(Mostly for Josh) by Josh
The mons command has nothing to do with the mons deferens. It allows me to enable a second monitor on arch linux + i3.
Its behavior is strange to me, so let's create a record.
09/19: Dedicated monitor is left of laptop's built-in monitor. Built-in monitor is on. On laptop's monitor: entered command mons -e left on built-in monitor. Dedicated monitor comes on, but is mapped right of built-in monitor, which is on. Primary monitor appears not to change, or things on built-in monitor do not move. Entered mons -e right on built-in screen. Entered mons on each screen to ensure that choice of monitor does not influence output
Mode: extend 1: HDMI-1 (enabled) 2: eDP-1-1 (enabled)
ln -s /sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl1/brightness bcklt
nvim bcklt
"Change the value"
"Esc" ":w!" "mod+Shift+q"