For linting styles with stylelint, we provide our custom config tailored for linaria - @linaria/stylelint
You need to install stylelint
and optionally your favorite config (such as stylelint-config-recommended
) in your project:
yarn add --dev stylelint stylelint-config-recommended
All you need to do is to set your config to extend from @linaria/stylelint
Here's the example .stylelintrc
configuration file:
"extends": [
Please refer to the official stylelint documentation for more info about configuration.
The preprocessor will use the options from the configuration file for processing your files.
Add the following to your package.json
"lint:css": "stylelint src/**/*.js"
Now, you can run yarn lint:css
to lint the CSS in your JS files with stylelint.
For more information refer to stylelint documentation.