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Vim Configuration Guide

For simplicity: just place the .vimrc in the ~/.

Configuring .vimrc

One can configure the relevant vim plugins by specifying in the ~/.vimrc file. This is extremely helpful as one can just source this .vimrc file to customize the VIM text editor. Here I will go through the less obvious configuration commands.

Vim plugin manager

I use the plug-in manager vim-plug.

  1. The installation can be done entirely in .vimrc with the following code:

     if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
       silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
       autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC
  2. Quick start: :PlugStatus shows current plugins; :PlugInstall installs the plugins as per specified in .vimrc; :Plugclean un-installs plugins deleted in .vimrc

  3. Adding plug-ins go in between: call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') and call plug#end()

My Plugins

  1. Nerd Tree (Plug 'preservim/nerdtree')
    Quick start: I have re-mapped the toggle command (:NerdTreeToggle to ctrl-f. This toggles the menu on the side displaying the file structures of the current directory.

  2. Latex-suite for Vim (vim-latex/vim-latex).\ Quick start:

    • to compile- \ll; to open up pdf- \lv.
    • help function: :h latex-suite.txt

    Important: For OS, I use the Skim Pdf reader: let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'open -a Skim' For Linux, I use Zathura: let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'zathura'

  3. Ultisnip- Snippet Managers ('SirVer/ultisnips')
    Quick start: to configure specific snippets, launch :UltiSnipsEdit when the relavent file (e.g. .py, .tex) is opened.

  4. Vim-markdown preview(Plug 'JamshedVesuna/vim-markdown-preview')
    Prerequisites: install grip (Github flavoured Markdown)
    Quick Start: to launch markdown preview.

  5. Gruvbox theme (Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'): Use gruvbox theme in vi.

External Software

  1. Ctags: Downloaded Exuberant ctags (see :h ctags for more information)
    Quick start: In terminal, run 'ctags -R .' to generate tags. This generates a link across files on definitions. One can use CTRL-] to jump to the declaration of a function in the source file.

Vim Quick Notes:

Vim Patterns

  1. The Set pattern: using :set to control specfic functions:

    1. set foo: "enable the option (foo)
    2. set nofoo: "disable it
    3. set foo!: "toggle the option
    4. set foo?:"get option's current value


    1. Display line number: :set number; :set nonumber to turn off.

Vim Commands

  1. Enable spell check: :setlocal spell spelllang=en_us; to disable: :set nospell
  2. Find a file: :find myfile.extension
  3. Leave current session: ctrl-z; re-open at terminal: fg
  4. Re-use last visual select: gv
  5. Copy to system clip board: "*y
  6. Toggle case of character under cursor pr all visually-selected characters: ~
  7. ctrl-O to jump back to the previous (older) location. ctrl-I (same as Tab) to jump forward to the next (newer) location.
  8. Go to definition in same file: gd