Kevin Windrem [email protected]
updated for v6.0
This document provides guidance in developing a package suitable for PackageManager management. When this guide is followed, PackageManager should be able to download the package from GitHub or from media inserted in the GX device and install it (bring it into operation under Venus OS).
PackageManager is part of the SetupHelper package. It monitors GitHub for package updates, downloads and installs them automatically (if desired). It also provides a mechanism to add and remove packages from those PackageManager will manage. The user interface for PackageManager is a set of menus in the Venus OS GUI located at Menu / Settings / PackageManager.
SetupHelper includes a set of utilities intended to handle the bulk of package installation and uninstallation and also insures the package is reinstalled following a firmware update. A Venus OS update will restore any modified files to factory defaults, so any modifications must be reinstalled following the Venus OS update.
There are a few basic requirements for a package to be recognized by PackageManager:
The package name must conform to unix file naming convention.
To be most compatible, limit the package name to Upper and lower case alpha characters or numbers. No spaces are allowed.
The package must contain a file named
. Specifics of the version are described later. -
The package should contain a file named
. This should be an executable shell script that will install, uninstall or reinstall the package. SetupHelper includes unix bash shell script extensions that must be included in the setup script in order to be properly managed for reinstall after a Venus OS update. More details on the SetupHelper extension later. -
The package should contain a file named
which should contain the Git Hub user name and default branch separated by:
The primary purpose of the setup script is to install modified files to the Venus OS file system. It is important that the package setup script is also written to uninstall the package, restoring any modified files to the factory settings. SetupHelper provides a number of utilities for this.
In order for PackageManager to download the package from the internet, it must be contained in a GitHub repository. Any GitHub branch, tag or release may be referenced as long as it is valid. The suggested tag is
which should point to the most recent released version. Additional tags matching a version number may be created in order to allow download of specific versions. Tags or branches such asbeta
, etc may also be created. PackageManager can also use branch names for specific downloads. -
The package script is run automatically only if a reinstall is required. Code that needs to run constantly or once each boot should use a service.
A package may modify (replace) files in the Venus OS to enhance or change behavior. These replacement files should be stored in "file sets" one for each Venus OS version so that the package can be installed regardless of the Venus OS version currently running. More about file sets later.
A package may optionally restrict its operation to a range of Venus OS versions.
A package may also restrict its operation to a specific platform. Currently, the only restriction is for RaspberryPi platforms.
The package may include a ReadMe file describing the package and how to install it.
The package may contain a change log indicating what changed in each version.
The package may modify GUI files (specifically GUI v1 currently). Normally these modifications are essential to the functionality provided. If GUI v1 is not present on the system, the install will fail. This can be overridden with the
flag file in the package directory. -
Setup scripts should execute as rapidly as possible. Time spent inside a setup script will delay other activities such as installing other packages and Package Manager will appear to be hung as there is no status update during lengthy operations. For this reason: Any time-consuming activities such as installing files from the internet or compiling code must be offloaded to a secondary process.
Dependencies on other packages should be identified in the packageDependencies file, described later.
SetupHelper oversees the installation, uninstallation or reinstallation of the package. The package setup script must call ("source") IncludeHelpers, a shell script extension before doing any work to install or uninstall the package:
#### following line incorporates helper resources into this script
source "/data/SetupHelper/HelperResources/IncludeHelpers"
#### end of lines to include helper resources
IncludeHelpers sources the other helper resources.
These extensions validate the package for the current Venus OS version and platform and builds a file set for the current Venus OS version if necessary.
Beginning with SetupHelper v6.0, file and service and dBus Setting installation is further simplified. These operations will be based on various list(s) and contents of the services directory located in the package directory.
Some modifications, such as adding lines to /u-boot/config.txt for Raspberry PIs will still require code in the setup script, but in general installFiles, installServices and addDbusSettings functions will handle the bulk of the activities. These can be called from the setup script or more conveniently, triggered when calling endScript.
Including the following line in the setup script BEFORE sourcing IncludeHelpers triggers a default prompt for install or uninstall then proceeds with the install/uninstall operations:
In that case, InstallHelpers never returns to the setup script.
If the standardPromptAndActions
is not set, the helper resources will
then hand control back to the setup script. A prompt for user input is
then necessary followed by any processing and installation that can't be
handled by the list-based functions mentioned above.
After any special processing has been performed, the script should call the 'endScript' function (in CommonResources) in order to exit the script with the proper exit codes. These exit codes are necessary for proper behavior of PackageManager and the automated reinstall operations performed at system boot when the Venus OS is updated.
Parameters passed to endScript triggers automatic install/uninstall. (described later) For example:
genericSetupScript located in the SetupHelper directory will install any package that does not require in-line prompting, install or uninstall code. Simply link to this setup script in that package's directory or copy it there.
Package installation has historically replaced files to modify content of the active file. Beginning with v8.0, SetupHelper will attempt to patch an active file in the fileListPatched list rather that replacing it. This allows multiple packages to modify the same file.
Files to be patched require entries in the PatchSource directory in the FileSets directory. They also require an entry in the fileListPatched list. A patch (...patch) file is used during the patch process, operating on the active file.
The original, unmodified active file(...orig) along with a modified version are needed to create the patch file. If these files are present in the PatchSource directory, updatePackage will attempt to create a patch file, or update it if the orig and modified files have been changed making the .patch file obsolete.
diff -u is used to create the patch file.
A ...patchOptions file can override the default -u option. For example if the patchOptions file is -U 0 the patch file will not have any context lines. If patchOptions includes MANUAL, then updatePackage will not attempt to create a patch file. In this case the patch file will need to be created manually. E.g., with:
diff -u foo-1.orig foo-1 > foo-1.patch
The patch file then needs to be located in the PatchSource directory.
On the GX device, helper resources use the .patch file to create a patched file. These are stored in a temp directory created by mktemp and can be referenced with $patchedFiles/foo-1.patch.
Some modifications may not be suitable for all Venus OS versions. The patch mechanism allows multiple patch files. E.g.:
PageSettings.qm-1.patch, PageSettings.qm-2.patch
Any unique string after the - is an acceptable suffix for the set of patch files.
During installation, each patch file will be tested and the first one to succeed is used to patch the active file and unpatch it later during uninstall.
During installation, CommonResources attempts to patch the current active file, then reverse patch it to insure that original can be recreated during a future uninstall. If these succeed, the install is allowed to continue.
During the uninstall process, the active file replaced by the .orig file if no other packages have modified the file. However, if there are other package modifications still present in the active file, it is "reverse patched" to restore the file to it's state before the package was installed. This would remove the modifications for this package while preserving modifications from other packages.
There is a slight possibility that this "reverse patch" could fail. If this occurs, the active file is replaced by the .orig file in order to prevent a system crash due to a missing or incorrectly patched active file. Modifications from other packages are lost, requiring them to be reinstalled.
There are restrictions that package authors need to keep in mind. These restrictions are due to "context" created for the modification. These are lines prior to and after the modification that are the same with and without the modification. patch uses these to locate the proper place in the current active file to apply the patch.
Modifications from multiple packages must not overlap. Even modifications that occur at the exact same place in the file might not produce a patch file that succeeds with and without the other package's modifications because the context lines won't match.
Modifications at the very beginning or end of a file may not produce a usable patch file. Again, because there is insufficient context.
It is important that the author identify other packages that modify the same files and test installation and uninstallation of all packages involved, and in different install/uninstall orders.
The patch utility provided with Venus OS is part of BusyBox and has limitations that prevent its use by SetupHelper. Therefore, a more fully functioned version is included with SetupHelper beginning with v8.0 and is used by HelperResources.
CommonResources checks for optional command line parameters before passing control to the body of the setup script.
reinstall indicates this is to be a reinstall. Installed version is compared to the version in the package directory and skips reinstall if they match. User prompting is skipped. (These version checks are now redundant since reinstallMods which controls package reinstalls following a Venus OS update also check versions before calling the package setup script.)
install indicates that the prompts should be skipped and the installation begun with stored options (more about this later). uninstall indicates the prompts should be skipped and the package uninstalled.
force overrides the version checks normally performed with
reinstall and causes an install without user prompting. This option has been depreciated as install has the same behavior as
reinstall force
auto silences all console messages. Progress of the setup is logged. Without the auto option progress is also written to the console.
deferReboot instructs endScript to skip the automatic system reboot and return indicating a future reboot is needed.
deferGuiRestart is as above but for automatic GUI restarts.
Without any options, helper resources assumes a user has run the script and sets up the environment to prompt for user input to control additional execution.
When the setup script regains control following CommonResources, the variable 'scriptAction' will be set to either NONE, INSTALL or UNINSTALL. NONE indicates that the script should prompt for user input to control further execution. These prompts should be skipped if scriptAction is either INSTALL or UNINSTALL. Note that if an install action fails, scriptAction will be set to UNINSTALL, so scriptAction must be tested again after the install section and perform the uninstall operations. This prevents a partial install from disrupting the system operation. Note that this behavior is not automatic and must be written into all package setup scripts.
Venus OS is a "dual root fs" system. That is, the operating system and executable parts of the system reside on one of two root partitions. One partition is active and the other inactive. A Venus OS firmware update installs files to the inactive partition. Then when the update has been verified, the active and inactive portions are swapped and the system rebooted to execute the updated code. If the update is unsuccessful, the swap does not occur and the old executable files continue to run. This prevents a partial or corrupted firmware update from bricking the system. A third partition (/data) holds any persistent information (settings, etc).
Packages are stored in the data partition so they survive a Venus OS firmware update, however any system files will be overwritten.
At boot time, the reinstallMods script is called. Starting with SetupHelper 8.0, reinstallMods only installs the PackageManager service. It sets a flag: /etc/venus/REINSTALL_PACKAGES then exists. PackageManager then tests this flag file and installs the ALL packages, including the remainder of SetupHelper. This was done to avoid so that all of PackageManager's pre-install checks to be made prior to installing a package. Plus some of the packages available now take several minutes to install resulting in a lag to install all packages after a Venus OS update. Now, status is shown in PackageManagers's menus and in it's log file.
When packages are reinstalled, the package setup script is called with the reinstall, auto, deferReboot and deferGuiRestart options. PackageManager will then trigger a system reboot or GUI restart if any package setup scripts have requested those actions.
PackageManager acts on requests for system reboot or GUI restarts when an install or uninstall is triggered from it's menu. A user choice to defer reboots and GUI restarts is then provided.
A package may sometimes need to manually modify certain files because
the automatic mechanisms are too general. For example, adding device
tree overlays to /u-boot/config.txt
must be done in a way that it does
not disturb what's currently in the file. All the automatic install
mechanism can do is replace the existing file. Code for such
modifications goes in the setupAction == 'INSTALL'
section of code and
any restoration code would still go in the setupAction == 'UNINSTALL'
Setup scripts written prior to SetupHelper v6.0 will continue to
function. even if the INSTALL_...
options are set when calling
endScript. endScript will attempt to repeat install and uninstall
operations but no harm will be done (other than taking additional
Beginning with SetupHelper v6.0, install and uninstall can usually be handled within CommonResources. Prior to SetupHelper v6.0, the setup script needed code to install and uninstall every modified file or service using the utilities described in the next section. Calls to install and uninstall services was also needed.
Installs use "file lists" to install modified files. Each file modified is saved in a modified files list which is then used to uninstall the package.
Refer to the section on File Sets below for more details on file lists.
All services to be installed by the automatic processes must be located in the services directory. There is no services list since the directory provides the necessary information. An installed services list is created to allow for automatic uninstall.
/data/< package name >/services
Services are still directories with run and log/run files as before. Any service directories found in services will be automatically installed. Automatically installed services are added to an installed services list and will be automatically uninstalled using that list.
The name of the directory within services will determine the service name. E.g., the following service directory will create the PackageManager service
Prior to SetupHelper v6.0, services were located in the package directory. The service name was determined by the package name, or specified on the installService line. These services will NOT be automatically installed, so their service directories are moved to services and named appropriately.
The modified files and services list are located in /etc/venus.
/etc/venus/installedModifications/installedFiles-<package name>
/etc/venus/installedModifications/installedServices-<package name>
This location was chosen because it is removed on a Venus OS update. Running the setup script to uninstall a package will therefore do nothing as expected. If the lists were stored in /data, then an uninstall would attempt to uninstall the files and services again. Generally, that isn't a problem but really should not happen.
The package is uninstalled by walking through the installed... lists to restore the original files. Generally, those calls in the setup script are no longer necessary.
SetupHelper provides a set of utilities to simplify the installation of modified files (called a "replacement") into the active root file system. It pulls the correct replacement file from a "file set" for the current Venus OS version, moves the original out of the way and installs the replacement file. On uninstall, the original file is moved back to the active location (file name) leaving the system in an unmodified state.
Starting with v6.0, these utilities may be of less use but are still included.
updateActiveFile is a function that installs a replacement file as described above. Typically, the replacement file has the same name as the original so the simple form of the command can be used. For example, to replace a GUI file:
updateActiveFile "/opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/main.qml"
If however, the replacement file has a different file name, a second form is used. This may be necessary if the setup script has to build or modify the replacement file.
updateActiveFile "$scriptDir/foo.qml" "/opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/main.qml"
restoreActiveFile is a function that undoes the above operation and is called during uninstall with the same file names as were used with updateActiveFile during install:
restoreActiveFile "/opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/main.qml"
backupActiveFile is a function that creates the .orig file used by restoreActiveFile but does not update the active file. It is preferable to make modifications in the setup script to a temp file then use updateActiveFile as described above but this is not always possible.
Use only when something modifies the active file in place:
backupActiveFile "/etc/pointercal"
ts_calibrate # modifies /etc/pointercal directly
installService is a function that installs and starts a dameon service. The service will be placed in the / service directory (or /opt/victronenergy/service for v2.80 or later). A folder in the package folder named 'service' must contain the files that will end up in /service under the service name
installService FooService
Will copy the service directory from the package directory into /service/FooService
removeService is a function that removes the service which is necessary during an uninstall to restore the system to factory.
removeService FooService
logMessage is a function that creates an entry in the SetupHelper log file: /var/log/PackageManager/current (the same file used by Logging is encouraged as it helps debug systems in the field (and while developing the package). Without the auto option on the call to the setup script, these messages are also output to the console.
logMessage "this text will end up in the SetupHelper log"
endScript Function to finish up, prompt the user (if not reinstalling) and exit the script. (Details are described below.)
The following functions simplify the task of getting user input.
standardActionPrompt displays a menu of actions and asks the user to choose
It sets scriptAction accordingly and returns
It also handles displaying setup and package logs then asks for an action again
It also handles quitting with no action - the function exits the shell script without returning in this case
The basic action prompt includes install, reinstall, quit, display logs (2 choices)
A reinstall option is enabled if the optionsSet option exists
When reinstall is enabled, selecting install, returns a scriptAction of NONE indicating additional prompting may be needed to complete the install
At the end of these prompts, the main script should set scriptAction to INSTALL
If reinstall is selected, the script action is set to INSTALL and the main script should then skip additional prompts and allow options set previously to control the install
yesNoPrompt "prompt "
Asks the user to answer yes or no to the question
Any details regarding the question should be output before calling yesNoPrompt
yesNoPrompt sets $yesResponse to true if the answer was 0 if yes and 1 for no so that the return code can be checked rather than checking $yesResponse:
if yesNoPrompt "do it (y/n)?" ; then do stuff for yes response else do stuff for now response fi
A set of utilities manages dbus Settings: creating, removing, updating. It is sometimes necessary for the setup script to create dbus Settings so GUI has access to them. This is often the case when the package doesn't run its own service.
The following functions will create dbus settings if they do not already exist or update their value if they
updateDbusStringSetting "/Settings/StringSetting" "the new string"
updateDbusIntSetting "/Settings/IntegerSetting" 5
updateDbusRealSetting "/Settings/FloatingPointSetting" 6.0
setSetting is a function that updates the value of an existing dbus Setting. It is faster than calling one of the above update... functions. The new value can be any data type but strings must be quoted.
setSetting "/Settings/foo" "new string"
setSetting "/Settings/bar" 18
The following function removes the settings. Limit the number of settings to about 20 to avoid some being missed (not sure why). It is faster to remove multiple settings at the same time than it is to call 'removeDbusSettings' for each one.
removeDbusSettings "/Settings/foo" "/Settings/bar"
SetupHelper manages or tests a set of variables that control script executions:
$scriptAction provides direction for the setup script and has the following values:
NONE - setup script should prompt the user for the desired action and set scriptAction accordingly
EXIT - the setup script should exit immediately
INSTALL - the setup script should execute code to install the package
UNINSTALL - the setup script should execute the code to restore the Venus files to stock If installation errors occur within functions in CommonResources, scriptAction will be changed to UNINSTALL.
The setup script MUST retest scriptAction after all installation code has been executed so the package can be removed, rather than leaving the system with a partially installed package.
$rebootNeeded - true signifies a reboot is required after the script is run. The setup script should set rebootNeeded to true if a reboot is needed following install/uninstall
The following variables contain useful information but should not be changed by the setup script:
$scriptDir - the full path name to the startup script the script's code can use this to identify the location of files stored in the package
$scriptName - the basename of the setup script ("setup")
$reinstallScriptsList - the file containing a list of scripts to be run at boot to reinstall packages after a Venus software update (by default, this is /data/reinstallScriptsList)
$installedVersionFile - the name of the installed version file
$venusVersion - the version of VenusOS derived from /opt/victronenergy/version
$fileList - the version-dependent location for the replacement files
$fileListVersionIndependent - the location for files that are independent of Venus OS version
$fileListPatched - the location for files that are to be patched prior to install
Prior to SetupHelper v6.0 version-independent replacement files were in $pkgFileSets directory.
$pkgFileSets - is the location of all file sets
$fileSet - is the location of version-dependent files for the current Venus version
$runningAtBoot - true if the script was called from reinstallMods (at boot time)
signifying this is to be an unattended (automatic) installation
CommonResoures sets this variable based on command line options
$setupOptionsDir - the location of any files that control installation
These options are maintained in a separate directory so reinstalling the package does not remove them so that a reinstall can proceed without prompting again
$obsoleteVersion - prevents installation starting with this Venus OS version
$firstCompatibleVersion - prevents installation before with this Venus OS version
It is usually necessary to create a specific replacement file for different Venus OS versions. This allows the package to be installed regardless of the Venus version. These different replacement file versions are contained in a "file set": a directory with the Venus OS version number as it's name. The collection of file sets is stored in the 'FileSets' directory in the package directory.
Some files in a package may not be tied to specific Venus OS versions. These are typically additions to the stock files, and when a single file can be used across all Venus OS versions. Prior to SetupHelper v6.0, these version-independent files were contained in the FileSets directory. Starting with v6.0, they are located in the VersionIndependent file set.
These two file lists are kept separate because they are treated differently.
The list fileList has always been used by helper resources to guide installation of version-dependent files
Starting with v6.0, three additional lists have been added:
fileListVersionIndependent lists all version-independent files. Those files exist in the VersionIndependent file set.
fileListPatched is a similar list for any replacement files that are created with the unix patch command. Patch replacements are described above.
The file lists consist of one line per file with the full path and name of the file on each line.
The DbusSettingsList contains a list of dBus Settings to be added to the system as part of this package. Settings are traditionally added via a service but in cases where the package does not have a related service, this mechanism allows there creation or update from the setup script. Lines in DbusSettingsList are in the format:
{"path":"/Settings/Relay/0/Show", "default":1, "min":0, "max":1}
"default" defines the default value plus the data type (1 for an integer, 1.0 for float, "something" for a string)
"min" and 'max" are optional and set the range of acceptable values.
Refer to Victron dbus documentation for more details
File list for version-dependent files only:
/data/< package name >/FileSets/fileList
File list for version-independent files:
/data/< package name >/FileSets/fileListVersionIndependent
File list for patched files:
/data/\< package name \>/FileSets/fileListPatched
File list for dBus Settings:
/data/< package name >/DbusSettingsList
Recently, Victron Energy has changed the name of some directories which contain files requring modificaiton by the package. For example, /opt/victronenergy/bus-generator-starter was renamed /opt/victronenergy/dbus-generator.
In order to accommodate these name changes, SetupHelper v8.23 checks for the existance of the enclosing directory for an active file and skips the update if the directory does not exist. This is logged but installation is allowed to continue.
[!NOTE] Developers should review such log entries to insure there are no missing active file updates!
In such situations fileList and fileListPatched must include both enclosing directories. E.g.,:
A package must contain a version file. This is the package version, not the Venus OS version. The package version is used by PackageManager to decide if an automatic download is needed by comparing the version from GitHub with the version stored on the system. Likewise, the stored version is compared to the installed version to trigger an automatic install.
The version file is a text file with a single line of the form: v1.2, v1.2~3 v1.2a3.
Versions that include a ~ or lettered version are treated as pre-release.
'd' represents a development release
'a' represents an alpha release
'b' or '~' represents a beta release
none of the above represents a released version
Version numbers are prioritized: 'a' is "newer" than 'd', etc.
"newer" versions will replace older versions when automatically downloading. Exception: if the branch/ tag set in PackageManger is a specific version (e.g., v.4.6) the stored version must match rather than being older than. Installs always occur if the versions do not match.
The package may optionally contain files that place restrictions on which Venus OS versions or platforms the package may be installed on. If any of these tests fail, the install will also fail!
If present obsoleteVersion identifies the first version that are not compatible with this package. E.g., of obsoleteVersion contains v7.2 and the current Venus OS version if v8.0, then the package can't be installed.
If present firstCompatibleVersion identifies the first version that IS compatible with this package. E.g., if firstCompatibleVersion contains v8.0 and the current Venus OS version is v7.2, the package can't be installed. If firstCompatibleVersion is not present, SetupHelper uses v3.10 as the first compatible version.
Note that if both firstCompatibleVersion and obsoleteVersion are included in the package directory, the obsoleteVersion must be greater than firstCompatibleVersion.
If present validFirmwareVersions identifies all versions which have been tested as compatible with the package. It is a list of Venus OS versions, one per line. If this file is present, firstCompatibleVersion and obsoleteVersion are redundant.
If the file raspberryPiOnly exists in the package directory, the platform (aka 'machine') MUST be raspberrypi2 or raspberrypi4. If not, installation will be blocked.
Many packages modify the GUI file system. With the introduction of gui-v2, some systems will not have the GUI v1 files in place or will not be running the original GUI.
If GUI v1 files are required for the package, it's installation will fail. In some cases, the GUI modifications are not essential for package functionality, so if the flag file GUI_V1_NOT_REQUIRED is included in the package's root directory the package install will not consider missing GUI v1 files an error.
GUI v1 files are those found in /opt/victronenergy/gui. If files from that directory appear in the file list and GUI_V1_NOT_REQUIRED is not in the package directory, the install will not be permitted. A check is also made in updateActiveFile and will force a package uninstall.
NOTE: SetupHelper will allow an install if the GUI v1 files are present on the system. However, GUI v1 may not currently be running in which case, the user will not have access to the added/modified menus.
Failed installs force an UNINSTALL.
Prior to SetupHelper v6.12, packages may interact with each other in undesirable ways. For example, one package that modifies the same file as another will install over the other package, removing the first package's modifications. Uninstalling either package will result in the stock file being used.
SetupHelper v6.12 adds logic to prevent this from happening. If a package attempts to modify the same file as another package, the install will fail and the package will be uninstalled. Beginning with v8.0, multiple packages may be able to modify the same active file. See the section on patching files above.
The packageDependencies file located in the package directory defines basic requirements that would prevent the package from being installed.
Each line of the file includes a package name and whether that package must be installed or uninstalled in order for the package to be installed. For example the file for RemoteGPIO might be:
RpiGpioSetup uninstalled
GuiMods installed
These lines tell SetupHelper to block the install of RemoteGPIO unless RpiGpioSetup is uninstalled and unless GuiMods is installed.
Note that no changes to other package installations occurs so it would be acceptable for the dependency file for RpiGpioSetup to also specify that RemoteGPIO should be uninstalled. This way only one can be installed but the user has that choice.
This mechanism is simple but has a drawback: Package authors must manually check for conflicts and coordinate with other package authors on how best to address the conflict.
The endScript function must be called at the end of the setup script. It determines the return code used by the caller (like PackageManager) to provide the necessary user prompting and to control reboot and service restarts.
endScript NEVER RETURNS to the caller !
The actions taken by endScript depend on a number of shell variables set previously and on parameters passed when calling the function:
The following parameters are passed from the caller. All optional:
INSTALL_FILES causes endScript to install/uninstall based on fileList, fileListVersionIndependent and fileListPatched lists.
INSTALL_SERVICE causes endScript to install/uninstall services located in the package services directory.
ADD_DBUS_SETTINGS causes endSctipt to perform the file addition or update of dBus Settings based on the DbusSettingsList in the package directory.
If $runningAtBoot is true the script will exit with EXIT_REBOOT if $rebootNeeded is true otherwise, the script will exit with EXIT_SUCCESS on success.
If $runningAtBoot is false (script was run manually), user interaction controls further action If $rebootNeeded is true, the function asks if the user wishes to reboot now. If they respond yes, the system will be rebooted. The user may choose to not reboot now if additional installations need to be done first
If $rebootNeeded is false, the function notifies the user of any needed actions
If $restartGui is true the gui service will be restarted
Starting with SetupHelper v6.0, other services will be restarted by endSctipt if related files are changed with updateActiveFile or restoreActiveFile. Refer to the updateRestartFlags function in CommonResources for details.
If the setup script is run from the command line (no command line options), endScript will prompt the user for a reboot or GUI restart if one is needed. The user can choose to trigger the action now or wait and do it manually later.
However, if the script is running autonomously, the action will be triggered from within endScript, unless the script was run with deferReboot or deferGuiRestart on the command line. In this case, the action is not performed but the script exits with the appropriate exit code. PackageManager and renstallMods use the exit code to choose a course of action following all automatic operations. For manual install/uninstall from PackageManger, the user is given the choice to perform the GUI restart or reboot now or do it later. If deferred, a message will be displayed indicating the package isn't fully active ("reboot needed").
For reinstalls following a Venus OS update, reinstallMods will reboot the system or restart the GUI after installing SetupHelper.
When the setup script completes an install operation, endScript writes the package version to a file in / etc/venus. endScript deletes this file during an uninstall. The installed version file written to /etc/venus tells PackageManger which version of each package is installed and running. It also tells the reinstall mechanism to skip SetupHelper reinstall. So reinstall only happens if the installed version file is NOT present or the installed version differs from the package version itself. The latter may be the case if a Venus OS firmware update has occurred.
Some packages may need to reboot in the middle of the installation process. For example, if an overlay is needed to test for a specific condition, the setup script should install the overly, but skip the remaining setup, then set the runAgain shell variable before calling endScript. endScript then removes the installed version file so the next boot will run the package's setup script again.
If an install operation fails, it sets the shell variable installFailed. endScript will then switch from INSTALL to UNINSTALL to insure that all stock files are restored and the system is not left in a partially modified state. installFailed is set by most utility functions but should also be set inside any code in the setup script that detects a failure. Also, any code should test installFailed before proceeding with file modifications.
The following is a list of exit codes returned when endScript exits:
EXIT_SUCCESS=0 no further action needed
EXIT_REBOOT=123 system reboot needed
EXIT_RESTART_GUI=124 GUI restart needed
EXIT_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION=254 install failed - version not compatible
EXIT_INCOMPATIBLE_PLATFORM=253 install failed - platform not compatible
EXIT_FILE_SET_ERROR=252 install failed - file set problems
EXIT_OPTIONS_NOT_SET=251 install failed
- run setup script from command line
EXIT_RUN_AGAIN=250 partial install
- run script again after reboot
EXIT_ROOT_FULL=249 install failed - no room on root
EXIT_DATA_FULL=248 install failed - no room on /data
EXIT_NO_GUI_V1=247 install failed - GUI V1 needed
EXIT_PACKAGE_CONFLICT=246 install of this package blocked by another package
EXIT_ERROR=255 install failed - unknown error
Package Manager includes a set of menus on the GX device menu system that allows the user to view package versions, control automatic package updates and manually install, uninstall, add and remove packages. This provides an alternative to the command line interface for package management.
A PackageManager is a python program that runs as a service to do the actual work and to interface with the menus.
The first line of this menu provides status for Package Manager, indicating what it is currently doing
Automatic GitHub downloads controls if packages are automatically downloaded from GitHub. This occurs if a newer version is available.
On checks GitHub for a package that is newer than what is stored on the system
Once checks GitHub for a package, then downloads are turned off
Off disables GitHub downloads
GitHub versions are refreshed every 10 minutes if auto downloads is turned on. If auto downloads are off GitHub versions are refreshed once when entering the Package Versions menu. A specific package's GitHub version is also refreshed when entering the Package edit menu.
If auto downloads are off, GitHub versions expire after 10 minutes.
Auto install packages controls whether new versions of a package are automatically installed. Some users may wish to have the system automatically download new updates, but install them manually. In this case, automatic GitHub downloads may be turned on and Auto install packages turned off.
Auto install packages also influences whether packages transferred from SD/USB media are automatically installed or just transferred to local storage
Active packages and Inactive packages lead to menus described below
action to finish install/uninstall appears of a system reboot or GUI restart has been deferred (see the Package editor menu)
Backup & restore settings leads to the menu described later
microSD / USB indicates if removable media has been detected and allows it to be ejected prior to removal.
Restart or initialize ... leads to the menu described below
Displays all active packages, and allows access to editing the package setup
Tapping on one of the entries leads to the Package editor menu
Version information is displayed for each package:
- GitHub shows the version found on GitHub
- Stored shows the version stored on the GX device
- Installed shows the version actually installed and running
If the GitHub version is not shown, check the GitHub user and branch/tag, or check your internet connection.
This menu facilitates manual install, uninstall, package removal as well as changing GitHub access information for the package.
GitHub user is the name of the GitHub user authoring the package. Normally this won't change.
GitHub branch or tag allows you to specify a branch or specific tag. The default (typically latest) references the latest released version of the package. You can change this field to try out a beta version or revert to a specific version. Once the GitHub branch is changed, PackageManager will update the GitHub version. If auto downloads are active the new version will be downloaded automatically.
The status line shows progress of pending operations, conflicts, or prompts for further actions.
Previous and Next step through other packages without leaving this menu.
The remaining buttons along the bottom of the menu allow for Download, Install, Uninstall or Remove. These operations require a confirmation via Proceed or Cancel in the status line.
Remove will remove the package from the active package list and return it to the inactive packages list. Packages that are of no interest can be removed to keep the active list cleaner.
Package manager does not allow removing packages unless they are uninstalled first.
Package manager DOES permit uninstalling SetupHelper, however this will remove the Package Manager itself. Once removed, the Blind Install mechanism will be needed again !!
Show Conflicts appears in the status line if package conflicts exist. Pressing that shows a list of conflicts and if possible asks if they should be resolved. If they are, Proceed and Cancel appear. Pressing Proceed will trigger the necessary package installs and uninstalls needed to resolve the conflicts
If an operation requires a system reboot or GUI restart, a message appears in the status line. Now triggers that operation. Later hides the notification without acting on it. This can be handy if you are performing multiple operations. The notification will appear when navigating to other packages.
Displays all INACTIVE packages, i.e., default packages not yet activated or manually remove.
The first entry is always "new" and allows the operator to enter package name, GitHub user and branch/tag from scratch
Additional lines (if any) are default packages (from the defaultPackageList file)
If a package is already added to the version list, it will not appear in the Add Package list
Tapping on one of the entries leads to the Add package menu
Allows the package name, GitHub user and GitHub branch or tag to be entered or changed and the package added to the active packages list. These are the same as described above under Package editor menu.
Prompting for required information is provided on the status line.
Pressing Proceed initiates the package add. Cancel returns to the Inactive Packages menu.
The package name must be unique or the add operation will fail with a prompt indicating to choose a different name.
Saves settings to the settingsBackup file on removable SD/USB media or
to local media (/data/settingsBackup
). restores from same.
is a complete list of settings saved to
settingsBackup. Categories are:
- GuiMods
- SetupHelper / PackageManager
- ShutdownManager
- SOME Victron stock settings in the following sections
- Alarms
- Gwacs
- DigitalInputs
- Generators
- Gui
- Pump
- Relay
- System
- SystemSetup
- Vrmlogger
Additionally, backup and restore the following to/from removable media
- Any logo files in
- Setup script options in
All logs stored in /data/log
are written to on removable media
as part of a backup operation
The parameters must exist to be saved. The parameters will be created and set to the backed up value during a restore.
Victron is working on a more comprehensive mechanism but is not working reliably yet. The Package manager backup and restore is temporary and will be removed when the Victron functionality is working
This menu provides a quick way to reboot the system (Restart), restart the GUI (Restart GUI) or initialize Package manager. (Initialize). The latter can be used to clean up Package manager's persistent storage. Any custom packages added manually or any GitHub user or branch/tag information will be lost.
When the GX device is not connected to the internet, a USB flash drive or microSD card provides an install/upgrade path. To use the USB update process
Navigate to the GitHub, repo, click on tags and select the appropriate branch or specific version.
Choose the .tar.gz download link. (Do not download from the Code tab or download the .zip file. These won't work.)
Copy the archive file to a USB memory stick or microSD card. Do NOT unpack the archive
Repeat this for all packages you wish to install. (These can all be placed on the same media along with the SetupHelper blind install
file) -
Insert the stick in the GX device.
If SetupHelper has not yet been installed, follow the Blind Install process from the ReadMe.
Once Package Manager is running, it will transfer and unpack the archive files and update the package list with the new packages.
If Auto install packages is turned on, the packages will then be installed
No version checks are made for packages found on SD/USB media! Package Manager is quite content to transfer and install an older version so make sure you have the latest version especially if your GX device does not have internet access.
Besides the menus described above, Package manager can be controlled via "flag" files on removable media. These flag files trigger behavior if they are detected. The file contents is not important, only the existence of the file.
An automatic settings restore will be performed when PackageManager if the file is present.
Leaving this removable media in the system will trigger settings restore with every boot. You must remove the flash drive after auto restore
ALL removable media is ejected after the media is scanned AND if after all transferrers were performed.
Removable media can be corrupted if removed while the VRM logger is still writing to it so the drive must be ejected to prevent corruption. A manual eject button is included in the PackageManager menu.
Unfortunately, the eject mechanism ejects all removable media, not just a specific one. The VRM logger automatically uses the first removable media found so there is no control over it, and the presence of AUTO_EJECT will eject the media for the logger also.
All packages will be installed even if the Auto Install menu option is turned off. This is generally used only for system deployment (see below).
As above, but will uninstall all packages found in /data. This is useful if you do not have command line access and end up with a GUI that is unresponsive or just to clean up a system, returning it (almost) to factory defaults. This flag file overrides AUTO_INSTALL_PACKAGES if both are present
The system is rebooted after the uninstall all just to be sure there's nothing left behind.
If the file AUTO_INSTALL is present in a package directory, the package will be installed as if the auto install option is set in the PackageManager menu. Version checks are still performed and DO_NOT_INSTALL is honored.
If the file ONE_TIME_INSTALL is present in a package directory, the package is automatically installed even if automatic installs are disabled and the DO_NOT_INSTALL flag is set
ONE_TIME_INSTALL is removed when the install is performed to prevent repeated installs. Packages may be deployed with this flag set to insure it is installed when a new version is transferred from removable media or downloaded from GitHub
The PackageManager's persistent storage is rebuilt (see Initialize above)
updatePackage is a unix shell script that runs on the development computer, not the GX device. It is included in the SetupHelper package. The comments at the top of the script provide additional details.
Windows will not run this script natively. However Windows 10 apparently supports bash:
Windows developer options must be enabled. In addition, differences in end of line between platforms may need to be manually adjusted (cr-lf for Windows) for the script to run properly.
Another option is to run updatePackage on a unix virtual machine or a Raspberry PI running it's native OS.
In order to identify changed files, the original file for each replacement must be compared against ALL versions of Venus OS. When changes are detected, a new file set version directory needs to be created and a new ...orig file copied from the stock Venus OS file. This work is done on the computer creating the package, not on the GX device.
I use the raspberry Pi images from because these contain the compete file system. Alternatively, the file system can be copied from a running GX device prior to installing any packages. I create a directory on the managing computer called OriginalFiles, then create a directory for each Venus OS version: v2.81, v2.90~12, etc.
Next, I copy the /etc, /opt and /var/www/venus/styling directories from the Venus OS image to the OriginalFiles/vX.Y~Z directory.
I limit StockFiles to these directories to minimize storage space on the system used to generate the package files.
99% of the files likely to be modified by a package are located there.
This is an artificial limit and other parts of the file system may be included if needed. In order to run the necessary checks, Venus OS versions need to be available to the managing computer.
Starting with SetupHelper v5.0, it is recommended that a file set exist for all supported Venus OS versions. This speeds installation time because it is not necessary to build a file set for a missing Venus OS version. CommonResources will attempt to create a missing file set, however it may not be possible to create one if version-dependent original files don't match a file for other file sets.
updatePackage runs through all StockFiles version directories and all package directories and creates file sets in each package.
Before running this script, you need to edit the FileSets/fileList* files to include the files your package will modify. Use full path names to avoid issues.
File sets created with updatePackage will contain ALL replacement files (or symbolic links to an identical replacement in another file set) in every file set. This change prevents a problem where a matching original file could not be found even though a file set does exist for the current Venus OS version. This resulted in an "incomplete file set" error and failure to install the package. To clear the error, it was necessary to reinstall the package and/or the Venus OS firmware. Prior to v5.0, these symbolic links were missing, and in fact entire file sets might be missing if they can be created from other Venus OS versions. It was then necessary for _checkFileSets to fill in the missing files for the current Venus OS version.
Starting with SetupHelper v6.0, updatePackage will relocate all version-independent files included in the fileListVersionIndependent list. Prior to v6.0, these files were located in the FileSets directory. Starting with v6.0, these files are located in the VersionIndependent file set
updatePackage provides an option to relocate alternate original files (described below) to their new locations: AlternateOriginals. If AlternateOriginals is already present, the move will be automatic.
checkFileSets in CommonResources checks for a COMPLETE flag file before attempting to fill in a missing file set. This saves time since a search is not needed for all replacement files. (In previous versions of SetupHelper, a test was made for all replacement files. This should succeed but takes time.)
File sets created with updatePackage from an older version of SetupHelper only contain replacement files when the original file changes between versions. Older file sets will also not contain the COMPLETE flag file. Also, the package may not contain a file set for the current Venus OS version. checkFileSets will attempt to fill in missing files or build a missing file set by comparing the original files in other file sets with the active file installed by Venus OS. If a match is found, this means the replacement file from the other file set also applies to the current Venus OS version.
After running this script, you may find file sets populated with
files. These indicate where you need to create
replacement files for your packages. You will need to add your changes
to each replacement file in each file set.
the replacement file has the extension of the actual file, e.g., PageMain.qml
the original file adds a .orig extension, e.g, PageMain.qml.orig
if no original exists, an empty file with the
file will be created. e.g.,PageMain.qml.NO_ORIG
Existence of a .NO_ORG
file after running updateFileSets indicates a
significant problem. What this says is that the replacement file has no
equivalent in a stock system. If the replacement file is the same for
all Venus OS versions, simply remove it from fileList and place the
replacement in the FileSets directory, not in a version directory.
However, if the replacement file differs between Venus OS versions, an
alternate original file needs to be used as a reference. For example, if
you are creating a new file PageMainEnhanced.qml
, then you can probably
use PageMain.qml
as the alternate original. Create a file in FileSets
named PageMainEnhanced.qml.ALT_ORIG
with a single line with the full
path to the alternate original:
/opt/ victronenergy/qui/qml/PageMain.qml
Sometimes, a replacement file is needed in SOME versions of Venus OS but
in others. An empty file in the file set will instruct SetupHelper to
use the orig, e.g., PageMain.qml.USE_ORIGINAL
Starting with SetupHelper v6.0, alternate original files can optionally be stored in the alternateOriginals directory in the FileSets directory. This removes clutter from the FileSets directory but the functionality is the same.
By far, the easiest way to install SetupHelper is the "blind install" which requires no command-line interaction.
Download venus-data.tgz from the SetupHelper GitHub repo.
Note: Mac OS and Safari are set by default to unzip packages. The Open "safe" files after downloading (bottom of Safari Preferences General) must be disabled in order to retain the zip file.
copy it to the root of a freshly formatted SD card or USB memory stick
place the media in the GX device (Cerbo, CCGX, etc)
reboot the GX device and allow the system to display the GUI
If you are running Venus OS v2.90 and beyond you should find the Package Manager menu at the bottom of the Settings menu
you should remove the media at this point. Mechanisms are in place to prevent reinstallation, but removal is still a good idea
If you are running Venus OS prior to v2.90, perform these additional steps:
Reboot the GX device a second time
WHILE the GX device is booting, REMOVE THE MEDIA from the GX device to prevent the next reboot from starting the process all over again. Failure to do so could disable reinstalls following a Venus OS firmware update !!!
You should find the Package Manager menu at the bottom of the Settings menu
venus-data.tgz is available here:
Prior to v2,90, this mechanism overwrites /data/rcS.local!
If you are using rcS.local to perform boot-time activities, /data/rcS.local must be recreated following this "blind" install
Note that SetupHelper also uses /data/rcS.local for reinstallation following a firmware update so use caution in recreating rcS.local.
A blind uninstall mechanism is provided to recover a system with an unresponsive GUI (white screen) or no ssh/terminal access. This will run all package setup scripts to uninstall that package from system files.
The archive for this is named venus-data.UninstallPackages.tar.gz
to a USB memory stick or SD card -
Rename the copy to
Insert the removable media into the GX device
Reboot, wait 2 minutes and reboot a second time
when the system automatically reboots after the second manual one, remove the media
You should eventually see the GUI on the local display if there is one or be able to connect via remote console.
Removing media or power cycling the GX device during the uninstall, especially if reinstalling firmware could render the system unresponsive!
Wait to see the GUI before removing media or power cycling.
In addition to uninstalling all packages, the blind uninstall can
optionally reinstall VenusOS. To do so, include a .swu
file for the
platform and desired firmware version on the removable media containing
the blind uninstall venus-data.tar.gz
Note that a firmware update can take several minutes to complete but will eventually reboot.
When the blind uninstall finishes, venus-data-tar.gz
file on the
removable media is renamed to venus-data.UninstallPackages.tar.gz
that the blind install will run only once. This renaming is necessary to
prevent a loop where the system uninstalls and reboots.
It is possible to use SetupHelper to set up a new system based on a template saved from a working system.
Setup the working system the way you want the new system to behave including custom icons,
Perform a Settings backup.
Remove the flash drive from the GX device and plug into a computer that has internet access.
Copy venus-data.tgz from the SetupHelper GitHub repo to the same flash drive.
If you wish packages to also be installed, copy the package -latest.tgz file from those repos as well.
Create SETTINGS_AUTO_RESTORE on the flash drive (contents don't matter - file may be empty).
Create AUTO_INSTALL_PACKAGES on the flash drive as well.
Place the flash drive into the GX device to be configured and reboot (once for v2.90 or twice for prior versions).
REMOVE THE FLASH DRIVE after you have verified that all packages have been installed (check Active packages in PackageManager).
It is unlikely, but some users have reported a package install leaving their system unresponsive or with a nonfuncitonal GUI (white screen). In this case, your options depend on the current state of the system.
Try the following in this order:
Reboot. This may clear the problem.
If you have a functioning GUI (either locally or via remote console, see if you can access the PackageManager menu.
If so, you can remove packages one at a time from there.
If you find an offending package, post an issue to the GitHub repo for that package and include:
- Platform (Cerbo, CCGX, Raspberry PI, etc)
- Venus OS firmware version
- Run a Settings backup and post the file on the removble media.
Remove SetupHelper last since once you do, you loose the PackageManager menus!
If you have terminal or ssh access, try running the package setup scripts to uninstall packages one at a time.
Try reinstalling Venus OS (firmware):
Boot to the previous Venus OS version (in Stored backup firmware), then perform a fresh Online firmware update to the latest version or use the .swu update via removable media.
If you have GUI access, use the Settings / Firmware / Stored backup firmware menu.
If you don't have GUI access, you can also switch to the backup version from the command line:
/opt/victronenergy/swupdate-scripts/ 2
You can also force a firmware update from the command line if you have ssh or terminal access:
For on-line updates:
/opt/victronenergy/swupdate-scripts/ -force -update
For updates from removable media:
/opt/victronenergy/swupdate-scripts/ -force -update -offline
If PackageManager is still running, it will detect a file named AUTO_UNINSTALL_PACKAGES on removable media.
Create a file of that name (no extension, content unimportant) on a USB memory stick or SD card and insert this into the GX device.
The system should eventually reboot. In most cases, this should occur within 1-2 minutes.
After reboot, the system should come up in the stock configuration with no packages installed.
If the system does not reboot, it is likely PackageManager is no longer running, so try other options.
Remember to remove the media containing the AUTO_UNINSTALL_PACKAGES file to this will be repeated the next time PackageManager runs.
Perform the Blind uninstall procedure above.
If you are running on a Raspberry PI, you can reimage the system SD card.
If you have a Cerbo, you can reimage it using this procedure:
Note: this will wipe out all settings and you'll need to reconfigure the GX device from scratch.
The Victron "restore factory default" procedure can be used to will wipe out all settings. You'll need to reconfigure the GX device from scratch.
However, it will NOT replace the operating system and Victron application, nor will it uninstall any packages.
You will most likely be locked out of ssh access since log-in information and ssh keys are stored in the /data partition which is completely erased by this procedure.
For this reason, I do not recommend using this as part of your attempt to recover a system with no GUI.