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pixelart Package

Let's You Read and Write Pixel Art Images in the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Format Including Support for Composites and Special Effects (Mirror, Zoom, Flip, etc.) and More


package main

import (

var dir = "../basic"

func main() {
  fmt.Printf( "Hello, Pixel Art v%s!\n", pixelart.Version )

  // read in f(emale) attributes
  female2        := pixelart.ReadImage( dir + "/female2.png" )
  earring        := pixelart.ReadImage( dir + "/f/earring.png" )
  blondebob      := pixelart.ReadImage( dir + "/f/blondebob.png" )
  greeneyeshadow := pixelart.ReadImage( dir + "/f/greeneyeshadow.png" )

  // test drive
  // generate punk #0
  punk := pixelart.NewImage( 24, 24 )
  punk.Paste( female2 )
  punk.Paste( earring )
  punk.Paste( blondebob )
  punk.Paste( greeneyeshadow )

  punk.Save( "./punk0.png" )
  punk.Zoom(20).Save( "./[email protected]" )

  // (re)try with background
  punk = pixelart.NewImage( 24, 24 ).Background( "#60A4F7" )
  punk.Paste( female2 )
  punk.Paste( earring )
  punk.Paste( blondebob )
  punk.Paste( greeneyeshadow )

  punk.Save( "./bluepunk0.png" )
  punk.Zoom(20).Save( "./[email protected]" )

  // read in m(ale) attributes
  male1   := pixelart.ReadImage( dir + "/male1.png" )
  smile   := pixelart.ReadImage( dir + "/m/smile.png" )
  mohawk  := pixelart.ReadImage( dir + "/m/mohawk.png" )

  // generate punk #1
  punk = pixelart.NewImage( 24, 24 )
  punk.Paste( male1 )
  punk.Paste( smile )
  punk.Paste( mohawk )

  punk.Save( "./punk1.png" )
  punk.Zoom(20).Save( "./[email protected]" )

  // (re)try with background
  punk = pixelart.NewImage( 24, 24 ).Background( "#60A4F7" )
  punk.Paste( male1 )
  punk.Paste( smile )
  punk.Paste( mohawk )

  punk.Save( "./bluepunk1.png" )
  punk.Zoom(20).Save( "./[email protected]" )

  fmt.Println( "Bye")

For more see Let's Go! Programming (Crypto) Pixel Punk Profile Pictures & (Generative) Art with Go - Step-by-Step Book / Guide »

Questions? Comments?

Yes, you can. Post them on the D.I.Y. Punk (Pixel) Art reddit. Thanks.