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debug messages with

asgothian edited this page Oct 7, 2024 · 3 revisions

you can check the sended information from device

add the ieee number in to (like a4c138af98263863)

open the protokoll an look for ELEVATED messages. There are 4 messages:

zigbee.0 | 2024-08-16 15:44:13.883 | warn | ELEVATED publishToState: value generated '102' from device xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for 'Link quality'
zigbee.0 | 2024-08-16 15:44:13.883 | warn | ELEVATED publishToState: message received '{"linkquality":102}' from device xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx type 'TYZGTH1CH-D1RF'

These 2 messages are generated when the device reports a value. The first message should be a "message received" message, which contains the payload received from the zigbee-herdsman. The second message "value generated" is generated from the data received from the zigbee-herdsman-converters for the respective device and shows which value is written into which DP

zigbee.0 | 2024-08-16 15:44:01.535 | warn | ELEVATED Change state 'device_query' at device 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx type 'TYZGTH1CH-D1RF'
zigbee.0 | 2024-08-16 15:44:01.488 | warn | ELEVATED: User stateChange zigbee.0.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.device_query {"val":true,"ack":false,"ts":1723815841482,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1723460722570}

These two messages are generated when the "user" changes a value. This can come from a script, another adapter, a visualisation or directly from the user by editing the DP in the object tree. The first message is the "Change state" message. It shows which DP on which device of which type was changed. The second message is the stateChange message, which shows the zigbee payload sent to the zigbee-herdsman-converters to be sent to the device.