Enhance keptn-cli with the ability to list and get details of onboarded projects and services.
Right now when I'm using keptn within a CI/CD Pipeline I want to check if my service is already onboarded in keptn, if not it should be done automatically. From Ops-Perspective I want to get a list of all projects which are using keptn. Like in helm a keptn list command to retrieve a list of all projects and for more details a keptn get/details command which returns all services within the project would be benificial. As workaround I'm checking if in my kubernetes cluster a lighthouse-configmap is existing, but this is not a pretty solution.
# keptn list
Project Onboarded Git Repository
sockshop 2020-02-03 11:50 https://xyz/project.git
# keptn get sockshop
Project: sockshop
Onboarded: 2020-02-03 11:50
Git Repository: https://xyz/project.git
- carts-service
- payment-service
# keptn get sockshop service carts-service
Project: sockshop
Service: carts-service
Last artifact: myimage:v1.0.2
Last keptn event: sh.keptn.events.evaluation-done
Last deployment stage: dev
Last deployment time: 2020-02-03 11:50
A keptn API Endpoint which the cli could use should do the job, and instead of using the cli within a CI/CD Job, a simple curl command could be used to get the information.
This is a keptn cli enhancement and should not have any drawbacks.
Could this proposal cause any breaking changes (e.g., in the spec, within any workflows)?
As described in the Motivation-section, I'm checking if a lighthose config map exists within the k8s cluster. But this is only a workaround.