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A Python package for generating scrambles of various twisty puzzles, including the Rubik's cube, 4x4x4 cube, and others. Thanks to csTimer for providing the JavaScript scrambling source code around which this project is a wrapper.

Example usage

from pyTwistyScrambler import scrambler333, scrambler222, scrambler444,\
	megaminxScrambler, squareOneScrambler

# D2 L F2 L2 F2 U2 L D2 F2 L' B' U2 F2 D' F D2 B' U2 R U'

# R' F2 U2 R' U R2 F' U' F' U'

# L2 F D2 R U Fw' Uw D L F Rw D' F L2 F' Rw' F Uw B' F' L2 B' U' Rw' F B R' D U2 L2 Fw' B D' Rw' Uw' B' Fw' R2 L2 U

# R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ U R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- U' R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U' R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- U' R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- U' R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ U R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ U

# (0, -1)/(4, 1)/(-4, 5)/(0, -3)/(1, -2)/(3, 0)/(2, 0)/(0, -3)/(4, -3)/(0, -4)/(2, 0)/(5, -2)/(4, 0)

What scrambles can be generated?

3x3x3 (Rubik's cube)

In scrambler333 module:

  • get_WCA_scramble() random state scramble (WCA)
  • get_3BLD_scramble() BLD scramble
  • get_edges_scramble() edges-only
  • get_corners_scramble() corners-only
  • get_LL_scramble() LL (last layer)
  • get_F2L_scramble() F2L (first two layers)
  • get_easy_cross_scramble(n=4) easy cross (where cross can be solved in n moves)
  • get_LSLL_scramble() LSLL
  • get_ZBLL_scramble() ZBLL
  • get_ZZLL_scramble() ZZLL
  • get_ZBLS_scramble() ZBLS
  • get_LSE_scramble() LSE
  • get_CMLL_scramble() CMLL
  • get_CLL_scramble() CLL
  • get_ELL_scramble() ELL
  • get_EOLine_scramble() EO Line
  • get_2genRU_scramble() 2-gen with RU moves
  • get_2genLU_scramble() 2-gen with LU moves
  • get_2genMU_scramble() 2-gen with MU moves
  • get_3genFRU_scramble() 3-gen with FRU moves
  • get_3genRUL_scramble() 3-gen with RUL moves
  • get_3genRrU_scramble() 3-gen with RrU moves
  • get_half_turns_scramble() half-turns only


In scrambler222 module:

  • get_WCA_scramble() random scramble (WCA)
  • get_optimal_scramble() optimal random state scramble


In scrambler444 module:

  • get_WCA_scramble(n=40) random scramble (WCA) of length n
  • get_4BLD_scramble(n=40) alias of get_WCA_scramble
  • get_SiGN_scramble(n=40) SiGN-notation scramble of length n
  • get_random_state_scramble() random state scramble (note: this is slow)
  • get_edges_scramble(n=8) edges scramble


In scrambler555 module:

  • get_WCA_scramble(n=60) random scramble (WCA) of length n
  • get_5BLD_scramble(n=60) alias of get_WCA_scramble
  • get_SiGN_scramble(n=60) SiGN-notation scramble of length n
  • get_edges_scramble(n=8) edges scramble


In scrambler666 module:

  • get_WCA_scramble(n=80) random scramble (WCA) of length n
  • get_SiGN_scramble(n=80) SiGN-notation scramble of length n
  • get_edges_scramble(n=8) edges scramble


In scrambler777 module:

  • get_WCA_scramble(n=100) random scramble (WCA) of length n
  • get_SiGN_scramble(n=100) SiGN-notation scramble of length n
  • get_edges_scramble(n=8) edges scramble


In pyraminxScrambler module:

  • get_WCA_scramble() random scramble (WCA)
  • get_optimal_scramble() optimal random state scramble


In megaminxScrambler module:

  • get_WCA_scramble(n=70) random scramble (WCA) of length n
  • get_Carrot_scramble(n=70) Carrot-notation scramble of length n
  • get_old_style_scramble(n=70) old-style scramble of length n


In squareOneScrambler module:

  • get_WCA_scramble() random scramble (WCA)
  • get_face_turn_metric_scramble(n=40) face-turn metric scramble of length n
  • get_twist_metric_scramble(n=20) twist metric scramble of length n


In skewbScrambler module:

  • get_WCA_scramble() random scramble (WCA)
  • get_ULRB_scramble() ULRB scramble


In cuboidsScrambler module:

  • get_1x1x2_scramble() 1x1x2 cuboid scramble
  • get_1x3x3_scramble() 1x3x3 cuboid (floppy cube) scramble
  • get_floppy_cube_scramble() alias of get_1x3x3_scramble()
  • get_super_floppy_cube_scramble() 1x3x3 cuboid (super floppy cube) scramble
  • get_2x2x3_scramble() 2x2x3 cuboid scramble
  • get_3x3x2_scramble() 3x3x2 cuboid scramble
  • get_3x3x4_scramble() 3x3x4 cuboid scramble
  • get_3x3x5_scramble(n=25) 3x3x5 cuboid scramble, where n is the length of the non-3x3 portion of the scramble
  • get_3x3x6_scramble() 3x3x6 cuboid scramble
  • get_3x3x7_scramble(n=40) 3x3x7 cuboid scramble, where n is the length of the non-3x3 portion of the scramble


In clockScrambler module:

  • get_WCA_scramble() Clock scramble (WCA notation)
  • get_Jaap_scramble() Clock scramble (Jaap notation)
  • get_concise_scramble() Clock scramble (concise notation)
  • get_efficient_pin_order_scramble() Clock scramble (efficient pin order notation)

Big cubes

In bigCubesScrambler module:

  • get_8x8x8_scrambler(n=120) 8x8x8 scramble (SiGN notation) of length n
  • get_9x9x9_scrambler(n=120) 9x9x9 scramble (SiGN notation) of length n
  • get_10x10x10_scrambler(n=120) 10x10x10 scramble (SiGN notation) of length n
  • get_11x11x11_scrambler(n=120) 11x11x11 scramble (SiGN notation) of length n