diff --git a/source/contribute-to-the-guide.md b/source/contribute-to-the-guide.md index 5c334b4..a0240c8 100644 --- a/source/contribute-to-the-guide.md +++ b/source/contribute-to-the-guide.md @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # Documentation -Guidance on how the guide is set-up and how to contribute +This documentation was created using sphinx and is hosted on readthedocs. The repository for this documentation can be found [here](https://github.com/l-gorman/legume-choice-docs). The markdown files which contain the content can all be found in the `source` directory. To add new sections to the documentation, add a new markdown (or RST) file to the source directory, and refer to the file in the toctree (found in the `index.rst` file) to ensure it is included in the table of contents. diff --git a/source/key-vm-commands.md b/source/key-vm-commands.md index 8238022..d38975a 100644 --- a/source/key-vm-commands.md +++ b/source/key-vm-commands.md @@ -1,3 +1,11 @@ # Key Commands for Virtual Machine -A cheatsheet for running, stopping, and restarting processes on the legumeCHOICE virtual machine. +This document contains key information to get started working with the legumeCHOICE VM. It includes some information about where important files are stored as well as a cheatsheet for running, stopping, and restarting processes. + +A repository has been created for two of the main server files, this can be found [here](https://github.com/l-gorman/legume-choice-conf). + +To restart the NGINX server enter the command `systemctl restart nginx` + +To restart the python daemon enter the command `systemctl restart legume_choice_data_process.service`, followed by the command `systemctl daemon-reload`. + +To restart the API, enter the command `pm2 restart ~ubuntu/legumeCHOICE/api/server.js`. diff --git a/source/nginx.md b/source/nginx.md index 6c6b2ea..439faf9 100644 --- a/source/nginx.md +++ b/source/nginx.md @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ # Server -LegumeCHOICE uses an NGINX server. +LegumeCHOICE uses an NGINX server. A proxy server has been configured to pass requests to the [API](api.md). All of the configuration for the NGINX server can be found in the default sites-enabled. On the legumeCHOICE VM, this file can be found at: + +`/etc/nginx/sites-available/default` + +The SSL certificate was obtained using letsencrypt, using this [guide](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-secure-nginx-with-let-s-encrypt-on-ubuntu-20-04). + +Files for [public data](public-data.md) and [private data](administrators.md) are made available using NGINX auto-index. The administrator files are secured with HTTP basic authentication. See [here](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/security-controls/configuring-http-basic-authentication/) for how authentication was implemented, and how to add new users/passwords.