Success Criteria: A remediation process is modeled in the Shipyard of a project
Target: As a user, I can model my custom remediation process in the Shipyard. The rem. process follows the closed-loop principle; meaning that it loops as long as the problem is not fixed and actions are available.
Pain: Currently, our opinionated closed-loop rem. process is hard-coded in the remediation-service. This limits a user in tailoring it. + It is not possible (!) to register action-providers to action.triggered events since they are not managed by the shipyard-controller.
Driver: The use-case of automating remediations should work like the delivery (quality-gates) use-case.
- As a user, can define a remediation process (sequence) in the Shipyard file.
- Depending on the number of actions defined in the remediation.yaml, this sequence gets triggered except for a passed evaluation (that considers closed problems)
- As a user (who is running an action-provider on the exec. plane), I can subscribe my action-provider to an
event.- See issue: keptn/keptn#3498
- Changed behavior As a user, I would like to define the mapping between problem and remedation action based on the root cause (spec change: add ProblemDetailsJSON) and not the problem title. (Consider updates of examples / tutorials)
- name: "production"
- name: remediation
- event: production.remediation.finished
evaluation.result: fail
- name: get-action
- name: action
- name: evaluation
triggeredAfter: "10m"
timeframe: "5m"
- How can we stop the loop when, for example, the action returned