diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index b7916ae..4c299e6 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 include DESCRIPTION.rst
-include README.md
+include README.org
 include version.py
 include setup.py
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index fd01e49..1f16645 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -21,37 +21,37 @@
 * Example Usage
   #+BEGIN_SRC python
-from vix_servo_device import VixServoDevice
-dev = VixServoDevice() # Might automatically find device if one available
-# if it is not found automatically, specify port directly
-dev = VixServoDevice(port='/dev/ttyUSB0') # Linux specific port
-dev = VixServoDevice(port='/dev/tty.usbmodem262471') # Mac OS X specific port
-dev = VixServoDevice(port='COM3') # Windows specific port
-['XS204', 'Excellence', '220.0090', 'g']
-[-0.0082, 'g'] #if weight is stable
-None  #if weight is dynamic
-[-0.6800, 'g', 'S'] #if weight is stable
-[-0.6800, 'g', 'D'] #if weight is dynamic
-True  #zeros if weight is stable
-False  #does not zero if weight is not stable
-'S'   #zeros if weight is stable
-'D'   #zeros if weight is dynamic
+    from vix_servo_device import VixServoDevice
+    dev = VixServoDevice() # Might automatically find device if one available
+    # if it is not found automatically, specify port directly
+    dev = VixServoDevice(port='/dev/ttyUSB0') # Linux specific port
+    dev = VixServoDevice(port='/dev/tty.usbmodem262471') # Mac OS X specific port
+    dev = VixServoDevice(port='COM3') # Windows specific port
+    dev.get_serial_number()
+    1126493049
+    dev.get_balance_data()
+    ['XS204', 'Excellence', '220.0090', 'g']
+    dev.get_weight_stable()
+    [-0.0082, 'g'] #if weight is stable
+    None  #if weight is dynamic
+    dev.get_weight()
+    [-0.6800, 'g', 'S'] #if weight is stable
+    [-0.6800, 'g', 'D'] #if weight is dynamic
+    dev.zero_stable()
+    True  #zeros if weight is stable
+    False  #does not zero if weight is not stable
+    dev.zero()
+    'S'   #zeros if weight is stable
+    'D'   #zeros if weight is dynamic
   #+BEGIN_SRC python
-devs = VixServoDevices()  # Might automatically find all available devices
-# if they are not found automatically, specify ports to use
-devs = VixServoDevices(use_ports=['/dev/ttyUSB0','/dev/ttyUSB1']) # Linux
-devs = VixServoDevices(use_ports=['/dev/tty.usbmodem262471','/dev/tty.usbmodem262472']) # Mac OS X
-devs = VixServoDevices(use_ports=['COM3','COM4']) # Windows
-dev = devs[0]
+    devs = VixServoDevices()  # Might automatically find all available devices
+    # if they are not found automatically, specify ports to use
+    devs = VixServoDevices(use_ports=['/dev/ttyUSB0','/dev/ttyUSB1']) # Linux
+    devs = VixServoDevices(use_ports=['/dev/tty.usbmodem262471','/dev/tty.usbmodem262472']) # Mac OS X
+    devs = VixServoDevices(use_ports=['COM3','COM4']) # Windows
+    dev = devs[0]
 * Installation
@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ dev = devs[0]
 ** Linux and Mac OS X
    #+BEGIN_SRC sh
-mkdir -p ~/virtualenvs/vix_servo_device
-virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/vix_servo_device
-source ~/virtualenvs/vix_servo_device/bin/activate
-pip install vix_servo_device
+     mkdir -p ~/virtualenvs/vix_servo_device
+     virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/vix_servo_device
+     source ~/virtualenvs/vix_servo_device/bin/activate
+     pip install vix_servo_device
 ** Windows
    #+BEGIN_SRC sh
-virtualenv C:\virtualenvs\vix_servo_device
-pip install vix_servo_device
+     virtualenv C:\virtualenvs\vix_servo_device
+     C:\virtualenvs\vix_servo_device\Scripts\activate
+     pip install vix_servo_device