- (pdbjjens) Updated dependencies
- (pdbjjens) New: Use adapter-dev instead of gulp translate
- (pdbjjens) Fix: error handling for serial connections
- Updated dependencies
- Compatibility check for js-controller 4.0
- Support for js-controller 1.x dropped
- Update dependencies
- Changed allowed range of temperature values to include the error values for short circuit and open circuit
- Dropped node.js 10 support, added node.js 14 and 16 support
- Fixes for supporting js-controller >=3.2.x
- (grizzelbee) Fix: config page shows current settings now (not default anymore)
- (grizzelbee) Fix: "Connected" state is updated correctly now if connection is disrupted.
- (grizzelbee) New: Added Badge for latest(npm) version to readme
- (grizzelbee) Fix: removed default password from config to ensure it's encrypted on first config
- (grizzelbee) Fix: removed Force-ReInit
- (grizzelbee) Fix: sensor maintenance indicators are booleans now
- (grizzelbee) New: added activity indicator states for relays
- (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent warnings regarding non-existent objects upon adapter instance creation and start-up with js-controller 3.2.x
- (pdbjjens) Fix: updated dependencies and vulnerabilities
- (pdbjjens) alpha 6 release updated dependencies
- (pdbjjens) alpha 5 release improved type and role mapping of adapter values
- (pdbjjens) alpha 4 release updated dependency on resol-vbus library to 0.21.0
- (pdbjjens) alpha 3 release tested with DL3 over local LAN and VBus.net and DeltaSol SLT (0x1001) incl. HQM (0x1011)
- (pdbjjens) alpha 2 release tested with VBus/LAN, KM2, VBus.net and DeltaSol E (0x7721 & 0x7722), DeltaSol M (0x7311 & 0x716), DeltaSol CS Plus (0x2211), Oventrop RQXXL (0x7541)
- (pdbjjens) initial release tested only with VBus/USB (Serial) and DeltaSol(R) BS2009 (0x427B)