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136 lines (103 loc) · 4.29 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (103 loc) · 4.29 KB


%pantheon is an Urbit app which allows hosting, curation, and discovery of arbitrary files, using the IPFS-based service Slate as a method of interacting with the 30GB of free IPFS-based storage provided via Slate and all of its associated metadata. To enable file sharing and discovery across the network, %pantheon performs gossip-based metadata propagation and provides associated search features. The application is implemented with a standard Gall agent back-end and a React/Tailwind CSS front-end.


%pantheon demo


While technically an optional dependency, the %pals app should be installed with %pantheon to access the latter's complete functionality. Consequently, the installation instructions below detail how to install each of these apps.

Grid GUI (Recommended)

Within your Urbit ship's web interface, navigate to the home screen (i.e. /apps/grid/) and do the following:

  1. In the search bar, type in: ~dister-dister-sidnym-ladrut.
  2. Click on ~sidnym^ladrut. img
  3. Under apps distributed by ~sidnym^ladrut, click on 'Pantheon.' img
  4. Press the 'Get App' button. After installation, the app tile should appear.

To install %pals, type ~paldev into the search bar and repeat steps 2-4 with ~paldev instead of ~sidnym^ladrut.

Dojo CLI

Within your Urbit ship's command-line interface, enter the following command(s):

> |install ~paldev %pals
> |install ~dister-dister-sidnym-ladrut %pantheon


For development, we recommend creating a fake ~zod and deploying the repo's /desk subdirectory to this ship's %pantheon desk. We reference the following paths in the workflows below:

$ export PANTHEON_UI=/path/to/pantheon/ui/
$ export PANTHEON_DESK=/path/to/pantheon/desk/
$ export FAKEZOD_DESK=/path/to/zod/pantheon/

First-time Setup

The following commands should be executed after each fresh clone of the project to set up the Vite and the UI development environment:

$ npm install
$ echo "VITE_SHIP_URL=" >> .env.local

Subsequently, run the following commands to create a new fake ~zod and create a container desk %pantheon:

$ cd $FAKEZOD_DESK/../../
$ urbit -F zod -B $(([ -f urbit-v1.17.pill ] || curl -LO && echo "urbit-v1.17.pill")
> |merge %pantheon our %base
> |mount %pantheon
$ rm -rI $FAKEZOD_DESK/*
$ rsync -uLrvP ./ $FAKEZOD_DESK/
> |commit %pantheon
> |install our %pantheon

Development Workflows

Back-end Workflows

In order to test back-end code changes, run the following commands:

> |nuke %pantheon-agent
$ rsync -uLrvP ./ $FAKEZOD_DESK/
> |commit %pantheon
> |revive %pantheon

Front-end Workflows

In order to test front-end code changes, run the following commands (these only need to be run once per development session; Vite hot swaps assets when changes are saved):

$ npm run dev

Also, be sure to authenticate via both the NPM web portal (default: localhost:3000) and the development ship's web portal (fake ~zod default: localhost:8080).

Deployment Workflow

In order to test the web package deployment process for the current front-end build, run the following commands:

$ npm run build
$ rsync -avL --delete ./dist/ $FAKEZOD_DESK/pantheon/
> |commit %pantheon
> -garden!make-glob %pantheon /pantheon
$ cd $FAKEZOD_DESK/../.urb/put
$ sed -r "s/(glob-http\+\[).*(\])/\1\'http:\/\/\/$(ls | grep glob)\' $(ls | grep glob | sed -r 's/glob-(.*)\.glob/\1/g')\2/g" -i ../../pantheon/desk.docket-0
$ python3 -m http.server 8000
> |commit %pantheon