Releases: ipkpjersi/ArigatouAnimeTracker
-Added up/down arrow for anime list sorting
-Added delete sort orders button
-Added sort order to JSON exports
-Fixed user profile errors display and moved delete sort order button option
-Fixed useranimelist v2 overflow-x on desktop
-Fixed resizing useranimelist v2 not displaying mobile scrollbar
-Fixed column reordering and number in list display in useranimelist v2
-Fixed show anime list number logic and fixed useranimelist v2 default datatables sort order
-Fixed anime notes always showing publicly
-Added more descriptions for backups
-Properly handle empty anime descriptions
-Fixed not updating newly empty descriptions for full updates
-Added ability to hide anime list publicly
-Improved anime import logging
-Updated offline DB and images to Jan 29
-Added latest offline DB JSON
-Added latest image zips
-Moved duplicate checker command to app namespace
-Renamed anime duplicate checker command
-Fixed additional data downloading
-Improved exception logging
-Updated additional anime data SQL
-Added forceDownload and skipBackup to import anime data
-Added more logging to anime import service json importer
-Changed daily log retention to 365 days
-Added command to download and import anime data
-Added row numbers to user anime lists
-Added full-update for Anime JSON import to DB
-Fixed image downloads breaking
-Fixed image download count
-Fixed image downloaded count
-Added custom backup command print
-Added notes to import and export user anime lists
-Fixed MAL export format
-Added display_in_list to anime user JSON export/import