July 02
Checked libmcp2221 i2c functions limit on writing (60 bytes max, not an issue for our purposes)
Incorporated libmcp2221 i2c functions into self-defined MCP2221A library.
[MCP2221A library] Completed proxy functions to substitute I2C devices. Tested writing dummy I2C packets into text files.
[PCA9685 library] Incorporated MCP2221A functions for I2C protocols.
[IO library] Re-structured input (UI) and output (text file output) into IO module.
- Test functions from top level. Note for self: need to deal with functions reporting errors now for lack of hardware.
- Implement [PCA9685] functions: global restart (reset?), write to all mode, sleep mode.
July 07
- Checked libmcp2221 library: not fully implemented, poor completion and hard to test.
- Read MCP2221 dll User guide.
- Implement into MCP class
July 09
- Implemented MCP2221 dll proprietary library. (Not tested as to many errors and cannot compile)
- Integrated modules such that program can compile without errors, using proxy functions.
- The MCP2221 dll library takes care of the I2C bus specifics, i.e. to write to a slave, one simply invoke:
Mcp2221_I2cWrite(void* handle, unsigned int bytesToWrite, unsigned char slaveAddress, unsigned char use7bitAddress, unsigned char* i2cTxData)
- Therefore, current code does not concern the various commands. Proxy I2C function writes to a text file with slave address / reg/ reg data/ ....
- More test cases, esp. edge cases
- error checking/ guarding
- PWM with different delay scenarios
- Restart (write to all 0)
July 10
Re-structured code such that now we have 4 core master functions:
int PCA_master_init(int numDevices);
Called at beginning, return array of (numDevices) PCA structsint PCA_master_writePWM(writePWM_state mode);
Asks for input and set specific device/channel/PWM
Two modes: BATCH (writes to all registers according to array)
SINGLE (writes to specific device/channels without changing existing modes)int PCA_master_restart();
Reset all values to 0.int PCA_master_getState();
Prints out all active channels information from each device.
: functions are now in categories:- Master functions (
): master functions called by the top level UI. Usually passed in array of 7 drivers (PCA structs), has control over 7 drivers. - PCA driver functions (
): driver-functions, only has knowledge of single driver. - I2C and register level functions: takes care of I2C, writing to registers, and proxy for writing to registers in the absence of driver hardware to test with. Users should change the functions here should a different I2C driver be used.
- Auxiliary functions: Miscellaneous functions.
- Master functions (
- More test cases, esp. edge cases
- error checking/ guarding
- PWM with different delay scenarios
July 13
- Compiled and tested Top level functions with valgrind. Code is working
- More test cases, esp. edge cases
- error checking/ guarding
- PWM with different delay scenarios
July 14
- Implemented error checking for top master functions. Tested.
- Program now asks if user is finished configuring after each input. Allows for multi-channel configuration in SINGLE mode.
- Edge cases
- Different PWM delay
- Check the remaining three function groups.
- Complete documentation.
July 15
- Revised and fixed MCP I2C writing. Matched proxy I2C write arguments with real i2c functions.
- PWM convert: Added support for cases when off occurs before on in a period.
- Current implementation sets delay to be 10% in-function.
- Tested output commands in proxy, confirmed same output as per the PCA9685 datasheet (page 16, LED Output and PWM control)
- Tested writing to edge devices and channels (device 1 and 7, channel 1 and 16)
- Check whether need to add support to ask for delay, or is delay always 0. (Would this create a RS latch metastable effect? check)
- Current restart is implemented by manually writing 0s. Confirm whether this works, and necessity to use designated pins for global control.
- (Potential) Support configuration of different delays from UI.
July 20
- Added define statement for LUT (PCA programmable address)
- TODO: Add PCA_full_ON (100%) case
July 21
- Added FULL on case and verified with proxy
July 22
- Started Doxygen comment in PCA9685.h
Aug 11
- Completed PCA9685 comments
- Added read from file for address table.
- Documentation for io
- Parametrize file names