If you want to display your reports on the Disaster Ninja Reports page, you must have at least 2 separate files.
- report file in CSV format (1 for report).
- osm_reports_list.json - file describing reports (1 for any number of reports).
- id, string - your report id;
- link, string - relative link to your report, for example '/your_report.csv';
- name, string - your report name;
- sortable, boolean - true to make your report sortable, false to keep your report static;
- last_updated, string - Timestamp with date of last update;
- publick_access, boolean - true to make your report visible for unlogged users, false to keep your report visible only for particular groups of users;
- description_full, string - A full description of your report, which will be shown on the report page. - https://disaster.ninja/active/reports/your_report_name;
- description_brief, string - A short description of your report, which will be shown on the reports page. - https://disaster.ninja/active/reports;
- searchable_columns_indexes, array - array with column number from your CSV (0-based) will be used for text search.
[{"id": "your_report_id", "link": "/your_report.csv", "name": "your report name", "sortable": true, "last_updated": "2022-09-18T18:59:51Z", "public_access": true, "description_full": "full description", "description_brief": "brief description", "searchable_columns_indexes": [0]}, {another report description}]
Reports have to be served by some web server.
Standalone configuration expects that reports are served at /reports/ subpath - as shown in default DN Front End configuration:
"REPORTS_API": "https://disaster.ninja/active/reports"
For more information, please see https://github.com/konturio/disaster-ninja-fe/blob/main/configs/config.default.json