproject domina "1.0.3-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A DOM manipulation library for ClojureScript inspired by JQuery"
- :source-paths ["src/cljs"]
- :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]
- :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "0.3.0"]
- [lein-clojars "0.9.1"]]
+ :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljs"]
+ :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
+ [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2030"]]
+ :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.0-alpha1"]]
:hooks [leiningen.cljsbuild]
- :cljsbuild {:builds [{:jar true
+ :cljsbuild {:builds {:deploy
+ {:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
:compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
:pretty-print true
:output-dir ".cljsbuild/domina"
- :output-to "public/domina.js"}}
- {:source-paths ["test/cljs"]
- :compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
- :pretty-print true
- :optimizations :none
- :output-dir "public/build_no_opt"
- :output-to "public/test_no_opt.js"}}
- {:source-paths ["test/cljs"]
- :compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
- :optimizations :whitespace
- :pretty-print true
- :output-dir ".cljsbuild/whitespace"
- :output-to "public/test_whitespace.js"}}
- {:source-paths ["test/cljs"]
- :compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
- :optimizations :simple
- :pretty-print true
- :output-dir ".cljsbuild/simple"
- :output-to "public/test_simple.js"}}
- {:source-paths ["test/cljs"]
- :compiler {:libs ["goog/dom/query.js"]
- :optimizations :advanced
- :pretty-print true
- :output-dir ".cljsbuild/advanced"
- :output-to "public/test_advanced.js"}}]}
- :repositories {"sonatype-staging"
- "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/staging/"})
- (do
- (require '[cljs.repl :as repl])
- (require '[cljs.repl.browser :as browser])
- (def env (browser/repl-env))
- (repl/repl env))
- )
+ :output-to "public/domina.js"}}}})
diff --git a/src/cljs/domina/macros.clj b/src/clj/domina/macros.clj
similarity index 100%
rename from src/cljs/domina/macros.clj
rename to src/clj/domina/macros.clj
diff --git a/src/cljs/domina/events.cljs b/src/cljs/domina/events.cljs
index 1db48f3..9dee1ef 100644
--- a/src/cljs/domina/events.cljs
+++ b/src/cljs/domina/events.cljs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
(ns domina.events
(:require [domina :as domina]
[goog.object :as gobj]
diff --git a/test/cljs/domina/test.cljs b/temp/test/cljs/domina/test.cljs
similarity index 95%
rename from test/cljs/domina/test.cljs
rename to temp/test/cljs/domina/test.cljs
index 0ebe5e1..f5bc46c 100644
--- a/test/cljs/domina/test.cljs
+++ b/temp/test/cljs/domina/test.cljs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
[domina.xpath :only [xpath]]
[domina.css :only [sel]]
[domina.events :only [listen! capture! listen-once! capture-once!
- unlisten! dispatch-event! dispatch! unlisten-by-key!
+ unlisten! dispatch! unlisten-by-key!
get-listeners prevent-default stop-propagation
target current-target event-type raw-event]])
(:require [goog.events :as events]
@@ -69,28 +69,28 @@
;;;;;; CSS selection tests
-(add-test "basic CSS selection"
+#_(add-test "basic CSS selection"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 3 (count (nodes (sel "p")))))))
-(add-test "basic CSS selection (single node)"
+#_(add-test "basic CSS selection (single node)"
#(do (reset)
(assert (not (nil? (single-node (sel "p")))))))
-(add-test "CSS selection with class specification"
+#_(add-test "CSS selection with class specification"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (sel ".d1")))))))
-(add-test "a relative CSS selector"
+#_(add-test "a relative CSS selector"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 3 (count (nodes (-> (sel ".d1")
(sel "p"))))))))
-(add-test "extended CSS chaining"
+#_(add-test "extended CSS chaining"
#(do (reset)
(append! (sel "body")
@@ -101,28 +101,28 @@
;;;;;; DOM Manipulation Tests
-(add-test "basic xpath selection"
+#_(add-test "basic xpath selection"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 3 (count (nodes (xpath "//p")))))))
-(add-test "basic xpath selection (single node)"
+#_(add-test "basic xpath selection (single node)"
#(do (reset)
(assert (not (nil? (single-node (xpath "//p")))))))
-(add-test "xpath selection with class specification"
+#_(add-test "xpath selection with class specification"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']")))))))
-(add-test "a relative xpath expression"
+#_(add-test "a relative xpath expression"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 3 (count (nodes (-> (xpath "//body/div[@class='d1']")
(xpath "p"))))))))
-(add-test "extended selection chaining"
+#_(add-test "extended selection chaining"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body")
@@ -130,17 +130,17 @@
(xpath "./div")
(xpath "./p")
(xpath "./span"))))))))
-(add-test "advanced xpath"
+#_(add-test "advanced xpath"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 2 (count (nodes (xpath "//p[following-sibling::p[@class='p3']]")))))))
-(add-test "look up node by id"
+#_(add-test "look up node by id"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (by-id "id1")))))))
-(add-test "look up node by id with context"
+#_(add-test "look up node by id with context"
#(do (reset)
(append! (sel "body")
@@ -149,58 +149,58 @@
(sel "p")
(sel "span"))))))))
-(add-test "look up nodes by class"
+#_(add-test "look up nodes by class"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (by-class "p3")))))))
-(add-test "look up multiple nodes by class"
+#_(add-test "look up multiple nodes by class"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "test1
(assert (= 2 (count (nodes (by-class "tc")))))))
-(add-test "child selection"
+#_(add-test "child selection"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 3 (count (children (xpath "//div[@class='d1']")))))))
-(add-test "clone a single node"
+#_(add-test "clone a single node"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 1 (count (clone (single-node (xpath "//p"))))))))
-(add-test "clone multiple nodes"
+#_(add-test "clone multiple nodes"
#(do (reset)
(assert (= 3 (count (clone (nodes (xpath "//p"))))))))
-(add-test "append a single child to a single parent"
+#_(add-test "append a single child to a single parent"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "test
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended1']")))))))
-(add-test "append multiple children to a single parent"
+#_(add-test "append multiple children to a single parent"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body")
(assert (= 2 (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended2']")))))))
-(add-test "append a single child to multiple parents"
+#_(add-test "append a single child to multiple parents"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body/div/p")
(assert (= 3 (count (nodes (xpath "//div/p/span")))))))
-(add-test "append multiple children to multiple parents"
+#_(add-test "append multiple children to multiple parents"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body/div/p")
"some more text")
(assert (= 3 (count (nodes (xpath "//div/p/span[@class='foo']")))))))
-(add-test "prepend a single child to a single parent"
+#_(add-test "prepend a single child to a single parent"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "2
(prepend! (xpath "//body") "1
@@ -208,13 +208,13 @@
(assert (= "2" (text (xpath "//body/div[2]"))))
(assert (= "3" (text (xpath "//body/div[3]"))))))
-(add-test "prepend a single child to multiple parents"
+#_(add-test "prepend a single child to multiple parents"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "")
(prepend! (xpath "//body/div") "1
(assert (= 2 (count (nodes (xpath "//body/div/p[text()='2']")))))))
-(add-test "Insert a single child to a single parent"
+#_(add-test "Insert a single child to a single parent"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body")
@@ -248,14 +248,14 @@
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath children
-(add-test "destroy a single node"
+#_(add-test "destroy a single node"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "app1
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended1']")))))
(destroy! (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended1']"))
(assert (= 0 (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended1']")))))))
-(add-test "destroy multiple nodes"
+#_(add-test "destroy multiple nodes"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body")
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
(destroy! (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended2']"))
(assert (= 0 (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended2']")))))))
-(add-test "detach and reattach a single node"
+#_(add-test "detach and reattach a single node"
#(do (reset)
(let [n (detach! (xpath "//p[@class='p3']"))]
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
(append! (xpath "//div[@class='d1']") n)
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@class='p3']"))))))))
-(add-test "detach and reattach multiple nodes"
+#_(add-test "detach and reattach multiple nodes"
#(do (reset)
(let [n (detach! (xpath "//div[@class='d1']/p"))]
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
(append! (xpath "//div[@class='d1']") n)
(assert (= 3 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']/p"))))))))
-(add-test "detach child nodes"
+#_(add-test "detach child nodes"
#(do (reset)
(let [parent (xpath "//div[@class='d1']")
@@ -287,27 +287,27 @@
(assert (= 0 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']/p")))))
(assert (= 3 (count detached-children))))))
-(add-test "clear a node's contents"
+#_(add-test "clear a node's contents"
#(do (reset)
(destroy-children! (xpath "//div[@class='d1']"))
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']")))))
(assert (= 0 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']/*")))))))
-(add-test "insert-before! with a single reference and single new node"
+#_(add-test "insert-before! with a single reference and single new node"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "Some content
(insert-before! (nodes (by-id "ref")) "before
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/preceding-sibling::*[text()='before']")))))))
-(add-test "insert-before! with a single reference and multiple new nodes"
+#_(add-test "insert-before! with a single reference and multiple new nodes"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "Some content
(insert-before! (nodes (by-id "ref")) "before1
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/preceding-sibling::*[text()='before2' and position()=1]")))))
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/preceding-sibling::*[text()='before1' and position()=2]")))))))
-(add-test "insert-before! with multiple reference nodes and a single new node"
+#_(add-test "insert-before! with multiple reference nodes and a single new node"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "content1
(append! (xpath "//body") "content2
@@ -316,20 +316,20 @@
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref1']/preceding-sibling::p")))))
(assert (= 2 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref2']/preceding-sibling::p")))))))
-(add-test "insert-after! with a single reference and single new node"
+#_(add-test "insert-after! with a single reference and single new node"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "Some content
(insert-after! (nodes (by-id "ref")) "after
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/following-sibling::*[text()='after']")))))))
-(add-test "insert-after! with a single reference and multiple new nodes"
+#_(add-test "insert-after! with a single reference and multiple new nodes"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "Some content
(insert-after! (nodes (by-id "ref")) "after1
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/following-sibling::*[text()='after1' and position()=1]")))))
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/following-sibling::*[text()='after2' and position()=2]")))))))
-(add-test "insert-after! with multiple reference nodes and a single new node"
+#_(add-test "insert-after! with multiple reference nodes and a single new node"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "content1
(append! (xpath "//body") "content2
@@ -338,21 +338,21 @@
(assert (= 2 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref1']/following-sibling::p")))))
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref2']/following-sibling::p")))))))
-(add-test "swap-content! with a single reference node and a single new node"
+#_(add-test "swap-content! with a single reference node and a single new node"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "")
(swap-content! (xpath "//p[@id='before']") "fixed
(assert (= 0 (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@id='before']")))))
(assert (= 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@id='after']")))))))
-(add-test "swap-content! with a single reference node and multiple new nodes"
+#_(add-test "swap-content! with a single reference node and multiple new nodes"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "")
(swap-content! (xpath "//p[@id='before']") "fixed1
(assert (= 0 (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@id='before']")))))
(assert (= 2 (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@class='after']")))))))
-(add-test "swap-content! with multiple reference nodes and multiple new nodes"
+#_(add-test "swap-content! with multiple reference nodes and multiple new nodes"
#(do (reset)
(append! (xpath "//body") "")
(append! (xpath "//body") "")
diff --git a/test/cljs/domina/css_edge_test.cljs b/test/cljs/domina/css_edge_test.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c7e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cljs/domina/css_edge_test.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(ns domina.css-edge-test
+ (:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test :as m :refer (deftest testing are use-fixtures)]
+ [domina.macros :as dm])
+ (:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]
+ [domina :as dom :refer (nodes)]
+ [domina.css :as css :refer (sel)]
+ [domina.fixtures :as fix :refer (base-fixture)]))
+(use-fixtures :each base-fixture)
+;;; sel
+(deftest sel-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (sel css-expr)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ false (nil? (sel nil))
+ false (nil? (sel ""))
+ false (nil? (sel " "))
+ 0 (count (nodes (sel ".not-existent-css-class")))
+ 0 (count (nodes (sel "#not-existent-css-id")))))))
diff --git a/test/cljs/domina/css_standard_test.cljs b/test/cljs/domina/css_standard_test.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acec944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cljs/domina/css_standard_test.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+(ns domina.css-standard-test
+ (:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test :as m :refer (deftest testing are use-fixtures)]
+ [domina.macros :as dm]
+ [hiccups.core :as hm])
+ (:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]
+ [domina :as dom :refer (nodes append!)]
+ [domina.css :as css :refer (sel)]
+ [domina.fixtures :as fix :refer (base-fixture)]
+ [hiccups.runtime :as hrt]))
+(use-fixtures :each base-fixture)
+;;; sel
+(deftest sel-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (sel css-expr)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 3 (count (nodes (sel "p")))
+ 1 (count (nodes (sel ".d1")))
+ 1 (count (nodes (sel "#id1")))
+ 3 (count (nodes (-> (sel ".d1")
+ (sel "p"))))
+ 3 (count (nodes (sel ".d1 > p")))
+ 2 (do (append! (sel "body")
+ (hm/html [:div
+ [:p [:span "some text"]]
+ [:p [:span "more text"]]]))
+ (count (nodes (-> (sel "body")
+ (sel "div")
+ (sel "p")
+ (sel "span")))))))))
diff --git a/test/cljs/domina/fixtures.cljs b/test/cljs/domina/fixtures.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e420691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cljs/domina/fixtures.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(ns domina.fixtures
+ (:require-macros [domina.macros :as dm]
+ [hiccups.core :as hm])
+ (:require [domina :as dom :refer (append! destroy!)]
+ [hiccups.runtime :as hrt]
+ [domina.xpath :as css :refer (xpath)]
+ [domina.events :as de :refer (unlisten!)]))
+(defn- initialize []
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div.d1
+ [:p.p1 "P1"]
+ [:p.p2 "P2"]
+ [:p#id1.p3 "P3"]])))
+(defn- reset[]
+ (destroy! (xpath "//body/*"))
+ (unlisten! (xpath "//*")))
+(defn base-fixture [f]
+ (initialize)
+ (f)
+ (reset))
diff --git a/test/cljs/domina/xpath_standard_test.cljs b/test/cljs/domina/xpath_standard_test.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dc64cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cljs/domina/xpath_standard_test.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(ns domina.xpath-standard-test
+ (:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test :as m :refer (deftest testing are use-fixtures)]
+ [domina.macros :as dm]
+ [hiccups.core :as hm])
+ (:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]
+ [domina :as dom :refer (nodes single-node append!)]
+ [domina.xpath :as css :refer (xpath)]
+ [domina.fixtures :as fix :refer (base-fixture)]
+ [hiccups.runtime :as hrt]))
+(use-fixtures :each base-fixture)
+;;; xpath
+(deftest xpath-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (xpath xpath-expr)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 3 (count (nodes (xpath "//p")))
+ false (nil? (single-node (xpath "//p")))
+ 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']")))
+ 3 (count (nodes (-> (xpath "//body/div[@class='d1']")
+ (xpath "p"))))
+ 2 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div
+ [:p [:span "some text"]]
+ [:p [:span "more text"]]]))
+ (count (nodes (-> (xpath "//body")
+ (xpath "./div")
+ (xpath "./p")
+ (xpath "./span")))))
+ 2 (count (nodes (xpath "//p[following-sibling::p[@class='p3']]")))))))
diff --git a/test/cljs/domina_edge_test.cljs b/test/cljs/domina_edge_test.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c866a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cljs/domina_edge_test.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+(ns domina-edge-test
+ (:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test :as m :refer (deftest testing are use-fixtures)]
+ [domina.macros :as dm])
+ (:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]
+ [domina :as dom :refer (nodes
+ single-node
+ by-class
+ by-id
+ append!
+ prepend!
+ clone
+ ancestor?
+ common-ancestor
+ children
+ detach!
+ destroy!
+ destroy-children!
+ has-class?
+ value)]
+ [domina.xpath :as xp :refer (xpath)]
+ [domina.fixtures :as fix :refer (base-fixture)]))
+(use-fixtures :each base-fixture)
+;;; nodes
+(deftest nodes-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (nodes content)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(nodes content)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ () (nodes nil)
+ false (nil? (nodes ""))
+ false (nil? (nodes " "))
+ false (nil? (nodes (by-id "not-an-existent-id")))
+ nil (nodes ())
+ nil (nodes [])
+ nil (nodes {})
+ nil (nodes #{}))))))
+;;; single-node
+(deftest single-node-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (single-node node)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(single-node node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ nil (single-node nil)
+ false (nil? (single-node ""))
+ false (nil? (single-node " "))
+ true (nil? (single-node (by-class "not-a-class")))
+ true (nil? (single-node (by-id "not-an-id")))
+ nil (single-node ())
+ nil (single-node [])
+ nil (single-node {})
+ nil (single-node #{}))))))
+;;; by-id
+(deftest by-id-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (by-id id)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(by-id s)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ "Error" (try
+ (by-id nil)
+ (catch js/Error e
+ "Error"))
+ nil (by-id "")
+ nil (by-id "not-existent-id")
+ nil (by-id " "))))))
+;;; by-class
+(deftest by-class-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (by-class css-class)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(by-class css-class)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ "Error" (try
+ (by-class nil)
+ (catch js/Error e
+ "Error"))
+ ;nil (by-class "")
+ ;nil (by-class " ")
+ nil (by-class "not-existent-class"))))))
+;;; append!
+(deftest append!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (append! parent-content child-content)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(append! single-parent single-child)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ nil (append! nil nil)
+ () (children (append! (by-id "id1") nil))
+ () (children (append! (by-id "id1") ""))
+ () (children (append! (by-id "id1") " "))
+ nil (append! nil "")))
+ (testing "(append! multiple-parent child-content)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ () (children (append! (by-class "p1") nil))
+ () (children (append! (by-class "p1") ""))
+ () (children (append! (by-class "p1") " "))
+ () (children (append! (by-class "p1") ()))
+ () (children (append! (by-class "p1") []))
+ () (children (append! (by-class "p1") {}))
+ () (children (append! (by-class "p1") #{})))))))
+;;; detach
+(deftest detach!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (detach! content)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(detach! content)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ () (detach! nil)
+ '(nil) (detach! "")
+ '(nil) (detach! " ")
+ () (detach! ())
+ () (detach! [])
+ () (detach! {})
+ () (detach! #{})
+ () (detach! (by-class "not-a-class"))
+ () (detach! (by-id "not-an-id")))))))
+;;; children
+(deftest children-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (children content)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(children content)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ () (children nil)
+ () (children "")
+ () (children " ")
+ () (children ())
+ () (children [])
+ () (children {})
+ () (children #{})
+ () (children "not-existent-parent")
+ () (children "not existent parent"))))))
+;;; destroy
+(deftest destroy!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (destroy! content)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(destroy! content)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ nil (destroy! nil)
+ nil (destroy! "")
+ nil (destroy! " ")
+ nil (destroy! "not-a-content")
+ nil (destroy! "not a content")
+ nil (destroy! ())
+ nil (destroy! [])
+ nil (destroy! {})
+ nil (destroy! #{}))))))
+;;; common-ancestor
+(deftest common-ancestor-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (common-ancestor &contents)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(common-ancestor node-a)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ nil (common-ancestor nil)))
+ (testing "(common-ancestor node-a node-b)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ nil (common-ancestor nil nil)
+ nil (common-ancestor nil (by-id "id1"))
+ nil (common-ancestor (by-id "id1") nil)))
+ (testing "(common-ancestor node-a node-b node-c)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ nil (common-ancestor nil nil nil)
+ nil (common-ancestor nil (by-id "id1") nil)
+ nil (common-ancestor nil nil (by-id "id1"))
+ nil (common-ancestor (by-id "id1") nil nil))))))
+;;; ancestor?
+(deftest ancestor?-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (ancestor? ancestor-node descendant-node)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(ancestor? ancestor descendant)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ true (ancestor? nil nil)
+ true (ancestor? nil (by-id "id1"))
+ false (ancestor? (by-id "id1") nil)
+ true (ancestor? () ())
+ true (ancestor? nil ())
+ true (ancestor? () nil)
+ true (ancestor? [] [])
+ true (ancestor? nil [])
+ true (ancestor? [] nil)
+ true (ancestor? {} {})
+ true (ancestor? nil {})
+ true (ancestor? {} nil)
+ true (ancestor? #{} #{})
+ true (ancestor? nil #{})
+ true (ancestor? #{} nil))))))
+;;; clone
+(deftest clone-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (clone node)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(clone node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ () (clone nil)
+ () (clone ())
+ () (clone [])
+ () (clone {})
+ () (clone #{}))))))
+;;; has-class?
+(deftest has-class?-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (has-class? content class)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(has-class? content class)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ "Error" (try
+ (has-class? nil nil)
+ (catch js/Error e
+ "Error"))
+ "Error" (try
+ (has-class? nil "p1")
+ (catch js/Error e
+ "Error"))
+ false (has-class? (by-id "id1") nil))))))
+;;; value
+(deftest value-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (value content)\n"
+ (testing "Edge Cases\n"
+ (testing "(value single-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ "Error" (try
+ (value (by-id nil))
+ (catch js/Error e
+ "Error"))
+ "Error" (try
+ (value (by-id ""))
+ (catch js/Error e
+ "Error"))
+ "Error" (try
+ (value (by-id " "))
+ (catch js/Error e
+ "Error"))
+ "Error" (try
+ (value (by-id "not-existent-id"))
+ (catch js/Error e
+ "Error")))))))
diff --git a/test/cljs/domina_standard_test.cljs b/test/cljs/domina_standard_test.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae50d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cljs/domina_standard_test.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+(ns domina-standard-test
+ (:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test :as m :refer (deftest testing are use-fixtures)]
+ [domina.macros :as dm]
+ [hiccups.core :as hm])
+ (:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]
+ [domina :as dom :refer (nodes
+ single-node
+ by-id
+ by-class
+ append!
+ clone
+ detach!
+ destroy!
+ destroy-children!
+ children
+ insert-before!
+ insert-after!
+ prepend!
+ insert!
+ swap-content!
+ text)]
+ [domina.fixtures :as fix :refer (base-fixture)]
+ [domina.xpath :as xp :refer (xpath)]
+ [hiccups.runtime :as hrt]))
+(use-fixtures :each base-fixture)
+;;; nodes
+(deftest nodes-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (nodes content)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(nodes content)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//body")))
+ 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//body/div")))
+ 1 (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']"))))))))
+;;; single-node
+(deftest single-node-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (single-node node)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(single-node node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ false (nil? (single-node (xpath "//p")))
+ false (nil? (single-node (by-class "p1")))
+ false (nil? (single-node (by-id "id1"))))))))
+;;; by-id
+(deftest by-id-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (by-id id)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(by-id id)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ false (nil? (by-id "id1")))))))
+;;; by-class
+(deftest by-class-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (by-class css-class)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(by-class css-class)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 1 (count (by-class "p3"))
+ 2 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:p.tc "test1"]
+ [:p.tc "test2"]))
+ (count (nodes (by-class "tc")))))))))
+;;; append!
+(deftest append!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (append! parent-content child-content)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(append! single-parent single-child)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 1 (do
+ (children (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:p.appended1 "test"])))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended1']"))))))
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(append! single-parent children)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 2 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:p.appended2 "test2-1"]
+ [:p.appended2 "test2-2"]))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended2']"))))))
+ (testing "(append! multiple-parent single-child)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 3 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body/div/p")
+ (hm/html [:span "!!"]))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div/p/span"))))))
+ (testing "(append! multiple-parent children)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 3 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body/div/p")
+ (hm/html ["some " [:span.foo "more"] "text"]))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div/p/span[@class='foo']"))))))))))
+;;; detach!
+(deftest detach!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (detach! content)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(detach! single-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 0 (do
+ (detach! (xpath "//p[@class='p3']"))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@class='p3']"))))))
+ (testing "(detach! multiple-nodes)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 0 (do
+ (detach! (xpath "//div[@class='d1']/p"))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']/p"))))
+ 0 (do
+ (detach! (children "//div[@class='d1']"))
+ (count (children "//div[@class='d1']"))))))))
+;;; children
+(deftest children-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (children content)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(children content)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 3 (count (children (xpath "//div[@class='d1']"))))))))
+;;; clone
+(deftest clone-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (clone single-node)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(clone single-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 1 (count (clone (single-node (xpath "//p"))))))
+ (testing "(clone multiple-nodes)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 3 (count (clone (nodes (xpath "//p")))))))))
+;;; destroy!
+(deftest destroy!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (destroy! content)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(destroy! single-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 0 (do (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:p.appended1 "app1"]))
+ (destroy! (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended1']"))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended1']"))))))
+ (testing "(destroy! multiple-nodes)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 0 (do (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:p.appended2 "app1"]
+ [:p.appended2 "app2"]))
+ (destroy! (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended2']"))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//body/p[@class='appended2']")))))))))
+;;; destroy-children!
+(deftest destroy-children!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (destroy-children! content)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(destroy-children! single-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 0 (do
+ (destroy-children! (xpath "//div[@class='d1']"))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='d1']/*")))))))))
+;;; insert-before!
+(deftest insert-before!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (insert-before! ref-nodes new-nodes)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(insert-before! single-ref-node single-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 1 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div#ref "Some Content"]))
+ (insert-before! (nodes (by-id "ref")) "before
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/preceding-sibling::*[text()='before']"))))))
+ (testing "(insert-before! single-ref-node multiple-nodes)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 2 (do (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div#ref "some content"]))
+ (insert-before! (nodes (by-id "ref"))
+ (hm/html [:p "before1"]
+ [:p "before2"]))
+ (+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/preceding-sibling::*[text()='before2' and position()=1]")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/preceding-sibling::*[text()='before1' and position()=2]"))))))))))
+;;; insert-before!
+(deftest insert-before!!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (insert-before! ref-nodes new-nodes)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(insert-before! multiple-ref-nodes single-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 5 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body") (hm/html [:div#ref1.ref "content1"]))
+ (append! (xpath "//body") (hm/html [:div#ref2.ref "content2"]))
+ (insert-before! (nodes (by-class "ref")) (hm/html [:p "before"]))
+ (+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='ref']")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref1']/preceding-sibling::p")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref2']/preceding-sibling::p"))))))))))
+;;; prepend!
+(deftest prepend!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (prepend! parents children)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(prepend! single-parent single-child)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ "1" (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body") (hm/html [:div "2"] [:div "3"]))
+ (prepend! (xpath "//body") (hm/html [:div "1"]))
+ (text (xpath "//body/div[1]")))))
+ (testing "(prepend! parents single-child)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 2 (do (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div [:p "2"]]
+ [:div [:p "2"]])
+ #_"")
+ (prepend! (xpath "//body/div")
+ (hm/html [:p "1"])
+ #_"1
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//body/div/p[text()='2']")))))))))
+(deftest insert!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (insert! parents children)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(insert! parent child)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 5 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div.testInserts]))
+ (append! (xpath "//div[@class='testInserts']")
+ (hm/html [:p.i1]))
+ (append! (xpath "//div[@class='testInserts']")
+ (hm/html [:p.i3]))
+ (insert! (xpath "//div[@class='testInserts']")
+ (hm/html [:p.i2]) 1)
+ (+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@class='testInserts']/p")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@class='i2']/preceding-sibling::*")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@class='i2']/following-sibling::*")))))))
+ (testing "(insert! parents single-child)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ true false)))))
+;;; insert-after!
+(deftest insert-after!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (insert-after! ref-nodes new-nodes)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(insert-after! single-ref-node single-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 1 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div#ref "Some content"]))
+ (insert-after! (nodes (by-id "ref"))
+ (hm/html [:p "after"]))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/following-sibling::*[text()='after']"))))))
+ (testing "(insert-after! single-ref-node multiple-nodes)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 2 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div#ref "Some content"]))
+ (insert-after! (nodes (by-id "ref"))
+ (hm/html [:p "after1"]
+ [:p "after2"]))
+ (+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/following-sibling::*[text()='after1' and position()=1]")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref']/following-sibling::*[text()='after2' and position()=2]")))))))
+ (testing "(insert-after! multiple-ref-node multiple-nodes)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 3 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div#ref1.ref "content1"]))
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div#ref2.ref "content2"]))
+ (insert-after! (nodes (by-class "ref"))
+ (hm/html [:p "after"]))
+ (+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref1']/following-sibling::p")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//div[@id='ref2']/following-sibling::p"))))))))))
+;;; swap-content!
+(deftest swap-content!-test
+ (testing "Unit Testing for (swap-content! old-content new-content)\n"
+ (testing "Standard Cases\n"
+ (testing "(swap-content! single-old-node single-new-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 1 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div [:p#before "TYPO"]]))
+ (swap-content! (xpath "//p[@id='before']")
+ (hm/html [:p#after "fixed"]))
+ (+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@id='before']")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@id='after']")))))))
+ (testing "(swap-content! single-ref-node multiple-new-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 2 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div [:p#before "TYPE"]]))
+ (swap-content! (xpath "//p[@id='before']")
+ (hm/html [:p.after "fixed1"]
+ [:p.after "fixed2"]))
+ (+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@id='before']")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@class='after']")))))))
+ (testing "(swap-content! multiple-ref-nodes multiple-new-node)"
+ (are [expected actual] (= expected actual)
+ 4 (do
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div [:p.before1 "TYPO-1"]]))
+ (append! (xpath "//body")
+ (hm/html [:div [:p.before1"TYPO-2"]]))
+ (swap-content! (xpath "//p[@class='before1']")
+ (hm/html [:p.after1 "fixed1"]
+ [:p.after1 "fixed2"]))
+ (+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@class='before1']")))
+ (count (nodes (xpath "//p[@class='after1']"))))))))))