Lomse distribution does not include makefiles. All makefiles are generated with CMake build system. CMake can generate different kinds of native build files for your system (e.g. Unix Makefiles, Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files, Visual Studio project files).
You need CMake 2.8.10 or later on your platform.
This document contains detailed instructions for building Lomse library and tests program from sources. If you find things that need to be fixed and would like to contribute, you are welcome. Thank you.
To build the lomse library, the following software should be installed in your system:
- CMake version 2.8.10 or higher
- Git client
- UnitTest++ 1.3.0 or higher
- FreeType 2.3.5-1 or higher
- zlib (note 1)
- libpng (note 1)
Note 1. If your application is not going to deal with compressed files and/or PNG images, Lomse can be build without support for them and, in those cases, libraries libpng and/or zlib are not required.
In Linux, normally all the required packages are already installed in your system, so normally you do not have to install them. For other operating systems you will have to check if your system has these packages installed, and install any missing one. Please refer to each package website for instructions.
Download lomse sources from master repository at GitHub, either the latest code:
cd <projects>
git clone -b master --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/lenmus/lomse.git
cd lomse
or a specific Release (i.e. 0.16.1)
cd <projects>
git clone -b '0.16.1' --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/lenmus/lomse.git
cd lomse
Generate the makefiles, build, run unit tests and install:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../ #generate the makefile
make #build
./bin/testlib #run unit tests
sudo make install #install Lomse
To build the lomse library, the following software has to be installed in your system:
- CMake version 2.8 or higher (cmake.org)
- A Git client (Git client)
- UnitTest++ 1.3.0 or higher (unittest-cpp proyect)
- FreeType 2.3.5-1 or higher (freetype.org)
- zlib (zlib.net)
- libpng (libpng.org)
Please refer to each package website for installation instructions. In many Linux distros, these packages are already installed in your system, but if anyone is missing, normally you can install it using the package manager. For instance, in Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-data
sudo apt-get install libunittest++-dev
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
sudo apt-get install libpng++-dev
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
First, install brew which is used for installing other library packages
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Use brew to install the dependencies
brew install cmake
brew install unittest-cpp
brew install freetype
brew install pkg-config # Needed for building example tutorials
Note that libpng
is automatically installed by installing libfreetype
is already included in OS X
For other operating systems you will have to check if your system has these packages installed, and install any missing one. Please refer to each package website for instructions.
The simplest approach is to clone the Lomse repository at GitHub, either the latest code:
cd <projects>
git clone -b master --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/lenmus/lomse.git
cd lomse
or a specific Release (i.e. 0.16.1)
cd <projects>
git clone -b '0.16.1' --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/lenmus/lomse.git
cd lomse
As an alternative, you can download a Source Code package from Lomse Releases page, by visiting that page and clicking on the package. Alternatively, you can do it from a command console. For instance, to download source code for release 0.16.1:
cd <projects>
wget https://github.com/lenmus/lomse/archive/0.16.1.tar.gz
tar xzf 0.16.1.tar.gz
cd lomse-0.16.1
When you generate the makefiles and build Lomse a lot of files are created and they have to go somewhere. The best approach is to put them in a completely separate directory, so that your source tree is unchanged. Out-of-source builds are recommended.
Create a directory to hold your build files (e.g. "build"), and move to it:
mkdir build
cd build
Lomse distribution does not include makefiles. All makefiles are generated with CMake build system. CMake can generate different kinds of native build files for your system (e.g. Unix Makefiles, Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files, Visual Studio project files, etc.).
Therefore, the first step is to generate a make file. For this you just have to run CMake:
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../
On OS X the install location for the pkg-config file needs to be changed by adding the -DLOMSE_PKG_CONFIG_INSTALL
option as follows:
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLOMSE_PKG_CONFIG_INSTALL=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ../
By default, Lomse library will be installed in [prefix]/lib and header files in [prefix]/include/lomse, with [prefix] defaulting to /usr/local.
For building just run the standard 'make' program:
The build should finish without errors.
Important: In case of problems, before repeating all the build procedure (after fixing the errors), the makefile should be re-created. The safest way to proceed is to delete the whole content of the build folder and start again from step 3. So move to folder to build and clean all:
cd ..
rm build -rf
and repeat build process from step 2, after fixing the errors.
The build process also generates the unit test program. For running it just do:
You will get an output similar to this one:
Lomse version 0.17.53-a19de1d. Library tests runner.
Lomse build date: 2016-01-27 12:06:01 UTC
Path for tests scores: '<local-path>/test-scores/'
Running all tests
Success: 1405 tests passed.
Test time: 9.23 seconds.
The number of tests will grow over time, and the times reported will depend on your computer.
If you'd like, you also can build a small example program, using the library, and run it:
make example_1
Finally, if no errors in the unit tests, install lomse:
sudo make install
That installs Lomse on your system. Lomse library is installed in [prefix]/lib and header files in [prefix]/include/lomse, with [prefix] defaulting to /usr/local if you didn't specify a different prefix in step 3.
If you'd like, now you can remove build folder and sources- Remember to replace '' with the name of the folder containing the Lomse source code, normally 'lomse' or 'lomse-x.y.z'.
cd ..
rm build -rf #remove build folder
rm <lomse> -rf #remove sources
If you'd like to build a binary package for Debian systems, just do this after building and testing (step 5):
make package
After executing this command you will find the package (i.e. lomse_0.16.1_amd64.deb) in the build folder.