Need to create the MSIX first
- Update the version number in corgo.toml
- Update the version number in AAI
- x64
- cargo build --release
- set x64 in AAI and build MSIX
- x86
- rustup run stable-i686-pc-windows-msvc cargo build --release
- set x86 in AAI and build MSIX
- To run locally you might need to create a new cert and set it.
- Remember that the packager takes the release not debug target
- Remember to build both x86 and x64 versions
Bundle up the files to github and label the release
- Drag the two MSIX and maybe two exes to the release
- Add a tag of the form v0.n.0
Submit to store
- https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/dashboard/windows/overview
- Remember to update the release notes
rustup run stable-i686-pc-windows-msvc cargo build --release
In Advanced Application Install go to Package Definitions / Builds and set to x86
On Windows, by default, Rust starts a console. If you want a Windows app put the following at the top of main.rs.
#![windows_subsystem = "windows"]
The graph rendering in Contrac is a hack. Since there are currently no easy-to-use drawing capabilties with native-windows-gui, Contrac uses a collection of small image controls to represent the bars of the graph. That said, there maybe now a graphing library. That has the potential to remove a lot of wonky code.
- Minimize and restore windows functionality that is working
- Maybe enable WS_CLIPSIBLINGS in flags for controls and enable z-ordering
- Provide more access to the nwg::win32 helper functions
- Add utility functions to edit box for scrolling