Kubo ships with built-in support for denylist format from IPIP-383.
Official Kubo build does not ship with any denylists enabled by default.
Content blocking is an opt-in decision made by the operator of ipfs daemon
Place a *.deny
file in one of directories:
is not set)$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ipfs/denylists/
is not set)/etc/ipfs/denylists/
Files need to be present before starting the ipfs daemon
in order to be watched for any new updates
appended once started. Any other changes (such as removal of entries, prepending of entries, or
insertion of new entries before the EOF at time of daemon starting) will not be detected or processed
after boot; a restart of the daemon will be required for them to be factored in.
If an entire new denylist file is added, ipfs daemon
also needs to be restarted to track it.
CLI and Gateway users will receive errors in response to request impacted by a blocklist:
Error: /ipfs/QmQvjk82hPkSaZsyJ8vNER5cmzKW7HyGX5XVusK7EAenCN is blocked and cannot be provided
End user is not informed about the exact reason, see How to debug if you need to find out which line of which denylist caused the request to be blocked.
NOpfs supports the format from IPIP-383.
Clear-text rules are simple: just put content paths to block, one per line. Paths with unicode and whitespace need to be percent-encoded:
Sensitive content paths can be double-hashed to block without revealing them. Double-hashed list example: https://badbits.dwebops.pub/badbits.deny
See IPIP-383 for detailed format specification and more examples.
environment variable to true
and restart the daemon.
Debug logging of nopfs
subsystem can be enabled with GOLOG_LOG_LEVEL="nopfs=debug"
All block events are logged as warnings on a separate level named nopfs-blocks
To only log requests for blocked content set GOLOG_LOG_LEVEL="nopfs-blocks=warn"
WARN (...) QmRFniDxwxoG2n4AcnGhRdjqDjCM5YeUcBE75K8WXmioH3: blocked (test.deny:9)