To load JMeter output into Logstash and aggregated in Elasticsearch so that Kibana can display analytics graphs:
- Kibana Graphs - the objective of prepatory steps below:
- Application Under Test Setup
- JMeter Setup
- Logstash Setup
- Elasticsearch Setup
- Kibana Setup
- Resources
We may break contents of each into separate files in Github.
What I’m hoping for is a few graph in Kibana that illustrates test run conclusions:
- One User Response Time variation reaching landing page only, revealing network variations and/or background jobs and other activity on the same server.
- Landing page capacity transactions-per-second maximum.
- Sign-Up capacity showing how many new users can register in a short period of time.
- Ramp-up capacity showing how many registered users can do work at once based on stress test runs (showing transactions per minute vs. response time).
- Capacity usage based on memory per user over time.
- Longevity showing memory leaks identified during longer runs.
transactions-per-second maximum.
showing how many new users can register in a short period of time.
showing how many registered users can do work at once based on stress test runs (showing transactions per minute vs. response time).
based on memory per user over time.
showing memory leaks identified during longer runs.
## Application Under Test Setup
## Resources specifically about viewing JMeter using the ELK stack