This section describes how public data is presented. The legumeCHOICE public data can be found {{ 'here'.format(apiUrl,publicData) }}. Data can be broken down into two categories, AggregatedProjects and IndividualProjects.
The IndividualProjects folder contains reformatted results for each individual project which has been collected. These projects can be identified by their project ID (see using the app). The AggregatedProjects folder includes results for all of the projects together, in single CSVs.
For both IndividualProjects and AggregatedProjects, the results are broken down into 6 files:
- ContextData.csv: The individual scores for each context categories, broken down by the 6 groups who are providing scores. The average for each score is also included.
- LegumeResults.csv: For each individual legume, we have the legume attributes (function, context, and agro-eco), as well as their results which have been calculated based on data entered into the application.
- PairwiseSelections.csv: The options for the pairwise selections ("option1" and "option2") as well as pariwise selections made for each of the legume functions ("maleChoice", "femaleChoice").
- PairwiseSummaryScores.csv: The overall scores for each of the legume functions. Summarised in categories "male", "female", and "average".
- ParticipatoryMatrixScores.csv: The participatory matrix scores, exactly as they are arranged in the original application.
- agroEcoData.csv: The agroecological information for each individual project.