Releases: ioBroker/ioBroker.matter
Releases · ioBroker/ioBroker.matter
Release v0.4.3
- (@bluefox) Optimized UI%0A* (@Apollon77) Allows to turn light on/off via the dimming level as Zigbee adapter does%0A* (@Apollon77) Detects Switch changes via event which should be more reliable%0A* (@Apollon77) Optimizes some Node information
Release v0.4.2
- (@Apollon77) Added SmokeCO2Alarm -> FireAlarm to Controller device types%0A* (@Apollon77) Detects BLE only QR codes and respond with error message%0A* (@Apollon77) For Dimming and Color changes direct the device to execute the changes also when device is off
Release v0.4.1
- (@bluefox) Optimized UI%0A* (@Apollon77) Improved handling for Power Source cluster on root endpoint%0A* (@Apollon77) Changed Identify handling - Light will be turned on/off, others just logged
Release v0.4.0
- (@Apollon77) "SET" states are no longer updated when Actual states are present and get updated!%0A* (@Apollon77) Initializes states also with "ack=false" states because better than no initial values%0A* (@Apollon77) Added Device support for Window Coverings (Blinds, Blindbuttons), Color Lights (Cie, Hie, Rgb, Rgbw, RgbSingle, RgbwSingle) and Thermostats%0A* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to track state values also when disabled and update state to Matter when enabled again%0A* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to also subscribe to write-only states for controller cases%0A* (@Apollon77) Only exposes remaining battery percentage attribute when value is present%0A* (@Apollon77) Corrected error display and pushing to UI in case of initialization errors of bridged devices%0A* (@Apollon77) Added RSSI value also for Thread devices%0A* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things
Release v0.3.7
- (@GermanBluefox) Showed the device name in paring dialog%0A* (@GermanBluefox/Apollon77) Adjusts connection type icons%0A* (@Apollon77) Optimized the discovery dialog handling%0A* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat for Controller to update temperatures%0A* (@Apollon77) Gives Energy sensors a dedicated icon%0A* (@Apollon77) Optimized an fixed multiple things
Release v0.3.6
- (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors%0A* (@GermanBluefox/@Apollon77) Added possibility to enable/disable controlled nodes%0A* (@Apollon77) Added Information on battery and rssi for DM tile%0A* (@Apollon77) Added controller support for Color Lights, Speaker, Thermostats and Window coverings%0A* (@Apollon77) Optimized an fixed multiple things
Release v0.3.5
- (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors%0A* (@GermanBluefox) Added
Controller fabric label
to configuration%0A* (@GermanBluefox) Added solution for QR-Code scanning on non HTTPS pages%0A* (@Apollon77) Fixed Generic Switch Device type for controller%0A* (@Apollon77) Fixed Controller BLE initialization and activation%0A* (@Apollon77) Added serialNumber to all devices and bridges for better device re-detection by controllers
Release v0.3.4
- (@Apollon77) Updates matter.js to address several issues%0A* (@bluefox) Optimized UI
Release v0.3.3
- (@Apollon77) Allows to trigger commands via matter also when state already matches the value%0A* (@Apollon77) Sets and updates the fabric label for paired devices (default is "ioBroker matter.X")%0A* (@Apollon77) Detects state deletion for ioBroker devices and updates device in UI to show device state%0A* (@Apollon77) Several optimizations on commissioning%0A* (@Apollon77) Do not show commissioning QR codes in ioBroker log%0A* (@Apollon77) Use Fabric label to try to detect if ioBroker is the controller%0A* (@Apollon77) Fixes displaying error details for devices and bridges%0A* (@Apollon77) Fixes the device and type detection logic
Release v0.3.2
- (@Apollon77) Fixes several discovery issues