From 758bfb77f29bde33b8ca43a3c07171b8637a4547 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lars <> Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2014 15:05:07 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] v1.2 --- roofpig_and_three.min.js | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- source/ | 2 +- 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/roofpig_and_three.min.js b/roofpig_and_three.min.js index c6c2b1c..730e4eb 100644 --- a/roofpig_and_three.min.js +++ b/roofpig_and_three.min.js @@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform return TimedChanger.prototype.update = function (now) { return this._finished ? void 0 : now > this.start_time + this.duration ? this.finish() : this._make_change(now) }, TimedChanger.prototype.finish = function () { - return this.finished() ? void 0 : (this._make_change(this.start_time + this.duration), this._finished = !0) + return this.finished() ? void 0 : (this._make_change(this.start_time + this.duration), this._finished = !0, this._realign()) }, TimedChanger.prototype.finished = function () { return this._finished }, TimedChanger.prototype._make_change = function (to_time) { @@ -816,6 +816,8 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform return __extends(CameraMovement, _super), CameraMovement.prototype.do_change = function (completion_diff) { return, completion_diff * this.angle_to_turn) + }, CameraMovement.prototype._realign = function () { + return }, CameraMovement }(TimedChanger) }.call(this), function () { @@ -839,6 +841,10 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform }, MoveExecution.prototype._rotateAroundWorldAxis = function (object, radians) { var rotWorldMatrix; return rotWorldMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4, rotWorldMatrix.makeRotationAxis(this.axis, radians), rotWorldMatrix.multiply(object.matrix), object.matrix = rotWorldMatrix, object.rotation.setFromRotationMatrix(object.matrix) + }, MoveExecution.prototype._realign = function () { + var p2, piece, r, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _results; + for (p2 = Math.PI / 2, _ref = this.pieces, _results = [], _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)piece = _ref[_i], r = piece.rotation, _results.push((_ref1 = [Math.round(r.x / p2) * p2, Math.round(r.y / p2) * p2, Math.round(r.z / p2) * p2], r.x = _ref1[0], r.y = _ref1[1], r.z = _ref1[2], _ref1)); + return _results }, MoveExecution }(TimedChanger) }.call(this), function () { @@ -1002,8 +1008,7 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform this.Alg = function () { function Alg(move_codes, world3d, algdisplay, speed, dom) { var code, _i, _len, _ref; - if (this.move_codes = move_codes, this.world3d = world3d, this.algdisplay = algdisplay, this.speed = speed, this.dom = dom, !this.move_codes || "" === this.move_codes)throw new Error("Invalid alg: '" + this.move_codes + "'"); - for (this.moves = [], _ref = this.move_codes.split(" "), _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)code = _ref[_i], code.length > 0 && this.moves.push(this._make_move(code)); + for (this.move_codes = move_codes, this.world3d = world3d, this.algdisplay = algdisplay, this.speed = speed, this.dom = dom, this.moves = [], _ref = this.move_codes.split(" "), _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)code = _ref[_i], code.length > 0 && this.moves.push(this._make_move(code)); = 0, this.playing = !1, this._update_dom("first time") } @@ -1067,12 +1072,14 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform return"B" + t1 + "+S" + t2 } }(), new CompositeMove(moves, this.world3d, this.speed, code)) - }, Alg.prototype.side_drift = function () { - var result; - for (result = {U: "U", D: "D", L: "L", R: "R", F: "F", B: "B"}, = this.moves.length; !this.at_start();)this.prev_move().track_drift(result); - return result + }, Alg.side_drift = function (moves) { + return new Alg(moves, null, "")._side_drift() + }, Alg.prototype._side_drift = function () { + var drift; + for (drift = {U: "U", D: "D", L: "L", R: "R", F: "F", B: "B"}, = this.moves.length; !this.at_start();)this.prev_move().track_drift(drift); + return drift }, Alg.prototype._update_dom = function (time) { - return null == time && (time = "later"), this.dom ? ("first time" === time && this.dom.init_alg_text(this.display_text().future), this.dom.alg_changed(this.playing, this.at_start(), this.at_end(), this._count_text(), this.display_text())) : void 0 + return null == time && (time = "later"), this.dom && this.moves.length > 0 ? ("first time" === time && this.dom.init_alg_text(this.display_text().future), this.dom.alg_changed(this.playing, this.at_start(), this.at_end(), this._count_text(), this.display_text())) : void 0 }, Alg.prototype._count_text = function () { var count, current, i, move, total, _i, _len, _ref; for (total = current = 0, _ref = this.moves, i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; i = ++_i)move = _ref[i], count = move.count(this.algdisplay.rotations), > i && (current += count), total += count; @@ -1091,6 +1098,10 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform var v, _i, _len, _ref; for (_ref = [,, this.user_dir.dl, this.user_dir.dr, this.user_dir.up], _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)v = _ref[_i], v.applyAxisAngle(axis, angle); return this._cam_moved() + }, Camera.prototype.to_position = function () { + var v, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _results; + for (_ref = [,, this.user_dir.dl, this.user_dir.dr, this.user_dir.up], _results = [], _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)v = _ref[_i], _results.push((_ref1 = [Math.round(v.x), Math.round(v.y), Math.round(v.z)], v.x = _ref1[0], v.y = _ref1[1], v.z = _ref1[2], _ref1)); + return _results }, Camera.prototype.bend = function (dx, dy) { var axis, v, v1, v2, _i, _len, _ref; for (v1 = v3_x(this.user_dir.up, dx), v2 = v3_sub(this.user_dir.dr, this.user_dir.dl).normalize().multiplyScalar(dy), axis = v3_add(v1, v2).normalize(), = this.unbent_position.clone(), = this.unbent_up.clone(), _ref = [,], _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)v = _ref[_i], v.applyAxisAngle(axis, Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)); @@ -1188,9 +1199,10 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform }, Tweaks }() }.call(this), function () { + var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; this.Colors = function () { - function Colors(colored, solved, tweaks, colors) { - null == colors && (colors = ""), this.colored = new Cubexp(colored || "*"), this.solved = new Cubexp(solved), this.tweaks = new Tweaks(tweaks), this.side_colors = Colors._set_colors(colors) + function Colors(side_drift, colored, solved, tweaks, colors) { + null == colors && (colors = ""), this.colored = new Cubexp(this._undrift(colored, side_drift) || "*"), this.solved = new Cubexp(this._undrift(solved, side_drift)), this.tweaks = new Tweaks(this._undrift(tweaks, side_drift)), this.side_colors = Colors._set_colors(colors, side_drift) } var DEFAULT_COLORS; @@ -1209,19 +1221,27 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform var type; if (type = || sticker_type, !this.side_colors[type])throw new Error("Unknown sticker type '" + sticker_type + "'"); return this.side_colors[type] - }, Colors.prototype.adjust_for = function (drift) { - var sc, _ref; - return sc = this.side_colors, _ref = [sc[drift.U], sc[drift.D], sc[drift.R], sc[drift.L], sc[drift.F], sc[drift.B]], sc.U = _ref[0], sc.D = _ref[1], sc.R = _ref[2], sc.L = _ref[3], sc.F = _ref[4], sc.B = _ref[5], _ref - }, DEFAULT_COLORS = {g: "#0d0", b: "#07f", r: "red", o: "orange", y: "yellow", w: "#eee"}, Colors._set_colors = function (overrides) { - var color, dc, override, result, type, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1; + }, Colors.prototype._undrift = function (code, side_drift) { + var char, key, reverse_drift, value; + if (!code)return code; + reverse_drift = {}; + for (key in side_drift), key) && (value = side_drift[key], reverse_drift[value] = key, reverse_drift[value.toLowerCase()] = key.toLowerCase()); + return function () { + var _i, _len, _ref, _results; + for (_ref = code.split(""), _results = [], _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)char = _ref[_i], _results.push(reverse_drift[char] || char); + return _results + }().join("") + }, DEFAULT_COLORS = {g: "#0d0", b: "#07f", r: "red", o: "orange", y: "yellow", w: "#eee"}, Colors._set_colors = function (overrides, side_drift) { + var color, d, dc, override, r, result, type, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3; for (dc = DEFAULT_COLORS, result = {R: dc.g, L: dc.b, F: dc.r, B: dc.o, U: dc.y, D: dc.w, solved: "#444", ignored: "#888", cube: "black"}, _ref = overrides.split(" "), _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)override = _ref[_i], _ref1 = override.split(":"), type = _ref1[0], color = _ref1[1], type = {s: "solved", i: "ignored", c: "cube"}[type] || type, result[type] = DEFAULT_COLORS[color] || color; - return result + return _ref2 = [result, side_drift], r = _ref2[0], d = _ref2[1], _ref3 = [r[d.U], r[d.D], r[d.R], r[d.L], r[d.F], r[d.B]], r.U = _ref3[0], r.D = _ref3[1], r.R = _ref3[2], r.L = _ref3[3], r.F = _ref3[4], r.B = _ref3[5], result }, Colors }() }.call(this), function () { + var ALG, ALGDISPLAY, BASE, COLORED, COLORS, FLAGS, HOVER, POV, PROPERTIES, SETUPMOVES, SOLVED, SPEED, TWEAKS; this.Config = function () { function Config(config_string) { - this.raw_input = Config._parse(config_string), this.base = this.base_config(this.raw_input.base, config_string), this.alg = this.raw("alg"), this.algdisplay = this._alg_display(), this.colors = new Colors(this.raw("colored"), this.raw("solved"), this.raw("tweaks"), this.raw("colors")), this.flags = this.raw("flags"), this.hover = this._hover(), this.pov = this.raw("pov", "Ufr"), this.setup = this.raw("setupmoves"), this.speed = this.raw("speed", 400) + this.raw_input = Config._parse(config_string), this.base = this.base_config(this.raw_input[BASE], config_string), this.alg = this.raw(ALG), this.algdisplay = this._alg_display(), this.colors = new Colors(Alg.side_drift(this.alg), this.raw(COLORED), this.raw(SOLVED), this.raw(TWEAKS), this.raw(COLORS)), this.flags = this.raw(FLAGS), this.hover = this._hover(), this.pov = this.raw(POV, "Ufr"), this.setup = this.raw(SETUPMOVES), this.speed = this.raw(SPEED, 400) } return Config.prototype.flag = function (name) { @@ -1234,7 +1254,7 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform }} }, Config.prototype._hover = function () { var raw_hover; - switch (raw_hover = this.raw("hover", "near")) { + switch (raw_hover = this.raw(HOVER, "near")) { case"none": return 1; case"near": @@ -1246,14 +1266,14 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform } }, Config.prototype._alg_display = function () { var ad, result; - return ad = this.raw("algdisplay"), result = {}, result.fancy2s = ad.indexOf("fancy2s") > -1, result.rotations = ad.indexOf("rotations") > -1, result.Zcode = "2", ad.indexOf("2p") > -1 && (result.Zcode = "2'"), ad.indexOf("Z") > -1 && (result.Zcode = "Z"), result + return ad = this.raw(ALGDISPLAY), result = {}, result.fancy2s = ad.indexOf("fancy2s") > -1, result.rotations = ad.indexOf("rotations") > -1, result.Zcode = "2", ad.indexOf("2p") > -1 && (result.Zcode = "2'"), ad.indexOf("Z") > -1 && (result.Zcode = "Z"), result }, Config._parse = function (config_string) { var conf, eq_pos, key, result, value, _i, _len, _ref; if (!config_string)return{}; - for (result = {}, _ref = config_string.split("|"), _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)conf = _ref[_i], eq_pos = conf.indexOf("="), key = conf.substring(0, eq_pos).trim(), value = conf.substring(eq_pos + 1).trim(), result[key] = value; + for (result = {}, _ref = config_string.split("|"), _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)conf = _ref[_i], eq_pos = conf.indexOf("="), key = conf.substring(0, eq_pos).trim(), value = conf.substring(eq_pos + 1).trim(), result[key] = value, -1 === PROPERTIES.indexOf(key) && log_error("Unknown config parameter '" + key + "' ignored"); return result }, Config - }() + }(), PROPERTIES = [ALG = "alg", BASE = "base", ALGDISPLAY = "algdisplay", COLORED = "colored", COLORS = "colors", FLAGS = "flags", HOVER = "hover", POV = "pov", SETUPMOVES = "setupmoves", SOLVED = "solved", SPEED = "speed", TWEAKS = "tweaks"] }.call(this), function () { this.Css = function () { function Css() { @@ -1264,8 +1284,8 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform }() }.call(this), function () { this.Dom = function () { - function Dom(cube_id, div, renderer) { - this.cube_id = cube_id, this.div = div, this.div.css({position: "relative", "font-family": '"Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif'}), this.has_focus(!1),"cube_id", this.cube_id), renderer.setSize(this.div.width(), this.div.width()), this.div.append(renderer.domElement), this.scale = this.div.width() / 400, this.hscale = Math.max(this.scale, .375) + function Dom(cube_id, div, renderer, make_alg_area, showalg) { + this.cube_id = cube_id, this.div = div, this.div.css({position: "relative", "font-family": '"Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif'}), this.has_focus(!1),"cube_id", this.cube_id), renderer.setSize(this.div.width(), this.div.width()), this.div.append(renderer.domElement), this.scale = this.div.width() / 400, this.hscale = Math.max(this.scale, .375), make_alg_area && this.add_alg_area(showalg) } var LUCIDA_WIDTHS; @@ -1334,7 +1354,7 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform var button_keys, key_A, key_C, key_D, key_J, key_K, key_L, key_S, key_X, key_Z, key_down_arrow, key_end, key_home, key_left_arrow, key_question, key_right_arrow, key_space, key_tab, key_up_arrow, rotate_keys, side_for, turn_keys; return EventHandlers.set_focus = function (new_focus) { - return this.focus !== new_focus ? (this.focus && this.dom.has_focus(!1), this.focus = new_focus, =, this.dom = this.focus.dom, this.dom.has_focus(!0)) : void 0 + return this.focus !== new_focus ? (this.focus && this.dom.has_focus(!1), this.focus = new_focus, =, this.dom = this.focus.dom, this.dom.has_focus(!0)) : void 0 }, EventHandlers.initialize = function () { return $("body").keydown(function (e) { return EventHandlers.key_down(e) @@ -1430,8 +1450,8 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform }() }.call(this), function () { this.Pieces3D = function () { - function Pieces3D(scene, config, use_canvas) { - this.use_canvas = use_canvas, = {}, this.cube_surfaces = this.use_canvas ? [!0] : [!0, !1], this.sticker_size = this.use_canvas ? .84 : .9, this.hover_size = this.use_canvas ? .91 : .97, this.make_stickers(scene, config.hover, config.colors) + function Pieces3D(scene, hover, colors, use_canvas) { + this.use_canvas = use_canvas, = {}, this.cube_surfaces = this.use_canvas ? [!0] : [!0, !1], this.sticker_size = this.use_canvas ? .84 : .9, this.hover_size = this.use_canvas ? .91 : .97, this.make_stickers(scene, hover, colors) } var TINY; @@ -1509,7 +1529,7 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform this.CubeAnimation = function () { function CubeAnimation(roofpig_div, webgl_works, canvas_works) { var use_canvas; - return canvas_works ? ( = CubeAnimation.last_id += 1, CubeAnimation.by_id[] = this, this.config = new Config("config")), use_canvas = this.config.flag("canvas") || !webgl_works || CubeAnimation.webgl_cubes >= 16, use_canvas ? this.renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer({alpha: !0}) : (CubeAnimation.webgl_cubes += 1, this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: !0, alpha: !0})), this.dom = new Dom(, roofpig_div, this.renderer), this.scene = new THREE.Scene, = new Camera(this.config.hover, this.config.pov), "" === this.config.alg ? (this.world3d = {camera:, pieces: new Pieces3D(this.scene, this.config, use_canvas)}, this.config.setup && new Alg(this.config.setup, this.world3d).to_end()) : (this.world3d = {camera:}, this.dom.add_alg_area(this.config.flag("showalg")), this.alg = new Alg(this.config.alg, this.world3d, this.config.algdisplay, this.config.speed, this.dom), this.config.colors.adjust_for(this.alg.side_drift()), this.world3d.pieces = new Pieces3D(this.scene, this.config, use_canvas), this.config.setup && new Alg(this.config.setup, this.world3d).to_end(), this.alg.mix()), 1 === && EventHandlers.set_focus(this), this.changers = {}, void this.animate(!0)) : (roofpig_div.html("Your browser does not support <a href=''>WebGL</a>.<p/> Find out how to get it <a href=''>here</a>."), void roofpig_div.css({background: "#f66"})) + return canvas_works ? ( = CubeAnimation.last_id += 1, CubeAnimation.by_id[] = this, this.config = new Config("config")), use_canvas = this.config.flag("canvas") || !webgl_works || CubeAnimation.webgl_cubes >= 16, use_canvas ? this.renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer({alpha: !0}) : (CubeAnimation.webgl_cubes += 1, this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: !0, alpha: !0})), this.dom = new Dom(, roofpig_div, this.renderer, "" !== this.config.alg, this.config.flag("showalg")), this.scene = new THREE.Scene, this.world3d = {camera: new Camera(this.config.hover, this.config.pov), pieces: new Pieces3D(this.scene, this.config.hover, this.config.colors, use_canvas)}, this.alg = new Alg(this.config.alg, this.world3d, this.config.algdisplay, this.config.speed, this.dom), this.config.setup && new Alg(this.config.setup, this.world3d).to_end(), this.alg.mix(), 1 === && EventHandlers.set_focus(this), this.changers = {}, void this.animate(!0)) : (roofpig_div.html("Your browser does not support <a href=''>WebGL</a>.<p/> Find out how to get it <a href=''>here</a>."), void roofpig_div.css({background: "#f66"})) } return CubeAnimation.last_id = 0, CubeAnimation.by_id = [], CubeAnimation.webgl_cubes = 0, CubeAnimation.prototype.next_cube = function () { @@ -1522,7 +1542,7 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform var any_change, category, changer, now, _ref; null == first_time && (first_time = !1), now = (new Date).getTime(), _ref = this.changers; for (category in _ref), category) && (changer = _ref[category], changer && (changer.update(now), changer.finished() && (this.changers[category] = null), any_change = !0)); - return(any_change || first_time) && this.renderer.render(this.scene,, requestAnimationFrame(function (_this) { + return(any_change || first_time) && this.renderer.render(this.scene,, requestAnimationFrame(function (_this) { return function () { return _this.animate() } @@ -1561,7 +1581,7 @@ fragmentShader:"precision mediump float;\nuniform lowp int renderType;\nuniform }.call(this), function () { $(document).ready(function () { var canvas_browser, roofpig_div, webgl_browser, _i, _len, _ref; - for (console.log("Roofpig version 1.1 (2014-07-11 14:59). Expecting jQuery 1.11.1 and Three.js 67."), console.log("jQuery version", $.fn.jquery), $("head").append(Css.CODE), webgl_browser = function () { + for (console.log("Roofpig version 1.2 (2014-08-09 12:52). Expecting jQuery 1.11.1 and Three.js 67."), console.log("jQuery version", $.fn.jquery), $("head").append(Css.CODE), webgl_browser = function () { var e; try { return!!window.WebGLRenderingContext && !!document.createElement("canvas").getContext("experimental-webgl") diff --git a/source/ b/source/ index 3aa4603..f4f1800 100644 --- a/source/ +++ b/source/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #= require roofpig/Css $(document).ready -> - console.log("Roofpig version 1.1 (@@BUILT_WHEN@@). Expecting jQuery 1.11.1 and Three.js 67.") + console.log("Roofpig version 1.2 (@@BUILT_WHEN@@). Expecting jQuery 1.11.1 and Three.js 67.") console.log("jQuery version", $.fn.jquery) $('head').append(Css.CODE)