copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2020-03-06 |
LogDNA, IBM, Log Analysis, logging, ingestion |
Log-Analysis-with-LogDNA |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:tip: .tip} {:download: .download} {:important: .important} {:note: .note}
{: #ingest}
You can send log data to an {{}} instance. {:shortdesc}
Complete the following steps to send logs programmatically:
{: #ingest_step1}
Note: You must have manager role for the {{}} instance or service to complete this step. For more information, see Granting permissions to manage logs and configure alerts in LogDNA.
Complete the following steps to get the ingestion key:
Select API keys.
You can see the ingestion keys that have been created.
Copy a key. You can use an existing ingestion key or click Generate Ingestion Key to create a new one. When you generate a key, the key is added to the list.
{: #ingest_step2}
To send logs, run the following cURL command:
curl "ENDPOINT/logs/ingest?QUERY_PARAMETERS" -u INGESTION_KEY: --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d "LOG_LINES"
{: codeblock}
- ENDPOINT represents the entry point to the service. Each region has a different URL. To get the endpoint for a location, see Ingestion endpoints.
- QUERY_PARAMETERS are parameters that define the filtering criteria that are applied to the ingestion request.
- LOG_LINES describe the set of log lines that you want to send. It is defined as an array of objects.
- INGESTION_KEY is the key that you created in the previous step.
The following table lists the query parameters:
Query parameter | Type | Status | Description |
hostname |
string |
required | Host name of the source. |
mac |
string |
optional | The network mac address of the host computer. |
ip |
string |
optional | The local IP address of the host computer. |
now |
date-time |
optional | The source UNIX timestamp in milliseconds at the time of the request. Used to calculate time drift. |
tags |
string |
optional | Tags that are used to dynamically group hosts. |
{: caption="Query parameters" caption-side="top"} |
The following table lists the data that is required per log line:
Parameters | Type | Description |
timestamp |
UNIX timestamp, including milliseconds, when the log entry was recorded. | |
line |
string |
Text of the log line. |
app |
string |
Name of the application that generates the log line. |
level |
string |
Set a value for the level. For example, sample values for this parameter are INFO , WARNING , ERROR . |
meta |
This field is reserved for custom information that is associated with a log line. To add metadata to an API call, specify the meta field under the lines object. Metadata can be viewed inside that line's context. | |
{: caption="Line object fields" caption-side="top"} |
For example, the following sample shows the JSON for a log line that you want to ingest:
"lines": [
"timestamp": 2018-11-02T10:53:06+00:00,
"line":"This is my first log line.",
"level": "INFO",
"meta": {
"customfield": {"nestedfield": "nestedvalue"}
{: screen}
{: #ingest_example}
The following sample shows the cURL command to send 1 log line to an instance of the {{}} service:
curl "$(date +%s)000" -u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d "{\"lines\":[{\"line\":\"This is a sample test log statement\",\"timestamp\":\"2018-11-02T10:53:06+00:00\",\"level\":\"INFO\",\"app\":\"myapp\"}]}"
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