From eaf2c13601357244849e0feadf63b887ad6c7119 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Schwalbe-Koda Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2020 11:26:17 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] readme and one more example --- | 4 +- examples/AFI/AFI.cif | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ examples/AFI/ | 3 ++ examples/AFI/ | 50 +++++++++++++++++++ examples/MOR_loading/ | 2 +- examples/ | 11 +++-- | 2 +- 7 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) create mode 100644 examples/AFI/AFI.cif create mode 100755 examples/AFI/ create mode 100644 examples/AFI/ diff --git a/ b/ index afba0d1..d5b7ded 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ Zeo++ and its interface to pymatgen are required to use the Voronoi sampler. Ple The simplest way to use the `moldocker` package is to use the premade script `` (in the `scripts`) folder. As an example, we provide a molecule and a zeolite in [moldocker/tests/files](moldocker/tests/files). With `moldocker` installed, you can dock the molecule to the zeolite using the following command: ```bash moldocker/tests/files/{AFI.cif,} -o ~/Desktop/dock -d batch -s voronoi_cluster -f min_distance moldocker/tests/files/{AFI.cif,} -o ~/Desktop/docked -d batch -s voronoi_cluster -f min_distance ``` -This will dock the molecule contained in `` to the zeolite in `AFI.cif` using the batch docker, Voronoi sampler with predefined number of clusters and a fitness function that considers the minimum distance between the host and the guest. All output files are saved in the folder `~/Desktop/dock`. +This will dock the molecule contained in `` to the zeolite in `AFI.cif` using the batch docker, Voronoi sampler with predefined number of clusters and a fitness function that considers the minimum distance between the host and the guest. All output files are saved in the folder `~/Desktop/docked`. All input files for crystals and molecules supported by pymatgen can be given as inputs, including [xyz, Gaussian inputs and outputs for molecules]( and [CIF, VASP inputs and outputs, CSSR and others for crystals]( For more information on the dockers, samplers and fitness functions available, run ` --help`. Help on further commands are available once the choice of dockers, samplers and fitness functions are made, e.g. ` -d batch -s voronoi_cluster -f min_distance --help`. diff --git a/examples/AFI/AFI.cif b/examples/AFI/AFI.cif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52cea2d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/AFI/AFI.cif @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +# AFI zeolite +data_SiO2 +_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1' +_cell_length_a 13.86655914 +_cell_length_b 13.86655914 +_cell_length_c 8.60047456 +_cell_angle_alpha 90.00000000 +_cell_angle_beta 90.00000000 +_cell_angle_gamma 120.00000000 +_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 1 +_chemical_formula_structural SiO2 +_chemical_formula_sum 'Si24 O48' +_cell_volume 1432.15645170 +_cell_formula_units_Z 24 +loop_ + _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id + _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz + 1 'x, y, z' +loop_ + _atom_site_type_symbol + _atom_site_label + _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity + _atom_site_fract_x + _atom_site_fract_y + _atom_site_fract_z + _atom_site_occupancy + O O0 1 0.457007 0.334333 0.000000 1 + O O1 1 0.665666 0.122673 0.000000 1 + O O2 1 0.877327 0.542993 0.000000 1 + O O3 1 0.542993 0.665667 0.000000 1 + O O4 1 0.334334 0.877327 0.000000 1 + O O5 1 0.122674 0.457007 0.000000 1 + O O6 1 0.334333 0.457007 0.499999 1 + O O7 1 0.122674 0.665667 0.499999 1 + O O8 1 0.542993 0.877327 0.499999 1 + O O9 1 0.665666 0.542993 0.499999 1 + O O10 1 0.877326 0.334333 0.499999 1 + O O11 1 0.457006 0.122673 0.499999 1 + O O12 1 0.367814 0.367814 0.250000 1 + O O13 1 0.632186 0.000000 0.250000 1 + O O14 1 0.000000 0.632186 0.250000 1 + O O15 1 0.632186 0.632186 0.250000 1 + O O16 1 0.367813 0.000000 0.250000 1 + O O17 1 0.999999 0.367814 0.250000 1 + O O18 1 0.632186 0.632186 0.750000 1 + O O19 1 0.367813 0.000000 0.750000 1 + O O20 1 0.999999 0.367814 0.750000 1 + O O21 1 0.367814 0.367814 0.750000 1 + O O22 1 0.632186 0.000000 0.750000 1 + O O23 1 0.000000 0.632186 0.750000 1 + O O24 1 0.417358 0.208679 0.250000 1 + O O25 1 0.791321 0.208679 0.250000 1 + O O26 1 0.791321 0.582642 0.250000 1 + O O27 1 0.582642 0.791321 0.250000 1 + O O28 1 0.208678 0.791321 0.250000 1 + O O29 1 0.208679 0.417358 0.250000 1 + O O30 1 0.582642 0.791321 0.750000 1 + O O31 1 0.208678 0.791321 0.750000 1 + O O32 1 0.208679 0.417358 0.750000 1 + O O33 1 0.417358 0.208679 0.750000 1 + O O34 1 0.791321 0.208679 0.750000 1 + O O35 1 0.791321 0.582642 0.750000 1 + O O36 1 0.581212 0.418789 0.250000 1 + O O37 1 0.581212 0.162424 0.250000 1 + O O38 1 0.837576 0.418789 0.250000 1 + O O39 1 0.418788 0.581211 0.250000 1 + O O40 1 0.418788 0.837576 0.250000 1 + O O41 1 0.162423 0.581211 0.250000 1 + O O42 1 0.418788 0.581211 0.750000 1 + O O43 1 0.418788 0.837576 0.750000 1 + O O44 1 0.162423 0.581211 0.750000 1 + O O45 1 0.581212 0.418789 0.750000 1 + O O46 1 0.581212 0.162424 0.750000 1 + O O47 1 0.837576 0.418789 0.750000 1 + Si Si48 1 0.456260 0.332886 0.187394 1 + Si Si49 1 0.667114 0.123373 0.187394 1 + Si Si50 1 0.876626 0.543741 0.187394 1 + Si Si51 1 0.543740 0.667114 0.187394 1 + Si Si52 1 0.332886 0.876626 0.187394 1 + Si Si53 1 0.123375 0.456259 0.187394 1 + Si Si54 1 0.332885 0.456259 0.312606 1 + Si Si55 1 0.123373 0.667114 0.312606 1 + Si Si56 1 0.543740 0.876626 0.312606 1 + Si Si57 1 0.667115 0.543741 0.312606 1 + Si Si58 1 0.876626 0.332886 0.312606 1 + Si Si59 1 0.456260 0.123373 0.312606 1 + Si Si60 1 0.543740 0.667114 0.812605 1 + Si Si61 1 0.332886 0.876626 0.812605 1 + Si Si62 1 0.123375 0.456259 0.812605 1 + Si Si63 1 0.456260 0.332886 0.812605 1 + Si Si64 1 0.667114 0.123373 0.812605 1 + Si Si65 1 0.876626 0.543741 0.812605 1 + Si Si66 1 0.667115 0.543741 0.687394 1 + Si Si67 1 0.876626 0.332886 0.687394 1 + Si Si68 1 0.456260 0.123373 0.687394 1 + Si Si69 1 0.332885 0.456259 0.687394 1 + Si Si70 1 0.123373 0.667114 0.687394 1 + Si Si71 1 0.543740 0.876626 0.687394 1 + diff --git a/examples/AFI/ b/examples/AFI/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b43dafe --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/AFI/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +python3 ../../scripts/ AFI.cif -d batch -s voronoi_cluster -f min_distance --threshold 1.8 diff --git a/examples/AFI/ b/examples/AFI/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4e7fce --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/AFI/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +47 +SMILES=C[N+]12CCCCC1C1CC(C2)C2CCCCN2C1 +C 1.66019 -1.37884 -1.852542 +N 1.465705 -0.755625 -0.495565 +C 2.714981 -1.043204 0.341328 +C 3.938436 -0.233678 -0.076844 +C 3.626873 1.264761 -0.154269 +C 2.462512 1.496145 -1.121957 +C 1.187888 0.764978 -0.687185 +C 0.490305 1.427258 0.536415 +C 0.372462 0.521292 1.764689 +C -0.412115 -0.720405 1.325502 +C 0.250384 -1.442218 0.127954 +C -1.847343 -0.267977 0.931466 +C -2.769 -1.45882 0.624581 +C -4.133518 -1.014553 0.090447 +C -3.931149 -0.108163 -1.126989 +C -3.050455 1.081391 -0.754584 +N -1.74931 0.66766 -0.201992 +C -0.936852 1.836796 0.126509 +H 2.575321 -0.984162 -2.321832 +H 0.78461 -1.142753 -2.482079 +H 1.749457 -2.473154 -1.729902 +H 2.450096 -0.831986 1.389686 +H 2.887557 -2.133773 0.25611 +H 4.332807 -0.592688 -1.051075 +H 4.734802 -0.444746 0.665553 +H 3.371901 1.653395 0.855661 +H 4.521526 1.826278 -0.487214 +H 2.201982 2.571389 -1.195583 +H 2.758848 1.192827 -2.148191 +H 0.45045 0.755372 -1.512983 +H 1.053374 2.344687 0.801044 +H -0.205321 1.051747 2.5486 +H 1.350051 0.289089 2.227518 +H -0.498644 -1.436276 2.166775 +H 0.591667 -2.463586 0.38114 +H -0.481421 -1.506802 -0.697767 +H -2.27062 0.260962 1.828124 +H -2.294685 -2.120885 -0.133463 +H -2.875436 -2.062871 1.549466 +H -4.683278 -0.458652 0.881752 +H -4.753354 -1.897639 -0.164514 +H -3.450279 -0.681472 -1.949819 +H -4.899907 0.264529 -1.516469 +H -3.597761 1.725042 -0.016505 +H -2.850816 1.718805 -1.641138 +H -1.387556 2.439251 0.957989 +H -0.905166 2.501373 -0.76315 + diff --git a/examples/MOR_loading/ b/examples/MOR_loading/ index c923f27..fcacd62 100755 --- a/examples/MOR_loading/ +++ b/examples/MOR_loading/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ #!/bin/bash -# Runs until the first success is found +# Runs until the zeolite is fully loaded with molecules python3 ../../scripts/ MOR.cif -d batch -s voronoi_cluster -f min_distance --subdock diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/ index fd55063..f18ddf6 100644 --- a/examples/ +++ b/examples/ @@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ The following examples are currently available in this repository: -1. [Docking TMAda+ to CHA zeolite](CHA_TMada): one molecule is docked to CHA with Voronoi (sequential) and Monte Carlo dockers. -2. [Docking triethylamine to MOR zeolite](MOR_loading): several triethylamine molecules are docked to MOR zeolite with Voronoi batch docker. -3. [Docking benzene to MOF-5](MOF-5): several benzene molecules are docked to MOF-5 using the Voronoi batched docker. The MOF-5 structure was retrieved from the Cambridge Structural Database (ID [SAHYIK]( -4. [Docking water to a Ni(111) surface](Ni111): one water molecule is docked to a Ni(111) surface using the Gaussian target fitness function. The Ni(111) surface structure was retrieved from the [Materials Project]( (ID [mp-23]([1,%201,%201]/cif)) +1. [Docking a molecule to AFI zeolite](AFI): one molecule is docked to AFI using the Voronoi batch docker. +2. [Docking TMAda+ to CHA zeolite](CHA_TMada): one molecule is docked to CHA with Voronoi (sequential) and Monte Carlo dockers. +3. [Docking triethylamine to MOR zeolite](MOR_loading): several triethylamine molecules are docked to MOR zeolite with Voronoi batch docker. +4. [Docking benzene to MOF-5](MOF-5): several benzene molecules are docked to MOF-5 using the Voronoi batched docker. The MOF-5 structure was retrieved from the Cambridge Structural Database (ID [SAHYIK]( +5. [Docking water to a Ni(111) surface](Ni111): one water molecule is docked to a Ni(111) surface using the Gaussian target fitness function. The Ni(111) surface structure was retrieved from the [Materials Project]( (ID [mp-23]([1,%201,%201]/cif)) + +Each example has a `` script file showing how to run the docker. diff --git a/ b/ index 9a5bbfc..3b5fbbd 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def read(fname): packages=find_packages("."), scripts=["scripts/",], python_requires=">=3.5", - install_requires=["numpy", "networkx", "pymatgen>=2020.3.2",], + install_requires=["numpy", "networkx", "pymatgen>=2020.3.2", "scikit-learn"], license="MIT", description="Tools to dock molecules to crystal structures", long_description=read(""),