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File metadata and controls

198 lines (156 loc) · 7.73 KB

A Foundation for Code Queries

Glass aims to be a declarative tool for understanding and expressing rules about programs. "Declarative" here means that one should be able to express these concepts without performing any computation. A declarative foundation gives the tool a lot more room for optimisation and tooling, as semantics are not dependent on order of expressions.

Static analysis tools have a broad range of foundations. For Glass, we use a form of unification with constraints over a program graph. The graph may be enriched with control flow, data flow, and other information (such as inferred types or effects). This is somewhat similar, but much less powerful, to tools that translate programs to horn clauses and give you a complete datalog engine to express queries in.

Indexed forms

The first step in Glass is to index a codebase. Indexing will read some serialisation of a program (source code, binary files, etc) and construct a database of entities extracted from the source code. An entity may be a module, a function, a class; anything of interest in a code base that one wants to treat as a self-standing thing. This will vary between languages, of course.

So a parser will not only turn source/binary code into some sort of tree, but will also extract entities. These entities are then converted to Glass' internal format---a standardised form of attributed graph, which may also contain information about flow.

Once indexed, entities may be serialised to disk so this work doesn't need to be performed again. And changes to the sources of these entities can trigger incremental changes to the index, given a proper incremental implementation of the parser. In this case, the ability of giving entities a stable identifier at a fine-grained level, such that Glass can merge these entities and properly infer changes between versions.

The internal format

Glass' (conceptual) internal format is an attributed parse tree that works as a graph. Each node in this tree has the following structure:

-record(glass_node, {
  id :: pos_integer(),
  tag :: atom(),
  properties :: #{ atom() => term() },
  attributes :: #{ term() => term() },
  children :: [#glass_node{}]

Each node has:

  • an unique ID within its subgraph;
  • a tag that identifies the AST node (e.g.: call or binary_operator);
  • a set of intrinsic properties that are assigned by the parser (and which we expect to match against any other node with equivalent static semantics);
  • a set of attributes (or facts) that are derived from analysis or that provide additional insights about a node but which we do not want to use as an "intrinsic" semantic for it. In other words, properties that we don't automatically use for deciding node equality;
  • A list of child nodes.

These nodes are stored within entities. An entity has a stable identifier, along with keeping an index of its children. This is what allows nodes to point anywhere in the graph, rather than having them restricted to trees. A {stable_id(), node_id()} tuple is guaranteed to properly and uniquely identify a node in the graph even when code around it changes.

-record(glass_entity, {
  id :: term(),
  properties :: #{ atom() => term() },
  attributes :: #{ atom() => term() },
  children :: [#glass_node{}],
  children_index :: #{ pos_integer() => path() },
  dependencies :: [term()],
  dependants :: [term()]

A workspace is, then, a bag of such entities along with the indexes defined for them.

-record(workspace, {
  id :: atom(),
  properties :: #{ atom() => term() },
  entities :: #{ term() => #glass_entity{} },
  indexes :: #{ atom() => index_trie() }

The language

Glass queries work on the internal Glass format. The language is influenced by relational logic and constraint programming. Search works slightly differently than what a logic programmer might expect, in parts due to Glass putting a bigger focus on entities, rather than the result of unification itself.

These choices also mean that querying a codebase feels much less like describing a system of logical relations, as one would do in Prolog or Datalog, and much more as a programmer describing a pattern. "The code I'm looking for looks like this, but I'm only interested in certain contexts/situations". For example, should one be interested in calls to a logging function on a particular file, a query could look like the following:

log(some_file, Message, Args)

In this case, Message and Args are freshly introduced logical variables, and will unify with any subtree that may exist in those locations. Whereas the other parts of this query are rigid program trees that will match equivalent program trees elsewhere.

The use of unification allows programmers to express some common scenarios concisely. For example, finding all cases of the identity function in an Erlang codebase could be done through the query:

fun(X) -> X end

That is, a function that takes one argument, and simply returns this same argument in its body.

And then, these patterns can be given constraints. A constraint is just a logical expression that describes when the pattern should be valid. And this expression can make use of any variable bound during unification. So, if one would like to have all functions converting a number to a string, they could write a query like this (assuming that something would provide type information):

fun(In) -> Out end
  when has_type(In, integer)
  and  has_type(Out, string)

Of course, the shape of these queries and the available predicates and relations in a constraint depend on the language and the parser. In a Python codebase, these could, instead, look like this:

lambda input: output
if input :: integer and output :: string

Formal definition

The query language can be defined as follows:

l in labels
x in variables
v in Erlang primitive values
n in node type names

Term t ::= n{l1 = v1, ..., lN = vN}(t1, ..., tN)        -- node pattern
         | t = t                                        -- equality relation
         | _                                            -- wildcard pattern
         | ___                                          -- slicing wildcard pattern
         | t1 or t2                                     -- pattern disjunction
         | t when c                                     -- constrained term

Constraint c ::= not c | c1 and c2 | c1 or c2 | c1 xor c2   -- logical ops
               | c =:= c | c =/= c | c > c | ...            -- relational ops
               | p(c1, ..., cN)                             -- primitive
               | x | v

A node pattern matches an exact node with properties l = v... and children t....

An equality relation unifies two terms. With fresh variables this means that the variable is bound to whatever the other side of the relation happens to be. With bound variables and regular values, this means that the query fails if the values are not the same.

Wildcard patterns ('_') match any single node, whereas a slicing wildcard pattern ('___') matches any number of nodes.

A disjunction pattern matches the first pattern that matches. If the disjunctions introduce distinct variables, this might mean that only some of the variables get bound. (TODO: this should probably be disallowed).

A constrained term matches if the term matches and the constraint evaluates to true. The constraint will have access to all variables bound up to that point, evaluation proceeds left-to-right in applicative order in both pattern unification and constraint evaluation.

Formal semantics for the query language.

It's up to each front-end parser to accept a language that is close enough to the target programming language, and then compile that to the internal query language Glass uses.