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Kubescape Operator

Version: 1.18.10 Type: application AppVersion: v1.18.10

Kubescape operator documentation Troubleshooting guide


Warning: We only support installing this chart using Helm or ArgoCD. Using alternative installation methods, such as Kustomize, Helmfile or using custom scripts, may lead to unexpected behavior and issues. We cannot guarantee compatibility or provide support for deployments that are installed using methods other than Helm or ArgoCD.

Run the install command:

helm repo add kubescape ; helm repo update ; helm upgrade --install kubescape kubescape/kubescape-operator -n kubescape --create-namespace --set clusterName=`kubectl config current-context`

Verify that the installation was successful:

$ kubectl get pods -n kubescape
kubescape     kubescape-548d6b4577-qshb5                          1/1     Running   0               60m
kubescape     kubevuln-6779c9d74b-wfgqf                           1/1     Running   0               60m
kubescape     operator-5d745b5b84-ts7zq                           1/1     Running   0               60m
kubescape     storage-59567854fd-hg8n8                            1/1     Running   0               60m

View results

The scanning results will be available gradually as the scans are completed.

View your configuration scan reports:

kubectl get workloadconfigurationscans -A

View your image vulnerabilities:

kubectl get vulnerabilitymanifests -A


You can uninstall this helm chart by running the following command:

helm uninstall kubescape -n kubescape

Then, delete the kubescape namespace:

kubectl delete ns kubescape

Adjusting Resource Usage for Your Cluster

By default, Kubescape is configured for small- to medium-sized clusters. If you have a larger cluster and you experience slowdowns or see Kubernetes evicting components, please revise the amount of resources allocated for the troubled component.

Taking Kubescape for example, we found that our defaults of 500 MiB of memory and 500m CPU work well for clusters up to 1250 total resources. If you have more total resources or experience resource pressure already, first check out how many resources are in your cluster by running the following command:

kubectl get all -A --no-headers | wc -l

The command should print an approximate count of resources in your cluster. Then, based on the number you see, allocate 100 MiB of memory for every 200 resources in your cluster over the count of 1250, but no less than 128 MiB total. The formula for memory is as follows:

MemoryLimit := max(128, 0.4 * YOUR_AMOUNT_OF_RESOURCES)

For example, if your cluster has 500 resources, a sensible memory limit would be:

      memory: 200Mi  # max(128, 0.4 * 500) == 200

If your cluster has 50 resources, we still recommend allocating at least 128 MiB of memory.

Regarding CPU, the more you allocate, the faster Kubescape will scan your cluster. This is especially true for clusters that have a large amount of resources. However, we recommend that you give Kubescape no less than 500m CPU no matter the size of your cluster so it can scan a relatively large amount of resources fast ;)

Chart support


Key Type Default Description
global.networkPolicy.enabled bool false Create NetworkPolicies for all components
global.networkPolicy.createEgressRules bool false Create common Egress rules for NetworkPolicies
global.kubescapePsp.enabled bool false Enable all privileges in Pod Security Policies for Kubescape namespace
global.httpsProxy string "" Set https egress proxy for all components. Must supply also port.
global.proxySecretFile string "" Set proxy certificate / RootCA file content (not the file path) for all components to be used for proxy configured in global.httpsProxy
global.overrideDefaultCaCertificates.enabled bool false Use to enable custom CA Certificates
global.overrideDefaultCaCertificates.caCertificates string "" Set the custom CA Certificates file in all container
customScheduling.affinity yaml Use the affinity sub-section to define affinity rules that will apply to all of the workloads managed by the kubescape-operator
customScheduling.nodeSelector yaml Configure nodeSelector rules under the nodeSelector sub-section that will apply to all of the workloads managed by the kubescape-operator
customScheduling.tolerations yaml Define tolerations in the tolerations sub-section that will apply to all of the workloads managed by the kubescape-operator
global.overrideRuntimePath string "" Override the runtime path for node-agent
credentials.cloudSecret string "" Leave it blank for the default secret. If you have an existing secret, override with the existing secret name to avoid Helm creating a default one
kubescape.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment
kubescape.downloadArtifacts bool true download policies every scan, we recommend it should remain true, you should change to 'false' when running in an air-gapped environment or when scanning with high frequency (when running with Prometheus)
kubescape.enableHostScan bool true enable host scanner feature
kubescape.image.repository string "" source code (public repo)
kubescape.nodeSelector object {} Node selector
kubescape.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false enable/disable service monitor for prometheus (operator) integration
kubescape.skipUpdateCheck bool false skip check for a newer version
kubescape.labels [] adds labels to the kubescape microservice
kubescape.submit bool true submit results to Kubescape SaaS:
kubescape.volumes object [] Additional volumes for Kubescape
kubescape.volumeMounts object [] Additional volumeMounts for Kubescape
kubescapeScheduler.enabled bool true enable/disable a kubescape scheduled scan using a CronJob
kubescapeScheduler.image.repository string "" source code (public repo)
kubescapeScheduler.scanSchedule string "0 0 * * *" scan schedule frequency
kubescapeScheduler.volumes object [] Additional volumes for scan scheduler
kubescapeScheduler.volumeMounts object [] Additional volumeMounts for scan scheduler
kubevuln.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment
kubevuln.image.repository string "" source code
kubevuln.nodeSelector object {} Node selector
kubevuln.volumes object [] Additional volumes for the image vulnerability scanning
kubevuln.volumeMounts object [] Additional volumeMounts for the image vulnerability scanning
kubevuln.config.grypeDbListingURL string "" Parameter to override the default Grype vulnerability database URL (listings.json format)
kubevulnScheduler.enabled bool true enable/disable an image vulnerability scheduled scan using a CronJob
kubevulnScheduler.image.repository string "" source code (public repo)
kubevulnScheduler.scanSchedule string "0 0 * * *" scan schedule frequency
kubevulnScheduler.volumes object [] Additional volumes for scan scheduler
kubevulnScheduler.volumeMounts object [] Additional volumeMounts for scan scheduler
operator.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment
operator.image.repository string "" source code
operator.nodeSelector object {} Node selector
operator.volumes object [] Additional volumes for the web socket
operator.volumeMounts object [] Additional volumeMounts for the web socket
hostScanner.volumes object [] Additional volumes for the host scanner
hostScanner.volumeMounts object [] Additional volumeMounts for the host scanner
awsIamRoleArn string nil AWS IAM arn role
cloudProviderMetadata.cloudRegion string nil cloud region
cloudProviderMetadata.gkeProject string nil GKE project
cloudProviderMetadata.gkeServiceAccount string nil GKE service account
cloudProviderMetadata.aksSubscriptionID string nil AKS subscription ID
cloudProviderMetadata.aksResourceGroup string nil AKS resource group
cloudProviderMetadata.aksClientID string nil AKS client ID
cloudProviderMetadata.aksClientSecret string nil AKS client secret
cloudProviderMetadata.aksTenantID string nil AKS tenant ID
volumes object [] Additional volumes for all containers
volumeMounts object [] Additional volumeMounts for all containers
imageScanning.privateRegistries.credentials object [] Credentials for scanning images pulled from private container registries. This configuration is not needed when using imagePullSecrets
imageScanning.privateRegistries.credentials.registry string nil URL of the private container registry.
imageScanning.privateRegistries.credentials.username string nil Username/Client ID for authentication.
imageScanning.privateRegistries.credentials.password string nil Password/Token/Client Secret for authentication.
imageScanning.privateRegistries.credentials.skipTlsVerify bool false Skip TLS certificate verification
imageScanning.privateRegistries.credentials.insecure bool false Use HTTP instead of HTTPS
configurations.priorityClass.enabled bool true Add priority class to the installed components
configurations.priorityClass.daemonset int 100000100 PriorityClass of the DaemonSet, this should be higher than the other components so the DaemonSet will schedule on all nodes

In-cluster components overview

An overview of each in-cluster component which is part of the Kubescape platform helm chart. Follow the repository link for in-depth information on a specific component.

High-level Architecture Diagram

graph TB

  client([client]) .-> dashboard
  masterSync .- sync
  sync --- store

  subgraph Cluster
    agent@{shape: procs, label: "Node Agent"}
    k8sApi(Kubernetes API);
    store --- agent
    store --- operator
    operator -->|scan cluster| ks
    operator -->|scan images| kubevuln
    operator --- k8sApi
    ks --> k8sApi

subgraph Backend
    dashboard(Dashboard) --> bus(Event Bus) --> masterSync("Master Synchronizer")
    ks --> er
    kubevuln --> er

  classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
  classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
  class k8sApi k8s
  class agent,ks,operator,sync,masterSync,kollector,kubevuln,er,dashboard,store,bus plain

  • Resource Kind: Deployment
  • Communication: gRPC, REST API, Websocket
  • Responsibility: This component is an optional part of the Kubescape Operator. It enables users to replicate the Kubernetes objects in the cluster (somewhat like rsync) to a remote service. It is used for collecting the Kubescape Operator objects by central services monitoring multiple clusters.

In our architecture, the Synchronizer acts both as a server and a client, depending on its running configuration:

  • Master Synchronizer: Refers to the instance running in the backend.
  • In-cluster Synchronizer: Refers to the instance running in the cluster. Registered to the Master Synchronizer using a websocket; Synchronizes Kubernetes objects and virtual objects, this enables executing actions in runtime.

A Master Synchronizer communicates with multiple in-cluster Synchronizers.

graph TB
  subgraph Backend
    event(Event Bus)
    masterSync("Synchronizer (Master)")
   subgraph Cluster N
    sync3("Synchronizer (In-cluster)")
  subgraph Cluster 2
    sync2("Synchronizer (In-cluster)")
  subgraph Cluster 1
    sync1("Synchronizer (In-cluster)")
  dashboard --> event --> masterSync
  masterSync .- sync1
  masterSync .- sync2
  masterSync .- sync3
  sync1 --- store1
  sync2 --- store2
  sync3 --- store3

  classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
  classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
  class k8sApi k8s
  class event,ks,store1,dashboard,store2,store3 plain

  • Resource Kind: Deployment (singleton)
  • Communication: gRPC, REST API
  • Responsibility: This component is a Kubernetes aggregated API extension service. It stores the different objects produced by the other components and stores them on a volume as files and SQLite. It is a singleton component in the current implementation and cannot be scaled horizontaly, but it is running in 10k node clusters.
graph TD

subgraph Cluster
  agent@{shape: procs, label: "Node Agent"}
  k8sApi(Kubernetes API)

  agent .->|Store results| k8sApi --- store <--> file
  store <--> sqlite
  k8sApi <--> etcd
  sync .->|Synchronize| k8sApi
  kubectl .- k8sApi
  k9s .- k8sApi
  Lens .- k8sApi
  Headlamp .- k8sApi

classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
class k8sApi k8s
class agent,kubectl,Lens,Headlamp,sync,etcd,file,k9s,sqlite plain

  • Resource Kind: Deployment
  • Communication: gRPC, REST API
  • Responsibility: This component is in charge of command and control of the scans in the cluster. There are multiple configuration options when and what to scan in the cluster. This component is in charge of orchestrating these activities by triggering the Kubescape and the KubeVuln components.
graph TB
  subgraph Cluster
    k8sApi(Kubernetes API);
    urlCm{{ConfigMap<br>URLs }}
    recurringTempCm{{ConfigMap<br>Recur. Scan Template }}
    recurringScanCj{{CronJob<br>Recurring Scan }}
    masterSync(Master Synchronizer) .- sync --- store
    store ---> operator
    recurringScanCj ---> operator
    operator -->|scan cluster| ks
    operator -->|scan images| kubevuln
    operator --> k8sApi
    operator --- urlCm
    operator --- recurringTempCm

  classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
  classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
  class k8sApi k8s
  class ks,store,masterSync,kollector,urlCm,recurringScanCj,recurringTempCm,kubevuln,er,dashboard,sync plain

  • Resource Kind: Deployment
  • Communication: gRPC, REST API
  • Responsibility: This component is in charge of the image vulnerability scanning. It can either produce SBOM object in the Storage and match the SBOM entries with vulnerabilities, or relies on the Node agent to generate SBOM objects on the nodes and then produce vulnerability manfiests and VEX. All the results are stored in the Storage component via the Kubernetes API and optionally sent to external API endpoints.
graph TB

subgraph Cluster
    k8sApi(Kubernetes API)
    urlCm{{ConfigMap<br>URLs }}
    recurringScanCj{{CronJob<br>Recurring Scan }}
    recurringScanCm{{ConfigMap<br>Recurring Scan }}
    recurringTempCm{{ConfigMap<br>Recurring Scan Template }}


masterSync .- sync
sync .- store .-|Scan Notification| operator
operator -->|Collect NS, Images|k8sApi
operator -->|Start Scan| kubevuln
operator --- urlCm
urlCm --- kubevuln
recurringTempCm --- operator
recurringScanCj -->|Scan Notification| operator
recurringScanCm --- recurringScanCj

subgraph Backend
    masterSync("Master Synchronizer")
    kubevuln -->|Scan Results| er

classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000

class k8sApi k8s
class urlCm,recurringScanCm,operator,er,sync,masterSync,recurringScanCj,recurringTempCm,store plain


  • Resource Kind: Deployment
  • Communication: gRPC, REST API
  • Responsibility: This component is in charge of configuration and host scanning. It is, like the CLI, uses OPA engine to run the project's own Rego library of rules. It also scans the Kubernetes host to validate their configurations. The output of the scans are stored in the Storage component via the Kubernetes API and optionally sent to external API endpoints.
graph TB

subgraph Cluster
    k8sApi(Kubernetes API)
    ksCm{{ConfigMap<br>Kubescape }}
    recurringScanCj{{CronJob<br>Recurring Scan }}
    recurringScanCm{{ConfigMap<br>Recurring Scan }}
    recurringTempCm{{ConfigMap<br>Recurring Scan Template }}

masterSync .- sync
sync .- store .-|Scan Notification| operator
operator -->|Start Scan| ks
ks-->|Collect Cluster Info|k8sApi
ksCm --- ks
recurringTempCm --- operator
recurringScanCj -->|Scan Notification| operator
recurringScanCm --- recurringScanCj
subgraph Backend
    masterSync("Master Synchronizer")
    ks -->|Scan Results| er

classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000

class k8sApi k8s
class ksCm,recurringScanCm,operator,er,store,masterSync,recurringScanCj,recurringTempCm,sync plain


  • Resource Kind: Daemonset
  • Communication: gRPC, REST API
  • Responsibility: This component has multiple purposes all bound to information available on Kubernetes nodes:
    • Produces SBOMs from the images avialable on the node (used by KubeVuln)
    • Produces information from the configurations of the Linux host of the Kubernetes node (used by Kubescape)
    • Creates ApplicationProfile using Inspektor Gadget and eBPF. These profiles log the behavior of each container on the node (file access, processes launched, capabilities used, system calls done) into ApplicationProfile objects stored in the Storage component via the Kubernetes API and optionally sent to external API endpoints.
    • Creates NetworkNeighborhood objects using Inspektor Gadget and eBPF. These profiles log the network activity of each container and they stored as objects in the Storage component via the Kubernetes API and optionally sent to external API endpoints.
    • Monitors container activity via eBPF and evaluates them using its own rule engine that combines static detection rules and anomaly detection to produce alerts that can be exported to AlertManager, Syslog, HTTP endpoints, STDOUT stream and other.
graph TD
subgraph Cluster
  k8sApi(Kubernetes API)
  subgraph Node1
    container11 .- linux1
    container12 .- linux1
    linux1(Linux Kernel) ---|eBPF| node1(Node Agent)
  subgraph Node2
    container21 .- linux2
    container22 .- linux2
    linux2(Linux Kernel) ---|eBPF| node2(Node Agent)
  subgraph Node3
    container31 .- linux3
    container32 .- linux3
    linux3(Linux Kernel) ---|eBPF| node3(Node Agent)

node1 --> k8sApi
node2 --> k8sApi
node3 --> k8sApi
k8sApi --> store

classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
class k8sApi k8s
class container11,container12,container21,container22,container31,container32,linux1,linux2,linux3,store plain

Kubernetes API

Some in-cluster components communicate with the Kubernetes API server for different purposes:

  • Operator

    Creates/updates/deletes resources for recurring scan purposes (CronJobs, ConfigMaps). Collects required information (NS, image names/tags) for Kubevuln's image scanning.

  • Kubescape

    Collects namespaces, workloads, RBAC etc. required for cluster scans.

Backend components

The backend components are running in Kubescape's SaaS offering.


  • REST API service


  • Responsibility: Receive and process Kubescape & Kubevuln scan results.
  • Communication: REST API

Logging and troubleshooting

Each component writes logs to the standard output.

Every action has a generated jobId which is written to the log.

An action which creates sub-action(s), will be created with a different jobId but with a parentId which will correlate to the parent action's jobId.

Distroless images

Each component is built as a distroless image. This means that the image does not contain any shell or package manager. This is done for security reasons.

In order to troubleshoot a component, you can use the kubectl debug command to add an ephemeral container to the pod and run a shell in it:

kubectl -n kubescape debug -it <pod-name> --target=<container-name>

Note: The --target parameter must be supported by the Container Runtime. When not supported, the Ephemeral Container may not be started, or it may be started with an isolated process namespace so that ps does not reveal processes in other containers.

Use kubectl delete to remove the Pod when you're finished (there is no other way to remove the ephemeral container):

kubectl -n kubescape delete pod <pod-name>

Recurring scans

3 types of recurring scans are supported:

  1. Cluster configuration scanning (Kubescape)
  2. Vulnerability scanning for container images (Kubevuln)
  3. Container registry scanning (Kubevuln)

When creating a recurring scan, the Operator component will create a ConfigMap and a CronJob from a recurring template ConfigMap. Each scan type comes with a template.

The CronJob itself does not run the scan directly. When a CronJob is ready to run, it will send a REST API request to the Operator component, which will then trigger the relevant scan.

The scan results are then sent by each relevant component to the CloudEndpoint.

Common Issues

  • Error starting the container watcher - (fanotify).

    This error is usually caused by the node-agent not being able to find runc in any of the default paths. This can be fixed by adding the path of runc to the global configuration here. If you aren't sure where runc is located, you can run the following command on the node to find it:

    find / -name runc 2>/dev/null

    In case you are in an environment where you can't access the node, one solution is to run a privileged pod on the node, and run the command from there. To create a privileged pod, run the following command:

     kubectl run --rm -i --tty busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never --overrides='{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"securityContext": {"privileged": true} }]}}}}' -- /bin/sh

    For K3s, the runc binary is different from the system one, and is located in /var/lib/rancher/k3s/data/current/bin/runc. Given this path, the option to set during the Helm installation is (note the /host prefix):

    --set global.overrideRuntimePath="/host/var/lib/rancher/k3s/data/current/bin/runc"