diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7ecb0ce7d..1a08d1d53 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ Project content: ## TODO - [ ] Do not translate development documentation. By some flag or path +- [ ] Create the index file for meilisearch +- [ ] Use https://www.meilisearch.com/docs/learn/self_hosted/getting_started_with_self_hosted_meilisearch for search ## How to create the documentation See [how to participate](https://www.iobroker.net/#de/documentation/community/styleguidedoc.md) @@ -37,5 +39,5 @@ Read the change log [here](CHANGELOG.md). The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 bluefox Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..025bd4154 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". 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Der Assistent kann verwendet werden, um mit Ihrem ioBroker-System zu interagieren, zeitbasierte Anweisungen und triggerbasierte Anweisungen festzulegen und benutzerdefinierte Funktionen aufzurufen. Der Assistent kann mit verschiedenen Sprachmodellen verschiedener Anbieter (z. B. OpenAI, Anthropic, Perplexity, OpenRouter) oder benutzerdefinierten/selbstgehosteten Modellen konfiguriert werden. Der Assistent kann verwendet werden, um Aufgaben zu automatisieren, Ihr Smart Home zu steuern oder Informationen bereitzustellen. + +## Merkmale +- Personalisieren Sie den Namen und die Persönlichkeit Ihres Assistenten +- Auflisten, Lesen und Schreiben von ioBroker-Zuständen +- Legen Sie Timeouts und Cronjobs fest, um zeitbasierte Anweisungen auszuführen +- Setzen Sie Trigger für ioBroker-Zustände mit Bedingungen, die Anweisungen ausführen, wenn die Bedingungen erfüllt sind +- Definieren Sie benutzerdefinierte Funktionen mit Ihren eigenen Daten und Ihrer eigenen Logik + +## Unterstützte Anbieter +- **Anthropisch**: [anthropic.com](https://anthropic.com) +- **OpenAI**: [openai.com](https://openai.com) +- **Perplexity**: [perplexity.ai](https://perplexity.ai) +- **OpenRouter**: [openrouter.ai](https://openrouter.ai) +- **Deepseek**: [deepseek.com](http://deepseek.com/) +- **Benutzerdefinierte/selbstgehostete Modelle** (z. B. LM Studio, LocalAI) + +--- + +## Schnellstart +1. Installieren Sie den Adapter. +2. Richten Sie einen Anbieter ein (z. B. OpenAI, Anthropic, Perplexity, OpenRouter) und erhalten Sie ein API-Token. +3. Konfigurieren Sie den Adapter mit dem API-Token. +4. Wählen Sie das Modell aus, das Sie für den Assistenten verwenden möchten. +5. Fügen Sie unter der Registerkarte „Objekte“ einige ioBroker-Zustände hinzu, die dem Assistenten zur Verfügung stehen. +6. Beginnen Sie mit der Kommunikation mit Ihrem Assistenten, indem Sie Textanfragen an den Status „text_request“ des Assistenten senden und Antworten vom Status „text_response“ erhalten. + +--- + +## Getestete Modelle +Die folgenden Modelle wurden mit dem Adapter getestet und funktionieren nachweislich gut: + +- Claude 3.5 Sonett (Anthropisch) +- gpt-4o-mini (OpenAI) +- meta-llama/llama-3.3-70b-instruct (OpenRouter) +- Deepseek/Deepseek-Chat (OpenRouter) +- x-ai/grok-beta (OpenRouter) +- Ratlosigkeit/Llama-3.1-Sonar-Huge-128k-Online (Ratlosigkeit) +- Perplexität/Llama-3.1-Sonar-large-128k-online (Perplexität) + +--- + +## Konfiguration +### Assistent +Richten Sie Ihren Assistenten mit den folgenden Einstellungen ein: + +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **Name** | Der Name Ihres Assistenten. | +| **Modell** | Wählen Sie das LLM-Modell aus, das Ihr Assistent verwenden soll (konfiguriert unter Anbieter). | +| **Persönlichkeit** | Beschreiben Sie die Persönlichkeit Ihres Assistenten. | +| **Sprache** | Wählen Sie die Sprache aus, die Ihr Assistent verwenden soll (derzeit werden nur Englisch/Deutsch unterstützt) | +| **Debug-/CoT-Ausgabe** | Wenn aktiv, werden die internen Gedanken und Prozesse, die der Assistent verwendet, in den Status „text_response“ geschrieben. | +| **Nachrichtenverlauf** | Vorherige Nachrichten einschließen (für chatbot-ähnliches Verhalten). Für Tools zur einmaligen Verwendung auf 0 setzen, um die Token-Nutzung zu minimieren. | +| **Temperatur** | Steuert die Kreativität/Konsistenz der Reaktion. | +| **Max. Tokens** | Begrenzt die Anzahl der Antworttoken. | +| **Wiederholungsverzögerung** | Verzögerung zwischen Wiederholungsversuchen, wenn die Anforderung fehlschlägt | +| **Maximale Wiederholungsversuche** | Maximale Anzahl an Wiederholungsversuchen pro Anfrage. | + +--- + +### Objekte +### WARNUNG: Seien Sie vorsichtig mit den Zuständen, zu denen Sie dem Assistenten Zugriff gewähren, da er alle Zustände, zu denen er Zugriff hat, lesen und schreiben kann. +Richten Sie die ioBrokers-Objekte und -Status ein, auf die der Assistent Zugriff haben soll. + +**HINWEIS: Achten Sie beim Importieren oder Hinzufügen von Objekten darauf, nur Datenpunkte vom Typ „Zustand“ hinzuzufügen, die direkt gesteuert werden können oder einen auszulesenden Wert enthalten!** + +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +| -------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **Import aus Enum.Rooms** | Importiert alle Deine Zustände aus der enum.rooms-Sortierung in ioBroker. (Überschreibt alle vorher gesetzten Objekte!) | +| **Sortieren** | Alle Objekte mit gleichem Sortierfeld werden dem Assistenten in einer Gruppe (z.B. einem Raum) präsentiert | +| **Name** | Verwenden Sie einen beschreibenden Namen, damit der Assistent die Funktion der Objekte versteht | +| **Objekt** | Die ID des ioBroker-Status | + +--- + +### Funktionen +Richten Sie benutzerdefinierte Funktionen ein, die dem Assistenten zur Verfügung stehen sollen. +Ihre benutzerdefinierten Funktionen müssen die Antwort auf den Status schreiben, den Sie im Feld `State (Response)` definiert haben, nachdem `State (Request)` geschrieben wurde. +Das Ergebnis kann in jedem beliebigen Format vorliegen (z. B. JSON, einfacher Text), stellen Sie nur sicher, dass der Assistent es verstehen kann. +Tipp: Sie können [AI-Toolbox Adapter](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox) verwenden, um Ihren Assistenten in benutzerdefinierte KI-Tools zu integrieren. + +**HINWEIS: Wenn Sie innerhalb von 60 Sekunden keine Antwort in das Feld `State (Response)` schreiben, schlägt der Funktionsaufruf fehl!** + +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| **Sortieren** | Alle Objekte mit gleichem Sortierfeld werden dem Assistenten in einer Gruppe (z.B. einem Raum) präsentiert | +| **Name** | Verwenden Sie einen beschreibenden Namen für die benutzerdefinierte Funktion | +| **Beschreibung** | Beschreiben Sie, was Ihre Funktion macht, damit der Assistent weiß, wann er sie aufrufen muss | +| **Status (Anfrage)** | Dieser Status wird vom Assistenten beim Aufruf der Funktion als String geschrieben | +| **Status (Antwort)** | Dieser Status wird vom Assistenten gelesen, um die Antwort der Funktion zu erhalten | + +--- + +### LLM-Anbieter +Konfigurieren Sie jeden KI-Anbieter einzeln: + +#### Anthropisch +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +| ------------- | ------------------------------- | +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr Anthropic API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### OpenAI +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +| ------------- | ---------------------------- | +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr OpenAI-API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### Ratlosigkeit +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +| ------------- | -------------------------------- | +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr Perplexity-API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### OpenRouter +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +| ------------- | -------------------------------- | +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr OpenRouter-API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### Brauch +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **URL des Inferenzservers** | URL des benutzerdefinierten/selbst gehosteten Inferenzservers. | +| **API-Token für Inferenzserver** | API-Token für Ihren Inferenzserver. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | +| **Hinweis** | Stellen Sie die Einhaltung gängiger AI LLM API-Standards sicher (z. B. LM Studio API). | + +--- + +## Verwendung +### Einfache Konversation +Sie können mit Ihrem Assistenten interagieren, indem Sie Textanfragen an den Status `text_request` senden und Antworten vom Status `text_response` erhalten. + +#### Funktionsaufruf +Der Assistent kann alle verfügbaren Funktionen aufrufen. Dies geschieht, indem er anhand der Textanforderung die aufzurufende Funktion ermittelt. Wenn Sie Debug/CoT-Ausgabe aktiviert haben, können Sie den internen Prozess des Assistenten im Status `text_response` sehen. + +#### Staatliche Interaktion +Der Assistent kann mehrere ioBroker-Zustände gleichzeitig auflisten, lesen und schreiben. Über die Registerkarte `Objects` können Sie festlegen, auf welche Zustände der Assistent Zugriff haben soll. + +#### Zeitbasierte Anweisungen +Der Assistent kann Timeouts für relative Zeitanweisungen und Cronjobs für bestimmte Zeiten festlegen. Cronjobs werden im Objektbaum des Assistenten unter `Cronjobs` aufgelistet. +Timeouts sind nur temporär und werden entfernt, nachdem das Timeout ausgeführt oder der Adapter neu gestartet wurde. +Wenn ein Timeout oder Cronjob ausgelöst wird, wird der Assistent aufgeweckt und die Anweisung ausgeführt. + +#### Triggerbasierte Anweisungen +Der Assistent kann Trigger für ioBroker-Zustände mit optionalen Bedingungen setzen, die Anweisungen ausführen, wenn die Bedingungen erfüllt sind. Trigger werden im Objektbaum des Assistenten unter `Triggers` aufgelistet. +Bei Triggerung wird der Assistent aufgeweckt und die Anweisung ausgeführt. + +#### Benutzerdefinierte Funktionen +Der Assistent kann benutzerdefinierte Funktionen aufrufen, die Sie im Reiter `Functions` definiert haben. Der Assistent schreibt die Anfrage in das Feld `State (Request)` und erwartet die Antwort im Feld `State (Response)`. + +#### Funktionsverkettung +Mit dem Assistenten können mehrere Funktionen miteinander verkettet werden. Sie können beispielsweise einen Cronjob einrichten, der bei Ausführung eine Überprüfung der ioBroker-Zustände startet und dann eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion mit den Ergebnissen aufruft. + +#### Chatverlauf löschen +Manchmal kann es sinnvoll sein, den Chatverlauf zurückzusetzen. Dies können Sie tun, indem Sie den Assistenten auffordern, seinen Verlauf zu löschen. Dadurch werden alle vorherigen Nachrichten aus dem Speicher des Assistenten gelöscht. (z. B. `Clear history` oder `Forget the previous messages`) + +## Weitere Informationen +### Statistiken +Für Ihren Assistenten werden Statistiken protokolliert und können im Objektbaum `Statistics` eingesehen werden. + +| **Datenpunkt** | **Beschreibung** | +| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| **.statistics.lastRequest** | Zeitstempel der letzten Anfrage. | +| **.statistics.requestCount** | Anzahl der gesendeten Anfragen an den Assistenten | +| **.statistics.messages\*** | JSON-Array des Nachrichtenverlaufs (wenn Nachrichtenverlauf > 0). | +| **.statistics.clear_messages\*** | Schaltfläche „Nachrichtenverlauf löschen“. | +| **.statistics.tokens_input** | Gesamtzahl der verwendeten Eingabetoken. | +| **.statistics.tokens_output** | Insgesamt verwendete Ausgabetoken. | + +## Entwicklung +Dieser Adapter befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung und kann Fehler enthalten. Bitte melden Sie alle Probleme, auf die Sie stoßen. + +### Debuggen +Stellen Sie die Protokollebene in der ioBroker-Administratoroberfläche auf `debug` ein, um detaillierte Protokolle zu erhalten. + +## Changelog + + +### 0.1.3 (2025-29-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for Deepseek as api provider +* (@ToGe3688) Better display of providers in model selection for admin config +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed object hirarchy +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed state roles +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed onStateChange handler + +### 0.1.2 (2025-12-01) +- (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs +- (@ToGe3688) Anthropic API Versioning + +### 0.1.1 (2025-12-01) + +- (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs + +### 0.1.0 (2025-04-01) + +- (@ToGe3688) Beta Release + +### 0.0.3 (2024-31-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) Improved handling of malformed model responses +- (@ToGe3688) Fixed a bug where the names of the states were not provided to the assistant + +### 0.0.2 (2024-30-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) Fixed Bug in OpenAI Provider + +### 0.0.1 (2024-30-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) initial release + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 ToGe3688 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c029e49e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53c41f6d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,627 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md +title: ioBroker.ai-Toolbox +hash: vOxR/4rmRRntCesgYd30u23JYfx6PH6vqQBJ27eopnk= +--- +![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png) + +![NPM-Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.ai-toolbox.svg) +![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.ai-toolbox.svg) +![Anzahl der Installationen](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-toolbox-installed.svg) +![Aktuelle Version im stabilen Repository](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-toolbox-stable.svg) +![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.ai-toolbox.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.ai-Toolbox +**Tests:** ![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Übersicht +Der ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter integriert anpassbare KI-Tools in Ihr Smart Home. Er unterstützt mehrere Large Language Model (LLM)-Anbieter und bietet ein flexibles Framework für Automatisierung und Interaktion. Durch die Kombination von Daten von Smart-Home-Geräten mit KI-Funktionen kann der ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter hochgradig personalisierte und nützliche Tools für Ihre Haushaltsautomatisierungsaufgaben und die Interaktion mit LLM-Modellen erstellen. + +## Merkmale +- Unterstützung mehrerer KI-Anbieter und -Modelle. +- Erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte KI-Tools für bestimmte Aufgaben +- Chatverlaufsverwaltung zur Kontextbeibehaltung. +- Statistiken zur Token-Nutzung und zum Anforderungsverlauf. +- Vision-Funktionen zur Bildanalyse. + +## Unterstützte Anbieter +- **Anthropisch**: [anthropic.com](https://anthropic.com) +- **OpenAI**: [openai.com](https://openai.com) +- **Perplexity**: [perplexity.ai](https://perplexity.ai) +- **OpenRouter**: [openrouter.ai](https://openrouter.ai) (Kostenlose Nutzungsmodelle für Einsteiger) +- **Deepseek**: [deepseek.com](http://deepseek.com/) +- **Benutzerdefinierte/selbstgehostete Modelle** (z. B. LM Studio, LocalAI) + +--- + +## Schnellstart +1. Installieren Sie den Adapter. +2. Konto erstellen und API-Token von openrouter.ai erhalten +3. Konfigurieren Sie den Adapter mit dem API-Token. +4. Die bei der Installation erstellten Beispieltools verwenden das freie Modell meta-llama/llama-3.2-3b-instruct:free für OpenRouter. +5. Senden Sie eine Nachricht mit dem Datenpunkt .text_request an das Tool und überprüfen Sie .text_response auf die Antwort. + +Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei den kostenlosen Modellen manchmal lange auf die erste Antwort gewartet werden muss, sie überlastet sein können oder andere Einschränkungen haben. Die Modelle unterscheiden sich auch in Qualität und Funktionen. Achten Sie darauf, das richtige Modell für Ihren Anwendungsfall auszuwählen. + +**Auch wenn diese Readme-Datei auf Englisch verfasst ist, sind die meisten Modelle mehrsprachig. Versuchen Sie einfach, Ihre Tools in Ihrer Muttersprache zu schreiben, um das gewünschte Ergebnis zu erhalten!** + +--- + +## Konfiguration +### Werkzeuge +Definieren Sie benutzerdefinierte KI-Tools, die auf bestimmte Aufgaben zugeschnitten sind: + +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +|-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **Name** | Der Name des Werkzeugs. | +| **Modell** | Wählen Sie das LLM-Modell aus (unter Anbietern konfiguriert). | +| **Systemaufforderung** | Geben Sie detaillierte Informationen zur Beschreibung des Tools an. | +| **Beispielanfrage** | (Optional) Eine Beispielanfrage. | +| **Beispielantwort** | (Erforderlich, wenn eine Beispielanfrage bereitgestellt wird) Die ideale Antwort. | +| **Nachrichtenverlauf** | Vorherige Nachrichten einschließen (für chatbot-ähnliches Verhalten). Für Tools zur einmaligen Verwendung auf 0 setzen, um die Token-Nutzung zu minimieren. | +| **Temperatur** | Steuert die Kreativität/Konsistenz der Reaktion. | +| **Max. Tokens** | Begrenzt die Anzahl der Antworttoken. | +| **Wiederholungsverzögerung** | Verzögerung zwischen Wiederholungsversuchen, wenn die Anforderung fehlschlägt | +| **Maximale Wiederholungsversuche** | Maximale Anzahl an Wiederholungsversuchen pro Anfrage. | +| **Vision-/Bildanforderungen aktivieren** | Vision-/Bildeingabe aktivieren. | +| **Vision-Anfragen in Chatverlauf einschließen** | Vision-/Bilddaten in Chatverlauf einschließen | + +--- + +### LLM-Anbieter +Konfigurieren Sie jeden KI-Anbieter einzeln: + +#### Anthropisch +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr Anthropic API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### OpenAI +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr OpenAI-API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### Ratlosigkeit +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr Perplexity-API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### OpenRouter +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr OpenRouter-API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### Tiefensuche +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-Token** | Geben Sie Ihr Deepseek-API-Token ein. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | + +#### Brauch +| **Einstellung** | **Beschreibung** | +|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **URL des Inferenzservers** | URL des benutzerdefinierten/selbst gehosteten Inferenzservers. | +| **API-Token für Inferenzserver** | API-Token für Ihren Inferenzserver. | +| **Modelle** | Geben Sie die zu verwendenden Modelle an. | +| **Hinweis** | Stellen Sie die Einhaltung gängiger AI LLM API-Standards sicher (z. B. LM Studio API). | + +--- + +## Verwenden Sie Ihre Werkzeuge +### Objektinteraktion +Jedes Tool wird im ioBroker-Objektbaum angezeigt. Verwenden Sie `Tools.$YourToolName.text_request`, um Anfragen zu senden, und `Tools.$YourToolName.text_response`, um Antworten abzurufen. + +#### Vision-/Bildanfragen +Wenn Sie Bild-/Bildanfragen aktiviert haben, können Sie mit `Tools.$YourToolName.image_url` eine Bild-URL oder einen lokalen Dateipfad für die Analyse durch das Tool festlegen. Das Bild wird in die Anfrage aufgenommen, wenn Sie den Status des Datenpunkts `Tools.$YourToolName.text_request` festlegen. + +Hinweis: Sie können eine lokale URL (z. B. in Ihrem lokalen Netzwerk oder einen Dateipfad (wo ioBroker die Berechtigung zum Lesen der Dateien hat, z. B. /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg) verwenden. Der Adapter konvertiert das Bild in eine Base64-Zeichenfolge und fügt es in die Anforderung ein. + +## Skriptintegration (`sendTo`) +Sie können programmgesteuert mit der Funktion `sendTo` interagieren: + +#### Textanfragen +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +#### Vision/Bildanfragen mit URL +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +#### Vision/Image-Anfragen mit lokaler Datei +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': '/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +### Modelle ohne Werkzeuge verwenden +### Objektinteraktion +Jedes definierte Modell erscheint auch im ioBroker-Objektbaum. Verwenden Sie `Models.$ModelName.text_request`, um Anfragen zu senden, und `Models.$ModelName.text_response`, um Antworten abzurufen. Mit der Skriptintegration können Sie noch kreativere Integrationen erstellen, zum Beispiel eine dynamische Systemabfrage. + +## Skriptintegration (`sendTo`) +Sie können programmgesteuert mit der Funktion `sendTo` interagieren: + +#### Textanfragen +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to' +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +#### Vision/Bildanfragen mit URL +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +#### Vision/Image-Anfragen mit lokaler Datei +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': '/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +--- + +## Weitere Informationen +### Statistiken +Für Ihre erstellten Tools und auch für die Modelle werden Statistiken erstellt, sodass Sie die Token-Nutzung und andere Daten verfolgen können. + +| **Datenpunkt** | **Beschreibung** | +|-----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **.statistics.lastRequest** | Zeitstempel der letzten Anfrage. | + +| **.statistics.messages*** | JSON-Array des Nachrichtenverlaufs (wenn Nachrichtenverlauf > 0). +| **.statistics.clear_messages***| Schaltfläche „Nachrichtenverlauf löschen“. + +| **.statistics.tokens_input**| Gesamtzahl der verwendeten Eingabetoken. | +| **.statistics.tokens_output**| Insgesamt verwendete Ausgabetoken. | + + `* only available for tools, models don't have a message history` + +### Anfrage +| **Datenpunkt** | **Beschreibung** | +|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------| +| **.request.body** | Anforderungstext an die API gesendet. | +| **.request.state** | Aktueller Status der Anfrage. (Start, Erfolg, Wiederholung, Fehler, Fehlgeschlagen) | + +### Antwort +| **Datenpunkt** | **Beschreibung** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| **.request.error** | Wird ausgefüllt, wenn ein Fehler auftritt. | +| **.request.raw** | Rohe JSON-Antwort vom Modell. | + +--- + +## Beispiele +Die folgenden Beispiele zeigen, wie Sie benutzerdefinierte KI-Tools im ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter konfigurieren und verwenden. Diese Beispiele zeigen, wie der Adapter Daten nutzen kann, um intelligente Antworten und Empfehlungen bereitzustellen. + +--- + +### Beispiel 1: Einfacher Chatbot +**Beschreibung:** Ein einfacher Chatbot, der auf Benutzernachrichten in einer gesprächigen und freundlichen Art und Weise antwortet. Dies kann für ein zwangloses Chat-Erlebnis verwendet werden. + +- **Name:** `simple-chatbot` + +- **Systemeingabeaufforderung:** + +`"You are a friendly and conversational chatbot. Respond to user messages in an engaging and cheerful way. Keep your answers brief and focus on maintaining a pleasant tone."` + +- **Beispielanfrage:** + +`"Hi there! How are you today?"` + +- **Beispielantwort:** + +`"I'm doing great, thanks for asking! How about you?"` + +- **Nachrichtenverlauf:** „10“ (Ermöglicht dem Chatbot, sich den Kontext der Konversation für bis zu 10 Nachrichten zu merken, für einen natürlicheren Ablauf.) + +- **Temperatur:** „0,8“ (Fördert Kreativität und sorgt dafür, dass die Antworten relevant und freundlich bleiben.) + +---------- + +### Beispielanfragen und -antworten +| **Anfrage** | **Antwort** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| `What's your favorite color?` | `I love blue! It reminds me of the sky.` | +| `Tell me something interesting.` | `Did you know that octopuses have three hearts? Cool, right?` | +| „Erzähl mir etwas Interessantes.“ | „Wussten Sie, dass Kraken drei Herzen haben? Cool, oder?“ | + +---------- + +### Beispiel für eine Skriptintegration +Um dieses Tool programmgesteuert in ioBroker zu verwenden, können Sie es über die Funktion `sendTo` integrieren: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'simple-chatbot', + text: 'Hi, chatbot! How’s it going?', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the chatbot's response +}); + +``` + +### Beispiel 2: Vision / Bildanalysator +**Beschreibung:** Ein multimodales Tool, das Bilder analysiert und detaillierte Beschreibungen oder Erkenntnisse basierend auf dem visuellen Inhalt liefert. Das Tool kann Objekte, Szenen und andere visuelle Elemente im Bild identifizieren. + +- **Name:** `Vision-Analyzer` + +- **Systemeingabeaufforderung:** + +`"You are a vision assistant. Analyze the provided image and generate a detailed description or insights based on the visual content. Your responses should be informative and engaging, focusing on key elements and context in the image."` + +- **Beispielanfrage:** + +`"What do you see in this image?"` + +- **Beispielantwort:** + +`"This image shows a tall, columnar evergreen tree growing in a black nursery pot or container. It appears to be a cypress or juniper variety, with dense, dark green foliage that grows in a narrow, upright pyramidal shape. These types of trees are popular for landscaping, especially in formal gardens or as accent plants, and they can also be used to create natural privacy screens when planted in rows."` + +- **Nachrichtenverlauf:** `6` (Behält den Kontext für verwandte Fragen zur Bildanalyse bei.) + +- **Temperatur:** „0,6“ (Gleichgewichtet Kreativität und Relevanz für abwechslungsreiche Antworten.) + +- **Vision-/Bildanforderungen aktivieren** „true“ (Aktiviert das Tool, Bild-URLs zur Analyse zu akzeptieren.) + +- **Vision-Anfragen in den Chatverlauf einschließen** „true“ (Fügt Bild-URLs in den Chatverlauf ein, damit der Kontext erhalten bleibt.) + +---------- + +### Beispiel für eine Skriptintegration +Um dieses Tool programmgesteuert in ioBroker zu verwenden, können Sie es über die Funktion `sendTo` integrieren: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'vision-analyzer', + text: 'What do you see in this image?', + image_url: 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg' +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the chatbot's response +}); + +``` + +### Beispiel 3: Benutzerdefinierter Wetterreporter +**Beschreibung:** Ein Chatbot, der personalisierte Wetterberichte basierend auf den bereitgestellten Eingabedaten wie Standort, Temperatur und Wetterbedingungen generiert. Die Antworten sind ansprechend und auf den Benutzer zugeschnitten. + +- **Name:** `Wetterreporter` + +- **Systemeingabeaufforderung:** + +`"You are a weather reporter chatbot. Based on the input data, generate a detailed and engaging weather report. Your response should include a friendly greeting, a brief overview of the current conditions, and a suggestion for the day. Keep your tone cheerful and informative."` + +- **Beispielanfrage:** + +`"Current datetime 12/7/2024, 12:00:01 PM. Weatherdata: Temperature 7°C, Humidity 87%, Cloudcover 93%, Airpressure 997mbar, Wind 23kmh, Rain 0mm."` + +- **Beispielantwort:** + +`Hello there! 🌤️ Happy December 7th! As we step into the afternoon, the weather is quite cool at a temperature of 7°C. With a humidity level of 87%, it feels a bit damp out there, so don’t forget to grab your favorite cozy sweater if you’re heading outside! Cloud cover is fairly high today, sitting at 93%, which gives the sky a soft, overcast appearance. The air pressure is at 997 mbar, and while there’s a moderate wind blowing at 23 km/h, it might feel a tad brisk, so a light jacket would be a good call. The good news is that we haven’t seen any rain today, so if you’re planning to venture out, it’s a great time for a stroll or perhaps a warm drink at your favorite café! Stay warm and enjoy your day! ☕🌧️` + +- **Nachrichtenverlauf:** `5` (Ermöglicht die kurzfristige Beibehaltung des Kontexts für zugehörige Folgefragen.) + +- **Temperatur:** „0,7“ (Sorgt für eine Mischung aus Kreativität und Relevanz für abwechslungsreiche Berichte.) + +---------- + +### Beispiel für eine Skriptintegration +Um dieses Tool programmgesteuert in ioBroker zu verwenden, können Sie es über die Funktion `sendTo` integrieren: + +```javascript +var day = new Date().toLocaleString(); +var cloudCover = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.clouds_value').val; +var rlf = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.humidity_value').val; +var pressure = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.pressure_value').val; +var rain = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.rain_value').val; +var temp = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.temp_value').val; +var wind = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.wind_value').val; + +var message = 'Current datetime ' + day + '. Weatherdata: Temperature ' + temp + '°C, ' + 'Humidity ' + rlf + '%, ' + 'Cloudcover ' + cloudCover + '%, ' + 'Airpressure ' + pressure + 'mbar, ' + 'Wind ' + wind + 'kmh, ' + 'Rain ' + rain + 'mm. '; + +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'weather-reporter', + 'text': message, +}, async (result) => { + log(result); +}); + +``` + +### Beispiel 4: Musikvorschlags-Assistent +**Beschreibung:** Empfiehlt Musikwiedergabelisten basierend auf dem aktuellen Wetter und der Tageszeit. Kann mit einem intelligenten Lautsprecher wie Alexa oder Google Home verwendet werden. + +- **Name:** `Musik-Empfehlung` +- **Systemeingabeaufforderung:** + +`"You are a music assistant. Based on the current weather and time of day, suggest a playlist or genre that matches the mood. Use concise and creative recommendations. You answer only with your suggestion and nothing else."` + +- **Beispielanfrage:** + +`"Current Time 24th December 2024 17:30. Outside Temperature: 10°C."` + +- **Beispielantwort:** + +`"Christmas Music"` + +- **Nachrichtenverlauf:** `7` (Wir verwenden den Wert 7, da wir dieses Beispieltool einmal am Tag auslösen und nicht möchten, dass es seine Antworten wiederholt. Mit dieser Einstellung sieht es, was es in den letzten 7 Antworten auf unsere Anfragen vorgeschlagen hat.) +- **Temperatur:** „0,7“ (gleicht Kreativität und Relevanz aus) + +**Beispiele für eine Anfrage und Antwort an dieses Tool könnten so aussehen:** + +| **Anfrage** | **Antwort** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| `Current time 3rd June 2024 16:00. Outside Temperature: 31°C` | `Latin Summer Music` | +| `Current time 11th November 2024 12:00. Outside Temperature: 15°C` | `Acoustic Guitar Music` | +| `Aktuelle Zeit 11. November 2024 12:00. Außentemperatur: 15°C` | `Akustische Gitarrenmusik` | + +--- + +### Beispiel 5: Lichteinstellungsempfehlung +**Beschreibung:** Empfiehlt RGB-Lichteinstellungen basierend auf der Stimmung und dem Genre der aktuell gespielten Musik. Das Tool analysiert die Eigenschaften der Musik (z. B. Tempo, Stimmung) und schlägt geeignete Lichtfarben für fünf RGB-Lichter vor. Gibt JSON mit RGB-Hex-Werten für jedes Licht aus. + +- **Name:** `Lichtsetzer` + +- **Systemeingabeaufforderung:** + +`"You are a smart home assistant. Based on the characteristics of the currently playing music, recommend RGB hex color values for five different lights to create an immersive atmosphere. Respond only with a JSON object containing the RGB hex values for each light."` + +- **Beispielanfrage:** + +``` +Faithless - Insomnia +``` + +- **Beispielantwort:** + +```json +{ + "light1": "#FF4500", + "light2": "#FFA500", + "light3": "#FFFF00", + "light4": "#ADFF2F", + "light5": "#00FF00" +} +``` + +- **Nachrichtenverlauf:** `0` (Einmalverwendungstool zur Minimierung der Token-Nutzung.) + +- **Temperatur:** „0,6“ (Gleichgewicht zwischen Kreativität und Beständigkeit.) + +--- + +### Beispielanfragen und -antworten +| **Anfrage** | **Antwort** | +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| `The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | +| `Mozart - Eine kleine Nachtmusik` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | +| „Mozart – Eine kleine Nachtmusik“ | `{ „light1“: „#FFD700“, „light2“: „#FFA500“, „light3“: „#FF8C00“, „light4“: „#FF4500“, „light5“: „#FF0000“ }` | + +--- + +### Beispiel für eine Skriptintegration +Um dieses Tool programmgesteuert in ioBroker zu verwenden, können Sie es über die Funktion `sendTo` integrieren: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'light-setter', + text: 'Faithless - Insomnia', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the recommended RGB hex values for the lights +}); +``` + +--- + +## Best Practices: Maximieren Sie das Potenzial Ihrer KI-Tools +Damit Sie den ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter und seine Tools optimal nutzen können, finden Sie hier einige Best Practices, Tipps und Tricks: + +#### **1. Wichtige Konzepte verstehen** +- **Systemeingabeaufforderung**: + +Die Systemaufforderung definiert das Verhalten und den Stil Ihres KI-Tools. Betrachten Sie sie als die „Persönlichkeit“ oder „Richtlinien“ für das Tool. Eine Systemaufforderung für einen Wetterbot könnte beispielsweise lauten: `"You are a cheerful weather assistant. Provide detailed weather forecasts in a friendly tone."` + +- **Temperatur**: + +Mit dieser Einstellung können Sie festlegen, wie „kreativ“ die Antworten sind. Niedrigere Werte (z. B. 0,2) machen das Tool sachlicher und deterministischer, während höhere Werte (z. B. 0,8) abwechslungsreichere und kreativere Ergebnisse ermöglichen. + +- **Maximale Anzahl Token**: + +Steuert die Länge der Antworten. Stellen Sie den Wert hoch für ausführliche Antworten und niedrig für präzise Ergebnisse ein. + +- **Nachrichtenverlauf**: + +Auf diese Weise können Tools den Kontext beibehalten, um die Konversationskontinuität zu gewährleisten. Verwenden Sie einen höheren Wert (z. B. 10) für Chatbots und einen niedrigeren Wert (z. B. 0) für einmalige Antworten, um Token zu sparen. + +---------- + +#### **2. Erstellen Sie klare und spezifische Tools** +- Verwenden Sie **spezifische Systemaufforderungen**, die auf den Zweck des Tools zugeschnitten sind. Eine gut gestaltete Systemaufforderung gewährleistet fokussierte und relevante Ergebnisse. +- Geben Sie **Beispielanfragen und -antworten** an, um klare Erwartungen an das Modell zu setzen. Dies trägt zu konsistentem Verhalten und besserem Verständnis bei. + +---------- + +#### **3. Konfigurieren Sie KI-Anbieter sorgfältig** +Jeder Anbieter bietet einzigartige Stärken. Wählen Sie das Modell, das zu Ihrem Anwendungsfall passt, und experimentieren Sie mit verschiedenen Optionen, um die optimale Lösung zu finden. + +---------- + +#### **4. Leistung und Kosten ins Gleichgewicht bringen** +- Beginnen Sie mit **kostenlosen Modellen** wie „meta-llama“ über OpenRouter, um Ideen zu testen, bevor Sie auf leistungsstärkere kostenpflichtige Optionen umsteigen. +- Verwenden Sie **Token-Statistiken** (verfügbar in „.statistics.tokens_input“ und „.statistics.tokens_output“), um die Nutzung zu überwachen und Toolkonfigurationen zu optimieren. + +---------- + +#### **5. Nutzen Sie dynamische und wiederverwendbare Komponenten** +- **Dynamische Systemaufforderungen**: Passen Sie die Eingabeaufforderungen anhand von Echtzeitdaten an. Rufen Sie beispielsweise Live-Wetterdaten ab, um personalisierte Prognosen zu erstellen. + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + model: 'MODEL-NAME', + system_prompt: 'Current weather in {location} is {temperature}°C. Advise suitable outdoor activities.', + text: 'What should I do today?', +}, (result) => console.info(result.text)); + +``` + +- **Skriptintegration**: Verwenden Sie JavaScript, um Parameter wie Temperatur oder Systemaufforderungen basierend auf externen Eingaben dynamisch anzupassen. + +---------- + +#### **6. Testen, optimieren und weiterentwickeln** +- Verwenden Sie Debugprotokolle, um Probleme bei der Toolleistung zu identifizieren. + +Stellen Sie die Protokollebene in der ioBroker-Administratoroberfläche auf `debug` ein. + +- Experimentieren Sie mit **verschiedenen Systemaufforderungen, Temperatureinstellungen und Token-Limits**, um das Verhalten zu optimieren. + +---------- + +#### **7. Bauen Sie modulare Lösungen** +- Teilen Sie komplexe Aufgaben in kleinere, wiederverwendbare Tools auf. Verwenden Sie beispielsweise ein Tool zum Analysieren von Daten und ein anderes zum Erstellen von Berichten. Kombinieren Sie diese in Ihren Skripten für leistungsstarke Workflows. + +---------- + +#### **8. Nachrichtenverlauf verwalten** +- Behalten Sie bei chatbasierten Tools eine überschaubare Verlaufslänge bei, um Kontext ohne übermäßige Token-Nutzung bereitzustellen. + +---------- + +#### **9. Verwenden Sie JSON-Ausgaben zur Automatisierung** +Konfigurieren Sie für in Smart Homes oder Skripte integrierte Tools das Antwortformat in JSON, indem Sie die Beispielantwort in dem Format angeben, das Sie erhalten möchten. + +---------- + +Diese bewährten Methoden, kombiniert mit Experimenten und iterativer Verbesserung, stellen sicher, dass Ihre KI-Tools aussagekräftige und zuverlässige Ergebnisse liefern, die auf Ihre Smart-Home-Umgebung zugeschnitten sind. + +## Entwicklung +### Debuggen +Stellen Sie die Protokollebene in der ioBroker-Administratoroberfläche auf `debug` ein, um detaillierte Protokolle zu erhalten. + +## Changelog + +### 0.1.3 (2025-29-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for Deepseek as api provider +* (@ToGe3688) Better display of providers in model selection for admin config +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed object hirarchy +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed state roles +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed onStateChange handler + +### 0.1.2 (2025-12-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs +* (@ToGe3688) Added Anthropic API Versioning + +### 0.1.1 (2025-05-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added timeouts for api providers + +### 0.1.0 (2025-04-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Beta Release + +### 0.0.7 (2024-27-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added translations, updated Readme, changed image fetch method to axios + +### 0.0.6 (2024-26-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for local files for image analysis + +### 0.0.4 (2024-26-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added vision capabilities for tools + +### 0.0.3 (2024-25-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed a bug with the OpenAI API Provider + +### 0.0.2 (2024-07-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added direct model requests, moved tools to separate objects, added statistics and request history + +### 0.0.1 (2024-05-12) +* (@ToGe3688) initial release + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 ToGe3688 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..687aa5135 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md index 914eb5ea1..feab20896 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md @@ -2,106 +2,269 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md -title: ioBroker Asterisk VoIP Adapter -hash: H+/GtnFRdWUaR0uoJ4mzoeBUIoXKSQKmphpnfeqpC/0= +title: ioBroker Asterisk VoIP-Adapter +hash: /epcTbsSNLXOiJlMxorB29LVQBYTZQcPGTFvmTa/gv0= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/admin/asterisk.png) -![Travis CI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk.svg?branch=master) -![AppVeyor Build Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk?branch=master&svg=true) +![Travis CI-Build-Status](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk.svg?branch=master) +![AppVeyor-Build-Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk?branch=master&svg=true) ![Anzahl der Installationen](http://iobroker.live/badges/asterisk-stable.svg) ![NPM-Version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.asterisk.svg) ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.asterisk.svg) ![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.asterisk.png?downloads=true) -# IoBroker Asterisk VoIP Adapter -[Deutsche Anleitung](README_DE.md) +# IoBroker Asterisk VoIP-Adapter +[Deutsches Handbuch / Deutsche Anleitung](README_DE.md) -Der Asterisk-Adapter wandelt Textnachrichten in Audiodateien um und ruft dann über Asterisk per VoIP eine beliebige Telefonnummer an und spielt die Audionachricht ab. +Der Asterisk-Adapter wandelt Textnachrichten in Audiodateien um und ruft dann über Asterisk per VoIP jede gewünschte Telefonnummer an und spielt die Audionachricht ab. -## Install / Konfigurationen -Asterisk muss sich für ausgehende Gespräche mit Ihrem VoIP-Provider wie Telekom oder Vodfone oder mit Ihrer FritzBox verbinden! Bitte folgen Sie einer dieser Installationsanleitungen. +## Installieren / Konfigurationen +Asterisk muss für ausgehende Anrufe eine Verbindung zu Ihrem VoIP-Anbieter wie Telekom oder Vodfone oder zu Ihrer FritzBox herstellen! Folgen Sie dazu einer dieser Installationsanleitungen. + +### Linux-Pakete / ioBroker und Asterisk laufen auf demselben Server mit ffmpeg +```sh +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +``` + +### Linux-Pakete / ioBroker und Asterisk laufen auf demselben Server mit Sox +Falls du Probleme mit der Transkodierung mit ffmpeg hast, kannst du als Transkodierer Sox wählen. Dazu musst du folgende Pakete installieren und in der Adapterkonfiguration Sox wählen. + +```sh +sudo apt-get install lame +sudo apt-get install sox +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +``` + +### Linux-Pakete / ioBroker und Asterisk laufen auf verschiedenen Servern mit ffmpeg +```sh +# ioBroker server +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +sudo apt install openssh-client +``` + +```sh +# asterisk server +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +``` + +### Linux-Pakete / ioBroker und Asterisk laufen auf verschiedenen Servern mit Sox +Falls du Probleme mit der Transkodierung mit ffmpeg hast, kannst du als Transkodierer Sox wählen. Dazu musst du folgende Pakete installieren und in der Adapterkonfiguration Sox wählen. + +```sh +sudo apt-get install lame +sudo apt-get install sox +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +``` + +```sh +# asterisk server +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +``` + +### Asterix-Handbuch installieren +Wenn das Apt-Paket Asterisk fehlt, können Sie Asterisk manuell installieren: + +```sh +sudo apt install git vim curl wget libnewt-dev libssl-dev libncurses5-dev subversion libsqlite3-dev build-essential libjansson-dev libxml2-dev uuid-dev + +cd /usr/src/ +sudo wget https://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/old-releases/asterisk-16.30.1.tar.gz +sudo tar xvf asterisk-16*.tar.gz +cd asterisk-16*/ +sudo contrib/scripts/get_mp3_source.sh +sudo contrib/scripts/install_prereq install +sudo ./configure +sudo make menuselect + +# Choose following packages in the menu: +## Add-ons: chan_ooh323 & format_mp3 +## Core Sound Packages: Audio packets CORE-SOUNDS-EN-* +## Music On Hold: MOH-OPSOUND-WAV bis MOH-G729 +## Extra Sound: EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-WAV bis EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-G729 +## Applications: app_macro +## Exit with "Save&Exit". + +sudo make +sudo make install +sudo make progdocs # (optional documentation) +sudo make samples +sudo make config +sudo ldconfig + +sudo groupadd asterisk +sudo useradd -r -d /var/lib/asterisk -g asterisk asterisk +sudo usermod -aG audio,dialout asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/{lib,log,spool}/asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk + +# asterisk as default user for asterisk +sudo nano /etc/default/asterisk +AST_USER="asterisk" +AST_GROUP="asterisk" + +# Insert/ replae follwoing in the config file /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf +sudo nano /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf +runuser = asterisk ; The user to run as. +rungroup = asterisk ; The group to run as + +sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 5060,5061 # (optional open Firewall, if activ) + +sudo systemctl restart asterisk +sudo systemctl enable asterisk + +# Check state of asterisk +sudo systemctl status asterisk +sudo asterisk -rvv +``` + +### Konfiguration von Asterisk +Die folgenden Dokumente beschreiben detailliert, wie Asterisk konfiguriert wird. - Konfiguration [Asterisk über SIP mit der FritzBox](docs/SIP_FRITZBOX.md) (der einfachste Weg) -- Konfiguration [Sternchen über PJSIP mit der FriztBox](docs/PJSIP_FRITZBOX.md) (pjsip ist moderner als sip) -- Konfiguration [Asterisk via PJSIP mit Telekom als Provider](docs/PJSIP_TELEKOM.md) -- Konfiguration [Asterisk via PJSIP mit Sipgate als Provider](docs/PJSIP_SIPGATE.md) -- Konfiguration [ssh / scp](docs/SSH.md) (IoBroker und Sternchen laufen auf verschiedenen Servern) +- Konfiguration [Asterisk über PJSIP mit der FriztBox](docs/PJSIP_FRITZBOX.md) (pjsip ist moderner als sip) +- Konfiguration [Asterisk über PJSIP mit Telekom als Provider](docs/PJSIP_TELEKOM.md) +- Konfiguration [Asterisk über PJSIP mit Sipgate als Provider](docs/PJSIP_SIPGATE.md) -## Sternchen verwenden -### Verwenden von Asterisk mit Objekten / Zuständen zum Wählen -Die einfachste Möglichkeit, Sternchen zu verwenden, ist die Seite mit den ioBroker-Objekten. Füllen Sie dort die folgenden Werte unter dialout-Parameter: +### Konfiguration mit SSH +Wenn iobroker und Asterisk auf unterschiedlichen Benutzern installiert sind, benötigen Sie auf dem Asterisk-Server einen Benutzer mit Zugriff vom iobroker-Server, um sich per SSH anzumelden. +Der Benutzer muss über Unix-Benutzerrechte verfügen, um Dateien zu schreiben, die von Asterisk gelesen werden können. +Sie erstellen auf dem Asterisk-Server das Verzeichnis mit dem Namen, den Sie in der iobroker-Asterisk-Adapterkonfiguration konfiguriert haben, unter dem Namen _'Pfad für temporäre Audiodateien'_. Der Pfad muss für Asterisk und SSH zugänglich und autorisiert sein, da iobroker die generierte Audiodatei (Ihre Textnachricht) per SCP an den Asterisk-Server sendet und sie im 'Pfad für temporäre Audiodateien' speichert. +Danach sendet ioBroker über die AMI-API eine Nachricht an Asterisk, um die generierte und im angegebenen Pfad gespeicherte Audiodatei anzurufen und abzuspielen. -* anrufen: Taste drücken, um einen Anruf einzuleiten -* callerid: telefonnummer, die dem anrufer angezeigt wird -* dtmf: Der Aufseher drückte Zahlen auf der Tastatur -* telnr: die zu wählende Nummer -* text: der Text, der dem Aufgerufenen vorgespielt wird +![ssh](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png) + +## Verwenden von Asterisk +### Verwendung von Asterisk mit Objekten / Zuständen zum Hinauswählen +Der einfachste Weg, Asterisk zu verwenden, ist über die ioBroker-Objektseite. Geben Sie dort unter dem Dialout-Parameter die folgenden Werte ein: + +- Anruf: Drücken Sie die Taste, um einen Anruf einzuleiten +- callerid: Telefonnummer die dem Angerufenen angezeigt wird +- DTMF: Der Angerufene drückte Zahlen auf der Tastatur +- telnr: die zu wählende Nummer +- Text: der Text, der dem Angerufenen vorgespielt wird +- Sprache: Der Text wird in dieser Sprache in Audio umgewandelt ![iobroker_dialout](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_dialout.png) -### Verwenden von Asterisk mit Objekten / Zuständen für die Einwahl -Wenn Sie Ihren SIP-Provider (zum Beispiel Fritzbox, Sipgate, ...) und die Asterisk-Konfiguration so konfiguriert haben, dass Einwahlrufe zugelassen werden, können Sie folgende Parameter einstellen +### Verwendung von Asterisk mit Objekten / Zuständen zur Einwahl +Wenn Sie Ihren SIP-Provider (z.B. Fritzbox, Sipgate, ...) und die Asterisk-Konfiguration so konfiguriert haben, dass Dialin-Anrufe zugelassen werden, können Sie folgende Parameter setzen -* callerid: Telefonnummer, die Sternchen genannt hat -* dtmf: Anrufer drückten Nummern auf der Tastatur -* text: der Text, der dem Anrufer abgespielt wird +- callerid: Telefonnummer die Asteriks angerufen hat +- DTMF: Anrufer drückten Zahlen auf der Tastatur +- Text: der Text, der dem Anrufer vorgespielt wird +- Sprache: Der Text wird in dieser Sprache in Audio umgewandelt ![iobroker_dialin](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_dialin.png) -### Verwendung von Asterisk mit Javascript oder Blocky für das Wählen -Jetzt können Sie den Adapter in Ihren Javascript- oder Blocky-Programmen verwenden. +### Verwendung von Asterisk mit Javascript oder Blocky zum Hinauswählen +Jetzt können Sie den Adapter in Ihren JavaScript- oder Blockprogrammen verwenden. ```sh -var number = "040 666-7766"; -var callerid = '040 123 999'; // optional, if not set anonymous call -var msg = "Hello, this textmessage will be converted to audio"; +const number = '040 666-7766'; +const callerid = '040 123 999'; // optional, if not set anonymous call +const msg = 'Hello, this textmessage will be converted to audio'; // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play text message as audio -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, text: msg}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, text: msg}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play mp3 audio file // mp3 file has to exist on asterix server -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.mp3'}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.mp3'}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play gsm audio file // gsm file has to exist on asterix server -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.gsm'}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.gsm'}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); +}); + +// create dial in message +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { text: 'Please enter PIN after hashtag.' }, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // Show entered DTMF code -on({ id: "asterisk.0.dialin.dtmf"/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { - let dtmf = obj.state.val; - console.log("DTMF: " + dtmf); +on({ id: 'asterisk.0.dialin.dtmf'/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { + const dtmf = obj.state.val; + console.log(`DTMF: ${dtmf}`); }); // Show entered DTMF code -on({ id: "asterisk.0.dialout.dtmf"/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { - let dtmf = obj.state.val; - console.log("DTMF: " + dtmf); +on({ id: 'asterisk.0.dialout.dtmf'/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { + const dtmf = obj.state.val; + console.log(`DTMF: ${dtmf}`); }); ``` -> In der Anweisung sendTo dial können Sie folgende Parameter verwenden:> - **Sprache:** Sprachannahme für Text to Speech (tts). (Erlaubte Werte: 'DE', 'EN', ... Die Standardsprache ist die ioBroker-Systemsprache.)> - **Wiederholung:** Wie oft soll die Audionachricht wiederholt werden (zulässige Werte 1 bis n, Standardeinstellung 5)> - **Priorität:** Wenn Sie parallel viele Send-To-Dial-Anweisungen senden, werden die Nachrichten mit der niedrigsten Priorität zuerst gesendet (zulässige Werte 1 bis n, Standardeinstellung 1) audio> - **timeout:** Timeout in Millisekunden, bis die Verbindung hergestellt wird (Standardeinstellung 60000 ms)> - **async:** Ermöglicht das Generieren mehrerer Anrufe, ohne auf eine Antwort zu warten (zulässige Werte: false / true , default false)> - **audiofile:** wenn Sie den Textparameter verwenden. Der konvertierte Text in Audio wird in einer Audiodatei gespeichert. Wenn das Audiofile vorhanden ist, wird es überschrieben. Wenn Sie den Parametertext nicht verwenden, wird das Audiofile abgespielt. -> - **callerid:** Definiert die Kennung (Ihre Absendertelefonnummer). Wenn die Anrufer-ID fehlt, ist die übermittelte Telefonnummer anonym +> Sie können die folgenden Parameter in der sendTo-Wählanweisung verwenden: > > - **language:** Sprache für die Text-to-Speech-Funktion (tts). (erlaubte Werte: 'DE', 'EN', ... Standard ist die ioBroker-Systemsprache) > - **repeat:** wie oft soll die Audionachricht wiederholt werden (erlaubte Werte 1 bis n, Standard 5) > - **priority:** wenn Sie viele sendTo-Wählanweisungen parallel senden, werden die Nachrichten mit der niedrigsten Priorität zuerst gesendet (erlaubte Werte 1 bis n, Standard 1) > - **text:** Textnachricht, die als Audio gesendet wird > - **timeout:** Timeout in Millisekunden beim Warten auf den Verbindungsaufbau (Standard 60000 ms) > - **async:** Ermöglicht das Generieren mehrerer Anrufe, ohne auf eine Antwort zu warten (erlaubte Werte: false/true, Standard false) > - **audiofile:** wenn Sie den Textparameter verwenden. Der in Audio umgewandelte Text wird in einer Audiodatei gespeichert. Wenn die Audiodatei vorhanden ist, wird sie überschrieben. Wenn Sie den Parameter Text nicht verwenden, wird die Audiodatei abgespielt. +> - **callerid:** Definiert die Kennung (Ihre Absenderrufnummer). Wenn die Callerid fehlt, wird die übertragene Rufnummer anonym sein. > - **telnr:** Zu wählende Rufnummer. ## Probleme lösen -Wenn Sie Probleme mit Sternchen haben, können Sie versuchen, in den Protokolldateien unter / var / log / asterisk etwas zu finden. Nachdem Sie Sternchen gestartet haben, können Sie Sternchen mit Sternchen -rvvvvvv in der Befehls-Shell zum Debuggen aufrufen. Nachdem Sie asterisk -rvvvvvv gestartet haben, können Sie einen Anruf über Iobroker initiieren und sehen, was passiert. +Wenn Sie Probleme mit Asterisk haben, können Sie versuchen, etwas in den Protokolldateien unter /var/log/asterisk zu finden. Nachdem Sie Asterisk gestartet haben, können Sie Asterisk mit asterisk -rvvvvvv auf der Kommandozeile zum Debuggen aufrufen. Nachdem Sie asterisk -rvvvvvv gestartet haben, können Sie einen Aufruf von iobroker initialisieren und sehen, was passiert. ## Changelog +### 2.0.2 (2025-02-01) + +- (Stübi) Add Create Directory +- (Stübi) Add translation for configuration +- (Stübi) Bugfixing + +### 2.0.1 (2025-01-24) -[Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) +- (Stübi) Fix error by using asterisk and iobroker on the same server +- (Stübi) Add action command for send messages +- (Stübi) Add dial in command for send messages +- (Stübi) Add create butteon for create dial in file + +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-24) + +- (Stübi) Redesign of Asterisk +- (Stübi) Switching from Javascript to Typescript +- (Stübi) Nodes 20 and 22 are now supported +- (Stübi) js controllers in versions 6 and 7 are supported +- (Stübi) Attention: Passwords must be re-entered from this version! +- (Stübi) Language object added +- (Stübi) Revision of the reconnect if Asterisk is restarted once +- (Stübi) Fixing errors from repository checker (Issue #51) +- (Stübi) Add documentation how to install asterisk manual (Issue #33) + +### 1.0.6 ((2019-02-27) + +- (Stübi) Update documentation and templates +- (Stübi) Asterisk adapter can create now asterisk configuration files. You have to rename and move them afterwards to the /etc/asterisk directory +- (Stübi) a new documentation for using Sipgate as provide. +- (Stübi) Now you can call internal fritzbox numbers. You must change your extensions.ael if you install the version 1.0.4! (replace **10 => { ... }** with **\_. => { ... }**) +- (Stübi) You can install asterisk on a different server and use scp to transfer audio files from ioBroker to asterisk. +- (Stübi) You can use the service PJSIP instead of SIP now. +- (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +- (Stübi) Calling without extension, if you do not use the fritzbox for example (leave sip.conf username in adapter config empty) +- (Stübi) Instead of ffmpeg you can use now sox too +- (Stübi) Update with languages +- (Stübi) Add Callerid to dialin states +- (Stübi) A lot of new features. Now you can call ioBroker / Asterisk by telephone number and enter a DTMF Code. +- (Stübi) You can enter a DTMF Code if you get called by ioBroker / Asterisk +- (Stübi) Bugfixing and password will be saved encrypted and text message size can be unlimited +- (Stübi) First Version ## License + The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thorsten Stueben / +Copyright (c) 2025 Thorsten Stueben / Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb3cb1fe4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.awtrix-light/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.awtrix-light/README.md index c7c4613ca..fa7ced90b 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.awtrix-light/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.awtrix-light/README.md @@ -201,8 +201,14 @@ Um die Standard-Apps auf dem Gerät zu verstecken (wie die Temperatur oder die L --> ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@klein0r) Improved error handling when adapter is not ready (starting) + +### 1.6.0 (2025-01-27) + Updated recommended firmware version to 0.98 +* (@klein0r) Updated dependencies + ### 1.5.0 (2025-01-07) Updated recommended firmware version to 0.97 @@ -221,11 +227,6 @@ NodeJS >= 20.x and js-controller >= 6 is required * (@klein0r) Added sentry plugin for error reporting -### 1.2.1 (2024-06-07) - -* (klein0r) Fixed Blockly definitions (removed warnings) -* (klein0r) Updated dependencies - ## License MIT License diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.bring/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.bring/README.md index 9a7f18c62..151d0085b 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.bring/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.bring/README.md @@ -213,6 +213,9 @@ Für jede Einkaufsliste wird ein Channel mit den folgenden Objekten angelegt: Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 1.9.1 (2025-01-21) +* (@foxriver76) fixed issue on token expiration + ### 1.9.0 (2024-11-27) * (@foxriver76) updated `bring-shopping` module (get rid of deprecated `request` module) * (@foxriver76) dropped support for Node.js 16 (it is EOL) @@ -365,7 +368,7 @@ Für jede Einkaufsliste wird ein Channel mit den folgenden Objekten angelegt: ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Moritz Heusinger +Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Moritz Heusinger Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md index 7673cb603..149ebed77 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md title: ioBroker.cameras -hash: NPJWIxTiBGQ6PHXsp4RvPCmVXZFyLGCAGL6gB0i0zwo= +hash: dZX3hFUGrq1Y8V1kpiebGfWcc/EzvTPUzfh6XSKvtmM= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/admin/cameras.png) @@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ hash: NPJWIxTiBGQ6PHXsp4RvPCmVXZFyLGCAGL6gB0i0zwo= ![Travis-CI](http://img.shields.io/travis/ioBroker/ioBroker.cameras/master.svg) # IoBroker.cameras -## IP-Kameras-Adapter für ioBroker -Sie können Ihre Web-/IP-Kameras in VIS und andere Visualisierungen integrieren. +## IP-Kamera-Adapter für ioBroker +Sie können Ihre Web-/IP-Kameras in Vis und andere Visualisierungen integrieren. Wenn Sie eine Kamera mit dem Namen `cam1` konfigurieren, ist sie auf dem Webserver unter `http(s)://iobroker-IP:8082/cameras.0/cam1` verfügbar. Zusätzlich kann das Bild per Nachricht angefordert werden: -``` +```js sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { name: 'cam1', width: 100, // optional height: 50, // optional - angle: 90 // optional + angle: 90, // optional noCache: true // optional, if you want to get the image not from cache }, result => { const img = 'data:' + result.contentType + ';base64,' + result.data; @@ -34,52 +34,88 @@ sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { }); ``` -Das Ergebnis liegt immer im Format `jpg` vor. +Das Ergebnis ist immer im Format `jpg`. Unterstützte Kameras: -- Reolink E1 Pro über RTSP (wichtig, ohne „Pro“ geht es nicht) -- Eufy über Eusec-Adapter -- [HiKam](https://support.hikam.de/support/solutions/articles/16000070656-zugriff-auf-kameras-der-2-generation-via-onvif-f%C3%BCr-s6-q8-a7 -2-Generation-) der zweiten und dritten Generation über ONVIF (für S6, Q8, A7 2. Generation), A7 Pro, A9 +- „Reolink E1 Pro“ über RTSP (wichtig, ohne „Pro“ geht es nicht) +- „Eufy“ über eusec-Adapter +- [HiKam](https://support.hikam.de/support/solutions/articles/16000070656-zugriff-auf-kameras-der-2-generation-via-onvif-f%C3%BCr-s6-q8-a7-2-generation-) der zweiten und dritten Generation über ONVIF (für S6, Q8, A7 2. Generation), A7 Pro, A9 - [WIWICam M1 über HiKam-Adapter](https://www.wiwacam.com/de/mw1-minikamera-kurzanleitung-und-faq/) -- RTSP Native – wenn Ihre Kamera das RTSP-Protokoll unterstützt -- Screenshots über HTTP-URL – wenn Sie den Schnappschuss von Ihrer Kamera über die URL erhalten können +- RTSP Native - wenn Ihre Kamera das RTSP-Protokoll unterstützt +- Screenshots per HTTP-URL - wenn Sie den Schnappschuss per URL von Ihrer Kamera abrufen können ### URL-Bild -Dies ist eine normale URL-Anfrage, bei der alle Parameter in der URL enthalten sind. Gefällt mir `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` +Dies ist eine normale URL-Anfrage, bei der alle Parameter in der URL enthalten sind. Wie `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` ### URL-Bild mit Basisauthentifizierung -Dies ist eine URL-Anfrage für ein Bild, bei der alle Parameter in der URL enthalten sind, Sie jedoch die Anmeldeinformationen für die Basisauthentifizierung angeben können. Gefällt mir `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` +Dies ist eine URL-Anforderung für ein Bild, bei der alle Parameter in der URL enthalten sind, Sie aber die Anmeldeinformationen für die grundlegende Authentifizierung angeben können. Wie `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` ### FFmpeg Wenn Sie auf Schnappschüsse von RTSP-Kameras zugreifen möchten, können Sie ffmpeg verwenden. Sie müssen ffmpeg auf Ihrem System installieren: -- Windows hat ffmpeg vorkompiliert und es ist nicht erforderlich, etwas herunterzuladen. (Die Windows-Version stammt von hier: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-essentials.7z) +- Windows hat ffmpeg vorkompiliert und es muss nichts heruntergeladen werden. (Die Windows-Version stammt von hier: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z) - Linux: `sudo apt-get install ffmpeg -y` -Hier ist ein Beispiel für das Hinzufügen von Reolink E1: +So aktualisieren Sie die Windows-Version von `ffmpeg`: + +- Datei herunterladen https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z +- Extrahieren Sie „bin/ffmpeg.exe“ +- Benennen Sie „ffmpeg.exe“ in „win-ffmpeg.exe“ um. +- Zip-Datei von `win-ffmpeg.exe` nach `win-ffmpeg.zip` +- Platzieren Sie `win-ffmpeg.zip` im Stammverzeichnis dieses Repositorys +– Führen Sie „win-ffmpeg.exe --version“ aus, um die Version abzurufen und sie in der Konstante „WIN_FFMPEG_VERSION“ in „main.ts“ zu speichern (wie „2025-02-02-git-957eb2323a-full_build-www.gyan.dev“) + +Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie man Reolink E1 hinzufügt: ![rtsp](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/img/rtsp.png) +### Ezviz - So aktivieren Sie RTSP für EZVIZ-Kameras erneut +Aus irgendeinem Grund hat EZVIZ beschlossen, RTSP für seine Kameras zu deaktivieren: + +- Öffnen Sie die EZVIZ-App und gehen Sie zu: Profil / Einstellungen / Lan Live View +- Starten Sie den Scanvorgang und wählen Sie dann die Kamera aus: +- Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Kamerakennwort an (das Standardkennwort befindet sich auf dem Kameraaufkleber) +- Drücken Sie das Symbol „Einstellungen“ und wählen Sie „Lokale Diensteinstellungen“ +- RTSP aktivieren + ## So fügen Sie eine neue Kamera hinzu (Für Entwickler) -Um eine neue Kamera hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie einen Pull Request auf GitHub mit den folgenden Änderungen erstellen: +Um eine neue Kamera hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie auf GitHub einen Pull Request mit den folgenden Änderungen erstellen: -- Fügen Sie eine neue Datei zum Ordner „Kameras“ hinzu. Dies ist ein Backend zum Auslesen des einzelnen Bildes von der Kamera. -- Fügen Sie die GUI-Datei im Ordner „src/src/Types/“ hinzu. Dies ist der Konfigurationsdialog für die Kamera -- Fügen Sie diesen Dialog in der Datei „src/src/Tabs/Cameras.js“ hinzu, analog zum Hinzufügen anderer Kameras. Es sollten nur zwei Zeilen hinzugefügt werden: - - Importieren Sie einen neuen Konfigurationsdialog wie „import RTSPMyCamConfig from '../Types/RTSPMyCam';“. - - Erweitern Sie die `TYPES`-Struktur mit der neuen Kamera wie `mycam: { Config: RTSPMyCamConfig, name: 'MyCam' },` +- Fügen Sie dem Ordner „cameras“ eine neue Datei hinzu. Dies ist ein Backend zum Lesen des Einzelbilds von der Kamera. +- Fügen Sie eine GUI-Datei im Ordner `src/src/Types/` hinzu. Dies ist der Konfigurationsdialog für die Kamera +- Fügen Sie diesen Dialog in der Datei `src/src/Tabs/Cameras.js` hinzu, analog zu anderen Kameras. Es müssen nur zwei Zeilen hinzugefügt werden: +- Importieren Sie einen neuen Konfigurationsdialog wie „import RTSPMyCamConfig from '../Types/RTSPMyCam';“ +- Erweitern Sie die `TYPES`-Struktur mit der neuen Kamera wie `mycam: { Config: RTSPMyCamConfig, name: 'MyCam' },` - Der Attributname muss mit dem Namen der Datei im Ordner `cameras` übereinstimmen. +Der Attributname muss mit dem Namen der Datei im Ordner `cameras` übereinstimmen. -## Machen -- [ ] Senden Sie neue Abonnementanfragen für RTSP-Kameras, wenn der Dialog geöffnet oder geschlossen wird +## Aufgaben +- [ ] Neue Abonnementanfragen für RTSP-Kameras senden, wenn der Dialog geöffnet oder geschlossen wird +### **IN ARBEIT** --> ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) Completely rewritten in TypeScript +* (@GermanBluefox) Added Ezviz cameras + +### 2.1.2 (2024-07-15) +* (bluefox) Updated packages + +### 2.1.1 (2024-07-07) +* (bluefox) Removed withStyles package + +### 2.0.8 (2024-06-09) +* (bluefox) Packages updated +* (bluefox) Allowed selecting another source (with bigger resolution) for URL cameras + +### 2.0.5 (2023-12-19) +* (bluefox) Minimal supported Node.js version is 18 +* (bluefox) Corrected widgets + ### 1.4.0 (2023-12-04) * (bluefox) Changed widget set name * (bluefox) Added the caching of images with time, size and rotation @@ -135,7 +171,7 @@ Um eine neue Kamera hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie einen Pull Request auf GitHub mit ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2020-2023 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2020-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md index 005bb2da4..939400d9f 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md -title: ioBroker-Cloud-Adapter -hash: /+c4C10rh/C8HukkAjpKMXE4p7em4UOfSyN6rvIGt64= +title: ioBroker Cloud-Adapter +hash: cVelMNaufGdss9w/JB0Gp8QrW6YDEflROWuonzeJH14= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/admin/cloud.png) @@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ hash: /+c4C10rh/C8HukkAjpKMXE4p7em4UOfSyN6rvIGt64= ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.cloud.svg) ![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.cloud.png?downloads=true) -# IoBroker-Cloud-Adapter -Dieser Adapter ermöglicht die Verbindung vom Internet über die ioBroker-Cloud zur lokalen Installation von ioBroker. +# IoBroker Cloud-Adapter +Dieser Adapter ermöglicht eine Verbindung vom Internet über die ioBroker-Cloud zur lokalen Installation von ioBroker. -**Dieser Adapter verwendet Sentry-Bibliotheken, um Ausnahmen und Codefehler automatisch an die Entwickler zu melden.** Weitere Details und Informationen zum Deaktivieren der Fehlerberichterstattung finden Sie unter [Sentry-Plugin-Dokumentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Sentry Reporting wird ab js-controller 3.0 verwendet. +**Dieser Adapter verwendet Sentry-Bibliotheken, um den Entwicklern automatisch Ausnahmen und Codefehler zu melden.** Weitere Einzelheiten und Informationen zum Deaktivieren der Fehlerberichterstattung finden Sie unter [Sentry-Plugin Dokumentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Die Sentry-Berichterstattung wird ab js-controller 3.0 verwendet. ## Einstellungen ### APP-SCHLÜSSEL -Um den Cloud-Adapter nutzen zu können, sollten Sie zunächst den APP-Key auf [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net) erhalten. +Um den Cloud-Adapter zu verwenden, sollten Sie zuerst den APP-Schlüssel auf [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net) erhalten. -Dies ist ein Anwendungsschlüssel, den der Benutzer auf der [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net)-Site erhalten kann. Bitte holen Sie sich dort den Schlüssel und geben Sie ihn hier ein. +Dies ist der Anwendungsschlüssel, den der Benutzer auf der Site [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net) erhalten kann. Bitte holen Sie sich den Schlüssel dort und geben Sie ihn hier ein. -![Einführung](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/img/intro.png) +![Einleitung](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/img/intro.png) ### Instanz -Alle Anfragen vom Cloud-Adapter werden an eine bestimmte WEB-Instanz weitergeleitet. Der Benutzer muss hier die WEB-Instanz angeben, die dem Benutzer angezeigt wird, wenn er sich auf der Website https://iobroker.net anmeldet. +Alle Anfragen vom Cloud-Adapter werden an eine bestimmte WEB-Instanz weitergeleitet. Der Benutzer muss hier die WEB-Instanz angeben; diese wird dem Benutzer angezeigt, wenn er sich bei der Site https://iobroker.net anmeldet. ### Selbstsignierte Zertifikate zulassen Wenn Sie die Standard-Cloud von iobroker.net verwenden, können Sie diese deaktivieren. Diese Option ist nur wichtig, wenn eine eigene Cloud verwendet wird. @@ -39,48 +39,52 @@ Wenn Sie die Standard-Cloud von iobroker.net verwenden, können Sie diese deakti ## Dienstleistungen Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Nachrichten an den Cloud-Adapter zu senden. -Wenn Sie `[POST]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_/` und Wert als Payload aufrufen. +Wenn Sie `[POST]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_/` aufrufen und einen Wert als Nutzlast angeben. -``` +```bash curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ ``` -Wenn Sie in den Einstellungen im Feld „Whitelist für Dienste“ den Namen *custom_test* festlegen und mit „custom_test“ als Dienstnamen aufrufen, wird der Status `cloud.0.services.custom_test` auf `myString` gesetzt. +Wenn Sie in den Einstellungen im Feld „Whitelist für Dienste“ den Namen *custom_test* einstellen, und mit „custom_test“ als Dienstnamen aufrufen, wird der Status `cloud.0.services.custom_test` auf `myString` gesetzt. -Sie können „*“ in die Whitelist schreiben und alle Dienste werden zugelassen. +Sie können "*" in die Whitelist schreiben und alle Dienste werden zugelassen. -Ab Version 2.0.5 können Sie die GET-Anfrage im Formular `[GET]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_//` verwenden, um die `\` in `cloud.0.services.custom_\` zu platzieren. +Ab Version 2.0.5 können Sie GET-Anfragen in der Form `[GET]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_//` verwenden, um `\` in `cloud.0.services.custom_\` einzufügen. -Hier finden Sie eine Anleitung zur Nutzung mit [Tasker](doc/tasker.md). +Hier finden Sie eine Anleitung zur Nutzung mit [Aufgabensteller](doc/tasker.md). Der IFTTT-Dienst ist nur zulässig, wenn der IFTTT-Schlüssel festgelegt ist. Reservierte Namen sind „ifttt“, „text2command“, „simpleApi“, „swagger“. Diese müssen ohne das Präfix `"custom_"` verwendet werden. ### Text2command -Sie können `text2command` in die Whitelist schreiben, Sie können eine POST-Anfrage an `https://iobroker.net/service/text2command/` senden, um Daten in die Variable `text2command.X.text` zu schreiben. +Sie können `text2command` in die Whitelist schreiben und eine POST-Anfrage an `https://iobroker.net/service/text2command/` senden, um Daten in die Variable `text2command.X.text` zu schreiben. -„X“ kann in den Einstellungen durch die Option „Text2command-Instanz verwenden“ definiert werden. +„X“ kann in den Einstellungen durch die Option „text2command-Instanz verwenden“ definiert werden. -### SimpleApi -Sie können die folgenden Befehle verwenden (nur Pro): +### EinfacheApi +Sie können folgende Befehle verwenden (nur Pro): -- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//get/stateID` – zum Lesen des Statuswerts => `{"val":103.516,"ack":true, „ts“:1604132484682, „q“:0, „from“: „system.adapter.admin.0“, „lc“:1604132469672, „result“: „OK“}` -- „[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//getPlainValue/stateID“ – zum Lesen des Statuswerts => „103.641“. -- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//set/stateID?value=1` – um den Statuswert festzulegen => `{"result":"OK"} ` +- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//get/stateID` - um den Statuswert zu lesen => `{"val":103.516,"ack":true,"ts":1604132484682,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","lc":1604132469672,"result":"OK"}` +- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//getPlainValue/stateID` - um den Statuswert zu lesen => `103.641` +- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//set/stateID?value=1` - um den Statuswert festzulegen => `{"result":"OK"}` -**Vergessen Sie nicht, `simpleApi` zu den erlaubten Diensten in der Konfiguration hinzuzufügen.** +**Vergessen Sie nicht, in der Konfiguration `simpleApi` zu den zulässigen Diensten hinzuzufügen.** ### Einschränkungen Wenn HTTPs (Sicherheit) oder Authentifizierung auf der definierten Webinstanz aktiviert ist, funktioniert es nicht. -Sie können HTTPS und die Authentifizierung auf dieser Webinstanz deaktivieren. Besser ist es jedoch, eine neue Webinstanz zu erstellen, die an `localhost` gebunden ist, und diese Instanz in den Cloud-Einstellungen auszuwählen. +Sie können HTTPS und die Authentifizierung für diese Webinstanz deaktivieren. Besser ist es jedoch, eine neue Webinstanz zu erstellen, die an `localhost` gebunden ist, und diese Instanz in den Cloud-Einstellungen auszuwählen. +### **IN ARBEIT** --> ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (bluefox) updated socket classes +* (bluefox) minimum required node.js version is 18 + ### 5.0.1 (2024-02-22) * (bluefox) updated socket classes and fixed vis-2 error if connected via cloud * (bluefox) minimum required node.js version is 16 @@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ Sie können HTTPS und die Authentifizierung auf dieser Webinstanz deaktivieren. * (bluefox) Corrected error with iobroker.pro and delete object ### 4.2.2 (2022-08-24) -* (bluefox) Corrected error with services list and admin6 +* (bluefox) Corrected error with service's list and admin6 ### 4.2.1 (2022-07-20) * (bluefox) Used a new version of a socket library. @@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ Sie können HTTPS und die Authentifizierung auf dieser Webinstanz deaktivieren. * (bluefox) Fixed error with the admin ### 4.0.8 (2021-01-31) -* (Apollon77) Prevent crash case (Sentry IOBROKER-CLOUD-S) +* (Apollon77) Prevent a crash case (Sentry IOBROKER-CLOUD-S) * (bluefox) fix usage of credentials ### 4.0.7 (2021-01-30) @@ -341,7 +345,7 @@ Sie können HTTPS und die Authentifizierung auf dieser Webinstanz deaktivieren. ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2016-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2016-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md index 7c206c35b..edbf1924f 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md title: ioBroker.contactid -hash: ef7bEhZLeiDsv/qf+MW61JRKcB4Wxlzl17KVOfvq2jE= +hash: S07MW5c8PDaN9uaElOPFwo63BajDrHBj3G2mwmlQ8R0= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/admin/contactid.png) @@ -73,9 +73,25 @@ Example: [test 18160201010B] Jetzt können Sie die Nachricht in den ioBroker-Objekten sehen -## Changelog +5. Probleme / Fragen + +Wenn Sie Probleme bei der Verarbeitung von ContactID-Nachrichten haben, erstellen Sie bitte ein Problem. +In dem Problem benötige ich die folgenden Informationen: + +1. Hersteller und Typ der Alarmanlage +2. Die ContactID-Nachricht als Datei. Sie können eine Datei erstellen, wenn Sie dies in der Instanzkonfiguration aktivieren. +3. Die Debug-Ausgabe von ioBroker bei der Verarbeitung der Nachricht +4. Detaillierte Beschreibung des Fehlers + +Sie können die gespeicherte ContactID-Nachricht mit dem folgenden Befehl testen -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +``` +# cat fileanme_of_cid_message | nc ip_address_of_iobroker cid_port +cat /tmp/cid/cid_msg_fa165cc0-8e3a-faa1-eb5c-fd3e47479044.txt | nc localhost 55000 +``` + +## Changelog +### 2.0.1 (2025-02-01) - (Stübi) Fixed Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot (Issue #46) diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md index 3e544f7fb..a6993676d 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md -title: ioBroker.devices -hash: tHOww4Jc8fb43+J1cDd99cPWkNKcXNOT3uoXjlBBBMA= +title: ioBroker.geräte +hash: +Ck9oiC/SbmbTzLAkZe4+RMCd+bz+FKryVfovfdUNEg= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/admin/devices.png) @@ -12,89 +12,94 @@ hash: tHOww4Jc8fb43+J1cDd99cPWkNKcXNOT3uoXjlBBBMA= ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.devices.svg) # IoBroker.devices -![Test und Freigabe](https://github.com/ioBroker/iobroker.devices/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Übersetzungsstatus](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/devices/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) +![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/ioBroker/iobroker.devices/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Übersetzungsstatus](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/devices/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) ## Geräteadapter für ioBroker Verwalten und erstellen Sie Geräte zur Verwendung in anderen Adaptern wie Material, IoT usw. -**Wichtig: Registerkarte im Adminbereich aktivieren, z. B. Protokoll und Skripte** +**Wichtig: Registerkarte im Admin aktivieren, wie Protokoll und Skripte** ![Bildschirm](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/img/screen.png) -**Dieser Adapter verwendet Sentry-Bibliotheken, um Ausnahmen und Codefehler automatisch an die Entwickler zu melden.** Weitere Details und Informationen zum Deaktivieren der Fehlerberichterstattung finden Sie unter [Sentry-Plugin-Dokumentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Sentry Reporting wird ab js-controller 3.0 verwendet. +**Dieser Adapter verwendet Sentry-Bibliotheken, um den Entwicklern automatisch Ausnahmen und Codefehler zu melden.** Weitere Einzelheiten und Informationen zum Deaktivieren der Fehlerberichterstattung finden Sie unter [Sentry-Plugin Dokumentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Die Sentry-Berichterstattung wird ab js-controller 3.0 verwendet. -## Machen +## Aufgaben - Beschreibungen für Staaten hinzufügen +### **IN ARBEIT** --> +### **IN ARBEIT** +* (@GermanBluefox) Aktualisierte Pakete +* (@GermanBluefox) Verwendetes Video +* (@GermanBluefox) Verwendete eslint-config von ioBroker + ### 1.1.5 (06.06.2023) * (Garfonso) behoben: Problem beim Bearbeiten importierter Staaten * (Garfonso) behoben: Warnung -* (Garfonso) behoben: iot erneut aktivieren (ohne einen benutzerdefinierten SmartName festzulegen) +* (Garfonso) behoben: IoT erneut aktivieren (ohne einen benutzerdefinierten SmartName festzulegen) * (Garfonso) behoben: möglicher Absturz/Tippfehler in 1.1.3. ### 1.1.4 (06.06.2023) -* (bluefox) Aktualisierte Pakete +* (Bluefox) Aktualisierte Pakete ### 1.1.3 (16.05.2023) -* (bluefox) Besseres Verhalten bei der Kategorieauswahl +* (Bluefox) Besseres Verhalten bei der Kategorieauswahl ### 1.1.2 (09.11.2022) -* (Garfonso) hat die Doppelzustände bei Lichtgeräten korrigiert -* (Garfonso) hat den CIE-Farbtyp als Äquivalent zum Typ „rgbSingle“ hinzugefügt +* (Garfonso) korrigierte die doppelten Zustände in Lichtgeräten +* (Garfonso) CIE-Farbtyp als Äquivalent zum Typ „rgbSingle“ hinzugefügt ### 1.1.1 (03.11.2022) * (bluefox) Löschdialog korrigiert -* (bluefox) Ukrainische Übersetzung hinzugefügt +* (Bluefox) Ukrainische Übersetzung hinzugefügt ### 1.1.0 (27.09.2022) -* (bluefox) GUI auf Version 5 migriert +* (Bluefox) GUI auf Version 5 migriert ### 1.0.12 (09.06.2022) -* (bluefox) Darf mit Geräten hinter Reverse-Proxy arbeiten +* (Bluefox) Erlaubt die Arbeit mit Geräten hinter einem Reverse-Proxy * (bluefox) Das Funktionssymbol wurde ersetzt ### 1.0.11 (08.06.2022) -* (bluefox) Einige Bibliotheken aktualisiert +* (Bluefox) Einige Bibliotheken aktualisiert ### 1.0.10 (13.02.2022) -* (bluefox) Bearbeitung von Ordnern korrigiert -* (bluefox) Einige Bibliotheken aktualisiert +* (bluefox) Korrigierte Bearbeitung von Ordnern +* (Bluefox) Einige Bibliotheken aktualisiert ### 1.0.9 (11.07.2021) -* (bluefox) Implementieren Sie die schmalen Zeilen +* (bluefox) Implementieren Sie die schmalen Reihen ### 1.0.8 (04.07.2021) -* (bluefox) Erstellung der Geräte korrigiert +* (bluefox) Korrigierte Erstellung der Geräte ### 1.0.7 (30.06.2021) -* (bluefox) Die Erstellung der Ordner wurde korrigiert +* (bluefox) Korrigierte Erstellung der Ordner ### 1.0.6 (27.06.2021) -* (bluefox) Filter implementiert +* (bluefox) Implementierte die Filter ### 1.0.5 (26.06.2021) -* (bluefox) Die Bearbeitung des Parameters „states“ wurde implementiert +* (bluefox) Implementierung der Bearbeitung des Parameters „states“ ### 1.0.4 (08.06.2021) -* (bluefox) Einige GUI-Fehler behoben +* (Bluefox) Einige GUI-Fehler behoben ### 1.0.1 (07.06.2021) -* (bluefox) Wachposten hinzugefügt +* (Bluefox) Wachposten hinzugefügt ### 1.0.0 (07.06.2021) -* (bluefox) Neue Geräte hinzugefügt +* (Bluefox) Neue Geräte hinzugefügt ### 0.3.16 (11.03.2021) -* (bluefox) Der Fehler für IDs mit seltsamen Zeichen wurde behoben +* (bluefox) Der Fehler für IDs mit den seltsamen Zeichen wurde behoben ### 0.3.15 (13.12.2020) -* (bluefox) Das Dialogfeld „ID auswählen“ wurde aktualisiert +* (Bluefox) Der Dialog zur ID-Auswahl wurde aktualisiert. ### 0.3.13 (17.08.2020) -* (bluefox) Fehler durch optionale Zustände behoben +* (Bluefox) Fehler bei optionalen Zuständen behoben ### 0.3.12 (16.08.2020) * (bluefox) hat den Staubsauger hinzugefügt @@ -109,7 +114,7 @@ Verwalten und erstellen Sie Geräte zur Verwendung in anderen Adaptern wie Mater * (Apollon77) Tippfehler behoben ### 0.3.4 (24.03.2020) -* (bluefox) Fehler bei der Geräteerstellung behoben +* (Bluefox) Fehler bei der Geräteerstellung behoben ### 0.3.2 (09.02.2020) * (Apollon77) Nutzung mit allen Arten von Admin-Ports und Reverse-Proxys optimiert @@ -117,25 +122,25 @@ Verwalten und erstellen Sie Geräte zur Verwendung in anderen Adaptern wie Mater ### 0.3.1 (09.02.2020) * (Apollon77) Kompatibilität mit Admin >4.0.0 hinzugefügt -### 0.2.0 (20.12.2019) -* (bluefox) Backend wurde entfernt +### 0.2.0 (2019-12-20) +* (Bluefox) Backend wurde entfernt ### 0.1.8 (13.11.2019) -* (bluefox) Erlaubt das Klonen von Geräten +* (Bluefox) Erlaubt das Klonen von Geräten ### 0.1.7 (15.09.2019) -* (bluefox) in Arbeit +* (Bluefox) in Arbeit ### 0.1.2 (04.09.2019) -* (bluefox) in Arbeit +* (Bluefox) in Arbeit ### 0.1.0 (31.08.2019) -* (bluefox) Erstveröffentlichung +* (Bluefox) Erstveröffentlichung ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2019-2023 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2019-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0109c1eed --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md +title: ioBroker.dreame +hash: m3Z73x1GlLvBtpVNeaPYWbjy5ChBc34At6Z39b6bxzQ= +--- +![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png) + +![NPM-Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.dreame.svg) +![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.dreame.svg) +![Anzahl der Installationen](https://iobroker.live/badges/dreame-installed.svg) +![Aktuelle Version im stabilen Repository](https://iobroker.live/badges/dreame-stable.svg) +![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.dreame.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.dreame +**Tests:** ![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.dreame/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +**Dieser Adapter verwendet Sentry-Bibliotheken, um den Entwicklern automatisch Ausnahmen und Codefehler zu melden.** Weitere Einzelheiten und Informationen zum Deaktivieren der Fehlerberichterstattung finden Sie unter [Sentry-Plugin Dokumentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Die Sentry-Berichterstattung wird ab js-controller 3.0 verwendet. + +## Dreame-Adapter für ioBroker +Adapter für dreame home Geräte getestet mit L10 L20 und x40 + +#### Geräte-ID.status +Aktueller Status der Geräte + +#### Geräte-ID.remote +Fernsteuerung der Geräte Start: dreame.0.xxxxx.remote.start-sweep Stopp: dreame.0.xxxxx.remote.start-charge + +Verknüpfung zum Start: + +dreame.0.XXXXXXXX.remote.start-clean + +``` +[ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 25 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "32" + } +] +``` + +"Wert": "32" -> Verknüpfungs-ID + +Liste der Tastenkombinationen: + +dreame.0.XXXXX.status.4-48 + +Namen sind base64 kodiert. Wenn es keinen 4-48-Status gibt, müssen Sie eine Abkürzung nehmen. + +### Zimmerreinigung +dreame.0.XXXX.remote.start-clean + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 18 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "{\"selects\":[[X,1,3,2,1]]}" + } + ] +``` + +X = Zimmer-ID + +Mehrere Räume: + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 18 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "{\"selects\":[[X,1,3,2,1],[Y,1,3,2,1]]}" + } + ] +``` + +X = Raum 1 Y = Raum 2 + +Karte wechseln dreame.XXXXXXX.remote.update-map + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 4, + "value": "{\"sm\":{},\"mapid\":X}" + } + ] +``` + +X = mapId dreame.0.XXXX.status.6-99 oder dreame.0.XXXX.map.curid + +### Reinigungsmodi steuern +CleanGenius aktivieren: dreame.0.XXXXXX.remote.customCommand + +``` +[ + { + "value": "{\"k\":\"SmartHost\",\"v\":1}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } +] +``` + +CleanGenius deaktivieren: + +``` +[ + { + "value": "{\"k\":\"SmartHost\",\"v\":0}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } +] +``` + +CleanGenius Tiefenreinigung: \"v\":2 + +CleanGenius-Modus: Wert: 3 oder Wert 2 + +``` +[ + { + + "value": 2, + "siid": 28, + "piid": 5 + } + ] + +``` + +Reinigungsmodus ändern: + +``` +[ +{ + + "value": 5122, + "siid": 4, + "piid": 23 + } + ] +``` + +Werte: 5120, 5121, 5122... + +Vakuummodus: + +``` +[ +{ + + "value": 2, + "siid": 4, + "piid": 4 + } + ] + +``` + +Wischintensität: + +``` +[ + { + + "value": 28, + "siid": 28, + "piid": 1 + } + ] +``` + +Route: + +``` + [ + { + + "value": "{\"k\":\"CleanRoute\",\"v\":1}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } + ] +``` + +## Changelog + + + +### 0.2.2 (2025-01-24) + +- reduce cpu load while cleaning + +### 0.2.1 (2025-01-15) + +- fix for canvas installation + +### 0.2.0 (2024-12-28) + +- add simple maps + +### 0.1.0 (2024-12-14) + +- bugfixes + +### 0.1.0 (2024-12-14) + +- (TA2k) initial release + +## License + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024-2030 TA2k + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +```` + +``` + +``` +```` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a5554c0c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md index 158639bbc..d051af1e6 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md title: ioBroker.ecoflow-mqtt -hash: SNPrdh8WAkHEVeAyNXK+NxV8WSRXsT9DOLSoblhSQm4= +hash: 14kvDKkWjRg8LV1UokzDyR4INivV/jQKThUt9uXBkwU= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/admin/ecoflow-mqtt.png) @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Eine falsche Kommunikation oder das Einstellen falscher Werte kann die Funktiona Der Adapter basiert auf der Arbeit von: -* meine eigene Bewertung und Recherche +* meine eigene Auswertung und Recherche * https://github.com/tolwi/hassio-ecoflow-cloud * https://haus-automatisierung.com/hardware/2023/02/13/ecoflow-river-2-usv-batteriespeicher.html * https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/66743/ecoflow-connector-script-zur-dynamischen-leistungsanpassung @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte „Homeassistant“ zum Einrichten der MQTT-Verb
Parametrisieren des Homeassistant-Connectors

* den Dienst aktivieren -* die Benutzereinstellungen des MQTT-Brokers von HA festlegen +* die Benutzereinstellungen des MQTT Brokers von HA festlegen * Setzen Sie die Verbindungsparameter des MQTT-Brokers von HA * Wählen Sie bei Bedarf Debug-Einstellungen @@ -215,6 +215,8 @@ Dies ist nicht unbedingt ein Fehler oder ein Hinweis auf einen nicht funktionier * Wenn ein Wert nicht durch die Gerätedatenaktualisierung festgelegt wird, wird er in HA als unbekannt angezeigt * wenn das Gerät erreichbar ist, wird die Verfügbarkeit in der Gerätekonnektivität angezeigt, diese wird an die „Untergeräte“ vererbt (Nichtverfügbarkeit wird auf die gleiche Weise verarbeitet) +[einige_Hinweise_für HA](./doc/en/IOB_HA/navi.md) + ### Anmerkungen zur Funktionalität * Aufgrund der Asynchronität von Informationsaktualisierungen und Befehlsübertragungen können manchmal Race Conditions sichtbar werden. So kann beispielsweise ein Wechsel gesteuert werden und sein Hin- und Herschalten, bevor er stehen bleibt, beobachtet werden. * Neustart von HA wird im iobroker möglicherweise nicht richtig erkannt, daher ist ein manueller Neustart des Adapters erforderlich (WIP) @@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ Wave ist nicht verfügbar, könnte implementiert werden, wenn Daten verfügbar s [Generator](./doc/devices/alternator.md) ### Nicht unterstützte Geräte -Dieser Abschnitt wurde für Debugging-Zwecke erstellt. Wählen Sie das Gerät (Delta Pro3, Delta3, Delta3 Plus) aus und geben Sie die Seriennummer in die hinzugefügte Zeile ein. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass das unbekannte Gerät Protobuf verwendet. Es erstellt [PROTOBUF unbekannt]-Meldungen im Protokoll, die das Roh-Hexadezimaltelegramm enthalten. +Dieser Abschnitt wurde für Debugging-Zwecke erstellt. Wählen Sie das Gerät (Delta Pro3, Delta3, Delta3 Plus) aus und geben Sie die Seriennummer in die hinzugefügte Zeile ein. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass das unbekannte Gerät Protobuf verwendet. Es erstellt [PROTOBUF unbekannt]-Meldungen im Protokoll, die das rohe Hexadezimaltelegramm enthalten. ## Aufgaben * vergessene Randbedingungen für Befehle prüfen (Befehl unterdrücken, oder zusätzlichen Wert hinzufügen) @@ -307,6 +309,13 @@ Die Nutzung der Software erfolgt auf Ihr eigenes Risiko und nach eigenem Ermesse ## Changelog +### 1.2.2 (npm) +* (foxthefox) some documentation for HA users +* (foxthefox) corrections in SHP2 protobuf definition +* (foxthefox) new datapoints in SHP2 ProtoTime, new telegram ProtoTimeStat mapped to ProtoTime +* (foxthefox) corrections to alternator (objects 268,269), power,wifiRssi setting, +* (foxthefox) DeltaPro mpptTemp, outAmp new max value + ### 1.2.1 (npm) * (foxthefox) corrections for pstream objects, some changed from string to number * (foxthefox) new SHP time task config values diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md index 803b1b998..e2ab3e3c7 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md title: ioBroker.ems-esp -hash: 9hBDNYzVDZZYL38ZbRpOkFVFWncEVg88mGYU/94TEVg= +hash: ooJmhSMkua3PN8tCtVIMiQ3wVQeMeCr+Ua3v+9cSD38= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/admin/ems-esp.png) @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Der Adapter unterstützt eine Schnittstelle zu den Heizsystemen der Bosch-Gruppe * ems-esp-Gateway (https://github.com/emsesp/EMS-ESP32) mit dem ESP32-Chip. -Die alten ESP8266-Gateways mit API V2 werden nicht mehr unterstützt!! Der Adapter wurde für das ems-esp-Gateway mit der neuesten stabilen Firmware-Version getestet. Die neuesten Entwicklerversionen der Firmware funktionieren möglicherweise nicht stabil mit dem ioBroker-Adapter. Die Verwendung erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko. +Der Adapter wurde für das ems-esp-Gateway mit der neuesten stabilen Firmware-Version getestet. Die neuesten Entwicklerversionen der Firmware funktionieren möglicherweise nicht stabil mit dem ioBroker-Adapter. Die Verwendung erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko. * Neue Cloud-Gateways der Bosch-Gruppe (MX300 / EasyControl ...) werden nicht unterstützt, da sie keine LAN-API unterstützen! @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Deutsches ioBroker-Forum: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/45862/neuer-adapter-e ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2025 Thomas Petrick +Copyright (c) 2025 Thomas Petrick (tp1de) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md index d5b581148..e288fdf69 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md title: ioBroker.espresense -hash: JDBUWyJH7Tl4/I3NvHTgusANe4VtARCXjZOCsDTUz4Y= +hash: 0wzSfVa/bvhNaLkZ3xPJ7rDX952BFJup94I9Ha/CZ9Q= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/admin/espresense.png) @@ -14,30 +14,54 @@ hash: JDBUWyJH7Tl4/I3NvHTgusANe4VtARCXjZOCsDTUz4Y= ![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.espresense.png?downloads=true) # IoBroker.espresense -**Tests:** ![Test und Freigabe](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.espresense/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**Tests:** ![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.espresense/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) -## Espresso-Adapter für ioBroker -Mit [ESPresense](https://espresense.com) verbinden +## Espresense-Adapter für ioBroker +Verbinden mit [ESPresense](https://espresense.com) - MQTT-Server und Clientmodul -- `Eigenen MQTT-Server starten` aktiviert den Servermodus -- „Server-IP“ nur für externe MQTT-Server verwenden -- „Port, Benutzername und Passwort“ des internen oder externen mqtt-Servers +- `Starte own mqtt server` aktiviere den Servermodus +- `Server-IP` nur für externe MQTT-Server verwenden +- „Port, Benutzername und Passwort“ des internen oder externen MQTT-Servers -- Wenn der Konfiguration Geräte hinzugefügt wurden, werden nur diese in den Objekten angezeigt. -- Die beiden Konfigurationszeitpunkte sind verknüpft, die Anwesenheitsprüfung läuft immer mit der Verarbeitung der MQTT-Nachrichten. +- Wenn der Konfiguration Geräte hinzugefügt wurden, werden in den Objekten nur diese angezeigt. +- Die beiden Konfigurationszeitpunkte sind miteinander verknüpft, die Anwesenheitsprüfung läuft immer mit der Verarbeitung der MQTT-Nachrichten. Best Practice: Koppeln Sie die zu überwachenden Geräte mit espresense und filtern Sie die Ausgabe, um unnötigen Netzwerkverkehr zu vermeiden. -Für Hilfe verwenden Sie „Problem“ oder wenn Sie Deutsch verstehen: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/71189/test-adapter-espresense +#### Max_distance_iobroker +Die neu hinzugefügten Datenpunkte werden verwendet, um eine raumweise Erkennung im Adapter zu erreichen. Bei Verwendung von max_distance in esp32 erhält der Adapter keine Benachrichtigung, wenn das Gerät den Bereich verlässt. Bei Verwendung von max_distance_iobroker jedoch schon. +Wenn max_distance_iobroker verwendet wird, werden die beiden Presense-Datenpunkte davon gesteuert, ansonsten verhalten sie sich wie zuvor. +Presense unter dem Gerät ist wahr, wenn einer der Datenpunkte in den darunterliegenden Räumen wahr ist. -* Der verwendete MQTT-Server ist ein vollständig kompatibler MQTT 3.1- und 3.1.1-Server, der Adapter reagiert jedoch nur auf das Thema espresense/# +Für Hilfe verwenden Sie das Problem oder wenn Sie Deutsch verstehen: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/71189/test-adapter-espresense + +* Der verwendete MQTT-Server ist ein vollkompatibler MQTT 3.1 und 3.1.1 Server, der Adapter antwortet jedoch nur auf das Topic espresense/# ## Changelog +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-28) +* (ticaki) Simple room detection integrated +* (ticaki) Friendly room name added to devices +* (ticaki) global commands now work. +* (ticaki) Data point var added. + +### 0.4.8 (2025-01-18) +* (ticaki) Devices can be renamed in the configuration. +* (ticaki) Removing devices works now!. + +### 0.4.7 (2025-01-17) +* (ticaki) Removing devices now works. + +### 0.4.6 (2024-11-29) +* (ticaki) repository checker problems fixed + +### 0.4.5 (2024-11-29) +* (ticaki) dependencies updated + ### 0.4.4 (2024-01-18) * (ticaki) The time period over which incoming Mqtt messages are collected can be configured. min. 1 sec max. (2^31-1) / 1000 sec @@ -84,7 +108,7 @@ Für Hilfe verwenden Sie „Problem“ oder wenn Sie Deutsch verstehen: https:// ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 ticaki +Copyright (c) 2024-2025 ticaki Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md index 7d2f505d7..47eb1c2a5 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md title: ioBroker.flexcharts -hash: mJ2FClZO2G/KuGclhJkGf7D9M9RO3qbL1GzB/mhIDhs= +hash: QS5E626cO05p6/jS6+3yipodDprkwuyZDgu9lrpokfc= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/admin/flexcharts-icon-small.png) @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Wenn Sie jedoch eine konkrete Idee für ein komplexeres Diagramm im Kopf haben, # Erste Schritte ### Verwenden des Adapters -Dieser Adapter bietet die Funktionalität einer Web-Erweiterung. Daher ist es zwingend erforderlich, dass [Webadapter](https://www.iobroker.net/#en/adapters/adapterref/iobroker.ws/README.md) (`web.0`) installiert und ausgeführt wird. In dieser Readme-Datei wird davon ausgegangen, dass Sie den Standardport 8082 für den Web-Adapter verwenden. +Dieser Adapter bietet seine Funktionalität als Web-Erweiterung. Daher ist es zwingend erforderlich, dass [Webadapter](https://www.iobroker.net/#en/adapters/adapterref/iobroker.ws/README.md) (`web.0`) installiert und ausgeführt wird. In dieser Readme-Datei wird davon ausgegangen, dass Sie den Standardport 8082 für den Web-Adapter verwenden. Wenn der Flexcharts-Adapter aktiv ist, können Sie über http://localhost:8082/flexcharts/echarts.html darauf zugreifen (ersetzen Sie `localhost` durch die Adresse Ihres ioBroker-Servers). @@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ Beispiel: `http://localhost:8082/flexcharts/echarts.html?source=state&id=0_userd Flexcharts wertet den Status `0_userdata.0.echarts.chart1` als Daten für eChart aus. Probieren Sie es aus: Erstellen Sie einen solchen Status und kopieren Sie die JSON-Daten des oben gezeigten Beispiels (`{ "tooltip": { ...`) als Statusinhalt. Greifen Sie dann mit einem Browser auf die angegebene Adresse zu. +Die folgenden Zeichen dürfen in der Status-ID nicht verwendet werden: `: / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = %` + ### Verwenden Sie Javascript als Quelle für ein eChart Dies ist etwas komplizierter, aber wesentlich effizienter und flexibler. Sie stellen die Diagrammdaten direkt über Ihr JS-Skript bereit, das dynamisch vom Flexcharts-Adapter aufgerufen wird. Sie können Ihrem Skript zusätzliche Parameter übergeben, indem Sie der HTTP-Adresse Parameter hinzufügen, z. B. `&chart=chart1`. Alle HTTP-Parameter sind im Skript im Objekt `httpParams` verfügbar (siehe Beispiel unten). @@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ Für einige Anwendungsfälle stehen Javascript-Vorlagen zur Verfügung: * Diagramm mit Daten vom Verlaufsadapter: [template1](templates/flexchartsTemplate1.js) * einfaches Diagramm für eine Wärmekurve: [template2](templates/flexchartsTemplate2.js) * einfaches gestapeltes Balkendiagramm mit Funktion innerhalb der Diagrammdefinition: [template3](templates/flexchartsTemplate3.js) +* Diagramm für Daten des **TibberLink-Adapters**: siehe Diskussionen [hier](https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.flexcharts/discussions/67) und [hier](https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.flexcharts/discussions/66) * Für Viessmann-Geräte der E3-Serie ist ein sehr spezifischer Anwendungsfall verfügbar, z. B. Wärmepumpe Vitocal 250. Siehe https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.e3oncan/discussions/35 ## Referenz @@ -192,11 +195,19 @@ Dies sollte ein Demodiagramm aufrufen, wenn Flexcharts und Webadapter ausgeführ **Hinweis:** Ersetzen Sie `localhost` durch die Adresse Ihres ioBroker-Servers. Ersetzen Sie `8082` durch die von Ihrem Web-Adapter verwendete Portnummer. +## Spenden + Wenn Ihnen dieses Projekt gefallen hat – oder Sie einfach nur großzügig sind –, denken Sie darüber nach, mir ein Bier auszugeben. Prost! :Bier: + ## Changelog +### 0.3.1 (2025-02-02) +* (MyHomeMyData) Updated Apache ECharts to version 5.6.0 +* (MyHomeMyData) Added support for 3D charts using extension echarts-gl, see issue #68 +* (MyHomeMyData) Added templates for tibberLink Adapter + ### 0.3.0 (2025-01-08) * (MyHomeMyData) Enhancement for usage of functions within echart definitions. * (MyHomeMyData) Fix for issue #56 (findings of repository checker) diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md index 211bb08b0..7355e4d28 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md title: ioBroker.frontier_silicon -hash: 0wTEkS6zBxsc0VhWN+oDP4lBzjAXNXn4XHnoAaxzoz4= +hash: e46NQwGm0A6H6DLEh2j3dMlfHDZ+B+Vj32SykrxO1Z8= --- # IoBroker.frontier_silicon ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/admin/radio.png) @@ -22,7 +22,15 @@ Bietet Unterstützung für Mediaplayer, Internetradios und SmartRadios, die mit HINWEIS: Dieser Adapter wurde zur Wartung auf iobroker-community-adapters übertragen. Daher werden geplante Funktionen (siehe unten) nicht implementiert. In Zukunft werden nur wichtige Fehlerbehebungen und Abhängigkeitsaktualisierungen veröffentlicht. PRs mit Fehlerbehebungen oder Funktionserweiterungen sind jedoch immer willkommen. -VERSIONSHINWEISE: Version 0.3.x enthält einige wichtige Änderungen: +VERSIONSHINWEISE: + +Version 0.4.x enthält eine wichtige Änderung: + +- Der Typ von „frontier_silicon.X.media.state“ wurde von „number“ in „string“ und schreibgeschützt geändert + +Wenn Sie diesen Adapter von einer früheren Version aktualisieren, anstatt ihn neu zu installieren, finden Sie möglicherweise Warnungen im ioBroker-Protokoll wie: `State value to set for "frontier_silicon.0.media.state" has to be type "number" but received type "string"` Um dies zu verhindern, besteht die einfachste Lösung darin, den Adapter im Instanzen-Tab von ioBroker zu stoppen, den Objektbaum im Objekt-Tab vollständig zu löschen und den Adapter dann neu zu starten. Dies ist natürlich nur einmal nach dem Update erforderlich und nicht erforderlich, wenn Sie eine saubere Neuinstallation durchführen. + +Version 0.3.x enthält einige wichtige Änderungen: - node>=18, js-controller>=5 und admin>=6 erforderlich @@ -51,7 +59,7 @@ Leistungsregelung - Voreinstellungsauswahl - Benachrichtigungen für mehrere Staaten Lautstärkeregelung -- Benachrichtigungen +Benachrichtigungen Automatische Erkennung ### Geplante Funktionen @@ -150,7 +158,7 @@ Nehmen Sie die folgenden Namen nicht zu ernst. Das Radio verwendet sie in versch Verwenden Sie diese URL, um ein Albumcover oder das Logo eines Senders zu erhalten. - Name (`Zeichenfolge, ro`) -- Zeichenfolge (`Zeichenfolge, ro`) +- Zeichenfolge (`string, ro`) - Titel (`string, ro`) - Modi @@ -230,14 +238,14 @@ Die Autoren werden in keiner Weise von Frontier Smart Technologies Limited oder Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** - 2025H1 maintenance release +### 0.4.0 (2025-02-01) - 2025H1 maintenance release - (pdbjjens) Change: media state changed from number to string and readonly (#241) - (pdbjjens) New: Added media control function "stop" (#241) - (pdbjjens) New: Optimizations for responsive design (#244) +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 (#253) - (pdbjjens) Fix: Added button state acknowledgement - (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent warning on adapter stop -- (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies ### 0.3.0 (2024-08-27) - 2024H2 maintenance release @@ -266,14 +274,6 @@ Die Autoren werden in keiner Weise von Frontier Smart Technologies Limited oder - (pdbjjens) Change: Re-establish session if network connection is lost - (pdbjjens) New: Synchronization of power, volume and mute states with the UNDOK App -### 0.1.0 (2023-07-15) - -- (pdbjjens) Breaking Changes: node>=14, js-contoller>=4 and admin>=5 required -- (pdbjjens) New: json config UI -- (pdbjjens) New: Re-establish session if network connection is lost -- (pdbjjens) New: Remove obsolete unit testing -- (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent crashes if radio device is not reachable - ## License MIT License diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md index 98d547cd0..fc51f09c5 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md @@ -194,25 +194,28 @@ Auszug: +--> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (bluefox) Updated packages and used `@iobroker/eslint-config` + ### 2.0.2 (2024-08-26) -* (bluefox) Updated packages - +* (bluefox) Updated packages + ### 2.0.0 (2024-07-18) * (bluefox) Updated packages -* (bluefox) Removed support of Node.js 16 - +* (bluefox) Removed support of Node.js 16 + ### 1.17.0 (2024-03-18) -* (klein0r) Fixed encrypted configuration - +* (klein0r) Fixed encrypted configuration + ### 1.16.1 (2024-03-05) -* (bluefox) Improved the configuration layout - +* (bluefox) Improved the configuration layout + ### 1.16.0 (2023-12-25) * (JeyCee) Added support for the device manager * (bluefox) Added JSON config -* (foxriver76) port to adapters internal `setTimeout/setInterval` methods - +* (foxriver76) port to adapters internal `setTimeout/setInterval` methods + ### Older entries [here](OLD_CHANGELOG.md) @@ -220,7 +223,7 @@ Auszug: The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 bluefox Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md index 7c36c7949..798d4892e 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md @@ -17,8 +17,14 @@ chapters: {"pages":{"de/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md":{"title":{"de" -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** -* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI to Typescript +### 8.9.1 (2025-01-26) + +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected blockly function editor +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected creation of folders + +### 8.9.0 (2025-01-22) +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI to TypeScript +* (@klein0r) Added count attribute to getHistory in blockly ### 8.8.3 (2024-09-05) * (bluefox) Fixed object selector in rules @@ -30,17 +36,10 @@ chapters: {"pages":{"de/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md":{"title":{"de" * (@klein0r) Added option to register notifications via scripts * (@klein0r) Fixed sendTo block with an empty name list -### 8.7.7 (2024-08-04) -* (@klein0r) Fixed import scripts dialog -* (@klein0r) Allowed removing all custom packages (empty list) - -### 8.7.6 (2024-07-28) -* (foxriver76) fix error with subpath imports in scripts - ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 bluefox , +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 bluefox , Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.lg-thinq/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.lg-thinq/README.md index 38ec998e6..391e0dc6e 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.lg-thinq/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.lg-thinq/README.md @@ -759,6 +759,11 @@ lg-thinq.0.xxx.area muss gefüllt sein! ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** + +- (Lucky-ESA) max target changed from 30 to 40 degrees +- (Lucky-ESA) Dependencies updated + ### 1.0.7 (2024-12-08) - (Lucky-ESA) Fixed: Connection status does not turn green diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b621c6622 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md +title: ioBroker Matter-Adapter +hash: rNSq8nE/tAxBZxsAc3eGa9o8wAFf4LFXOgD6BOzPHyk= +--- +![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg) + +![Anzahl der Installationen](http://iobroker.live/badges/matter-stable.svg) +![NPM-Version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.matter.svg) +![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.matter.svg) + +# IoBroker Matter-Adapter +![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Übersetzungsstatus](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/matter/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) + +**Dieser Adapter verwendet Sentry-Bibliotheken, um den Entwicklern automatisch Ausnahmen und Codefehler zu melden.** Weitere Einzelheiten und Informationen zum Deaktivieren der Fehlerberichterstattung finden Sie unter [Sentry-Plugin Dokumentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Die Sentry-Berichterstattung wird ab js-controller 3.0 verwendet. + +## Einführung +> [!Wichtig] > Der Adapter kann NICHT über GitHub installiert werden: Der Adapter muss über das ioBroker-Repository (stabil oder aktuell) installiert werden. +> > Derzeit befindet sich der Adapter in der BETA-Phase und ist nur im neuesten Repository verfügbar. Bitte lesen Sie [iobroker-Dokumentation](https://www.iobroker.net/#de/documentation/basics/repositories.md), wie Sie einen Adapter aus dem neuesten Repository/npm installieren. +> > Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Konfiguration und Verwendung des ioBroker Matter-Adapters finden Sie in 🇩🇪 [deutsches Wiki](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki) und 🇬🇧 [englisches Wiki](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki/Home-%E2%80%90-EN). +> > Bitte lesen Sie [Wichtige Hinweise](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki/Einleitung-und-wichtige-Hinweise#wichtige-hinweise-bitte-dringend-beachten), bevor Sie den Adapter verwenden. + +## Beschreibung +Mit dem ioBroker Matter Adapter ist es möglich, folgende Anwendungsfälle abzubilden: + +* Matter-basierte Geräte können direkt mit ioBroker verknüpft und somit eingelesen/gesteuert werden +* Die Bereitstellung mehrerer ioBroker-Geräte als Matter Bridge: Matter Bridges können mehrere Geräte enthalten und sind der einfachste Weg, ioBroker-Geräte in ein Matter-kompatibles Ökosystem zu integrieren. +* ioBroker stellt individuelle virtuelle Matter-Geräte auf Basis von ioBroker-Geräten/ioBroker-Zuständen bereit, die einem Matter-kompatiblen Ökosystem beigebracht werden können (aktuell sind nur Bridges für Amazon Alexa möglich) + +## Aufgaben +* Texte sind teilweise in Englisch +* Min/Max von Matter in ioBroker-Objekte synchronisieren +* Objekte bereinigen, wenn Geräte/Zustände entfernt werden +* ioBroker-Gerätetypen +* (3+) Staubsauger +* (3) Volumen, Volumengruppe +* (-3) Klimaanlage +* (2+) Feueralarm +* (-2) Medienspieler +* Warnung - wie? +* Tor – auch bekannt als Jalousien, weil Materie keinen anderen Gerätetyp hat? +* windowTilt – wie besprochen als zusammengesetztes Gerät mit zwei Kontaktsensoren … einer zum Öffnen, einer zum Schließen und einer zum Neigen +* LevelSlider – idealerweise als nicht beleuchtete gedimmte Steckdose? +* Matter-Gerätetypen +* (7) Lüfter -> Klimaanlage? +* (4+) Luftqualitätssensor -> ??? +* (4+) Luftreiniger -> ??? +* (4) Pumpe -> ??? +* (4) Drucksensor -> ??? DEF +* (3+) Roboterstaubsauger -> Staubsauger +* (3) Durchflusssensor -> ??? DEF +* (3) Raumklimagerät -> airCondition +* (2+) Geschirrspüler-> ??? +* (2) Einfacher Videoplayer -> mediaPlayer +* (2) Waschmaschine -> ??? +* (2) Kühlschrank -> ??? +* (2) Temperaturgeregelter Schrank -> ??? +* (2) Wasserfrostmelder -> Warnung? +* (2) Regensensor -> Warnung? +* (2) Wasserventil -> ??? +* (2) Wäschetrockner -> ??? +* (2) Backofen -> ??? +* (2) Kochfeld -> ??? +* (2) Kochfläche -> ??? +* (2) Dunstabzugshaube -> ??? +* (2) Mikrowellenherd -> ??? +* (1+) Bordnetz-Elektronik -> ??? +* (0) Warmwasserbereiter -> ??? +* (0) Solarenergie -> ??? +* (0) Batteriespeicher -> ??? +* (0) Wärmepumpe -> ??? + + + +## Changelog +### 0.4.13 (2025-02-01) +* (@Apollon77) Added support for Door state feature for Devices and Controllers +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat creation with Boost state + +### 0.4.12 (2025-02-01) +* (@GermanBluefox) Added the "copy to clipboard" button in the debug dialog +* (@Apollon77) Updated matter.js with performance and Memory usage optimizations (and Tasmota pairing workaround) +* (@Apollon77) Reworked Type detection in Backend and for Channel/Device detection type in UI, now multiple devicetypes are offered with most complex one pre-selected +* (@Apollon77) Handle Matter ColorTemperature Lights as a Color capable light to also allow CT-Lights with Hue support +* (@Apollon77) Added BOOST endpoint as switch when exposing Thermostats with Boost state +* (@Apollon77) Optimized some dimmer/level management for light devices without dimmer state + +### 0.4.11 (2025-01-28) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed caching issues in device type detection in backend +* (@Apollon77) Added Debug info icon for Devices and Bridges + +### 0.4.10 (2025-01-27) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat limit initialization and Mode error +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Matter Event handling when mapped to an ioBroker state (e.g.GenericSwitch) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Device type detection by really preferring the preferred type + +### 0.4.9 (2025-01-26) +* (@Apollon77) Enhanced error and invalid devices display for UI +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Button Press Controller support +* (@Apollon77) Added support to also select folders when adding devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Illuminance State type min/max + +### 0.4.8 (2025-01-26) +* (@Apollon77) Acknowledges Power states also on SET states +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Color Temperature handling for devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat setpoint logic + +### 0.4.7 (2025-01-25) +* (@Apollon77) Added debouncing when controllers change temperature value to makle sure not to overload the device +* (@Apollon77) Added support for step and use 0.5 for Setpoint temperatures +* (@Apollon77) Added support fur Hue lights without saturation state + +### 0.4.6 (2025-01-25) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@GermanBluefox) Added user feedback when device or bridged device is identified +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Thermostat logic for devices +* (@Apollon77) Ensures information are pushed to the UI when devices are in an error state + +### 0.4.5 (2025-01-25) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat initialization logic and added more logging +* (@Apollon77) Fixed WindowCovering level to match ioBroker definition +* (@Apollon77) Updated matter.js for further optimizations + +### 0.4.4 (2025-01-24) +* (@Apollon77) Added OPEN state for all Door Locks to open door again +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat initialization when no AUTO mode is supported +* (@Apollon77) Enhanced Enum state display in UI + +### 0.4.3 (2025-01-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@Apollon77) Allows turning light on/off via the dimming level as Zigbee adapter does +* (@Apollon77) Detects Switch changes via event which should be more reliable +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes some Node information + +### 0.4.2 (2025-01-23) +* (@Apollon77) Added SmokeCO2Alarm -> FireAlarm to Controller device types +* (@Apollon77) Detects BLE only QR codes and responds with an error message +* (@Apollon77) For Dimming and Color changes direct the device to execute the changes also when a device is off + +### 0.4.1 (2025-01-22) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@Apollon77) Improved handling for Power Source cluster on root endpoint +* (@Apollon77) Changed Identify handling - Light will be turned on/off, others just logged + +### 0.4.0 (2025-01-20) +* (@Apollon77) "SET" states are no longer updated when Actual states are present and get updated! +* (@Apollon77) Initializes states also with "ack=false" states because better than no initial values +* (@Apollon77) Added Device support for Window Coverings (Blinds, Blindbuttons), Color Lights (Cie, Hie, Rgb, Rgbw, RgbSingle, RgbwSingle) and Thermostats +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to track state values also when disabled and update state to Matter when enabled again +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to also subscribe to write-only states for controller cases +* (@Apollon77) Only exposes remaining battery percentage attribute when value is present +* (@Apollon77) Corrected error display and pushing to UI in case of initialization errors of bridged devices +* (@Apollon77) Added RSSI value also for Thread devices +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.7 (2025-01-15) +* (@GermanBluefox) Showed the device name in paring dialog +* (@GermanBluefox/Apollon77) Adjusts connection type icons +* (@Apollon77) Optimized the discovery dialog handling +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat for Controller to update temperatures +* (@Apollon77) Gives Energy sensors a dedicated icon +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.6 (2025-01-13) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors +* (@GermanBluefox/@Apollon77) Added possibility to enable/disable controlled nodes +* (@Apollon77) Added Information on battery and rssi for DM tile +* (@Apollon77) Added controller support for Color Lights, Speaker, Thermostats and Window coverings +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.5 (2025-01-09) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors +* (@GermanBluefox) Added `Controller fabric label` to configuration +* (@GermanBluefox) Added solution for QR-Code scanning on non HTTPS pages +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Generic Switch Device type for controller +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Controller BLE initialization and activation +* (@Apollon77) Added serialNumber to all devices and bridges for better device re-detection by controllers + +### 0.3.4 (2024-12-31) +* (@Apollon77) Updates matter.js to address several issues +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI + +### 0.3.3 (2024-12-28) +* (@Apollon77) Allows triggering commands via matter also when the state already matches the value +* (@Apollon77) Sets and updates the fabric label for paired devices (default is "ioBroker matter.X") +* (@Apollon77) Detects state deletion for ioBroker devices and updates a device in UI to show device state +* (@Apollon77) Several optimizations on commissioning +* (@Apollon77) Do not show commissioning QR codes in ioBroker log +* (@Apollon77) Use Fabric label to try to detect if ioBroker is the controller +* (@Apollon77) Fixes displaying error details for devices and bridges +* (@Apollon77) Fixes the device and type detection logic + +### 0.3.2 (2024-12-21) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes several discovery issues + +### 0.3.1 (2024-12-20) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes bridge/device icon display in UI +* (@Apollon77) Prevents displaying warning dialogs when nothing is wrong +* (@Apollon77) Adjusts some logs + +### 0.3.0 (2024-12-20) +* BREAKING: Please re-enter your ioBroker Pro Cloud Password! +* (@Apollon77) Made sure the adapter is stopped before being updated +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes device discovery and allows to stop it again + +### 0.2.10 (2024-12-19) +* (@GermanBluefox) Makes the Adapter UI also available as standalone tab +* (@GermanBluefox) Added error details when adding the same state twice to a bridge or device +* (@Apollon77) Fixes discovery start in UI + +### 0.2.9 (2024-12-18) +* (@Apollon77) When Get and set states are separated then also update set state with new values +* (@Apollon77) Node details dialog in controller now exposes some more Battery information +* (@Apollon77) Also exposes the battery states when features are set wrong on the device +* (@Apollon77) Fixes LightSensor state mapping +* (@Apollon77) Prevents errors when only some energy states exist +* (@Apollon77) Uses the IP provided by Android when commissioning devices if possible +* (@Apollon77) Restructure discovery to run in the background and not block the UI +* (@Apollon77) Exposes States for Enums for Matter nodes +* (@Apollon77) Prevent storage to delete wrong data when a node gets removed + +### 0.2.8 (2024-12-17) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixes progress dialog for DM - used when deleting a node +* (@GermanBluefox) Synchronizes the "do not ask again on delete" time with admin and set to 5 minutes +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimizes bridges display for different color schemes +* (@GermanBluefox) Allows to collapse the information blocks at the top of the pages +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds an ioBroker Logo when display commissioned controllers +* (@GermanBluefox/@apollon77) Adds additional details and error state also for devices and bridged devices +* (@GermanBluefox/@apollon77) Always display QR code to allow additional pairing for device and bridges from adapter UI +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimizes several messages nd approval dialogs +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds a welcome dialog for new users +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds user guidance for big unpaired bridges +* (@Apollon77) Adds Illuminance and Button/ButtonSensor (Switch) device type +* (@Apollon77) Changes/Optimizes naming structure for paired devices and sub-endpoints +* (@Apollon77) Adds information when Matter device types are not yet supported to look into objects for details +* (@Apollon77) Resets connection status when a controller node is disconnected, also on adapter stop +* (@Apollon77) Cleans up internal data structures when a node gets deleted for controller +* (@Apollon77) Uses the configured device type when finding multiple types in the backend +* (@Apollon77) Adjusts UI device type detection to differentiate between supported and other types +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure that controller configuration changes are executed sequentially +* (@Apollon77) Added Transition Time handling for Dimmer and Ct device types in both directions +* (@Apollon77) Added Low-Battery and Battery-percent for all device types in both directions +* (@Apollon77) Added Ethernet Network Commissioning Cluster to prevent issues with Tuya + +### 0.2.7 (2024-12-08) +* (@Apollon77) Cleans up objects when a controller node is deleted +* (@Apollon77) Prevents controller configuration changes to be executed in parallel + +### 0.2.6 (2024-12-06) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes ColorTemperature light initialization because of matter.js update + +### 0.2.5 (2024-12-06) +* (@Apollon77) Sets the "no-compose" flag correctly to normally use composed if needed and adds it to a missing dialog +* (@Apollon77) Allows using null values if needed +* (@Apollon77) Fixes UNREACH handling for devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixes object change handling for controller +* (@Apollon77) Allows Bridges to expose its name as a device name +* (@Apollon77) Allows to rename controller nodes and devices + +### 0.2.4 (2024-12-04) +* (@Apollon77) Shows a progress indicator when deleting controller nodes +* (@Apollon77) Cuts names and labels to 32 or 64 characters as needed by Matter +* (@Apollon77) Improves error handling on devices and bridges +* (@Apollon77) Clear storage when removing a bridged device +* (@Apollon77) Processes changed objects with a 5s delay to prevent too many changes at once +* (@Apollon77) Fixes version determination +* (@Apollon77) Initializes Device objects more lazily + +### 0.2.3 (2024-11-30) +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to delete all objects and stop device when a device is deleted in UI +* (@Apollon77) When a devices/bridge object is deleted and adapter runs we try to detect this and stop the device/bridge +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes close handling of adapter +* (@Apollon77) Uses adapter version as Software and Hardware versions in the exposed Matter devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixes "auto" flags in backend when make no sense in objects +* (@Apollon77) Fixes "auto" flag in UI +* (@Apollon77) Prevents cyclic state updates when a state is updated by the adapter to matter +* (@Apollon77) Log warnings when device optional device states are not mapped +* (@Apollon77) Hides Product-ID and VendorId fields in UI when adding devices into a bridge + +### 0.2.2 (2024-11-28) +* (@Apollon77) Uses plain matter.js logs for better readability +* (@Apollon77) Prevents ghost connection entries in the UI +* (@Apollon77) Adds some missing implementations for Controller of Door, Window, FloodAlarm and Motion + +### 0.2.1 (2024-11-27) +* (@Apollon77) Adds Color Temperature conversion if unit is "mireds" +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Color Temperature cluster initialization +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Min/Max calculation when unit conversion is used + +### 0.2.0 (2024-11-26) +* IMPORTANT: Breaking change!! Please decommission ALL devices and do a full factory reset of the adapter Matter storage before installing this version. Pair the devices new afterward. +* (@Apollon77) Finalizes Devices, Bridges and Controller functionality with a first set of 11 device types +* (@Apollon77) Upgrades to new Matter.js version and API (breaks storage structure) +* (@GermanBluefox) Moved build process of GUI to vite +* (@GermanBluefox) Added possibility to group devices in the GUI + +### 0.1.13 (2023-12-01) +* (@GermanBluefox) Working on the controller + +### 0.1.10 (2023-11-13) +* (@GermanBluefox) Implemented the factory reset and re-announcing + +### 0.1.2 (2023-10-25) +* (@GermanBluefox) Devices were implemented + +### 0.0.5 (2023-10-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed names under linux + +### 0.0.4 (2023-10-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) used library `@iobroker/type-detector` + +### 0.0.2 (2023-10-23) +* (@GermanBluefox) Initial commit + +## License +Apache-2.0 + +Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Denis Haev \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d7ffcd23 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f10f13391 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md +title: ioBroker.Maxxi-Aufladung +hash: dJ40gCWSLrlioJWXO9KMIqQrO0Gk7VpDkUqt5quNjEk= +--- +![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp) + +![NPM-Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.maxxi-charge.svg) +![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.maxxi-charge.svg) +![Anzahl der Installationen](https://iobroker.live/badges/maxxi-charge-installed.svg) +![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?style=flat-square) +![GitHub-Repository-Größe](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![GitHub-Commit-Aktivität](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![Letztes GitHub-Commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![GitHub-Probleme](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![Spende](https://img.shields.io/badge/Paypal-Donate-blue?style=flat) + +# IoBroker.Maxxi-Charge +![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/blabond/ioBroker.maxxi-charge/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml/badge.svg) + +**ioBroker.MaxxiCharge** ist ein Adapter für das ioBroker-System, der die Integration und Steuerung von MaxxiCharge CCU-Geräten ermöglicht. Der Adapter bietet eine Reihe von Funktionen, darunter das Lesen von Gerätedaten, das Anpassen von Konfigurationen und das Senden von Steuerbefehlen. + +http://www.maxxisun.de + +## Dokumentation +[🇺🇸 Dokumentation](./docs/en/README.md) + +[🇩🇪 Dokumentation](./docs/de/README.md) + +## Changelog + +### 1.4.8 (2025-01-28) + +- Fixes for stable release on ioBroker adapter. +- Fixes for Deinstallation +- Feedback update + +### 1.4.1 (2025-01-12) + +- ### Please delete the `.sendcommand` folder and restart the adapter when updating from a previous version to this one. +- New: Added support for battery calibration (Expert Settings) +- Improved: Redesigned adapter settings for a better user experience + +### 1.3.13 (2025-01-07) +- Fixed: Issue with the dcAlgorithm datapoint where the UI could crash due to an incorrect states definition +- Removed the info.localip datapoint. The local IP address is now directly included in the jsonConfig. +- Adjusted code to use modern methods, replacing deprecated ones like setObjectAsync. + +### 1.3.0 (2024-12-15) +- **Summer/Winter mode** added: + - Dynamic adjustment of charging parameters based on seasons. + - Configurable with start and end dates. +- **Cloud API query interval**: Interval for CCU queries in cloud mode is now configurable via a slider between 10 and 60 seconds. + +### 1.2.191 (2024-12-08) +- Release + +## License +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024-2025 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85d50606a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md index faee5ad1a..846f221de 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md title: ioBroker.mielecloudservice -hash: 0D3dMICFt9G+gq1NQ2y2G8aax/Ih1h5+Hm6iw7lrW5E= +hash: bxu3vb+SjaR2PsJUQyYA4WUmRy5xhp6wY8m3GijYVNs= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/admin/mielecloudservice.svg) @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Dazu gehören: ## Bekannte Probleme * Die Programme werden grundsätzlich seit v6.0.0 des Adapters unterstützt. Ausgenommen Programme die zusätzliche Parameter benötigen wie z.B. für Öfen. -## Aufbau +## Konfiguration ### Grundkonfiguration Um diesen Adapter zum Laufen zu bringen, benötigen Sie mindestens: @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Server-Sent Events sind eine sehr praktische Methode, um Daten von den Miele-Ser #### Zeitbasierte Datenabfrage Um die Stabilität des Adapters zu verbessern, habe ich die Datenabfrage als Konfigurationsoption wieder eingeführt, die Sie verwenden können, wenn SSE für Sie ausfällt. -Trotzdem ist SSE die Standardeinstellung, und ich empfehle dringend, es auszuprobieren und zu verwenden, da es sowohl auf Ihrer als auch auf Mieles Seite viele Ressourcen spart. Abgesehen davon konzentriere ich mich seit Version 5.x.x auf SSE. +Trotzdem ist SSE die Standardeinstellung, und ich empfehle dringend, es auszuprobieren und zu verwenden, da es viele Ressourcen auf Ihrer und auf Mieles Seite spart. Abgesehen davon konzentriere ich mich seit Version 5.x.x auf SSE. Die zeitbasierte Datenabfrage basiert auf den beiden Konfigurationsoptionen: * Poll-Intervall @@ -117,11 +117,19 @@ Wenn Sie ein tieferes Verständnis erlangen möchten oder eine Rohwertumrechnung ## Sentry.io Dieser Adapter verwendet sentry.io, um Details zu Abstürzen zu sammeln und diese automatisch dem Autor zu melden. Dafür wird das Plugin [ioBroker.sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry) verwendet. Detaillierte Informationen dazu, was das Plugin macht, welche Informationen gesammelt werden und wie man es deaktivieren kann, wenn man den Autor nicht mit Informationen zu Abstürzen unterstützen möchte, finden Sie unter [Plugin-Startseite](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry). -## Urheberrechte © -Copyright (c) 2024 grizzelbee +## Urheberrecht +Copyright (c) 2025 grizzelbee ## Changelog ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Added screen size settings in Admin-UI for responsive design +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed sentry MIELECLOUDSERVICE-5V + +### 6.5.7 (2024-10-01) +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed some minor issues found by adapter-checker +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Added tests for node 22 ### 6.5.6 (2024-05-10) (Dying for an Angel) @@ -133,9 +141,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2024 grizzelbee - (grizzelbee) Upd: Added year 2024 to licence - (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated - ### 6.5.4 (2023-05-03) (Dying for an Angel) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added file `.ncurc.json` to prevent axios-oauth-client from being automatically updated by `npx npm-check-updates` +* (grizzelbee) New: Added file `.ncurc.json` to prevent axios-oauth-client from being automatically updated by `npx npm-check-updates` ### 6.5.3 (2023-04-26) (Dying for an Angel) * (grizzelbee) Fix: two minor bug fixes - including a fix that prevents objects from being updated constantly. @@ -165,372 +172,6 @@ Copyright (c) 2024 grizzelbee * (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: removed duplicate en-/decryption of passwords due to jsonConfig * (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved some documentation from the readme file to machine_states.md -### V6.3.4 (2022-07-13) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [269](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/269) enabled decryption of passwords again since this issue is a bug in Admin 6.2.0 - -### V6.3.3 (2022-07-13) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [258](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/258) Improved error handling in case of line outages -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [269](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/269) Removed double decryption of passwords -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Dependencies got updated - -### V6.3.2 (2022-06-02) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new config option "delayed processing" to prevent overload on less powerful hardware -* (grizzelbee) Fix: changed actions info message during polling to log level debug -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed german translation bug "minutes" -> "protokoll" (thanks to rekorboi) - -### V6.3.1 (2022-05-25) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed bad log entry for error delay (delay is logged bad - but is executed okay) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Improved connection error handling -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed Sentry error: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-3K](https://sentry.io/organizations/grizzelbee/issues/3281137250) - -### V6.3.0 (2022-05-23) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: [247](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/247) Added a User-Agent to http-requests to enable Miele to identify requests made by this adapter -* (grizzelbee) New: [248](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/248) Added exponential backoff in case of errors -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [249](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/249) Handling undefined devices properly when executing actions -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [250](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/250) Fixed light switch action which did not work due to [228](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/228) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [246](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/246) switched http response from warn to debug -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Some minor log improvements - -### V6.2.2 (2022-05-17) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Starting programs on devices is working now. - -### V6.2.1 (2022-05-16) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [242](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/242) VentilationStep needs to be type number but was boolean -* (grizzelbee) Fix: ACTIONS.programId is invalid: obj.common.type has an invalid value (integer) ... - -### V6.2.0 (2022-05-12) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: [238](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/238) Reintroduced data polling as a config option for all who has troubles with Server-Sent Events -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some additional error handling code when Server Send Events report errors. -* (grizzelbee) New: [238](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/238) Added reconnect delay in case od an error -* (grizzelbee) New: [192](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/192) Improved handling of adapter traffic light in case of an error -* (grizzelbee) New: Waiting for code to complete in case of an occurring event -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Changed watchdog log entry from info to debug - -### V6.1.5 (2022-05-05) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Changed State-Changed log entry from info to debug -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed issue with not initialized auth.ping variable on adapter startup -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed issue with not initialized auth.ping variable after token has been refreshed -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed error in auth expiry calculation - -### V6.1.4 (2022-05-03) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [233](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/233) Fixed error while setting targetTemperature - -### V6.1.3 (2022-05-02) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [225](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/225) Fixes error with cooling devices -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [231](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/231) Fixes startup loop when cooling devices are connected -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed SuperCooling switch -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed SuperFreezing switch -* (grizzelbee) New: Added code to run dry tests with local test data - -### V6.1.2 (2022-04-29) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [228](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/228) Inverted light switch -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved main.js back to the main folder to run unit tests - -### V6.1.1 (2022-04-28) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added some missing native parts in objects -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved main.js to the source folder - -### V6.1.0 (2022-04-27) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Added some error handling -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Changed PlateStep_x data structure to PlateStepZone-x -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Removed unused ambientLight function -* (grizzelbee) Chg: [225](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/225) Removed unused freezerZone code for knownDevices - -### V6.0.0 (2022-04-19) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: Adapter entirely rewritten from scratch -* (grizzelbee) New: Added link to request Miele API credentials in config page. -* (grizzelbee) New: Implemented watchdog for broken lines -* (grizzelbee) New: Added donate button to config page and readme file -* (grizzelbee) New: [216](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/216) Added additional (undocumented) data points to dish warmer -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [213](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/213) Login delay works properly now when login fails on Startup -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [207](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/207) powering on device due to querying available programs -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Refresh of expired tokens works properly now -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Light-Switch is working now e.g. for coffee systems -* (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: Changed IDs for targetTemperature and temperature -* (grizzelbee) Chg: targetTemperature and temperature with invalid values (-32768, null, ...) will no longer be created -* (grizzelbee) Chg: startTime has moved to ACTIONS and is intended to work properly -* (grizzelbee) Chg: ACTIONS.*_Button_Active data points have been removed -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Switches in the ACTIONS are simple boolean switches now (no on/off, ...) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed separate license file - -### V5.0.4 (2022-01-07) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-7](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2379624775/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-2J](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2885488082/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-2K](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2886827789/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-28](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2787208315/?project=5735758) handling if the device is unknown - -### V5.0.3 (2021-12-31) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-8](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2380318199/?project=5735758) fixed stringifying circular structure -* (grizzelbee) Fix: undefined is not a valid state value for id "xxx.signalDoor" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: undefined is not a valid state value for id "xxx.ACTIONS.programId" - -### V5.0.2 (2021-10-27) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Added listener to error events -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Trying to reconnect if connection has been lost - -### V5.0.1 (2021-10-25) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [178](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/178) Removed: info Received ACTIONS message by SSE. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [179](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/179) Removed: info Received DEVICES message by SSE. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [180](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/180) Fixed: Info: State value to set for "mielecloudservice.0.xxx.ACTIONS.Power" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [181](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/181) Fixed: Program buttons should be fixed and work as soon as Miele fixes the API (as of today it has bugs). -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed many debug log output - -### V5.0.0 (2021-10-21) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: Removed useless grouping folders for device types - check your VIS and scripts -* (grizzelbee) New: [164](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/164) fixed bug in SignalFailure and signalInfo when havin no value -* (grizzelbee) New: [155](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/155) fixed >missing object< bug on arrays -* (grizzelbee) New: [154](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/154) Reintroduced TargetTemp to washer dryers -* (grizzelbee) New: [140](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/140) Switched from data polling to server sent events (push data) -* (grizzelbee) New: [71](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/71) If there is no internet connection on startup retry connecting until connection is established -* (grizzelbee) Fix: estimatedEndTime won't be shown anymore when device is off -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Don't rethrowing errors in APISendRequest anymore -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed a few minor bugs -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some additional API languages newly supported by Miele -* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Miele API V1.0.5 -* (grizzelbee) New: Added correct tier of adapter to io-package -* (grizzelbee) New: Added more program phases for tumble dryers to documentation -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Switched type of Power-Switch from string to boolean for being compliant with ioBroker expectation (e.g. for Text2Command adapter) - maybe more to follow. Please delete the data point let it create newly. -* (germanBluefox) Fix: Fixed icon link - -### V4.2.0 (2021-05-17) (A new Dimension) -* (grizzelbee) New: Adding Pause action to dish-washers - -### V4.1.0 (2021-05-15) (Carry me over) -* (grizzelbee) New: [149](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/149) Adding support (Start, Stop, Pause) for Miele Scout RX2 vacuum cleaner robots -* (Stan23) New: Added new program phase soak/Einweichen - -### V4.0.22 (2021-05-06) (Twisted mind) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [142](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/142) Reintroduced TargetTemp for washing machines - -### V4.0.21 (2021-05-03) (The Edge) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed accidental function name: createStateSpinAPIStartActionningSpeed -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed State value to set for "*.PlateStep_1" has to be type "number" but received type "string" - -### V4.0.20 (2021-04-30) (Sleepwalkers) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [137](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/137) Fixed Read-only state "info.connection" has been written without ack-flag with value "false" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [138](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/138) Fixed State value to set for ".Schleuderdrehzahl" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [139](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/139) Fixed State value to set for ".ACTIONS.Light" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Changed device group from channel to folder as documented [here](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/blob/master/docs/en/dev/objectsschema.md) - -### V4.0.19 (2021-04-29) (The scarecrow) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed light switch bug causing an exception when switching - 2nd attempt -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed No-Icon Bug when appliance is unknown - -### V4.0.18 (2021-04-28) (Ghostlights) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed light switch bug causing an exception when switching - -### V4.0.17 (2021-04-27) (Ghost in the moon) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added ioBroker sentry plugin to report issues automatically -* (grizzelbee) New: Added Light-Switch to washing machines, Tumble Dryers, Washer dryers and Dish washers -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies - -> **Hint:** -> The behavior of the light-switch has slightly changed with this release. It not only tests the action capabilities of -> the device but also shows the state of the light state delivered by the API. If no actions are reported by the API, the -> switch will be without function and only show the current state. If actions have been reported the switch will work as you expect. -> If your device reports no light state and no actions the switch will show 'None' and won't do anything. - -### V4.0.16 (2021-04-21) (Black Orchid) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Units for EcoFeedback will be shown now, even machine is not running during setup -* (stan23) New: added new program states - -### V4.0.15 (2021-04-19) (Moonglow) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [130](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/130) targetTemp for fridges and freezers will now correctly been updated in action section with current values - -### V4.0.14 (2021-04-18) (Alchemy) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [127](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/127) targetTemp for fridges caused exception and crash of adapter - -### V4.0.13 (2021-04-12) (The toy master) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) targetTemp addresses zones for fridges and freezers dynamically now - -### V4.0.12 (2021-04-12) (Promised land) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) targetTemp addresses zones for fridges and freezers dynamically now - -### V4.0.11 (2021-04-11) (Cry just a little) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.10 (2021-04-10) (Another angel down) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.9 (2021-04-09) (Farewell) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Errors during action execution will be shown correctly -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Actions will be executed correctly - -### V4.0.8 (2021-04-09) (The seven angels) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed datatype of VentilationStep data point -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 4) - -### V4.0.7 (2021-04-09) (Lost in space) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) added missing path to object ID; data point will be created in the correct place now -* (grizzelbee) New: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.6 (2021-04-08) (The great mystery) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes Light switch for hoods and other devices supporting light -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 3) - -### V4.0.5 (2021-04-08) (The haunting) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 2) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes error on creating TargetTemperature data points - -### V4.0.4 (2021-04-07) (Wastelands) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed missing getLightState - -### V4.0.3 (2021-04-07) (The raven child) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [109](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/109) fixes 404 error when querying possible actions for device. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes errors when executing actions on devices with API-Id!=fabNumber - -### V4.0.2 (2021-04-07) (Angel of Babylon) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [107](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/107) fixes #107 and 404 error when device is unknown. - -### V4.0.1 (2021-04-06) (Sign of the cross) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) setting the targetTemperature should work now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [96](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/96) Added missing ACTIONS.Action_Information again -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [97](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/97) removed unneeded additional "VentilationStep/Lüfterstufe" in path and fixed warning with this. VentilationStep-switch should work properly now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [98](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/98) Color-Action has now valid type 'String' -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [102](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/102) Fixed ACTIONS.VentilationStep has no existing object -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Power switch is write protected now when in state 'None'. State 'None' means: No action permitted. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Light switch is write protected now when in state 'None'. State 'None' means: No action permitted. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: http error 404 will be catched when requesting device actions - -### V4.0.0 (2021-03-18) (Symphony of life) -> ***Hint:*** The adapter received a complete code refactoring! This means that most of the code has been changed and some parts are working now differently than ever before. Update with care and read the change log! -* (grizzelbee) New: FULL support of Miele cloud API v1.0.4 -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [83](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/83) estimatedEndTime isn't shown anymore after the device has finished -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [85](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/85) full code refactoring and split into multiple files. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [86](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/86) every folder and device now gets a nice little icon -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [89](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/89) Washer dryers are fully supported now -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) implemented targetTemperature for fridges & freezers -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Devices get fully created on startup and aren't modified afterwards - only updated -* (grizzelbee) Upd: New folder ecoFeedback to group ecoFeedback states -* (grizzelbee) Upd: New folder IDENT to group ident states -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed signalActionRequired - since there is no signalDoor for washing machines, dryers and dishwashers this approach doesn't work -* (grizzelbee) Upd: All folders and states which are being created depend on the capabilities of their devices as described in [this Miele documentation](https://www.miele.com/developer/assets/API_V1.x.x_capabilities_by_device.pdf). So there shouldn't be useless states anymore caused by the generic Miele cloud API. - -### V3.0.2 (2021-03-05) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [79](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/79) When a devices serial is missing, the identNumber is assigned instead. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Changed folder name cooktops to hobs since this is the more common name -* (grizzelbee) Upd: added PowerOn/Off buttons for Coffee-systems & hoods -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) testing actions better before sending to permit errors - -### V3.0.1 (2021-02-25) -> *Hint:* Action_Information and Action_Status objects are created on first action execution and contain infos to the last executed action. -> Please take care of notes regarding [Controlling your devices](#Controlling your devices). -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved logging in some parts - objects get stringified. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) Actions are working again -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Actions are tested before sending whether they are permitted in current device state -* (grizzelbee) Upd: estimatedEndTime doesn't show seconds anymore -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved documentation -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed unused function decrypt -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed superfluent parameters - - -### V3.0.0 (2021-02-18) -> Hint: ecoFeedback objects are created on the first run of the device. This allows to only create them, when they contain data. -* (grizzelbee) New: BREAKING CHANGE: Making use of build-in password de-/encryption. This raises the need to re-enter your passwords again, because the old ones can't be decrypted anymore. -* (grizzelbee) New: [70](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/70) Implements Miele API 1.0.4 -* (grizzelbee) New: [64](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/64) Introduces data point estimatedFinishingTime -* (grizzelbee) New: [54](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/54) Poll interval can now freely be selected in seconds and minutes -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [73](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/73) BREAKING CHANGE: Removed white-spaces from any ID in device tree. This creates completely new device trees. So please delete the old ones. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed david-dm badge -* (grizzelbee) Upd: updated dependencies -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added passwords to encryptedNative -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added passwords to protectedNative -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [63](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/63) added missing info.connection object to io-package -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [63](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/63) Fixed new Warnings introduced with js-controller 3.2 -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) Light-Actions should work now - -### V2.0.3 (2020-09-15) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated country list in config dialog -* (grizzelbee) New: Some more debug code - -### V2.0.2 (2020-09-15) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some debug Code to find an Error -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed error on failed authentication preventing a valid error message - -### V2.0.1 (2020-09-14) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some debug Code to find an Error -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed error on logout while invalidating token - -### V2.0.0 - Support for Miele API V1.0.3 (2020-08-25) -Some breaking changes in this release. Some data points changed their type. May require fixes in scripts. **Update with care!** -Due to the fix that data points with invalid values aren't created any longer, I recommend deleting all data points in Object view. -* (grizzelbee) Change: New Icon -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Number-data points are no longer created as strings due to their unit. They are correct numbers with units now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Unit °Celsius is now shown as °C - not longer °Celsius -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced support for °Fahrenheit -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced support for new Value "plateStep" for Hobs. -* (grizzelbee) New: Performing a LogOut from Miele API on shutdown to invalidate the Auth-Tokens. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Data points with invalid values (null/-32768) are no longer created. - -### V1.2.4 (2020-06-09) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed No-Data Bug (introduced in V1.2.3) - -### V1.2.3 (2020-06-07) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: fixed snyk badge -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved error handling - -### V1.2.2 (2020-05-23) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed node 8 from testing on travis.com -* (grizzelbee) Fix: signalActionRequired should work better now -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated documentation -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved error handling in function APISendRequest -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Moved testing of Config to On(Ready) and fixed unit tests with this. - -### V1.2.1 (2020-04-22) -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced new boolean state (**signalActionRequired**) that indicates that the machine has finished running, but a human action, like putting the wet clothes to the dryer, ... is needed. State is cleared automatically when the door of the appliance is opened, or it is restarted. State is implemented for washing machines, tumble dryers, washer dryer and dishwashers. **Doesn't work perfectly currently.** -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated Documentation -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed warnings with js-Controller >=3.0 (Issue #23) - -### V1.2.0 (2020-04-18) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new boolean state (**Connected**) that indicates whether the device is connected to WLAN or a gateway. -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new boolean state (**signalInUse**) that indicates whether the device is switched off (false) or in Use (true). -* (grizzelbee) Change: replaced the deprecated http-library **request** with **axios** -* (grizzelbee) Change: Made functions communicating with API asynchronous - -### V1.1.0 (2020-03-07) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added Actions - Implemented all currently supported and documented Actions for all devices. -> Please remember that Actions will only work if you put your device into the appropriate state (e.g. Mobile Control) -please refer to [Miele-Documentation](#documentation) for more Information on actions. - -### V1.0.5 (2020-02-14) -* (grizzelbee) removed node-schedule as a dependency -* (grizzelbee) implemented scheduling via setTimeout, which raises the opportunity - to schedule with less than a minute in the future - -### V1.0.4 (2020-02-12) -* (grizzelbee) removed unneeded setTimeout from main -* (grizzelbee) Clearing scheduler on unload of adapter -* (grizzelbee) Minor updates and fixed typos in Readme - -### V1.0.3 (2020-02-06) -* (grizzelbee) removed an overseen logging of Passwords -* (grizzelbee) Fixed createTemperatureDatapoint to work with less than 3 values delivered from API -* (grizzelbee) Added some documentation -* (grizzelbee) Started implementation of DeviceActions - - -### V1.0.2 (2020-02-05) -* (grizzelbee) removed any logging of Passwords -* (grizzelbee) Fixed bug in config interface introduced during password encryption that config values aren't loaded properly - -### V1.0.1 (2020-02-04) -* (grizzelbee) Fixes in environment for getting adapter into the Repo -* (grizzelbee) Passwords are stored encrypted now - -### V1.0.0 (2020-02-03) -* (grizzelbee) renamed to MieleCloudService to get the ability to publish; the old Name is still blocked by hash99 -* (grizzelbee) Rewritten adapter from scratch - therefore it's incompatible with prior versions and needs to be installed freshly. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed all build-errors -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed "NRefreshToken is not a function"-Bug -* (grizzelbee) Chg: removed Push-API checkbox (maybe introduced newly when API supports this) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: New Icon -* (grizzelbee) New: added support for non-german Miele-Accounts (ALL should be included) -* (grizzelbee) Complete new layout of data points -* (grizzelbee) Device types are grouped now - ### 0.9.1 (2019-07-26) * (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed small bug introduced in V0.9.0 throwing an exception in debugging code diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md index fc0267e1a..b8fa9b9ba 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md title: ioBroker.myvbus -hash: aF4K57u2d/78Cw2v4pkxrJUrcmi9N7upgA12YFtYMP4= +hash: ZiVALRmHECLNqlEbG+VupRJUNFp71+MElfgIjLt0HE4= --- # IoBroker.myvbus ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/admin/myvbus.png) @@ -14,54 +14,73 @@ hash: aF4K57u2d/78Cw2v4pkxrJUrcmi9N7upgA12YFtYMP4= ![NPM-Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.myvbus.svg) ![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.myvbus.png?downloads=true) -**Tests:** ![Test und Freigabe](https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.myvbus/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**Tests:** ![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.myvbus/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## IoBroker-Adapter für Resol VBus -Dieser Adapter verbindet ioBroker mit verschiedenen VBus-basierten Geräten über resol-vbus, eine JavaScript-Bibliothek zur Erfassung von RESOL VBus-Daten, bereitgestellt von Daniel Wippermann. +Dieser Adapter verbindet ioBroker mit verschiedenen VBus-basierten Geräten unter Verwendung von resol-vbus, einer JavaScript-Bibliothek zum Erfassen von RESOL VBus-Daten, bereitgestellt von Daniel Wippermann. ## Merkmale -* Ermöglicht das Auslesen der Messdaten verschiedener RESOL(R) VBus(R)-Geräte – vorzugsweise Solar- und Systemregler der DeltaSol(R)-Serie inklusive eingebautem Wärmemengenzähler (HQM) – mittels Datenlogger DL3 oder DL2, KM2 Kommunikationsmodule, VBus/LAN-Schnittstellenadapter oder Seriell/LAN-Gateways lokal über TCP/IP. -* Der Gerätezugriff über den seriellen VBus/USB-Schnittstellenadapter oder über VBus.net(R) mit DLx/KMx wird ebenfalls unterstützt. +* Ermöglicht das Auslesen der Messdaten verschiedener RESOL(R) VBus(R)-Geräte - vorzugsweise Solar- und Systemregler der DeltaSol(R)-Reihe inkl. eingebautem Wärmemengenzähler (HQM) - mittels DL3- oder DL2-Datenloggern, KM2-Kommunikationsmodulen, VBus/LAN-Schnittstellenadaptern oder Seriell/LAN-Gateways lokal über TCP/IP. +* Der Gerätezugriff über den seriellen Schnittstellenadapter VBus/USB oder über VBus.net(R) mit DLx/KMx wird ebenfalls unterstützt. * Verarbeitet Live-VBus-Datenströme und stellt sie als ioBroker-Status zur Verfügung. * Werte werden mit einer konfigurierbaren Zykluszeit aktualisiert. -* Das Lesen oder Einstellen der VBus-Gerätekonfigurationsparameter wird nicht unterstützt. Hierzu sollten die von Resol bereitgestellten Tools genutzt werden, z.B. über VBus.net oder das Parametriertool RPT. +* Das Lesen oder Setzen der VBus-Gerätekonfigurationsparameter wird nicht unterstützt. Hierzu sollten die von Resol bereitgestellten Tools verwendet werden, z.B. über VBus.net oder das Parametriertool RPT. -Eine abgeleitete Version dieses Adapters, der die Steuerung von VBus-Geräten unterstützt, ist unter verfügbar +Eine abgeleitete Version dieses Adapters, die die Steuerung von VBus-Geräten unterstützt, ist verfügbar unter -* Das Lesen von DL3-Kanal 0 (direkt an das DL3-Gerät angeschlossene Sensoren) wird aufgrund von Einschränkungen der DL3-Schnittstelle nicht unterstützt. +* Das Lesen von DL3-Kanal 0 (Sensoren, die direkt an das DL3-Gerät angeschlossen sind) wird aufgrund von Einschränkungen der DL3-Schnittstelle nicht unterstützt. ## Konfigurationshinweise -* Der Typ des Verbindungsgeräts, z. VBus/LAN oder DL2 muss explizit ausgewählt werden, sonst kommt keine Verbindung zustande. -* TCP-Verbindungsport: Die Standardeinstellung 7053 sollte nicht geändert werden -* Gerätepasswort: Das Passwort, das Sie in Ihrem Verbindungsgerät festgelegt haben (Standard: vbus) -* DL3-Kanal: Nur relevant für DL3/DL2Plus – für alle anderen Anschlussgeräte auf „Keine“ belassen. +* Der Verbindungsgerätetyp z.B. VBus/LAN oder DL2. Muss explizit ausgewählt werden, sonst kommt keine Verbindung zustande. +* TCP-Verbindungsport: Nur relevanter oder LAN-basierter Zugriff. Die Standardeinstellung 7053 sollte nicht geändert werden +* Gerätepasswort: Das Passwort, welches Sie in Ihrem Anschlussgerät eingestellt haben (Standard: vbus) +* DL3-Kanal: Nur für DL3/DL2Plus relevant – für alle anderen Anschlussgeräte auf „Keine“ belassen. (erlaubte Werte: 1-6, Kanal 0 kann nicht ausgelesen werden) -* Aktualisierungsintervall: Die Zeit zwischen Aktualisierungen der Messwerte (Standard 30s) -* Die korrekten Einstellungen für den direkten LAN-Zugriff für VBus/LAN, DL3, DL2, KM2 sind: - * Verbindungsgerät: VBus/LAN oder KM2/DL2 oder DL3/DL2Plus - * Geräteadresse: IP-Adresse (z. B. oder FullyQualifiedHostName (z. B. myKM2.fritz.box) -* Die korrekten Einstellungen für den DL3-, DL2-, KM2-Zugriff über VBus.net sind: - * Verbindungsgerät: DL3/DL2Plus oder DL2/KM2 - * Geräteadresse: vbus.net (oder vbus.io) – beide ohne http:// und Via-Kennung! - * Über Tag: YourViaIdentifier (z. B. d1234567890) – ohne http:// davor oder .vbus.io dahinter +* Via-Tag: Nur relevant für DL3-, DL2-, KM2-Zugriff über VBus.net – für alle anderen Anschlussgeräte leer lassen. +* Aktualisierungsintervall: Die Zeitspanne zwischen den Aktualisierungen der Messwerte (Standard 30s) +* Die richtigen Einstellungen für den direkten seriellen Schnittstellenzugriff für VBus/USB sind: +* Anschlussgerät: VBus/USB +* Geräteadresse: Der Pfad zum seriellen Port, an den der serielle Schnittstellenadapter angeschlossen ist, wie + +'/dev/ttyUSB0' oder '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_USB-Modul_UO2102_TDEB6I8DAVDLGAGC-if00-port0' oder '/dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-port0' für Linux oder 'COM5' für Windows-basierte ioBroker-Plattformen + +* Die richtigen Einstellungen für den direkten LAN-Zugriff für VBus/LAN, DL3, DL2, KM2 sind: +* Anschlussgerät: VBus/LAN oder KM2/DL2 oder DL3/DL2Plus +* Geräteadresse: IP-Adresse (z. B. oder FullyQualifiedHostName (z. B. myKM2.fritz.box) +* Die richtigen Einstellungen für den DL3, DL2, KM2 Zugriff über VBus.net sind: +* Anschlussgerät: DL3/DL2Plus oder DL2/KM2 +* Geräteadresse: vbus.net (oder vbus.io) – beide ohne http:// und Via-Kennung! +* Via Tag: YourViaIdentifier (z.B. d1234567890) - ohne http:// davor oder .vbus.io dahinter ## Rechtliche Hinweise RESOL, VBus, VBus.net, DeltaSol und andere sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der RESOL - Elektronische Regelungen GmbH Alle anderen Marken sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber. -Die Autoren werden in keiner Weise von der RESOL GmbH oder den damit verbundenen Tochtergesellschaften, Logos oder Marken unterstützt oder sind mit ihnen verbunden. +Die Autoren werden in keiner Weise von der RESOL GmbH oder verbundenen Tochterunternehmen, Logos oder Marken unterstützt oder sind mit diesen verbunden. ## Changelog +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-30) - 2025H1 maintenance release + +* (pdbjjens) New: Accept serial port paths /dev/serial/by-id/usb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or /dev/serial/by-path/platform-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +* (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 +* (simatec) Responsive Design added + +### 0.4.0 (2024-08-13) - 2024H2 maintenance release + +* (pdbjjens) Change: node>=18, js-contoller>=5 and admin>=6 required +* (pdbjjens) Change: Removed .npmignore +* (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies + ### 0.3.0 (2024-01-24) - 2024 maintenance release * (pdbjjens) New: Use JSON config UI @@ -79,23 +98,11 @@ Die Autoren werden in keiner Weise von der RESOL GmbH oder den damit verbundenen * (pdbjjens) Fix password check -### 0.2.3 (2023-02-27) - 2023 maintenance release - -* (pdbjjens) Updated dependencies -* (pdbjjens) New: Use adapter-dev instead of gulp translate -* (pdbjjens) Fix: error handling for serial connections - -### 0.2.2 (2022-02-11) - -* Updated dependencies -* Compatibility check for js-controller 4.0 -* Support for js-controller 1.x dropped - ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Jens-Peter Jensen +Copyright (c) 2025 Jens-Peter Jensen Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-energy/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-energy/README.md index 03cfee044..be5794668 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-energy/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-energy/README.md @@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ Widget für VIS, um ein komplettes Thermostat anzuzeigen. Sie müssen nur den "S [Older changes](CHANGELOG_OLD.md) +### 2.8.0 (2025-01-31) + +* (ioKlausi) Update dependencies + ### 2.7.3 (2024-01-27) * (ioKlausi) Option 'Only update datapoints if changes are detected' corrected diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md index ab3a9330f..3c487db9b 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md title: ioBroker-Adapter zum Abrufen von Fußballspielergebnissen von OpenLigaDB -hash: DB+jiEnmIjsdyzVLRF6oEEU3UF6WtWK0uJuomZNrzJM= +hash: hg3XI6pnogJ4TCFV92FGjS6mePxT99QxVlLybvBM2JU= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/admin/openligadb_n.png) @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Das ist die klassische Tabellenansicht.\ Die Tabelle enthält verschiedene Spalt | alle Übereinstimmungen | | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches (Achtung im alten Widget musste hier noch Tabelle ausgewählt werden) ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration generiert, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt enthält alle Spieldaten einer Liga/Saison im JSON-Format. Aus diesen Daten werden dann auf Basis des Modus die Tabellen die verschiedenen Modi berechnet. | | aktueller Spieltag | | Hier ist ein Datenpunk zu wählen, der mit currgameday benannt ist. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration generiert, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Wert wird im Adapter auf Basis des aktuellen Datums berechnet. Der aktuelle Spieltag wechselt zur Hälfte der Zeit zwischen dem letzten Spiel des offiziellen Spieltags und dem ersten Spiel des folgenden Spieltages. | | Modus | | Listenauswahl in welchem Modus die Tabelle angezeigt werden soll zur Auswahl steht Gesamt(1total), Heim (2home) oder Auswärts (3away), Hinrunde (4round1) oder Rückrunde (5round2). | -| mode_binding | | Dieses Attribut entspricht im Wesentlichen dem Attributmodus. Es wurde ergänzt, sodass der Tabellenmodus ebenfalls per Bindung gesteuert werden kann. In diesem Textfeld können genau die gleichen Werte wie beim Modus eingetragen werden. Wenn hier ein korrekter Wert eingetragen ist, dann hat dieses Attribut vorrang vor dem Attributmodus. Ein Normalanwender sollte er nichts eintragen. | +| mode_binding | | Dieses Attribut entspricht im Wesentlichen dem Attributmodus. Es wurde ergänzt, so dass der Tabellenmodus ebenfalls per Bindung gesteuert werden kann. In diesem Textfeld können genau die gleichen Werte wie beim Modus eingetragen werden. Wenn hier ein korrekter Wert eingetragen ist, dann hat dieses Attribut vorrang vor dem Attributmodus. Ein Normalanwender sollte er nichts eintragen. | | maxicon | | Maximale Größe des Manschaftsicons in x- oder y-Richtung. | | Kurzname | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, falls dieser in den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | | Sautrend | | Auswahl, wenn Trendicons angezeigt werden sollen. Der Trend wird im Vergleich zum offiziellen Spieltag berechnet. | @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Das ist die klassische Tabellenansicht.\ Die Tabelle enthält verschiedene Spalt | Filter | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semikolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, anhand deren die Tabelle gefiltert dargestellt wird. | | iconup,icondn,iconst | Attributgruppe Icons | Hier können eigene Trendicons definiert werden. | | showgameday in der Attributgruppe | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Hier kann ein vom aktuellen Spieltag abweichender Tag zur Berechnung der Tabelle eingegeben werden | -| lastgamecount in der Attributgruppe | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn hier eine Zahl eingegeben wird, dann wird die Tabelle nur für die Anzahl von Spieltagen bis zum aktuell angezeigten Spieltag (in Abhängigkeit von currgameday und showgameday) Beispiel berechnet: Eingabe bei showgameday = 10 und bei lastgamecount=5: Die Tabelle wird nur für die Spieltage 6-10 berechnet (5 Spieltage) | +| lastgamecount in der Attributgruppe | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn hier eine Zahl eingegeben wird, dann wird die Tabelle nur für die Anzahl von Spieltagen bis zum aktuell angezeigten Spieltag berechnet (in Abhängigkeit von currgameday und showgameday) Beispiel berechnet: Eingabe bei showgameday = 10 und bei lastgamecount=5: Die Tabelle wird nur für die Spieltage 6-10 berechnet (5 Spieltage) | ### Spiele des Spieltags v2 ![Widget Spieltag](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/widgets/openligadb/img/gameday.png) @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ Bestimmte Elemente der Anzeige wurden mit **CSS-Klassen** versehen, für die dan | Kurzname | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, falls dieser in den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | | Showziele | | Es werden Informationen zu den Torschützen angezeigt. | | hervorheben | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semikolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Der jeweilige Name wird mit HTML-Tags `` eingefasst. Eine detaillierte Formatierung kann über die CSS-Klasse „favorite“ erfolgen. Ausserdem kann je Highlight eine individuelle CSS-Klasse angegeben werden. Vgl. Kapitel todo | -| Showspieltag | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, wird immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt. Trägt man eine positive Zahl ein, dann wird, falls vorhanden, der ausgewählte Spieltag angezeigt. Trägt man eine negative Zahl ein, dann wird relativ vom aktuellen Spieltag dieser angezeigt (bspw -1 entspricht dem offiziellen Spieltag) | -| showgamedaycount | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Üblicherweise bleibt dieses Feld leer oder enthält 1. Dadurch wird genau ein Spieltag angezeigt. Wird hier eine andere Zahl eingegeben, dann wird diese Anzahl von Spieltagen, ab der 'Einstellung in showgameday' angezeigt. | +| Showspieltag | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, wird immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine positive Zahl ein, dann wird, falls vorhanden, der ausgewählte Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine negative Zahl ein, dann wird relativ vom aktuellen Spieltag dieser angezeigt (bspw -1 entspricht dem offiziellen Spieltag) | +| showgamedaycount | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Üblicherweise bleibt dieses Feld leer oder enthält 1. Dadurch wird genau ein Spieltag angezeigt. Wird hier eine andere Zahl eingegeben, dann wird diese Anzahl von Spieltagen, ausgehend von der 'Einstellung in showgameday' angezeigt. | | Showwochentag | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Zeigt vor dem Datum wahlweise den Wochentag an. | ##### Beispiele @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Beispiele für relativ berechneten Spieltag: | Da das Binding nicht im vis editmode berechnet wird, wird bei Verwendung von Binding im editmode immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt. ### Spiele der Lieblingsclubs 2 -![Lieblingsspiele](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/widgets/openligadb/img/favgames.png) Dieses Widget zeigt die nächsten Spiele deiner Lieblingsmannschaften aus einem oder mehreren Ligen an. Durch die Auswahl der Anzahl der verfügbaren Ligen wird für jede Liga eine separate Konfigurationsgruppe angezeigt, in der die folgenden Einstellungen vorgenommen werden können. +![Lieblingsspiele](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/widgets/openligadb/img/favgames.png) Dieses Widget zeigt die nächsten Spiele deiner Lieblingsmannschaften aus einem oder mehreren Ligen an. Durch die Auswahl der Anzahl der angezeigten Ligen wird für jede Liga eine separate Konfigurationsgruppe angezeigt, in der die folgenden Einstellungen vorgenommen werden können. Wenn das Spiel am heutigen Tag statt findet, dann wird das jeweilige Spiel (todaygame) mit CSS-Klassen versehen. #### Beispiel @@ -375,13 +375,13 @@ sendTo( - ~~Dokumentation für neue Widgets „PivotTable“ und „Goalgetters“~~ - ~~Tabellenmodi um 1. Runde und 2. Runde erweitern~~ - ~~neue Widget-Pivot-Tabelle der gespielten Spiele~~ -- ~~neues Widget für Zielerreichungsranking mit Sortierfunktion~~ +- ~~neues Widget „Zielerreicher-Ranking“ mit Sortierfunktion~~ - ~~Tabelle mit Trendzeichen erweitern (Pfeil hoch/runter, Punkt für keine Veränderung)~~ - ~~Tabelle erweitern um mit den letzten x Spielen zu rechnen~~ - ~~Tabelle erweitern um Rangliste für einen bestimmten Spieltag zu berechnen~~ - ~~Dokumentationsadapter/Widget~~ - ~~Problem mit der dynamischen Spalte „Club“ behoben~~ -- ~~Neues Widget: Nächste x Spiele des Clubs~~ +- ~~Neues Widget: Nächste x Clubspiele~~ - ~~Widget Spieltag Einstellung für Start Spieltag und Länge (-1,3 = vorherige anzeigen Spieltag und 3 Spieltage danach)~~ @@ -391,287 +391,290 @@ Spieltag und 3 Spieltage danach)~~ - ~~steuerbarer Spieltag im Spieltags-Widget~~ ## Changelog - - - -### 1.8.0 (2024-10-27) - -- move widget documentation from html file to readme -- adjust and prove responsive design for jsonconfig +### 1.8.1 (2025-01-23) + +- adjust breakpoints in jsonConfig as a workaround for the new table/card-elements + +### 1.8.0 (2024-10-27) + +- move widget documentation from html file to readme +- adjust and prove responsive design for jsonconfig - implement individual color settings for highlite and filters for each widget -### 1.7.0 (2024-09-16) - +### 1.7.0 (2024-09-16) + - fix quotes -### 1.6.0 (2024-09-16) - +### 1.6.0 (2024-09-16) + - reimplement checkTodayFavorite -### 1.5.0 (2024-09-15) - -- Addition of a CSS example for the Pivot Table widget -- add `sendTo` command to getMatchData -- remove deprecated widgets +### 1.5.0 (2024-09-15) + +- Addition of a CSS example for the Pivot Table widget +- add `sendTo` command to getMatchData +- remove deprecated widgets - addition widget option "only logo" to supress the teamname -### 1.4.11 (2024-08-09) - +### 1.4.11 (2024-08-09) + - fix issues from adapter checker -### 1.4.10 (2024-08-02) - -- switch to eslint 9 +### 1.4.10 (2024-08-02) + +- switch to eslint 9 - adjust markdownlint settings to be compatible with prettier -### 1.4.9 (2024-06-13) - -- fix if no game exist for team1/team2 -- somme prettier changes +### 1.4.9 (2024-06-13) + +- fix if no game exist for team1/team2 +- somme prettier changes - launch config for vscode -### 1.4.8 (2024-06-06) - +### 1.4.8 (2024-06-06) + - release -### 1.4.7 (2024-06-04) - +### 1.4.7 (2024-06-04) + - update dependencies -### 1.4.6 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.6 (2024-06-01) + - fix yml structure -### 1.4.5 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.5 (2024-06-01) + - fix yml structure -### 1.4.4 (2024-06-01) - -- Enable NPM Publish -- Enable dependabot +### 1.4.4 (2024-06-01) + +- Enable NPM Publish +- Enable dependabot - fix checks from adapter checker -### 1.4.3 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.3 (2024-06-01) + - remove files from eslint check -### 1.4.2 (2024-06-01) - -- fix double qoutes +### 1.4.2 (2024-06-01) + +- fix double qoutes - remove files from eslint check -### 1.4.1 (2024-06-01) - -- update package and io-broker files -- fix problems with vis2 +### 1.4.1 (2024-06-01) + +- update package and io-broker files +- fix problems with vis2 - remove vis as a -### 1.2.4 - +### 1.2.4 + - fix problems reported by adapter-checker -### 1.2.3 - +### 1.2.3 + - add connectiontype and datasource to io-package.json -### 1.2.2 - +### 1.2.2 + - fix result calculation -### 1.2.1 - +### 1.2.1 + - fix object type -### 1.2.0 - -- fix display of goals if goals are without minutes and playername saved by openligadb - +### 1.2.0 + +- fix display of goals if goals are without minutes and playername saved by openligadb + - fixed that sometimed request of states failed -### 1.1.0 - +### 1.1.0 + - prepare v1.1.0 -### 1.0.3 - +### 1.0.3 + - change setstate/createobject logic -### 1.0.2 - -- remove deprecated widgets / change widget beta flag - +### 1.0.2 + +- remove deprecated widgets / change widget beta flag + - improve debug messages -### 1.0.1 - +### 1.0.1 + - improve error message for requests -### 1.0.0 - +### 1.0.0 + - prepare for stable repository -### 0.11.5 - -- pivottable: show only results for selected gameday -- table3: icon attributes, add image selection dialog -- table3: add an extra attribute for mode to use with binding +### 0.11.5 + +- pivottable: show only results for selected gameday +- table3: icon attributes, add image selection dialog +- table3: add an extra attribute for mode to use with binding - all widgets: update documentation -### 0.11.4 - +### 0.11.4 + - fixed build/test problem -### 0.11.3 - +### 0.11.3 + - pivottable: fix problem with rank number -### 0.11.2 - -- pivottable: fix problem with sort and highlightontop +### 0.11.2 + +- pivottable: fix problem with sort and highlightontop - fix problem with goalgetters -### 0.11.1 - -- change some template settings, goalgetter table get headers, - add object change sensing -- widget goalgetters: add parameter highlight and showonlyhighlight -- widget pivottable: add sort option and choice to place favorite teams on top +### 0.11.1 + +- change some template settings, goalgetter table get headers, + add object change sensing +- widget goalgetters: add parameter highlight and showonlyhighlight +- widget pivottable: add sort option and choice to place favorite teams on top - remove year from date for several widgets -### 0.11.0 - -- extend table to calculate with x last games and extend table to calculate - ranking for a defined gameday, to ensure backward compatibility i have to - create a new table v3 widget -- extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change) -- new widget goal getter ranking with sort function -- new widget pivot table of played games +### 0.11.0 + +- extend table to calculate with x last games and extend table to calculate + ranking for a defined gameday, to ensure backward compatibility i have to + create a new table v3 widget +- extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change) +- new widget goal getter ranking with sort function +- new widget pivot table of played games - extend table modes with 1st round,2nd round -### 0.10.3 - -- change computing and output logic of gameday widget to mark gameday - header with favorite class -- improve documentation with css-klasses for table widget +### 0.10.3 + +- change computing and output logic of gameday widget to mark gameday + header with favorite class +- improve documentation with css-klasses for table widget - bugfix for calculate gameday. -### 0.10.2 - -- Add data column goaldiff to table widget, improve more documentation - (systax highlighting,copy code function), add example to +### 0.10.2 + +- Add data column goaldiff to table widget, improve more documentation + (systax highlighting,copy code function), add example to control gameday with buttons, -### 0.10.1 - -- Improve documentation with more recipes and syntax highlighting, +### 0.10.1 + +- Improve documentation with more recipes and syntax highlighting, improve code to get and subscribe states -### 0.10.0 - -- New widget Table 2 that includes the calculation of the total, home and - away results. the previous widget is now deprecated, due to the +### 0.10.0 + +- New widget Table 2 that includes the calculation of the total, home and + away results. the previous widget is now deprecated, due to the different datapoint (allmatches) to be selected. -### 0.9.3 - +### 0.9.3 + - Remove ES6 features due to compatibility with older browsers -### 0.9.2 - +### 0.9.2 + - next try to fix the experimental javascript binding function -### 0.9.1 - +### 0.9.1 + - fix bugs in calculation matchresults and highlight clubs in favgames -### 0.9.0 - -- new Function for vis Binding to search for games at the actual day for - favorite clubs, css-classes für games at actual day, fix bug to show +### 0.9.0 + +- new Function for vis Binding to search for games at the actual day for + favorite clubs, css-classes für games at actual day, fix bug to show the right match results, -### 0.8.0 - -- push version for latest repository. fix some typos. fix a problem with +### 0.8.0 + +- push version for latest repository. fix some typos. fix a problem with date handling on different OS -### 0.0.11 - +### 0.0.11 + - widget gameday: fix issue with not working gamedaycount -### 0.0.10 - +### 0.0.10 + - widget gameday: optional you can show informations about the goalgetters -### 0.0.9 - -- optional weekday for widgets: gameday and gamesoffavclub,highlight the +### 0.0.9 + +- optional weekday for widgets: gameday and gamesoffavclub,highlight the clubname in gamesoffavclub -### 0.0.8 - -- new widget games of favorite clubs with multi league support as +### 0.0.8 + +- new widget games of favorite clubs with multi league support as replacement for the old one -### 0.0.7 - +### 0.0.7 + - close connections and remove observers (timeouts/intervals) -### 0.0.6 - +### 0.0.6 + - NPM deployment and preperation for the latest repository -### 0.0.5 - -- highlight favorite club, -- Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding, -- widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous - gameday and 3 gamedays after that) -- some documentation -- remove unused code -- new widget: next x games of club +### 0.0.5 + +- highlight favorite club, +- Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding, +- widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous + gameday and 3 gamedays after that) +- some documentation +- remove unused code +- new widget: next x games of club - fix issue for dynamic with of club column -### 0.0.4 - +### 0.0.4 + - fixed more oids in vis runtime -### 0.0.3 - +### 0.0.3 + - fixed getting oids in vis runtime -### 0.0.2 - +### 0.0.2 + - add controlable gameday logic to gameday widget and adapter -### 0.0.1 - +### 0.0.1 + - initial release ## License - -MIT License - -Copyright (c) 2024 oweitman - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2025 oweitman + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6474da281 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md +title: ioBroker.oxxify-Lüftersteuerung +hash: oq5N579uZOxRokPPLSJhmBKEBhaE9V0YfAc9SK7y/Wg= +--- +![NPM-Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg) +![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg) +![Knoten-lts](https://img.shields.io/node/v-lts/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control) +![Libraries.io-Abhängigkeitsstatus für die neueste Version](https://img.shields.io/librariesio/release/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control?label=npm%20dependencies) +![Anzahl der Installationen](https://iobroker.live/badges/oxxify-fan-control-installed.svg) +![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.png?downloads=true) +![Beta](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg?color=red&label=beta) +![Stabil](http://iobroker.live/badges/oxxify-fan-control-stable.svg) + + + +# IoBroker.oxxify-Fan-Steuerung +**Tests:** ![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/N-b-dy/ioBroker.oxxify-fan-control/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Oxxify-fan-control-Adapter für ioBroker +Integrieren Sie Ihre Oxxify-Ventilatoren in Ihr Smart Home. Alle bereitgestellten ioBroker-Datenpunkte basieren auf dem unter [Hier](./doc/BDA_Anschluss_SmartHome_RV_V2.pdf) beschriebenen Kommunikationsprotokoll. Da andere Hersteller dasselbe Protokoll verwenden (z. B. Blauberg-Ventile), ist es ziemlich wahrscheinlich, dass diese auch funktionieren. + +## Funktionierende Geräte +- Oxxify smart 50 (von mir getestet) +- Jedes andere Oxxify-Gerät mit WLAN +- Blauberg Vents (sollte vorhanden sein, noch nicht getestet) + +### Objektbaumbeschreibung +Im Objektbaum befindet sich der Ordner mit dem Namen „devices“, der für jeden konfigurierten Lüfter einen Eintrag erstellt. Die darunterliegenden Kanäle werden mit der eindeutigen Lüfter-ID erstellt, die vom Hersteller bereitgestellt wird. In der Spalte _name_ wird der Eintrag aus der Konfiguration verwendet, um die Lüfter besser unterscheiden zu können. Unter jedem Lüfter werden vier Kanäle erstellt, um die pro Lüfter bereitgestellten Daten zu gruppieren. Sie werden wie folgt erklärt: + +#### Fandaten +Dieser Kanal enthält alle lüfterbezogenen Daten wie Timer, Lüftergeschwindigkeit, Ein-/Aus-Zustand und Informationen zum Filterreinigungs-/Austauschintervall. Die Lüfterbetriebsarten enthalten den numerischen Wert aus dem Kommunikationsprotokoll sowie einen sprechenden String-Status. Die Werte können nur als Zahl geschrieben werden (z. B. eine 1 für die Wärmerückgewinnung). Gleiches gilt für den Timermodus und den Lüftergeschwindigkeitsmodus, der 1, 2, 3 und 255 für die manuelle Geschwindigkeitseinstellung akzeptiert. Die Lüftergeschwindigkeit für Lüfter 2 ist bei meinen Geräten (Oxxify pro 50) nicht verfügbar und bleibt entweder bei 0 U/min im Aus-Zustand oder bei 1500 in jedem Betriebszustand. Der andere Wert ändert sich je nach Geschwindigkeit. + +![Bild](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png) + +#### Netzwerkdaten +Die Netzwerkdaten sind derzeit nur lesbar, das Schreiben/Ändern von Werten ist hier noch nicht implementiert und kann über die App des Herstellers erfolgen. Gleiches gilt für den Kontrollzustand des Cloud-Servers. + +![Bild](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png) + +#### Sensordaten +Die Dateneingaben für die Sensoren werden wie im Protokoll definiert umgesetzt. Die analogen Spannungswerte werden in % angegeben, wie im Protokoll definiert. An die Analog- und Relaissensoren habe ich nichts angeschlossen, daher kann ich nicht wirklich testen, was passiert, wenn man sie aktiviert. + +![Bild](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png) + +#### Systemdaten +Dieser Kanal enthält Systemdaten zur Hardware und Firmware sowie Laufzeit, RTC-Batteriespannung und Datum/Uhrzeit. Hier können Alarme zurückgesetzt und auch die RTC-Zeit basierend auf dem konfigurierten NTP-Server eingestellt werden. Aus meiner Erfahrung kann es manchmal vorkommen, dass nach einem RTC-Zeitsync die neuen (richtigen) Werte nicht sofort sichtbar sind und es bis zum nächsten Datenpolling dauert. + +![Bild](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png) + +## Aufgaben +- Veröffentlichung einer stabilen Version auf npm +- Hinzufügen des Adapters zum ioBroker-Repo +- Durchführung weiterer Tests +- Dokumentation verbessern +- Implementierung fehlender Datenpunkte (wie Zeitplan, Schreiben von Netzwerkdaten und Cloud-Steuerung) + + + +## Changelog + +### 0.0.4 (2025-01-31) + +- Updated ESLint to 9.x.x +- Fixed copyright issue from adapter checker +- Replaced deletion of all objects with deletion of missing devices from config only +- Avoided illegal characters from user input for fan id within code +- Changed state subscription to all states below the devices folder +- Added restart logic of UDP server in case of an error +- Added adapter terminiation if multiple udp server errors occured +- Replaced cyclic checking of the send quene with a timeout approach instead of interval +- Missing intermediate objects created +- Roles updated according to the read/write definitions +- Polling interval limited in JSON config and code +- ioBroker unit in object tree for RTC date & time removed + +### 0.0.3 (2025-01-11) + +- Added states for objects with high byte 0x03 with reading and writing +- Recreate device objects on adapter restart +- Simplified methods for writing fan data based on subscribed states +- Added a first unit test for the parsing of numbers. + +### 0.0.2 (2025-01-06) + +- (N-b-dy) initial release + +## License + +Copyright (c) 2025 N-b-dy + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + +### Disclaimer of Warranty. + +THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +### Limitation of Liability. + +IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aeac25d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18da8c7a3 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2031b1f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79448c0c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..138f7a7a0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md index d3d26ca18..84d44b27b 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md @@ -23,18 +23,24 @@ BADGE-Installed: http://iobroker.live/badges/proxmox-installed.svg - Admin Adapter 6.13.16 (oder neuer) *** -## Einstellungen -![Option](../pictures/option.png) +>Die Dokumentation basiert auf dem Stand der Version 2.4.0 +Alle Bilder sind Beispiele und können je nach Systemkonfiguration abweichen. + +## Nodes + +![Option](../pictures/optionen.png) + +### Anfrage-Intervall +Standard sind 30 Sekunden. Der kleinste Wert sind 5 Sekunden. + +> Mit klicken auf das Plussymbol wird eine neue Zeile für ein Node hinzugefügt. in einer Insatnnz können alle Nodes eingetragen werden. ### IP Adresse -Die IP Adresse des Proxmox Servers bzw. der Servername. Bei mehreren Servern, werden die IP`s mit Komma getrennt hier eingetragen. +Die IP Adresse des Proxmox Server bzw. der Servername. ### Port Standard ist der Port 8006, wenn bei der Installation ein anderer Port eingestell wurde, muss dieser hier auch geändert. -### Anfrage-Intervall -Standard sind 30 Sekunden. Der kleinste Wert sind 5 Sekunden. - ### Nutzername Bei der Installation wird root als Standard eingestellt. Wenn ein neuer User für den Abruf der Daten in Proxmox erstellt wird, kommt hier sein Loginname rein. @@ -46,12 +52,16 @@ Auswahl zwischen `Standard Authentifizierung` und dem `Proxmox Authentifizierung Als Standard sollte hier der selbe Dienst gewählt werden, wie im Login auf der Weboberfläche. ![proxmox login](../pictures/proxmox_login.png) +*** +## Weitere Informationen + ### Festplatten Informationen Bei der Auswahl werden in den Objekten diese Datenpunkte angelegt, diese können sich je nach Festplattentyp unterscheiden. ![disk info](../pictures/disk_info.png) ### HA informationen -in Arbeit +Es werden alle Nodes des HA-Cluster aufgelistet. Welcher Node Master ist und welcher das Quorum übernimmt. +![HA Strucktur](../pictures/HA_structure.png) ### Ceph Informationen in Arbeit @@ -113,8 +123,12 @@ zum Beispiel Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 2.4.0 (2025-01-27) +* (mcm1957) BREAKING: you must enter your configuration data again at the config page. -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +### 2.3.1 (2025-01-26) +* (arteck) new settings structure +* (arteck) fix storage request * (arteck) add new eslint file * (arteck) fix node message * (arteck) refactor @@ -131,24 +145,11 @@ zum Beispiel ### 2.2.2 (2023-11-06) * (arteck) storage message corr -### 2.2.1 (2023-10-28) -* (arteck) machines delete after restart corr -* (arteck) vmid type corr -* (arteck) corstorage error message - -### 2.2.0 (2023-10-21) -* (arteck) new Object tree structure (selectable) -* (arteck) added HA Information -* (arteck) Storage info is selectable -* (arteck) Backup info are under Storage info as Object backupJson -* (arteck) corr info for offline container -* (arteck) axios timout is now 5 sec. - ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2023-2024 ioBroker Community Developers +Copyright (c) 2023-2025 ioBroker Community Developers Copyright (c) 2023 MeisterTR Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md index 4a6dd33bf..d7bbc0f99 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md title: ioBroker.reolink -hash: kU3wT/Hp6fLzWrtzLnmeYP3CMJbYa0jykAN+mOPR91M= +hash: /bm8PbcKUsNovM9dM+o7AdtO37eijmF0pbO4vbW2PaU= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/admin/reolink_logo.png) @@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ Adapter für die ioBroker-Plattform zum Abrufen von [Reolink Kamera](https://reo Generell unterstützen alle neueren Reolink-Kameras API-Befehle. Sie unterscheiden sich lediglich in den unterstützten Befehlen. +Eine Erinnerung an das Passwort. Versuchen Sie es mit oder ohne URI-Kodierung, wenn Sie nur ein Sonderzeichen haben. Verwenden Sie für die gleiche Sicherheit besser kein Sonderzeichen und einfach ein längeres Passwort. + Wenn Sie einen bestimmten API-Befehl einbinden möchten, lassen Sie es mich einfach wissen. ## Implementierte Funktionen ### SATZ PTZ-Steuerung / PTZ-Schutz - - Push-Benachrichtigung +- Push-Benachrichtigung - Autofokus einstellen Werte: 0,1 @@ -47,15 +49,15 @@ Zoom-Fokus Funktionen können durch Ändern des Zustands von reolink..settings ausgelöst werden. ### ERHALTEN - - Geräteinformationen +Geräteinfo - PTZ-Informationen - Laufwerksinformationen - - Netzwerk information - - Bewegungserkennung +- Netzwerkinfo +Bewegungserkennung Autofokus Schnappschuss IR-Licht - - LED-Licht +LED-Licht - Mail-Benachrichtigung ### Beispielverwendung von „Bild abrufen“: @@ -85,10 +87,26 @@ Duo 3 PoE ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (oelison) update disk info +* (oelison) uri enconding is switchable (helps sometimes by one special char) +* (oelison) #28 PTZ check added + +### 1.1.2 (2024-09-14) +* (oelison) [#22](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/22) password with some more special chars works now +* (oelison) adapter warnings resolved + +### 1.1.1 (2024-08-03) +* (oelison) removed warnings from adapter check +* (olli) added ftp support +* (oelison) channel now distinguishing most requests +* (oelison) [#79](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/79) error messages with more info where + +### 1.1.0 (2024-05-16) * (Nibbels) [#56](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/56) added function to switch scheduled recording on and off * (Nibbels) [#25](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/25) detach led light from led light mode * (Nibbels) added setWhiteLedMode function * (Nibbels) read zoom and focus with POST request (works on RLC-823A v3.1) +* (oelison) removed node 16 ### 1.0.3 (2024-01-21) * (oelison) [#49](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/49) @@ -158,7 +176,7 @@ Duo 3 PoE ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Andy Grundt +Copyright (c) 2025 Andy Grundt Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md index eca9e75ab..2eb068a94 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md title: ioBroker Szenenadapter -hash: FR+CyK5Winwdr8oIsq6WZoOBdSghf+pQvTJGhAHNMXE= +hash: Io2jtg2yoSH0XtMVQvpAhtXEtvJa+v5uqUhWKn5UbdE= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/admin/scenes.png) @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Dieser Adapter kann drei Arten von Szenen erstellen: - **virtuelle Gruppen** ## Szenen -**Szenen** werden erstellt, wenn die Einstellung „auf false setzen“ nicht verwendet wird. +**Szenen** werden erstellt, wenn die Einstellung „auf „false“ gesetzt“ nicht verwendet wird. Jede Szene kann einzeln konfiguriert werden, sodass Sie **Szenen** und **Gruppen** in einer Adapterinstanz haben können. Die **Szene** ist nur eine Liste von Zustands-IDs und -Werten, die diese Zustände bei Aktivierung der Szene haben müssen. Beispielsweise haben wir in der Szene `scene.allLightInBath` Folgendes erstellt: @@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ sendTo( Der Adapter liest alle aktuellen Werte für die in dieser Szene definierten IDs und speichert sie als konfigurierte Werte. -## Szene per Nachricht deaktivieren oder aktivieren Um eine Szene zu deaktivieren oder zu aktivieren, können Sie eine Nachricht an den Adapter senden: -``` +## Deaktivieren oder Aktivieren einer Szene über eine Nachricht Um eine Szene zu deaktivieren oder zu aktivieren, können Sie eine Nachricht an den Adapter senden: +```js // enable sendTo( 'scenes.0', @@ -160,6 +160,14 @@ sendTo( ### **IN ARBEIT** --> ## Changelog +### 4.0.1 (2025-01-23) +* (bluefox) Adapter was migrated to TypeScript +* (bluefox) Corrected error with the Select ID dialog + +### 3.2.4 (2025-01-22) +* (bluefox) Migrated to vite +* (bluefox) Packages updated + ### 3.2.3 (2024-08-26) * (bluefox) Packages updated @@ -319,7 +327,7 @@ sendTo( ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2015-2024, Bluefox (dogafox@gmail.com) +Copyright (c) 2015-2025, Bluefox (dogafox@gmail.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.schedule-switcher/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.schedule-switcher/README.md index db7c63233..37dbc32cd 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.schedule-switcher/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.schedule-switcher/README.md @@ -794,6 +794,9 @@ app-on-off-schedules-widget { ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** - (Lucky-ESA) Dependencies updated +- (Lucky-ESA) Fixed: In the HTML overview, enabled / disabled does not work +- (Lucky-ESA) Fixed: Astrotime incorrectly +- (Lucky-ESA) Added: Current day in font weight bold ### 0.0.9 (2024-12-20) @@ -818,38 +821,6 @@ app-on-off-schedules-widget { - (Lucky_ESA) Added counter trigger - (Lucky_ESA) Updating astro time fixed -### 0.0.5 (2024-11-06) - -- (Lucky_ESA) Crash when updating astro time fixed -- (Lucky_ESA) Fixed some bugs - -### 0.0.4 (2024-11-04) - -- (Lucky_ESA) Temporary function removed -- (Lucky_ESA) Creation of objects adjusted -- (Lucky_ESA) Validation check of the states -- (Lucky_ESA) Validation check for 2 widgets with one object - -### 0.0.3 (2024-10-30) - -- (Lucky_ESA) Fixed VIS translate -- (Lucky_ESA) Added astro time in trigger -- (Lucky_ESA) Fixed OneTimeTrigger -- (Lucky_ESA) Added date for OneTimeTrigger -- (Lucky_ESA) Fixed some bugs - -### 0.0.2 (2024-10-22) - -- (Lucky_ESA) Fix translate -- (Lucky_ESA) Fix background color disable Weekdays -- (Lucky_ESA) Fix sendTo -- (Lucky_ESA) Added jsonConfig -- (Lucky_ESA) Added history - -### 0.0.1 (2024-10-19) - -- (Lucky_ESA) initial release - ## License MIT License diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md index 87bdd805d..a59a0a29f 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md @@ -525,6 +525,12 @@ Existiert nicht mehr ## Changelog +### 1.6.17 +* License update + +### 1.6.16 +* Moved Dashboard to ApiV2. This invalidates existing datapoints under /Dashboard/ and introduces "Dashboard/currently" and "Dashboard/today" due to changes in the API. + ### 1.6.15 * Maintenance update (dependencies, ...) @@ -558,7 +564,7 @@ Existiert nicht mehr ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Norbert Bluemle +Copyright (c) 2025 Norbert Bluemle Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md index 6f062dcb9..f4d67edf9 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md @@ -792,6 +792,11 @@ _[Zurück zum Anfang](#dokumentation-und-anleitung-für-shuttercontrol)_ ## Changelog +### 1.8.8 (2025-01-26) +* (simatec) Design Fix +* (simatec) Fix dialog-select-member +* (simatec) Dependencies updated + ### 1.8.7 (2025-01-20) * (simatec) Design Fix diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md index cfda71159..df47abb07 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md title: ioBroker.sia -hash: y50JxbFsgGv1AxFIuIST3nlf5Dy5ocKQXVxRIuqU8ME= +hash: UJIqFmNZCAoAKezO4sHZ5mA7QbhOAyE0neR4o0HS6ac= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia.png) -![Travis CI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.sia.svg?branch=master) -![AppVeyor Build Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.sia?branch=master&svg=true) +![Travis CI-Build-Status](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.sia.svg?branch=master) +![AppVeyor-Build-Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.sia?branch=master&svg=true) ![Anzahl der Installationen](http://iobroker.live/badges/sia-stable.svg) ![NPM-Version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.sia.svg) ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.sia.svg) @@ -17,95 +17,183 @@ hash: y50JxbFsgGv1AxFIuIST3nlf5Dy5ocKQXVxRIuqU8ME= # IoBroker.sia ================== -Benötigt node.js 6.0 oder höher und Admin v3! +Erfordert node.js 20.0 oder höher und Admin v5! -Das Protokoll SIA DC-09 wird von Alarmsystemen zur Kommunikation mit den Zentralstationen verwendet. +Das Protokoll SIA DC-09 wird von Alarmsystemen zur Kommunikation mit den Zentralstationen per SIA-DCS, *SIA-DCS, ADM-CID und *ADM-CID verwendet. -Dieser Adapter ist ein SIA-Server. Wenn ein Alarmereignis ausgelöst wird, sendet das Alarmsystem die sia-Nachricht über IP an die Zentralstation. -Sie können ioBroker mit diesem Adapter als Zentralstation verwenden. Zum Beispiel. Sie können per SIA eine Telegrammnachricht für einen Alarm senden. +Dieser Adapter ist ein SIA-Server. Wenn ein Alarmereignis ausgelöst wird, sendet das Alarmsystem über IP (TCP oder UDP) die SIA-Nachricht an die Zentralstation. +Die folgenden ID-Token werden unterstützt: + +- SIA-DCS (SIA DCS), +- \*SIA DCS (SIA DCS verschlüsselt), +- ADM-CID (Ademco-Kontakt-ID), +- \*ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID verschlüsselt) + +Wenn Sie *SIA DCS (SIA DCS verschlüsselt) oder *ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID verschlüsselt) verwenden, müssen Sie die AES-Verschlüsselung aktivieren und ein AES-Passwort im HEX-Format eingeben. Das AES-Passwort muss für AES-128 = 32 HEX-Zeichen, für AES-192 = 48 HEX-Zeichen und für AES-256 müssen Sie 64 HEX-Zeichen eingeben. +Ein Beispielpasswort für AES-128 wäre: 3A1F6B8C9D4E7F20123456789ABCDEF0. + +Mit diesem Adapter können Sie ioBroker als Zentrale verwenden. So können Sie beispielsweise per ioBroker eine Telegrammnachricht versenden, wenn Sie eine Alarm-SIA-Nachricht erhalten. [SIA DC-09-Protokoll](https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/47594214/dc-09-preparing-for-ansi-public-review-security-industry-) -## Installation & Konfiguration +## Installation und Konfiguration 1. Installieren Sie den Adapter 2. Konfiguration des Adapters: -Wählen Sie die IP-Adresse und den Port für die Überwachung von SIA-Anfragen. +Wählen Sie die IP-Adresse und den Port zum Abhören von SIA-Anfragen. ![sia_adapter1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter1.png) -Registrieren Sie die Kontonummer. Wenn Sie AES verwenden, müssen Sie ein Passwort (Schlüssel) eingeben. Der Schlüssel sollte 16, 24 oder 32 Zeichen (Byte) lang sein. -Wenn das Kontrollkästchen "AES-Passwort im Hex-Format" aktiviert ist, muss das Passwort 32, 48 oder 64 Zeichen (Byte) lang sein. -Im Feld ACK-Timeout legen Sie fest, wie alt die Nachricht in Sekunden sein darf. Wenn Sie 0 Sek. Definieren, wird keine Zeitüberschreitungsüberprüfung durchgeführt. -![sia_adapter2](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter2.png) +Kontonummer registrieren. Wenn Sie AES verwenden, müssen Sie ein Passwort (Schlüssel) eingeben. Der Schlüssel sollte 16, 24 oder 32 Zeichen (Byte) lang sein. -3. Konfigurieren Sie Ihr Einbrechersystem zum Senden von SIA-Nachrichten +Wenn das Kontrollkästchen „AES-Passwort im Hex-Format“ aktiviert ist, muss die Passwortlänge 32, 48 oder 64 Zeichen (Byte) lang sein. -    * Lupusec XT1 + / XT2 / XT2 + / XT3: +Im Feld ACK-Timeout definieren Sie, wie alt die Nachricht in Sekunden sein darf. Wenn Sie 0 Sekunden definieren, wird keine Timeout-Validierung durchgeführt. -Einstellungen -> Kontakt-ID: ip: // Teilnehmer @ ip-Adresse-iobroker: Port / SIA Beispiel: ip: //test@ 50001 / SIA + ![sia_adapter2](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter2.png) - ![sia_lupusec1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_lupusec1.png) +3. Konfigurieren Sie Ihr Einbruchmeldesystem zum Senden von SIA-Nachrichten -    * Andere Alarmsysteme: + ![sia_lupusec1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_lupusec1.png) -Der Adapter funktioniert mit allen Alarmsystemen, die das SIA DC-09-Protokoll unterstützen + - Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (SIA-DCS): -4. SIA Objekte / Zustände +Einstellungen -> Kontakt-ID: ip:/subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA Beispiel: ip://A111F@ -Wenn Sie SIA-Nachrichten erhalten, werden diese im Statusbaum angezeigt +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (\*SIA-DCS) verschlüsselt: -![sia_adapter3](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter3.png) +Einstellungen -> Kontakt-ID: ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA/KEY/(128,196 oder 256 Bit Schlüssel in HEX) Beispiel: ip://A222F@ -## Changelog +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (ADM-CID): + +Einstellungen -> Kontakt-ID: ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA Beispiel: ip://A333F@ + +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (\*ADM-CID) verschlüsselt: + +Einstellungen -> Kontakt-ID: ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/CID_SIA/KEY/(128,196 oder 256 Bit Schlüssel in HEX) Beispiel: ip://A444F@ + +- Andere Alarmsysteme: +Der Adapter funktioniert mit allen Alarmsystemen, die SIA-DCS, *SIA-DCS, ADM-CID oder *ADM-CID unterstützen -### 1.0.3 (07.06.2019) -* (Stübi) Small improvements to the SIA protocol -* (Stübi) Changed bug in encrypting. Delete appending 8 * 0x10 +4. SIA-Objekte / Zustände -### 1.0.2 (16.05.2019) -* (Stübi) Support of UDP. Same port listening as TCP +Wenn Sie SIA-Nachrichten empfangen, sehen Sie diese im Statusbaum unter den Kanalkonten -### 1.0.1 (05.03.2019) -* (Stübi) Saving password encrypted. -* (Stübi) ACK and NAC calculation extended. -* (Stübi) CRC can be send in 0xABCD (2 Byte) or ABCD (4 Byte, ASCII) format. Automatic recognizing -* (Stübi) AES Password can be in AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC or AES-256-CBC -* (Stübi) AES Password can be saved in byte or hex (length 16, 24 or 32 byte) format or hex (length 32, 48 or 64 hex) format -* (Stübi) Timeout for ACK (0 = disable, 1 - n sec) -* (Stübi) Set ioBroker States of message on ACK not on NACK + ![sia_adapter3](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter3.png) -### 1.0.0 (05.01.2018) -* (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +Sie sehen für jedes Konto folgendes Objekt: -### 0.1.8 (27.12.2018) -* (Stübi) Update Adapter Core File +| Objekt | Beschreibung | + | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| Kontonummer | Kontonummer (3-16 ASCII-Zeichen, "0"-"9", "A"-"F") | +| crc | CRC-Prüfsumme | + | extdata | Erweiterte Daten (ACII-Daten) | +| id | ID-Token (Beispiel SIA-DCS) | +| lpref | Kontopräfix | +| msgdata | Nachrichtendaten und werden immer in ASCII dargestellt | +| rpref | Empfängernummer | +| Sequenz | Sequenznummer | +| ts | Zeitstempel (nur in verschlüsselten Nachrichten enthalten) | -### 0.1.6 (23.10.2018) -* (Stübi) Bugfxing (NAK) and AES support +Interessant ist das Objekt: msgdata (message data). Hier sieht man das ausgelöste Ereignis des Alarmsystems. Wie das Ereignis zu interpretieren ist, muss man bei dem Hersteller des Alarmsystems erfragen. -### 0.1.5 (01.10.2018) -* (Stübi) Translations +Ein Beispiel für Javascript in ioBroker, um ein Ereignis abzurufen: -### 0.0.5 (09.08.2018) -* (Stübi) Requires nodejs 6.0 or higher +``` +// example message: A444F|1401 02 001 +on({ id: 'sia.0.accounts.A444F.msgdata'/*A444F - Message Data*/ }, (obj) => { + if(obj.state.ack === true) { + const id = getState('sia.0.accounts.A444F.id'/*A444F - ID Token*/).val; + if(id === 'ADM-CID' || id === '*ADM-CID') { + const cid = parseMessage(obj.state.val); + console.log(`Contact ID Message ${JSON.stringify(cid)}`); + console.log(`Event: ${cid.event} for accountnumber ${cid.accountNumber}`); + } + } +}); +``` -### 0.0.4 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) Cleanup + Ausgabe: -### 0.0.3 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) SIA regex optimized +``` +Contact ID Message {"accountNumber":"A444F","qualifier":"1","event":"401","area":"02","zone":"001"} +Event: 401 for accountnumber A444F +``` -### 0.0.2 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) bug fixing +Ereignis 401 bedeutet „Fernaktivierung/-deaktivierung, wenn das System per SMS-Nachricht oder Webzugriff aktiviert oder deaktiviert wird“ -### 0.0.1 (07.06.2018) -* (Stübi) first implementation +5. Fehler / Probleme + +Wenn Sie Probleme bei der Verarbeitung von SIA-Nachrichten haben oder einen Fehler gefunden haben, erstellen Sie bitte ein Problem. +Das Problem sollte folgende Informationen enthalten: + +1. Hersteller und Typ der Alarmanlage +2. Die SIA-Nachricht als Datei. Sie können eine Datei erstellen, wenn Sie dies in der Instanzkonfiguration aktivieren. +3. Wenn Sie eine Verschlüsselung (AES) verwenden, dann benötige ich den Schlüssel zum Entschlüsseln der Nachricht zum Testen. +4. Die Debug-Ausgabe von ioBroker bei der Verarbeitung der Nachricht +5. Detaillierte Beschreibung des Fehlers + +Nachdem Sie die Punkte 2 und 3 abgeschlossen haben, ändern Sie bitte den AES-Schlüssel. +Sie können die gespeicherte SIA-Nachricht mit dem folgenden Befehl testen + +``` +# cat fileanme_of_sia_message | nc ip_address_of_iobroker sia_port +cat /tmp/sia/sia_msg_20250201_202457309.txt | nc localhost 55001 +``` + +## Changelog +### 2.0.3 (2025-02-01) + +- (Stübi) add error envent if connction close +- (Stübi) add the proctocol ADM-CID and \*ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID) +- (Stübi) add translations +- (Stübi) fix bugs by receiving messages by udp +- (Stübi) adjust readme + +### 2.0.2 (2025-01-30) + +- (Stübi) add: checking accountnumber for exact syntax +- (Stübi) add: checking admin interface aes entries + +### 2.0.1 (2025-01-29) + +- (Stübi) Redesign of Contact ID Adapter. +- (Stübi) Wokring now with nodejs 20 and 22 +- (Stübi) js-controller in version 6 and 7 will be supported +- (Stübi) Ability to save SIA messages. + +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-29) + +- (Stübi) Major Release + +### 1.0.4 (2019-11-17) + +- (Stübi) Bugfixing, changing the time calculation for ACK and NACK messages +- (Stübi) Small improvements to the SIA protocol +- (Stübi) Changed bug in encrypting. Delete appending 8 \* 0x10 +- (Stübi) Support of UDP. Same port listening as TCP +- (Stübi) Saving password encrypted. +- (Stübi) ACK and NAC calculation extended. +- (Stübi) CRC can be send in 0xABCD (2 Byte) or ABCD (4 Byte, ASCII) format. Automatic recognizing +- (Stübi) AES Password can be in AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC or AES-256-CBC +- (Stübi) AES Password can be saved in byte or hex (length 16, 24 or 32 byte) format or hex (length 32, 48 or 64 hex) format +- (Stübi) Timeout for ACK (0 = disable, 1 - n sec) +- (Stübi) Set ioBroker States of message on ACK not on NACK +- (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +- (Stübi) Update Adapter Core File +- (Stübi) Bugfxing (NAK) and AES support +- (Stübi) Translations +- (Stübi) Requires nodejs 6.0 or higher +- (Stübi) Cleanup +- (Stübi) SIA regex optimized +- (Stübi) bug fixing +- (Stübi) first implementation ## License + The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thorsten +Copyright (c) 2025 Thorsten Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md index 643c74c8b..24b4bf7d0 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md @@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ Daraus setzen sich die Objektnamen zusammen z.B. - ... ## Changelog +### 1.2.0 (2025-01-31) - 2025H1 maintenance release -### __WORK IN PROGRESS__ - +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 - (simatec) Responsive Design added ### 1.1.0 (2024-08-15) - 2024H2 maintenance release @@ -90,16 +90,11 @@ Daraus setzen sich die Objektnamen zusammen z.B. - (pdbjjens) New: Configurable data point update intervals to reduce system load - (pdbjjens) New: Use JSON config -### 0.6.6 (2023-02-28) 2023 maintenance release - -- (pdbjjens) Updated dependencies -- (pdbjjens) New: Use adapter-dev instead of gulp translate - ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2024 IoBroker-Community +Copyright (c) 2025 IoBroker-Community Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.solax/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.solax/README.md index 6311b2614..043f6b7a6 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.solax/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.solax/README.md @@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ Wer gerne weitere Umrichter integriert haben möchte, sollte die Datenauswertung ## Changelog +### 0.9.15 (2025-01-23) +* (simatec) Fix Request +* (simatec) Code Fix +* (simatec) Dependencies updated + ### 0.9.14 (2025-01-08) * (simatec) eslint-config fix * (simatec) Code fix diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sprinklecontrol/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sprinklecontrol/README.md index dfa016b16..15a5a3e5d 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sprinklecontrol/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.sprinklecontrol/README.md @@ -672,6 +672,9 @@ Ich habe mich zur Berechnung der Verdunstung nach der Formel für die Berechnung ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** * (Dirk-Peter-md) eslint-config added * (Dirk-Peter-md) Dependencies updated +* (Dirk-Peter-md) Update License +* (Dirk-Peter-md) issue #92 Sprinkler im Gewächshaus solved +* (Dirk-Peter-md) add Button control.autoStart ### 0.2.13 (2022-09-06) * (Dirk-Peter-md) various bugs fixed diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..037f60603 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md +title: ioBroker.tagesschau +hash: 5ZK9t/CEIsWKNemo9oQJdxMkeuNf3SHfJeOLXZ6z25g= +--- +![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png) + +![NPM-Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.tagesschau.svg) +![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.tagesschau.svg) +![Anzahl der Installationen](https://iobroker.live/badges/tagesschau-installed.svg) +![Aktuelle Version im stabilen Repository](https://iobroker.live/badges/tagesschau-stable.svg) +![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.tagesschau.png?downloads=true) + +#ioBroker.tagesschau +**Tests:** ![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.tagesschau/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Tagesschau-Adapter für ioBroker +[Deutsche Anleitung (aktuell)](README-GER.md) + +Ruft Nachrichten und Videolinks der Tagesschau ab. + +Der Inhalt ist nur auf Deutsch verfügbar. + +Installieren - im Admin die gewünschten Einstellungen vornehmen - fertig. + +**Laut Tagesschau-API sind 60 Abfragen pro Stunde ok. Jedes Thema und Video ist 1 Abfrage. 30 Minuten pro Update passen immer. Keine Ahnung, wie die das genau nehmen.** + +Bitte beachten Sie: + +1. Wenn Nachrichten aktivieren oder Videonachrichten aktivieren nicht ausgewählt sind, pausiert der Adapter +2. Wenn „Nachrichten aktivieren“ ausgewählt ist, läuft der Adapter nur, wenn in der Konfiguration 1 Thema und 1 Bundesland ausgewählt sind. +3. Die Schlüsselwörter werden aus den Nachrichten extrahiert und sind erst nach dem ersten Durchlauf verfügbar. Es werden mit der Zeit immer mehr! Diese gelten nur für die Nachrichten. + +## Haftungsausschluss +**Alle Produkt- und Firmennamen oder Logos sind Warenzeichen™ oder eingetragene® Warenzeichen ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber. Ihre Verwendung impliziert keine Zugehörigkeit oder Billigung durch sie oder verbundene Tochterunternehmen! Dieses persönliche Projekt wird in der Freizeit gepflegt und verfolgt kein Geschäftsziel.** **Tagesschau ist ein Warenzeichen von ARD-aktuell.** https://www.tagesschau.de/impressum + +## Changelog + +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-27) +* (ticaki) States added for browsing. +* (ticaki) Another attempt to constantly sort the videos in the same way. +* (ticaki) Control states reorganised. +* (ticaki) Placeholder images for no news now work + +### 0.4.3 (2025-01-25) +* (ticaki) remove some helper code to do translations + +### 0.4.2 (2025-01-25) +* (ticaki) make the code fit for latest + +### 0.4.1 (2025-01-17) +* (ticaki) videos always in the same order. + +### 0.4.0 (2025-01-07) +* (ticaki) Command data point for defining the first news to be displayed +* (ticaki) Reduce object updates +* (ticaki) Total number of news as a data point +* (ticaki) We not in hurry, write object updates slowly. +* (ticaki) Info log messages are a bit more fun. (error and warn messages are not funny at all) + +### 0.3.2 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) added length to videos +* (ticaki) System load reduced at startup + +### 0.3.1 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) Back to stable admin + +### 0.3.0 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) States are only updated when changes are made. +* (ticaki) Last update Data point added with timestamp of the last successful data access +* (ticaki) Emptying of data points improved +* (ticaki) Placeholder images inserted for no news. +* (ticaki) User-defined keywords with `*` +* (ticaki) Requires admin version 7.4.9 or higher + +### 0.2.3 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) Fixed: Adapter deletes own states + +### 0.2.1 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) fixed refresh interval & add axios timeouts + +### 0.2.0 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) remove tracking from videos +* (ticaki) beautiful state name + +### 0.1.4 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Fixed: More as 1 region bug + +### 0.1.3 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Reduced size of the icon + +### 0.1.2 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Added: Breaking news is excluded from filtering and copied to a separate folder. +* (ticaki) Changed: Taglist is now sorted. + +### 0.1.1 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) fixed: The empty configuration after the first installation leaves crashed adapters + +### 0.1.0 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) initial release + +## License +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2025 ticaki + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b6bf5524 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md index 3cdd72cb9..75ad6807b 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md title: ioBroker.vbus-gw -hash: 5+k0/b+7tSVJOEGcpAJOPLMp7fD1L31P1oQFo5jJ4hU= +hash: 27jJv88V7+juZCeU0sCVgDG033Cz3ejMB0Xg5dK7yeI= --- # IoBroker.vbus-gw ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/admin/vbus-gw.png) @@ -14,60 +14,75 @@ hash: 5+k0/b+7tSVJOEGcpAJOPLMp7fD1L31P1oQFo5jJ4hU= ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vbus-gw.svg) ![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vbus-gw.png?downloads=true) -**Tests:** ![Test und Freigabe](https://github.com/pdbjjens/ioBroker.vbus-gw/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**Tests:** ![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/pdbjjens/ioBroker.vbus-gw/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## Vbus-gw-Adapter für ioBroker -Ermöglicht TCP-Zugriff auf serielle Port-basierte VBus-Geräte +Ermöglicht den TCP-Zugriff auf VBus-Geräte mit serieller Schnittstelle Dieser ioBroker-Adapter basiert auf der Arbeit von Daniel Wippermann. - Urheberrecht und Lizenz siehe Abschnitt „Lizenz“ + Copyright und Lizenz siehe Abschnitt „Lizenz“ -## Überblick +## Übersicht Es gibt zwei Arten von VBus-Hardwareadaptern: - TCP-basiert: DL2, DL3, KM2, VBus/LAN -- Basierend auf seriellem Anschluss: VBus/USB, USB-Anschluss von DeltaSol SLT und anderen Controllern +- Serieller Port basierend: VBus/USB, USB-Port von DeltaSol SLT und anderen Controllern -Dieser ioBroker-Adapter stellt eine Verbindung zu einem oder mehreren seriellen Port-basierten Hardwareadaptern her und stellt diese über TCP zur Verfügung. Dies erlaubt: +Dieser ioBroker-Adapter verbindet sich mit einem oder mehreren seriellen Hardwareadaptern und stellt sie über TCP bereit. Dies ermöglicht: -- Übertragung von VBus-Daten über größere Entfernungen, als USB- oder serielle Anschlüsse normalerweise zulassen würden -- Zugriff auf auf seriellen Ports basierende Adapter von Anwendungen aus, die nur TCP-basierte Adapter unterstützen +- Übertragung von VBus-Daten über größere Entfernungen als es USB- oder serielle Schnittstellen normalerweise erlauben würden +- Zugriff auf serielle Adapter aus Anwendungen, die nur TCP-basierte Adapter unterstützen -## Aufbau +## Konfiguration Konfigurierbare Elemente sind: -– Der TCP-Port, an dem der Dienst auf eingehende Verbindungen lauscht. +– Der TCP-Port, auf dem der Dienst auf eingehende Verbindungen wartet. -Der Standardport ist 7053 und sollte nicht geändert werden. +Standardmäßig ist Port 7053 eingestellt, dieser sollte nicht geändert werden. -– Der HTTP-Port, an dem der Dienst auf Erkennungsanfragen lauscht. +- Der HTTP-Port, auf dem der Dienst auf Erkennungsanforderungen wartet. -Standardmäßig ist Port: 80, alternativ kann Port 3000 ausgewählt werden. +Standardmäßig ist Port: 80, alternativ kann auch Port 3000 gewählt werden. - Das Passwort des VBus-Gateways. -Ermöglicht den Zugriff auf alle über die serielle Schnittstelle angeschlossenen VBus-Geräte. Der Standardwert ist „vbus“. +Ermöglicht den Zugriff auf alle über die serielle Schnittstelle angeschlossenen VBus-Geräte. Standard ist „vbus“. -– Eine Liste der seriellen Ports, zu denen eine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll, mit den folgenden Parametern für jeden seriellen Port: +- Eine Liste der seriellen Ports, mit denen eine Verbindung hergestellt werden kann, mit den folgenden Parametern für jeden seriellen Port: -- Kanal: Der Vbus-Kanal, dem der serielle Port zugewiesen ist. +- Kanal: Der VBus-Kanal, dem der serielle Port zugewiesen ist. -Wenn Sie nur eine Verbindung zu einem einzigen seriellen Port herstellen möchten, wird empfohlen, diesen für die Verwendung von Kanal 0 zu konfigurieren, da die meisten Anwendungen standardmäßig versuchen, diesen Kanal 0 zu verbinden. +Wenn Sie nur eine Verbindung zu einem einzigen seriellen Port herstellen möchten, wird empfohlen, diesen für die Verwendung von Kanal 0 zu konfigurieren, da die meisten Anwendungen standardmäßig versuchen, eine Verbindung zu diesem Kanal 0 herzustellen. -- Pfad: Der Pfad zur seriellen Schnittstelle wie „/dev/tty.usbmodem141301“ oder „COM5“ -- Baudrate: Die Baudrate der seriellen Schnittstelle. Der Standardwert ist 9600, der normalerweise nicht geändert werden muss. +- Pfad: Der Pfad zum seriellen Port wie + +„/dev/ttyUSB0“ oder „/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_USB-Modul_UO2102_TDEB6I8DAVDLGAGC-if00-port0“ oder „/dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-port0“ oder „COM5“ + +- Baudrate: Die Baudrate der seriellen Schnittstelle. Der Standardwert ist 9600 und muss normalerweise nicht geändert werden. ## Bekannte Probleme -- Dieser Adapter unterstützt derzeit bis zu 3 VBus-Geräte, die über serielle Anschlüsse verbunden sind. -- Die Passwörter für alle an die seriellen Ports angeschlossenen VBuss sind gleich. -- Mit VBus.net verbundene Geräte werden nicht emuliert. Das Senden des Befehls CONNECT (über Tag) gibt +OK zurück, obwohl keine Verbindung hergestellt wurde. -- Das Senden des DATA-Befehls bei ausgewähltem nicht vorhandenen Kanal gibt +OK zurück, schließt die Verbindung jedoch sofort danach. +- Dieser Adapter unterstützt derzeit bis zu 3 über serielle Schnittstellen angeschlossene VBus-Geräte. +- Die Passwörter für alle an die seriellen Schnittstellen angeschlossenen VBusse sind gleich. +- An VBus.net angeschlossene Geräte werden nicht emuliert. Das Senden des Befehls CONNECT (via Tag) gibt +OK zurück, obwohl keine Verbindung hergestellt wurde. +- Das Senden des DATA-Befehls mit einem ausgewählten nicht vorhandenen Kanal gibt +OK zurück, schließt die Verbindung anschließend jedoch sofort. ## Changelog +### 0.2.0 (2025-01-29) - 2025H1 maintenance release + +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 +- (pdbjjens) New: Accept serial port paths /dev/serial/by-id/usb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or /dev/serial/by-path/platform-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +- (pdbjjens) Change: Responsive Design optimizations + +### 0.1.0 (2024-08-13) - 2024H2 maintenance release + +- (pdbjjens) Change: node>=18, js-contoller>=5 and admin>=6 required +- (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies +- (pdbjjens) New: Ensure that vbus-gw is started before myvbus or resol + ### 0.0.7 (2024-02-24) - (pdbjjens) Fix: VBus write fixed @@ -84,20 +99,10 @@ Wenn Sie nur eine Verbindung zu einem einzigen seriellen Port herstellen möchte - (pdbjjens) New: Configurable password for the VBus gateway - (pdbjjens) Fix: Channel forwarding to the requesting connections only -### 0.0.4 (2023-10-03) - -- (pdbjjens) New: Selectable discovery port -- (pdbjjens) New: Check for default password -- (pdbjjens) New: support for up to 3 serial ports - -### 0.0.3 (2023-09-21) - -- (pdbjjens) Fix: Disable SENTRY - ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Jens-Peter Jensen +Copyright (c) 2025 Jens-Peter Jensen Copyright (c) 2013-present, Daniel Wippermann. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c934970ac --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md +title: Sammlung von Widgets für ioBroker.vis 2.0 +hash: LxwFps6ypPgRycUmrKQm7BECCR9Qpw6WGe6SH1A0W0A= +--- +![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png) + +![Anzahl der Installationen](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-widgets-collection-stable.svg) +![NPM-Version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.svg) +![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.svg) +![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.png?downloads=true) + +# Sammlung von Widgets für ioBroker.vis 2.0 +

Widgets für ioBroker.vis 2.0

+ +## Widgets +### Zustand + + +### Schaltflächengruppe + + +### Schieberegler + + +### Schalten + + +--- + +## Changelog +### 1.1.15 (2025-02-05) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing Slider + +### 1.1.14 (2025-02-04) + +- (steiger04) Slider optimized + +### 1.1.13 (2025-02-03) + +- (steiger04) delay via throttle and debounce optimized + +### 1.1.12 (2025-02-02) + +- (steiger04) Active group for slider added + +### 1.1.11 (2025-02-01) + +- (steiger04) HTML-Text optimizations + +### 1.1.10 (2025-01-30) + +- (steiger04) HTML-Text for header, value and footer + +### 1.1.9 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing style bindings + +### 1.1.8 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing data bindings + +### 1.1.7 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) Switch optimized + +### 1.1.6 (2025-01-26) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing + +### 1.1.0 (2025-01-25) + +- (steiger04) Switch widget added + +### 1.0.3 (2025-01-20) + +- (steiger04) initial commit + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 Steiger04 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5df2274ae Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8636b76f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f558c796b Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed57c579a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b30f8d62 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png differ diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md index 56446ad49..9f7ec31d4 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md title: Visualisierung der nächsten Generation für ioBroker: vis-2 -hash: S3jREg07ZFLV+uTkWNlRet6V9ix/5Bd7NsgLwQzQ/BE= +hash: l5+h7Jw12bkVoe/zM8dbDaeUBOsa9RDwqCxiRwIma+Y= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/packages/iobroker.vis-2/admin/vis-2.png) @@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ Achten Sie auf die Typen. Alle sind als Zeichenfolgen definiert. Um sicherzugehe Unsere Hypothenuse-Berechnung sieht also wie folgt aus: -```js +``` {h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(parseFloat(h), 2) + Math.pow(parseFloat(w), 2)))} ``` ### Veraltetes Format Patten hat das folgende Format: -```js +``` {objectID;operation1;operation2;...} ``` @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ Beachten Sie, dass diese Einstellungen nur für die erneute Verbindung und nicht ## SVG und currentColor Mit dem Schlüsselwort currentColor in CSS können Elemente die aktuelle Textfarbe von ihrem übergeordneten Element übernehmen. -Besonders nützlich kann dies bei SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) sein, da es eine dynamischere Gestaltung und eine einfachere Integration mit HTML-Inhalten ermöglicht. +Es kann insbesondere bei SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) nützlich sein, da es eine dynamischere Gestaltung und eine einfachere Integration mit HTML-Inhalten ermöglicht. Sie können das Schlüsselwort currentColor anstelle eines bestimmten Farbwerts für jede Eigenschaft innerhalb des SVG verwenden, die einen Farbwert akzeptiert. Hier ist ein einfaches Beispiel mit einem Kreis in einem SVG: @@ -295,393 +295,396 @@ npm run start ### **IN ARBEIT** --> ## Changelog -### 2.11.1 (2024-12-02) -* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected navigation menu -* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated widgets to React: basic - frame, basic - note, basic - logout -* (@GermanBluefox) Added the HTML rebuild button to settings +### 2.11.2 (2025-01-23) +* (@GermanBluefox) Do not load vis-1 widgets if vis-2 widgets provided + +### 2.11.1 (2024-12-02) +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected navigation menu +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated widgets to React: basic - frame, basic - note, basic - logout +* (@GermanBluefox) Added the HTML rebuild button to settings * (@GermanBluefox) Backend was migrated to TypeScript -### 2.10.8 (2024-11-22) +### 2.10.8 (2024-11-22) * (bluefox) Added new option for view: "Limit only for instances" -### 2.10.7 (2024-07-23) +### 2.10.7 (2024-07-23) * (bluefox) Optimization of the module federation -### 2.10.6 (2024-07-20) +### 2.10.6 (2024-07-20) * (bluefox) Improved the typing in typescript -### 2.10.4 (2024-07-16) -* (bluefox) Corrected the jumping by object selection +### 2.10.4 (2024-07-16) +* (bluefox) Corrected the jumping by object selection * (bluefox) Implemented swipe widget -### 2.10.3 (2024-07-11) -* (bluefox) Converted the CanJSWidget to typescript +### 2.10.3 (2024-07-11) +* (bluefox) Converted the CanJSWidget to typescript * (bluefox) Added "clone" button to the attribute groups -### 2.10.2 (2024-07-10) -* (bluefox) Removed incompatible package for styles -* (bluefox) All widgets must be updated +### 2.10.2 (2024-07-10) +* (bluefox) Removed incompatible package for styles +* (bluefox) All widgets must be updated * (bluefox) The basic input value widget was migrated to ReactJS -### 2.9.64 (2024-05-23) +### 2.9.64 (2024-05-23) * (bluefox) Added possibility to clear a text field by button -### 2.9.63 (2024-05-15) +### 2.9.63 (2024-05-15) * (bluefox) Migrated some files to typescript -### 2.9.60 (2024-05-07) +### 2.9.60 (2024-05-07) * (foxriver76) test automatic release -### 2.9.53 (2024-05-06) +### 2.9.53 (2024-05-06) * (bluefox) Allowed applying styles to jQui buttons -### 2.9.52 (2024-04-25) +### 2.9.52 (2024-04-25) * (bluefox) Navigation was improved: adjustable menu width and bulk edit were added -### 2.9.50 (2024-04-19) +### 2.9.50 (2024-04-19) * (bluefox) Corrected widget in widget behavior -### 2.9.49 (2024-04-11) -* (bluefox) Corrected the scroll buttons in Tabs widget +### 2.9.49 (2024-04-11) +* (bluefox) Corrected the scroll buttons in Tabs widget * (bluefox) Corrected resizers if the border width is set -### 2.9.48 (2024-03-30) -* (bluefox) Showed selected view in the view dialog -* (bluefox) Added customization of loading screen +### 2.9.48 (2024-03-30) +* (bluefox) Showed selected view in the view dialog +* (bluefox) Added customization of loading screen * (bluefox) Respected the sentry disable flag in GUI -### 2.9.42 (2024-03-09) -* (bluefox) Allowed limiting the view size only on desktop +### 2.9.42 (2024-03-09) +* (bluefox) Allowed limiting the view size only on desktop * (bluefox) Change word "Filter" to "Search" -### 2.9.40 (2024-03-05) -* (bluefox) Migrated the filter widget to react +### 2.9.40 (2024-03-05) +* (bluefox) Migrated the filter widget to react * (bluefox) Migrated the basic link widget to react -### 2.9.39 (2024-03-01) -* (foxriver76) allow to use `widgetOid` in bindings -* (foxriver76) fixed various problems with Date Picker widget -* (foxriver76) made default option of Date Picker human readable and added option for full parseable date -* (bluefox) Added the possibility to add suffix by navigation widgets +### 2.9.39 (2024-03-01) +* (foxriver76) allow to use `widgetOid` in bindings +* (foxriver76) fixed various problems with Date Picker widget +* (foxriver76) made default option of Date Picker human readable and added option for full parseable date +* (bluefox) Added the possibility to add suffix by navigation widgets * (bluefox) Improved the license manager -### 2.9.37 (2024-02-28) +### 2.9.37 (2024-02-28) * (foxriver76) TimePicker widget now saves the time instead of date by default, if you want old behavior use checkbox `asDate` -### 2.9.36 (2024-02-27) +### 2.9.36 (2024-02-27) * (foxriver76) fixed project-specific css not being applied -### 2.9.35 (2024-02-27) -* (foxriver76) user-specified css has now priority over widgets css +### 2.9.35 (2024-02-27) +* (foxriver76) user-specified css has now priority over widgets css * (foxriver76) fixed crash case for broken grouped widgets -### 2.9.34 (2024-02-26) +### 2.9.34 (2024-02-26) * (foxriver76) detect admin user correctly in project permissions dialog -### 2.9.33 (2024-02-21) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that last image is never shown in image8 widget -* (foxriver76) added possibility to define background and title color for jqui dialog +### 2.9.33 (2024-02-21) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that last image is never shown in image8 widget +* (foxriver76) added possibility to define background and title color for jqui dialog * (foxriver76) make it possible to click through signal image if in front of widget -### 2.9.32 (2024-02-16) -* (foxriver76) implemented buttons to show or hide all views in views manager -* (foxriver76) fixed issue with signals on RxWidgets +### 2.9.32 (2024-02-16) +* (foxriver76) implemented buttons to show or hide all views in views manager +* (foxriver76) fixed issue with signals on RxWidgets * (foxriver76) allow disabling Sentry only for this instance -### 2.9.31 (2024-02-06) -* (foxriver76) apply default overflow correctly +### 2.9.31 (2024-02-06) +* (foxriver76) apply default overflow correctly * (foxriver76) navigation style fixes (fix an icon background and allow to customize header text color) -### 2.9.30 (2024-02-06) -* (foxriver76) global css will no longer be deleted on adapter upload/update +### 2.9.30 (2024-02-06) +* (foxriver76) global css will no longer be deleted on adapter upload/update * (foxriver76) allowed modifying style of navigation -### 2.9.29 (2024-02-05) -* (foxriver76) fixed multiple problems with nested groups -* (foxriver76) also made group/ungroup commands working in group view -* (foxriver76) allowed selecting widgets in a group via click (previously only dropdown worked) +### 2.9.29 (2024-02-05) +* (foxriver76) fixed multiple problems with nested groups +* (foxriver76) also made group/ungroup commands working in group view +* (foxriver76) allowed selecting widgets in a group via click (previously only dropdown worked) * (foxriver76) fixed issue, that Basic Image 8 is not configurable for value 0 -### 2.9.28 (2024-02-03) +### 2.9.28 (2024-02-03) * (foxriver76) correctly determine the vis instance in all cases -### 2.9.26 (2024-02-02) -* (foxriver76) do not show empty icon category if jquery style selected for jquery button widgets +### 2.9.26 (2024-02-02) +* (foxriver76) do not show empty icon category if jquery style selected for jquery button widgets * (foxriver76) added possibility to hide navigation after selection -### 2.9.25 (2024-01-29) -* (foxriver76) fixed resizing issue for relative widgets -* (foxriver76) do not crash when using visibility "only for groups" +### 2.9.25 (2024-01-29) +* (foxriver76) fixed resizing issue for relative widgets +* (foxriver76) do not crash when using visibility "only for groups" * (foxriver76) do not crash if a widget tries to update widget on non-existent view -### 2.9.24 (2024-01-24) +### 2.9.24 (2024-01-24) * (foxriver76) Image 8 widget ported to react -### 2.9.23 (2024-01-24) +### 2.9.23 (2024-01-24) * (foxriver76) fixed another bug due to previous versions -### 2.9.22 (2024-01-22) +### 2.9.22 (2024-01-22) * (foxriver76) try to fix problems introduced with 2.9.21 -### 2.9.21 (2024-01-19) -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when fixing widgets +### 2.9.21 (2024-01-19) +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when fixing widgets * (foxriver76) fixed bug, that opacity is applied twice on image edit mode overlay -### 2.9.20 (2024-01-18) -* (foxriver76) increased timeout for project import +### 2.9.20 (2024-01-18) +* (foxriver76) increased timeout for project import * (foxriver76) added permissions on widget level -### 2.9.19 (2024-01-17) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue when resizing widget from the left side +### 2.9.19 (2024-01-17) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue when resizing widget from the left side * (foxriver76) added select box to dimension attributes if multiple widgets selected -### 2.9.18 (2024-01-15) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that old attributes value is shown in some scenarios +### 2.9.18 (2024-01-15) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that old attributes value is shown in some scenarios * (foxriver76) dedicated permission system extended to view level -### 2.9.17 (2024-01-13) +### 2.9.17 (2024-01-13) * (foxriver76) dedicated permission system on project level introduced -### 2.9.16 (2024-01-11) +### 2.9.16 (2024-01-11) * (foxriver76) use the correct fallback values for widget signals determination -### 2.9.15 (2024-01-09) +### 2.9.15 (2024-01-09) * (foxriver76) fixed issue with BulkEditor -### 2.9.14 (2024-01-09) -* (foxriver76) fixed last change y-offset for some widgets -* (foxriver76) fixed issue where JquiState did not respect data type -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with BulkEdtior (dialog not closing and other dialog showing the wrong button) +### 2.9.14 (2024-01-09) +* (foxriver76) fixed last change y-offset for some widgets +* (foxriver76) fixed issue where JquiState did not respect data type +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with BulkEdtior (dialog not closing and other dialog showing the wrong button) * (foxriver76) implemented workaround resize bug for https://github.com/devbookhq/splitter/issues/15 -### 2.9.13 (2024-01-08) -* (foxriver76) correctly detect IDs in bindings when they contain hash character -* (foxriver76) fix crash when multiple JquiState widgets selected -* (foxriver76) prevent showing widget in a group after it is already cut out +### 2.9.13 (2024-01-08) +* (foxriver76) correctly detect IDs in bindings when they contain hash character +* (foxriver76) fix crash when multiple JquiState widgets selected +* (foxriver76) prevent showing widget in a group after it is already cut out * (foxriver76) prevent usage of widgets which are not in a group for calculating rulers on group view -### 2.9.12 (2024-01-04) +### 2.9.12 (2024-01-04) * (foxriver76) optimized copy/paste/cut in groups -### 2.9.11 (2024-01-02) +### 2.9.11 (2024-01-02) * (foxriver76) fixed bug with visibility calculation -### 2.9.10 (2024-01-02) +### 2.9.10 (2024-01-02) * (foxriver76) remove accidentally added script file, which leads to crash -### 2.9.9 (2024-01-01) -* (foxriver76) allow importing views without attribute `activeWidgets` -* (foxriver76) make BasicBulb behave more like its old version -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that data of different widget is displayed in edit mode -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that every state update is used for visibility calculation -* (bluefox) migrated jQui select, jQui Radio steps widgets to react +### 2.9.9 (2024-01-01) +* (foxriver76) allow importing views without attribute `activeWidgets` +* (foxriver76) make BasicBulb behave more like its old version +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that data of different widget is displayed in edit mode +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that every state update is used for visibility calculation +* (bluefox) migrated jQui select, jQui Radio steps widgets to react * (bluefox) All jQui widgets were migrated to react -### 2.9.8 (2023-12-21) -* (foxriver76) fixed bug that no labels are shown for a background -* (foxriver76) prevent short flashing of widgets with visibility condition at a page load +### 2.9.8 (2023-12-21) +* (foxriver76) fixed bug that no labels are shown for a background +* (foxriver76) prevent short flashing of widgets with visibility condition at a page load * (foxriver76) fixed issue on theme switch -### 2.9.7 (2023-12-19) +### 2.9.7 (2023-12-19) * (bluefox) Allowed the read-only flag for Styled/Input -### 2.9.6 (2023-12-14) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with the BulkEditor -* (foxriver76) scripts in HTML are now added to the DOM, instead of being executed in eval -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with Bulb widget if min/max was once filled +### 2.9.6 (2023-12-14) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with the BulkEditor +* (foxriver76) scripts in HTML are now added to the DOM, instead of being executed in eval +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with Bulb widget if min/max was once filled * (foxriver76) migrated "speech2text" widget to react -### 2.9.5 (2023-12-10) -* (foxriver76) open new views at the beginning -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case if signals are used -* (foxriver76) fixed material-design-widgets helper -* (foxriver76) update references to view in widget when view is renamed -* (bluefox) jQui Toggle icon widget was migrated to react -* (bluefox) jQui Radio widget was migrated to react -* (bluefox) jQui Radio List widget was migrated to react +### 2.9.5 (2023-12-10) +* (foxriver76) open new views at the beginning +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case if signals are used +* (foxriver76) fixed material-design-widgets helper +* (foxriver76) update references to view in widget when view is renamed +* (bluefox) jQui Toggle icon widget was migrated to react +* (bluefox) jQui Radio widget was migrated to react +* (bluefox) jQui Radio List widget was migrated to react * (bluefox) Corrected last-change by React widgets -### 2.9.4 (2023-12-04) +### 2.9.4 (2023-12-04) * (foxriver76) fixed issues with display width -### 2.9.3 (2023-12-03) -* (bluefox) Added the possibility to limit hard the view size -* (foxriver76) implemented simple sort mechanic for navigation -* (foxriver76) fixed import of views, which were inside a folder -* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe -* (foxriver76) do not simply reuse widget ids when importing or copying views -* (foxriver76) implemented basic bulb widget as React widget +### 2.9.3 (2023-12-03) +* (bluefox) Added the possibility to limit hard the view size +* (foxriver76) implemented simple sort mechanic for navigation +* (foxriver76) fixed import of views, which were inside a folder +* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe +* (foxriver76) do not simply reuse widget ids when importing or copying views +* (foxriver76) implemented basic bulb widget as React widget * (foxriver76) made script tags work in basic html widget -### 2.9.2 (2023-11-29) -* (foxriver76) fixed reactivity in custom components -* (foxriver76) fixed import for groups -* (foxriver76) after creating a group it is now pre-selected +### 2.9.2 (2023-11-29) +* (foxriver76) fixed reactivity in custom components +* (foxriver76) fixed import for groups +* (foxriver76) after creating a group it is now pre-selected * (foxriver76) fields are now updated when moved via keyboard -### 2.9.1 (2023-11-28) -* (foxriver76) recalculate fields after moving widgets -* (foxriver76) fixed a pasting group on other view -* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe +### 2.9.1 (2023-11-28) +* (foxriver76) recalculate fields after moving widgets +* (foxriver76) fixed a pasting group on other view +* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe * (bluefox) implemented Basic Image as React widget -### 2.9.0 (2023-11-27) -* (bluefox) implemented SVG shape and Screen Resolution widgets natively -* (bluefox) implemented Basic iFrame as React widget -* (foxriver76) only allow zip files at project import -* (foxriver76) fix overflow being overwritten -* (foxriver76) sort pages and projects alphabetically -* (foxriver76) fixed problem on saving -* (foxriver76) fixed problem with groups when `always render` is activated -* (foxriver76) allow changing color and write lowercase in a tabs component +### 2.9.0 (2023-11-27) +* (bluefox) implemented SVG shape and Screen Resolution widgets natively +* (bluefox) implemented Basic iFrame as React widget +* (foxriver76) only allow zip files at project import +* (foxriver76) fix overflow being overwritten +* (foxriver76) sort pages and projects alphabetically +* (foxriver76) fixed problem on saving +* (foxriver76) fixed problem with groups when `always render` is activated +* (foxriver76) allow changing color and write lowercase in a tabs component * (foxriver76) fixed problem that navigation from a alwaysRender page is shown on different page -### 2.8.0 (2023-11-24) -* (foxriver76) sort folders alphabetically in pages view -* (foxriver76) fixed deselecting widgets with ctrl + click -* (foxriver76) fixed display issue with a switch component -* (bluefox) implemented Basic Red Number widget natively -* (foxriver76) fixed copy/clone of grouped widgets +### 2.8.0 (2023-11-24) +* (foxriver76) sort folders alphabetically in pages view +* (foxriver76) fixed deselecting widgets with ctrl + click +* (foxriver76) fixed display issue with a switch component +* (bluefox) implemented Basic Red Number widget natively +* (foxriver76) fixed copy/clone of grouped widgets * (foxriver76) fixed problem with open/close dialog via state -### 2.7.0 (2023-11-22) +### 2.7.0 (2023-11-22) * (foxriver76) implemented Basic Bar widget natively -### 2.6.4 (2023-11-21) +### 2.6.4 (2023-11-21) * (foxriver76) fixed typescript build -### 2.6.3 (2023-11-20) +### 2.6.3 (2023-11-20) * (foxriver76) fixed several crash cases -### 2.6.2 (2023-11-20) -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when editing group -* (foxriver76) fixed pasting groups +### 2.6.2 (2023-11-20) +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when editing group +* (foxriver76) fixed pasting groups * (foxriver76) fixed problem jumping cursor and removed characters while typing -### 2.6.1 (2023-11-17) -* (bluefox) Showed "file too large" message by icon upload -* (bluefox) Made navigation bar for view as an own group -* (foxriver76) sorted views alphabetically -* (foxriver76) respect uppercase/lowercase in projects toolbar +### 2.6.1 (2023-11-17) +* (bluefox) Showed "file too large" message by icon upload +* (bluefox) Made navigation bar for view as an own group +* (foxriver76) sorted views alphabetically +* (foxriver76) respect uppercase/lowercase in projects toolbar * (bluefox) Redirect `dialog` and `dialogClose` commands to widgets -### 2.6.0 (2023-11-13) -* (foxriver76) implemented select/unselect all buttons +### 2.6.0 (2023-11-13) +* (foxriver76) implemented select/unselect all buttons * (foxriver76) fixed bindings not working -### 2.5.0 (2023-11-11) -* (foxriver76) allowed using real html in prepend-HTML and append-HTML (basic string widget) -* (foxriver76) fixed problem while editing groups -* (foxriver76) do not automatically format button text as uppercase -* (foxriver76) do not automatically show page names as uppercase -* (bluefox) Implemented the signal icons for React widgets -* (bluefox) Implemented the last change indication for React widgets +### 2.5.0 (2023-11-11) +* (foxriver76) allowed using real html in prepend-HTML and append-HTML (basic string widget) +* (foxriver76) fixed problem while editing groups +* (foxriver76) do not automatically format button text as uppercase +* (foxriver76) do not automatically show page names as uppercase +* (bluefox) Implemented the signal icons for React widgets +* (bluefox) Implemented the last change indication for React widgets * (bluefox) Implemented SVG Bool widget as React Component -### 2.4.0 (2023-11-08) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with icon selector filter when changing category -* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that only the first widget is pasted -* (bluefox) added JSON binding operator -* (bluefox) Allowed using function as filter for Object ID +### 2.4.0 (2023-11-08) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with icon selector filter when changing category +* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that only the first widget is pasted +* (bluefox) added JSON binding operator +* (bluefox) Allowed using function as filter for Object ID * (bluefox) Implemented View bar (with no menu) -### 2.3.6 (2023-11-06) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with binding editor on style attributes +### 2.3.6 (2023-11-06) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with binding editor on style attributes * (foxriver76) improved performance due to optimizations on auto save -### 2.3.5 (2023-11-03) -* (foxriver76) update adapter-react to have enhanced image support in file selector -* (foxriver76) fixed color of file browser in light mode +### 2.3.5 (2023-11-03) +* (foxriver76) update adapter-react to have enhanced image support in file selector +* (foxriver76) fixed color of file browser in light mode * (foxriver76) fixed the color inputs jumping to the end of input on modifying -### 2.3.4 (2023-11-02) -* (foxriver76) fix crash when selecting multiple widgets -* (foxriver76) removed duplicate `none` entry in `border-style` dropdown +### 2.3.4 (2023-11-02) +* (foxriver76) fix crash when selecting multiple widgets +* (foxriver76) removed duplicate `none` entry in `border-style` dropdown * (foxriver76) fix crash when reordering widgets -### 2.3.3 (2023-10-30) -* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that vis is not loading if a single widget has a script error -* (bluefox) added the editor for bindings +### 2.3.3 (2023-10-30) +* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that vis is not loading if a single widget has a script error +* (bluefox) added the editor for bindings * (bluefox) background does not used if in iframe -### 2.3.2 (2023-10-14) -* (bluefox) Allowed showing only selected widgets in edit mode +### 2.3.2 (2023-10-14) +* (bluefox) Allowed showing only selected widgets in edit mode * (bluefox) Corrected the visibility calculation for old (CanJS) widgets -### 2.3.1 (2023-10-13) -* (bluefox) Corrected vertical gap between relative widgets +### 2.3.1 (2023-10-13) +* (bluefox) Corrected vertical gap between relative widgets * (bluefox) Better input of numbers with min/max in attribute dialog -### 2.3.0 (2023-09-28) +### 2.3.0 (2023-09-28) * (bluefox) jQui widgets (many of them) were improved -### 2.2.7 (2023-09-18) -* (bluefox) Improved icon selector: you can upload your own icon directly +### 2.2.7 (2023-09-18) +* (bluefox) Improved icon selector: you can upload your own icon directly * (bluefox) Optimized loading: do not load unused widget sets -### 2.2.6 (2023-09-17) -* (bluefox) Date binding corrected -* (bluefox) Optimized loading of widgeteria +### 2.2.6 (2023-09-17) +* (bluefox) Date binding corrected +* (bluefox) Optimized loading of widgeteria * (bluefox) Horizontal navigation is fixed -### 2.2.5 (2023-09-12) +### 2.2.5 (2023-09-12) * (bluefox) Implemented horizontal navigation -### 2.2.4 (2023-09-04) +### 2.2.4 (2023-09-04) * (bluefox) Corrected license checking -### 2.2.2 (2023-08-16) +### 2.2.2 (2023-08-16) * (bluefox) Changed sentry settings -### 2.2.1 (2023-08-15) -* (bluefox) Added possibility to filter widgets in edit mode +### 2.2.1 (2023-08-15) +* (bluefox) Added possibility to filter widgets in edit mode * (bluefox) Added possibility to change the order of relative widgets with drag&drop -### 2.2.0 (2023-08-14) +### 2.2.0 (2023-08-14) * (bluefox) Release candidate 1 -### 2.1.7 (2023-08-10) +### 2.1.7 (2023-08-10) * (bluefox) Optimized the rendering of the widgets -### 2.1.6 (2023-07-30) +### 2.1.6 (2023-07-30) * (bluefox) First beta release -### 2.1.4 (2023-07-19) +### 2.1.4 (2023-07-19) * (bluefox) Allowed to add widgets to widgets -### 2.0.36 (2023-06-21) +### 2.0.36 (2023-06-21) * (bluefox) Added widgeteria -### 2.0.29 (2023-05-17) +### 2.0.29 (2023-05-17) * (bluefox) Corrected errors -### 2.0.10 (2022-12-01) +### 2.0.10 (2022-12-01) * (bluefox) Added the file browser -### 2.0.8 (2022-11-26) +### 2.0.8 (2022-11-26) * (bluefox) Improved the error handling -### 2.0.0 (2022-10-21) +### 2.0.0 (2022-10-21) * (bluefox) Completely new visualization, but partly compatible with the previous version ## License -To use this adapter in `ioBroker` you need to accept the source code license of the adapter. The source code of this adapter is available under the CC BY-NC license. - -Additionally, you need a license to use the adapter. The following license editions are available on https://iobroker.net/www/pricing -* **Community-License: Free for private use!**: Get a free license by registering an account on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). The license if checked online against the ioBroker license server when the vis-2 adapter is started, so an online connection at this time point is required! -* **Private use Offline-License**: For paying a small support fee, you can get rid of the required online license check on adapter startup. **Only for Private use!** -* **Commercial License**: When using Vis in a commercial environment or selling Vis as part of ioBroker packages to your customers, this license is for you. License check is also not requiring an online connection. - +To use this adapter in `ioBroker` you need to accept the source code license of the adapter. The source code of this adapter is available under the CC BY-NC license. + +Additionally, you need a license to use the adapter. The following license editions are available on https://iobroker.net/www/pricing +* **Community-License: Free for private use!**: Get a free license by registering an account on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). The license if checked online against the ioBroker license server when the vis-2 adapter is started, so an online connection at this time point is required! +* **Private use Offline-License**: For paying a small support fee, you can get rid of the required online license check on adapter startup. **Only for Private use!** +* **Commercial License**: When using Vis in a commercial environment or selling Vis as part of ioBroker packages to your customers, this license is for you. License check is also not requiring an online connection. + ## License - Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Denis Haev, https://github.com/GermanBluefox , - - Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ - -![CC BY-NC License](https://github.com/GermanBluefox/DashUI/raw/master/images/cc-nc-by.png) - -Short content: -Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. -Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. + Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Denis Haev, https://github.com/GermanBluefox , + + Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) + + http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ + +![CC BY-NC License](https://github.com/GermanBluefox/DashUI/raw/master/images/cc-nc-by.png) + +Short content: +Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. +Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. (Free for non-commercial use). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md index 1a7127a80..11d880e75 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md title: ioBroker.web -hash: nCZZ/tiSV0rJFdTKBfL+MhLVzVYnIIHqOk4a61i472Q= +hash: 6NowZOFEYYXknCOlU02YrWap+8V3bm+CRGEhcgozaWg= --- ![Logo](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.web/admin/web.png) @@ -12,42 +12,42 @@ hash: nCZZ/tiSV0rJFdTKBfL+MhLVzVYnIIHqOk4a61i472Q= ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.web.svg) # IoBroker.web -![Test und Freigabe](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.web/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Übersetzungsstatus](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/web/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) +![Testen und Freigeben](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.web/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Übersetzungsstatus](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/web/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) Webserver auf Basis von Node.js und Express zum Lesen der Dateien aus der ioBroker-Datenbank. -**Dieser Adapter verwendet Sentry-Bibliotheken, um Ausnahmen und Codefehler automatisch an die Entwickler zu melden.** Weitere Details und Informationen zum Deaktivieren der Fehlerberichterstattung finden Sie unter [Sentry-Plugin-Dokumentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Sentry Reporting wird ab js-controller 3.0 verwendet. +**Dieser Adapter verwendet Sentry-Bibliotheken, um den Entwicklern automatisch Ausnahmen und Codefehler zu melden.** Weitere Einzelheiten und Informationen zum Deaktivieren der Fehlerberichterstattung finden Sie unter [Sentry-Plugin Dokumentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Die Sentry-Berichterstattung wird ab js-controller 3.0 verwendet. -## Optimierung von Web-Sockets -Bei einigen Web-Sockets-Clients gibt es ein Leistungsproblem bei der Kommunikation. -Manchmal ist dieses Problem darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Kommunikation von socket.io auf einen langen Abfragemechanismus zurückgreift. -Sie können die Option *Web-Sockets erzwingen* so einstellen, dass nur die Verwendung von Web-Sockets-Transport erzwungen wird. +## Web-Sockets optimieren +Bei einigen Web-Socket-Clients gibt es ein Leistungsproblem bei der Kommunikation. +Manchmal liegt dieses Problem daran, dass die Socket.io-Kommunikation auf einen langen Polling-Mechanismus zurückgreift. +Sie können die Option *Web-Sockets erzwingen* festlegen, um die ausschließliche Verwendung von Web-Sockets-Transport zu erzwingen. ## Lassen Sie uns Zertifikate verschlüsseln -Lesen Sie [Hier](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.admin#lets-encrypt-certificates) +Lesen [Hier](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.admin#lets-encrypt-certificates) ## Erweiterungen Der Webtreiber unterstützt Erweiterungen. -Die Erweiterung ist ein URL-Handler, der aufgerufen wird, wenn eine solche URL-Anfrage erscheint. +Die Erweiterung ist ein URL-Handler, der aufgerufen wird, wenn eine solche URL-Anforderung auftritt. Die Erweiterungen sehen aus wie der normale Adapter, haben aber keinen laufenden Prozess und werden vom Webserver aufgerufen. -Beispielsweise kann der Benutzer einen speziellen Proxy-Adapter aktivieren und andere Geräte (z. B. Webcams) auf demselben Webserver erreichen. -Es ist erforderlich, dass alle Dienste unter einem Webserver verfügbar sind. +Beispielsweise kann der Benutzer einen speziellen Proxy-Adapter aktivieren und andere Geräte (wie Webcams) auf demselben Webserver erreichen. +Dies ist erforderlich, damit alle Dienste unter einem Webserver verfügbar sind. -Die Web-Erweiterung könnte und sollte die Funktion `unload` unterstützen, die `promise` zurückgeben könnte, wenn der Entladevorgang einige Zeit dauert. +Die Weberweiterung könnte und sollte die Funktion `unload` unterstützen, die `promise` zurückgeben könnte, wenn der Entladevorgang einige Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Weitere Informationen zu Web-Erweiterungen finden Sie unter [Hier](WEB-EXTENSIONS-HOWTO.md). ## Brute-Force-Schutz -Wenn die Authentifizierung aktiviert ist und der Benutzer innerhalb einer Minute fünfmal ein ungültiges Passwort eingibt, muss er mindestens eine Minute bis zum nächsten Versuch warten. -Nach dem 15. Fehlversuch muss der Nutzer 1 Stunde warten. +Wenn die Authentifizierung aktiviert ist und der Benutzer innerhalb einer Minute fünfmal ein falsches Passwort eingibt, muss er mindestens eine Minute bis zum nächsten Versuch warten. +Nach dem 15. falschen Versuch muss der Benutzer eine Stunde warten. -## Option „Angemeldet bleiben“. +## Option „Angemeldet bleiben“ Wenn diese Option ausgewählt ist, bleibt der Benutzer einen Monat lang angemeldet. -Andernfalls bleibt der Benutzer für die konfigurierte „Anmeldezeitüberschreitung“ angemeldet. +Wenn nicht, bleibt der Benutzer für die konfigurierte „Anmeldezeitüberschreitung“ angemeldet. -## Zugriff auf die Werte des Status -Sie können über die HTTP-Get-Anfrage auf die normalen und binären Zustandswerte zugreifen. +## Zugriffsstatuswerte +Auf die normalen und binären Zustandswerte kann über die HTTP-Get-Anfrage zugegriffen werden. ``` http://IP:8082/state/system.adapter.web.0.alive => @@ -63,32 +63,62 @@ http://IP:8082/state/javascript.picture.png => Das Bild muss im Javascript-Adapter wie folgt geschrieben werden: -``` +```js createState('javascript.0.picture.png', {type: 'file', name: 'Picture'}, () => { setBinaryState('javascript.0.picture.png', fs.readFileSync('/tmp/picture.png')); }); ``` -## Option „Basisauthentifizierung“. -Ermöglicht die Anmeldung über die Standardauthentifizierung durch Senden von `401` Unauthorized mit einem `WWW-Authenticate`-Header. -Dies kann für Anwendungen wie *FullyBrowser* verwendet werden. Wenn Sie einmal die falschen Anmeldeinformationen eingeben, werden Sie zur Anmeldeseite weitergeleitet. +## Option „Einfache Authentifizierung“ +Ermöglicht die Anmeldung per Basisauthentifizierung durch Senden von `401` Unauthorized mit einem `WWW-Authenticate`-Header. +Dies kann für Anwendungen wie *FullyBrowser* verwendet werden. Wenn Sie einmal die falschen Anmeldedaten eingeben, werden Sie zur Anmeldeseite weitergeleitet. ## Benutzerliste -Sie können die Liste der Benutzer definieren, die auf den Webserver zugreifen können. Sie können das Zugriffsrecht für angemeldete Benutzer ändern. +Sie können die Liste der Benutzer definieren, die auf den Webserver zugreifen können. Sie können die Zugriffsrechte für angemeldete Benutzer ändern. -Ist der Benutzer nicht in der Liste, kann er nicht auf den Webserver zugreifen. +Wenn der Benutzer nicht in der Liste ist, kann er nicht auf den Webserver zugreifen. -Einfacher ist es, für jedes Objekt und jeden Zustand die Zugriffsrechte für den jeweiligen Benutzer festzulegen. +Einfacher ist es, für jedes Objekt und jeden Status die Zugriffsrechte für den jeweiligen Benutzer festzulegen. ## Erweiterte Optionen -### Standardweiterleitung -Wenn beim Öffnen des Webports im Browser keine APP-Auswahl, sondern eine bestimmte Anwendung angezeigt werden soll, kann hier der Pfad angegeben werden (z. B. `/vis/`), sodass dieser Pfad automatisch geöffnet wird. +### Standardumleitung +Wenn beim Öffnen des Webports im Browser keine APP-Auswahl, sondern eine bestimmte Anwendung angezeigt werden soll, kann hier der Pfad angegeben werden (z.B. `/vis/`), damit dieser Pfad automatisch geöffnet wird. +### **IN ARBEIT** --> ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) updated packages +* (@GermanBluefox) removed gulp in a build process +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI ti vite + +### 6.3.1 (2024-09-23) +* (@foxriver76) added new admin icon (svg) + +### 6.3.0 (2024-06-27) +* (bluefox) Corrected call of getObjectView with null parameter +* (bluefox) updated packages +* (bluefox) GUI was migrated to a non-style framework + +### 6.2.6 (2024-05-25) +* (bluefox) Preparations for a custom loading background +* (bluefox) updated packages + +### 6.2.5 (2024-02-22) +* (bluefox) Just some packages were updates + +### 6.2.4 (2024-02-17) +* (klein0r) Extensions may block the web instance +* (klein0r) Fixed directory listing + +### 6.2.3 (2023-12-18) +* (foxriver76) updated the websocket library to increase the maximum file size from 100 MB to 500 MB + +### 6.2.2 (2023-12-14) +* (joltcoke) Corrected the crash if authentication is enabled + ### 6.2.1 (2023-12-04) * (bluefox) Added the user access list option @@ -103,7 +133,7 @@ Wenn beim Öffnen des Webports im Browser keine APP-Auswahl, sondern eine bestim * (bluefox) Corrected socket.io connection ### 6.1.4 (2023-10-08) -* (foxriver76) upgrade socketio and ws dependencies to fix vis subscribe problem +* (foxriver76) upgrade socketio and ws dependencies to fix a vis subscribe problem ### 6.1.3 (2023-09-28) * (bluefox) upgraded socketio and ws dependencies to correct the error by unsubscribing on client disconnect @@ -148,7 +178,7 @@ Wenn beim Öffnen des Webports im Browser keine APP-Auswahl, sondern eine bestim ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 Bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.worx/README.md b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.worx/README.md index bf3609da7..66109185c 100644 --- a/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.worx/README.md +++ b/docs/de/adapterref/iobroker.worx/README.md @@ -786,6 +786,7 @@ Standard ohne Zonen: ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** - (Lucky-ESA) Migration to ESLint9 +- (Lucky-ESA) Node 20 required ### 3.1.1 (2024-11-04) diff --git a/docs/de/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md b/docs/de/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md index 9e6d929da..84eda1ceb 100644 --- a/docs/de/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md +++ b/docs/de/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md title: ioBroker JSON-Konfiguration: Ein Leitfaden für Anfänger -hash: Xc+YrZnmi1mYWiUlwueSm0wlq0IGSe5whY3wgjEn/AA= +hash: qv5gBLc3/6yUdIC4AWjkSdAk6o4ls+yLynScoTV+rAc= --- # IoBroker JSON-Konfiguration: Ein Leitfaden für Anfänger In dieser Anleitung wird erläutert, wie Sie Konfigurationsoptionen für Ihren ioBroker-Adapter mithilfe von JSON definieren. Dieser Ansatz bietet eine benutzerfreundlichere und flexiblere Möglichkeit, Adaptereinstellungen innerhalb der ioBroker-Admin-Oberfläche zu verwalten. @@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ Tabelle mit Elementen, die gelöscht, hinzugefügt, nach oben oder nach unten ve | `compact` | [optional] – wenn wahr, wird die Tabelle im kompakten Modus angezeigt | ### `accordion` -Akkordeon mit Elementen, die gelöscht, hinzugefügt, nach oben und nach unten verschoben werden können (Admin 6.6.0 und neuer) +Akkordeon mit Elementen, die gelöscht, hinzugefügt, nach oben oder nach unten verschoben werden können (Admin 6.6.0 und neuer) | Immobilie | Beschreibung | |-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| @@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ nur Admin6 | `i18n` | wahr, wenn sich `i18n/xx.json`-Dateien im selben Verzeichnis wie die Komponente oder das Übersetzungsobjekt `{"text1": {"en": Text1"}}` befinden | #### Beispiel für URL -- „custom/customComponents.js“: In diesem Fall werden die Dateien von „/adapter/ADAPTER_NAME/custom/customComponents.js“ geladen. +- „custom/customComponents.js“: in diesem Fall werden die Dateien von „/adapter/ADAPTER_NAME/custom/customComponents.js“ geladen. - `https://URL/myComponent`: direkt von der URL - `./adapter/ADAPTER_NAME/custom/customComponent.js`: in diesem Fall werden die Dateien von `/adapter/ADAPTER_NAME/custom/customComponents.js` geladen. @@ -746,6 +746,8 @@ horizontale Linie | `simple` | einfache CRON-Einstellungen anzeigen | ### `fileSelector` +Wählen Sie über das Dropdown-Menü eine Datei aus einem Ordner aus. Und wenn Sie möchten, können Sie eine neue Datei in diesen Ordner hochladen. + nur Admin6 | Immobilie | Beschreibung | @@ -762,8 +764,8 @@ nur Admin6 | `noSize` | Dateigröße nicht anzeigen | ### `file` +Eingabefeld mit Dateiauswahl. Es wird als Textfeld mit einer Schaltfläche daneben angezeigt, um den Dialog zu öffnen. nur Admin6. -Eingabefeld mit Dateiauswahl | Immobilie | Beschreibung | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| diff --git a/docs/de/history/history.md b/docs/de/history/history.md index 2df9fa1df..084536ce4 100644 --- a/docs/de/history/history.md +++ b/docs/de/history/history.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Wenn Sie dieses Dokument bearbeiten möchten, löschen Sie bitte das Feld "translationsFrom". Andernfalls wird dieses Dokument automatisch erneut übersetzt editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/de/history/history.md title: Was ist neu -hash: JVo0qkUBWbkv27yWx70FnY9rsgbI7Ehkj5IKoV9KgDM= +hash: PquGi8kS5JegYNvplo3dvlJQyUGaagAw9EeOf8660fs= --- # Was ist neu ## Anweisungen für Autoren @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Mit dieser Anerkennung bekräftigt ESPHome sein Engagement, effiziente und robus Die Lizenz von vis wurde auf MIT geändert. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie vis in kommerziellen Projekten kostenlos verwenden können und keine Lizenz erforderlich ist. ## Willkommen (07.11.2023) - neue Funktion -Möglichkeit hinzugefügt, benutzerdefinierte Links zur Willkommensseite hinzuzufügen. Die Seiten werden auf ihre Aktivität geprüft. +Möglichkeit hinzugefügt, benutzerdefinierte Links zur Willkommensseite hinzuzufügen. Die Seiten werden auf ihre Funktionsfähigkeit überprüft. @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.weather-warnings -Dieser Adapter greift auf Wetterwarnungen verschiedener Wetterdienste zu und gibt diese als Text- oder Sprachnachricht aus. Zusätzlich werden nach Typ gruppierte Staaten erstellt, mit deren Hilfe auf aktuelle Warnungen reagiert werden kann. +Dieser Adapter greift auf Wetterwarnungen verschiedener Wetterdienste zu und gibt diese als Text- oder Sprachnachricht aus. Zusätzlich werden nach Typ gruppierte Zustände erstellt, mit deren Hilfe auf aktuelle Warnungen reagiert werden kann. ## Tractive-gps (06.12.2023) - neuer Adapter https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.tractive-gps @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ https://github.com/Bannsaenger/ioBroker.artnet-recorder Aufzeichnen von Art-Net-Daten in einer Datei zur späteren Wiedergabe -## Energiefluss (25.01.2024) – neuer Adapter +##energiefluss (25.01.2024) – neuer Adapter https://github.com/SKB-CGN/ioBroker.energiefluss @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ https://github.com/Steiger04/ioBroker.radar-trap Adapter zur Erkennung von Radarfallen und Hindernissen. -## Waterkotte-easycon (12.4.2024) – spätestens neuer Adapter +## Waterkotte-easycon (12.4.2024) – spätestens mit neuem Adapter https://github.com/theknut/ioBroker.waterkotte-easycon @@ -751,6 +751,13 @@ Ein ioBroker-Adapter zum Auslesen der Daten von einem oder bis zu acht Klimaregl ##teslafi (11.1.2025) – neuer Adapter bei stabil https://github.com/hombach/ioBroker.teslafi - + -Der TeslaFi-Adapter ermöglicht die mühelose Integration von Fahrzeugdaten aus Ihrem TeslaFi-Konto in das ioBroker-System. Nutzen Sie diese Daten, um Ihr Tesla-Erlebnis zu verbessern und die Arbeitsabläufe der Heimautomatisierung zu optimieren. \ No newline at end of file +Der TeslaFi-Adapter ermöglicht die mühelose Integration von Fahrzeugdaten aus Ihrem TeslaFi-Konto in das ioBroker-System. Nutzen Sie diese Daten, um Ihr Tesla-Erlebnis zu verbessern und die Arbeitsabläufe der Heimautomatisierung zu optimieren. + +## Paperless-ngx (27.1.2025) – neuer Adapter im stabilen +https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.paperless-ngx + + + +paperless-ngx API zum Abrufen von Informationen zu laufenden Instanzen von paperless-ngx. Sie können beispielsweise die Tags, Dokumente, Dokumenttypen, Benutzer oder Korrespondenten der Paperless-Instanz lesen. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.accuweather/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.accuweather/README.md index 17a7a2cba..b0e2f0a56 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.accuweather/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.accuweather/README.md @@ -41,11 +41,7 @@ For better view a custom lovelace card is created - see https://github.com/algar Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** -* (ticaki) Missing Http error handling added -* (ticaki) For error codes from the 400 series, do not attempt any unscheduled reconnections. - -### 2.1.0-alpha.0 (2025-01-19) +### 2.1.0 (2025-01-22) * (ticaki) Change: min. js-controller to 6.0.11 * (ticaki) Change: Outdated data is updated at startup. * (ticaki) New: Photo link added in current weather @@ -53,6 +49,7 @@ For better view a custom lovelace card is created - see https://github.com/algar * (ticaki) New: In the event of a data retrieval error, an attempt is made again after 10 minute * (ticaki) Remove admin option (restart blocking) * (ticaki) Rewritten in Typescript +* (ticaki) For error codes from the 400 series, do not attempt any unscheduled reconnections. ### 2.0.1 (2025-01-18) * (ticaki) BREAKING: Requires Nodejs 20 or higher diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3280e01e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +![Logo](admin/ai-assistant.png) + +# ioBroker.ai-assistant + +[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.ai-assistant.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.ai-assistant) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.ai-assistant.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.ai-assistant) +![Number of Installations](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-assistant-installed.svg) +![Current version in stable repository](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-assistant-stable.svg) + +[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.ai-assistant.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.ai-assistant/) + +**Tests:** ![Test and Release](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-assistant/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Overview + +The ioBroker AI Assistant Adapter runs a smart assistant in your ioBroker system. The assistant can be used to interact with your ioBroker system, set time-based instructions, trigger-based instructions, and call custom functions. The assistant can be configured with different language models from various providers (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic, Perplexity, OpenRouter) or custom/self-hosted models. The assistant can be used to automate tasks, control your smart home, or provide information. + +## Features + +- Personalize the name and personality of your assistant +- List, Read and Write ioBroker states +- Set timeouts and cronjobs to run time based instructions +- Set triggers on ioBroker states with conditions that run instructions when the conditions are met +- Define custom functions with your own data and logic + +## Supported Providers + +- **Anthropic**: [anthropic.com](https://anthropic.com) +- **OpenAI**: [openai.com](https://openai.com) +- **Perplexity**: [perplexity.ai](https://perplexity.ai) +- **OpenRouter**: [openrouter.ai](https://openrouter.ai) +- **Deepseek**: [deepseek.com](http://deepseek.com/) +- **Custom/Self-hosted Models** (e.g., LM Studio, LocalAI) + +--- + +## Quick Start + +1. Install the adapter. +2. Setup a provider (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic, Perplexity, OpenRouter) and get an API Token. +3. Configure the adapter with the API Token. +4. Select the model you want to use for the assistant. +5. Add some ioBroker states under the `Objects` tab that will be available to the assistant. +6. Start communicating with your assistant by sending text requests to the assistant's `text_request` state and receive responses from the `text_response` state. + +--- + +## Tested Models + +The following models have been tested with the adapter and are known to work well: + +- Claude 3.5 Sonnet (Anthropic) +- gpt-4o-mini (OpenAI) +- meta-llama/llama-3.3-70b-instruct (OpenRouter) +- deepseek/deepseek-chat (OpenRouter) +- x-ai/grok-beta (OpenRouter) +- perplexity/llama-3.1-sonar-huge-128k-online (Perplexity) +- perplexity/llama-3.1-sonar-large-128k-online (Perplexity) + +--- + +## Configuration + +### Assistant + +Setup your assistant with the following settings: + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **Name** | The name of your assistant. | +| **Model** | Select the LLM model that your assistant should use (configured under providers). | +| **Personality** | Describe the personality of your assistant. | +| **Language** | Select the language your assistant should use (Currently only English/German supported) | +| **Debug / CoT Output** | When active the internal thoughts and processes the assistant uses are written to the text_response state. | +| **Message History** | Include prior messages (for chatbot-like behavior). Set to 0 for single-use tools to minimize token usage. | +| **Temperature** | Controls response creativity/consistency. | +| **Max. Tokens** | Limits the response token count. | +| **Retry Delay** | Delay between retry attempts if the request fails | +| **Maximum Retries** | Maximum number of retries per request. | + +--- + +### Objects + +### WARNING: Be careful with the states you give the assistant access to, as it can read and write to all states it has access to. + +Setup the ioBrokers objects and states the assistant should have access to. + +**NOTE: When importing or adding objects please make sure to only add datapoints with the type "state" that can be directly controlled or contains a value to be read!** + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +| -------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **Import from Enum.Rooms** | Imports all your states from the enum.rooms sorting in ioBroker. (Overwrites all previously set objects!) | +| **Sort** | All objects with the same sort field will be presented to the assistant in a group (e.g. a room) | +| **Name** | Use a descriptive name so the assistant understands the function of the objects | +| **Object** | The ID of the ioBroker state | + +--- + +### Functions + +Setup custom functions that should be available to the assistant. +Your custom functions have to write the response to the state you defined in the `State (Response)` field after the `State (Request)` is written. +The result can be in any format you like (e.g. JSON, plain text), just make sure the assistant can understand it. +Tipp: You can use the [AI-Toolbox Adapter](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox) to integrate your assistant with custom AI tools. + +**NOTE: If you don't write a response to the `State (Response)` field in 60 Seconds, the function call will fail!** + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| **Sort** | All objects with the same sort field will be presented to the assistant in a group (e.g. a room) | +| **Name** | Use a descriptive name for the custom function | +| **Description** | Describe what your function does so the assistant understands when to call it | +| **State (Request)** | This state will be written with a string by the assistant when the function is called | +| **State (Response)** | This state will be read by the assistant to get the response of the function | + +--- + +### LLM Providers + +Configure each AI provider individually: + +#### Anthropic + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +| ------------- | ------------------------------- | +| **API Token** | Enter your Anthropic API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### OpenAI + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +| ------------- | ---------------------------- | +| **API Token** | Enter your OpenAI API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### Perplexity + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +| ------------- | -------------------------------- | +| **API Token** | Enter your Perplexity API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### OpenRouter + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +| ------------- | -------------------------------- | +| **API Token** | Enter your OpenRouter API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### Custom + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **Inference Server URL** | URL of the custom/self-hosted inference server. | +| **API Token for Inference Server** | API token for your inference server. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | +| **Note** | Ensure compliance with common AI LLM API standards (e.g., LM Studio API). | + +--- + +## Usage + +### Simple Conversation + +You can interact with your assistant by sending text requests to the `text_request` state and receiving responses from the `text_response` state. + +#### Function Calling + +The assistant can call all available functions. It does this by determining the function to call based on the text request. If you have Debug/CoT Output enabled, you can see the internal process of the assistant in the `text_response` state. + +#### State Interaction + +The assistant can list, read and write multiple ioBroker states at once. You can use the `Objects` tab to define which states the assistant should have access to. + +#### Time-based Instructions + +The assistant can set timeouts for relative time instructions and cronjobs for specific times. Cronjobs will be listed in the assistant objects tree unter `Cronjobs`. +Timeouts will only be temporary and will be removed after the the timeout is executed or the adapter is restarted. +When a timeout or cronjob is triggered the assistant will be woken up and the instruction will be executed. + +#### Trigger-based Instructions + +The assistant can set triggers on ioBroker states with optional conditions that run instructions when the conditions are met. Triggers will be listed in the assistant objects tree unter `Triggers`. +When triggered the assistant will be woken up and the instruction will be executed. + +#### Custom Functions + +The assistant can call custom functions you defined in the `Functions` tab. The assistant will write the request to the `State (Request)` field and expects the response in the `State (Response)` field. + +#### Function Chaining + +The assistant can be used to chain multiple functions together. For example you could setup a cronjob that when executed starts a check of ioBroker states and then calls a custom function with the results. + +#### Clearing Chat History + +Sometimes it can be useful to reset your chat history. You can do this by requesting the assistant to clear its history. This will remove all previous messages from the assistant's memory. (e.g. `Clear history` or `Forget the previous messages`) + +## Additional Information + +### Statistics + +Statistics are logged for your assistant and can be viewed in the `Statistics` object tree. + +| **Datapoint** | **Description** | +| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| **.statistics.lastRequest** | Timestamp of the last request. | +| **.statistics.requestCount** | Number of sent requests to the assistant | +| **.statistics.messages\*** | JSON array of message history (if message history > 0). | +| **.statistics.clear_messages\*** | Clear message history button. | +| **.statistics.tokens_input** | Total input tokens used. | +| **.statistics.tokens_output** | Total output tokens used. | + +## Development + +This adapter is still in development and may contain bugs. Please report any issues you encounter. + +### Debugging + +Set the log level to `debug` in the ioBroker admin interface for detailed logs. + +## Changelog + + +### 0.1.3 (2025-29-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for Deepseek as api provider +* (@ToGe3688) Better display of providers in model selection for admin config +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed object hirarchy +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed state roles +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed onStateChange handler + +### 0.1.2 (2025-12-01) +- (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs +- (@ToGe3688) Anthropic API Versioning + +### 0.1.1 (2025-12-01) + +- (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs + +### 0.1.0 (2025-04-01) + +- (@ToGe3688) Beta Release + +### 0.0.3 (2024-31-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) Improved handling of malformed model responses +- (@ToGe3688) Fixed a bug where the names of the states were not provided to the assistant + +### 0.0.2 (2024-30-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) Fixed Bug in OpenAI Provider + +### 0.0.1 (2024-30-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) initial release + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 ToGe3688 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c029e49e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02bf65436 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,648 @@ + + +![Logo](admin/ai-toolbox.png) +# ioBroker.ai-toolbox + +[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.ai-toolbox.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.ai-toolbox) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.ai-toolbox.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.ai-toolbox) +![Number of Installations](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-toolbox-installed.svg) +![Current version in stable repository](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-toolbox-stable.svg) + +[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.ai-toolbox.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.ai-toolbox/) + +**Tests:** ![Test and Release](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Overview + +The ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter integrates customizable AI tools into your smart home. It supports multiple Large Language Model (LLM) providers and provides a flexible framework for automation and interaction. By combining data from smart home devices, with AI capabilities, the ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter can create highly personalized and useful tools for your household automation tasks and interaction with LLM Models. + +## Features + +- Multiple AI providers and models support. +- Create custom AI tools for specific tasks +- Chat history management for context retention. +- Token usage and request history statistics. +- Vision capabilities for image analysis. + +## Supported Providers + +- **Anthropic**: [anthropic.com](https://anthropic.com) +- **OpenAI**: [openai.com](https://openai.com) +- **Perplexity**: [perplexity.ai](https://perplexity.ai) +- **OpenRouter**: [openrouter.ai](https://openrouter.ai) (Free usage models for beginners) +- **Deepseek**: [deepseek.com](http://deepseek.com/) +- **Custom/Self-hosted Models** (e.g., LM Studio, LocalAI) + +--- + +## Quick Start +1. Install the adapter. +2. Create Account and get API Token from openrouter.ai +3. Configure the adapter with the API Token. +4. The Example tools created at installation use the free model meta-llama/llama-3.2-3b-instruct:free for OpenRouter. +5. Send a message to the tool with the .text_request datapoint and check .text_response for the response. + +Please note the free models sometimes have a long wait time for the first response, may be overloaded or have other limitations. Models also vary in quality and capabilities, make sure to select the right model for your use case. + +**Even if this Readme is written in english, most models are multilingual, just try writing your tools in your native language to get your desired output!** + +--- + +## Configuration + +### Tools + +Define custom AI tools tailored to specific tasks: + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +|-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **Name** | The tool's name. | +| **Model** | Select the LLM model (configured under providers). | +| **System Prompt** | Provide detailed information describing the tool. | +| **Example Request** | (Optional) A sample request. | +| **Example Response** | (Required if an example request is provided) The ideal response. | +| **Message History** | Include prior messages (for chatbot-like behavior). Set to 0 for single-use tools to minimize token usage. | +| **Temperature** | Controls response creativity/consistency. | +| **Max. Tokens** | Limits the response token count. | +| **Retry Delay** | Delay between retry attempts if the request fails | +| **Maximum Retries** | Maximum number of retries per request. | +| **Enable Vision/Image requests** | Enable vision/image input. | +| **Include Vision Requests in chat history** | Include vision/image data in chat history | +--- + +### LLM Providers + +Configure each AI provider individually: + +#### Anthropic + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API Token** | Enter your Anthropic API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### OpenAI + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API Token** | Enter your OpenAI API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### Perplexity + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API Token** | Enter your Perplexity API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### OpenRouter + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API Token** | Enter your OpenRouter API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### Deepseek + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API Token** | Enter your Deepseek API token. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | + +#### Custom + +| **Setting** | **Description** | +|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **Inference Server URL** | URL of the custom/self-hosted inference server. | +| **API Token for Inference Server** | API token for your inference server. | +| **Models** | Specify the models to use. | +| **Note** | Ensure compliance with common AI LLM API standards (e.g., LM Studio API). | + +--- + +## Using Your Tools + +### Object Interaction + +Each tool appears in the ioBroker object tree. Use `Tools.$YourToolName.text_request` to send queries and `Tools.$YourToolName.text_response` to retrieve answers. + +#### Vision/Image Requests + +If you have enabled vision/image requests, you can use `Tools.$YourToolName.image_url` to set an image URL or local file path for the tool to analyze. The image will be included in the request when you set the state of the `Tools.$YourToolName.text_request` datapoint. + +Note: You can use a local url (e.g. in your local network or file path (where ioBroker has permission to read the files e.g. /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg). The adapter converts the image to a base64 string and includes it in the request. + +## Script Integration (`sendTo`) + +You can interact programmatically using the `sendTo` function: + +#### Text Requests +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` +#### Vision/Image Requests with URL +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +#### Vision/Image Requests with Local File +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': '/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +### Using Models without Tools + +### Object Interaction + +Each defined model also appears in the ioBroker object tree. Use `Models.$ModelName.text_request` to send queries and `Models.$ModelName.text_response` to retrieve answers. With the script integration you can create even more creative integrations for example you could create a dynamic system prompt. + +## Script Integration (`sendTo`) + +You can interact programmatically using the `sendTo` function: + +#### Text Requests +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to' +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +#### Vision/Image Requests with URL +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +#### Vision/Image Requests with Local File +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': '/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +--- + +## Additional Information + +### Statistics +Statistics are created for your created tools and also for the models so you can track token usage and other data. + +| **Datapoint** | **Description** | +|-----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **.statistics.lastRequest** | Timestamp of the last request. | +| **.statistics.messages*** | JSON array of message history (if message history > 0). +| **.statistics.clear_messages***| Clear message history button. +| **.statistics.tokens_input**| Total input tokens used. | +| **.statistics.tokens_output**| Total output tokens used. | + + `* only available for tools, models don't have a message history` + +### Request + +| **Datapoint** | **Description** | +|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------| +| **.request.body** | Request body sent to the API. | +| **.request.state** | Current state of the request. (start, success, retry, error, failed) | + +### Response + +| **Datapoint** | **Description** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| **.request.error** | Populated if an error occurs. | +| **.request.raw** | Raw JSON response from the model. | + +--- + + +## Examples + +The following examples demonstrate how to configure and use customized AI tools within the ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter. These examples showcase how the adapter can leverage data to provide intelligent responses and recommendations. + +--- + +### Example 1: Simple Chatbot + +**Description:** A basic chatbot that responds to user messages in a conversational and friendly manner. This can be used to for a casual chat experience. + +- **Name:** `simple-chatbot` + +- **System Prompt:** + `"You are a friendly and conversational chatbot. Respond to user messages in an engaging and cheerful way. Keep your answers brief and focus on maintaining a pleasant tone."` + +- **Example Request:** + `"Hi there! How are you today?"` + +- **Example Response:** + `"I'm doing great, thanks for asking! How about you?"` + +- **Message History:** `10` (Allows the chatbot to remember the context of the conversation up to 10 exchanges for a more natural flow.) + +- **Temperature:** `0.8` (Encourages creativity while keeping responses relevant and friendly.) + + +---------- + +### Example Requests and Responses +| **Request** | **Response** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| `What's your favorite color?` | `I love blue! It reminds me of the sky.` | +| `Do you know any jokes?` | `Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!` | +| `Tell me something interesting.` | `Did you know that octopuses have three hearts? Cool, right?` | + +---------- + +### Script Integration Example + +To use this tool programmatically in ioBroker, you can integrate it via the `sendTo` function: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'simple-chatbot', + text: 'Hi, chatbot! How’s it going?', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the chatbot's response +}); + +``` + +### Example 2: Vision / Image Analyzer + +**Description:** A multimodal tool that analyses images and provides detailed descriptions or insights based on the visual content. The tool can identify objects, scenes, and other visual elements in the image. + +- **Name:** `vision-analyzer` + +- **System Prompt:** + `"You are a vision assistant. Analyze the provided image and generate a detailed description or insights based on the visual content. Your responses should be informative and engaging, focusing on key elements and context in the image."` + +- **Example Request:** + `"What do you see in this image?"` + +- **Example Response:** + `"This image shows a tall, columnar evergreen tree growing in a black nursery pot or container. It appears to be a cypress or juniper variety, with dense, dark green foliage that grows in a narrow, upright pyramidal shape. These types of trees are popular for landscaping, especially in formal gardens or as accent plants, and they can also be used to create natural privacy screens when planted in rows."` + +- **Message History:** `6` (Retains context for related image analysis questions.) + +- **Temperature:** `0.6` (Balances creativity and relevance for varied responses.) + + - **Enable Vision/Image requests** `true` (Enables the tool to accept image URLs for analysis.) + + - **Include Vision Requests in chat history** `true` (Includes image URLs in the chat history for context retention.) + + +---------- + +### Script Integration Example + +To use this tool programmatically in ioBroker, you can integrate it via the `sendTo` function: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'vision-analyzer', + text: 'What do you see in this image?', + image_url: 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg' +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the chatbot's response +}); + +``` + +### Example 3: Custom Weather Reporter + +**Description:** A chatbot that generates personalized weather reports based on the provided input data, such as location, temperature, and weather conditions. The responses are engaging and tailored for the user. + +- **Name:** `weather-reporter` + +- **System Prompt:** + `"You are a weather reporter chatbot. Based on the input data, generate a detailed and engaging weather report. Your response should include a friendly greeting, a brief overview of the current conditions, and a suggestion for the day. Keep your tone cheerful and informative."` + +- **Example Request:** + `"Current datetime 12/7/2024, 12:00:01 PM. Weatherdata: Temperature 7°C, Humidity 87%, Cloudcover 93%, Airpressure 997mbar, Wind 23kmh, Rain 0mm."` + +- **Example Response:** + `Hello there! 🌤️ Happy December 7th! As we step into the afternoon, the weather is quite cool at a temperature of 7°C. With a humidity level of 87%, it feels a bit damp out there, so don’t forget to grab your favorite cozy sweater if you’re heading outside! Cloud cover is fairly high today, sitting at 93%, which gives the sky a soft, overcast appearance. The air pressure is at 997 mbar, and while there’s a moderate wind blowing at 23 km/h, it might feel a tad brisk, so a light jacket would be a good call. The good news is that we haven’t seen any rain today, so if you’re planning to venture out, it’s a great time for a stroll or perhaps a warm drink at your favorite café! Stay warm and enjoy your day! ☕🌧️` + +- **Message History:** `5` (Allows for short-term context retention for related follow-up questions.) + +- **Temperature:** `0.7` (Ensures a mix of creativity and relevance for varied reports.) + + +---------- + +### Script Integration Example + +To use this tool programmatically in ioBroker, you can integrate it via the `sendTo` function: + +```javascript +var day = new Date().toLocaleString(); +var cloudCover = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.clouds_value').val; +var rlf = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.humidity_value').val; +var pressure = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.pressure_value').val; +var rain = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.rain_value').val; +var temp = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.temp_value').val; +var wind = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.wind_value').val; + +var message = 'Current datetime ' + day + '. Weatherdata: Temperature ' + temp + '°C, ' + 'Humidity ' + rlf + '%, ' + 'Cloudcover ' + cloudCover + '%, ' + 'Airpressure ' + pressure + 'mbar, ' + 'Wind ' + wind + 'kmh, ' + 'Rain ' + rain + 'mm. '; + +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'weather-reporter', + 'text': message, +}, async (result) => { + log(result); +}); + +``` + +### Example 4: Music Suggestion Assistant +**Description:** Recommends music playlists based on the current weather and time of day. Can be used with a smart speaker like Alexa or Google Home. + +- **Name:** `music-recommender` +- **System Prompt:** + `"You are a music assistant. Based on the current weather and time of day, suggest a playlist or genre that matches the mood. Use concise and creative recommendations. You answer only with your suggestion and nothing else."` +- **Example Request:** + `"Current Time 24th December 2024 17:30. Outside Temperature: 10°C."` +- **Example Response:** + `"Christmas Music"` +- **Message History:** `7` (We use a value of 7 because we are going to trigger this example tool once a day and dont want it to repeat its answers. With this setting it will see what it suggested in the last 7 responses to our requests.) +- **Temperature:** `0.7` (Balances creativity and relevance) + +**Examples for a request and response to this tool could look like this:** + +| **Request** | **Response** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| `Current time 3rd June 2024 16:00. Outside Temperature: 31°C` | `Latin Summer Music` | +| `Current time 4th February 2024 20:00. Outside Temperature: 5°C` | `Jazz Music` | +| `Current time 11th November 2024 12:00. Outside Temperature: 15°C` | `Acoustic Guitar Music` | + +--- + +### Example 5: Light Settings Recommender + +**Description:** Recommends RGB light settings based on the mood and genre of the currently playing music. The tool analyzes the music's characteristics (e.g., tempo, mood) and suggests appropriate lighting colors for five RGB lights. Outputs JSON with RGB hex values for each light. + +- **Name:** `light-setter` + +- **System Prompt:** + + `"You are a smart home assistant. Based on the characteristics of the currently playing music, recommend RGB hex color values for five different lights to create an immersive atmosphere. Respond only with a JSON object containing the RGB hex values for each light."` + +- **Example Request:** + + ``` + Faithless - Insomnia + ``` + +- **Example Response:** + + ```json + { + "light1": "#FF4500", + "light2": "#FFA500", + "light3": "#FFFF00", + "light4": "#ADFF2F", + "light5": "#00FF00" + } + ``` + +- **Message History:** `0` (Single-use tool to minimize token usage.) + +- **Temperature:** `0.6` (Balances creativity and consistency.) + +--- + +### Example Requests and Responses + +| **Request** | **Response** | +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| `The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | +| `Beethoven - Symphony No. 9` | `{ "light1": "#FF0000", "light2": "#FF4500", "light3": "#FFA500", "light4": "#FFD700", "light5": "#FFFF00" }` | +| `Mozart - Eine kleine Nachtmusik` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | + +--- + +### Script Integration Example + +To use this tool programmatically in ioBroker, you can integrate it via the `sendTo` function: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'light-setter', + text: 'Faithless - Insomnia', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the recommended RGB hex values for the lights +}); +``` +--- + +## Best Practices: Maximizing the Potential of Your AI Tools + +To ensure you get the most out of the ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter and its tools, here are some best practices, tips, and tricks: + +#### **1. Understand Key Concepts** + +- **System Prompt**: + The system prompt defines the behavior and style of your AI tool. Think of it as the "personality" or "guidelines" for the tool. For example, a system prompt for a weather bot might be: + `"You are a cheerful weather assistant. Provide detailed weather forecasts in a friendly tone."` + +- **Temperature**: + This setting adjusts how "creative" the responses are. Lower values (e.g., 0.2) make the tool more factual and deterministic, while higher values (e.g., 0.8) allow for more varied and creative outputs. + +- **Max Tokens**: + Controls the length of responses. Set it high for verbose answers and low for concise outputs. + +- **Message History**: + This allows tools to retain context for conversational continuity. Use a higher value (e.g., 10) for chatbots and a lower value (e.g., 0) for one-time responses to save tokens. + + +---------- + +#### **2. Create Clear and Specific Tools** + +- Use **specific system prompts** tailored to the tool’s purpose. A well-crafted system prompt ensures focused and relevant outputs. +- Provide **example requests and responses** to set clear expectations for the model. This helps in consistent behavior and better understanding. + +---------- + +#### **3. Configure AI Providers Thoughtfully** + +Each provider offers unique strengths. Choose the model that aligns with your use case and experiment with various options to find the optimal fit. + +---------- + +#### **4. Balance Performance and Cost** + +- Start with **free models** like `meta-llama` via OpenRouter to test ideas before scaling up to more powerful paid options. +- Use **token statistics** (available in `.statistics.tokens_input` and `.statistics.tokens_output`) to monitor usage and optimize tool configurations. + +---------- + +#### **5. Utilize Dynamic and Reusable Components** + +- **Dynamic System Prompts**: Adapt prompts based on real-time data. For example, pull live weather data to create personalized forecasts. + + ```javascript + sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + model: 'MODEL-NAME', + system_prompt: 'Current weather in {location} is {temperature}°C. Advise suitable outdoor activities.', + text: 'What should I do today?', + }, (result) => console.info(result.text)); + + ``` + +- **Script Integration**: Use JavaScript to dynamically adjust parameters like temperature or system prompts based on external inputs. + +---------- + +#### **6. Test, Tweak, and Evolve** + +- Use debugging logs to identify issues in tool performance. + Set log level to `debug` in the ioBroker admin interface. +- Experiment with **different system prompts, temperature settings, and token limits** to optimize behavior. + +---------- + +#### **7. Build Modular Solutions** + +- Split complex tasks into smaller, reusable tools. For example, use one tool for analyzing data and another for generating reports. Combine these in your scripts for powerful workflows. + +---------- + +#### **8. Manage Message History** + +- For chat-based tools, maintain a manageable history length to provide context without excessive token usage. + +---------- + +#### **9. Use JSON Outputs for Automation** + +For tools integrated into smart homes or scripts, configure the response format in JSON by providing the example response in the format you would like to receive. + +---------- + +These best practices, combined with experimentation and iterative improvement, will ensure that your AI tools provide meaningful and reliable outcomes tailored to your smart home environment. + + +## Development + +### Debugging + +Set the log level to `debug` in the ioBroker admin interface for detailed logs. + +## Changelog + +### 0.1.3 (2025-29-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for Deepseek as api provider +* (@ToGe3688) Better display of providers in model selection for admin config +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed object hirarchy +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed state roles +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed onStateChange handler + +### 0.1.2 (2025-12-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs +* (@ToGe3688) Added Anthropic API Versioning + +### 0.1.1 (2025-05-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added timeouts for api providers + +### 0.1.0 (2025-04-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Beta Release + +### 0.0.7 (2024-27-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added translations, updated Readme, changed image fetch method to axios + +### 0.0.6 (2024-26-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for local files for image analysis + +### 0.0.4 (2024-26-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added vision capabilities for tools + +### 0.0.3 (2024-25-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed a bug with the OpenAI API Provider + +### 0.0.2 (2024-07-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added direct model requests, moved tools to separate objects, added statistics and request history + +### 0.0.1 (2024-05-12) +* (@ToGe3688) initial release + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 ToGe3688 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..687aa5135 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.artnet-recorder/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.artnet-recorder/README.md index 136d1bd03..29f0a1883 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.artnet-recorder/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.artnet-recorder/README.md @@ -29,9 +29,13 @@ The interval or the stepping to send the data ist set by the configuartion. Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** -* (Bannsaenger) updated dependencies and scripts +### 0.1.1 (2025-01-21) +* (Bannsaenger) removed script build on deploy + +### 0.1.0 (2025-01-21) +* (Bannsaenger) updated dependencies, scripts, eslint 9 * (Bannsaenger) tested with node v22.13.0 +* (Bannsaenger) jsonConfig tested for responsive design ### 0.0.5 (2023-12-25) * (Bannsaenger) added releaseconfig @@ -44,16 +48,10 @@ The interval or the stepping to send the data ist set by the configuartion. ### 0.0.3 * (Bannsaenger) fixed comments from code review -### 0.0.2 -* (Bannsaenger) added engine and prepared for review - -### 0.0.1 -* (Bannsaenger) initial release - ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Bannsaenger +Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Bannsaenger Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md index 49848ad18..39d988d0d 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ # ioBroker Asterisk VoIP Adapter - [![Travis CI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk) [![AppVeyor Build Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/schmupu/ioBroker-asterisk/) ![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/asterisk-installed.svg) ![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/asterisk-stable.svg) [![NPM version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.asterisk.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.asterisk) @@ -10,31 +9,155 @@ [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.asterisk.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.asterisk/) -[German manual / Deutsche Anleitung](README_DE.md) +[German manual / Deutsche Anleitung](README_DE.md) The Asterisk adapter converts text messages to audio files and calls then over Asterisk by VoIP any telephone number you want and plays the audio message. ## Install / Configurations -Asterisk has to connect for outgoing calls with your voip provider like Telekom or Vodfone or with your FritzBox! Please follow one -of these installation guides. +Asterisk has to connect for outgoing calls with your voip provider like Telekom or Vodfone or with your FritzBox! Please follow one +of these installation guides. + +### Linux Packages / ioBroker & asterisk running on same server with ffmpeg + +```sh +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +``` + +### Linux Packages / ioBroker & asterisk running on same server with sox + +If you have problems with transcoding with ffmpeg you can choose sox as transcoder. For that, you have to install following packages and choose sox in the adapter configuration. + +```sh +sudo apt-get install lame +sudo apt-get install sox +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +``` + +### Linux Packages / ioBroker & asterisk running on different server with ffmpeg + +```sh +# ioBroker server +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +sudo apt install openssh-client +``` + +```sh +# asterisk server +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +``` + +### Linux Packages / ioBroker & asterisk running on different server with sox + +If you have problems with transcoding with ffmpeg you can choose sox as transcoder. For that, you have to install following packages and choose sox in the adapter configuration. + +```sh +sudo apt-get install lame +sudo apt-get install sox +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +``` + +```sh +# asterisk server +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +``` + +### Install asterix manual + +if the apt package asterisk is missing, you can install asterisk manual: + +```sh +sudo apt install git vim curl wget libnewt-dev libssl-dev libncurses5-dev subversion libsqlite3-dev build-essential libjansson-dev libxml2-dev uuid-dev + +cd /usr/src/ +sudo wget https://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/old-releases/asterisk-16.30.1.tar.gz +sudo tar xvf asterisk-16*.tar.gz +cd asterisk-16*/ +sudo contrib/scripts/get_mp3_source.sh +sudo contrib/scripts/install_prereq install +sudo ./configure +sudo make menuselect + +# Choose following packages in the menu: +## Add-ons: chan_ooh323 & format_mp3 +## Core Sound Packages: Audio packets CORE-SOUNDS-EN-* +## Music On Hold: MOH-OPSOUND-WAV bis MOH-G729 +## Extra Sound: EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-WAV bis EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-G729 +## Applications: app_macro +## Exit with "Save&Exit". + +sudo make +sudo make install +sudo make progdocs # (optional documentation) +sudo make samples +sudo make config +sudo ldconfig + +sudo groupadd asterisk +sudo useradd -r -d /var/lib/asterisk -g asterisk asterisk +sudo usermod -aG audio,dialout asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/{lib,log,spool}/asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk + +# asterisk as default user for asterisk +sudo nano /etc/default/asterisk +AST_USER="asterisk" +AST_GROUP="asterisk" + +# Insert/ replae follwoing in the config file /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf +sudo nano /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf +runuser = asterisk ; The user to run as. +rungroup = asterisk ; The group to run as + +sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 5060,5061 # (optional open Firewall, if activ) + +sudo systemctl restart asterisk +sudo systemctl enable asterisk + +# Check state of asterisk +sudo systemctl status asterisk +sudo asterisk -rvv +``` + +### Configuration of asterisk + +The following documents describe detailed how to configure asterisk. - Configuration [Asterisk via SIP with the FritzBox](docs/SIP_FRITZBOX.md) (the easiest way) - Configuration [Asterisk via PJSIP with the FriztBox](docs/PJSIP_FRITZBOX.md) (pjsip is more modern as sip) -- Configuration [Asterisk via PJSIP with Telekom as provider](docs/PJSIP_TELEKOM.md) -- Configuration [Asterisk via PJSIP with Sipgate as provider](docs/PJSIP_SIPGATE.md) -- Configuration [ssh/scp ](docs/SSH.md) (ioBroker and asterisk runs on different server) +- Configuration [Asterisk via PJSIP with Telekom as provider](docs/PJSIP_TELEKOM.md) +- Configuration [Asterisk via PJSIP with Sipgate as provider](docs/PJSIP_SIPGATE.md) + +### Configuration using SSH + +If iobroker and asterisk is installed on differnet user, you need on the asterisk server an user with access from the iobroker server to login by ssh. +The user must have the unix user rights to write files which can read by asterisk. +You create on the asterisk server the directory with the name you configured in the iobroker asterisk adapter configuration under the name _'Path for temporary audio files'_. The path must be accessible and authorized for asterisk and ssh, because iobroker sends the generated audiofile (your text message), by scp to the asterisk server and save it in the 'Path for temporary audio files'. +After that ioBroker will send by the AMI api a message to asterisk to dial an play the generated audiofile saved in the given path. + +![ssh](docs/iobroker_ssh.png) ## Using Asterisk ### Using Asterisk with objects / states for dialing out The easiest way to use asterisk is through the ioBroker objects page. There, fill the following values under dialout parameter: -* call: push button to initiate a call -* callerid: telephonenumber which will be shown the callee -* dtmf: the callee pressed numbers on the keypad -* telnr: the number to be dialed -* text: the text that will be played to the callee + +- call: push button to initiate a call +- callerid: telephonenumber which will be shown the callee +- dtmf: the callee pressed numbers on the keypad +- telnr: the number to be dialed +- text: the text that will be played to the callee +- language: text will be converted to audio in this language ![iobroker_dialout](docs/iobroker_dialout.png) @@ -42,9 +165,10 @@ The easiest way to use asterisk is through the ioBroker objects page. There, fil If you configured your SIP Provider (for example Fritzbox, Sipgate, ...) and the Asterisk Configuration to allow dialin calls you can set following parameter -* callerid: telephonenumber which called asteriks -* dtmf: callers pressed numbers on the keypad -* text: the text that will be played to the caller +- callerid: telephonenumber which called asteriks +- dtmf: callers pressed numbers on the keypad +- text: the text that will be played to the caller +- language: text will be converted to audio in this language ![iobroker_dialin](docs/iobroker_dialin.png) @@ -53,63 +177,111 @@ If you configured your SIP Provider (for example Fritzbox, Sipgate, ...) and the Now you can use the adapter in your javascript or blocky programms. ```sh -var number = "040 666-7766"; -var callerid = '040 123 999'; // optional, if not set anonymous call -var msg = "Hello, this textmessage will be converted to audio"; +const number = '040 666-7766'; +const callerid = '040 123 999'; // optional, if not set anonymous call +const msg = 'Hello, this textmessage will be converted to audio'; // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play text message as audio -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, text: msg}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); -}); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, text: msg}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); +}); // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play mp3 audio file // mp3 file has to exist on asterix server -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.mp3'}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); -}); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.mp3'}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); +}); -// call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play gsm audio file +// call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play gsm audio file // gsm file has to exist on asterix server -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.gsm'}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); -}); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.gsm'}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); +}); + +// create dial in message +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { text: 'Please enter PIN after hashtag.' }, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); +}); // Show entered DTMF code -on({ id: "asterisk.0.dialin.dtmf"/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { - let dtmf = obj.state.val; - console.log("DTMF: " + dtmf); +on({ id: 'asterisk.0.dialin.dtmf'/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { + const dtmf = obj.state.val; + console.log(`DTMF: ${dtmf}`); }); // Show entered DTMF code -on({ id: "asterisk.0.dialout.dtmf"/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { - let dtmf = obj.state.val; - console.log("DTMF: " + dtmf); +on({ id: 'asterisk.0.dialout.dtmf'/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { + const dtmf = obj.state.val; + console.log(`DTMF: ${dtmf}`); }); ``` > You can use following parameter in the sendTo dial statement: +> > - **language:** language take for text to speech (tts) function. (allowed values: 'DE', 'EN', ... Default is the ioBroker system language) > - **repeat:** how many times shall the audio message repeated (allowed values 1 to n, default 5) -> - **priority:** if you send parallel many sendTo dial statements, the messages with a smallest priority will be send first (allowed values 1 to n, default 1) +> - **priority:** if you send parallel many sendTo dial statements, the messages with a smallest priority will be send first (allowed values 1 to n, default 1) > - **text:** text message that will be send as audio > - **timeout:** Timeout in milliseconds waiting for connection to be happen (defaults to 60000 ms) > - **async:** Allows multiple calls to be generated without waiting for a response (allowed values: false/true, default false) -> - **audiofile:** if you using the text parameter. The converted text to audio will be saved in audiofile. If the audiofile exist, it will be overwritten. If you do not use the parameter text, the audiofile will be played. -> - **callerid:** Defines the identifier (your sender telephone number) . If callerid is missing the transferred telephone number will be anonymous +> - **audiofile:** if you using the text parameter. The converted text to audio will be saved in audiofile. If the audiofile exist, it will be overwritten. If you do not use the parameter text, the audiofile will be played. +> - **callerid:** Defines the identifier (your sender telephone number) . If callerid is missing the transferred telephone number will be anonymous +> - **telnr:** telephone number to dial. ## Resolving problems -If you have problems with asterisk, you can try to find something in the logfiles under /var/log/asterisk. After you started asterisk you can call asterisk with asterisk -rvvvvvv on the comand shell for debugging. After you started asterisk -rvvvvvv you can initialize a call by iobroker and see what happens. +If you have problems with asterisk, you can try to find something in the logfiles under /var/log/asterisk. After you started asterisk you can call asterisk with asterisk -rvvvvvv on the comand shell for debugging. After you started asterisk -rvvvvvv you can initialize a call by iobroker and see what happens. ## Changelog - -[Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) +### 2.0.2 (2025-02-01) + +- (Stübi) Add Create Directory +- (Stübi) Add translation for configuration +- (Stübi) Bugfixing + +### 2.0.1 (2025-01-24) + +- (Stübi) Fix error by using asterisk and iobroker on the same server +- (Stübi) Add action command for send messages +- (Stübi) Add dial in command for send messages +- (Stübi) Add create butteon for create dial in file + +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-24) + +- (Stübi) Redesign of Asterisk +- (Stübi) Switching from Javascript to Typescript +- (Stübi) Nodes 20 and 22 are now supported +- (Stübi) js controllers in versions 6 and 7 are supported +- (Stübi) Attention: Passwords must be re-entered from this version! +- (Stübi) Language object added +- (Stübi) Revision of the reconnect if Asterisk is restarted once +- (Stübi) Fixing errors from repository checker (Issue #51) +- (Stübi) Add documentation how to install asterisk manual (Issue #33) + +### 1.0.6 ((2019-02-27) + +- (Stübi) Update documentation and templates +- (Stübi) Asterisk adapter can create now asterisk configuration files. You have to rename and move them afterwards to the /etc/asterisk directory +- (Stübi) a new documentation for using Sipgate as provide. +- (Stübi) Now you can call internal fritzbox numbers. You must change your extensions.ael if you install the version 1.0.4! (replace **10 => { ... }** with **\_. => { ... }**) +- (Stübi) You can install asterisk on a different server and use scp to transfer audio files from ioBroker to asterisk. +- (Stübi) You can use the service PJSIP instead of SIP now. +- (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +- (Stübi) Calling without extension, if you do not use the fritzbox for example (leave sip.conf username in adapter config empty) +- (Stübi) Instead of ffmpeg you can use now sox too +- (Stübi) Update with languages +- (Stübi) Add Callerid to dialin states +- (Stübi) A lot of new features. Now you can call ioBroker / Asterisk by telephone number and enter a DTMF Code. +- (Stübi) You can enter a DTMF Code if you get called by ioBroker / Asterisk +- (Stübi) Bugfixing and password will be saved encrypted and text message size can be unlimited +- (Stübi) First Version ## License + The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thorsten Stueben / +Copyright (c) 2025 Thorsten Stueben / Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb3cb1fe4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.awattar/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.awattar/README.md index dad3e25f6..041b09666 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.awattar/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.awattar/README.md @@ -49,13 +49,16 @@ Laut aWATTar api D ## Changelog +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-31) +* (SirJojo69) new price calculation ### 1.1.0 * (Apollon77) Updates to testing from ioBroker Core team to make testing compatible with js-controller 4.0 * (SirJojo69) changed copyright * (SirJojo69) updated js-controller dependency to 5.0.19 * (SirJojo69) fixed stat and end date format to DD.MM.YYYY - +* (SirJojo69) adapter runs once at start +* (mcm1957) Updates to testing ### 1.0.6 * (SirJojo69) new version for official repo diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.awtrix-light/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.awtrix-light/README.md index 468962e85..15688a892 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.awtrix-light/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.awtrix-light/README.md @@ -201,8 +201,14 @@ If you want to disable/hide a native app (like battery, temperature or humidity) --> ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@klein0r) Improved error handling when adapter is not ready (starting) + +### 1.6.0 (2025-01-27) + Updated recommended firmware version to 0.98 +* (@klein0r) Updated dependencies + ### 1.5.0 (2025-01-07) Updated recommended firmware version to 0.97 @@ -221,11 +227,6 @@ NodeJS >= 20.x and js-controller >= 6 is required * (@klein0r) Added sentry plugin for error reporting -### 1.2.1 (2024-06-07) - -* (klein0r) Fixed Blockly definitions (removed warnings) -* (klein0r) Updated dependencies - ## License MIT License diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bluesound/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bluesound/README.md index 1cc7f5f1e..c1eb3a735 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bluesound/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bluesound/README.md @@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ The following functions are implemented: ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +- (Uwe Nagel) Fixing test action problems +- (Uwe Nagel) Bump mocha from 11.0.1 to 11.1.0 +- (Uwe Nagel) Bump eslint-config-prettier from 9.1.0 to 10.0.1 +- (Uwe Nagel) Bump chai and @types/chai +- (Uwe Nagel) Bump eslint from 9.16.0 to 9.19.0 - (Uwe Nagel) Corrected translations (de,pl) - (Uwe Nagel) Update @iobroker/adapter-core to 3.2.3 - (Uwe Nagel) Update @iobroker/testing to 5.0.0 diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bmw/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bmw/README.md index b25e704ac..c10131f78 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bmw/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bmw/README.md @@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ bmw.0.VIN.properties bmw.0.VIN.remotev2 ## Changelog +### 2.9.3 (2025-01-29) + +- fix Remote Controls +- add Mitbenutzer Login for remote controls + ### 2.9.0 (2024-11-28) - added new remotes as switch and updated values @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ bmw.0.VIN.remotev2 MIT License -Copyright (c) 2021-2024 TA2k +Copyright (c) 2021-2030 TA2k Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bring/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bring/README.md index f930e04d5..41f6a9c74 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bring/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bring/README.md @@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ For every shopping list a channel with the following states will be created: Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 1.9.1 (2025-01-21) +* (@foxriver76) fixed issue on token expiration + ### 1.9.0 (2024-11-27) * (@foxriver76) updated `bring-shopping` module (get rid of deprecated `request` module) * (@foxriver76) dropped support for Node.js 16 (it is EOL) @@ -298,7 +301,7 @@ For every shopping list a channel with the following states will be created: ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Moritz Heusinger +Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Moritz Heusinger Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bshb/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bshb/README.md index 76a225a18..b587c1e30 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bshb/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.bshb/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ use of the adapter. You find a link at the top. ## Changelog +### 0.4.2 + +* (holomekc) Fixed undefined object issue +* Dependencies updated + ### 0.4.1 * Dependencies updated @@ -64,10 +69,6 @@ use of the adapter. You find a link at the top. * (holomekc) Support for user defined states -### 0.2.5 - -* (holomekc) Support for user defined states - ### Older entries [here](CHANGELOG_OLD.md) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md index 83365c0bf..8bb8709e3 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md @@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ If you configure a camera with name `cam1` it will be available on web server under `http(s)://iobroker-IP:8082/cameras.0/cam1`. Additionally, the image could be requested via a message: -``` +```js sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { name: 'cam1', width: 100, // optional height: 50, // optional - angle: 90 // optional + angle: 90, // optional noCache: true // optional, if you want to get the image not from cache }, result => { const img = 'data:' + result.contentType + ';base64,' + result.data; @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { The result is always in `jpg` format. Supported cameras: -- Reolink E1 Pro via RTSP (important, without `Pro` it will not work) -- Eufy via eusec adapter +- `Reolink E1 Pro` via RTSP (important, without `Pro` it will not work) +- `Eufy` via eusec adapter - [HiKam](https://support.hikam.de/support/solutions/articles/16000070656-zugriff-auf-kameras-der-2-generation-via-onvif-f%C3%BCr-s6-q8-a7-2-generation-) of second and third generation via ONVIF (für S6, Q8, A7 2. Generation), A7 Pro, A9 - [WIWICam M1 via HiKam adapter](https://www.wiwacam.com/de/mw1-minikamera-kurzanleitung-und-faq/) - RTSP Native - if your camera supports RTSP protocol @@ -47,17 +47,33 @@ This is URL request for image, where all parameters are in URL, but you can prov ### FFmpeg If you want to access snapshots on RTSP cameras, you can use ffmpeg. You need to install ffmpeg on your system: -- Windows has precompiled ffmpeg and there is no need to download anything. (Windows version is taken from here: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-essentials.7z) +- Windows has precompiled ffmpeg and there is no need to download anything. (Windows version is taken from here: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z) - Linux: `sudo apt-get install ffmpeg -y` +How to update the windows version of `ffmpeg`: +- Download file https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z +- Extract `bin/ffmpeg.exe` +- Rename `ffmpeg.exe` to `win-ffmpeg.exe` +- Zip `win-ffmpeg.exe` to `win-ffmpeg.zip` +- Place `win-ffmpeg.zip` in the root of this repository +- Execute `win-ffmpeg.exe --version` to get the version and save it into `main.ts` `WIN_FFMPEG_VERSION` constant (like `2025-02-02-git-957eb2323a-full_build-www.gyan.dev`) + Here is an example of how to add Reolink E1: ![rtsp](img/rtsp.png) +### Ezviz - How to re-enable RTSP for EZVIZ cameras +For some reason, EZVIZ decided to disable RTSP for their cameras: +- Open EZVIZ App and go to: Profile / Settings / Lan Live View +- Start scanning and then Select Camera: +- Login with your camera password (the default password is on the camera sticker) +- Press the Settings icon and select Local Service Settings +- Enable RTSP + ## How to add a new camera (For developers) To add a new camera, you must create a Pull Request on GitHub with the following changes: -- Add new file into `cameras` folder. This is a backend to read the single image from the camera. -- Add GUI file in the `src/src/Types/` folder. This is the configuration dialog for the camera +- Add a new file into `cameras` folder. This is a backend to read the single image from the camera. +- Add a GUI file in the `src/src/Types/` folder. This is the configuration dialog for the camera - Add this dialog in `src/src/Tabs/Cameras.js` file analogical as other cameras are added. Only two lines should be added: - Import new configuration dialog like `import RTSPMyCamConfig from '../Types/RTSPMyCam';` - Extend `TYPES` structure with the new camera like `mycam: { Config: RTSPMyCamConfig, name: 'MyCam' },` @@ -71,6 +87,10 @@ To add a new camera, you must create a Pull Request on GitHub with the following --> ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) Completely rewritten in TypeScript +* (@GermanBluefox) Added Ezviz cameras + ### 2.1.2 (2024-07-15) * (bluefox) Updated packages @@ -140,7 +160,7 @@ To add a new camera, you must create a Pull Request on GitHub with the following ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2020-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2020-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md index 8dfd46855..9883dc257 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see [Sen ## Settings ### APP-KEY -To use cloud adapter you should first get the APP-Key on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). +To use cloud adapter, you should first get the APP-Key on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). This is application key that the user can get on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net) site. Please get the key there and enter it here. ![Intro](img/intro.png) ### Instance -All requests from cloud adapter will be routed to specific WEB Instance. User must specify here the WEB instance, that will be showed to user, when he logs in https://iobroker.net site. +All requests from cloud adapter will be routed to specific WEB Instance. User must specify here the WEB instance; that will be shown to user, when he logs in https://iobroker.net site. ### Allow self-signed certificates If you use standard iobroker.net cloud, you can deactivate it. This option is only important if own cloud used. @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ If you use standard iobroker.net cloud, you can deactivate it. This option is on There is a possibility to send messages to cloud adapter. If you call `[POST]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_/` und value as payload. -``` +```bash curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ ``` @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ You can deactivate HTTPS and authentication on this web instance, but better is * (bluefox) Corrected error with iobroker.pro and delete object ### 4.2.2 (2022-08-24) -* (bluefox) Corrected error with services list and admin6 +* (bluefox) Corrected error with service's list and admin6 ### 4.2.1 (2022-07-20) * (bluefox) Used a new version of a socket library. @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ You can deactivate HTTPS and authentication on this web instance, but better is * (bluefox) Fixed error with the admin ### 4.0.8 (2021-01-31) -* (Apollon77) Prevent crash case (Sentry IOBROKER-CLOUD-S) +* (Apollon77) Prevent a crash case (Sentry IOBROKER-CLOUD-S) * (bluefox) fix usage of credentials ### 4.0.7 (2021-01-30) @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ You can deactivate HTTPS and authentication on this web instance, but better is ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2016-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2016-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md index cffe6bc6b..f44a70952 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md @@ -73,9 +73,25 @@ Example: [test 18160201010B] Now you can see the message in the ioBroker objects -## Changelog +5. Problems / Issues + +If you have problems processing ContactID messages, please create an issue. +In the issue I need the following information: + +1. Manufacturer and type of alarm system +2. The ContactID message as a file. You can create a file if you activate it in the instance configuration. +3. The debug output from ioBroker when processing the message +4. Detailed description of the bug + +You can test saved ContactID message with following command -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +``` +# cat fileanme_of_cid_message | nc ip_address_of_iobroker cid_port +cat /tmp/cid/cid_msg_fa165cc0-8e3a-faa1-eb5c-fd3e47479044.txt | nc localhost 55000 +``` + +## Changelog +### 2.0.1 (2025-02-01) - (Stübi) Fixed Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot (Issue #46) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md index 66b408e0f..2a3bea90b 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md @@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ Manage and create devices for using it in other adapters like material, iot,... Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) Updated packages +* (@GermanBluefox) Used vite +* (@GermanBluefox) Used eslint-config of ioBroker + ### 1.1.5 (2023-06-06) * (Garfonso) fixed: problem with editing imported states * (Garfonso) fixed: warning @@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ Manage and create devices for using it in other adapters like material, iot,... ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2019-2023 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2019-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d27108ad5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +![Logo](admin/dreame.png) + +# ioBroker.dreame + +[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.dreame.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.dreame) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.dreame.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.dreame) +![Number of Installations](https://iobroker.live/badges/dreame-installed.svg) +![Current version in stable repository](https://iobroker.live/badges/dreame-stable.svg) + +[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.dreame.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.dreame/) + +**Tests:** ![Test and Release](https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.dreame/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +**This adapter uses Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors to the developers.** For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see [Sentry-Plugin Documentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Sentry reporting is used starting with js-controller 3.0. + +## dreame adapter for ioBroker + +Adapter for dreame home devices tested with L10 L20 and x40 + +#### deviceId.status + +Current Status of the devices + +#### deviceId.remote + +Remote control of the devices +Start: dreame.0.xxxxx.remote.start-sweep +Stop: dreame.0.xxxxx.remote.start-charge + +Start Shortcut: + +dreame.0.XXXXXXXX.remote.start-clean + +``` +[ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 25 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "32" + } +] +``` + +"value": "32" -> Shortcut id + +List of shortcuts: + +dreame.0.XXXXX.status.4-48 + +Names are base64 encoded +If there is no 4-48 state you have to start a short cut + +### Room cleaning + +dreame.0.XXXX.remote.start-clean + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 18 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "{\"selects\":[[X,1,3,2,1]]}" + } + ] +``` + +X = room id + +Multiple Rooms: + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 18 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "{\"selects\":[[X,1,3,2,1],[Y,1,3,2,1]]}" + } + ] +``` + +X = room 1 +Y = room 2 + +Karte wechseln +dreame.XXXXXXX.remote.update-map + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 4, + "value": "{\"sm\":{},\"mapid\":X}" + } + ] +``` + +X = mapId +dreame.0.XXXX.status.6-99 +oder +dreame.0.XXXX.map.curid + +### Control Clean Modes + +Enable CleanGenius: +dreame.0.XXXXXX.remote.customCommand + +``` +[ + { + "value": "{\"k\":\"SmartHost\",\"v\":1}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } +] +``` + +Disable CleanGenius: + +``` +[ + { + "value": "{\"k\":\"SmartHost\",\"v\":0}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } +] +``` + +CleanGenius Deep Cleaning: \"v\":2 + +CleanGenius Mode: value: 3 or value 2 + +``` +[ + { + + "value": 2, + "siid": 28, + "piid": 5 + } + ] + +``` + +Change Cleaning Mode: + +``` +[ +{ + + "value": 5122, + "siid": 4, + "piid": 23 + } + ] +``` + +Values: 5120, 5121, 5122... + +Vaccuum Mode: + +``` +[ +{ + + "value": 2, + "siid": 4, + "piid": 4 + } + ] + +``` + +Mop Intensity: + +``` +[ + { + + "value": 28, + "siid": 28, + "piid": 1 + } + ] +``` + +Route: + +``` + [ + { + + "value": "{\"k\":\"CleanRoute\",\"v\":1}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } + ] +``` + +## Changelog + + + +### 0.2.2 (2025-01-24) + +- reduce cpu load while cleaning + +### 0.2.1 (2025-01-15) + +- fix for canvas installation + +### 0.2.0 (2024-12-28) + +- add simple maps + +### 0.1.0 (2024-12-14) + +- bugfixes + +### 0.1.0 (2024-12-14) + +- (TA2k) initial release + +## License + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024-2030 TA2k + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +```` + +``` + +``` +```` diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a5554c0c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.e3oncan/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.e3oncan/README.md index 717b446e4..d91ce8f7a 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.e3oncan/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.e3oncan/README.md @@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ Yes, that is possible under certain conditions: Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (MyHomeMyData) Updated dependencies according to issue #101 + ### 0.10.4 (2025-01-15) * (MyHomeMyData) Update of list of data points for E3 devices to version 20250114 diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.easee/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.easee/README.md index c9a689155..8fe55cd05 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.easee/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.easee/README.md @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ dynamicCircuitCurrentPX -> All phases must be set within 500ms (script) otherwis ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2021 Newan +Copyright (c) 2025 Newan Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -92,4 +92,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ebus/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ebus/README.md index 24dd310da..3d6db9f04 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ebus/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ebus/README.md @@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ Attention: command in datapoint ebus.0.cmd is deleted after executing of command Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 3.5.1 (2025-02-01) +* (René) translations + +### 3.5.0 (2025-01-27) +* (René) catch exceptions reportet by sentry +* (René) option to disable check of last update time (see issue #391) + ### 3.4.0 (2024-12-10) * (René) migration to jsonConfig * (René) see issue #383: add optionally parameters to HTTP call @@ -231,7 +238,7 @@ Attention: command in datapoint ebus.0.cmd is deleted after executing of command ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2017-2024 René G. +Copyright (c) 2017-2025 René G. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.echarts/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.echarts/README.md index 4c8312590..db5145b29 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.echarts/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.echarts/README.md @@ -115,9 +115,13 @@ You can debug view charts locally with: --> ## Changelog -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +### 2.0.6 (2025-02-02) - (@GermanBluefox) Validate configuration at start +- (@GermanBluefox) Corrected zoom&pan of charts with mouse +- (@GermanBluefox) Added the possibility to change a legend background +- (@GermanBluefox) Show color of lines in legend if it is a dialog +- (@GermanBluefox) Show echarts card in on the admin intro page ### 2.0.4 (2025-01-13) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md index 213584d84..f2775b227 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md @@ -228,6 +228,8 @@ This is not necessarily a failure or an indicator for not working adapter, it is * if a value is not set by device data update, it will appear as unknown in HA * if the device is reachable, then the availability will be shown in the device connectivity, this is inherited to the "sub-devices" (unavailability is precessed in the same way) +[some_hints_for HA](./doc/en/IOB_HA/navi.md) + ### annotations to functionality * Due to to the asynchronity of information updates and command transfer sometimes race conditions may be visible. So a switch is commanded and its toggling back and forth before it stays, can be observed. @@ -323,6 +325,13 @@ it creates [PROTOBUF unknown] messages in th log, they contain the raw hex teleg ## Changelog +### 1.2.2 (npm) +* (foxthefox) some documentation for HA users +* (foxthefox) corrections in SHP2 protobuf definition +* (foxthefox) new datapoints in SHP2 ProtoTime, new telegram ProtoTimeStat mapped to ProtoTime +* (foxthefox) corrections to alternator (objects 268,269), power,wifiRssi setting, +* (foxthefox) DeltaPro mpptTemp, outAmp new max value + ### 1.2.1 (npm) * (foxthefox) corrections for pstream objects, some changed from string to number * (foxthefox) new SHP time task config values diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md index 87b909db5..6a94bafc0 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ The adapter supports an interface towards the heating systems from Bosch Group u * km200, km200 hrv, km100, km50, HMC300 or IP-inside (from Bosch Group) * ems-esp gateway (https://github.com/emsesp/EMS-ESP32) with the ESP32 chip. - The old ESP8266 gateways with API V2 are not supported anymore !! The adapter is tested for the ems-esp gateway with latest stable firmware version Latest dev versions of firmware might not work stable with the ioBroker adapter. Use is on own risk. @@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ German ioBroker forum: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/45862/neuer-adapter-ems- ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2025 Thomas Petrick +Copyright (c) 2025 Thomas Petrick (tp1de) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md index a1a1843f7..f2185158c 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md @@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ Connect to [ESPresense](https://espresense.com) Best practice: Pair the devices to be monitored with espresense and filter the output to avoid unnecessary network traffic. +#### max_distance_iobroker +The newly added data points are used to achieve per-room detection in the adapter. When using max_distance in esp32, the adapter does not receive a notification when the device leaves the area. When using max_distance_iobroker, however, it does. +If max_distance_iobroker is used, the two presense data points are controlled by it, otherwise they behave as before. +Presense under the device is true if one of the data points in the rooms below is true. + For help use issue or if u understand german https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/71189/test-adapter-espresense @@ -35,6 +40,12 @@ For help use issue or if u understand german https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/71 Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-28) +* (ticaki) Simple room detection integrated +* (ticaki) Friendly room name added to devices +* (ticaki) global commands now work. +* (ticaki) Data point var added. + ### 0.4.8 (2025-01-18) * (ticaki) Devices can be renamed in the configuration. * (ticaki) Removing devices works now!. diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.fahrplan/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.fahrplan/README.md index 14f1c37a1..14adfad09 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.fahrplan/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.fahrplan/README.md @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ With +-Button new entries can be added to the table. --> ### __WORK IN PROGRESS__ * (Gaudes) Include platform in line +* (Gaudes) Fix product regionalExpress * (Gaudes) Updates ### 1.4.0 (2024-12-13) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md index 6157f3e45..6519e18d1 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md @@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ Example: http://localhost:8082/flexcharts/echarts.html? +If you enjoyed this project — or just feeling generous, consider buying me a beer. Cheers! :beers: + ## Changelog +### 0.3.1 (2025-02-02) +* (MyHomeMyData) Updated Apache ECharts to version 5.6.0 +* (MyHomeMyData) Added support for 3D charts using extension echarts-gl, see issue #68 +* (MyHomeMyData) Added templates for tibberLink Adapter + ### 0.3.0 (2025-01-08) * (MyHomeMyData) Enhancement for usage of functions within echart definitions. * (MyHomeMyData) Fix for issue #56 (findings of repository checker) @@ -265,4 +278,4 @@ OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Additional remark: -Source code of [Apache ECharts](https://echarts.apache.org/en/index.html) is used according to [Apache License, Version 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) \ No newline at end of file +Source code of [Apache ECharts](https://echarts.apache.org/en/index.html) is used according to [Apache License, Version 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md index 329717f05..1c1562311 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md @@ -19,7 +19,16 @@ Provides support for media players, internet radios and SmartRadios equipped wit NOTE: This adapter has been transferred to iobroker-community-adapters for maintenance. Thus planned features (see below) will not be implemented. Only important bug fixes and dependency updates will be released in the future. However PRs with bug fixes or feature enhancements are always welcome. -RELEASE NOTES: Version 0.3.x includes some Breaking Changes: +RELEASE NOTES: + +Version 0.4.x includes a Breaking Change: + +- The type of "frontier_silicon.X.media.state" changed from "number" to "string" and readonly +If you update this adapter from a previous version instead of a new installation, you may possibly find warnings in the ioBroker log like: +`State value to set for "frontier_silicon.0.media.state" has to be type "number" but received type "string"` +To prevent this from happening, the most simple solution is to stop the adapter in the instances tab of ioBroker, completely delete the object tree in the objects tab and then restart the adapter. This of course is only neccessary once after the update and is not required if you do a clean new installation. + +Version 0.3.x includes some Breaking Changes: - node>=18, js-contoller>=5 and admin>=6 required Upgrade your ioBroker to at least this software level, if you want to use this adapter @@ -222,14 +231,14 @@ Please be aware that you can sometimes choose between "pushing a button" or "set Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** - 2025H1 maintenance release +### 0.4.0 (2025-02-01) - 2025H1 maintenance release - (pdbjjens) Change: media state changed from number to string and readonly (#241) - (pdbjjens) New: Added media control function "stop" (#241) - (pdbjjens) New: Optimizations for responsive design (#244) +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 (#253) - (pdbjjens) Fix: Added button state acknowledgement - (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent warning on adapter stop -- (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies ### 0.3.0 (2024-08-27) - 2024H2 maintenance release @@ -258,14 +267,6 @@ Please be aware that you can sometimes choose between "pushing a button" or "set - (pdbjjens) Change: Re-establish session if network connection is lost - (pdbjjens) New: Synchronization of power, volume and mute states with the UNDOK App -### 0.1.0 (2023-07-15) - -- (pdbjjens) Breaking Changes: node>=14, js-contoller>=4 and admin>=5 required -- (pdbjjens) New: json config UI -- (pdbjjens) New: Re-establish session if network connection is lost -- (pdbjjens) New: Remove obsolete unit testing -- (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent crashes if radio device is not reachable - ## Legal Notices Frontier, Frontier Silicon, SmartRadio, UNDOK and associated logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Frontier Smart Technologies Limited [https://www.frontiersmart.com](https://www.frontiersmart.com) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md index 3d42f31e4..aa5d3629b 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md @@ -138,25 +138,28 @@ Here, measured values, control and status data are listed; depending on the func +--> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (bluefox) Updated packages and used `@iobroker/eslint-config` + ### 2.0.2 (2024-08-26) -* (bluefox) Updated packages - +* (bluefox) Updated packages + ### 2.0.0 (2024-07-18) * (bluefox) Updated packages -* (bluefox) Removed support of Node.js 16 - +* (bluefox) Removed support of Node.js 16 + ### 1.17.0 (2024-03-18) -* (klein0r) Fixed encrypted configuration - +* (klein0r) Fixed encrypted configuration + ### 1.16.1 (2024-03-05) -* (bluefox) Improved the configuration layout - +* (bluefox) Improved the configuration layout + ### 1.16.0 (2023-12-25) * (JeyCee) Added support for the device manager * (bluefox) Added JSON config -* (foxriver76) port to adapters internal `setTimeout/setInterval` methods - +* (foxriver76) port to adapters internal `setTimeout/setInterval` methods + ### Older entries [here](OLD_CHANGELOG.md) @@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ Here, measured values, control and status data are listed; depending on the func The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 bluefox Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hmip/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hmip/README.md index f6d95534f..060db27ca 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hmip/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hmip/README.md @@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/27532/homematic-ip-cloud-access-point-adapter ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> ## Changelog +### 1.26.5 (2025-01-27) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Websocket disconnect cases + ### 1.26.4 (2025-01-03) * (@Apollon77) Optimized Websocket disconnect cases diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hue/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hue/README.md index 4f161289f..ec38b2e9b 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hue/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.hue/README.md @@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ In den Adapter-Settings muss die IP der Hue Bridge sowie ein Username konfigurie Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### __WORK IN PROGRESS__ --> +### 3.14.1 (2025-02-01) +* (@foxriver76) improved error handling for smart scenes + ### 3.14.0 (2025-01-08) * (@foxriver76) added dynamic scenes (Note: new states are added by UUID) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md index fbd576a06..7acc7a1c5 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md @@ -18,8 +18,14 @@ chapters: {"pages":{"en/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md":{"title":{"en" -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** -* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI to Typescript +### 8.9.1 (2025-01-26) + +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected blockly function editor +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected creation of folders + +### 8.9.0 (2025-01-22) +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI to TypeScript +* (@klein0r) Added count attribute to getHistory in blockly ### 8.8.3 (2024-09-05) * (bluefox) Fixed object selector in rules @@ -31,17 +37,10 @@ chapters: {"pages":{"en/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md":{"title":{"en" * (@klein0r) Added option to register notifications via scripts * (@klein0r) Fixed sendTo block with an empty name list -### 8.7.7 (2024-08-04) -* (@klein0r) Fixed import scripts dialog -* (@klein0r) Allowed removing all custom packages (empty list) - -### 8.7.6 (2024-07-28) -* (foxriver76) fix error with subpath imports in scripts - ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 bluefox , +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 bluefox , Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.kecontact/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.kecontact/README.md index ccdf951cd..524857069 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.kecontact/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.kecontact/README.md @@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ To charge your vehicle with a constant amperage of 6A regardless of surplus, set Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (Sneak-L8) fix error sentry IOBROKER-KECONTACT-21 +* (sneak-L8) migrate from request to axios + ### 2.3.0 (2024-11-29) * (Sneak-L8) new option to limit charging station according to german §14a EnWG * (Sneak-L8) enable currTime for manual use and X2 even in passive mode diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lg-thinq/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lg-thinq/README.md index 77ca3ef8d..af79837c3 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lg-thinq/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lg-thinq/README.md @@ -759,6 +759,11 @@ lg-thinq.0.xxx.area must be filled! ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** + +- (Lucky-ESA) max target changed from 30 to 40 degrees +- (Lucky-ESA) Dependencies updated + ### 1.0.7 (2024-12-08) - (Lucky-ESA) Fixed: Connection status does not turn green diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lorawan/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lorawan/README.md index af3f4e418..cc9e825c5 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lorawan/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lorawan/README.md @@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ For now there is documentation in English here: https://wiki.hafenmeister.de Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 1.6.6 (2025-01-27) +* (BenAhrdt) start with known profiles + +### 1.6.5 (2025-01-26) +* (BenAhrdt) export and import downlinkconmfigs with filemanager + +### 1.6.4 (2025-01-21) +* (BenAhrdt) Set decoded Structure in deviceInfos (with Merge) + ### 1.6.3 (2025-01-20) * (BenAhrdt) Names of states changed (Downlink Raw) * (BenAhrdt) Change setObjectNotExistsAsync to extendObjectAsync for Raw Data diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lupusec/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lupusec/README.md index 2c7aa04fc..6f4a5aca1 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lupusec/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.lupusec/README.md @@ -148,8 +148,7 @@ sudo chmod u+s `which ping` ``` ## Changelog - -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +### 2.0.5 (2025-02-01) - (Stübi) Adjust datapoints hue, sat with step 1 - (Stübi) Fixed, that unused states will be not be shwon. diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matrix-org/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matrix-org/README.md index 4f8fc2205..a4ca43dfa 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matrix-org/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matrix-org/README.md @@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ Join this room and try it out with your own credentials Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* upgrade matrix-js-sdk to 36.0.0 +* switch to ESM +* eslint 9 (what a messi commit) + ### 1.1.0 (2024-11-23) * upgrade matrix-js-sdk * auto join added (default false) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..04ebc5e94 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +![Logo](admin/matter.svg) +# ioBroker Matter Adapter + +![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/matter-installed.svg) +![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/matter-stable.svg) +[![NPM version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.matter.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.matter) + +![Test and Release](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +[![Translation status](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/matter/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.matter.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.matter) + +**This adapter uses Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors to the developers.** +For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see [Sentry-Plugin Documentation](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! +Sentry reporting is used starting with js-controller 3.0. + +## Introduction +> [!Important] +> The adapter can NOT be installed via GitHub: The adapter must be installed via the ioBroker repository (stable or latest). +> +> Currently the adapter is in the BETA phase and only available in latest repository. Please check [iobroker documentation](https://www.iobroker.net/#de/documentation/basics/repositories.md) how to install an adapter from latest repository/npm. +> +> A detailed description of the configuration and use of the ioBroker Matter adapter is described in the 🇩🇪 [german Wiki](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki) and 🇬🇧 [english Wiki](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki/Home-%E2%80%90-EN). +> +> Please read the [Important notes](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki/Einleitung-und-wichtige-Hinweise#wichtige-hinweise-bitte-dringend-beachten) before using the adapter. + +## Description +With the ioBroker Matter Adapter, it is possible to map the following use cases: +* Matter-based devices can be linked directly to ioBroker and thus read in / controlled +* The provision of multiple ioBroker devices as a Matter Bridge: Matter Bridges can contain multiple devices and are the easiest way to integrate ioBroker devices into a Matter-compatible ecosystem. +* ioBroker provides individual virtual Matter devices based on ioBroker devices / ioBroker states, which can be taught to a Matter-compatible ecosystem (currently only bridges are possible for Amazon Alexa) + +## ToDo +* Texts are partially in english +* Sync min/max from Matter into ioBroker objects +* Cleanup objects when devices/states are removed +* ioBroker device types + * (3+) vacuumCleaner + * (3) volume, volumeGroup + * (-3) airCondition + * (2+) fireAlarm + * (-2) mediaPlayer + * warning - how? + * gate - aka blinds because matter has no other device type? + * windowTilt - as discussed as composed device with two contact sensors ... one for open close and one for tilt + * levelSlider - ideally as non-lighting dimmed socket? +* Matter device types + * (7) Fan -> airCondition? + * (4+) Air Quality Sensor -> ??? + * (4+) Air Purifier -> ??? + * (4) Pump -> ??? + * (4) Pressure Sensor -> ??? DEF + * (3+) Robot Vacuum cleaner -> vacuumCleaner + * (3) Flow Sensor -> ??? DEF + * (3) Room Air Conditioner -> airCondition + * (2+) Dishwasher-> ??? + * (2) Basic Video Player -> mediaPlayer + * (2) Laundry Washer -> ??? + * (2) Refrigerator -> ??? + * (2) Temperature Controlled Cabinet -> ??? + * (2) Water Freeze Detector -> warning? + * (2) Rain Sensor -> warning? + * (2) Water Valve -> ??? + * (2) Laundry Dryer -> ??? + * (2) Oven -> ??? + * (2) Cooktop -> ??? + * (2) Cook Surface -> ??? + * (2) Extractor Hood -> ??? + * (2) Microwave Oven -> ??? + * (1+) Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment -> ??? + * (0) Water Heater -> ??? + * (0) Solar Power -> ??? + * (0) Battery Storage -> ??? + * (0) Heat Pump -> ??? + + + +## Changelog +### 0.4.13 (2025-02-01) +* (@Apollon77) Added support for Door state feature for Devices and Controllers +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat creation with Boost state + +### 0.4.12 (2025-02-01) +* (@GermanBluefox) Added the "copy to clipboard" button in the debug dialog +* (@Apollon77) Updated matter.js with performance and Memory usage optimizations (and Tasmota pairing workaround) +* (@Apollon77) Reworked Type detection in Backend and for Channel/Device detection type in UI, now multiple devicetypes are offered with most complex one pre-selected +* (@Apollon77) Handle Matter ColorTemperature Lights as a Color capable light to also allow CT-Lights with Hue support +* (@Apollon77) Added BOOST endpoint as switch when exposing Thermostats with Boost state +* (@Apollon77) Optimized some dimmer/level management for light devices without dimmer state + +### 0.4.11 (2025-01-28) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed caching issues in device type detection in backend +* (@Apollon77) Added Debug info icon for Devices and Bridges + +### 0.4.10 (2025-01-27) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat limit initialization and Mode error +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Matter Event handling when mapped to an ioBroker state (e.g.GenericSwitch) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Device type detection by really preferring the preferred type + +### 0.4.9 (2025-01-26) +* (@Apollon77) Enhanced error and invalid devices display for UI +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Button Press Controller support +* (@Apollon77) Added support to also select folders when adding devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Illuminance State type min/max + +### 0.4.8 (2025-01-26) +* (@Apollon77) Acknowledges Power states also on SET states +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Color Temperature handling for devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat setpoint logic + +### 0.4.7 (2025-01-25) +* (@Apollon77) Added debouncing when controllers change temperature value to makle sure not to overload the device +* (@Apollon77) Added support for step and use 0.5 for Setpoint temperatures +* (@Apollon77) Added support fur Hue lights without saturation state + +### 0.4.6 (2025-01-25) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@GermanBluefox) Added user feedback when device or bridged device is identified +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Thermostat logic for devices +* (@Apollon77) Ensures information are pushed to the UI when devices are in an error state + +### 0.4.5 (2025-01-25) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat initialization logic and added more logging +* (@Apollon77) Fixed WindowCovering level to match ioBroker definition +* (@Apollon77) Updated matter.js for further optimizations + +### 0.4.4 (2025-01-24) +* (@Apollon77) Added OPEN state for all Door Locks to open door again +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat initialization when no AUTO mode is supported +* (@Apollon77) Enhanced Enum state display in UI + +### 0.4.3 (2025-01-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@Apollon77) Allows turning light on/off via the dimming level as Zigbee adapter does +* (@Apollon77) Detects Switch changes via event which should be more reliable +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes some Node information + +### 0.4.2 (2025-01-23) +* (@Apollon77) Added SmokeCO2Alarm -> FireAlarm to Controller device types +* (@Apollon77) Detects BLE only QR codes and responds with an error message +* (@Apollon77) For Dimming and Color changes direct the device to execute the changes also when a device is off + +### 0.4.1 (2025-01-22) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@Apollon77) Improved handling for Power Source cluster on root endpoint +* (@Apollon77) Changed Identify handling - Light will be turned on/off, others just logged + +### 0.4.0 (2025-01-20) +* (@Apollon77) "SET" states are no longer updated when Actual states are present and get updated! +* (@Apollon77) Initializes states also with "ack=false" states because better than no initial values +* (@Apollon77) Added Device support for Window Coverings (Blinds, Blindbuttons), Color Lights (Cie, Hie, Rgb, Rgbw, RgbSingle, RgbwSingle) and Thermostats +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to track state values also when disabled and update state to Matter when enabled again +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to also subscribe to write-only states for controller cases +* (@Apollon77) Only exposes remaining battery percentage attribute when value is present +* (@Apollon77) Corrected error display and pushing to UI in case of initialization errors of bridged devices +* (@Apollon77) Added RSSI value also for Thread devices +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.7 (2025-01-15) +* (@GermanBluefox) Showed the device name in paring dialog +* (@GermanBluefox/Apollon77) Adjusts connection type icons +* (@Apollon77) Optimized the discovery dialog handling +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat for Controller to update temperatures +* (@Apollon77) Gives Energy sensors a dedicated icon +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.6 (2025-01-13) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors +* (@GermanBluefox/@Apollon77) Added possibility to enable/disable controlled nodes +* (@Apollon77) Added Information on battery and rssi for DM tile +* (@Apollon77) Added controller support for Color Lights, Speaker, Thermostats and Window coverings +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.5 (2025-01-09) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors +* (@GermanBluefox) Added `Controller fabric label` to configuration +* (@GermanBluefox) Added solution for QR-Code scanning on non HTTPS pages +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Generic Switch Device type for controller +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Controller BLE initialization and activation +* (@Apollon77) Added serialNumber to all devices and bridges for better device re-detection by controllers + +### 0.3.4 (2024-12-31) +* (@Apollon77) Updates matter.js to address several issues +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI + +### 0.3.3 (2024-12-28) +* (@Apollon77) Allows triggering commands via matter also when the state already matches the value +* (@Apollon77) Sets and updates the fabric label for paired devices (default is "ioBroker matter.X") +* (@Apollon77) Detects state deletion for ioBroker devices and updates a device in UI to show device state +* (@Apollon77) Several optimizations on commissioning +* (@Apollon77) Do not show commissioning QR codes in ioBroker log +* (@Apollon77) Use Fabric label to try to detect if ioBroker is the controller +* (@Apollon77) Fixes displaying error details for devices and bridges +* (@Apollon77) Fixes the device and type detection logic + +### 0.3.2 (2024-12-21) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes several discovery issues + +### 0.3.1 (2024-12-20) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes bridge/device icon display in UI +* (@Apollon77) Prevents displaying warning dialogs when nothing is wrong +* (@Apollon77) Adjusts some logs + +### 0.3.0 (2024-12-20) +* BREAKING: Please re-enter your ioBroker Pro Cloud Password! +* (@Apollon77) Made sure the adapter is stopped before being updated +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes device discovery and allows to stop it again + +### 0.2.10 (2024-12-19) +* (@GermanBluefox) Makes the Adapter UI also available as standalone tab +* (@GermanBluefox) Added error details when adding the same state twice to a bridge or device +* (@Apollon77) Fixes discovery start in UI + +### 0.2.9 (2024-12-18) +* (@Apollon77) When Get and set states are separated then also update set state with new values +* (@Apollon77) Node details dialog in controller now exposes some more Battery information +* (@Apollon77) Also exposes the battery states when features are set wrong on the device +* (@Apollon77) Fixes LightSensor state mapping +* (@Apollon77) Prevents errors when only some energy states exist +* (@Apollon77) Uses the IP provided by Android when commissioning devices if possible +* (@Apollon77) Restructure discovery to run in the background and not block the UI +* (@Apollon77) Exposes States for Enums for Matter nodes +* (@Apollon77) Prevent storage to delete wrong data when a node gets removed + +### 0.2.8 (2024-12-17) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixes progress dialog for DM - used when deleting a node +* (@GermanBluefox) Synchronizes the "do not ask again on delete" time with admin and set to 5 minutes +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimizes bridges display for different color schemes +* (@GermanBluefox) Allows to collapse the information blocks at the top of the pages +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds an ioBroker Logo when display commissioned controllers +* (@GermanBluefox/@apollon77) Adds additional details and error state also for devices and bridged devices +* (@GermanBluefox/@apollon77) Always display QR code to allow additional pairing for device and bridges from adapter UI +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimizes several messages nd approval dialogs +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds a welcome dialog for new users +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds user guidance for big unpaired bridges +* (@Apollon77) Adds Illuminance and Button/ButtonSensor (Switch) device type +* (@Apollon77) Changes/Optimizes naming structure for paired devices and sub-endpoints +* (@Apollon77) Adds information when Matter device types are not yet supported to look into objects for details +* (@Apollon77) Resets connection status when a controller node is disconnected, also on adapter stop +* (@Apollon77) Cleans up internal data structures when a node gets deleted for controller +* (@Apollon77) Uses the configured device type when finding multiple types in the backend +* (@Apollon77) Adjusts UI device type detection to differentiate between supported and other types +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure that controller configuration changes are executed sequentially +* (@Apollon77) Added Transition Time handling for Dimmer and Ct device types in both directions +* (@Apollon77) Added Low-Battery and Battery-percent for all device types in both directions +* (@Apollon77) Added Ethernet Network Commissioning Cluster to prevent issues with Tuya + +### 0.2.7 (2024-12-08) +* (@Apollon77) Cleans up objects when a controller node is deleted +* (@Apollon77) Prevents controller configuration changes to be executed in parallel + +### 0.2.6 (2024-12-06) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes ColorTemperature light initialization because of matter.js update + +### 0.2.5 (2024-12-06) +* (@Apollon77) Sets the "no-compose" flag correctly to normally use composed if needed and adds it to a missing dialog +* (@Apollon77) Allows using null values if needed +* (@Apollon77) Fixes UNREACH handling for devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixes object change handling for controller +* (@Apollon77) Allows Bridges to expose its name as a device name +* (@Apollon77) Allows to rename controller nodes and devices + +### 0.2.4 (2024-12-04) +* (@Apollon77) Shows a progress indicator when deleting controller nodes +* (@Apollon77) Cuts names and labels to 32 or 64 characters as needed by Matter +* (@Apollon77) Improves error handling on devices and bridges +* (@Apollon77) Clear storage when removing a bridged device +* (@Apollon77) Processes changed objects with a 5s delay to prevent too many changes at once +* (@Apollon77) Fixes version determination +* (@Apollon77) Initializes Device objects more lazily + +### 0.2.3 (2024-11-30) +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to delete all objects and stop device when a device is deleted in UI +* (@Apollon77) When a devices/bridge object is deleted and adapter runs we try to detect this and stop the device/bridge +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes close handling of adapter +* (@Apollon77) Uses adapter version as Software and Hardware versions in the exposed Matter devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixes "auto" flags in backend when make no sense in objects +* (@Apollon77) Fixes "auto" flag in UI +* (@Apollon77) Prevents cyclic state updates when a state is updated by the adapter to matter +* (@Apollon77) Log warnings when device optional device states are not mapped +* (@Apollon77) Hides Product-ID and VendorId fields in UI when adding devices into a bridge + +### 0.2.2 (2024-11-28) +* (@Apollon77) Uses plain matter.js logs for better readability +* (@Apollon77) Prevents ghost connection entries in the UI +* (@Apollon77) Adds some missing implementations for Controller of Door, Window, FloodAlarm and Motion + +### 0.2.1 (2024-11-27) +* (@Apollon77) Adds Color Temperature conversion if unit is "mireds" +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Color Temperature cluster initialization +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Min/Max calculation when unit conversion is used + +### 0.2.0 (2024-11-26) +* IMPORTANT: Breaking change!! Please decommission ALL devices and do a full factory reset of the adapter Matter storage before installing this version. Pair the devices new afterward. +* (@Apollon77) Finalizes Devices, Bridges and Controller functionality with a first set of 11 device types +* (@Apollon77) Upgrades to new Matter.js version and API (breaks storage structure) +* (@GermanBluefox) Moved build process of GUI to vite +* (@GermanBluefox) Added possibility to group devices in the GUI + +### 0.1.13 (2023-12-01) +* (@GermanBluefox) Working on the controller + +### 0.1.10 (2023-11-13) +* (@GermanBluefox) Implemented the factory reset and re-announcing + +### 0.1.2 (2023-10-25) +* (@GermanBluefox) Devices were implemented + +### 0.0.5 (2023-10-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed names under linux + +### 0.0.4 (2023-10-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) used library `@iobroker/type-detector` + +### 0.0.2 (2023-10-23) +* (@GermanBluefox) Initial commit + +## License +Apache-2.0 + +Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Denis Haev diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d7ffcd23 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6add87ad5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +![Logo](admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp) + +# ioBroker.Maxxi-Charge + +[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.maxxi-charge.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.maxxi-charge) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.maxxi-charge.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.maxxi-charge) +![Number of Installations](https://iobroker.live/badges/maxxi-charge-installed.svg) + +![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?style=flat-square) +![GitHub repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![GitHub commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![Test and Release](https://github.com/blabond/ioBroker.maxxi-charge/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml/badge.svg) + +[![Donation](https://img.shields.io/badge/Paypal-Donate-blue?style=flat)](https://paypal.me/boehrs) + +**ioBroker.MaxxiCharge** is an adapter for the ioBroker system that enables the integration and control of MaxxiCharge CCU devices. The adapter provides a range of features, including reading device data, adjusting configurations, and sending control commands. + +http://www.maxxisun.de + + +## Documentation + +[🇺🇸 Documentation](./docs/en/README.md) + +[🇩🇪 Dokumentation](./docs/de/README.md) + +## Changelog + +### 1.4.8 (2025-01-28) + +- Fixes for stable release on ioBroker adapter. +- Fixes for Deinstallation +- Feedback update + +### 1.4.1 (2025-01-12) + +- ### Please delete the `.sendcommand` folder and restart the adapter when updating from a previous version to this one. +- New: Added support for battery calibration (Expert Settings) +- Improved: Redesigned adapter settings for a better user experience + +### 1.3.13 (2025-01-07) +- Fixed: Issue with the dcAlgorithm datapoint where the UI could crash due to an incorrect states definition +- Removed the info.localip datapoint. The local IP address is now directly included in the jsonConfig. +- Adjusted code to use modern methods, replacing deprecated ones like setObjectAsync. + +### 1.3.0 (2024-12-15) +- **Summer/Winter mode** added: + - Dynamic adjustment of charging parameters based on seasons. + - Configurable with start and end dates. +- **Cloud API query interval**: Interval for CCU queries in cloud mode is now configurable via a slider between 10 and 60 seconds. + +### 1.2.191 (2024-12-08) +- Release + +## License +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024-2025 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85d50606a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mercedesme/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mercedesme/README.md index fc3b9199c..58d459a93 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mercedesme/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mercedesme/README.md @@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ Unter commands das commando auf klappen und den button neben start drücken wenn Remote sind vorgefertige Remote Befehle ## Changelog +### 0.3.5 (2025-01-31) + +- fix new login flow + ### 0.3.4 (2024-12-08) - added config parameter for reconnect delay @@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ Remote sind vorgefertige Remote Befehle MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 TA2k +Copyright (c) 2024-2030 TA2k Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md index 47dd62dd5..e0ffe360b 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md @@ -112,6 +112,11 @@ Please refer to the general Miele API documentation (below) for more information If you like to get a deeper understanding or need a raw-value translation please refer to [this documentation.](machine_states.md) ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Added screen size settings in Admin-UI for responsive design +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed sentry MIELECLOUDSERVICE-5V + ### 6.5.7 (2024-10-01) - (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated - (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed some minor issues found by adapter-checker @@ -214,4 +219,4 @@ OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## Copyright -Copyright (c) 2024 grizzelbee +Copyright (c) 2025 grizzelbee diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/README.md index e540901a3..c5d9d3e3b 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/README.md @@ -333,6 +333,10 @@ The supported commands are: ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** * () --> +### 5.2.0 (2025-01-22) +* (deher) add IP Adress to info +* (deher) assign rockrobo (valetudo) to roborock Manager + ### 5.1.0 (2025-01-18) * (AlexAchilleus) Added mop pad status and some states for Dreame/Xiaomi * (deher) change model handling diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mqtt-client/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mqtt-client/README.md index 2690c4124..0d8c35c6f 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mqtt-client/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.mqtt-client/README.md @@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ default: state-ID converted to a mqtt topic. ### __WORK IN PROGRESS__ --> ## Changelog +### 3.0.0 (2025-01-24) +* (@klein0r) Breaking change: Underscores are not replaced by spaces in the corresponding topic anymore + ### 2.1.0 (2024-11-12) * (mcm1957) Adapter requires node.js 20 now. * (mcm1957) Adapter requires js-controller 5.0.19 and admin 6.17.14 now. @@ -105,104 +108,10 @@ default: state-ID converted to a mqtt topic. * (mcm1957) Adapter requires node.js 18 and js-controller >= 5 now * (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated -### 1.7.0 (2023-10-30) - -* (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated -* (mcm1957) Adapter requires nodejs 16 now - -### 1.6.5 (2023-09-28) -* (foxriver76) prevent crash cases on invalid subscribe - -### 1.6.4 (2023-07-26) -* (DutchmanNL) Option to allow self-signed certificates in adapter settings added. - -### 1.6.3 (2022-06-16) -* (Apollon77) Prevent potential crash cases reported by Sentry - -### 1.6.2 (2022-04-02) -* (Apollon77) Prevent potential crash cases reported by Sentry - -### 1.6.1 (2022-02-24) -* (Pmant) fix subscriptions -* (Pmant) fix unsubscribing -* (Pmant) use prefix for LWT topic - -### 1.6.0 (2022-02-19) -* (Pmant) add option to select protocol version -* (Pmant) add websocket support -* (Pmant) publish values once on enabling publishing -* (Pmant) Upgrade to MQTT version 4 (resolves many connection issues) -* (Pmant) fix LWT documentation -* (Pmant) optionally publish a message when disconnecting gracefully - -### 1.5.0 (2022-01-26) -* IMPORTANT: This adapter now required at least js-controller 3.3.x -* (Apollon77) Fix crash cases - -### 1.4.1 (2022-01-26) -* (bluefox) js-controller 3.3 optimizations - -### 1.4.0 (2021-07-16) -* IMPORTANT: This adapter now required at least js-controller 2.0.0 -* (Apollon77) js-controller 3.3 optimizations -* (AlCalzone) Unpublished expired states -* (AlCalzone) Only handle stat values if state exists - -### 1.3.2 (2021-04-19) -* (bluefox) Added support of admin5 - -### 1.3.1 (2020-03-17) -* (bluefox) mqtt package moved back to 2.x - -### 1.3.0 (2020-03-11) -* (bluefox) mqtt package was updated -* (bluefox) Fixed the error with "custom" view - -### 1.2.1 (2019-10-17) -* (algar42) Fix adapter restarting -* (algar42) Fix mqtt issues - -### 1.2.0 (2019-10-14) -* (bluefox) Support of js-controller 2.0 was added - -### 1.1.1 (2018-01-30) -* (bluefox) small fixes - -### 1.1.0 (2017-12-30) -* (bluefox) Translations -* (bluefox) Update of MQTT module - -### 1.0.1 (2017-11-16) - -### 1.0.0 (2017-11-16) -* (bluefox) Update io-package.json - -### 0.3.2 (2016-11-18) -* (Pmant) fix initial object parsing -* (Pmant) fix objects view - -### 0.3.1 (2016-11-16) -* (Pmant) fix crash - -### 0.3.0 (2016-09-08) -* (Pmant) add optional publish and subscribe prefixes - -### 0.2.5 (2016-09-08) -* (Pmant) reduce logging -> debug - -### 0.2.0 (2016-09-08) -* (Pmant) use new custom settings - -### 0.1.1 (2016-06-09) -* (Pmant) fix possible loop - -### 0.1.0 (2016-06-08) -* (Pmant) initial commit - ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2024, iobroker-community-adapters +Copyright (c) 2025 iobroker-community-adapters Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Pmant Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md index 9f7627698..a3ce1f2eb 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md @@ -30,12 +30,20 @@ A derived version of this adapter supporting control of VBus devices is availabl ## Configuration hints -* The connection device type e.g. VBus/LAN or DL2 must be explicitly selected, otherwise no connection will be established. -* TCP connection port: The default setting 7053 should not be changed +* The connection device type e.g. VBus/LAN or DL2. Must be explicitly selected, otherwise no connection will be established. +* TCP connection port: Only relevant or LAN-based access. The default setting 7053 should not be changed * Device password: The password which you have set in your connection device (default: vbus) * DL3 channel: Only relevant for DL3/DL2Plus - leave at "None" for all other connection devices. (allowed values: 1-6, channel 0 cannot be read out) +* Via Tag: Only relevant for DL3, DL2, KM2 access via VBus.net - leave blank for all other connection devices. * Update interval: The time between updates of the measured values (default 30s) +* The correct settings for direct serial interface access for VBus/USB are: + * Connection Device: VBus/USB + * Device Address: The path to the serial port to which the serial interface adapter is connected like + '/dev/ttyUSB0' or + '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_USB-Modul_UO2102_TDEB6I8DAVDLGAGC-if00-port0' or + '/dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-port0' for Linux or + 'COM5' for Windows-based ioBroker platforms * The correct settings for direct LAN access for VBus/LAN, DL3, DL2, KM2 are: * Connection Device: VBus/LAN or KM2/DL2 or DL3/DL2Plus * Device Address: IP address (e.g. or FullyQualifiedHostName (e.g. myKM2.fritz.box) @@ -49,8 +57,10 @@ A derived version of this adapter supporting control of VBus devices is availabl Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-30) - 2025H1 maintenance release +* (pdbjjens) New: Accept serial port paths /dev/serial/by-id/usb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or /dev/serial/by-path/platform-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +* (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 * (simatec) Responsive Design added ### 0.4.0 (2024-08-13) - 2024H2 maintenance release @@ -76,12 +86,6 @@ A derived version of this adapter supporting control of VBus devices is availabl * (pdbjjens) Fix password check -### 0.2.3 (2023-02-27) - 2023 maintenance release - -* (pdbjjens) Updated dependencies -* (pdbjjens) New: Use adapter-dev instead of gulp translate -* (pdbjjens) Fix: error handling for serial connections - ## Legal Notices RESOL, VBus, VBus.net, DeltaSol and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of RESOL - Elektronische Regelungen GmbH @@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ The authors are in no way endorsed by or affiliated with RESOL GmbH, or any asso MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Jens-Peter Jensen +Copyright (c) 2025 Jens-Peter Jensen Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.net-tools/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.net-tools/README.md index d058e9ef7..96bbf136c 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.net-tools/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.net-tools/README.md @@ -75,9 +75,14 @@ Remark: This feature is limited to the subnet of the ioBroker host. Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> - -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +### 1.1.0 (2025-02-04) +* (Jey Cee) New feature ignore list for autodiscovery +* (Jey Cee) New feature Wake-on-LAN with IP for devices on other subnets * (Jey Cee) Optimize config for better responsive behavior +* (Jey Cee) Sync license key on all instance configurations if a key was already entered in one instance configuration +* (Jey Cee) Moved translations from configuration interface to i18n files +* (Jey Cee) Update dependencies +* (Jey Cee) Fix some stuff that was mentoined by adapter checker ### 1.0.11 27.03.2024 * (Jey Cee) Fix high CPU load while running discovering devices @@ -106,7 +111,7 @@ Remark: This feature is limited to the subnet of the ioBroker host. ## License Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) -Copyright (c) 2024 Jey Cee +Copyright (c) 2025 Jey Cee http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-energy/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-energy/README.md index 5e3044602..3f546f2e4 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-energy/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-energy/README.md @@ -160,6 +160,10 @@ Widget for VIS to show a complete valve. You have only to define the "SetTemp" - [Older changes](CHANGELOG_OLD.md) +### 2.8.0 (2025-01-31) + +* (ioKlausi) Update dependencies + ### 2.7.3 (2024-01-27) * (ioKlausi) Option 'Only update datapoints if changes are detected' corrected diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md index 940a29b5a..7b7a3258f 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md @@ -1,727 +1,730 @@ -![Logo](admin/openligadb_n.png) - -# ioBroker Adapter to get soccer sport match results from OpenLigaDB - -[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.openligadb.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.openligadb) -[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.openligadb.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.openligadb) -![Number of Installations](https://iobroker.live/badges/openligadb-installed.svg) -![Current version in stable repository](https://iobroker.live/badges/openligadb-stable.svg) - -[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.openligadb.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.openligadb/) - -## Overview - -Adapter to request game data for soccer or other games form `openligadb.de` - -## Configuration - -Add an instance of the adapter and click on the wrench symbol -In the form you can add the shortcut from a league and a season. -Please visit `openligadb.de` for available leagues,seasons and shortcuts -If a season is spread over two years, please enter only the start year. - -Example data for 1. German Bundliga is -`shortcut = bl1 season = 2023` - -If you saved and closed the configuration, a short while after this there must -be new datapoints for your league and season. - -## Widgets - -Actually there are 5 widgets available. Please enter openligadb in the widget filter - -### Table 4 - -![Widget table 4](/widgets/openligadb/img/table.png) - -Das ist die klassische Tabellenansicht.\ -Die Tabelle enthält verschiedene Spalten. - -- Sp=Anzahl gespielter Spiele -- S=Siege -- U=Unentschieden -- N=Niederlagen -- Tore=Torverhältnis -- Punkte=Punktestand - -#### Attribute Table - -| Attribut | Gruppe | Beschreibung | -| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| allmatches | | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches (Achtung im alten widget musste hier noch table ausgewählt werden) ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt enthält alle Spieldaten einer Liga/Season im JSON-Format. Aus diesen Daten wird dann auf Basis des Modus die Tabellen die verschiedenen Modis berechnet. | -| currgameday | | Hier ist ein Datenpunk zu wählen, der mit currgameday benannt ist. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Wert wird im Adapter auf Basis des aktuellen Datums berechnet. Der aktuelle Spieltag wechselt zur Hälfte der Zeit zwischen dem letzten Spiel des vorherigen Spieltags und dem ersten Spiel des folgenden Spieltages. | -| mode | | Listenauswahl in welchem Modus die Tabelle angezeigt werden soll zur Auswahl steht Gesamt(1total), Heim (2home) oder Auswärts (3away), Hinrunde (4round1) oder Rückrunde (5round2). | -| mode_binding | | Dieses Attribut entspricht inhaltlich dem Attribut mode. Es wurde ergänzend eingeführ, so das der Tabellenmodus ebenfalls per Binding gesteuert werden kann. In dieses Textfeld können genau die gleichen Werte wie bei mode eingetragen werden.Wenn hier ein korrekter Wert eingetragen ist, dann hat dieses Attribut vorrang vor dem Attribut mode. Ein Normalanwender sollte er nichts eintragen. | -| maxicon | | Maximale Größe des Manschaftsicons in x oder y-Richtung. | -| shortname | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, falls dieser in den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | -| sowtrend | | Auswahl, wenn Trendicons angezeigt werden sollen. Der Trend wird im Vergleich zum vorherigen Spieltag berechnet. | -| highlight | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semikolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Der jeweilige Namen wird mit HTML-Tags `` eingefasst. Eine detailliertere Formatierung kann über die css-Klasse "favorite" erfolgen. Ausserdem kann je Highlight eine individuelle CSS-Klasse angegeben werden. Vgl. Kapitel todo | -| filter | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semikolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden anhand deren die Tabelle gefiltert dargestellt wird. | -| iconup,icondn,iconst | Attributgruppe Icons | Hier können eigene Trendicons definiert werden. | -| showgameday in der Attributgruppe | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Hier kann ein vom aktuellen Spieltag abweichender Tag zur Berechnung der Tabelle eingegeben werden | -| lastgamecount in der Attributgruppe | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn hier eine Zahl eingegeben wird, dann wird die Tabelle nur für die Anzahl von Spieltagen bis zum aktuell angezeigten Spieltag (in Abhängigkeit von currgameday und showgameday) berechnet Beispiel: Eingabe bei showgameday = 10 und bei lastgamecount=5: Die Tabelle wird nur für die Spieltage 6-10 berechnet (5 Spieltage) | - -### Games of Gameday v2 - -![Widget Gameday](/widgets/openligadb/img/gameday.png) - -Dieses Widget zeigt den Spieltag an. Je nach Einstellung kann immer der -aktuelle, relativ zum aktuellen oder ein bestimmter Spieltag angezeigt werden. -Darüber hinaus kann auch die Menge der angezeigten Spieltage festgelegt werden. -Bestimmte Elemente der Anzeige wurden mit **CSS-Klassen** versehen, -für die dann beliebig eine bestimmte Formatierung festgelegt werden kann: - -| CSS-Klasse | Formatierung betrifft welches Element | Anmerkung | -| --------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| favorite | im Anzeigekopf eines Spieltages (Datum/Uhrzeit) | Hier kann Datum und Uhrzeit formatiert werden, wenn die Lieblingsmannschaft am Spieltag spielt. ggfs. kann es auch mit der CSS-Klasse "todaygameheader" verbunden werden. | -| favorite | Mannschaftsname | Hier kann der Mannschaftsname entsprechend formatiert werden. | -| todaygame | Die komplette Zeile eines Spiels | Wird markiert, wenn das Spiel am heutigen Tag statt findet. | -| todaygameheader | im Anzeigekopf eines Spieltages (Datum/Uhrzeit) | Wird markiert, wenn das Spieltagsdatum am heutigen Tag ist | - -#### Beispiele für CSS Klassen - -##### Beispiel Anzeigekopf eines Spieltages (Datum generell) - -```css -.oldb-tt tr.favorite { - color: yellow; -} -``` - -##### Beispiel Mannschaftsname - -```css -.oldb-tt b.favorite { - color: blue; -} -``` - -##### Beispiel Zeile eines Spiels - -```css -.oldb-tt .todaygame { - color: red; -} -``` - -##### Beispiel Anzeigekopf eines Spieltages (Datum heute) - -```css -.oldb-tt .todaygameheader { - color: lightgreen; -} -``` - -#### Attribute Game of Gamedays - -| Attribut | Gruppe | Beschreibung | -| ---------------- | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| allmatches | | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt enthält alle Spiele und Ergebnisse einer Liga/Season im JSON-Format Wenn der Spieltag am heutigen Tag statt findet, dann wird das Datum (todaygameheader) und das jeweilige Spiel (todaygame) mit CSS-Klassen versehen. | -| currgameday | | Hier ist ein Datenpunk zu wählen, der mit currgameday benannt ist. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Wert wird im Adapter auf Basis des aktuellen Datums berechnet. Der aktuelle Spieltag wechselt zur Hälfte der Zeit zwischen dem letzten Spielt der vorherigen Spieltags und dem ersten Spiel des folgenden Spieltages. | -| maxicon | | Maximale Größe des Manschaftsicons in x oder y-Richtung. | -| shortname | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, falls dieser in den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | -| showgoals | | Informationen zu den Torschützen wird angezeigt. | -| highlight | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semicolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Der jeweilige Namen wird mit HTML-Tags `` eingefasst. Eine detailliertere Formatierung kann über die css-Klasse "favorite" erfolgen. Ausserdem kann je Highlight eine individuelle CSS-Klasse angegeben werden. Vgl. Kapitel todo | -| showgameday | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, wird immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine positive Zahl ein, dann wird, falls vorhanden, der ausgewählte Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine negative Zahl ein, dann wird relativ vom aktuellen Spieltag dieser angezeigt (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | -| showgamedaycount | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Üblicherweise bleibt dieses Feld leer oder enthält 1. Dadurch wird genau ein Spieltag angezeigt. Wird hier eine andere Zahl eingegeben, dann wird diese Anzahl von Spieltagen, ausgehend von der 'Einstellung in showgameday angezeigt. | -| showweekday | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Zeigt vor dem Datum wahlweise den Wochentag an. | - -##### Beispiele - -###### Beispiele für das Binding im Attribut showgameday - -ggfs. kann dieses Feld auch über vis-binding berechnet und gefüllt werden. -Beispiele für relativ berechneten Spieltag: | - -```text - Vorheriger Spieltag - {a:openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday;a-1} oder - Nachfolgender Spieltag - {a:openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday;a+1} -``` - -Da das Binding nicht im vis editmode berechnet wird, -wird bei Verwendung von Binding im editmode immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt. - -### Games of favorite clubs 2 - -![Favorite Games](/widgets/openligadb/img/favgames.png) -Diese Widget zeigt die nächsten Spiele deiner Lieblingsmannschaften aus ein oder -mehrerer Ligen an. Durch die Auswahl der Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Ligen, -wird für jede Liga eine separate Konfigurationsgruppe angezeigt, -in der die folgenden Einstellungen vorgenommen werden können. -Wenn das Spiel am heutigen Tag statt findet, dann wird das jeweilige -Spiel (todaygame) mit CSS-Klassen versehen. - -#### Beispiel - -```css -.todaygame { - color: red; -} - -.todaygameheader { - color: yellow; -} -``` - -#### Attribute - -| Attribut | Gruppe | Beschreibung | -| ---------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| Anzahl Liga | Allgemein | Hier kann die Anzahl der abzufragenden Ligen eingetragen werden. Für jede Liga wird ein separate Konfigurationsgruppe angezeigt. | -| maxicon | Allgemeinv | Maximale Größe des Manschaftsicons in x oder y-Richtung. | -| showresult | Allgemein | Auswahl, ob die Spielergebnisse, sofern bekannt, angezeigt werden sollen | -| showabbreviation | Allgemein | Um die Spiele der einzelnen Ligen unterscheiden zu können, kann man eine eigene Kürzung in der jeweiligen Konfiguration eintragen. Hier kann ausgewählt werden, ob diese angezeigt werden soll. | -| showweekday | Allgemein | Zeigt vor dem Datum wahlweise den Wochentag an. Die folgenden Attribute in der Gruppe Liga können sich in Abhängigkeit der Eingabe bei **Anzahl Liga** mehrfach wiederholen. | -| allmatches | Liga | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt enthält alle Spiele und Ergebnisse einer Liga/Season im JSON-Format | -| currgameday | Liga | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung currgameday ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Wert wird im Adapter auf Basis des aktuellen Datums berechnet. Der aktuelle Spieltag wechselt zur Hälfte der Zeit zwischen dem letzten Spielt der vorherigen Spieltags und dem ersten Spiel des folgenden Spieltages. | -| showgameday | Liga | Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, wird immer vom aktuelle Spieltag ausgegangen. Trägt man eine positive Zahl ein, dann wird, falls vorhanden, vom ausgewählte Spieltag ausgegangen. Trägt man eine negative Zahl ein, dann wird relativ vom aktuellen Spieltag ausgegangen (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | -| showgamedaycount | Liga | Hier kann angegeben werden für wie viele Spieltage die Spiele angezeigt werden sollen. Wenn das Feld leer bleibt, dann werden alle restlichen Spieltage angezeigt (max 9999 Spieltage) Wird hier eine andere Zahl angezeigt, dann werden alle Spiele für diese Anzahl von Spieltagen, ausgehend von der 'Einstellung in showgameday angezeigt. | -| shortname | Liga | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, falls dieser in den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | -| abbreviation | Liga | Abkürzung die für diese Liga angezeigt werden soll, sofern showabbreviation ausgewählt wurde. | -| highlight | Liga | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semicolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, um die Lieblingsmanschaften zu finden. Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Eine besondere Hervorhebung wie bei den anderen Widgets gibt es hier nicht. | - -#### Beispiele Game of Favorite Clubs - -##### Beispiele für das Binding im Attribut showgameday Game of Favorite Clubs - -ggfs. kann dieses Feld auch über vis-binding berechnet und gefüllt werden. -Beispiele für einen relativ berechneten Spieltag: - -```css - Vorheriger Spieltag - {a:openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday;a-1} oder - Nachfolgender Spieltag - {a:openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday;a+1} -``` - -Da das Binding nicht im vis editmode berechnet wird, wird bei Verwendung -von Binding im editmode immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt. - -### Pivot Table 2 - -Diese Widget zeigt die alle Spiele und Ergebnisse als Pivottabelle an - -| CSS-Klasse | Formatierung betrifft welches Element | Beispiel | -| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | -| favorite | Der per highlight ausgewählte Mannschaftsnamen | | - -#### Beispiele Pivot Table - -##### Beispiel Der per highlight ausgewählte Mannschaftsnamen - -```css -.oldb-tt .favorite { - color: yellow; -} -``` - -#### Attribute Pivot Table - -| Attribut | Gruppe | Beschreibung | -| ------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| allmatches | Allgemein | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt enthält alle Spiele und Ergebnisse einer Liga/Season im JSON-Format | -| currgameday | Allgemein | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung currgameday ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Wert wird im Adapter auf Basis des aktuellen Datums berechnet. Der aktuelle Spieltag wechselt zur Hälfte der Zeit zwischen dem letzten Spielt der vorherigen Spieltags und dem ersten Spiel des folgenden Spieltages. | -| maxicon | | Maximale Größe des Manschaftsicons in x oder y-Richtung. | -| sort4e | | Einstellung nachdem sortiert werden soll. | -| shortname | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, falls dieser in den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | -| highlight am Anfang | | Das highlight wird am Anfang der Tabelle angezeigt. | -| highlight | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semicolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Der jeweilige Namen wird mit HTML-Tags `` eingefasst. Eine detailliertere Formatierung kann über die css-Klasse "favorite" erfolgen. | - -### Goal getters 2 - -Diese Widget zeigt die alle Torjäger an - -#### Attribute Goal getters - -| Attribut | Gruppe | Beschreibung | -| --------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| goalgetters | Allgemein | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung goalgetters ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, falls die Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt enthält alle Torjäger der aktuellen Saison. | -| maximala Anzahl | | Nur die angegebene Anzahl an Torjäger wird angezeigt. | -| sortiert | | Auswahl der Sortierreihenfolge. | -| Nur Highlights | | Nur die Einträge zum Higlightfilter werden angezeigt. | -| highlight | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semicolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Spielernamen. Der jeweilige Namen wird mit HTML-Tags `` eingefasst. Eine detailliertere Formatierung kann über die css-Klasse "favorite" erfolgen. | - -## Rezepte zur Wiederverwendung - -### Steuerung des Tabellenmodus über Knöpfe - -1. Ein Widgets table v2 anlegen. und wie hier in der Hilfe beschrieben konfigurieren -2. Bei Widgeteinstellungen in der Gruppe Sichtbarkeit bei Datenpunkt deinen - erstellten Datenpunk eintragen -3. Dieses Widget kopieren und nebeneinander einfügen, so das es insgesamt - 3 mal im view existiert -4. Bei Widgeteinstellungen in der Gruppe Sichtbarkeit den "Wert für die - Bedingung dann bei jedem der 3 Widgets jeweils nur einen der folgenden - Werte eintragen total,home,away -5. Dann ein neues Widget anlegen: Radiobuttons ValueList (ist in der - Standardinstallation von vis schon enthalten -6. In diesem Widget in Gruppe Allgemein deinen angelegten ObjectID auswählen -7. Bei Werte das folgende eintragen: total;home;away (dies muss mit dem was - du unter sichtbarkeit bei den widgets eingetragen hast zusammenpassen -8. Bei Texte das folgende eintragen: Gesamt;Heim;Auswärts -9. Dann in den vis runtime gehen und ausprobieren -10. Wenn alles funktioniert zum Schluss noch die widgets exakt übereinander - legen, so das es wie eines aussieht - -### Laufschrift einer Widgetzeile - -sieht nur schön aus, wenn nur eine oder wenige Zeilen angezeigt werden bspw -bei dem FavGame-widget - -`#w00000` ist die ID des widgets, das animiert werden soll. - -Expand - -```css -#w00000 .oldb-tt { - max-width: 100vw; /* iOS braucht das */ - overflow: hidden; -} - -#w00000 .oldb-tt tbody { - display: inline-block; - padding-left: 100%; - animation: marquee 10s linear infinite; -} - -/* Make it move */ -@keyframes marquee { - 0% { - transform: translateX(0); - } - 100% { - transform: translateX(-100%); - } -} -``` - -### Spieltag über +/- Buttons steuern, sowie direkte Auswahl per Listbox - -![Controlbuttons](/widgets/openligadb/img/controlbuttons.png) -Dazu ist für die Steuerung ein zusätzlicher Datenpunkt mit -Typ Zahl/number anzulegen. -In diesem Beispiel wurde er javascript.0.bl1.spieltag genannt. -Danke an bommel_030 -Die 4 Steuerelemente zum importieren findet ihr hier: - -Expand - -```text - 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Spieltag;2. Spieltag;3. Spieltag;4. Spieltag;5. Spieltag;6. Spieltag;7. Spieltag;8. Spieltag;9. Spieltag;10. Spieltag;11. Spieltag;12. Spieltag;13. Spieltag;14. Spieltag;15. Spieltag;16. Spieltag;17. Spieltag;18. Spieltag;19. Spieltag;20. Spieltag;21. Spieltag;22. Spieltag;23. Spieltag;24. Spieltag;25. Spieltag;26. Spieltag;27. Spieltag;28. Spieltag;29. Spieltag;30. Spieltag;31. Spieltag;32. Spieltag;33. Spieltag;34. Spieltag","height":"150","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"no_style":true,"class":"","lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"open":false,"name":"spieltag_liste","visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"visibility-groups-action":"hide"},"style":{"left":"0%","top":"54.77%","height":"45.95%","width":"100%","background":"","box-shadow":"","border-radius":"5px","padding-left":"","padding-right":"","margin-right":"","color":"","font-weight":"bolder","border-width":"2px","border-style":"solid","border-color":"white","background-color":""},"widgetSet":"jqui","grouped":true,"groupName":"w00064"},{"tpl":"tplIconState","data":{"oid":"javascript.0.bl1.spieltag","g_fixed":true,"g_visibility":false,"g_css_font_text":true,"g_css_background":true,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":true,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"g_last_change":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"visibility-groups-action":"hide","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"text":"Heute","invert_icon":false,"value":"{openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday}"},"style":{"left":"0%","top":"0%","color":"white","background":"#303030","font-size":"small","font-weight":"normal","height":"45.95%","border-width":"2px","border-style":"solid","border-color":"white","width":"100%"},"widgetSet":"jqui","grouped":true,"groupName":"w00059"}] -``` - -### Anzeige von bestimmten Eigenschaften, falls eine der Lieblingsmannschaften am heutigen Tag spielen - -**Beipiel 1** HTML-Widget erhält einen grünen Hintergrund, -wenn bayern heute spielt. -Der Bindungsausdruck wir hier in das Feld background-color im Reiter -CSS Hintergrund gesetzt. - -```text - {a:openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday;vis.binds["openligadb"].checkTodayFavorite('openligadb.0.bl1.2019.allmatches','bayern')?'red':'green'} -``` - -Expand - -```text - [{"tpl":"tplHtml","data":{"g_fixed":false,"g_visibility":false,"g_css_font_text":false,"g_css_background":true,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":true,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"g_last_change":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"visibility-groups-action":"hide","refreshInterval":"0","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0},"style":{"left":"445px","top":"589px","background":"{a:openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday;vis.binds[\"openligadb\"].checkTodayFavorite('openligadb.0.bl1.2019.allmatches','bayer')?'red':'green'}","width":"70px","height":"70px","border-radius":"10px"},"widgetSet":"basic"}] -``` - -### Auswahl des Tabellenmodus für das table widget - -![Tabellenmodus](/widgets/openligadb/img/tableselect.png) -Mit diesem HTML-widget lässt sich der Modus des Tabellen widgets steuern. -Der im folgenden widget verwendete Datenpunkt lautet: - -`javascript.0.tabellemodus` - -Dieser ist als Bindung in das attribut mode_binding im tabellen -widget wie folgt zu hinterlegen: - -```text - {javascript.0.tabellemodus} -``` - -Hier der widget code zum importieren. - -Expand - -```text - [{"tpl":"tplJquiRadioList","data":{"oid":"javascript.0.tabellemodus","g_fixed":true,"g_visibility":false,"g_css_font_text":true,"g_css_background":true,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":false,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"g_last_change":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"visibility-groups-action":"hide","values":"1total;2home;3away;4round1;5round2","texts":"Gesamt;Heim;Auswärts;Hinrunde;Rückrunde","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"class":""},"style":{"left":"54px","top":"356px","background":"black","font-size":"xx-small"},"widgetSet":"jqui"}] -``` - -## Besondere Funktionen - -### vis.binds\["openligadb"\].checkTodayFavorite(ObjectID,Favorites) - -Javascript-Funktion zur Überprüfung, ob am heutigen Tag für ein oder -mehrere Mannschaften ein Spiel statt findet. Diese Funktion kann über vis -binding verwendet werden. Aufgrund der Anforderung des Bindings sind hier -ein paar Dinge zu beachten. - -Diese Funktion kann im Binding bspw. wie folgt verwendet werden. -Zum Test kann die folgende Notation in ein HTML-widget eingetragen werden. -Als Ergebnis wird dann entweder ja oder nein ausgegeben, je nachdem ob am -heutigen Tag der Suchbegriff in den Mannschaftsnamen gefunden wurde. -Alle Anführungszeichen (einfache und doppelte) müssen exakt so eingegeben werden. - -#### Schema - -```text - {a:oid;vis.binds["openligadb"].checkTodayFavorite('oid_allmatches','clubsuche1,clubsuche2')?'ja':'nein'} -``` - -#### Real life Example - -```text - {a:openligadb.0.bl1.2024.currgameday;vis.binds["openligadb"].checkTodayFavorite('openligadb.0.bl1.2024.allmatches','bayern')?'ja':'nein'} -``` - -#### Bedeutung der Parameter - -```text -
oidein beliebiger Datenpunkt, der die Aktualisierung triggert. Es empfiehlt sich bspw. currgameday zu wählen,
da dies gleichzeitig mit allmatches aktualisiert wird.
oid_allmatchesBezeichnung eines Datenpunktes allmatches der jeweiligen Liga/Saison.
clubsucheein oder mehrere Bezeichnungen (können auch Teilbezeichnungen sein), mit Komma (,) getrennt. Bitte beachten.
Diese Feld entspricht in den Widgets dem Feldt highlight. Mehrere Suchbegriffe müssen hier nur mit Komma getrennt werden und nicht mit Semikolon wie in den Widgets.
-``` - -Documentation for the vis-widgets are available inside vis or [Widget-Documentation/german](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.openligadb/blob/master/widgets/openligadb/doc.html) - -## `sendTo` Commands - -### `getMatchData` - -Request the data from OpenLigaDB by league,season and a time range. - -#### Mandatory parameters - -| `Parameter` | `Example` | `Type` | `Description` | -| ----------- | ------------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------ | -| `league` | `bl1` | `string` | `identifier of the league, see openlogadb` | -| `season` | `2024` | `string` | `name of the season, see openlogadb` | -| `datefrom` | `2024-09-01T00:00` | `string` | `date in ISO notation` | -| `datetill` | `2024-09-10T00:00` | `string` | `date in ISO notation` | - -#### Example - -```javascript -sendTo( - "openligadb.0", - "getMatchData", - { - league: "bl1", - season: "2024", - datefrom: "2024-09-01T00:00", - datetill: "2024-09-10T00:00", - }, - function (matches) { - console.log(matches); - } -); -``` - -## Todo - -- validation in widget if user didnt select the right datapoint -- ~~translation~~ -- ~~documentation for new widgets pivottable and goalgetters~~ -- ~~extend table modes with 1st round,2nd round~~ -- ~~new widget pivot table of played games~~ -- ~~new widget goal getter ranking with sort function~~ -- ~~extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change)~~ -- ~~extend table to calculate with x last games~~ -- ~~extend table to calculate ranking for a defined gameday~~ -- ~~documentation adapter / widget~~ -- ~~fix issue for dynamic with of club column~~ -- ~~new widget: next x games of club~~ -- ~~widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous - gameday and 3 gamedays after that)~~ -- ~~Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding~~ -- ~~highlight favorite club~~ -- ~~controllable gameday in the gameday widget~~ - -## Changelog - - - -### 1.8.0 (2024-10-27) - -- move widget documentation from html file to readme -- adjust and prove responsive design for jsonconfig +### 1.8.1 (2025-01-23) + +- adjust breakpoints in jsonConfig as a workaround for the new table/card-elements + +### 1.8.0 (2024-10-27) + +- move widget documentation from html file to readme +- adjust and prove responsive design for jsonconfig - implement individual color settings for highlite and filters for each widget -### 1.7.0 (2024-09-16) - +### 1.7.0 (2024-09-16) + - fix quotes -### 1.6.0 (2024-09-16) - +### 1.6.0 (2024-09-16) + - reimplement checkTodayFavorite -### 1.5.0 (2024-09-15) - -- Addition of a CSS example for the Pivot Table widget -- add `sendTo` command to getMatchData -- remove deprecated widgets +### 1.5.0 (2024-09-15) + +- Addition of a CSS example for the Pivot Table widget +- add `sendTo` command to getMatchData +- remove deprecated widgets - addition widget option "only logo" to supress the teamname -### 1.4.11 (2024-08-09) - +### 1.4.11 (2024-08-09) + - fix issues from adapter checker -### 1.4.10 (2024-08-02) - -- switch to eslint 9 +### 1.4.10 (2024-08-02) + +- switch to eslint 9 - adjust markdownlint settings to be compatible with prettier -### 1.4.9 (2024-06-13) - -- fix if no game exist for team1/team2 -- somme prettier changes +### 1.4.9 (2024-06-13) + +- fix if no game exist for team1/team2 +- somme prettier changes - launch config for vscode -### 1.4.8 (2024-06-06) - +### 1.4.8 (2024-06-06) + - release -### 1.4.7 (2024-06-04) - +### 1.4.7 (2024-06-04) + - update dependencies -### 1.4.6 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.6 (2024-06-01) + - fix yml structure -### 1.4.5 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.5 (2024-06-01) + - fix yml structure -### 1.4.4 (2024-06-01) - -- Enable NPM Publish -- Enable dependabot +### 1.4.4 (2024-06-01) + +- Enable NPM Publish +- Enable dependabot - fix checks from adapter checker -### 1.4.3 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.3 (2024-06-01) + - remove files from eslint check -### 1.4.2 (2024-06-01) - -- fix double qoutes +### 1.4.2 (2024-06-01) + +- fix double qoutes - remove files from eslint check -### 1.4.1 (2024-06-01) - -- update package and io-broker files -- fix problems with vis2 +### 1.4.1 (2024-06-01) + +- update package and io-broker files +- fix problems with vis2 - remove vis as a -### 1.2.4 - +### 1.2.4 + - fix problems reported by adapter-checker -### 1.2.3 - +### 1.2.3 + - add connectiontype and datasource to io-package.json -### 1.2.2 - +### 1.2.2 + - fix result calculation -### 1.2.1 - +### 1.2.1 + - fix object type -### 1.2.0 - -- fix display of goals if goals are without minutes and playername saved by openligadb - +### 1.2.0 + +- fix display of goals if goals are without minutes and playername saved by openligadb + - fixed that sometimed request of states failed -### 1.1.0 - +### 1.1.0 + - prepare v1.1.0 -### 1.0.3 - +### 1.0.3 + - change setstate/createobject logic -### 1.0.2 - -- remove deprecated widgets / change widget beta flag - +### 1.0.2 + +- remove deprecated widgets / change widget beta flag + - improve debug messages -### 1.0.1 - +### 1.0.1 + - improve error message for requests -### 1.0.0 - +### 1.0.0 + - prepare for stable repository -### 0.11.5 - -- pivottable: show only results for selected gameday -- table3: icon attributes, add image selection dialog -- table3: add an extra attribute for mode to use with binding +### 0.11.5 + +- pivottable: show only results for selected gameday +- table3: icon attributes, add image selection dialog +- table3: add an extra attribute for mode to use with binding - all widgets: update documentation -### 0.11.4 - +### 0.11.4 + - fixed build/test problem -### 0.11.3 - +### 0.11.3 + - pivottable: fix problem with rank number -### 0.11.2 - -- pivottable: fix problem with sort and highlightontop +### 0.11.2 + +- pivottable: fix problem with sort and highlightontop - fix problem with goalgetters -### 0.11.1 - -- change some template settings, goalgetter table get headers, - add object change sensing -- widget goalgetters: add parameter highlight and showonlyhighlight -- widget pivottable: add sort option and choice to place favorite teams on top +### 0.11.1 + +- change some template settings, goalgetter table get headers, + add object change sensing +- widget goalgetters: add parameter highlight and showonlyhighlight +- widget pivottable: add sort option and choice to place favorite teams on top - remove year from date for several widgets -### 0.11.0 - -- extend table to calculate with x last games and extend table to calculate - ranking for a defined gameday, to ensure backward compatibility i have to - create a new table v3 widget -- extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change) -- new widget goal getter ranking with sort function -- new widget pivot table of played games +### 0.11.0 + +- extend table to calculate with x last games and extend table to calculate + ranking for a defined gameday, to ensure backward compatibility i have to + create a new table v3 widget +- extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change) +- new widget goal getter ranking with sort function +- new widget pivot table of played games - extend table modes with 1st round,2nd round -### 0.10.3 - -- change computing and output logic of gameday widget to mark gameday - header with favorite class -- improve documentation with css-klasses for table widget +### 0.10.3 + +- change computing and output logic of gameday widget to mark gameday + header with favorite class +- improve documentation with css-klasses for table widget - bugfix for calculate gameday. -### 0.10.2 - -- Add data column goaldiff to table widget, improve more documentation - (systax highlighting,copy code function), add example to +### 0.10.2 + +- Add data column goaldiff to table widget, improve more documentation + (systax highlighting,copy code function), add example to control gameday with buttons, -### 0.10.1 - -- Improve documentation with more recipes and syntax highlighting, +### 0.10.1 + +- Improve documentation with more recipes and syntax highlighting, improve code to get and subscribe states -### 0.10.0 - -- New widget Table 2 that includes the calculation of the total, home and - away results. the previous widget is now deprecated, due to the +### 0.10.0 + +- New widget Table 2 that includes the calculation of the total, home and + away results. the previous widget is now deprecated, due to the different datapoint (allmatches) to be selected. -### 0.9.3 - +### 0.9.3 + - Remove ES6 features due to compatibility with older browsers -### 0.9.2 - +### 0.9.2 + - next try to fix the experimental javascript binding function -### 0.9.1 - +### 0.9.1 + - fix bugs in calculation matchresults and highlight clubs in favgames -### 0.9.0 - -- new Function for vis Binding to search for games at the actual day for - favorite clubs, css-classes für games at actual day, fix bug to show +### 0.9.0 + +- new Function for vis Binding to search for games at the actual day for + favorite clubs, css-classes für games at actual day, fix bug to show the right match results, -### 0.8.0 - -- push version for latest repository. fix some typos. fix a problem with +### 0.8.0 + +- push version for latest repository. fix some typos. fix a problem with date handling on different OS -### 0.0.11 - +### 0.0.11 + - widget gameday: fix issue with not working gamedaycount -### 0.0.10 - +### 0.0.10 + - widget gameday: optional you can show informations about the goalgetters -### 0.0.9 - -- optional weekday for widgets: gameday and gamesoffavclub,highlight the +### 0.0.9 + +- optional weekday for widgets: gameday and gamesoffavclub,highlight the clubname in gamesoffavclub -### 0.0.8 - -- new widget games of favorite clubs with multi league support as +### 0.0.8 + +- new widget games of favorite clubs with multi league support as replacement for the old one -### 0.0.7 - +### 0.0.7 + - close connections and remove observers (timeouts/intervals) -### 0.0.6 - +### 0.0.6 + - NPM deployment and preperation for the latest repository -### 0.0.5 - -- highlight favorite club, -- Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding, -- widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous - gameday and 3 gamedays after that) -- some documentation -- remove unused code -- new widget: next x games of club +### 0.0.5 + +- highlight favorite club, +- Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding, +- widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous + gameday and 3 gamedays after that) +- some documentation +- remove unused code +- new widget: next x games of club - fix issue for dynamic with of club column -### 0.0.4 - +### 0.0.4 + - fixed more oids in vis runtime -### 0.0.3 - +### 0.0.3 + - fixed getting oids in vis runtime -### 0.0.2 - +### 0.0.2 + - add controlable gameday logic to gameday widget and adapter -### 0.0.1 - +### 0.0.1 + - initial release -## License - -MIT License - -Copyright (c) 2024 oweitman - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +## License + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2025 oweitman + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85aea4bdf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ + + +# ioBroker.oxxify-fan-control + +[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control) +![node-lts](https://img.shields.io/node/v-lts/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control) +![Libraries.io dependency status for latest release](https://img.shields.io/librariesio/release/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control?label=npm%20dependencies) +![Number of Installations](https://iobroker.live/badges/oxxify-fan-control-installed.svg) + +[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/) + +![Beta](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg?color=red&label=beta) +![Stable](http://iobroker.live/badges/oxxify-fan-control-stable.svg) + +**Tests:** ![Test and Release](https://github.com/N-b-dy/ioBroker.oxxify-fan-control/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## oxxify-fan-control adapter for ioBroker + +Integrate your Oxxify fans into your Smart Home. All the provided ioBroker data points are based on the communication protocol described [here](./doc/BDA_Anschluss_SmartHome_RV_V2.pdf). As other manufacturers are using the same protocol (e.g. Blauberg vents), it is pretty likely, that they will work as well. + +## Working devices + +- Oxxify smart 50 (tested from my side) +- Any other Oxxify device with WiFi +- Blauberg Vents (should be, not yet tested) + +### Object tree desciption + +The object tree contains the folder named "devices", which creates an entry for each configured fan. The channels below are created with the unique fan id, which is provided by the manufacturer. In the column _name_ the entry from the configuration is used, to distinguish better between the fans. Below each fan four channels are created to group the data provided per fan. They are explained as follows: + +#### Fan data + +This channel contains any fan related data like timers, fan speed, on/off state and information regarding the filter cleaning/exchange interval. The fan operating modes contains the numerical value from the communication protocol as well as a speaking string state. The values can be written by the number only (e.g. a 1 for the heating recovery). Same applys for the timer mode and the fan speed mode, which accepts 1, 2, 3 and 255 for manual speed setting. The fan speed for fan 2 is not available at my devices (Oxxify pro 50) and stays either at 0 rpm in off state or 1500 in any run state. The other value changes accoring to the speed. + +![image](doc/screenshots/fan-data.png) + +#### Network data + +The network data is currently read-only, writing/changing of values here is not yet implemented and can be done with the app of the manufacturer. Same applys for the cloud server control state. + +![image](doc/screenshots/network-data.png) + +#### Sensors data + +The data entrys for the sensors are implemented as defined in the protocol. The analog voltage vale is in % as defined in the protocol. I have nothing connected to the analog and relais sensor, so I can not really test what happens, if you activate them. + +![image](doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png) + +#### System data + +This channel contains system data about the hardware and firmware as well as runtime, RTC battery voltage and date/time. Here alarms can be reset and also the RTC time can be set based on the configured NTP server. From my experience it can sometimes happen, that after an RTC time sync the new (right) values are not visible immediately and it takes until the next data polling. + +![image](doc/screenshots/system-data.png) + +## ToDos + +- Releasing a stable version on npm +- Adding the adapter to the ioBroker repo +- Implementing more tests +- Improve documentation +- Implement missing data points (like time schedule, writing of network data & cloud control) + + + +## Changelog + +### 0.0.4 (2025-01-31) + +- Updated ESLint to 9.x.x +- Fixed copyright issue from adapter checker +- Replaced deletion of all objects with deletion of missing devices from config only +- Avoided illegal characters from user input for fan id within code +- Changed state subscription to all states below the devices folder +- Added restart logic of UDP server in case of an error +- Added adapter terminiation if multiple udp server errors occured +- Replaced cyclic checking of the send quene with a timeout approach instead of interval +- Missing intermediate objects created +- Roles updated according to the read/write definitions +- Polling interval limited in JSON config and code +- ioBroker unit in object tree for RTC date & time removed + +### 0.0.3 (2025-01-11) + +- Added states for objects with high byte 0x03 with reading and writing +- Recreate device objects on adapter restart +- Simplified methods for writing fan data based on subscribed states +- Added a first unit test for the parsing of numbers. + +### 0.0.2 (2025-01-06) + +- (N-b-dy) initial release + +## License + +Copyright (c) 2025 N-b-dy + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + +### Disclaimer of Warranty. + +THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +### Limitation of Liability. + +IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aeac25d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18da8c7a3 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2031b1f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79448c0c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..138f7a7a0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md index 36ecaaffa..8c082fb12 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md @@ -27,8 +27,12 @@ BADGE-Installed: http://iobroker.live/badges/proxmox-installed.svg Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 2.4.0 (2025-01-27) +* (mcm1957) BREAKING: you must enter your configuration data again at the config page. -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +### 2.3.1 (2025-01-26) +* (arteck) new settings structure +* (arteck) fix storage request * (arteck) add new eslint file * (arteck) fix node message * (arteck) refactor @@ -45,24 +49,11 @@ BADGE-Installed: http://iobroker.live/badges/proxmox-installed.svg ### 2.2.2 (2023-11-06) * (arteck) storage message corr -### 2.2.1 (2023-10-28) -* (arteck) machines delete after restart corr -* (arteck) vmid type corr -* (arteck) corstorage error message - -### 2.2.0 (2023-10-21) -* (arteck) new Object tree structure (selectable) -* (arteck) added HA Information -* (arteck) Storage info is selectable -* (arteck) Backup info are under Storage info as Object backupJson -* (arteck) corr info for offline container -* (arteck) axios timout is now 5 sec. - ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2023-2024 ioBroker Community Developers +Copyright (c) 2023-2025 ioBroker Community Developers Copyright (c) 2023 MeisterTR Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md index 0689ef8ac..aacf90f7f 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ Adapter for ioBroker Plattform to get [Reolink camera](https://reolink.com/) inf In general all newer Reolink cameras support API commands. They just differ in their supported commands. +One reminder to the password. Try with or without URI encoding, when you have only one special char. Better use no special char and simply a longer password for the same security. + If you wish to have any specific API command included...just let me now. ## Implemented functions @@ -75,6 +77,11 @@ sendTo("reolink.0",{action: "snap"}, function(result){ Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (oelison) update disk info +* (oelison) uri enconding is switchable (helps sometimes by one special char) +* (oelison) #28 PTZ check added + ### 1.1.2 (2024-09-14) * (oelison) [#22](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/22) password with some more special chars works now * (oelison) adapter warnings resolved @@ -160,7 +167,7 @@ sendTo("reolink.0",{action: "snap"}, function(result){ ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Andy Grundt +Copyright (c) 2025 Andy Grundt Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.rssfeed/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.rssfeed/README.md index f4da1cbb2..7065a0ef5 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.rssfeed/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.rssfeed/README.md @@ -588,6 +588,10 @@ Z7: Without output. This line closed the javascript loop . Everything that was d Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 3.3.1 (2025-01-23) + +- add an accept request header, because axios send only application/json + ### 3.3.0 (2025-01-21) - upgrade version js-controller diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sainlogic/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sainlogic/README.md index 6cd9f33ce..35cf47329 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sainlogic/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sainlogic/README.md @@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ Station does not answer to scheduler commands, so only listener mode is supporte Latest version +#### 0.11.6 Adapater checker related updates + #### 0.11.5 ECOWITT forwarding fixed #### 0.11.4 Fix yearlyrain max value and mapping for CO2 sensors diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md index d550b8172..dfb383e1a 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md @@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ sendTo( ); ``` The adapter will read all actual values for IDs defined in this scene and save it as configured ones. -## Disable or enable scene via message +## Disable or enable a scene via a message To disable or enable some scene, you can send a message to the adapter: -``` +```js // enable sendTo( 'scenes.0', @@ -152,6 +152,14 @@ sendTo( --> ## Changelog +### 4.0.1 (2025-01-23) +* (bluefox) Adapter was migrated to TypeScript +* (bluefox) Corrected error with the Select ID dialog + +### 3.2.4 (2025-01-22) +* (bluefox) Migrated to vite +* (bluefox) Packages updated + ### 3.2.3 (2024-08-26) * (bluefox) Packages updated @@ -311,7 +319,7 @@ sendTo( ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2015-2024, Bluefox (dogafox@gmail.com) +Copyright (c) 2015-2025, Bluefox (dogafox@gmail.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.schedule-switcher/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.schedule-switcher/README.md index 0287a159f..7c0a728ac 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.schedule-switcher/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.schedule-switcher/README.md @@ -795,6 +795,9 @@ app-on-off-schedules-widget { ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** - (Lucky-ESA) Dependencies updated +- (Lucky-ESA) Fixed: In the HTML overview, enabled / disabled does not work +- (Lucky-ESA) Fixed: Astrotime incorrectly +- (Lucky-ESA) Added: Current day in font weight bold ### 0.0.9 (2024-12-20) @@ -819,38 +822,6 @@ app-on-off-schedules-widget { - (Lucky_ESA) Added counter trigger - (Lucky_ESA) Updating astro time fixed -### 0.0.5 (2024-11-06) - -- (Lucky_ESA) Crash when updating astro time fixed -- (Lucky_ESA) Fixed some bugs - -### 0.0.4 (2024-11-04) - -- (Lucky_ESA) Temporary function removed -- (Lucky_ESA) Creation of objects adjusted -- (Lucky_ESA) Validation check of the states -- (Lucky_ESA) Validation check for 2 widgets with one object - -### 0.0.3 (2024-10-30) - -- (Lucky_ESA) Fixed VIS translate -- (Lucky_ESA) Added astro time in trigger -- (Lucky_ESA) Fixed OneTimeTrigger -- (Lucky_ESA) Added date for OneTimeTrigger -- (Lucky_ESA) Fixed some bugs - -### 0.0.2 (2024-10-22) - -- (Lucky_ESA) Fix translate -- (Lucky_ESA) Fix background color disable Weekdays -- (Lucky_ESA) Fix sendTo -- (Lucky_ESA) Added jsonConfig -- (Lucky_ESA) Added history - -### 0.0.1 (2024-10-19) - -- (Lucky_ESA) initial release - ## License MIT License diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md index 22754cef7..a2e01a3d5 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md @@ -505,6 +505,12 @@ Doesn't exist anymore. ## Changelog +### 1.6.17 +* License update + +### 1.6.16 +* Moved Dashboard to ApiV2. This invalidates existing datapoints under /Dashboard/ and introduces "Dashboard/currently" and "Dashboard/today" due to changes in the API. + ### 1.6.15 * Maintenance update (dependencies, ...) @@ -538,7 +544,7 @@ Doesn't exist anymore. ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Norbert Bluemle +Copyright (c) 2025 Norbert Bluemle Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md index b0cb17bc3..5ca0420b8 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md @@ -794,6 +794,11 @@ _[Back to top](#documentation-and-instructions-for-shuttercontrol)_ ## Changelog +### 1.8.8 (2025-01-26) +* (simatec) Design Fix +* (simatec) Fix dialog-select-member +* (simatec) Dependencies updated + ### 1.8.7 (2025-01-20) * (simatec) Design Fix diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md index eb0f08299..e01bca451 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ ![Logo](admin/sia.png) # ioBroker.sia + ================== [![Travis CI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.sia.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.sia) @@ -10,12 +11,24 @@ [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.sia.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.sia/) -Requires node.js 6.0 or higher and Admin v3! +Requires node.js 20.0 or higher and Admin v5! + +The protocol SIA DC-09 is used by alarm systems to communicate with the central stations by SIA-DCS, *SIA-DCS, ADM-CID and *ADM-CID. + +This adapter is a SIA Server. When an alarm event is triggered, the alarm system sends over IP (TCP or UDP) the sia message to the central station. +The following ID Tokens are supported: + +- SIA-DCS (SIA DCS), +- \*SIA DCS (SIA DCS encrypted), +- ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID), +- \*ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID encryted) -The protocol SIA DC-09 is used by alarm systems to communicate with the central stations. +If use *SIA DCS (SIA DCS encrypted) or *ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID encryted) you have to enable AES encrypting +and you have to enter a AES passwort in HEX format. The AES passwort has to be for AES-128 = 32 HEX characters, AES-192 = 48 HEX characters and for +AES-256 you have to enter 64 HEX characters. +An Example password for AES-128 would be: 3A1F6B8C9D4E7F20123456789ABCDEF0. -This adapter is a SIA Server. When an alarm event is triggered, the alarm system sends over IP the sia message to the central station. -You can use ioBroker with this adapter as central station. For example. you can send for a alarm by SIA a telegram message. +You can use ioBroker with this adapter as central station. For example. you can send a telegram message by ioBroker if you receive an alarm SIA messsage. [SIA DC-09 protocol](https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/47594214/dc-09-preparing-for-ansi-public-review-security-industry-) @@ -24,88 +37,163 @@ You can use ioBroker with this adapter as central station. For example. you can 1. Install the adapter 2. Configuration of the adapter: - Choose the IP-address and port for listening for SIA requests. - ![sia_adapter1](admin/sia_adapter1.png) - - Register account number. If you are using AES you have to enter a password (key). The key should be 16, 24 or 32 characters (byte) long. - If the checkbox "AES password in Hex format" is active, the password length must be 32, 48 or 64 character (byte) long. - In the field ACK timeout, you define how old the message can be in sec. If you define 0 sec., no timeout validation will be done. - ![sia_adapter2](admin/sia_adapter2.png) + Choose the IP-address and port for listening for SIA requests. + ![sia_adapter1](admin/sia_adapter1.png) + + Register account number. If you are using AES you have to enter a password (key). The key should be 16, 24 or 32 characters (byte) long. + If the checkbox "AES password in Hex format" is active, the password length must be 32, 48 or 64 character (byte) long. + In the field ACK timeout, you define how old the message can be in sec. If you define 0 sec., no timeout validation will be done. + + ![sia_adapter2](admin/sia_adapter2.png) 3. Configure your burglar system to send SIA messages - * Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3: + ![sia_lupusec1](admin/sia_lupusec1.png) - Einstellungen -> Contact ID : ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA - Example: ip://test@ + - Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (SIA-DCS): - ![sia_lupusec1](admin/sia_lupusec1.png) + Einstellungen -> Contact ID : ip:/subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA + Example: ip://A111F@ - * Other alarm systems: + - Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (\*SIA-DCS) encrypted: - the Adapter will work with all alarm systems, which supports - the SIA DC-09 protocol + Einstellungen -> Contact ID : ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA/KEY/(128,196 or 256 bits key in HEX) + Example: ip://A222F@ -4. SIA Objects / States + - Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (ADM-CID): -If you receive SIA messages you see them in the states tree + Einstellungen -> Contact ID : ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA + Example: ip://A333F@ -![sia_adapter3](admin/sia_adapter3.png) + - Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (\*ADM-CID) encrypted: + Einstellungen -> Contact ID : ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/CID_SIA/KEY/(128,196 or 256 bits key in HEX) + Example: ip://A444F@ -## Changelog + - Other alarm systems: -### 1.0.4 (17.11.2019) -* (Stübi) Bugfixing, changing the time calculation for ACK and NACK messages + the Adapter will work with all alarm systems, which supports + the SIA-DCS, *SIA-DCS, ADM-CID or *ADM-CID -### 1.0.3 (07.06.2019) -* (Stübi) Small improvements to the SIA protocol -* (Stübi) Changed bug in encrypting. Delete appending 8 * 0x10 +4. SIA Objects / States + + If you receive SIA messages, you see them in the states tree under the chanel accounts + + ![sia_adapter3](admin/sia_adapter3.png) + + You see following object for every account: -### 1.0.2 (16.05.2019) -* (Stübi) Support of UDP. Same port listening as TCP + | Object | Description | + | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | + | accountnumber | Accountnumber (3-16 ASCII characters, "0"-"9", "A"-"F") | + | crc | CRC Checksum | + | extdata | Extended data(ACII Data) | + | id | ID Token (example SIA-DCS) | + | lpref | Account prefix | + | msgdata | Message data and it is always represented in ASCII | + | rpref | Receiver number | + | sequence | Sequence number | + | ts | Timestamp (only included in encrypted messages) | -### 1.0.1 (05.03.2019) -* (Stübi) Saving password encrypted. -* (Stübi) ACK and NAC calculation extended. -* (Stübi) CRC can be send in 0xABCD (2 Byte) or ABCD (4 Byte, ASCII) format. Automatic recognizing -* (Stübi) AES Password can be in AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC or AES-256-CBC -* (Stübi) AES Password can be saved in byte or hex (length 16, 24 or 32 byte) format or hex (length 32, 48 or 64 hex) format -* (Stübi) Timeout for ACK (0 = disable, 1 - n sec) -* (Stübi) Set ioBroker States of message on ACK not on NACK + Interessting is the object: msgdata (message data). Here you can see the thrown event of the alarm system. How to interpret the event, you have to ask your alarm system manufactor. -### 1.0.0 (05.01.2018) -* (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode + An example javascript in ioBroker to get an event: -### 0.1.8 (27.12.2018) -* (Stübi) Update Adapter Core File + ``` + // example message: A444F|1401 02 001 + on({ id: 'sia.0.accounts.A444F.msgdata'/*A444F - Message Data*/ }, (obj) => { + if(obj.state.ack === true) { + const id = getState('sia.0.accounts.A444F.id'/*A444F - ID Token*/).val; + if(id === 'ADM-CID' || id === '*ADM-CID') { + const cid = parseMessage(obj.state.val); + console.log(`Contact ID Message ${JSON.stringify(cid)}`); + console.log(`Event: ${cid.event} for accountnumber ${cid.accountNumber}`); + } + } + }); + ``` -### 0.1.6 (23.10.2018) -* (Stübi) Bugfxing (NAK) and AES support + Output: -### 0.1.5 (01.10.2018) -* (Stübi) Translations + ``` + Contact ID Message {"accountNumber":"A444F","qualifier":"1","event":"401","area":"02","zone":"001"} + Event: 401 for accountnumber A444F + ``` -### 0.0.5 (09.08.2018) -* (Stübi) Requires nodejs 6.0 or higher + Event 401 means "Remote Arm/Disarm, when the system is armed or disarmed by SMS message or web access" -### 0.0.4 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) Cleanup +5. Bugs / Issues -### 0.0.3 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) SIA regex optimized + If you have problems processing SIA messages or you found a bug, please create an issue. + The issue should have following information: -### 0.0.2 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) bug fixing + 1. Manufacturer and type of alarm system + 2. The SIA message as a file. You can create a file if you activate it in the instance configuration. + 3. If you use encryption (AES), then I need the key to decrypt the message for testing. + 4. The debug output from ioBroker when processing the message + 5. Detailed description of the bug -### 0.0.1 (07.06.2018) -* (Stübi) first implementation + After you have completed points 2 and 3, please change the AES key. + You can test the saved SIA message using the following command + ``` + # cat fileanme_of_sia_message | nc ip_address_of_iobroker sia_port + cat /tmp/sia/sia_msg_20250201_202457309.txt | nc localhost 55001 + ``` + +## Changelog +### 2.0.3 (2025-02-01) + +- (Stübi) add error envent if connction close +- (Stübi) add the proctocol ADM-CID and \*ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID) +- (Stübi) add translations +- (Stübi) fix bugs by receiving messages by udp +- (Stübi) adjust readme + +### 2.0.2 (2025-01-30) + +- (Stübi) add: checking accountnumber for exact syntax +- (Stübi) add: checking admin interface aes entries + +### 2.0.1 (2025-01-29) + +- (Stübi) Redesign of Contact ID Adapter. +- (Stübi) Wokring now with nodejs 20 and 22 +- (Stübi) js-controller in version 6 and 7 will be supported +- (Stübi) Ability to save SIA messages. + +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-29) + +- (Stübi) Major Release + +### 1.0.4 (2019-11-17) + +- (Stübi) Bugfixing, changing the time calculation for ACK and NACK messages +- (Stübi) Small improvements to the SIA protocol +- (Stübi) Changed bug in encrypting. Delete appending 8 \* 0x10 +- (Stübi) Support of UDP. Same port listening as TCP +- (Stübi) Saving password encrypted. +- (Stübi) ACK and NAC calculation extended. +- (Stübi) CRC can be send in 0xABCD (2 Byte) or ABCD (4 Byte, ASCII) format. Automatic recognizing +- (Stübi) AES Password can be in AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC or AES-256-CBC +- (Stübi) AES Password can be saved in byte or hex (length 16, 24 or 32 byte) format or hex (length 32, 48 or 64 hex) format +- (Stübi) Timeout for ACK (0 = disable, 1 - n sec) +- (Stübi) Set ioBroker States of message on ACK not on NACK +- (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +- (Stübi) Update Adapter Core File +- (Stübi) Bugfxing (NAK) and AES support +- (Stübi) Translations +- (Stübi) Requires nodejs 6.0 or higher +- (Stübi) Cleanup +- (Stübi) SIA regex optimized +- (Stübi) bug fixing +- (Stübi) first implementation ## License + The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thorsten +Copyright (c) 2025 Thorsten Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md index 42e78746c..1379fcab5 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md @@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ From this, the object names are put together, e.g. - ... ## Changelog +### 1.2.0 (2025-01-31) - 2025H1 maintenance release -### __WORK IN PROGRESS__ - +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 - (simatec) Responsive Design added ### 1.1.0 (2024-08-15) - 2024H2 maintenance release @@ -90,16 +90,11 @@ From this, the object names are put together, e.g. - (pdbjjens) New: Configurable data point update intervals to reduce system load - (pdbjjens) New: Use JSON config -### 0.6.6 (2023-02-28) 2023 maintenance release - -- (pdbjjens) Updated dependencies -- (pdbjjens) New: Use adapter-dev instead of gulp translate - ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2024 IoBroker-Community +Copyright (c) 2025 IoBroker-Community Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.solax/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.solax/README.md index 4d9d27dd5..381012ed7 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.solax/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.solax/README.md @@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ If you would like to have other inverters integrated, you should make the data e ## Changelog +### 0.9.15 (2025-01-23) +* (simatec) Fix Request +* (simatec) Code Fix +* (simatec) Dependencies updated + ### 0.9.14 (2025-01-08) * (simatec) eslint-config fix * (simatec) Code fix diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sprinklecontrol/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sprinklecontrol/README.md index 95cda8d3c..f4540a8a2 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sprinklecontrol/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sprinklecontrol/README.md @@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ Activate the Notifications tab. The communication settings are then made on the ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** * (Dirk-Peter-md) eslint-config added * (Dirk-Peter-md) Dependencies updated +* (Dirk-Peter-md) Update License +* (Dirk-Peter-md) issue #92 Sprinkler im Gewächshaus solved +* (Dirk-Peter-md) add Button control.autoStart ### 0.2.13 (2022-09-06) * (Dirk-Peter-md) various bugs fixed diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sun2000/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sun2000/README.md index 9d6558c44..a6cf6aafb 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sun2000/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sun2000/README.md @@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ Work in progress Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* Interval time of the slave inverter increased slightly + ### 0.18.1 (2025-01-08) * dependency and configuration updates * control: if the battery is not running, events related to the battery are discarded diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sureflap/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sureflap/README.md index ab18d3e14..4802c1fe5 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sureflap/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.sureflap/README.md @@ -178,7 +178,12 @@ from [Sure Petcare®](https://www.surepetcare.com/en-us/press). ## Changelog -### 3.0.0 (work in progress) +### 3.0.1 (2025-01-28) + +* (Sickboy78) fix for curfew not being 24-hour format +* (Sickboy78) fix typos in warnings + +### 3.0.0 (2025-01-23) * (Sickboy78) complete refactoring of surepet API * (Sickboy78) complete refactoring of internal data structure @@ -386,4 +391,4 @@ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -Copyright (c) 2024 Sickboy78 \ No newline at end of file +Copyright (c) 2025 Sickboy78 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.synochat/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.synochat/README.md index 1e95758f1..78291e1e5 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.synochat/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.synochat/README.md @@ -389,6 +389,9 @@ Since this adapter is using a `web` adapter instance to provide web hooks to the Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 1.3.3 (2025-01-26) +- *[@phoeluga]* Updated admin UI to fix desponsive design (mobile view) - #28 + ### 1.3.2 (2025-01-04) - *[@phoeluga]* Fixed issue with 5 digit port number when using a IP for property Synology URL/IP - #20 - *[@phoeluga]* Addressed W[171],W[105],W[109] - #18 @@ -397,7 +400,7 @@ Since this adapter is using a `web` adapter instance to provide web hooks to the - *[@phoeluga]* Update test-workflow to be prepared for Node.js v22 - #22 - *[@phoeluga]* Bumped min. Node.js version to v18 - #22 - *[@phoeluga]* Bumped @iobroker/adapter-core to version >= 3.x.x - #23 -- *[@phoeluga]* Updated ESLint usage and config - Migration to ESLint 9 - #25 +- *[@phoeluga]* Updated ESLint usage and config - Migration to ESLint 9 - #25 ### 1.3.1 (2023-08-13) - *[@phoeluga]* Fixed TypeError issue with empty initial value of outgoing channels - #13 diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..47b4fbebe --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +![Logo](admin/tagesschau.png) +# ioBroker.tagesschau + +[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.tagesschau.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.tagesschau) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.tagesschau.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.tagesschau) +![Number of Installations](https://iobroker.live/badges/tagesschau-installed.svg) +![Current version in stable repository](https://iobroker.live/badges/tagesschau-stable.svg) + +[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.tagesschau.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.tagesschau/) + +**Tests:** ![Test and Release](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.tagesschau/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## tagesschau adapter for ioBroker + +[Deutsche Anleitung (aktueller)](README-GER.md) + +Retrieves news and video links from Tagesschau. + +Content is only available in German. + +Install - set the desired settings in the admin - done. + +**According to the Tagesschau api, 60 queries per hour are OK. Each topic and video is 1 query. 30 minutes per update always fits. No idea how exactly they take this.** + +Please note: +1. if Enable messages or Enable video messages are not selected, the adapter pauses +2. if activate messages is selected, the adapter only runs if 1 topic and 1 federal state are selected in the configuration. +3. the keywords are extracted from the messages and are only available after the first run. There will be more and more over time! These only apply to the messages. + +## Changelog + +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-27) +* (ticaki) States added for browsing. +* (ticaki) Another attempt to constantly sort the videos in the same way. +* (ticaki) Control states reorganised. +* (ticaki) Placeholder images for no news now work + +### 0.4.3 (2025-01-25) +* (ticaki) remove some helper code to do translations + +### 0.4.2 (2025-01-25) +* (ticaki) make the code fit for latest + +### 0.4.1 (2025-01-17) +* (ticaki) videos always in the same order. + +### 0.4.0 (2025-01-07) +* (ticaki) Command data point for defining the first news to be displayed +* (ticaki) Reduce object updates +* (ticaki) Total number of news as a data point +* (ticaki) We not in hurry, write object updates slowly. +* (ticaki) Info log messages are a bit more fun. (error and warn messages are not funny at all) + +### 0.3.2 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) added length to videos +* (ticaki) System load reduced at startup + +### 0.3.1 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) Back to stable admin + +### 0.3.0 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) States are only updated when changes are made. +* (ticaki) Last update Data point added with timestamp of the last successful data access +* (ticaki) Emptying of data points improved +* (ticaki) Placeholder images inserted for no news. +* (ticaki) User-defined keywords with `*` +* (ticaki) Requires admin version 7.4.9 or higher + +### 0.2.3 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) Fixed: Adapter deletes own states + +### 0.2.1 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) fixed refresh interval & add axios timeouts + +### 0.2.0 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) remove tracking from videos +* (ticaki) beautiful state name + +### 0.1.4 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Fixed: More as 1 region bug + +### 0.1.3 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Reduced size of the icon + +### 0.1.2 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Added: Breaking news is excluded from filtering and copied to a separate folder. +* (ticaki) Changed: Taglist is now sorted. + +### 0.1.1 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) fixed: The empty configuration after the first installation leaves crashed adapters + +### 0.1.0 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) initial release + +## Disclaimer +**All product and company names or logos are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them or any associated subsidiaries! This personal project is maintained in spare time and has no business goal.** +**Tagesschau is a trademark of ARD-aktuell.** https://www.tagesschau.de/impressum + +## License +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2025 ticaki + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b6bf5524 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tahoma/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tahoma/README.md index 9e4766db6..e40c737d3 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tahoma/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tahoma/README.md @@ -102,11 +102,30 @@ These states contain current status of the devices as follows. Some of the state ## Changelog See [Changelog](https://github.com/Excodibur/ioBroker.tahoma/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). + +### 0.10.4 (2024-04-28) +- Fixed: Warning resolved about invalid element in jsonConfig + +### 0.10.3 (2024-01-29) +- Fixed: Some crashed caused by event-updates were fixed with a workaround. + +### 0.10.2 (2023-03-25) +- Fixed: Improved core:MovingState. Should reflect moving blinds correctly now. + +### 0.10.1 (2023-01-23) +- Fixed: Clear bearer token, if connection to local API fails, so new one can be fetched. + +### 0.10.0 (2023-01-03) +- Fixed warnings about _Failed getting execution state_ when using the local API. + ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Marius Burkard & Excodibur +Copyright (c) 2020-2025 Marius Burkard & Excodibur Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tapo/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tapo/README.md index 3c8f5ebb7..4b29b3585 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tapo/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tapo/README.md @@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ tapo.0.id.remote auf true/false setzen steuert den jeweiligen Befehl. Der Befehl ## Changelog +### 0.4.8 (2025-02-04) + +- disable sentry to prevent crashes + ### 0.4.7 (2025-01-14) - disable battery devices diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.teslafi/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.teslafi/README.md index cdf38035a..f7442240a 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.teslafi/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.teslafi/README.md @@ -75,10 +75,14 @@ If you enjoyed this project — or just feeling generous, consider buying me a b ## Changelog -### 1.1.0 (2025-01-xx) WORK in PROGRESS +### 1.1.1 (2025-02-01) + +- (hombach) fix deletion of newversion (#93) + +### 1.1.0 (2025-01-23) - (hombach) deprecated object calls removed -- (hombach) WiP - add start HVAC command and commands tab (#36) +- (hombach) add start HVAC command and commands tab (#36) ### 1.0.1 (2025-01-11) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tvprogram/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tvprogram/README.md index dafbc5891..c87b45219 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tvprogram/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.tvprogram/README.md @@ -834,6 +834,10 @@ widget tvprogram: Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 4.0.0 (2025-01-21) + +- Breaking Change. fix marker position with flexible width of channel logos. In each widget the property "width channel logo px" have to be set to approbiate width. + ### 3.0.5 (2025-01-20) - upgrade jscontroller dependency diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md index 12a7cad63..efa2482ea 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md @@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ Allows access to all serial port connected VBus devices. Default is "vbus". - channel: The vbus channel to which the serial port is assigned. If you only want to connect to a single serial port it is recommended to configure that to use channel 0, since most applications will by default try and connect that channel 0. -- path: The path to the serial port like '/dev/tty.usbmodem141301' or 'COM5' +- path: The path to the serial port like +'/dev/ttyUSB0' or +'/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_USB-Modul_UO2102_TDEB6I8DAVDLGAGC-if00-port0' or +'/dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-port0' or +'COM5' - baudrate: The baudrate of the serial port. Default is 9600, which normally does not need to be changed. ## Known issues @@ -59,6 +63,12 @@ If you only want to connect to a single serial port it is recommended to configu Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 0.2.0 (2025-01-29) - 2025H1 maintenance release + +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 +- (pdbjjens) New: Accept serial port paths /dev/serial/by-id/usb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or /dev/serial/by-path/platform-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +- (pdbjjens) Change: Responsive Design optimizations + ### 0.1.0 (2024-08-13) - 2024H2 maintenance release - (pdbjjens) Change: node>=18, js-contoller>=5 and admin>=6 required @@ -81,16 +91,10 @@ If you only want to connect to a single serial port it is recommended to configu - (pdbjjens) New: Configurable password for the VBus gateway - (pdbjjens) Fix: Channel forwarding to the requesting connections only -### 0.0.4 (2023-10-03) - -- (pdbjjens) New: Selectable discovery port -- (pdbjjens) New: Check for default password -- (pdbjjens) New: support for up to 3 serial ports - ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Jens-Peter Jensen +Copyright (c) 2025 Jens-Peter Jensen Copyright (c) 2013-present, Daniel Wippermann. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e066e5f39 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +![Logo](/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png) + +# Collection of widgets for ioBroker.vis 2.0 + +![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-widgets-collection-installed.svg) ![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-widgets-collection-stable.svg) [![NPM version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection) + +[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/) + +

Widgets for ioBroker.vis 2.0

+ +## Widgets + +### State + + + +### ButtonGroup + + + +### Slider + + + +### Switch + + + +--- + +## Changelog +### 1.1.15 (2025-02-05) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing Slider + +### 1.1.14 (2025-02-04) + +- (steiger04) Slider optimized + +### 1.1.13 (2025-02-03) + +- (steiger04) delay via throttle and debounce optimized + +### 1.1.12 (2025-02-02) + +- (steiger04) Active group for slider added + +### 1.1.11 (2025-02-01) + +- (steiger04) HTML-Text optimizations + +### 1.1.10 (2025-01-30) + +- (steiger04) HTML-Text for header, value and footer + +### 1.1.9 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing style bindings + +### 1.1.8 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing data bindings + +### 1.1.7 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) Switch optimized + +### 1.1.6 (2025-01-26) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing + +### 1.1.0 (2025-01-25) + +- (steiger04) Switch widget added + +### 1.0.3 (2025-01-20) + +- (steiger04) initial commit + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 Steiger04 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5df2274ae Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8636b76f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f558c796b Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed57c579a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b30f8d62 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png differ diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-energy/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-energy/README.md index e02a0a262..dea32d393 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-energy/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-energy/README.md @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ This widget set consists of the following widgets: ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2022-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2022-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md index fc805125f..d6ffbaa77 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md @@ -1,678 +1,681 @@ -![Logo](packages/iobroker.vis-2/admin/vis-2.png) -# Next generation visualization for ioBroker: vis-2 - -![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-installed.svg) ![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-stable.svg) [![NPM version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vis-2.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.vis-2) -[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vis-2.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.vis-2) - -[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2/) - -WEB visualization for ioBroker platform. - -## Overview -- [License requirements](#license-requirements) -- [Installation & Documentation](#installation--documentation) -- [Bindings of objects](#bindings-of-objects) -- [Filters](#filters) -- [Control interface](#control-interface) -- [Default view](#default-view) -- [Permissions System](#permissions-system) -- [Settings](#settings) -- [SVG and curentColor](#svg-and-currentcolor) - - -## License requirements -To use this adapter in `ioBroker` you need to accept the source code license of the adapter. The source code of this adapter is available under the CC BY-NC license. - -Additionally, you need a license to use the adapter. The following license editions are available on https://iobroker.net/www/pricing -* **Community-License: Free for private use!**: Get a free license by registering an account on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). The license if checked online against the ioBroker license server when the vis-2 adapter is started, so an online connection at this time point is required! -* **Private use Offline-License**: For paying a small support fee, you can get rid of the required online license check on adapter startup. **Only for Private use!** -* **Commercial License**: When using Vis in a commercial environment or selling Vis as part of ioBroker packages to your customers, this license is for you. License check is also not requiring an online connection. - -## Installation & Documentation - -![Demo interface](packages/iobroker.vis-2/img/user0.png) -![Demo interface](packages/iobroker.vis-2/img/user7.png) - -[Online Demos](https://iobroker.click/) - -## Bindings of objects -Normally, most of the widgets have ObjectID attribute and this attribute can be bound with some value of object ID. -But there is another option for how to bind *any* attribute of widget to some ObjectID. - -Just write into attribute `{object.id}` e.g. `{hm-rpc.0.OEQ1880105.4.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE}` and it will be bound to this object's value. -If you use the special format, you can even make some simple operations with it, e.g., multiplying or formatting. - -E.g., to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle: - -`{h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(h*h + w*w))}` will be interpreted as function: - -```js -value = await (async function () { - var h = (await getState('javascript.0.myCustom.height')).val; - var w = (await getState('javascript.0.myCustom.width')).val; - return Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(h * h + w * w)); -})(); -``` - -or - -`{h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;h*w}` will simply multiply height with width. - - -You can use *any* javascript (browser) functions. Arguments must be defined with ':', if not, it will be interpreted as formula. - -Take care about types. All of them are defined as strings. To be sure, that value will be treated as number use parseFloat function. - -So our Hypotenuse calculation will be: -```js -{h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(parseFloat(h), 2) + Math.pow(parseFloat(w), 2)))} -``` - -### Deprecated format -Patten has the following format: - -```js -{objectID;operation1;operation2;...} -``` - -The following operations are supported: - -- `*` - multiplying. Argument must be in brackets, like "*(4)". In this sample, we multiply the value with 4. -- `+` - add. Argument must be in brackets, like "+(4.5)". In this sample we add to value 4.5. -- `-` - subtract. Argument must be in brackets, like "-(-674.5)". In this sample we subtract from value -674.5. -- `/` - dividing. Argument must be in brackets, like "/(0.5)". In this sample, we divide the value by 0.5. -- `%` - modulo. Argument must be in brackets, like "%(5)". In this sample, we take modulo of 5. -- `round` - round the value. -- `round(N)` - round the value with N places after point, e.g., 34.678;round(1) => 34.7 -- `hex` - convert value to hexadecimal value. All letters are lower cased. -- `hex2` - convert value to hexadecimal value. All letters are lower cased. If value less 16, so the leading zero will be added. -- `HEX` - same as hex, but upper-cased. -- `HEX2` - same as hex2, but upper-cased. -- `date` - format date according to given format. Format is the same as in [iobroker.javascript](https://github.com/iobroker/iobroker.javascript/blob/master/README.md#formatdate) -- `min(N)` - if value is less than N, take the N, else value -- `max(M)` - if value is greater than M, take the M, else value -- `sqrt` - square root -- `pow(n)` - power of N. -- `pow` - power of 2. -- `floor` - Math.floor -- `ceil` - Math.ceil -- `json` - operation for getting json or object property. E.g., `{id;json(common.name.en)}` -- `random(R)` - Math.random() * R, or just Math.random() if no argument -- `formatValue(decimals)` - format value according to system settings and use decimals -- `date(format)` - format value as date. The format is like: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss" -- `momentDate(format, useTodayOrYesterday)` - format value as date using Moment.js. [Approved formats must be entered according to the moment.js library](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/). With `useTodayOrYesterday=true` the `moment.js` format `ddd`/`dddd` are overwritten with today / yesterday -- `array(element1,element2[,element3,element4])` - returns the element of index. e.g.: `{id.ack;array(ack is false,ack is true)}` - -You can use this pattern in any text, like - -``` -My calculations with {objectID1;operation1;operation2;...} are {objectID2;operation3;operation4;...} -``` - -or color calculations: - -``` -#{objectRed;/(100);*(255);HEX2}{objectGreen;HEX2}{objectBlue;HEX2} -``` - -To show timestamp of object write `.ts` or `.lc` (for last change) at the end of object id, e.g.: - -``` -Last change: {objectRed.lc;date(hh:mm)} -``` - -### Special bindings -There are a number of different internal bindings to provide additional information in views: -* `username` - shows logged-in user -* `view` - name of actual view -* `wname` - widget name -* `widget` - is an object with all data of widget. Can be used only in JS part, like `{a:a;widget.data.name}` -* `widgetOid` - use the OID of the widget to assign the widget's value in the assignment section, like `{t:widgetOid.val;t}` -* `wid` - name of actual widget -* `language` - can be `de`, `en` or `ru`. -* `instance` - browser instance -* `login` - if login required or not (e.g., to show/hide logout button) -* `local_*` - if state name is started from `local_` it will not be reported to ioBroker but will update all widgets, that depends on this state. (Local variable for current browser session) - -Note: to use ":" in calculations (e.g., in string formula) use "::" instead. - -**Remember**, that style definitions will be interpreted as bindings, so use `{{style: value}}` or just - -``` -{ - style: value -} -``` - -for that. - -## Filters -To visualize on the one view the whole number of widgets, you can use filters to reduce the count of widgets simultaneously shown on the view. - -Every widget has a field `filter`. If you set it to some value, e.g. `light`, so you can use other widget `(bars - filters, filter - dropdown)` to control which filter is actually active. - -## Control interface -Vis creates 3 variables: - -- `control.instance` - Here the browser instance should be written or `FFFFFFFF` if every browser must be controlled. -- `control.data` - Parameter for command. See specific command description. -- `control.command` - Command name. Write this variable triggers the command. That means before command will be written, the "instance" and "data" must be prepared with data. - -Commands: - -* `alert` - show an alert window in the vis-2. "control.data" has the following format "message;title;jquery-icon". Title and jquery-icon are optional. Icon names can be found [here](http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/). To show icon "ui-icon-info" write `Message;;info`. -* `changeView` - switch to desired view. "control.data" must have the name of view. You can specify the project name too as `project/view`. The default project is `main`. -* `refresh` - reload the vis-2, for instance after the project is changed to reload on all browsers. -* `reload` - same as refresh. -* `dialog` - Show dialog window. Dialog must exist on view. One of: - - - `static - HTML - Dialog`, - - `static - Icon - Dialog`, - - `container - HTML - view in jqui Dialog`, - - `container - ext cmd - view in jqui Dialog`, - - `container - Icon - view in jqui Dialog`, - - `container - Button - view in jqui Dialog`. - - `control.data` must have id of dialog widget, e.g. `w00056`. -* `dialogClose` -* `popup` - opens a new browser window. Link must be specified in `control.data`, e.g., http://google.com -* `playSound` - play sound file. The link to file is specified in `control.data`, e.g., http://www.modular-planet.de/fx/marsians/Marsiansrev.mp3. - You can upload your own file in vis-2 and let it play as for instance `/vis-2.0/main/img/myFile.mp3`. - **Important** browser cannot play audio till the user has not clicked at least once on the page. It is a browser security policy. [Here](https://github.com/Hugo22O/chrome-autoplay) you can read more. - -If the user changes the view or at the start, the variables will be filled by the vis-2 with - -- `control.instance`: browser instance and `ack=true` -- `control.data`: project and view name in form `project/view`, e.g. `main/view` (and `ack=true`) -- `control.command`: `changedView` and `ack=true` - -You can write the JSON string or Object into `control.command` as `{instance: 'AABBCCDD', command: 'cmd', data: 'ddd'}`. In this case, the instance and data will be taken from JSON object. - -Example for javascript adapter: - -```js -setState('vis-2.0.control.command', { instance: '*', command: 'refresh', data: ''}); -``` - -If you write the JSON as a string, ensure that it is parseable, e.g. `{"instance": "*", "command": "refresh", "data": ""}`, note the `"`. - -## Default view -You can define for every view the desired resolution (Menu=>Tools=>Resolution). -This is only the visual border in edit mode to show you the screen size on some specific device. In the real-time mode, it will not be visible and all widgets outside the border will be visible. - -Additionally, you can define if this view must be used as default for this resolution. - -So every time the `index.html` (without `#viewName`) is called, the best suitable for this resolution view will be opened. -If only one view has *"Default"* flag, so this view will be opened independently of screen resolution or orientation. - -E.g., you can create two views "Landscape-Mobile" and "Portrait-Mobile" and these two views will be switched automatically when you change the orientation or screen size. - -There is a helper widget "basic - Screen Resolution" that shows actual screen resolution and best suitable default view for this resolution. - -## Permissions System -### Project -In the project management dialog, you can configure `read` and `write` permissions for each ioBroker user. - -The `read` flag means that the project is accessible for this user in the Runtime. -The `write` flag means that the project is accessible for this user in the Edit Mode. - -When a new user is created via ioBroker Admin adapter, it will have both permissions by default. - -### View -You can also specify which views the user is allowed to access for runtime and edit mode. -When one of the access rights is not granted on project level, it does not have any effect to specify them on view level, as the project as a whole will not be accessible. - -Note that whenever you try to access a view, where the current user has no permission for, the user will see the project selection panel instead. - -### Widget -If the user has no `read` permissions, the widget will not be rendered in the runtime. If user has no `write` permissions, the widget -will not be rendered in edit mode. - -## Settings -### Reload if sleep longer than -There is a rule that after some disconnection period, the whole VIS page will be reloaded to synchronize the project. -You can configure it in the menu "Settings...". If you set the interval to "never" so the page will never be reloaded. - -### Reconnect interval -Set the interval between the connection attempts if disconnected. If you set 2 seconds, it will try to establish the connection every 2 seconds. - -### Dark reconnect screen -Sometimes (in the night) it is required to have the dark loading screen. With this option, you can set it. - -Notice that these settings are valid only for reconnection and not for the first connecting. - -![Dark](packages/iobroker.vis-2/img/dark_screen.png) - -## SVG and currentColor -The currentColor keyword in CSS allows elements to inherit the current text color from their parent element. -It can be particularly useful in SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) because it allows for more dynamic styling and easier integration with HTML content. - -You can use the currentColor keyword in place of a specific color value for any property inside the SVG that accepts a color value. -Here's a simple example with a circle in an SVG: -```xml - - - -``` -In this case, if the SVG takes the color of parent element. -E.g., if it was used in a menu and the menu is red, the circle would be red. - -## Development and Debugging - -In order to make adjustments to the vis-2 editor itself, to search for errors and to debug, the following steps must be carried out. - -1. fork the iobroker/iobroker.vis-2 repository into your own account via user interface of GitHub - -2. clone the repository into a directory. copy the url from your GitHub repository. the command looks like - -```shell -git clone https://github.com//ioBroker.vis-2.git -``` - -3. open the downloaded repository with your IDE - -4. to install and download all necessary libraries, run the following command in a terminal in the root directory of the repository - -```shell -npm run install-monorepo -``` - -5. to start the editor in the browser, please execute the following command. -An already separately running iobroker server instance must be available on port 8082. - -```shell -npm run start -``` - -- Debugging is available in the browser e.g. chrome F12 -- if you change a file, automatic reload of the editor is supported - - -## Todo - +![Logo](packages/iobroker.vis-2/admin/vis-2.png) +# Next generation visualization for ioBroker: vis-2 + +![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-installed.svg) ![Number of Installations](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-stable.svg) [![NPM version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vis-2.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.vis-2) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vis-2.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.vis-2) + +[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2/) + +WEB visualization for ioBroker platform. + +## Overview +- [License requirements](#license-requirements) +- [Installation & Documentation](#installation--documentation) +- [Bindings of objects](#bindings-of-objects) +- [Filters](#filters) +- [Control interface](#control-interface) +- [Default view](#default-view) +- [Permissions System](#permissions-system) +- [Settings](#settings) +- [SVG and curentColor](#svg-and-currentcolor) + + +## License requirements +To use this adapter in `ioBroker` you need to accept the source code license of the adapter. The source code of this adapter is available under the CC BY-NC license. + +Additionally, you need a license to use the adapter. The following license editions are available on https://iobroker.net/www/pricing +* **Community-License: Free for private use!**: Get a free license by registering an account on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). The license if checked online against the ioBroker license server when the vis-2 adapter is started, so an online connection at this time point is required! +* **Private use Offline-License**: For paying a small support fee, you can get rid of the required online license check on adapter startup. **Only for Private use!** +* **Commercial License**: When using Vis in a commercial environment or selling Vis as part of ioBroker packages to your customers, this license is for you. License check is also not requiring an online connection. + +## Installation & Documentation + +![Demo interface](packages/iobroker.vis-2/img/user0.png) +![Demo interface](packages/iobroker.vis-2/img/user7.png) + +[Online Demos](https://iobroker.click/) + +## Bindings of objects +Normally, most of the widgets have ObjectID attribute and this attribute can be bound with some value of object ID. +But there is another option for how to bind *any* attribute of widget to some ObjectID. + +Just write into attribute `{object.id}` e.g. `{hm-rpc.0.OEQ1880105.4.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE}` and it will be bound to this object's value. +If you use the special format, you can even make some simple operations with it, e.g., multiplying or formatting. + +E.g., to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle: + +`{h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(h*h + w*w))}` will be interpreted as function: + +```js +value = await (async function () { + var h = (await getState('javascript.0.myCustom.height')).val; + var w = (await getState('javascript.0.myCustom.width')).val; + return Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(h * h + w * w)); +})(); +``` + +or + +`{h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;h*w}` will simply multiply height with width. + + +You can use *any* javascript (browser) functions. Arguments must be defined with ':', if not, it will be interpreted as formula. + +Take care about types. All of them are defined as strings. To be sure, that value will be treated as number use parseFloat function. + +So our Hypotenuse calculation will be: +``` +{h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(parseFloat(h), 2) + Math.pow(parseFloat(w), 2)))} +``` + +### Deprecated format +Patten has the following format: + +``` +{objectID;operation1;operation2;...} +``` + +The following operations are supported: + +- `*` - multiplying. Argument must be in brackets, like "*(4)". In this sample, we multiply the value with 4. +- `+` - add. Argument must be in brackets, like "+(4.5)". In this sample we add to value 4.5. +- `-` - subtract. Argument must be in brackets, like "-(-674.5)". In this sample we subtract from value -674.5. +- `/` - dividing. Argument must be in brackets, like "/(0.5)". In this sample, we divide the value by 0.5. +- `%` - modulo. Argument must be in brackets, like "%(5)". In this sample, we take modulo of 5. +- `round` - round the value. +- `round(N)` - round the value with N places after point, e.g., 34.678;round(1) => 34.7 +- `hex` - convert value to hexadecimal value. All letters are lower cased. +- `hex2` - convert value to hexadecimal value. All letters are lower cased. If value less 16, so the leading zero will be added. +- `HEX` - same as hex, but upper-cased. +- `HEX2` - same as hex2, but upper-cased. +- `date` - format date according to given format. Format is the same as in [iobroker.javascript](https://github.com/iobroker/iobroker.javascript/blob/master/README.md#formatdate) +- `min(N)` - if value is less than N, take the N, else value +- `max(M)` - if value is greater than M, take the M, else value +- `sqrt` - square root +- `pow(n)` - power of N. +- `pow` - power of 2. +- `floor` - Math.floor +- `ceil` - Math.ceil +- `json` - operation for getting json or object property. E.g., `{id;json(common.name.en)}` +- `random(R)` - Math.random() * R, or just Math.random() if no argument +- `formatValue(decimals)` - format value according to system settings and use decimals +- `date(format)` - format value as date. The format is like: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss" +- `momentDate(format, useTodayOrYesterday)` - format value as date using Moment.js. [Approved formats must be entered according to the moment.js library](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/). With `useTodayOrYesterday=true` the `moment.js` format `ddd`/`dddd` are overwritten with today / yesterday +- `array(element1,element2[,element3,element4])` - returns the element of index. e.g.: `{id.ack;array(ack is false,ack is true)}` + +You can use this pattern in any text, like + +``` +My calculations with {objectID1;operation1;operation2;...} are {objectID2;operation3;operation4;...} +``` + +or color calculations: + +``` +#{objectRed;/(100);*(255);HEX2}{objectGreen;HEX2}{objectBlue;HEX2} +``` + +To show timestamp of object write `.ts` or `.lc` (for last change) at the end of object id, e.g.: + +``` +Last change: {objectRed.lc;date(hh:mm)} +``` + +### Special bindings +There are a number of different internal bindings to provide additional information in views: +* `username` - shows logged-in user +* `view` - name of actual view +* `wname` - widget name +* `widget` - is an object with all data of widget. Can be used only in JS part, like `{a:a;widget.data.name}` +* `widgetOid` - use the OID of the widget to assign the widget's value in the assignment section, like `{t:widgetOid.val;t}` +* `wid` - name of actual widget +* `language` - can be `de`, `en` or `ru`. +* `instance` - browser instance +* `login` - if login required or not (e.g., to show/hide logout button) +* `local_*` - if state name is started from `local_` it will not be reported to ioBroker but will update all widgets, that depends on this state. (Local variable for current browser session) + +Note: to use ":" in calculations (e.g., in string formula) use "::" instead. + +**Remember**, that style definitions will be interpreted as bindings, so use `{{style: value}}` or just + +``` +{ + style: value +} +``` + +for that. + +## Filters +To visualize on the one view the whole number of widgets, you can use filters to reduce the count of widgets simultaneously shown on the view. + +Every widget has a field `filter`. If you set it to some value, e.g. `light`, so you can use other widget `(bars - filters, filter - dropdown)` to control which filter is actually active. + +## Control interface +Vis creates 3 variables: + +- `control.instance` - Here the browser instance should be written or `FFFFFFFF` if every browser must be controlled. +- `control.data` - Parameter for command. See specific command description. +- `control.command` - Command name. Write this variable triggers the command. That means before command will be written, the "instance" and "data" must be prepared with data. + +Commands: + +* `alert` - show an alert window in the vis-2. "control.data" has the following format "message;title;jquery-icon". Title and jquery-icon are optional. Icon names can be found [here](http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/). To show icon "ui-icon-info" write `Message;;info`. +* `changeView` - switch to desired view. "control.data" must have the name of view. You can specify the project name too as `project/view`. The default project is `main`. +* `refresh` - reload the vis-2, for instance after the project is changed to reload on all browsers. +* `reload` - same as refresh. +* `dialog` - Show dialog window. Dialog must exist on view. One of: + + - `static - HTML - Dialog`, + - `static - Icon - Dialog`, + - `container - HTML - view in jqui Dialog`, + - `container - ext cmd - view in jqui Dialog`, + - `container - Icon - view in jqui Dialog`, + - `container - Button - view in jqui Dialog`. + + `control.data` must have id of dialog widget, e.g. `w00056`. +* `dialogClose` +* `popup` - opens a new browser window. Link must be specified in `control.data`, e.g., http://google.com +* `playSound` - play sound file. The link to file is specified in `control.data`, e.g., http://www.modular-planet.de/fx/marsians/Marsiansrev.mp3. + You can upload your own file in vis-2 and let it play as for instance `/vis-2.0/main/img/myFile.mp3`. + **Important** browser cannot play audio till the user has not clicked at least once on the page. It is a browser security policy. [Here](https://github.com/Hugo22O/chrome-autoplay) you can read more. + +If the user changes the view or at the start, the variables will be filled by the vis-2 with + +- `control.instance`: browser instance and `ack=true` +- `control.data`: project and view name in form `project/view`, e.g. `main/view` (and `ack=true`) +- `control.command`: `changedView` and `ack=true` + +You can write the JSON string or Object into `control.command` as `{instance: 'AABBCCDD', command: 'cmd', data: 'ddd'}`. In this case, the instance and data will be taken from JSON object. + +Example for javascript adapter: + +```js +setState('vis-2.0.control.command', { instance: '*', command: 'refresh', data: ''}); +``` + +If you write the JSON as a string, ensure that it is parseable, e.g. `{"instance": "*", "command": "refresh", "data": ""}`, note the `"`. + +## Default view +You can define for every view the desired resolution (Menu=>Tools=>Resolution). +This is only the visual border in edit mode to show you the screen size on some specific device. In the real-time mode, it will not be visible and all widgets outside the border will be visible. + +Additionally, you can define if this view must be used as default for this resolution. + +So every time the `index.html` (without `#viewName`) is called, the best suitable for this resolution view will be opened. +If only one view has *"Default"* flag, so this view will be opened independently of screen resolution or orientation. + +E.g., you can create two views "Landscape-Mobile" and "Portrait-Mobile" and these two views will be switched automatically when you change the orientation or screen size. + +There is a helper widget "basic - Screen Resolution" that shows actual screen resolution and best suitable default view for this resolution. + +## Permissions System +### Project +In the project management dialog, you can configure `read` and `write` permissions for each ioBroker user. + +The `read` flag means that the project is accessible for this user in the Runtime. +The `write` flag means that the project is accessible for this user in the Edit Mode. + +When a new user is created via ioBroker Admin adapter, it will have both permissions by default. + +### View +You can also specify which views the user is allowed to access for runtime and edit mode. +When one of the access rights is not granted on project level, it does not have any effect to specify them on view level, as the project as a whole will not be accessible. + +Note that whenever you try to access a view, where the current user has no permission for, the user will see the project selection panel instead. + +### Widget +If the user has no `read` permissions, the widget will not be rendered in the runtime. If user has no `write` permissions, the widget +will not be rendered in edit mode. + +## Settings +### Reload if sleep longer than +There is a rule that after some disconnection period, the whole VIS page will be reloaded to synchronize the project. +You can configure it in the menu "Settings...". If you set the interval to "never" so the page will never be reloaded. + +### Reconnect interval +Set the interval between the connection attempts if disconnected. If you set 2 seconds, it will try to establish the connection every 2 seconds. + +### Dark reconnect screen +Sometimes (in the night) it is required to have the dark loading screen. With this option, you can set it. + +Notice that these settings are valid only for reconnection and not for the first connecting. + +![Dark](packages/iobroker.vis-2/img/dark_screen.png) + +## SVG and currentColor +The currentColor keyword in CSS allows elements to inherit the current text color from their parent element. +It can be particularly useful in SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) because it allows for more dynamic styling and easier integration with HTML content. + +You can use the currentColor keyword in place of a specific color value for any property inside the SVG that accepts a color value. +Here's a simple example with a circle in an SVG: +```xml + + + +``` +In this case, if the SVG takes the color of parent element. +E.g., if it was used in a menu and the menu is red, the circle would be red. + +## Development and Debugging + +In order to make adjustments to the vis-2 editor itself, to search for errors and to debug, the following steps must be carried out. + +1. fork the iobroker/iobroker.vis-2 repository into your own account via user interface of GitHub + +2. clone the repository into a directory. copy the url from your GitHub repository. the command looks like + +```shell +git clone https://github.com//ioBroker.vis-2.git +``` + +3. open the downloaded repository with your IDE + +4. to install and download all necessary libraries, run the following command in a terminal in the root directory of the repository + +```shell +npm run install-monorepo +``` + +5. to start the editor in the browser, please execute the following command. +An already separately running iobroker server instance must be available on port 8082. + +```shell +npm run start +``` + +- Debugging is available in the browser e.g. chrome F12 +- if you change a file, automatic reload of the editor is supported + + +## Todo + ## Changelog -### 2.11.1 (2024-12-02) -* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected navigation menu -* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated widgets to React: basic - frame, basic - note, basic - logout -* (@GermanBluefox) Added the HTML rebuild button to settings +### 2.11.2 (2025-01-23) +* (@GermanBluefox) Do not load vis-1 widgets if vis-2 widgets provided + +### 2.11.1 (2024-12-02) +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected navigation menu +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated widgets to React: basic - frame, basic - note, basic - logout +* (@GermanBluefox) Added the HTML rebuild button to settings * (@GermanBluefox) Backend was migrated to TypeScript -### 2.10.8 (2024-11-22) +### 2.10.8 (2024-11-22) * (bluefox) Added new option for view: "Limit only for instances" -### 2.10.7 (2024-07-23) +### 2.10.7 (2024-07-23) * (bluefox) Optimization of the module federation -### 2.10.6 (2024-07-20) +### 2.10.6 (2024-07-20) * (bluefox) Improved the typing in typescript -### 2.10.4 (2024-07-16) -* (bluefox) Corrected the jumping by object selection +### 2.10.4 (2024-07-16) +* (bluefox) Corrected the jumping by object selection * (bluefox) Implemented swipe widget -### 2.10.3 (2024-07-11) -* (bluefox) Converted the CanJSWidget to typescript +### 2.10.3 (2024-07-11) +* (bluefox) Converted the CanJSWidget to typescript * (bluefox) Added "clone" button to the attribute groups -### 2.10.2 (2024-07-10) -* (bluefox) Removed incompatible package for styles -* (bluefox) All widgets must be updated +### 2.10.2 (2024-07-10) +* (bluefox) Removed incompatible package for styles +* (bluefox) All widgets must be updated * (bluefox) The basic input value widget was migrated to ReactJS -### 2.9.64 (2024-05-23) +### 2.9.64 (2024-05-23) * (bluefox) Added possibility to clear a text field by button -### 2.9.63 (2024-05-15) +### 2.9.63 (2024-05-15) * (bluefox) Migrated some files to typescript -### 2.9.60 (2024-05-07) +### 2.9.60 (2024-05-07) * (foxriver76) test automatic release -### 2.9.53 (2024-05-06) +### 2.9.53 (2024-05-06) * (bluefox) Allowed applying styles to jQui buttons -### 2.9.52 (2024-04-25) +### 2.9.52 (2024-04-25) * (bluefox) Navigation was improved: adjustable menu width and bulk edit were added -### 2.9.50 (2024-04-19) +### 2.9.50 (2024-04-19) * (bluefox) Corrected widget in widget behavior -### 2.9.49 (2024-04-11) -* (bluefox) Corrected the scroll buttons in Tabs widget +### 2.9.49 (2024-04-11) +* (bluefox) Corrected the scroll buttons in Tabs widget * (bluefox) Corrected resizers if the border width is set -### 2.9.48 (2024-03-30) -* (bluefox) Showed selected view in the view dialog -* (bluefox) Added customization of loading screen +### 2.9.48 (2024-03-30) +* (bluefox) Showed selected view in the view dialog +* (bluefox) Added customization of loading screen * (bluefox) Respected the sentry disable flag in GUI -### 2.9.42 (2024-03-09) -* (bluefox) Allowed limiting the view size only on desktop +### 2.9.42 (2024-03-09) +* (bluefox) Allowed limiting the view size only on desktop * (bluefox) Change word "Filter" to "Search" -### 2.9.40 (2024-03-05) -* (bluefox) Migrated the filter widget to react +### 2.9.40 (2024-03-05) +* (bluefox) Migrated the filter widget to react * (bluefox) Migrated the basic link widget to react -### 2.9.39 (2024-03-01) -* (foxriver76) allow to use `widgetOid` in bindings -* (foxriver76) fixed various problems with Date Picker widget -* (foxriver76) made default option of Date Picker human readable and added option for full parseable date -* (bluefox) Added the possibility to add suffix by navigation widgets +### 2.9.39 (2024-03-01) +* (foxriver76) allow to use `widgetOid` in bindings +* (foxriver76) fixed various problems with Date Picker widget +* (foxriver76) made default option of Date Picker human readable and added option for full parseable date +* (bluefox) Added the possibility to add suffix by navigation widgets * (bluefox) Improved the license manager -### 2.9.37 (2024-02-28) +### 2.9.37 (2024-02-28) * (foxriver76) TimePicker widget now saves the time instead of date by default, if you want old behavior use checkbox `asDate` -### 2.9.36 (2024-02-27) +### 2.9.36 (2024-02-27) * (foxriver76) fixed project-specific css not being applied -### 2.9.35 (2024-02-27) -* (foxriver76) user-specified css has now priority over widgets css +### 2.9.35 (2024-02-27) +* (foxriver76) user-specified css has now priority over widgets css * (foxriver76) fixed crash case for broken grouped widgets -### 2.9.34 (2024-02-26) +### 2.9.34 (2024-02-26) * (foxriver76) detect admin user correctly in project permissions dialog -### 2.9.33 (2024-02-21) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that last image is never shown in image8 widget -* (foxriver76) added possibility to define background and title color for jqui dialog +### 2.9.33 (2024-02-21) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that last image is never shown in image8 widget +* (foxriver76) added possibility to define background and title color for jqui dialog * (foxriver76) make it possible to click through signal image if in front of widget -### 2.9.32 (2024-02-16) -* (foxriver76) implemented buttons to show or hide all views in views manager -* (foxriver76) fixed issue with signals on RxWidgets +### 2.9.32 (2024-02-16) +* (foxriver76) implemented buttons to show or hide all views in views manager +* (foxriver76) fixed issue with signals on RxWidgets * (foxriver76) allow disabling Sentry only for this instance -### 2.9.31 (2024-02-06) -* (foxriver76) apply default overflow correctly +### 2.9.31 (2024-02-06) +* (foxriver76) apply default overflow correctly * (foxriver76) navigation style fixes (fix an icon background and allow to customize header text color) -### 2.9.30 (2024-02-06) -* (foxriver76) global css will no longer be deleted on adapter upload/update +### 2.9.30 (2024-02-06) +* (foxriver76) global css will no longer be deleted on adapter upload/update * (foxriver76) allowed modifying style of navigation -### 2.9.29 (2024-02-05) -* (foxriver76) fixed multiple problems with nested groups -* (foxriver76) also made group/ungroup commands working in group view -* (foxriver76) allowed selecting widgets in a group via click (previously only dropdown worked) +### 2.9.29 (2024-02-05) +* (foxriver76) fixed multiple problems with nested groups +* (foxriver76) also made group/ungroup commands working in group view +* (foxriver76) allowed selecting widgets in a group via click (previously only dropdown worked) * (foxriver76) fixed issue, that Basic Image 8 is not configurable for value 0 -### 2.9.28 (2024-02-03) +### 2.9.28 (2024-02-03) * (foxriver76) correctly determine the vis instance in all cases -### 2.9.26 (2024-02-02) -* (foxriver76) do not show empty icon category if jquery style selected for jquery button widgets +### 2.9.26 (2024-02-02) +* (foxriver76) do not show empty icon category if jquery style selected for jquery button widgets * (foxriver76) added possibility to hide navigation after selection -### 2.9.25 (2024-01-29) -* (foxriver76) fixed resizing issue for relative widgets -* (foxriver76) do not crash when using visibility "only for groups" +### 2.9.25 (2024-01-29) +* (foxriver76) fixed resizing issue for relative widgets +* (foxriver76) do not crash when using visibility "only for groups" * (foxriver76) do not crash if a widget tries to update widget on non-existent view -### 2.9.24 (2024-01-24) +### 2.9.24 (2024-01-24) * (foxriver76) Image 8 widget ported to react -### 2.9.23 (2024-01-24) +### 2.9.23 (2024-01-24) * (foxriver76) fixed another bug due to previous versions -### 2.9.22 (2024-01-22) +### 2.9.22 (2024-01-22) * (foxriver76) try to fix problems introduced with 2.9.21 -### 2.9.21 (2024-01-19) -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when fixing widgets +### 2.9.21 (2024-01-19) +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when fixing widgets * (foxriver76) fixed bug, that opacity is applied twice on image edit mode overlay -### 2.9.20 (2024-01-18) -* (foxriver76) increased timeout for project import +### 2.9.20 (2024-01-18) +* (foxriver76) increased timeout for project import * (foxriver76) added permissions on widget level -### 2.9.19 (2024-01-17) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue when resizing widget from the left side +### 2.9.19 (2024-01-17) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue when resizing widget from the left side * (foxriver76) added select box to dimension attributes if multiple widgets selected -### 2.9.18 (2024-01-15) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that old attributes value is shown in some scenarios +### 2.9.18 (2024-01-15) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that old attributes value is shown in some scenarios * (foxriver76) dedicated permission system extended to view level -### 2.9.17 (2024-01-13) +### 2.9.17 (2024-01-13) * (foxriver76) dedicated permission system on project level introduced -### 2.9.16 (2024-01-11) +### 2.9.16 (2024-01-11) * (foxriver76) use the correct fallback values for widget signals determination -### 2.9.15 (2024-01-09) +### 2.9.15 (2024-01-09) * (foxriver76) fixed issue with BulkEditor -### 2.9.14 (2024-01-09) -* (foxriver76) fixed last change y-offset for some widgets -* (foxriver76) fixed issue where JquiState did not respect data type -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with BulkEdtior (dialog not closing and other dialog showing the wrong button) +### 2.9.14 (2024-01-09) +* (foxriver76) fixed last change y-offset for some widgets +* (foxriver76) fixed issue where JquiState did not respect data type +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with BulkEdtior (dialog not closing and other dialog showing the wrong button) * (foxriver76) implemented workaround resize bug for https://github.com/devbookhq/splitter/issues/15 -### 2.9.13 (2024-01-08) -* (foxriver76) correctly detect IDs in bindings when they contain hash character -* (foxriver76) fix crash when multiple JquiState widgets selected -* (foxriver76) prevent showing widget in a group after it is already cut out +### 2.9.13 (2024-01-08) +* (foxriver76) correctly detect IDs in bindings when they contain hash character +* (foxriver76) fix crash when multiple JquiState widgets selected +* (foxriver76) prevent showing widget in a group after it is already cut out * (foxriver76) prevent usage of widgets which are not in a group for calculating rulers on group view -### 2.9.12 (2024-01-04) +### 2.9.12 (2024-01-04) * (foxriver76) optimized copy/paste/cut in groups -### 2.9.11 (2024-01-02) +### 2.9.11 (2024-01-02) * (foxriver76) fixed bug with visibility calculation -### 2.9.10 (2024-01-02) +### 2.9.10 (2024-01-02) * (foxriver76) remove accidentally added script file, which leads to crash -### 2.9.9 (2024-01-01) -* (foxriver76) allow importing views without attribute `activeWidgets` -* (foxriver76) make BasicBulb behave more like its old version -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that data of different widget is displayed in edit mode -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that every state update is used for visibility calculation -* (bluefox) migrated jQui select, jQui Radio steps widgets to react +### 2.9.9 (2024-01-01) +* (foxriver76) allow importing views without attribute `activeWidgets` +* (foxriver76) make BasicBulb behave more like its old version +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that data of different widget is displayed in edit mode +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that every state update is used for visibility calculation +* (bluefox) migrated jQui select, jQui Radio steps widgets to react * (bluefox) All jQui widgets were migrated to react -### 2.9.8 (2023-12-21) -* (foxriver76) fixed bug that no labels are shown for a background -* (foxriver76) prevent short flashing of widgets with visibility condition at a page load +### 2.9.8 (2023-12-21) +* (foxriver76) fixed bug that no labels are shown for a background +* (foxriver76) prevent short flashing of widgets with visibility condition at a page load * (foxriver76) fixed issue on theme switch -### 2.9.7 (2023-12-19) +### 2.9.7 (2023-12-19) * (bluefox) Allowed the read-only flag for Styled/Input -### 2.9.6 (2023-12-14) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with the BulkEditor -* (foxriver76) scripts in HTML are now added to the DOM, instead of being executed in eval -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with Bulb widget if min/max was once filled +### 2.9.6 (2023-12-14) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with the BulkEditor +* (foxriver76) scripts in HTML are now added to the DOM, instead of being executed in eval +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with Bulb widget if min/max was once filled * (foxriver76) migrated "speech2text" widget to react -### 2.9.5 (2023-12-10) -* (foxriver76) open new views at the beginning -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case if signals are used -* (foxriver76) fixed material-design-widgets helper -* (foxriver76) update references to view in widget when view is renamed -* (bluefox) jQui Toggle icon widget was migrated to react -* (bluefox) jQui Radio widget was migrated to react -* (bluefox) jQui Radio List widget was migrated to react +### 2.9.5 (2023-12-10) +* (foxriver76) open new views at the beginning +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case if signals are used +* (foxriver76) fixed material-design-widgets helper +* (foxriver76) update references to view in widget when view is renamed +* (bluefox) jQui Toggle icon widget was migrated to react +* (bluefox) jQui Radio widget was migrated to react +* (bluefox) jQui Radio List widget was migrated to react * (bluefox) Corrected last-change by React widgets -### 2.9.4 (2023-12-04) +### 2.9.4 (2023-12-04) * (foxriver76) fixed issues with display width -### 2.9.3 (2023-12-03) -* (bluefox) Added the possibility to limit hard the view size -* (foxriver76) implemented simple sort mechanic for navigation -* (foxriver76) fixed import of views, which were inside a folder -* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe -* (foxriver76) do not simply reuse widget ids when importing or copying views -* (foxriver76) implemented basic bulb widget as React widget +### 2.9.3 (2023-12-03) +* (bluefox) Added the possibility to limit hard the view size +* (foxriver76) implemented simple sort mechanic for navigation +* (foxriver76) fixed import of views, which were inside a folder +* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe +* (foxriver76) do not simply reuse widget ids when importing or copying views +* (foxriver76) implemented basic bulb widget as React widget * (foxriver76) made script tags work in basic html widget -### 2.9.2 (2023-11-29) -* (foxriver76) fixed reactivity in custom components -* (foxriver76) fixed import for groups -* (foxriver76) after creating a group it is now pre-selected +### 2.9.2 (2023-11-29) +* (foxriver76) fixed reactivity in custom components +* (foxriver76) fixed import for groups +* (foxriver76) after creating a group it is now pre-selected * (foxriver76) fields are now updated when moved via keyboard -### 2.9.1 (2023-11-28) -* (foxriver76) recalculate fields after moving widgets -* (foxriver76) fixed a pasting group on other view -* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe +### 2.9.1 (2023-11-28) +* (foxriver76) recalculate fields after moving widgets +* (foxriver76) fixed a pasting group on other view +* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe * (bluefox) implemented Basic Image as React widget -### 2.9.0 (2023-11-27) -* (bluefox) implemented SVG shape and Screen Resolution widgets natively -* (bluefox) implemented Basic iFrame as React widget -* (foxriver76) only allow zip files at project import -* (foxriver76) fix overflow being overwritten -* (foxriver76) sort pages and projects alphabetically -* (foxriver76) fixed problem on saving -* (foxriver76) fixed problem with groups when `always render` is activated -* (foxriver76) allow changing color and write lowercase in a tabs component +### 2.9.0 (2023-11-27) +* (bluefox) implemented SVG shape and Screen Resolution widgets natively +* (bluefox) implemented Basic iFrame as React widget +* (foxriver76) only allow zip files at project import +* (foxriver76) fix overflow being overwritten +* (foxriver76) sort pages and projects alphabetically +* (foxriver76) fixed problem on saving +* (foxriver76) fixed problem with groups when `always render` is activated +* (foxriver76) allow changing color and write lowercase in a tabs component * (foxriver76) fixed problem that navigation from a alwaysRender page is shown on different page -### 2.8.0 (2023-11-24) -* (foxriver76) sort folders alphabetically in pages view -* (foxriver76) fixed deselecting widgets with ctrl + click -* (foxriver76) fixed display issue with a switch component -* (bluefox) implemented Basic Red Number widget natively -* (foxriver76) fixed copy/clone of grouped widgets +### 2.8.0 (2023-11-24) +* (foxriver76) sort folders alphabetically in pages view +* (foxriver76) fixed deselecting widgets with ctrl + click +* (foxriver76) fixed display issue with a switch component +* (bluefox) implemented Basic Red Number widget natively +* (foxriver76) fixed copy/clone of grouped widgets * (foxriver76) fixed problem with open/close dialog via state -### 2.7.0 (2023-11-22) +### 2.7.0 (2023-11-22) * (foxriver76) implemented Basic Bar widget natively -### 2.6.4 (2023-11-21) +### 2.6.4 (2023-11-21) * (foxriver76) fixed typescript build -### 2.6.3 (2023-11-20) +### 2.6.3 (2023-11-20) * (foxriver76) fixed several crash cases -### 2.6.2 (2023-11-20) -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when editing group -* (foxriver76) fixed pasting groups +### 2.6.2 (2023-11-20) +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when editing group +* (foxriver76) fixed pasting groups * (foxriver76) fixed problem jumping cursor and removed characters while typing -### 2.6.1 (2023-11-17) -* (bluefox) Showed "file too large" message by icon upload -* (bluefox) Made navigation bar for view as an own group -* (foxriver76) sorted views alphabetically -* (foxriver76) respect uppercase/lowercase in projects toolbar +### 2.6.1 (2023-11-17) +* (bluefox) Showed "file too large" message by icon upload +* (bluefox) Made navigation bar for view as an own group +* (foxriver76) sorted views alphabetically +* (foxriver76) respect uppercase/lowercase in projects toolbar * (bluefox) Redirect `dialog` and `dialogClose` commands to widgets -### 2.6.0 (2023-11-13) -* (foxriver76) implemented select/unselect all buttons +### 2.6.0 (2023-11-13) +* (foxriver76) implemented select/unselect all buttons * (foxriver76) fixed bindings not working -### 2.5.0 (2023-11-11) -* (foxriver76) allowed using real html in prepend-HTML and append-HTML (basic string widget) -* (foxriver76) fixed problem while editing groups -* (foxriver76) do not automatically format button text as uppercase -* (foxriver76) do not automatically show page names as uppercase -* (bluefox) Implemented the signal icons for React widgets -* (bluefox) Implemented the last change indication for React widgets +### 2.5.0 (2023-11-11) +* (foxriver76) allowed using real html in prepend-HTML and append-HTML (basic string widget) +* (foxriver76) fixed problem while editing groups +* (foxriver76) do not automatically format button text as uppercase +* (foxriver76) do not automatically show page names as uppercase +* (bluefox) Implemented the signal icons for React widgets +* (bluefox) Implemented the last change indication for React widgets * (bluefox) Implemented SVG Bool widget as React Component -### 2.4.0 (2023-11-08) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with icon selector filter when changing category -* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that only the first widget is pasted -* (bluefox) added JSON binding operator -* (bluefox) Allowed using function as filter for Object ID +### 2.4.0 (2023-11-08) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with icon selector filter when changing category +* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that only the first widget is pasted +* (bluefox) added JSON binding operator +* (bluefox) Allowed using function as filter for Object ID * (bluefox) Implemented View bar (with no menu) -### 2.3.6 (2023-11-06) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with binding editor on style attributes +### 2.3.6 (2023-11-06) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with binding editor on style attributes * (foxriver76) improved performance due to optimizations on auto save -### 2.3.5 (2023-11-03) -* (foxriver76) update adapter-react to have enhanced image support in file selector -* (foxriver76) fixed color of file browser in light mode +### 2.3.5 (2023-11-03) +* (foxriver76) update adapter-react to have enhanced image support in file selector +* (foxriver76) fixed color of file browser in light mode * (foxriver76) fixed the color inputs jumping to the end of input on modifying -### 2.3.4 (2023-11-02) -* (foxriver76) fix crash when selecting multiple widgets -* (foxriver76) removed duplicate `none` entry in `border-style` dropdown +### 2.3.4 (2023-11-02) +* (foxriver76) fix crash when selecting multiple widgets +* (foxriver76) removed duplicate `none` entry in `border-style` dropdown * (foxriver76) fix crash when reordering widgets -### 2.3.3 (2023-10-30) -* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that vis is not loading if a single widget has a script error -* (bluefox) added the editor for bindings +### 2.3.3 (2023-10-30) +* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that vis is not loading if a single widget has a script error +* (bluefox) added the editor for bindings * (bluefox) background does not used if in iframe -### 2.3.2 (2023-10-14) -* (bluefox) Allowed showing only selected widgets in edit mode +### 2.3.2 (2023-10-14) +* (bluefox) Allowed showing only selected widgets in edit mode * (bluefox) Corrected the visibility calculation for old (CanJS) widgets -### 2.3.1 (2023-10-13) -* (bluefox) Corrected vertical gap between relative widgets +### 2.3.1 (2023-10-13) +* (bluefox) Corrected vertical gap between relative widgets * (bluefox) Better input of numbers with min/max in attribute dialog -### 2.3.0 (2023-09-28) +### 2.3.0 (2023-09-28) * (bluefox) jQui widgets (many of them) were improved -### 2.2.7 (2023-09-18) -* (bluefox) Improved icon selector: you can upload your own icon directly +### 2.2.7 (2023-09-18) +* (bluefox) Improved icon selector: you can upload your own icon directly * (bluefox) Optimized loading: do not load unused widget sets -### 2.2.6 (2023-09-17) -* (bluefox) Date binding corrected -* (bluefox) Optimized loading of widgeteria +### 2.2.6 (2023-09-17) +* (bluefox) Date binding corrected +* (bluefox) Optimized loading of widgeteria * (bluefox) Horizontal navigation is fixed -### 2.2.5 (2023-09-12) +### 2.2.5 (2023-09-12) * (bluefox) Implemented horizontal navigation -### 2.2.4 (2023-09-04) +### 2.2.4 (2023-09-04) * (bluefox) Corrected license checking -### 2.2.2 (2023-08-16) +### 2.2.2 (2023-08-16) * (bluefox) Changed sentry settings -### 2.2.1 (2023-08-15) -* (bluefox) Added possibility to filter widgets in edit mode +### 2.2.1 (2023-08-15) +* (bluefox) Added possibility to filter widgets in edit mode * (bluefox) Added possibility to change the order of relative widgets with drag&drop -### 2.2.0 (2023-08-14) +### 2.2.0 (2023-08-14) * (bluefox) Release candidate 1 -### 2.1.7 (2023-08-10) +### 2.1.7 (2023-08-10) * (bluefox) Optimized the rendering of the widgets -### 2.1.6 (2023-07-30) +### 2.1.6 (2023-07-30) * (bluefox) First beta release -### 2.1.4 (2023-07-19) +### 2.1.4 (2023-07-19) * (bluefox) Allowed to add widgets to widgets -### 2.0.36 (2023-06-21) +### 2.0.36 (2023-06-21) * (bluefox) Added widgeteria -### 2.0.29 (2023-05-17) +### 2.0.29 (2023-05-17) * (bluefox) Corrected errors -### 2.0.10 (2022-12-01) +### 2.0.10 (2022-12-01) * (bluefox) Added the file browser -### 2.0.8 (2022-11-26) +### 2.0.8 (2022-11-26) * (bluefox) Improved the error handling -### 2.0.0 (2022-10-21) +### 2.0.0 (2022-10-21) * (bluefox) Completely new visualization, but partly compatible with the previous version -## License - Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Denis Haev, https://github.com/GermanBluefox , - - Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ - -![CC BY-NC License](https://github.com/GermanBluefox/DashUI/raw/master/images/cc-nc-by.png) - -Short content: -Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. -Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. +## License + Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Denis Haev, https://github.com/GermanBluefox , + + Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) + + http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ + +![CC BY-NC License](https://github.com/GermanBluefox/DashUI/raw/master/images/cc-nc-by.png) + +Short content: +Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. +Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. (Free for non-commercial use). diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.weather-warnings/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.weather-warnings/README.md index 77dbc04fb..ef19a96eb 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.weather-warnings/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.weather-warnings/README.md @@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ Iconpage: https://icon-icons.com/de/symbol/Wetter-wind-cloud-Blitz-Regen/189105 Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 0.7.4 (2025-02-03) +- (ticaki) change sendTo for whatsapp + ### 0.7.3 (2025-01-16) - (ticaki) fix typo diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md index 497bc83f0..dc9df76e5 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see [Sen ## Tuning Web-Sockets On some web-sockets clients, there is a performance problem with communication. -Sometimes this issue is due to the fallback of socket.io communication on long polling mechanism. +Sometimes this issue is due to the fallback of socket.io communication on a long polling mechanism. You can set the option *Force Web-Sockets* to force using only web-sockets transport. ## Let's Encrypt Certificates @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ http://IP:8082/state/javascript.picture.png => The image must be written in the javascript adapter like: -``` +```js createState('javascript.0.picture.png', {type: 'file', name: 'Picture'}, () => { setBinaryState('javascript.0.picture.png', fs.readFileSync('/tmp/picture.png')); }); @@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ the path could be provided here (e.g. `/vis/`) so this path will be opened autom --> ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) updated packages +* (@GermanBluefox) removed gulp in a build process +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI ti vite + ### 6.3.1 (2024-09-23) * (@foxriver76) added new admin icon (svg) @@ -173,7 +178,7 @@ the path could be provided here (e.g. `/vis/`) so this path will be opened autom ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 Bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.webui/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.webui/README.md index db9e36719..9d8658266 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.webui/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.webui/README.md @@ -133,6 +133,13 @@ runtime.html?screenName=screen2 Placeholder for next versions: ### __WORK IN PROGRESS__ --> +### 1.25.1 (2025-01-24) +- escape xml +- switch to official selector package + +### 1.25.0 (2025-01-21) +- fix bindings in custom controls + ### 1.24.4 (2025-01-20) - switch again to old module shims (error in new one) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.wifilight/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.wifilight/README.md index 41b7cb28d..fd9dcd6f8 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.wifilight/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.wifilight/README.md @@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ For example, `red = 0`, blue and green will stay unchanged. Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> -### 2.0.2 (2024-09-09) +### 2.0.3 (2025-01-29) * (bluefox) Trying to reconnect after the EHOSTUNREACH error code +* (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated ### 2.0.1 (2024-09-06) * (bluefox) Corrected error with array comparison @@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ For example, `red = 0`, blue and green will stay unchanged. ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2024 iobroker-community-adapters +Copyright (c) 2024-2025 iobroker-community-adapters Copyright (c) 2020-2022 ioBroker Community Developers, 2019-2020 soef , Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.wmswebcontrol/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.wmswebcontrol/README.md index 538b88542..cb5eac18d 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.wmswebcontrol/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.wmswebcontrol/README.md @@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ To control your device change the \*Convert values. `wmswebcontrol.0.Markise.setting2Convert` ## Changelog +### 0.1.4 (2025-01-27) + +- ignore certificate errors + ### 0.1.3 (2024-10-26) - fix login diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.worx/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.worx/README.md index 40a93af50..2ece727ec 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.worx/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.worx/README.md @@ -786,6 +786,7 @@ Default without zone: ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** - (Lucky-ESA) Migration to ESLint9 +- (Lucky-ESA) Node 20 required ### 3.1.1 (2024-11-04) diff --git a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.zigbee2mqtt/README.md b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.zigbee2mqtt/README.md index 91c72e29a..85b60f92b 100644 --- a/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.zigbee2mqtt/README.md +++ b/docs/en/adapterref/iobroker.zigbee2mqtt/README.md @@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ This adapter allows to control the data points of the devices of a Zigbee2MQTT i [Adapter Documentation](https://github.com/arteck/ioBroker.zigbee2mqtt/blob/main/docs/wiki.md) ## Changelog -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +### 3.0.3 (2025-02-03) - (arteck) corr illuminance (del illuminance_raw) +- (arteck) indicator.alarm.flood ### 3.0.2 (2025-01-06) - (simateck) corr WebSocket connection diff --git a/docs/en/cloud/alexacustom.md b/docs/en/cloud/alexacustom.md index dd2ac4041..94dab99b7 100644 --- a/docs/en/cloud/alexacustom.md +++ b/docs/en/cloud/alexacustom.md @@ -1,11 +1,121 @@ --- title: Alexa Custom Skill -lastChanged: 14.09.2018 +lastChanged: 01.02.2025 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/en/cloud/alexacustom.md -template: true translatedFrom: de translatedWarning: If you want to edit this document please delete "translatedFrom" field, elsewise this document will be translated automatically again -hash: 6d/BTI4Dc8MO1xy4qTf8NxV1Mdp0+ZoS9gUvnmFSVwM= +hash: Su81nXGmYCs4yOuH029J6Lxpnj6QFGKD/M2LpGR2DoI= --- # The Alexa Custom Skill -?> ***This is a placeholder***.

Help ioBroker and expand this article. Please note the [ioBroker Style Guide](community/styleguidedoc) so that the changes can be adopted more easily. \ No newline at end of file +## What is the ioBroker Alexa Custom Skill? +The ioBroker Alexa Custom Skill enables **extended voice control** for your smart home with individual commands. +In contrast to the ioBroker.iot Skill, which uses standard smart home commands, the Custom Skill allows **complex interactions** such as status queries, individual routines or starting automations. + +Using the invocation name `i o Broker` you can instruct Alexa to perform certain tasks or retrieve information from your ioBroker system. + +### Functions and possibilities +The `ioBroker Custom` Alexa Skill enables individual voice commands for the smart home, status queries for sensor values such as temperature or window status, the control of complex scenes and routines, and the integration with external services via ioBroker scripts. It can be used in parallel with the `ioBroker.iot` Skill. + +### Setting up the ioBroker Custom Alexa Skill +Install ioBroker.iot adapter: The custom skill only works with the ioBroker.iot adapter. If this is not yet installed, it can be installed via the ioBroker admin area under Adapter → ioBroker.iot adapter. + +### Enable Alexa Custom Skill +Open the Amazon Alexa app or go to the Alexa Skills page. + +Search for `ioBroker Custom` Skill. + +Activate the skill and link your Amazon Alexa account to ioBroker. + +## Custom Skill - Use your own voice commands +The answers for the custom skill can be processed in two ways: + +- with text2command +- with JavaScript + +### Text2command +If a `text2command` instance is defined in the configuration interface, the request is sent to this instance. + +`text2command` must be configured to recognize the expected phrase and generate an appropriate response. + +### JavaScript +It is possible to process the request directly with a script. This is the default option if no `text2command` instance is selected. + +If a `text2command` instance has been defined, this instance must provide the response and the response from the script is ignored. + +The adapter provides the details in two states with different levels of detail: + +- `smart.lastCommand` contains the received text including information about the request type (intent). Example: askDevice Status lawn mower +- `smart.lastCommandObj` contains a JSON string that can be parsed into an object containing the following information: +- `words`: Contains the received words as an array +- `intent`: Contains the request type. Possible values are: + - v1 Skill: `askDevice`, `controlDevice`, `actionStart`, `actionEnd`, `askWhen`, `askWhere`, `askWho` +- v2 Skill: `queryIntent` (if all spoken text has been captured), `controlDevice` (for a fallback with only partial text) +- `deviceId`: Contains a device ID that identifies the device from which the request was sent (if provided by Amazon, otherwise empty) +- `deviceRoom`: Contains an associated room identifier that can be configured in the ioBroker IoT admin UI for collected device IDs +- `sessionId`: Contains a session ID of the skill session, should be the same if several commands are spoken in succession (if provided by Amazon, otherwise empty) +- `userId`: Contains a user ID of the device owner or interacting user (if provided by Amazon, otherwise empty) +- `userName`: Contains an associated username that can be configured in the IoT admin UI for collected user IDs + +Further details on word recognition and the different request types of the Alexa Custom Skill are available at the following link: [ioBroker Forum](https://forum.iobroker.net/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=17452) + +### Return response via smart.lastResponse State +The response must be written to the smart.lastResponse state within 200ms. It can be either a simple text string or a JSON object. + +- If it is a text string, it will be sent back to the skill as a response. +- If the response is a JSON object, the following keys can be used: +- `responseText`: Contains the text that is returned to Amazon +- `shouldEndSession`: A boolean value that controls whether the session ends after the response or remains open for further input +- `sessionId`: Contains the session ID the response is intended for. If not specified, the first expected session is used. + +### Send response via message to the iot instance +The ioBroker iot instance also accepts a message named `alexaCustomResponse` containing the key response. This object can contain the keys `responseText`,` shouldEndSession` and `sessionId`. + +The iot instance does not send a response to the message. + +### Example of a script for processing texts +```js +// Wichtig: ack=true setzen +on({ id: 'iot.0.smart.lastCommand', ack: true, change: 'any' }, obj => { + // Die Antwort muss innerhalb von 200ms vorbereitet und in iot.X.smart.lastResponse geschrieben werden + setState('iot.0.smart.lastResponse', 'Received phrase is: ' + obj.state.val); // Wichtig: ack=false (Standard) +}); +``` + +### Example of a script for processing JSON objects +```js +// Wichtig: ack=true setzen +on({ id: 'iot.0.smart.lastCommandObj', ack: true, change: 'any' }, obj => { + // Die Antwort muss innerhalb von 200ms vorbereitet und in iot.X.smart.lastResponse geschrieben werden + const request = JSON.parse(obj.state.val); + const response = { + responseText: 'Received phrase is: ' + request.words.join(' ') + '. Bye', + shouldEndSession: true, + sessionId: request.sessionId, + }; + + // Antwort über State zurückgeben + setState('iot.0.smart.lastResponse', JSON.stringify(response)); // Wichtig: ack=false (Standard) + + // Oder alternativ als Nachricht zurückgeben + sendTo('iot.0', 'alexaCustomResponse', response); +}); +``` + +## Examples of voice commands +**Status queries:** + +- “Alexa, ask ioBroker about the temperature in the living room.” +- “Alexa, ask ioBroker if the garage door is open.” + +**Control commands:** + +- “Alexa, tell ioBroker that I’m coming home.” +- “Alexa, ask ioBroker to start my coffee machine.” + +**Scenes and routines:** + +- “Alexa, tell ioBroker that I’m going to sleep.” + +## Advantages of the ioBroker Alexa Custom Skills +The ioBroker Custom Skill offers a high level of flexibility through individual voice commands. +It complements the IoT skill with more comprehensive voice control, enables status queries for sensor values and system information, and allows the integration of automation and scripts. The Custom Skill offers a customizable and powerful way to control the smart home via Alexa. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/en/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md b/docs/en/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md index 9369326c4..ef63cbabf 100644 --- a/docs/en/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md +++ b/docs/en/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md @@ -813,6 +813,7 @@ horizontal line | `simple` | show simple CRON settings | ### `fileSelector` +Select a file from one folder as drop down menu. And if you want you can upload a new file to this folder. only Admin6 @@ -830,9 +831,8 @@ only Admin6 | `noSize` | Do not show size of files | ### `file` - +Input field with file selector. It will be shown as a text field with a button aside to open the dialog. only Admin6. -Input field with file selector | Property | Description | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..891d61940 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md +title: ioBroker.ai-помощник +hash: 1WwgYlBlYiCCGclngXJYE3dBxwGnkfzPrlENgsR30RQ= +--- +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png) + +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.ai-assistant.svg) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.ai-assistant.svg) +![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-assistant-installed.svg) +![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-assistant-stable.svg) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.ai-assistant.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.ai-помощник +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-assistant/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Обзор +Адаптер ioBroker AI Assistant запускает интеллектуального помощника в вашей системе ioBroker. Помощник может использоваться для взаимодействия с вашей системой ioBroker, установки инструкций на основе времени, инструкций на основе триггеров и вызова пользовательских функций. Помощник может быть настроен с использованием различных языковых моделей от разных поставщиков (например, OpenAI, Anthropic, Perplexity, OpenRouter) или пользовательских/самостоятельных моделей. Помощник может использоваться для автоматизации задач, управления вашим умным домом или предоставления информации. + +## Функции +- Персонализируйте имя и личность вашего помощника +- Список, чтение и запись состояний ioBroker +- Установите тайм-ауты и задания cron для выполнения инструкций, зависящих от времени +- Установите триггеры для состояний ioBroker с условиями, которые запускают инструкции при выполнении условий. +- Определяйте пользовательские функции с вашими собственными данными и логикой + +## Поддерживаемые поставщики +- **Антропный**: [anthropic.com](https://anthropic.com) +- **OpenAI**: [openai.com](https://openai.com) +- **Недоумение**: [perplexity.ai](https://perplexity.ai) +- **OpenRouter**: [openrouter.ai](https://openrouter.ai) +- **Deepseek**: [deepseek.com](http://deepseek.com/) +- **Пользовательские/самостоятельно размещенные модели** (например, LM Studio, LocalAI) + +--- + +## Быстрый старт +1. Установите адаптер. +2. Настройте провайдера (например, OpenAI, Anthropic, Perplexity, OpenRouter) и получите токен API. +3. Настройте адаптер с помощью API-токена. +4. Выберите модель, которую вы хотите использовать для помощника. +5. Добавьте несколько состояний ioBroker на вкладке «Объекты», которые будут доступны помощнику. +6. Начните общаться с помощником, отправляя текстовые запросы в состояние `text_request` помощника и получая ответы из состояния `text_response`. + +--- + +## Протестированные модели +Следующие модели были протестированы с адаптером и зарекомендовали себя с хорошей стороны: + +- Клод 3.5 Сонет (Антропный) +- gpt-4o-mini (OpenAI) +- meta-llama/llama-3.3-70b-instruct (OpenRouter) +- deepseek/deepseek-chat (OpenRouter) +- x-ai/grok-beta (OpenRouter) +- perplexity/llama-3.1-sonar-huge-128k-online (Perplexity) +- perplexity/llama-3.1-sonar-large-128k-online (Perplexity) + +--- + +## Конфигурация +### Помощник +Настройте своего помощника, используя следующие параметры: + +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **Имя** | Имя вашего помощника. | +| **Модель** | Выберите модель LLM, которую должен использовать ваш помощник (настраивается в разделе «Поставщики»). | +| **Личность** | Опишите личность вашего помощника. | +| **Язык** | Выберите язык, который будет использовать ваш помощник (в настоящее время поддерживаются только английский и немецкий языки) | +| **Отладка / Вывод CoT** | При активации внутренние мысли и процессы, используемые помощником, записываются в состояние text_response. | +| **История сообщений** | Включить предыдущие сообщения (для поведения, подобного чат-боту). Установите значение 0 для одноразовых инструментов, чтобы минимизировать использование токенов. | +| **Температура** | Контролирует креативность/последовательность ответа. | +| **Макс. токены** | Ограничивает количество токенов ответа. | +| **Задержка повтора** | Задержка между повторными попытками, если запрос не выполнен | +| **Максимальное количество повторов** | Максимальное количество повторов на запрос. | + +--- + +### Объекты +### ВНИМАНИЕ: Будьте осторожны с состояниями, к которым вы предоставляете помощнику доступ, так как он может читать и записывать данные во все состояния, к которым у него есть доступ. +Настройте объекты и состояния ioBrokers, к которым помощник должен иметь доступ. + +**ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: При импорте или добавлении объектов обязательно добавляйте только точки данных с типом «состояние», которые можно контролировать напрямую или которые содержат значение для чтения!** + +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +| -------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **Импорт из Enum.Rooms** | Импортирует все ваши состояния из сортировки enum.rooms в ioBroker. (Перезаписывает все ранее заданные объекты!) | +| **Сортировка** | Все объекты с одинаковым полем сортировки будут представлены помощнику в группе (например, в комнате) | +| **Имя** | Используйте описательное имя, чтобы помощник понимал функцию объектов | +| **Объект** | Идентификатор состояния ioBroker | + +--- + +### Функции +Настройте пользовательские функции, которые должны быть доступны помощнику. +Ваши пользовательские функции должны записывать ответ на состояние, которое вы определили в поле `State (Response)` после записи `State (Request)`. +Результат может быть в любом формате, который вам нравится (например, JSON, простой текст), просто убедитесь, что помощник может его понять. +Совет: вы можете использовать [Адаптер AI-Toolbox](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox) для интеграции своего помощника с пользовательскими инструментами ИИ. + +**ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Если вы не напишете ответ в поле `State (Response)` в течение 60 секунд, вызов функции завершится ошибкой!** + +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| **Сортировка** | Все объекты с одинаковым полем сортировки будут представлены помощнику в группе (например, в комнате) | +| **Имя** | Используйте описательное имя для пользовательской функции | +| **Описание** | Опишите, что делает ваша функция, чтобы помощник понимал, когда ее вызывать | +| **Состояние (Запрос)** | Это состояние будет записано в строку помощником при вызове функции | +| **Состояние (Ответ)** | Это состояние будет считано помощником, чтобы получить ответ функции | + +--- + +### Поставщики LLM +Настройте каждого поставщика ИИ индивидуально: + +#### Антропный +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +| ------------- | ------------------------------- | +| **API-токен** | Введите свой Anthropic API-токен. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### OpenAI +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +| ------------- | ---------------------------- | +| **API-токен** | Введите свой API-токен OpenAI. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### Недоумение +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +| ------------- | -------------------------------- | +| **API-токен** | Введите свой API-токен Perplexity. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### Открытый маршрутизатор +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +| ------------- | -------------------------------- | +| **API-токен** | Введите свой API-токен OpenRouter. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### Обычай +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **URL-адрес сервера вывода** | URL-адрес настраиваемого/размещенного самостоятельно сервера вывода. | +| **API-токен для сервера вывода** | API-токен для вашего сервера вывода. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | +| **Примечание** | Обеспечьте соответствие общим стандартам AI LLM API (например, LM Studio API). | + +--- + +## Использование +### Простой разговор +Вы можете взаимодействовать со своим помощником, отправляя текстовые запросы в состояние `text_request` и получая ответы из состояния `text_response`. + +#### Вызов функции +Помощник может вызывать все доступные функции. Он делает это, определяя функцию для вызова на основе текстового запроса. Если у вас включен Debug/CoT Output, вы можете увидеть внутренний процесс помощника в состоянии `text_response`. + +#### Взаимодействие состояний +Помощник может перечислять, читать и записывать несколько состояний ioBroker одновременно. Вы можете использовать вкладку `Objects`, чтобы определить, к каким состояниям помощник должен иметь доступ. + +#### Инструкции, основанные на времени +Помощник может устанавливать тайм-ауты для относительных временных инструкций и cronjobs для определенного времени. Cronjobs будут перечислены в дереве объектов помощника под `Cronjobs`. +Тайм-ауты будут только временными и будут удалены после выполнения тайм-аута или перезапуска адаптера. +При срабатывании тайм-аута или cronjob помощник будет разбужен, и инструкция будет выполнена. + +#### Инструкции на основе триггера +Помощник может устанавливать триггеры в состояниях ioBroker с дополнительными условиями, которые запускают инструкции при выполнении условий. Триггеры будут перечислены в дереве объектов помощника под `Triggers`. +При срабатывании помощник будет разбужен, и инструкция будет выполнена. + +#### Пользовательские функции +Помощник может вызывать пользовательские функции, которые вы определили на вкладке `Functions`. Помощник запишет запрос в поле `State (Request)` и ожидает ответ в поле `State (Response)`. + +#### Цепочка функций +Помощник может использоваться для объединения нескольких функций в цепочку. Например, вы можете настроить cronjob, который при выполнении начнет проверку состояний ioBroker, а затем вызовет пользовательскую функцию с результатами. + +#### Очистка истории чата +Иногда бывает полезно сбросить историю чата. Вы можете сделать это, попросив помощника очистить историю. Это удалит все предыдущие сообщения из памяти помощника. (например, `Clear history` или `Forget the previous messages`) + +## Дополнительная информация +### Статистика +Статистика регистрируется для вашего помощника и может быть просмотрена в дереве объектов `Statistics`. + +| **Точка данных** | **Описание** | +| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| **.statistics.lastRequest** | Временная метка последнего запроса. | +| **.statistics.requestCount** | Количество отправленных запросов помощнику | +| **.statistics.messages\*** | JSON-массив истории сообщений (если история сообщений > 0). | +| **.statistics.clear_messages\*** | Кнопка очистки истории сообщений. | +| **.statistics.tokens_input** | Общее количество использованных входных токенов. | +| **.statistics.tokens_output** | Общее количество использованных выходных токенов. | + +## Разработка +Этот адаптер все еще находится в разработке и может содержать ошибки. Пожалуйста, сообщайте о любых проблемах, с которыми вы столкнетесь. + +### Отладка +Установите уровень журнала на `debug` в интерфейсе администратора ioBroker для получения подробных журналов. + +## Changelog + + +### 0.1.3 (2025-29-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for Deepseek as api provider +* (@ToGe3688) Better display of providers in model selection for admin config +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed object hirarchy +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed state roles +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed onStateChange handler + +### 0.1.2 (2025-12-01) +- (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs +- (@ToGe3688) Anthropic API Versioning + +### 0.1.1 (2025-12-01) + +- (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs + +### 0.1.0 (2025-04-01) + +- (@ToGe3688) Beta Release + +### 0.0.3 (2024-31-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) Improved handling of malformed model responses +- (@ToGe3688) Fixed a bug where the names of the states were not provided to the assistant + +### 0.0.2 (2024-30-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) Fixed Bug in OpenAI Provider + +### 0.0.1 (2024-30-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) initial release + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 ToGe3688 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c029e49e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c736bfb76 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,627 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md +title: ioBroker.ai-набор инструментов +hash: vOxR/4rmRRntCesgYd30u23JYfx6PH6vqQBJ27eopnk= +--- +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png) + +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.ai-toolbox.svg) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.ai-toolbox.svg) +![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-toolbox-installed.svg) +![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-toolbox-stable.svg) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.ai-toolbox.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.ai-панель инструментов +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Обзор +Адаптер ioBroker AI Toolbox интегрирует настраиваемые инструменты ИИ в ваш умный дом. Он поддерживает несколько поставщиков Large Language Model (LLM) и обеспечивает гибкую структуру для автоматизации и взаимодействия. Объединяя данные с устройств умного дома с возможностями ИИ, адаптер ioBroker AI Toolbox может создавать высокоперсонализированные и полезные инструменты для задач автоматизации вашего дома и взаимодействия с моделями LLM. + +## Функции +- Поддержка нескольких поставщиков и моделей ИИ. +- Создавайте специальные инструменты ИИ для конкретных задач +- Управление историей чата для сохранения контекста. +- Статистика использования токенов и истории запросов. +- Возможности зрения для анализа изображений. + +## Поддерживаемые поставщики +- **Антропный**: [anthropic.com](https://anthropic.com) +- **OpenAI**: [openai.com](https://openai.com) +- **Недоумение**: [perplexity.ai](https://perplexity.ai) +- **OpenRouter**: [openrouter.ai](https://openrouter.ai) (Бесплатные модели использования для новичков) +- **Deepseek**: [deepseek.com](http://deepseek.com/) +- **Пользовательские/самостоятельно размещенные модели** (например, LM Studio, LocalAI) + +--- + +## Быстрый старт +1. Установите адаптер. +2. Создайте учетную запись и получите API-токен от openrouter.ai +3. Настройте адаптер с помощью API-токена. +4. Примеры инструментов, созданные при установке, используют бесплатную модель meta-llama/llama-3.2-3b-instruct:free для OpenRouter. +5. Отправьте сообщение инструменту с точкой данных .text_request и проверьте .text_response на наличие ответа. + +Обратите внимание, что бесплатные модели иногда требуют длительного времени ожидания первого ответа, могут быть перегружены или иметь другие ограничения. Модели также различаются по качеству и возможностям, убедитесь, что выбрали правильную модель для вашего варианта использования. + +**Даже если этот файл Readme написан на английском языке, большинство моделей многоязычны. Просто попробуйте написать свои инструменты на родном языке, чтобы получить желаемый результат!** + +--- + +## Конфигурация +### Инструменты +Определите индивидуальные инструменты ИИ, адаптированные под конкретные задачи: + +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +|-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **Имя** | Название инструмента. | +| **Модель** | Выберите модель LLM (настраивается в разделе «Поставщики»). | +| **Системная подсказка** | Предоставьте подробную информацию, описывающую инструмент. | +| **Пример запроса** | (Необязательно) Пример запроса. | +| **Пример ответа** | (Требуется, если предоставлен пример запроса) Идеальный ответ. | +| **История сообщений** | Включить предыдущие сообщения (для поведения, подобного чат-боту). Установите значение 0 для одноразовых инструментов, чтобы минимизировать использование токенов. | +| **Температура** | Контролирует креативность/последовательность ответа. | +| **Макс. токены** | Ограничивает количество токенов ответа. | +| **Задержка повтора** | Задержка между повторными попытками, если запрос не выполнен | +| **Максимальное количество повторов** | Максимальное количество повторов на запрос. | +| **Включить запросы Vision/Image** | Включить ввод Vision/Image. | +| **Включить запросы на зрение в историю чата** | Включить данные о зрении/изображении в историю чата | + +--- + +### Поставщики LLM +Настройте каждого поставщика ИИ индивидуально: + +#### Антропный +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-токен** | Введите свой Anthropic API-токен. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### Открытый ИИ +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-токен** | Введите свой API-токен OpenAI. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### Недоумение +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-токен** | Введите свой API-токен Perplexity. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### Открытый маршрутизатор +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-токен** | Введите свой API-токен OpenRouter. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### Глубокий поиск +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API-токен** | Введите свой API-токен Deepseek. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | + +#### Обычай +| **Настройка** | **Описание** | +|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **URL-адрес сервера вывода** | URL-адрес настраиваемого/размещенного самостоятельно сервера вывода. | +| **API-токен для сервера вывода** | API-токен для вашего сервера вывода. | +| **Модели** | Укажите модели для использования. | +| **Примечание** | Обеспечьте соответствие общим стандартам AI LLM API (например, LM Studio API). | + +--- + +## Использование ваших инструментов +### Взаимодействие объектов +Каждый инструмент отображается в дереве объектов ioBroker. Используйте `Tools.$YourToolName.text_request` для отправки запросов и `Tools.$YourToolName.text_response` для получения ответов. + +#### Запросы на визуализацию/изображение +Если вы включили запросы на зрение/изображения, вы можете использовать `Tools.$YourToolName.image_url`, чтобы задать URL-адрес изображения или локальный путь к файлу для анализа инструментом. Изображение будет включено в запрос, когда вы установите состояние точки данных `Tools.$YourToolName.text_request`. + +Примечание: Вы можете использовать локальный URL-адрес (например, в вашей локальной сети или путь к файлу (где ioBroker имеет разрешение на чтение файлов, например, /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg). Адаптер преобразует изображение в строку base64 и включает его в запрос. + +## Интеграция скрипта (`sendTo`) +Вы можете взаимодействовать программно, используя функцию `sendTo`: + +#### Текстовые запросы +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +#### Запросы изображений/визуализации с URL-адресом +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +#### Запросы Vision/Image с локальным файлом +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': '/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +### Использование моделей без инструментов +### Взаимодействие объектов +Каждая определенная модель также отображается в дереве объектов ioBroker. Используйте `Models.$ModelName.text_request` для отправки запросов и `Models.$ModelName.text_response` для получения ответов. С помощью интеграции скриптов вы можете создавать еще более креативные интеграции, например, вы можете создать динамическую системную подсказку. + +## Интеграция скрипта (`sendTo`) +Вы можете взаимодействовать программно, используя функцию `sendTo`: + +#### Текстовые запросы +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to' +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +#### Запросы изображений/визуализации с URL-адресом +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +#### Запросы Vision/Image с локальным файлом +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': '/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +--- + +## Дополнительная информация +### Статистика +Статистика создается для созданных вами инструментов, а также для моделей, чтобы вы могли отслеживать использование токенов и другие данные. + +| **Точка данных** | **Описание** | +|-----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **.statistics.lastRequest** | Временная метка последнего запроса. | + +| **.statistics.messages*** | JSON-массив истории сообщений (если история сообщений > 0). +| **.statistics.clear_messages***| Кнопка очистки истории сообщений. + +| **.statistics.tokens_input**| Общее количество использованных входных токенов. | +| **.statistics.tokens_output**| Общее количество использованных выходных токенов. | + + `* only available for tools, models don't have a message history` + +### Запрос +| **Точка данных** | **Описание** | +|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------| +| **.request.body** | Тело запроса отправлено в API. | +| **.request.state** | Текущее состояние запроса. (старт, успех, повтор, ошибка, неудача) | + +### Ответ +| **Точка данных** | **Описание** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| **.request.error** | Заполняется, если произошла ошибка. | +| **.request.raw** | Необработанный ответ JSON от модели. | + +--- + +## Примеры +В следующих примерах показано, как настроить и использовать индивидуальные инструменты ИИ в адаптере ioBroker AI Toolbox. Эти примеры показывают, как адаптер может использовать данные для предоставления интеллектуальных ответов и рекомендаций. + +--- + +### Пример 1: Простой чат-бот +**Описание:** Базовый чат-бот, который отвечает на сообщения пользователя в разговорной и дружелюбной манере. Его можно использовать для неформального общения в чате. + +- **Имя:** `simple-chatbot` + +- **Системное сообщение:** + +`"You are a friendly and conversational chatbot. Respond to user messages in an engaging and cheerful way. Keep your answers brief and focus on maintaining a pleasant tone."` + +- **Пример запроса:** + +`"Hi there! How are you today?"` + +- **Пример ответа:** + +`"I'm doing great, thanks for asking! How about you?"` + +- **История сообщений:** `10` (позволяет чат-боту запоминать контекст разговора до 10 обменов для более естественного течения.) + +- **Температура:** `0,8` (Поощряет креативность, сохраняя при этом релевантность и дружелюбность ответов.) + +---------- + +### Примеры запросов и ответов +| **Запрос** | **Ответ** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| `What's your favorite color?` | `I love blue! It reminds me of the sky.` | +| `Tell me something interesting.` | `Did you know that octopuses have three hearts? Cool, right?` | +| `Расскажи мне что-нибудь интересное.` | `А ты знал, что у осьминогов три сердца? Круто, да?` | + +---------- + +### Пример интеграции скрипта +Чтобы использовать этот инструмент программно в ioBroker, вы можете интегрировать его через функцию `sendTo`: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'simple-chatbot', + text: 'Hi, chatbot! How’s it going?', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the chatbot's response +}); + +``` + +### Пример 2: Зрение/Анализатор изображений +**Описание:** Мультимодальный инструмент, который анализирует изображения и предоставляет подробные описания или идеи на основе визуального контента. Инструмент может идентифицировать объекты, сцены и другие визуальные элементы на изображении. + +- **Имя:** `зрительный-анализатор` + +- **Системное сообщение:** + +`"You are a vision assistant. Analyze the provided image and generate a detailed description or insights based on the visual content. Your responses should be informative and engaging, focusing on key elements and context in the image."` + +- **Пример запроса:** + +`"What do you see in this image?"` + +- **Пример ответа:** + +`"This image shows a tall, columnar evergreen tree growing in a black nursery pot or container. It appears to be a cypress or juniper variety, with dense, dark green foliage that grows in a narrow, upright pyramidal shape. These types of trees are popular for landscaping, especially in formal gardens or as accent plants, and they can also be used to create natural privacy screens when planted in rows."` + +- **История сообщений:** `6` (Сохраняет контекст для связанных вопросов анализа изображений.) + +- **Температура:** `0,6` (Балансирует креативность и релевантность для разнообразных ответов.) + +- **Включить запросы Vision/Image** `true` (Позволяет инструменту принимать URL-адреса изображений для анализа.) + +- **Включать запросы Vision в историю чата** `true` (Включает URL-адреса изображений в историю чата для сохранения контекста.) + +---------- + +### Пример интеграции скрипта +Чтобы использовать этот инструмент программно в ioBroker, вы можете интегрировать его через функцию `sendTo`: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'vision-analyzer', + text: 'What do you see in this image?', + image_url: 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg' +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the chatbot's response +}); + +``` + +### Пример 3: Пользовательский прогноз погоды +**Описание:** Чат-бот, который генерирует персонализированные прогнозы погоды на основе предоставленных входных данных, таких как местоположение, температура и погодные условия. Ответы увлекательны и адаптированы для пользователя. + +- **Имя:** `погодный-репортер` + +- **Системное сообщение:** + +`"You are a weather reporter chatbot. Based on the input data, generate a detailed and engaging weather report. Your response should include a friendly greeting, a brief overview of the current conditions, and a suggestion for the day. Keep your tone cheerful and informative."` + +- **Пример запроса:** + +`"Current datetime 12/7/2024, 12:00:01 PM. Weatherdata: Temperature 7°C, Humidity 87%, Cloudcover 93%, Airpressure 997mbar, Wind 23kmh, Rain 0mm."` + +- **Пример ответа:** + +`Hello there! 🌤️ Happy December 7th! As we step into the afternoon, the weather is quite cool at a temperature of 7°C. With a humidity level of 87%, it feels a bit damp out there, so don’t forget to grab your favorite cozy sweater if you’re heading outside! Cloud cover is fairly high today, sitting at 93%, which gives the sky a soft, overcast appearance. The air pressure is at 997 mbar, and while there’s a moderate wind blowing at 23 km/h, it might feel a tad brisk, so a light jacket would be a good call. The good news is that we haven’t seen any rain today, so if you’re planning to venture out, it’s a great time for a stroll or perhaps a warm drink at your favorite café! Stay warm and enjoy your day! ☕🌧️` + +- **История сообщений:** `5` (позволяет кратковременно сохранять контекст для связанных последующих вопросов.) + +- **Температура:** `0,7` (Обеспечивает сочетание креативности и релевантности для разнообразных отчетов.) + +---------- + +### Пример интеграции скрипта +Чтобы использовать этот инструмент программно в ioBroker, вы можете интегрировать его через функцию `sendTo`: + +```javascript +var day = new Date().toLocaleString(); +var cloudCover = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.clouds_value').val; +var rlf = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.humidity_value').val; +var pressure = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.pressure_value').val; +var rain = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.rain_value').val; +var temp = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.temp_value').val; +var wind = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.wind_value').val; + +var message = 'Current datetime ' + day + '. Weatherdata: Temperature ' + temp + '°C, ' + 'Humidity ' + rlf + '%, ' + 'Cloudcover ' + cloudCover + '%, ' + 'Airpressure ' + pressure + 'mbar, ' + 'Wind ' + wind + 'kmh, ' + 'Rain ' + rain + 'mm. '; + +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'weather-reporter', + 'text': message, +}, async (result) => { + log(result); +}); + +``` + +### Пример 4: Помощник по подбору музыки +**Описание:** Рекомендует музыкальные плейлисты на основе текущей погоды и времени суток. Можно использовать с умной колонкой, например Alexa или Google Home. + +- **Имя:** `музыкальный-рекомендатор` +- **Системное сообщение:** + +`"You are a music assistant. Based on the current weather and time of day, suggest a playlist or genre that matches the mood. Use concise and creative recommendations. You answer only with your suggestion and nothing else."` + +- **Пример запроса:** + +`"Current Time 24th December 2024 17:30. Outside Temperature: 10°C."` + +- **Пример ответа:** + +`"Christmas Music"` + +- **История сообщений:** `7` (Мы используем значение 7, поскольку собираемся запускать этот пример инструмента один раз в день и не хотим, чтобы он повторял свои ответы. С этой настройкой он увидит, что он предложил в последних 7 ответах на наши запросы.) +- **Температура:** `0.7` (Баланс креативности и актуальности) + +**Примеры запроса и ответа для этого инструмента могут выглядеть следующим образом:** + +| **Запрос** | **Ответ** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| `Current time 3rd June 2024 16:00. Outside Temperature: 31°C` | `Latin Summer Music` | +| `Current time 11th November 2024 12:00. Outside Temperature: 15°C` | `Acoustic Guitar Music` | +| `Текущее время 11 ноября 2024 12:00. Температура наружного воздуха: 15°C` | `Акустическая гитарная музыка` | + +--- + +### Пример 5: Рекомендации по настройкам освещения +**Описание:** Рекомендует настройки RGB-освещения на основе настроения и жанра воспроизводимой в данный момент музыки. Инструмент анализирует характеристики музыки (например, темп, настроение) и предлагает подходящие цвета освещения для пяти источников RGB. Выводит JSON с шестнадцатеричными значениями RGB для каждого источника света. + +- **Имя:** `светорежиссер` + +- **Системное сообщение:** + +`"You are a smart home assistant. Based on the characteristics of the currently playing music, recommend RGB hex color values for five different lights to create an immersive atmosphere. Respond only with a JSON object containing the RGB hex values for each light."` + +- **Пример запроса:** + +``` +Faithless - Insomnia +``` + +- **Пример ответа:** + +```json +{ + "light1": "#FF4500", + "light2": "#FFA500", + "light3": "#FFFF00", + "light4": "#ADFF2F", + "light5": "#00FF00" +} +``` + +- **История сообщений:** `0` (Одноразовый инструмент для минимизации использования токенов.) + +- **Температура:** `0,6` (Балансирует креативность и последовательность.) + +--- + +### Примеры запросов и ответов +| **Запрос** | **Ответ** | +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| `The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | +| `Mozart - Eine kleine Nachtmusik` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | +| `Моцарт - Eine kleine Nachtmusik` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | + +--- + +### Пример интеграции скрипта +Чтобы использовать этот инструмент программно в ioBroker, вы можете интегрировать его через функцию `sendTo`: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'light-setter', + text: 'Faithless - Insomnia', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the recommended RGB hex values for the lights +}); +``` + +--- + +## Лучшие практики: максимальное использование потенциала ваших инструментов ИИ +Чтобы вы могли максимально эффективно использовать адаптер ioBroker AI Toolbox и его инструменты, вот несколько рекомендаций, советов и рекомендаций: + +#### **1. Поймите ключевые концепции** +- **Системное сообщение**: + +Системная подсказка определяет поведение и стиль вашего инструмента ИИ. Думайте о ней как о «личности» или «руководящих принципах» для инструмента. Например, системная подсказка для погодного бота может быть: `"You are a cheerful weather assistant. Provide detailed weather forecasts in a friendly tone."` + +- **Температура**: + +Эта настройка регулирует, насколько «креативными» являются ответы. Более низкие значения (например, 0,2) делают инструмент более фактическим и детерминированным, в то время как более высокие значения (например, 0,8) допускают более разнообразные и креативные результаты. + +- **Максимальное количество токенов**: + +Управляет длиной ответов. Установите ее на высокий уровень для подробных ответов и на низкий уровень для кратких выводов. + +- **История сообщений**: + +Это позволяет инструментам сохранять контекст для непрерывности разговора. Используйте большее значение (например, 10) для чат-ботов и меньшее значение (например, 0) для одноразовых ответов, чтобы сэкономить токены. + +---------- + +#### **2. Создавайте понятные и конкретные инструменты** +- Используйте **конкретные системные подсказки**, адаптированные к цели инструмента. Хорошо продуманная системная подсказка обеспечивает целенаправленные и релевантные результаты. +- Предоставьте **примеры запросов и ответов**, чтобы установить четкие ожидания для модели. Это помогает в последовательном поведении и лучшем понимании. + +---------- + +#### **3. Продуманно настраивайте поставщиков ИИ** +Каждый поставщик предлагает уникальные преимущества. Выберите модель, которая соответствует вашему варианту использования, и поэкспериментируйте с различными вариантами, чтобы найти оптимальный вариант. + +---------- + +#### **4. Баланс производительности и стоимости** +- Начните с **бесплатных моделей**, таких как `meta-llama` через OpenRouter, чтобы протестировать идеи, прежде чем переходить к более мощным платным вариантам. +- Используйте **статистику токенов** (доступную в `.statistics.tokens_input` и `.statistics.tokens_output`) для мониторинга использования и оптимизации конфигураций инструментов. + +---------- + +#### **5. Используйте динамические и повторно используемые компоненты** +- **Динамические системные подсказки**: адаптируйте подсказки на основе данных в реальном времени. Например, извлекайте данные о погоде в реальном времени, чтобы создавать персонализированные прогнозы. + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + model: 'MODEL-NAME', + system_prompt: 'Current weather in {location} is {temperature}°C. Advise suitable outdoor activities.', + text: 'What should I do today?', +}, (result) => console.info(result.text)); + +``` + +- **Интеграция скриптов**: используйте JavaScript для динамической настройки таких параметров, как температура или системные подсказки, на основе внешних входных данных. + +---------- + +#### **6. Тестируйте, настраивайте и развивайте** +- Используйте журналы отладки для выявления проблем в работе инструмента. + +Установите уровень журнала на `debug` в интерфейсе администратора ioBroker. + +- Поэкспериментируйте с **различными системными подсказками, настройками температуры и ограничениями токенов**, чтобы оптимизировать поведение. + +---------- + +#### **7. Создавайте модульные решения** +- Разделите сложные задачи на более мелкие, повторно используемые инструменты. Например, используйте один инструмент для анализа данных, а другой для создания отчетов. Объедините их в своих скриптах для мощных рабочих процессов. + +---------- + +#### **8. Управление историей сообщений** +- Для инструментов на основе чата поддерживайте управляемую длину истории, чтобы предоставлять контекст без чрезмерного использования токенов. + +---------- + +#### **9. Используйте выходные данные JSON для автоматизации** +Для инструментов, интегрированных в умные дома или скрипты, настройте формат ответа в JSON, предоставив пример ответа в том формате, который вы хотели бы получить. + +---------- + +Эти передовые методы в сочетании с экспериментами и итеративным совершенствованием гарантируют, что ваши инструменты ИИ будут давать значимые и надежные результаты, адаптированные к среде вашего умного дома. + +## Разработка +### Отладка +Установите уровень журнала на `debug` в интерфейсе администратора ioBroker для получения подробных журналов. + +## Changelog + +### 0.1.3 (2025-29-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for Deepseek as api provider +* (@ToGe3688) Better display of providers in model selection for admin config +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed object hirarchy +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed state roles +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed onStateChange handler + +### 0.1.2 (2025-12-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs +* (@ToGe3688) Added Anthropic API Versioning + +### 0.1.1 (2025-05-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added timeouts for api providers + +### 0.1.0 (2025-04-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Beta Release + +### 0.0.7 (2024-27-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added translations, updated Readme, changed image fetch method to axios + +### 0.0.6 (2024-26-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for local files for image analysis + +### 0.0.4 (2024-26-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added vision capabilities for tools + +### 0.0.3 (2024-25-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed a bug with the OpenAI API Provider + +### 0.0.2 (2024-07-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added direct model requests, moved tools to separate objects, added statistics and request history + +### 0.0.1 (2024-05-12) +* (@ToGe3688) initial release + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 ToGe3688 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..687aa5135 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md index 3a754e021..03b1b7587 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md @@ -1,107 +1,270 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md -title: ioBroker Asterisk VoIP Адаптер -hash: H+/GtnFRdWUaR0uoJ4mzoeBUIoXKSQKmphpnfeqpC/0= +title: Адаптер VoIP Asterisk ioBroker +hash: /epcTbsSNLXOiJlMxorB29LVQBYTZQcPGTFvmTa/gv0= --- -![логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/admin/asterisk.png) +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/admin/asterisk.png) -![Travis CI Статус сборки](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk.svg?branch=master) -![AppVeyor Статус сборки](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk?branch=master&svg=true) +![Статус сборки Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk.svg?branch=master) +![Статус сборки AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk?branch=master&svg=true) ![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/asterisk-stable.svg) -![Версия NPM](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.asterisk.svg) +![версия НПМ](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.asterisk.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.asterisk.svg) -![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.asterisk.png?downloads=true) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.asterisk.png?downloads=true) # IoBroker Asterisk VoIP-адаптер [Немецкое руководство / Deutsche Anleitung](README_DE.md) -Адаптер Asterisk преобразует текстовые сообщения в аудиофайлы и звонки, а затем через Asterisk VoIP на любой телефонный номер и воспроизводит аудиосообщение. +Адаптер Asterisk преобразует текстовые сообщения в аудиофайлы, а затем звонит через Asterisk по VoIP на любой нужный вам номер телефона и воспроизводит аудиосообщение. ## Установка / Конфигурации -Asterisk должен подключаться к исходящим звонкам с вашим VoIP-провайдером, таким как Telekom, Vodfone или FritzBox! Пожалуйста, следуйте одному из этих руководств по установке. +Asterisk должен подключаться для исходящих звонков к вашему провайдеру VoIP, например Telekom или Vodfone, или к вашему FritzBox! Пожалуйста, следуйте одному из этих руководств по установке. -- Конфигурация [Asterisk через SIP с FritzBox] (docs / SIP_FRITZBOX.md) (самый простой способ) -- Конфигурация [Asterisk через PJSIP с FriztBox] (docs / PJSIP_FRITZBOX.md) (pjsip более современен как sip) -- Конфигурация [Asterisk через PJSIP с Telekom в качестве провайдера] (docs / PJSIP_TELEKOM.md) -- Конфигурация [Asterisk через PJSIP с Sipgate в качестве провайдера] (docs / PJSIP_SIPGATE.md) -- Конфигурация [ssh / scp] (docs / SSH.md) (ioBroker и asterisk работают на разных серверах) +### Пакеты Linux / ioBroker и asterisk, работающие на одном сервере с ffmpeg +```sh +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +``` + +### Пакеты Linux / ioBroker и asterisk, работающие на одном сервере с sox +Если у вас возникли проблемы с транскодированием с помощью ffmpeg, вы можете выбрать sox в качестве транскодера. Для этого вам необходимо установить следующие пакеты и выбрать sox в конфигурации адаптера. + +```sh +sudo apt-get install lame +sudo apt-get install sox +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +``` + +### Пакеты Linux / ioBroker и asterisk, работающие на разных серверах с ffmpeg +```sh +# ioBroker server +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +sudo apt install openssh-client +``` + +```sh +# asterisk server +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +``` + +### Пакеты Linux / ioBroker и asterisk, работающие на разных серверах с sox +Если у вас возникли проблемы с транскодированием с помощью ffmpeg, вы можете выбрать sox в качестве транскодера. Для этого вам необходимо установить следующие пакеты и выбрать sox в конфигурации адаптера. + +```sh +sudo apt-get install lame +sudo apt-get install sox +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +``` + +```sh +# asterisk server +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +``` + +### Установка asterix вручную +Если пакет apt asterisk отсутствует, вы можете установить asterisk вручную: + +```sh +sudo apt install git vim curl wget libnewt-dev libssl-dev libncurses5-dev subversion libsqlite3-dev build-essential libjansson-dev libxml2-dev uuid-dev + +cd /usr/src/ +sudo wget https://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/old-releases/asterisk-16.30.1.tar.gz +sudo tar xvf asterisk-16*.tar.gz +cd asterisk-16*/ +sudo contrib/scripts/get_mp3_source.sh +sudo contrib/scripts/install_prereq install +sudo ./configure +sudo make menuselect + +# Choose following packages in the menu: +## Add-ons: chan_ooh323 & format_mp3 +## Core Sound Packages: Audio packets CORE-SOUNDS-EN-* +## Music On Hold: MOH-OPSOUND-WAV bis MOH-G729 +## Extra Sound: EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-WAV bis EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-G729 +## Applications: app_macro +## Exit with "Save&Exit". + +sudo make +sudo make install +sudo make progdocs # (optional documentation) +sudo make samples +sudo make config +sudo ldconfig + +sudo groupadd asterisk +sudo useradd -r -d /var/lib/asterisk -g asterisk asterisk +sudo usermod -aG audio,dialout asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/{lib,log,spool}/asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk + +# asterisk as default user for asterisk +sudo nano /etc/default/asterisk +AST_USER="asterisk" +AST_GROUP="asterisk" + +# Insert/ replae follwoing in the config file /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf +sudo nano /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf +runuser = asterisk ; The user to run as. +rungroup = asterisk ; The group to run as + +sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 5060,5061 # (optional open Firewall, if activ) + +sudo systemctl restart asterisk +sudo systemctl enable asterisk + +# Check state of asterisk +sudo systemctl status asterisk +sudo asterisk -rvv +``` + +### Конфигурация звездочки +В следующих документах подробно описывается настройка Asterisk. + +- Настройка [Asterisk через SIP с FritzBox](docs/SIP_FRITZBOX.md) (самый простой способ) +- Конфигурация [Asterisk через PJSIP с FriztBox](docs/PJSIP_FRITZBOX.md) (pjsip более современен, чем sip) +- Конфигурация [Asterisk через PJSIP с Telekom в качестве провайдера](docs/PJSIP_TELEKOM.md) +- Конфигурация [Asterisk через PJSIP с Sipgate в качестве провайдера](docs/PJSIP_SIPGATE.md) + +### Конфигурация с использованием SSH +Если iobroker и asterisk установлены под разными пользователями, вам нужен на сервере asterisk пользователь с доступом с сервера iobroker для входа по ssh. +У пользователя должны быть права пользователя unix для записи файлов, которые может читать asterisk. +Вы создаете на сервере asterisk каталог с именем, которое вы настроили в конфигурации адаптера iobroker asterisk, под именем _'Путь для временных аудиофайлов'_. Путь должен быть доступен и разрешен для asterisk и ssh, поскольку iobroker отправляет сгенерированный аудиофайл (ваше текстовое сообщение) по scp на сервер asterisk и сохраняет его в 'Путь для временных аудиофайлов'. +После этого ioBroker отправит через AMI api сообщение asterisk для набора и воспроизведения сгенерированного аудиофайла, сохраненного по указанному пути. + +![сш](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png) ## Использование Asterisk -### Использование Asterisk с объектами / состояниями для набора номера -Самый простой способ использовать звездочку - через страницу объектов ioBroker. Там заполните следующие значения в параметре dialout: +### Использование Asterisk с объектами/состояниями для исходящих звонков +Самый простой способ использовать asterisk — через страницу объектов ioBroker. Там заполните следующие значения в параметре dialout: -* звонок: кнопка, чтобы начать звонок -* callerid: телефонный номер, который будет показан вызываемому абоненту. -* dtmf: вызываемый абонент нажимает цифры на клавиатуре -* telnr: набираемый номер -* текст: текст, который будет воспроизведен для вызываемого +- вызов: нажмите кнопку, чтобы инициировать вызов +- callerid: номер телефона, который будет показан вызываемому абоненту +- dtmf: вызываемый абонент нажал цифры на клавиатуре +- telnr: номер, который нужно набрать +- текст: текст, который будет воспроизведен вызываемому абоненту +- язык: текст будет преобразован в аудио на этом языке ![iobroker_dialout](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_dialout.png) -### Использование Asterisk с объектами / состояниями для набора номера -Если вы настроили свой SIP-провайдер (например, Fritzbox, Sipgate, ...) и конфигурацию Asterisk для разрешения входящих звонков, вы можете установить следующий параметр +### Использование Asterisk с объектами/состояниями для дозвона +Если вы настроили своего SIP-провайдера (например, Fritzbox, Sipgate, ...) и конфигурацию Asterisk для разрешения звонков по телефонной линии, вы можете установить следующий параметр -* callerid: телефонный номер, который называется астерикс -* dtmf: звонящие нажали цифры на клавиатуре -* текст: текст, который будет воспроизведен для абонента +- callerid: номер телефона, с которого звонили asteriks +- dtmf: звонящие нажимали цифры на клавиатуре +- текст: текст, который будет воспроизведен вызывающему абоненту +- язык: текст будет преобразован в аудио на этом языке ![iobroker_dialin](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_dialin.png) -### Использование Asterisk с javascript или blocky для набора номера -Теперь вы можете использовать адаптер в вашем javascript или блочных программах. +### Использование Asterisk с JavaScript или Blocky для исходящих звонков +Теперь вы можете использовать адаптер в своих javascript или блочных программах. ```sh -var number = "040 666-7766"; -var callerid = '040 123 999'; // optional, if not set anonymous call -var msg = "Hello, this textmessage will be converted to audio"; +const number = '040 666-7766'; +const callerid = '040 123 999'; // optional, if not set anonymous call +const msg = 'Hello, this textmessage will be converted to audio'; // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play text message as audio -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, text: msg}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, text: msg}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play mp3 audio file // mp3 file has to exist on asterix server -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.mp3'}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.mp3'}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play gsm audio file // gsm file has to exist on asterix server -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.gsm'}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.gsm'}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); +}); + +// create dial in message +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { text: 'Please enter PIN after hashtag.' }, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // Show entered DTMF code -on({ id: "asterisk.0.dialin.dtmf"/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { - let dtmf = obj.state.val; - console.log("DTMF: " + dtmf); +on({ id: 'asterisk.0.dialin.dtmf'/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { + const dtmf = obj.state.val; + console.log(`DTMF: ${dtmf}`); }); // Show entered DTMF code -on({ id: "asterisk.0.dialout.dtmf"/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { - let dtmf = obj.state.val; - console.log("DTMF: " + dtmf); +on({ id: 'asterisk.0.dialout.dtmf'/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { + const dtmf = obj.state.val; + console.log(`DTMF: ${dtmf}`); }); ``` -> В операторе набора номера sendTo можно использовать следующий параметр:> - **language:** язык, используемый для функции преобразования текста в речь (tts). (допустимые значения: 'DE', 'EN', ... По умолчанию используется системный язык ioBroker)> - **repeat:** сколько раз должно повторяться звуковое сообщение (допустимые значения от 1 до n, по умолчанию 5)> - **приоритет:** если вы отправляете параллельно много операторов набора номера sendTo, сообщения с наименьшим приоритетом будут отправляться первыми (допустимые значения от 1 до n, по умолчанию 1)> - **текст:** текстовое сообщение, которое будет отправлено как аудио> - **время ожидания:** Время ожидания в миллисекундах, в течение которого будет происходить соединение (по умолчанию 60000 мс)> - **Асинхронизация:** Позволяет генерировать несколько вызовов без ожидания ответа (допустимые значения: false / true по умолчанию false)> - **аудиофайл:** если вы используете текстовый параметр. Преобразованный текст в аудио будет сохранен в аудиофайл. Если аудиофайл существует, он будет перезаписан. Если вы не используете текст параметра, аудиофайл будет воспроизведен. -> - **callerid:** Определяет идентификатор (номер телефона вашего отправителя). Если вызывающий абонент отсутствует, переданный номер телефона будет анонимным +> В операторе набора номера sendTo можно использовать следующий параметр: > > - **language:** язык для функции преобразования текста в речь (tts). (допустимые значения: 'DE', 'EN', ... По умолчанию используется системный язык ioBroker) > - **repeat:** сколько раз будет повторяться звуковое сообщение (допустимые значения от 1 до n, по умолчанию 5) > - **priority:** если вы отправляете параллельно несколько операторов набора номера sendTo, сообщения с наименьшим приоритетом будут отправлены первыми (допустимые значения от 1 до n, по умолчанию 1) > - **text:** текстовое сообщение, которое будет отправлено как аудио > - **timeout:** время ожидания в миллисекундах для установления соединения (по умолчанию 60000 мс) > - **async:** позволяет генерировать несколько вызовов без ожидания ответа (допустимые значения: false/true, по умолчанию false) > - **audiofile:** если вы используете параметр text. Преобразованный текст в аудио будет сохранен в аудиофайле. Если аудиофайл существует, он будет перезаписан. Если вы не используете параметр text, будет воспроизведен аудиофайл. +> - **callerid:** Определяет идентификатор (номер телефона отправителя). Если callerid отсутствует, переданный номер телефона будет анонимным > - **telnr:** номер телефона для набора. ## Решение проблем -Если у вас есть проблемы со звездочкой, вы можете попробовать найти что-то в лог-файлах в / var / log / asterisk. После того, как вы запустили звездочку, вы можете вызвать звездочку с помощью звездочки -rvvvvvv в командной оболочке для отладки. После того, как вы запустили звездочку -rvvvvvv, вы можете инициализировать вызов iobroker и посмотреть, что произойдет. +Если у вас возникли проблемы с asterisk, вы можете попытаться найти что-нибудь в файлах журнала в /var/log/asterisk. После запуска asterisk вы можете вызвать asterisk с помощью asterisk -rvvvvvv в командной оболочке для отладки. После запуска asterisk -rvvvvvv вы можете инициализировать вызов с помощью iobroker и посмотреть, что произойдет. ## Changelog +### 2.0.2 (2025-02-01) + +- (Stübi) Add Create Directory +- (Stübi) Add translation for configuration +- (Stübi) Bugfixing + +### 2.0.1 (2025-01-24) -[Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) +- (Stübi) Fix error by using asterisk and iobroker on the same server +- (Stübi) Add action command for send messages +- (Stübi) Add dial in command for send messages +- (Stübi) Add create butteon for create dial in file + +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-24) + +- (Stübi) Redesign of Asterisk +- (Stübi) Switching from Javascript to Typescript +- (Stübi) Nodes 20 and 22 are now supported +- (Stübi) js controllers in versions 6 and 7 are supported +- (Stübi) Attention: Passwords must be re-entered from this version! +- (Stübi) Language object added +- (Stübi) Revision of the reconnect if Asterisk is restarted once +- (Stübi) Fixing errors from repository checker (Issue #51) +- (Stübi) Add documentation how to install asterisk manual (Issue #33) + +### 1.0.6 ((2019-02-27) + +- (Stübi) Update documentation and templates +- (Stübi) Asterisk adapter can create now asterisk configuration files. You have to rename and move them afterwards to the /etc/asterisk directory +- (Stübi) a new documentation for using Sipgate as provide. +- (Stübi) Now you can call internal fritzbox numbers. You must change your extensions.ael if you install the version 1.0.4! (replace **10 => { ... }** with **\_. => { ... }**) +- (Stübi) You can install asterisk on a different server and use scp to transfer audio files from ioBroker to asterisk. +- (Stübi) You can use the service PJSIP instead of SIP now. +- (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +- (Stübi) Calling without extension, if you do not use the fritzbox for example (leave sip.conf username in adapter config empty) +- (Stübi) Instead of ffmpeg you can use now sox too +- (Stübi) Update with languages +- (Stübi) Add Callerid to dialin states +- (Stübi) A lot of new features. Now you can call ioBroker / Asterisk by telephone number and enter a DTMF Code. +- (Stübi) You can enter a DTMF Code if you get called by ioBroker / Asterisk +- (Stübi) Bugfixing and password will be saved encrypted and text message size can be unlimited +- (Stübi) First Version ## License + The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thorsten Stueben / +Copyright (c) 2025 Thorsten Stueben / Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -119,4 +282,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. +THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb3cb1fe4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md index a0515e13f..33189e3f4 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md -title: ioBroker.cameras -hash: NPJWIxTiBGQ6PHXsp4RvPCmVXZFyLGCAGL6gB0i0zwo= +title: ioBroker.камеры +hash: dZX3hFUGrq1Y8V1kpiebGfWcc/EzvTPUzfh6XSKvtmM= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/admin/cameras.png) -![НПМ-версия](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.cameras.svg) +![версия НПМ](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.cameras.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.cameras.svg) ![Статус зависимости](https://img.shields.io/david/ioBroker/iobroker.cameras.svg) ![Известные уязвимости](https://snyk.io/test/github/ioBroker/ioBroker.cameras/badge.svg) ![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.cameras.png?downloads=true) ![Трэвис-CI](http://img.shields.io/travis/ioBroker/ioBroker.cameras/master.svg) -# IoBroker.cameras -##Адаптер IP-камер для ioBroker -Вы можете интегрировать свои веб-/ip-камеры в системы визуализации и другие системы визуализации. -Если вы настроите камеру с именем `cam1`, она будет доступна на веб-сервере в разделе `http(s)://iobroker-IP:8082/cameras.0/cam1`. +# IoBroker.камеры +## Адаптер IP-камер для ioBroker +Вы можете интегрировать свои веб-/IP-камеры в vis и другие визуализации. +Если вы настроите камеру с именем `cam1`, она будет доступна на веб-сервере под именем `http(s)://iobroker-IP:8082/cameras.0/cam1`. -Дополнительно изображение можно запросить через сообщение: +Кроме того, изображение можно запросить с помощью сообщения: -``` +```js sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { name: 'cam1', width: 100, // optional height: 50, // optional - angle: 90 // optional + angle: 90, // optional noCache: true // optional, if you want to get the image not from cache }, result => { const img = 'data:' + result.contentType + ';base64,' + result.data; @@ -38,48 +38,84 @@ sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { Поддерживаемые камеры: -- Reolink E1 Pro через RTSP (важно, без `Pro` работать не будет) -- Eufy через адаптер Eusec -- [HiKam](https://support.hikam.de/support/solutions/articles/16000070656-zugriff-auf-kameras-der-2-generation-via-onvif-f%C3%BCr-s6-q8-a7 -2-поколение-) второго и третьего поколения через ONVIF (для S6, Q8, A7 2. поколения), A7 Pro, A9 +- `Reolink E1 Pro` через RTSP (важно, без `Pro` работать не будет) +- `Eufy` через адаптер Eusec +- [HiKam](https://support.hikam.de/support/solutions/articles/16000070656-zugriff-auf-kameras-der-2-generation-via-onvif-f%C3%BCr-s6-q8-a7-2-generation-) второго и третьего поколения через ONVIF (для S6, Q8, A7 2. Generation), A7 Pro, A9 - [WIWICam M1 через адаптер HiKam](https://www.wiwacam.com/de/mw1-minikamera-kurzanleitung-und-faq/) -- RTSP Native – если ваша камера поддерживает протокол RTSP. -- Скриншоты через URL-адрес HTTP — если вы можете получить снимок с камеры через URL-адрес. +- RTSP Native - если ваша камера поддерживает протокол RTSP +- Скриншоты через HTTP URL - если вы можете получить снимок с вашей камеры через URL -### URL-изображение -Это обычный URL-запрос, в котором все параметры указаны в URL-адресе. Нравится `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` +### URL-адрес изображения +Это обычный URL-запрос, где все параметры находятся в URL. Например, `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` -### URL-изображение с базовой аутентификацией -Это URL-запрос изображения, где все параметры указаны в URL-адресе, но вы можете предоставить учетные данные для базовой аутентификации. Нравится `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` +### URL-адрес изображения с базовой аутентификацией +Это URL-запрос для изображения, где все параметры находятся в URL, но вы можете предоставить учетные данные для базовой аутентификации. Например, `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` ### FFmpeg Если вы хотите получить доступ к снимкам на камерах RTSP, вы можете использовать ffmpeg. Вам необходимо установить ffmpeg в вашей системе: -- В Windows предварительно скомпилирован ffmpeg и ничего скачивать не нужно. (Версия для Windows взята отсюда: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-essentials.7z) +- В Windows уже есть скомпилированный ffmpeg, и нет необходимости ничего скачивать. (Версия для Windows взята отсюда: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z) - Linux: `sudo apt-get install ffmpeg -y` +Как обновить версию Windows `ffmpeg`: + +- Скачать файл https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z +- Извлечь `bin/ffmpeg.exe` +- Переименуйте `ffmpeg.exe` в `win-ffmpeg.exe` +- Заархивируйте `win-ffmpeg.exe` в `win-ffmpeg.zip` +- Поместите `win-ffmpeg.zip` в корень этого репозитория. +- Выполните `win-ffmpeg.exe --version`, чтобы получить версию и сохранить ее в `main.ts` константа `WIN_FFMPEG_VERSION` (например, `2025-02-02-git-957eb2323a-full_build-www.gyan.dev`) + Вот пример того, как добавить Reolink E1: -![rtsp](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/img/rtsp.png) +![ртсп](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/img/rtsp.png) + +### Ezviz - Как повторно включить RTSP для камер EZVIZ +По какой-то причине EZVIZ решили отключить RTSP для своих камер: + +- Откройте приложение EZVIZ и перейдите в раздел: Профиль / Настройки / Просмотр в реальном времени по локальной сети. +- Начните сканирование, а затем выберите камеру: +- Войдите в систему, используя пароль вашей камеры (пароль по умолчанию указан на наклейке камеры) +- Нажмите значок «Настройки» и выберите «Настройки локальной службы». +- Включить RTSP -## Как добавить новую камеру (Для разработчиков) +## Как добавить новую камеру (для разработчиков) Чтобы добавить новую камеру, необходимо создать запрос на извлечение на GitHub со следующими изменениями: -- Добавьте новый файл в папку «камеры». Это серверная часть для чтения одного изображения с камеры. -- Добавьте файл графического интерфейса в папку `src/src/Types/`. Это диалог настройки камеры. -- Добавьте этот диалог в файл `src/src/Tabs/Cameras.js` аналогично добавлению других камер. Следует добавить всего две строки: - - Импортируйте новое диалоговое окно конфигурации, например `import RTSPMyCamConfig from '../Types/RTSPMyCam';` - - Расширьте структуру `TYPES` с помощью новой камеры, например `mycam: { Config: RTSPMyCamConfig, name: 'MyCam' },` +- Добавьте новый файл в папку `cameras`. Это бэкэнд для чтения одного изображения с камеры. +- Добавьте файл GUI в папку `src/src/Types/`. Это диалоговое окно настройки камеры +- Добавьте этот диалог в файл `src/src/Tabs/Cameras.js` аналогично добавлению других камер. Нужно добавить только две строки: +- Импорт нового диалогового окна конфигурации, например `import RTSPMyCamConfig from '../Types/RTSPMyCam';` +- Расширьте структуру `TYPES` с помощью новой камеры, например `mycam: { Config: RTSPMyCamConfig, name: 'MyCam' },` - Имя атрибута должно совпадать с именем файла в папке `cameras`. +Имя атрибута должно совпадать с именем файла в папке `cameras`. -## Делать -- [ ] Отправлять новые запросы на подписку для RTSP-камер, если диалоговое окно открыто или закрыто. +## То, что нужно сделать +- [ ] Отправлять новые запросы на подписку для RTSP-камер, если диалоговое окно открыто или закрыто - +### **РАБОТА В ХОДЕ** --> ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) Completely rewritten in TypeScript +* (@GermanBluefox) Added Ezviz cameras + +### 2.1.2 (2024-07-15) +* (bluefox) Updated packages + +### 2.1.1 (2024-07-07) +* (bluefox) Removed withStyles package + +### 2.0.8 (2024-06-09) +* (bluefox) Packages updated +* (bluefox) Allowed selecting another source (with bigger resolution) for URL cameras + +### 2.0.5 (2023-12-19) +* (bluefox) Minimal supported Node.js version is 18 +* (bluefox) Corrected widgets + ### 1.4.0 (2023-12-04) * (bluefox) Changed widget set name * (bluefox) Added the caching of images with time, size and rotation @@ -135,7 +171,7 @@ sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2020-2023 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2020-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -153,4 +189,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md index 69035625c..9681e37d2 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md @@ -1,86 +1,90 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md -title: облачный адаптер ioBroker -hash: /+c4C10rh/C8HukkAjpKMXE4p7em4UOfSyN6rvIGt64= +title: Облачный адаптер ioBroker +hash: cVelMNaufGdss9w/JB0Gp8QrW6YDEflROWuonzeJH14= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/admin/cloud.png) ![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/cloud-stable.svg) -![НПМ-версия](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.cloud.svg) +![версия НПМ](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.cloud.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.cloud.svg) ![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.cloud.png?downloads=true) -# Облачный адаптер ioBroker +# IoBroker облачный адаптер Этот адаптер позволяет подключаться из Интернета через облако ioBroker к локальной установке ioBroker. -**Этот адаптер использует библиотеки Sentry для автоматического сообщения разработчикам об исключениях и ошибках кода.** Для получения более подробной информации и информации о том, как отключить отчеты об ошибках, см. [Документация плагина Sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Отчеты Sentry используются начиная с js-controller 3.0. +**Этот адаптер использует библиотеки Sentry для автоматического сообщения разработчикам об исключениях и ошибках кода.** Более подробную информацию и информацию о том, как отключить отчеты об ошибках, см. в [Документация по плагину Sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Отчеты Sentry используются, начиная с js-controller 3.0. ## Настройки -### ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ-КЛЮЧ -Чтобы использовать облачный адаптер, вам необходимо сначала получить APP-Key на [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). +### КЛЮЧ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ +Чтобы использовать облачный адаптер, вам сначала необходимо получить APP-Key на [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). Это ключ приложения, который пользователь может получить на сайте [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). Пожалуйста, получите ключ там и введите его здесь. -![вступление](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/img/intro.png) +![Вступление](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/img/intro.png) ### Пример -Все запросы от облачного адаптера будут перенаправляться на конкретный веб-экземпляр. Пользователь должен указать здесь веб-экземпляр, который будет показан пользователю при входе на сайт https://iobroker.net. +Все запросы от облачного адаптера будут направлены на определенный экземпляр WEB. Пользователь должен указать здесь экземпляр WEB; который будет показан пользователю, когда он войдет на сайт https://iobroker.net. -### Разрешить самозаверяющие сертификаты +### Разрешить самоподписанные сертификаты Если вы используете стандартное облако iobroker.net, вы можете его деактивировать. Эта опция важна только при использовании собственного облака. -### Настройки Алексы -***Alexa больше не поддерживается в адаптере `cloud`. Для этого используйте адаптер ioBroker.iot.*** +### Настройки Alexa +***Alexa больше не поддерживается в адаптере `cloud`. Используйте для этого адаптер ioBroker.iot.*** ## ИФТТТ [инструкции](doc/ifttt.md) ## Услуги -Есть возможность отправлять сообщения на облачный адаптер. +Есть возможность отправлять сообщения в облачный адаптер. Если вы вызываете `[POST]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_/` и значение в качестве полезной нагрузки. -``` +```bash curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ ``` -Если вы установите в настройках поле «Белый список для сервисов» имя *custom_test*, а в качестве имени сервиса будете вызывать «custom_test», то состояние `cloud.0.services.custom_test` будет установлено в `myString`. +Если в настройках поля «Белый список для сервисов» задать имя *custom_test*, а вызов выполнить с именем сервиса «custom_test», то состояние `cloud.0.services.custom_test` будет установлено в `myString`. -Вы можете написать «*» в белом списке и все услуги будут разрешены. +Вы можете написать «*» в белом списке и все сервисы будут разрешены. -Начиная с версии 2.0.5 вы можете использовать запрос GET в форме `[GET]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_//`, чтобы поместить `\` в `cloud.0.services.custom_\`. +Начиная с версии 2.0.5 вы можете использовать запрос GET в форме `[GET]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_//` для помещения `\` в `cloud.0.services.custom_\`. -Здесь вы можете найти инструкции по использованию с [надсмотрщик](doc/tasker.md). +Здесь вы можете найти инструкции по использованию с [таскер](doc/tasker.md). -Служба IFTTT разрешена только в том случае, если установлен ключ IFTTT. +Услуга IFTTT разрешена только в том случае, если установлен ключ IFTTT. -Зарезервированные имена: «ifttt», «text2command», «simpleApi», «swagger». Их необходимо использовать без префикса `"custom_"`. +Зарезервированные имена: "ifttt", "text2command", "simpleApi", "swagger". Их необходимо использовать без префикса `"custom_"`. -### Текстовая2команда -Вы можете записать `text2command` в белый список, вы можете отправить POST-запрос к `https://iobroker.net/service/text2command/` для записи данных в переменную `text2command.X.text`. +### Текст2команда +Вы можете записать `text2command` в белый список, вы можете отправить POST-запрос на `https://iobroker.net/service/text2command/`, чтобы записать данные в переменную `text2command.X.text`. -«X» можно определить в настройках с помощью опции «Использовать экземпляр text2command». +«X» можно определить в настройках с помощью параметра «Использовать экземпляр text2command». -### Простой API +### SimpleApi Вы можете использовать следующие команды (только pro): -- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//get/stateID` — для чтения значения состояния => `{"val":103.516,"ack":true, "ts":1604132484682,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","lc":1604132469672,"result":"OK"}` -- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//getPlainValue/stateID` — для чтения значения состояния => `103.641` -- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//set/stateID?value=1` - чтобы установить значение состояния => `{"result":"OK"} ` +- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//get/stateID` - для чтения значения состояния => `{"val":103.516,"ack":true,"ts":1604132484682,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","lc":1604132469672,"result":"OK"}` +- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//getPlainValue/stateID` - для чтения значения состояния => `103.641` +- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//set/stateID?value=1` - для установки значения состояния => `{"result":"OK"}` -**Не забудьте добавить `simpleApi` к разрешенным сервисам в конфигурации.** +**Не забудьте добавить `simpleApi` к разрешенным службам в конфигурации.** ### Ограничения -Если HTTPs (безопасность) или аутентификация включены в определенном веб-экземпляре, это не работает. +Если на определенном веб-экземпляре включен HTTPS (безопасность) или аутентификация, он не работает. -Вы можете деактивировать HTTPS и аутентификацию на этом веб-экземпляре, но лучше создать новый веб-экземпляр, привязанный к `localhost`, и выбрать этот экземпляр в настройках облака. +Вы можете отключить HTTPS и аутентификацию на этом веб-экземпляре, но лучше создать новый веб-экземпляр, привязанный к `localhost`, и выбрать этот экземпляр в настройках облака. - +### **РАБОТА В ХОДЕ** --> ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (bluefox) updated socket classes +* (bluefox) minimum required node.js version is 18 + ### 5.0.1 (2024-02-22) * (bluefox) updated socket classes and fixed vis-2 error if connected via cloud * (bluefox) minimum required node.js version is 16 @@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ * (bluefox) Corrected error with iobroker.pro and delete object ### 4.2.2 (2022-08-24) -* (bluefox) Corrected error with services list and admin6 +* (bluefox) Corrected error with service's list and admin6 ### 4.2.1 (2022-07-20) * (bluefox) Used a new version of a socket library. @@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ * (bluefox) Fixed error with the admin ### 4.0.8 (2021-01-31) -* (Apollon77) Prevent crash case (Sentry IOBROKER-CLOUD-S) +* (Apollon77) Prevent a crash case (Sentry IOBROKER-CLOUD-S) * (bluefox) fix usage of credentials ### 4.0.7 (2021-01-30) @@ -341,7 +345,7 @@ curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2016-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2016-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -359,4 +363,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md index 5fe477796..056ed7f0f 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md title: ioBroker.контактид -hash: ef7bEhZLeiDsv/qf+MW61JRKcB4Wxlzl17KVOfvq2jE= +hash: S07MW5c8PDaN9uaElOPFwo63BajDrHBj3G2mwmlQ8R0= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/admin/contactid.png) @@ -73,9 +73,25 @@ Example: [test 18160201010B] Теперь вы можете увидеть сообщение в объектах ioBroker -## Changelog +5. Проблемы/вопросы + +Если у вас возникли проблемы с обработкой сообщений ContactID, пожалуйста, создайте issue. +В issue мне нужна следующая информация: + +1. Производитель и тип охранной системы +2. Сообщение ContactID как файл. Вы можете создать файл, если активируете его в конфигурации экземпляра. +3. Отладочный вывод ioBroker при обработке сообщения +4. Подробное описание ошибки + +Вы можете проверить сохраненное сообщение ContactID с помощью следующей команды: -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +``` +# cat fileanme_of_cid_message | nc ip_address_of_iobroker cid_port +cat /tmp/cid/cid_msg_fa165cc0-8e3a-faa1-eb5c-fd3e47479044.txt | nc localhost 55000 +``` + +## Changelog +### 2.0.1 (2025-02-01) - (Stübi) Fixed Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot (Issue #46) diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md index 38ac7c049..ae0e491e2 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md @@ -1,79 +1,84 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md -title: ioBroker.devices -hash: tHOww4Jc8fb43+J1cDd99cPWkNKcXNOT3uoXjlBBBMA= +title: ioBroker.устройства +hash: +Ck9oiC/SbmbTzLAkZe4+RMCd+bz+FKryVfovfdUNEg= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/admin/devices.png) ![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/devices-stable.svg) -![версия NPM](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.devices.svg) +![версия НПМ](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.devices.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.devices.svg) -# IoBroker.devices -![Тестируйте и выпускайте](https://github.com/ioBroker/iobroker.devices/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Статус перевода](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/devices/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) +# IoBroker.устройства +![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/ioBroker/iobroker.devices/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Статус перевода](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/devices/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) -Адаптер ## устройств для ioBroker -Управляйте и создавайте устройства для использования в других адаптерах, таких как материалы, iot,... +## Адаптер устройств для ioBroker +Управляйте и создавайте устройства для использования их в других адаптерах, таких как материалы, интернет вещей,... -**Важно: включите вкладку в админке, например лог и скрипты** +**Важно: включите вкладку в админке, например, журнал и скрипты** ![Экран](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/img/screen.png) -**Этот адаптер использует библиотеки Sentry для автоматического сообщения об исключениях и ошибках кода разработчикам.** Дополнительные сведения и информацию о том, как отключить отчеты об ошибках, см. в [Документация по плагину Sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Отчеты Sentry используются, начиная с js-controller 3.0. +**Этот адаптер использует библиотеки Sentry для автоматического сообщения разработчикам об исключениях и ошибках кода.** Более подробную информацию и информацию о том, как отключить отчеты об ошибках, см. в [Документация по плагину Sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Отчеты Sentry используются, начиная с js-controller 3.0. -## Делать +## Задача - добавить описания для состояний +### **РАБОТА В ХОДЕ** --> +### **РАБОТА В ХОДЕ** +* (@GermanBluefox) Обновленные пакеты +* (@GermanBluefox) Использовал vite +* (@GermanBluefox) Использован eslint-config ioBroker + ### 1.1.5 (2023-06-06) * (Garfonso) исправлено: проблема с редактированием импортированных состояний -* (Garfonso) исправлено: предупреждение +* (Гарфонсо) исправлено: предупреждение * (Garfonso) исправлено: повторное включение iot (без установки пользовательского smartName) * (Garfonso) исправлено: возможный сбой/опечатка в 1.1.3. ### 1.1.4 (2023-06-06) -* (bluefox) Обновлены пакеты +* (bluefox) Обновленные пакеты ### 1.1.3 (2023-05-16) -* (bluefox) Лучшее поведение при выборе категории +* (bluefox) Улучшение поведения выбора категории ### 1.1.2 (2022-11-09) -* (Garfonso) исправлено двойное состояние в световых устройствах -* (Garfonso) добавлен тип цвета CIE как эквивалентный типу `rgbSingle` +* (Гарфонсо) исправил двойные состояния в световых приборах +* (Гарфонсо) добавил тип цвета CIE как эквивалент типа `rgbSingle` ### 1.1.1 (2022-11-03) * (bluefox) Исправлен диалог удаления * (bluefox) Добавлен украинский перевод -### 1.1.0 (27 сентября 2022 г.) -* (bluefox) GUI перенесен на v5 +### 1.1.0 (2022-09-27) +* (bluefox) Перенесен графический интерфейс на версию 5 ### 1.0.12 (09.06.2022) -* (bluefox) Разрешена работа с устройствами за обратным прокси +* (bluefox) Разрешено работать с устройствами за обратным прокси-сервером * (bluefox) Заменена иконка функции ### 1.0.11 (2022-06-08) * (bluefox) Обновлены некоторые библиотеки -### 1.0.10 (13 февраля 2022 г.) +### 1.0.10 (13.02.2022) * (bluefox) Исправлено редактирование папок * (bluefox) Обновлены некоторые библиотеки ### 1.0.9 (2021-07-11) * (bluefox) Реализовать узкие ряды -### 1.0.8 (2021-07-04) +### 1.0.8 (04.07.2021) * (bluefox) Исправлено создание устройств -### 1.0.7 (30.06.2021) +### 1.0.7 (2021-06-30) * (bluefox) Исправлено создание папок -### 1.0.6 (27 июня 2021 г.) -* (bluefox) Реализованы фильтры +### 1.0.6 (2021-06-27) +* (bluefox) Реализовал фильтры ### 1.0.5 (2021-06-26) * (bluefox) Реализовано редактирование параметра `states` @@ -81,29 +86,29 @@ hash: tHOww4Jc8fb43+J1cDd99cPWkNKcXNOT3uoXjlBBBMA= ### 1.0.4 (2021-06-08) * (bluefox) Исправлены некоторые ошибки графического интерфейса. -### 1.0.1 (2021-06-07) +### 1.0.1 (07.06.2021) * (bluefox) Добавлен часовой -### 1.0.0 (2021-06-07) +### 1.0.0 (07.06.2021) * (bluefox) Добавлены новые устройства -### 0.3.16 (11 марта 2021 г.) +### 0.3.16 (2021-03-11) * (bluefox) Исправлена ошибка для идентификаторов со странными символами -### 0.3.15 (13.12.2020) +### 0.3.15 (2020-12-13) * (bluefox) Обновлен диалог выбора идентификатора ### 0.3.13 (2020-08-17) * (bluefox) Исправлены ошибки по необязательным состояниям ### 0.3.12 (2020-08-16) -* (bluefox) добавлен пылесос +* (bluefox) добавил пылесос ### 0.3.10 (2020-08-12) -* (bluefox) добавлен кондиционер +* (bluefox) добавил кондиционер ### 0.3.6 (2020-04-17) -* (Apollon77) Добавлен отчет об ошибках Sentry для Frontend/React. +* (Apollon77) Добавлены сообщения об ошибках Sentry для Frontend/React ### 0.3.5 (2020-04-17) * (Apollon77) Исправлена опечатка @@ -111,31 +116,31 @@ hash: tHOww4Jc8fb43+J1cDd99cPWkNKcXNOT3uoXjlBBBMA= ### 0.3.4 (2020-03-24) * (bluefox) Исправлена ошибка при создании устройства -### 0.3.2 (09.02.2020) -* (Apollon77) оптимизировано использование всех видов портов администратора и обратных прокси +### 0.3.2 (2020-02-09) +* (Apollon77) оптимизировано использование со всеми видами административных портов и обратных прокси-серверов -### 0.3.1 (09.02.2020) -* (Apollon77) добавлена совместимость с Admin > 4.0.0 +### 0.3.1 (2020-02-09) +* (Apollon77) добавлена совместимость с Admin >4.0.0 -### 0.2.0 (20.12.2019) +### 0.2.0 (2019-12-20) * (bluefox) Бэкэнд был удален -### 0.1.8 (13.11.2019) +### 0.1.8 (2019-11-13) * (bluefox) Разрешено клонирование устройств ### 0.1.7 (2019-09-15) -* (синий лис) работа в процессе +* (bluefox) работа в процессе ### 0.1.2 (2019-09-04) -* (синий лис) работа в процессе +* (bluefox) работа в процессе -### 0.1.0 (31 августа 2019 г.) -* (синий лис) первоначальный выпуск +### 0.1.0 (2019-08-31) +* (bluefox) первоначальный выпуск ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2019-2023 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2019-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -153,4 +158,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8788a6bd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md +title: ioBroker.мечта +hash: m3Z73x1GlLvBtpVNeaPYWbjy5ChBc34At6Z39b6bxzQ= +--- +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png) + +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.dreame.svg) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.dreame.svg) +![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/dreame-installed.svg) +![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории](https://iobroker.live/badges/dreame-stable.svg) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.dreame.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.мечта +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.dreame/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +**Этот адаптер использует библиотеки Sentry для автоматического сообщения разработчикам об исключениях и ошибках кода.** Более подробную информацию и информацию о том, как отключить отчеты об ошибках, см. в [Документация по плагину Sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Отчеты Sentry используются, начиная с js-controller 3.0. + +## Адаптер Dreame для ioBroker +Адаптер для устройств Dreame Home протестирован с L10 L20 и x40 + +#### DeviceId.статус +Текущее состояние устройств + +#### DeviceId.удаленный +Удаленное управление устройствами Начало: dreame.0.xxxxx.remote.start-sweep Остановка: dreame.0.xxxxx.remote.start-charge + +Ярлык запуска: + +dreame.0.XXXXXXXXX.удаленный.запуск-очистка + +``` +[ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 25 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "32" + } +] +``` + +"value": "32" -> Идентификатор ярлыка + +Список сочетаний клавиш: + +мечта.0.XXXXX.статус.4-48 + +Имена закодированы в base64. Если нет состояния 4-48, вам придется использовать сокращенный вариант. + +### Уборка комнат +dreame.0.XXXX.удаленный.запуск-очистка + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 18 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "{\"selects\":[[X,1,3,2,1]]}" + } + ] +``` + +X = идентификатор комнаты + +Несколько комнат: + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 18 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "{\"selects\":[[X,1,3,2,1],[Y,1,3,2,1]]}" + } + ] +``` + +X = комната 1 Y = комната 2 + +Карта смены мечты.XXXXXXX.remote.update-map + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 4, + "value": "{\"sm\":{},\"mapid\":X}" + } + ] +``` + +X = mapId dreame.0.XXXX.status.6-99 или dreame.0.XXXX.map.curid + +### Управление режимами очистки +Включить CleanGenius: dreame.0.XXXXXX.remote.customCommand + +``` +[ + { + "value": "{\"k\":\"SmartHost\",\"v\":1}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } +] +``` + +Отключить CleanGenius: + +``` +[ + { + "value": "{\"k\":\"SmartHost\",\"v\":0}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } +] +``` + +CleanGenius Глубокая очистка: \"v\":2 + +Режим CleanGenius: значение: 3 или значение 2 + +``` +[ + { + + "value": 2, + "siid": 28, + "piid": 5 + } + ] + +``` + +Изменить режим очистки: + +``` +[ +{ + + "value": 5122, + "siid": 4, + "piid": 23 + } + ] +``` + +Значения: 5120, 5121, 5122... + +Режим вакуума: + +``` +[ +{ + + "value": 2, + "siid": 4, + "piid": 4 + } + ] + +``` + +Интенсивность мытья: + +``` +[ + { + + "value": 28, + "siid": 28, + "piid": 1 + } + ] +``` + +Маршрут: + +``` + [ + { + + "value": "{\"k\":\"CleanRoute\",\"v\":1}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } + ] +``` + +## Changelog + + + +### 0.2.2 (2025-01-24) + +- reduce cpu load while cleaning + +### 0.2.1 (2025-01-15) + +- fix for canvas installation + +### 0.2.0 (2024-12-28) + +- add simple maps + +### 0.1.0 (2024-12-14) + +- bugfixes + +### 0.1.0 (2024-12-14) + +- (TA2k) initial release + +## License + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024-2030 TA2k + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +```` + +``` + +``` +```` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a5554c0c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md index d62d5e4b4..1deb61b78 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md title: ioBroker.ecoflow-mqtt -hash: SNPrdh8WAkHEVeAyNXK+NxV8WSRXsT9DOLSoblhSQm4= +hash: 14kvDKkWjRg8LV1UokzDyR4INivV/jQKThUt9uXBkwU= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/admin/ecoflow-mqtt.png) @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ hash: SNPrdh8WAkHEVeAyNXK+NxV8WSRXsT9DOLSoblhSQm4= ## ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ Этот адаптер использует неофициальную связь с устройствами. -Неправильная связь или установка неверных значений может повлиять на функциональность устройства и может привести к исключению из сервиса. +Неправильная связь или установка неверных значений может повлиять на функциональность устройства и привести к исключению из сервиса. Адаптер основан на работе: @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ hash: SNPrdh8WAkHEVeAyNXK+NxV8WSRXsT9DOLSoblhSQm4= * добавить новую строку * установите идентификатор устройства Smart Plug, как показано в приложении, например «HW52....» * дайте ему имя -* установите тип на "plug" +* установите тип "plug"

@@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ hash: SNPrdh8WAkHEVeAyNXK+NxV8WSRXsT9DOLSoblhSQm4= * если значение не установлено при обновлении данных устройства, оно будет отображаться как неизвестное в HA * если устройство доступно, то доступность будет отображена в подключении устройства, это наследуется «подустройствами» (недоступность обрабатывается таким же образом) +[некоторые_подсказки_для HA](./doc/en/IOB_HA/navi.md) + ### Аннотации к функционалу * Из-за асинхронности обновления информации и передачи команд иногда могут быть видны условия гонки. Так что переключатель получает команду и его переключение вперед и назад, прежде чем он останется, можно наблюдать. * перезапуск HA может быть неправильно распознан в iobroker, поэтому требуется ручной перезапуск адаптера (WIP) @@ -301,11 +303,18 @@ Wave недоступен, может быть реализован при на * больше getCmds для значений SHP ## Отказ от ответственности -Это программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом никоим образом не связано с компанией Ecoflow и не одобрено ею. +Это программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом никоим образом не связано и не одобрено компанией Ecoflow. Использование программного обеспечения осуществляется на ваш собственный риск и усмотрение, и я не несу ответственности за любые потенциальные убытки или проблемы, которые могут возникнуть в результате использования программного обеспечения. Важно знать, что использование этого программного обеспечения с открытым исходным кодом осуществляется без прямой поддержки или гарантий со стороны компании Ecoflow. ## Changelog +### 1.2.2 (npm) +* (foxthefox) some documentation for HA users +* (foxthefox) corrections in SHP2 protobuf definition +* (foxthefox) new datapoints in SHP2 ProtoTime, new telegram ProtoTimeStat mapped to ProtoTime +* (foxthefox) corrections to alternator (objects 268,269), power,wifiRssi setting, +* (foxthefox) DeltaPro mpptTemp, outAmp new max value + ### 1.2.1 (npm) * (foxthefox) corrections for pstream objects, some changed from string to number * (foxthefox) new SHP time task config values diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md index 2ec516f40..9d4fc2879 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md title: ioBroker.ems-esp -hash: 9hBDNYzVDZZYL38ZbRpOkFVFWncEVg88mGYU/94TEVg= +hash: ooJmhSMkua3PN8tCtVIMiQ3wVQeMeCr+Ua3v+9cSD38= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/admin/ems-esp.png) @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ hash: 9hBDNYzVDZZYL38ZbRpOkFVFWncEVg88mGYU/94TEVg= * шлюз ems-esp (https://github.com/emsesp/EMS-ESP32) с чипом ESP32. -Старые шлюзы ESP8266 с API V2 больше не поддерживаются!! Адаптер протестирован для шлюза ems-esp с последней стабильной версией прошивки. Последние версии прошивки для разработчиков могут работать нестабильно с адаптером ioBroker. Используйте на свой страх и риск. +Адаптер протестирован для шлюза ems-esp с последней стабильной версией прошивки. Последние версии прошивки dev могут работать нестабильно с адаптером ioBroker. Используйте на свой страх и риск. * Новые облачные шлюзы Bosch-Group (MX300 / EasyControl ...) не поддерживаются, поскольку они не поддерживают LAN API! @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ hash: 9hBDNYzVDZZYL38ZbRpOkFVFWncEVg88mGYU/94TEVg= ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2025 Thomas Petrick +Copyright (c) 2025 Thomas Petrick (tp1de) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md index 651339cc6..1ba3dc2bf 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md @@ -1,35 +1,40 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md title: ioBroker.espresense -hash: JDBUWyJH7Tl4/I3NvHTgusANe4VtARCXjZOCsDTUz4Y= +hash: 0wzSfVa/bvhNaLkZ3xPJ7rDX952BFJup94I9Ha/CZ9Q= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/admin/espresense.png) -![НПМ-версия](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.espresense.svg) +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.espresense.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.espresense.svg) ![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/espresense-installed.svg) -![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории.](https://iobroker.live/badges/espresense-stable.svg) +![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории](https://iobroker.live/badges/espresense-stable.svg) ![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.espresense.png?downloads=true) # IoBroker.espresense -**Тесты:** ![Тестирование и выпуск](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.espresense/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.espresense/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## Адаптер espresense для ioBroker -Подключиться к [ESPresense](https://espresense.com) +Подключиться к [ESPressense](https://espresense.com) -- Сервер MQTT и клиентский модуль -- `Запустить собственный сервер mqtt` активировать режим сервера -- `Server ip` используется только для внешнего сервера mqtt. -- «Порт, имя пользователя и пароль» внутреннего или внешнего сервера mqtt. +- MQTT-сервер и клиентский модуль +- «Запустить собственный сервер mqtt» активировать режим сервера +- `Server IP` использовать только для внешнего сервера MQTT +- `Порт, имя пользователя и пароль` внутреннего или внешнего сервера mqtt -- Если в конфигурацию были добавлены устройства, в объектах будут отображаться только они. -- Два времени настройки связаны, проверка присутствия всегда выполняется вместе с обработкой сообщений MQTT. +- Если в конфигурацию добавлены устройства, в объектах будут отображаться только они. +- Два момента настройки связаны, проверка присутствия всегда выполняется вместе с обработкой сообщений MQTT. -Рекомендация: соедините устройства, которые будут отслеживаться, с espresense и отфильтруйте выходные данные, чтобы избежать ненужного сетевого трафика. +Лучшая практика: соедините контролируемые устройства с Espresense и отфильтруйте выходные данные, чтобы избежать ненужного сетевого трафика. -Для помощи используйте вопрос или если вы понимаете немецкий https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/71189/test-adapter-espresense +#### Max_distance_iobroker +Новые добавленные точки данных используются для достижения обнаружения по комнатам в адаптере. При использовании max_distance в esp32 адаптер не получает уведомление, когда устройство покидает область. Однако при использовании max_distance_iobroker он получает. +Если используется max_distance_iobroker, две точки данных присутствия контролируются им, в противном случае они ведут себя как и раньше. +Присутствие под устройством истинно, если одна из точек данных в комнатах ниже истинна. + +Для получения помощи используйте issue или, если вы понимаете немецкий, https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/71189/test-adapter-espresense * Используемый mqtt-сервер является полностью совместимым сервером MQTT 3.1 и 3.1.1, но адаптер отвечает только на тему espresense/# @@ -38,6 +43,25 @@ hash: JDBUWyJH7Tl4/I3NvHTgusANe4VtARCXjZOCsDTUz4Y= Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-28) +* (ticaki) Simple room detection integrated +* (ticaki) Friendly room name added to devices +* (ticaki) global commands now work. +* (ticaki) Data point var added. + +### 0.4.8 (2025-01-18) +* (ticaki) Devices can be renamed in the configuration. +* (ticaki) Removing devices works now!. + +### 0.4.7 (2025-01-17) +* (ticaki) Removing devices now works. + +### 0.4.6 (2024-11-29) +* (ticaki) repository checker problems fixed + +### 0.4.5 (2024-11-29) +* (ticaki) dependencies updated + ### 0.4.4 (2024-01-18) * (ticaki) The time period over which incoming Mqtt messages are collected can be configured. min. 1 sec max. (2^31-1) / 1000 sec @@ -84,7 +108,7 @@ hash: JDBUWyJH7Tl4/I3NvHTgusANe4VtARCXjZOCsDTUz4Y= ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 ticaki +Copyright (c) 2024-2025 ticaki Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -102,4 +126,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md index 4f24142be..135e517de 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md title: ioBroker.flexcharts -hash: mJ2FClZO2G/KuGclhJkGf7D9M9RO3qbL1GzB/mhIDhs= +hash: QS5E626cO05p6/jS6+3yipodDprkwuyZDgu9lrpokfc= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/admin/flexcharts-icon-small.png) @@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ hash: mJ2FClZO2G/KuGclhJkGf7D9M9RO3qbL1GzB/mhIDhs= Flexcharts оценит состояние `0_userdata.0.echarts.chart1` как данные для eChart. Попробуйте: создайте такое состояние и скопируйте данные json из примера, показанного выше (`{ "tooltip": { ...`) как содержимое состояния, затем получите доступ к указанному адресу с помощью браузера. +В идентификаторе штата не допускается использование следующих символов: `: / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = %` + ### Используйте JavaScript в качестве источника для eChart Это немного сложнее, но гораздо эффективнее и гибче. Вы предоставляете данные диаграмм напрямую вашим скриптом JS, который динамически вызывается адаптером flexcharts. Вы можете передать дополнительные параметры вашему скрипту, добавив параметры к http-адресу, например, `&chart=chart1`. Все http-параметры доступны внутри скрипта в объекте `httpParams` (см. пример ниже). @@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ myJsonParams = {"period":"daily"} * диаграмма с использованием данных из адаптера истории: [template1](templates/flexchartsTemplate1.js) * простая диаграмма для тепловой кривой: [template2](templates/flexchartsTemplate2.js) * простая столбчатая диаграмма с накоплением, использующая функцию в определении диаграммы: [template3](templates/flexchartsTemplate3.js) +* диаграмма для данных **адаптера tibberLink**: см. обсуждения [здесь](https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.flexcharts/discussions/67) и [здесь](https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.flexcharts/discussions/66) * Для устройств Viessmann серии E3 доступен очень специфический вариант использования, например, тепловой насос Vitocal 250. См. https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.e3oncan/discussions/35 ## Ссылка @@ -192,11 +195,19 @@ myJsonParams = {"period":"daily"} **Примечание:** Замените `localhost` на адрес вашего сервера ioBroker. Замените `8082` на номер порта, используемый вашим веб-адаптером. +## Пожертвовать + Если вам понравился этот проект — или вы просто чувствуете щедрость, подумайте о том, чтобы угостить меня пивом. Ура! :beers: + ## Changelog +### 0.3.1 (2025-02-02) +* (MyHomeMyData) Updated Apache ECharts to version 5.6.0 +* (MyHomeMyData) Added support for 3D charts using extension echarts-gl, see issue #68 +* (MyHomeMyData) Added templates for tibberLink Adapter + ### 0.3.0 (2025-01-08) * (MyHomeMyData) Enhancement for usage of functions within echart definitions. * (MyHomeMyData) Fix for issue #56 (findings of repository checker) diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md index 2fb515693..9f5f70cdc 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md title: ioBroker.frontier_silicon -hash: 0wTEkS6zBxsc0VhWN+oDP4lBzjAXNXn4XHnoAaxzoz4= +hash: e46NQwGm0A6H6DLEh2j3dMlfHDZ+B+Vj32SykrxO1Z8= --- # IoBroker.frontier_silicon ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/admin/radio.png) @@ -22,7 +22,15 @@ hash: 0wTEkS6zBxsc0VhWN+oDP4lBzjAXNXn4XHnoAaxzoz4= ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Этот адаптер был передан в iobroker-community-adapters для обслуживания. Таким образом, запланированные функции (см. ниже) не будут реализованы. В будущем будут выпущены только важные исправления ошибок и обновления зависимостей. Однако PR с исправлениями ошибок или улучшениями функций всегда приветствуются. -ЗАМЕТКИ К ВЫПУСКУ: Версия 0.3.x включает в себя некоторые критические изменения: +ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ К ВЫПУСКУ: + +Версия 0.4.x включает в себя критическое изменение: + +- Тип «frontier_silicon.X.media.state» изменен с «number» на «string» и доступен только для чтения. + +Если вы обновите этот адаптер с предыдущей версии вместо новой установки, вы можете обнаружить предупреждения в журнале ioBroker, например: `State value to set for "frontier_silicon.0.media.state" has to be type "number" but received type "string"` Чтобы этого не произошло, самое простое решение — остановить адаптер на вкладке экземпляров ioBroker, полностью удалить дерево объектов на вкладке объектов и затем перезапустить адаптер. Конечно, это необходимо только один раз после обновления и не требуется, если вы делаете чистую новую установку. + +Версия 0.3.x включает в себя некоторые критические изменения: - требуется node>=18, js-contoller>=5 и admin>=6 @@ -230,14 +238,14 @@ Frontier, Frontier Silicon, SmartRadio, UNDOK и связанные с ними Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** - 2025H1 maintenance release +### 0.4.0 (2025-02-01) - 2025H1 maintenance release - (pdbjjens) Change: media state changed from number to string and readonly (#241) - (pdbjjens) New: Added media control function "stop" (#241) - (pdbjjens) New: Optimizations for responsive design (#244) +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 (#253) - (pdbjjens) Fix: Added button state acknowledgement - (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent warning on adapter stop -- (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies ### 0.3.0 (2024-08-27) - 2024H2 maintenance release @@ -266,14 +274,6 @@ Frontier, Frontier Silicon, SmartRadio, UNDOK и связанные с ними - (pdbjjens) Change: Re-establish session if network connection is lost - (pdbjjens) New: Synchronization of power, volume and mute states with the UNDOK App -### 0.1.0 (2023-07-15) - -- (pdbjjens) Breaking Changes: node>=14, js-contoller>=4 and admin>=5 required -- (pdbjjens) New: json config UI -- (pdbjjens) New: Re-establish session if network connection is lost -- (pdbjjens) New: Remove obsolete unit testing -- (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent crashes if radio device is not reachable - ## License MIT License diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md index e6b419df6..8a9e7952a 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md @@ -138,25 +138,28 @@ CCU / Homematic поддерживает различные типы устро +--> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (bluefox) Updated packages and used `@iobroker/eslint-config` + ### 2.0.2 (2024-08-26) -* (bluefox) Updated packages - +* (bluefox) Updated packages + ### 2.0.0 (2024-07-18) * (bluefox) Updated packages -* (bluefox) Removed support of Node.js 16 - +* (bluefox) Removed support of Node.js 16 + ### 1.17.0 (2024-03-18) -* (klein0r) Fixed encrypted configuration - +* (klein0r) Fixed encrypted configuration + ### 1.16.1 (2024-03-05) -* (bluefox) Improved the configuration layout - +* (bluefox) Improved the configuration layout + ### 1.16.0 (2023-12-25) * (JeyCee) Added support for the device manager * (bluefox) Added JSON config -* (foxriver76) port to adapters internal `setTimeout/setInterval` methods - +* (foxriver76) port to adapters internal `setTimeout/setInterval` methods + ### Older entries [here](OLD_CHANGELOG.md) @@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ CCU / Homematic поддерживает различные типы устро The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 bluefox Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md index 2ca182592..8d046c12f 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md @@ -16,8 +16,14 @@ chapters: {"pages":{"ru/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md":{"title":{"ru" -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** -* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI to Typescript +### 8.9.1 (2025-01-26) + +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected blockly function editor +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected creation of folders + +### 8.9.0 (2025-01-22) +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI to TypeScript +* (@klein0r) Added count attribute to getHistory in blockly ### 8.8.3 (2024-09-05) * (bluefox) Fixed object selector in rules @@ -29,17 +35,10 @@ chapters: {"pages":{"ru/adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md":{"title":{"ru" * (@klein0r) Added option to register notifications via scripts * (@klein0r) Fixed sendTo block with an empty name list -### 8.7.7 (2024-08-04) -* (@klein0r) Fixed import scripts dialog -* (@klein0r) Allowed removing all custom packages (empty list) - -### 8.7.6 (2024-07-28) -* (foxriver76) fix error with subpath imports in scripts - ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 bluefox , +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 bluefox , Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ac219042 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md +title: Адаптер ioBroker Matter +hash: rNSq8nE/tAxBZxsAc3eGa9o8wAFf4LFXOgD6BOzPHyk= +--- +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg) + +![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/matter-stable.svg) +![версия НПМ](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.matter.svg) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.matter.svg) + +# Адаптер ioBroker Matter +![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Статус перевода](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/matter/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) + +**Этот адаптер использует библиотеки Sentry для автоматического сообщения разработчикам об исключениях и ошибках кода.** Более подробную информацию и информацию о том, как отключить отчеты об ошибках, см. в [Документация по плагину Sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Отчеты Sentry используются, начиная с js-controller 3.0. + +## Введение +> [!Важно] > Адаптер НЕ может быть установлен через GitHub: адаптер должен быть установлен через репозиторий ioBroker (стабильный или последний). +> > В настоящее время адаптер находится в стадии BETA и доступен только в последнем репозитории. Пожалуйста, проверьте [документация iobroker](https://www.iobroker.net/#de/documentation/basics/repositories.md), как установить адаптер из последнего репозитория/npm. +> > Подробное описание конфигурации и использования адаптера ioBroker Matter описано в 🇩🇪 [немецкая Вики](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki) и 🇬🇧 [английская Вики](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki/Home-%E2%80%90-EN). +> > Пожалуйста, прочтите [Важные примечания](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki/Einleitung-und-wichtige-Hinweise#wichtige-hinweise-bitte-dringend-beachten) перед использованием адаптера. + +## Описание +С помощью адаптера ioBroker Matter можно сопоставить следующие варианты использования: + +* Устройства на основе Matter могут быть напрямую подключены к ioBroker и, таким образом, считывать/контролировать их +* Предоставление нескольких устройств ioBroker в качестве моста Matter: мосты Matter могут содержать несколько устройств и являются самым простым способом интеграции устройств ioBroker в экосистему, совместимую с Matter. +* ioBroker предоставляет отдельные виртуальные устройства Matter на основе устройств ioBroker/состояний ioBroker, которые можно обучить экосистеме, совместимой с Matter (в настоящее время возможны только мосты для Amazon Alexa) + +## Задача +* Тексты частично на английском языке. +* Синхронизация мин/макс из Matter с объектами ioBroker +* Очистка объектов при удалении устройств/состояний +* типы устройств ioBroker +* (3+) пылесос +* (3) объем, объемГруппа +* (-3) Кондиционер +* (2+) пожарная сигнализация +* (-2) медиаплеер +* предупреждение - как? +* ворота - они же жалюзи, потому что у материи нет других типов устройств? +* windowTilt - как обсуждалось ранее, это составное устройство с двумя контактными датчиками... один для открытия-закрытия и один для наклона +* levelSlider - идеально подходит в качестве неосвещающей розетки с регулируемой яркостью? +* Типы устройств имеют значение +* (7) Вентилятор -> Кондиционер? +* (4+) Датчик качества воздуха -> ??? +* (4+) Очиститель воздуха -> ??? +* (4) Насос -> ??? +* (4) Датчик давления -> ??? DEF +* (3+) Робот-пылесос -> vacuumCleaner +* (3) Датчик расхода -> ??? DEF +* (3) Кондиционер воздуха в помещении -> airCondition +* (2+) Посудомоечная машина-> ??? +* (2) Базовый видеоплеер -> mediaPlayer +* (2) Стиральная машина -> ??? +* (2) Холодильник -> ??? +* (2) Шкаф с контролируемой температурой -> ??? +* (2) Детектор замерзания воды -> предупреждение? +* (2) Датчик дождя -> предупреждение? +* (2) Водяной клапан -> ??? +* (2) Сушильная машина для белья -> ??? +* (2) Духовка -> ??? +* (2) Варочная панель -> ??? +* (2) Поверхность для готовки -> ??? +* (2) Вытяжка -> ??? +* (2) Микроволновая печь -> ??? +* (1+) Оборудование для электропитания транспортных средств -> ??? +* (0) Водонагреватель -> ??? +* (0) Солнечная энергия -> ??? +* (0) Аккумуляторная батарея -> ??? +* (0) Тепловой насос -> ??? + + + +## Changelog +### 0.4.13 (2025-02-01) +* (@Apollon77) Added support for Door state feature for Devices and Controllers +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat creation with Boost state + +### 0.4.12 (2025-02-01) +* (@GermanBluefox) Added the "copy to clipboard" button in the debug dialog +* (@Apollon77) Updated matter.js with performance and Memory usage optimizations (and Tasmota pairing workaround) +* (@Apollon77) Reworked Type detection in Backend and for Channel/Device detection type in UI, now multiple devicetypes are offered with most complex one pre-selected +* (@Apollon77) Handle Matter ColorTemperature Lights as a Color capable light to also allow CT-Lights with Hue support +* (@Apollon77) Added BOOST endpoint as switch when exposing Thermostats with Boost state +* (@Apollon77) Optimized some dimmer/level management for light devices without dimmer state + +### 0.4.11 (2025-01-28) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed caching issues in device type detection in backend +* (@Apollon77) Added Debug info icon for Devices and Bridges + +### 0.4.10 (2025-01-27) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat limit initialization and Mode error +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Matter Event handling when mapped to an ioBroker state (e.g.GenericSwitch) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Device type detection by really preferring the preferred type + +### 0.4.9 (2025-01-26) +* (@Apollon77) Enhanced error and invalid devices display for UI +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Button Press Controller support +* (@Apollon77) Added support to also select folders when adding devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Illuminance State type min/max + +### 0.4.8 (2025-01-26) +* (@Apollon77) Acknowledges Power states also on SET states +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Color Temperature handling for devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat setpoint logic + +### 0.4.7 (2025-01-25) +* (@Apollon77) Added debouncing when controllers change temperature value to makle sure not to overload the device +* (@Apollon77) Added support for step and use 0.5 for Setpoint temperatures +* (@Apollon77) Added support fur Hue lights without saturation state + +### 0.4.6 (2025-01-25) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@GermanBluefox) Added user feedback when device or bridged device is identified +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Thermostat logic for devices +* (@Apollon77) Ensures information are pushed to the UI when devices are in an error state + +### 0.4.5 (2025-01-25) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat initialization logic and added more logging +* (@Apollon77) Fixed WindowCovering level to match ioBroker definition +* (@Apollon77) Updated matter.js for further optimizations + +### 0.4.4 (2025-01-24) +* (@Apollon77) Added OPEN state for all Door Locks to open door again +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat initialization when no AUTO mode is supported +* (@Apollon77) Enhanced Enum state display in UI + +### 0.4.3 (2025-01-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@Apollon77) Allows turning light on/off via the dimming level as Zigbee adapter does +* (@Apollon77) Detects Switch changes via event which should be more reliable +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes some Node information + +### 0.4.2 (2025-01-23) +* (@Apollon77) Added SmokeCO2Alarm -> FireAlarm to Controller device types +* (@Apollon77) Detects BLE only QR codes and responds with an error message +* (@Apollon77) For Dimming and Color changes direct the device to execute the changes also when a device is off + +### 0.4.1 (2025-01-22) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@Apollon77) Improved handling for Power Source cluster on root endpoint +* (@Apollon77) Changed Identify handling - Light will be turned on/off, others just logged + +### 0.4.0 (2025-01-20) +* (@Apollon77) "SET" states are no longer updated when Actual states are present and get updated! +* (@Apollon77) Initializes states also with "ack=false" states because better than no initial values +* (@Apollon77) Added Device support for Window Coverings (Blinds, Blindbuttons), Color Lights (Cie, Hie, Rgb, Rgbw, RgbSingle, RgbwSingle) and Thermostats +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to track state values also when disabled and update state to Matter when enabled again +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to also subscribe to write-only states for controller cases +* (@Apollon77) Only exposes remaining battery percentage attribute when value is present +* (@Apollon77) Corrected error display and pushing to UI in case of initialization errors of bridged devices +* (@Apollon77) Added RSSI value also for Thread devices +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.7 (2025-01-15) +* (@GermanBluefox) Showed the device name in paring dialog +* (@GermanBluefox/Apollon77) Adjusts connection type icons +* (@Apollon77) Optimized the discovery dialog handling +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat for Controller to update temperatures +* (@Apollon77) Gives Energy sensors a dedicated icon +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.6 (2025-01-13) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors +* (@GermanBluefox/@Apollon77) Added possibility to enable/disable controlled nodes +* (@Apollon77) Added Information on battery and rssi for DM tile +* (@Apollon77) Added controller support for Color Lights, Speaker, Thermostats and Window coverings +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.5 (2025-01-09) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors +* (@GermanBluefox) Added `Controller fabric label` to configuration +* (@GermanBluefox) Added solution for QR-Code scanning on non HTTPS pages +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Generic Switch Device type for controller +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Controller BLE initialization and activation +* (@Apollon77) Added serialNumber to all devices and bridges for better device re-detection by controllers + +### 0.3.4 (2024-12-31) +* (@Apollon77) Updates matter.js to address several issues +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI + +### 0.3.3 (2024-12-28) +* (@Apollon77) Allows triggering commands via matter also when the state already matches the value +* (@Apollon77) Sets and updates the fabric label for paired devices (default is "ioBroker matter.X") +* (@Apollon77) Detects state deletion for ioBroker devices and updates a device in UI to show device state +* (@Apollon77) Several optimizations on commissioning +* (@Apollon77) Do not show commissioning QR codes in ioBroker log +* (@Apollon77) Use Fabric label to try to detect if ioBroker is the controller +* (@Apollon77) Fixes displaying error details for devices and bridges +* (@Apollon77) Fixes the device and type detection logic + +### 0.3.2 (2024-12-21) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes several discovery issues + +### 0.3.1 (2024-12-20) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes bridge/device icon display in UI +* (@Apollon77) Prevents displaying warning dialogs when nothing is wrong +* (@Apollon77) Adjusts some logs + +### 0.3.0 (2024-12-20) +* BREAKING: Please re-enter your ioBroker Pro Cloud Password! +* (@Apollon77) Made sure the adapter is stopped before being updated +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes device discovery and allows to stop it again + +### 0.2.10 (2024-12-19) +* (@GermanBluefox) Makes the Adapter UI also available as standalone tab +* (@GermanBluefox) Added error details when adding the same state twice to a bridge or device +* (@Apollon77) Fixes discovery start in UI + +### 0.2.9 (2024-12-18) +* (@Apollon77) When Get and set states are separated then also update set state with new values +* (@Apollon77) Node details dialog in controller now exposes some more Battery information +* (@Apollon77) Also exposes the battery states when features are set wrong on the device +* (@Apollon77) Fixes LightSensor state mapping +* (@Apollon77) Prevents errors when only some energy states exist +* (@Apollon77) Uses the IP provided by Android when commissioning devices if possible +* (@Apollon77) Restructure discovery to run in the background and not block the UI +* (@Apollon77) Exposes States for Enums for Matter nodes +* (@Apollon77) Prevent storage to delete wrong data when a node gets removed + +### 0.2.8 (2024-12-17) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixes progress dialog for DM - used when deleting a node +* (@GermanBluefox) Synchronizes the "do not ask again on delete" time with admin and set to 5 minutes +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimizes bridges display for different color schemes +* (@GermanBluefox) Allows to collapse the information blocks at the top of the pages +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds an ioBroker Logo when display commissioned controllers +* (@GermanBluefox/@apollon77) Adds additional details and error state also for devices and bridged devices +* (@GermanBluefox/@apollon77) Always display QR code to allow additional pairing for device and bridges from adapter UI +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimizes several messages nd approval dialogs +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds a welcome dialog for new users +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds user guidance for big unpaired bridges +* (@Apollon77) Adds Illuminance and Button/ButtonSensor (Switch) device type +* (@Apollon77) Changes/Optimizes naming structure for paired devices and sub-endpoints +* (@Apollon77) Adds information when Matter device types are not yet supported to look into objects for details +* (@Apollon77) Resets connection status when a controller node is disconnected, also on adapter stop +* (@Apollon77) Cleans up internal data structures when a node gets deleted for controller +* (@Apollon77) Uses the configured device type when finding multiple types in the backend +* (@Apollon77) Adjusts UI device type detection to differentiate between supported and other types +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure that controller configuration changes are executed sequentially +* (@Apollon77) Added Transition Time handling for Dimmer and Ct device types in both directions +* (@Apollon77) Added Low-Battery and Battery-percent for all device types in both directions +* (@Apollon77) Added Ethernet Network Commissioning Cluster to prevent issues with Tuya + +### 0.2.7 (2024-12-08) +* (@Apollon77) Cleans up objects when a controller node is deleted +* (@Apollon77) Prevents controller configuration changes to be executed in parallel + +### 0.2.6 (2024-12-06) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes ColorTemperature light initialization because of matter.js update + +### 0.2.5 (2024-12-06) +* (@Apollon77) Sets the "no-compose" flag correctly to normally use composed if needed and adds it to a missing dialog +* (@Apollon77) Allows using null values if needed +* (@Apollon77) Fixes UNREACH handling for devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixes object change handling for controller +* (@Apollon77) Allows Bridges to expose its name as a device name +* (@Apollon77) Allows to rename controller nodes and devices + +### 0.2.4 (2024-12-04) +* (@Apollon77) Shows a progress indicator when deleting controller nodes +* (@Apollon77) Cuts names and labels to 32 or 64 characters as needed by Matter +* (@Apollon77) Improves error handling on devices and bridges +* (@Apollon77) Clear storage when removing a bridged device +* (@Apollon77) Processes changed objects with a 5s delay to prevent too many changes at once +* (@Apollon77) Fixes version determination +* (@Apollon77) Initializes Device objects more lazily + +### 0.2.3 (2024-11-30) +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to delete all objects and stop device when a device is deleted in UI +* (@Apollon77) When a devices/bridge object is deleted and adapter runs we try to detect this and stop the device/bridge +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes close handling of adapter +* (@Apollon77) Uses adapter version as Software and Hardware versions in the exposed Matter devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixes "auto" flags in backend when make no sense in objects +* (@Apollon77) Fixes "auto" flag in UI +* (@Apollon77) Prevents cyclic state updates when a state is updated by the adapter to matter +* (@Apollon77) Log warnings when device optional device states are not mapped +* (@Apollon77) Hides Product-ID and VendorId fields in UI when adding devices into a bridge + +### 0.2.2 (2024-11-28) +* (@Apollon77) Uses plain matter.js logs for better readability +* (@Apollon77) Prevents ghost connection entries in the UI +* (@Apollon77) Adds some missing implementations for Controller of Door, Window, FloodAlarm and Motion + +### 0.2.1 (2024-11-27) +* (@Apollon77) Adds Color Temperature conversion if unit is "mireds" +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Color Temperature cluster initialization +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Min/Max calculation when unit conversion is used + +### 0.2.0 (2024-11-26) +* IMPORTANT: Breaking change!! Please decommission ALL devices and do a full factory reset of the adapter Matter storage before installing this version. Pair the devices new afterward. +* (@Apollon77) Finalizes Devices, Bridges and Controller functionality with a first set of 11 device types +* (@Apollon77) Upgrades to new Matter.js version and API (breaks storage structure) +* (@GermanBluefox) Moved build process of GUI to vite +* (@GermanBluefox) Added possibility to group devices in the GUI + +### 0.1.13 (2023-12-01) +* (@GermanBluefox) Working on the controller + +### 0.1.10 (2023-11-13) +* (@GermanBluefox) Implemented the factory reset and re-announcing + +### 0.1.2 (2023-10-25) +* (@GermanBluefox) Devices were implemented + +### 0.0.5 (2023-10-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed names under linux + +### 0.0.4 (2023-10-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) used library `@iobroker/type-detector` + +### 0.0.2 (2023-10-23) +* (@GermanBluefox) Initial commit + +## License +Apache-2.0 + +Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Denis Haev \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d7ffcd23 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f64d5fe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md +title: ioBroker.Maxxi-Зарядка +hash: dJ40gCWSLrlioJWXO9KMIqQrO0Gk7VpDkUqt5quNjEk= +--- +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp) + +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.maxxi-charge.svg) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.maxxi-charge.svg) +![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/maxxi-charge-installed.svg) +![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?style=flat-square) +![Размер репозитория GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![Активность коммита GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![Последний коммит GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![Проблемы с GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![Пожертвование](https://img.shields.io/badge/Paypal-Donate-blue?style=flat) + +# IoBroker.Maxxi-Зарядка +![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/blabond/ioBroker.maxxi-charge/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml/badge.svg) + +**ioBroker.MaxxiCharge** — это адаптер для системы ioBroker, который позволяет интегрировать и контролировать устройства MaxxiCharge CCU. Адаптер предоставляет ряд функций, включая чтение данных устройства, настройку конфигураций и отправку команд управления. + +http://www.maxxisun.de + +## Документация +[🇺🇸 Документация](./docs/en/README.md) + +[🇩🇪 Документация](./docs/de/README.md) + +## Changelog + +### 1.4.8 (2025-01-28) + +- Fixes for stable release on ioBroker adapter. +- Fixes for Deinstallation +- Feedback update + +### 1.4.1 (2025-01-12) + +- ### Please delete the `.sendcommand` folder and restart the adapter when updating from a previous version to this one. +- New: Added support for battery calibration (Expert Settings) +- Improved: Redesigned adapter settings for a better user experience + +### 1.3.13 (2025-01-07) +- Fixed: Issue with the dcAlgorithm datapoint where the UI could crash due to an incorrect states definition +- Removed the info.localip datapoint. The local IP address is now directly included in the jsonConfig. +- Adjusted code to use modern methods, replacing deprecated ones like setObjectAsync. + +### 1.3.0 (2024-12-15) +- **Summer/Winter mode** added: + - Dynamic adjustment of charging parameters based on seasons. + - Configurable with start and end dates. +- **Cloud API query interval**: Interval for CCU queries in cloud mode is now configurable via a slider between 10 and 60 seconds. + +### 1.2.191 (2024-12-08) +- Release + +## License +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024-2025 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85d50606a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md index 048cf8adf..87795d810 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md @@ -1,126 +1,134 @@ ---- -translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен -editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md -title: ioBroker.mielecloudservice -hash: 0D3dMICFt9G+gq1NQ2y2G8aax/Ih1h5+Hm6iw7lrW5E= ---- -![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/admin/mielecloudservice.svg) - -![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/mielecloudservice-stable.svg) -![НПМ-версия](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.mielecloudservice.svg) -![Известные уязвимости](https://snyk.io/test/github/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/badge.svg?targetFile=package.json) -![Лицензия](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg?style=flat) -![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.mielecloudservice.svg) -![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.mielecloudservice.png?downloads=true) - -# IoBroker.mielecloudservice [![Тестирование и выпуск] (https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml) -## Адаптер mielecloudservice для ioBroker -Подключите свою технику Miele (XGW3000 и WiFiConn@ct) - ->Если вам нравится этот адаптер и вы решили поддержать меня:
>[![Пожертвовать через PayPal](admin/paypal-donate-button.png)](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=SPUDTXGNG2MYG) - -## Описание -Этот адаптер предназначен для получения информации обо всех ваших устройствах Miele@Home из официального стороннего API Miele. -Независимо от того, подключены ли они напрямую через Wi-Fi или шлюз XGW3000. Он реализует **Сторонний API Miele V1.0.5**. - -## Предварительные условия -* Пользователь Miele@Home (приложение для смартфона) -* Пароль Miele@Home (приложение для смартфона) -* Miele Client_id (с https://www.miele.com/developer/) -* Miele Client_secret (с https://www.miele.com/developer/) - -## Монтаж -Для установки выполните следующие действия: - -1. Установите через администратора, используя -1. Установите через администратора, используя -* стабильный репо — чтобы получить текущую стабильную версию -* последний репо — чтобы получить последнюю тестовую версию (возможно, не стабильную) -* через: https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice.git — чтобы получить последнюю версию разработки. -2. Создайте учетную запись приложения Miele@Home в приложении Miele для смартфона. -3. Создайте учетную запись разработчика на странице https://www.miele.com/f/com/en/register_api.aspx. -4. Добавьте свои устройства Miele в приложение (если они не добавлены автоматически). -6. Введите client_secret и client_id, полученные от команды разработчиков Miele, а также идентификатор учетной записи и пароль от приложения. - -## Функции -В настоящее время этот адаптер реализует почти все функции Miele API V1.0.5 и некоторые части API V1.0.6. -Возможности API могут (и в настоящее время так и есть) отличаться от возможностей приложений iOS и Android. -Например. о TwinDos нет никакой информации — они есть даже в приложениях. -Это включает в себя: - -* Поддерживаются все известные и задокументированные типы устройств (API V1.0.6). -* Основная информация для всех типов устройств. -* Расширенная информация для всех типов техники. -* EcoFeedback (потребление воды и/или электроэнергии) для приборов, сообщающих об этом. - - `Note: Not all devices report this information - event not if they do so in the iOS or Android apps. Search for the ecoFeedback folder in the device tree.` - -* Поддерживаемые действия, которые вы можете выполнять на этом устройстве: о возможностях устройства в основном сообщает сам API. - -## Известные вопросы -* Программы в основном поддерживаются начиная с версии адаптера 6.0.0. За исключением программ, которым нужны дополнительные параметры, например, для духовок. - -## Конфигурация -### Базовая конфигурация -Чтобы запустить этот адаптер, вам потребуется как минимум: - -* Пользователь Miele@Home (из приложения для смартфона) -* Пароль Miele@Home (из приложения для смартфона) -* Miele Client_id (с https://www.miele.com/developer/) -* Miele Client_secret (с https://www.miele.com/developer/) - -### Запрос данных с серверов Miele -Начиная с версии 6.2.0 у вас есть возможность выбирать между - -* События, отправленные сервером (флажок «События, отправленные сервером» установлен — по умолчанию и *настоятельно рекомендуется*) -* Опрос данных по времени (флажок «События, отправленные сервером» не установлен) -* Отложенная обработка - -#### События, отправленные сервером (настоятельно рекомендуется) -События, отправленные сервером, — это очень удобный метод получения данных с серверов Miele, поскольку серверы будут отправлять вам данные всякий раз, когда происходят изменения. Никаких бесполезных опросов каждые xx секунд, игнорирующих, были ли изменения или нет. К сожалению, при использовании этого типа подключения возникают проблемы — оно довольно часто дает сбой, и проблему решает только перезапуск адаптера. - -#### Опрос данных по времени -Чтобы улучшить стабильность адаптера, я снова ввел опрос данных в качестве опции конфигурации, которую вы можете использовать, если SSE не работает. -Тем не менее, SSE используется по умолчанию, и я настоятельно рекомендую попробовать и использовать его, поскольку он экономит много ресурсов как с вашей стороны, так и со стороны Mieles. Кроме того, я фокусируюсь на SSE, начиная с версии 5.x.x. -Опрос данных по времени основан на двух параметрах конфигурации: - -* интервал опроса -* единица интервала опроса (секунды/минуты) - -#### Отложенная обработка -Если у вас есть несколько приборов Miele и вы используете их одновременно, может случиться так, что API отправит много сообщений за короткий период времени. В зависимости от вашего оборудования ioBroker это может перегрузить ваш сервер и привести к зависанию визуализации или вообще к зависанию брокера. Чтобы избежать этого, этот параметр конфигурации уменьшает количество обрабатываемых сообщений до одного сообщения каждые xxx миллисекунд. -Сопутствующие параметры конфигурации: - -* задержка обработки -* задержка сообщения - -## Управление вашими устройствами -### Действия -Реализованы все поддерживаемые и документированные на данный момент Действия для всех устройств (API V1.0.5). -> Помните, что действия будут работать только в том случае, если вы переведете свое устройство в соответствующее состояние (например, Mobile Control, PowerOn, ...). -Пожалуйста, обратитесь к [Документация Miele](#documentation) для получения дополнительной информации о действиях. - -### Программы (представлены в API V1.0.5) -В API V1.0.5 компания Miele представила новую конечную точку под названием «/programs». -Поддержка этой конечной точки начинается с версии адаптера 4.5.0. Будет создана новая точка данных [device.Actions.Program] со списком всех поддерживаемых программ, возвращенных Miele. -**Выбор одного из значений приведет к немедленному выполнению программы!** В настоящее время поддерживаются только простые программы. Например. Для духовок необходима дополнительная информация — это будет реализовано в будущей версии. - -Публикуя адаптер, Miele задокументировала несколько категорий устройств для поддержки этой конечной точки, и только часть из них (по крайней мере для меня) действительно работает. В моей кофейной системе, стиральной и сушильной машинах это работает только для кофейной системы. -Но Miele работает над этим и регулярно продлевает поддержку. -Для получения дополнительной информации обратитесь к общей документации Miele API (ниже). - -## Документация -Если вы хотите получить более глубокое понимание или вам нужен перевод необработанных значений, обратитесь к [эту документацию.](machine_states.md). - -##sentry.io -Этот адаптер использует sendry.io для сбора подробностей о сбоях и автоматического сообщения об этом автору. Для этого используется плагин [ioBroker.sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry). Пожалуйста, обратитесь к [домашняя страница плагина](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry) для получения подробной информации о том, что делает плагин, какая информация собирается и как его отключить, если вы не хотите поддерживать автора своей информацией о сбоях. - -## Авторские права -Авторские права (c) Grizzelbee, 2024 г. - -## Changelog +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md +title: ioBroker.mielecloudservice +hash: bxu3vb+SjaR2PsJUQyYA4WUmRy5xhp6wY8m3GijYVNs= +--- +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/admin/mielecloudservice.svg) + +![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/mielecloudservice-stable.svg) +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.mielecloudservice.svg) +![Известные уязвимости](https://snyk.io/test/github/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/badge.svg?targetFile=package.json) +![Лицензия](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg?style=flat) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.mielecloudservice.svg) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.mielecloudservice.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.mielecloudservice [![Тестирование и выпуск](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml) +## Адаптер mielecloudservice для ioBroker +Подключите свою технику Miele (XGW3000 и WiFiConn@ct) + +>Если вам понравился этот адаптер и вы решили поддержать меня:
>[![Пожертвовать через PayPal](admin/paypal-donate-button.png)](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=SPUDTXGNG2MYG) + +## Описание +Этот адаптер предназначен для получения информации обо всех ваших устройствах Miele@Home из официального API Miele 3rd-party. +Независимо от того, подключены ли они напрямую через Wi-Fi или шлюз XGW3000. Он реализует **Miele 3rd Party API V1.0.5** + +## Предпосылки +* Пользователь Miele@Home (приложение для смартфона) +* Пароль Miele@Home (приложение для смартфона) +* Miele Client_id (с https://www.miele.com/developer/) +* Miele Client_secret (из https://www.miele.com/developer/ ) + +## Установка +Для установки выполните следующие действия: + +1. Установите через администратора, используя +1. Установите через администратора, используя +* стабильный репозиторий - для получения текущей стабильной версии +* последний репозиторий - для получения последней тестовой версии (возможно нестабильной) +* через: https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice.git - чтобы получить последнюю версию для разработки +2. Создайте учетную запись приложения для Miele@Home в приложении Miele для смартфона +3. Создайте учетную запись разработчика по адресу https://www.miele.com/f/com/en/register_api.aspx +4. Добавьте свои устройства Miele в приложение (если они не были добавлены автоматически) +6. Введите client_secret и client_id, полученные от команды разработчиков Miele, а также account-id и password из приложения. + +## Функции +В настоящее время этот адаптер реализует почти все функции API Miele V1.0.5 и некоторые части API V1.0.6. +Возможности API могут (и в настоящее время) отличаться от возможностей приложений iOS и Android. +Например, нет информации о TwinDos — даже в приложениях она есть. +Включая: + +* Поддерживаются все известные и документированные типы устройств (API V1.0.6). +* Основная информация по всем типам приборов. +* Расширенная информация для всех типов приборов. +* EcoFeedback (потребление воды и/или электроэнергии) для приборов, сообщающих об этом. + +`Note: Not all devices report this information - event not if they do so in the iOS or Android apps. Search for the ecoFeedback folder in the device tree.` + +* Поддерживаемые действия, которые можно выполнить на этом устройстве — возможности устройства в основном сообщаются самим API. + +## Известные проблемы +* Программы в основном поддерживаются с версии адаптера v6.0.0. За исключением программ, которым нужны дополнительные параметры, например для духовок. + +## Конфигурация +### Базовая конфигурация +Для работы этого адаптера вам понадобится как минимум: + +* Пользователь Miele@Home (из приложения для смартфона) +* Пароль Miele@Home (из приложения для смартфона) +* Miele Client_id (с https://www.miele.com/developer/) +* Miele Client_secret (из https://www.miele.com/developer/ ) + +### Запрос данных с серверов Miele +Начиная с версии V6.2.0 у вас есть возможность выбирать между + +* События, отправленные сервером (флажок «События, отправленные сервером» отмечен — по умолчанию и *настоятельно рекомендуется*) +* Опрос данных по времени (флажок «События, отправленные сервером» не установлен) +* Отложенная обработка + +#### События, отправленные сервером (настоятельно рекомендуется) +Server-Sent Events — очень удобный метод получения данных с серверов Miele, поскольку серверы будут отправлять вам данные всякий раз, когда происходят изменения. Никаких бесполезных опросов каждые xx секунд, игнорирующих, были ли изменения или нет. К сожалению, при использовании этого типа соединения возникают проблемы — оно довольно часто дает сбой, и только перезапуск адаптера решает эту проблему. + +#### Опрос данных на основе времени +Для повышения стабильности адаптера я снова ввел опрос данных как параметр конфигурации, который вы можете использовать, когда SSE дает сбой. +Тем не менее, SSE используется по умолчанию, и я настоятельно рекомендую попробовать и использовать его, поскольку он экономит много ресурсов на вашей стороне и стороне Mieles. Кроме того, я фокусируюсь на SSE с версии 5.x.x. +Опрос данных на основе времени опирается на два параметра конфигурации: + +* интервал опроса +* единица интервала опроса (секунды/минуты) + +#### Задержка обработки +Если у вас есть несколько приборов Miele и вы используете их одновременно, может случиться так, что API начнет отправлять много сообщений за короткий промежуток времени. В зависимости от вашего оборудования ioBroker это может перегрузить ваш сервер и привести к неотзывчивой визуализации или вообще неотзывчивому брокеру. Чтобы избежать этого, этот параметр конфигурации уменьшает количество обрабатываемых сообщений до одного сообщения каждые xxx миллисекунд. +Связанные параметры конфигурации: + +* отложенная обработка +* задержка сообщения + +## Управление вашими устройствами +### Действия +Реализованы все поддерживаемые и документированные в настоящее время действия для всех устройств (API V1.0.5). +> Пожалуйста, помните, что действия будут работать только в том случае, если вы переведете свое устройство в соответствующее состояние (например, Mobile Control, powerOn, ...). +Пожалуйста, обратитесь к [Miele-Документация](#documentation) для получения дополнительной информации о действиях. + +### Программы (представлены в API V1.0.5) +С API V1.0.5 Miele представила новую конечную точку под названием "/programs". +Поддержка этой конечной точки начинается с версии адаптера 4.5.0. Будет создана новая точка данных [device.Actions.Program] со списком всех поддерживаемых программ, возвращаемых Miele. +**Выбор одного из значений приведет к немедленному выполнению программы!** В настоящее время поддерживаются только простые программы. Например, для духовок требуется дополнительная информация — она будет реализована в будущей версии. + +При публикации адаптера Miele задокументировала несколько категорий устройств для поддержки этой конечной точки, и только (по крайней мере для меня) подмножество из них действительно работает. Для моей кофейной системы, стиральной машины и сушилки это работает только для кофейной системы. +Но Miele работает над этим и регулярно расширяет поддержку. +Пожалуйста, обратитесь к общей документации API Miele (ниже) для получения дополнительной информации. + +## Документация +Если вы хотите получить более глубокое понимание или вам нужен перевод исходного значения, обратитесь к [эта документация.](machine_states.md) + +## Сентри.ио +Этот адаптер использует sentry.io для сбора данных о сбоях и автоматического сообщения об этом автору. Для этого используется плагин [ioBroker.сентри](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry). Пожалуйста, обратитесь к [домашняя страница плагина](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry) для получения подробной информации о том, что делает плагин, какая информация собирается и как его отключить, если вы не хотите поддерживать автора своей информацией о сбоях. + +## Авторские права +Авторские права (c) 2025 grizzelbee + +## Changelog ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Added screen size settings in Admin-UI for responsive design +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed sentry MIELECLOUDSERVICE-5V + +### 6.5.7 (2024-10-01) +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed some minor issues found by adapter-checker +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Added tests for node 22 ### 6.5.6 (2024-05-10) (Dying for an Angel) @@ -132,9 +140,8 @@ hash: 0D3dMICFt9G+gq1NQ2y2G8aax/Ih1h5+Hm6iw7lrW5E= - (grizzelbee) Upd: Added year 2024 to licence - (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated - ### 6.5.4 (2023-05-03) (Dying for an Angel) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added file `.ncurc.json` to prevent axios-oauth-client from being automatically updated by `npx npm-check-updates` +* (grizzelbee) New: Added file `.ncurc.json` to prevent axios-oauth-client from being automatically updated by `npx npm-check-updates` ### 6.5.3 (2023-04-26) (Dying for an Angel) * (grizzelbee) Fix: two minor bug fixes - including a fix that prevents objects from being updated constantly. @@ -164,372 +171,6 @@ hash: 0D3dMICFt9G+gq1NQ2y2G8aax/Ih1h5+Hm6iw7lrW5E= * (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: removed duplicate en-/decryption of passwords due to jsonConfig * (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved some documentation from the readme file to machine_states.md -### V6.3.4 (2022-07-13) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [269](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/269) enabled decryption of passwords again since this issue is a bug in Admin 6.2.0 - -### V6.3.3 (2022-07-13) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [258](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/258) Improved error handling in case of line outages -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [269](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/269) Removed double decryption of passwords -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Dependencies got updated - -### V6.3.2 (2022-06-02) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new config option "delayed processing" to prevent overload on less powerful hardware -* (grizzelbee) Fix: changed actions info message during polling to log level debug -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed german translation bug "minutes" -> "protokoll" (thanks to rekorboi) - -### V6.3.1 (2022-05-25) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed bad log entry for error delay (delay is logged bad - but is executed okay) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Improved connection error handling -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed Sentry error: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-3K](https://sentry.io/organizations/grizzelbee/issues/3281137250) - -### V6.3.0 (2022-05-23) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: [247](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/247) Added a User-Agent to http-requests to enable Miele to identify requests made by this adapter -* (grizzelbee) New: [248](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/248) Added exponential backoff in case of errors -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [249](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/249) Handling undefined devices properly when executing actions -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [250](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/250) Fixed light switch action which did not work due to [228](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/228) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [246](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/246) switched http response from warn to debug -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Some minor log improvements - -### V6.2.2 (2022-05-17) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Starting programs on devices is working now. - -### V6.2.1 (2022-05-16) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [242](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/242) VentilationStep needs to be type number but was boolean -* (grizzelbee) Fix: ACTIONS.programId is invalid: obj.common.type has an invalid value (integer) ... - -### V6.2.0 (2022-05-12) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: [238](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/238) Reintroduced data polling as a config option for all who has troubles with Server-Sent Events -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some additional error handling code when Server Send Events report errors. -* (grizzelbee) New: [238](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/238) Added reconnect delay in case od an error -* (grizzelbee) New: [192](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/192) Improved handling of adapter traffic light in case of an error -* (grizzelbee) New: Waiting for code to complete in case of an occurring event -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Changed watchdog log entry from info to debug - -### V6.1.5 (2022-05-05) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Changed State-Changed log entry from info to debug -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed issue with not initialized auth.ping variable on adapter startup -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed issue with not initialized auth.ping variable after token has been refreshed -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed error in auth expiry calculation - -### V6.1.4 (2022-05-03) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [233](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/233) Fixed error while setting targetTemperature - -### V6.1.3 (2022-05-02) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [225](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/225) Fixes error with cooling devices -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [231](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/231) Fixes startup loop when cooling devices are connected -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed SuperCooling switch -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed SuperFreezing switch -* (grizzelbee) New: Added code to run dry tests with local test data - -### V6.1.2 (2022-04-29) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [228](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/228) Inverted light switch -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved main.js back to the main folder to run unit tests - -### V6.1.1 (2022-04-28) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added some missing native parts in objects -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved main.js to the source folder - -### V6.1.0 (2022-04-27) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Added some error handling -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Changed PlateStep_x data structure to PlateStepZone-x -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Removed unused ambientLight function -* (grizzelbee) Chg: [225](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/225) Removed unused freezerZone code for knownDevices - -### V6.0.0 (2022-04-19) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: Adapter entirely rewritten from scratch -* (grizzelbee) New: Added link to request Miele API credentials in config page. -* (grizzelbee) New: Implemented watchdog for broken lines -* (grizzelbee) New: Added donate button to config page and readme file -* (grizzelbee) New: [216](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/216) Added additional (undocumented) data points to dish warmer -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [213](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/213) Login delay works properly now when login fails on Startup -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [207](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/207) powering on device due to querying available programs -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Refresh of expired tokens works properly now -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Light-Switch is working now e.g. for coffee systems -* (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: Changed IDs for targetTemperature and temperature -* (grizzelbee) Chg: targetTemperature and temperature with invalid values (-32768, null, ...) will no longer be created -* (grizzelbee) Chg: startTime has moved to ACTIONS and is intended to work properly -* (grizzelbee) Chg: ACTIONS.*_Button_Active data points have been removed -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Switches in the ACTIONS are simple boolean switches now (no on/off, ...) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed separate license file - -### V5.0.4 (2022-01-07) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-7](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2379624775/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-2J](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2885488082/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-2K](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2886827789/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-28](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2787208315/?project=5735758) handling if the device is unknown - -### V5.0.3 (2021-12-31) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-8](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2380318199/?project=5735758) fixed stringifying circular structure -* (grizzelbee) Fix: undefined is not a valid state value for id "xxx.signalDoor" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: undefined is not a valid state value for id "xxx.ACTIONS.programId" - -### V5.0.2 (2021-10-27) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Added listener to error events -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Trying to reconnect if connection has been lost - -### V5.0.1 (2021-10-25) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [178](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/178) Removed: info Received ACTIONS message by SSE. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [179](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/179) Removed: info Received DEVICES message by SSE. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [180](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/180) Fixed: Info: State value to set for "mielecloudservice.0.xxx.ACTIONS.Power" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [181](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/181) Fixed: Program buttons should be fixed and work as soon as Miele fixes the API (as of today it has bugs). -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed many debug log output - -### V5.0.0 (2021-10-21) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: Removed useless grouping folders for device types - check your VIS and scripts -* (grizzelbee) New: [164](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/164) fixed bug in SignalFailure and signalInfo when havin no value -* (grizzelbee) New: [155](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/155) fixed >missing object< bug on arrays -* (grizzelbee) New: [154](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/154) Reintroduced TargetTemp to washer dryers -* (grizzelbee) New: [140](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/140) Switched from data polling to server sent events (push data) -* (grizzelbee) New: [71](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/71) If there is no internet connection on startup retry connecting until connection is established -* (grizzelbee) Fix: estimatedEndTime won't be shown anymore when device is off -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Don't rethrowing errors in APISendRequest anymore -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed a few minor bugs -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some additional API languages newly supported by Miele -* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Miele API V1.0.5 -* (grizzelbee) New: Added correct tier of adapter to io-package -* (grizzelbee) New: Added more program phases for tumble dryers to documentation -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Switched type of Power-Switch from string to boolean for being compliant with ioBroker expectation (e.g. for Text2Command adapter) - maybe more to follow. Please delete the data point let it create newly. -* (germanBluefox) Fix: Fixed icon link - -### V4.2.0 (2021-05-17) (A new Dimension) -* (grizzelbee) New: Adding Pause action to dish-washers - -### V4.1.0 (2021-05-15) (Carry me over) -* (grizzelbee) New: [149](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/149) Adding support (Start, Stop, Pause) for Miele Scout RX2 vacuum cleaner robots -* (Stan23) New: Added new program phase soak/Einweichen - -### V4.0.22 (2021-05-06) (Twisted mind) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [142](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/142) Reintroduced TargetTemp for washing machines - -### V4.0.21 (2021-05-03) (The Edge) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed accidental function name: createStateSpinAPIStartActionningSpeed -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed State value to set for "*.PlateStep_1" has to be type "number" but received type "string" - -### V4.0.20 (2021-04-30) (Sleepwalkers) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [137](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/137) Fixed Read-only state "info.connection" has been written without ack-flag with value "false" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [138](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/138) Fixed State value to set for ".Schleuderdrehzahl" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [139](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/139) Fixed State value to set for ".ACTIONS.Light" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Changed device group from channel to folder as documented [here](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/blob/master/docs/en/dev/objectsschema.md) - -### V4.0.19 (2021-04-29) (The scarecrow) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed light switch bug causing an exception when switching - 2nd attempt -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed No-Icon Bug when appliance is unknown - -### V4.0.18 (2021-04-28) (Ghostlights) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed light switch bug causing an exception when switching - -### V4.0.17 (2021-04-27) (Ghost in the moon) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added ioBroker sentry plugin to report issues automatically -* (grizzelbee) New: Added Light-Switch to washing machines, Tumble Dryers, Washer dryers and Dish washers -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies - -> **Hint:** -> The behavior of the light-switch has slightly changed with this release. It not only tests the action capabilities of -> the device but also shows the state of the light state delivered by the API. If no actions are reported by the API, the -> switch will be without function and only show the current state. If actions have been reported the switch will work as you expect. -> If your device reports no light state and no actions the switch will show 'None' and won't do anything. - -### V4.0.16 (2021-04-21) (Black Orchid) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Units for EcoFeedback will be shown now, even machine is not running during setup -* (stan23) New: added new program states - -### V4.0.15 (2021-04-19) (Moonglow) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [130](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/130) targetTemp for fridges and freezers will now correctly been updated in action section with current values - -### V4.0.14 (2021-04-18) (Alchemy) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [127](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/127) targetTemp for fridges caused exception and crash of adapter - -### V4.0.13 (2021-04-12) (The toy master) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) targetTemp addresses zones for fridges and freezers dynamically now - -### V4.0.12 (2021-04-12) (Promised land) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) targetTemp addresses zones for fridges and freezers dynamically now - -### V4.0.11 (2021-04-11) (Cry just a little) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.10 (2021-04-10) (Another angel down) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.9 (2021-04-09) (Farewell) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Errors during action execution will be shown correctly -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Actions will be executed correctly - -### V4.0.8 (2021-04-09) (The seven angels) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed datatype of VentilationStep data point -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 4) - -### V4.0.7 (2021-04-09) (Lost in space) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) added missing path to object ID; data point will be created in the correct place now -* (grizzelbee) New: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.6 (2021-04-08) (The great mystery) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes Light switch for hoods and other devices supporting light -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 3) - -### V4.0.5 (2021-04-08) (The haunting) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 2) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes error on creating TargetTemperature data points - -### V4.0.4 (2021-04-07) (Wastelands) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed missing getLightState - -### V4.0.3 (2021-04-07) (The raven child) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [109](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/109) fixes 404 error when querying possible actions for device. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes errors when executing actions on devices with API-Id!=fabNumber - -### V4.0.2 (2021-04-07) (Angel of Babylon) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [107](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/107) fixes #107 and 404 error when device is unknown. - -### V4.0.1 (2021-04-06) (Sign of the cross) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) setting the targetTemperature should work now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [96](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/96) Added missing ACTIONS.Action_Information again -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [97](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/97) removed unneeded additional "VentilationStep/Lüfterstufe" in path and fixed warning with this. VentilationStep-switch should work properly now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [98](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/98) Color-Action has now valid type 'String' -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [102](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/102) Fixed ACTIONS.VentilationStep has no existing object -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Power switch is write protected now when in state 'None'. State 'None' means: No action permitted. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Light switch is write protected now when in state 'None'. State 'None' means: No action permitted. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: http error 404 will be catched when requesting device actions - -### V4.0.0 (2021-03-18) (Symphony of life) -> ***Hint:*** The adapter received a complete code refactoring! This means that most of the code has been changed and some parts are working now differently than ever before. Update with care and read the change log! -* (grizzelbee) New: FULL support of Miele cloud API v1.0.4 -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [83](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/83) estimatedEndTime isn't shown anymore after the device has finished -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [85](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/85) full code refactoring and split into multiple files. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [86](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/86) every folder and device now gets a nice little icon -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [89](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/89) Washer dryers are fully supported now -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) implemented targetTemperature for fridges & freezers -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Devices get fully created on startup and aren't modified afterwards - only updated -* (grizzelbee) Upd: New folder ecoFeedback to group ecoFeedback states -* (grizzelbee) Upd: New folder IDENT to group ident states -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed signalActionRequired - since there is no signalDoor for washing machines, dryers and dishwashers this approach doesn't work -* (grizzelbee) Upd: All folders and states which are being created depend on the capabilities of their devices as described in [this Miele documentation](https://www.miele.com/developer/assets/API_V1.x.x_capabilities_by_device.pdf). So there shouldn't be useless states anymore caused by the generic Miele cloud API. - -### V3.0.2 (2021-03-05) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [79](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/79) When a devices serial is missing, the identNumber is assigned instead. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Changed folder name cooktops to hobs since this is the more common name -* (grizzelbee) Upd: added PowerOn/Off buttons for Coffee-systems & hoods -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) testing actions better before sending to permit errors - -### V3.0.1 (2021-02-25) -> *Hint:* Action_Information and Action_Status objects are created on first action execution and contain infos to the last executed action. -> Please take care of notes regarding [Controlling your devices](#Controlling your devices). -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved logging in some parts - objects get stringified. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) Actions are working again -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Actions are tested before sending whether they are permitted in current device state -* (grizzelbee) Upd: estimatedEndTime doesn't show seconds anymore -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved documentation -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed unused function decrypt -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed superfluent parameters - - -### V3.0.0 (2021-02-18) -> Hint: ecoFeedback objects are created on the first run of the device. This allows to only create them, when they contain data. -* (grizzelbee) New: BREAKING CHANGE: Making use of build-in password de-/encryption. This raises the need to re-enter your passwords again, because the old ones can't be decrypted anymore. -* (grizzelbee) New: [70](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/70) Implements Miele API 1.0.4 -* (grizzelbee) New: [64](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/64) Introduces data point estimatedFinishingTime -* (grizzelbee) New: [54](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/54) Poll interval can now freely be selected in seconds and minutes -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [73](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/73) BREAKING CHANGE: Removed white-spaces from any ID in device tree. This creates completely new device trees. So please delete the old ones. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed david-dm badge -* (grizzelbee) Upd: updated dependencies -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added passwords to encryptedNative -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added passwords to protectedNative -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [63](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/63) added missing info.connection object to io-package -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [63](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/63) Fixed new Warnings introduced with js-controller 3.2 -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) Light-Actions should work now - -### V2.0.3 (2020-09-15) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated country list in config dialog -* (grizzelbee) New: Some more debug code - -### V2.0.2 (2020-09-15) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some debug Code to find an Error -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed error on failed authentication preventing a valid error message - -### V2.0.1 (2020-09-14) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some debug Code to find an Error -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed error on logout while invalidating token - -### V2.0.0 - Support for Miele API V1.0.3 (2020-08-25) -Some breaking changes in this release. Some data points changed their type. May require fixes in scripts. **Update with care!** -Due to the fix that data points with invalid values aren't created any longer, I recommend deleting all data points in Object view. -* (grizzelbee) Change: New Icon -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Number-data points are no longer created as strings due to their unit. They are correct numbers with units now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Unit °Celsius is now shown as °C - not longer °Celsius -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced support for °Fahrenheit -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced support for new Value "plateStep" for Hobs. -* (grizzelbee) New: Performing a LogOut from Miele API on shutdown to invalidate the Auth-Tokens. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Data points with invalid values (null/-32768) are no longer created. - -### V1.2.4 (2020-06-09) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed No-Data Bug (introduced in V1.2.3) - -### V1.2.3 (2020-06-07) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: fixed snyk badge -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved error handling - -### V1.2.2 (2020-05-23) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed node 8 from testing on travis.com -* (grizzelbee) Fix: signalActionRequired should work better now -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated documentation -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved error handling in function APISendRequest -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Moved testing of Config to On(Ready) and fixed unit tests with this. - -### V1.2.1 (2020-04-22) -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced new boolean state (**signalActionRequired**) that indicates that the machine has finished running, but a human action, like putting the wet clothes to the dryer, ... is needed. State is cleared automatically when the door of the appliance is opened, or it is restarted. State is implemented for washing machines, tumble dryers, washer dryer and dishwashers. **Doesn't work perfectly currently.** -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated Documentation -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed warnings with js-Controller >=3.0 (Issue #23) - -### V1.2.0 (2020-04-18) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new boolean state (**Connected**) that indicates whether the device is connected to WLAN or a gateway. -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new boolean state (**signalInUse**) that indicates whether the device is switched off (false) or in Use (true). -* (grizzelbee) Change: replaced the deprecated http-library **request** with **axios** -* (grizzelbee) Change: Made functions communicating with API asynchronous - -### V1.1.0 (2020-03-07) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added Actions - Implemented all currently supported and documented Actions for all devices. -> Please remember that Actions will only work if you put your device into the appropriate state (e.g. Mobile Control) -please refer to [Miele-Documentation](#documentation) for more Information on actions. - -### V1.0.5 (2020-02-14) -* (grizzelbee) removed node-schedule as a dependency -* (grizzelbee) implemented scheduling via setTimeout, which raises the opportunity - to schedule with less than a minute in the future - -### V1.0.4 (2020-02-12) -* (grizzelbee) removed unneeded setTimeout from main -* (grizzelbee) Clearing scheduler on unload of adapter -* (grizzelbee) Minor updates and fixed typos in Readme - -### V1.0.3 (2020-02-06) -* (grizzelbee) removed an overseen logging of Passwords -* (grizzelbee) Fixed createTemperatureDatapoint to work with less than 3 values delivered from API -* (grizzelbee) Added some documentation -* (grizzelbee) Started implementation of DeviceActions - - -### V1.0.2 (2020-02-05) -* (grizzelbee) removed any logging of Passwords -* (grizzelbee) Fixed bug in config interface introduced during password encryption that config values aren't loaded properly - -### V1.0.1 (2020-02-04) -* (grizzelbee) Fixes in environment for getting adapter into the Repo -* (grizzelbee) Passwords are stored encrypted now - -### V1.0.0 (2020-02-03) -* (grizzelbee) renamed to MieleCloudService to get the ability to publish; the old Name is still blocked by hash99 -* (grizzelbee) Rewritten adapter from scratch - therefore it's incompatible with prior versions and needs to be installed freshly. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed all build-errors -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed "NRefreshToken is not a function"-Bug -* (grizzelbee) Chg: removed Push-API checkbox (maybe introduced newly when API supports this) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: New Icon -* (grizzelbee) New: added support for non-german Miele-Accounts (ALL should be included) -* (grizzelbee) Complete new layout of data points -* (grizzelbee) Device types are grouped now - ### 0.9.1 (2019-07-26) * (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed small bug introduced in V0.9.0 throwing an exception in debugging code @@ -556,9 +197,9 @@ please refer to [Miele-Documentation](#documentation) for more Information on ac * (hash99) adapter conform ### 0.0.1 -* (hash99) initial release - -## License +* (hash99) initial release + +## License The MIT License (MIT) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy @@ -577,4 +218,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. +THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md index 3b6a2ea93..5503858cd 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md title: ioBroker.myvbus -hash: aF4K57u2d/78Cw2v4pkxrJUrcmi9N7upgA12YFtYMP4= +hash: ZiVALRmHECLNqlEbG+VupRJUNFp71+MElfgIjLt0HE4= --- # IoBroker.myvbus ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/admin/myvbus.png) -![Количество установок (последних)](http://iobroker.live/badges/myvbus-installed.svg) +![Количество установок (последнее)](http://iobroker.live/badges/myvbus-installed.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.myvbus.svg) ![Количество установок (стабильно)](http://iobroker.live/badges/myvbus-stable.svg) -![НПМ-версия](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.myvbus.svg) +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.myvbus.svg) ![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.myvbus.png?downloads=true) -**Тесты:** ![Тестирование и выпуск](https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.myvbus/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.myvbus/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## Адаптер ioBroker для Resol VBus Этот адаптер подключает ioBroker к различным устройствам на базе VBus с помощью resol-vbus, библиотеки JavaScript для сбора данных RESOL VBus, предоставленной Дэниелом Випперманном. @@ -24,44 +24,63 @@ hash: aF4K57u2d/78Cw2v4pkxrJUrcmi9N7upgA12YFtYMP4= ## Функции -* Позволяет считывать данные измерений с различных устройств RESOL(R) VBus(R) - предпочтительно солнечных и системных контроллеров серии DeltaSol(R), включая встроенные счетчики количества тепла (HQM) - с использованием регистраторов данных DL3 или DL2, KM2. коммуникационные модули, адаптеры интерфейса VBus/LAN или шлюзы последовательного порта/LAN локально через TCP/IP. -* Также поддерживается доступ к устройству с помощью адаптера последовательного интерфейса VBus/USB или через VBus.net(R) с использованием DLx/KMx. -* Обрабатывает живые потоки данных VBus и делает их доступными, как утверждает ioBroker. +* Позволяет считывать данные измерений с различных устройств RESOL(R) VBus(R) - предпочтительно солнечных и системных контроллеров серии DeltaSol(R), включая встроенные счетчики количества тепла (HQM) - с использованием регистраторов данных DL3 или DL2, коммуникационных модулей KM2, адаптеров интерфейса VBus/LAN или последовательных/LAN-шлюзов локально через TCP/IP. +* Также поддерживается доступ к устройству с использованием адаптера последовательного интерфейса VBus/USB или через VBus.net(R) с использованием DLx/KMx. +* Обрабатывает потоки данных VBus в реальном времени и делает их доступными в виде состояний ioBroker. * Значения обновляются с настраиваемым временем цикла. -* Чтение или установка параметров конфигурации устройства VBus не поддерживается. Для этого следует использовать инструменты, предоставляемые Resol, например. через VBus.net или инструмент параметризации RPT. +* Чтение или настройка параметров конфигурации устройства VBus не поддерживается. Для этого следует использовать инструменты, предоставляемые Resol, например, через VBus.net или инструмент параметризации RPT. Производная версия этого адаптера, поддерживающая управление устройствами VBus, доступна по адресу -* Чтение канала DL3 0 (датчики, напрямую подключенные к устройству DL3) не поддерживается из-за ограничений интерфейса DL3. +* Чтение канала 0 DL3 (датчики, напрямую подключенные к устройству DL3) не поддерживается из-за ограничений интерфейса DL3. -## Подсказки по настройке -* Тип подключаемого устройства, например. VBus/LAN или DL2 должны быть выбраны явно, иначе соединение не будет установлено. -* Порт TCP-соединения: настройку по умолчанию 7053 менять не следует. -* Пароль устройства: пароль, который вы установили на подключаемом устройстве (по умолчанию: vbus). -* Канал DL3: актуально только для DL3/DL2Plus. Для всех остальных подключаемых устройств оставьте значение «Нет». +## Советы по настройке +* Тип устройства подключения, например VBus/LAN или DL2. Должен быть выбран явно, в противном случае соединение не будет установлено. +* Порт подключения TCP: Только соответствующий или доступ на основе локальной сети. Значение по умолчанию 7053 не следует менять +* Пароль устройства: пароль, который вы установили на своем устройстве подключения (по умолчанию: vbus) +* Канал DL3: актуально только для DL3/DL2Plus — для всех остальных устройств подключения оставьте значение «Нет». -(допустимые значения: 1–6, канал 0 не может быть считан) +(допустимые значения: 1-6, канал 0 не может быть считан) -* Интервал обновления: время между обновлениями измеренных значений (по умолчанию 30 с). -* Правильные настройки прямого доступа к локальной сети для VBus/LAN, DL3, DL2, KM2: - * Устройство подключения: VBus/LAN или KM2/DL2 или DL3/DL2Plus. - * Адрес устройства: IP-адрес (например, или полное имя хоста (например, myKM2.fritz.box). -* Правильные настройки доступа DL3, DL2, KM2 через VBus.net: - * Устройство подключения: DL3/DL2Plus или DL2/KM2 - * Адрес устройства: vbus.net (или vbus.io) — оба без http:// и идентификатора Via! - * Через тег: YourViaIdentifier (например, d1234567890) — без http:// перед или .vbus.io позади. +* Через тег: актуально только для доступа DL3, DL2, KM2 через VBus.net — оставьте поле пустым для всех остальных устройств подключения. +* Интервал обновления: время между обновлениями измеренных значений (по умолчанию 30 с) +* Правильные настройки для прямого доступа к последовательному интерфейсу для VBus/USB: +* Устройство подключения: VBus/USB +* Адрес устройства: путь к последовательному порту, к которому подключен адаптер последовательного интерфейса, например + +'/dev/ttyUSB0' или '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_USB-Modul_UO2102_TDEB6I8DAVDLGAGC-if00-port0' или '/dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-port0' для Linux или 'COM5' для платформ ioBroker на базе Windows + +* Правильные настройки для прямого доступа к локальной сети для VBus/LAN, DL3, DL2, KM2: +* Устройство подключения: VBus/LAN или KM2/DL2 или DL3/DL2Plus +* Адрес устройства: IP-адрес (например, или полностью определенное имя хоста (например, myKM2.fritz.box) +* Правильные настройки для доступа DL3, DL2, KM2 через VBus.net: +* Устройство подключения: DL3/DL2Plus или DL2/KM2 +* Адрес устройства: vbus.net (или vbus.io) - оба без http:// и идентификатора Via! +* Через тег: YourViaIdentifier (например, d1234567890) - без http:// перед или .vbus.io после ## Юридические уведомления RESOL, VBus, VBus.net, DeltaSol и другие являются торговыми марками или зарегистрированными торговыми марками RESOL - Elektronische Regelungen GmbH -Все остальные товарные знаки являются собственностью соответствующих владельцев. -Авторы никоим образом не одобрены и не связаны с RESOL GmbH или любыми связанными с ней дочерними компаниями, логотипами или товарными знаками. +Все остальные товарные знаки являются собственностью их владельцев. +Авторы никоим образом не поддерживаются и не связаны с RESOL GmbH или любыми связанными с ними дочерними компаниями, логотипами или товарными знаками. ## Changelog +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-30) - 2025H1 maintenance release + +* (pdbjjens) New: Accept serial port paths /dev/serial/by-id/usb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or /dev/serial/by-path/platform-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +* (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 +* (simatec) Responsive Design added + +### 0.4.0 (2024-08-13) - 2024H2 maintenance release + +* (pdbjjens) Change: node>=18, js-contoller>=5 and admin>=6 required +* (pdbjjens) Change: Removed .npmignore +* (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies + ### 0.3.0 (2024-01-24) - 2024 maintenance release * (pdbjjens) New: Use JSON config UI @@ -79,23 +98,11 @@ RESOL, VBus, VBus.net, DeltaSol и другие являются торговы * (pdbjjens) Fix password check -### 0.2.3 (2023-02-27) - 2023 maintenance release - -* (pdbjjens) Updated dependencies -* (pdbjjens) New: Use adapter-dev instead of gulp translate -* (pdbjjens) Fix: error handling for serial connections - -### 0.2.2 (2022-02-11) - -* Updated dependencies -* Compatibility check for js-controller 4.0 -* Support for js-controller 1.x dropped - ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Jens-Peter Jensen +Copyright (c) 2025 Jens-Peter Jensen Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -113,4 +120,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md index 6ead43e91..83e164961 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md title: Адаптер ioBroker для получения результатов футбольных матчей из OpenLigaDB -hash: DB+jiEnmIjsdyzVLRF6oEEU3UF6WtWK0uJuomZNrzJM= +hash: hg3XI6pnogJ4TCFV92FGjS6mePxT99QxVlLybvBM2JU= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/admin/openligadb_n.png) @@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ Das ist die klassische Tabellenansicht.\ Die Tabelle enthält verschiedene Spalt | Атрибут | Группа | Бесшрайбунг | | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | все совпадения | | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches (Achtung im alten widget musste hier noch table ausgewählt werden) ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, падает с конца Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt включает все матчи каждой лиги/сезона в формате JSON. Aus diesen Daten wird dann auf Basis des Modus die Tabellen die verschiedenen Modis berechnet. | -| текущий день | | Это действительно Datenpunk цу Wählen, der mit Currgameday benannt ist. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, падает с конца Angaben gültig sind. Der Wert wird im Adaptor auf Basis des actuallen Datums berechnet. Der aktuelle Spieltag wechselt zur Hälfte der Zeit zwischen dem letzten Spiel des vorherigen Spieltags und dem ersten Spiel des folgenden Spieltages. | -| режим | | Listenauswahl в welchem Modus die Tabelle angezeigt werden soll zur Auswahl steht Gesamt (всего 1), Хайм (2 дома) или Аусвартс (3 на выезде), Хинрунде (4 раунда 1) или Рюкрунде (5 раунда 2). | -| режим_привязки | | Этот атрибут используется в режиме атрибута. Это недопустимо, поэтому модус таблицы может оказаться недопустимым для Binding gesteuert werden kann. В текстовых полях вы можете увидеть, как работает этот режим. Когда этот корректор будет выбран, если атрибуты не будут использоваться в режиме атрибутов. Ein Normalanwender sollte er nichts eintragen. | +| текущий день | | Это действительно Datenpunk цу Wählen, der mit Currgameday benannt is. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, падает с конца Angaben gültig sind. Der Wert wird im Adaptor auf Basis des actuallen Datums berechnet. Der aktuelle Spieltag wechselt zur Hälfte der Zeit zwischen dem letzten Spiel des vorherigen Spieltags und dem ersten Spiel des folgenden Spieltages. | +| режим | | Listenauswahl в welchem Modus die Tabelle angezeigt werden soll zur Auswahl steht Gesamt (всего 1), Хайм (2дома) или Аусвартс (3на выезде), Хинрунде (4раунд1) или Рюкрунде (5раунд2). | +| режим_привязки | | Этот атрибут используется в режиме атрибута. Это недопустимо, поэтому модус таблицы может оказаться недопустимым для Binding gesteuert werden kann. В текстовых полях вы можете увидеть, как работает этот режим. Если это ваш корректор, который есть, то атрибуты должны быть изменены для режима атрибутов. Ein Normalanwender sollte er nichts eintragen. | | максикон | | Maximale Größe des Manschaftsicons в x или y-Richtung. | | короткое имя | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, падает в vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | | тренд | | Auswahl, если Trendicons angezeigt werden sollen. Der Trend wird im Vergleich zum vorherigen Spieltag berechnet. | -| выделить | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semicolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Dieuche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Имя ювелирного изделия можно использовать с HTML-тегами ``. Подробное форматирование может быть выполнено в стиле CSS-класса «любимый». Вы можете выделить свой индивидуальный CSS-класс. Вгл. Глава дела | +| выделить | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semicolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Dieuche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Ювелирное имя будет доступно с HTML-тегами ``. Детальное форматирование может быть выполнено в стиле CSS-класса «любимый». Вы можете выделить свой индивидуальный CSS-класс. Вгл. Глава дела | | фильтр | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit с точкой с запятой (;) getrennt eingegeben werden anhand deren die Tabelle gefiltert dargestellt wird. | | iconup,icond,iconst | Иконки атрибутной группы | Hier können eigene Trendicons определенно верден. | | showgameday в Attributgruppe | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Hier kann ein vom aktuellen Spieltag abweichender Tag zur Berechnung der Tablele eingegeben werden | -| число последних игр в группе атрибутов | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn hier eine Zahl eingegeben wird, dann wird die Tabelle nur für die Anzahl von Spieltagen bis zum aktuell angezeigten Spieltag (в Abhängigkeit von currgameday und showgameday) berechnet Beispiel: Eingabe bei showgameday = 10 und Bei Lastgamecount=5: Die Tabelle wird nur für die Шпильтаж 6-10 бережнет (5 Шпилтаж) | +| число последних игр в группе атрибутов | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn hier eine Zahl eingegeben wird, dann wird die Tabelle nur für die Anzahl von Spieltagen bis zum aktuell angezeigten Spieltag (в Abhängigkeit von currgameday und showgameday) berechnet Beispiel: Eingabe bei showgameday = 10 und Bei Lastgamecount=5: Die Tabelle wird nur für умереть Spieltage 6-10 Беречнет (5 Spieltage) | ### Игры Gameday v2 ![Виджет Gameday](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/widgets/openligadb/img/gameday.png) @@ -107,15 +107,15 @@ Darüber hinaus kann auch die Menge der angezeigten Spieltage festgelegt werden. | максикон | | Maximale Größe des Manschaftsicons в x или y-Richtung. | | короткое имя | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, падает в vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | | шоуголы | | Информация о Торшютцене всегда актуальна. | -| выделить | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit с точкой с запятой (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Dieuche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Ювелирное имя будет доступно с HTML-тегами `` eingefasst. Детальное форматирование может быть выполнено в стиле CSS-класса «любимый». Вы можете выделить свой индивидуальный CSS-класс. Вгл. Глава дела | -| шоу-день | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, wird immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine позитивный Zahl ein, dann wird, Falls vorhanden, der ausgewählte Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine negatial Zahl ein, dann wird relativ vom aktuellen Spieltag dieser angezeigt (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | +| выделить | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit с точкой с запятой (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Dieuche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen. Ювелирное имя будет доступно с HTML-тегами ``. Подробное форматирование может быть выполнено в стиле CSS-класса «любимый». Вы можете выделить свой индивидуальный CSS-класс. Вгл. Глава дела | +| шоу-день | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, wird immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine Positive Zahl ein, dann wird, Falls vorhanden, der ausgewählte Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine negatial Zahl ein, dann wird relativ vom aktuellen Spieltag dieser angezeigt. (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | | показатьgamedaycount | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Üblicherweise bleibt dieses Feld leer orer enthält 1. Dadurch wird genau ein Spieltag angezeigt. Wird hier eine andere Zahl eingegeben, dann wird diese Anzahl von Spieltagen, ausgehend von der 'Einstellung в showgameday angezeigt. | | шоу-будний день | Erweiterte Einstellungen | Zeigt vor dem Datum wahlweise den Wochentag an. | ##### Примеры ###### Добавление привязки в атрибуте showgameday ггфс. kann dieses Feld auch über vis-binding berechnet und gefüllt werden. -Описание для относительных брехнетов Spieltag: | +Текст для относительных брехнетов Spieltag: | ```text Vorheriger Spieltag @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Darüber hinaus kann auch die Menge der angezeigten Spieltage festgelegt werden. {a:openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday;a+1} ``` -Если привязка не отображается в режиме редактирования, вы можете получить Verwendung von Binding в режиме редактирования в реальном времени. +Если привязка не отображается в режиме редактирования, вы можете использовать функцию привязки в режиме редактирования в реальном времени. ### Игры любимых клубов 2 ![Любимые игры](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/widgets/openligadb/img/favgames.png) Diese Widget zeigt die nächsten Spiele deiner Lieblingsmannschaften aus ein oder mehrerer Ligen an. Во время Auswahl der Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Ligen, для каждой лиги есть отдельная группа конфигураций, в der die folgenden Einstellungen vorgenommen werden können. @@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ Darüber hinaus kann auch die Menge der angezeigten Spieltage festgelegt werden. | Анзал Лига | Всеобщий | Hier kann die Anzahl der abzufragenden Ligen eingetragen werden. Для игры в Лиге используется отдельная группа конфигураций. | | максикон | Всеобщие | Maximale Größe des Manschaftsicons в x или y-Richtung. | | шоурезультат | Всеобщий | Auswahl, ob die Spielergebnisse, sofern bekannt, angezeigt werden sollen | -| показатьаббревиатура | Всеобщий | Um die Spiele der einzelnen Ligen unterscheiden zu können, kann man eine eigene Kürzung in der Jeweiligen Konfiguration eintragen. Hier kann ausgewählt werden, ob diese angezeigt werden soll. | +| показатьаббревиатура | Всеобщий | Um die Spiele der einzelnen Ligen unterscheiden zu können, cann man eine eigene Kürzung in der Jeweiligen Konfiguration eintragen. Hier kann ausgewählt werden, ob diese angezeigt werden soll. | | шоу-будний день | Всеобщий | Zeigt vor dem Datum wahlweise den Wochentag an. Folgenden Attribute в Группе Лиги может быть использован в Abhängigkeit der Eingabe в **Anzahl Liga** mehrfach wiederholen. | | все совпадения | Лига | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, падает с конца Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt enthält alle Spiele und Ergebnisse einer Liga/Season in JSON-Format | | текущий день | Лига | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung currgameday ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, падает с конца Angaben gültig sind. Der Wert wird im Adaptor auf Basis des actuallen Datums berechnet. Der aktuelle Spieltag wechselt zur Hälfte der Zeit zwischen dem letzten Spielt der vorherigen Spieltags und dem ersten Spiel des folgenden Spieltages. | -| шоу-день | Лига | Когда он умирает, он смотрит на него, и он погружается в актуальную историю. Если вы считаете, что это позитивный шаг, то, возможно, вы упадете перед тем, как сделать это, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию. Если вы считаете, что это отрицательный результат, это может быть связано с актуальными событиями (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | +| шоу-день | Лига | Когда он умирает, он смотрит на него, и он погружается в актуальную историю. Если вы считаете, что это позитивный шаг, то, возможно, вы упадете, чтобы получить возможность использовать Spieltag ausgegangen. Если вы считаете, что это отрицательный результат, это может быть связано с актуальными событиями (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | | показатьgamedaycount | Лига | Hier kann angegeben werden für wie viele Spieltage die Spiele angezeigt werden sollen. Когда вы просматриваете все остальные игры (макс. 9999 игр), вы можете увидеть все, что вам нужно, чтобы увидеть все игры, сделанные для игры в жанре Spieltagen, ausgehend von der 'Einstellung в showgameday angezeigt. | | короткое имя | Лига | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wird der Kurzname angezeigt, падает в vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde. | | аббревиатура | Лига | Abkürzung die für diese Liga angezeigt werden soll, sofern showabreviation ausgewählt wurde. | @@ -169,17 +169,17 @@ Beispiele für einen relativ berechneten Spieltag: {a:openligadb.0.bl1.2019.currgameday;a+1} ``` -Если привязка не отображается в режиме редактирования, вы можете использовать функцию привязки в режиме редактирования в реальном времени. +Если привязка не отображается в режиме редактирования, вы можете получить Verwendung von Binding в режиме редактирования в реальном времени. ### Сводная таблица 2 -Этот виджет будет использоваться для всех игр и приложений в качестве Pivottabelle и +Этот виджет будет использоваться для всех игр и приложений в качестве сводной таблицы. | CSS-класс | Форматирование элементов обработки элементов | Бейшпиль | | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | | любимый | Для того, чтобы подчеркнуть особое название Mannschaftsnamen | | #### Пример сводной таблицы -##### Для ярких моментов в Mannschaftsnamen +##### Лучшее для ярких моментов в Mannschaftsnamen ```css .oldb-tt .favorite { color: yellow; @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Beispiele für einen relativ berechneten Spieltag: | вратари | Всеобщий | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung ausgewählt werden. Dieser Datenpunkt wird nach dem Anlegen der Liga/Season in der Konfiguration erzeugt, падает с конца Angaben gültig sind. Der Datenpunkt включает в себя все события актуального сезона. | | максимум Анзал | | Nur die angegebene Anzahl an Torjäger wird angezeigt. | | сортировка | | Auswahl der Sortierreihenfolge. | -| Нур Основные моменты | | Фильтр Einträge zum Higlightfilter всегда открыт. | +| Нур Основные моменты | | Фильтр Einträge zum Higlightfilter должен быть открыт. | | выделить | | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit с точкой с запятой (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, die hervorgehoben werden sollen. Dieuche erfolgt nur in den Spielernamen. Ювелирное имя будет доступно с HTML-тегами `` eingefasst. Детальное форматирование может быть выполнено в стиле CSS-класса «любимый». | ## Rezepte zur Wiederverwendung @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ Beispiele für einen relativ berechneten Spieltag: Bedingung dann bei jedem der 3 Widgets jeweils nur einen der folgenden Werte eintragen total,home,away -5. Дайте новый виджет: Список значений радиокнопок (находится в +5. Дайте новый виджет: список значений радиокнопок (находится в Стандартная установка von vis schon enthalten @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ Danke an bommel_030 Die 4 Steuerelemente zum importieren findet ihr здесь: ``` ### Anzeige von bestimmten Eigenschaften, Falls eine der Lieblingsmannschaften am heutigen Tag spielen -**Beipiel 1** HTML-виджет может быть использован для установки в Hintergrund, если Bayern Heute Spielt. +**Beipiel 1** HTML-Виджет поможет вам получить больше удовольствия от игры, если Bayern Heute Spielt. Der Bindungsausdruck будет использоваться в фоновом цвете поля в Reiter CSS Hintergrund Gesetzt. ```text @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ Der Bindungsausdruck будет использоваться в фоновом `javascript.0.tabellemodus` -Это также привязка в атрибуте mode_binding в виджете таблицы, который может быть подсказан: +Это также привязка в атрибуте mode_binding в виджете таблицы, который может быть скрыт: ```text {javascript.0.tabellemodus} @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ sendTo( - ~~адаптер документации/виджет~~ - ~~исправить проблему с динамикой колонки клуба~~ - ~~новый виджет: следующие x игр клуба~~ -- ~~настройка игрового дня для начального игрового дня и его продолжительность (-1,3 = показать предыдущий +- ~~настройка игрового дня виджета для начала игрового дня и его длины (-1,3 = показать предыдущий игровой день и 3 игровых дня после него)~~ @@ -391,287 +391,290 @@ sendTo( - ~~контролируемый игровой день в виджете игрового дня~~ ## Changelog - - - -### 1.8.0 (2024-10-27) - -- move widget documentation from html file to readme -- adjust and prove responsive design for jsonconfig +### 1.8.1 (2025-01-23) + +- adjust breakpoints in jsonConfig as a workaround for the new table/card-elements + +### 1.8.0 (2024-10-27) + +- move widget documentation from html file to readme +- adjust and prove responsive design for jsonconfig - implement individual color settings for highlite and filters for each widget -### 1.7.0 (2024-09-16) - +### 1.7.0 (2024-09-16) + - fix quotes -### 1.6.0 (2024-09-16) - +### 1.6.0 (2024-09-16) + - reimplement checkTodayFavorite -### 1.5.0 (2024-09-15) - -- Addition of a CSS example for the Pivot Table widget -- add `sendTo` command to getMatchData -- remove deprecated widgets +### 1.5.0 (2024-09-15) + +- Addition of a CSS example for the Pivot Table widget +- add `sendTo` command to getMatchData +- remove deprecated widgets - addition widget option "only logo" to supress the teamname -### 1.4.11 (2024-08-09) - +### 1.4.11 (2024-08-09) + - fix issues from adapter checker -### 1.4.10 (2024-08-02) - -- switch to eslint 9 +### 1.4.10 (2024-08-02) + +- switch to eslint 9 - adjust markdownlint settings to be compatible with prettier -### 1.4.9 (2024-06-13) - -- fix if no game exist for team1/team2 -- somme prettier changes +### 1.4.9 (2024-06-13) + +- fix if no game exist for team1/team2 +- somme prettier changes - launch config for vscode -### 1.4.8 (2024-06-06) - +### 1.4.8 (2024-06-06) + - release -### 1.4.7 (2024-06-04) - +### 1.4.7 (2024-06-04) + - update dependencies -### 1.4.6 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.6 (2024-06-01) + - fix yml structure -### 1.4.5 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.5 (2024-06-01) + - fix yml structure -### 1.4.4 (2024-06-01) - -- Enable NPM Publish -- Enable dependabot +### 1.4.4 (2024-06-01) + +- Enable NPM Publish +- Enable dependabot - fix checks from adapter checker -### 1.4.3 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.3 (2024-06-01) + - remove files from eslint check -### 1.4.2 (2024-06-01) - -- fix double qoutes +### 1.4.2 (2024-06-01) + +- fix double qoutes - remove files from eslint check -### 1.4.1 (2024-06-01) - -- update package and io-broker files -- fix problems with vis2 +### 1.4.1 (2024-06-01) + +- update package and io-broker files +- fix problems with vis2 - remove vis as a -### 1.2.4 - +### 1.2.4 + - fix problems reported by adapter-checker -### 1.2.3 - +### 1.2.3 + - add connectiontype and datasource to io-package.json -### 1.2.2 - +### 1.2.2 + - fix result calculation -### 1.2.1 - +### 1.2.1 + - fix object type -### 1.2.0 - -- fix display of goals if goals are without minutes and playername saved by openligadb - +### 1.2.0 + +- fix display of goals if goals are without minutes and playername saved by openligadb + - fixed that sometimed request of states failed -### 1.1.0 - +### 1.1.0 + - prepare v1.1.0 -### 1.0.3 - +### 1.0.3 + - change setstate/createobject logic -### 1.0.2 - -- remove deprecated widgets / change widget beta flag - +### 1.0.2 + +- remove deprecated widgets / change widget beta flag + - improve debug messages -### 1.0.1 - +### 1.0.1 + - improve error message for requests -### 1.0.0 - +### 1.0.0 + - prepare for stable repository -### 0.11.5 - -- pivottable: show only results for selected gameday -- table3: icon attributes, add image selection dialog -- table3: add an extra attribute for mode to use with binding +### 0.11.5 + +- pivottable: show only results for selected gameday +- table3: icon attributes, add image selection dialog +- table3: add an extra attribute for mode to use with binding - all widgets: update documentation -### 0.11.4 - +### 0.11.4 + - fixed build/test problem -### 0.11.3 - +### 0.11.3 + - pivottable: fix problem with rank number -### 0.11.2 - -- pivottable: fix problem with sort and highlightontop +### 0.11.2 + +- pivottable: fix problem with sort and highlightontop - fix problem with goalgetters -### 0.11.1 - -- change some template settings, goalgetter table get headers, - add object change sensing -- widget goalgetters: add parameter highlight and showonlyhighlight -- widget pivottable: add sort option and choice to place favorite teams on top +### 0.11.1 + +- change some template settings, goalgetter table get headers, + add object change sensing +- widget goalgetters: add parameter highlight and showonlyhighlight +- widget pivottable: add sort option and choice to place favorite teams on top - remove year from date for several widgets -### 0.11.0 - -- extend table to calculate with x last games and extend table to calculate - ranking for a defined gameday, to ensure backward compatibility i have to - create a new table v3 widget -- extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change) -- new widget goal getter ranking with sort function -- new widget pivot table of played games +### 0.11.0 + +- extend table to calculate with x last games and extend table to calculate + ranking for a defined gameday, to ensure backward compatibility i have to + create a new table v3 widget +- extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change) +- new widget goal getter ranking with sort function +- new widget pivot table of played games - extend table modes with 1st round,2nd round -### 0.10.3 - -- change computing and output logic of gameday widget to mark gameday - header with favorite class -- improve documentation with css-klasses for table widget +### 0.10.3 + +- change computing and output logic of gameday widget to mark gameday + header with favorite class +- improve documentation with css-klasses for table widget - bugfix for calculate gameday. -### 0.10.2 - -- Add data column goaldiff to table widget, improve more documentation - (systax highlighting,copy code function), add example to +### 0.10.2 + +- Add data column goaldiff to table widget, improve more documentation + (systax highlighting,copy code function), add example to control gameday with buttons, -### 0.10.1 - -- Improve documentation with more recipes and syntax highlighting, +### 0.10.1 + +- Improve documentation with more recipes and syntax highlighting, improve code to get and subscribe states -### 0.10.0 - -- New widget Table 2 that includes the calculation of the total, home and - away results. the previous widget is now deprecated, due to the +### 0.10.0 + +- New widget Table 2 that includes the calculation of the total, home and + away results. the previous widget is now deprecated, due to the different datapoint (allmatches) to be selected. -### 0.9.3 - +### 0.9.3 + - Remove ES6 features due to compatibility with older browsers -### 0.9.2 - +### 0.9.2 + - next try to fix the experimental javascript binding function -### 0.9.1 - +### 0.9.1 + - fix bugs in calculation matchresults and highlight clubs in favgames -### 0.9.0 - -- new Function for vis Binding to search for games at the actual day for - favorite clubs, css-classes für games at actual day, fix bug to show +### 0.9.0 + +- new Function for vis Binding to search for games at the actual day for + favorite clubs, css-classes für games at actual day, fix bug to show the right match results, -### 0.8.0 - -- push version for latest repository. fix some typos. fix a problem with +### 0.8.0 + +- push version for latest repository. fix some typos. fix a problem with date handling on different OS -### 0.0.11 - +### 0.0.11 + - widget gameday: fix issue with not working gamedaycount -### 0.0.10 - +### 0.0.10 + - widget gameday: optional you can show informations about the goalgetters -### 0.0.9 - -- optional weekday for widgets: gameday and gamesoffavclub,highlight the +### 0.0.9 + +- optional weekday for widgets: gameday and gamesoffavclub,highlight the clubname in gamesoffavclub -### 0.0.8 - -- new widget games of favorite clubs with multi league support as +### 0.0.8 + +- new widget games of favorite clubs with multi league support as replacement for the old one -### 0.0.7 - +### 0.0.7 + - close connections and remove observers (timeouts/intervals) -### 0.0.6 - +### 0.0.6 + - NPM deployment and preperation for the latest repository -### 0.0.5 - -- highlight favorite club, -- Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding, -- widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous - gameday and 3 gamedays after that) -- some documentation -- remove unused code -- new widget: next x games of club +### 0.0.5 + +- highlight favorite club, +- Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding, +- widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous + gameday and 3 gamedays after that) +- some documentation +- remove unused code +- new widget: next x games of club - fix issue for dynamic with of club column -### 0.0.4 - +### 0.0.4 + - fixed more oids in vis runtime -### 0.0.3 - +### 0.0.3 + - fixed getting oids in vis runtime -### 0.0.2 - +### 0.0.2 + - add controlable gameday logic to gameday widget and adapter -### 0.0.1 - +### 0.0.1 + - initial release ## License - -MIT License - -Copyright (c) 2024 oweitman - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2025 oweitman + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..942d7968e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md +title: ioBroker.oxxify-вентилятор-контроль +hash: oq5N579uZOxRokPPLSJhmBKEBhaE9V0YfAc9SK7y/Wg= +--- +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg) +![узел-lts](https://img.shields.io/node/v-lts/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control) +![Статус зависимости Libraries.io для последней версии](https://img.shields.io/librariesio/release/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control?label=npm%20dependencies) +![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/oxxify-fan-control-installed.svg) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.png?downloads=true) +![Бета](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg?color=red&label=beta) +![Стабильный](http://iobroker.live/badges/oxxify-fan-control-stable.svg) + + + +# IoBroker.oxxify-вентилятор-контроль +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/N-b-dy/ioBroker.oxxify-fan-control/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Oxxify-fan-control адаптер для ioBroker +Интегрируйте вентиляторы Oxxify в свой умный дом. Все предоставленные точки данных ioBroker основаны на протоколе связи, описанном [здесь](./doc/BDA_Anschluss_SmartHome_RV_V2.pdf). Поскольку другие производители используют тот же протокол (например, вентиляторы Blauberg), вполне вероятно, что они тоже будут работать. + +## Рабочие устройства +- Oxxify smart 50 (проверено мной) +- Любое другое устройство Oxxify с WiFi +- Blauberg Vents (должны быть, еще не тестировались) + +### Описание дерева объектов +Дерево объектов содержит папку с именем "devices", которая создает запись для каждого настроенного вентилятора. Каналы ниже создаются с уникальным идентификатором вентилятора, который предоставляется производителем. В столбце _name_ используется запись из конфигурации, чтобы лучше различать вентиляторы. Под каждым вентилятором создаются четыре канала для группировки данных, предоставленных для каждого вентилятора. Они объясняются следующим образом: + +#### Данные фанатов +Этот канал содержит любые данные, связанные с вентилятором, такие как таймеры, скорость вентилятора, состояние включения/выключения и информацию об интервале очистки/замены фильтра. Режимы работы вентилятора содержат числовое значение из протокола связи, а также состояние говорящей строки. Значения могут быть записаны только числом (например, 1 для рекуперации тепла). То же самое относится к режиму таймера и режиму скорости вентилятора, который принимает 1, 2, 3 и 255 для ручной настройки скорости. Скорость вентилятора для вентилятора 2 недоступна на моих устройствах (Oxxify pro 50) и остается либо на 0 об/мин в выключенном состоянии, либо на 1500 в любом рабочем состоянии. Другое значение изменяется в соответствии со скоростью. + +![изображение](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png) + +#### Сетевые данные +Сетевые данные в настоящее время доступны только для чтения, запись/изменение значений здесь пока не реализовано и может быть выполнено с помощью приложения производителя. То же самое относится к состоянию управления облачным сервером. + +![изображение](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png) + +#### Данные датчиков +Ввод данных для датчиков реализован, как определено в протоколе. Значение аналогового напряжения в %, как определено в протоколе. У меня ничего не подключено к аналоговому и релейному датчику, поэтому я не могу проверить, что произойдет, если вы активируете их. + +![изображение](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png) + +#### Системные данные +Этот канал содержит системные данные об оборудовании и прошивке, а также время работы, напряжение батареи RTC и дату/время. Здесь можно сбросить сигналы тревоги, а также установить время RTC на основе настроенного сервера NTP. По моему опыту, иногда может случиться так, что после синхронизации времени RTC новые (правильные) значения не видны сразу, и это занимает время до следующего опроса данных. + +![изображение](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png) + +## Задачи +- Выпуск стабильной версии на npm +- Добавление адаптера в репозиторий ioBroker +- Реализация большего количества тестов +- Улучшение документации +- Реализовать недостающие точки данных (например, расписание, запись сетевых данных и управление облаком) + + + +## Changelog + +### 0.0.4 (2025-01-31) + +- Updated ESLint to 9.x.x +- Fixed copyright issue from adapter checker +- Replaced deletion of all objects with deletion of missing devices from config only +- Avoided illegal characters from user input for fan id within code +- Changed state subscription to all states below the devices folder +- Added restart logic of UDP server in case of an error +- Added adapter terminiation if multiple udp server errors occured +- Replaced cyclic checking of the send quene with a timeout approach instead of interval +- Missing intermediate objects created +- Roles updated according to the read/write definitions +- Polling interval limited in JSON config and code +- ioBroker unit in object tree for RTC date & time removed + +### 0.0.3 (2025-01-11) + +- Added states for objects with high byte 0x03 with reading and writing +- Recreate device objects on adapter restart +- Simplified methods for writing fan data based on subscribed states +- Added a first unit test for the parsing of numbers. + +### 0.0.2 (2025-01-06) + +- (N-b-dy) initial release + +## License + +Copyright (c) 2025 N-b-dy + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + +### Disclaimer of Warranty. + +THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +### Limitation of Liability. + +IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aeac25d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18da8c7a3 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2031b1f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79448c0c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..138f7a7a0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md index e8a814ef5..da35f6d95 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md @@ -1,62 +1,64 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md title: ioBroker.reolink -hash: kU3wT/Hp6fLzWrtzLnmeYP3CMJbYa0jykAN+mOPR91M= +hash: /bm8PbcKUsNovM9dM+o7AdtO37eijmF0pbO4vbW2PaU= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/admin/reolink_logo.png) -![НПМ-версия](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.reolink.svg) +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.reolink.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.reolink.svg) ![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/reolink-installed.svg) -![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории.](https://iobroker.live/badges/reolink-stable.svg) +![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории](https://iobroker.live/badges/reolink-stable.svg) ![Статус зависимости](https://img.shields.io/david/aendue/iobroker.reolink.svg) ![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.reolink.png?downloads=true) # IoBroker.reolink -**Тесты:** ![Тестирование и выпуск](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## Адаптер reolink для ioBroker -Адаптер для платформы ioBroker для получения информации [Реолинк камера](https://reolink.com/). +Адаптер для платформы ioBroker для получения информации [Переподключение камеры](https://reolink.com/). В целом все новые камеры Reolink поддерживают команды API. Они просто отличаются поддерживаемыми командами. +Одно напоминание о пароле. Попробуйте с кодировкой URI или без нее, когда у вас есть только один специальный символ. Лучше не использовать специальный символ и просто использовать более длинный пароль для той же безопасности. + Если вы хотите включить какую-либо конкретную команду API... просто дайте мне знать. ## Реализованные функции ### НАБОР - - Управление PTZ / Защита PTZ - - Отправить уведомление - - Установить автофокус +- Управление PTZ / Охрана PTZ +- Push-уведомление +- Установить автофокус - значения: 0,1 +значения: 0,1 - - Установить ИК-подсветку +- Установить ИК-подсветку - значения: Авто, Выкл. +значения: Авто, Выкл. - - Установить светодиодный свет - - Установить почтовое уведомление +- Установить светодиодную подсветку +- Установить почтовое уведомление - значения: 0, 1 +значения: 0, 1 - - Воспроизвести звуковой сигнал - - Зум Фокус +- Воспроизвести звуковой сигнал будильника +- Увеличение фокуса - Функции можно запускать путем изменения состояний reolink..settings. +Функции можно запускать, изменяя состояния reolink..settings. ### ПОЛУЧАТЬ - - Информация об устройстве - - Информация о PTZ - - Информация о диске - - Информация о сети - - Обнаружение движения - - Автофокус - - Снимок - - ИК-свет - - Светодиодный - - Уведомление по почте +- Информация об устройстве +- Информация о PTZ +- Информация о диске +- Информация о сети +- Обнаружение движения +- Автофокус +- Снимок +- ИК-свет +- Светодиодный свет +- Уведомление по почте ### Пример использования get image: ``` @@ -65,15 +67,15 @@ sendTo("reolink.0",{action: "snap"}, function(result){ }); ``` -// содержимое **result** — JSON: +// содержимое **результата** — JSON: ``` {type:"image/png",base64:"iVBORw....askldfj"} ``` -##Известные рабочие камеры (прошивка 2023 года выпуска) +## Известные рабочие камеры (прошивки не старше 2023 года) - РЛК-420-5МП -- E1 Открытый +- E1 Наружный - РЛК-522 - РЛК-810А - РЛК-823А @@ -85,10 +87,26 @@ sendTo("reolink.0",{action: "snap"}, function(result){ ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (oelison) update disk info +* (oelison) uri enconding is switchable (helps sometimes by one special char) +* (oelison) #28 PTZ check added + +### 1.1.2 (2024-09-14) +* (oelison) [#22](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/22) password with some more special chars works now +* (oelison) adapter warnings resolved + +### 1.1.1 (2024-08-03) +* (oelison) removed warnings from adapter check +* (olli) added ftp support +* (oelison) channel now distinguishing most requests +* (oelison) [#79](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/79) error messages with more info where + +### 1.1.0 (2024-05-16) * (Nibbels) [#56](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/56) added function to switch scheduled recording on and off * (Nibbels) [#25](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/25) detach led light from led light mode * (Nibbels) added setWhiteLedMode function * (Nibbels) read zoom and focus with POST request (works on RLC-823A v3.1) +* (oelison) removed node 16 ### 1.0.3 (2024-01-21) * (oelison) [#49](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/49) @@ -158,7 +176,7 @@ sendTo("reolink.0",{action: "snap"}, function(result){ ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Andy Grundt +Copyright (c) 2025 Andy Grundt Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -176,4 +194,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md index 4365d5349..0ea25aab7 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md title: Адаптер сцен ioBroker -hash: FR+CyK5Winwdr8oIsq6WZoOBdSghf+pQvTJGhAHNMXE= +hash: Io2jtg2yoSH0XtMVQvpAhtXEtvJa+v5uqUhWKn5UbdE= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/admin/scenes.png) @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ _Адаптер сцен_ может создавать сцены и выпол Состояния с задержкой не участвуют в расчетах. Вы можете протестировать сцену с помощью кнопки «воспроизведение». -Кроме того, вы можете связать эту **сцену** напрямую с другим идентификатором сцены. Например, если у вас есть датчик на двери, вы можете выбрать его в качестве триггера: +Кроме того, вы можете напрямую связать эту **сцену** с другим идентификатором сцены. Например, если у вас есть датчик на двери, вы можете выбрать его в качестве триггера: ``` trigger @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ sendTo( Адаптер считывает все фактические значения идентификаторов, определенных в этой сцене, и сохраняет их как настроенные. ## Отключение или включение сцены с помощью сообщения Чтобы отключить или включить какую-либо сцену, вы можете отправить сообщение адаптеру: -``` +```js // enable sendTo( 'scenes.0', @@ -160,6 +160,14 @@ sendTo( ### **РАБОТА В ХОДЕ** --> ## Changelog +### 4.0.1 (2025-01-23) +* (bluefox) Adapter was migrated to TypeScript +* (bluefox) Corrected error with the Select ID dialog + +### 3.2.4 (2025-01-22) +* (bluefox) Migrated to vite +* (bluefox) Packages updated + ### 3.2.3 (2024-08-26) * (bluefox) Packages updated @@ -319,7 +327,7 @@ sendTo( ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2015-2024, Bluefox (dogafox@gmail.com) +Copyright (c) 2015-2025, Bluefox (dogafox@gmail.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md index 9b32b07a9..8e9748a46 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md @@ -1,111 +1,196 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md title: ioBroker.sia -hash: y50JxbFsgGv1AxFIuIST3nlf5Dy5ocKQXVxRIuqU8ME= +hash: UJIqFmNZCAoAKezO4sHZ5mA7QbhOAyE0neR4o0HS6ac= --- -![логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia.png) +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia.png) -![Travis CI Статус сборки](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.sia.svg?branch=master) -![AppVeyor Статус сборки](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.sia?branch=master&svg=true) +![Статус сборки Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.sia.svg?branch=master) +![Статус сборки AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.sia?branch=master&svg=true) ![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/sia-stable.svg) -![Версия NPM](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.sia.svg) +![версия НПМ](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.sia.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.sia.svg) -![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.sia.png?downloads=true) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.sia.png?downloads=true) # IoBroker.sia ================== -Требуется node.js 6.0 или выше и Admin v3! +Требуется node.js 20.0 или выше и Admin v5! -Протокол SIA DC-09 используется системами сигнализации для связи с центральными станциями. +Протокол SIA DC-09 используется системами охранной сигнализации для связи с центральными станциями по каналам SIA-DCS, *SIA-DCS, ADM-CID и *ADM-CID. -Этот адаптер является сервером SIA. Когда срабатывает тревожное событие, система сигнализации отправляет через IP сообщение на центральную станцию. -Вы можете использовать ioBroker с этим адаптером в качестве центральной станции. Например. Вы можете послать для тревоги по телеграмме SIA. +Этот адаптер является сервером SIA. При срабатывании тревожного события система сигнализации отправляет по IP (TCP или UDP) сообщение sia на центральную станцию. +Поддерживаются следующие токены ID: + +- SIA-DCS (СИА-DCS), +- \*SIA DCS (SIA DCS зашифрован), +- ADM-CID (контактный идентификатор Ademco), +- \*ADM-CID (зашифрованный идентификатор контакта Ademco) + +Если вы используете *SIA DCS (SIA DCS зашифрованный) или *ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID зашифрованный), вам необходимо включить шифрование AES и ввести пароль AES в формате HEX. Пароль AES должен быть для AES-128 = 32 символа HEX, AES-192 = 48 символов HEX, а для AES-256 необходимо ввести 64 символа HEX. Пример пароля для AES-128 будет: 3A1F6B8C9D4E7F20123456789ABCDEF0. + +Вы можете использовать ioBroker с этим адаптером в качестве центральной станции. Например, вы можете отправить телеграмму с помощью ioBroker, если вы получили тревожное сообщение SIA. [Протокол SIA DC-09](https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/47594214/dc-09-preparing-for-ansi-public-review-security-industry-) ## Установка и настройка -1. Установите адаптер +1. Установите адаптер. 2. Конфигурация адаптера: Выберите IP-адрес и порт для прослушивания запросов SIA. ![sia_adapter1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter1.png) -Зарегистрируйте номер счета. Если вы используете AES, вы должны ввести пароль (ключ). Длина ключа должна составлять 16, 24 или 32 символа (байта). -Если флажок «Пароль AES в шестнадцатеричном формате» активен, длина пароля должна составлять 32, 48 или 64 символа (байта). -В поле ACK timeout вы указываете возраст сообщения в секундах. Если вы зададите 0 секунд, проверка тайм-аута не будет выполнена. -![sia_adapter2](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter2.png) +Зарегистрируйте номер учетной записи. Если вы используете AES, вам необходимо ввести пароль (ключ). Ключ должен быть длиной 16, 24 или 32 символа (байта). +Если флажок «Пароль AES в шестнадцатеричном формате» активен, длина пароля должна быть 32, 48 или 64 символа (байта). +В поле ACK timeout вы определяете, сколько времени может быть у сообщения в секундах. Если вы укажете 0 секунд, проверка тайм-аута не будет выполняться. -3. Настройте систему защиты от взлома для отправки сообщений SIA. + ![sia_adapter2](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter2.png) -    * Lupusec XT1 + / XT2 / XT2 + / XT3: +3. Настройте систему защиты от взлома на отправку сообщений SIA -Einstellungen -> ID контакта: ip: // subcriber @ ip-address-iobroker: порт / SIA Пример: ip: //test@ 50001 / SIA + ![sia_lupusec1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_lupusec1.png) - ![sia_lupusec1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_lupusec1.png) + - Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (SIA-DCS): -    * Другие системы сигнализации: +Einstellungen -> Идентификатор контакта: ip:/subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA Пример: ip://A111F@ -Адаптер будет работать со всеми системами сигнализации, поддерживающими протокол SIA DC-09. +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (\*SIA-DCS) зашифрован: -4. Объекты SIA / Государства +Указания -> Контактный идентификатор: ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA/KEY/(ключ длиной 128,196 или 256 бит в HEX) Пример: ip://A222F@ -Если вы получаете сообщения SIA, вы видите их в дереве состояний +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (ADM-CID): -![sia_adapter3](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter3.png) +Einstellungen -> Идентификатор контакта: ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA Пример: ip://A333F@ -## Changelog +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (\*ADM-CID) зашифрован: + +Указания -> Контактный идентификатор: ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/CID_SIA/KEY/(ключ длиной 128,196 или 256 бит в HEX) Пример: ip://A444F@ + +- Другие системы сигнализации: + +Адаптер будет работать со всеми системами сигнализации, которые поддерживают SIA-DCS, *SIA-DCS, ADM-CID или *ADM-CID +4. Объекты/состояния SIA -### 1.0.3 (07.06.2019) -* (Stübi) Small improvements to the SIA protocol -* (Stübi) Changed bug in encrypting. Delete appending 8 * 0x10 +Если вы получаете сообщения SIA, вы видите их в дереве состояний под учетными записями каналов. -### 1.0.2 (16.05.2019) -* (Stübi) Support of UDP. Same port listening as TCP + ![sia_adapter3](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter3.png) -### 1.0.1 (05.03.2019) -* (Stübi) Saving password encrypted. -* (Stübi) ACK and NAC calculation extended. -* (Stübi) CRC can be send in 0xABCD (2 Byte) or ABCD (4 Byte, ASCII) format. Automatic recognizing -* (Stübi) AES Password can be in AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC or AES-256-CBC -* (Stübi) AES Password can be saved in byte or hex (length 16, 24 or 32 byte) format or hex (length 32, 48 or 64 hex) format -* (Stübi) Timeout for ACK (0 = disable, 1 - n sec) -* (Stübi) Set ioBroker States of message on ACK not on NACK +Для каждой учетной записи вы видите следующий объект: -### 1.0.0 (05.01.2018) -* (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +| Объект | Описание | + | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| accountnumber | Номер счета (3-16 символов ASCII, "0"-"9", "A"-"F") | +| crc | Контрольная сумма CRC | + | экстданные | Расширенные данные (данные ACII) | +| id | Идентификатор токена (пример SIA-DCS) | +| lpref | Префикс учетной записи | +| msgdata | Данные сообщения, всегда представленные в формате ASCII | +| rpref | Номер получателя | +| последовательность | Порядковый номер | +| ts | Метка времени (включается только в зашифрованные сообщения) | -### 0.1.8 (27.12.2018) -* (Stübi) Update Adapter Core File +Интересен объект: msgdata (данные сообщения). Здесь вы можете увидеть брошенное событие системы сигнализации. Как интерпретировать событие, вы должны спросить производителя вашей системы сигнализации. -### 0.1.6 (23.10.2018) -* (Stübi) Bugfxing (NAK) and AES support +Пример javascript в ioBroker для получения события: -### 0.1.5 (01.10.2018) -* (Stübi) Translations +``` +// example message: A444F|1401 02 001 +on({ id: 'sia.0.accounts.A444F.msgdata'/*A444F - Message Data*/ }, (obj) => { + if(obj.state.ack === true) { + const id = getState('sia.0.accounts.A444F.id'/*A444F - ID Token*/).val; + if(id === 'ADM-CID' || id === '*ADM-CID') { + const cid = parseMessage(obj.state.val); + console.log(`Contact ID Message ${JSON.stringify(cid)}`); + console.log(`Event: ${cid.event} for accountnumber ${cid.accountNumber}`); + } + } +}); +``` -### 0.0.5 (09.08.2018) -* (Stübi) Requires nodejs 6.0 or higher + Выход: -### 0.0.4 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) Cleanup +``` +Contact ID Message {"accountNumber":"A444F","qualifier":"1","event":"401","area":"02","zone":"001"} +Event: 401 for accountnumber A444F +``` -### 0.0.3 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) SIA regex optimized +Событие 401 означает «Удаленная постановка/снятие с охраны, когда система ставится на охрану или снимается с охраны с помощью SMS-сообщения или веб-доступа». -### 0.0.2 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) bug fixing +5. Ошибки/Проблемы -### 0.0.1 (07.06.2018) -* (Stübi) first implementation +Если у вас возникли проблемы с обработкой сообщений SIA или вы обнаружили ошибку, пожалуйста, создайте задачу. +Задача должна содержать следующую информацию: + +1. Производитель и тип охранной системы +2. Сообщение SIA как файл. Вы можете создать файл, если активируете его в конфигурации экземпляра. +3. Если вы используете шифрование (AES), то мне нужен ключ для расшифровки сообщения для тестирования. +4. Отладочный вывод ioBroker при обработке сообщения +5. Подробное описание ошибки + +После выполнения пунктов 2 и 3, пожалуйста, измените ключ AES. +Вы можете проверить сохраненное сообщение SIA, используя следующую команду + +``` +# cat fileanme_of_sia_message | nc ip_address_of_iobroker sia_port +cat /tmp/sia/sia_msg_20250201_202457309.txt | nc localhost 55001 +``` + +## Changelog +### 2.0.3 (2025-02-01) + +- (Stübi) add error envent if connction close +- (Stübi) add the proctocol ADM-CID and \*ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID) +- (Stübi) add translations +- (Stübi) fix bugs by receiving messages by udp +- (Stübi) adjust readme + +### 2.0.2 (2025-01-30) + +- (Stübi) add: checking accountnumber for exact syntax +- (Stübi) add: checking admin interface aes entries + +### 2.0.1 (2025-01-29) + +- (Stübi) Redesign of Contact ID Adapter. +- (Stübi) Wokring now with nodejs 20 and 22 +- (Stübi) js-controller in version 6 and 7 will be supported +- (Stübi) Ability to save SIA messages. + +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-29) + +- (Stübi) Major Release + +### 1.0.4 (2019-11-17) + +- (Stübi) Bugfixing, changing the time calculation for ACK and NACK messages +- (Stübi) Small improvements to the SIA protocol +- (Stübi) Changed bug in encrypting. Delete appending 8 \* 0x10 +- (Stübi) Support of UDP. Same port listening as TCP +- (Stübi) Saving password encrypted. +- (Stübi) ACK and NAC calculation extended. +- (Stübi) CRC can be send in 0xABCD (2 Byte) or ABCD (4 Byte, ASCII) format. Automatic recognizing +- (Stübi) AES Password can be in AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC or AES-256-CBC +- (Stübi) AES Password can be saved in byte or hex (length 16, 24 or 32 byte) format or hex (length 32, 48 or 64 hex) format +- (Stübi) Timeout for ACK (0 = disable, 1 - n sec) +- (Stübi) Set ioBroker States of message on ACK not on NACK +- (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +- (Stübi) Update Adapter Core File +- (Stübi) Bugfxing (NAK) and AES support +- (Stübi) Translations +- (Stübi) Requires nodejs 6.0 or higher +- (Stübi) Cleanup +- (Stübi) SIA regex optimized +- (Stübi) bug fixing +- (Stübi) first implementation ## License + The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thorsten +Copyright (c) 2025 Thorsten Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -123,4 +208,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. +THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..328203c7d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md +title: ioBroker.tagesschau +hash: 5ZK9t/CEIsWKNemo9oQJdxMkeuNf3SHfJeOLXZ6z25g= +--- +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png) + +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.tagesschau.svg) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.tagesschau.svg) +![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/tagesschau-installed.svg) +![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории](https://iobroker.live/badges/tagesschau-stable.svg) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.tagesschau.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.tagesschau +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.tagesschau/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## Адаптер tagesschau для ioBroker +[Deutsche Anleitung (актюллер)](README-GER.md) + +Получает ссылки на новости и видео с Tagesschau. + +Контент доступен только на немецком языке. + +Установить - задать нужные настройки в админке - готово. + +**Согласно API Tagesschau, 60 запросов в час — это нормально. Каждая тема и видео — это 1 запрос. 30 минут на обновление всегда влезает. Понятия не имею, как именно они это принимают.** + +Пожалуйста, обрати внимание: + +1. если не выбраны параметры «Включить сообщения» или «Включить видеосообщения», адаптер приостанавливает работу +2. Если выбрана опция «Активировать сообщения», адаптер запускается только в том случае, если в конфигурации выбраны 1 тема и 1 федеральная земля. +3. ключевые слова извлекаются из сообщений и доступны только после первого запуска. Со временем их будет все больше и больше! Они применяются только к сообщениям. + +## Отказ от ответственности +**Все названия продуктов и компаний или логотипы являются товарными знаками™ или зарегистрированными® товарными знаками их соответствующих владельцев. Их использование не подразумевает какой-либо связи или одобрения ими или любыми связанными дочерними компаниями! Этот личный проект поддерживается в свободное время и не имеет деловой цели.** **Tagesschau является товарным знаком ARD-aktuell.** https://www.tagesschau.de/impressum + +## Changelog + +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-27) +* (ticaki) States added for browsing. +* (ticaki) Another attempt to constantly sort the videos in the same way. +* (ticaki) Control states reorganised. +* (ticaki) Placeholder images for no news now work + +### 0.4.3 (2025-01-25) +* (ticaki) remove some helper code to do translations + +### 0.4.2 (2025-01-25) +* (ticaki) make the code fit for latest + +### 0.4.1 (2025-01-17) +* (ticaki) videos always in the same order. + +### 0.4.0 (2025-01-07) +* (ticaki) Command data point for defining the first news to be displayed +* (ticaki) Reduce object updates +* (ticaki) Total number of news as a data point +* (ticaki) We not in hurry, write object updates slowly. +* (ticaki) Info log messages are a bit more fun. (error and warn messages are not funny at all) + +### 0.3.2 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) added length to videos +* (ticaki) System load reduced at startup + +### 0.3.1 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) Back to stable admin + +### 0.3.0 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) States are only updated when changes are made. +* (ticaki) Last update Data point added with timestamp of the last successful data access +* (ticaki) Emptying of data points improved +* (ticaki) Placeholder images inserted for no news. +* (ticaki) User-defined keywords with `*` +* (ticaki) Requires admin version 7.4.9 or higher + +### 0.2.3 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) Fixed: Adapter deletes own states + +### 0.2.1 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) fixed refresh interval & add axios timeouts + +### 0.2.0 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) remove tracking from videos +* (ticaki) beautiful state name + +### 0.1.4 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Fixed: More as 1 region bug + +### 0.1.3 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Reduced size of the icon + +### 0.1.2 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Added: Breaking news is excluded from filtering and copied to a separate folder. +* (ticaki) Changed: Taglist is now sorted. + +### 0.1.1 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) fixed: The empty configuration after the first installation leaves crashed adapters + +### 0.1.0 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) initial release + +## License +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2025 ticaki + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b6bf5524 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md index db4776a56..71bf5f459 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md title: ioBroker.vbus-gw -hash: 5+k0/b+7tSVJOEGcpAJOPLMp7fD1L31P1oQFo5jJ4hU= +hash: 27jJv88V7+juZCeU0sCVgDG033Cz3ejMB0Xg5dK7yeI= --- # IoBroker.vbus-gw ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/admin/vbus-gw.png) -![НПМ-версия](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vbus-gw.svg) -![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории.](https://iobroker.live/badges/vbus-gw-stable.svg) +![версия НПМ](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vbus-gw.svg) +![Текущая версия в стабильном репозитории](https://iobroker.live/badges/vbus-gw-stable.svg) ![Количество установок](https://iobroker.live/badges/vbus-gw-installed.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vbus-gw.svg) ![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vbus-gw.png?downloads=true) -**Тесты:** ![Тестирование и выпуск](https://github.com/pdbjjens/ioBroker.vbus-gw/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**Тесты:** ![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/pdbjjens/ioBroker.vbus-gw/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## Адаптер vbus-gw для ioBroker -Разрешает TCP-доступ к устройствам VBus на базе последовательного порта. +Обеспечивает TCP-доступ к последовательным портам на базе VBus-устройств Этот адаптер ioBroker основан на работе Дэниела Випперманна. - Авторские права и лицензия см. раздел «Лицензия». + Авторские права и лицензия см. в разделе «Лицензия» ## Обзор Существует два типа аппаратных адаптеров VBus: - На основе TCP: DL2, DL3, KM2, VBus/LAN. -- На базе последовательного порта: VBus/USB, USB-порт DeltaSol SLT и других контроллеров. +- На основе последовательного порта: VBus/USB, USB-порт DeltaSol SLT и других контроллеров -Этот адаптер ioBroker подключается к одному или нескольким аппаратным адаптерам на базе последовательного порта и предоставляет им доступ через TCP. Это позволяет: +Этот адаптер ioBroker подключается к одному или нескольким аппаратным адаптерам на базе последовательного порта и предоставляет их через TCP. Это позволяет: -- передача данных VBus на большие расстояния, чем обычно позволяют USB или последовательные порты -- доступ к адаптерам на основе последовательного порта из приложений, которые поддерживают только адаптеры на основе TCP. +- передача данных VBus на большие расстояния, чем это обычно позволяют USB или последовательные порты +- доступ к адаптерам на базе последовательного порта из приложений, которые поддерживают только адаптеры на базе TCP ## Конфигурация Настраиваемые элементы: -— TCP-порт, на котором служба прослушивает входящие соединения. +- TCP-порт, на котором служба прослушивает входящие соединения. По умолчанию используется порт: 7053, который не следует менять. -— HTTP-порт, на котором служба прослушивает запросы на обнаружение. +- HTTP-порт, на котором служба прослушивает запросы на обнаружение. По умолчанию используется порт: 80, в качестве альтернативы можно выбрать порт 3000. - Пароль шлюза VBus. -Обеспечивает доступ ко всем устройствам VBus, подключенным к последовательному порту. По умолчанию — «vbus». +Позволяет получить доступ ко всем последовательным портам, подключенным к устройствам VBus. По умолчанию "vbus". - Список последовательных портов для подключения со следующими параметрами для каждого последовательного порта: @@ -54,20 +54,35 @@ hash: 5+k0/b+7tSVJOEGcpAJOPLMp7fD1L31P1oQFo5jJ4hU= Если вы хотите подключиться только к одному последовательному порту, рекомендуется настроить его на использование канала 0, поскольку большинство приложений по умолчанию будут пытаться подключиться к этому каналу 0. -- путь: путь к последовательному порту, например «/dev/tty.usbmodem141301» или «COM5». -- Скорость передачи: Скорость последовательного порта. По умолчанию установлено значение 9600, которое обычно не требует изменения. +- путь: Путь к последовательному порту, например -## Известные вопросы -- Этот адаптер в настоящее время поддерживает до 3 устройств VBus, подключенных через последовательные порты. +'/dev/ttyUSB0' или '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_USB-Modul_UO2102_TDEB6I8DAVDLGAGC-if00-port0' или '/dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-port0' или 'COM5' + +- baudrate: Скорость передачи данных последовательного порта. По умолчанию 9600, обычно ее не нужно менять. + +## Известные проблемы +- В настоящее время этот адаптер поддерживает до 3 устройств VBus, подключенных через последовательные порты. - Пароли для всех VBus, подключенных к последовательным портам, одинаковы. - Устройства, подключенные к VBus.net, не эмулируются. Отправка команды CONNECT (через тег) возвращает +OK, хотя соединение не установлено. -- Отправка команды DATA с выбранным несуществующим каналом возвращает +OK, но после этого соединение сразу же закрывается. +- Отправка команды DATA при несуществующем выбранном канале возвращает +OK, но после этого немедленно закрывает соединение. ## Changelog +### 0.2.0 (2025-01-29) - 2025H1 maintenance release + +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 +- (pdbjjens) New: Accept serial port paths /dev/serial/by-id/usb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or /dev/serial/by-path/platform-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +- (pdbjjens) Change: Responsive Design optimizations + +### 0.1.0 (2024-08-13) - 2024H2 maintenance release + +- (pdbjjens) Change: node>=18, js-contoller>=5 and admin>=6 required +- (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies +- (pdbjjens) New: Ensure that vbus-gw is started before myvbus or resol + ### 0.0.7 (2024-02-24) - (pdbjjens) Fix: VBus write fixed @@ -84,20 +99,10 @@ hash: 5+k0/b+7tSVJOEGcpAJOPLMp7fD1L31P1oQFo5jJ4hU= - (pdbjjens) New: Configurable password for the VBus gateway - (pdbjjens) Fix: Channel forwarding to the requesting connections only -### 0.0.4 (2023-10-03) - -- (pdbjjens) New: Selectable discovery port -- (pdbjjens) New: Check for default password -- (pdbjjens) New: support for up to 3 serial ports - -### 0.0.3 (2023-09-21) - -- (pdbjjens) Fix: Disable SENTRY - ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Jens-Peter Jensen +Copyright (c) 2025 Jens-Peter Jensen Copyright (c) 2013-present, Daniel Wippermann. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy @@ -116,4 +121,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a7a72a5d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md +title: Коллекция виджетов для ioBroker.vis 2.0 +hash: LxwFps6ypPgRycUmrKQm7BECCR9Qpw6WGe6SH1A0W0A= +--- +![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png) + +![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-widgets-collection-stable.svg) +![версия НПМ](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.svg) +![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.svg) +![НПМ](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.png?downloads=true) + +# Коллекция виджетов для ioBroker.vis 2.0 +

Виджеты для ioBroker.vis 2.0

+ +## Виджеты +### Состояние + + +### Группа кнопок + + +### Слайдер + + +### Выключатель + + +--- + +## Changelog +### 1.1.15 (2025-02-05) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing Slider + +### 1.1.14 (2025-02-04) + +- (steiger04) Slider optimized + +### 1.1.13 (2025-02-03) + +- (steiger04) delay via throttle and debounce optimized + +### 1.1.12 (2025-02-02) + +- (steiger04) Active group for slider added + +### 1.1.11 (2025-02-01) + +- (steiger04) HTML-Text optimizations + +### 1.1.10 (2025-01-30) + +- (steiger04) HTML-Text for header, value and footer + +### 1.1.9 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing style bindings + +### 1.1.8 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing data bindings + +### 1.1.7 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) Switch optimized + +### 1.1.6 (2025-01-26) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing + +### 1.1.0 (2025-01-25) + +- (steiger04) Switch widget added + +### 1.0.3 (2025-01-20) + +- (steiger04) initial commit + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 Steiger04 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5df2274ae Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8636b76f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f558c796b Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed57c579a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b30f8d62 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png differ diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md index 5de5bdcd0..e980869d1 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md title: Визуализация следующего поколения для ioBroker: vis-2 -hash: S3jREg07ZFLV+uTkWNlRet6V9ix/5Bd7NsgLwQzQ/BE= +hash: l5+h7Jw12bkVoe/zM8dbDaeUBOsa9RDwqCxiRwIma+Y= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/packages/iobroker.vis-2/admin/vis-2.png) @@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ value = await (async function () { Таким образом, наш расчет гипотенузы будет следующим: -```js +``` {h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(parseFloat(h), 2) + Math.pow(parseFloat(w), 2)))} ``` ### Устаревший формат Паттен имеет следующий формат: -```js +``` {objectID;operation1;operation2;...} ``` @@ -289,393 +289,396 @@ npm run start ### **РАБОТА В ХОДЕ** --> ## Changelog -### 2.11.1 (2024-12-02) -* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected navigation menu -* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated widgets to React: basic - frame, basic - note, basic - logout -* (@GermanBluefox) Added the HTML rebuild button to settings +### 2.11.2 (2025-01-23) +* (@GermanBluefox) Do not load vis-1 widgets if vis-2 widgets provided + +### 2.11.1 (2024-12-02) +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected navigation menu +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated widgets to React: basic - frame, basic - note, basic - logout +* (@GermanBluefox) Added the HTML rebuild button to settings * (@GermanBluefox) Backend was migrated to TypeScript -### 2.10.8 (2024-11-22) +### 2.10.8 (2024-11-22) * (bluefox) Added new option for view: "Limit only for instances" -### 2.10.7 (2024-07-23) +### 2.10.7 (2024-07-23) * (bluefox) Optimization of the module federation -### 2.10.6 (2024-07-20) +### 2.10.6 (2024-07-20) * (bluefox) Improved the typing in typescript -### 2.10.4 (2024-07-16) -* (bluefox) Corrected the jumping by object selection +### 2.10.4 (2024-07-16) +* (bluefox) Corrected the jumping by object selection * (bluefox) Implemented swipe widget -### 2.10.3 (2024-07-11) -* (bluefox) Converted the CanJSWidget to typescript +### 2.10.3 (2024-07-11) +* (bluefox) Converted the CanJSWidget to typescript * (bluefox) Added "clone" button to the attribute groups -### 2.10.2 (2024-07-10) -* (bluefox) Removed incompatible package for styles -* (bluefox) All widgets must be updated +### 2.10.2 (2024-07-10) +* (bluefox) Removed incompatible package for styles +* (bluefox) All widgets must be updated * (bluefox) The basic input value widget was migrated to ReactJS -### 2.9.64 (2024-05-23) +### 2.9.64 (2024-05-23) * (bluefox) Added possibility to clear a text field by button -### 2.9.63 (2024-05-15) +### 2.9.63 (2024-05-15) * (bluefox) Migrated some files to typescript -### 2.9.60 (2024-05-07) +### 2.9.60 (2024-05-07) * (foxriver76) test automatic release -### 2.9.53 (2024-05-06) +### 2.9.53 (2024-05-06) * (bluefox) Allowed applying styles to jQui buttons -### 2.9.52 (2024-04-25) +### 2.9.52 (2024-04-25) * (bluefox) Navigation was improved: adjustable menu width and bulk edit were added -### 2.9.50 (2024-04-19) +### 2.9.50 (2024-04-19) * (bluefox) Corrected widget in widget behavior -### 2.9.49 (2024-04-11) -* (bluefox) Corrected the scroll buttons in Tabs widget +### 2.9.49 (2024-04-11) +* (bluefox) Corrected the scroll buttons in Tabs widget * (bluefox) Corrected resizers if the border width is set -### 2.9.48 (2024-03-30) -* (bluefox) Showed selected view in the view dialog -* (bluefox) Added customization of loading screen +### 2.9.48 (2024-03-30) +* (bluefox) Showed selected view in the view dialog +* (bluefox) Added customization of loading screen * (bluefox) Respected the sentry disable flag in GUI -### 2.9.42 (2024-03-09) -* (bluefox) Allowed limiting the view size only on desktop +### 2.9.42 (2024-03-09) +* (bluefox) Allowed limiting the view size only on desktop * (bluefox) Change word "Filter" to "Search" -### 2.9.40 (2024-03-05) -* (bluefox) Migrated the filter widget to react +### 2.9.40 (2024-03-05) +* (bluefox) Migrated the filter widget to react * (bluefox) Migrated the basic link widget to react -### 2.9.39 (2024-03-01) -* (foxriver76) allow to use `widgetOid` in bindings -* (foxriver76) fixed various problems with Date Picker widget -* (foxriver76) made default option of Date Picker human readable and added option for full parseable date -* (bluefox) Added the possibility to add suffix by navigation widgets +### 2.9.39 (2024-03-01) +* (foxriver76) allow to use `widgetOid` in bindings +* (foxriver76) fixed various problems with Date Picker widget +* (foxriver76) made default option of Date Picker human readable and added option for full parseable date +* (bluefox) Added the possibility to add suffix by navigation widgets * (bluefox) Improved the license manager -### 2.9.37 (2024-02-28) +### 2.9.37 (2024-02-28) * (foxriver76) TimePicker widget now saves the time instead of date by default, if you want old behavior use checkbox `asDate` -### 2.9.36 (2024-02-27) +### 2.9.36 (2024-02-27) * (foxriver76) fixed project-specific css not being applied -### 2.9.35 (2024-02-27) -* (foxriver76) user-specified css has now priority over widgets css +### 2.9.35 (2024-02-27) +* (foxriver76) user-specified css has now priority over widgets css * (foxriver76) fixed crash case for broken grouped widgets -### 2.9.34 (2024-02-26) +### 2.9.34 (2024-02-26) * (foxriver76) detect admin user correctly in project permissions dialog -### 2.9.33 (2024-02-21) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that last image is never shown in image8 widget -* (foxriver76) added possibility to define background and title color for jqui dialog +### 2.9.33 (2024-02-21) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that last image is never shown in image8 widget +* (foxriver76) added possibility to define background and title color for jqui dialog * (foxriver76) make it possible to click through signal image if in front of widget -### 2.9.32 (2024-02-16) -* (foxriver76) implemented buttons to show or hide all views in views manager -* (foxriver76) fixed issue with signals on RxWidgets +### 2.9.32 (2024-02-16) +* (foxriver76) implemented buttons to show or hide all views in views manager +* (foxriver76) fixed issue with signals on RxWidgets * (foxriver76) allow disabling Sentry only for this instance -### 2.9.31 (2024-02-06) -* (foxriver76) apply default overflow correctly +### 2.9.31 (2024-02-06) +* (foxriver76) apply default overflow correctly * (foxriver76) navigation style fixes (fix an icon background and allow to customize header text color) -### 2.9.30 (2024-02-06) -* (foxriver76) global css will no longer be deleted on adapter upload/update +### 2.9.30 (2024-02-06) +* (foxriver76) global css will no longer be deleted on adapter upload/update * (foxriver76) allowed modifying style of navigation -### 2.9.29 (2024-02-05) -* (foxriver76) fixed multiple problems with nested groups -* (foxriver76) also made group/ungroup commands working in group view -* (foxriver76) allowed selecting widgets in a group via click (previously only dropdown worked) +### 2.9.29 (2024-02-05) +* (foxriver76) fixed multiple problems with nested groups +* (foxriver76) also made group/ungroup commands working in group view +* (foxriver76) allowed selecting widgets in a group via click (previously only dropdown worked) * (foxriver76) fixed issue, that Basic Image 8 is not configurable for value 0 -### 2.9.28 (2024-02-03) +### 2.9.28 (2024-02-03) * (foxriver76) correctly determine the vis instance in all cases -### 2.9.26 (2024-02-02) -* (foxriver76) do not show empty icon category if jquery style selected for jquery button widgets +### 2.9.26 (2024-02-02) +* (foxriver76) do not show empty icon category if jquery style selected for jquery button widgets * (foxriver76) added possibility to hide navigation after selection -### 2.9.25 (2024-01-29) -* (foxriver76) fixed resizing issue for relative widgets -* (foxriver76) do not crash when using visibility "only for groups" +### 2.9.25 (2024-01-29) +* (foxriver76) fixed resizing issue for relative widgets +* (foxriver76) do not crash when using visibility "only for groups" * (foxriver76) do not crash if a widget tries to update widget on non-existent view -### 2.9.24 (2024-01-24) +### 2.9.24 (2024-01-24) * (foxriver76) Image 8 widget ported to react -### 2.9.23 (2024-01-24) +### 2.9.23 (2024-01-24) * (foxriver76) fixed another bug due to previous versions -### 2.9.22 (2024-01-22) +### 2.9.22 (2024-01-22) * (foxriver76) try to fix problems introduced with 2.9.21 -### 2.9.21 (2024-01-19) -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when fixing widgets +### 2.9.21 (2024-01-19) +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when fixing widgets * (foxriver76) fixed bug, that opacity is applied twice on image edit mode overlay -### 2.9.20 (2024-01-18) -* (foxriver76) increased timeout for project import +### 2.9.20 (2024-01-18) +* (foxriver76) increased timeout for project import * (foxriver76) added permissions on widget level -### 2.9.19 (2024-01-17) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue when resizing widget from the left side +### 2.9.19 (2024-01-17) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue when resizing widget from the left side * (foxriver76) added select box to dimension attributes if multiple widgets selected -### 2.9.18 (2024-01-15) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that old attributes value is shown in some scenarios +### 2.9.18 (2024-01-15) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that old attributes value is shown in some scenarios * (foxriver76) dedicated permission system extended to view level -### 2.9.17 (2024-01-13) +### 2.9.17 (2024-01-13) * (foxriver76) dedicated permission system on project level introduced -### 2.9.16 (2024-01-11) +### 2.9.16 (2024-01-11) * (foxriver76) use the correct fallback values for widget signals determination -### 2.9.15 (2024-01-09) +### 2.9.15 (2024-01-09) * (foxriver76) fixed issue with BulkEditor -### 2.9.14 (2024-01-09) -* (foxriver76) fixed last change y-offset for some widgets -* (foxriver76) fixed issue where JquiState did not respect data type -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with BulkEdtior (dialog not closing and other dialog showing the wrong button) +### 2.9.14 (2024-01-09) +* (foxriver76) fixed last change y-offset for some widgets +* (foxriver76) fixed issue where JquiState did not respect data type +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with BulkEdtior (dialog not closing and other dialog showing the wrong button) * (foxriver76) implemented workaround resize bug for https://github.com/devbookhq/splitter/issues/15 -### 2.9.13 (2024-01-08) -* (foxriver76) correctly detect IDs in bindings when they contain hash character -* (foxriver76) fix crash when multiple JquiState widgets selected -* (foxriver76) prevent showing widget in a group after it is already cut out +### 2.9.13 (2024-01-08) +* (foxriver76) correctly detect IDs in bindings when they contain hash character +* (foxriver76) fix crash when multiple JquiState widgets selected +* (foxriver76) prevent showing widget in a group after it is already cut out * (foxriver76) prevent usage of widgets which are not in a group for calculating rulers on group view -### 2.9.12 (2024-01-04) +### 2.9.12 (2024-01-04) * (foxriver76) optimized copy/paste/cut in groups -### 2.9.11 (2024-01-02) +### 2.9.11 (2024-01-02) * (foxriver76) fixed bug with visibility calculation -### 2.9.10 (2024-01-02) +### 2.9.10 (2024-01-02) * (foxriver76) remove accidentally added script file, which leads to crash -### 2.9.9 (2024-01-01) -* (foxriver76) allow importing views without attribute `activeWidgets` -* (foxriver76) make BasicBulb behave more like its old version -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that data of different widget is displayed in edit mode -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that every state update is used for visibility calculation -* (bluefox) migrated jQui select, jQui Radio steps widgets to react +### 2.9.9 (2024-01-01) +* (foxriver76) allow importing views without attribute `activeWidgets` +* (foxriver76) make BasicBulb behave more like its old version +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that data of different widget is displayed in edit mode +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that every state update is used for visibility calculation +* (bluefox) migrated jQui select, jQui Radio steps widgets to react * (bluefox) All jQui widgets were migrated to react -### 2.9.8 (2023-12-21) -* (foxriver76) fixed bug that no labels are shown for a background -* (foxriver76) prevent short flashing of widgets with visibility condition at a page load +### 2.9.8 (2023-12-21) +* (foxriver76) fixed bug that no labels are shown for a background +* (foxriver76) prevent short flashing of widgets with visibility condition at a page load * (foxriver76) fixed issue on theme switch -### 2.9.7 (2023-12-19) +### 2.9.7 (2023-12-19) * (bluefox) Allowed the read-only flag for Styled/Input -### 2.9.6 (2023-12-14) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with the BulkEditor -* (foxriver76) scripts in HTML are now added to the DOM, instead of being executed in eval -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with Bulb widget if min/max was once filled +### 2.9.6 (2023-12-14) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with the BulkEditor +* (foxriver76) scripts in HTML are now added to the DOM, instead of being executed in eval +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with Bulb widget if min/max was once filled * (foxriver76) migrated "speech2text" widget to react -### 2.9.5 (2023-12-10) -* (foxriver76) open new views at the beginning -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case if signals are used -* (foxriver76) fixed material-design-widgets helper -* (foxriver76) update references to view in widget when view is renamed -* (bluefox) jQui Toggle icon widget was migrated to react -* (bluefox) jQui Radio widget was migrated to react -* (bluefox) jQui Radio List widget was migrated to react +### 2.9.5 (2023-12-10) +* (foxriver76) open new views at the beginning +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case if signals are used +* (foxriver76) fixed material-design-widgets helper +* (foxriver76) update references to view in widget when view is renamed +* (bluefox) jQui Toggle icon widget was migrated to react +* (bluefox) jQui Radio widget was migrated to react +* (bluefox) jQui Radio List widget was migrated to react * (bluefox) Corrected last-change by React widgets -### 2.9.4 (2023-12-04) +### 2.9.4 (2023-12-04) * (foxriver76) fixed issues with display width -### 2.9.3 (2023-12-03) -* (bluefox) Added the possibility to limit hard the view size -* (foxriver76) implemented simple sort mechanic for navigation -* (foxriver76) fixed import of views, which were inside a folder -* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe -* (foxriver76) do not simply reuse widget ids when importing or copying views -* (foxriver76) implemented basic bulb widget as React widget +### 2.9.3 (2023-12-03) +* (bluefox) Added the possibility to limit hard the view size +* (foxriver76) implemented simple sort mechanic for navigation +* (foxriver76) fixed import of views, which were inside a folder +* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe +* (foxriver76) do not simply reuse widget ids when importing or copying views +* (foxriver76) implemented basic bulb widget as React widget * (foxriver76) made script tags work in basic html widget -### 2.9.2 (2023-11-29) -* (foxriver76) fixed reactivity in custom components -* (foxriver76) fixed import for groups -* (foxriver76) after creating a group it is now pre-selected +### 2.9.2 (2023-11-29) +* (foxriver76) fixed reactivity in custom components +* (foxriver76) fixed import for groups +* (foxriver76) after creating a group it is now pre-selected * (foxriver76) fields are now updated when moved via keyboard -### 2.9.1 (2023-11-28) -* (foxriver76) recalculate fields after moving widgets -* (foxriver76) fixed a pasting group on other view -* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe +### 2.9.1 (2023-11-28) +* (foxriver76) recalculate fields after moving widgets +* (foxriver76) fixed a pasting group on other view +* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe * (bluefox) implemented Basic Image as React widget -### 2.9.0 (2023-11-27) -* (bluefox) implemented SVG shape and Screen Resolution widgets natively -* (bluefox) implemented Basic iFrame as React widget -* (foxriver76) only allow zip files at project import -* (foxriver76) fix overflow being overwritten -* (foxriver76) sort pages and projects alphabetically -* (foxriver76) fixed problem on saving -* (foxriver76) fixed problem with groups when `always render` is activated -* (foxriver76) allow changing color and write lowercase in a tabs component +### 2.9.0 (2023-11-27) +* (bluefox) implemented SVG shape and Screen Resolution widgets natively +* (bluefox) implemented Basic iFrame as React widget +* (foxriver76) only allow zip files at project import +* (foxriver76) fix overflow being overwritten +* (foxriver76) sort pages and projects alphabetically +* (foxriver76) fixed problem on saving +* (foxriver76) fixed problem with groups when `always render` is activated +* (foxriver76) allow changing color and write lowercase in a tabs component * (foxriver76) fixed problem that navigation from a alwaysRender page is shown on different page -### 2.8.0 (2023-11-24) -* (foxriver76) sort folders alphabetically in pages view -* (foxriver76) fixed deselecting widgets with ctrl + click -* (foxriver76) fixed display issue with a switch component -* (bluefox) implemented Basic Red Number widget natively -* (foxriver76) fixed copy/clone of grouped widgets +### 2.8.0 (2023-11-24) +* (foxriver76) sort folders alphabetically in pages view +* (foxriver76) fixed deselecting widgets with ctrl + click +* (foxriver76) fixed display issue with a switch component +* (bluefox) implemented Basic Red Number widget natively +* (foxriver76) fixed copy/clone of grouped widgets * (foxriver76) fixed problem with open/close dialog via state -### 2.7.0 (2023-11-22) +### 2.7.0 (2023-11-22) * (foxriver76) implemented Basic Bar widget natively -### 2.6.4 (2023-11-21) +### 2.6.4 (2023-11-21) * (foxriver76) fixed typescript build -### 2.6.3 (2023-11-20) +### 2.6.3 (2023-11-20) * (foxriver76) fixed several crash cases -### 2.6.2 (2023-11-20) -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when editing group -* (foxriver76) fixed pasting groups +### 2.6.2 (2023-11-20) +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when editing group +* (foxriver76) fixed pasting groups * (foxriver76) fixed problem jumping cursor and removed characters while typing -### 2.6.1 (2023-11-17) -* (bluefox) Showed "file too large" message by icon upload -* (bluefox) Made navigation bar for view as an own group -* (foxriver76) sorted views alphabetically -* (foxriver76) respect uppercase/lowercase in projects toolbar +### 2.6.1 (2023-11-17) +* (bluefox) Showed "file too large" message by icon upload +* (bluefox) Made navigation bar for view as an own group +* (foxriver76) sorted views alphabetically +* (foxriver76) respect uppercase/lowercase in projects toolbar * (bluefox) Redirect `dialog` and `dialogClose` commands to widgets -### 2.6.0 (2023-11-13) -* (foxriver76) implemented select/unselect all buttons +### 2.6.0 (2023-11-13) +* (foxriver76) implemented select/unselect all buttons * (foxriver76) fixed bindings not working -### 2.5.0 (2023-11-11) -* (foxriver76) allowed using real html in prepend-HTML and append-HTML (basic string widget) -* (foxriver76) fixed problem while editing groups -* (foxriver76) do not automatically format button text as uppercase -* (foxriver76) do not automatically show page names as uppercase -* (bluefox) Implemented the signal icons for React widgets -* (bluefox) Implemented the last change indication for React widgets +### 2.5.0 (2023-11-11) +* (foxriver76) allowed using real html in prepend-HTML and append-HTML (basic string widget) +* (foxriver76) fixed problem while editing groups +* (foxriver76) do not automatically format button text as uppercase +* (foxriver76) do not automatically show page names as uppercase +* (bluefox) Implemented the signal icons for React widgets +* (bluefox) Implemented the last change indication for React widgets * (bluefox) Implemented SVG Bool widget as React Component -### 2.4.0 (2023-11-08) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with icon selector filter when changing category -* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that only the first widget is pasted -* (bluefox) added JSON binding operator -* (bluefox) Allowed using function as filter for Object ID +### 2.4.0 (2023-11-08) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with icon selector filter when changing category +* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that only the first widget is pasted +* (bluefox) added JSON binding operator +* (bluefox) Allowed using function as filter for Object ID * (bluefox) Implemented View bar (with no menu) -### 2.3.6 (2023-11-06) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with binding editor on style attributes +### 2.3.6 (2023-11-06) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with binding editor on style attributes * (foxriver76) improved performance due to optimizations on auto save -### 2.3.5 (2023-11-03) -* (foxriver76) update adapter-react to have enhanced image support in file selector -* (foxriver76) fixed color of file browser in light mode +### 2.3.5 (2023-11-03) +* (foxriver76) update adapter-react to have enhanced image support in file selector +* (foxriver76) fixed color of file browser in light mode * (foxriver76) fixed the color inputs jumping to the end of input on modifying -### 2.3.4 (2023-11-02) -* (foxriver76) fix crash when selecting multiple widgets -* (foxriver76) removed duplicate `none` entry in `border-style` dropdown +### 2.3.4 (2023-11-02) +* (foxriver76) fix crash when selecting multiple widgets +* (foxriver76) removed duplicate `none` entry in `border-style` dropdown * (foxriver76) fix crash when reordering widgets -### 2.3.3 (2023-10-30) -* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that vis is not loading if a single widget has a script error -* (bluefox) added the editor for bindings +### 2.3.3 (2023-10-30) +* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that vis is not loading if a single widget has a script error +* (bluefox) added the editor for bindings * (bluefox) background does not used if in iframe -### 2.3.2 (2023-10-14) -* (bluefox) Allowed showing only selected widgets in edit mode +### 2.3.2 (2023-10-14) +* (bluefox) Allowed showing only selected widgets in edit mode * (bluefox) Corrected the visibility calculation for old (CanJS) widgets -### 2.3.1 (2023-10-13) -* (bluefox) Corrected vertical gap between relative widgets +### 2.3.1 (2023-10-13) +* (bluefox) Corrected vertical gap between relative widgets * (bluefox) Better input of numbers with min/max in attribute dialog -### 2.3.0 (2023-09-28) +### 2.3.0 (2023-09-28) * (bluefox) jQui widgets (many of them) were improved -### 2.2.7 (2023-09-18) -* (bluefox) Improved icon selector: you can upload your own icon directly +### 2.2.7 (2023-09-18) +* (bluefox) Improved icon selector: you can upload your own icon directly * (bluefox) Optimized loading: do not load unused widget sets -### 2.2.6 (2023-09-17) -* (bluefox) Date binding corrected -* (bluefox) Optimized loading of widgeteria +### 2.2.6 (2023-09-17) +* (bluefox) Date binding corrected +* (bluefox) Optimized loading of widgeteria * (bluefox) Horizontal navigation is fixed -### 2.2.5 (2023-09-12) +### 2.2.5 (2023-09-12) * (bluefox) Implemented horizontal navigation -### 2.2.4 (2023-09-04) +### 2.2.4 (2023-09-04) * (bluefox) Corrected license checking -### 2.2.2 (2023-08-16) +### 2.2.2 (2023-08-16) * (bluefox) Changed sentry settings -### 2.2.1 (2023-08-15) -* (bluefox) Added possibility to filter widgets in edit mode +### 2.2.1 (2023-08-15) +* (bluefox) Added possibility to filter widgets in edit mode * (bluefox) Added possibility to change the order of relative widgets with drag&drop -### 2.2.0 (2023-08-14) +### 2.2.0 (2023-08-14) * (bluefox) Release candidate 1 -### 2.1.7 (2023-08-10) +### 2.1.7 (2023-08-10) * (bluefox) Optimized the rendering of the widgets -### 2.1.6 (2023-07-30) +### 2.1.6 (2023-07-30) * (bluefox) First beta release -### 2.1.4 (2023-07-19) +### 2.1.4 (2023-07-19) * (bluefox) Allowed to add widgets to widgets -### 2.0.36 (2023-06-21) +### 2.0.36 (2023-06-21) * (bluefox) Added widgeteria -### 2.0.29 (2023-05-17) +### 2.0.29 (2023-05-17) * (bluefox) Corrected errors -### 2.0.10 (2022-12-01) +### 2.0.10 (2022-12-01) * (bluefox) Added the file browser -### 2.0.8 (2022-11-26) +### 2.0.8 (2022-11-26) * (bluefox) Improved the error handling -### 2.0.0 (2022-10-21) +### 2.0.0 (2022-10-21) * (bluefox) Completely new visualization, but partly compatible with the previous version ## License -To use this adapter in `ioBroker` you need to accept the source code license of the adapter. The source code of this adapter is available under the CC BY-NC license. - -Additionally, you need a license to use the adapter. The following license editions are available on https://iobroker.net/www/pricing -* **Community-License: Free for private use!**: Get a free license by registering an account on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). The license if checked online against the ioBroker license server when the vis-2 adapter is started, so an online connection at this time point is required! -* **Private use Offline-License**: For paying a small support fee, you can get rid of the required online license check on adapter startup. **Only for Private use!** -* **Commercial License**: When using Vis in a commercial environment or selling Vis as part of ioBroker packages to your customers, this license is for you. License check is also not requiring an online connection. - +To use this adapter in `ioBroker` you need to accept the source code license of the adapter. The source code of this adapter is available under the CC BY-NC license. + +Additionally, you need a license to use the adapter. The following license editions are available on https://iobroker.net/www/pricing +* **Community-License: Free for private use!**: Get a free license by registering an account on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). The license if checked online against the ioBroker license server when the vis-2 adapter is started, so an online connection at this time point is required! +* **Private use Offline-License**: For paying a small support fee, you can get rid of the required online license check on adapter startup. **Only for Private use!** +* **Commercial License**: When using Vis in a commercial environment or selling Vis as part of ioBroker packages to your customers, this license is for you. License check is also not requiring an online connection. + ## License - Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Denis Haev, https://github.com/GermanBluefox , - - Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ - -![CC BY-NC License](https://github.com/GermanBluefox/DashUI/raw/master/images/cc-nc-by.png) - -Short content: -Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. -Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. + Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Denis Haev, https://github.com/GermanBluefox , + + Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) + + http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ + +![CC BY-NC License](https://github.com/GermanBluefox/DashUI/raw/master/images/cc-nc-by.png) + +Short content: +Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. +Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. (Free for non-commercial use). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md index 7df966959..474c1902f 100644 --- a/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md +++ b/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md @@ -1,53 +1,52 @@ --- translatedFrom: en -translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translatedFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен +translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md title: ioBroker.web -hash: nCZZ/tiSV0rJFdTKBfL+MhLVzVYnIIHqOk4a61i472Q= +hash: 6NowZOFEYYXknCOlU02YrWap+8V3bm+CRGEhcgozaWg= --- ![Логотип](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.web/admin/web.png) ![Количество установок](http://iobroker.live/badges/web-stable.svg) -![НПМ-версия](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.web.svg) +![версия НПМ](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.web.svg) ![Загрузки](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.web.svg) # IoBroker.web -![Тестирование и выпуск](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.web/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Статус перевода](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/web/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) +![Тест и выпуск](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.web/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![Статус перевода](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/web/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) -Веб-сервер на базе Node.js и экспресс для чтения файлов из БД ioBroker. +Веб-сервер на базе Node.js и Express для чтения файлов из базы данных ioBroker. -**Этот адаптер использует библиотеки Sentry для автоматического сообщения разработчикам об исключениях и ошибках кода.** Более подробную информацию и информацию о том, как отключить отчеты об ошибках, см. в [Документация плагина Sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Отчеты Sentry используются начиная с js-controller 3.0. +**Этот адаптер использует библиотеки Sentry для автоматического сообщения разработчикам об исключениях и ошибках кода.** Более подробную информацию и информацию о том, как отключить отчеты об ошибках, см. в [Документация по плагину Sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)! Отчеты Sentry используются, начиная с js-controller 3.0. ## Настройка веб-сокетов -На некоторых клиентах веб-сокетов возникают проблемы с производительностью связи. -Иногда эта проблема возникает из-за отказа связи сокета.io в механизме длинного опроса. -Вы можете установить параметр *Force Web-Sockets*, чтобы принудительно использовать только транспорт веб-сокетов. +На некоторых клиентах веб-сокетов возникает проблема производительности связи. +Иногда эта проблема возникает из-за отката связи socket.io на механизме длительного опроса. +Вы можете установить опцию *Force Web-Sockets* для принудительного использования только транспорта веб-сокетов. ## Давайте зашифруем сертификаты -Прочтите [здесь](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.admin#lets-encrypt-certificates) +Читать [здесь](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.admin#lets-encrypt-certificates) ## Расширения Веб-драйвер поддерживает расширения. -Расширение представляет собой обработчик URL-адресов, который будет вызываться при появлении такого URL-запроса. -Расширения выглядят как обычный адаптер, но у них нет запущенных процессов, и они будут вызываться веб-сервером. +Расширение — это обработчик URL, который будет вызван, если появится такой запрос URL. +Расширения выглядят как обычный адаптер, но у них нет запущенного процесса, и они будут вызываться веб-сервером. Например, пользователь может активировать специальный прокси-адаптер и получить доступ к другим устройствам (например, веб-камерам) на том же веб-сервере. Необходимо, чтобы все сервисы были доступны на одном веб-сервере. -Веб-расширение может и должно поддерживать функцию `unload`, которая может возвращать `promise`, если действие выгрузки займет некоторое время. +Веб-расширение может и должно поддерживать функцию `unload`, которая могла бы возвращать `promise`, если действие выгрузки займет некоторое время. Подробнее о веб-расширениях можно прочитать [здесь](WEB-EXTENSIONS-HOWTO.md). ## Защита от грубой силы -Если аутентификация включена и пользователь вводит неверный пароль 5 раз в течение одной минуты, ему придется подождать не менее одной минуты до следующей попытки. -После 15-й неверной попытки пользователь должен подождать 1 час. +Если включена аутентификация и пользователь вводит неверный пароль 5 раз в течение одной минуты, он должен подождать не менее одной минуты до следующей попытки. После 15-й неправильной попытки пользователь должен ждать 1 час. ## Опция «Оставаться в системе» -Если выбран этот параметр, пользователь остается в системе в течение одного месяца. -В противном случае пользователь останется в системе в течение настроенного «тайм-аута входа». +Если выбран этот параметр, пользователь останется в системе в течение одного месяца. +Если нет, пользователь останется в системе в течение настроенного «тайм-аута входа». ## Доступ к значениям состояния -Вы можете получить доступ к значениям нормального и двоичного состояния через HTTP-запрос на получение. +Доступ к значениям нормального и двоичного состояния можно получить с помощью HTTP-запроса get. ``` http://IP:8082/state/system.adapter.web.0.alive => @@ -61,34 +60,63 @@ http://IP:8082/state/javascript.picture.png => [IMAGE] ``` -Изображение должно быть записано в адаптере javascript, например: +Изображение должно быть написано в адаптере JavaScript следующим образом: -``` +```js createState('javascript.0.picture.png', {type: 'file', name: 'Picture'}, () => { setBinaryState('javascript.0.picture.png', fs.readFileSync('/tmp/picture.png')); }); ``` -## Опция «Базовая аутентификация» -Разрешает вход через базовую аутентификацию, отправляя `401` Неавторизованный с заголовком `WWW-Authenticate`. -Это можно использовать для таких приложений, как *FullyBrowser*. Если вы введете неправильные учетные данные один раз, вы будете перенаправлены на страницу входа. +## Вариант «Базовая аутентификация» +Позволяет входить в систему через базовую аутентификацию, отправляя `401` Unauthorized с заголовком `WWW-Authenticate`. Это можно использовать для таких приложений, как *FullyBrowser*. При вводе неправильных учетных данных один раз вы будете перенаправлены на страницу входа. ## Список пользователей Вы можете определить список пользователей, которые могут получить доступ к веб-серверу. Вы можете изменить права доступа для вошедшего в систему пользователя. Если пользователя нет в списке, он не сможет получить доступ к веб-серверу. -Проще задать для каждого объекта и каждого состояния права доступа конкретного пользователя. +Проще всего установить для каждого объекта и каждого состояния права доступа для конкретного пользователя. -## Расширенные настройки +## Расширенные параметры ### Перенаправление по умолчанию -Если при открытии веб-порта в браузере не должен отображаться выбор приложения, а только какое-то конкретное приложение, здесь можно указать путь (например, `/vis/`), чтобы этот путь был открыт автоматически. +Если при открытии веб-порта в браузере не должен отображаться выбор приложения, а должно отображаться какое-то конкретное приложение, путь можно указать здесь (например, `/vis/`), и этот путь будет открыт автоматически. - +### **РАБОТА В ХОДЕ** --> ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) updated packages +* (@GermanBluefox) removed gulp in a build process +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI ti vite + +### 6.3.1 (2024-09-23) +* (@foxriver76) added new admin icon (svg) + +### 6.3.0 (2024-06-27) +* (bluefox) Corrected call of getObjectView with null parameter +* (bluefox) updated packages +* (bluefox) GUI was migrated to a non-style framework + +### 6.2.6 (2024-05-25) +* (bluefox) Preparations for a custom loading background +* (bluefox) updated packages + +### 6.2.5 (2024-02-22) +* (bluefox) Just some packages were updates + +### 6.2.4 (2024-02-17) +* (klein0r) Extensions may block the web instance +* (klein0r) Fixed directory listing + +### 6.2.3 (2023-12-18) +* (foxriver76) updated the websocket library to increase the maximum file size from 100 MB to 500 MB + +### 6.2.2 (2023-12-14) +* (joltcoke) Corrected the crash if authentication is enabled + ### 6.2.1 (2023-12-04) * (bluefox) Added the user access list option @@ -103,7 +131,7 @@ createState('javascript.0.picture.png', {type: 'file', name: 'Picture'}, () => { * (bluefox) Corrected socket.io connection ### 6.1.4 (2023-10-08) -* (foxriver76) upgrade socketio and ws dependencies to fix vis subscribe problem +* (foxriver76) upgrade socketio and ws dependencies to fix a vis subscribe problem ### 6.1.3 (2023-09-28) * (bluefox) upgraded socketio and ws dependencies to correct the error by unsubscribing on client disconnect @@ -148,7 +176,7 @@ createState('javascript.0.picture.png', {type: 'file', name: 'Picture'}, () => { ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 Bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -166,4 +194,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. +THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/cloud/alexacustom.md b/docs/ru/cloud/alexacustom.md index 98383eb8c..b0793cec1 100644 --- a/docs/ru/cloud/alexacustom.md +++ b/docs/ru/cloud/alexacustom.md @@ -1,11 +1,121 @@ --- title: Пользовательский навык Alexa -lastChanged: 14.09.2018 +lastChanged: 01.02.2025 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/cloud/alexacustom.md -template: true translatedFrom: de translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен -hash: 6d/BTI4Dc8MO1xy4qTf8NxV1Mdp0+ZoS9gUvnmFSVwM= +hash: Su81nXGmYCs4yOuH029J6Lxpnj6QFGKD/M2LpGR2DoI= --- # Пользовательский навык Alexa -?> ***Это заполнитель***.

Помогите ioBroker и дополните эту статью. Обратите внимание на [Руководство по стилю ioBroker](community/styleguidedoc), чтобы облегчить применение изменений. \ No newline at end of file +## Что такое пользовательский навык ioBroker Alexa? +Пользовательский навык ioBroker Alexa обеспечивает **расширенное голосовое управление** вашим умным домом с помощью индивидуальных команд. +В отличие от навыка ioBroker.iot, который использует стандартные команды умного дома, пользовательский навык допускает **сложные взаимодействия**, такие как запросы статуса, индивидуальные процедуры или запуск автоматики. + +Используя имя вызова `i o Broker`, вы можете поручить Alexa выполнить определенные задачи или получить информацию из вашей системы ioBroker. + +### Функции и возможности +Функция `ioBroker Custom` Alexa Skill позволяет использовать индивидуальные голосовые команды для умного дома, запрашивать данные о состоянии датчиков, например, о температуре или состоянии окон, управлять сложными сценами и процедурами, а также интегрировать их с внешними службами с помощью скриптов ioBroker. Его можно использовать параллельно с навыком `ioBroker.iot`. + +### Настройка пользовательского навыка Alexa ioBroker +Установите адаптер ioBroker.iot: Пользовательский навык работает только с адаптером ioBroker.iot. Если он еще не установлен, его можно установить через административную область ioBroker в разделе Адаптер → Адаптер ioBroker.iot. + +### Включить пользовательские навыки Alexa +Откройте приложение Amazon Alexa или перейдите на страницу Alexa Skills. + +Поиск навыка `ioBroker Custom`. + +Активируйте навык и привяжите свою учетную запись Amazon Alexa к ioBroker. + +## Пользовательский навык — используйте собственные голосовые команды +Ответы по пользовательскому навыку можно обрабатывать двумя способами: + +- с помощью команды text2 +- с JavaScript + +### Текст2команда +Если в интерфейсе конфигурации определен экземпляр `text2command`, запрос отправляется этому экземпляру. + +`text2command` необходимо настроить для распознавания ожидаемой фразы и генерации соответствующего ответа. + +### JavaScript +Обработать запрос можно напрямую с помощью скрипта. Это параметр по умолчанию, если не выбран ни один экземпляр `text2command`. + +Если экземпляр `text2command` определен, этот экземпляр должен предоставить ответ, а ответ от скрипта игнорируется. + +Адаптер предоставляет сведения в двух состояниях с разным уровнем детализации: + +- `smart.lastCommand` содержит полученный текст, включая информацию о типе запроса (намерение). Пример: askDevice Status Газонокосилка +- `smart.lastCommandObj` содержит строку JSON, которую можно преобразовать в объект, содержащий следующую информацию: + - `words`: Содержит полученные слова в виде массива + - `intent`: Содержит тип запроса. Возможные значения: + - v1 Навык: `askDevice`, `controlDevice`, `actionStart`, `actionEnd`, `askWhen`, `askWhere`, `askWho` + - v2 Skill: `queryIntent` (если весь произнесенный текст был захвачен), `controlDevice` (для резервного варианта с частичным текстом) + - `deviceId`: содержит идентификатор устройства, с которого был отправлен запрос (если предоставлен Amazon, в противном случае пусто) + - `deviceRoom`: содержит связанный идентификатор комнаты, который можно настроить в пользовательском интерфейсе администратора IoT ioBroker для собранных идентификаторов устройств. + - `sessionId`: Содержит идентификатор сеанса навыка, должен быть одинаковым, если несколько команд произносятся подряд (если предоставлено Amazon, в противном случае пусто) + - `userId`: содержит идентификатор пользователя владельца устройства или взаимодействующего пользователя (если предоставлен Amazon, в противном случае пусто) + - `userName`: содержит связанное имя пользователя, которое можно настроить в пользовательском интерфейсе администратора IoT для собранных идентификаторов пользователей. + +Более подробную информацию о распознавании слов и различных типах запросов Alexa Custom Skill можно найти по следующей ссылке: [Форум ioBroker](https://forum.iobroker.net/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=17452) + +### Возврат ответа через состояние smart.lastResponse +Ответ должен быть записан в состояние smart.lastResponse в течение 200 мс. Это может быть как простая текстовая строка, так и объект JSON. + +- Если это текстовая строка, она будет отправлена обратно навыку в качестве ответа. +- Если ответ представляет собой объект JSON, можно использовать следующие ключи: + - `responseText`: Содержит текст, который возвращается в Amazon + - `shouldEndSession`: логическое значение, которое определяет, завершается ли сеанс после ответа или остается открытым для дальнейшего ввода. + - `sessionId`: Содержит идентификатор сеанса, для которого предназначен ответ. Если не указано иное, используется первый ожидаемый сеанс. + +### Отправьте ответ через сообщение экземпляру IoT +Экземпляр iot ioBroker также принимает сообщение с именем `alexaCustomResponse`, содержащее ключевой ответ. Этот объект может содержать ключи `responseText`,` shouldEndSession` и `sessionId`. + +Экземпляр IoT не отправляет ответ на сообщение. + +### Пример скрипта для обработки текстов +```js +// Wichtig: ack=true setzen +on({ id: 'iot.0.smart.lastCommand', ack: true, change: 'any' }, obj => { + // Die Antwort muss innerhalb von 200ms vorbereitet und in iot.X.smart.lastResponse geschrieben werden + setState('iot.0.smart.lastResponse', 'Received phrase is: ' + obj.state.val); // Wichtig: ack=false (Standard) +}); +``` + +### Пример скрипта для обработки JSON-объектов +```js +// Wichtig: ack=true setzen +on({ id: 'iot.0.smart.lastCommandObj', ack: true, change: 'any' }, obj => { + // Die Antwort muss innerhalb von 200ms vorbereitet und in iot.X.smart.lastResponse geschrieben werden + const request = JSON.parse(obj.state.val); + const response = { + responseText: 'Received phrase is: ' + request.words.join(' ') + '. Bye', + shouldEndSession: true, + sessionId: request.sessionId, + }; + + // Antwort über State zurückgeben + setState('iot.0.smart.lastResponse', JSON.stringify(response)); // Wichtig: ack=false (Standard) + + // Oder alternativ als Nachricht zurückgeben + sendTo('iot.0', 'alexaCustomResponse', response); +}); +``` + +## Примеры голосовых команд +**Запросы статуса:** + +- «Алекса, спроси ioBroker о температуре в гостиной». +- «Алекса, спроси ioBroker, открыты ли ворота гаража». + +**Команды управления:** + +- «Алекса, скажи ioBroker, что я возвращаюсь домой». +- «Алекса, попроси ioBroker включить мою кофемашину». + +**Сцены и рутины:** + +- «Алекса, скажи ioBroker, что я иду спать». + +## Преимущества ioBroker Alexa Custom Skills +Пользовательский навык ioBroker обеспечивает высокую гибкость благодаря индивидуальным голосовым командам. +Он дополняет возможности IoT более полным голосовым управлением, позволяет запрашивать состояние значений датчиков и системной информации, а также позволяет интегрировать автоматизацию и скрипты. Пользовательский навык предлагает настраиваемый и эффективный способ управления вашим умным домом с помощью Alexa. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ru/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md b/docs/ru/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md index 3b649a015..ec7cfab2f 100644 --- a/docs/ru/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md +++ b/docs/ru/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: Если вы хотите отредактировать этот документ, удалите поле «translationFrom», в противном случае этот документ будет снова автоматически переведен editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/ru/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md title: Конфигурация ioBroker JSON: руководство для начинающих -hash: Xc+YrZnmi1mYWiUlwueSm0wlq0IGSe5whY3wgjEn/AA= +hash: qv5gBLc3/6yUdIC4AWjkSdAk6o4ls+yLynScoTV+rAc= --- # Конфигурация JSON ioBroker: руководство для начинающих В этом руководстве объясняется, как определить параметры конфигурации для вашего адаптера ioBroker с помощью JSON. Этот подход предлагает более удобный и гибкий способ управления настройками адаптера в интерфейсе администратора ioBroker. @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ ID объекта: показать его с именем, цветом и зн ##### Показать только объекты адаптеров `influxdb` или `sql` или `history` `{common: {custom: '_dataSources'}}` -##### Показать только объекты пользовательских настроек для определенного адаптера (все экземпляры) +##### Показывать только объекты пользовательских настроек для определенного адаптера (все экземпляры) `{common: {custom: 'adapterName.'}}` ##### Показывать только каналы @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ ID объекта: показать его с именем, цветом и зн | `onlyEnabled` | если true. Будут показаны только включенные экземпляры | | `long` | значение будет выглядеть как `system.adapter.ADAPTER.0`, а не `ADAPTER.0` | | `short` | значение будет выглядеть как `0`, а не `ADAPTER.0` | -| `all` | Добавить к параметрам параметр «все» со значением `*` | +| `all` | Добавить к параметрам «все» параметр со значением `*` | | `all` | Добавить к параметрам параметр «all» со значением `*` | ### `chips` @@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ ID объекта: показать его с именем, цветом и зн | `val` | `${data.myText}\_test` или число. Тип будет определен автоматически из типа состояния и преобразование также выполнено | | `okText` | Оповещение, которое будет показано при нажатии кнопки | | `variant` | `contained`, `outlined`, '' | -| `вариант` | `содержался`, `выделенный`, '' | +| `вариант` | `содержался`, `очерчен`, '' | ### `staticText` статический текст, как описание @@ -746,6 +746,8 @@ ID объекта: показать его с именем, цветом и зн | `simple` | показать простые настройки CRON | ### `fileSelector` +Выберите файл из одной папки в раскрывающемся меню. И если хотите, можете загрузить новый файл в эту папку. + только Админ6 | Недвижимость | Описание | @@ -762,8 +764,8 @@ ID объекта: показать его с именем, цветом и зн | `noSize` | Не показывать размер файлов | ### `file` +Поле ввода с селектором файлов. Оно будет показано как текстовое поле с кнопкой сбоку для открытия диалога. только Admin6. -Поле ввода с селектором файлов | Недвижимость | Описание | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| @@ -977,7 +979,7 @@ adapter.on("message", (obj) => { | `texts` | массив абзацев с текстами, которые будут показаны каждый как отдельный абзац | | `title` | Заголовок диалогового окна лицензии | | `agreeText` | Текст согласованной кнопки | -| `checkBox` | Если определено, будет показан флажок с указанным именем. Если отмечено, будет включена кнопка «Согласовано». | +| `checkBox` | Если определено, будет показан флажок с указанным именем. Если отмечено, будет включена согласованная кнопка. | | `checkBox` | Если определено, будет показан флажок с указанным именем. Если отмечено, будет включена кнопка согласования. | ### `checkLicense` @@ -1028,7 +1030,7 @@ adapter.on("message", (obj) => { | `labelIcon` | Значок Base64 для метки | ### `staticInfo` -Показывает статическую информацию в предварительно отформатированном виде, например «Заголовок: единица измерения» (admin >= 7.3.3) Этот элемент управления используется в основном в динамических формах. +Показывает статическую информацию в предварительно отформатированном виде, например «Заголовок: единица измерения» (admin >= 7.3.3). Этот элемент управления используется в основном в динамических формах. | Недвижимость | Описание | |---------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..edb9eccb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md +title: ioBroker.ai 助手 +hash: 1WwgYlBlYiCCGclngXJYE3dBxwGnkfzPrlENgsR30RQ= +--- +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png) + +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.ai-assistant.svg) 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**Deepseek**:[deepseek.com](http://deepseek.com/) +- **自定义/自托管模型**(例如 LM Studio、LocalAI) + +--- + +快速入门 +1. 安装适配器。 +2. 设置提供商(例如,OpenAI、Anthropic、Perplexity、OpenRouter)并获取 API 令牌。 +3. 使用 API 令牌配置适配器。 +4.选择您想要用于助手的模型。 +5. 在“对象”选项卡下添加一些可供助手使用的 ioBroker 状态。 +6. 通过向助手的“text_request”状态发送文本请求并从“text_response”状态接收响应,开始与您的助手进行通信。 + +--- + +## 测试模型 +以下型号已通过该适配器测试,并且运行良好: + +- 克劳德 3.5 十四行诗(人性化) +- GPT-4O-MINI(OpenAI) +- meta-llama/llama-3.3-70b-instruct (OpenRouter) +- deepseek/deepseek 聊天 (OpenRouter) +- x-ai/grok-beta (OpenRouter) +- perplexity/llama-3.1-sonar-huge-128k-online(困惑) +- perplexity/llama-3.1-sonar-large-128k-online(困惑) + +--- + +## 配置 +### 助手 +使用以下设置来设置你的助手: + +| **设置** | **描述** | +| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **姓名** | 您的助手的姓名。| +| **模型** | 选择您的助手应该使用的 LLM 模型(在提供商下配置)。| +| **个性** | 描述一下你的助手的个性。| +| **语言** | 选择您的助手应该使用的语言(目前仅支持英语/德语)| +| **调试/CoT 输出** | 当激活时,助手使用的内部想法和过程被写入 text_response 状态。| +| **消息历史** | 包括之前的消息(用于类似聊天机器人的行为)。对于一次性工具,设置为 0,以最大限度地减少令牌使用。| +| **温度** | 控制响应创造力/一致性。| +| **最大令牌** | 限制响应令牌数。| +| **重试延迟** | 请求失败时重试之间的延迟 | +| **最大重试次数** | 每个请求的最大重试次数。| + +--- + +### 对象 +### 警告:请谨慎授予助手访问权限的状态,因为它可以读取和写入其有权访问的所有状态。 +设置 ioBrokers 对象并声明助手应该有权访问。 + +**注意:导入或添加对象时,请确保仅添加可以直接控制或包含要读取的值的“状态”类型的数据点!** + +| **设置** | **描述** | +| -------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **从 Enum.Rooms 导入** | 从 ioBroker 中的 enum.rooms 排序中导入所有状态。(覆盖所有先前设置的对象!)| +| **排序** | 所有具有相同排序字段的对象将按组(例如一个房间)呈现给助手| +| **名称** | 使用描述性名称,以便助手了解对象的功能 | +| **对象** | ioBroker 状态的 ID | + +--- + +### 函数 +设置助手可用的自定义函数。 +您的自定义函数必须在写入`State (Request)`之后,将响应写入您在`State (Response)`字段中定义的状态。 +结果可以是任何您喜欢的格式(例如 JSON、纯文本),只要确保助手可以理解它即可。 +提示:您可以使用[AI-工具箱适配器](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox)将您的助手与自定义 AI 工具集成。 + +**注意:如果您在 60 秒内没有对 `State (Response)` 字段做出回应,函数调用将失败!** + +| **设置** | **描述** | +| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| **排序** | 所有具有相同排序字段的对象将按组(例如一个房间)呈现给助手| +| **名称** | 为自定义函数使用描述性名称 | +| **描述** | 描述你的函数的作用,以便助手了解何时调用它 | +| **状态(请求)** | 该状态将在函数调用时由助手以字符串形式写入 | +| **状态(响应)** | 助手将读取此状态以获取函数的响应 | + +--- + +### 法学硕士提供者 +单独配置每个 AI 提供程序: + +#### 人择 +| **设置** | **描述** | +| ------------- | ------------------------------- | +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 Anthropic API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +OpenAI +| **设置** | **描述** | +| ------------- | ---------------------------- | +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 OpenAI API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +困惑 +| **设置** | **描述** | +| ------------- | -------------------------------- | +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 Perplexity API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +OpenRouter 简介 +| **设置** | **描述** | +| ------------- | -------------------------------- | +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 OpenRouter API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +#### 风俗 +| **设置** | **描述** | +| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **推理服务器 URL** | 自定义/自托管推理服务器的 URL。| +| **推理服务器的 API 令牌** | 您的推理服务器的 API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| +| **注意** | 确保符合常见的 AI LLM API 标准(例如 LM Studio API)。| + +--- + +## 用法 +### 简单对话 +您可以通过向`text_request`状态发送文本请求并接收来自`text_response`状态的响应来与您的助手进行交互。 + +函数调用 +助手可以调用所有可用函数。它通过根据文本请求确定要调用的函数来实现这一点。如果您启用了 Debug/CoT Output,您可以在 `text_response` 状态下看到助手的内部进程。 + +状态交互 +助手可以一次列出、读取和写入多个 ioBroker 状态。您可以使用 `Objects` 选项卡来定义助手应有权访问哪些状态。 + +基于时间的指令 +助手可以设置相对时间指令的超时和特定时间的 cronjob。Cronjobs 将在助手对象树的 `Cronjobs` 下列出。 +超时只是暂时的,在执行超时或重新启动适配器后将被删除。 +当触发超时或 cronjob 时,助手将被唤醒并执行指令。 + +基于触发器的指令 +助手可以在 ioBroker 状态上设置触发器,并设置可选条件,当条件满足时运行指令。触发器将在助手对象树的`Triggers` 下列出。 +触发后,助手将被唤醒并执行指令。 + +自定义函数 +助手可以调用您在 `Functions` 选项卡中定义的自定义函数。助手会将请求写入 `State (Request)` 字段,并期望在 `State (Response)` 字段中得到响应。 + +函数链 +该助手可用于将多个功能串联在一起。例如,您可以设置一个 cronjob,执行时会开始检查 ioBroker 状态,然后使用结果调用自定义函数。 + +#### 清除聊天记录 +有时重置聊天记录会很有用。您可以通过请求助手清除其历史记录来执行此操作。这将从助手的内存中删除所有以前的消息。(例如`Clear history`或`Forget the previous messages`) + +## 附加信息 +### 统计数据 +统计信息已为您的助手记录,可在`Statistics` 对象树中查看。 + +| **数据点** | **描述** | +| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| **.statistics.lastRequest** | 最后一个请求的时间戳。| +| **.statistics.requestCount** | 向助手发送的请求数量 | +| **.statistics.messages\*** | 消息历史记录的 JSON 数组(如果消息历史记录 > 0)。| +| **.statistics.clear_messages\*** | 清除消息历史记录按钮。| +| **.statistics.tokens_input** | 使用的总输入令牌数。| +| **.statistics.tokens_output** | 使用的总输出令牌数。| + +## 发展 +此适配器仍在开发中,可能存在错误。请报告您遇到的任何问题。 + +### 调试 +在 ioBroker 管理界面中将日志级别设置为`debug` 以获取详细日志。 + +## Changelog + + +### 0.1.3 (2025-29-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for Deepseek as api provider +* (@ToGe3688) Better display of providers in model selection for admin config +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed object hirarchy +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed state roles +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed onStateChange handler + +### 0.1.2 (2025-12-01) +- (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs +- (@ToGe3688) Anthropic API Versioning + +### 0.1.1 (2025-12-01) + +- (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs + +### 0.1.0 (2025-04-01) + +- (@ToGe3688) Beta Release + +### 0.0.3 (2024-31-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) Improved handling of malformed model responses +- (@ToGe3688) Fixed a bug where the names of the states were not provided to the assistant + +### 0.0.2 (2024-30-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) Fixed Bug in OpenAI Provider + +### 0.0.1 (2024-30-12) + +- (@ToGe3688) initial release + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 ToGe3688 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c029e49e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/admin/ai-assistant.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf4c92d2e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,627 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md +title: ioBroker.ai-工具箱 +hash: vOxR/4rmRRntCesgYd30u23JYfx6PH6vqQBJ27eopnk= +--- +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png) + +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.ai-toolbox.svg) +![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.ai-toolbox.svg) +![安装数量](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-toolbox-installed.svg) +![稳定存储库中的当前版本](https://iobroker.live/badges/ai-toolbox-stable.svg) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.ai-toolbox.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.ai-工具箱 +**测试:**![测试与发布](https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## 概述 +ioBroker AI 工具箱适配器将可定制的 AI 工具集成到您的智能家居中。它支持多个大型语言模型 (LLM) 提供商,并提供灵活的自动化和交互框架。通过将来自智能家居设备的数据与 AI 功能相结合,ioBroker AI 工具箱适配器可以为您的家庭自动化任务和与 LLM 模型的交互创建高度个性化且实用的工具。 + +## 特征 +- 支持多种 AI 提供商和模型。 +- 为特定任务创建自定义 AI 工具 +- 聊天历史管理,保留上下文。 +- 令牌使用情况和请求历史统计。 +- 用于图像分析的视觉能力。 + +## 支持的提供商 +- **Anthropic**:[anthropic.com](https://anthropic.com) +- **OpenAI**:[openai.com](https://openai.com) +- **Perplexity**:[perplexity.ai](https://perplexity.ai) +- **OpenRouter**: [openrouter.ai](https://openrouter.ai)(适合初学者的免费使用模型) +- **Deepseek**:[deepseek.com](http://deepseek.com/) +- **自定义/自托管模型**(例如 LM Studio、LocalAI) + +--- + +快速入门 +1. 安装适配器。 +2. 创建账户并从 openrouter.ai 获取 API 令牌 +3. 使用 API 令牌配置适配器。 +4. 安装时创建的示例工具使用 OpenRouter 的免费模型 meta-llama/llama-3.2-3b-instruct:free。 +5. 使用 .text_request 数据点向工具发送消息,并检查 .text_response 以获取响应。 + +请注意,免费模型有时需要等待很长时间才能获得首次响应,可能会超载或有其他限制。模型的质量和功能也各不相同,请确保为您的用例选择正确的模型。 + +**即使此自述文件是用英文编写的,大多数模型都是多语言的,只需尝试用您的母语编写您的工具即可获得所需的输出!** + +--- + +## 配置 +### 工具 +定义针对特定任务的自定义 AI 工具: + +| **设置** | **描述** | +|-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **名称** | 工具的名称。| +| **模型** | 选择 LLM 模型(在提供商下配置)。| +| **系统提示** | 提供描述该工具的详细信息。| +| **示例请求** | (可选)示例请求。| +| **示例响应** | (如果提供了示例请求则必填)理想的响应。| +| **消息历史** | 包括之前的消息(用于类似聊天机器人的行为)。对于一次性工具,设置为 0,以最大限度地减少令牌使用。| +| **温度** | 控制响应创造力/一致性。| +| **最大令牌** | 限制响应令牌数。| +| **重试延迟** | 请求失败时重试之间的延迟 | +| **最大重试次数** | 每个请求的最大重试次数。| +| **启用视觉/图像请求** | 启用视觉/图像输入。| +| **在聊天历史中包含视觉请求** | 在聊天历史中包含视觉/图像数据 | + +--- + +### 法学硕士提供者 +单独配置每个 AI 提供程序: + +#### 人择 +| **设置** | **描述** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 Anthropic API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +OpenAI +| **设置** | **描述** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 OpenAI API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +困惑 +| **设置** | **描述** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 Perplexity API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +OpenRouter 简介 +| **设置** | **描述** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 OpenRouter API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +深度搜索 +| **设置** | **描述** | +|-----------------|----------------------------------------------| +| **API 令牌** | 输入您的 Deepseek API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| + +#### 风俗 +| **设置** | **描述** | +|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **推理服务器 URL** | 自定义/自托管推理服务器的 URL。| +| **推理服务器的 API 令牌** | 您的推理服务器的 API 令牌。| +| **模型** | 指定要使用的模型。| +| **注意** | 确保符合常见的 AI LLM API 标准(例如 LM Studio API)。| + +--- + +使用你的工具 +### 对象交互 +每个工具都显示在 ioBroker 对象树中。使用 `Tools.$YourToolName.text_request` 发送查询,使用 `Tools.$YourToolName.text_response` 检索答案。 + +#### 视觉/图像请求 +如果您已启用视觉/图像请求,则可以使用 `Tools.$YourToolName.image_url` 设置工具要分析的图像 URL 或本地文件路径。当您设置 `Tools.$YourToolName.text_request` 数据点的状态时,该图像将包含在请求中。 + +注意:您可以使用本地 URL(例如,在您的本地网络中或文件路径(ioBroker 有权读取文件,例如 /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg)。适配器将图像转换为 base64 字符串并将其包含在请求中。 + +## 脚本集成(`sendTo`) +您可以使用`sendTo`函数以编程方式进行交互: + +#### 文本请求 +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +#### 带有 URL 的视觉/图像请求 +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +#### 使用本地文件的视觉/图像请求 +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'YOUR-TOOL-NAME', + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': '/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the tool's response as text string +}); +``` + +### 不使用工具使用模型 +### 对象交互 +每个定义的模型也出现在 ioBroker 对象树中。使用 `Models.$ModelName.text_request` 发送查询,使用 `Models.$ModelName.text_response` 检索答案。使用脚本集成,您可以创建更具创意的集成,例如,您可以创建动态系统提示。 + +## 脚本集成(`sendTo`) +您可以使用`sendTo`函数以编程方式进行交互: + +#### 文本请求 +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to' +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +#### 带有 URL 的视觉/图像请求 +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +#### 使用本地文件的视觉/图像请求 +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + 'model': 'MODEL-NAME', + 'system_prompt': 'System prompt for your request' + 'temperature': 'Temperature setting for your request (Optional: Default 0.6)' + 'max_tokens': 'Max number of tokens to generate (Optional: Default 2000)' + 'text': 'The message for the tool to respond to', + 'image_url': '/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/telegram_0/photo/image.jpg', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result.text); // Text response of the model + console.info(result.model); // Used model for request + console.info(result.tokens_input); // Used input tokens + console.info(result.tokens_output); // Used output tokens + console.info(result.error); // Error, populated if request fails + console.info(result.request_data); // JSON object with request data + console.info(result.response_data); // JSON object with raw response of the API call +}); +``` + +--- + +## 附加信息 +### 统计数据 +为您创建的工具和模型创建统计数据,以便您可以跟踪令牌使用情况和其他数据。 + +| **数据点** | **描述** | +|-----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| **.statistics.lastRequest** | 最后一个请求的时间戳。| + +| **.statistics.messages*** | 消息历史记录的 JSON 数组(如果消息历史记录 > 0)。 +| **.statistics.clear_messages***| 清除消息历史记录按钮。 + +| **.statistics.tokens_input**| 使用的总输入令牌数。| +| **.statistics.tokens_output**| 使用的总输出令牌数。| + + `* only available for tools, models don't have a message history` + +### 要求 +| **数据点** | **描述** | +|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------| +| **.request.body** | 发送给 API 的请求正文。| +| **.request.state** | 请求的当前状态。(开始,成功,重试,错误,失败)| + +### 回复 +| **数据点** | **描述** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| **.request.error** | 如果发生错误则填充。| +| **.request.raw** | 来自模型的原始 JSON 响应。| + +--- + +## 示例 +以下示例演示了如何在 ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter 中配置和使用自定义 AI 工具。这些示例展示了适配器如何利用数据提供智能响应和建议。 + +--- + +### 示例 1:简单聊天机器人 +**描述:**一个基本的聊天机器人,以对话和友好的方式回复用户消息。这可用于休闲聊天体验。 + +-**名称**:`simple-chatbot` + +- **系统提示:** + +`"You are a friendly and conversational chatbot. Respond to user messages in an engaging and cheerful way. Keep your answers brief and focus on maintaining a pleasant tone."` + +- **示例请求:** + +`"Hi there! How are you today?"` + +- **示例响应:** + +`"I'm doing great, thanks for asking! How about you?"` + +- **消息历史记录**:`10`(允许聊天机器人记住最多 10 次对话的上下文,以实现更自然的流程。) + +- **温度**:`0.8`(鼓励创造力,同时保持回应的相关性和友好性。) + +---------- + +### 示例请求和响应 +| **请求** | **响应** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| `What's your favorite color?` | `I love blue! It reminds me of the sky.` | +| `Tell me something interesting.` | `Did you know that octopuses have three hearts? Cool, right?` | +| “告诉我一些有趣的事。”|“你知道章鱼有三个心脏吗?很酷,对吧?”| + +---------- + +### 脚本集成示例 +要在 ioBroker 中以编程方式使用此工具,您可以通过`sendTo` 函数集成它: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'simple-chatbot', + text: 'Hi, chatbot! How’s it going?', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the chatbot's response +}); + +``` + +### 示例 2:视觉/图像分析仪 +**描述:**一种多模式工具,可分析图像并根据视觉内容提供详细描述或见解。该工具可以识别图像中的物体、场景和其他视觉元素。 + +-**名称**:`vision-analyzer` + +- **系统提示:** + +`"You are a vision assistant. Analyze the provided image and generate a detailed description or insights based on the visual content. Your responses should be informative and engaging, focusing on key elements and context in the image."` + +- **示例请求:** + +`"What do you see in this image?"` + +- **示例响应:** + +`"This image shows a tall, columnar evergreen tree growing in a black nursery pot or container. It appears to be a cypress or juniper variety, with dense, dark green foliage that grows in a narrow, upright pyramidal shape. These types of trees are popular for landscaping, especially in formal gardens or as accent plants, and they can also be used to create natural privacy screens when planted in rows."` + +- **消息历史记录**:`6`(保留相关图像分析问题的上下文。) + +- **温度**:`0.6`(平衡创造力和相关性以获得不同的反应。) + +- **启用视觉/图像请求** `true`(启用该工具来接受图像 URL 进行分析。) + +- **在聊天历史中包含视觉请求** `true`(在聊天历史中包含图像 URL 以保留上下文。) + +---------- + +### 脚本集成示例 +要在 ioBroker 中以编程方式使用此工具,您可以通过`sendTo` 函数集成它: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'vision-analyzer', + text: 'What do you see in this image?', + image_url: 'https://url-of-the-image-to-analyze.com/image.jpg' +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the chatbot's response +}); + +``` + +### 示例 3:自定义天气报告器 +**描述:**一个聊天机器人,根据提供的输入数据(例如位置、温度和天气状况)生成个性化的天气报告。响应引人入胜且为用户量身定制。 + +-**名称**:`weather-reporter` + +- **系统提示:** + +`"You are a weather reporter chatbot. Based on the input data, generate a detailed and engaging weather report. Your response should include a friendly greeting, a brief overview of the current conditions, and a suggestion for the day. Keep your tone cheerful and informative."` + +- **示例请求:** + +`"Current datetime 12/7/2024, 12:00:01 PM. Weatherdata: Temperature 7°C, Humidity 87%, Cloudcover 93%, Airpressure 997mbar, Wind 23kmh, Rain 0mm."` + +- **示例响应:** + +`Hello there! 🌤️ Happy December 7th! As we step into the afternoon, the weather is quite cool at a temperature of 7°C. With a humidity level of 87%, it feels a bit damp out there, so don’t forget to grab your favorite cozy sweater if you’re heading outside! Cloud cover is fairly high today, sitting at 93%, which gives the sky a soft, overcast appearance. The air pressure is at 997 mbar, and while there’s a moderate wind blowing at 23 km/h, it might feel a tad brisk, so a light jacket would be a good call. The good news is that we haven’t seen any rain today, so if you’re planning to venture out, it’s a great time for a stroll or perhaps a warm drink at your favorite café! Stay warm and enjoy your day! ☕🌧️` + +- **消息历史记录**:`5`(允许短期上下文保留以回答相关的后续问题。) + +- **温度**:`0.7`(确保不同报告的创造力和相关性的结合。) + +---------- + +### 脚本集成示例 +要在 ioBroker 中以编程方式使用此工具,您可以通过`sendTo` 函数集成它: + +```javascript +var day = new Date().toLocaleString(); +var cloudCover = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.clouds_value').val; +var rlf = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.humidity_value').val; +var pressure = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.pressure_value').val; +var rain = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.rain_value').val; +var temp = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.temp_value').val; +var wind = getState('daswetter.0.NextHours.Location_1.Day_1.current.wind_value').val; + +var message = 'Current datetime ' + day + '. Weatherdata: Temperature ' + temp + '°C, ' + 'Humidity ' + rlf + '%, ' + 'Cloudcover ' + cloudCover + '%, ' + 'Airpressure ' + pressure + 'mbar, ' + 'Wind ' + wind + 'kmh, ' + 'Rain ' + rain + 'mm. '; + +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + 'tool': 'weather-reporter', + 'text': message, +}, async (result) => { + log(result); +}); + +``` + +### 示例4:音乐建议助手 +**描述:**根据当前天气和时间推荐音乐播放列表。可与 Alexa 或 Google Home 等智能扬声器一起使用。 + +- **名称**:`music-recommender` +- **系统提示:** + +`"You are a music assistant. Based on the current weather and time of day, suggest a playlist or genre that matches the mood. Use concise and creative recommendations. You answer only with your suggestion and nothing else."` + +- **示例请求:** + +`"Current Time 24th December 2024 17:30. Outside Temperature: 10°C."` + +- **示例响应:** + +`"Christmas Music"` + +- **消息历史记录**:`7`(我们使用值 7 是因为我们将每天触发一次此示例工具,并且不希望它重复其答案。通过此设置,它将看到它对我们的请求的最后 7 次响应中所建议的内容。) +- **温度**:`0.7`(平衡创造力和相关性) + +**此工具的请求和响应示例如下:** + +| **请求** | **响应** | +|--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +| `Current time 3rd June 2024 16:00. Outside Temperature: 31°C` | `Latin Summer Music` | +| `Current time 11th November 2024 12:00. Outside Temperature: 15°C` | `Acoustic Guitar Music` | +| `当前时间 2024 年 11 月 11 日 12:00。室外温度:15°C` | `原声吉他音乐` | + +--- + +### 示例 5:灯光设置推荐器 +**描述:**根据当前播放音乐的情绪和类型推荐 RGB 灯光设置。该工具会分析音乐的特征(例如节奏、情绪)并为五种 RGB 灯光推荐合适的灯光颜色。输出包含每种灯光的 RGB 十六进制值的 JSON。 + +-**名称**:`light-setter` + +- **系统提示:** + +`"You are a smart home assistant. Based on the characteristics of the currently playing music, recommend RGB hex color values for five different lights to create an immersive atmosphere. Respond only with a JSON object containing the RGB hex values for each light."` + +- **示例请求:** + +``` +Faithless - Insomnia +``` + +- **示例响应:** + +```json +{ + "light1": "#FF4500", + "light2": "#FFA500", + "light3": "#FFFF00", + "light4": "#ADFF2F", + "light5": "#00FF00" +} +``` + +- **消息历史记录**:`0`(一次性工具,以最大限度地减少令牌的使用。) + +- **温度**:`0.6`(平衡创造力和一致性。) + +--- + +### 示例请求和响应 +| **请求** | **响应** | +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| `The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | +| `Mozart - Eine kleine Nachtmusik` | `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | +| 《莫扎特 - 小夜曲》| `{ "light1": "#FFD700", "light2": "#FFA500", "light3": "#FF8C00", "light4": "#FF4500", "light5": "#FF0000" }` | + +--- + +### 脚本集成示例 +要在 ioBroker 中以编程方式使用此工具,您可以通过`sendTo` 函数集成它: + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'tool_request', { + tool: 'light-setter', + text: 'Faithless - Insomnia', +}, async (result) => { + console.info(result); // Outputs the recommended RGB hex values for the lights +}); +``` + +--- + +## 最佳实践:最大限度地发挥 AI 工具的潜力 +为了确保您充分利用 ioBroker AI 工具箱适配器及其工具,以下是一些最佳实践、提示和技巧: + +#### **1. 理解关键概念** +- **系统提示**: + +系统提示定义了 AI 工具的行为和风格。可以将其视为工具的“个性”或“准则”。例如,天气机器人的系统提示可能是:`"You are a cheerful weather assistant. Provide detailed weather forecasts in a friendly tone."` + +- **温度**: + +此设置可调整响应的“创造性”程度。较低的值(例如 0.2)可使工具更加真实和确定,而较高的值(例如 0.8)可实现更加多样化和富有创意的输出。 + +- **最大代币**: + +控制响应的长度。将其设置为高可以获得详细的答案,设置为低可以获得简洁的输出。 + +- **消息历史**: + +这样工具就可以保留上下文以保证对话的连续性。对聊天机器人使用较高的值(例如 10),对一次性响应使用较低的值(例如 0),以节省令牌。 + +---------- + +#### **2. 创建清晰、具体的工具** +- 使用针对工具用途量身定制的**特定系统提示**。精心设计的系统提示可确保输出结果有针对性且相关。 +- 提供**示例请求和响应**,为模型设定明确的期望。这有助于保持一致的行为和更好的理解。 + +---------- + +#### **3. 精心配置 AI 提供商** +每个提供商都有其独特的优势。选择符合您用例的模型,并尝试各种选项以找到最佳匹配。 + +---------- + +#### **4. 平衡性能和成本** +- 通过 OpenRouter 从“meta-llama”等**免费模型**开始测试想法,然后再扩展到更强大的付费选项。 +- 使用**token statistics**(可在`.statistics.tokens_input`和`.statistics.tokens_output`中使用)来监控使用情况并优化工具配置。 + +---------- + +#### **5. 利用动态和可重用组件** +- **动态系统提示**:根据实时数据调整提示。例如,提取实时天气数据以创建个性化预报。 + +```javascript +sendTo('ai-toolbox.0', 'model_request', { + model: 'MODEL-NAME', + system_prompt: 'Current weather in {location} is {temperature}°C. Advise suitable outdoor activities.', + text: 'What should I do today?', +}, (result) => console.info(result.text)); + +``` + +- **脚本集成**:使用 JavaScript 根据外部输入动态调整温度或系统提示等参数。 + +---------- + +#### **6. 测试、调整和发展** +- 使用调试日志来识别工具性能问题。 + +在 ioBroker 管理界面中将日志级别设置为`debug`。 + +- 尝试**不同的系统提示、温度设置和令牌限制**来优化行为。 + +---------- + +#### **7. 构建模块化解决方案** +- 将复杂的任务拆分为更小、可重复使用的工具。例如,使用一个工具来分析数据,另一个工具来生成报告。将这些工具组合到脚本中,以实现强大的工作流程。 + +---------- + +#### **8. 管理消息历史记录** +- 对于基于聊天的工具,维持可管理的历史记录长度以提供上下文,而无需过多使用令牌。 + +---------- + +#### **9. 使用 JSON 输出实现自动化** +对于集成到智能家居或脚本的工具,请通过提供您想要接收的格式的示例响应来配置 JSON 中的响应格式。 + +---------- + +这些最佳实践与实验和迭代改进相结合,将确保您的 AI 工具提供适合您的智能家居环境的有意义且可靠的结果。 + +## 发展 +### 调试 +在 ioBroker 管理界面中将日志级别设置为`debug` 以获取详细日志。 + +## Changelog + +### 0.1.3 (2025-29-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for Deepseek as api provider +* (@ToGe3688) Better display of providers in model selection for admin config +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed object hirarchy +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed state roles +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed onStateChange handler + +### 0.1.2 (2025-12-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Better error handling for Provider APIs +* (@ToGe3688) Added Anthropic API Versioning + +### 0.1.1 (2025-05-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Added timeouts for api providers + +### 0.1.0 (2025-04-01) +* (@ToGe3688) Beta Release + +### 0.0.7 (2024-27-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added translations, updated Readme, changed image fetch method to axios + +### 0.0.6 (2024-26-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added support for local files for image analysis + +### 0.0.4 (2024-26-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added vision capabilities for tools + +### 0.0.3 (2024-25-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Fixed a bug with the OpenAI API Provider + +### 0.0.2 (2024-07-12) +* (@ToGe3688) Added direct model requests, moved tools to separate objects, added statistics and request history + +### 0.0.1 (2024-05-12) +* (@ToGe3688) initial release + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 ToGe3688 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..687aa5135 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/admin/ai-toolbox.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md index c5c180dcc..a3fc2de87 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md @@ -2,106 +2,269 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/README.md -title: ioBroker Asterisk VoIP适配器 -hash: H+/GtnFRdWUaR0uoJ4mzoeBUIoXKSQKmphpnfeqpC/0= +title: ioBroker Asterisk VoIP 适配器 +hash: /epcTbsSNLXOiJlMxorB29LVQBYTZQcPGTFvmTa/gv0= --- -![商标](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/admin/asterisk.png) +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/admin/asterisk.png) -![Travis CI构建状态](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk.svg?branch=master) -![AppVeyor构建状态](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk?branch=master&svg=true) +![Travis CI 构建状态](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk.svg?branch=master) +![AppVeyor 构建状态](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.asterisk?branch=master&svg=true) ![安装数量](http://iobroker.live/badges/asterisk-stable.svg) -![NPM版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.asterisk.svg) +![NPM 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Linux 软件包 / ioBroker 和 asterisk 与 ffmpeg 在同一台服务器上运行 +```sh +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +``` + +### Linux 软件包 / ioBroker 和 asterisk 与 sox 在同一台服务器上运行 +如果您在使用 ffmpeg 进行转码时遇到问题,您可以选择 sox 作为转码器。为此,您必须安装以下软件包并在适配器配置中选择 sox。 + +```sh +sudo apt-get install lame +sudo apt-get install sox +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +``` + +### Linux 软件包 / ioBroker 和 asterisk 使用 ffmpeg 在不同的服务器上运行 +```sh +# ioBroker server +sudo apt-get install ffmpeg +sudo apt install openssh-client +``` + +```sh +# asterisk server +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +``` + +### Linux 软件包 / ioBroker 和 asterisk 使用 sox 在不同的服务器上运行 +如果您在使用 ffmpeg 进行转码时遇到问题,您可以选择 sox 作为转码器。为此,您必须安装以下软件包并在适配器配置中选择 sox。 + +```sh +sudo apt-get install lame +sudo apt-get install sox +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +``` + +```sh +# asterisk server +# if asterisk package is missing, follow the instructions "Install asterisk manual" +sudo apt-get install asterisk +sudo apt-get install openssh-server +``` + +### 安装 asterix 手册 +如果缺少 apt 包 asterisk,您可以手动安装 asterisk: + +```sh +sudo apt install git vim curl wget libnewt-dev libssl-dev libncurses5-dev subversion libsqlite3-dev build-essential libjansson-dev libxml2-dev uuid-dev + +cd /usr/src/ +sudo wget https://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/old-releases/asterisk-16.30.1.tar.gz +sudo tar xvf asterisk-16*.tar.gz +cd asterisk-16*/ +sudo contrib/scripts/get_mp3_source.sh +sudo contrib/scripts/install_prereq install +sudo ./configure +sudo make menuselect -##使用Asterisk -###使用带有对象/状态的Asterisk进行拨出 -使用星号的最简单方法是通过ioBroker对象页面。在那里,在dialout参数下填写以下值: +# Choose following packages in the menu: +## Add-ons: chan_ooh323 & format_mp3 +## Core Sound Packages: Audio packets CORE-SOUNDS-EN-* +## Music On Hold: MOH-OPSOUND-WAV bis MOH-G729 +## Extra Sound: EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-WAV bis EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-G729 +## Applications: app_macro +## Exit with "Save&Exit". -*通话:按钮发起通话 -* callerid:将显示被叫方的电话号码 -* dtmf:被叫按下键盘上的数字 -* telnr:要拨打的号码 -* text:将播放给被叫方的文本 +sudo make +sudo make install +sudo make progdocs # (optional documentation) +sudo make samples +sudo make config +sudo ldconfig + +sudo groupadd asterisk +sudo useradd -r -d /var/lib/asterisk -g asterisk asterisk +sudo usermod -aG audio,dialout asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/{lib,log,spool}/asterisk +sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk + +# asterisk as default user for asterisk +sudo nano /etc/default/asterisk +AST_USER="asterisk" +AST_GROUP="asterisk" + +# Insert/ replae follwoing in the config file /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf +sudo nano /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf +runuser = asterisk ; The user to run as. +rungroup = asterisk ; The group to run as + +sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 5060,5061 # (optional open Firewall, if activ) + +sudo systemctl restart asterisk +sudo systemctl enable asterisk + +# Check state of asterisk +sudo systemctl status asterisk +sudo asterisk -rvv +``` + +### 星号的配置 +以下文档详细描述了如何配置星号。 + +- 配置 [Asterisk 通过 SIP 与 FritzBox](docs/SIP_FRITZBOX.md) (最简单的方法) +- 配置 [Asterisk 通过 PJSIP 与 FriztBox](docs/PJSIP_FRITZBOX.md) (pjsip 比 sip 更现代) +- 配置 [Asterisk 通过 PJSIP 与 Telekom 作为提供商](docs/PJSIP_TELEKOM.md) +- 配置 [Asterisk 通过 PJSIP 以 Sipgate 作为提供商](docs/PJSIP_SIPGATE.md) + +### 使用 SSH 进行配置 +如果 iobroker 和 asterisk 安装在不同的网络用户上,则您需要在 asterisk 服务器上有一个具有 iobroker 服务器访问权限的用户,以便通过 ssh 登录。 +用户必须具有 unix 用户权限才能写入文件,而 asterisk 可以读取这些文件。 +在 asterisk 服务器上,您使用在 iobroker asterisk 适配器配置中配置的名称在 _'临时音频文件路径'_ 下创建目录。该路径必须可供 asterisk 和 ssh 访问和授权,因为 iobroker 通过 scp 将生成的音频文件(您的文本消息)发送到 asterisk 服务器并将其保存在“临时音频文件路径”中。 +之后,ioBroker 将通过 AMI api 向 asterisk 发送一条消息,以拨号并播放保存在给定路径中的生成音频文件。 + +![远程控制](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png) + +使用星号 +### 使用 Asterisk 和对象/状态进行拨出 +使用 asterisk 的最简单方法是通过 ioBroker 对象页面。在那里,在 dialout 参数下填写以下值: + +- 呼叫:按下按钮发起呼叫 +- callerid:显示被叫方的电话号码 +- dtmf:被叫方按下键盘上的数字 +- telnr:要拨打的号码 +- text:将向被叫方播放的文本 +- 语言:文本将转换为该语言的音频 ![iobroker_dialout](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_dialout.png) -###使用带有对象/状态的Asterisk进行拨号 -如果您将SIP提供程序(例如Fritzbox,Sipgate,...)和Asterisk配置配置为允许拨入呼叫,则可以设置以下参数 +### 使用 Asterisk 和对象/状态进行拨号 +如果您配置了 SIP 提供商(例如 Fritzbox、Sipgate 等)和 Asterisk 配置以允许拨入呼叫,则可以设置以下参数 -* callerid:称为asteriks的telephonenumber -* dtmf:呼叫者按下键盘上的数字 -* text:将播放给调用者的文本 +- callerid:呼叫 asteriks 的电话号码 +- dtmf:呼叫者按下键盘上的数字 +- text:将向呼叫者播放的文本 +- 语言:文本将转换为该语言的音频 ![iobroker_dialin](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_dialin.png) -###使用带有javascript或blocky的Asterisk进行拨号 -现在,您可以在javascript或blocky程序中使用适配器。 +### 使用 Asterisk 和 javascript 或 blocky 拨号 +现在您可以在您的 javascript 或块状程序中使用该适配器。 ```sh -var number = "040 666-7766"; -var callerid = '040 123 999'; // optional, if not set anonymous call -var msg = "Hello, this textmessage will be converted to audio"; +const number = '040 666-7766'; +const callerid = '040 123 999'; // optional, if not set anonymous call +const msg = 'Hello, this textmessage will be converted to audio'; // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play text message as audio -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, text: msg}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, text: msg}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play mp3 audio file // mp3 file has to exist on asterix server -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.mp3'}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.mp3'}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // call telephone nummber 040 666-7766 and play gsm audio file // gsm file has to exist on asterix server -sendTo('asterisk.0', "dial", { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.gsm'}, (res) => { - console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { telnr: number, callerid: callerid, aufiofile: '/tmp/audio.gsm'}, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); +}); + +// create dial in message +sendTo('asterisk.0', 'dial', { text: 'Please enter PIN after hashtag.' }, (res) => { + console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`); }); // Show entered DTMF code -on({ id: "asterisk.0.dialin.dtmf"/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { - let dtmf = obj.state.val; - console.log("DTMF: " + dtmf); +on({ id: 'asterisk.0.dialin.dtmf'/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { + const dtmf = obj.state.val; + console.log(`DTMF: ${dtmf}`); }); // Show entered DTMF code -on({ id: "asterisk.0.dialout.dtmf"/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { - let dtmf = obj.state.val; - console.log("DTMF: " + dtmf); +on({ id: 'asterisk.0.dialout.dtmf'/*DTMF Code*/ }, (obj) => { + const dtmf = obj.state.val; + console.log(`DTMF: ${dtmf}`); }); ``` ->您可以在sendTo拨号语句中使用以下参数:> - **言:**语言采用文本到语音(tts)功能。 (允许值:'DE','EN',...默认为ioBroker系统语言)> -** repeat:**重复音频消息的次数(允许值1到n,默认为5)> - **先级:**如果您发送并行多个sendTo拨号语句,优先级最低的消息将首先发送(允许值1到n,默认值为1)> -** text:**将发送为的文本消息audio> - **timeout:**等待连接发生的超时(以毫秒为单位)(默认为60000毫秒)> -** async:**允许在不等待响应的情况下生成多个调用(允许值:false / true ,默认为false)> - **audiofile:**如果使用text参数。转换后的文本到音频将保存在audiofile中。如果音频文件存在,它将被覆盖。如果您不使用参数文本,将播放音频文件。 -> -** callerid:**定义标识符(您的发件人电话号码)。如果缺少呼叫者,则转移的电话号码将是匿名的 +> 您可以在 sendTo dial 语句中使用以下参数: > > - **language**:文本转语音 (tts) 功能所采用的语言。(允许的值:'DE'、'EN',... 默认值为 ioBroker 系统语言) > - **repeat**:音频消息应重复多少次(允许值:1 到 n,默认值为 5) > - **priority**:如果您并行发送多个 sendTo dial 语句,则优先级最小的消息将首先发送(允许值:1 到 n,默认值为 1) > - **text**:将作为音频发送的文本消息 > - **timeout**:等待连接发生的超时时间(以毫秒为单位)(默认为 60000 毫秒) > - **async**:允许在不等待响应的情况下生成多个调用(允许值:false/true,默认值为 false) > - **audiofile**:如果您使用文本参数。转换为音频的文本将保存在音频文件中。如果音频文件存在,它将被覆盖。如果您不使用参数文本,则将播放音频文件。 +> - **callerid:** 定义标识符(您的发送方电话号码)。如果缺少 callerid,则转移的电话号码将是匿名的 > - **telnr:** 要拨打的电话号码。 -##解决问题 -如果您遇到星号问题,可以尝试在/ var / log / asterisk下的日志文件中查找内容。启动星号后,您可以在命令shell上使用asterisk -rvvvvvv调用asterisk进行调试。启动asterisk -rvvvvv后,您可以初始化iobroker的调用,看看会发生什么。 +解决问题 +如果您在使用 asterisk 时遇到问题,您可以尝试在 /var/log/asterisk 下的日志文件中查找一些内容。启动 asterisk 后,您可以在命令 shell 上使用 asterisk -rvvvvvv 调用 asterisk 进行调试。启动 asterisk -rvvvvvv 后,您可以通过 iobroker 初始化调用并查看会发生什么。 ## Changelog +### 2.0.2 (2025-02-01) + +- (Stübi) Add Create Directory +- (Stübi) Add translation for configuration +- (Stübi) Bugfixing + +### 2.0.1 (2025-01-24) -[Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) +- (Stübi) Fix error by using asterisk and iobroker on the same server +- (Stübi) Add action command for send messages +- (Stübi) Add dial in command for send messages +- (Stübi) Add create butteon for create dial in file + +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-24) + +- (Stübi) Redesign of Asterisk +- (Stübi) Switching from Javascript to Typescript +- (Stübi) Nodes 20 and 22 are now supported +- (Stübi) js controllers in versions 6 and 7 are supported +- (Stübi) Attention: Passwords must be re-entered from this version! +- (Stübi) Language object added +- (Stübi) Revision of the reconnect if Asterisk is restarted once +- (Stübi) Fixing errors from repository checker (Issue #51) +- (Stübi) Add documentation how to install asterisk manual (Issue #33) + +### 1.0.6 ((2019-02-27) + +- (Stübi) Update documentation and templates +- (Stübi) Asterisk adapter can create now asterisk configuration files. You have to rename and move them afterwards to the /etc/asterisk directory +- (Stübi) a new documentation for using Sipgate as provide. +- (Stübi) Now you can call internal fritzbox numbers. You must change your extensions.ael if you install the version 1.0.4! (replace **10 => { ... }** with **\_. => { ... }**) +- (Stübi) You can install asterisk on a different server and use scp to transfer audio files from ioBroker to asterisk. +- (Stübi) You can use the service PJSIP instead of SIP now. +- (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +- (Stübi) Calling without extension, if you do not use the fritzbox for example (leave sip.conf username in adapter config empty) +- (Stübi) Instead of ffmpeg you can use now sox too +- (Stübi) Update with languages +- (Stübi) Add Callerid to dialin states +- (Stübi) A lot of new features. Now you can call ioBroker / Asterisk by telephone number and enter a DTMF Code. +- (Stübi) You can enter a DTMF Code if you get called by ioBroker / Asterisk +- (Stübi) Bugfixing and password will be saved encrypted and text message size can be unlimited +- (Stübi) First Version ## License + The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thorsten Stueben / +Copyright (c) 2025 Thorsten Stueben / Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb3cb1fe4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.asterisk/docs/iobroker_ssh.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md index b56c1a3cd..46633ae76 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md @@ -2,31 +2,31 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md -title: ioBroker.cameras -hash: NPJWIxTiBGQ6PHXsp4RvPCmVXZFyLGCAGL6gB0i0zwo= +title: ioBroker.相机 +hash: dZX3hFUGrq1Y8V1kpiebGfWcc/EzvTPUzfh6XSKvtmM= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/admin/cameras.png) -![NPM版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.cameras.svg) +![NPM 版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.cameras.svg) ![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.cameras.svg) ![依赖状态](https://img.shields.io/david/ioBroker/iobroker.cameras.svg) ![已知漏洞](https://snyk.io/test/github/ioBroker/ioBroker.cameras/badge.svg) -![国家公共管理](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.cameras.png?downloads=true) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.cameras.png?downloads=true) ![特拉维斯-CI](http://img.shields.io/travis/ioBroker/ioBroker.cameras/master.svg) -# IoBroker.cameras -## IoBroker 的 IP 摄像头适配器 -您可以将网络/IP 摄像机集成到 vis 和其他可视化中。 -如果您配置名称为 `cam1` 的摄像头,它将在网络服务器上的 `http(s)://iobroker-IP:8082/cameras.0/cam1` 下可用。 +# IoBroker.相机 +## IoBroker 的 IP 摄像机适配器 +您可以将 Web/IP 摄像头集成到 vis 和其他可视化中。 +如果您配置名为 `cam1` 的摄像头,它将在 `http(s)://iobroker-IP:8082/cameras.0/cam1` 下的 Web 服务器上可用。 此外,可以通过消息请求图像: -``` +```js sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { name: 'cam1', width: 100, // optional height: 50, // optional - angle: 90 // optional + angle: 90, // optional noCache: true // optional, if you want to get the image not from cache }, result => { const img = 'data:' + result.contentType + ';base64,' + result.data; @@ -34,52 +34,88 @@ sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { }); ``` -结果始终采用 `jpg` 格式。 +结果始终为`jpg`格式。 支持的相机: -- 通过 RTSP 的 Reolink E1 Pro(重要,没有“Pro”,它将无法工作) -- Eufy 通过eusec适配器 -- [HiKam](https://support.hikam.de/support/solutions/articles/16000070656-zugriff-auf-kameras-der-2- Generation-via-onvif-f%C3%BCr-s6-q8-a7 -2-代-) 通过 ONVIF 的第二代和第三代(适用于 S6、Q8、A7 第二代)、A7 Pro、A9 -- [WIWICam M1 通过 HiKam 适配器](https://www.wiwacam.com/de/mw1-minikamera-kurzanleitung-und-faq/) +- 通过 RTSP 使用“Reolink E1 Pro”(重要,没有“Pro”则无法工作) +- 通过 eusec 适配器的 `Eufy` +- [HiKam](https://support.hikam.de/support/solutions/articles/16000070656-zugriff-auf-kameras-der-2- Generation-via-onvif-f%C3%BCr-s6-q8-a7-2- Generation-) 通过 ONVIF 的第二代和第三代(适用于 S6、Q8、A7 第二代)、A7 Pro、A9 +- [通过 HiKam 适配器的 WIWICam M1](https://www.wiwacam.com/de/mw1-minikamera-kurzanleitung-und-faq/) - RTSP Native - 如果您的相机支持 RTSP 协议 -- 通过 HTTP URL 的屏幕截图 - 如果您可以通过 URL 从相机获取快照 +- 通过 HTTP URL 截屏 - 如果你可以通过 URL 从相机获取快照 -### 网址图片 -这是一个普通的URL请求,所有参数都在URL中。喜欢`http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` +### 图片网址 +这是一个正常的 URL 请求,所有参数都在 URL 中。例如 `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` -### 具有基本身份验证的 URL 图像 -这是图像的 URL 请求,其中所有参数都在 URL 中,但您可以提供基本身份验证的凭据。喜欢`http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` +### 带有基本身份验证的 URL 图像 +这是图片的 URL 请求,其中所有参数都在 URL 中,但您可以提供基本身份验证的凭证。例如 `http://mycam/snapshot.jpg` ### FFmpeg 如果您想访问 RTSP 摄像机上的快照,可以使用 ffmpeg。您需要在系统上安装 ffmpeg: -- Windows已经预编译了ffmpeg,无需下载任何东西。 (Windows 版本取自此处:https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-essentials.7z) +- Windows 已预编译 ffmpeg,无需下载任何东西。(Windows 版本取自此处:https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z) - Linux:`sudo apt-get install ffmpeg -y` +如何更新`ffmpeg`的 Windows 版本: + +- 下载文件 https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z +- 提取“bin/ffmpeg.exe” +- 将“ffmpeg.exe”重命名为“win-ffmpeg.exe” +- 将“win-ffmpeg.exe”压缩为“win-ffmpeg.zip” +- 将“win-ffmpeg.zip”放在此存储库的根目录中 +- 执行`win-ffmpeg.exe --version`获取版本并将其保存到`main.ts``WIN_FFMPEG_VERSION`常量中(如`2025-02-02-git-957eb2323a-full_build-www.gyan.dev`) + 以下是如何添加 Reolink E1 的示例: -![实时传输协议](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/img/rtsp.png) +![RTSP 协议](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cameras/img/rtsp.png) + +### Ezviz - 如何为 EZVIZ 摄像机重新启用 RTSP +由于某种原因,EZVIZ 决定禁用其摄像机的 RTSP: + +- 打开 EZVIZ 应用程序并转到:个人资料/设置/Lan Live View +- 开始扫描,然后选择相机: +- 使用您的相机密码登录(默认密码在相机贴纸上) +- 按“设置”图标并选择“本地服务设置” +- 启用 RTSP ## 如何添加新相机(针对开发人员) -要添加新摄像头,您必须在 GitHub 上创建拉取请求并进行以下更改: +要添加新相机,您必须在 GitHub 上创建一个 Pull 请求并进行以下更改: -- 将新文件添加到“cameras”文件夹中。这是从相机读取单个图像的后端。 -- 在 `src/src/Types/` 文件夹中添加 GUI 文件。这是相机的配置对话框 -- 在 `src/src/Tabs/Cameras.js` 文件中添加此对话框,与添加其他相机类似。只需添加两行: - - 导入新的配置对话框,例如“从 '../Types/RTSPMyCam' 导入 RTSPMyCamConfig”; - - 使用新相机扩展“TYPES”结构,例如“mycam: { Config: RTSPMyCamConfig, name: 'MyCam' },” +- 在“cameras”文件夹中添加一个新文件。这是一个从相机读取单张图像的后端。 +- 在“src/src/Types/”文件夹中添加一个 GUI 文件。这是相机的配置对话框 +- 在`src/src/Tabs/Cameras.js`文件中添加此对话框,类似于添加其他相机。只需添加两行: +- 导入新的配置对话框,如“从'../Types/RTSPMyCam'导入 RTSPMyCamConfig;” +- 使用新相机扩展 `TYPES` 结构,如 `mycam: { Config: RTSPMyCamConfig, name: 'MyCam' },` - 属性名称必须与`cameras`文件夹中的文件名称相同。 +属性名称必须与`cameras`文件夹中文件的名称相同。 -## 去做 -- [ ] 如果对话框打开或关闭,则发送新的 RTSP 摄像机订阅请求 +待办事项 +- [ ] 如果对话框打开或关闭,则向 RTSP 摄像机发送新的订阅请求 - ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) Completely rewritten in TypeScript +* (@GermanBluefox) Added Ezviz cameras + +### 2.1.2 (2024-07-15) +* (bluefox) Updated packages + +### 2.1.1 (2024-07-07) +* (bluefox) Removed withStyles package + +### 2.0.8 (2024-06-09) +* (bluefox) Packages updated +* (bluefox) Allowed selecting another source (with bigger resolution) for URL cameras + +### 2.0.5 (2023-12-19) +* (bluefox) Minimal supported Node.js version is 18 +* (bluefox) Corrected widgets + ### 1.4.0 (2023-12-04) * (bluefox) Changed widget set name * (bluefox) Added the caching of images with time, size and rotation @@ -135,7 +171,7 @@ sendTo('cameras.0', 'image', { ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2020-2023 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2020-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md index aad0ed4bf..86ef5a038 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md @@ -3,84 +3,88 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/README.md title: ioBroker 云适配器 -hash: /+c4C10rh/C8HukkAjpKMXE4p7em4UOfSyN6rvIGt64= +hash: cVelMNaufGdss9w/JB0Gp8QrW6YDEflROWuonzeJH14= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/admin/cloud.png) ![安装数量](http://iobroker.live/badges/cloud-stable.svg) -![NPM版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.cloud.svg) +![NPM 版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.cloud.svg) ![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.cloud.svg) -![国家公共管理](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.cloud.png?downloads=true) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.cloud.png?downloads=true) # IoBroker 云适配器 该适配器允许通过 ioBroker 云从互联网连接到 ioBroker 的本地安装。 -**此适配器使用 Sentry 库自动向开发人员报告异常和代码错误。** 有关更多详细信息以及如何禁用错误报告的信息,请参阅[Sentry 插件文档](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)!从 js-controller 3.0 开始使用 Sentry 报告。 +**此适配器使用 Sentry 库自动向开发人员报告异常和代码错误。** 有关更多详细信息以及如何禁用错误报告的信息,请参阅[Sentry-插件文档](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)!从 js-controller 3.0 开始使用 Sentry 报告。 ## 设置 -### 应用程序密钥 -要使用云适配器,您应该首先在[https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net)上获取APP-Key。 +### APP 密钥 +要使用云适配器,您应该首先在[https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net)上获取 APP-Key。 这是用户可以在 [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net) 网站上获取的应用程序密钥。请在那里获取密钥并在此处输入。 -![介绍](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/img/intro.png) +![简介](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.cloud/img/intro.png) ### 实例 -来自云适配器的所有请求都将路由到特定的 WEB 实例。用户必须在此处指定 WEB 实例,当用户登录 https://iobroker.net 站点时,该实例将显示给用户。 +来自云适配器的所有请求都将路由到特定的 WEB 实例。用户必须在此处指定 WEB 实例;当用户登录 https://iobroker.net 网站时,该实例将显示给用户。 ### 允许自签名证书 -如果您使用标准 iobroker.net 云,则可以将其停用。仅当使用自己的云时,此选项才重要。 +如果您使用标准 iobroker.net 云,则可以停用它。此选项仅在使用自有云时才重要。 ### Alexa 设置 -***`cloud` 适配器不再支持 Alexa。为此使用 ioBroker.iot 适配器。*** +***`cloud` 适配器不再支持 Alexa。请使用 ioBroker.iot 适配器。*** -## IFTT +## IFTTT [指示](doc/ifttt.md) -## 服务 -可以将消息发送到云适配器。 -如果您调用 `[POST]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_/` 和值作为有效负载。 +## 服务 +有可能向云适配器发送消息。 +如果您调用`[POST]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_/` und 值作为有效负载。 -``` +```bash curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ ``` -如果您在设置“服务白名单”字段中设置名称 *custom_test*,并使用“custom_test”作为服务名称进行调用,则状态 `cloud.0.services.custom_test` 将设置为 `myString`。 +如果你在设置中将“服务白名单”字段设置为名称*custom_test*,并以“custom_test”作为服务名称进行调用,则状态`cloud.0.services.custom_test`将被设置为`myString`。 -您可以在白名单中写上“*”,所有服务将被允许。 +您可以在白名单中写入“*”,所有服务都将被允许。 -从版本 2.0.5 开始,您可以使用 `[GET]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_//` 形式的 GET 请求将 `\` 放入 `cloud.0.services.custom_\` 中。 +从 2.0.5 版本开始,您可以使用形式为`[GET]https://iobroker.net/service/custom_//` 的 GET 请求将`\` 放入`cloud.0.services.custom_\`。 -您可以在此处找到有关如何将其与 [任务执行者](doc/tasker.md) 一起使用的说明。 +您可以在这里找到有关如何将其与[塔斯克](doc/tasker.md)一起使用的说明。 -仅当设置了 IFTTT 密钥时才允许 IFTTT 服务。 +仅设置了 IFTTT 密钥才允许使用 IFTTT 服务。 -保留名称为“ifttt”、“text2command”、“simpleApi”、“swagger”。这些必须在没有 `"custom_"` 前缀的情况下使用。 +保留名称为“ifttt”、“text2command”、“simpleApi”、“swagger”。使用这些名称时必须不带`"custom_"`前缀。 -### Text2命令 -您可以在白名单中写入`text2command`,您可以向`https://iobroker.net/service/text2command/`发送POST请求将数据写入`text2command.X.text`变量中。 +### 文本到命令 +您可以将`text2command`写入白名单,您可以向`https://iobroker.net/service/text2command/`发送POST请求将数据写入`text2command.X.text`变量中。 -“X”可以通过“使用 text2command 实例”选项在设置中定义。 +“X” 可以通过“使用 text2command 实例”选项在设置中定义。 -### 简单的API -您可以使用以下命令(仅限专业版): +### 简单 API +您可以使用以下命令(仅限专业人士): -- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//get/stateID` - 读取状态值 => `{"val":103.516,"ack":true, “ts”:1604132484682,“q”:0,“来自”:“system.adapter.admin.0”,“lc”:1604132469672,“结果”:“确定”}` +- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//get/stateID` - 读取状态值 => `{"val":103.516,"ack":true,"ts":1604132484682,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","lc":1604132469672,"result":"OK"}` - `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//getPlainValue/stateID` - 读取状态值 => `103.641` -- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//set/stateID?value=1` - 设置状态值 => `{"result":"OK"} ` +- `[GET]https://iobroker.pro/service/simpleApi//set/stateID?value=1` - 设置状态值 => `{"result":"OK"}` -**不要忘记将 `simpleApi` 添加到配置中允许的服务。** +**不要忘记在配置中将`simpleApi`添加到允许的服务。** ### 限制 -如果在定义的 Web 实例上启用了 HTTP(安全)或身份验证,则它不起作用。 +如果在定义的 Web 实例上启用了 HTTPs(安全)或身份验证,则它不起作用。 -您可以在此 Web 实例上停用 HTTPS 和身份验证,但更好的方法是创建一个绑定到 `localhost` 的新 Web 实例,并在云设置中选择此实例。 +您可以在此 Web 实例上停用 HTTPS 和身份验证,但更好的方法是创建一个绑定到`localhost` 的新 Web 实例并在云设置中选择此实例。 - ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (bluefox) updated socket classes +* (bluefox) minimum required node.js version is 18 + ### 5.0.1 (2024-02-22) * (bluefox) updated socket classes and fixed vis-2 error if connected via cloud * (bluefox) minimum required node.js version is 16 @@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ * (bluefox) Corrected error with iobroker.pro and delete object ### 4.2.2 (2022-08-24) -* (bluefox) Corrected error with services list and admin6 +* (bluefox) Corrected error with service's list and admin6 ### 4.2.1 (2022-07-20) * (bluefox) Used a new version of a socket library. @@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ * (bluefox) Fixed error with the admin ### 4.0.8 (2021-01-31) -* (Apollon77) Prevent crash case (Sentry IOBROKER-CLOUD-S) +* (Apollon77) Prevent a crash case (Sentry IOBROKER-CLOUD-S) * (bluefox) fix usage of credentials ### 4.0.7 (2021-01-30) @@ -341,7 +345,7 @@ curl --data "myString" https://iobroker.net/service/custom_test/ ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2016-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2016-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md index 910c6cb9c..6c3448cd2 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/README.md title: ioBroker.contactid -hash: ef7bEhZLeiDsv/qf+MW61JRKcB4Wxlzl17KVOfvq2jE= +hash: S07MW5c8PDaN9uaElOPFwo63BajDrHBj3G2mwmlQ8R0= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.contactid/admin/contactid.png) @@ -73,9 +73,25 @@ Example: [test 18160201010B] 现在您可以在 ioBroker 对象中看到该消息 -## Changelog +5. 问题/争议 + +如果您在处理 ContactID 消息时遇到问题,请创建问题。 +在问题中我需要以下信息: + +1. 报警系统制造商和类型 +2. ContactID 消息作为文件。如果您在实例配置中激活它,则可以创建一个文件。 +3. ioBroker 处理消息时的调试输出 +4. Bug 的详细描述 + +您可以使用以下命令测试已保存的 ContactID 消息 -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +``` +# cat fileanme_of_cid_message | nc ip_address_of_iobroker cid_port +cat /tmp/cid/cid_msg_fa165cc0-8e3a-faa1-eb5c-fd3e47479044.txt | nc localhost 55000 +``` + +## Changelog +### 2.0.1 (2025-02-01) - (Stübi) Fixed Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot (Issue #46) diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md index de393db1b..ffbbc549e 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.devices/README.md title: ioBroker.设备 -hash: tHOww4Jc8fb43+J1cDd99cPWkNKcXNOT3uoXjlBBBMA= +hash: +Ck9oiC/SbmbTzLAkZe4+RMCd+bz+FKryVfovfdUNEg= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/admin/devices.png) @@ -12,130 +12,135 @@ hash: tHOww4Jc8fb43+J1cDd99cPWkNKcXNOT3uoXjlBBBMA= ![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.devices.svg) # IoBroker.设备 -![测试和发布](https://github.com/ioBroker/iobroker.devices/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![翻译状态](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/devices/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) +![测试与发布](https://github.com/ioBroker/iobroker.devices/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![翻译状态](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/devices/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) ## IoBroker 的设备适配器 -管理和创建设备以在其他适配器(如材料、物联网、……)中使用它 +管理和创建设备以便在其他适配器(如材料、物联网等)中使用它…… -**重要:在管理员中启用选项卡,如日志和脚本** +**重要:在管理中启用选项卡,如日志和脚本** ![屏幕](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.devices/img/screen.png) -**此适配器使用哨兵库自动向开发人员报告异常和代码错误。**有关更多详细信息和如何禁用错误报告的信息,请参阅[哨兵插件文档](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)!从 js-controller 3.0 开始使用哨兵报告。 +**此适配器使用 Sentry 库自动向开发人员报告异常和代码错误。** 有关更多详细信息以及如何禁用错误报告的信息,请参阅[Sentry-插件文档](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)!从 js-controller 3.0 开始使用 Sentry 报告。 -## 去做 -- 添加状态描述 +待办事项 +- 添加各州的描述 - +### **正在进行中** +*(@GermanBluefox)更新软件包 +*(@GermanBluefox)使用 vite +* (@GermanBluefox) 使用 ioBroker 的 eslint-config + ### 1.1.5 (2023-06-06) -* (Garfonso) 修复:编辑导入状态的问题 -* (Garfonso) 修正:警告 -* (Garfonso) 修复:再次启用物联网(无需设置自定义智能名称) -* (Garfonso) 修正:1.1.3 中可能出现的崩溃/拼写错误。 +*(Garfonso)修复:编辑导入状态时出现的问题 +*(Garfonso)已修复:警告 +*(Garfonso)已修复:再次启用 iot(无需设置自定义 smartName) +*(Garfonso)已修复:1.1.3 中可能出现崩溃/打字错误。 ### 1.1.4 (2023-06-06) -* (bluefox) 更新包 +*(bluefox)更新的软件包 ### 1.1.3 (2023-05-16) -* (bluefox) 更好的类别选择行为 +*(bluefox)更好的类别选择行为 ### 1.1.2 (2022-11-09) -* (Garfonso) 更正了光设备中的双重状态 -* (Garfonso) 添加了 CIE 颜色类型,相当于 `rgbSingle` 类型 +* (Garfonso)纠正了光装置中的双态 +*(Garfonso)添加了 CIE 颜色类型,相当于 `rgbSingle` 类型 ### 1.1.1 (2022-11-03) -* (bluefox) 更正删除对话框 -* (bluefox) 添加了乌克兰语翻译 +*(bluefox)修正删除对话框 +*(bluefox)添加了乌克兰语翻译 ### 1.1.0 (2022-09-27) -* (bluefox) 将 GUI 迁移到 v5 +*(bluefox)将 GUI 迁移到 v5 ### 1.0.12 (2022-06-09) -* (bluefox) 允许使用反向代理后面的设备 -* (bluefox) 替换了功能图标 +* (bluefox) 允许与反向代理后面的设备一起工作 +* (bluefox) 更换了功能图标 ### 1.0.11 (2022-06-08) -* (bluefox) 更新了一些库 +*(bluefox)更新了一些库 ### 1.0.10 (2022-02-13) -* (bluefox) 更正了文件夹的编辑 -* (bluefox) 更新了一些库 +*(bluefox)修正文件夹的编辑 +*(bluefox)更新了一些库 ### 1.0.9 (2021-07-11) -* (bluefox) 实现窄行 +*(bluefox)实现窄行 ### 1.0.8 (2021-07-04) -* (bluefox) 更正了设备的创建 +* (bluefox) 修正了设备的创建 ### 1.0.7 (2021-06-30) -* (bluefox) 更正了文件夹的创建 +* (bluefox) 修正了文件夹的创建 ### 1.0.6 (2021-06-27) -* (bluefox) 实施过滤器 +*(bluefox)实现了过滤器 ### 1.0.5 (2021-06-26) -* (bluefox) 实现了 `states` 参数的编辑 +* (bluefox) 实现了`states`参数的编辑 ### 1.0.4 (2021-06-08) -* (bluefox) 修复了一些 GUI 错误 +*(bluefox)修复了一些 GUI 错误 ### 1.0.1 (2021-06-07) -* (bluefox) 添加哨兵 +*(bluefox)添加了哨兵 ### 1.0.0 (2021-06-07) -* (bluefox) 添加了新设备 +*(bluefox)添加了新设备 ### 0.3.16 (2021-03-11) -* (bluefox) 修复了带有奇怪字符的 ID 的错误 +* (bluefox) 修复ID含有奇怪字符的错误 -### 0.3.15 (2020-12-13) -* (bluefox) 更新了选择 ID 对话框 +### 0.3.15(2020-12-13) +*(bluefox)更新了选择ID对话框 -### 0.3.13 (2020-08-17) -* (bluefox) 修复了可选状态的错误 +### 0.3.13(2020-08-17) +*(bluefox)修复可选状态的错误 -### 0.3.12 (2020-08-16) -* (bluefox) 添加了真空吸尘器 +### 0.3.12(2020-08-16) +* (bluefox) 添加了吸尘器 -### 0.3.10 (2020-08-12) -* (bluefox) 添加了空调 +### 0.3.10(2020-08-12) +*(bluefox)添加了空调 -### 0.3.6 (2020-04-17) -* (Apollon77) 为 Frontend/React 添加了哨兵错误报告 +### 0.3.6(2020-04-17) +*(Apollon77)为 Frontend/React 添加了 Sentry 错误报告 -### 0.3.5 (2020-04-17) -* (Apollon77) 修正错别字 +### 0.3.5(2020-04-17) +*(Apollon77)修正了拼写错误 -### 0.3.4 (2020-03-24) -* (bluefox) 修复了设备创建错误 +### 0.3.4(2020-03-24) +*(bluefox)修复设备创建时的错误 -### 0.3.2 (2020-02-09) -* (Apollon77) 使用各种管理端口和反向代理优化 +### 0.3.2(2020-02-09) +*(Apollon77)优化了各种管理端口和反向代理的使用 -### 0.3.1 (2020-02-09) +### 0.3.1(2020-02-09) * (Apollon77) 添加了与 Admin >4.0.0 的兼容性 -### 0.2.0 (2019-12-20) -* (bluefox) 后端已删除 +### 0.2.0(2019-12-20) +*(bluefox)后端已被删除 -### 0.1.8 (2019-11-13) +### 0.1.8(2019-11-13) * (bluefox) 允许克隆设备 -### 0.1.7 (2019-09-15) -* (bluefox) 正在进行中 +### 0.1.7(2019-09-15) +*(bluefox)正在进行中 -### 0.1.2 (2019-09-04) -* (bluefox) 正在进行中 +### 0.1.2(2019-09-04) +*(bluefox)正在进行中 -### 0.1.0 (2019-08-31) -* (bluefox) 初始版本 +### 0.1.0(2019-08-31) +*(bluefox)初始版本 ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2019-2023 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2019-2025 bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..46677ed23 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/README.md +title: ioBroker.dreame +hash: m3Z73x1GlLvBtpVNeaPYWbjy5ChBc34At6Z39b6bxzQ= +--- +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png) + +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.dreame.svg) +![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.dreame.svg) +![安装数量](https://iobroker.live/badges/dreame-installed.svg) +![稳定存储库中的当前版本](https://iobroker.live/badges/dreame-stable.svg) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.dreame.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.dreame +**测试:**![测试与发布](https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.dreame/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +**此适配器使用 Sentry 库自动向开发人员报告异常和代码错误。** 有关更多详细信息以及如何禁用错误报告的信息,请参阅[Sentry-插件文档](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)!从 js-controller 3.0 开始使用 Sentry 报告。 + +## IoBroker 的 dreame 适配器 +Dreame 家庭设备适配器已使用 L10 L20 和 x40 进行测试 + +设备 ID.状态 +设备的当前状态 + +设备 ID.远程 +设备的远程控制 开始:dreame.0.xxxxx.remote.start-sweep 停止:dreame.0.xxxxx.remote.start-charge + +启动快捷方式: + +dreame.0.XXXXXXXX.remote.start-clean + +``` +[ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 25 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "32" + } +] +``` + +“value”:“32” -> 快捷方式 ID + +快捷方式列表: + +dreame.0.XXXXX.status.4-48 + +名称采用 base64 编码,如果没有 4-48 状态,则必须启动快捷方式 + +### 客房清洁 +dreame.0.XXXX.remote.start-clean + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 18 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "{\"selects\":[[X,1,3,2,1]]}" + } + ] +``` + +X = 房间 ID + +多间客房: + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 1, + "value": 18 + }, + { + "piid": 10, + "value": "{\"selects\":[[X,1,3,2,1],[Y,1,3,2,1]]}" + } + ] +``` + +X = 房间 1 Y = 房间 2 + +Karte wechseln dreame.XXXXXXX.remote.update-map + +``` + [ + { + "piid": 4, + "value": "{\"sm\":{},\"mapid\":X}" + } + ] +``` + +X = mapId dreame.0.XXXX.status.6-99 或者 dreame.0.XXXX.map.curid + +### 控制清洁模式 +启用 CleanGenius:dreame.0.XXXXXX.remote.customCommand + +``` +[ + { + "value": "{\"k\":\"SmartHost\",\"v\":1}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } +] +``` + +禁用 CleanGenius: + +``` +[ + { + "value": "{\"k\":\"SmartHost\",\"v\":0}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } +] +``` + +CleanGenius 深层清洁:\"v\":2 + +CleanGenius 模式:值:3 或值 2 + +``` +[ + { + + "value": 2, + "siid": 28, + "piid": 5 + } + ] + +``` + +更改清洁模式: + +``` +[ +{ + + "value": 5122, + "siid": 4, + "piid": 23 + } + ] +``` + +值:5120、5121、5122... + +真空模式: + +``` +[ +{ + + "value": 2, + "siid": 4, + "piid": 4 + } + ] + +``` + +拖把强度: + +``` +[ + { + + "value": 28, + "siid": 28, + "piid": 1 + } + ] +``` + +路线: + +``` + [ + { + + "value": "{\"k\":\"CleanRoute\",\"v\":1}", + "siid": 4, + "piid": 50 + } + ] +``` + +## Changelog + + + +### 0.2.2 (2025-01-24) + +- reduce cpu load while cleaning + +### 0.2.1 (2025-01-15) + +- fix for canvas installation + +### 0.2.0 (2024-12-28) + +- add simple maps + +### 0.1.0 (2024-12-14) + +- bugfixes + +### 0.1.0 (2024-12-14) + +- (TA2k) initial release + +## License + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024-2030 TA2k + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +```` + +``` + +``` +```` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a5554c0c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.dreame/admin/dreame.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md index 760580b29..41f27f8b8 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/README.md title: ioBroker.ecoflow-mqtt -hash: SNPrdh8WAkHEVeAyNXK+NxV8WSRXsT9DOLSoblhSQm4= +hash: 14kvDKkWjRg8LV1UokzDyR4INivV/jQKThUt9uXBkwU= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow-mqtt/admin/ecoflow-mqtt.png) @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ mqqt Broker 设置是默认的,通常不需要修改。

参数化 Powerstation


Powerstation 参数化

* 添加新行 * 设置 Powerstation 的设备 ID,如应用程序中所示,字符串因设备类型而异 @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ mqqt Broker 设置是默认的,通常不需要修改。

参数化 Homeassistant 连接器

* 启用服务 -* 设置 HA 的 MQTT Broker 的用户设置 +* 设置 HA 的 MQTT Broker 用户设置 * 设置HA的MQTT Broker连接参数 * 如果需要,选择调试设置 @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ HA端修改: ## 更新适配器 通常,在旧版本之上安装下一个版本就足够了。在某些情况下(例如 1.0.0),可能需要清除整个对象树。 -如果数据点相关值发生变化,例如范围的最小值或最大值,则必须: +如果数据点相关值发生更改,例如范围的最小值或最大值,则必须: - 停止适配器 - 删除了相关数据点 @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ HA端修改: * 定义的设备通过 mqtt 连接到适配器 * 适配器过滤设备的传入消息。只有改变的值才会被内部存储 * 如果应用程序在某种条件下阻止调整,则在已知的情况下会复制(例如,当电池电量低于最低值时,逆变器会打开,您可以在日志中看到警告) -* 并非所有事情都已知,因此状态解释的信息可能不确定,这主要用尾随的“?”标记。 +* 并非所有事情都是已知的,因此状态解释的信息可能不确定,这主要用尾随的“?”标记。 ### 数据点设置更新备注(最小值、最大值、单位……) 如果在新版本的适配器中更改了数据点的设置(例如名称、单位、最大值),则更改只有在您执行以下操作后才会生效: @@ -215,8 +215,10 @@ HA端修改: * 如果设备数据更新未设置某个值,则该值将在 HA 中显示为未知 * 如果设备可访问,则可用性将显示在设备连接中,这将继承到“子设备”(不可用性以相同的方式处理) +[一些提示](./doc/en/IOB_HA/navi.md) + ### 功能注释 -* 由于信息更新和命令传输的异步性,有时可能会出现竞争条件。因此,可以观察到命令开关及其来回切换直至其保持不动。 +* 由于信息更新和命令传输的异步性,有时可能会出现竞争条件。因此,可以观察到命令开关及其在保持之前来回切换的过程。 * iobroker 可能无法正确识别 HA 的重启,因此需要手动重启适配器(WIP) ## 使用数据点实现设备和结构 @@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ HA端修改: * 级别 -> 具有数值的可调整数据点,有时也具有数字表示的选择 * 开关 -> 可调整数据点布尔值 * 诊断 -> 布尔或多状态数据点转换为文本 -* 字符串 -> 数据点仅为文本 +* 字符串 -> 数据点仅作为文本 * 数组 -> 带有数组的数据点 * 值到文本的转换可能会使用未经验证的文本(欢迎反馈),这在文本末尾以“?”表示 @@ -307,6 +309,13 @@ HA端修改: ## Changelog +### 1.2.2 (npm) +* (foxthefox) some documentation for HA users +* (foxthefox) corrections in SHP2 protobuf definition +* (foxthefox) new datapoints in SHP2 ProtoTime, new telegram ProtoTimeStat mapped to ProtoTime +* (foxthefox) corrections to alternator (objects 268,269), power,wifiRssi setting, +* (foxthefox) DeltaPro mpptTemp, outAmp new max value + ### 1.2.1 (npm) * (foxthefox) corrections for pstream objects, some changed from string to number * (foxthefox) new SHP time task config values diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md index 1c7cfb1f3..e1d884e30 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/README.md title: ioBroker.ems-esp -hash: 9hBDNYzVDZZYL38ZbRpOkFVFWncEVg88mGYU/94TEVg= +hash: ooJmhSMkua3PN8tCtVIMiQ3wVQeMeCr+Ua3v+9cSD38= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.ems-esp/admin/ems-esp.png) @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ hash: 9hBDNYzVDZZYL38ZbRpOkFVFWncEVg88mGYU/94TEVg= * 带有 ESP32 芯片的 ems-esp 网关(https://github.com/emsesp/EMS-ESP32)。 -不再支持带有 API V2 的旧 ESP8266 网关!!该适配器已针对具有最新稳定固件版本的 ems-esp 网关进行了测试。最新开发版本的固件可能无法与 ioBroker 适配器稳定配合使用。使用风险自负。 +该适配器已针对 ems-esp 网关进行了测试,固件的最新开发版本可能无法与 ioBroker 适配器稳定配合使用。使用风险自负。 * 不支持新的博世集团云网关(MX300 / EasyControl...),因为它们不支持 LAN API! @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ ioBroker ems-esp 适配器可以读取和写入两个网关的数据以控制所 ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2025 Thomas Petrick +Copyright (c) 2025 Thomas Petrick (tp1de) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md index 304dd2f86..9184bde16 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md @@ -3,41 +3,65 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/README.md title: ioBroker.espresense -hash: JDBUWyJH7Tl4/I3NvHTgusANe4VtARCXjZOCsDTUz4Y= +hash: 0wzSfVa/bvhNaLkZ3xPJ7rDX952BFJup94I9Ha/CZ9Q= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.espresense/admin/espresense.png) -![NPM版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.espresense.svg) +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.espresense.svg) ![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.espresense.svg) ![安装数量](https://iobroker.live/badges/espresense-installed.svg) ![稳定存储库中的当前版本](https://iobroker.live/badges/espresense-stable.svg) -![国家公共管理](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.espresense.png?downloads=true) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.espresense.png?downloads=true) # IoBroker.espresense -**测试:** ![测试与发布](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.espresense/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**测试:**![测试与发布](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.espresense/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## IoBroker 的 espresense 适配器 -连接到[ESPRESENSE](https://espresense.com) +连接到[ESPresense](https://espresense.com) -- MQTT服务器和客户端模式 -- `启动自己的 mqtt 服务器`激活服务器模式 -- `服务器 IP` 仅用于外部 mqtt 服务器 -- 内部或外部 mqtt 服务器的“端口、用户名和密码” +- MQTT 服务器和客户端模块 +- `启动自己的 mqtt 服务器` 激活服务器模式 +- `服务器 ip` 仅用于外部 mqtt 服务器 +- 内部或外部 mqtt 服务器的`端口、用户名和密码` -- 如果设备已添加到配置中,则只有这些设备才会显示在对象中。 -- 两个配置时间是链接的,存在检查始终与 MQTT 消息的处理一起运行。 +- 如果已将设备添加到配置中,则只有这些设备才会显示在对象中。 +- 两个配置时间是相互关联的,存在性检查始终与 MQTT 消息的处理一起运行。 最佳实践:将要监控的设备与 espresense 配对并过滤输出以避免不必要的网络流量。 -如需帮助使用问题或如果您了解德语 https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/71189/test-adapter-espresense +最大距离_iobroker +新添加的数据点用于在适配器中实现每个房间的检测。当在 esp32 中使用 max_distance 时,适配器在设备离开该区域时不会收到通知。但是,当使用 max_distance_iobroker 时,它会收到通知。 +如果使用 max_distance_iobroker,则两个存在数据点受其控制,否则它们的行为与以前一样。 +如果下方房间中的一个数据点为真,则设备下方的存在为真。 -* 使用的 mqtt-server 是完全兼容 MQTT 3.1 和 3.1.1 服务器,但适配器仅响应主题 espresense/# +如需帮助使用问题或如果您懂德语 https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/71189/test-adapter-espresense + +* 使用的 mqtt-server 是完全兼容 MQTT 3.1 和 3.1.1 的服务器,但适配器仅响应主题 espresense/# ## Changelog +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-28) +* (ticaki) Simple room detection integrated +* (ticaki) Friendly room name added to devices +* (ticaki) global commands now work. +* (ticaki) Data point var added. + +### 0.4.8 (2025-01-18) +* (ticaki) Devices can be renamed in the configuration. +* (ticaki) Removing devices works now!. + +### 0.4.7 (2025-01-17) +* (ticaki) Removing devices now works. + +### 0.4.6 (2024-11-29) +* (ticaki) repository checker problems fixed + +### 0.4.5 (2024-11-29) +* (ticaki) dependencies updated + ### 0.4.4 (2024-01-18) * (ticaki) The time period over which incoming Mqtt messages are collected can be configured. min. 1 sec max. (2^31-1) / 1000 sec @@ -84,7 +108,7 @@ hash: JDBUWyJH7Tl4/I3NvHTgusANe4VtARCXjZOCsDTUz4Y= ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 ticaki +Copyright (c) 2024-2025 ticaki Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md index 3f44d6344..73bde7efc 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md title: ioBroker.flexcharts -hash: mJ2FClZO2G/KuGclhJkGf7D9M9RO3qbL1GzB/mhIDhs= +hash: QS5E626cO05p6/jS6+3yipodDprkwuyZDgu9lrpokfc= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/admin/flexcharts-icon-small.png) @@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ flexchart 适配器将显示此图表: Flexcharts 会将状态 `0_userdata.0.echarts.chart1` 评估为 eChart 的数据。尝试一下:创建这样的状态并复制上面示例的 json 数据(`{ "tooltip": { ...`)作为状态内容,然后使用浏览器访问给定的地址。 +不允许在州 ID 中使用以下字符:`: / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = %` + ### 使用 javascript 作为 eChart 的源代码 这有点复杂,但效率更高,也更灵活。您可以直接通过 JS 脚本提供图表数据,该脚本由 flexcharts 适配器动态调用。您可以通过向 http 地址添加参数来将其他参数传递给脚本,例如 `&chart=chart1`。所有 http 参数都可以在脚本中的对象 `httpParams` 中使用(见下面的示例)。 @@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ Javascript 模板可用于以下几种用例: * 使用历史适配器数据的图表:[template1](templates/flexchartsTemplate1.js) * 热曲线的简单图表:[template2](templates/flexchartsTemplate2.js) * 使用图表定义中的函数创建简单的堆积条形图:[template3](templates/flexchartsTemplate3.js) +* **tibberLink 适配器** 的数据图表:请参阅 [此处](https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.flexcharts/discussions/67) 和 [此处](https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.flexcharts/discussions/66) 的讨论 * Viessmann E3 系列设备有一个非常具体的用例,例如热泵 Vitocal 250。请参阅 https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.e3oncan/discussions/35 ## 参考 @@ -192,11 +195,19 @@ Javascript 模板可用于以下几种用例: **注意:**将`localhost`替换为您的ioBroker服务器的地址。将`8082`替换为您的Web适配器使用的端口号。 +## 捐赠 +如果你喜欢这个项目 — — 或者只是觉得慷慨,可以考虑给我买杯啤酒。干杯!:beers: + ## Changelog +### 0.3.1 (2025-02-02) +* (MyHomeMyData) Updated Apache ECharts to version 5.6.0 +* (MyHomeMyData) Added support for 3D charts using extension echarts-gl, see issue #68 +* (MyHomeMyData) Added templates for tibberLink Adapter + ### 0.3.0 (2025-01-08) * (MyHomeMyData) Enhancement for usage of functions within echart definitions. * (MyHomeMyData) Fix for issue #56 (findings of repository checker) diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md index 135405088..537861ad8 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md title: ioBroker.frontier_silicon -hash: 0wTEkS6zBxsc0VhWN+oDP4lBzjAXNXn4XHnoAaxzoz4= +hash: e46NQwGm0A6H6DLEh2j3dMlfHDZ+B+Vj32SykrxO1Z8= --- # IoBroker.frontier_silicon ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/admin/radio.png) @@ -22,7 +22,15 @@ hash: 0wTEkS6zBxsc0VhWN+oDP4lBzjAXNXn4XHnoAaxzoz4= 注意:此适配器已转移至 iobroker-community-adapters 进行维护。因此,计划中的功能(见下文)将不会实现。未来只会发布重要的错误修复和依赖项更新。但是,我们始终欢迎包含错误修复或功能增强的 PR。 -发行说明:版本 0.3.x 包括一些重大变化: +发行说明: + +版本 0.4.x 包含一项重大变更: + +- “frontier_silicon.X.media.state”的类型从“数字”更改为“字符串”并且只读 + +如果您从以前的版本更新此适配器而不是从新安装,您可能会在 ioBroker 日志中发现类似这样的警告:`State value to set for "frontier_silicon.0.media.state" has to be type "number" but received type "string"` 为了防止这种情况发生,最简单的解决方案是在 ioBroker 的实例选项卡中停止适配器,完全删除对象选项卡中的对象树,然后重新启动适配器。当然,这在更新后只需要一次,如果您进行全新安装,则不需要。 + +版本 0.3.x 包括一些重大变化: - 需要 node>=18、js-contoller>=5 和 admin>=6 @@ -42,7 +50,7 @@ hash: 0wTEkS6zBxsc0VhWN+oDP4lBzjAXNXn4XHnoAaxzoz4= - 循环重试连接而不是禁用适配器 -以前,当设备因路由器重启、LAN 或 WiFi 中断等长期网络问题而无法连接时,适配器会在 10 次会话连接尝试后终止。现在,适配器将在每个会话刷新间隔后重试,直到设备再次可连接。如果您想避免有关这些重试的日志条目,您必须手动停止适配器。如果您的网络问题在重试期间仍在进行时得到解决,只需重新启动适配器即可。 +以前,当设备因路由器重启、LAN 或 WiFi 中断等长期网络问题而无法连接时,适配器会在 10 次会话连接尝试后终止。现在,适配器将在每个会话刷新间隔后重试,直到设备再次可连接。如果您想避免有关这些重试的日志条目,您必须手动停止适配器。如果在重试期间网络问题得到解决,只需重新启动适配器即可。 ## 特征 ### 已实现的功能 @@ -69,7 +77,7 @@ hash: 0wTEkS6zBxsc0VhWN+oDP4lBzjAXNXn4XHnoAaxzoz4= - 由于 FSAPI 协议的限制,与 UNDOK App 的并行操作不可靠,因此不支持。使用时风险自负。 - 由于 FSAPI 协议的限制,DAB+ 模式下不提供电台图标。 -## 文档 +文档 此适配器可让您控制基于 Frontier Silicon 芯片组的互联网广播和媒体播放器。许多设备都可以通过 [UNDOK](https://support.undok.net) 应该可以工作。测试的设备来自 [Revo](https://revo.co.uk/de/products/)、[Sangean](https://www.sangean.eu/products/all_product.asp)、[Hama](https://de.hama.com/produkte/audio-hifi/digitalradio) 和 [SilverCrest](https://www.lidl.de) 进行控制,其他设备也应该可以正常工作。 安装后,必须在配置对话框中输入设备的 IP 和 PIN。如果收音机在通过 UNDOK 应用程序或此适配器打开后不播放 DAB,请启用“DAB 无声启动”后重试。 @@ -92,7 +100,7 @@ hash: 0wTEkS6zBxsc0VhWN+oDP4lBzjAXNXn4XHnoAaxzoz4= -volume(`number,rw`) - 控制 -- 音量减小和音量增大 +- 降低音量和提高音量 调低/或音量减小 1 @@ -170,7 +178,7 @@ API地址 - 选定(`字符串,ro`) -表示所选模式的标签。 +指示所选模式的标签。 - `{number}` @@ -190,7 +198,7 @@ API地址 仅出现在支持多房间的设备上。`true` 如果此模式可用作多个多房间设备的源。 -- switchTo (`布尔值,wo`) +- switchTo(`布尔值,wo`) 选择该模式。 @@ -230,14 +238,14 @@ Frontier、Frontier Silicon、SmartRadio、UNDOK 和相关徽标是 Frontier Sma Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line): ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** - 2025H1 maintenance release +### 0.4.0 (2025-02-01) - 2025H1 maintenance release - (pdbjjens) Change: media state changed from number to string and readonly (#241) - (pdbjjens) New: Added media control function "stop" (#241) - (pdbjjens) New: Optimizations for responsive design (#244) +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 (#253) - (pdbjjens) Fix: Added button state acknowledgement - (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent warning on adapter stop -- (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies ### 0.3.0 (2024-08-27) - 2024H2 maintenance release @@ -266,14 +274,6 @@ Frontier、Frontier Silicon、SmartRadio、UNDOK 和相关徽标是 Frontier Sma - (pdbjjens) Change: Re-establish session if network connection is lost - (pdbjjens) New: Synchronization of power, volume and mute states with the UNDOK App -### 0.1.0 (2023-07-15) - -- (pdbjjens) Breaking Changes: node>=14, js-contoller>=4 and admin>=5 required -- (pdbjjens) New: json config UI -- (pdbjjens) New: Re-establish session if network connection is lost -- (pdbjjens) New: Remove obsolete unit testing -- (pdbjjens) Fix: Prevent crashes if radio device is not reachable - ## License MIT License diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md index 7a75fe94f..fa409c30c 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md @@ -138,25 +138,28 @@ CCU / Homematic支持不同的设备类型(有线,无线,HMIP,CUxD)。 +--> +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (bluefox) Updated packages and used `@iobroker/eslint-config` + ### 2.0.2 (2024-08-26) -* (bluefox) Updated packages - +* (bluefox) Updated packages + ### 2.0.0 (2024-07-18) * (bluefox) Updated packages -* (bluefox) Removed support of Node.js 16 - +* (bluefox) Removed support of Node.js 16 + ### 1.17.0 (2024-03-18) -* (klein0r) Fixed encrypted configuration - +* (klein0r) Fixed encrypted configuration + ### 1.16.1 (2024-03-05) -* (bluefox) Improved the configuration layout - +* (bluefox) Improved the configuration layout + ### 1.16.0 (2023-12-25) * (JeyCee) Added support for the device manager * (bluefox) Added JSON config -* (foxriver76) port to adapters internal `setTimeout/setInterval` methods - +* (foxriver76) port to adapters internal `setTimeout/setInterval` methods + ### Older entries [here](OLD_CHANGELOG.md) @@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ CCU / Homematic支持不同的设备类型(有线,无线,HMIP,CUxD)。 The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2024 bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 bluefox Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d42c2878 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.matter/README.md +title: ioBroker Matter 适配器 +hash: rNSq8nE/tAxBZxsAc3eGa9o8wAFf4LFXOgD6BOzPHyk= +--- +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg) + +![安装数量](http://iobroker.live/badges/matter-stable.svg) +![NPM 版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.matter.svg) +![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.matter.svg) + +# IoBroker Matter 适配器 +![测试与发布](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![翻译状态](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/matter/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) + +**此适配器使用 Sentry 库自动向开发人员报告异常和代码错误。** 有关更多详细信息以及如何禁用错误报告的信息,请参阅[Sentry-插件文档](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)!从 js-controller 3.0 开始使用 Sentry 报告。 + +## 介绍 +> [!重要] > 适配器无法通过 GitHub 安装:必须通过 ioBroker 存储库(稳定版或最新版)安装适配器。 +> > 目前适配器处于 BETA 阶段,仅在最新存储库中可用。请查看 [iobroker 文档](https://www.iobroker.net/#de/documentation/basics/repositories.md) 如何从最新存储库/npm 安装适配器。 +> > ioBroker Matter 适配器的配置和使用详细说明在 🇩🇪 [德语 Wiki](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki) 和 🇬🇧 [英语 Wiki](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki/Home-%E2%80%90-EN) 中描述。 +> > 在使用适配器之前,请阅读 [重要说明](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.matter/wiki/Einleitung-und-wichtige-Hinweise#wichtige-hinweise-bitte-dringend-beachten)。 + +## 描述 +使用 ioBroker Matter Adapter,可以映射以下用例: + +* 基于物质的设备可以直接链接到ioBroker,从而读取/控制 +* 提供多个 ioBroker 设备作为 Matter Bridge:Matter Bridges 可以包含多个设备,是将 ioBroker 设备集成到 Matter 兼容生态系统的最简单方法。 +* ioBroker 根据 ioBroker 设备/ioBroker 状态提供单独的虚拟 Matter 设备,这些设备可以教授给与 Matter 兼容的生态系统(目前只有 Amazon Alexa 可以使用桥接器) + +待办事项 +* 部分文本为英文 +* 将 Matter 中的最小值/最大值同步到 ioBroker 对象中 +* 当设备/状态被移除时清理对象 +* ioBroker 设备类型 +* (3+) 真空吸尘器 +* (3)音量、音量组 +*(-3)空气状况 +* (2+) 火警 +* (-2) 媒体播放器 +* 警告-怎么样? +* 门 - 又称盲门,因为物质没有其他设备类型? +* windowTilt - 如上所述,由两个接触传感器组成的设备...一个用于打开关闭,一个用于倾斜 +* levelSlider——理想情况下作为非照明调光插座? +* 物质设备类型 +*(7)风扇->空调? +* (4+) 空气质量传感器 -> ??? +* (4+) 空气净化器 -> ??? +* (4) 泵 -> ??? +*(4)压力传感器 -> ??? DEF +* (3+) 机器人吸尘器 -> vacuumCleaner +*(3)流量传感器 -> ??? DEF +* (3) 室内空调 -> airCondition +* (2+) 洗碗机-> ??? +* (2) 基本视频播放器 -> mediaPlayer +* (2) 洗衣机 -> ??? +* (2) 冰箱 -> ??? +* (2) 温控柜 -> ??? +* (2)水冻探测器->警告? +*(2)雨量传感器->警告? +* (2) 水阀 -> ??? +* (2) 洗衣烘干机 -> ??? +* (2) 烤箱 -> ??? +* (2) 炉灶面 -> ??? +* (2) 烹饪表面 -> ??? +* (2) 抽油烟机 -> ??? +* (2) 微波炉 -> ??? +* (1+) 电动汽车供电设备 -> ??? +* (0) 热水器 -> ??? +* (0) 太阳能 -> ??? +* (0) 电池存储 -> ??? +* (0) 热泵 -> ??? + + + +## Changelog +### 0.4.13 (2025-02-01) +* (@Apollon77) Added support for Door state feature for Devices and Controllers +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat creation with Boost state + +### 0.4.12 (2025-02-01) +* (@GermanBluefox) Added the "copy to clipboard" button in the debug dialog +* (@Apollon77) Updated matter.js with performance and Memory usage optimizations (and Tasmota pairing workaround) +* (@Apollon77) Reworked Type detection in Backend and for Channel/Device detection type in UI, now multiple devicetypes are offered with most complex one pre-selected +* (@Apollon77) Handle Matter ColorTemperature Lights as a Color capable light to also allow CT-Lights with Hue support +* (@Apollon77) Added BOOST endpoint as switch when exposing Thermostats with Boost state +* (@Apollon77) Optimized some dimmer/level management for light devices without dimmer state + +### 0.4.11 (2025-01-28) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed caching issues in device type detection in backend +* (@Apollon77) Added Debug info icon for Devices and Bridges + +### 0.4.10 (2025-01-27) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat limit initialization and Mode error +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Matter Event handling when mapped to an ioBroker state (e.g.GenericSwitch) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Device type detection by really preferring the preferred type + +### 0.4.9 (2025-01-26) +* (@Apollon77) Enhanced error and invalid devices display for UI +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Button Press Controller support +* (@Apollon77) Added support to also select folders when adding devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Illuminance State type min/max + +### 0.4.8 (2025-01-26) +* (@Apollon77) Acknowledges Power states also on SET states +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Color Temperature handling for devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat setpoint logic + +### 0.4.7 (2025-01-25) +* (@Apollon77) Added debouncing when controllers change temperature value to makle sure not to overload the device +* (@Apollon77) Added support for step and use 0.5 for Setpoint temperatures +* (@Apollon77) Added support fur Hue lights without saturation state + +### 0.4.6 (2025-01-25) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@GermanBluefox) Added user feedback when device or bridged device is identified +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Thermostat logic for devices +* (@Apollon77) Ensures information are pushed to the UI when devices are in an error state + +### 0.4.5 (2025-01-25) +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat initialization logic and added more logging +* (@Apollon77) Fixed WindowCovering level to match ioBroker definition +* (@Apollon77) Updated matter.js for further optimizations + +### 0.4.4 (2025-01-24) +* (@Apollon77) Added OPEN state for all Door Locks to open door again +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat initialization when no AUTO mode is supported +* (@Apollon77) Enhanced Enum state display in UI + +### 0.4.3 (2025-01-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@Apollon77) Allows turning light on/off via the dimming level as Zigbee adapter does +* (@Apollon77) Detects Switch changes via event which should be more reliable +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes some Node information + +### 0.4.2 (2025-01-23) +* (@Apollon77) Added SmokeCO2Alarm -> FireAlarm to Controller device types +* (@Apollon77) Detects BLE only QR codes and responds with an error message +* (@Apollon77) For Dimming and Color changes direct the device to execute the changes also when a device is off + +### 0.4.1 (2025-01-22) +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI +* (@Apollon77) Improved handling for Power Source cluster on root endpoint +* (@Apollon77) Changed Identify handling - Light will be turned on/off, others just logged + +### 0.4.0 (2025-01-20) +* (@Apollon77) "SET" states are no longer updated when Actual states are present and get updated! +* (@Apollon77) Initializes states also with "ack=false" states because better than no initial values +* (@Apollon77) Added Device support for Window Coverings (Blinds, Blindbuttons), Color Lights (Cie, Hie, Rgb, Rgbw, RgbSingle, RgbwSingle) and Thermostats +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to track state values also when disabled and update state to Matter when enabled again +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to also subscribe to write-only states for controller cases +* (@Apollon77) Only exposes remaining battery percentage attribute when value is present +* (@Apollon77) Corrected error display and pushing to UI in case of initialization errors of bridged devices +* (@Apollon77) Added RSSI value also for Thread devices +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.7 (2025-01-15) +* (@GermanBluefox) Showed the device name in paring dialog +* (@GermanBluefox/Apollon77) Adjusts connection type icons +* (@Apollon77) Optimized the discovery dialog handling +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Thermostat for Controller to update temperatures +* (@Apollon77) Gives Energy sensors a dedicated icon +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.6 (2025-01-13) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors +* (@GermanBluefox/@Apollon77) Added possibility to enable/disable controlled nodes +* (@Apollon77) Added Information on battery and rssi for DM tile +* (@Apollon77) Added controller support for Color Lights, Speaker, Thermostats and Window coverings +* (@Apollon77) Optimized and fixed multiple things + +### 0.3.5 (2025-01-09) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed GUI errors +* (@GermanBluefox) Added `Controller fabric label` to configuration +* (@GermanBluefox) Added solution for QR-Code scanning on non HTTPS pages +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Generic Switch Device type for controller +* (@Apollon77) Fixed Controller BLE initialization and activation +* (@Apollon77) Added serialNumber to all devices and bridges for better device re-detection by controllers + +### 0.3.4 (2024-12-31) +* (@Apollon77) Updates matter.js to address several issues +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimized UI + +### 0.3.3 (2024-12-28) +* (@Apollon77) Allows triggering commands via matter also when the state already matches the value +* (@Apollon77) Sets and updates the fabric label for paired devices (default is "ioBroker matter.X") +* (@Apollon77) Detects state deletion for ioBroker devices and updates a device in UI to show device state +* (@Apollon77) Several optimizations on commissioning +* (@Apollon77) Do not show commissioning QR codes in ioBroker log +* (@Apollon77) Use Fabric label to try to detect if ioBroker is the controller +* (@Apollon77) Fixes displaying error details for devices and bridges +* (@Apollon77) Fixes the device and type detection logic + +### 0.3.2 (2024-12-21) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes several discovery issues + +### 0.3.1 (2024-12-20) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes bridge/device icon display in UI +* (@Apollon77) Prevents displaying warning dialogs when nothing is wrong +* (@Apollon77) Adjusts some logs + +### 0.3.0 (2024-12-20) +* BREAKING: Please re-enter your ioBroker Pro Cloud Password! +* (@Apollon77) Made sure the adapter is stopped before being updated +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes device discovery and allows to stop it again + +### 0.2.10 (2024-12-19) +* (@GermanBluefox) Makes the Adapter UI also available as standalone tab +* (@GermanBluefox) Added error details when adding the same state twice to a bridge or device +* (@Apollon77) Fixes discovery start in UI + +### 0.2.9 (2024-12-18) +* (@Apollon77) When Get and set states are separated then also update set state with new values +* (@Apollon77) Node details dialog in controller now exposes some more Battery information +* (@Apollon77) Also exposes the battery states when features are set wrong on the device +* (@Apollon77) Fixes LightSensor state mapping +* (@Apollon77) Prevents errors when only some energy states exist +* (@Apollon77) Uses the IP provided by Android when commissioning devices if possible +* (@Apollon77) Restructure discovery to run in the background and not block the UI +* (@Apollon77) Exposes States for Enums for Matter nodes +* (@Apollon77) Prevent storage to delete wrong data when a node gets removed + +### 0.2.8 (2024-12-17) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixes progress dialog for DM - used when deleting a node +* (@GermanBluefox) Synchronizes the "do not ask again on delete" time with admin and set to 5 minutes +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimizes bridges display for different color schemes +* (@GermanBluefox) Allows to collapse the information blocks at the top of the pages +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds an ioBroker Logo when display commissioned controllers +* (@GermanBluefox/@apollon77) Adds additional details and error state also for devices and bridged devices +* (@GermanBluefox/@apollon77) Always display QR code to allow additional pairing for device and bridges from adapter UI +* (@GermanBluefox) Optimizes several messages nd approval dialogs +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds a welcome dialog for new users +* (@GermanBluefox) Adds user guidance for big unpaired bridges +* (@Apollon77) Adds Illuminance and Button/ButtonSensor (Switch) device type +* (@Apollon77) Changes/Optimizes naming structure for paired devices and sub-endpoints +* (@Apollon77) Adds information when Matter device types are not yet supported to look into objects for details +* (@Apollon77) Resets connection status when a controller node is disconnected, also on adapter stop +* (@Apollon77) Cleans up internal data structures when a node gets deleted for controller +* (@Apollon77) Uses the configured device type when finding multiple types in the backend +* (@Apollon77) Adjusts UI device type detection to differentiate between supported and other types +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure that controller configuration changes are executed sequentially +* (@Apollon77) Added Transition Time handling for Dimmer and Ct device types in both directions +* (@Apollon77) Added Low-Battery and Battery-percent for all device types in both directions +* (@Apollon77) Added Ethernet Network Commissioning Cluster to prevent issues with Tuya + +### 0.2.7 (2024-12-08) +* (@Apollon77) Cleans up objects when a controller node is deleted +* (@Apollon77) Prevents controller configuration changes to be executed in parallel + +### 0.2.6 (2024-12-06) +* (@Apollon77) Fixes ColorTemperature light initialization because of matter.js update + +### 0.2.5 (2024-12-06) +* (@Apollon77) Sets the "no-compose" flag correctly to normally use composed if needed and adds it to a missing dialog +* (@Apollon77) Allows using null values if needed +* (@Apollon77) Fixes UNREACH handling for devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixes object change handling for controller +* (@Apollon77) Allows Bridges to expose its name as a device name +* (@Apollon77) Allows to rename controller nodes and devices + +### 0.2.4 (2024-12-04) +* (@Apollon77) Shows a progress indicator when deleting controller nodes +* (@Apollon77) Cuts names and labels to 32 or 64 characters as needed by Matter +* (@Apollon77) Improves error handling on devices and bridges +* (@Apollon77) Clear storage when removing a bridged device +* (@Apollon77) Processes changed objects with a 5s delay to prevent too many changes at once +* (@Apollon77) Fixes version determination +* (@Apollon77) Initializes Device objects more lazily + +### 0.2.3 (2024-11-30) +* (@Apollon77) Makes sure to delete all objects and stop device when a device is deleted in UI +* (@Apollon77) When a devices/bridge object is deleted and adapter runs we try to detect this and stop the device/bridge +* (@Apollon77) Optimizes close handling of adapter +* (@Apollon77) Uses adapter version as Software and Hardware versions in the exposed Matter devices +* (@Apollon77) Fixes "auto" flags in backend when make no sense in objects +* (@Apollon77) Fixes "auto" flag in UI +* (@Apollon77) Prevents cyclic state updates when a state is updated by the adapter to matter +* (@Apollon77) Log warnings when device optional device states are not mapped +* (@Apollon77) Hides Product-ID and VendorId fields in UI when adding devices into a bridge + +### 0.2.2 (2024-11-28) +* (@Apollon77) Uses plain matter.js logs for better readability +* (@Apollon77) Prevents ghost connection entries in the UI +* (@Apollon77) Adds some missing implementations for Controller of Door, Window, FloodAlarm and Motion + +### 0.2.1 (2024-11-27) +* (@Apollon77) Adds Color Temperature conversion if unit is "mireds" +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Color Temperature cluster initialization +* (@Apollon77) Fixes Min/Max calculation when unit conversion is used + +### 0.2.0 (2024-11-26) +* IMPORTANT: Breaking change!! Please decommission ALL devices and do a full factory reset of the adapter Matter storage before installing this version. Pair the devices new afterward. +* (@Apollon77) Finalizes Devices, Bridges and Controller functionality with a first set of 11 device types +* (@Apollon77) Upgrades to new Matter.js version and API (breaks storage structure) +* (@GermanBluefox) Moved build process of GUI to vite +* (@GermanBluefox) Added possibility to group devices in the GUI + +### 0.1.13 (2023-12-01) +* (@GermanBluefox) Working on the controller + +### 0.1.10 (2023-11-13) +* (@GermanBluefox) Implemented the factory reset and re-announcing + +### 0.1.2 (2023-10-25) +* (@GermanBluefox) Devices were implemented + +### 0.0.5 (2023-10-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) Fixed names under linux + +### 0.0.4 (2023-10-24) +* (@GermanBluefox) used library `@iobroker/type-detector` + +### 0.0.2 (2023-10-23) +* (@GermanBluefox) Initial commit + +## License +Apache-2.0 + +Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Denis Haev \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d7ffcd23 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.matter/admin/matter.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5eb1104e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md +title: ioBroker.Maxxi-Charge +hash: dJ40gCWSLrlioJWXO9KMIqQrO0Gk7VpDkUqt5quNjEk= +--- +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp) + +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.maxxi-charge.svg) +![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.maxxi-charge.svg) +![安装数量](https://iobroker.live/badges/maxxi-charge-installed.svg) +![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?style=flat-square) +![GitHub 仓库大小](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![GitHub 提交活动](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![GitHub 上次提交](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![GitHub 问题](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/blabond/iobroker.maxxi-charge?logo=github&style=flat-square) +![捐款](https://img.shields.io/badge/Paypal-Donate-blue?style=flat) + +# IoBroker.Maxxi-Charge +![测试与发布](https://github.com/blabond/ioBroker.maxxi-charge/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml/badge.svg) + +**ioBroker.MaxxiCharge** 是 ioBroker 系统的适配器,可实现 MaxxiCharge CCU 设备的集成和控制。该适配器提供一系列功能,包括读取设备数据、调整配置和发送控制命令。 + +http://www.maxxisun.de + +## 文档 +[🇺🇸 文档](./docs/en/README.md) + +[🇩🇪 文档](./docs/de/README.md) + +## Changelog + +### 1.4.8 (2025-01-28) + +- Fixes for stable release on ioBroker adapter. +- Fixes for Deinstallation +- Feedback update + +### 1.4.1 (2025-01-12) + +- ### Please delete the `.sendcommand` folder and restart the adapter when updating from a previous version to this one. +- New: Added support for battery calibration (Expert Settings) +- Improved: Redesigned adapter settings for a better user experience + +### 1.3.13 (2025-01-07) +- Fixed: Issue with the dcAlgorithm datapoint where the UI could crash due to an incorrect states definition +- Removed the info.localip datapoint. The local IP address is now directly included in the jsonConfig. +- Adjusted code to use modern methods, replacing deprecated ones like setObjectAsync. + +### 1.3.0 (2024-12-15) +- **Summer/Winter mode** added: + - Dynamic adjustment of charging parameters based on seasons. + - Configurable with start and end dates. +- **Cloud API query interval**: Interval for CCU queries in cloud mode is now configurable via a slider between 10 and 60 seconds. + +### 1.2.191 (2024-12-08) +- Release + +## License +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024-2025 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85d50606a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/admin/ms_logo_black_green.webp differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md index 705d8a563..deeaeddfc 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/README.md title: ioBroker.mielecloud服务 -hash: 0D3dMICFt9G+gq1NQ2y2G8aax/Ih1h5+Hm6iw7lrW5E= +hash: bxu3vb+SjaR2PsJUQyYA4WUmRy5xhp6wY8m3GijYVNs= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.mielecloudservice/admin/mielecloudservice.svg) @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ hash: 0D3dMICFt9G+gq1NQ2y2G8aax/Ih1h5+Hm6iw7lrW5E= ![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.mielecloudservice.png?downloads=true) # IoBroker.mielecloudservice [![测试与发布](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/actions/workflows/test-and-release.yml) -## Mielecloudservice 适配器用于 ioBroker +## IoBroker 的 mielecloudservice 适配器 连接您的 Miele 电器(XGW3000 和 WiFiConn@ct) >如果您喜欢这个适配器并考虑支持我:
>[![使用 PayPal 捐款](admin/paypal-donate-button.png)](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=SPUDTXGNG2MYG) @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ hash: 0D3dMICFt9G+gq1NQ2y2G8aax/Ih1h5+Hm6iw7lrW5E= ## 安装 要安装,请执行以下操作: -1. 通过管理员安装 -1. 通过管理员安装 +1. 通过管理员安装,使用 +1. 通过管理员安装,使用 * stable Repo - 获取当前稳定版本 * 最新 Repo - 获取最新测试版本(可能不稳定) * 通过:https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice.git - 获取最新开发版本 @@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ API 的功能可能(目前确实如此)与 iOS 和 Android 应用程序的 * 支持所有已知和记录的设备类型(API V1.0.6)。 * 所有设备类型的基本信息。 * 针对所有设备类型的扩展信息。 -* 设备 EcoFeedback(水和/或电消耗)可报告此情况。 +* 设备 EcoFeedback(水和/或电消耗)会报告此情况。 `Note: Not all devices report this information - event not if they do so in the iOS or Android apps. Search for the ecoFeedback folder in the device tree.` * 您可以在此设备上执行的支持操作 - 设备的功能主要由 API 本身报告。 -## 已知的问题 +## 已知问题 * 适配器 v6.0.0 以后的程序基本都受支持。除了需要额外参数的程序,例如烤箱。 ## 配置 @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ API 的功能可能(目前确实如此)与 iOS 和 Android 应用程序的 ## 控制你的设备 ### 动作 -所有设备当前支持和记录的所有操作均已实现 (API V1.0.5)。 +所有当前支持和记录的所有设备的操作均已实现 (API V1.0.5)。 > 请记住,只有将设备置于适当状态(例如移动控制、开机等),操作才会起作用。 有关操作的更多信息,请参阅 [Miele 文档](#documentation)。 @@ -110,17 +110,25 @@ Miele 在 API V1.0.5 中引入了一个名为“/programs”的新端点。 但 Miele 正在努力并定期扩展支持。 有关更多信息,请参阅常规 Miele API 文档(如下)。 -文档 +## 文档 如果您想更深入地了解或需要原始值翻译,请参阅[本文档。](machine_states.md) ## Sentry.io 此适配器使用 sentry.io 收集崩溃详细信息并自动向作者报告。为此使用 [ioBroker.sentry](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry) 插件。如果您不想用崩溃信息支持作者,请参阅 [插件主页](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry) 了解有关插件功能、收集哪些信息以及如何禁用它的详细信息。 ## 版权 -版权所有 (c) 2024 grizzelbee +版权所有 (c) 2025 grizzelbee ## Changelog ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Added screen size settings in Admin-UI for responsive design +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed sentry MIELECLOUDSERVICE-5V + +### 6.5.7 (2024-10-01) +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated +- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed some minor issues found by adapter-checker +- (grizzelbee) Upd: Added tests for node 22 ### 6.5.6 (2024-05-10) (Dying for an Angel) @@ -132,9 +140,8 @@ Miele 在 API V1.0.5 中引入了一个名为“/programs”的新端点。 - (grizzelbee) Upd: Added year 2024 to licence - (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated - ### 6.5.4 (2023-05-03) (Dying for an Angel) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added file `.ncurc.json` to prevent axios-oauth-client from being automatically updated by `npx npm-check-updates` +* (grizzelbee) New: Added file `.ncurc.json` to prevent axios-oauth-client from being automatically updated by `npx npm-check-updates` ### 6.5.3 (2023-04-26) (Dying for an Angel) * (grizzelbee) Fix: two minor bug fixes - including a fix that prevents objects from being updated constantly. @@ -164,372 +171,6 @@ Miele 在 API V1.0.5 中引入了一个名为“/programs”的新端点。 * (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: removed duplicate en-/decryption of passwords due to jsonConfig * (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved some documentation from the readme file to machine_states.md -### V6.3.4 (2022-07-13) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [269](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/269) enabled decryption of passwords again since this issue is a bug in Admin 6.2.0 - -### V6.3.3 (2022-07-13) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [258](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/258) Improved error handling in case of line outages -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [269](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/269) Removed double decryption of passwords -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Dependencies got updated - -### V6.3.2 (2022-06-02) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new config option "delayed processing" to prevent overload on less powerful hardware -* (grizzelbee) Fix: changed actions info message during polling to log level debug -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed german translation bug "minutes" -> "protokoll" (thanks to rekorboi) - -### V6.3.1 (2022-05-25) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed bad log entry for error delay (delay is logged bad - but is executed okay) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Improved connection error handling -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed Sentry error: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-3K](https://sentry.io/organizations/grizzelbee/issues/3281137250) - -### V6.3.0 (2022-05-23) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: [247](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/247) Added a User-Agent to http-requests to enable Miele to identify requests made by this adapter -* (grizzelbee) New: [248](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/248) Added exponential backoff in case of errors -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [249](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/249) Handling undefined devices properly when executing actions -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [250](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/250) Fixed light switch action which did not work due to [228](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/228) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [246](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/246) switched http response from warn to debug -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Some minor log improvements - -### V6.2.2 (2022-05-17) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Starting programs on devices is working now. - -### V6.2.1 (2022-05-16) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [242](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/242) VentilationStep needs to be type number but was boolean -* (grizzelbee) Fix: ACTIONS.programId is invalid: obj.common.type has an invalid value (integer) ... - -### V6.2.0 (2022-05-12) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: [238](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/238) Reintroduced data polling as a config option for all who has troubles with Server-Sent Events -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some additional error handling code when Server Send Events report errors. -* (grizzelbee) New: [238](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/238) Added reconnect delay in case od an error -* (grizzelbee) New: [192](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/192) Improved handling of adapter traffic light in case of an error -* (grizzelbee) New: Waiting for code to complete in case of an occurring event -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Changed watchdog log entry from info to debug - -### V6.1.5 (2022-05-05) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Changed State-Changed log entry from info to debug -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed issue with not initialized auth.ping variable on adapter startup -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed issue with not initialized auth.ping variable after token has been refreshed -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed error in auth expiry calculation - -### V6.1.4 (2022-05-03) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [233](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/233) Fixed error while setting targetTemperature - -### V6.1.3 (2022-05-02) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [225](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/225) Fixes error with cooling devices -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [231](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/231) Fixes startup loop when cooling devices are connected -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed SuperCooling switch -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed SuperFreezing switch -* (grizzelbee) New: Added code to run dry tests with local test data - -### V6.1.2 (2022-04-29) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [228](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/228) Inverted light switch -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved main.js back to the main folder to run unit tests - -### V6.1.1 (2022-04-28) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added some missing native parts in objects -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved main.js to the source folder - -### V6.1.0 (2022-04-27) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Added some error handling -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Changed PlateStep_x data structure to PlateStepZone-x -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Removed unused ambientLight function -* (grizzelbee) Chg: [225](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/225) Removed unused freezerZone code for knownDevices - -### V6.0.0 (2022-04-19) (Black Wings) -* (grizzelbee) New: Adapter entirely rewritten from scratch -* (grizzelbee) New: Added link to request Miele API credentials in config page. -* (grizzelbee) New: Implemented watchdog for broken lines -* (grizzelbee) New: Added donate button to config page and readme file -* (grizzelbee) New: [216](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/216) Added additional (undocumented) data points to dish warmer -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [213](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/213) Login delay works properly now when login fails on Startup -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [207](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/207) powering on device due to querying available programs -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Refresh of expired tokens works properly now -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Light-Switch is working now e.g. for coffee systems -* (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: Changed IDs for targetTemperature and temperature -* (grizzelbee) Chg: targetTemperature and temperature with invalid values (-32768, null, ...) will no longer be created -* (grizzelbee) Chg: startTime has moved to ACTIONS and is intended to work properly -* (grizzelbee) Chg: ACTIONS.*_Button_Active data points have been removed -* (grizzelbee) Chg: Switches in the ACTIONS are simple boolean switches now (no on/off, ...) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed separate license file - -### V5.0.4 (2022-01-07) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-7](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2379624775/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-2J](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2885488082/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-2K](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2886827789/?project=5735758) handling if there is no auth token for a request -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-28](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2787208315/?project=5735758) handling if the device is unknown - -### V5.0.3 (2021-12-31) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [MIELECLOUDSERVICE-8](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2380318199/?project=5735758) fixed stringifying circular structure -* (grizzelbee) Fix: undefined is not a valid state value for id "xxx.signalDoor" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: undefined is not a valid state value for id "xxx.ACTIONS.programId" - -### V5.0.2 (2021-10-27) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Added listener to error events -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Trying to reconnect if connection has been lost - -### V5.0.1 (2021-10-25) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [178](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/178) Removed: info Received ACTIONS message by SSE. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [179](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/179) Removed: info Received DEVICES message by SSE. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [180](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/180) Fixed: Info: State value to set for "mielecloudservice.0.xxx.ACTIONS.Power" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [181](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/181) Fixed: Program buttons should be fixed and work as soon as Miele fixes the API (as of today it has bugs). -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed many debug log output - -### V5.0.0 (2021-10-21) (Invincible) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGE: Removed useless grouping folders for device types - check your VIS and scripts -* (grizzelbee) New: [164](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/164) fixed bug in SignalFailure and signalInfo when havin no value -* (grizzelbee) New: [155](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/155) fixed >missing object< bug on arrays -* (grizzelbee) New: [154](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/154) Reintroduced TargetTemp to washer dryers -* (grizzelbee) New: [140](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/140) Switched from data polling to server sent events (push data) -* (grizzelbee) New: [71](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/71) If there is no internet connection on startup retry connecting until connection is established -* (grizzelbee) Fix: estimatedEndTime won't be shown anymore when device is off -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Don't rethrowing errors in APISendRequest anymore -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed a few minor bugs -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some additional API languages newly supported by Miele -* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Miele API V1.0.5 -* (grizzelbee) New: Added correct tier of adapter to io-package -* (grizzelbee) New: Added more program phases for tumble dryers to documentation -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Switched type of Power-Switch from string to boolean for being compliant with ioBroker expectation (e.g. for Text2Command adapter) - maybe more to follow. Please delete the data point let it create newly. -* (germanBluefox) Fix: Fixed icon link - -### V4.2.0 (2021-05-17) (A new Dimension) -* (grizzelbee) New: Adding Pause action to dish-washers - -### V4.1.0 (2021-05-15) (Carry me over) -* (grizzelbee) New: [149](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/149) Adding support (Start, Stop, Pause) for Miele Scout RX2 vacuum cleaner robots -* (Stan23) New: Added new program phase soak/Einweichen - -### V4.0.22 (2021-05-06) (Twisted mind) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [142](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/142) Reintroduced TargetTemp for washing machines - -### V4.0.21 (2021-05-03) (The Edge) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed accidental function name: createStateSpinAPIStartActionningSpeed -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed State value to set for "*.PlateStep_1" has to be type "number" but received type "string" - -### V4.0.20 (2021-04-30) (Sleepwalkers) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [137](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/137) Fixed Read-only state "info.connection" has been written without ack-flag with value "false" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [138](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/138) Fixed State value to set for ".Schleuderdrehzahl" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [139](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/139) Fixed State value to set for ".ACTIONS.Light" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Changed device group from channel to folder as documented [here](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/blob/master/docs/en/dev/objectsschema.md) - -### V4.0.19 (2021-04-29) (The scarecrow) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed light switch bug causing an exception when switching - 2nd attempt -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed No-Icon Bug when appliance is unknown - -### V4.0.18 (2021-04-28) (Ghostlights) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed light switch bug causing an exception when switching - -### V4.0.17 (2021-04-27) (Ghost in the moon) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added ioBroker sentry plugin to report issues automatically -* (grizzelbee) New: Added Light-Switch to washing machines, Tumble Dryers, Washer dryers and Dish washers -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies - -> **Hint:** -> The behavior of the light-switch has slightly changed with this release. It not only tests the action capabilities of -> the device but also shows the state of the light state delivered by the API. If no actions are reported by the API, the -> switch will be without function and only show the current state. If actions have been reported the switch will work as you expect. -> If your device reports no light state and no actions the switch will show 'None' and won't do anything. - -### V4.0.16 (2021-04-21) (Black Orchid) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Units for EcoFeedback will be shown now, even machine is not running during setup -* (stan23) New: added new program states - -### V4.0.15 (2021-04-19) (Moonglow) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [130](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/130) targetTemp for fridges and freezers will now correctly been updated in action section with current values - -### V4.0.14 (2021-04-18) (Alchemy) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [127](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/127) targetTemp for fridges caused exception and crash of adapter - -### V4.0.13 (2021-04-12) (The toy master) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) targetTemp addresses zones for fridges and freezers dynamically now - -### V4.0.12 (2021-04-12) (Promised land) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) targetTemp addresses zones for fridges and freezers dynamically now - -### V4.0.11 (2021-04-11) (Cry just a little) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.10 (2021-04-10) (Another angel down) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.9 (2021-04-09) (Farewell) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Errors during action execution will be shown correctly -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Actions will be executed correctly - -### V4.0.8 (2021-04-09) (The seven angels) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed datatype of VentilationStep data point -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 4) - -### V4.0.7 (2021-04-09) (Lost in space) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) added missing path to object ID; data point will be created in the correct place now -* (grizzelbee) New: targetTemp min and max values are now taken from API - no constant values anymore - -### V4.0.6 (2021-04-08) (The great mystery) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes Light switch for hoods and other devices supporting light -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 3) - -### V4.0.5 (2021-04-08) (The haunting) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods (attempt 2) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes error on creating TargetTemperature data points - -### V4.0.4 (2021-04-07) (Wastelands) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes ventilation step switch for hoods -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed missing getLightState - -### V4.0.3 (2021-04-07) (The raven child) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [109](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/109) fixes 404 error when querying possible actions for device. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixes errors when executing actions on devices with API-Id!=fabNumber - -### V4.0.2 (2021-04-07) (Angel of Babylon) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [107](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/107) fixes #107 and 404 error when device is unknown. - -### V4.0.1 (2021-04-06) (Sign of the cross) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) setting the targetTemperature should work now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [96](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/96) Added missing ACTIONS.Action_Information again -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [97](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/97) removed unneeded additional "VentilationStep/Lüfterstufe" in path and fixed warning with this. VentilationStep-switch should work properly now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [98](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/98) Color-Action has now valid type 'String' -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [102](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/102) Fixed ACTIONS.VentilationStep has no existing object -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Power switch is write protected now when in state 'None'. State 'None' means: No action permitted. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Light switch is write protected now when in state 'None'. State 'None' means: No action permitted. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: http error 404 will be catched when requesting device actions - -### V4.0.0 (2021-03-18) (Symphony of life) -> ***Hint:*** The adapter received a complete code refactoring! This means that most of the code has been changed and some parts are working now differently than ever before. Update with care and read the change log! -* (grizzelbee) New: FULL support of Miele cloud API v1.0.4 -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [83](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/83) estimatedEndTime isn't shown anymore after the device has finished -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [85](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/85) full code refactoring and split into multiple files. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [86](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/86) every folder and device now gets a nice little icon -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [89](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/89) Washer dryers are fully supported now -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [90](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/90) implemented targetTemperature for fridges & freezers -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Devices get fully created on startup and aren't modified afterwards - only updated -* (grizzelbee) Upd: New folder ecoFeedback to group ecoFeedback states -* (grizzelbee) Upd: New folder IDENT to group ident states -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed signalActionRequired - since there is no signalDoor for washing machines, dryers and dishwashers this approach doesn't work -* (grizzelbee) Upd: All folders and states which are being created depend on the capabilities of their devices as described in [this Miele documentation](https://www.miele.com/developer/assets/API_V1.x.x_capabilities_by_device.pdf). So there shouldn't be useless states anymore caused by the generic Miele cloud API. - -### V3.0.2 (2021-03-05) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [79](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/79) When a devices serial is missing, the identNumber is assigned instead. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Changed folder name cooktops to hobs since this is the more common name -* (grizzelbee) Upd: added PowerOn/Off buttons for Coffee-systems & hoods -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) testing actions better before sending to permit errors - -### V3.0.1 (2021-02-25) -> *Hint:* Action_Information and Action_Status objects are created on first action execution and contain infos to the last executed action. -> Please take care of notes regarding [Controlling your devices](#Controlling your devices). -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved logging in some parts - objects get stringified. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) Actions are working again -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Actions are tested before sending whether they are permitted in current device state -* (grizzelbee) Upd: estimatedEndTime doesn't show seconds anymore -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved documentation -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed unused function decrypt -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed superfluent parameters - - -### V3.0.0 (2021-02-18) -> Hint: ecoFeedback objects are created on the first run of the device. This allows to only create them, when they contain data. -* (grizzelbee) New: BREAKING CHANGE: Making use of build-in password de-/encryption. This raises the need to re-enter your passwords again, because the old ones can't be decrypted anymore. -* (grizzelbee) New: [70](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/70) Implements Miele API 1.0.4 -* (grizzelbee) New: [64](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/64) Introduces data point estimatedFinishingTime -* (grizzelbee) New: [54](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/54) Poll interval can now freely be selected in seconds and minutes -* (grizzelbee) Upd: [73](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/73) BREAKING CHANGE: Removed white-spaces from any ID in device tree. This creates completely new device trees. So please delete the old ones. -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed david-dm badge -* (grizzelbee) Upd: updated dependencies -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added passwords to encryptedNative -* (grizzelbee) Fix: added passwords to protectedNative -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [63](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/63) added missing info.connection object to io-package -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [63](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/63) Fixed new Warnings introduced with js-controller 3.2 -* (grizzelbee) Fix: [74](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.mielecloudservice/issues/74) Light-Actions should work now - -### V2.0.3 (2020-09-15) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated country list in config dialog -* (grizzelbee) New: Some more debug code - -### V2.0.2 (2020-09-15) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some debug Code to find an Error -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed error on failed authentication preventing a valid error message - -### V2.0.1 (2020-09-14) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added some debug Code to find an Error -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed error on logout while invalidating token - -### V2.0.0 - Support for Miele API V1.0.3 (2020-08-25) -Some breaking changes in this release. Some data points changed their type. May require fixes in scripts. **Update with care!** -Due to the fix that data points with invalid values aren't created any longer, I recommend deleting all data points in Object view. -* (grizzelbee) Change: New Icon -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Number-data points are no longer created as strings due to their unit. They are correct numbers with units now. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Unit °Celsius is now shown as °C - not longer °Celsius -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced support for °Fahrenheit -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced support for new Value "plateStep" for Hobs. -* (grizzelbee) New: Performing a LogOut from Miele API on shutdown to invalidate the Auth-Tokens. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Data points with invalid values (null/-32768) are no longer created. - -### V1.2.4 (2020-06-09) -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed No-Data Bug (introduced in V1.2.3) - -### V1.2.3 (2020-06-07) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: fixed snyk badge -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved error handling - -### V1.2.2 (2020-05-23) -* (grizzelbee) Upd: removed node 8 from testing on travis.com -* (grizzelbee) Fix: signalActionRequired should work better now -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated documentation -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved error handling in function APISendRequest -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Moved testing of Config to On(Ready) and fixed unit tests with this. - -### V1.2.1 (2020-04-22) -* (grizzelbee) New: Introduced new boolean state (**signalActionRequired**) that indicates that the machine has finished running, but a human action, like putting the wet clothes to the dryer, ... is needed. State is cleared automatically when the door of the appliance is opened, or it is restarted. State is implemented for washing machines, tumble dryers, washer dryer and dishwashers. **Doesn't work perfectly currently.** -* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated Documentation -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed warnings with js-Controller >=3.0 (Issue #23) - -### V1.2.0 (2020-04-18) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new boolean state (**Connected**) that indicates whether the device is connected to WLAN or a gateway. -* (grizzelbee) New: Added new boolean state (**signalInUse**) that indicates whether the device is switched off (false) or in Use (true). -* (grizzelbee) Change: replaced the deprecated http-library **request** with **axios** -* (grizzelbee) Change: Made functions communicating with API asynchronous - -### V1.1.0 (2020-03-07) -* (grizzelbee) New: Added Actions - Implemented all currently supported and documented Actions for all devices. -> Please remember that Actions will only work if you put your device into the appropriate state (e.g. Mobile Control) -please refer to [Miele-Documentation](#documentation) for more Information on actions. - -### V1.0.5 (2020-02-14) -* (grizzelbee) removed node-schedule as a dependency -* (grizzelbee) implemented scheduling via setTimeout, which raises the opportunity - to schedule with less than a minute in the future - -### V1.0.4 (2020-02-12) -* (grizzelbee) removed unneeded setTimeout from main -* (grizzelbee) Clearing scheduler on unload of adapter -* (grizzelbee) Minor updates and fixed typos in Readme - -### V1.0.3 (2020-02-06) -* (grizzelbee) removed an overseen logging of Passwords -* (grizzelbee) Fixed createTemperatureDatapoint to work with less than 3 values delivered from API -* (grizzelbee) Added some documentation -* (grizzelbee) Started implementation of DeviceActions - - -### V1.0.2 (2020-02-05) -* (grizzelbee) removed any logging of Passwords -* (grizzelbee) Fixed bug in config interface introduced during password encryption that config values aren't loaded properly - -### V1.0.1 (2020-02-04) -* (grizzelbee) Fixes in environment for getting adapter into the Repo -* (grizzelbee) Passwords are stored encrypted now - -### V1.0.0 (2020-02-03) -* (grizzelbee) renamed to MieleCloudService to get the ability to publish; the old Name is still blocked by hash99 -* (grizzelbee) Rewritten adapter from scratch - therefore it's incompatible with prior versions and needs to be installed freshly. -* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed all build-errors -* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed "NRefreshToken is not a function"-Bug -* (grizzelbee) Chg: removed Push-API checkbox (maybe introduced newly when API supports this) -* (grizzelbee) Chg: New Icon -* (grizzelbee) New: added support for non-german Miele-Accounts (ALL should be included) -* (grizzelbee) Complete new layout of data points -* (grizzelbee) Device types are grouped now - ### 0.9.1 (2019-07-26) * (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed small bug introduced in V0.9.0 throwing an exception in debugging code diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md index e17047c9b..0e7c7102f 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md title: ioBroker.myvbus -hash: aF4K57u2d/78Cw2v4pkxrJUrcmi9N7upgA12YFtYMP4= +hash: ZiVALRmHECLNqlEbG+VupRJUNFp71+MElfgIjLt0HE4= --- # IoBroker.myvbus ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/admin/myvbus.png) @@ -11,57 +11,76 @@ hash: aF4K57u2d/78Cw2v4pkxrJUrcmi9N7upgA12YFtYMP4= ![安装数量(最新)](http://iobroker.live/badges/myvbus-installed.svg) ![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.myvbus.svg) ![安装数量(稳定)](http://iobroker.live/badges/myvbus-stable.svg) -![NPM版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.myvbus.svg) -![国家公共管理](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.myvbus.png?downloads=true) +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.myvbus.svg) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.myvbus.png?downloads=true) -**测试:** ![测试与发布](https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.myvbus/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**测试:**![测试与发布](https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.myvbus/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## Resol VBus 的 ioBroker 适配器 -该适配器使用 resol-vbus 将 ioBroker 连接到各种基于 VBus 的设备,resol-vbus 是 Daniel Wippermann 提供的用于采集 RESOL VBus 数据的 JavaScript 库。 +该适配器使用 resol-vbus(Daniel Wippermann 提供的用于获取 RESOL VBus 数据的 JavaScript 库)将 ioBroker 连接到各种基于 VBus 的设备。 ## 特征 -* 能够从各种 RESOL(R) VBus(R) 设备读取测量数据 - 最好是 DeltaSol(R) 系列的太阳能和系统控制器,包括内置热量表 (HQM) - 使用 DL3 或 DL2 数据记录器、KM2通信模块、VBus/LAN 接口适配器或通过 TCP/IP 进行本地串行/LAN 网关。 -* 还支持使用 VBus/USB 串行接口适配器或使用 DLx/KMx 通过 VBus.net(R) 进行设备访问。 -* 处理实时 VBus 数据流并使其可用作 ioBroker 状态。 -* 值根据可配置的周期时间进行更新。 -* 不支持读取或设置VBus设备配置参数。为此,应使用 Resol 提供的工具,例如通过 VBus.net 或参数化工具 RPT。 +* 能够从各种 RESOL(R) VBus(R) 设备(最好是 DeltaSol(R) 系列的太阳能和系统控制器,包括内置热量计 (HQM))读取测量数据,使用 DL3 或 DL2 数据记录器、KM2 通信模块、VBus/LAN 接口适配器或通过 TCP/IP 本地的串行/LAN 网关。 +* 还支持使用 VBus/USB 串行接口适配器或通过 VBus.net(R) 使用 DLx/KMx 进行设备访问。 +* 处理实时 VBus 数据流并使其按照 ioBroker 状态可用。 +* 值会根据可配置的循环时间进行更新。 +* 不支持读取或设置 VBus 设备配置参数。应使用 Resol 提供的工具来实现此目的,例如通过 VBus.net 或参数化工具 RPT。 -支持 VBus 设备控制的该适配器的派生版本可在 获取 +该适配器的派生版本支持对 VBus 设备的控制,可在 上找到。 -* 由于DL3接口的限制,不支持读取DL3通道0(直接连接到DL3设备的传感器)。 +* 由于 DL3 接口的限制,不支持读取 DL3 通道 0(直接连接到 DL3 设备的传感器)。 ## 配置提示 -* 连接设备类型,例如必须明确选择 VBus/LAN 或 DL2,否则将无法建立连接。 -* TCP 连接端口:默认设置 7053 不应更改 -* 设备密码:您在连接设备中设置的密码(默认:vbus) -* DL3 通道:仅与 DL3/DL2Plus 相关 - 对于所有其他连接设备,保留“无”。 +* 连接设备类型,例如 VBus/LAN 或 DL2。必须明确选择,否则不会建立连接。 +* TCP 连接端口:仅相关或基于 LAN 的访问。默认设置 7053 不应更改 +* 设备密码:您在连接设备上设置的密码(默认:vbus) +* DL3 通道:仅与 DL3/DL2Plus 相关 - 对于所有其他连接设备,保留为“无”。 -(允许值:1-6,通道0无法读出) +(允许值:1-6,通道 0 无法读出) + +* 通过标签:仅与通过 VBus.net 的 DL3、DL2、KM2 访问相关 - 对于所有其他连接设备留空。 +* 更新间隔:测量值更新之间的时间(默认30秒) +* VBus/USB 直接串行接口访问的正确设置是: +* 连接设备:VBus/USB +* 设备地址:串行接口适配器所连接的串行端口的路径,如 + +对于 Linux,为 '/dev/ttyUSB0' 或 '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_USB-Modul_UO2102_TDEB6I8DAVDLGAGC-if00-port0' 或 '/dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-port0';对于基于 Windows 的 ioBroker 平台,为 'COM5' -* 更新间隔:测量值更新的时间间隔(默认30s) * VBus/LAN、DL3、DL2、KM2 直接 LAN 访问的正确设置为: - * 连接设备:VBus/LAN 或 KM2/DL2 或 DL3/DL2Plus - * 设备地址:IP 地址(例如或 ExcellentQualifiedHostName(例如 myKM2.fritz.box) -* 通过 VBus.net 访问 DL3、DL2、KM2 的正确设置是: - * 连接设备:DL3/DL2Plus 或 DL2/KM2 - * 设备地址:vbus.net(或 vbus.io) - 都没有 http:// 和 Via 标识符! - * Via 标签:YourViaIdentifier(例如 d1234567890) - 前面没有 http:// ,后面没有 .vbus.io - -## 法律声明 +* 连接设备:VBus/LAN 或 KM2/DL2 或 DL3/DL2Plus +* 设备地址:IP 地址(例如或 FullyQualifiedHostName(例如 myKM2.fritz.box) +* 通过 VBus.net 访问 DL3、DL2、KM2 的正确设置为: +* 连接设备:DL3/DL2Plus 或 DL2/KM2 +* 设备地址:vbus.net(或 vbus.io)- 均不带 http:// 和 Via 标识符! +* Via 标签:YourViaIdentifier(例如 d1234567890)- 前面不带 http://,后面不带 .vbus.io + +## 法律声明 RESOL、VBus、VBus.net、DeltaSol 等是 RESOL - Elektronische Regelungen GmbH 的商标或注册商标 -所有其他商标均为其各自所有者的财产。 -作者并未以任何方式获得 RESOL GmbH 或任何相关子公司、徽标或商标的认可或附属。 +所有其他商标均归其各自所有者所有。 +作者不以任何方式获得 RESOL GmbH 或任何相关子公司、徽标或商标的认可或附属。 ## Changelog +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-30) - 2025H1 maintenance release + +* (pdbjjens) New: Accept serial port paths /dev/serial/by-id/usb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or /dev/serial/by-path/platform-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +* (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 +* (simatec) Responsive Design added + +### 0.4.0 (2024-08-13) - 2024H2 maintenance release + +* (pdbjjens) Change: node>=18, js-contoller>=5 and admin>=6 required +* (pdbjjens) Change: Removed .npmignore +* (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies + ### 0.3.0 (2024-01-24) - 2024 maintenance release * (pdbjjens) New: Use JSON config UI @@ -79,23 +98,11 @@ RESOL、VBus、VBus.net、DeltaSol 等是 RESOL - Elektronische Regelungen GmbH * (pdbjjens) Fix password check -### 0.2.3 (2023-02-27) - 2023 maintenance release - -* (pdbjjens) Updated dependencies -* (pdbjjens) New: Use adapter-dev instead of gulp translate -* (pdbjjens) Fix: error handling for serial connections - -### 0.2.2 (2022-02-11) - -* Updated dependencies -* Compatibility check for js-controller 4.0 -* Support for js-controller 1.x dropped - ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Jens-Peter Jensen +Copyright (c) 2025 Jens-Peter Jensen Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md index bfc4f3c1d..dde27b090 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md title: ioBroker 适配器从 OpenLigaDB 获取足球比赛结果 -hash: DB+jiEnmIjsdyzVLRF6oEEU3UF6WtWK0uJuomZNrzJM= +hash: hg3XI6pnogJ4TCFV92FGjS6mePxT99QxVlLybvBM2JU= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/admin/openligadb_n.png) @@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ Das ist die klassische Tabellenansicht.\ Die Tabelle enthält verschiedene Spalt | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |百搭| | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches (Achtung im alten widget musste hier noch table ausgewählt werden) ausgewählt werden。联赛/赛季配置中的数据点,落入了安加本的罪孽之中。 Der Datenpunkt enthält alle Spieldaten einer Liga/Season im JSON 格式。我们的日期是根据该方式的基础而制定的。 | |当前游戏日 | | Hier ist ein Datenpunk zu wählen, der mit curgameday benannt ist.联赛/赛季配置中的数据点,落入了安加本的罪孽之中。适配器是当前基准数据的基础。游戏标签将在未来游戏标签的游戏时间和未来游戏标签的时间间隔内进行。 | -|模式 | | Listenauswahl 在 welchem Modus die Tabelle angezeigt werden soll zur Auswahl steht Gesamt (1total)、Heim (2home) 或 Auswärts (3away)、Hinrunde (4round1) 或 Rückrunde (5round2)。 | +|模式 | | Listenauswahl 在 welchem Modus die Tabelle angezeigt werden soll zur Auswahl steht Gesamt(1total)、Heim (2home) 或 Auswärts (3away)、Hinrunde (4round1) 或 Rückrunde (5round2)。 | |模式绑定 | |属性在属性模式下有效。 Es wurde ergänzend eingeführ, so das der Tabellenmodus ebenfalls per Binding gesteuert werden kann.在 Textfeld 中,我们将使用该模式。当您使用属性模式时,该属性将被更改为属性模式。 Ein Normalanwender sollte er nichts eintragen。 | |马克西康 | | Maxmale Größe des Manschaftsicons in x oder y-Richtung。 | |简称 | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wrd der Kurzname angezeigt,落在 den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde 中。 | |索特伦德 | | Auswahl,wenn Trendicons angezeigt werden solen。 Der Trend wird im Vergleich zum vorherigen Spieltag berechnet。 | -|突出| | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semikolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden die hervorgehoben werden sollen。 Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen。带有 HTML 标签的珠宝名称`` 是最伟大的。详细格式可以参见 css-Klasse“最喜欢的”erfolgen。 Ausserdem 可以突出显示单个 CSS-Klasse angegeben werden。 Vgl。卡皮特尔待办事项 | +|突出| | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semikolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden die hervorgehoben werden sollen。 Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen。带有 HTML 标签的珠宝名称`` 是最伟大的。详细格式可以参见 css-Klasse“最喜欢的”erfolgen。 Ausserdem 可以突出显示单个 CSS-Klasse angegeben werden。 Vgl。待办事项 | |过滤器| | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit Semikolon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden and deren die Tabelle gefiltert dargestellt wird。 | | iconup、icondn、iconst |属性组图标| Trendicons 定义了我们的特征。 | -| showgameday 在 der Attributgruppe |警告 |您可以查看游戏中的游戏标签 | 游戏标签 | -|属性组中的lastgamecount |警告 | Wenn hier eine Zahl eingegeben wird, dann wird die Tabelle nur für die Anzahl von Spieltagen bis zum aktuell angezeigten Spieltag (in Abhängigkeit von currgameday und showgameday) berechnet Beispiel: Eingabe bei showgameday = 10 und bei lastgamecount=5: Die Tabelle wird nur für die Spieltage 6-10 berechnet (5 Spieltage) | 游戏 | +| Showgameday 在 der Attributgruppe |警告 |您可以查看游戏中的游戏标签 | 游戏标签 | +|属性组中的lastgamecount |警告 | Wenn hier eine Zahl eingegeben wird, dann wird die Tabelle nur für die Anzahl von Spieltagen bis zum aktuell angezeigten Spieltag (in Abhängigkeit von currgameday und showgameday) berechnet Beispiel: Eingabe bei showgameday = 10 und bei lastgamecount=5: Die Tabelle wird nur für die Spieltage 6-10 berechnet (5 Spieltage) | für die Spieltage 6-10 berechnet (5 Spieltage) | ### Gameday v2 的游戏 ![小部件比赛日](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/widgets/openligadb/img/gameday.png) @@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ Dieses Widget zeigt den Spieltag 和。我无法理解当前的情况,相对 游戏中的游戏元素非常丰富。 Bestimmte Elemente der Anzeige wurden mit **CSS-Klassen** versehen,für die dann beliebig eine bestimmte Formatierung festgelegt werden kann: -| CSS 类 |元素的格式|安梅尔宫 | +| CSS 类 |元素的格式 |安梅尔宫 | | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |最喜欢 | im Anzeigekopf eines Spieltages (Datum/Uhrzeit) | Hier kann Datum und Uhrzeit formatiert werden, wenn die Lieblingsmannschaft am Spieltag spielt. ggfs。可以看到CSS-Klasse“todaygameheader”的含义。 | -|最喜欢 |曼斯查夫特斯名称 | Hier kann der Mannschaftsname entprechend formatiert werden。 | +|最喜欢 |曼斯查夫特斯名称 | Hier kann der Mannschaftsname entsprechend formatiert werden。 | |今日游戏 |游戏的完整内容 | Wird markiert,wenn das Spiel am heutigen Tag statt findet。 | |今日游戏标题 | im Anzeigekopf eines Spieltages (Datum/Uhrzeit) | Wird markiert,wenn das Spieltagsdatum am heutigen 标签 ist | @@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ Bestimmte Elemente der Anzeige wurden mit **CSS-Klassen** versehen,für die da |马克西康 | | Maxmale Größe des Manschaftsicons in x oder y-Richtung。 | |简称 | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wrd der Kurzname angezeigt,落在 den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde 中。 | |展示目标 | |有关 Torschützen 的信息。 | -|突出| |您可以使用分号 (;) 来表示所有内容,然后使用分号 (;) 来表示。 Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen。带有 HTML 标签的珠宝名称`` 是最伟大的。详细格式可以参见 css-Klasse“最喜欢的”erfolgen。 Ausserdem 可以突出显示单个 CSS-Klasse angegeben werden。 Vgl。卡皮特尔待办事项 | -|秀游戏日 |警告 | Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, wird immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine Positive Zahl ein, dann wird, Falls vorhanden, der ausgewählte Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine negative Zahl ein, dann wird relativ aktuellen Spieltag dieser angezeigt (bspw -1 entpricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | +|突出| |您可以使用分号 (;) 来表示所有内容,然后使用分号 (;) 来表示。 Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen。带有 HTML 标签的珠宝名称`` 是最伟大的。详细的格式可以参考 css-Klasse“最喜欢的”erfolgen。 Ausserdem 可以突出显示单个 CSS-Klasse angegeben werden。 Vgl。卡皮特尔待办事项 | +|秀游戏日 |警告 | Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, wird immer der aktuelle Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine Positive Zahl ein, dann wird, Falls vorhanden, der ausgewählte Spieltag angezeigt.Trägt man eine negative Zahl ein, dann wird relativ aktuellen Spieltag dieser angezeigt (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | |显示游戏天数 |警告 | 1. 游戏中的游戏内容。一切都已经结束,但安扎尔·冯·斯皮尔塔根 (Anzahl von Spieltagen),在 showgameday 的比赛中也将出现。 | |每周演出 |警告 | Zeigt vor dem Datum wahlweise den Wochentag 和。 | @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ ggfs。可以将其视为 vis-bound rechnet 和 gefüllt werden。 绑定不是在编辑模式下进行的,绑定在编辑模式中是在当前的游戏标签中进行的。 ### 最喜爱的俱乐部的比赛 2 -![最喜欢的游戏](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/widgets/openligadb/img/favgames.png) Diese Widget zeigt die nächsten Spiele deiner Lieblingsmannschaften aus ein oder mehrerer Ligen and.在 Auswahl der Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Ligen 中,我们将 Liga 与单独的配置组管理一起,在 der die folgenden Einstellungen vorgenommen werden können 中。 +![最喜欢的游戏](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/widgets/openligadb/img/favgames.png) Diese Widget zeigt die nächsten Spiele deiner Lieblingsmannschaften aus ein oder mehrerer Ligen and.在 Ligen 的 Auswahl der Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Ligen 中,我们将 Liga 与单独的配置组管理,以在 der die folgenden Einstellungen vorgenommen werden können 中进行。 Wenn das Spiel am heutigen Tag statt findet,dann wird das jeweilige Spiel (todaygame) mit CSS-Klassen versehen。 #### 示例 @@ -149,17 +149,17 @@ Wenn das Spiel am heutigen Tag statt findet,dann wird das jeweilige Spiel (tod |显示结果 |概要 | Auswahl,ob die Spielergebnisse,sofern bekannt,angezeigt werden sollen | |显示缩写 |概要 | Um die Spiele der einzelnen Ligen unterscheiden zu können, kann man eine eigene Kürzung in der jeweiligen Configuration eintragen.您可以将其打开,然后将其打开。 | |每周演出 |概要 | Zeigt vor dem Datum wahlweise den Wochentag 和。 Die folgenden der Gruppe Liga können sich in Abhängigkeit der Eingabe bei **Anzahl Liga** mehrfach wiederholen。 | -|百搭|联赛| Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches ausgewählt werden。联赛/赛季配置中的数据点,落入了安加本的罪孽之中。以 JSON 格式查看联赛/赛季的所有比赛和比赛 | +|百搭|联赛 | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches ausgewählt werden。联赛/赛季配置中的数据点,落入了安加本的罪孽之中。以 JSON 格式查看联赛/赛季的所有比赛和比赛 | |当前游戏日 |联赛 |今日游戏当天请注意以下事项。联赛/赛季配置中的数据点,落入了安加本的罪孽之中。适配器是当前基准数据的基础。游戏标签是指在游戏中的游戏标签和未来的游戏标签之间的时间间隔。 | -|秀游戏日 |联赛 |温恩 (Wenn) 看着镜头,立即沉浸在游戏中。 Trägt man eine Positive Zahl ein,dann wird,falls vorhanden,vom ausgewählte Spieltag ausgegangen。 Trägt man eine negative Zahl ein,dann wird relativ aktuellen spieltag ausgegangen (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | -|显示游戏天数 |联赛|您可以在此处查看旧游戏中的游戏内容。请注意,请在所有剩余的 Spieltage 操作(最大 9999 Spieltage)中进行操作,然后在所有 Spiele 中进行 Anzahl von Spieltagen,然后在 showgameday 操作中进行操作。 | -|简称 |联赛| Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wrd der Kurzname angezeigt,落在 den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde 中。 | -|缩写|联赛| Abkürzung die für diese Liga angezeigt werden soll, sofern showabbreviation ausgewählt wurde。 | +|秀游戏日 |联赛|温恩 (Wenn) 看着镜头,立即沉浸在游戏中。 Trägt man eine Positive Zahl ein,dann wird,falls vorhanden,vom ausgewählte Spieltag ausgegangen。 Trägt man eine negative Zahl ein,dann wird relativ aktuellen spieltag ausgegangen (bspw -1 entspricht dem vorherigen Spieltag) | +|显示游戏天数 |联赛 |您可以在索伦的游戏中进行游戏。请注意,请在所有剩余的 Spieltage 操作(最大 9999 Spieltage)中进行操作,然后在所有 Spiele 中进行 Anzahl von Spieltagen,然后在 showgameday 操作中进行操作。 | +|简称 |联赛 | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wrd der Kurzname angezeigt,落在 den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde 中。 | +|缩写|联赛| Abkürzung die für diese Liga angezeigt werden soll, sofern showabbreviation ausgewählt wurde. | |突出|联赛 | Hier können ein oder mehrere Begriffe mit mit Colon (;) getrennt eingegeben werden, um die Lieblingsmanschaften zu finden。 Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen。您可以在其他小部件中找到它。 | #### Beispiele 最喜爱俱乐部游戏 ##### Beispiele für das Binding im Attribut showgameday 最喜欢的俱乐部游戏 -ggfs。可以看到与绑定的 berechnet 和 gefüllt werden 相关的字段。 +ggfs。可以将其视为 vis-bound rechnet 和 gefüllt werden。 相关游戏标签: ```css @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ ggfs。可以看到与绑定的 berechnet 和 gefüllt werden 相关的字段。 ### 数据透视表 2 Diese Widget zeigt die alle Spiele 和 Ergebnisse als Pivottabelle 和 -| CSS 类 |元素的格式 |贝斯皮尔 | +| CSS 类 |元素的格式|贝斯皮尔 | | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | |最喜欢 |曼斯查夫特名称 | 亮点 | | @@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ Diese Widget zeigt die alle Spiele 和 Ergebnisse als Pivottabelle 和 ``` #### 属性数据透视表 -|属性 |集团 |说明 | +|属性|集团 |说明 | | ------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |百搭|概要 | Hier muss ein Datenpunkt mit der Bezeichnung allmatches ausgewählt werden。联赛/赛季配置中的数据点,落入了安加本的罪孽之中。以 JSON 格式查看联赛/赛季的所有比赛和比赛 | |当前游戏日 |概要 |今日游戏当天请注意以下事项。联赛/赛季配置中的数据点,落入了安加本的罪孽之中。适配器是当前基准数据的基础。游戏标签是指在游戏中的游戏标签和未来的游戏标签之间的时间间隔。 | |马克西康 | | Maxmale Größe des Manschaftsicons in x oder y-Richtung。 | |排序4e | | Einstellung nachdem sortiert werden soll。 | |简称 | | Anstatt des Manschaftsnamens wrd der Kurzname angezeigt,落在 den vorliegenden Daten gepflegt wurde 中。 | -|亮点是安芳| |这是突出显示的 Anfang der Tabelle angezeigt。 | +|亮点是安芳| |这是突出显示的Anfang der Tabelle angezeigt。 | |突出| |您可以使用分号 (;) 来表示所有内容,然后使用分号 (;) 来表示。 Die Suche erfolgt nur in den Mannschaftsnamen。带有 HTML 标签的珠宝名称`` 是最伟大的。详细格式可以参见 css-Klasse“最喜欢的”erfolgen。 | ### 进球者 2 @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Bedingung dann bei jedem der 3 Widgets jeweils nur einen der folgenden Werte ein du unter sichtbarkeit bei den widgets eingetragen hast zusammenpassen 8. Bei Texte das folgende eintragen: Gesamt;Heim;Auswärts -9. Dann in den vis 运行时 gehen und ausprobieren +9. Dann in den vis running gehen und ausprobieren 10. Wenn alles funktioniert zum Schluss noch die widgets exakt übereinander 传奇,所以是澳大利亚人 @@ -391,287 +391,290 @@ sendTo( - ~~在比赛日小部件中可控制比赛日~~ ## Changelog - - - -### 1.8.0 (2024-10-27) - -- move widget documentation from html file to readme -- adjust and prove responsive design for jsonconfig +### 1.8.1 (2025-01-23) + +- adjust breakpoints in jsonConfig as a workaround for the new table/card-elements + +### 1.8.0 (2024-10-27) + +- move widget documentation from html file to readme +- adjust and prove responsive design for jsonconfig - implement individual color settings for highlite and filters for each widget -### 1.7.0 (2024-09-16) - +### 1.7.0 (2024-09-16) + - fix quotes -### 1.6.0 (2024-09-16) - +### 1.6.0 (2024-09-16) + - reimplement checkTodayFavorite -### 1.5.0 (2024-09-15) - -- Addition of a CSS example for the Pivot Table widget -- add `sendTo` command to getMatchData -- remove deprecated widgets +### 1.5.0 (2024-09-15) + +- Addition of a CSS example for the Pivot Table widget +- add `sendTo` command to getMatchData +- remove deprecated widgets - addition widget option "only logo" to supress the teamname -### 1.4.11 (2024-08-09) - +### 1.4.11 (2024-08-09) + - fix issues from adapter checker -### 1.4.10 (2024-08-02) - -- switch to eslint 9 +### 1.4.10 (2024-08-02) + +- switch to eslint 9 - adjust markdownlint settings to be compatible with prettier -### 1.4.9 (2024-06-13) - -- fix if no game exist for team1/team2 -- somme prettier changes +### 1.4.9 (2024-06-13) + +- fix if no game exist for team1/team2 +- somme prettier changes - launch config for vscode -### 1.4.8 (2024-06-06) - +### 1.4.8 (2024-06-06) + - release -### 1.4.7 (2024-06-04) - +### 1.4.7 (2024-06-04) + - update dependencies -### 1.4.6 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.6 (2024-06-01) + - fix yml structure -### 1.4.5 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.5 (2024-06-01) + - fix yml structure -### 1.4.4 (2024-06-01) - -- Enable NPM Publish -- Enable dependabot +### 1.4.4 (2024-06-01) + +- Enable NPM Publish +- Enable dependabot - fix checks from adapter checker -### 1.4.3 (2024-06-01) - +### 1.4.3 (2024-06-01) + - remove files from eslint check -### 1.4.2 (2024-06-01) - -- fix double qoutes +### 1.4.2 (2024-06-01) + +- fix double qoutes - remove files from eslint check -### 1.4.1 (2024-06-01) - -- update package and io-broker files -- fix problems with vis2 +### 1.4.1 (2024-06-01) + +- update package and io-broker files +- fix problems with vis2 - remove vis as a -### 1.2.4 - +### 1.2.4 + - fix problems reported by adapter-checker -### 1.2.3 - +### 1.2.3 + - add connectiontype and datasource to io-package.json -### 1.2.2 - +### 1.2.2 + - fix result calculation -### 1.2.1 - +### 1.2.1 + - fix object type -### 1.2.0 - -- fix display of goals if goals are without minutes and playername saved by openligadb - +### 1.2.0 + +- fix display of goals if goals are without minutes and playername saved by openligadb + - fixed that sometimed request of states failed -### 1.1.0 - +### 1.1.0 + - prepare v1.1.0 -### 1.0.3 - +### 1.0.3 + - change setstate/createobject logic -### 1.0.2 - -- remove deprecated widgets / change widget beta flag - +### 1.0.2 + +- remove deprecated widgets / change widget beta flag + - improve debug messages -### 1.0.1 - +### 1.0.1 + - improve error message for requests -### 1.0.0 - +### 1.0.0 + - prepare for stable repository -### 0.11.5 - -- pivottable: show only results for selected gameday -- table3: icon attributes, add image selection dialog -- table3: add an extra attribute for mode to use with binding +### 0.11.5 + +- pivottable: show only results for selected gameday +- table3: icon attributes, add image selection dialog +- table3: add an extra attribute for mode to use with binding - all widgets: update documentation -### 0.11.4 - +### 0.11.4 + - fixed build/test problem -### 0.11.3 - +### 0.11.3 + - pivottable: fix problem with rank number -### 0.11.2 - -- pivottable: fix problem with sort and highlightontop +### 0.11.2 + +- pivottable: fix problem with sort and highlightontop - fix problem with goalgetters -### 0.11.1 - -- change some template settings, goalgetter table get headers, - add object change sensing -- widget goalgetters: add parameter highlight and showonlyhighlight -- widget pivottable: add sort option and choice to place favorite teams on top +### 0.11.1 + +- change some template settings, goalgetter table get headers, + add object change sensing +- widget goalgetters: add parameter highlight and showonlyhighlight +- widget pivottable: add sort option and choice to place favorite teams on top - remove year from date for several widgets -### 0.11.0 - -- extend table to calculate with x last games and extend table to calculate - ranking for a defined gameday, to ensure backward compatibility i have to - create a new table v3 widget -- extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change) -- new widget goal getter ranking with sort function -- new widget pivot table of played games +### 0.11.0 + +- extend table to calculate with x last games and extend table to calculate + ranking for a defined gameday, to ensure backward compatibility i have to + create a new table v3 widget +- extend table with trend sign (arrow up/down, point for no change) +- new widget goal getter ranking with sort function +- new widget pivot table of played games - extend table modes with 1st round,2nd round -### 0.10.3 - -- change computing and output logic of gameday widget to mark gameday - header with favorite class -- improve documentation with css-klasses for table widget +### 0.10.3 + +- change computing and output logic of gameday widget to mark gameday + header with favorite class +- improve documentation with css-klasses for table widget - bugfix for calculate gameday. -### 0.10.2 - -- Add data column goaldiff to table widget, improve more documentation - (systax highlighting,copy code function), add example to +### 0.10.2 + +- Add data column goaldiff to table widget, improve more documentation + (systax highlighting,copy code function), add example to control gameday with buttons, -### 0.10.1 - -- Improve documentation with more recipes and syntax highlighting, +### 0.10.1 + +- Improve documentation with more recipes and syntax highlighting, improve code to get and subscribe states -### 0.10.0 - -- New widget Table 2 that includes the calculation of the total, home and - away results. the previous widget is now deprecated, due to the +### 0.10.0 + +- New widget Table 2 that includes the calculation of the total, home and + away results. the previous widget is now deprecated, due to the different datapoint (allmatches) to be selected. -### 0.9.3 - +### 0.9.3 + - Remove ES6 features due to compatibility with older browsers -### 0.9.2 - +### 0.9.2 + - next try to fix the experimental javascript binding function -### 0.9.1 - +### 0.9.1 + - fix bugs in calculation matchresults and highlight clubs in favgames -### 0.9.0 - -- new Function for vis Binding to search for games at the actual day for - favorite clubs, css-classes für games at actual day, fix bug to show +### 0.9.0 + +- new Function for vis Binding to search for games at the actual day for + favorite clubs, css-classes für games at actual day, fix bug to show the right match results, -### 0.8.0 - -- push version for latest repository. fix some typos. fix a problem with +### 0.8.0 + +- push version for latest repository. fix some typos. fix a problem with date handling on different OS -### 0.0.11 - +### 0.0.11 + - widget gameday: fix issue with not working gamedaycount -### 0.0.10 - +### 0.0.10 + - widget gameday: optional you can show informations about the goalgetters -### 0.0.9 - -- optional weekday for widgets: gameday and gamesoffavclub,highlight the +### 0.0.9 + +- optional weekday for widgets: gameday and gamesoffavclub,highlight the clubname in gamesoffavclub -### 0.0.8 - -- new widget games of favorite clubs with multi league support as +### 0.0.8 + +- new widget games of favorite clubs with multi league support as replacement for the old one -### 0.0.7 - +### 0.0.7 + - close connections and remove observers (timeouts/intervals) -### 0.0.6 - +### 0.0.6 + - NPM deployment and preperation for the latest repository -### 0.0.5 - -- highlight favorite club, -- Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding, -- widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous - gameday and 3 gamedays after that) -- some documentation -- remove unused code -- new widget: next x games of club +### 0.0.5 + +- highlight favorite club, +- Replacement value for edit mode if showgameday is set with binding, +- widget gameday setting for start gameday an length (-1,3 = show previous + gameday and 3 gamedays after that) +- some documentation +- remove unused code +- new widget: next x games of club - fix issue for dynamic with of club column -### 0.0.4 - +### 0.0.4 + - fixed more oids in vis runtime -### 0.0.3 - +### 0.0.3 + - fixed getting oids in vis runtime -### 0.0.2 - +### 0.0.2 + - add controlable gameday logic to gameday widget and adapter -### 0.0.1 - +### 0.0.1 + - initial release ## License - -MIT License - -Copyright (c) 2024 oweitman - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2025 oweitman + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6119af31a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md +title: ioBroker.oxxify-风扇控制 +hash: oq5N579uZOxRokPPLSJhmBKEBhaE9V0YfAc9SK7y/Wg= +--- +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg) +![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg) +![节点](https://img.shields.io/node/v-lts/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control) +![Libraries.io 最新版本的依赖状态](https://img.shields.io/librariesio/release/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control?label=npm%20dependencies) +![安装数量](https://iobroker.live/badges/oxxify-fan-control-installed.svg) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.png?downloads=true) +![测试版](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control.svg?color=red&label=beta) +![稳定的](http://iobroker.live/badges/oxxify-fan-control-stable.svg) + + + +# IoBroker.oxxify-风扇控制 +**测试:**![测试与发布](https://github.com/N-b-dy/ioBroker.oxxify-fan-control/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## IoBroker 的 oxxify-fan-control 适配器 +将 Oxxify 风扇集成到您的智能家居中。所有提供的 ioBroker 数据点均基于[这里](./doc/BDA_Anschluss_SmartHome_RV_V2.pdf) 所述的通信协议。由于其他制造商也在使用相同的协议(例如 Blauberg 通风口),因此它们也很可能同样有效。 + +## 工作设备 +- Oxxify smart 50(由我测试过) +- 任何其他具有 WiFi 的 Oxxify 设备 +- Blauberg Vents(应该是,但尚未测试) + +### 对象树描述 +对象树包含名为“设备”的文件夹,该文件夹为每个配置的风扇创建一个条目。下面的通道使用制造商提供的唯一风扇 ID 创建。在列 _name_ 中,使用来自配置的条目来更好地区分风扇。在每个风扇下方创建四个通道,以对每个风扇提供的数据进行分组。它们的解释如下: + +#### 粉丝数据 +该通道包含任何与风扇相关的数据,如计时器、风扇速度、开/关状态以及有关过滤器清洁/更换间隔的信息。风扇操作模式包含来自通信协议的数值以及语音字符串状态。值只能用数字来写(例如,1 表示加热恢复)。计时器模式和风扇速度模式也是如此,它们接受 1、2、3 和 255 进行手动速度设置。风扇 2 的风扇速度在我的设备(Oxxify pro 50)上不可用,并且在关闭状态下保持 0 rpm,在任何运行状态下保持 1500。其他值根据速度而变化。 + +![图像](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png) + +#### 网络数据 +网络数据目前是只读的,此处的写入/更改值尚未实现,可以使用制造商的应用程序完成。云服务器控制状态也是如此。 + +![图像](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png) + +#### 传感器数据 +传感器的数据输入按照协议中的定义实现。模拟电压值以协议中的定义表示。我没有连接任何模拟和继电器传感器,因此我无法真正测试如果激活它们会发生什么。 + +![图像](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png) + +#### 系统数据 +此通道包含有关硬件和固件以及运行时间、RTC 电池电压和日期/时间的系统数据。在这里可以重置警报,还可以根据配置的 NTP 服务器设置 RTC 时间。根据我的经验,有时可能会发生这种情况:在 RTC 时间同步后,新的(正确)值不会立即显示,直到下一次数据轮询。 + +![图像](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png) + +## 待办事项 +- 在 npm 上发布稳定版本 +- 将适配器添加到 ioBroker repo +- 实施更多测试 +- 改进文档 +- 实现缺失的数据点(如时间表、网络数据写入和云控制) + + + +## Changelog + +### 0.0.4 (2025-01-31) + +- Updated ESLint to 9.x.x +- Fixed copyright issue from adapter checker +- Replaced deletion of all objects with deletion of missing devices from config only +- Avoided illegal characters from user input for fan id within code +- Changed state subscription to all states below the devices folder +- Added restart logic of UDP server in case of an error +- Added adapter terminiation if multiple udp server errors occured +- Replaced cyclic checking of the send quene with a timeout approach instead of interval +- Missing intermediate objects created +- Roles updated according to the read/write definitions +- Polling interval limited in JSON config and code +- ioBroker unit in object tree for RTC date & time removed + +### 0.0.3 (2025-01-11) + +- Added states for objects with high byte 0x03 with reading and writing +- Recreate device objects on adapter restart +- Simplified methods for writing fan data based on subscribed states +- Added a first unit test for the parsing of numbers. + +### 0.0.2 (2025-01-06) + +- (N-b-dy) initial release + +## License + +Copyright (c) 2025 N-b-dy + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + +### Disclaimer of Warranty. + +THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +### Limitation of Liability. + +IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aeac25d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/admin/oxxify-fan-control.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18da8c7a3 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/fan-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2031b1f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/network-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79448c0c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/sensors-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..138f7a7a0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/doc/screenshots/system-data.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md index 81d5952ef..a59424848 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/README.md title: ioBroker.reolink -hash: kU3wT/Hp6fLzWrtzLnmeYP3CMJbYa0jykAN+mOPR91M= +hash: /bm8PbcKUsNovM9dM+o7AdtO37eijmF0pbO4vbW2PaU= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.reolink/admin/reolink_logo.png) @@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ ioBroker 平台适配器用于获取[Reolink 相机](https://reolink.com/) 信 一般而言,所有较新的 Reolink 相机都支持 API 命令。它们只是支持的命令有所不同。 +提醒一下密码。如果只有一个特殊字符,请尝试使用或不使用 URI 编码。最好不使用特殊字符,而使用更长的密码以获得相同的安全性。 + 如果您希望包含任何特定的 API 命令...请现在告诉我。 ## 实现的功能 ### 放 - PTZ 控制 / PTZ 防护 - - 推送通知 +- 推送通知 - 设置自动对焦 值: 0,1 @@ -47,15 +49,15 @@ ioBroker 平台适配器用于获取[Reolink 相机](https://reolink.com/) 信 可以通过改变 reolink..settings 状态来触发功能。 ### 得到 - - 设备信息 +- 设备信息 - 云台信息 - 驱动器信息 - 网络信息 - - 运动检测 +- 运动检测 - 自动对焦 - 快照 红外灯 - - LED灯 +LED灯 - 邮件通知 ### 获取图像的示例用法: @@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ sendTo("reolink.0",{action: "snap"}, function(result){ }); ``` -// **result** 的内容是 JSON: +// **result** 的内容是 JSON : ``` {type:"image/png",base64:"iVBORw....askldfj"} @@ -85,10 +87,26 @@ RLC-823A 型 ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (oelison) update disk info +* (oelison) uri enconding is switchable (helps sometimes by one special char) +* (oelison) #28 PTZ check added + +### 1.1.2 (2024-09-14) +* (oelison) [#22](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/22) password with some more special chars works now +* (oelison) adapter warnings resolved + +### 1.1.1 (2024-08-03) +* (oelison) removed warnings from adapter check +* (olli) added ftp support +* (oelison) channel now distinguishing most requests +* (oelison) [#79](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/79) error messages with more info where + +### 1.1.0 (2024-05-16) * (Nibbels) [#56](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/56) added function to switch scheduled recording on and off * (Nibbels) [#25](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/25) detach led light from led light mode * (Nibbels) added setWhiteLedMode function * (Nibbels) read zoom and focus with POST request (works on RLC-823A v3.1) +* (oelison) removed node 16 ### 1.0.3 (2024-01-21) * (oelison) [#49](https://github.com/aendue/ioBroker.reolink/issues/49) @@ -158,7 +176,7 @@ RLC-823A 型 ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Andy Grundt +Copyright (c) 2025 Andy Grundt Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md index 8fe028819..fefc40869 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md title: ioBroker 场景适配器 -hash: FR+CyK5Winwdr8oIsq6WZoOBdSghf+pQvTJGhAHNMXE= +hash: Io2jtg2yoSH0XtMVQvpAhtXEtvJa+v5uqUhWKn5UbdE= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.scenes/admin/scenes.png) @@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ sendTo( ); ``` -适配器将读取此场景中定义的所有 ID 的实际值并将其保存为配置值。 +适配器将读取此场景中定义的所有 ID 的实际值并将其保存为配置的值。 ## 通过消息禁用或启用场景 要禁用或启用某些场景,您可以向适配器发送消息: -``` +```js // enable sendTo( 'scenes.0', @@ -160,6 +160,14 @@ sendTo( ### **正在进行中** --> ## Changelog +### 4.0.1 (2025-01-23) +* (bluefox) Adapter was migrated to TypeScript +* (bluefox) Corrected error with the Select ID dialog + +### 3.2.4 (2025-01-22) +* (bluefox) Migrated to vite +* (bluefox) Packages updated + ### 3.2.3 (2024-08-26) * (bluefox) Packages updated @@ -319,7 +327,7 @@ sendTo( ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2015-2024, Bluefox (dogafox@gmail.com) +Copyright (c) 2015-2025, Bluefox (dogafox@gmail.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md index 27f64d60d..1930afdab 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md @@ -3,109 +3,195 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.sia/README.md title: ioBroker.sia -hash: y50JxbFsgGv1AxFIuIST3nlf5Dy5ocKQXVxRIuqU8ME= +hash: UJIqFmNZCAoAKezO4sHZ5mA7QbhOAyE0neR4o0HS6ac= --- -![商标](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia.png) +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia.png) -![Travis CI构建状态](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.sia.svg?branch=master) -![AppVeyor构建状态](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.sia?branch=master&svg=true) +![Travis CI 构建状态](https://travis-ci.org/schmupu/ioBroker.sia.svg?branch=master) +![AppVeyor 构建状态](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/schmupu/ioBroker.sia?branch=master&svg=true) ![安装数量](http://iobroker.live/badges/sia-stable.svg) -![NPM版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.sia.svg) +![NPM 版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.sia.svg) ![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.sia.svg) -![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.sia.png?downloads=true) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.sia.png?downloads=true) -#ioBroker.sia +# IoBroker.sia ================== -需要node.js 6.0或更高版本以及Admin v3! +需要 node.js 20.0 或更高版本和 Admin v5! -报警系统使用协议SIA DC-09与中心站通信。 +报警系统使用 SIA DC-09 协议通过 SIA-DCS、*SIA-DCS、ADM-CID 和 *ADM-CID 与中央站进行通信。 -此适配器是SIA服务器。当触发警报事件时,警报系统通过IP将sia消息发送到中心站。 -您可以将ioBroker与此适配器一起用作中心站。例如。您可以通过SIA发送电报信息。 +此适配器是 SIA 服务器。当触发警报事件时,警报系统通过 IP(TCP 或 UDP)将 SIA 消息发送到中央站。 +支持以下 ID 令牌: -[SIA DC-09协议](https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/47594214/dc-09-preparing-for-ansi-public-review-security-industry-) +- SIA-DCS(新加坡航空直流控制系统), +- \*SIA DCS(SIA DCS 加密), +- ADM-CID(Ademco 联系 ID), +- \*ADM-CID(Ademco Contact ID 加密) -##安装和配置 -1.安装适配器 +如果使用 *SIA DCS(SIA DCS 加密)或 *ADM-CID(Ademco Contact ID 加密),则必须启用 AES 加密,并且必须输入十六进制格式的 AES 密码。AES 密码必须是 AES-128 = 32 个十六进制字符、AES-192 = 48 个十六进制字符,而对于 AES-256,您必须输入 64 个十六进制字符。 +AES-128 的示例密码为:3A1F6B8C9D4E7F20123456789ABCDEF0。 + +您可以将 ioBroker 与此适配器一起使用作为中央站。例如,如果您收到警报 SIA 消息,您可以通过 ioBroker 发送电报消息。 + +[SIA DC-09 协议](https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/47594214/dc-09-preparing-for-ansi-public-review-security-industry-) + +## 安装和配置 +1. 安装适配器 2.适配器的配置: -选择用于侦听SIA请求的IP地址和端口。 +选择用于监听 SIA 请求的 IP 地址和端口。 ![sia_adapter1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter1.png) -注册帐号。如果您使用AES,则必须输入密码(密钥)。密钥长度应为16个,24个或32个字符(字节)。 -如果复选框“十六进制格式的AES密码”处于活动状态,则密码长度必须为32,48或64个字符(字节)长。 -在字段ACK超时中,您可以定义消息的秒数。如果定义0秒,则不会进行超时验证。 -![sia_adapter2](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter2.png) +注册帐号。如果您使用 AES,则必须输入密码(密钥)。密钥长度应为 16、24 或 32 个字符(字节)。 +如果选中“十六进制格式的 AES 密码”复选框,则密码长度必须为 32、48 或 64 个字符(字节)。 +在 ACK 超时字段中,您可以定义消息的时长(以秒为单位)。如果您定义 0 秒,则不会进行超时验证。 -3.配置防盗系统以发送SIA消息 + ![sia_adapter2](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter2.png) -    * Lupusec XT1 + / XT2 / XT2 + / XT3: +3. 配置防盗系统以发送 SIA 消息 -Einstellungen - >联系人ID:ip:// subcriber @ ip-address-iobroker:port / SIA示例:ip://test@ / SIA + ![sia_lupusec1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_lupusec1.png) - ![sia_lupusec1](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_lupusec1.png) + - Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (SIA-DCS): -    *其他报警系统: +安装 -> 联系 ID : ip:/subscriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA 示例:ip://A111F@ -适配器适用于所有支持SIA DC-09协议的报警系统 +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (\*SIA-DCS) 加密: -4.新航对象/国家 +设置 -> 联系人 ID:ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA/KEY/(十六进制的 128,196 或 256 位密钥)示例:ip://A222F@ -如果您收到SIA消息,则会在状态树中看到它们 +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (ADM-CID): -![sia_adapter3](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter3.png) +安装 -> 联系 ID : ip://subscriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/SIA 示例:ip://A333F@ -## Changelog +- Lupusec XT1+/XT2/XT2+/XT3/XT4 (\*ADM-CID) 加密: + +设置 -> 联系人 ID:ip://subcriber@ip-address-iobroker:port/CID_SIA/KEY/(十六进制的 128,196 或 256 位密钥) 例如:ip://A444F@ + +- 其他报警系统: + +该适配器可与支持 SIA-DCS、*SIA-DCS、ADM-CID 或 *ADM-CID 的所有报警系统配合使用 +4. SIA 对象/状态 -### 1.0.3 (07.06.2019) -* (Stübi) Small improvements to the SIA protocol -* (Stübi) Changed bug in encrypting. Delete appending 8 * 0x10 +如果您收到 SIA 消息,您会在频道帐户下的状态树中看到它们 -### 1.0.2 (16.05.2019) -* (Stübi) Support of UDP. Same port listening as TCP + ![sia_adapter3](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.sia/admin/sia_adapter3.png) -### 1.0.1 (05.03.2019) -* (Stübi) Saving password encrypted. -* (Stübi) ACK and NAC calculation extended. -* (Stübi) CRC can be send in 0xABCD (2 Byte) or ABCD (4 Byte, ASCII) format. Automatic recognizing -* (Stübi) AES Password can be in AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC or AES-256-CBC -* (Stübi) AES Password can be saved in byte or hex (length 16, 24 or 32 byte) format or hex (length 32, 48 or 64 hex) format -* (Stübi) Timeout for ACK (0 = disable, 1 - n sec) -* (Stübi) Set ioBroker States of message on ACK not on NACK +对于每个帐户,您都会看到以下对象: -### 1.0.0 (05.01.2018) -* (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +| 对象 | 描述 | + | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| 帐号 | 帐号(3-16 个 ASCII 字符,“0”-“9”,“A”-“F”)| +| crc | CRC 校验和 | + |外部数据 |扩展数据(ACII数据)| +| id | ID 令牌(例如 SIA-DCS)| +| lpref | 账户前缀 | +| msgdata | 消息数据,始终以 ASCII 表示 | +| rpref | 接收方编号 | +| 序列 | 序列号 | +| ts | 时间戳(仅包含在加密消息中)| -### 0.1.8 (27.12.2018) -* (Stübi) Update Adapter Core File +有趣的是对象:msgdata(消息数据)。在这里你可以看到报警系统抛出的事件。如何解释该事件,你必须询问你的报警系统制造商。 -### 0.1.6 (23.10.2018) -* (Stübi) Bugfxing (NAK) and AES support +ioBroker 中获取事件的一个 javascript 示例: -### 0.1.5 (01.10.2018) -* (Stübi) Translations +``` +// example message: A444F|1401 02 001 +on({ id: 'sia.0.accounts.A444F.msgdata'/*A444F - Message Data*/ }, (obj) => { + if(obj.state.ack === true) { + const id = getState('sia.0.accounts.A444F.id'/*A444F - ID Token*/).val; + if(id === 'ADM-CID' || id === '*ADM-CID') { + const cid = parseMessage(obj.state.val); + console.log(`Contact ID Message ${JSON.stringify(cid)}`); + console.log(`Event: ${cid.event} for accountnumber ${cid.accountNumber}`); + } + } +}); +``` -### 0.0.5 (09.08.2018) -* (Stübi) Requires nodejs 6.0 or higher + 输出: -### 0.0.4 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) Cleanup +``` +Contact ID Message {"accountNumber":"A444F","qualifier":"1","event":"401","area":"02","zone":"001"} +Event: 401 for accountnumber A444F +``` -### 0.0.3 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) SIA regex optimized +事件 401 表示“远程布防/撤防,当系统通过短信或网络访问布防或撤防时” -### 0.0.2 (08.06.2018) -* (Stübi) bug fixing +5. 错误/问题 -### 0.0.1 (07.06.2018) -* (Stübi) first implementation +如果您在处理 SIA 消息时遇到问题或发现错误,请创建问题。 +问题应包含以下信息: + +1. 报警系统制造商和类型 +2. SIA 消息作为文件。如果您在实例配置中激活它,则可以创建文件。 +3. 如果使用加密(AES),那么我需要密钥来解密消息进行测试。 +4. ioBroker 处理消息时的调试输出 +5. Bug 的详细描述 + +完成第 2 点和第 3 点后,请更改 AES 密钥。 +您可以使用以下命令测试已保存的 SIA 消息 + +``` +# cat fileanme_of_sia_message | nc ip_address_of_iobroker sia_port +cat /tmp/sia/sia_msg_20250201_202457309.txt | nc localhost 55001 +``` + +## Changelog +### 2.0.3 (2025-02-01) + +- (Stübi) add error envent if connction close +- (Stübi) add the proctocol ADM-CID and \*ADM-CID (Ademco Contact ID) +- (Stübi) add translations +- (Stübi) fix bugs by receiving messages by udp +- (Stübi) adjust readme + +### 2.0.2 (2025-01-30) + +- (Stübi) add: checking accountnumber for exact syntax +- (Stübi) add: checking admin interface aes entries + +### 2.0.1 (2025-01-29) + +- (Stübi) Redesign of Contact ID Adapter. +- (Stübi) Wokring now with nodejs 20 and 22 +- (Stübi) js-controller in version 6 and 7 will be supported +- (Stübi) Ability to save SIA messages. + +### 2.0.0 (2025-01-29) + +- (Stübi) Major Release + +### 1.0.4 (2019-11-17) + +- (Stübi) Bugfixing, changing the time calculation for ACK and NACK messages +- (Stübi) Small improvements to the SIA protocol +- (Stübi) Changed bug in encrypting. Delete appending 8 \* 0x10 +- (Stübi) Support of UDP. Same port listening as TCP +- (Stübi) Saving password encrypted. +- (Stübi) ACK and NAC calculation extended. +- (Stübi) CRC can be send in 0xABCD (2 Byte) or ABCD (4 Byte, ASCII) format. Automatic recognizing +- (Stübi) AES Password can be in AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC or AES-256-CBC +- (Stübi) AES Password can be saved in byte or hex (length 16, 24 or 32 byte) format or hex (length 32, 48 or 64 hex) format +- (Stübi) Timeout for ACK (0 = disable, 1 - n sec) +- (Stübi) Set ioBroker States of message on ACK not on NACK +- (Stübi) Support js-controller compact mode +- (Stübi) Update Adapter Core File +- (Stübi) Bugfxing (NAK) and AES support +- (Stübi) Translations +- (Stübi) Requires nodejs 6.0 or higher +- (Stübi) Cleanup +- (Stübi) SIA regex optimized +- (Stübi) bug fixing +- (Stübi) first implementation ## License + The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thorsten +Copyright (c) 2025 Thorsten Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cdd324828 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md +title: ioBroker每日新闻 +hash: 5ZK9t/CEIsWKNemo9oQJdxMkeuNf3SHfJeOLXZ6z25g= +--- +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png) + +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.tagesschau.svg) +![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.tagesschau.svg) +![安装数量](https://iobroker.live/badges/tagesschau-installed.svg) +![稳定存储库中的当前版本](https://iobroker.live/badges/tagesschau-stable.svg) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.tagesschau.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.tagesschau +**测试:**![测试与发布](https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.tagesschau/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) + +## IoBroker 的 tagesschau 适配器 +[德国新闻 (aktueller)](README-GER.md) + +从 Tagesschau 检索新闻和视频链接。 + +内容仅提供德语版本。 + +安装 - 在管理员中设置所需的设置 - 完成。 + +**根据 Tagesschau api,每小时 60 个查询是可以的。每个主题和视频都是 1 个查询。每次更新 30 分钟总是合适的。不知道他们具体是怎么做到的。** + +请注意: + +1. 如果未选择“启用消息”或“启用视频消息”,适配器将暂停 +2. 如果选择激活消息,则仅当配置中选择了 1 个主题和 1 个联邦州时,适配器才会运行。 +3. 关键字是从消息中提取的,仅在第一次运行后可用。随着时间的推移,关键字会越来越多!这些仅适用于消息。 + +## 免责声明 +**所有产品和公司名称或徽标均为其各自所有者的商标™或注册®商标。使用它们并不意味着与它们或任何相关子公司有任何关联或认可!此个人项目是在业余时间维护的,没有商业目标。** **Tagesschau 是 ARD-aktuell 的商标。** https://www.tagesschau.de/impressum + +## Changelog + +### 0.5.0 (2025-01-27) +* (ticaki) States added for browsing. +* (ticaki) Another attempt to constantly sort the videos in the same way. +* (ticaki) Control states reorganised. +* (ticaki) Placeholder images for no news now work + +### 0.4.3 (2025-01-25) +* (ticaki) remove some helper code to do translations + +### 0.4.2 (2025-01-25) +* (ticaki) make the code fit for latest + +### 0.4.1 (2025-01-17) +* (ticaki) videos always in the same order. + +### 0.4.0 (2025-01-07) +* (ticaki) Command data point for defining the first news to be displayed +* (ticaki) Reduce object updates +* (ticaki) Total number of news as a data point +* (ticaki) We not in hurry, write object updates slowly. +* (ticaki) Info log messages are a bit more fun. (error and warn messages are not funny at all) + +### 0.3.2 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) added length to videos +* (ticaki) System load reduced at startup + +### 0.3.1 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) Back to stable admin + +### 0.3.0 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) States are only updated when changes are made. +* (ticaki) Last update Data point added with timestamp of the last successful data access +* (ticaki) Emptying of data points improved +* (ticaki) Placeholder images inserted for no news. +* (ticaki) User-defined keywords with `*` +* (ticaki) Requires admin version 7.4.9 or higher + +### 0.2.3 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) Fixed: Adapter deletes own states + +### 0.2.1 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) fixed refresh interval & add axios timeouts + +### 0.2.0 (2025-01-05) +* (ticaki) remove tracking from videos +* (ticaki) beautiful state name + +### 0.1.4 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Fixed: More as 1 region bug + +### 0.1.3 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Reduced size of the icon + +### 0.1.2 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) Added: Breaking news is excluded from filtering and copied to a separate folder. +* (ticaki) Changed: Taglist is now sorted. + +### 0.1.1 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) fixed: The empty configuration after the first installation leaves crashed adapters + +### 0.1.0 (2025-01-04) +* (ticaki) initial release + +## License +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2025 ticaki + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b6bf5524 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/admin/tagesschau.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md index 361f0d295..520a00b3b 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md @@ -3,46 +3,46 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/README.md title: ioBroker.vbus-gw -hash: 5+k0/b+7tSVJOEGcpAJOPLMp7fD1L31P1oQFo5jJ4hU= +hash: 27jJv88V7+juZCeU0sCVgDG033Cz3ejMB0Xg5dK7yeI= --- # IoBroker.vbus-gw ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vbus-gw/admin/vbus-gw.png) -![NPM版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vbus-gw.svg) +![NPM 版本](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vbus-gw.svg) ![稳定存储库中的当前版本](https://iobroker.live/badges/vbus-gw-stable.svg) ![安装数量](https://iobroker.live/badges/vbus-gw-installed.svg) ![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vbus-gw.svg) -![国家公共管理](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vbus-gw.png?downloads=true) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vbus-gw.png?downloads=true) -**测试:** ![测试与发布](https://github.com/pdbjjens/ioBroker.vbus-gw/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) +**测试:**![测试与发布](https://github.com/pdbjjens/ioBroker.vbus-gw/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) ## IoBroker 的 vbus-gw 适配器 允许 TCP 访问基于串行端口的 VBus 设备 -该 ioBroker 适配器基于 Daniel Wippermann 的工作。 +此 ioBroker 适配器基于 Daniel Wippermann 的作品。 版权和许可请参阅“许可”部分 ## 概述 VBus 硬件适配器有两种类型: - 基于 TCP:DL2、DL3、KM2、VBus/LAN -- 基于串口:VBus/USB、DeltaSol SLT 和其他控制器的 USB 端口 +- 基于串行端口:VBus/USB、DeltaSol SLT 和其他控制器的 USB 端口 -该 ioBroker 适配器连接到一个或多个基于串行端口的硬件适配器,并通过 TCP 公开它们。这允许: +此 ioBroker 适配器连接到一个或多个基于串行端口的硬件适配器并通过 TCP 公开它们。这允许: -- 传输 VBus 数据的距离比 USB 或串行端口通常允许的距离更长 +- VBus 数据传输距离比 USB 或串行端口通常允许的距离更长 - 从仅支持基于 TCP 的应用程序访问基于串行端口的适配器 ## 配置 -可配置的项目有: +可配置项有: -- 服务正在侦听传入连接的 TCP 端口。 +- 服务正在监听传入连接的 TCP 端口。 -默认端口:7053,不应更改。 +默认端口为:7053,请勿更改。 -- 服务侦听发现请求的 http 端口。 +- 服务正在侦听发现请求的 http 端口。 -默认端口:80,也可以选择端口 3000。 +默认端口为:80,也可以选择端口3000。 - VBus 网关的密码。 @@ -50,24 +50,39 @@ VBus 硬件适配器有两种类型: - 要连接的串行端口列表,每个串行端口具有以下参数: -- 通道:串行端口分配到的 vbus 通道。 +- channel:串行端口分配到的vbus通道。 -如果您只想连接到单个串行端口,建议将其配置为使用通道 0,因为大多数应用程序默认情况下会尝试连接该通道 0。 +如果您只想连接到单个串行端口,建议将其配置为使用通道 0,因为大多数应用程序默认都会尝试连接该通道 0。 -- 路径:串行端口的路径,例如“/dev/tty.usbmodem141301”或“COM5” -- 波特率:串口的波特率。默认为9600,一般不需要更改。 +- path: 串口路径,如 -## 已知的问题 -- 该适配器当前支持最多 3 个通过串行端口连接的 VBus 设备。 +'/dev/ttyUSB0' 或 '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_USB-Modul_UO2102_TDEB6I8DAVDLGAGC-if00-port0' 或 '/dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-port0' 或 'COM5' + +- baudrate:串口的波特率。默认为9600,一般不需要更改。 + +## 已知问题 +- 此适配器目前支持最多 3 个通过串行端口连接的 VBus 设备。 - 连接到串行端口的所有 VBus 的密码都是相同的。 -- VBus.net 连接的设备未被模拟。尽管未建立连接,但发送 CONNECT(通过标签)命令会返回 +OK。 -- 发送 DATA 命令并选择一个不存在的通道会返回 +OK,但随后会立即关闭连接。 +- VBus.net 连接的设备未被模拟。发送 CONNECT(通过标签)命令会返回 +OK,尽管未建立连接。 +- 使用不存在的通道发送 DATA 命令将返回 +OK,但随后会立即关闭连接。 ## Changelog +### 0.2.0 (2025-01-29) - 2025H1 maintenance release + +- (pdbjjens) Change: Migration to ESLint 9 +- (pdbjjens) New: Accept serial port paths /dev/serial/by-id/usb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or /dev/serial/by-path/platform-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +- (pdbjjens) Change: Responsive Design optimizations + +### 0.1.0 (2024-08-13) - 2024H2 maintenance release + +- (pdbjjens) Change: node>=18, js-contoller>=5 and admin>=6 required +- (pdbjjens) New: Updated dependencies +- (pdbjjens) New: Ensure that vbus-gw is started before myvbus or resol + ### 0.0.7 (2024-02-24) - (pdbjjens) Fix: VBus write fixed @@ -84,20 +99,10 @@ VBus 硬件适配器有两种类型: - (pdbjjens) New: Configurable password for the VBus gateway - (pdbjjens) Fix: Channel forwarding to the requesting connections only -### 0.0.4 (2023-10-03) - -- (pdbjjens) New: Selectable discovery port -- (pdbjjens) New: Check for default password -- (pdbjjens) New: support for up to 3 serial ports - -### 0.0.3 (2023-09-21) - -- (pdbjjens) Fix: Disable SENTRY - ## License MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 Jens-Peter Jensen +Copyright (c) 2025 Jens-Peter Jensen Copyright (c) 2013-present, Daniel Wippermann. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cfcab034d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +--- +translatedFrom: en +translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 +editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/README.md +title: ioBroker.vis 2.0 的小部件集合 +hash: LxwFps6ypPgRycUmrKQm7BECCR9Qpw6WGe6SH1A0W0A= +--- +![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png) + +![安装数量](http://iobroker.live/badges/vis-2-widgets-collection-stable.svg) +![NPM 版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.svg) +![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.svg) +![新平台](https://nodei.co/npm/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection.png?downloads=true) + +# IoBroker.vis 2.0 的小部件集合 +

ioBroker.vis 2.0 的小部件

+ +## 小部件 +### 状态 + + +### 按钮组 + + +### 滑块 + + +### 转变 + + +--- + +## Changelog +### 1.1.15 (2025-02-05) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing Slider + +### 1.1.14 (2025-02-04) + +- (steiger04) Slider optimized + +### 1.1.13 (2025-02-03) + +- (steiger04) delay via throttle and debounce optimized + +### 1.1.12 (2025-02-02) + +- (steiger04) Active group for slider added + +### 1.1.11 (2025-02-01) + +- (steiger04) HTML-Text optimizations + +### 1.1.10 (2025-01-30) + +- (steiger04) HTML-Text for header, value and footer + +### 1.1.9 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing style bindings + +### 1.1.8 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing data bindings + +### 1.1.7 (2025-01-28) + +- (steiger04) Switch optimized + +### 1.1.6 (2025-01-26) + +- (steiger04) bugfixing + +### 1.1.0 (2025-01-25) + +- (steiger04) Switch widget added + +### 1.0.3 (2025-01-20) + +- (steiger04) initial commit + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2025 Steiger04 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5df2274ae Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/admin/vis-2-widgets-collection.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8636b76f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-button-group.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f558c796b Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-slider.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed57c579a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-state.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b30f8d62 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-collection/img/collection-switch.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md index 0ff425257..154c0e117 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md title: ioBroker 的下一代可视化:vis-2 -hash: S3jREg07ZFLV+uTkWNlRet6V9ix/5Bd7NsgLwQzQ/BE= +hash: l5+h7Jw12bkVoe/zM8dbDaeUBOsa9RDwqCxiRwIma+Y= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/packages/iobroker.vis-2/admin/vis-2.png) @@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ value = await (async function () { 因此我们的斜边计算如下: -```js +``` {h:javascript.0.myCustom.height;w:javascript.0.myCustom.width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(parseFloat(h), 2) + Math.pow(parseFloat(w), 2)))} ``` ### 弃用的格式 Patten 的格式如下: -```js +``` {objectID;operation1;operation2;...} ``` @@ -293,393 +293,396 @@ npm run start ### **正在进行中** --> ## Changelog -### 2.11.1 (2024-12-02) -* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected navigation menu -* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated widgets to React: basic - frame, basic - note, basic - logout -* (@GermanBluefox) Added the HTML rebuild button to settings +### 2.11.2 (2025-01-23) +* (@GermanBluefox) Do not load vis-1 widgets if vis-2 widgets provided + +### 2.11.1 (2024-12-02) +* (@GermanBluefox) Corrected navigation menu +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated widgets to React: basic - frame, basic - note, basic - logout +* (@GermanBluefox) Added the HTML rebuild button to settings * (@GermanBluefox) Backend was migrated to TypeScript -### 2.10.8 (2024-11-22) +### 2.10.8 (2024-11-22) * (bluefox) Added new option for view: "Limit only for instances" -### 2.10.7 (2024-07-23) +### 2.10.7 (2024-07-23) * (bluefox) Optimization of the module federation -### 2.10.6 (2024-07-20) +### 2.10.6 (2024-07-20) * (bluefox) Improved the typing in typescript -### 2.10.4 (2024-07-16) -* (bluefox) Corrected the jumping by object selection +### 2.10.4 (2024-07-16) +* (bluefox) Corrected the jumping by object selection * (bluefox) Implemented swipe widget -### 2.10.3 (2024-07-11) -* (bluefox) Converted the CanJSWidget to typescript +### 2.10.3 (2024-07-11) +* (bluefox) Converted the CanJSWidget to typescript * (bluefox) Added "clone" button to the attribute groups -### 2.10.2 (2024-07-10) -* (bluefox) Removed incompatible package for styles -* (bluefox) All widgets must be updated +### 2.10.2 (2024-07-10) +* (bluefox) Removed incompatible package for styles +* (bluefox) All widgets must be updated * (bluefox) The basic input value widget was migrated to ReactJS -### 2.9.64 (2024-05-23) +### 2.9.64 (2024-05-23) * (bluefox) Added possibility to clear a text field by button -### 2.9.63 (2024-05-15) +### 2.9.63 (2024-05-15) * (bluefox) Migrated some files to typescript -### 2.9.60 (2024-05-07) +### 2.9.60 (2024-05-07) * (foxriver76) test automatic release -### 2.9.53 (2024-05-06) +### 2.9.53 (2024-05-06) * (bluefox) Allowed applying styles to jQui buttons -### 2.9.52 (2024-04-25) +### 2.9.52 (2024-04-25) * (bluefox) Navigation was improved: adjustable menu width and bulk edit were added -### 2.9.50 (2024-04-19) +### 2.9.50 (2024-04-19) * (bluefox) Corrected widget in widget behavior -### 2.9.49 (2024-04-11) -* (bluefox) Corrected the scroll buttons in Tabs widget +### 2.9.49 (2024-04-11) +* (bluefox) Corrected the scroll buttons in Tabs widget * (bluefox) Corrected resizers if the border width is set -### 2.9.48 (2024-03-30) -* (bluefox) Showed selected view in the view dialog -* (bluefox) Added customization of loading screen +### 2.9.48 (2024-03-30) +* (bluefox) Showed selected view in the view dialog +* (bluefox) Added customization of loading screen * (bluefox) Respected the sentry disable flag in GUI -### 2.9.42 (2024-03-09) -* (bluefox) Allowed limiting the view size only on desktop +### 2.9.42 (2024-03-09) +* (bluefox) Allowed limiting the view size only on desktop * (bluefox) Change word "Filter" to "Search" -### 2.9.40 (2024-03-05) -* (bluefox) Migrated the filter widget to react +### 2.9.40 (2024-03-05) +* (bluefox) Migrated the filter widget to react * (bluefox) Migrated the basic link widget to react -### 2.9.39 (2024-03-01) -* (foxriver76) allow to use `widgetOid` in bindings -* (foxriver76) fixed various problems with Date Picker widget -* (foxriver76) made default option of Date Picker human readable and added option for full parseable date -* (bluefox) Added the possibility to add suffix by navigation widgets +### 2.9.39 (2024-03-01) +* (foxriver76) allow to use `widgetOid` in bindings +* (foxriver76) fixed various problems with Date Picker widget +* (foxriver76) made default option of Date Picker human readable and added option for full parseable date +* (bluefox) Added the possibility to add suffix by navigation widgets * (bluefox) Improved the license manager -### 2.9.37 (2024-02-28) +### 2.9.37 (2024-02-28) * (foxriver76) TimePicker widget now saves the time instead of date by default, if you want old behavior use checkbox `asDate` -### 2.9.36 (2024-02-27) +### 2.9.36 (2024-02-27) * (foxriver76) fixed project-specific css not being applied -### 2.9.35 (2024-02-27) -* (foxriver76) user-specified css has now priority over widgets css +### 2.9.35 (2024-02-27) +* (foxriver76) user-specified css has now priority over widgets css * (foxriver76) fixed crash case for broken grouped widgets -### 2.9.34 (2024-02-26) +### 2.9.34 (2024-02-26) * (foxriver76) detect admin user correctly in project permissions dialog -### 2.9.33 (2024-02-21) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that last image is never shown in image8 widget -* (foxriver76) added possibility to define background and title color for jqui dialog +### 2.9.33 (2024-02-21) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that last image is never shown in image8 widget +* (foxriver76) added possibility to define background and title color for jqui dialog * (foxriver76) make it possible to click through signal image if in front of widget -### 2.9.32 (2024-02-16) -* (foxriver76) implemented buttons to show or hide all views in views manager -* (foxriver76) fixed issue with signals on RxWidgets +### 2.9.32 (2024-02-16) +* (foxriver76) implemented buttons to show or hide all views in views manager +* (foxriver76) fixed issue with signals on RxWidgets * (foxriver76) allow disabling Sentry only for this instance -### 2.9.31 (2024-02-06) -* (foxriver76) apply default overflow correctly +### 2.9.31 (2024-02-06) +* (foxriver76) apply default overflow correctly * (foxriver76) navigation style fixes (fix an icon background and allow to customize header text color) -### 2.9.30 (2024-02-06) -* (foxriver76) global css will no longer be deleted on adapter upload/update +### 2.9.30 (2024-02-06) +* (foxriver76) global css will no longer be deleted on adapter upload/update * (foxriver76) allowed modifying style of navigation -### 2.9.29 (2024-02-05) -* (foxriver76) fixed multiple problems with nested groups -* (foxriver76) also made group/ungroup commands working in group view -* (foxriver76) allowed selecting widgets in a group via click (previously only dropdown worked) +### 2.9.29 (2024-02-05) +* (foxriver76) fixed multiple problems with nested groups +* (foxriver76) also made group/ungroup commands working in group view +* (foxriver76) allowed selecting widgets in a group via click (previously only dropdown worked) * (foxriver76) fixed issue, that Basic Image 8 is not configurable for value 0 -### 2.9.28 (2024-02-03) +### 2.9.28 (2024-02-03) * (foxriver76) correctly determine the vis instance in all cases -### 2.9.26 (2024-02-02) -* (foxriver76) do not show empty icon category if jquery style selected for jquery button widgets +### 2.9.26 (2024-02-02) +* (foxriver76) do not show empty icon category if jquery style selected for jquery button widgets * (foxriver76) added possibility to hide navigation after selection -### 2.9.25 (2024-01-29) -* (foxriver76) fixed resizing issue for relative widgets -* (foxriver76) do not crash when using visibility "only for groups" +### 2.9.25 (2024-01-29) +* (foxriver76) fixed resizing issue for relative widgets +* (foxriver76) do not crash when using visibility "only for groups" * (foxriver76) do not crash if a widget tries to update widget on non-existent view -### 2.9.24 (2024-01-24) +### 2.9.24 (2024-01-24) * (foxriver76) Image 8 widget ported to react -### 2.9.23 (2024-01-24) +### 2.9.23 (2024-01-24) * (foxriver76) fixed another bug due to previous versions -### 2.9.22 (2024-01-22) +### 2.9.22 (2024-01-22) * (foxriver76) try to fix problems introduced with 2.9.21 -### 2.9.21 (2024-01-19) -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when fixing widgets +### 2.9.21 (2024-01-19) +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when fixing widgets * (foxriver76) fixed bug, that opacity is applied twice on image edit mode overlay -### 2.9.20 (2024-01-18) -* (foxriver76) increased timeout for project import +### 2.9.20 (2024-01-18) +* (foxriver76) increased timeout for project import * (foxriver76) added permissions on widget level -### 2.9.19 (2024-01-17) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue when resizing widget from the left side +### 2.9.19 (2024-01-17) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue when resizing widget from the left side * (foxriver76) added select box to dimension attributes if multiple widgets selected -### 2.9.18 (2024-01-15) -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that old attributes value is shown in some scenarios +### 2.9.18 (2024-01-15) +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that old attributes value is shown in some scenarios * (foxriver76) dedicated permission system extended to view level -### 2.9.17 (2024-01-13) +### 2.9.17 (2024-01-13) * (foxriver76) dedicated permission system on project level introduced -### 2.9.16 (2024-01-11) +### 2.9.16 (2024-01-11) * (foxriver76) use the correct fallback values for widget signals determination -### 2.9.15 (2024-01-09) +### 2.9.15 (2024-01-09) * (foxriver76) fixed issue with BulkEditor -### 2.9.14 (2024-01-09) -* (foxriver76) fixed last change y-offset for some widgets -* (foxriver76) fixed issue where JquiState did not respect data type -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with BulkEdtior (dialog not closing and other dialog showing the wrong button) +### 2.9.14 (2024-01-09) +* (foxriver76) fixed last change y-offset for some widgets +* (foxriver76) fixed issue where JquiState did not respect data type +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with BulkEdtior (dialog not closing and other dialog showing the wrong button) * (foxriver76) implemented workaround resize bug for https://github.com/devbookhq/splitter/issues/15 -### 2.9.13 (2024-01-08) -* (foxriver76) correctly detect IDs in bindings when they contain hash character -* (foxriver76) fix crash when multiple JquiState widgets selected -* (foxriver76) prevent showing widget in a group after it is already cut out +### 2.9.13 (2024-01-08) +* (foxriver76) correctly detect IDs in bindings when they contain hash character +* (foxriver76) fix crash when multiple JquiState widgets selected +* (foxriver76) prevent showing widget in a group after it is already cut out * (foxriver76) prevent usage of widgets which are not in a group for calculating rulers on group view -### 2.9.12 (2024-01-04) +### 2.9.12 (2024-01-04) * (foxriver76) optimized copy/paste/cut in groups -### 2.9.11 (2024-01-02) +### 2.9.11 (2024-01-02) * (foxriver76) fixed bug with visibility calculation -### 2.9.10 (2024-01-02) +### 2.9.10 (2024-01-02) * (foxriver76) remove accidentally added script file, which leads to crash -### 2.9.9 (2024-01-01) -* (foxriver76) allow importing views without attribute `activeWidgets` -* (foxriver76) make BasicBulb behave more like its old version -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that data of different widget is displayed in edit mode -* (foxriver76) fixed issue that every state update is used for visibility calculation -* (bluefox) migrated jQui select, jQui Radio steps widgets to react +### 2.9.9 (2024-01-01) +* (foxriver76) allow importing views without attribute `activeWidgets` +* (foxriver76) make BasicBulb behave more like its old version +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that data of different widget is displayed in edit mode +* (foxriver76) fixed issue that every state update is used for visibility calculation +* (bluefox) migrated jQui select, jQui Radio steps widgets to react * (bluefox) All jQui widgets were migrated to react -### 2.9.8 (2023-12-21) -* (foxriver76) fixed bug that no labels are shown for a background -* (foxriver76) prevent short flashing of widgets with visibility condition at a page load +### 2.9.8 (2023-12-21) +* (foxriver76) fixed bug that no labels are shown for a background +* (foxriver76) prevent short flashing of widgets with visibility condition at a page load * (foxriver76) fixed issue on theme switch -### 2.9.7 (2023-12-19) +### 2.9.7 (2023-12-19) * (bluefox) Allowed the read-only flag for Styled/Input -### 2.9.6 (2023-12-14) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with the BulkEditor -* (foxriver76) scripts in HTML are now added to the DOM, instead of being executed in eval -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with Bulb widget if min/max was once filled +### 2.9.6 (2023-12-14) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with the BulkEditor +* (foxriver76) scripts in HTML are now added to the DOM, instead of being executed in eval +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with Bulb widget if min/max was once filled * (foxriver76) migrated "speech2text" widget to react -### 2.9.5 (2023-12-10) -* (foxriver76) open new views at the beginning -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case if signals are used -* (foxriver76) fixed material-design-widgets helper -* (foxriver76) update references to view in widget when view is renamed -* (bluefox) jQui Toggle icon widget was migrated to react -* (bluefox) jQui Radio widget was migrated to react -* (bluefox) jQui Radio List widget was migrated to react +### 2.9.5 (2023-12-10) +* (foxriver76) open new views at the beginning +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case if signals are used +* (foxriver76) fixed material-design-widgets helper +* (foxriver76) update references to view in widget when view is renamed +* (bluefox) jQui Toggle icon widget was migrated to react +* (bluefox) jQui Radio widget was migrated to react +* (bluefox) jQui Radio List widget was migrated to react * (bluefox) Corrected last-change by React widgets -### 2.9.4 (2023-12-04) +### 2.9.4 (2023-12-04) * (foxriver76) fixed issues with display width -### 2.9.3 (2023-12-03) -* (bluefox) Added the possibility to limit hard the view size -* (foxriver76) implemented simple sort mechanic for navigation -* (foxriver76) fixed import of views, which were inside a folder -* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe -* (foxriver76) do not simply reuse widget ids when importing or copying views -* (foxriver76) implemented basic bulb widget as React widget +### 2.9.3 (2023-12-03) +* (bluefox) Added the possibility to limit hard the view size +* (foxriver76) implemented simple sort mechanic for navigation +* (foxriver76) fixed import of views, which were inside a folder +* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe +* (foxriver76) do not simply reuse widget ids when importing or copying views +* (foxriver76) implemented basic bulb widget as React widget * (foxriver76) made script tags work in basic html widget -### 2.9.2 (2023-11-29) -* (foxriver76) fixed reactivity in custom components -* (foxriver76) fixed import for groups -* (foxriver76) after creating a group it is now pre-selected +### 2.9.2 (2023-11-29) +* (foxriver76) fixed reactivity in custom components +* (foxriver76) fixed import for groups +* (foxriver76) after creating a group it is now pre-selected * (foxriver76) fields are now updated when moved via keyboard -### 2.9.1 (2023-11-28) -* (foxriver76) recalculate fields after moving widgets -* (foxriver76) fixed a pasting group on other view -* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe +### 2.9.1 (2023-11-28) +* (foxriver76) recalculate fields after moving widgets +* (foxriver76) fixed a pasting group on other view +* (foxriver76) fixed theme also applied in iframe * (bluefox) implemented Basic Image as React widget -### 2.9.0 (2023-11-27) -* (bluefox) implemented SVG shape and Screen Resolution widgets natively -* (bluefox) implemented Basic iFrame as React widget -* (foxriver76) only allow zip files at project import -* (foxriver76) fix overflow being overwritten -* (foxriver76) sort pages and projects alphabetically -* (foxriver76) fixed problem on saving -* (foxriver76) fixed problem with groups when `always render` is activated -* (foxriver76) allow changing color and write lowercase in a tabs component +### 2.9.0 (2023-11-27) +* (bluefox) implemented SVG shape and Screen Resolution widgets natively +* (bluefox) implemented Basic iFrame as React widget +* (foxriver76) only allow zip files at project import +* (foxriver76) fix overflow being overwritten +* (foxriver76) sort pages and projects alphabetically +* (foxriver76) fixed problem on saving +* (foxriver76) fixed problem with groups when `always render` is activated +* (foxriver76) allow changing color and write lowercase in a tabs component * (foxriver76) fixed problem that navigation from a alwaysRender page is shown on different page -### 2.8.0 (2023-11-24) -* (foxriver76) sort folders alphabetically in pages view -* (foxriver76) fixed deselecting widgets with ctrl + click -* (foxriver76) fixed display issue with a switch component -* (bluefox) implemented Basic Red Number widget natively -* (foxriver76) fixed copy/clone of grouped widgets +### 2.8.0 (2023-11-24) +* (foxriver76) sort folders alphabetically in pages view +* (foxriver76) fixed deselecting widgets with ctrl + click +* (foxriver76) fixed display issue with a switch component +* (bluefox) implemented Basic Red Number widget natively +* (foxriver76) fixed copy/clone of grouped widgets * (foxriver76) fixed problem with open/close dialog via state -### 2.7.0 (2023-11-22) +### 2.7.0 (2023-11-22) * (foxriver76) implemented Basic Bar widget natively -### 2.6.4 (2023-11-21) +### 2.6.4 (2023-11-21) * (foxriver76) fixed typescript build -### 2.6.3 (2023-11-20) +### 2.6.3 (2023-11-20) * (foxriver76) fixed several crash cases -### 2.6.2 (2023-11-20) -* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when editing group -* (foxriver76) fixed pasting groups +### 2.6.2 (2023-11-20) +* (foxriver76) fixed crash case when editing group +* (foxriver76) fixed pasting groups * (foxriver76) fixed problem jumping cursor and removed characters while typing -### 2.6.1 (2023-11-17) -* (bluefox) Showed "file too large" message by icon upload -* (bluefox) Made navigation bar for view as an own group -* (foxriver76) sorted views alphabetically -* (foxriver76) respect uppercase/lowercase in projects toolbar +### 2.6.1 (2023-11-17) +* (bluefox) Showed "file too large" message by icon upload +* (bluefox) Made navigation bar for view as an own group +* (foxriver76) sorted views alphabetically +* (foxriver76) respect uppercase/lowercase in projects toolbar * (bluefox) Redirect `dialog` and `dialogClose` commands to widgets -### 2.6.0 (2023-11-13) -* (foxriver76) implemented select/unselect all buttons +### 2.6.0 (2023-11-13) +* (foxriver76) implemented select/unselect all buttons * (foxriver76) fixed bindings not working -### 2.5.0 (2023-11-11) -* (foxriver76) allowed using real html in prepend-HTML and append-HTML (basic string widget) -* (foxriver76) fixed problem while editing groups -* (foxriver76) do not automatically format button text as uppercase -* (foxriver76) do not automatically show page names as uppercase -* (bluefox) Implemented the signal icons for React widgets -* (bluefox) Implemented the last change indication for React widgets +### 2.5.0 (2023-11-11) +* (foxriver76) allowed using real html in prepend-HTML and append-HTML (basic string widget) +* (foxriver76) fixed problem while editing groups +* (foxriver76) do not automatically format button text as uppercase +* (foxriver76) do not automatically show page names as uppercase +* (bluefox) Implemented the signal icons for React widgets +* (bluefox) Implemented the last change indication for React widgets * (bluefox) Implemented SVG Bool widget as React Component -### 2.4.0 (2023-11-08) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with icon selector filter when changing category -* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that only the first widget is pasted -* (bluefox) added JSON binding operator -* (bluefox) Allowed using function as filter for Object ID +### 2.4.0 (2023-11-08) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with icon selector filter when changing category +* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that only the first widget is pasted +* (bluefox) added JSON binding operator +* (bluefox) Allowed using function as filter for Object ID * (bluefox) Implemented View bar (with no menu) -### 2.3.6 (2023-11-06) -* (foxriver76) fixed issues with binding editor on style attributes +### 2.3.6 (2023-11-06) +* (foxriver76) fixed issues with binding editor on style attributes * (foxriver76) improved performance due to optimizations on auto save -### 2.3.5 (2023-11-03) -* (foxriver76) update adapter-react to have enhanced image support in file selector -* (foxriver76) fixed color of file browser in light mode +### 2.3.5 (2023-11-03) +* (foxriver76) update adapter-react to have enhanced image support in file selector +* (foxriver76) fixed color of file browser in light mode * (foxriver76) fixed the color inputs jumping to the end of input on modifying -### 2.3.4 (2023-11-02) -* (foxriver76) fix crash when selecting multiple widgets -* (foxriver76) removed duplicate `none` entry in `border-style` dropdown +### 2.3.4 (2023-11-02) +* (foxriver76) fix crash when selecting multiple widgets +* (foxriver76) removed duplicate `none` entry in `border-style` dropdown * (foxriver76) fix crash when reordering widgets -### 2.3.3 (2023-10-30) -* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that vis is not loading if a single widget has a script error -* (bluefox) added the editor for bindings +### 2.3.3 (2023-10-30) +* (foxriver76) fixed problem, that vis is not loading if a single widget has a script error +* (bluefox) added the editor for bindings * (bluefox) background does not used if in iframe -### 2.3.2 (2023-10-14) -* (bluefox) Allowed showing only selected widgets in edit mode +### 2.3.2 (2023-10-14) +* (bluefox) Allowed showing only selected widgets in edit mode * (bluefox) Corrected the visibility calculation for old (CanJS) widgets -### 2.3.1 (2023-10-13) -* (bluefox) Corrected vertical gap between relative widgets +### 2.3.1 (2023-10-13) +* (bluefox) Corrected vertical gap between relative widgets * (bluefox) Better input of numbers with min/max in attribute dialog -### 2.3.0 (2023-09-28) +### 2.3.0 (2023-09-28) * (bluefox) jQui widgets (many of them) were improved -### 2.2.7 (2023-09-18) -* (bluefox) Improved icon selector: you can upload your own icon directly +### 2.2.7 (2023-09-18) +* (bluefox) Improved icon selector: you can upload your own icon directly * (bluefox) Optimized loading: do not load unused widget sets -### 2.2.6 (2023-09-17) -* (bluefox) Date binding corrected -* (bluefox) Optimized loading of widgeteria +### 2.2.6 (2023-09-17) +* (bluefox) Date binding corrected +* (bluefox) Optimized loading of widgeteria * (bluefox) Horizontal navigation is fixed -### 2.2.5 (2023-09-12) +### 2.2.5 (2023-09-12) * (bluefox) Implemented horizontal navigation -### 2.2.4 (2023-09-04) +### 2.2.4 (2023-09-04) * (bluefox) Corrected license checking -### 2.2.2 (2023-08-16) +### 2.2.2 (2023-08-16) * (bluefox) Changed sentry settings -### 2.2.1 (2023-08-15) -* (bluefox) Added possibility to filter widgets in edit mode +### 2.2.1 (2023-08-15) +* (bluefox) Added possibility to filter widgets in edit mode * (bluefox) Added possibility to change the order of relative widgets with drag&drop -### 2.2.0 (2023-08-14) +### 2.2.0 (2023-08-14) * (bluefox) Release candidate 1 -### 2.1.7 (2023-08-10) +### 2.1.7 (2023-08-10) * (bluefox) Optimized the rendering of the widgets -### 2.1.6 (2023-07-30) +### 2.1.6 (2023-07-30) * (bluefox) First beta release -### 2.1.4 (2023-07-19) +### 2.1.4 (2023-07-19) * (bluefox) Allowed to add widgets to widgets -### 2.0.36 (2023-06-21) +### 2.0.36 (2023-06-21) * (bluefox) Added widgeteria -### 2.0.29 (2023-05-17) +### 2.0.29 (2023-05-17) * (bluefox) Corrected errors -### 2.0.10 (2022-12-01) +### 2.0.10 (2022-12-01) * (bluefox) Added the file browser -### 2.0.8 (2022-11-26) +### 2.0.8 (2022-11-26) * (bluefox) Improved the error handling -### 2.0.0 (2022-10-21) +### 2.0.0 (2022-10-21) * (bluefox) Completely new visualization, but partly compatible with the previous version ## License -To use this adapter in `ioBroker` you need to accept the source code license of the adapter. The source code of this adapter is available under the CC BY-NC license. - -Additionally, you need a license to use the adapter. The following license editions are available on https://iobroker.net/www/pricing -* **Community-License: Free for private use!**: Get a free license by registering an account on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). The license if checked online against the ioBroker license server when the vis-2 adapter is started, so an online connection at this time point is required! -* **Private use Offline-License**: For paying a small support fee, you can get rid of the required online license check on adapter startup. **Only for Private use!** -* **Commercial License**: When using Vis in a commercial environment or selling Vis as part of ioBroker packages to your customers, this license is for you. License check is also not requiring an online connection. - +To use this adapter in `ioBroker` you need to accept the source code license of the adapter. The source code of this adapter is available under the CC BY-NC license. + +Additionally, you need a license to use the adapter. The following license editions are available on https://iobroker.net/www/pricing +* **Community-License: Free for private use!**: Get a free license by registering an account on [https://iobroker.net](https://iobroker.net). The license if checked online against the ioBroker license server when the vis-2 adapter is started, so an online connection at this time point is required! +* **Private use Offline-License**: For paying a small support fee, you can get rid of the required online license check on adapter startup. **Only for Private use!** +* **Commercial License**: When using Vis in a commercial environment or selling Vis as part of ioBroker packages to your customers, this license is for you. License check is also not requiring an online connection. + ## License - Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Denis Haev, https://github.com/GermanBluefox , - - Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ - -![CC BY-NC License](https://github.com/GermanBluefox/DashUI/raw/master/images/cc-nc-by.png) - -Short content: -Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. -Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. + Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Denis Haev, https://github.com/GermanBluefox , + + Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) + + http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ + +![CC BY-NC License](https://github.com/GermanBluefox/DashUI/raw/master/images/cc-nc-by.png) + +Short content: +Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. +Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. (Free for non-commercial use). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md index 01e038a35..436e3f0b6 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md @@ -3,43 +3,43 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/adapterref/iobroker.web/README.md title: ioBroker.web -hash: nCZZ/tiSV0rJFdTKBfL+MhLVzVYnIIHqOk4a61i472Q= +hash: 6NowZOFEYYXknCOlU02YrWap+8V3bm+CRGEhcgozaWg= --- ![标识](../../../en/adapterref/iobroker.web/admin/web.png) ![安装数量](http://iobroker.live/badges/web-stable.svg) -![NPM版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.web.svg) +![NPM 版本](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.web.svg) ![下载](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/iobroker.web.svg) # IoBroker.web ![测试与发布](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.web/workflows/Test%20and%20Release/badge.svg) [![翻译状态](https://weblate.iobroker.net/widgets/adapters/-/web/svg-badge.svg)](https://weblate.iobroker.net/engage/adapters/?utm_source=widget) -基于 Node.js 和 Express 的 Web 服务器从 ioBroker DB 读取文件。 +基于Node.js的Web服务器,用于从ioBroker DB读取文件。 -**此适配器使用 Sentry 库自动向开发人员报告异常和代码错误。** 有关更多详细信息以及如何禁用错误报告的信息,请参阅[Sentry-插件文档](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)!从 js-controller 3.0 开始使用 Sentry 报告。 +**此适配器使用 Sentry 库自动向开发人员报告异常和代码错误。** 有关更多详细信息以及如何禁用错误报告的信息,请参阅[Sentry-插件文档](https://github.com/ioBroker/plugin-sentry#plugin-sentry)!从 js-controller 3.0 开始使用 Sentry 报告。 -## 调整 Web 套接字 -在某些 Web 套接字客户端上,存在通信性能问题。 -有时,此问题是由于 socket.io 通信在长轮询机制上的回退造成的。 -您可以设置选项*强制 Web 套接字*以强制仅使用 Web 套接字传输。 +## 调整 Web-Sockets +在某些 Web 套接字客户端上,通信存在性能问题。 +有时,此问题是由于长轮询机制上 socket.io 通信的回退造成的。 +您可以设置选项 *强制 Web 套接字* 以强制仅使用 Web 套接字传输。 ## 让我们加密证书 阅读[这里](https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.admin#lets-encrypt-certificates) ## 扩展 Web 驱动程序支持扩展。 -该扩展是 URL 处理程序,如果出现此类 URL 请求,将调用该扩展。 -这些扩展看起来像普通的适配器,但它们没有运行进程,将由 Web 服务器调用。 +扩展是 URL 处理程序,如果出现此类 URL 请求,它将被调用。 +扩展看起来像普通适配器,但它们没有运行进程,将由 Web 服务器调用。 -例如,用户可以激活特殊的代理适配器并访问同一网络服务器中的其他设备(例如网络摄像头)。 -需要让所有服务在一台Web服务器下可用。 +例如,用户可以激活特殊的代理适配器并访问同一 Web 服务器中的其他设备(如网络摄像头)。 +需要让所有服务都在一个 Web 服务器下可用。 -Web 扩展可以而且应该支持 `unload` 函数,如果卸载操作需要一些时间,该函数可能会返回 `promise`。 +Web 扩展可以并且应该支持`unload`函数,如果卸载操作需要一些时间,则可以返回`promise`。 -您可以阅读有关网络扩展程序的更多信息[这里](WEB-EXTENSIONS-HOWTO.md)。 +您可以阅读有关网络扩展[这里](WEB-EXTENSIONS-HOWTO.md)的更多信息。 -## 暴力保护 -如果启用身份验证并且用户在一分钟内输入 5 次无效密码,则他必须至少等待一分钟才能下次尝试。 +## 暴力破解保护 +如果启用了身份验证,并且用户在一分钟内输入了 5 次无效密码,则他必须等待至少一分钟才能再次尝试。 第 15 次错误尝试后,用户必须等待 1 小时。 ## “保持登录状态”选项 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Web 扩展可以而且应该支持 `unload` 函数,如果卸载操作需要一 如果没有,用户将在配置的“登录超时”内保持登录状态。 ## 访问状态的值 -您可以通过 HTTP get 请求访问正常状态值和二进制状态值。 +您可以通过 HTTP get 请求访问正常和二进制状态值。 ``` http://IP:8082/state/system.adapter.web.0.alive => @@ -61,34 +61,64 @@ http://IP:8082/state/javascript.picture.png => [IMAGE] ``` -图像必须在 javascript 适配器中编写,如下所示: +图像必须在 javascript 适配器中像这样写入: -``` +```js createState('javascript.0.picture.png', {type: 'file', name: 'Picture'}, () => { setBinaryState('javascript.0.picture.png', fs.readFileSync('/tmp/picture.png')); }); ``` -##“基本身份验证”选项 -通过发送带有 `WWW-Authenticate` 标头的 `401` 未经授权,允许通过基本身份验证登录。 +## “基本身份验证”选项 +允许通过基本身份验证登录,方法是发送带有 `WWW-Authenticate` 标头的 `401` Unauthorized。 这可用于 *FullyBrowser* 等应用程序。一旦输入错误的凭据,您将被重定向到登录页面。 ## 用户列表 -您可以定义可以访问 Web 服务器的用户列表。您可以更改登录用户的访问权限。 +您可以定义可以访问 Web 服务器的用户列表。您可以更改已登录用户的访问权限。 -如果用户不在列表中,则他无法访问 Web 服务器。 +如果用户不在列表中,他就无法访问网络服务器。 -更简单的是为每个对象和每个状态设置特定用户的访问权限。 +为每个对象和每个状态设置特定用户的访问权限更加简单。 -## 高级选项 +## 高级选项 ### 默认重定向 -如果在浏览器中打开网络端口,则不应显示任何应用程序选择,但某些特定应用程序可以在此处提供路径(例如`/vis/`),因此该路径将自动打开。 +如果通过打开 Web 端口 im 浏览器,不应显示 APP 选择,而是显示某些特定应用程序,则可以在此处提供路径(例如 `/vis/`),以便自动打开该路径。 - ## Changelog +### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +* (@GermanBluefox) updated packages +* (@GermanBluefox) removed gulp in a build process +* (@GermanBluefox) Migrated GUI ti vite + +### 6.3.1 (2024-09-23) +* (@foxriver76) added new admin icon (svg) + +### 6.3.0 (2024-06-27) +* (bluefox) Corrected call of getObjectView with null parameter +* (bluefox) updated packages +* (bluefox) GUI was migrated to a non-style framework + +### 6.2.6 (2024-05-25) +* (bluefox) Preparations for a custom loading background +* (bluefox) updated packages + +### 6.2.5 (2024-02-22) +* (bluefox) Just some packages were updates + +### 6.2.4 (2024-02-17) +* (klein0r) Extensions may block the web instance +* (klein0r) Fixed directory listing + +### 6.2.3 (2023-12-18) +* (foxriver76) updated the websocket library to increase the maximum file size from 100 MB to 500 MB + +### 6.2.2 (2023-12-14) +* (joltcoke) Corrected the crash if authentication is enabled + ### 6.2.1 (2023-12-04) * (bluefox) Added the user access list option @@ -103,7 +133,7 @@ createState('javascript.0.picture.png', {type: 'file', name: 'Picture'}, () => { * (bluefox) Corrected socket.io connection ### 6.1.4 (2023-10-08) -* (foxriver76) upgrade socketio and ws dependencies to fix vis subscribe problem +* (foxriver76) upgrade socketio and ws dependencies to fix a vis subscribe problem ### 6.1.3 (2023-09-28) * (bluefox) upgraded socketio and ws dependencies to correct the error by unsubscribing on client disconnect @@ -148,7 +178,7 @@ createState('javascript.0.picture.png', {type: 'file', name: 'Picture'}, () => { ## License The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Bluefox +Copyright (c) 2014-2025 Bluefox Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/cloud/alexacustom.md b/docs/zh-cn/cloud/alexacustom.md index 2911e8f08..483a189ca 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/cloud/alexacustom.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/cloud/alexacustom.md @@ -1,11 +1,121 @@ --- title: Alexa 自定义技能 -lastChanged: 14.09.2018 +lastChanged: 01.02.2025 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/cloud/alexacustom.md -template: true translatedFrom: de translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 -hash: 6d/BTI4Dc8MO1xy4qTf8NxV1Mdp0+ZoS9gUvnmFSVwM= +hash: Su81nXGmYCs4yOuH029J6Lxpnj6QFGKD/M2LpGR2DoI= --- # Alexa 自定义技能 -?> ***这是一个占位符***。

帮助 ioBroker 并扩展本文。请注意[ioBroker 风格指南](community/styleguidedoc),以便更轻松地应用更改。 \ No newline at end of file +## IoBroker Alexa 自定义技能是什么? +ioBroker Alexa Custom Skill 可通过单独的命令为您的智能家居实现**扩展语音控制**。 +与使用标准智能家居命令的 ioBroker.iot 技能相比,自定义技能允许**复杂的交互**,例如状态查询、单独的例程或启动自动化。 + +使用调用名称`i o Broker`您可以指示 Alexa 执行某些任务或从您的 ioBroker 系统检索信息。 + +### 功能和可能性 +`ioBroker Custom` Alexa Skill 支持对智能家居进行单独的语音命令、对温度或窗户状态等传感器值的状态查询、对复杂场景和例程的控制以及通过 ioBroker 脚本与外部服务的集成。它可以与`ioBroker.iot`技能并行使用。 + +### 设置 ioBroker 自定义 Alexa 技能 +安装 ioBroker.iot 适配器:自定义技能仅适用于 ioBroker.iot 适配器。如果尚未安装,可以通过 ioBroker 管理区域下的适配器 → ioBroker.iot 适配器进行安装。 + +### 启用 Alexa 自定义技能 +打开 Amazon Alexa 应用程序或转到 Alexa Skills 页面。 + +搜索`ioBroker Custom`技能。 + +激活技能并将您的 Amazon Alexa 帐户链接到 ioBroker。 + +## 自定义技能 - 使用你自己的语音命令 +自定义技能的答案可以通过两种方式处理: + +- 使用 text2command +- 使用 JavaScript + +### 文本到命令 +如果在配置接口中定义了`text2command`实例,则请求将发送给该实例。 + +必须配置`text2command` 以识别预期短语并生成适当的响应。 + +### JavaScript +可以直接用脚本处理请求。如果没有选择`text2command`实例,则这是默认选项。 + +如果已经定义了`text2command`实例,则该实例必须提供响应,并且忽略来自脚本的响应。 + +适配器提供两种状态下不同详细程度的详细信息: + +- `smart.lastCommand` 包含接收到的文本,其中包括有关请求类型(意图)的信息。例如:askDevice Status Lawnmower +- `smart.lastCommandObj` 包含一个 JSON 字符串,可以解析为包含以下信息的对象: + - `words`: 包含接收到的单词作为数组 + - `intent`:包含请求类型。可能的值有: + - v1 技能:`askDevice`、`controlDevice`、`actionStart`、`actionEnd`、`askWhen`、`askWhere`、`askWho` + - v2 技能:`queryIntent`(如果已捕获所有口头文本)、`controlDevice`(用于仅使用部分文本的回退) + - `deviceId`:包含设备 ID,用于标识发送请求的设备(如果由亚马逊提供,否则为空) + - `deviceRoom`:包含关联的房间标识符,可在 ioBroker IoT 管理 UI 中配置该标识符,用于收集的设备 ID + - `sessionId`:包含技能会话的会话 ID,如果连续说出多个命令,则应该相同(如果由亚马逊提供,否则为空) + - `userId`:包含设备所有者或交互用户的用户 ID(如果由亚马逊提供,否则为空) + - `userName`:包含可在 IoT 管理界面中为收集的用户 ID 配置关联的用户名 + +有关单词识别和 Alexa Custom Skill 的不同请求类型的更多详细信息,请访问以下链接:[ioBroker 论坛](https://forum.iobroker.net/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=17452) + +### 通过 smart.lastResponse State 返回响应 +响应必须在 200ms 内写入状态 smart.lastResponse。它可以是简单的文本字符串,也可以是 JSON 对象。 + +- 如果它是一个文本字符串,它将作为响应发送回技能。 +- 如果响应是 JSON 对象,则可以使用以下键: + - `responseText`:包含返回给亚马逊的文本 + - `shouldEndSession`:一个布尔值,控制会话是否在响应后结束或保持打开状态以进行进一步的输入 + - `sessionId`:包含响应所针对的会话 ID。如果未指定,则使用第一个预期会话。 + +### 通过消息向物联网实例发送响应 +ioBroker iot 实例还接受包含密钥响应的名为`alexaCustomResponse` 的消息。该对象可以包含键`responseText`、` shouldEndSession` 和`sessionId`。 + +物联网实例没有向消息发送响应。 + +### 处理文本的脚本示例 +```js +// Wichtig: ack=true setzen +on({ id: 'iot.0.smart.lastCommand', ack: true, change: 'any' }, obj => { + // Die Antwort muss innerhalb von 200ms vorbereitet und in iot.X.smart.lastResponse geschrieben werden + setState('iot.0.smart.lastResponse', 'Received phrase is: ' + obj.state.val); // Wichtig: ack=false (Standard) +}); +``` + +### 处理 JSON 对象的脚本示例 +```js +// Wichtig: ack=true setzen +on({ id: 'iot.0.smart.lastCommandObj', ack: true, change: 'any' }, obj => { + // Die Antwort muss innerhalb von 200ms vorbereitet und in iot.X.smart.lastResponse geschrieben werden + const request = JSON.parse(obj.state.val); + const response = { + responseText: 'Received phrase is: ' + request.words.join(' ') + '. Bye', + shouldEndSession: true, + sessionId: request.sessionId, + }; + + // Antwort über State zurückgeben + setState('iot.0.smart.lastResponse', JSON.stringify(response)); // Wichtig: ack=false (Standard) + + // Oder alternativ als Nachricht zurückgeben + sendTo('iot.0', 'alexaCustomResponse', response); +}); +``` + +## 语音命令示例 +**状态查询:** + +- “Alexa,询问 ioBroker 客厅的温度。” +- “Alexa,询问 ioBroker 车库门是否打开。” + +**控制命令:** + +- “Alexa,告诉 ioBroker 我要回家了。” +- “Alexa,让 ioBroker 启动我的咖啡机。” + +**场景和惯例:** + +- “Alexa,告诉 ioBroker 我要睡觉了。” + +## IoBroker Alexa 自定义技能的优势 +ioBroker 自定义技能通过单独的语音命令提供高度的灵活性。 +它通过更全面的语音控制补充了物联网技能,实现了传感器值和系统信息的状态查询,并允许自动化和脚本的集成。自定义技能提供了一种可定制且强大的方式,可以通过 Alexa 控制您的智能家居。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md b/docs/zh-cn/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md index b08de0bef..21dbd01ca 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ translatedFrom: en translatedWarning: 如果您想编辑此文档,请删除“translatedFrom”字段,否则此文档将再次自动翻译 editLink: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs/edit/master/docs/zh-cn/dev/adapterjsonconfig.md title: ioBroker JSON 配置:初学者指南 -hash: Xc+YrZnmi1mYWiUlwueSm0wlq0IGSe5whY3wgjEn/AA= +hash: qv5gBLc3/6yUdIC4AWjkSdAk6o4ls+yLynScoTV+rAc= --- # IoBroker JSON 配置:初学者指南 本指南介绍如何使用 JSON 定义 ioBroker 适配器的配置选项。此方法提供了一种更加用户友好且灵活的方式,可在 ioBroker Admin 界面中管理适配器设置。 @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ admin/customI18n/en.json 文件的结构对应以下结构 -**en.json:** +**en.json:** ```json5 { @@ -582,9 +582,9 @@ admin/customI18n/en.json | `result` | `{result1: {en: 'A'}, result2: {en: 'B'}}` | | `error` | `{error1: {en: 'E'}, error2: {en: 'E2'}}` | | `variant` | `contained`、`outlined` 或无 | -| `openUrl` | 如果为真 - 在新选项卡中打开 URL,如果响应包含属性`openUrl`,如`{"openUrl": "", "window": "_blank", "saveConfig": true}`。如果`saveConfig`为真,则将要求用户保存配置。| -| `reloadBrowser` | 如果为 true - 重新加载当前浏览器窗口,如果响应包含属性`reloadBrowser`,如`{"reloadBrowser": true}`。| -| `window` | 如果 `openUrl` 为真,则这是新窗口的名称。如果响应包含 `window` 属性,则可以被覆盖。`this.props.socket.sendTo(adapterName.instance, command \|\| 'send', data, result => {});` | +| `openUrl` | 如果为真 - 如果响应包含属性`openUrl`,如`{"openUrl": "", "window": "_blank", "saveConfig": true}`,则在新选项卡中打开 URL。如果`saveConfig`为真,则将要求用户保存配置。| +| `reloadBrowser` | 如果为真 - 重新加载当前浏览器窗口,如果响应包含属性`reloadBrowser`,如`{"reloadBrowser": true}`。| +| `window` | 如果 `openUrl` 为真,则这是新窗口的名称。如果响应包含 `window` 属性,则可以覆盖。`this.props.socket.sendTo(adapterName.instance, command \|\| 'send', data, result => {});` | | `icon` | 是否应显示图标:`auth`、`send`、`web`、`warning`、`error`、`info`、`search`。您可以使用`base64` 图标(如`data:image/svg+xml;base64,...`)或`jpg/png` 图像(以`.png` 结尾)。(如果您需要更多图标,请通过问题请求)| | `useNative` | 如果适配器返回的结果具有 `native` 属性,则将用于配置。如果 `saveConfig` 为真,则将请求用户保存配置。| | `showProcess` | 请求正在进行时显示旋转器 | @@ -746,6 +746,8 @@ admin/customI18n/en.json | `简单` | 显示简单的 CRON 设置 | ###`fileSelector` +从下拉菜单中的一个文件夹中选择一个文件。如果您愿意,您可以将新文件上传到此文件夹。 + 仅限管理员6 | 属性 | 描述 | @@ -762,8 +764,8 @@ admin/customI18n/en.json | `noSize` | 不显示文件大小 | ###`file` +带有文件选择器的输入字段。它将显示为一个文本字段,旁边有一个按钮用于打开对话框。 仅限 Admin6。 -带文件选择器的输入字段 | 属性 | 描述 | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| diff --git a/engine/front-end/public/adapters.json b/engine/front-end/public/adapters.json index 67b4969aa..16fb4efc4 100644 --- a/engine/front-end/public/adapters.json +++ b/engine/front-end/public/adapters.json @@ -13,6 +13,39 @@ "pl": "Alarm" }, "pages": { + "divera247": { + "title": { + "de": "divera247", + "en": "divera247", + "ru": "divera247", + "zh-cn": "divera247" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.divera247/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.divera247/divera247.png", + "keywords": "divera, alarm", + "authors": "tknpl ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2021-01-13T13:03:15.185Z", + "version": "0.2.0", + "latestVersion": "0.2.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Adapter for the alerting software Divera 24/7", + "de": "Adapter 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"adapterref/iobroker.gree-hvac/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.gree-hvac/air-conditioner.png", + "keywords": "home automation, Air conditioners, Gree, C&H, WiFi", + "authors": "Serhiy Krasovskyy ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2024-04-15T05:52:36.250Z", + "version": "1.1.2", + "latestVersion": "1.1.2", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Adapter for Gree and C&H conditioners", + "de": "Adapter für Gree und C&H Conditioner", + "ru": "Адаптер для кондиционеров Gree и C&H", + "pt": "Adaptador para condicionadores Gree e C&H", + "nl": "Adapter voor Gree- en C&H-conditioners", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour conditionneurs Gree et C&H", + "it": "Adattatore per condizionatori Gree e C&H", + "es": "Adaptador para acondicionadores de Gree y CplH", + "pl": "Adapter do klimatyzatorów Gree i C & H", + "uk": "Адаптер для кондиціонерів Gree та C&H", + "zh-cn": "Gree 和 C&H 调制器的适配器" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Air conditioners Gree and C&H", + "de": "Klimaanlagen Gree und 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który steruje systemem ogrzewania domu", - "uk": "Підключення до локальної мережі Міні-сервер Controme, який контролює систему домашнього опалення", - "zh-cn": "连接到控制您的家庭供暖系统的本地Controme mini服务器" + "en": "Adapter for Fröling Connect", + "de": "Adapter für Fröling Connect", + "ru": "Адаптер для Fröling Connect", + "pt": "Adaptador para Fröling Connect", + "nl": "Adapter voor Fröling Connect", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour Fröling Connect", + "it": "Adattatore per Fröling Connect", + "es": "Adaptador para Fröling Connect", + "pl": "Adapter do Fröling Connect", + "zh-cn": "Fröling Connect 适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Controme", - "de": "Controme", - "ru": "Controme", - "pt": "Controme", - "nl": "Controme", - "fr": "Controme", - "it": "Controme", - "es": "Controme", - "pl": "Controme", - "uk": "Controme", - "zh-cn": "Controme" + "en": "Fröling Connect", + "de": "Fröling Connect", + "ru": "Fröling Connect", + "pt": "Fröling Connect", + "nl": "Fröling Connect", + "fr": "Fröling Connect", + 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", - "zh-cn": "控制MAX!" + "en": "Access HDG Control of HDG Bavaria boilers", + "de": "Zugriff auf HDG Control von HDG Bavaria Kesseln", + "ru": "Доступ к данным из HDG Control котлов HDG Bavaria", + "pt": "Acesse os dados do HDG Control das caldeiras HDG Bavaria", + "nl": "Toegang tot gegevens van HDG Besturing van HDG Bavaria ketels", + "fr": "Accéder aux données de HDG Control des chaudières HDG Bavaria", + "it": "Accesso ai dati da HDG Control delle caldaie HDG Bavaria", + "es": "Acceda a los datos de HDG Control de las calderas HDG Bavaria", + "pl": "Dane dostępowe z HDG Control kotłów HDG Bavaria", + "zh-cn": "从 HDG Bavaria 锅炉的 HDG Control 访问数据" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "HDG Bavaria", + "de": "HDG Bavaria", + "ru": "HDG Bavaria", + "pt": "HDG Bavaria", + "nl": "HDG Bavaria", + "fr": "HDG Bavaria", + "it": "HDG Bavaria", + "es": "HDG Bavaria", + "pl": "HDG Bavaria", + "zh-cn": "HDG Bavaria" }, - "titleFull": "Max! 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", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-04-27T15:11:04.962Z", - "version": "2.12.13", - "latestVersion": "2.12.13", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Heating Control", - "de": "Heizungsregelung", - "ru": "Управление отоплением", - "pt": "Controle de aquecimento", - "nl": "Verwarmingregeling", - "fr": "Contrôle du chauffage", - "it": "Controllo del riscaldamento", - "es": "Control de calentamiento", - "pl": "Kontrola ogrzewania", - "zh-cn": "加热控制", - "uk": "Контроль опалення" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Heating Control", - "de": "Heizungsregelung", - "ru": "Управление отоплением", - "pt": "Controle de aquecimento", - "nl": "Verwarmingregeling", - "fr": "Contrôle du chauffage", - "it": "Controllo del riscaldamento", - "es": "Control de calentamiento", - "pl": "Kontrola ogrzewania", - "zh-cn": "加热控制", - "uk": "Контроль опалення" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.heatingcontrol", - "installs": 2063, - "weekDownloads": 148, - "stars": 50, - "issues": 42, + "github": "https://github.com/stemaker/ioBroker.hdg-bavaria", + "installs": 20, + "weekDownloads": 12, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "melcloud": { + "nibeuplink": { "title": { - "de": "melcloud", - "en": "melcloud", - "ru": "melcloud", - "zh-cn": "melcloud" + "de": "nibeuplink", + "en": "nibeuplink", + "ru": "nibeuplink", + "zh-cn": "nibeuplink" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.melcloud/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.melcloud/melcloud.png", - "keywords": "home automation, MELCloud, Mitsubishi, airconditioning", - "authors": "Black-Thunder ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nibeuplink/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nibeuplink/nibeuplink.png", + "keywords": "nibeuplink, nibe, heat pump", + "authors": "Sebastian Haesselbarth ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-05-28T14:27:36.311Z", - "version": "2.0.5", - "latestVersion": "2.0.5", + "published": "2019-03-21T19:15:28.166Z", + "version": "1.3.2", + "latestVersion": "1.3.2", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter integrates Mitsubishi Electric devices via MELCloud into ioBroker.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter integriert Mitsubishi Electric Geräte über MELCloud in ioBroker.", - "ru": "Этот адаптер интегрирует Mitsubishi Electric устройства через MELCloud в ioBroker.", - "pt": "Este adaptador integra dispositivos Mitsubishi Electric via MELCloud no ioBroker.", - "nl": "Deze adapter integreert Mitsubishi Elektrische apparaten via MELCloud in ioBroker.", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur intègre les appareils Mitsubishi Electric via MELCloud dans ioBroker.", - "it": "Questo adattatore integra i dispositivi Mitsubishi Electric tramite MELCloud in ioBroker.", - "es": "Este adaptador integra dispositivos eléctricos Mitsubishi vía MELCloud en ioBroker.", - "pl": "Adapter ten integruje urządzenia Mitsubishi Electric za pośrednictwem MELCloud z joBroker.", - "uk": "Цей адаптер інтегрує Mitsubishi Electric devices через MELCloud в ioBroker.", - "zh-cn": "这个适配器通过MELCloud将三菱电器设备集成到ioBroker中." + "en": "With this adapter data of a Nibe heat pump can be read from Nibe Uplink.", + "de": "Mit diesem Adapter können Daten einer Nibe-Wärmepumpe von Nibe Uplink ausgelesen werden.", + "ru": "С помощью этого адаптера данные теплового насоса Nibe можно считывать с Nibe Uplink.", + "pt": "Com este adaptador, os dados de uma bomba de calor Nibe podem ser lidos no Nibe Uplink.", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen gegevens van een Nibe warmtepomp uit Nibe Uplink worden uitgelezen.", + "fr": "Avec cet adaptateur, les données d'une pompe à chaleur Nibe peuvent être lues à partir de Nibe Uplink.", + "it": "Con questo adattatore i dati di una pompa di calore Nibe possono essere letti da Nibe Uplink.", + "es": "Con este adaptador, los datos de una bomba de calor Nibe se pueden leer desde Nibe Uplink.", + "pl": "Za pomocą tego adaptera dane pompy ciepła Nibe można odczytać z Nibe Uplink.", + "uk": "За допомогою цього адаптера дані теплового насоса Nibe можна зчитувати з Nibe Uplink.", + "zh-cn": "使用此适配器,可以从 Nibe Uplink 读取 Nibe 热泵的数据。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "MELCloud", - "de": "MELCloud", - "ru": "MELCloud", - "pt": "MELCloud", - "nl": "MELCloud", - "fr": "MELCloud", - "it": "MELCloud", - "es": "MELCloud", - "pl": "MELCloud", - "zh-cn": "MEL云", - "uk": "MELCloud" + "en": "Nibe Uplink", + "de": "Nibe Uplink", + "ru": "Nibe Uplink", + "pt": "Nibe Uplink", + "nl": "Nibe Uplink", + "fr": "Nibe Uplink", + "it": "Nibe Uplink", + "es": "Nibe Uplink", + "pl": "Nibe Uplink", + "uk": "Nibe Uplink", + "zh-cn": "Nibe Uplink" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Black-Thunder/ioBroker.melcloud", - "installs": 803, - "weekDownloads": 92, - "stars": 12, - "issues": 0, + "github": "https://github.com/sebilm/ioBroker.nibeuplink", + "installs": 153, + "weekDownloads": 21, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "cleveron": { + "huum-sauna": { "title": { - "de": "cleveron", - "en": "cleveron", - "ru": "cleveron", - "zh-cn": "cleveron" + "de": "huum-sauna", + "en": "huum-sauna", + "ru": "huum-sauna", + "zh-cn": "huum-sauna" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.cleveron/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.cleveron/cleveron.png", - "keywords": "Cleveron, Heizung, CO2, Luftqualitaet", - "authors": "forelleblau ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.huum-sauna/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.huum-sauna/huum-sauna.png", + "keywords": "sauna, control", + "authors": "Chris ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-11-11T21:30:44.226Z", - "version": "0.1.0", - "latestVersion": "0.1.0", + "published": "2022-01-19T17:55:15.008Z", + "version": "0.4.5", + "latestVersion": "0.4.5", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "get your data by the CLEVERON - API", - "de": "Hol dir deine Daten über die CLEVERON - API", - "ru": "получите ваши данные с помощью CLEVERON - API", - "pt": "obtenha seus dados pelo CLEVERON - API", - "nl": "haal uw gegevens op via de CLEVERON - API", - "fr": "récupérer vos données par le CLEVERON - API", - "it": "ottieni i tuoi dati da CLEVERON - API", - "es": "obtenga sus datos mediante CLEVERON - API", - "pl": "zdobądź swoje dane przez CLEVERON - API", - "uk": "отримати ваші дані за допомогою CLEVERON - API", - "zh-cn": "通过 CLEVERON - API 获取您的数据" + "en": "Adapter for HUUM Sauna device control", + "de": "Adapter für HUUM Steuerung der Saunaeinrichtung", + "ru": "Адаптер для HUUM Управление устройством сауны", + "pt": "Adaptador para HUUM Controle de dispositivo Sauna", + "nl": "Adapter voor HUM Sauna apparaat", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour HUUM Contrôle du dispositif Sauna", + "it": "Adattatore per HUUM Controllo del dispositivo sauna", + "es": "Adaptador para HUUM Control de dispositivo Sauna", + "pl": "Adapter for HUUM kontrola Sauna", + "uk": "Адаптер для HUUM Контроль пристрою сауни", + "zh-cn": "HUUMapter 控制装置" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "CLEVERON", - "de": "CLEVERON", - "ru": "КЛЕВЕРОН", - "pt": "CLEVERON", - "nl": "CLEVERON", - "fr": "CLEVERON", - "it": "CLEVERON", - "es": "CLEVERON", - "pl": "CLEVERON", - "uk": "CLEVERON", - "zh-cn": "克莱弗龙" + "en": "HUUM Sauna", + "de": "HUUM Sauna", + "ru": "ГУМ Сауна", + "pt": "HOMEM Sauna", + "nl": "HUUM Sauna", + "fr": "HUUM Sauna", + "it": "UOMO Sauna", + "es": "HUUM Sauna", + "pl": "HUUM Sauna", + "uk": "ХУМ Сауна", + "zh-cn": "HUUM 萨纳" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.cleveron", - "installs": 5, - "weekDownloads": 12, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 0, + "github": "https://github.com/Chris-656/ioBroker.huum-sauna", + "installs": 53, + "weekDownloads": 15, + "stars": 5, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, "luxtronik2": { @@ -1544,62 +1414,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/UncleSamSwiss/ioBroker.luxtronik2", - "installs": 362, - "weekDownloads": 12, + "installs": 358, + "weekDownloads": 15, "stars": 11, "issues": 40, "score": 1 }, - "dysonairpurifier": { - "title": { - "de": "dysonairpurifier", - "en": "dysonairpurifier", - "ru": "dysonairpurifier", - "zh-cn": "dysonairpurifier" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.dysonairpurifier/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.dysonairpurifier/dyson_logo.svg", - "keywords": "dyson, air purifier, pure cool, hot & cool, humidify & cool, fan", - "authors": "grizzelbee ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-09-30T12:59:19.063Z", - "version": "3.2.6", - "latestVersion": "3.2.6", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Integrate dyson air purifiers and fans into ioBroker", - "de": "Integrieren Sie Dyson-Luftreiniger und -Lüfter in ioBroker", - "ru": "Интегрируйте очистители воздуха и вентиляторы dyson в ioBroker", - "pt": "Integre purificadores de ar e ventiladores dyson no ioBroker", - "nl": "Integreer dyson-luchtreinigers en -ventilatoren in ioBroker", - "fr": "Intégrez les purificateurs d'air et les ventilateurs Dyson dans ioBroker", - "it": "Integra i purificatori d'aria e i ventilatori Dyson in ioBroker", - "es": "Integre purificadores de aire y ventiladores Dyson en ioBroker", - "pl": "Zintegruj oczyszczacze powietrza i wentylatory Dyson w ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "将戴森空气净化器和风扇集成到ioBroker中", - "uk": "Інтегруйте очищувачі повітря та вентилятори dyson в ioBroker" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "dyson air purifiers, air humidifiers, fan heater and fans", - "de": "Dyson Luftreiniger, Luftbefeuchter, Heizlüfter und Lüfter", - "ru": "очистители воздуха, увлажнители воздуха, тепловентилятор и вентиляторы dyson", - "pt": "purificadores de ar da Dison, umidificadores de ar, aquecedor e ventiladores", - "nl": "dyson luchtreinigers, luchtbevochtigers, luchtverhitter en ventilatoren", - "fr": "Purificateurs d'air, humidificateurs d'air, radiateurs soufflants et ventilateurs dyson", - "it": "purificatori d'aria dyson, umidificatori d'aria, termoventilatori e ventilatori", - "es": "Purificadores de aire Dyson, humidificadores de aire, calefactores y ventiladores.", - "pl": "oczyszczacze powietrza dyson, nawilżacze powietrza, nagrzewnice i wentylatory", - "zh-cn": "戴森空气净化器,空气加湿器,风扇加热器和风扇", - "uk": "очищувачі повітря, зволожувачі повітря, обігрівачі та вентилятори dyson" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/master/README.md", - "installs": 535, - "weekDownloads": 46, - "stars": 13, - "issues": 2, - "score": 1 - }, "micronova": { "title": { "de": "micronova", @@ -1642,159 +1462,248 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.micronova", - "installs": 21, - "weekDownloads": 4, + "installs": 23, + "weekDownloads": 3, "stars": -1, "issues": 9, "score": 1 }, - "midea": { + "maxcube": { "title": { - "de": "midea", - "en": "midea", - "ru": "midea", - "zh-cn": "midea" + "de": "maxcube", + "en": "maxcube", + "ru": "maxcube", + "zh-cn": "maxcube" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.midea/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.midea/midea.png", - "keywords": "midea, dimstal, royal clima, Carrier", - "authors": "TA2k ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.maxcube/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.maxcube/maxcube.png", + "keywords": "cube, MAX!, heating, heizung, eQ-3", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-05-14T09:23:51.509Z", - "version": "0.0.7", - "latestVersion": "0.0.7", + "published": "2017-06-08T08:46:50.814Z", + "version": "1.0.4", + "latestVersion": "1.0.4", "materialize": true, - "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Midea Adapter for midea, dimstal or royal clima or Carrier", - 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Cube", + "de": "Steuere MAX! Geräte mit dem Max! Cube", + "ru": "Управляет устройствами MAX! при помощи Max! Cube", + "pt": "Control MAX! ", + "nl": "Controle MAX! ", + "fr": "Contrôlez MAX! ", + "it": "Controllo MAX! ", + "es": "Control MAX! ", + "pl": "Control MAX! ", + "zh-cn": "控制MAX!" }, + "titleFull": "Max! 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"published": "2019-05-11T13:10:11.988Z", - "version": "1.8.5", - "latestVersion": "1.8.7", + "published": "2022-06-17T20:43:05.723Z", + "version": "1.0.5", + "latestVersion": "1.0.5", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Automatic control for shutters", - "de": "Automatische Steuerung für Rollläden", - "ru": "Автоматическое управление жалюзи", - "pt": "Controle automático para persianas", - "nl": "Automatische controle voor luiken", - "fr": "Contrôle automatique des volets", - "it": "Controllo automatico per tapparelle", - "es": "Control automático de persianas.", - "pl": "Automatyczne sterowanie żaluzjami", - "uk": "Автоматичне керування ролетами", - "zh-cn": "百叶窗的自动控制" + "en": "Connect OekoFEN Pellematic via JSON to ioBroker", + "de": "Verbinden Sie OekoFEN Pellematic über JSON mit ioBroker", + "ru": "Подключите OekoFEN Pellematic через JSON к ioBroker", + "pt": "Conecte o OekoFEN Pellematic via JSON ao ioBroker", + "nl": "Verbind OekoFEN Pellematic via JSON met ioBroker", + "fr": "Connectez OekoFEN Pellematic via JSON à ioBroker", + "it": "Collega OekoFEN Pellematic tramite JSON a ioBroker", + "es": "Conecte OekoFEN Pellematic a través de JSON a ioBroker", + "pl": "Połącz OekoFEN Pellematic przez JSON z ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "通过 JSON 将 OekoFEN Pellematic 连接到 ioBroker", + "uk": "Підключіть OekoFEN Pellematic через JSON до ioBroker" }, "titleFull": { - 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"content": "adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/myvbus.png", - "keywords": "myvbus, VBus, Resol", - "authors": "pdbjjens ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mihome-airpurifier/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mihome-airpurifier/mihome-airpurifier.png", + "keywords": "mihome-airpurifier, xiaomi, air, purifier", + "authors": "Johannes Jaeger ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-03-30T19:13:55.205Z", - "version": "0.4.0", - "latestVersion": "0.4.0", + "published": "2018-12-18T12:20:09.290Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.1.8", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter connects ioBroker to VBus-based Resol devices", - "de": "Dieser Adapter verbindet ioBroker mit VBus-basierten Resol-Geräten", - "ru": "Этот адаптер подключает ioBroker к устройствам Resol на базе VBus.", - "pt": "Este adaptador conecta o ioBroker a dispositivos Resol baseados em VBus", - "nl": "Deze adapter verbindt ioBroker met op VBus gebaseerde Resol-apparaten", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur connecte ioBroker aux appareils Resol basés sur VBus", - "it": "Questo adattatore collega ioBroker a dispositivi Resol basati su VBus", - "es": "Este adaptador conecta ioBroker a dispositivos Resol basados ​​en VBus", - "pl": "Ten adapter łączy ioBroker z urządzeniami Resol opartymi na VBus", - "zh-cn": "此适配器将 ioBroker 连接到基于 VBus 的 Resol 设备", - "uk": "Цей адаптер підключає ioBroker до пристроїв Resol на основі VBus" + "en": "Controll your Xiaomi Air Purifier", + "de": "Steuere deinen Xiaomi Air Purifier", + "ru": "Шаблон для разработки адаптера", + "pt": "Modelo para desenvolvimento de adaptadores", + "nl": "Sjabloon voor adapterontwikkeling", + "fr": "Modèle de développement d'adaptateur", + "it": "Modello per lo sviluppo dell'adattatore", + "es": "Plantilla para desarrollo de adaptadores", + "pl": "Szablon do opracowania adaptera", + "zh-cn": "适配器开发的模板" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Resol VBUS", - "de": "Resol VBUS", - "ru": "Resol VBUS", - "pt": "Resol VBUS", - "nl": "Resol VBUS", - 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"Controle su control de bomba de calor Luxtronik 1", - "pl": "Kontrola nad Luxtronikiem 1", - "zh-cn": "控制你的Lxtronik 1个热能控制", - "uk": "Керуйте своїм контролером теплового насоса Luxtronik 1" + "en": "myUplink.com for Nibe Heat Pumps", + "de": "myUplink.com für Nibe-Wärmepumpen", + "ru": "myUplink.com для тепловых насосов Nibe", + "pt": "myUplink.com para bombas de calor Nibe", + "nl": "myUplink.com voor Nibe-warmtepompen", + "fr": "myUplink.com pour les pompes à chaleur Nibe", + "it": "myUplink.com per le pompe di calore Nibe", + "es": "myUplink.com para bombas de calor Nibe", + "pl": "myUplink.com dla pomp ciepła Nibe", + "uk": "myUplink.com для теплових насосів Nibe", + "zh-cn": "myUplink.com 适用于 Nibe 热泵" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Luxtronik1Control", - "de": "Luxtronik1Control", - "ru": "Luxtronik1Контроль", - "pt": "Luxtronik1Control", - "nl": "Luxtronik1Control", - "fr": "Luxtronik1Control", - "it": "Luxtronik1Control", - "es": "Luxtronik1Control", - "pl": "Lukstronik1", - 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"MIT", - "published": "2019-03-21T19:15:28.166Z", - "version": "1.3.2", - "latestVersion": "1.3.2", + "published": "2019-03-20T20:51:24.234Z", + "version": "0.4.2", + "latestVersion": "0.4.2", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "With this adapter data of a Nibe heat pump can be read from Nibe Uplink.", - "de": "Mit diesem Adapter können Daten einer Nibe-Wärmepumpe von Nibe Uplink ausgelesen werden.", - "ru": "С помощью этого адаптера данные теплового насоса Nibe можно считывать с Nibe Uplink.", - "pt": "Com este adaptador, os dados de uma bomba de calor Nibe podem ser lidos no Nibe Uplink.", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen gegevens van een Nibe warmtepomp uit Nibe Uplink worden uitgelezen.", - "fr": "Avec cet adaptateur, les données d'une pompe à chaleur Nibe peuvent être lues à partir de Nibe Uplink.", - "it": "Con questo adattatore i dati di una pompa di calore Nibe possono essere letti da Nibe Uplink.", - "es": "Con este adaptador, los datos de una bomba de calor Nibe se pueden leer desde Nibe Uplink.", - "pl": "Za pomocą tego adaptera dane pompy ciepła Nibe można odczytać z Nibe Uplink.", - "uk": "За допомогою цього адаптера дані теплового насоса Nibe можна зчитувати з Nibe Uplink.", - "zh-cn": "使用此适配器,可以从 Nibe Uplink 读取 Nibe 热泵的数据。" + "en": "Control your Luxtronik 1 heatpump controler", + "de": "Steuern Sie Ihren Luxtronik 1 Wärmepumpenregler", + "ru": "Контролируйте свой Luxtronik 1 нагреватель", + "pt": "Controle seu controle de calor Luxtronik 1", + "nl": "Controleer je Luxtronik 1 verwarmingscontrole", + "fr": "Contrôlez votre Luxtronik 1 régulateur de puissance", + "it": "Controlla il tuo Luxtronik 1 dissipatore di calore", + "es": "Controle su control de bomba de calor Luxtronik 1", + "pl": "Kontrola nad Luxtronikiem 1", + "zh-cn": "控制你的Lxtronik 1个热能控制", + "uk": "Керуйте своїм контролером теплового насоса Luxtronik 1" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Nibe Uplink", - "de": "Nibe Uplink", - "ru": "Nibe Uplink", - "pt": "Nibe Uplink", - "nl": "Nibe Uplink", - "fr": "Nibe Uplink", - "it": "Nibe Uplink", - "es": "Nibe Uplink", - "pl": "Nibe Uplink", - "uk": "Nibe Uplink", - "zh-cn": "Nibe Uplink" + "en": "Luxtronik1Control", + "de": "Luxtronik1Control", + "ru": "Luxtronik1Контроль", + "pt": "Luxtronik1Control", + "nl": "Luxtronik1Control", + "fr": "Luxtronik1Control", + "it": "Luxtronik1Control", + "es": "Luxtronik1Control", + "pl": "Lukstronik1", + "zh-cn": "Luxtronik1Control", + "uk": "Luxtronik1Control" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/sebilm/ioBroker.nibeuplink", - "installs": 157, - "weekDownloads": 6, - "stars": 9, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.luxtronik1", + "installs": 113, + "weekDownloads": 72, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "huum-sauna": { + "oxxify-fan-control": { "title": { - "de": "huum-sauna", - "en": "huum-sauna", - "ru": "huum-sauna", - "zh-cn": "huum-sauna" + "de": "oxxify-fan-control", + "en": "oxxify-fan-control", + "ru": "oxxify-fan-control", + "zh-cn": "oxxify-fan-control" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.huum-sauna/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.huum-sauna/huum-sauna.png", - "keywords": "sauna, control", - "authors": "Chris ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-01-19T17:55:15.008Z", - "version": "0.4.5", - "latestVersion": "0.4.5", - "materialize": true, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.oxxify-fan-control/oxxify-fan-control.png", + "keywords": "oxxify, fan, ventilation", + "authors": "N-b-dy ", + "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", + "published": "2025-01-06T19:26:28.567Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.0.4", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for HUUM Sauna device control", - "de": "Adapter für HUUM Steuerung der Saunaeinrichtung", - "ru": "Адаптер для HUUM Управление устройством сауны", - "pt": "Adaptador para HUUM Controle de dispositivo Sauna", - "nl": "Adapter voor HUM Sauna apparaat", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour HUUM Contrôle du dispositif Sauna", - "it": "Adattatore per HUUM Controllo del dispositivo sauna", - "es": "Adaptador para HUUM Control de dispositivo Sauna", - "pl": "Adapter for HUUM kontrola Sauna", - "uk": "Адаптер для HUUM Контроль пристрою сауни", - "zh-cn": "HUUMapter 控制装置" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "HUUM Sauna", - "de": "HUUM Sauna", - "ru": "ГУМ Сауна", - "pt": "HOMEM Sauna", - "nl": "HUUM Sauna", - "fr": "HUUM Sauna", - "it": "UOMO Sauna", - "es": "HUUM Sauna", - "pl": "HUUM Sauna", - "uk": "ХУМ Сауна", - "zh-cn": "HUUM 萨纳" + "en": "Integrate your Oxxify Fans into your Smart Home.", + "de": "Integrieren Sie Ihre Oxxify-Lüfter in Ihr Smart Home.", + "ru": "Интегрируйте вентиляторы Oxxify в свой умный дом.", + "pt": "Integre seus fãs Oxxify em sua casa inteligente.", + "nl": "Integreer je Oxxify Fans in je Smart Home.", + "fr": "Intégrez vos ventilateurs Oxxify dans votre maison intelligente.", + "it": "Integra i tuoi fan Oxxify nella tua casa intelligente.", + "es": "Integra tus Fans Oxxify en tu Hogar Inteligente.", + "pl": "Zintegruj swoich fanów Oxxify ze swoim inteligentnym domem.", + "uk": "Інтегруйте вентилятори Oxxify у свій розумний дім.", + "zh-cn": "将您的 Oxxify 风扇集成到您的智能家居中。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Oxxify Fan Control", + "de": "Oxxify-Lüftersteuerung", + "ru": "Управление вентилятором Oxxify", + "pt": "Controle de ventilador Oxxify", + "nl": "Oxxify-ventilatorbediening", + "fr": "Contrôle du ventilateur Oxxify", + "it": "Controllo della ventola Oxxify", + "es": "Control del ventilador Oxxify", + "pl": "Sterowanie wentylatorem Oxxify", + "uk": "Контроль вентиляторів Oxxify", + "zh-cn": "Oxxify 风扇控制" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/Chris-656/ioBroker.huum-sauna", - "installs": 51, - "weekDownloads": 3, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 3, + "github": "https://github.com/N-b-dy/ioBroker.oxxify-fan-control", + "installs": 2, + "weekDownloads": 13, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "helios": { + "midea": { "title": { - "de": "helios", - "en": "helios", - "ru": "helios", - "zh-cn": "helios" + "de": "midea", + "en": "midea", + "ru": "midea", + "zh-cn": "midea" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.helios/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.helios/helios.png", - "keywords": "helios, kwl, easycontrols", - "authors": "KLVN", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.midea/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.midea/midea.png", + "keywords": "midea, dimstal, royal clima, Carrier", + "authors": "TA2k ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-09-23T07:53:51.225Z", - "version": "0.1.0", - "latestVersion": "0.1.0", + "published": "2020-05-14T09:23:51.509Z", + "version": "0.0.7", + "latestVersion": "0.0.7", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Helios KWL easyControls", - "de": "Helios KWL easyControls", - "ru": "Гелиос KWL easyControls", - "pt": "Helios KWL easyControls", - "nl": "Helios KWL easyControls", - "fr": "Helios KWL easyControls", - "it": "Helios KWL easyControls", - "es": "Helios KWL easyControls", - "pl": "Helios KWL easyControls", - "zh-cn": "Helios KWL easyControls" + "en": "Midea Adapter for midea, dimstal or royal clima or Carrier", + "de": "Midea Adapter für midea, dimstal oder royal clima oder Carrier Klimaanlagen und Wärmepumpen", + "ru": "Midea адаптер midea, dimstal or royal clima or Carrier", + "pt": "Adaptador Midea midea, dimstal or royal clima, Carrier", + "nl": "Midea-adapter midea, Carrier,dimstal or royal clima", + "fr": "Adaptateur Midea midea, dimstal et royal clima et Carrier", + "it": "Adattatore Midea midea, dimstal or royal clima, Carrier", + "es": "Adaptador Midea midea, dimstal or royal clima,Carrier ", + "pl": "Adapter Midea midea, dimstal or royal clima, Carrier", + "zh-cn": "美的适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Helios KWL", - "de": "Helios KWL", - "ru": "Гелиос КВЛ", - "pt": "Helios KWL", - "nl": "Helios KWL", - "fr": "Hélios KWL", - "it": "Helios KWL", - "es": "Helios KWL", - "pl": "Helios KWL", - "zh-cn": "太阳神KWL" + "en": "Midea and Carrier", + "de": "Midea und Carrier", + "ru": "Midea & Carrier", + "pt": "Midea & Carrier", + "nl": "Midea & Carrier", + "fr": "Midea et Carrier", + "it": "Midea & Carrier", + "es": "Midea & Carrier ", + "pl": "Midea & Carrier", + "zh-cn": "美的" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.helios", - "installs": 137, - "weekDownloads": 16, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.midea", + "installs": 949, + "weekDownloads": 18, + "stars": 10, + "issues": 40, + "score": 1 + }, + "intesishome": { + "title": { + "de": "intesishome", + "en": "intesishome", + "ru": "intesishome", + "zh-cn": "intesishome" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.intesishome/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.intesishome/intesishome.png", + "keywords": "intesishome, vis, GUI, graphical, scada", + "authors": "maxtox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2018-04-25T22:24:42.884Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.1.2", + "materialize": true, + "description": { + "en": "Read and control air condition and heat pumps via intesishome cloud", + "de": "Lesen und steuern Sie Klimaanlagen und Wärmepumpen über eine interessante Cloud", + "ru": "Прочитайте и контролируйте кондиционирование воздуха и тепловые насосы через обычное облако", + "pt": "Leia e controle o ar e as bombas de calor através de uma nuvem intesishome", + "nl": "Leest en controleert de luchttoestand en warmtepompen via een intesishome wolk", + "fr": "Lire et contrôler l'état de l'air et les pompes à chaleur via intesishome cloud", + "it": "Leggi e controlla le condizioni dell'aria e le pompe di calore tramite una nuvola intesishome", + "es": "Lea y controle el aire acondicionado y las bombas de calor a través de la nube intesishome" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Intesishome cloud", + "de": "Intesishome cloud", + "ru": "Intesishome cloud", + "pt": "Intesishome cloud", + "nl": "Intesishome cloud", + "fr": "Intesishome cloud", + "it": "Intesishome cloud", + "es": "Intesishome cloud" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/maxtox/ioBroker.intesishome", + "installs": 10, + "weekDownloads": 4, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 11, + "score": 1 + }, + "stiebel-isg": { + "title": { + "de": "stiebel-isg", + "en": "stiebel-isg", + "ru": "stiebel-isg", + "zh-cn": "stiebel-isg" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.stiebel-isg/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.stiebel-isg/stiebel-isg.png", + "keywords": "Stiebel-Eltron/Tecalor, Internet Service Gateway, ISG", + "authors": "Michael Schuster ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2018-09-08T19:23:53.004Z", + "version": "1.7.7", + "latestVersion": "1.7.7", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter is a ment to read values from stiebel-eltron/tecalor internet service gateways (ISG) and control the device.", + "de": "Dieser Adapter dient zum Auslesen der Werten des Internetdienst-Gateways (ISG) von Stiebel-Eltron / Tecalor und zum Steuern des Geräts.", + "ru": "Этот адаптер является ментом для чтения значений от stiebel-eltron/tecalor internet service Gateways (ISG) и управления устройством.", + "pt": "Este adaptador é um complemento para ler valores de gateways de serviço de Internet esteibel-eltron/tecalor (ISG) e controlar o dispositivo.", + "nl": "Deze adapter is een ment om waarden te lezen van stiebel-eltron/tecalor internetbediening en controleer het apparaat.", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur est un ment pour lire les valeurs des passerelles de service Internet stiebel-eltron/tecalor (ISG) et contrôler l'appareil.", + "it": "Questo adattatore è un'azione per leggere i valori dai gateway di servizio internet di stiebel-eltron/tecalor (ISG) e controllare il dispositivo.", + "es": "Este adaptador es un ment para leer valores de los portales de servicio stiebel-eltron/tecalor de Internet (ISG) y controlar el dispositivo.", + "pl": "Ta adapter jest mentem do czytania wartości od stiebel-eltron/tecalorowych portali serwisowych (ISG) i kontroli urządzenia.", + "uk": "Цей адаптер є домом для зчитування значень від stiebel-eltron/tecalor Інтернет-додатків (ISG) та керування пристроєм.", + "zh-cn": "这种适应者是从半贝尔-客运/保护者互联网服务网(ISG)和控制该装置的价值观。." + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", + "de": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", + "ru": "Stiebel-ISG/Текалор-ISG", + "pt": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", + "nl": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", + "fr": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", + "it": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", + "es": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", + "pl": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", + "uk": "Стібел-ІСГ/Текалор-ІСГ", + "zh-cn": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/unltdnetworx/ioBroker.stiebel-isg", + "installs": 611, + "weekDownloads": 32, + "stars": 18, + "issues": 8, + "score": 1 + }, + "myvbus": { + "title": { + "de": "myvbus", + "en": "myvbus", + "ru": "myvbus", + "zh-cn": "myvbus" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.myvbus/myvbus.png", + "keywords": "myvbus, VBus, Resol", + "authors": "pdbjjens ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-03-30T19:13:55.205Z", + "version": "0.4.0", + "latestVersion": "0.5.0", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter connects ioBroker to VBus-based Resol devices", + "de": "Dieser Adapter verbindet ioBroker mit VBus-basierten Resol-Geräten", + "ru": "Этот адаптер подключает ioBroker к устройствам Resol на базе VBus.", + "pt": "Este adaptador conecta o ioBroker a dispositivos Resol baseados em VBus", + "nl": "Deze adapter verbindt ioBroker met op VBus gebaseerde Resol-apparaten", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur connecte ioBroker aux appareils Resol basés sur VBus", + "it": "Questo adattatore collega ioBroker a dispositivi Resol basati su VBus", + "es": "Este adaptador conecta ioBroker a dispositivos Resol basados ​​en VBus", + "pl": "Ten adapter łączy ioBroker z urządzeniami Resol opartymi na VBus", + "zh-cn": "此适配器将 ioBroker 连接到基于 VBus 的 Resol 设备", + "uk": "Цей адаптер підключає ioBroker до пристроїв Resol на основі VBus" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Resol VBUS", + "de": "Resol VBUS", + "ru": "Resol VBUS", + "pt": "Resol VBUS", + "nl": "Resol VBUS", + "fr": "Resol VBUS", + "it": "Resol VBUS", + "es": "Resol VBUS", + "pl": "Resol VBUS", + "zh-cn": "Resol VBUS适配器", + "uk": "Розв'язати VBUS" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.myvbus", + "installs": 193, + "weekDownloads": 20, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 0, + "score": 1 + }, + "shuttercontrol": { + "title": { + "de": "shuttercontrol", + "en": "shuttercontrol", + "ru": "shuttercontrol", + "zh-cn": "shuttercontrol" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.shuttercontrol/shuttercontrol.png", + "keywords": "home automation, Rollladen, Jalousie, Rollladensteuerung, shutter, Homematic, Sunprotec, Sonnenschutz, Astro, Elevation, Sonneuntergang, Sonnenaufgang", + "authors": "simatec ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-05-11T13:10:11.988Z", + "version": "1.8.5", + "latestVersion": "1.8.8", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Automatic control for shutters", + "de": "Automatische Steuerung für Rollläden", + "ru": "Автоматическое управление жалюзи", + "pt": "Controle automático para persianas", + "nl": "Automatische controle voor luiken", + "fr": "Contrôle automatique des volets", + "it": "Controllo automatico per tapparelle", + "es": "Control automático de persianas.", + "pl": "Automatyczne sterowanie żaluzjami", + "uk": "Автоматичне керування ролетами", + "zh-cn": "百叶窗的自动控制" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "shuttercontrol", + "de": "Rolladensteuerung", + "ru": "затвор", + "pt": "obturador", + "nl": "Luik", + "fr": "obturateur", + "it": "otturatore", + "es": "obturador", + "pl": "migawka", + "uk": "керування затвором", + "zh-cn": "快门" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/simatec/ioBroker.shuttercontrol", + "installs": 3425, + "weekDownloads": 638, + "stars": 42, + "issues": 9, "score": 1 }, "siegenia": { @@ -2291,110 +2392,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/Apollon77/ioBroker.siegenia", - "installs": 35, - "weekDownloads": 15, + "installs": 34, + "weekDownloads": 12, "stars": 6, "issues": 19, "score": 1 }, - "airconwithme": { - "title": { - "de": "airconwithme", - "en": "airconwithme", - "ru": "airconwithme", - "zh-cn": "airconwithme" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.airconwithme/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.airconwithme/airconwithme.png", - "keywords": "iobroker adapter aircondition mitsubishi", - "authors": "Torsten Weggen ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-03-07T17:44:41.467Z", - "version": "0.0.4", - "latestVersion": "0.0.4", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "de": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "ru": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "pt": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "nl": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "fr": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "it": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "es": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "pl": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter", - "zh-cn": "Adapter for Mitsubishi aircondition with airconwithme wlan adapter" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "AirConWithMe", - "de": "AirConWithMe", - "ru": "AirConWithMe", - "pt": "AirConWithMe", - "nl": "AirConWithMe", - "fr": "AirConWithMe", - "it": "AirConWithMe", - "es": "AirConWithMe", - "pl": "AirConWithMe", - "zh-cn": "AirConWithMe" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/weggetor/ioBroker.airconwithme", - "installs": 204, - "weekDownloads": 10, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 17, - "score": 1 - }, - "seko": { - "title": { - "de": "seko", - "en": "seko", - "ru": "seko", - "zh-cn": "seko" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.seko/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.seko/seko.png", - "keywords": "seko, sekolink", - "authors": "TA2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-09-10T09:13:59.743Z", - "version": "0.0.1", - "latestVersion": "0.0.1", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for seko devices", - "de": "Adapter für Seko-Geräte", - "ru": "Адаптер для устройств Seko", - "pt": "Adaptador para dispositivos seko", - "nl": "Adapter voor seko-apparaten", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour appareils seko", - "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi seko", - "es": "Adaptador para dispositivos seko", - "pl": "Adapter do urządzeń seko", - "zh-cn": "seko 设备的适配器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Seko", - "de": "Seko", - "ru": "Секо", - "pt": "Seko", - "nl": "Seko", - "fr": "Séko", - "it": "Seko", - "es": "Seko", - "pl": "Seko", - "zh-cn": "世子" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.seko", - "installs": 16, - "weekDownloads": 1, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 10, - "score": 1 - }, "schwoerer-ventcube": { "title": { "de": "schwoerer-ventcube", @@ -2439,113 +2442,211 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/Excodibur/ioBroker.schwoerer-ventcube", - "installs": 125, - "weekDownloads": 13, + "installs": 128, + "weekDownloads": 7, "stars": 6, "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "oekofen-json": { + "remeha-home": { "title": { - "de": "oekofen-json", - "en": "oekofen-json", - "ru": "oekofen-json", - "zh-cn": "oekofen-json" + "de": "remeha-home", + "en": "remeha-home", + "ru": "remeha-home", + "zh-cn": "remeha-home" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.oekofen-json/README.md", - "icon": 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использованием BL-NET и CMI.", + "pt": "Este adaptador lê entradas e saídas dos controladores de clima da Technische Alternative usando BL-NET e CMI.", + "nl": "Deze adapter leest de ingangen en uitgangen van de klimaatregelaars van Technische Alternative uit met behulp van BL-NET en CMI.", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur lit les entrées et sorties des contrôleurs de climat de Technische Alternative via BL-NET et CMI.", + "it": "Questo adattatore legge gli ingressi e le uscite dei controller climatici di Technische Alternative tramite BL-NET e CMI.", + "es": "Este adaptador lee las entradas y salidas de los controladores climáticos de Technische Alternative utilizando BL-NET y CMI.", + "pl": "Ten adapter odczytuje wejścia i wyjścia sterowników klimatycznych firmy Technische Alternative za pomocą BL-NET i CMI.", + "uk": "Цей адаптер зчитує входи та виходи кліматичних контролерів від Technische Alternative за допомогою BL-NET і CMI.", + "zh-cn": "该适配器通过 BL-NET 和 CMI 读取 Technische Alternative 的气候控制器的输入和输出。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "TA BL-NET", + "de": "TA BL-NET", + "ru": "ТА BL-NET", + "pt": "TA BL-NET", + "nl": "TA BL-NET", + "fr": "TA BL-NET", + "it": "TA BL-NET", + "es": "TA BL-NET", + "pl": "TA BL-NET", + "uk": "TA BL-NET", + "zh-cn": "TA BL-NET" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/weberk/ioBroker.ta-blnet", + "installs": 68, + "weekDownloads": 52, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 1, + "score": 1 + }, + "vesync": { + "title": { + "de": "vesync", + "en": "vesync", + "ru": "vesync", + "zh-cn": "vesync" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vesync/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vesync/vesync.png", + "keywords": "vesync", + "authors": "TA2k ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2022-12-05T08:21:40.261Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.0.9", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Adapter for VeSync", + "de": "Adapter für VeSync", + "ru": "Адаптер для VeSync", + "pt": "Adaptador para VeSync", + "nl": "Adapter voor 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read values from stiebel-eltron/tecalor internet service gateways (ISG) and control the device.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter dient zum Auslesen der Werten des Internetdienst-Gateways (ISG) von Stiebel-Eltron / Tecalor und zum Steuern des Geräts.", - "ru": "Этот адаптер является ментом для чтения значений от stiebel-eltron/tecalor internet service Gateways (ISG) и управления устройством.", - "pt": "Este adaptador é um complemento para ler valores de gateways de serviço de Internet esteibel-eltron/tecalor (ISG) e controlar o dispositivo.", - "nl": "Deze adapter is een ment om waarden te lezen van stiebel-eltron/tecalor internetbediening en controleer het apparaat.", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur est un ment pour lire les valeurs des passerelles de service Internet stiebel-eltron/tecalor (ISG) et contrôler l'appareil.", - "it": "Questo adattatore è un'azione per leggere i valori dai gateway di servizio internet di stiebel-eltron/tecalor (ISG) e controllare il dispositivo.", - "es": "Este adaptador es un ment para leer valores de los portales de servicio stiebel-eltron/tecalor de Internet (ISG) y controlar el dispositivo.", - "pl": "Ta adapter jest mentem do czytania wartości od stiebel-eltron/tecalorowych portali serwisowych (ISG) i kontroli urządzenia.", - "uk": "Цей адаптер є домом для зчитування значень від stiebel-eltron/tecalor Інтернет-додатків (ISG) та керування пристроєм.", - "zh-cn": "这种适应者是从半贝尔-客运/保护者互联网服务网(ISG)和控制该装置的价值观。." + "en": "Adapter for Viessmannapi Devices with Vitoconnect Box", + "de": "Adapter für Viessmannapi Anlagen mit Vitoconnect Box", + "ru": "Адаптер для устройств Viessmannapi с Vitoconnect Box", + "pt": "Adaptador para dispositivos Viessmannapi com caixa Vitoconnect", + "nl": "Adapter voor Viessmannapi-apparaten met Vitoconnect Box", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour appareils Viessmannapi avec Vitoconnect Box", + "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi Viessmannapi con Vitoconnect Box", + "es": "Adaptador para dispositivos Viessmannapi con Vitoconnect Box", + "pl": "Adapter do urządzeń Viessmannapi z Vitoconnect Box", + "zh-cn": "带有 Vitoconnect 盒的 Viessmannapi 设备适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", - "de": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", - "ru": "Stiebel-ISG/Текалор-ISG", - "pt": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", - "nl": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", - "fr": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", - "it": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", - "es": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", - "pl": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG", - "uk": "Стібел-ІСГ/Текалор-ІСГ", - "zh-cn": "Stiebel-ISG/Tecalor-ISG" + "en": "Viessmannapi", + "de": "Viessmannapi", + "ru": "Viessmannapi", + "pt": "Viessmannapi", + "nl": "Viessmannapi", + "fr": "Viessmannapi", + "it": "Viessmannapi", + "es": "Viessmannapi", + "pl": "Viessmannapi", + "zh-cn": "Viessmannapi" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/unltdnetworx/ioBroker.stiebel-isg", - "installs": 600, - "weekDownloads": 16, - "stars": 18, - "issues": 8, + "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.viessmannapi", + "installs": 2264, 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- "version": "1.5.0", - "latestVersion": "1.5.4", - "compact": false, + "published": "2020-09-30T12:59:19.063Z", + "version": "3.2.6", + "latestVersion": "3.2.6", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Communication with Viessmann controllers over Vcontrold", - "de": "Kommunikation mit Viessmann Controllern über Vcontrold", - "ru": "Связь с контроллерами Viessmann через Vcontrold", - "pt": "Comunicação com controladores Viessmann sobre Vcontrold", - "nl": "Communicatie met Viessmann controllers boven V gecontroleerd", - "fr": "Communication avec les contrôleurs Viessmann sur Vcontrold", - "it": "Comunicazione con controller Viessmann su Vcontrold", - "es": "Comunicación con controladores Viessmann sobre Vcontrold", - "pl": "Komunikacja z kontrolerami Viessmanna nad kontrolą V Controlled", - "uk": "Зв'язок з контролерами Viessmann над Vcontrold", - "zh-cn": "与V控制的Vusmann管制器的通信" + "en": "Integrate dyson air purifiers and fans into ioBroker", + "de": "Integrieren Sie Dyson-Luftreiniger und -Lüfter in ioBroker", + "ru": "Интегрируйте очистители воздуха и вентиляторы dyson в ioBroker", + "pt": "Integre purificadores de ar e ventiladores dyson no ioBroker", + "nl": "Integreer dyson-luchtreinigers en -ventilatoren in ioBroker", + "fr": "Intégrez les purificateurs d'air et les ventilateurs Dyson dans ioBroker", + "it": "Integra i purificatori d'aria e i ventilatori Dyson in ioBroker", + "es": "Integre purificadores de aire y ventiladores Dyson en ioBroker", + "pl": "Zintegruj oczyszczacze powietrza i wentylatory Dyson w ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "将戴森空气净化器和风扇集成到ioBroker中", + "uk": "Інтегруйте очищувачі повітря та вентилятори dyson в ioBroker" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "connect viessmann systems over vcontrold", - "de": "viessmann systeme über vcontroled verbinden", - "ru": "подключить системы viessmann через vcontrold", - "pt": "conectar sistemas viessmann sobre vcontrold", - "nl": "verbind viessmannsystemen over voogdij", - "fr": "connecter les systèmes 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powietrza, nagrzewnice i wentylatory", + "zh-cn": "戴森空气净化器,空气加湿器,风扇加热器和风扇", + "uk": "очищувачі повітря, зволожувачі повітря, обігрівачі та вентилятори dyson" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/misanorot/ioBroker.viessmann", - "installs": 692, - "weekDownloads": 53, - "stars": 19, - "issues": 15, + "github": "https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/master/README.md", + "installs": 522, + "weekDownloads": 52, + "stars": 13, + "issues": 2, + "score": 1 + }, + "tado": { + "title": { + "de": "tado", + "en": "tado", + "ru": "tado", + "zh-cn": "tado" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tado/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tado/tado.png", + "keywords": "energy, tado, thermostat, climate, temperature", + "authors": "HGlab01 <>, DutchmanNL <>", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-10-12T00:08:04.705Z", + "version": "0.6.1", + "latestVersion": "0.6.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Tado cloud connector to control Tado 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climatici di Technische Alternative tramite BL-NET e CMI.", - "es": "Este adaptador lee las entradas y salidas de los controladores climáticos de Technische Alternative utilizando BL-NET y CMI.", - "pl": "Ten adapter odczytuje wejścia i wyjścia sterowników klimatycznych firmy Technische Alternative za pomocą BL-NET i CMI.", - "uk": "Цей адаптер зчитує входи та виходи кліматичних контролерів від Technische Alternative за допомогою BL-NET і CMI.", - "zh-cn": "该适配器通过 BL-NET 和 CMI 读取 Technische Alternative 的气候控制器的输入和输出。" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "TA BL-NET", - "de": "TA BL-NET", - "ru": "ТА BL-NET", - "pt": "TA BL-NET", - "nl": "TA BL-NET", - "fr": "TA BL-NET", - "it": "TA BL-NET", - "es": "TA BL-NET", - "pl": "TA BL-NET", - "uk": "TA BL-NET", - "zh-cn": "TA BL-NET" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/weberk/ioBroker.ta-blnet", - "installs": 47, - "weekDownloads": 63, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 1, - "score": 1 - }, - "tado": { - "title": { - "de": "tado", - "en": 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ioBroker IoT", - "pt": "Conecta seu servidor ioBroker à nuvem IoT do ioBroker", - "nl": "Verbindt uw ioBroker-server met de ioBroker IoT-cloud", - "fr": "Connecte votre serveur ioBroker au cloud ioBroker IoT", - "it": "Collega il tuo server ioBroker al cloud IoT IoBroker", - "es": "Conecta su servidor ioBroker a la nube ioBroker IoT", - "pl": "Łączy twój serwer ioBroker z chmurą IoT ioBroker", - "uk": "Підключає ваш сервер ioBroker до хмари ioBroker IoT", - "zh-cn": "连接你的ioBroker服务器的ioBroker IoT云" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "IoT cloud connection", - "de": "Cloud IoT-Verbindung", - "ru": "Соединение Cloud IoT", - "pt": "Conexão Cloud IoT", - "nl": "Cloud IoT-verbinding", - "fr": "Connexion Cloud IoT", - "it": "Connessione Cloud IoT", - "es": "Conexión IoT en la nube", - "pl": "Połączenie Cloud IoT", - "uk": "З'єднання Cloud IoT", - "zh-cn": "IoT云连接" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.iot", - "installs": 17113, - "weekDownloads": 610, - 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Rabbit-MQ, ... 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Vorschläge sind willkommen", - "ru": "Этот адаптер реализует интеграцию с различными очередями сообщений, такими как Kafka, Rabbit-MQ, ... предложения приветствуются.", - "pt": "Este adaptador implementa a integração a diferentes filas de mensagens como Kafka, Rabbit-MQ, ... sugestões são bem vindas", - "nl": "Deze adapter implementeert de integratie met verschillende berichtenwachtrijen zoals Kafka, Rabbit-MQ, ... suggesties zijn welkom", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur implémente l'intégration à différentes files d'attente de messages comme Kafka, Rabbit-MQ, ... les suggestions sont les bienvenues", - "it": "Questo adattatore implementa l'integrazione a diverse code di messaggi come Kafka, Rabbit-MQ, ... suggerimenti sono i benvenuti", - "es": "Este adaptador implementa la integración a diferentes colas de mensajes como Kafka, Rabbit-MQ, ... se aceptan sugerencias", - "pl": "Ten adapter implementuje integrację z różnymi kolejkami wiadomości, takimi jak Kafka, Rabbit-MQ, ... sugestie są mile widziane", - "zh-cn": "该适配器实现了对不同消息队列的集成,如 Kafka、Rabbit-MQ、...欢迎提出建议" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Message-Queue", - "de": "Message-Queue", - "ru": "Очередь сообщений", - "pt": "Fila de mensagens", - "nl": "Berichtenwachtrij", - "fr": "File d'attente de messages", - "it": "Coda di messaggi", - "es": "Cola de mensajes", - "pl": "Kolejka wiadomości", - "zh-cn": "消息队列" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/MK-2001/ioBroker.message-queue", - "installs": 2, - "weekDownloads": 9, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 19, - "score": 1 - }, - "iwg-vpn": { + "link": { "title": { - "de": "iwg-vpn", - "en": "iwg-vpn", - "ru": "iwg-vpn", - "zh-cn": "iwg-vpn" + "de": "link", + "en": "link", + "ru": "link", + "zh-cn": "link" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.iwg-vpn/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.iwg-vpn/iwg-vpn.png", - "keywords": "vpn, remote, fernzugriff, fernsteuerung, connect, link, wireguard, alexa, amazon, cloud, nat, iot", - "authors": "iwg-vpn ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.link/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.link/link.png", + "keywords": "vpn, link, remote access", + "authors": "gh-god, Bluefox ", "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", - 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"pt": "Obtenha informações de conexão de rotas definidas da HAFAS", - "nl": "Ontvang verbindingsinformatie van gedefinieerde routes van HAFAS", - "fr": "Obtenir des informations sur les liaisons définies de HAFAS", - "it": "Ottenere informazioni di connessione di percorsi definiti da HAFAS", - "es": "Obtener información de conexión de rutas definidas de HAFAS", - "pl": "Pobierz informacje o połączeniach określonych tras z HAFAS", - "uk": "Отримати інформацію про підключення визначених маршрутів від HAFAS", - "zh-cn": "从 HAFAS 获取定义路线的连接信息" + "en": "Use an ical file to import your contacts birthdays", + "de": "Verwenden Sie eine ical-Datei, um die Geburtstage Ihrer Kontakte zu importieren", + "ru": "Используйте файл ical для импорта дней рождения контактов", + "pt": "Use um arquivo ical para importar os aniversários de seus contatos", + "nl": "Gebruik een ical-bestand om de verjaardagen van uw contacten te importeren", + "fr": "Utilisez un fichier ical pour importer les anniversaires de vos contacts", + "it": "Usa un file ical per importare i compleanni dei tuoi contatti", + "es": "Utilice un archivo ical para importar los cumpleaños de sus contactos", + "pl": "Użyj pliku ical, aby zaimportować daty urodzin kontaktów", + "uk": "Використовуйте файл ical, щоб імпортувати дні народження ваших контактів", + "zh-cn": "使用 ical 文件导入您的联系人生日" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Fahrplan", - "de": "Fahrplan", - "ru": "Fahrplan", - "pt": "Fahrplan", - "nl": "Fahrplan", - "fr": "Fahrplan", - "it": "Fahrplan", - "es": "Fahrplan", - "pl": "Fahrplan", - "uk": "Фарплан", - "zh-cn": "法尔普兰" + "en": "Birthdays", + "de": "Geburtstage", + "ru": "Дни рождения", + "pt": "Aniversários", + "nl": "verjaardagen", + "fr": "Anniversaires", + "it": "compleanni", + "es": "Cumpleaños", + "pl": "Urodziny", + "uk": "Дні народження", + "zh-cn": "生日" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/gaudes/ioBroker.fahrplan", - "installs": 877, - "weekDownloads": 49, - "stars": 9, - "issues": 15, + "github": "https://github.com/klein0r/ioBroker.birthdays", + "installs": 1274, + "weekDownloads": 50, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "ical": { + "calendar": { "title": { - "de": "ical", - "en": "ical", - "ru": "ical", - "zh-cn": "ical" + "de": "calendar", + "en": "calendar", + "ru": "calendar", + "zh-cn": "calendar" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ical/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ical/ical.png", - "keywords": "web, iCal, calendar", - "authors": "bluefox , Apollon77 , twonky4 , Jens Maus , Matthias Kleine ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-02-22T11:33:05.718Z", - "version": "1.16.1", - "latestVersion": "1.16.1", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to read .ics files from specific URL and parse it (Google Calendar or iCal)", - "de": "iCal liest Kalender Files im .ics Format von einer URL (Google Calendar oder iCal)", - "ru": "iCal читает файлы в формате .ics по URL адресу (Google Calendar или iCal)", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite ler arquivos .ics de URL específico e analisá-lo (Google Calendar ou iCal)", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen .ics-bestanden van een specifieke URL worden gelezen en geanalyseerd (Google Calendar of iCal)", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de lire des fichiers .ics à partir d'URL spécifiques et de les analyser (Google Calendar ou iCal)", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di leggere i file .ics da URL specifici e di analizzarli (Google Calendar o iCal)", - "es": "Este adaptador permite leer archivos .ics de una URL específica y analizarlos (Google Calendar o iCal)", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia odczytanie plików .ics z określonego adresu URL i przeanalizowanie go (Kalendarz Google lub iCal)", - "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє читати файли .ics із певної URL-адреси та аналізувати їх (Google Calendar або iCal)", - "zh-cn": "此适配器允许从特定 URL 读取 .ics 文件并对其进行解析(Google Calendar 或 iCal)" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "iCal Calendar", - "de": "iCal Kalender", - "ru": "Календарь iCal", - "pt": "Calendário iCal", - "nl": "iCal-agenda", - "fr": "Calendrier iCal", - "it": "Calendario iCal", - "es": "Calendario iCal", - "pl": "Kalendarz iCal", - "uk": "Календар iCal", - "zh-cn": "iCal 日历" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.ical", - "installs": 16111, - "weekDownloads": 629, - "stars": 43, - "issues": 33, - "score": 1 - }, - "calendar": { - "title": { - "de": "calendar", - "en": "calendar", - "ru": "calendar", - "zh-cn": "calendar" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.calendar/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.calendar/calendar.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, calendar, Smart Home, home automation, ical, caldav", - "authors": "WLAN-Kabel ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.calendar/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.calendar/calendar.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, calendar, Smart Home, home automation, ical, caldav", + "authors": "WLAN-Kabel ", "license": "MIT", "published": "2019-12-09T17:38:41.043Z", "version": "-.-.-", @@ -3932,12 +3933,62 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/WLAN-Kabel/ioBroker.calendar", - "installs": 287, - "weekDownloads": 13, + "installs": 278, + "weekDownloads": 24, "stars": 11, "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, + "fahrplan": { + "title": { + "de": "fahrplan", + "en": "fahrplan", + "ru": "fahrplan", + "zh-cn": "fahrplan" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fahrplan/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fahrplan/fahrplan.png", + "keywords": "Fahrplan, HAFAS, Deutsche Bahn", + "authors": "Gaudes ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-07-07T20:37:21.923Z", + "version": "1.2.3", + "latestVersion": "1.4.0", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Get connection information of defined routes from HAFAS", + "de": "Verbindungsinformationen aus HAFAS zu konfigurierten Route", + "ru": "Получить информацию о связи с определенными маршрутами из HAFAS", + "pt": "Obtenha informações de conexão de rotas definidas da HAFAS", + "nl": "Ontvang verbindingsinformatie van gedefinieerde routes van HAFAS", + "fr": "Obtenir des informations sur les liaisons définies de HAFAS", + "it": "Ottenere informazioni di connessione di percorsi definiti da HAFAS", + "es": "Obtener información de conexión de rutas definidas de HAFAS", + "pl": "Pobierz informacje o połączeniach określonych tras z HAFAS", + "uk": "Отримати інформацію про підключення визначених маршрутів від HAFAS", + "zh-cn": "从 HAFAS 获取定义路线的连接信息" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Fahrplan", + "de": "Fahrplan", + "ru": "Fahrplan", + "pt": "Fahrplan", + "nl": "Fahrplan", + "fr": "Fahrplan", + "it": "Fahrplan", + "es": "Fahrplan", + "pl": "Fahrplan", + "uk": "Фарплан", + "zh-cn": "法尔普兰" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/gaudes/ioBroker.fahrplan", + "installs": 862, + "weekDownloads": 99, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 15, + "score": 1 + }, "feiertage": { "title": { "de": "feiertage", @@ -3983,8 +4034,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.feiertage", - "installs": 6621, - "weekDownloads": 621, + "installs": 6596, + "weekDownloads": 1225, "stars": 16, "issues": 6, "score": 1 @@ -4031,12 +4082,62 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.fullcalendar", - "installs": 2097, - "weekDownloads": 80, + "installs": 2092, + "weekDownloads": 71, "stars": 11, "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, + "ical": { + "title": { + "de": "ical", + "en": "ical", + "ru": "ical", + "zh-cn": "ical" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ical/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ical/ical.png", + "keywords": "web, iCal, calendar", + "authors": "bluefox , Apollon77 , twonky4 , Jens Maus , Matthias Kleine ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2015-02-22T11:33:05.718Z", + "version": "1.16.1", + "latestVersion": "1.16.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter allows to read .ics files from specific URL and parse it (Google Calendar or iCal)", + "de": "iCal liest Kalender Files im .ics Format von einer URL (Google Calendar oder iCal)", + "ru": "iCal читает файлы в формате .ics по URL адресу (Google Calendar или iCal)", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite ler arquivos .ics de URL específico e analisá-lo (Google Calendar ou iCal)", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen .ics-bestanden van een specifieke URL worden gelezen en geanalyseerd (Google Calendar of iCal)", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de lire des fichiers .ics à partir d'URL spécifiques et de les analyser (Google Calendar ou iCal)", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di leggere i file .ics da URL specifici e di analizzarli (Google Calendar o iCal)", + "es": "Este adaptador permite leer archivos .ics de una URL específica y analizarlos (Google Calendar o iCal)", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia odczytanie plików .ics z określonego adresu URL i przeanalizowanie go (Kalendarz Google lub iCal)", + "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє читати файли .ics із певної URL-адреси та аналізувати їх (Google Calendar або iCal)", + "zh-cn": "此适配器允许从特定 URL 读取 .ics 文件并对其进行解析(Google Calendar 或 iCal)" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "iCal Calendar", + "de": "iCal Kalender", + "ru": "Календарь iCal", + "pt": "Calendário iCal", + "nl": "iCal-agenda", + "fr": "Calendrier iCal", + "it": "Calendario iCal", + "es": "Calendario iCal", + "pl": "Kalendarz iCal", + "uk": "Календар iCal", + "zh-cn": "iCal 日历" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.ical", + "installs": 15988, + "weekDownloads": 493, + "stars": 43, + "issues": 33, + "score": 1 + }, "schedule-switcher": { "title": { "de": "schedule-switcher", @@ -4081,8 +4182,8 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/Lucky-ESA/ioBroker.schedule-switcher", - "installs": 63, - "weekDownloads": 15, + "installs": 83, + "weekDownloads": 41, "stars": 1, "issues": 0, "score": 1 @@ -4131,60 +4232,60 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/simatec/ioBroker.schoolfree", - "installs": 1843, - "weekDownloads": 629, + "installs": 1829, + "weekDownloads": 293, "stars": 5, "issues": 4, "score": 1 }, - "birthdays": { + "trashschedule": { "title": { - "de": "birthdays", - "en": "birthdays", - "ru": "birthdays", - "zh-cn": "birthdays" + "de": "trashschedule", + "en": "trashschedule", + "ru": "trashschedule", + "zh-cn": "trashschedule" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.birthdays/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.birthdays/birthdays.png", - "keywords": "calendar, ical, carddav, birthday", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.trashschedule/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.trashschedule/trashschedule.png", + "keywords": "trash, calendar, muell, muellabfuhr", "authors": "Matthias Kleine ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-12-28T14:25:46.377Z", - "version": "3.1.0", - "latestVersion": "3.1.0", + "published": "2019-11-24T21:05:05.496Z", + "version": "3.3.0", + "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Use an ical file to import your contacts birthdays", - "de": "Verwenden Sie eine ical-Datei, um die Geburtstage Ihrer Kontakte zu importieren", - "ru": "Используйте файл ical для импорта дней рождения контактов", - "pt": "Use um arquivo ical para importar os aniversários de seus contatos", - "nl": "Gebruik een ical-bestand om de verjaardagen van uw contacten te importeren", - "fr": "Utilisez un fichier ical pour importer les anniversaires de vos contacts", - "it": "Usa un file ical per importare i compleanni dei tuoi contatti", - "es": "Utilice un archivo ical para importar los cumpleaños de sus contactos", - "pl": "Użyj pliku ical, aby zaimportować daty urodzin kontaktów", - "uk": "Використовуйте файл ical, щоб імпортувати дні народження ваших контактів", - "zh-cn": "使用 ical 文件导入您的联系人生日" + "en": "Calculates the days until next trash pickup", + "de": "Berechnet die Tage bis zur nächsten Müllabfuhr", + "ru": "Подсчитывает количество дней до следующего вывоза мусора", + "pt": "Calcula os dias até a próxima coleta de lixo", + "nl": "Berekent de dagen tot de volgende ophaling van afval", + "fr": "Calcule les jours jusqu'au prochain ramassage des ordures", + "it": "Calcola i giorni fino al prossimo ritiro della spazzatura", + "es": "Calcula los días hasta la próxima recolección de basura", + "pl": "Oblicza dni do następnego odbioru śmieci", + "uk": "Розраховує дні до наступного вивезення сміття", + "zh-cn": "计算距离下一次垃圾回收的天数" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Birthdays", - "de": "Geburtstage", - "ru": "Дни рождения", - "pt": "Aniversários", - "nl": "verjaardagen", - "fr": "Anniversaires", - "it": "compleanni", - "es": "Cumpleaños", - "pl": "Urodziny", - "uk": "Дні народження", - "zh-cn": "生日" + "en": "Trash Schedule", + "de": "Müllabfuhr-Zeitplan", + "ru": "Расписание мусора", + "pt": "Agenda de lixo", + "nl": "Prullenbak Schema", + "fr": "Horaire de la corbeille", + "it": "Programma del cestino", + "es": "Horario de basura", + "pl": "Harmonogram śmieci", + "uk": "Розклад сміття", + "zh-cn": "垃圾分类" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/klein0r/ioBroker.birthdays", - "installs": 1280, - "weekDownloads": 40, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 3, + "github": "https://github.com/klein0r/ioBroker.trashschedule", + "installs": 10686, + "weekDownloads": 362, + "stars": 30, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, "time-switch": { @@ -4230,8 +4331,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/walli545/ioBroker.time-switch", - "installs": 1082, - "weekDownloads": 13, + "installs": 1075, + "weekDownloads": 27, "stars": 17, "issues": 17, "score": 1 @@ -4279,8 +4380,8 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/Newan/ioBroker.webuntis", - "installs": 456, - "weekDownloads": 6, + "installs": 455, + "weekDownloads": 15, "stars": 5, "issues": 5, "score": 1 @@ -4329,78 +4430,28 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/dirkhe/ioBroker.webcal", - "installs": 431, - "weekDownloads": 45, + "installs": 424, + "weekDownloads": 55, "stars": 1, "issues": 6, "score": 1 - }, - "trashschedule": { - "title": { - "de": "trashschedule", - "en": "trashschedule", - "ru": "trashschedule", - "zh-cn": "trashschedule" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.trashschedule/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.trashschedule/trashschedule.png", - "keywords": "trash, calendar, muell, muellabfuhr", - "authors": "Matthias Kleine ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-11-24T21:05:05.496Z", - "version": "3.3.0", - "latestVersion": "4.0.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Calculates the days until next trash pickup", - "de": "Berechnet die Tage bis zur nächsten Müllabfuhr", - "ru": "Подсчитывает количество дней до следующего вывоза мусора", - "pt": "Calcula os dias até a próxima coleta de lixo", - "nl": "Berekent de dagen tot de volgende ophaling van afval", - "fr": "Calcule les jours jusqu'au prochain ramassage des ordures", - "it": "Calcola i giorni fino al prossimo ritiro della spazzatura", - "es": "Calcula los días hasta la próxima recolección de basura", - "pl": "Oblicza dni do następnego odbioru śmieci", - "uk": "Розраховує дні до наступного вивезення сміття", - "zh-cn": "计算距离下一次垃圾回收的天数" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Trash Schedule", - "de": "Müllabfuhr-Zeitplan", - "ru": "Расписание мусора", - "pt": "Agenda de lixo", - "nl": "Prullenbak Schema", - "fr": "Horaire de la corbeille", - "it": "Programma del cestino", - "es": "Horario de basura", - "pl": "Harmonogram śmieci", - "uk": "Розклад сміття", - "zh-cn": "垃圾分类" - 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"ru": "b-control-em", - "zh-cn": "b-control-em" + "de": "discovergy", + "en": "discovergy", + "ru": "discovergy", + "zh-cn": "discovergy" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.b-control-em/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.b-control-em/bcontrol.png", - "keywords": "B-control, bcontrol, energy, manager, Energy Manager, Busch-Jäger, EM, metering, power, consumption, smartmeter", - "authors": "hobbyquaker ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.discovergy/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.discovergy/discovergy.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", + "authors": "DutchmanNL ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-01-02T17:10:47.222Z", - "version": "0.3.1", - "latestVersion": "0.3.1", + "published": "2018-12-05T08:38:45.890Z", + "version": "0.5.13", + "latestVersion": "0.5.13", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Polls data from B-control Energy Manager", - "de": "Holt Daten vom B-control Energy Manager", - "ru": "Polls data from B-control Energy Manager" + "en": "This adapter allows Discovergy users to synchronize all their measurements to ioBroker", + "de": "Mit diesem Adapter können Discovergy-Benutzer alle ihre Messungen mit dem ioBroker synchronisieren", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет пользователям Discovergy синхронизировать все свои измерения с ioBroker", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite que os usuários da Discovergy sincronizem todas as suas medições com o ioBroker", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen Discovergy-gebruikers al hun metingen synchroniseren met ioBroker", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet aux utilisateurs de Discovergy de synchroniser toutes leurs mesures avec ioBroker.", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente agli utenti di Discovergy di sincronizzare tutte le loro misurazioni su ioBroker", + "es": "Este adaptador permite a los usuarios de Discovergy sincronizar todas sus mediciones con ioBroker", + "pl": "Ten adapter pozwala użytkownikom Discovergy zsynchronizować wszystkie swoje pomiary z ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "该适配器使Discovergy用户可以将其所有测量值同步到ioBroker" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "B-control Energy Manager", - "de": "B-control Energy Manager", - "ru": "B-control Energy Manager" + "en": "Discovergy", + "de": "Discovergy", + "ru": "Discovergy", + "pt": "Discovergy", + "nl": "Discovergy", + "fr": "Discovergy", + "it": "Discovergy", + "es": "Discovergy", + "pl": "Discovergy", + "zh-cn": "发现" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.b-control-em", - "installs": 128, - "weekDownloads": 2, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 11, + "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.discovergy", + "installs": 363, + "weekDownloads": 27, + "stars": 16, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, - "alpha-ess": { + "deyeidc": { "title": { - "de": "alpha-ess", - "en": "alpha-ess", - "ru": "alpha-ess", - "zh-cn": "alpha-ess" + "de": "deyeidc", + "en": "deyeidc", + "ru": "deyeidc", + "zh-cn": "deyeidc" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.alpha-ess/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.alpha-ess/alpha-ess.png", - "keywords": "photovoltaik, alpha-ess", - "authors": "Gaspode ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.deyeidc/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.deyeidc/deyeidc.png", + "keywords": "Deye, Bosswerk, cloudless", + "authors": "raschy ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-01-02T18:13:16.793Z", - "version": "3.0.1", - "latestVersion": "3.0.1", + "published": "2023-03-21T19:04:21.353Z", + "version": "0.1.1", + "latestVersion": "0.1.4", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Read and write data from and to Alpha ESS systems.", - "de": "Lesen und schreiben Sie Daten von und zu Alpha ESS-Systemen.", - "ru": "Чтение и запись данных из и в системы Alpha ESS.", - "pt": "Ler e gravar dados de e para sistemas Alpha ESS.", - "nl": "Gegevens lezen en schrijven van en naar Alpha ESS-systemen.", - "fr": "Lire et écrire des données depuis et vers les systèmes Alpha ESS.", - "it": "Leggere e scrivere dati da e verso sistemi Alpha ESS.", - "es": "Lea y escriba datos desde y hacia los sistemas Alpha ESS.", - "pl": "Odczytywanie i zapisywanie danych zi do systemów Alpha ESS.", - "zh-cn": "在 Alpha ESS 系统中读取和写入数据。", - "uk": "Читання та запис даних із систем Alpha ESS і до них." + "en": "Data Collector vor Deye-compatible Inverter", + "de": "Datensammler für Deye-kompatible Wechselrichter", + "ru": "Сборщик данных с инвертором, совместимым с Дейе", + "pt": "Coletor de dados para inversor compatível com Deye", + "nl": "Gegevensverzamelaar voor Deye-compatibele omvormer", + "fr": "Collecteur de données pour onduleur compatible Deye", + "it": "Data Collector per Inverter compatibile con Deye", + "es": "Colector de datos para inversor compatible con Deye", + "pl": "Data Collector dla falownika kompatybilnego z Deye", + "zh-cn": "数据收集器 vor Deye 兼容逆变器", + "uk": "Збирач даних або інвертор, сумісний з Deye" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Alpha ESS", - "de": "Alpha-ESS", - "ru": "Альфа ЭСС", - "pt": "Alfa ESS", - "nl": "Alfa ESS", - "fr": "Alpha SSE", - "it": "Alfa ESS", - "es": "Alfa ESS", - "pl": "Alfa ESS", - "zh-cn": "阿尔法 ESS", - "uk": "Альфа ESS" + "en": "Deye Inverter Data Collector", + "de": "Datensammler für Wechselrichter von Deye", + "ru": "Сборщик данных инвертора Дейе", + "pt": "Coletor de Dados do Inversor Deye", + "nl": "Deye Inverter-gegevensverzamelaar", + "fr": "Collecteur de données Deye Inverter", + "it": "Deye Inverter Data Collector", + "es": "Colector de datos del inversor Deye", + "pl": "Kolektor danych falownika Deye", + "zh-cn": "德业逆变器数据采集器", + "uk": "Збірник даних інвертора Deye" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/Gaspode69/ioBroker.alpha-ess", - "installs": 479, - "weekDownloads": 124, - "stars": 9, - "issues": 0, + "github": "https://github.com/raschy/ioBroker.deyeidc", + "installs": 1412, + "weekDownloads": 72, + "stars": 18, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, - "amtronwallbox": { + "emporia": { "title": { - "de": "amtronwallbox", - "en": "amtronwallbox", - "ru": "amtronwallbox", - "zh-cn": "amtronwallbox" + "de": "emporia", + "en": "emporia", + "ru": "emporia", + "zh-cn": "emporia" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.amtronwallbox/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.amtronwallbox/amtronwallbox.png", - "keywords": "amtron, mennekes, wallbox", - "authors": "René G. ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.emporia/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.emporia/emporia.png", + "keywords": "power consumption, energy monitor", + "authors": "Chris ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-05-19T17:58:24.417Z", - "version": "0.3.0", - "latestVersion": "0.3.0", + "published": "2022-12-06T09:02:13.690Z", + "version": "0.0.12", + "latestVersion": "0.0.12", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "read statistic information and set configuration values on AMTRON wallboxes from Mennekes", - "de": "Statistikinformationen lesen und Konfigurationswerte auf AMTRON-Wallboxen von Mennekes einstellen", - "ru": "читать статистическую информацию и задавать значения конфигурации на настенных ящиках AMTRON от Mennekes", - "pt": "leia informações estatísticas e defina valores de configuração em caixas de parede AMTRON da Mennekes", - "nl": "lees statistische informatie en stel configuratiewaarden in op AMTRON wallboxes van Mennekes", - "fr": "lire les informations statistiques et définir les valeurs de configuration sur les boîtiers muraux AMTRON de Mennekes", - "it": "leggere le informazioni statistiche e impostare i valori di configurazione sulle wallbox AMTRON di Mennekes", - "es": "leer información estadística y establecer valores de configuración en los wallboxes AMTRON de Mennekes", - "pl": "odczytywanie informacji statystycznych i ustawianie wartości konfiguracyjnych w stacjach naściennych AMTRON firmy Mennekes", - "zh-cn": "从 Mennekes 读取 AMTRON 墙盒上的统计信息并设置配置值", - "uk": "читати статистичну інформацію та встановлювати значення конфігурації на AMTRON wallbox від Mennekes" + "en": "This adapter retrieves data from emporia vue2 system", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ruft Daten von emporia vue2 System ab", + "ru": "Этот адаптер извлекает данные из системы emporia vue2", + "pt": "Este adaptador recupera dados do sistema emporia vue2", + "nl": "Deze adapter haalt gegevens van emporia vue2 systeem", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur récupère les données du système emporia vue2", + "it": "Questo adattatore recupera i dati dal sistema emporia vue2", + "es": "Este adaptador recupera datos del sistema emporia vue2", + "pl": "Ten adapter odzyskuje dane z systemu emporia vue2", + "uk": "Цей адаптер отримує дані з системи emporia vue2", + "zh-cn": "这种适应者从堪培拉角系统检索数据" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "control of AMTRON wallbox", - "de": "Steuerung der AMTRON Wallbox", - "ru": "управление настенной коробкой AMTRON", - "pt": "controle da caixa de parede AMTRON", - "nl": "bediening van AMTRON wallbox", - "fr": "commande de la wallbox AMTRON", - "it": "controllo della wallbox AMTRON", - "es": "control de la caja de empotrar AMTRON", - "pl": "sterowanie wallboxem AMTRON", - "zh-cn": "AMTRON 墙盒的控制", - "uk": "управління AMTRON wallbox" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.amtronwallbox", - "installs": 88, - "weekDownloads": 14, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 2, - "score": 1 - }, - "fenecon": { - "title": { - "de": "fenecon", - "en": "fenecon", - "ru": "fenecon", - "zh-cn": "fenecon" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fenecon/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fenecon/fenecon.png", - "keywords": "fenecon, openems, FEMS, PV inverter, Energy storage system, Energy management system", - "authors": "Georg Schreiner ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2024-04-17T16:57:28.806Z", - "version": "0.5.0", - "latestVersion": "0.5.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "OpenEMS connection to fenecon pv", - "de": "OpenEMS-Anbindung an fenecon pv", - "ru": "Подключение OpenEMS к Fenecon Pv", - "pt": "Conexão OpenEMS com fenecon pv", - "nl": "OpenEMS-verbinding met fenecon pv", - "fr": "Connexion OpenEMS à Fenecon PV", - "it": "Connessione OpenEMS a fenecon pv", - "es": "Conexión OpenEMS a fenecon pv", - "pl": "Połączenie OpenEMS z fenecon pv", - "uk": "Підключення OpenEMS до fenecon pv", - "zh-cn": "OpenEMS 与 fenecon pv 的连接" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Fenecon", - "de": "Fenecon", - "ru": "Фенекон", - "pt": "Fenecón", - "nl": "Fenecon", - "fr": "Fénécon", - "it": "Fenecon", - "es": "Fenecón", - "pl": "Fenekon", - "uk": "Фенекон", - "zh-cn": "芬内康" + "en": "Emporia", + "de": "Emporia", + "ru": "Эмпория", + "pt": "Emporia", + "nl": "Emporia", + "fr": "Emporia", + "it": "Emporia", + "es": "Emporia", + "pl": "Emporia", + "uk": "Emporia", + "zh-cn": "Emporia" }, "branch": "main", - 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"en": "ioBroker Growatt Adapter to communiacte with ShineAPI", - "de": "ioBroker Growatt Adapter zur Kommunikation mit ShineAPI", - "ru": "Адаптер ioBroker Growatt для связи с ShineAPI", - "pt": "Adaptador ioBroker Growatt para comunicação com ShineAPI", - "nl": "ioBroker Growatt-adapter voor communicatie met ShineAPI", - "fr": "ioBroker Growatt Adaptateur pour communiquer avec ShineAPI", - "it": "Adattatore per Growatt ioBroker da comunicare con ShineAPI", - "es": "Adaptador ioBroker Growatt para comunicarse con ShineAPI", - "pl": "ioBroker Growatt Adapter do komunikacji z ShineAPI", - "uk": "ioBroker Growatt адаптер для комунікації з ShineAPI", - "zh-cn": "ioBroker Growatt适配器可与ShineAPI通信" + "en": "Adapter for Fronius Solarweb Portal", + "de": "Adapter für das Fronius Solarweb Portal", + "ru": "Адаптер для портала Fronius Solarweb", + "pt": "Adaptador para o portal Fronius Solarweb", + "nl": "Adapter voor Fronius Solarweb Portal", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour portail Fronius Solarweb", + "it": "Adattatore per il portale Fronius Solarweb", + "es": "Adaptador para el portal Fronius Solarweb", + "pl": "Adapter do portalu Fronius Solarweb", + "zh-cn": "Fronius Solarweb Portal 适配器" }, "titleFull": { - 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"de": "Daten aus dem Energiemanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis® auslesen", - "ru": "Считывание данных из системы управления энергопотреблением Janitza® GridVis®", - "pt": "Leia os dados do Energymanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis®", - "nl": "Gegevens uitlezen Energiemanagementsysteem Janitza® GridVis®", - "fr": "Lire les données du système de gestion de l'énergie Janitza® GridVis®", - "it": "Leggi i dati da Energymanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis®", - "es": "Leer datos del sistema de gestión de energía Janitza® GridVis®", - "pl": "Odczytywanie danych z systemu zarządzania energią Janitza® GridVis®", - "zh-cn": "从 Energymanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis® 读取数据", - "uk": "Зчитування даних із системи енергоменеджменту Janitza® GridVis®" + "en": "Adapter for reading Kostal Piko (BA) data", + "de": "Adapter zum Lesen von Kostal Piko (BA) Daten", + "ru": "Адаптер для чтения данных Kostal Piko (BA)", + "pt": "Adaptador para leitura de dados Kostal Piko (BA)", + "nl": "Adapter voor het lezen van Kostal Piko (BA) gegevens", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour la lecture des données Kostal Piko (BA)", + "it": "Adattatore per la lettura dei dati Kostal Piko (BA)", + "es": "Adaptador para leer datos de Kostal Piko (BA)", + "pl": "Adapter do odczytu danych Kostal Piko (BA)", + "uk": "Адаптер для читання даних Костал Піко (BA)", + "zh-cn": "阅读Kostal Piko BA数据" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "de": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "ru": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "pt": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "nl": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "fr": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "it": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "es": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "pl": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "zh-cn": "Janitza®-GridVis®", - "uk": "Janitza®-GridVis®" + "en": "Kostal PikoBA", + "de": "Kostal PikoBA", + "ru": "Костал ПиКОБА", + "pt": "Kostal PikoBA", + "nl": "Kostal PikoBA", + "fr": "Kostal PikoBA", + "it": "Kostal PikoBA", + "es": "Kostal PikoBA", + "pl": "Kostal PikoBA", + "uk": "Kostal PikoBA", + "zh-cn": "科斯塔尔皮科巴" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.janitza-gridvis", - "installs": 92, - "weekDownloads": 208, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 1, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/Hombach/ioBroker.kostal-piko-ba", + "installs": 344, + "weekDownloads": 203, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "lg-ess-home": { + "alpha-ess": { "title": { - "de": "lg-ess-home", - "en": "lg-ess-home", - "ru": "lg-ess-home", - "zh-cn": "lg-ess-home" + "de": "alpha-ess", + "en": "alpha-ess", + "ru": "alpha-ess", + "zh-cn": "alpha-ess" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lg-ess-home/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lg-ess-home/lg-ess-home.png", - "keywords": "LG-ESS, home automation", - "authors": "Morluktom ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.alpha-ess/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.alpha-ess/alpha-ess.png", + "keywords": "photovoltaik, alpha-ess", + "authors": "Gaspode ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-12-05T23:57:52.763Z", - "version": "0.4.1", - "latestVersion": "0.4.1", + "published": "2023-01-02T18:13:16.793Z", + "version": "3.0.1", + "latestVersion": "3.0.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter to read data from a LG ESS inverter.", - "de": "Adapter zum Lesen von Daten von einem LG ESS-Wechselrichter.", - "ru": "Адаптер для чтения данных с инвертора LG ESS.", - "pt": "Adaptador para ler dados de um inversor LG ESS.", - "nl": "Adapter om gegevens van een LG ESS-omvormer te lezen.", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour lire les données d'un onduleur LG ESS.", - "it": "Adattatore per leggere i dati da un inverter LG ESS.", - "es": "Adaptador para leer datos de un inversor LG ESS.", - "pl": "Adapter do odczytu danych z falownika LG ESS.", - "zh-cn": "用于从LG ESS逆变器读取数据的适配器。", - "uk": "Адаптер для читання даних з інвертора LG ESS." + "en": "Read and write data from and to Alpha ESS systems.", + "de": "Lesen und schreiben Sie Daten von und zu Alpha ESS-Systemen.", + "ru": "Чтение и запись данных из и в системы Alpha ESS.", + "pt": "Ler e gravar dados de e para sistemas Alpha ESS.", + "nl": "Gegevens lezen en schrijven van en naar Alpha ESS-systemen.", + "fr": "Lire et écrire des données depuis et vers les systèmes Alpha ESS.", + "it": "Leggere e scrivere dati da e verso sistemi Alpha ESS.", + "es": "Lea y escriba datos desde y hacia los sistemas Alpha ESS.", + "pl": "Odczytywanie i zapisywanie danych zi do systemów Alpha ESS.", + "zh-cn": "在 Alpha ESS 系统中读取和写入数据。", + "uk": "Читання та запис даних із систем Alpha ESS і до них." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "LG ESS Home Hybrid Inverter", - "de": "LG ESS Home Hybrid Wechselrichter", - "ru": "Гибридный инвертор LG ESS для дома", - "pt": "LG ESS Home Hybrid Inverter", - "nl": "LG ESS Home hybride omvormer", - "fr": "Onduleur hybride LG ESS Home", - "it": "Inverter ibrido LG ESS Home", - "es": "Inversor híbrido doméstico LG ESS", - "pl": "Domowy falownik hybrydowy LG ESS", - "zh-cn": "LG ESS家庭混合逆变器", - "uk": "Домашній гібридний інвертор LG ESS" + "en": "Alpha ESS", + "de": "Alpha-ESS", + "ru": "Альфа ЭСС", + "pt": "Alfa ESS", + "nl": "Alfa ESS", + "fr": "Alpha SSE", + "it": "Alfa ESS", + "es": "Alfa ESS", + "pl": "Alfa ESS", + "zh-cn": "阿尔法 ESS", + "uk": "Альфа ESS" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Morluktom/ioBroker.lg-ess-home", - "installs": 130, - "weekDownloads": 97, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 3, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/Gaspode69/ioBroker.alpha-ess", + "installs": 467, + "weekDownloads": 95, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "mbus": { + "growatt": { "title": { - "de": "mbus", - "en": "mbus", - "ru": "mbus", - "zh-cn": "mbus" + "de": "growatt", + "en": "growatt", + "ru": "growatt", + "zh-cn": "growatt" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mbus/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mbus/mbus.png", - "keywords": "iobroker, mbus, measure", - "authors": "Apollon77 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.growatt/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.growatt/growatt.png", + "keywords": "growatt, shine, shinephone, shineapi, solarenergy, home automation, solar power, solar power plant, solaranlage", + "authors": "PLCHome", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-03-11T20:48:55.590Z", - "version": "2.7.0", - "latestVersion": "2.7.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2020-08-18T21:27:22.026Z", + "version": "3.3.1", + "latestVersion": "3.3.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Read data from Meter-Bus (M-Bus) devices like gas or electricity meters", - "de": "Daten von Zähler-Bus (M-Bus) Geräten, wie Gas- oder Stromzähler, lesen", - "ru": "Чтение данных с устройств Meter-Bus (M-Bus), таких как счетчики газа или электроэнергии", - "pt": "Leia os dados dos dispositivos Meter-Bus (M-Bus) como medidores de gás ou eletricidade", - "nl": "Lees gegevens van Meter-Bus (M-Bus) apparaten zoals gas- of elektriciteitsmeters", - "fr": "Lire les données des appareils Meter-Bus (M-Bus) comme les compteurs de gaz ou d'électricité", - "it": "Leggi i dati dai dispositivi Meter-Bus (M-Bus) come contatori di gas o elettricità", - "es": "Leer datos de dispositivos Meter-Bus (M-Bus) como medidores de gas o electricidad", - "pl": "Odczytywanie danych z urządzeń Meter-Bus (M-Bus), takich jak liczniki gazu lub prądu", - "zh-cn": "从煤气表或电表之类的仪表总线(M-Bus)设备读取数据" + "en": "ioBroker Growatt Adapter to communiacte with ShineAPI", + "de": "ioBroker Growatt Adapter zur Kommunikation mit ShineAPI", + "ru": "Адаптер ioBroker Growatt для связи с ShineAPI", + "pt": "Adaptador ioBroker Growatt para comunicação com ShineAPI", + "nl": "ioBroker Growatt-adapter voor communicatie met ShineAPI", + "fr": "ioBroker Growatt Adaptateur pour communiquer avec ShineAPI", + "it": "Adattatore per Growatt ioBroker da comunicare con ShineAPI", + "es": "Adaptador ioBroker Growatt para comunicarse con ShineAPI", + "pl": "ioBroker Growatt Adapter do komunikacji z ShineAPI", + "uk": "ioBroker Growatt адаптер для комунікації з ShineAPI", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker Growatt适配器可与ShineAPI通信" }, "titleFull": { - 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"keywords": "OpenDTU, Solar", - "authors": "Dennis Rathjen , Iobroker Community", + "de": "fenecon", + "en": "fenecon", + "ru": "fenecon", + "zh-cn": "fenecon" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fenecon/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fenecon/fenecon.png", + "keywords": "fenecon, openems, FEMS, PV inverter, Energy storage system, Energy management system", + "authors": "Georg Schreiner ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-02-17T20:41:33.905Z", - "version": "3.1.0", - "latestVersion": "3.1.0", + "published": "2024-04-17T16:57:28.806Z", + "version": "0.5.0", + "latestVersion": "0.5.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for the OpenDTU project", - "de": "Adapter für das OpenDTU-Projekt", - "ru": "Адаптер для проекта OpenDTU", - "pt": "Adaptador para o projeto OpenDTU", - "nl": "Adapter voor het OpenDTU project", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour le projet OpenDTU", - "it": "Adattatore per il progetto OpenDTU", - "es": "Adaptador para el proyecto OpenDTU", - "pl": "Adapter dla projektu OpenDTU", - "uk": "Адаптер для проекту OpenDTU", - "zh-cn": "OpenDTU 项目的适配器" + "en": "OpenEMS connection to fenecon pv", + "de": "OpenEMS-Anbindung an fenecon pv", + "ru": "Подключение OpenEMS к Fenecon Pv", + "pt": "Conexão OpenEMS com fenecon pv", + "nl": "OpenEMS-verbinding met fenecon pv", + "fr": "Connexion OpenEMS à Fenecon PV", + "it": "Connessione OpenEMS a fenecon pv", + "es": "Conexión OpenEMS a fenecon pv", + "pl": "Połączenie OpenEMS z fenecon pv", + "uk": "Підключення OpenEMS до fenecon pv", + "zh-cn": "OpenEMS 与 fenecon pv 的连接" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "OpenDTU", - "de": "OpenDTU", - "ru": "OpenDTU", - "pt": "OpenDTU", - "nl": "OpenDTU", - "fr": "OpenDTU", - "it": "OpenDTU", - "es": "OpenDTU", - "pl": "OpenDTU", - "uk": "OpenDTU", - "zh-cn": "OpenDTU" + "en": "Fenecon", + "de": "Fenecon", + "ru": "Фенекон", + "pt": "Fenecón", + "nl": "Fenecon", + "fr": "Fénécon", + "it": "Fenecon", + "es": "Fenecón", + "pl": "Fenekon", + "uk": "Фенекон", + "zh-cn": "芬内康" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.opendtu", - 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"compact": true, + "published": "2015-01-02T17:10:47.222Z", + "version": "0.3.1", + "latestVersion": "0.3.1", "description": { - "en": "This adapter retrieves data from emporia vue2 system", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ruft Daten von emporia vue2 System ab", - "ru": "Этот адаптер извлекает данные из системы emporia vue2", - "pt": "Este adaptador recupera dados do sistema emporia vue2", - "nl": "Deze adapter haalt gegevens van emporia vue2 systeem", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur récupère les données du système emporia vue2", - "it": "Questo adattatore recupera i dati dal sistema emporia vue2", - "es": "Este adaptador recupera datos del sistema emporia vue2", - "pl": "Ten adapter odzyskuje dane z systemu emporia vue2", - "uk": "Цей адаптер отримує дані з системи emporia vue2", - "zh-cn": "这种适应者从堪培拉角系统检索数据" + "en": "Polls data from B-control Energy Manager", + "de": "Holt Daten vom B-control Energy Manager", + "ru": "Polls data from B-control Energy Manager" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Emporia", - "de": "Emporia", - "ru": "Эмпория", - "pt": "Emporia", - "nl": "Emporia", - "fr": "Emporia", - "it": "Emporia", - "es": "Emporia", - "pl": "Emporia", - "uk": "Emporia", - "zh-cn": "Emporia" + "en": "B-control Energy Manager", + "de": "B-control Energy Manager", + "ru": "B-control Energy Manager" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/Chris-656/ioBroker.emporia", - "installs": 54, - "weekDownloads": 2, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 9, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.b-control-em", + "installs": 125, + "weekDownloads": 19, + "stars": 5, + "issues": 11, "score": 1 }, - "fronius-solarweb": { + "chargemaster": { "title": { - "de": "fronius-solarweb", - "en": "fronius-solarweb", - "ru": "fronius-solarweb", - "zh-cn": "fronius-solarweb" + "de": "chargemaster", + "en": "chargemaster", + "ru": "chargemaster", + "zh-cn": "chargemaster" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fronius-solarweb/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fronius-solarweb/fronius-solarweb.png", - "keywords": "fronius, solarweb", - "authors": "TA2k ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.chargemaster/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.chargemaster/chargemaster.png", + "keywords": "chargemaster, wallbox, solar power, charger, EV", + "authors": "Hombach ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-09-10T09:05:49.366Z", - "version": "0.0.3", - "latestVersion": "0.1.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2021-05-09T21:32:21.755Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.12.7", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for Fronius Solarweb Portal", - "de": "Adapter für das Fronius Solarweb Portal", - "ru": "Адаптер для портала Fronius Solarweb", - "pt": "Adaptador para o portal Fronius Solarweb", - "nl": "Adapter voor Fronius Solarweb Portal", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour portail Fronius Solarweb", - "it": "Adattatore per il portale Fronius Solarweb", - "es": "Adaptador para el portal Fronius Solarweb", - "pl": "Adapter do portalu Fronius Solarweb", - "zh-cn": "Fronius Solarweb Portal 适配器" + "en": "Adapter for managing multi EV-chargers with use of PV-energy", + "de": "Adapter zur Verwaltung von Multi-EV-Ladegeräten unter Verwendung von PV-Energie", + "ru": "Адаптер для управления несколькими электромобилями с использованием PV-энергии", + "pt": "Adaptador para gerenciamento de carregadores multi EV com uso de energia fotovoltaica", + "nl": "Adapter voor het beheren van meerdere EV-laders met gebruik van PV-energie", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour la gestion de plusieurs chargeurs EV avec utilisation d'énergie PV", + "it": "Adattatore per la gestione di più caricatori EV con utilizzo di energia fotovoltaica", + "es": "Adaptador para la gestión de varios cargadores EV con uso de energía fotovoltaica", + "pl": "Adapter do zarządzania wieloma ładowarkami EV z wykorzystaniem energii PV", + "uk": "Адаптер для управління багато EV-зарядними засобами з використанням PV-енергетики", + "zh-cn": "使用PV能源管理多个EV充电器的适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Fronius Solarweb", - "de": "Fronius Solarweb", - "ru": "Фрониус Соларвеб", - "pt": "Fronius Solarweb", - "nl": "Fronius Solarweb", - "fr": "Fronius Web solaire", - "it": "Fronius Solarweb", - "es": "Fronius Web solar", - "pl": "Fronius Solarweb", - "zh-cn": "Fronius Solarweb" + "en": "ChargeMaster", + "de": "ChargeMaster", + "ru": "ChargeMaster", + "pt": "ChargeMaster", + "nl": "ChargeMaster", + "fr": "ChargeMaster", + "it": "ChargeMaster", + "es": "ChargeMaster", + "pl": "ChargeMaster", + "uk": "ChargeMaster", + "zh-cn": "ChargeMaster" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.fronius-solarweb", - "installs": 1791, - "weekDownloads": 35, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 8, + "github": "https://github.com/Hombach/ioBroker.chargemaster/master/README.md", + "installs": 21, + "weekDownloads": 57, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "deyeidc": { + "maxxi-charge": { "title": { - "de": "deyeidc", - "en": "deyeidc", - "ru": "deyeidc", - "zh-cn": "deyeidc" + "de": "maxxi-charge", + "en": "maxxi-charge", + "ru": "maxxi-charge", + "zh-cn": "maxxi-charge" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.deyeidc/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.deyeidc/deyeidc.png", - "keywords": "Deye, Bosswerk, cloudless", - "authors": "raschy ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.maxxi-charge/maxxi-charge.png", + "keywords": "maxxisun, maxxicharge", + "authors": "Christoph Böhrs ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-03-21T19:04:21.353Z", - "version": "0.1.1", - "latestVersion": "0.1.4", + "published": "2024-12-05T14:02:24.574Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "1.4.8", + "materialize": false, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Data Collector vor Deye-compatible Inverter", - "de": "Datensammler für Deye-kompatible Wechselrichter", - "ru": "Сборщик данных с инвертором, совместимым с Дейе", - "pt": "Coletor de dados para inversor compatível com Deye", - "nl": "Gegevensverzamelaar voor Deye-compatibele omvormer", - "fr": "Collecteur de données pour onduleur compatible Deye", - "it": "Data Collector per Inverter compatibile con Deye", - "es": "Colector de datos para inversor compatible con Deye", - "pl": "Data Collector dla falownika kompatybilnego z Deye", - "zh-cn": "数据收集器 vor Deye 兼容逆变器", - "uk": "Збирач даних або інвертор, сумісний з Deye" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Deye Inverter Data Collector", - "de": "Datensammler für Wechselrichter von Deye", - "ru": "Сборщик данных инвертора Дейе", - "pt": "Coletor de Dados do Inversor Deye", - "nl": "Deye Inverter-gegevensverzamelaar", - "fr": "Collecteur de données Deye Inverter", - "it": "Deye Inverter Data Collector", - "es": "Colector de datos del inversor Deye", - "pl": "Kolektor danych falownika Deye", - "zh-cn": "德业逆变器数据采集器", - "uk": "Збірник даних інвертора Deye" + "en": "Adapter to fetch data from MaxxiCharge CCU", + "de": "Adapter zum Abrufen von Daten von MaxxiCharge CCU", + "ru": "Адаптер для получения данных с MaxxiCharge CCU", + "pt": "Adaptador para buscar dados do MaxxiCharge CCU", + "nl": "Adapter om gegevens van MaxxiCharge CCU op te halen", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour récupérer les données de MaxxiCharge CCU", + "it": "Adattatore per recuperare dati da MaxxiCharge CCU", + "es": "Adaptador para obtener datos de MaxxiCharge CCU", + "pl": "Adapter do pobierania danych z MaxxiCharge CCU", + "uk": "Адаптер для отримання даних з MaxxiCharge CCU", + "zh-cn": "用于从 MaxxiCharge CCU 获取数据的适配器" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "MaxxiCharge", + "de": "MaxxiCharge", + "ru": "МаксиЧардж", + "pt": "MaxxiCharge", + "nl": "MaxxiCharge", + "fr": "MaxxiCharge", + "it": "MaxxiCharge", + "es": "MaxxiCharge", + "pl": "MaxxiCharge", + "uk": "МаксіЧардж", + "zh-cn": "MaxxiCharge" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/raschy/ioBroker.deyeidc", - "installs": 1403, - "weekDownloads": 98, - "stars": 18, - "issues": 2, - "score": 1 - }, - "fronius": { - "title": { - "de": "fronius", - "en": "fronius", - "ru": "fronius", - "zh-cn": "fronius" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fronius/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fronius/fronius.png", - "keywords": "Fronius, inverter, Wechselrichter, hybrid, Symo", - "authors": "ldittmar , nkleber78, schweigel", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-02-23T23:25:42.603Z", - "version": "2.1.1", - "latestVersion": "2.1.1", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This is an ioBroker adapter for your Fronius PV inverter with Fronius Datalogger Web from version 2.0.4-1 onwards, Fronius Datamanager from version 3.0.3-1 onwards and Symo Gen24.", - "de": "Dies ist ein ioBroker-Adapter für Ihren Fronius PV-Wechselrichter mit Fronius Datalogger Web ab Version 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager ab Version 3.0.3-1 und Symo Gen24.", - "ru": "Это адаптер ioBroker для вашего фотоэлектрического инвертора Fronius с Fronius Datalogger Web начиная с версии 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager начиная с версии 3.0.3-1 и Symo Gen24.", - "pt": "Este é um adaptador ioBroker para seu inversor Fronius PV com Fronius Datalogger Web da versão 2.0.4-1 em diante, Fronius Datamanager da versão 3.0.3-1 em diante e Symo Gen24.", - "nl": "Dit is een ioBroker-adapter voor uw Fronius PV-omvormer met Fronius Datalogger Web vanaf versie 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager vanaf versie 3.0.3-1 en Symo Gen24.", - "fr": "Il s'agit d'un adaptateur ioBroker pour votre onduleur photovoltaïque Fronius avec Fronius Datalogger Web à partir de la version 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager à partir de la version 3.0.3-1 et Symo Gen24.", - "it": "Questo è un adattatore ioBroker per il tuo inverter FV Fronius con Fronius Datalogger Web dalla versione 2.0.4-1 in poi, Fronius Datamanager dalla versione 3.0.3-1 in poi e Symo Gen24.", - "es": "Se trata de un adaptador ioBroker para su inversor fotovoltaico Fronius con Fronius Datalogger Web a partir de la versión 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager a partir de la versión 3.0.3-1 y Symo Gen24.", - "pl": "Jest to adapter ioBroker do falownika Fronius PV z Fronius Datalogger Web od wersji 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager od wersji 3.0.3-1 i Symo Gen24.", - "zh-cn": "这是适用于Fronius PV逆变器的ioBroker适配器,具有版本2.0.4-1起的Fronius Datalogger Web,版本3.0.3-1起的Fronius Datamanager和Symo Gen24。", - "uk": "Це адаптер ioBroker для фотоелектричного інвертора Fronius із Fronius Datalogger Web, починаючи з версії 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager, починаючи з версії 3.0.3-1, і Symo Gen24." - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Fronius inverter", - "de": "Fronius Wechselrichter", - "ru": "Fronius инвертор", - "pt": "Inversor Fronius", - "nl": "Fronius-omvormer", - "fr": "Onduleur Fronius", - "it": "Inverter Fronius", - "es": "Inversor Fronius", - "pl": "Falownik Fronius", - "zh-cn": "Fronius逆變器", - "uk": "Інвертор Fronius" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.fronius", - "installs": 3367, - "weekDownloads": 155, - "stars": 17, - "issues": 30, - "score": 1 - }, - "kostal-piko-ba": { - "title": { - "de": "kostal-piko-ba", - "en": "kostal-piko-ba", - "ru": "kostal-piko-ba", - "zh-cn": "kostal-piko-ba" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.kostal-piko-ba/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.kostal-piko-ba/picoba.png", - "keywords": "Kostal, Piko, Piko-BA, Piko MP, Piko MP plus, inverter, solar", - "authors": "Hombach ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-06-15T21:43:05.795Z", - "version": "5.0.2", - "latestVersion": "5.0.2", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for reading Kostal Piko (BA) data", - "de": "Adapter zum Lesen von Kostal Piko (BA) Daten", - "ru": "Адаптер для чтения данных Kostal Piko (BA)", - "pt": "Adaptador para leitura de dados Kostal Piko (BA)", - "nl": "Adapter voor het lezen van Kostal Piko (BA) gegevens", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour la lecture des données Kostal Piko (BA)", - "it": "Adattatore per la lettura dei dati Kostal Piko (BA)", - "es": "Adaptador para leer datos de Kostal Piko (BA)", - "pl": "Adapter do odczytu danych Kostal Piko (BA)", - "uk": "Адаптер для читання даних Костал Піко (BA)", - "zh-cn": "阅读Kostal Piko BA数据" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Kostal PikoBA", - "de": "Kostal PikoBA", - "ru": "Костал ПиКОБА", - "pt": "Kostal PikoBA", - "nl": "Kostal PikoBA", - "fr": "Kostal PikoBA", - "it": "Kostal PikoBA", - "es": "Kostal PikoBA", - "pl": "Kostal PikoBA", - "uk": "Kostal PikoBA", - "zh-cn": "科斯塔尔皮科巴" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Hombach/ioBroker.kostal-piko-ba", - "installs": 338, - "weekDownloads": 119, - "stars": 9, + "github": "https://github.com/blabond/ioBroker.maxxi-charge", + "installs": 16, + "weekDownloads": 227, + "stars": 1, "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "resol": { + "amtronwallbox": { "title": { - "de": "resol", - "en": "resol", - "ru": "resol", - "zh-cn": "resol" + "de": "amtronwallbox", + "en": "amtronwallbox", + "ru": "amtronwallbox", + "zh-cn": "amtronwallbox" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.resol/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.resol/resol.svg", - "keywords": "resol, VBus, Solar", - "authors": "grizzelbee ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.amtronwallbox/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.amtronwallbox/amtronwallbox.png", + "keywords": "amtron, mennekes, wallbox", + "authors": "René G. ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-09-16T14:44:40.994Z", - "version": "1.5.1", - "latestVersion": "1.5.1", + "published": "2022-05-19T17:58:24.417Z", + "version": "0.3.0", + "latestVersion": "0.3.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Connects to various Resol-VBus-based devices", - "de": "Verbindet sich mit verschiedenen Resol-VBus-basierten Geräten", - "ru": "Подключается к различным устройствам на базе Resol-VBus", - "pt": "Conecta-se a vários dispositivos baseados em Resol-VBus", - "nl": "Maakt verbinding met verschillende op Resol-VBus gebaseerde apparaten", - "fr": "Se connecte à divers appareils basés sur Resol-VBus", - "it": "Si collega a vari dispositivi basati su Resol-VBus", - "es": "Se conecta a varios dispositivos basados ​​en Resol-VBus", - "pl": "Łączy się z różnymi urządzeniami opartymi na Resol-VBus", - "zh-cn": "连接到各种基于 Resol-VBus 的设备", - "uk": "Підключається до різних пристроїв на основі Resol-VBus" + "en": "read statistic information and set configuration values on AMTRON wallboxes from Mennekes", + "de": "Statistikinformationen lesen und Konfigurationswerte auf AMTRON-Wallboxen von Mennekes einstellen", + "ru": "читать статистическую информацию и задавать значения конфигурации на настенных ящиках AMTRON от Mennekes", + "pt": "leia informações estatísticas e defina valores de configuração em caixas de parede AMTRON da Mennekes", + "nl": "lees statistische informatie en stel configuratiewaarden in op AMTRON wallboxes van Mennekes", + "fr": "lire les informations statistiques et définir les valeurs de configuration sur les boîtiers muraux AMTRON de Mennekes", + "it": "leggere le informazioni statistiche e impostare i valori di configurazione sulle wallbox AMTRON di Mennekes", + "es": "leer información estadística y establecer valores de configuración en los wallboxes AMTRON de Mennekes", + "pl": "odczytywanie informacji statystycznych i ustawianie wartości konfiguracyjnych w stacjach naściennych AMTRON firmy Mennekes", + "zh-cn": "从 Mennekes 读取 AMTRON 墙盒上的统计信息并设置配置值", + "uk": "читати статистичну інформацію та встановлювати значення конфігурації на AMTRON wallbox від Mennekes" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Connect your Resol VBus Devices", - "de": "Verbinden Sie Ihre Resol VBus-Geräte", - "ru": "Подключите свои устройства Resol VBus", - "pt": "Conecte seus dispositivos Resol VBus", - "nl": "Verbind uw Resol VBus-apparaten", - "fr": "Connectez vos appareils Resol VBus", - "it": "Collega i tuoi dispositivi Resol VBus", - "es": "Conecte sus dispositivos Resol VBus", - "pl": "Podłącz urządzenia Resol VBus", - "zh-cn": "将您的Resol VBus设备连接", - "uk": "Підключіть свої пристрої Resol VBus" + "en": "control of AMTRON wallbox", + "de": "Steuerung der AMTRON Wallbox", + "ru": "управление настенной коробкой AMTRON", + "pt": "controle da caixa de parede AMTRON", + "nl": "bediening van AMTRON wallbox", + "fr": "commande de la wallbox AMTRON", + "it": "controllo della wallbox AMTRON", + "es": "control de la caja de empotrar AMTRON", + "pl": "sterowanie wallboxem AMTRON", + "zh-cn": "AMTRON 墙盒的控制", + "uk": "управління AMTRON wallbox" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/grizzelbee/ioBroker.resol", - "installs": 243, - "weekDownloads": 6, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.amtronwallbox", + "installs": 88, + "weekDownloads": 34, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, "envertech-pv": { @@ -5388,211 +5238,210 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.envertech-pv", - "installs": 237, - "weekDownloads": 22, + "installs": 240, + "weekDownloads": 26, "stars": 5, "issues": 13, "score": 1 }, - "semp": { + "evcc": { "title": { - "de": "semp", - "en": "semp", - "ru": "semp", - "zh-cn": "semp" + "de": "evcc", + "en": "evcc", + "ru": "evcc", + "zh-cn": "evcc" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.semp/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.semp/semp.png", - "keywords": "SMA, SunnyPortal, SEMP", - "authors": "René G. ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.evcc/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.evcc/evcc.png", + "keywords": "evcc pv charge", + "authors": "Newan ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-10-01T16:08:44.287Z", - "version": "1.4.8", - "latestVersion": "1.4.8", + "published": "2021-11-07T21:58:02.375Z", + "version": "0.1.1", + "latestVersion": "0.1.1", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "interface to SMA SunnyPortal via SunnyHomeManager and SEMP", - "de": "Schnittstelle zu SMA SunnyPortal über SunnyHomeManager und SEMP", - "ru": "интерфейс к SMA SunnyPortal через SunnyHomeManager и SEMP", - "pt": "interface para SMA SunnyPortal via SunnyHomeManager e SEMP", - "nl": "interface naar SMA SunnyPortal via SunnyHomeManager en SEMP", - "fr": "interface avec SMA SunnyPortal via SunnyHomeManager et SEMP", - "it": "interfaccia a SMA SunnyPortal tramite SunnyHomeManager e SEMP", - "es": "interfaz con SMA SunnyPortal a través de SunnyHomeManager y SEMP", - "pl": "interfejs do SMA SunnyPortal przez SunnyHomeManager i SEMP", - "zh-cn": "通过 SunnyHomeManager 和 SEMP 连接到 SMA SunnyPortal", - "uk": "інтерфейс до SMA SunnyPortal через SunnyHomeManager і SEMP" + "en": "Controll evcc over rest api", + "de": "Kontrollieren Sie evcc über Ruhe-API", + "ru": "Управляйте evcc через api отдыха", + "pt": "Controlar evcc sobre api resto", + "nl": "Controle evcc over rust api", + "fr": "Contrôler evcc sur rest api", + "it": "Controllo evcc su resto api", + "es": "Controlar evcc sobre resto api", + "pl": "Controll evcc nad restapi", + "zh-cn": "控制 evcc over rest api" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "SMA SEMP gateway", - "de": "SMA SEMP-Gateway", - "ru": "Шлюз SMA SEMP", - "pt": "Gateway SMA SEMP", - "nl": "SMA SEMP-gateway", - "fr": "Passerelle SMA SEMP", - "it": "Gateway SMA SEMP", - "es": "Puerta de enlace SMA SEMP", - "pl": "Bramka SMA SEMP", - "zh-cn": "SMA SEMP 网关", - "uk": "Шлюз SMA SEMP" + "en": "EVCC", + "de": "EVCC", + "ru": "EVCC", + "pt": "EVCC", + "nl": "EVCC", + "fr": "EVCC", + "it": "EVCC", + "es": "EVCC", + "pl": "EVCC", + "zh-cn": "EVCC" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.semp", - "installs": 873, - "weekDownloads": 30, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 7, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/Newan/ioBroker.evcc", + "installs": 1586, + "weekDownloads": 43, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 5, "score": 1 }, - "powerfox2": { + "batrium-bms": { "title": { - "de": "powerfox2", - "en": "powerfox2", - "ru": "powerfox2", - "zh-cn": "powerfox2" + "de": "batrium-bms", + "en": "batrium-bms", + "ru": "batrium-bms", + "zh-cn": "batrium-bms" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.powerfox2/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.powerfox2/powerfox2.png", - "keywords": "powerfox, poweropti, energiedaten, energy data, stromverbrauch, strommessung", - "authors": "Ax-LED ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.batrium-bms/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.batrium-bms/batrium-bms.png", + "keywords": "batrium, bms", + "authors": "Bembelstemmer ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-11-22T18:24:49.124Z", - "version": "0.0.14", - "latestVersion": "0.0.14", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2023-01-31T20:40:21.283Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.5.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "powerfox2 provides energy data", - "de": "powerfox2 liefert Energiedaten", - "ru": "powerfox2 предоставляет данные об энергии", - "pt": "powerfox2 fornece dados de energia", - "nl": "powerfox2 levert energiegegevens", - "fr": "powerfox2 fournit des données énergétiques", - "it": "powerfox2 fornisce dati sull'energia", - "es": "powerfox2 proporciona datos de energía", - "pl": "powerfox2 dostarcza dane dotyczące energii", - "zh-cn": "powerfox提供能源数据" + "en": "Track Metrics of your Batrium BMS published via UDP", + "de": "Verfolgen Sie Metriken Ihres Batrium BMS, die über UDP veröffentlicht werden", + "ru": "Отслеживайте метрики вашей BMS Batrium, опубликованной через UDP", + "pt": "Rastreie as métricas do seu Batrium BMS publicado via UDP", + "nl": "Volg statistieken van uw Batrium BMS gepubliceerd via UDP", + "fr": "Suivez les métriques de votre BMS Batrium publiées via UDP", + "it": "Tieni traccia delle metriche del tuo Batrium BMS pubblicate tramite UDP", + "es": "Rastree las métricas de su Batrium BMS publicadas a través de UDP", + "pl": "Śledź metryki Twojego Batrium BMS publikowane przez UDP", + "zh-cn": "通过 UDP 发布的 Batrium BMS 跟踪指标", + "uk": "Відстежуйте показники вашого Batrium BMS, опубліковані через UDP" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "powerfox2", - "de": "powerfox2", - "ru": "powerfox2", - "pt": "powerfox2", - "nl": "powerfox2", - "fr": "powerfox2", - "it": "powerfox2", - "es": "powerfox2", - "pl": "lisek2", - "zh-cn": "电狐2" + "en": "Batrium BMS", + "de": "Batrium-BMS", + "ru": "Батриум БМС", + "pt": "Batrium BMS", + "nl": "Batrium GBS", + "fr": "BMS Batrium", + "it": "Batrio BMS", + "es": "Batrium BMS", + "pl": "Batrium BMS", + "zh-cn": "电池管理系统", + "uk": "Batrium BMS" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/ax-led/ioBroker.powerfox2", - "installs": 1048, - "weekDownloads": 19, - "stars": 7, + "github": "https://github.com/bembelstemmer/ioBroker.batrium-bms", + "installs": 7, + "weekDownloads": 17, + "stars": 4, "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "sonnen": { + "fronius": { "title": { - "de": "sonnen", - "en": "sonnen", - "ru": "sonnen", - "zh-cn": "sonnen" + "de": "fronius", + "en": "fronius", + "ru": "fronius", + "zh-cn": "fronius" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sonnen/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sonnen/sonnen.png", - "keywords": "sonnen, photovoltaics, solar, energy, sun", - "authors": "Moritz Heusinger ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fronius/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fronius/fronius.png", + "keywords": "Fronius, inverter, Wechselrichter, hybrid, Symo", + "authors": "ldittmar , nkleber78, schweigel", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-08-02T23:05:38.370Z", - "version": "1.18.1", - "latestVersion": "1.18.1", + "published": "2017-02-23T23:25:42.603Z", + "version": "2.1.1", + "latestVersion": "2.1.1", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Monitor your sonnen battery", - "de": "Überwache deine sonnen Batterie", - "ru": "Следите за батареей сосен", - "pt": "Monitore sua bateria sonnen", - "nl": "Monitor uw sonnen batterij", - "fr": "Surveillez votre batterie Sonnen", - "it": "Monitora la batteria sonnen", - "es": "Monitoree su batería sonnen", - "pl": "Monitoruj baterię sonnena", - "uk": "Моніторинг батареї сонен", - "zh-cn": "监视你的声音电池" + "en": "This is an ioBroker adapter for your Fronius PV inverter with Fronius Datalogger Web from version 2.0.4-1 onwards, Fronius Datamanager from version 3.0.3-1 onwards and Symo Gen24.", + "de": "Dies ist ein ioBroker-Adapter für Ihren Fronius PV-Wechselrichter mit Fronius Datalogger Web ab Version 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager ab Version 3.0.3-1 und Symo Gen24.", + "ru": "Это адаптер ioBroker для вашего фотоэлектрического инвертора Fronius с Fronius Datalogger Web начиная с версии 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager начиная с версии 3.0.3-1 и Symo Gen24.", + "pt": "Este é um adaptador ioBroker para seu inversor Fronius PV com Fronius Datalogger Web da versão 2.0.4-1 em diante, Fronius Datamanager da versão 3.0.3-1 em diante e Symo Gen24.", + "nl": "Dit is een ioBroker-adapter voor uw Fronius PV-omvormer met Fronius Datalogger Web vanaf versie 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager vanaf versie 3.0.3-1 en Symo Gen24.", + "fr": "Il s'agit d'un adaptateur ioBroker pour votre onduleur photovoltaïque Fronius avec Fronius Datalogger Web à partir de la version 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager à partir de la version 3.0.3-1 et Symo Gen24.", + "it": "Questo è un adattatore ioBroker per il tuo inverter FV Fronius con Fronius Datalogger Web dalla versione 2.0.4-1 in poi, Fronius Datamanager dalla versione 3.0.3-1 in poi e Symo Gen24.", + "es": "Se trata de un adaptador ioBroker para su inversor fotovoltaico Fronius con Fronius Datalogger Web a partir de la versión 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager a partir de la versión 3.0.3-1 y Symo Gen24.", + "pl": "Jest to adapter ioBroker do falownika Fronius PV z Fronius Datalogger Web od wersji 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager od wersji 3.0.3-1 i Symo Gen24.", + "zh-cn": "这是适用于Fronius PV逆变器的ioBroker适配器,具有版本2.0.4-1起的Fronius Datalogger Web,版本3.0.3-1起的Fronius Datamanager和Symo Gen24。", + "uk": "Це адаптер ioBroker для фотоелектричного інвертора Fronius із Fronius Datalogger Web, починаючи з версії 2.0.4-1, Fronius Datamanager, починаючи з версії 3.0.3-1, і Symo Gen24." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "sonnenBattery", - "de": "sonnenBatterie", - "ru": "sonnen батарея", - "pt": "sonnen Bateria", - "nl": "sonnen Batterij", - "fr": "sonnen Batterie", - "it": "sonnen Batteria", - "es": "sonnen Batería", - "pl": "sonnen Bateria", - "uk": "синен Акумулятори", - "zh-cn": "声音 电池" + "en": "Fronius inverter", + "de": "Fronius Wechselrichter", + "ru": "Fronius инвертор", + "pt": "Inversor Fronius", + "nl": "Fronius-omvormer", + "fr": "Onduleur Fronius", + "it": "Inverter Fronius", + "es": "Inversor Fronius", + "pl": "Falownik Fronius", + "zh-cn": "Fronius逆變器", + "uk": "Інвертор Fronius" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/foxriver76/ioBroker.sonnen", - "installs": 670, - "weekDownloads": 17, - "stars": 16, - "issues": 11, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.fronius", + "installs": 3352, + "weekDownloads": 78, + "stars": 17, + "issues": 30, "score": 1 }, - "smappee": { + "lg-ess-home": { "title": { - "de": "smappee", - "en": "smappee", - "ru": "smappee", - "zh-cn": "smappee" + "de": "lg-ess-home", + "en": "lg-ess-home", + "ru": "lg-ess-home", + "zh-cn": "lg-ess-home" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.smappee/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.smappee/smappee.png", - "keywords": "smappee, smarthome, energy, smartmeter, water", - "authors": "forelleblau ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lg-ess-home/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lg-ess-home/lg-ess-home.png", + "keywords": "LG-ESS, home automation", + "authors": "Morluktom ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-01-27T13:58:27.573Z", - "version": "0.3.0", - "latestVersion": "0.3.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2020-12-05T23:57:52.763Z", + "version": "0.4.1", + "latestVersion": "0.4.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Monitor and control your smappee device", - "de": "Überwache und steuere deinen Smappee", - "ru": "Контролируйте и управляйте своим устройством smappee", - "pt": "Monitore e controle seu dispositivo smappee", - "nl": "Bewaak en beheer je smappee-apparaat", - "fr": "Surveillez et contrôlez votre appareil smappee", - "it": "Monitora e controlla il tuo dispositivo smappee", - "es": "Monitoriza y controla tu dispositivo smappee", - "pl": "Monitoruj i kontroluj swoje urządzenie Sumpee", - "uk": "Контролюйте та керуйте своїм пристроєм smappee", - "zh-cn": "监视和控制您的 smappee 设备" + "en": "Adapter to read data from a LG ESS inverter.", + "de": "Adapter zum Lesen von Daten von einem LG ESS-Wechselrichter.", + "ru": "Адаптер для чтения данных с инвертора LG ESS.", + "pt": "Adaptador para ler dados de um inversor LG ESS.", + "nl": "Adapter om gegevens van een LG ESS-omvormer te lezen.", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour lire les données d'un onduleur LG ESS.", + "it": "Adattatore per leggere i dati da un inverter LG ESS.", + "es": "Adaptador para leer datos de un inversor LG ESS.", + "pl": "Adapter do odczytu danych z falownika LG ESS.", + "zh-cn": "用于从LG ESS逆变器读取数据的适配器。", + "uk": "Адаптер для читання даних з інвертора LG ESS." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "smappeeMonitor", - "de": "smappeeMonitor", - "ru": "smappeeMonitor", - "pt": "smappeeMonitor", - "nl": "smappeeMonitor", - "fr": "smappeeMonitor", - "it": "smappeeMonitor", - "es": "smappeeMonitor", - "pl": "smappeeMonitor", - "uk": "smappeeMonitor", - "zh-cn": "smappee监视器" + "en": "LG ESS Home Hybrid Inverter", + "de": "LG ESS Home Hybrid Wechselrichter", + "ru": "Гибридный инвертор LG ESS для дома", + "pt": "LG ESS Home Hybrid Inverter", + "nl": "LG ESS Home hybride omvormer", + "fr": "Onduleur hybride LG ESS Home", + "it": "Inverter ibrido LG ESS Home", + "es": "Inversor híbrido doméstico LG ESS", + "pl": "Domowy falownik hybrydowy LG ESS", + "zh-cn": "LG ESS家庭混合逆变器", + "uk": "Домашній гібридний інвертор LG ESS" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.smappee", - "installs": 110, - "weekDownloads": 18, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/Morluktom/ioBroker.lg-ess-home", + "installs": 133, + "weekDownloads": 45, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, "letrika_comgw": { @@ -5639,504 +5488,505 @@ "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/AWhiteKnight/ioBroker.letrika_comgw", "installs": 6, - "weekDownloads": 7, + "weekDownloads": 10, "stars": -1, "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, - "plenticore": { + "janitza-gridvis": { "title": { - "de": "plenticore", - "en": "plenticore", - "ru": "plenticore", - "zh-cn": "plenticore" + "de": "janitza-gridvis", + "en": "janitza-gridvis", + "ru": "janitza-gridvis", + "zh-cn": "janitza-gridvis" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.plenticore/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.plenticore/plenticore.png", - "keywords": "kostal, plenticore, api, inverter", - "authors": "Marius Burkard ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.janitza-gridvis/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.janitza-gridvis/janitza-gridvis.png", + "keywords": "Energymanagementsystem, Energymeter, Janitza, GridVis, consumption, delivered", + "authors": "BenAhrdt ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-01-16T15:57:55.228Z", - "version": "2.2.0", - "latestVersion": "2.3.1", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2022-05-25T06:27:46.934Z", + "version": "3.4.3", + "latestVersion": "3.4.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter to communicate with a KOSTAL Plenticore Plus via local network (non-modbus)", - "de": "Adapter um mit einem KOSTAL Plenticore Plus im lokalen Netzwerk (nicht via modbus) zu kommunizieren", - "ru": "Адаптер для связи с KOSTAL Plenticore Plus через локальную сеть (не по протоколу Modbus)", - "pt": "Adaptador para se comunicar com um KOSTAL Plenticore Plus via rede local (não modbus)", - "nl": "Adapter voor communicatie met een KOSTAL Plenticore Plus via lokaal netwerk (niet-modbus)", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour communiquer avec un KOSTAL Plenticore Plus via un réseau local (non modbus)", - "it": "Adattatore per comunicare con un KOSTAL Plenticore Plus tramite rete locale (non modbus)", - "es": "Adaptador para comunicarse con KOSTAL Plenticore Plus a través de la red local (no modbus)", - "pl": "Adapter do komunikacji z KOSTAL Plenticore Plus za pośrednictwem sieci lokalnej (non-modbus)", - "zh-cn": "通过本地网络(非Modbus)与KOSTAL Plenticore Plus进行通信的适配器" + "en": "Read out data from Energymanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis®", + "de": "Daten aus dem Energiemanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis® auslesen", + "ru": "Считывание данных из системы управления энергопотреблением Janitza® GridVis®", + "pt": "Leia os dados do Energymanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis®", + "nl": "Gegevens uitlezen Energiemanagementsysteem Janitza® GridVis®", + "fr": "Lire les données du système de gestion de l'énergie Janitza® GridVis®", + "it": "Leggi i dati da Energymanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis®", + "es": "Leer datos del sistema de gestión de energía Janitza® GridVis®", + "pl": "Odczytywanie danych z systemu zarządzania energią Janitza® GridVis®", + "zh-cn": "从 Energymanagementsystem Janitza® GridVis® 读取数据", + "uk": "Зчитування даних із системи енергоменеджменту Janitza® GridVis®" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "KOSTAL Plenticore API", - "de": "KOSTAL Plenticore API", - "ru": "KOSTAL Plenticore API", - "pt": "API do KOSTAL Plenticore", - "nl": "KOSTAL Plenticore API", - "fr": "API KOSTAL Plenticore", - "it": "API KOSTAL Plenticore", - "es": "API de Plenticore de KOSTAL", - "pl": "KOSTAL Plenticore API", - "zh-cn": "KOSTAL Plenticore API" + "en": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "de": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "ru": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "pt": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "nl": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "fr": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "it": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "es": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "pl": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "zh-cn": "Janitza®-GridVis®", + "uk": "Janitza®-GridVis®" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/pixcept/ioBroker.plenticore", - "installs": 1615, - "weekDownloads": 26, - "stars": 21, - "issues": 23, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.janitza-gridvis", + "installs": 94, + "weekDownloads": 145, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "rmb-bhkw": { + "legrand-ecocompteur": { "title": { - "de": "rmb-bhkw", - "en": "rmb-bhkw", - "ru": "rmb-bhkw", - "zh-cn": "rmb-bhkw" + "de": "legrand-ecocompteur", + "en": "legrand-ecocompteur", + "ru": "legrand-ecocompteur", + "zh-cn": "legrand-ecocompteur" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.rmb-bhkw/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.rmb-bhkw/rmb-bhkw.png", - "keywords": "bhkw, rmb, remeha, cogeneration, home automation", - "authors": "satchafunkilus", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.legrand-ecocompteur/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.legrand-ecocompteur/legrand-ecocompteur.png", + "keywords": "Legrand, energy, power, measurement", + "authors": "Robin Rainton ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-04-15T16:11:11.368Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "1.0.7", + "published": "2020-05-11T16:35:46.498Z", + "version": "1.0.0", + "latestVersion": "1.0.0", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Reads data from RMB cogeneration units (e.g. Remeha eLina) via the RMBenergie customer portal", - "de": "Liest Daten von RMB Blockheizkraftwerken (z.B. Remeha eLina) über das RMBenergie Kundenportal aus", - "ru": "Считывает данные c когенерационных установок RMB (например, Remeha eLina) через клиентский портал RMBenergie.", - "pt": "Lê dados de unidades de cogeração RMB (por exemplo, Remeha eLina) através do portal do cliente RMBenergie", - "nl": "Leest gegevens uit van RMB WKK-installaties (bijv. Remeha eLina) via het RMBenergie klantenportaal", - "fr": "Lit les données des unités de cogénération RMB (par exemple Remeha eLina) via le portail client RMBenergie", - "it": "Legge i dati dalle unità di cogenerazione RMB (ad es. Remeha eLina) tramite il portale clienti RMBenergie", - "es": "Lee datos de unidades de cogeneración de RMB (por ejemplo, Remeha eLina) a través del portal de clientes de RMBenergie", - "pl": "Odczytuje dane z jednostek kogeneracyjnych RMB (np. Remeha eLina) za pośrednictwem portalu klienta RMBenergie", - "uk": "Зчитує дані з когенераційних установок RMB (наприклад, Remeha eLina) через портал клієнтів RMBenergie", - "zh-cn": "通过 RMBenergie 客户门户从 RMB 热电联产机组(例如 Remeha eLina) 读取数据" + "en": "Adapter for the Legrand Ecocompteur module (aka. Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", + "de": "Adapter für das Legrand Ecocompteur-Modul (auch bekannt als Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", + "ru": "Адаптер для модуля Legrand Ecocompteur (также известный как измерительный концентратор Legrand EMDX³ 412000).", + "pt": "Adaptador para o módulo Legrand Ecocompteur (também conhecido como Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", + "nl": "Adapter voor de Legrand Ecocompteur-module (ook bekend als Legrand Meetconcentrator EMDX³ 412000).", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour le module Ecocompteur Legrand (alias. Concentrateur de mesure Legrand EMDX³ 412000).", + "it": "Adattatore per il modulo Legrand Ecocompteur (alias Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", + "es": "Adaptador para el módulo Legrand Ecocompteur (también conocido como Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", + "pl": "Adapter do modułu Legrand Ecocompteur (alias. Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", + "zh-cn": "Legrand Ecocompteur模块的适配器(又名Legrand测量集中器EMDX³412000)。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "RMB cogeneration unit monitoring", - "de": "RMB-BHKW-Überwachung", - "ru": "Мониторинг когенерационной установки RMB", - "pt": "Monitoramento da unidade de cogeração RMB", - "nl": "Bewaking van RMB warmtekrachtkoppelingseenheid", - "fr": "Surveillance de l'unité de cogénération RMB", - "it": "Monitoraggio unità di cogenerazione RMB", - "es": "Supervisión de la unidad de cogeneración RMB", - "pl": "Monitoring jednostek kogeneracyjnych RMB", - "uk": "Моніторинг когенераційної установки RMB", - "zh-cn": "人民币热电联产机组监测" + "en": "Legrand Ecocompteur", + "de": "Legrand Ecocompteur", + "ru": "Legrand Ecocompteur", + "pt": "Legrand Ecocompteur", + "nl": "Legrand Ecocompteur", + "fr": "Ecocompteur Legrand", + "it": "Legrand Ecocompteur", + "es": "Ecocompteur Legrand", + "pl": "Legrand Ecocompteur", + "zh-cn": "罗格朗生态公司" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/satchafunkilus/ioBroker.rmb-bhkw", - "installs": 2, - "weekDownloads": 1, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 25, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.legrand-ecocompteur", + "installs": 3, + "weekDownloads": 25, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, - "sanext": { + "myenergi": { "title": { - "de": "sanext", - "en": "sanext", - "ru": "sanext", - "zh-cn": "sanext" + "de": "myenergi", + "en": "myenergi", + "ru": "myenergi", + "zh-cn": "myenergi" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sanext/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sanext/sanext.png", - "keywords": "Sanext, heat meter", - "authors": "instalator ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.myenergi/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.myenergi/myenergi.png", + "keywords": "myenergi, zappi, eddi", + "authors": "TA2k ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-04-10T05:58:34.384Z", - "version": "0.1.0", - "latestVersion": "0.1.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2022-12-05T08:17:45.489Z", + "version": "0.0.3", + "latestVersion": "0.0.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "de": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "ru": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "pt": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "nl": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "fr": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "it": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "es": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "pl": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", - "zh-cn": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext" + "en": "Adapter for Myenergi devices", + "de": "Adapter für Myenergi-Geräte", + "ru": "Адаптер для устройств Myenergi", + "pt": "Adaptador para dispositivos Myenergi", + "nl": "Adapter voor Myenergi-apparaten", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour appareils Myenergi", + "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi Myenergi", + "es": "Adaptador para dispositivos Myenergi", + "pl": "Adapter do urządzeń Myenergi", + "zh-cn": "Myenergi 设备适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Sanext heat meter", - "de": "Sanext heat meter", - "ru": "Sanext heat meter", - "pt": "Sanext heat meter", - "nl": "Sanext heat meter", - "fr": "Sanext heat meter", - "it": "Sanext heat meter", - "es": "Sanext heat meter", - "pl": "Sanext heat meter", - "zh-cn": "Sanext heat meter" + "en": "Myenergi", + "de": "Myenergi", + "ru": "Myenergi", + "pt": "Minhaenergia", + "nl": "Myenergi", + "fr": "Myénergi", + "it": "Myenergi", + "es": "myenergi", + "pl": "Myenergi", + "zh-cn": "美能吉" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.sanext", - "installs": 2, - "weekDownloads": 15, - "stars": -1, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.myenergi", + "installs": 296, + "weekDownloads": 17, + "stars": 5, "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "sourceanalytix": { + "ocpp": { "title": { - "de": "sourceanalytix", - "en": "sourceanalytix", - "ru": "sourceanalytix", - "zh-cn": "sourceanalytix" + "de": "ocpp", + "en": "ocpp", + "ru": "ocpp", + "zh-cn": "ocpp" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sourceanalytix/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sourceanalytix/sourceanalytix.png", - "keywords": "energy, power, analytics, consumption, meassurement, data", - "authors": "DutchmanNL ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ocpp/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ocpp/ocpp.png", + "keywords": "wallbox, ocpp, energy", + "authors": "foxriver76 ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-01-14T08:59:38.991Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.4.14", + "published": "2021-10-27T19:16:37.714Z", + "version": "0.12.5", + "latestVersion": "0.12.5", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Detailed statistics of your energy, gas and liquid consumption. Allows annual report and details according to weekly, monthly and quarterly consumption data.", - "de": "Detaillierte Statistiken Ihres Energie-, Gas- und Flüssigkeitsverbrauchs. Ermöglicht Jahresberichte und Details gemäß wöchentlichen, monatlichen und vierteljährlichen Verbrauchsdaten.", - "ru": "Подробная статистика вашего потребления энергии, газа и жидкости. Позволяет годовой отчет и подробную информацию в соответствии с еженедельными, ежемесячными и квартальными данными потребления.", - "pt": "Estatísticas detalhadas de seu consumo de energia, gás e líquido. Permite relatório anual e detalhes de acordo com dados de consumo semanais, mensais e trimestrais.", - "nl": "Gedetailleerde statistieken van uw energie-, gas- en vloeistofverbruik. Staat jaarverslag en details toe op basis van wekelijkse, maandelijkse en driemaandelijkse verbruiksgegevens.", - "fr": "Statistiques détaillées de votre consommation d'énergie, de gaz et de liquide. Permet un rapport annuel et des détails selon les données de consommation hebdomadaires, mensuelles et trimestrielles.", - "it": "Statistiche dettagliate sul consumo di energia, gas e liquidi. Consente report e dettagli annuali in base ai dati di consumo settimanali, mensili e trimestrali.", - "es": "Estadísticas detalladas de su consumo de energía, gas y líquido. Permite informes anuales y detalles según datos de consumo semanal, mensual y trimestral.", - "pl": "Szczegółowe statystyki zużycia energii, gazu i cieczy. Umożliwia raport roczny i szczegóły zgodnie z tygodniowymi, miesięcznymi i kwartalnymi danymi dotyczącymi zużycia.", - "zh-cn": "您的能源,气体和液体消耗的详细统计信息。允许根据每周,每月和每季度的消费数据提供年度报告和详细信息。" + "en": "Adapter for OCPP 1.6", + "de": "Adapter für OCPP 1.6", + "ru": "Адаптер для OCPP 1.6", + "pt": "Adaptador para OCPP 1.6", + "nl": "Adapter voor OCPP 1.6", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour OCPP 1.6", + "it": "Adattatore per OCPP 1.6", + "es": "Adaptador para OCPP 1.6", + "pl": "Adapter do OCPP 1.6", + "zh-cn": "OCPP 1.6 适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "SourceAnalytix", - "de": "SourceAnalytix", - "ru": "SourceAnalytix", - "pt": "SourceAnalytix", - "nl": "SourceAnalytix", - "fr": "SourceAnalytix", - "it": "SourceAnalytix", - "es": "SourceAnalytix", - "pl": "SourceAnalytix", - "zh-cn": "SourceAnalytix" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.sourceanalytix", - "installs": 4832, - "weekDownloads": 64, - "stars": 65, - "issues": 100, + "en": "Open Charge Point Protocol", + "de": "Offenes Ladepunktprotokoll", + "ru": "Протокол открытой точки зарядки", + "pt": "Protocolo de ponto de carga aberto", + "nl": "Open Laadpunt Protocol", + "fr": "Protocole de point de charge ouvert", + "it": "Protocollo punto di ricarica aperto", + "es": "Protocolo de punto de carga abierto", + "pl": "Otwórz protokół punktu ładowania", + "zh-cn": "开放充电点协议" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/foxriver76/ioBroker.ocpp", + "installs": 499, + "weekDownloads": 35, + "stars": 13, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "chargemaster": { + "mbus": { "title": { - "de": "chargemaster", - "en": "chargemaster", - "ru": "chargemaster", - "zh-cn": "chargemaster" + "de": "mbus", + "en": "mbus", + "ru": "mbus", + "zh-cn": "mbus" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.chargemaster/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.chargemaster/chargemaster.png", - "keywords": "chargemaster, wallbox, solar power, charger, EV", - "authors": "Hombach ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mbus/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mbus/mbus.png", + "keywords": "iobroker, mbus, measure", + "authors": "Apollon77 ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-05-09T21:32:21.755Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.12.7", + "published": "2018-03-11T20:48:55.590Z", + "version": "2.7.0", + "latestVersion": "2.7.0", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for managing multi EV-chargers with use of PV-energy", - "de": "Adapter zur Verwaltung von Multi-EV-Ladegeräten unter Verwendung von PV-Energie", - "ru": "Адаптер для управления несколькими электромобилями с использованием PV-энергии", - "pt": "Adaptador para gerenciamento de carregadores multi EV com uso de energia fotovoltaica", - "nl": "Adapter voor het beheren van meerdere EV-laders met gebruik van PV-energie", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour la gestion de plusieurs chargeurs EV avec utilisation d'énergie PV", - "it": "Adattatore per la gestione di più caricatori EV con utilizzo di energia fotovoltaica", - "es": "Adaptador para la gestión de varios cargadores EV con uso de energía fotovoltaica", - "pl": "Adapter do zarządzania wieloma ładowarkami EV z wykorzystaniem energii PV", - "uk": "Адаптер для управління багато EV-зарядними засобами з використанням PV-енергетики", - "zh-cn": "使用PV能源管理多个EV充电器的适配器" + "en": "Read data from Meter-Bus (M-Bus) devices like gas or electricity meters", + "de": "Daten von Zähler-Bus (M-Bus) Geräten, wie Gas- oder Stromzähler, lesen", + "ru": "Чтение данных с устройств Meter-Bus (M-Bus), таких как счетчики газа или электроэнергии", + "pt": "Leia os dados dos dispositivos Meter-Bus (M-Bus) como medidores de gás ou eletricidade", + "nl": "Lees gegevens van Meter-Bus (M-Bus) apparaten zoals gas- of elektriciteitsmeters", + "fr": "Lire les données des appareils Meter-Bus (M-Bus) comme les compteurs de gaz ou d'électricité", + "it": "Leggi i dati dai dispositivi Meter-Bus (M-Bus) come contatori di gas o elettricità", + "es": "Leer datos de dispositivos Meter-Bus (M-Bus) como medidores de gas o electricidad", + "pl": "Odczytywanie danych z urządzeń Meter-Bus (M-Bus), takich jak liczniki gazu lub prądu", + "zh-cn": "从煤气表或电表之类的仪表总线(M-Bus)设备读取数据" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "ChargeMaster", - "de": "ChargeMaster", - "ru": "ChargeMaster", - "pt": "ChargeMaster", - "nl": "ChargeMaster", - "fr": "ChargeMaster", - "it": "ChargeMaster", - "es": "ChargeMaster", - "pl": "ChargeMaster", - "uk": "ChargeMaster", - "zh-cn": "ChargeMaster" + "en": "M-Bus", + "de": "M-Bus", + "ru": "М-автобус", + "pt": "M-Bus", + "nl": "M-Bus", + "fr": "M-Bus", + "it": "M-Bus", + "es": "M-Bus", + "pl": "M-Bus", + "zh-cn": "M-Bus" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Hombach/ioBroker.chargemaster/master/README.md", - "installs": 21, - "weekDownloads": 14, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/Apollon77/ioBroker.mbus", + "installs": 679, + "weekDownloads": 31, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 14, "score": 1 }, - "discovergy": { + "solarviewdatareader": { "title": { - "de": "discovergy", - "en": "discovergy", - "ru": "discovergy", - "zh-cn": "discovergy" + "de": "solarviewdatareader", + "en": "solarviewdatareader", + "ru": "solarviewdatareader", + "zh-cn": "solarviewdatareader" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.discovergy/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.discovergy/discovergy.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", - "authors": "DutchmanNL ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.solarviewdatareader/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.solarviewdatareader/solarviewdatareader.png", + "keywords": "SolarView, Data Logger, Photovoltaik", + "authors": "Achim Fürhoff ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-12-05T08:38:45.890Z", - "version": "0.5.13", - "latestVersion": "0.5.13", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2020-03-14T22:24:44.697Z", + "version": "1.2.0", + "latestVersion": "1.2.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows Discovergy users to synchronize all their measurements to ioBroker", - "de": "Mit diesem Adapter können Discovergy-Benutzer alle ihre Messungen mit dem ioBroker synchronisieren", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет пользователям Discovergy синхронизировать все свои измерения с ioBroker", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite que os usuários da Discovergy sincronizem todas as suas medições com o ioBroker", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen Discovergy-gebruikers al hun metingen synchroniseren met ioBroker", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet aux utilisateurs de Discovergy de synchroniser toutes leurs mesures avec ioBroker.", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente agli utenti di Discovergy di sincronizzare tutte le loro misurazioni su ioBroker", - "es": "Este adaptador permite a los usuarios de Discovergy sincronizar todas sus mediciones con ioBroker", - "pl": "Ten adapter pozwala użytkownikom Discovergy zsynchronizować wszystkie swoje pomiary z ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "该适配器使Discovergy用户可以将其所有测量值同步到ioBroker" + "en": "Get Data from SolarView", + "de": "Daten von SolarView abrufen", + "ru": "Получить данные из SolarView", + "pt": "Obter dados do SolarView", + "nl": "Verkrijg gegevens van SolarView", + "fr": "Obtenir des données de SolarView", + "it": "Ottieni dati da SolarView", + "es": "Obtener datos de SolarView", + "pl": "Uzyskaj dane z SolarView", + "zh-cn": "从SolarView获取数据", + "uk": "Отримайте дані від SolarView" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Discovergy", - "de": "Discovergy", - "ru": "Discovergy", - "pt": "Discovergy", - "nl": "Discovergy", - "fr": "Discovergy", - "it": "Discovergy", - "es": "Discovergy", - "pl": "Discovergy", - "zh-cn": "发现" + "en": "SolarViewDataReader", + "de": "SolarViewDataReader", + "ru": "SolarViewDataReader", + "pt": "SolarViewDataReader", + "nl": "SolarViewDataReader", + "fr": "SolarViewDataReader", + "it": "SolarViewDataReader", + "es": "SolarViewDataReader", + "pl": "SolarViewDataReader", + "zh-cn": "SolarViewDataReader", + "uk": "SolarViewDataReader" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.discovergy", - "installs": 361, - "weekDownloads": 14, - "stars": 16, - "issues": 2, + "github": "https://github.com/afuerhoff/ioBroker.solarviewdatareader", + "installs": 183, + "weekDownloads": 42, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "senec": { + "opendtu": { "title": { - "de": "senec", - "en": "senec", - "ru": "senec", - "zh-cn": "senec" + "de": "opendtu", + "en": "opendtu", + "ru": "opendtu", + "zh-cn": "opendtu" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.senec/senec.png", - "keywords": "senec, solar", - "authors": "NoBl ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.opendtu/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.opendtu/opendtu.png", + "keywords": "OpenDTU, Solar", + "authors": "Dennis Rathjen , Iobroker Community", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-03-03T16:24:24.147Z", - "version": "1.6.15", - "latestVersion": "1.6.15", + "published": "2023-02-17T20:41:33.905Z", + "version": "3.1.0", + "latestVersion": "3.1.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter reads available values from a Senec Home V2.1 (and later) system using lala.cgi", - "de": "Dieser Adapter liest verfügbare Werte von einem Senec Home V2.1 (und später) System mit lala.cgi", - "ru": "Этот адаптер считывает доступные значения от системы Senec Home V2.1 (и позже) с помощью lala.cgi", - "pt": "Este adaptador lê valores disponíveis de um sistema Senec Home V2.1 (e posterior) usando lala.cgi", - "nl": "Deze adapter leest beschikbare waarden van een Senec Home V21 (en later) systeem met lala", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur lit les valeurs disponibles d'un système Senec Home V2.1 (et plus tard) utilisant lala.cgi", - "it": "Questo adattatore legge i valori disponibili da un sistema Senec Home V2.1 (e successivamente) utilizzando lala.cgi", - "es": "Este adaptador lee los valores disponibles de un sistema Senec Home V2.1 (y más tarde) usando lala.cgi", - "pl": "Ta adapter przeczytała dostępne wartości z systemu Senec Home V2.1 (a później) używając lala.cgi", - "uk": "Цей адаптер зчитуває доступні значення від Senec Home V2.1 (і пізніше) системи за допомогою lala.cgi", - "zh-cn": "这种适应者从Senec Home V2.1(和以后)利用Fla.cgi阅读了可使用的数值。" + "en": "Adapter for the OpenDTU project", + "de": "Adapter für das OpenDTU-Projekt", + "ru": "Адаптер для проекта OpenDTU", + "pt": "Adaptador para o projeto OpenDTU", + "nl": "Adapter voor het OpenDTU project", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour le projet OpenDTU", + "it": "Adattatore per il progetto OpenDTU", + "es": "Adaptador para el proyecto OpenDTU", + "pl": "Adapter dla projektu OpenDTU", + "uk": "Адаптер для проекту OpenDTU", + "zh-cn": "OpenDTU 项目的适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Senec", - "de": "Senec", - "ru": "Senec", - "pt": "Senec", - "nl": "Senec", - "fr": "Senec", - "it": "Senec", - "es": "Senec", - "pl": "Senec", - "uk": "Senec", - "zh-cn": "塞内克" + "en": "OpenDTU", + "de": "OpenDTU", + "ru": "OpenDTU", + "pt": "OpenDTU", + "nl": "OpenDTU", + "fr": "OpenDTU", + "it": "OpenDTU", + "es": "OpenDTU", + "pl": "OpenDTU", + "uk": "OpenDTU", + "zh-cn": "OpenDTU" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/nobl/ioBroker.senec", - "installs": 737, - "weekDownloads": 72, - "stars": 27, - "issues": 4, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.opendtu", + "installs": 2126, + "weekDownloads": 141, + "stars": 93, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "mercury": { + "solarlog": { "title": { - "de": "mercury", - "en": "mercury", - "ru": "mercury", - "zh-cn": "mercury" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mercury/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mercury/mercury.png", - "keywords": "Mercury, electric meter", - "authors": "instalator ", + "de": "solarlog", + "en": "solarlog", + "ru": "solarlog", + "zh-cn": "solarlog" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.solarlog/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.solarlog/solarlog.png", + "keywords": "solarlog, photovoltaics, solar, energy, sun", + "authors": "forelleblau ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-12-07T11:24:55.470Z", - "version": "0.2.1", - "latestVersion": "0.2.1", + "published": "2018-11-28T19:52:32.339Z", + "version": "2.3.0", + "latestVersion": "2.3.0", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Receiving data from electricity meters Mercury", - "de": "Empfangen von Daten von Stromzählern Quecksilber", - "ru": "Получение данных от электросчетчиков Меркурий", - "pt": "Recebendo dados de contadores de eletricidade Mercury", - "nl": "Gegevens ontvangen van elektriciteitsmeters Mercury", - "fr": "Réception des données des compteurs d'électricité Mercury", - "it": "Ricezione di dati dai contatori elettrici Mercury", - "es": "Recepción de datos de medidores de electricidad Mercurio", - "pl": "Odbieranie danych z liczników energii elektrycznej Merkury", - "zh-cn": "从电表接收数据汞" + "en": "Monitor your solarlog meter\n\n", + "de": "Überwachen Sie Ihren Solarlog-Meter\n\n", + "ru": "Контролируйте свой солнечный метр\n\n", + "pt": "Monitorar o medidor solar\n\n", + "nl": "Monitor je zonnelogmeter\n\n", + "fr": "Surveillez votre compteur solaire\n\n", + "it": "Monitora il tuo contatore solare\n\n", + "es": "Monitoree su medidor de solarlog\n\n", + "pl": "Pamiętnik słoneczny\n\n", + "uk": "Моніторинг лічильників сонячного блоку\n\n", + "zh-cn": "监测你的太阳能参数\n\n" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Mercury electric meter", - "de": "Quecksilber-Stromzähler", - "ru": "Меркурий электросчетчик", - "pt": "Medidor elétrico de mercúrio", - "nl": "Kwik elektrische meter", - "fr": "Compteur électrique à mercure", - "it": "Contatore elettrico al mercurio", - "es": "Medidor electrico de mercurio", - "pl": "Miernik elektryczny rtęci", - "zh-cn": "汞电表" + "en": "solarlogMonitor", + "de": "solarlogMonitor", + "ru": "солнечный блогМонитор", + "pt": "máquina de montagem automática", + "nl": "solarlogMonitor", + "fr": "solarlogMonitor", + "it": "solarlogMonitor", + "es": "solarlogMonitor", + "pl": "solarlogmonitor", + "uk": "сонячнийlogMonitor\n", + "zh-cn": "太阳能标志Monitor" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.mercury", - "installs": 31, - "weekDownloads": 12, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 2, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.solarlog", + "installs": 706, + "weekDownloads": 33, + "stars": 12, + "issues": 8, "score": 1 }, - "pvforecast": { + "solaredge": { "title": { - "de": "pvforecast", - "en": "pvforecast", - "ru": "pvforecast", - "zh-cn": "pvforecast" + "de": "solaredge", + "en": "solaredge", + "ru": "solaredge", + "zh-cn": "solaredge" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pvforecast/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pvforecast/pvforecast.png", - "keywords": "Solar, Photovoltaik, PV, Forecast, Prognose, Ertrag", - "authors": "Patrick Walther , Matthias Kleine , STROMDAO GmbH ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.solaredge/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.solaredge/solaredge.png", + "keywords": "solaredge, energy, power, api, monitoring", + "authors": "92lleo , iobroker-community-adapters ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-02-23T07:41:55.766Z", - "version": "4.1.0", - "latestVersion": "4.1.0", + "published": "2019-12-25T14:10:46.226Z", + "version": "1.4.1", + "latestVersion": "1.4.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Solar plant production forecast", - "de": "Produktionsprognose für Solaranlagen", - "ru": "Прогноз производства солнечной электростанции", - "pt": "Previsão de produção de usinas solares", - "nl": "Productieprognose voor zonne-installaties", - "fr": "Prévisions de production des centrales solaires", - "it": "Previsioni di produzione di impianti solari", - "es": "Previsión de producción de plantas solares", - "pl": "Prognoza produkcji elektrowni słonecznych", - "uk": "Прогноз виробництва сонячних електростанцій", - "zh-cn": "太阳能电站产量预测" + "en": "Get data from solaredge monitoring portal", + "de": "Rufen Sie Daten vom Solaredge-Überwachungsportal ab", + "ru": "Получить данные с портала мониторинга Solaredge", + "pt": "Obter dados do portal de monitoramento solaredge", + "nl": "Gegevens ophalen uit de portal voor solaredge-monitoring", + "fr": "Obtenez les données du portail de surveillance Solaredge", + "it": "Ottieni dati dal portale di monitoraggio di Solaredge", + "es": "Obtenga datos del portal de monitoreo de solaredge", + "pl": "Uzyskaj dane z portalu monitorowania Solaredge", + "uk": "Отримати дані з порталу сонячних батарей", + "zh-cn": "从solaredge监控门户获取数据" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "PV-Forecast", - "de": "PV-Prognose", - "ru": "PV-прогноз", - "pt": "Previsão PV", - "nl": "PV-prognose", - "fr": "Prévision PV", - "it": "PV-Previsione", - "es": "Pronóstico de PV", - "pl": "PV-Prognoza", - "uk": "PV-Прогноз", - "zh-cn": "光伏预测" + "en": "Solaredge Monitoring", + "de": "Solaredge-Überwachung", + "ru": "Мониторинг Solaredge", + "pt": "Solaredge Monitoring", + "nl": "Solaredge Monitoring", + "fr": "Surveillance de Solaredge", + "it": "Monitoraggio di Solaredge", + "es": "Monitoreo Solaredge", + "pl": "Monitorowanie Solaredge", + "uk": "Сонячний моніторинг", + "zh-cn": "Solaredge监控" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.pvforecast", - "installs": 5752, - "weekDownloads": 216, - "stars": 23, - "issues": 5, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.solaredge", + "installs": 778, + "weekDownloads": 39, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "pvoutputorg": { + "sun2000-modbus": { "title": { - "de": "pvoutputorg", - "en": "pvoutputorg", - "ru": "pvoutputorg", - "zh-cn": "pvoutputorg" + "de": "sun2000-modbus", + "en": "sun2000-modbus", + "ru": "sun2000-modbus", + "zh-cn": "sun2000-modbus" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pvoutputorg/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pvoutputorg/pvoutputorg.png", - "keywords": "PvOutput.org", - "authors": "René G. ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sun2000-modbus/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sun2000-modbus/sun2000-modbus.png", + "keywords": "inverter, huawei, modbus, luna2000, sun2000", + "authors": "daolis ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-04-24T12:24:06.144Z", - "version": "1.9.0", - "latestVersion": "1.9.0", + "published": "2023-11-26T14:17:38.961Z", + "version": "0.1.3", + "latestVersion": "0.1.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "PvOutput.org Adapter: reads and writes data on PVOutput.org. supports different System-Ids", - "de": "PvOutput.org Adapter: liest und schreibt Daten auf PVOutput.org. ", - "ru": "Адаптер PvOutput.org: читает и записывает данные на PVOutput.org. ", - "pt": "Adaptador PvOutput.org: lê e grava dados em PVOutput.org. ", - "nl": "PvOutput.org Adapter: leest en schrijft gegevens op PVOutput.org. ", - "fr": "Adaptateur PvOutput.org : lit et écrit des données sur PVOutput.org. ", - "it": "Adattatore PvOutput.org: legge e scrive dati su PVOutput.org. ", - "es": "Adaptador PvOutput.org: lee y escribe datos en PVOutput.org. ", - "pl": "Adapter PvOutput.org: odczytuje i zapisuje dane na PVOutput.org. ", - "zh-cn": "PvOutput.org 适配器:在 PVOutput.org 上读取和写入数据。", - "uk": "Адаптер PvOutput.org: читає та записує дані на PVOutput.org. підтримує різні ідентифікатори системи" + "en": "Connect to Huawei Sun2000 inverter with Modbus TCP", + "de": "Stellen Sie über Modbus TCP eine Verbindung zum Huawei Sun2000-Wechselrichter her", + "ru": "Подключение к инвертору Huawei Sun2000 с помощью Modbus TCP", + "pt": "Conecte ao inversor Huawei Sun2000 com Modbus TCP", + "nl": "Maak verbinding met de Huawei Sun2000-omvormer met Modbus TCP", + "fr": "Connectez-vous à l'onduleur Huawei Sun2000 avec Modbus TCP", + "it": "Connettiti all'inverter Huawei Sun2000 con Modbus TCP", + "es": "Conéctese al inversor Huawei Sun2000 con Modbus TCP", + "pl": "Połącz się z falownikiem Huawei Sun2000 za pomocą protokołu Modbus TCP", + "uk": "Підключіться до інвертора Huawei Sun2000 за допомогою Modbus TCP", + "zh-cn": "通过Modbus TCP连接华为Sun2000逆变器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "interface to PVOutput.org", - "de": "Schnittstelle zu PVOutput.org", - "ru": "интерфейс к PVOutput.org", - "pt": "interface para PVOutput.org", - "nl": "interface naar PVOutput.org", - "fr": "interface vers PVOutput.org", - "it": "interfaccia a PVOutput.org", - "es": "interfaz con PVOutput.org", - "pl": "interfejs do PVOutput.org", - "zh-cn": "PVOutput.org 的接口", - "uk": "інтерфейс до PVOutput.org" + "en": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "de": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "ru": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "pt": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "nl": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "fr": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "it": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "es": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "pl": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "uk": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", + "zh-cn": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.pvoutputorg", - "installs": 67, - "weekDownloads": 16, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 0, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/daolis/ioBroker.sun2000-modbus", + "installs": 450, + "weekDownloads": 30, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 12, "score": 1 }, "pylontech": { @@ -6183,219 +6033,157 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/PLCHome/ioBroker.pylontech", - "installs": 280, - "weekDownloads": 13, + "installs": 281, + "weekDownloads": 33, "stars": 1, "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "legrand-ecocompteur": { + "plenticore": { "title": { - "de": "legrand-ecocompteur", - "en": "legrand-ecocompteur", - "ru": "legrand-ecocompteur", - "zh-cn": "legrand-ecocompteur" + "de": "plenticore", + "en": "plenticore", + "ru": "plenticore", + "zh-cn": "plenticore" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.legrand-ecocompteur/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.legrand-ecocompteur/legrand-ecocompteur.png", - "keywords": "Legrand, energy, power, measurement", - "authors": "Robin Rainton ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.plenticore/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.plenticore/plenticore.png", + "keywords": "kostal, plenticore, api, inverter", + "authors": "Marius Burkard ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-05-11T16:35:46.498Z", - "version": "1.0.0", - "latestVersion": "1.0.0", + "published": "2020-01-16T15:57:55.228Z", + "version": "2.2.0", + "latestVersion": "2.3.1", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for the Legrand Ecocompteur module (aka. Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", - "de": "Adapter für das Legrand Ecocompteur-Modul (auch bekannt als Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", - "ru": "Адаптер для модуля Legrand Ecocompteur (также известный как измерительный концентратор Legrand EMDX³ 412000).", - "pt": "Adaptador para o módulo Legrand Ecocompteur (também conhecido como Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", - "nl": "Adapter voor de Legrand Ecocompteur-module (ook bekend als Legrand Meetconcentrator EMDX³ 412000).", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour le module Ecocompteur Legrand (alias. Concentrateur de mesure Legrand EMDX³ 412000).", - "it": "Adattatore per il modulo Legrand Ecocompteur (alias Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", - "es": "Adaptador para el módulo Legrand Ecocompteur (también conocido como Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", - "pl": "Adapter do modułu Legrand Ecocompteur (alias. Legrand Measurement Concentrator EMDX³ 412000).", - "zh-cn": "Legrand Ecocompteur模块的适配器(又名Legrand测量集中器EMDX³412000)。" + "en": "Adapter to communicate with a KOSTAL Plenticore Plus via local network (non-modbus)", + "de": "Adapter um mit einem KOSTAL Plenticore Plus im lokalen Netzwerk (nicht via modbus) zu kommunizieren", + "ru": "Адаптер для связи с KOSTAL Plenticore Plus через локальную сеть (не по протоколу Modbus)", + "pt": "Adaptador para se comunicar com um KOSTAL Plenticore Plus via rede local (não modbus)", + "nl": "Adapter voor communicatie met een KOSTAL Plenticore Plus via lokaal netwerk (niet-modbus)", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour communiquer avec un KOSTAL Plenticore Plus via un réseau local (non modbus)", + "it": "Adattatore per comunicare con un KOSTAL Plenticore Plus tramite rete locale (non modbus)", + "es": "Adaptador para comunicarse con KOSTAL Plenticore Plus a través de la red local (no modbus)", + "pl": "Adapter do komunikacji z KOSTAL Plenticore Plus za pośrednictwem sieci lokalnej (non-modbus)", + "zh-cn": "通过本地网络(非Modbus)与KOSTAL Plenticore Plus进行通信的适配器" }, "titleFull": { - 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"pt": "Renac Inverter Coletor de dados", - "nl": "Renac-inverter Gegevensverzamelaar", - "fr": "Onduleur de rénaque Collecteur de données", - "it": "Inverter Renac Raccolta dati", - "es": "Renac Inverter Data Collector", - "pl": "Renac Inverter Kolekcjoner danych", - "uk": "Ренак Інвертор Збір даних", - "zh-cn": "雷纳克反转器 数据收集器" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/raschy/ioBroker.renacidc", - "installs": 24, - "weekDownloads": 11, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 3, + "github": "https://github.com/pixcept/ioBroker.plenticore", + "installs": 1612, + "weekDownloads": 34, + "stars": 21, + "issues": 23, "score": 1 }, - "myenergi": { + "pvforecast": { "title": { - "de": "myenergi", - "en": "myenergi", - "ru": "myenergi", - "zh-cn": "myenergi" + "de": "pvforecast", + "en": "pvforecast", + "ru": "pvforecast", + "zh-cn": "pvforecast" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.myenergi/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.myenergi/myenergi.png", - "keywords": "myenergi, zappi, eddi", - "authors": "TA2k ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pvforecast/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pvforecast/pvforecast.png", + "keywords": "Solar, Photovoltaik, PV, Forecast, Prognose, Ertrag", + "authors": "Patrick Walther , Matthias Kleine , STROMDAO GmbH ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-12-05T08:17:45.489Z", - "version": "0.0.3", - "latestVersion": "0.0.3", + "published": "2022-02-23T07:41:55.766Z", + "version": "4.1.0", + "latestVersion": "4.1.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for Myenergi devices", - "de": "Adapter für Myenergi-Geräte", - "ru": "Адаптер для устройств Myenergi", - "pt": "Adaptador para dispositivos Myenergi", - "nl": "Adapter voor Myenergi-apparaten", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour appareils Myenergi", - "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi Myenergi", - "es": "Adaptador para dispositivos Myenergi", - "pl": "Adapter do urządzeń Myenergi", - "zh-cn": "Myenergi 设备适配器" + "en": "Solar plant production forecast", + "de": "Produktionsprognose für Solaranlagen", + "ru": "Прогноз производства солнечной электростанции", + "pt": "Previsão de produção de usinas solares", + "nl": "Productieprognose voor zonne-installaties", + "fr": "Prévisions de production des centrales solaires", + "it": "Previsioni di produzione di impianti solari", + "es": "Previsión de producción de plantas solares", + "pl": "Prognoza produkcji elektrowni słonecznych", + "uk": "Прогноз виробництва сонячних електростанцій", + "zh-cn": "太阳能电站产量预测" }, "titleFull": { - 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"content": "adapterref/iobroker.smartmeter/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.smartmeter/smartmeter.png", - "keywords": "iobroker, smartmeter, SML, D0, eHz, OBIS", - "authors": "Apollon77 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sanext/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sanext/sanext.png", + "keywords": "Sanext, heat meter", + "authors": "instalator ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-01-30T20:48:39.862Z", - "version": "3.4.0", - "latestVersion": "3.4.0", + "published": "2020-04-10T05:58:34.384Z", + "version": "0.1.0", + "latestVersion": "0.1.0", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Read data from Smartmeter Devices using various protocols like SML, D0 and others", - "de": "Auslesen von Smartmeter-Geräten mit verschiedenen Protokollen wie SML, D0 und anderen", - "ru": "Чтение данных с устройств Smartmeter с использованием различных протоколов, таких как SML, D0 и др.", - "pt": "Leia dados de dispositivos Smartmeter usando vários protocolos como SML, D0 e outros", - "nl": "Lees gegevens van Smartmeter-apparaten met behulp van verschillende protocollen zoals SML, D0 en anderen", - "fr": "Lire des données à partir de périphériques Smartmeter en utilisant divers protocoles tels que SML, D0 et autres", - "it": "Leggi i dati dai dispositivi Smartmeter utilizzando vari protocolli come SML, D0 e altri", - "es": "Lea datos de dispositivos Smartmeter usando varios protocolos como SML, D0 y otros", - "pl": "Odczytaj dane z urządzeń Smartmeter przy użyciu różnych protokołów, takich jak SML, D0 i inne", - "zh-cn": "使用SML,D0等各种协议从Smartmeter设备读取数据" + "en": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "de": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "ru": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "pt": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "nl": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "fr": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "it": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "es": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "pl": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext", + "zh-cn": "Receiving data from heat meters Sanext" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Smartmeter devices support", - "de": "Unterstützung für Smartmeter-Geräte", - "ru": "Поддержка устройств Smartmeter", - "pt": "Suporte para dispositivos Smartmeter", - "nl": "Ondersteuning voor smartmeter-apparaten", - "fr": "Prise en charge des appareils Smartmeter", - "it": "Supporto dispositivi Smartmeter", - "es": "Soporte de dispositivos Smartmeter", - "pl": "Obsługa urządzeń Smartmeter", - "zh-cn": "Smartmeter设备支持" + "en": "Sanext heat meter", + "de": "Sanext heat meter", + "ru": "Sanext heat meter", + "pt": "Sanext heat meter", + "nl": "Sanext heat meter", + "fr": "Sanext heat meter", + "it": "Sanext heat meter", + "es": "Sanext heat meter", + "pl": "Sanext heat meter", + "zh-cn": "Sanext heat meter" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Apollon77/ioBroker.smartmeter", - "installs": 5323, - "weekDownloads": 128, - "stars": 36, - "issues": 26, - "score": 1 - }, - "soliscloud": { - "title": { - "de": "soliscloud", - "en": "soliscloud", - "ru": "soliscloud", - 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", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-05-04T06:05:58.675Z", - "version": "1.2.16", - "latestVersion": "1.2.17", + "published": "2022-04-24T12:24:06.144Z", + "version": "1.9.0", + "latestVersion": "1.9.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Connect a RCT photovolatics power converter", - "de": "Anbindung RCT-Photovoltaik-Wechselrichter", - "ru": "Показать значения фотоэлектрического преобразователя мощности RCT", - "pt": "Mostrar valores de um conversor de energia fotovolático RCT", - "nl": "Toon waarden van een RCT fotovolatica stroomomvormer", - "fr": "Afficher les valeurs d'un convertisseur de puissance photovoltaïque RCT", - "it": "Mostra i valori di un convertitore di potenza fotovolatico RCT", - "es": "Mostrar los valores de un convertidor de potencia fotovoltaico RCT", - "pl": "Pokaż wartości przetwornika mocy fotowoltaiki RCT", - "zh-cn": "显示RCT光电功率转换器的值", - "uk": "Підключіть фотоелектричний перетворювач потужності RCT" + "en": "PvOutput.org Adapter: reads and writes data on PVOutput.org. supports different System-Ids", + "de": "PvOutput.org Adapter: liest und schreibt Daten auf PVOutput.org. ", + "ru": "Адаптер PvOutput.org: читает и записывает данные на PVOutput.org. ", + "pt": "Adaptador PvOutput.org: lê e grava dados em PVOutput.org. ", + "nl": "PvOutput.org Adapter: leest en schrijft gegevens op PVOutput.org. ", + "fr": "Adaptateur PvOutput.org : lit et écrit des données sur PVOutput.org. ", + "it": "Adattatore PvOutput.org: legge e scrive dati su PVOutput.org. ", + "es": "Adaptador PvOutput.org: lee y escribe datos en PVOutput.org. ", + "pl": "Adapter PvOutput.org: odczytuje i zapisuje dane na PVOutput.org. ", + "zh-cn": "PvOutput.org 适配器:在 PVOutput.org 上读取和写入数据。", + "uk": "Адаптер PvOutput.org: читає та записує дані на PVOutput.org. підтримує різні ідентифікатори системи" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "RCT Power - Photovoltaic", - "de": "RCT Power - Photovoltaik", - "ru": "RCT Power - PV", - "pt": "RCT Power - PV", - "nl": "RCT Power - PV", - "fr": "RCT Power - PV", - "it": "RCT Power - PV", - "es": "RCT Power - PV", - "pl": "RCT Power - PV", - "zh-cn": "RCT Power - PV", - "uk": "RCT Power - фотоелектричні" + "en": "interface to PVOutput.org", + "de": "Schnittstelle zu PVOutput.org", + "ru": "интерфейс к PVOutput.org", + "pt": "interface para PVOutput.org", + "nl": "interface naar PVOutput.org", + "fr": "interface vers PVOutput.org", + "it": "interfaccia a PVOutput.org", + "es": "interfaz con PVOutput.org", + "pl": "interfejs do PVOutput.org", + "zh-cn": "PVOutput.org 的接口", + "uk": "інтерфейс до PVOutput.org" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/aruttkamp/ioBroker.rct", - "installs": 226, - "weekDownloads": 22, - "stars": 12, - "issues": 5, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.pvoutputorg", + "installs": 66, + "weekDownloads": 50, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "ecoflow": { + "mercury": { "title": { - "de": "ecoflow", - "en": "ecoflow", - "ru": "ecoflow", - "zh-cn": "ecoflow" + "de": "mercury", + "en": "mercury", + "ru": "mercury", + "zh-cn": "mercury" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ecoflow/ecoflow.png", - "keywords": "ecoflow powerstation", - "authors": "Newan ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mercury/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mercury/mercury.png", + "keywords": "Mercury, electric meter", + "authors": "instalator ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-09-05T12:55:13.531Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.4", + "published": "2019-12-07T11:24:55.470Z", + "version": "0.2.1", + "latestVersion": "0.2.1", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - 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"pt": "Centrais elétricas ecoflow", - "nl": "ecoflow-krachtcentrales", - "fr": "ecoflow Centrales électriques", - "it": "centrali elettriche ecoflow", - "es": "Centrales eléctricas ecoflow", - "pl": "Elektrownie ecoflow", - "zh-cn": "ecoflow 发电站" + "en": "Mercury electric meter", + "de": "Quecksilber-Stromzähler", + "ru": "Меркурий электросчетчик", + "pt": "Medidor elétrico de mercúrio", + "nl": "Kwik elektrische meter", + "fr": "Compteur électrique à mercure", + "it": "Contatore elettrico al mercurio", + "es": "Medidor electrico de mercurio", + "pl": "Miernik elektryczny rtęci", + "zh-cn": "汞电表" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/Newan/ioBroker.ecoflow", - "installs": 192, - "weekDownloads": 8, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 7, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.mercury", + "installs": 32, + "weekDownloads": 16, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, - "e3dc-rscp": { + "rmb-bhkw": { "title": { - "de": "e3dc-rscp", - "en": "e3dc-rscp", - "ru": "e3dc-rscp", - "zh-cn": "e3dc-rscp" + "de": "rmb-bhkw", + "en": "rmb-bhkw", + "ru": "rmb-bhkw", + "zh-cn": "rmb-bhkw" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.e3dc-rscp/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.e3dc-rscp/e3dc-rscp.png", - "keywords": "E3/DC, power station, energy, RSCP", - "authors": "Ulrich Kick ", - "license": "GPL-3.0-only", - "published": "2021-10-17T08:28:17.980Z", - "version": "1.3.1", - "latestVersion": "1.3.1", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.rmb-bhkw/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.rmb-bhkw/rmb-bhkw.png", + "keywords": "bhkw, rmb, remeha, cogeneration, home automation", + "authors": "satchafunkilus", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2022-04-15T16:11:11.368Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "1.0.7", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control E3/DC power station using RSCP protocol", - "de": "Steuern Sie das E3/DC-Kraftwerk mithilfe des RSCP-Protokolls", - "ru": "Управление электростанцией E3/DC по протоколу RSCP", - "pt": "Controle da estação de energia E3/DC usando o protocolo RSCP", - "nl": "Bedien de E3/DC-krachtcentrale met behulp van het RSCP-protocol", - "fr": "Contrôlez la centrale électrique E3/DC en utilisant le protocole RSCP", - "it": "Controllare la centrale E3/DC utilizzando il protocollo RSCP", - "es": "Control de la central eléctrica E3/DC mediante protocolo RSCP", - "pl": "Sterowanie elektrownią E3/DC za pomocą protokołu RSCP", - "zh-cn": "使用RSCP协议控制E3/DC电站", - "uk": "Керуйте електростанцією E3/DC за допомогою протоколу RSCP" + "en": "Reads data from RMB cogeneration units (e.g. Remeha eLina) via the RMBenergie customer portal", + "de": "Liest Daten von RMB Blockheizkraftwerken (z.B. Remeha eLina) über das RMBenergie Kundenportal aus", + "ru": "Считывает данные c когенерационных установок RMB (например, Remeha eLina) через клиентский портал RMBenergie.", + "pt": "Lê dados de unidades de cogeração RMB (por exemplo, Remeha eLina) através do portal do cliente RMBenergie", + "nl": "Leest gegevens uit van RMB WKK-installaties (bijv. Remeha eLina) via het RMBenergie klantenportaal", + "fr": "Lit les données des unités de cogénération RMB (par exemple Remeha eLina) via le portail client RMBenergie", + "it": "Legge i dati dalle unità di cogenerazione RMB (ad es. Remeha eLina) tramite il portale clienti RMBenergie", + "es": "Lee datos de unidades de cogeneración de RMB (por ejemplo, Remeha eLina) a través del portal de clientes de RMBenergie", + "pl": "Odczytuje dane z jednostek kogeneracyjnych RMB (np. Remeha eLina) za pośrednictwem portalu klienta RMBenergie", + "uk": "Зчитує дані з когенераційних установок RMB (наприклад, Remeha eLina) через портал клієнтів RMBenergie", + "zh-cn": "通过 RMBenergie 客户门户从 RMB 热电联产机组(例如 Remeha eLina) 读取数据" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "E3/DC RSCP", - "de": "E3/DC RSCP", - "ru": "E3/DC RSCP", - "pt": "E3/DC RSCP", - "nl": "E3/DC RSCP", - "fr": "E3/DC RSCP", - "it": "E3/DC RSCP", - "es": "E3/DC RSCP", - "pl": "E3/DC RSCP", - "zh-cn": "E3/DC RSCP", - "uk": "E3/DC RSCP" + "en": "RMB cogeneration unit monitoring", + "de": "RMB-BHKW-Überwachung", + "ru": "Мониторинг когенерационной установки RMB", + "pt": "Monitoramento da unidade de cogeração RMB", + "nl": "Bewaking van RMB warmtekrachtkoppelingseenheid", + "fr": "Surveillance de l'unité de cogénération RMB", + "it": "Monitoraggio unità di cogenerazione RMB", + "es": "Supervisión de la unidad de cogeneración RMB", + "pl": "Monitoring jednostek kogeneracyjnych RMB", + "uk": "Моніторинг когенераційної установки RMB", + "zh-cn": "人民币热电联产机组监测" }, "branch": "master", - 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"en": "Solax Inverter API Cloud or Local Connection", - "de": "Solax Inverter API Cloud oder lokale Verbindung", - "ru": "Облачное или локальное подключение API-интерфейса Solax Inverter", - "pt": "Solax Inverter API Cloud ou Conexão Local", - "nl": "Solax Inverter API Cloud of lokale verbinding", - "fr": "Solax Inverter API Cloud ou connexion locale", - "it": "Solax Inverter API Cloud o Connessione locale", - "es": "Solax Inverter API Nube o conexión local", - "pl": "Solax Inverter API Cloud lub połączenie lokalne", - "uk": "Solax Inverter API Хмарне або локальне підключення", - "zh-cn": "Solax 逆变器 API 云或本地连接" + "en": "Reading data from balcony power plant", + "de": "Auslesen von Daten aus dem Balkonkraftwerk", + "ru": "Чтение данных с балконной электростанции", + "pt": "Lendo dados da usina de varanda", + "nl": "Gegevens lezen van balkoncentrale", + "fr": "Lecture des données de la centrale électrique du balcon", + "it": "Lettura dei dati dalla centrale elettrica del balcone", + "es": "Lectura de datos de la planta de energía del balcón", + "pl": "Odczytywanie danych z elektrowni balkonowej", + "zh-cn": "从阳台电厂读取数据", + "uk": "Зчитування даних з балконної електростанції" }, "titleFull": { - 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Allows annual report and details according to weekly, monthly and quarterly consumption data.", + "de": "Detaillierte Statistiken Ihres Energie-, Gas- und Flüssigkeitsverbrauchs. Ermöglicht Jahresberichte und Details gemäß wöchentlichen, monatlichen und vierteljährlichen Verbrauchsdaten.", + "ru": "Подробная статистика вашего потребления энергии, газа и жидкости. Позволяет годовой отчет и подробную информацию в соответствии с еженедельными, ежемесячными и квартальными данными потребления.", + "pt": "Estatísticas detalhadas de seu consumo de energia, gás e líquido. Permite relatório anual e detalhes de acordo com dados de consumo semanais, mensais e trimestrais.", + "nl": "Gedetailleerde statistieken van uw energie-, gas- en vloeistofverbruik. Staat jaarverslag en details toe op basis van wekelijkse, maandelijkse en driemaandelijkse verbruiksgegevens.", + "fr": "Statistiques détaillées de votre consommation d'énergie, de gaz et de liquide. Permet un rapport annuel et des détails selon les données de consommation hebdomadaires, mensuelles et trimestrielles.", + "it": "Statistiche dettagliate sul consumo di energia, gas e liquidi. Consente report e dettagli annuali in base ai dati di consumo settimanali, mensili e trimestrali.", + "es": "Estadísticas detalladas de su consumo de energía, gas y líquido. Permite informes anuales y detalles según datos de consumo semanal, mensual y trimestral.", + "pl": "Szczegółowe statystyki zużycia energii, gazu i cieczy. Umożliwia raport roczny i szczegóły zgodnie z tygodniowymi, miesięcznymi i kwartalnymi danymi dotyczącymi zużycia.", + "zh-cn": "您的能源,气体和液体消耗的详细统计信息。允许根据每周,每月和每季度的消费数据提供年度报告和详细信息。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "SMA Energy Meter", - "de": "SMA Energiezähler", - "ru": "Счетчик энергии SMA", - "pt": "Medidor de energia SMA", - "nl": "SMA Energiemeter", - "fr": "Compteur d'énergie SMA", - "it": "Contatore di energia SMA", - "es": "Medidor de energía SMA", - "pl": "Licznik energii SMA", - "zh-cn": "SMA能量计", - "uk": "Лічильник енергії SMA" + "en": "SourceAnalytix", + "de": "SourceAnalytix", + "ru": "SourceAnalytix", + "pt": "SourceAnalytix", + "nl": "SourceAnalytix", + "fr": "SourceAnalytix", + "it": "SourceAnalytix", + "es": "SourceAnalytix", + "pl": "SourceAnalytix", + "zh-cn": "SourceAnalytix" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.sma-em", - "installs": 2057, - "weekDownloads": 72, - "stars": 24, - "issues": 0, + "branch": "main", + 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RCT", + "pl": "Pokaż wartości przetwornika mocy fotowoltaiki RCT", + "zh-cn": "显示RCT光电功率转换器的值", + "uk": "Підключіть фотоелектричний перетворювач потужності RCT" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "SolarViewDataReader", - "de": "SolarViewDataReader", - "ru": "SolarViewDataReader", - "pt": "SolarViewDataReader", - "nl": "SolarViewDataReader", - "fr": "SolarViewDataReader", - "it": "SolarViewDataReader", - "es": "SolarViewDataReader", - "pl": "SolarViewDataReader", - "zh-cn": "SolarViewDataReader", - "uk": "SolarViewDataReader" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/afuerhoff/ioBroker.solarviewdatareader", - "installs": 184, - "weekDownloads": 28, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 3, - "score": 1 - }, - "vedirect": { - "title": { - "de": "vedirect", - "en": "vedirect", - "ru": "vedirect", - "zh-cn": "vedirect" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vedirect/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vedirect/vedirect.png", - "keywords": "energy, connection, pv, solar, victron", - 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"soliscloud", + "zh-cn": "soliscloud" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sun2000-modbus/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sun2000-modbus/sun2000-modbus.png", - "keywords": "inverter, huawei, modbus, luna2000, sun2000", - "authors": "daolis ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.soliscloud/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.soliscloud/solis.png", + "installs": 87, + "weekDownloads": 32, + "stars": 13, + "issues": 0, + "score": 1 + }, + "renacidc": { + "title": { + "de": "renacidc", + "en": "renacidc", + "ru": "renacidc", + "zh-cn": "renacidc" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.renacidc/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.renacidc/renacidc.png", + "keywords": "Solar, Inverter, Renac", + "authors": "raschy ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-11-26T14:17:38.961Z", - "version": "0.1.3", - "latestVersion": "0.1.3", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Connect to Huawei Sun2000 inverter with Modbus TCP", - "de": "Stellen Sie über Modbus TCP eine Verbindung zum Huawei Sun2000-Wechselrichter her", - "ru": "Подключение к инвертору Huawei Sun2000 с помощью Modbus TCP", - "pt": "Conecte ao inversor Huawei Sun2000 com Modbus TCP", - "nl": "Maak verbinding met de Huawei Sun2000-omvormer met Modbus TCP", - "fr": "Connectez-vous à l'onduleur Huawei Sun2000 avec Modbus TCP", - "it": "Connettiti all'inverter Huawei Sun2000 con Modbus TCP", - "es": "Conéctese al inversor Huawei Sun2000 con Modbus TCP", - "pl": "Połącz się z falownikiem Huawei Sun2000 za pomocą protokołu Modbus TCP", - "uk": "Підключіться до інвертора Huawei Sun2000 за допомогою Modbus TCP", - "zh-cn": "通过Modbus TCP连接华为Sun2000逆变器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "de": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "ru": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "pt": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "nl": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "fr": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "it": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "es": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "pl": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "uk": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter", - "zh-cn": "Huawei Sun2000 inverter" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/daolis/ioBroker.sun2000-modbus", - "installs": 446, - "weekDownloads": 28, - "stars": 11, - "issues": 12, - "score": 1 - }, - "wireless-mbus": { - "title": { - "de": "wireless-mbus", - "en": "wireless-mbus", - "ru": "wireless-mbus", - "zh-cn": "wireless-mbus" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.wireless-mbus/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.wireless-mbus/wireless-mbus.png", - "keywords": "wmbus, measure, mbus, wireless, meter, oms", - "authors": "Christian Landvogt ", - "license": "GPL-2.0-only", - "published": "2021-10-02T21:18:26.325Z", - "version": "0.9.4", - "latestVersion": "0.9.4", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Receive data from Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus) devices like gas or electricity meters", - "de": "Empfange Daten von Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus) Geräten (zB Gas- oder Stromzähler)", - "ru": "Получение данных от устройств Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus), таких как счетчики газа или электроэнергии", - "uk": "Отримуйте дані з пристроїв Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus), таких як лічильники газу або електроенергії", - "pt": "Receber dados de dispositivos Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus), como medidores de gás ou eletricidade", - "nl": "Gegevens ontvangen van Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus) apparaten zoals gas- of elektriciteitsmeters", - "fr": "Recevoir des données d'appareils Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus) comme des compteurs de gaz ou d'électricité", - "it": "Ricevi dati da dispositivi Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus) come contatori di gas o elettricità", - "es": "Reciba datos de dispositivos Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus) como medidores de gas o electricidad", - "pl": "Odbieraj dane z urządzeń Wireless Meter-Bus (wM-Bus), takich jak liczniki gazu lub energii elektrycznej", - "zh-cn": "从无线仪表总线 (wM-Bus) 设备(如燃气表或电表)接收数据" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Wireless M-Bus", - "de": "Wireless M-Bus", - "ru": "Wireless M-Bus", - "pt": "Wireless M-Bus", - "nl": "Wireless M-Bus", - "fr": "Wireless M-Bus", - "it": "Wireless M-Bus", - "es": "Wireless M-Bus", - "pl": "Wireless M-Bus", - "uk": "Wireless M-Bus", - "zh-cn": "Wireless M-Bus" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/lvogt/ioBroker.wireless-mbus", - "installs": 329, - "weekDownloads": 137, - "stars": -1 - }, - "zendure-solarflow": { - "title": { - "de": "zendure-solarflow", - "en": "zendure-solarflow", - "ru": "zendure-solarflow", - "zh-cn": "zendure-solarflow" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.zendure-solarflow/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.zendure-solarflow/zendure-solarflow.png", - "keywords": "Zendure, Solarflow", - "authors": "Peter ", - "license": "GPL-3.0-only", - "published": "2023-10-26T19:30:55.581Z", - "version": "1.10.0", - "latestVersion": "1.10.7", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "zendure-solarflow", - "de": "Zendure-Solarflow", - "ru": "Zendure-Solarflow", - "pt": "zendure-solarflow", - "nl": "zendure-solarflow", - "fr": "zendure-solarflow", - "it": "zendure-solarflow", - "es": "flujo-solar-zendure", - "pl": "zendure-solarflow", - "uk": "zendure-solarflow", - "zh-cn": "zendure-solarflow" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Zendure Solarflow", - "de": "Zendure Solarflow", - "ru": "Зендуре Соларфлоу", - "pt": "Zendure Solarflow", - "nl": "Zendure Solarflow", - "fr": "Flux solaire Zendure", - "it": "Zendur Solarflow", - "es": "Zendure Solarflow", - "pl": "Zendure Solarflow", - "uk": "Zendure Solarflow", - "zh-cn": "Zendure Solarflow" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/nograx/ioBroker.zendure-solarflow", - "installs": 639, - "weekDownloads": 477, - "stars": 9, - "issues": 7, - "score": 1 - }, - "voltoplus": { - "title": { - "de": "voltoplus", - "en": "voltoplus", - "ru": "voltoplus", - "zh-cn": "voltoplus" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.voltoplus/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.voltoplus/voltoplus.png", - "keywords": "Energy meter, VoltoPlus", - "authors": "Jey Cee ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-08-09T05:55:27.212Z", + "published": "2023-09-28T15:53:55.872Z", "version": "0.1.4", "latestVersion": "0.1.4", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Get actual data from VoltoPlus energy meter.", - "de": "Erhalten Sie aktuelle Daten vom VoltoPlus-Energiezähler.", - "ru": "Получите актуальные данные от счетчика энергии VoltoPlus.", - "pt": "Obtenha dados reais do medidor de energia VoltoPlus.", - "nl": "Krijg actuele gegevens van de VoltoPlus energiemeter.", - "fr": "Obtenez les données réelles du compteur d'énergie VoltoPlus.", - "it": "Ottieni i dati effettivi dal contatore di energia VoltoPlus.", - "es": "Obtenga datos reales del medidor de energía VoltoPlus.", - "pl": "Uzyskaj aktualne dane z licznika energii VoltoPlus.", - "zh-cn": "从 VoltoPlus 电能表获取实际数据。", - "uk": "Отримуйте актуальні дані з лічильника електроенергії VoltoPlus." - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "VoltoPlus", - "de": "VoltoPlus", - "ru": "ВольтоПлюс", - "pt": "Volto Plus", - "nl": "VoltoPlus", - "fr": "VoltoPlus", - "it": "Volto Plus", - "es": "Volto Plus", - "pl": "VoltoPlus", - "zh-cn": "VoltoPlus", - "uk": "VoltoPlus" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.voltoplus", - "installs": 10, - "weekDownloads": 5, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 5, - "score": 1 - }, - "solarmanpv": { - "title": { - "de": "solarmanpv", - "en": "solarmanpv", - "ru": "solarmanpv", - "zh-cn": "solarmanpv" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.solarmanpv/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.solarmanpv/solarmanpv.png", - "keywords": "solar, balcony power plant, mi600", - "authors": "raschy ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-07-11T18:00:00.990Z", - "version": "0.6.2", - "latestVersion": "0.6.3", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Reading data from balcony power plant", - "de": "Auslesen von Daten aus dem Balkonkraftwerk", - "ru": "Чтение данных с балконной электростанции", - "pt": "Lendo dados da usina de varanda", - "nl": "Gegevens lezen van balkoncentrale", - "fr": "Lecture des données de la centrale électrique du balcon", - "it": "Lettura dei dati dalla centrale elettrica del balcone", - "es": "Lectura de datos de la planta de energía del balcón", - "pl": "Odczytywanie danych z elektrowni balkonowej", - "zh-cn": "从阳台电厂读取数据", - "uk": "Зчитування даних з балконної електростанції" + "en": "Data collection from solar inverter renac", + "de": "Datenerfassung vom Solarwechselrichter Renac", + "ru": "Сбор данных с солнечного инвертора Renac", + "pt": "Coleta de dados do inversor solar renac", + "nl": "Gegevensverzameling van renac-omvormer voor zonne-energie", + "fr": "Collecte de données de l'onduleur solaire Renac", + "it": "Raccolta dati da inverter solare renac", + "es": "Toma de datos del inversor solar renac.", + "pl": "Zbieranie danych z falownika fotowoltaicznego renac", + "uk": "Збір даних від сонячного інвертора renac", + "zh-cn": "太阳能逆变器 renac 的数据收集" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Solarman PV", - "de": "Solarman PV", - "ru": "Соларман ПВ", - "pt": "Solarman fotovoltaico", - "nl": "Solarman PV", - "fr": "PV Solarman", - "it": "Solarman PV", - "es": "fotovoltaica solarman", - "pl": "Solarman PV", - "zh-cn": "太阳能光伏", - "uk": "Соларман П.В" + "en": "Renac Inverter Data Collector", + "de": "Datensammler für Wechselrichter von Renac", + "ru": "Инвертор Renac Сборщик данных", + "pt": "Renac Inverter Coletor de dados", + "nl": "Renac-inverter Gegevensverzamelaar", + "fr": "Onduleur de rénaque Collecteur de données", + "it": "Inverter Renac Raccolta dati", + "es": "Renac Inverter Data Collector", + "pl": "Renac Inverter Kolekcjoner danych", + "uk": "Ренак Інвертор Збір даних", + "zh-cn": "雷纳克反转器 数据收集器" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/raschy/ioBroker.solarmanpv", - "installs": 1211, - "weekDownloads": 47, - "stars": 19, - "issues": 0, + "github": "https://github.com/raschy/ioBroker.renacidc", + "installs": 24, + "weekDownloads": 12, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 4, "score": 1 }, "virtualpowermeter": { @@ -7286,21 +6840,272 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/Omega236/ioBroker.virtualpowermeter", - "installs": 930, - "weekDownloads": 47, + "installs": 926, + "weekDownloads": 75, "stars": 7, "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "sun2000": { + "senec": { "title": { - "de": "sun2000", - "en": "sun2000", - "ru": "sun2000", - "zh-cn": "sun2000" + "de": "senec", + "en": "senec", + "ru": "senec", + "zh-cn": "senec" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sun2000/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sun2000/sun2000.png", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.senec/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.senec/senec.png", + "keywords": "senec, solar", + "authors": "NoBl ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-03-03T16:24:24.147Z", + "version": "1.6.17", + "latestVersion": "1.6.17", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter reads available values from a Senec Home V2.1 (and later) system using lala.cgi", + "de": "Dieser Adapter liest verfügbare Werte von einem Senec Home V2.1 (und später) System mit lala.cgi", + "ru": "Этот адаптер считывает доступные значения от системы Senec Home V2.1 (и позже) с помощью lala.cgi", + "pt": "Este adaptador lê valores disponíveis de um sistema Senec Home V2.1 (e posterior) usando lala.cgi", + "nl": "Deze adapter leest beschikbare waarden van een Senec Home V21 (en later) systeem met lala", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur lit les valeurs disponibles d'un système Senec Home V2.1 (et plus tard) utilisant lala.cgi", + "it": "Questo adattatore legge i valori disponibili da un sistema Senec Home V2.1 (e successivamente) utilizzando lala.cgi", + "es": "Este adaptador lee los valores disponibles de un sistema Senec Home V2.1 (y más tarde) usando lala.cgi", + "pl": "Ta adapter przeczytała dostępne wartości z systemu Senec Home V2.1 (a później) używając lala.cgi", + "uk": "Цей адаптер зчитуває доступні значення від Senec Home V2.1 (і пізніше) системи за допомогою lala.cgi", + "zh-cn": "这种适应者从Senec Home V2.1(和以后)利用Fla.cgi阅读了可使用的数值。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Senec", + "de": "Senec", + "ru": "Senec", + "pt": "Senec", + "nl": "Senec", + "fr": "Senec", + "it": "Senec", + "es": "Senec", + "pl": "Senec", + "uk": "Senec", + "zh-cn": "塞内克" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/nobl/ioBroker.senec", + "installs": 734, + "weekDownloads": 234, + "stars": 27, + "issues": 4, + "score": 1 + }, + "smappee": { + "title": { + "de": "smappee", + "en": "smappee", + "ru": "smappee", + "zh-cn": "smappee" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.smappee/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.smappee/smappee.png", + "keywords": "smappee, smarthome, energy, smartmeter, water", + "authors": "forelleblau ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-01-27T13:58:27.573Z", + "version": "0.3.0", + "latestVersion": "0.3.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Monitor and control your smappee device", + "de": "Überwache und steuere deinen Smappee", + "ru": "Контролируйте и управляйте своим устройством smappee", + "pt": "Monitore e controle seu dispositivo smappee", + "nl": "Bewaak en beheer je smappee-apparaat", + "fr": "Surveillez et contrôlez votre appareil smappee", + "it": "Monitora e controlla il tuo dispositivo smappee", + "es": "Monitoriza y controla tu dispositivo smappee", + "pl": "Monitoruj i kontroluj swoje urządzenie Sumpee", + "uk": "Контролюйте та керуйте своїм пристроєм smappee", + "zh-cn": "监视和控制您的 smappee 设备" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "smappeeMonitor", + "de": "smappeeMonitor", + "ru": "smappeeMonitor", + "pt": "smappeeMonitor", + "nl": "smappeeMonitor", + "fr": "smappeeMonitor", + "it": "smappeeMonitor", + "es": "smappeeMonitor", + "pl": "smappeeMonitor", + "uk": "smappeeMonitor", + "zh-cn": "smappee监视器" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.smappee", + "installs": 108, + "weekDownloads": 22, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 1, + "score": 1 + }, + "sma-em": { + "title": { + "de": "sma-em", + "en": "sma-em", + "ru": "sma-em", + "zh-cn": "sma-em" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sma-em/sma-em.png", + "keywords": "SMA Energy Meter, Sunny Home Manager", + "authors": "Marcolotti , pdbjjens ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2017-10-16T20:20:01.941Z", + "version": "1.1.0", + "latestVersion": "1.2.0", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "ioBroker sma-em Adapter", + "de": "ioBroker Sma-em Adapter", + "ru": "ioBroker Sma-em драйвер как образец", + "pt": "Modelo de adaptador para o ioBroker", + "fr": "ioBroker adaptateur modèle", + "nl": "ioBroker Sma-em Adapter", + "it": "Adattatore sma-em ioBroker", + "es": "Adaptador ioBroker sma-em", + "pl": "Adapter ioBroker sma-em", + "uk": "ioBroker sma-em адаптер", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker sma-em 适配器" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "SMA Energy Meter", + "de": "SMA Energiezähler", + "ru": "Счетчик энергии SMA", + "pt": "Medidor de energia SMA", + "nl": "SMA Energiemeter", + "fr": "Compteur d'énergie SMA", + "it": "Contatore di energia SMA", + "es": "Medidor de energía SMA", + "pl": "Licznik energii SMA", + "zh-cn": "SMA能量计", + "uk": "Лічильник енергії SMA" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.sma-em", + "installs": 2058, + "weekDownloads": 59, + "stars": 24, + "issues": 0, + "score": 1 + }, + "e3dc-rscp": { + "title": { + "de": "e3dc-rscp", + "en": "e3dc-rscp", + "ru": "e3dc-rscp", + "zh-cn": "e3dc-rscp" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.e3dc-rscp/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.e3dc-rscp/e3dc-rscp.png", + "keywords": "E3/DC, power station, energy, RSCP", + "authors": "Ulrich Kick ", + "license": "GPL-3.0-only", + "published": "2021-10-17T08:28:17.980Z", + "version": "1.3.1", + "latestVersion": "1.3.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Control E3/DC power station using RSCP protocol", + "de": "Steuern Sie das E3/DC-Kraftwerk mithilfe des RSCP-Protokolls", + "ru": "Управление электростанцией E3/DC по протоколу RSCP", + "pt": "Controle da estação de energia E3/DC usando o protocolo RSCP", + "nl": "Bedien de E3/DC-krachtcentrale met behulp van het RSCP-protocol", + "fr": "Contrôlez la centrale électrique E3/DC en utilisant le protocole RSCP", + "it": "Controllare la centrale E3/DC utilizzando il protocollo RSCP", + "es": "Control de la central eléctrica E3/DC mediante protocolo RSCP", + "pl": "Sterowanie elektrownią E3/DC za pomocą protokołu RSCP", + "zh-cn": "使用RSCP协议控制E3/DC电站", + "uk": "Керуйте електростанцією E3/DC за допомогою протоколу RSCP" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "E3/DC RSCP", + "de": "E3/DC RSCP", + "ru": "E3/DC RSCP", + "pt": "E3/DC RSCP", + "nl": "E3/DC RSCP", + "fr": "E3/DC RSCP", + "it": "E3/DC RSCP", + "es": "E3/DC RSCP", + "pl": "E3/DC RSCP", + "zh-cn": "E3/DC RSCP", + "uk": "E3/DC RSCP" + }, + "branch": "master", + 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vari dispositivi basati su Resol-VBus", + "es": "Se conecta a varios dispositivos basados ​​en Resol-VBus", + "pl": "Łączy się z różnymi urządzeniami opartymi na Resol-VBus", + "zh-cn": "连接到各种基于 Resol-VBus 的设备", + "uk": "Підключається до різних пристроїв на основі Resol-VBus" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Connect your Resol VBus Devices", + "de": "Verbinden Sie Ihre Resol VBus-Geräte", + "ru": "Подключите свои устройства Resol VBus", + "pt": "Conecte seus dispositivos Resol VBus", + "nl": "Verbind uw Resol VBus-apparaten", + "fr": "Connectez vos appareils Resol VBus", + "it": "Collega i tuoi dispositivi Resol VBus", + "es": "Conecte sus dispositivos Resol VBus", + "pl": "Podłącz urządzenia Resol VBus", + "zh-cn": "将您的Resol VBus设备连接", + "uk": "Підключіть свої пристрої Resol VBus" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/grizzelbee/ioBroker.resol", + "installs": 245, + "weekDownloads": 36, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 1, + "score": 1 + }, + "sun2000": { + "title": { + 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або Ferrex косарка через хмару.", - "zh-cn": "Worx, Kress, Landxcape or Ferrex mower through云。." + "en": "Adapter to communicate with a Rain Bird irrigation controller and LNK WiFi module attached", + "de": "Adapter für die Kommunikation mit einem Rain Bird-Bewässerungscontroller und einem angeschlossenen LNK-WiFi-Modul", + "ru": "Адаптер для связи с контроллером полива Rain Bird и подключенным модулем LNK WiFi", + "pt": "Adaptador para se comunicar com um controlador de irrigação Rain Bird e o módulo WiFi LNK conectado", + "nl": "Adapter om te communiceren met een Rain Bird-irrigatiecontroller en bevestigde LNK WiFi-module", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour communiquer avec un contrôleur d'irrigation Rain Bird et un module WiFi LNK attaché", + "it": "Adattatore per comunicare con un programmatore di irrigazione Rain Bird e un modulo WiFi LNK collegato", + "es": "Adaptador para comunicarse con un controlador de riego Rain Bird y un módulo WiFi LNK conectado", + "pl": "Dołączony adapter do 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Na podstawie aplikacji mobilnej opartej na lokalizacji (Geofency)", - "zh-cn": "监听 geofency 事件。基于基于位置的移动应用程序(Geofency)" + "en": "Adapter for analyzing location information", + "de": "Adapter zum Analysieren von Standortinformationen", + "ru": "Адаптер для анализа информации о местоположении", + "pt": "Adaptador para análise de informações de localização", + "nl": "Adapter voor het analyseren van locatie-informatie", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour analyser des informations de localisation", + "it": "Adattatore per analizzare le informazioni sulla posizione", + "es": "Adaptador para analizar información de ubicación", + "pl": "Adapter do analizy informacji o lokalizacji", + "zh-cn": "用于分析位置信息的适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Geofency", - "de": "Geofency", - "ru": "геозона", - "pt": "Geofence", - "nl": "Geofence", - "fr": "Géorepérage", - "it": "Geofence", - "es": "geocerca", - "pl": "Geofency", - "zh-cn": "地理围栏" + "en": "Location analysis for GPS coordinates", + "de": "Standortanalyse für GPS-Koordinaten", + "ru": "Анализ местоположения для координат GPS", + "pt": "Análise de localização para coordenadas GPS", + "nl": "Locatieanalyse voor GPS-coördinaten", + "fr": "Analyse de localisation pour les coordonnées GPS", + "it": "Analisi della posizione per le coordinate GPS", + "es": "Análisis de ubicación para coordenadas de GPS", + "pl": "Analiza lokalizacji dla współrzędnych GPS", + "zh-cn": "GPS坐标的位置分析" }, "branch": "master", - 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"ru": "Адаптер для работы с APC UPS с использованием apcupsd", - "uk": "Адаптер для роботи с APC UPS з використанням apcupsd", - "pt": "Adaptador para comunicação com APC UPS via appcupsd", - "nl": "Adapter om te communiceren met APC UPS via apcupsd", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour communiquer avec APC UPS via apcupsd", - "it": "Adattatore per comunicare con l'UPS APC tramite apcupsd", - "es": "Adaptador para comunicarse con APC UPS vía apcupsd", - "pl": "Adapter do komunikacji z UPS APC przez apcupsd", - "zh-cn": "适配器通过 apcupsd 与 APC UPS 通信" + "en": "Integration of DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensors", + "de": "Integration von DS18B20 1-Wire-Temperatursensoren", + "ru": "Интеграция датчиков температуры DS18B20 1-wire", + "pt": "Integração de sensores de temperatura de 1 fio DS18B20", + "nl": "Integratie van DS18B20 1-draads temperatuursensoren", + "fr": "Intégration des capteurs de température 1 fil DS18B20", + "it": "Integrazione di sensori di temperatura a 1 filo DS18B20", + "es": "Integración de sensores de temperatura de 1 hilo DS18B20", + "pl": "Integracja czujników temperatury DS18B20 1-wire", + "uk": "Інтеграція 1-провідних датчиків температури DS18B20", + "zh-cn": "集成 DS18B20 1 线温度传感器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "APC UPS connector", - "de": "APC-USV-Anschluss", - "ru": "APC UPS адаптер", - "uk": "APC UPS адаптер", - "pt": "Conector UPS APC", - "nl": "APC UPS-connector", - "fr": "Connecteur APC ASI", - "it": "Connettore UPS APC", - "es": "Conector SAI APC", - "pl": "Złącze UPS APC", - "zh-cn": "APC UPS 连接器" + "en": "DS18B20", + "de": "DS18B20", + "ru": "DS18B20", + "pt": "DS18B20", + "nl": "DS18B20", + "fr": "DS18B20", + "it": "DS18B20", + "es": "DS18B20", + "pl": "DS18B20", + "zh-cn": "DS18B20", + "uk": "DS18B20" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/crycode-de/ioBroker.ds18b20", + "installs": 918, + "weekDownloads": 51, + "stars": 5, + "issues": 1, + "score": 1 + }, + "amazon-dash": { + "title": { + "de": "amazon-dash", + "en": "amazon-dash", + "ru": "amazon-dash", + "zh-cn": "amazon-dash" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.amazon-dash/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.amazon-dash/amazon-dash.png", + "keywords": "amazon-dash", + "authors": "Patrick Arns ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2016-09-05T19:03:16.756Z", + "version": "1.2.0", + "latestVersion": "1.2.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "de": "Adapter für Amazon Dash buttons", + "en": "Adapter for Amazon Dash buttons", + "ru": "Драйвер для подключения Amazon Dash кнопок" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Amazon Dash-Button" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/PArns/ioBroker.amazon-dash", + "installs": 250, + "weekDownloads": 27, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 9, + "score": 1 + }, + "adb": { + "title": { + "de": "adb", + "en": "adb", + "ru": "adb", + "zh-cn": "adb" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.adb/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.adb/adb.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, adb, android", + "authors": "om2804 ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-05-29T15:00:18.120Z", + "version": "0.0.7", + "latestVersion": "0.0.7", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Android Debug Bridge", + "de": "Android Debug Bridge", + "ru": "Android Debug Bridge", + "pt": "Ponte de depuração do Android", + "nl": "Android Debug Bridge", + "fr": "Pont de débogage Android", + "it": "Android Debug Bridge", + "es": "Puente de depuración de Android", + "pl": "Android Debug Bridge", + "zh-cn": "Android调试桥" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Android Debug Bridge", + "de": "Android Debug Bridge", + "ru": "Android Debug Bridge", + "pt": "Ponte de depuração do Android", + "nl": "Android Debug Bridge", + "fr": "Pont de débogage Android", + "it": "Android Debug Bridge", + "es": "Puente de depuración de Android", + "pl": "Android Debug Bridge", + "zh-cn": "Android调试桥" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/om2804/ioBroker.adb", + "installs": 235, + "weekDownloads": 14, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 2, + "score": 1 + }, + "deconz": { + "title": { + "de": "deconz", + "en": "deconz", + "ru": "deconz", + "zh-cn": "deconz" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.deconz/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.deconz/deconz.png", + "keywords": "deconz, philips, tradfri, lightify, dresden-elektronik, hue, led, rgb, smartlink, zigbee", + "authors": "Jey Cee ", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "published": "2018-01-02T18:51:20.942Z", + "version": "1.6.4", + "latestVersion": "1.6.4", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Connects to the deConz Software that is an gateway solution for ZigBee. deConz works with ConBee USB stick and RaspBee modul for Raspberry Pi which is also from Dresden-Elektronik.", + "de": "Verbindet sich mit der deConz-Software, die eine Gateway-Lösung für ZigBee ist. deConz arbeitet mit dem ConBee USB Stick und dem RaspBee Modul für den Raspberry Pi, die ebenfalls von Dresden-Elektronik sind.", + "ru": "Подключается к программному обеспечению deConz, которое является шлюзовым решением для ZigBee. deConz работает с ConBee и RaspBee, который также из Дрездена-Электроника.", + "pt": "Conecta ao software deConz que é uma solução de gateway para o ZigBee. DeConz trabalha com o conwee USB stick e RaspBee modul para Raspberry Pi que também é de Dresden-Elektronik.", + "nl": "Maakt verbinding met de deConz-software die een gateway-oplossing is voor ZigBee. deConz werkt met ConBee USB-stick en RaspBee-module voor Raspberry Pi, die ook van Dresden-Elektronik is.", + "fr": "Se connecte au logiciel deConz qui est une solution de passerelle pour ZigBee. deConz fonctionne avec la clé USB ConBee et le module RaspBee pour Raspberry Pi, également de Dresden-Elektronik.", + "it": "Si collega al software deConz che è una soluzione gateway per ZigBee. deConz funziona con ConBee USB stick e RaspBee modul per Raspberry Pi, anch'esso di Dresden-Elektronik.", + "es": "Se conecta al software deConz que es una solución de puerta de enlace para ZigBee. deConz funciona con el dispositivo USB ConBee y el módulo RaspBee para Raspberry Pi, que también es de Dresden-Elektronik.", + "pl": "Łączy się z oprogramowaniem deConz, które jest rozwiązaniem bramkowym dla ZigBee. deConz współpracuje z pamięcią USB ConBee i modułem RaspBee dla Raspberry Pi, który jest również z firmy Dresden-Elektronik.", + "uk": "Підключається до програми deConz, яка є розчином для шлюзу ZigBee. DeConz працює з ConBee USB палицею і RaspBee модул для Малина Пі, який також від Dresden-Elonik.", + "zh-cn": "deConz与ConBee USB棒和Raspberry Pi的RaspBee模块一起使用,后者也是来自Dresden-Elektronik。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "deConz ZigBee", + "de": "deConz ZigBee", + "ru": "deConz ZigBee", + "pt": "deConz ZigBee", + "nl": "deConz ZigBee", + "fr": "deConz ZigBee", + "it": "deConz ZigBee", + "es": "deConz ZigBee", + "pl": "deConz ZigBee", + "uk": "deConz ZigBee", + "zh-cn": "deConz ZigBee" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/XHunter74/ioBroker.apcups", - "installs": 524, - "weekDownloads": 27, + "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.deconz", + "installs": 5815, + "weekDownloads": 507, + "stars": 200, + "issues": 36, + "score": 1 + }, + "hilink": { + "title": { + "de": "hilink", + "en": "hilink", + "ru": "hilink", + "zh-cn": "hilink" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.hilink/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.hilink/hilink.png", + "installs": 15, + "weekDownloads": 10, "stars": 3, - "issues": 2, + "issues": 13, "score": 1 }, - "extron": { + "atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c": { "title": { - "de": "extron", - "en": "extron", - "ru": "extron", - "zh-cn": "extron" + "de": "atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c", + "en": "atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c", + "ru": "atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c", + "zh-cn": "atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.extron/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.extron/extron.png", - "keywords": "extron", - "authors": "Bannsaenger , mschlgl ", - "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", - "published": "2021-01-10T01:09:45.392Z", - "version": "0.2.15", - "latestVersion": "0.2.15", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c/atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", + "authors": "Buzze11 ", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "published": "2023-06-06T10:15:55.914Z", + "version": "2.3.0", + "latestVersion": "2.3.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Extron SIS adapter", - "de": "Extron SIS-Adapter", - "ru": "Адаптер Extron SIS", - "pt": "Adaptador Extron SIS", - "nl": "Extron SIS-adapter", - "fr": "Adaptateur SIS Extron", - "it": "Adattatore SIS di Extron", - "es": "Adaptador SIS de Extron", - "pl": "Adapter Extron SIS", - "zh-cn": "Extron SIS适配器", - "uk": "Адаптер Extron SIS" + "en": "atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c", + "de": "atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c", + "ru": "атлас-научный-ezo-i2c", + "pt": "atlas-científico-ezo-i2c", + "nl": "atlas-wetenschappelijk-ezo-i2c", + "fr": "atlas-scientifique-ezo-i2c", + "it": "atlas-scientifico-ezo-i2c", + "es": "atlas-cientifico-ezo-i2c", + "pl": "atlas-naukowy-ezo-i2c", + "zh-cn": "地图集-科学-ezo-i2c", + "uk": "atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Extron SIS", - "de": "Extron SIS", - "ru": "Extron SIS", - "pt": "Extron SIS", - "nl": "Extron SIS", - "fr": "Extron SIS", - "it": "Extron SIS", - "es": "Extron SIS", - "pl": "Extron SIS", - "zh-cn": "Extron SIS", - "uk": "Extron SIS" + "en": "Atlas Scientific EZO", + "de": "Atlas Scientific EZO", + "ru": "Атлас Научная ЭЗО", + "pt": "Atlas Científico EZO", + "nl": "Atlas Wetenschappelijke EZO", + "fr": "Atlas Scientifique EZO", + "it": "Atlante scientifico EZO", + "es": "EZO científico de Atlas", + "pl": "Atlas Scientific EZO", + "zh-cn": "阿特拉斯科学 EZO", + "uk": "Atlas Scientific EZO" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Bannsaenger/ioBroker.extron", - "installs": 3, - "weekDownloads": 9, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/Buzze11/ioBroker.atlas-scientific-ezo-i2c", + "installs": 6, + "weekDownloads": 14, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "hp-ilo": { + "ebus": { "title": { - "de": "hp-ilo", - "en": "hp-ilo", - "ru": "hp-ilo", - "zh-cn": "hp-ilo" + "de": "ebus", + "en": "ebus", + "ru": "ebus", + "zh-cn": "ebus" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.hp-ilo/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.hp-ilo/hp-ilo.png", - "keywords": "hp-ilo, HP, Hewlett-Packard, Hewlett, Packard, ILO, Integrated, Lights-out", - "authors": "Sebastian Schultz ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ebus/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ebus/ebus.png", + "keywords": "ebus", + "authors": "René G. ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-04-12T00:00:39.833Z", - "version": "1.0.6", - "latestVersion": "1.0.6", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2018-01-08T19:33:17.193Z", + "version": "3.4.0", + "latestVersion": "3.5.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Reads temperature data of Hewlett-Packard servers with Integrated Lights-out (ILO)", - "de": "Liest Temperaturdaten von Hewlett-Packard Servern mit Integrated Lights-out (ILO) aus", - "ru": "Reads temperature data of Hewlett-Packard servers with Integrated Lights-out (ILO)" + "en": "ebus Adapter; reads data from ebusd Interface", + "de": "ebus Adapter; liest Daten von der ebusd Schnittstelle", + "ru": "Адаптер ebus; считывает данные из интерфейса ebusd", + "pt": "Adaptador ebus; lê dados da interface ebusd", + "nl": "ebus-adapter; leest gegevens van ebusd Interface", + "fr": "adaptateur ebus; lit les données de l'interface ebusd", + "it": "ebus Adapter; legge i dati dall'interfaccia ebusd", + "es": "adaptador ebus; lee datos de la interfaz ebusd", + "pl": "Adapter ebus; odczytuje dane z interfejsu ebusd", + "zh-cn": "ebus适配器;", + "uk": "адаптер ebus; читає дані з інтерфейсу ebusd" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "ebus", + "de": "ebus", + "ru": "ebus", + "pt": "ebus", + "nl": "ebus", + "fr": "ebus", + "it": "ebus", + "es": "ebus", + "pl": "ebus", + "zh-cn": "巴士", + "uk": "ebus" }, - 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"de": "amazon-dash", - "en": "amazon-dash", - "ru": "amazon-dash", - "zh-cn": "amazon-dash" + "de": "bambulab", + "en": "bambulab", + "ru": "bambulab", + "zh-cn": "bambulab" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.amazon-dash/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.amazon-dash/amazon-dash.png", - "keywords": "amazon-dash", - "authors": "Patrick Arns ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bambulab/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bambulab/bambulab.png", + "keywords": "bambulab, 3d-printing", + "authors": "DutchmanNL ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-09-05T19:03:16.756Z", - "version": "1.2.0", - "latestVersion": "1.2.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2023-07-23T19:38:16.393Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.3.4", "compact": true, "description": { - "de": "Adapter für Amazon Dash buttons", - "en": "Adapter for Amazon Dash buttons", - "ru": "Драйвер для подключения Amazon Dash кнопок" + "en": "Connects to Bambulab 3d printers to retrieve data of current print and control main aspects", + "de": "Verbindet sich mit Bambulab-3D-Druckern, um Daten des aktuellen Drucks abzurufen und Hauptaspekte zu steuern", + "ru": "Подключается к 3D-принтерам Bambulab для получения данных о текущей печати и управления основными аспектами.", + "pt": "Conecta-se às impressoras 3D Bambulab para recuperar dados de impressão atual e controlar os principais aspectos", + "nl": "Maakt verbinding met Bambulab 3D-printers om gegevens op te halen over de huidige afdruk- en controleaspecten", + "fr": "Se connecte aux imprimantes 3d Bambulab pour récupérer les données d'impression en cours et contrôler les principaux aspects", + "it": "Si collega alle stampanti 3D Bambulab per recuperare i dati della stampa corrente e controllare gli aspetti principali", + "es": "Se conecta a impresoras 3d Bambulab para recuperar datos de impresión actual y controlar aspectos principales", + "pl": "Łączy się z drukarkami 3D Bambulab, aby pobierać dane dotyczące bieżącego drukowania i kontrolować główne aspekty", + "uk": "Підключається до 3d-принтерів Bambulab для отримання даних поточного друку та контролю основних аспектів", + "zh-cn": "连接到 Bambulab 3D 打印机以检索当前打印的数据并控制主要方面" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Amazon Dash-Button" + "en": "Bambulab 3d Printer integration", + "de": "Integration des Bambulab 3D-Druckers", + "ru": "Интеграция с 3D-принтером Bambulab", + "pt": "Integração da impressora 3D Bambulab", + "nl": "Bambulab 3D Printer integratie", + "fr": "Intégration de l'imprimante 3d Bambulab", + "it": "Integrazione della stampante 3d Bambulab", + "es": "Integración de la impresora 3d Bambulab", + "pl": "Integracja drukarki 3D Bambulab", + "uk": "Інтеграція 3d принтера Bambulab", + "zh-cn": "Bambulab 3D 打印机集成" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/PArns/ioBroker.amazon-dash", - "installs": 258, - "weekDownloads": 28, - "stars": 11, - "issues": 9, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.bambulab", + "installs": 540, + "weekDownloads": 24, + "stars": 20, + "issues": 14, "score": 1 }, "fritzdect": { @@ -9508,564 +9729,504 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/foxthefox/ioBroker.fritzdect", - "installs": 11707, - "weekDownloads": 432, + "installs": 11556, + "weekDownloads": 375, "stars": 39, "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, - "jeelink": { - "title": { - "de": "jeelink", - "en": "jeelink", - "ru": "jeelink", - "zh-cn": "jeelink" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.jeelink/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.jeelink/jeelab_logo.png", - "keywords": "jeelink, openenergy, RFM, LaCrosse, emonTH", - "authors": "foxthefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-01-22T15:51:48.773Z", - "version": "1.2.5", - "latestVersion": "1.2.5", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "read 868Mhz sensors of Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse ", - "de": "lese 868Mhz Sensoren von Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", - "ru": "считывать датчики 868 МГц Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", - "pt": "ler sensores de 868Mhz de Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", - "nl": "lees 868Mhz sensoren van Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", - "fr": "lire les capteurs 868Mhz de Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", - "it": "leggere i sensori 868Mhz di Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", - "es": "leer sensores de 868Mhz de Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", - "pl": "odczytaj czujniki 868Mhz Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", - "zh-cn": "读取 Technoline、emonTH、Lacrosse 的 868Mhz 传感器", - "uk": "читати 868Mhz датчики Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "jeelink devices", - "de": "Jeelink-Geräte", - "ru": "джилинк устройства", - "pt": "dispositivos jeelink", - "nl": "jeelink-apparaten", - "fr": "appareils jeelink", - "it": "dispositivi jeelink", - "es": "dispositivos jeelink", - "pl": "urządzenia jeelink", - "zh-cn": "捷联设备", - "uk": "пристрої jeelink" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/foxthefox/ioBroker.jeelink", - "installs": 364, - "weekDownloads": 21, - "stars": -1 - }, - "kecontact": { - "title": { - "de": "kecontact", - "en": "kecontact", - "ru": "kecontact", - "zh-cn": "kecontact" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.kecontact/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.kecontact/kecontact.png", - "keywords": "KeContact, P30, P20, BMW, KEBA, wallbox, emobility, e-mobility", - "authors": "UncleSamSwiss , Volker Sengler ", - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "published": "2017-06-11T17:00:43.355Z", - "version": "2.3.0", - "latestVersion": "2.3.0", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Control your charging station and use automatic regulation e.g. to charge your vehicle by photovoltaic surplus", - "de": "Steuern Sie Ihre Ladestation und nutzen Sie die automatische Regelung z.B. ", - "ru": "Управляйте своей зарядной станцией и используйте автоматическое регулирование, например ", - "pt": "Controle sua estação de carregamento e use a regulação automática, por exemplo ", - "nl": "Bedien uw laadstation en gebruik automatische regeling, b.v. ", - "fr": "Contrôlez votre borne de recharge et utilisez la régulation automatique, par ex. ", - "it": "Controlla la tua stazione di ricarica e usa la regolazione automatica, ad es. ", - "es": "Controle su estación de carga y utilice la regulación automática, p. Ej. ", - "pl": "Kontroluj swoją stację ładowania i korzystaj z automatycznej regulacji m.in. ", - "zh-cn": "控制您的充电站并使用自动调节,例如", - "uk": "Керуйте своєю зарядною станцією та використовуйте автоматичне регулювання, напр. щоб зарядити свій автомобіль від надлишку фотоелектричної енергії" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Control Keba KeContact P20 or P30 or BMW i wallbox", - "de": "Keba KeContact P20 oder P30 oder BMW i Wallbox steuern", - "ru": "Управление Keba KeContact P20 или P30 или настенный ящик BMW i", - "pt": "Controle Keba KeContact P20 ou P30 ou caixa de embutir BMW i", - "nl": "Bedien Keba KeContact P20 of P30 of BMW i wallbox", - "fr": "Commande Keba KeContact P20 ou P30 ou BMW i wallbox", - "it": "Controlla Keba KeContact P20 o P30 o BMW i wallbox", - "es": "Control Keba KeContact P20 o P30 o caja de empotrar BMW i", - "pl": "Sterowanie Keba KeContact P20 lub P30 lub BMW i wallbox", - "zh-cn": "控制 Keba KeContact P20 或 P30 或 BMW i wallbox", - "uk": "Керуйте Keba KeContact P20 або P30 або BMW i wallbox" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.kecontact", - "installs": 774, - "weekDownloads": 71, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 0, - "score": 1 - }, - "nuki-extended": { + "esphome": { "title": { - "de": "nuki-extended", - "en": "nuki-extended", - "ru": "nuki-extended", - "zh-cn": "nuki-extended" + "de": "esphome", + "en": "esphome", + "ru": "esphome", + "zh-cn": "esphome" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nuki-extended/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nuki-extended/nuki-extended.png", - "keywords": "nuki, smart, lock, opener", - "authors": "Zefau ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.esphome/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.esphome/esphome.png", + "keywords": "ESPHome, ESP, ESP32", + "authors": "DutchmanNL ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-10-15T20:06:29.023Z", - "version": "2.7.0", - "latestVersion": "2.7.0", + "published": "2021-02-27T21:34:45.736Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.5.0-beta.8", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control and monitor your Nuki Smartlock and Nuki Opener with ioBroker", - "de": "Steuern und überwachen des Nuki Smartlocks und des Nuki Openers mit ioBroker", - "ru": "Контроль и мониторинг вашего Smartlock Нуки и Нуки открывалка с ioBroker", - "pt": "Controlar e monitorar seu Nuki Smartlock e Nuki Abridor com ioBroker", - "nl": "Controle en toezicht op uw Nuki Smartlock en Nuki Opener met ioBroker", - "fr": "Le contrôle et la surveillance de votre Nuki Smartlock et Nuki Ouvre-boîte avec ioBroker", - "it": "Controllo e monitoraggio del Nuki Smartlock e Nuki Lettore con ioBroker", - "es": "Control y monitoreo de su Nuki Smartlock y Nuki Abridor con ioBroker", - "pl": "Kontrola i monitorowanie twojego Smartlock Нуки i Нуки otwieracz do butelek z ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "控制和监视你的Nuki Smartlock和Nuki开与ioBroker" + "en": "Control your ESP8266/ESP32 with simple yet powerful configuration files created and managed by ESPHome", + "de": "Steuern Sie Ihren ESP8266 / ESP32 mit einfachen, aber leistungsstarken Konfigurationsdateien, die von ESPHome erstellt und verwaltet werden", + "ru": "Управляйте своим ESP8266 / ESP32 с помощью простых, но мощных файлов конфигурации, созданных и управляемых ESPHome", + "pt": "Controle seu ESP8266 / ESP32 com arquivos de configuração simples, mas poderosos, criados e gerenciados por ESPHome", + "nl": "Beheer uw ESP8266 / ESP32 met eenvoudige maar krachtige configuratiebestanden die zijn gemaakt en beheerd door ESPHome", + "fr": "Contrôlez votre ESP8266 / ESP32 avec des fichiers de configuration simples mais puissants créés et gérés par ESPHome", + "it": "Controlla il tuo ESP8266 / ESP32 con file di configurazione semplici ma potenti creati e gestiti da ESPHome", + "es": "Controle su ESP8266 / ESP32 con archivos de configuración simples pero potentes creados y administrados por ESPHome", + "pl": "Steruj ESP8266 / ESP32 za pomocą prostych, ale potężnych plików konfiguracyjnych utworzonych i zarządzanych przez ESPHome", + "zh-cn": "使用由ESPHome创建和管理的简单但功能强大的配置文件控制ESP8266 / ESP32" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "de": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "ru": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "pt": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "nl": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "fr": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "it": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "es": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "pl": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener", - "zh-cn": "Nuki Smartlock & Opener" + "en": "Control ESPHome managed devices", + "de": "Steuern Sie von ESPHome verwaltete Geräte", + "ru": "Управление устройствами ESPHome", + "pt": "Controlar dispositivos gerenciados ESPHome", + "nl": "Beheer door ESPHome beheerde apparaten", + "fr": "Contrôle des appareils gérés ESPHome", + "it": "Controlla i dispositivi gestiti da ESPHome", + "es": "Controle los dispositivos administrados por ESPHome", + "pl": "Kontroluj urządzenia zarządzane przez ESPHome", + "zh-cn": "控制ESPHome受管设备" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.nuki-extended", - "installs": 2106, - "weekDownloads": 56, - "stars": 28, - "issues": 30, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.esphome", + "installs": 1193, + "weekDownloads": 43, + "stars": 25, + "issues": 20, "score": 1 }, - "heytech": { + "extron": { "title": { - "de": "heytech", - "en": "heytech", - "ru": "heytech", - "zh-cn": "heytech" + "de": "extron", + "en": "extron", + "ru": "extron", + "zh-cn": "extron" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.heytech/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.heytech/heytech.png", - "keywords": "shutter, shutter control, heytech,", - "authors": "Jey Cee, Ansgar Schulte", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-04-10T21:59:47.753Z", - "version": "1.1.0", - "latestVersion": "1.1.0", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.extron/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.extron/extron.png", + "keywords": "extron", + "authors": "Bannsaenger , mschlgl ", + "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", + "published": "2021-01-10T01:09:45.392Z", + "version": "0.2.15", + "latestVersion": "0.2.15", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Connect to and control HEYtech devices. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "de": "Anschließen und Steuern von HEYtech-Geräten. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "ru": "Подключайтесь и управляйте устройствами HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "pt": "Conecte e controle dispositivos HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "nl": "Maak verbinding met HEYtech-apparaten en bedien deze. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "fr": "Connectez-vous à et contrôlez les appareils HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "it": "Connetti e controlla i dispositivi HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "es": "Conectar y controlar dispositivos HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "pl": "Połącz się i kontroluj urządzenia HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", - "zh-cn": "连接并控制HEYtech设备", - "uk": "Підключайтеся до пристроїв HEYtech і керуйте ними. https://rolladensteuerung.de/" + "en": "Extron SIS adapter", + "de": "Extron SIS-Adapter", + "ru": "Адаптер Extron SIS", + "pt": "Adaptador Extron SIS", + "nl": "Extron SIS-adapter", + "fr": "Adaptateur SIS Extron", + "it": "Adattatore SIS di Extron", + "es": "Adaptador SIS de Extron", + "pl": "Adapter Extron SIS", + "zh-cn": "Extron SIS适配器", + "uk": "Адаптер Extron SIS" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "HEYtech", - "de": "HEYtech", - "ru": "HEYtech", - "pt": "HEYtech", - "nl": "HEYtech", - "fr": "HEYtech", - "it": "HEYtech", - "es": "HEYtech", - "pl": "HEYtech", - "zh-cn": "HEYtech", - "uk": "HEYtech" + "en": "Extron SIS", + "de": "Extron SIS", + "ru": "Extron SIS", + "pt": "Extron SIS", + "nl": "Extron SIS", + "fr": "Extron SIS", + "it": "Extron SIS", + "es": "Extron SIS", + "pl": "Extron SIS", + "zh-cn": "Extron SIS", + "uk": "Extron SIS" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.heytech", - "installs": 23, - "weekDownloads": 29, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 2, + "github": "https://github.com/Bannsaenger/ioBroker.extron", + "installs": 6, + "weekDownloads": 19, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "bambulab": { + "opi": { "title": { - "de": "bambulab", - "en": "bambulab", - "ru": "bambulab", - "zh-cn": "bambulab" + "de": "opi", + "en": "opi", + "ru": "opi", + "zh-cn": "opi" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bambulab/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bambulab/bambulab.png", - "keywords": "bambulab, 3d-printing", - "authors": "DutchmanNL ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.opi/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.opi/opi.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, monitoring, orangepi", + "authors": "Christian Baumgartner, husky-koglhof , Johnny Schneider, Johann Schneider ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-07-23T19:38:16.393Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.3.4", - "compact": true, + "published": "2018-01-22T21:44:32.139Z", + "version": "0.1.2", + "latestVersion": "0.1.2", + "materialize": true, "description": { - "en": "Connects to Bambulab 3d printers to retrieve data of current print and control main aspects", - "de": "Verbindet sich mit Bambulab-3D-Druckern, um Daten des aktuellen Drucks abzurufen und Hauptaspekte zu steuern", - "ru": "Подключается к 3D-принтерам Bambulab для получения данных о текущей печати и управления основными аспектами.", - "pt": "Conecta-se às impressoras 3D Bambulab para recuperar dados de impressão atual e controlar os principais aspectos", - "nl": "Maakt verbinding met Bambulab 3D-printers om gegevens op te halen over de huidige afdruk- en controleaspecten", - "fr": "Se connecte aux imprimantes 3d Bambulab pour récupérer les données d'impression en cours et contrôler les principaux aspects", - "it": "Si collega alle stampanti 3D Bambulab per recuperare i dati della stampa corrente e controllare gli aspetti principali", - "es": "Se conecta a impresoras 3d Bambulab para recuperar datos de impresión actual y controlar aspectos principales", - "pl": "Łączy się z drukarkami 3D Bambulab, aby pobierać dane dotyczące bieżącego drukowania i kontrolować główne aspekty", - "uk": "Підключається до 3d-принтерів Bambulab для отримання даних поточного друку та контролю основних аспектів", - "zh-cn": "连接到 Bambulab 3D 打印机以检索当前打印的数据并控制主要方面" + "en": "OPi-Monitor for ioBroker", + "de": "OPi-Monitor für ioBroker", + "ru": "OPI-монитор для ioBroker", + "pt": "OPi-Monitor para ioBroker", + "nl": "OPi-Monitor voor ioBroker", + "fr": "OPi-Monitor pour ioBroker", + "it": "OPi-Monitor per ioBroker", + "es": "OPi-Monitor para ioBroker", + "pl": "OPi-Monitor dla ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "适用于ioBroker的OPi-Monitor" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Bambulab 3d Printer integration", - "de": "Integration des Bambulab 3D-Druckers", - "ru": "Интеграция с 3D-принтером Bambulab", - "pt": "Integração da impressora 3D Bambulab", - "nl": "Bambulab 3D Printer integratie", - "fr": "Intégration de l'imprimante 3d Bambulab", - "it": "Integrazione della stampante 3d Bambulab", - "es": "Integración de la impresora 3d Bambulab", - "pl": "Integracja drukarki 3D Bambulab", - "uk": "Інтеграція 3d принтера Bambulab", - "zh-cn": "Bambulab 3D 打印机集成" + "en": "OPi-monitoring", + "de": "OPi-Monitor", + "ru": "OPI-мониторинг", + "pt": "OPi-monitoramento", + "nl": "OPi-bewaking", + "fr": "OPi-monitoring", + "it": "OPI monitoraggio", + "es": "OPi-monitoreo", + "pl": "Monitorowanie OPi", + "zh-cn": "OPI-监控" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.bambulab", - "installs": 514, - "weekDownloads": 44, - "stars": 20, - "issues": 14, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.opi", + "installs": 49, + "weekDownloads": 12, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, - "i2c": { + "jeelink": { "title": { - "de": "i2c", - "en": "i2c", - "ru": "i2c", - "zh-cn": "i2c" + "de": "jeelink", + "en": "jeelink", + "ru": "jeelink", + "zh-cn": "jeelink" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.i2c/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.i2c/i2c.png", - "keywords": "I2C, Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor, ADS1015, ADS1115, BH1750, BME280, GY-US42, HMC5883L, INA219, MCP23008, MCP23017, MCP4725, PCF8574, PCA9685, QMC5883L, SHT3x, SRF02, SX1507, SX1508, SX1509, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Intel Edison", - "authors": "UncleSamSwiss ", - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "published": "2017-07-27T19:16:54.429Z", - "version": "1.2.1", - "latestVersion": "1.2.1", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.jeelink/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.jeelink/jeelab_logo.png", + "keywords": "jeelink, openenergy, RFM, LaCrosse, emonTH", + "authors": "foxthefox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2017-01-22T15:51:48.773Z", + "version": "1.2.5", + "latestVersion": "1.2.5", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Communicates with devices over I2C bus.", - "de": "Kommuniziert mit Geräten über den I2C-Bus.", - "ru": "Обменивается данными с устройствами по шине I2C.", - "pt": "Comunica-se com dispositivos pelo barramento I2C.", - "nl": "Communiceert met apparaten via I2C-bus.", - "fr": "Communique avec les appareils via le bus I2C.", - "it": "Comunica con i dispositivi tramite bus I2C.", - "es": "Se comunica con dispositivos a través del bus I2C.", - "pl": "Komunikuje się z urządzeniami przez magistralę I2C.", - "zh-cn": "通过I2C总线与设备通信。" + "en": "read 868Mhz sensors of Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse ", + "de": "lese 868Mhz Sensoren von Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", + "ru": "считывать датчики 868 МГц Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", + "pt": "ler sensores de 868Mhz de Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", + "nl": "lees 868Mhz sensoren van Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", + "fr": "lire les capteurs 868Mhz de Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", + "it": "leggere i sensori 868Mhz di Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", + "es": "leer sensores de 868Mhz de Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", + "pl": "odczytaj czujniki 868Mhz Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse", + "zh-cn": "读取 Technoline、emonTH、Lacrosse 的 868Mhz 传感器", + "uk": "читати 868Mhz датчики Technoline, emonTH, Lacrosse" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "I2C", - "de": "I2C", - "ru": "I2C", - "pt": "I2C", - "nl": "I2C", - "fr": "I2C", - "it": "I2C", - "es": "I2C", - "pl": "I2C", - "zh-cn": "I2C" + "en": "jeelink devices", + "de": "Jeelink-Geräte", + "ru": "джилинк устройства", + "pt": "dispositivos jeelink", + "nl": "jeelink-apparaten", + "fr": "appareils jeelink", + "it": "dispositivi jeelink", + "es": "dispositivos jeelink", + "pl": "urządzenia jeelink", + "zh-cn": "捷联设备", + "uk": "пристрої jeelink" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/UncleSamSwiss/ioBroker.i2c", - "installs": 525, - "weekDownloads": 25, - "stars": 19, - "issues": 44, - "score": 1 + "github": "https://github.com/foxthefox/ioBroker.jeelink", + "installs": 353, + "weekDownloads": 21, + "stars": -1 }, - "nuki": { + "hs100": { "title": { - "de": "nuki", - "en": "nuki", - "ru": "nuki", - "zh-cn": "nuki" + "de": "hs100", + "en": "hs100", + "ru": "hs100", + "zh-cn": "hs100" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nuki/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nuki/nuki-logo.png", - "keywords": "nuki, smart, lock, opener", - "authors": "smaragdschlange ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.hs100/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.hs100/hs100.png", + "keywords": "hs100, hs110, tp-link", + "authors": "arteck ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-10-05T09:37:04.501Z", - "version": "2.0.0", - "latestVersion": "2.0.0", + "published": "2017-08-08T19:55:36.776Z", + "version": "2.2.2", + "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to control and monitor the Nuki Smart Lock", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht die Steuerung und Überwachung des Nuki Smart Lock", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет управлять и контролировать Нуки умный замок", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite controlar e monitorar o Nuki Smart Lock", - "nl": "Deze adapter maakt het mogelijk om controle en toezicht op de Nuki Smart Lock", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de contrôler et de surveiller l'Nuki de Verrouillage Intelligent", - "it": "Questo adattatore permette di controllare e monitorare il Nuki Smart Lock", - "es": "Este adaptador permite el control y monitoreo de la Nuki Bloqueo Inteligente", - "pl": "Ten adapter pozwala zarządzać i kontrolować Нуки inteligentny zamek", - "zh-cn": "这适配器控制和监视Nuki智能锁定", - "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє контролювати та контролювати Nuki Smart Lock" + "en": "connects TP-Link Plugs and Bulbs to ioBroker", + "de": "verbindet TP-Link Geräte mit ioBroker", + "ru": "подключает устройства TP-Link Plugs к ioBroker", + "pt": "liga dispositivos TP-Link Plugs a ioBroker", + "nl": "verbindt TP-Link Plugs met ioBroker", + "fr": "connecte les périphériques TP-Link Plugs à ioBroker", + "it": "collega i dispositivi TP-Link Plugs a ioBroker", + "es": "conecta dispositivos TP-Link Plugs a ioBroker", + "pl": "łączy urządzenia TP-Link Plugs z ioBroker", + "uk": "підключає штекери та лампочки TP-Link до IObroker", + "zh-cn": "将 TP-Link 插头和灯泡连接到 IOBroker" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Nuki Smart Lock", - "de": "Nuki Smart Lock", - "ru": "Нуки Умный Замок", - "pt": "Nuki Smart Lock", - "nl": "Nuki Smart Lock", - "fr": "Nuki De Verrouillage Intelligent", - "it": "Nuki Smart Lock", - "es": "Nuki Bloqueo Inteligente", - "pl": "Нуки Inteligentny Zamek", - "zh-cn": "Nuki智能锁定", - "uk": "Nuki Smart Lock" + "en": "hs100", + "de": "hs100", + "ru": "hs100", + "pt": "hs100", + "nl": "hs100", + "fr": "hs100", + "it": "hs100", + "es": "hs100", + "pl": "hs100", + "uk": "hs100", + "zh-cn": "hs100" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/smaragdschlange/ioBroker.nuki", - "installs": 1494, - "weekDownloads": 34, - "stars": 28, - "issues": 30, + "github": "https://github.com/arteck/ioBroker.hs100", + "installs": 1956, + "weekDownloads": 88, + "stars": 16, + "issues": 9, "score": 1 }, - "megad": { + "lametric": { "title": { - "de": "megad", - "en": "megad", - "ru": "megad", - "zh-cn": "megad" + "de": "lametric", + "en": "lametric", + "ru": "lametric", + "zh-cn": "lametric" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.megad/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.megad/megad.png", - "keywords": "Mega-D, communication", - "authors": "bluefox ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lametric/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lametric/lametric.png", + "keywords": "lametric, hardware, clock, message, notification", + "authors": "Matthias Kleine ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-03-20T23:02:25.119Z", - "version": "1.2.1", - "latestVersion": "1.2.1", + "published": "2018-05-15T11:01:09.848Z", + "version": "3.4.1", + "latestVersion": "3.4.1", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Lets control the MegaD-328 over ethernet/internet (http://www.ab-log.ru/smart-house/ethernet/megad-328)", - "de": "Ermöglicht die steuerung von MegaD-328 über Ethernet/Internet (http://www.ab-log.ru/smart-house/ethernet/megad-328)", - "ru": "Позволяет управлять MegaD-328 через ethernet/интернет (http://www.ab-log.ru/smart-house/ethernet/megad-328)" + "en": "Control and manage your LaMetric device", + "de": "Steuerung und Verwaltung Deines LaMetric Geräts", + "ru": "Управление и управление вашим LaMetric устройством", + "pt": "Controlar e gerenciar seu dispositivo LaMetric", + "nl": "Uw LaMetric-apparaat bedienen en beheren", + "fr": "Contrôlez et gérez votre appareil LaMetric", + "it": "Controllare e gestire il dispositivo LaMetric", + "es": "Controla y gestiona tu dispositivo LaMetric", + "pl": "Sterowanie urządzeniem LaMetric i zarządzanie nim", + "uk": "Управління та управління пристроєм LaMetric", + "zh-cn": "控制并管理您的 LaMetric 设备" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "LaMetric", + "de": "LaMetric", + "ru": "LaMetric", + "pt": "LaMetric", + "nl": "LaMetric", + "fr": "LaMetric", + "it": "LaMetric", + "es": "LaMetric", + "pl": "LaMetric", + "uk": "LaMetric", + "zh-cn": "LaMetric" }, - "titleFull": "Mega-D Adapter", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.megad", - "installs": 20, - "weekDownloads": 29, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 15, + "github": "https://github.com/klein0r/ioBroker.lametric", + "installs": 352, + "weekDownloads": 27, + "stars": 14, + "issues": 5, "score": 1 }, - "megaesp": { + "owfs": { "title": { - "de": "megaesp", - "en": "megaesp", - "ru": "megaesp", - "zh-cn": "megaesp" + "de": "owfs", + "en": "owfs", + "ru": "owfs", + "zh-cn": "owfs" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.megaesp/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.megaesp/megad.png", - "keywords": "Mega-ESP, communication", - "authors": "aushaus ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.owfs/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.owfs/owfs.png", + "keywords": "owfs, one wire, 1wire", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-03-16T07:01:19.216Z", - "version": "0.1.0", - "latestVersion": "0.1.0", + "published": "2015-04-16T21:20:18.623Z", + "version": "0.7.0", + "latestVersion": "0.7.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Lets control the Mega-ESP over ethernet/internet (http://www.ab-log.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1130)", - "de": "Ermöglicht die steuerung von Mega-ESP über Ethernet/Internet (http://www.ab-log.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1130)", - "ru": "Позволяет управлять Mega-ESP через ethernet/интернет (http://www.ab-log.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1130)" + "en": "Allows to read 1wire sensors", + "de": "Ermöglicht das Lesen von 1-Draht-Sensoren", + "ru": "Позволяет читать 1-проводные датчики", + "pt": "Permite ler sensores de 1 fio", + "nl": "Maakt het mogelijk om 1wire-sensoren te lezen", + "fr": "Permet de lire les capteurs 1wire", + "it": "Permette di leggere i sensori 1wire", + "es": "Permite leer 1 sensores de cable", + "pl": "Umożliwia odczyt 1 czujników przewodowych", + "zh-cn": "允许读取1wire传感器" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "1Wire OWFS", + "de": "1Wire-OWFS", + "ru": "1Wire OWFS", + "pt": "1 Fio OWFS", + "nl": "1Draad OWFS", + "fr": "OWFS à 1 fil", + "it": "1 filo OWFS", + "es": "1 cable OWFS", + "pl": "1Wire OWFS", + "zh-cn": "1Wire OWFS" }, - "titleFull": "Mega-ESP Adapter", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ausHaus/ioBroker.megaesp", - "installs": 153, - "weekDownloads": 8, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 10, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.owfs", + "installs": 492, + "weekDownloads": 23, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 17, "score": 1 }, - "mihome-plug": { + "oilfox": { "title": { - "de": "mihome-plug", - "en": "mihome-plug", - "ru": "mihome-plug", - "zh-cn": "mihome-plug" + "de": "oilfox", + "en": "oilfox", + "ru": "oilfox", + "zh-cn": "oilfox" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mihome-plug/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mihome-plug/mihome-plug.png", - "keywords": "url, html, file, mihome-plug", - "authors": "bluefox ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.oilfox/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.oilfox/oilfox.png", + "keywords": "oilfox", + "authors": "jochen kuehner ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-08-04T16:03:47.676Z", - "version": "0.4.0", - "latestVersion": "0.4.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2019-01-07T20:32:56.478Z", + "version": "4.3.1", + "latestVersion": "4.3.1", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows control Xiaomi Plug (wifi)", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht die Steuerung Xiaomi Plug (wifi)", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет управлять штекером Xiaomi (wifi)", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite controle Xiaomi Plug (wifi)", - "nl": "Deze adapter maakt aansturing mogelijk Xiaomi Plug (wifi)", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de contrôler Xiaomi Plug (wifi)", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente il controllo Xiaomi Plug (wifi)", - "es": "Este adaptador permite el control de Xiaomi Plug (wifi)", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia sterowanie wtyczką Xiaomi (wifi)" + "en": "iobroker adapter for oilfox oil sensor", + "de": "Iobroker-Adapter für Oilfox-Ölsensor", + "ru": "адаптер iobroker для датчика масла oilfox", + "pt": "Adaptador iobroker para sensor de óleo oilfox", + "nl": "iobroker-adapter voor oliefox-oliesensor", + "fr": "adaptateur iobroker pour capteur d'huile oilfox", + "it": "adattatore iobroker per sensore olio oilfox", + "es": "Adaptador iobroker para sensor de aceite oilfox", + "pl": "Adapter iobroker do czujnika oleju ropnego", + "zh-cn": "用于oilfox油传感器的iobroker适配器", + "uk": "адаптер iobroker для датчика масла oilfox" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "mihome-plug", - "de": "mihome-plug", - "ru": "mihome-plug", - "pt": "mihome-plug", - "nl": "mihome-plug", - "fr": "mihome-plug", - "it": "mihome-plug", - "es": "mihome-plug", - "pl": "mihome-plug", - "uk": "mihome-plug", - "zh-cn": "mihome 插头" + "en": "Oilfox", + "de": "Oilfox", + "ru": "Oilfox", + "pt": "Oilfox", + "nl": "Oilfox", + "fr": "Oilfox", + "it": "Oilfox", + "es": "Oilfox", + "pl": "Oilfox", + "zh-cn": "Oilfox", + "uk": "Oilfox" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.mihome-plug", - "installs": 101, - "weekDownloads": 28, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.oilfox", + "installs": 351, + "weekDownloads": 31, "stars": 8, - "issues": 22, + "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, - "canbus": { + "noolitef": { "title": { - "de": "canbus", - "en": "canbus", - "ru": "canbus", - "zh-cn": "canbus" + "de": "noolitef", + "en": "noolitef", + "ru": "noolitef", + "zh-cn": "noolitef" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.canbus/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.canbus/canbus.png", - "keywords": "can, bus, can-bus, network", - "authors": "Peter Müller ", - "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", - "published": "2020-11-09T16:39:01.835Z", - "version": "1.3.1", - "latestVersion": "2.1.1", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.noolitef/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.noolitef/noolitef.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", + "authors": "Pavel Tsytovich ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-01-23T10:33:27.582Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.0.4", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "CAN Bus integration", - "de": "CAN-Bus-Integration", - "ru": "Интеграция с шиной CAN", - "pt": "Integração de barramento CAN", - "nl": "CAN Bus-integratie", - "fr": "Intégration CAN Bus", - "it": "Integrazione CAN Bus", - "uk": "Інтеграція шини CAN", - "es": "Integración de bus CAN", - "pl": "Integracja z magistralą CAN", - "zh-cn": "CAN总线集成" + "en": "This adapter integrated Noolite-F device into iobroker", + "de": "Dieser Adapter hat das Noolite-F-Gerät in den Iobroker integriert", + "ru": "Этот адаптер интегрировал устройство Noolite-F в iobroker", + "pt": "Este adaptador integrou o dispositivo Noolite-F ao iobroker", + "nl": "Dit in de adapter geïntegreerde Noolite-F-apparaat in iobroker", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur a intégré le périphérique Noolite-F à iobroker", + "it": "Questo adattatore ha integrato il dispositivo Noolite-F in iobroker", + "es": "Este adaptador integró el dispositivo Noolite-F en iobroker", + "pl": "Ten adapter zintegrował urządzenie Noolite-F z iobroker", + "zh-cn": "该适配器将Noolite-F设备集成到iobroker中" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "CAN-Bus", - "de": "CAN-Bus", - "ru": "CAN-Bus", - "pt": "Ônibus pode", - "nl": "CAN-bus", - "fr": "CAN-Bus", - "it": "CAN-Bus", - "uk": "CAN автобус", - "es": "Puede transportar", - "pl": "Magistrala CAN", - "zh-cn": "CAN总线" + "en": "Noolite-F device protocol support", + "de": "Unterstützung des Noolite-F-Geräteprotokolls", + "ru": "Поддержка протокола устройства Noolite-F", + "pt": "Suporte ao protocolo de dispositivo Noolite-F", + "nl": "Noolite-F apparaatprotocolondersteuning", + "fr": "Prise en charge du protocole d'appareil Noolite-F", + "it": "Supporto del protocollo per dispositivi Noolite-F", + "es": "Soporte de protocolo del dispositivo Noolite-F", + "pl": "Obsługa protokołu urządzeń Noolite-F", + "zh-cn": "Noolite-F设备协议支持" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/crycode-de/ioBroker.canbus", - "installs": 249, - "weekDownloads": 20, - "stars": 9, - "issues": 2, + "github": "https://github.com/paveltsytovich/ioBroker.noolitef", + "installs": 2, + "weekDownloads": 11, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 20, "score": 1 }, - "ebus": { + "heytech": { "title": { - "de": "ebus", - "en": "ebus", - "ru": "ebus", - "zh-cn": "ebus" + "de": "heytech", + "en": "heytech", + "ru": "heytech", + "zh-cn": "heytech" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ebus/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ebus/ebus.png", - "keywords": "ebus", - "authors": "René G. ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.heytech/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.heytech/heytech.png", + "keywords": "shutter, shutter control, heytech,", + "authors": "Jey Cee, Ansgar Schulte", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-01-08T19:33:17.193Z", - "version": "3.4.0", - "latestVersion": "3.4.0", + "published": "2019-04-10T21:59:47.753Z", + "version": "1.1.0", + "latestVersion": "1.1.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "ebus Adapter; reads data from ebusd Interface", - "de": "ebus Adapter; liest Daten von der ebusd Schnittstelle", - "ru": "Адаптер ebus; считывает данные из интерфейса ebusd", - "pt": "Adaptador ebus; lê dados da interface ebusd", - "nl": "ebus-adapter; leest gegevens van ebusd Interface", - "fr": "adaptateur ebus; lit les données de l'interface ebusd", - "it": "ebus Adapter; legge i dati dall'interfaccia ebusd", - "es": "adaptador ebus; lee datos de la interfaz ebusd", - "pl": "Adapter ebus; odczytuje dane z interfejsu ebusd", - "zh-cn": "ebus适配器;", - "uk": "адаптер ebus; читає дані з інтерфейсу ebusd" + "en": "Connect to and control HEYtech devices. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "de": "Anschließen und Steuern von HEYtech-Geräten. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "ru": "Подключайтесь и управляйте устройствами HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "pt": "Conecte e controle dispositivos HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "nl": "Maak verbinding met HEYtech-apparaten en bedien deze. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "fr": "Connectez-vous à et contrôlez les appareils HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "it": "Connetti e controlla i dispositivi HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "es": "Conectar y controlar dispositivos HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "pl": "Połącz się i kontroluj urządzenia HEYtech. https://rolladensteuerung.de/", + "zh-cn": "连接并控制HEYtech设备", + "uk": "Підключайтеся до пристроїв HEYtech і керуйте ними. https://rolladensteuerung.de/" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "ebus", - "de": "ebus", - "ru": "ebus", - "pt": "ebus", - "nl": "ebus", - "fr": "ebus", - "it": "ebus", - "es": "ebus", - "pl": "ebus", - "zh-cn": "巴士", - "uk": "ebus" + "en": "HEYtech", + "de": "HEYtech", + "ru": "HEYtech", + "pt": "HEYtech", + "nl": "HEYtech", + "fr": "HEYtech", + "it": "HEYtech", + "es": "HEYtech", + "pl": "HEYtech", + "zh-cn": "HEYtech", + "uk": "HEYtech" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.ebus", - "installs": 841, - "weekDownloads": 81, - "stars": 12, - "issues": 3, + "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.heytech", + "installs": 21, + "weekDownloads": 16, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, "loqed": { @@ -10110,256 +10271,294 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/foxriver76/ioBroker.loqed", - "installs": 149, - "weekDownloads": 6, + "installs": 138, + "weekDownloads": 12, "stars": -1, "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "opi": { + "mikrotik": { "title": { - "de": "opi", - "en": "opi", - "ru": "opi", - "zh-cn": "opi" + "de": "mikrotik", + "en": "mikrotik", + "ru": "mikrotik", + "zh-cn": "mikrotik" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.opi/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.opi/opi.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, monitoring, orangepi", - "authors": "Christian Baumgartner, husky-koglhof , Johnny Schneider, Johann Schneider ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mikrotik/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mikrotik/mikrotik.png", + "keywords": "mikrotik", + "authors": "instalator ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-01-22T21:44:32.139Z", - "version": "0.1.2", - "latestVersion": "0.1.2", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2017-07-27T16:46:54.455Z", + "version": "1.2.1", + "latestVersion": "1.2.1", "description": { - "en": "OPi-Monitor for ioBroker", - "de": "OPi-Monitor für ioBroker", - "ru": "OPI-монитор для ioBroker", - "pt": "OPi-Monitor para ioBroker", - "nl": "OPi-Monitor voor ioBroker", - "fr": "OPi-Monitor pour ioBroker", - "it": "OPi-Monitor per ioBroker", - "es": "OPi-Monitor para ioBroker", - "pl": "OPi-Monitor dla ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "适用于ioBroker的OPi-Monitor" + "en": "ioBroker Mikrotik Adapter", + "de": "ioBroker Mikrotik Adapter", + "ru": "ioBroker Mikrotik Adapter", + "pt": "adaptador ioBroker Mikrotik", + "nl": "ioBroker Mikrotik Adapter", + "fr": "adaptateur ioBroker Mikrotik", + "it": "ioBroker Mikrotik adattatore", + "es": "ioBroker Mikrotik Adapter", + "pl": "joBroker Mikrotik Adapter", + "uk": "ioBroker Mikrotik адаптер", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker Mikrotik 适应器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "OPi-monitoring", - "de": "OPi-Monitor", - "ru": "OPI-мониторинг", - "pt": "OPi-monitoramento", - "nl": "OPi-bewaking", - "fr": "OPi-monitoring", - "it": "OPI monitoraggio", - "es": "OPi-monitoreo", - "pl": "Monitorowanie OPi", - "zh-cn": "OPI-监控" + "en": "MikroTik Router", + "de": "MikroTik Router", + "ru": "MikroTik Router", + "pt": "MikroTik Router", + "nl": "MikroTik Router", + "fr": "Routeur MikroTik", + "it": "MikroTik Router", + "es": "MikroTik Router", + "pl": "Ruter MikroTik", + "uk": "Маршрутизатор MikroTik", + "zh-cn": "MikroTik 路由器" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.opi", - "installs": 47, - "weekDownloads": 26, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 16, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.mikrotik", + "installs": 280, + "weekDownloads": 20, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, - "deconz": { + "nuki": { "title": { - "de": "deconz", - "en": "deconz", - "ru": "deconz", - "zh-cn": "deconz" + "de": "nuki", + "en": "nuki", + "ru": "nuki", + "zh-cn": "nuki" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.deconz/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.deconz/deconz.png", - "keywords": "deconz, philips, tradfri, lightify, dresden-elektronik, hue, led, rgb, smartlink, zigbee", - "authors": "Jey Cee ", - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "published": "2018-01-02T18:51:20.942Z", - "version": "1.6.4", - "latestVersion": "1.6.4", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nuki/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nuki/nuki-logo.png", + "keywords": "nuki, smart, lock, opener", + "authors": "smaragdschlange ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2018-10-05T09:37:04.501Z", + "version": "2.0.0", + "latestVersion": "2.0.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Connects to the deConz Software that is an gateway solution for ZigBee. deConz works with ConBee USB stick and RaspBee modul for Raspberry Pi which is also from Dresden-Elektronik.", - "de": "Verbindet sich mit der deConz-Software, die eine Gateway-Lösung für ZigBee ist. deConz arbeitet mit dem ConBee USB Stick und dem RaspBee Modul für den Raspberry Pi, die ebenfalls von Dresden-Elektronik sind.", - "ru": "Подключается к программному обеспечению deConz, которое является шлюзовым решением для ZigBee. deConz работает с ConBee и RaspBee, который также из Дрездена-Электроника.", - "pt": "Conecta ao software deConz que é uma solução de gateway para o ZigBee. DeConz trabalha com o conwee USB stick e RaspBee modul para Raspberry Pi que também é de Dresden-Elektronik.", - "nl": "Maakt verbinding met de deConz-software die een gateway-oplossing is voor ZigBee. deConz werkt met ConBee USB-stick en RaspBee-module voor Raspberry Pi, die ook van Dresden-Elektronik is.", - "fr": "Se connecte au logiciel deConz qui est une solution de passerelle pour ZigBee. deConz fonctionne avec la clé USB ConBee et le module RaspBee pour Raspberry Pi, également de Dresden-Elektronik.", - "it": "Si collega al software deConz che è una soluzione gateway per ZigBee. deConz funziona con ConBee USB stick e RaspBee modul per Raspberry Pi, anch'esso di Dresden-Elektronik.", - "es": "Se conecta al software deConz que es una solución de puerta de enlace para ZigBee. deConz funciona con el dispositivo USB ConBee y el módulo RaspBee para Raspberry Pi, que también es de Dresden-Elektronik.", - "pl": "Łączy się z oprogramowaniem deConz, które jest rozwiązaniem bramkowym dla ZigBee. deConz współpracuje z pamięcią USB ConBee i modułem RaspBee dla Raspberry Pi, który jest również z firmy Dresden-Elektronik.", - "uk": "Підключається до програми deConz, яка є розчином для шлюзу ZigBee. DeConz працює з ConBee USB палицею і RaspBee модул для Малина Пі, який також від Dresden-Elonik.", - "zh-cn": "deConz与ConBee USB棒和Raspberry Pi的RaspBee模块一起使用,后者也是来自Dresden-Elektronik。" + "en": "This adapter allows to control and monitor the Nuki Smart Lock", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht die Steuerung und Überwachung des Nuki Smart Lock", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет управлять и контролировать Нуки умный замок", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite controlar e monitorar o Nuki Smart Lock", + "nl": "Deze adapter maakt het mogelijk om controle en toezicht op de Nuki Smart Lock", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de contrôler et de surveiller l'Nuki de Verrouillage Intelligent", + "it": "Questo adattatore permette di controllare e monitorare il Nuki Smart Lock", + "es": "Este adaptador permite el control y monitoreo de la Nuki Bloqueo Inteligente", + "pl": "Ten adapter pozwala zarządzać i kontrolować Нуки inteligentny zamek", + "zh-cn": "这适配器控制和监视Nuki智能锁定", + "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє контролювати та контролювати Nuki Smart Lock" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "deConz ZigBee", - "de": "deConz ZigBee", - "ru": "deConz ZigBee", - "pt": "deConz ZigBee", - "nl": "deConz ZigBee", - "fr": "deConz ZigBee", - "it": "deConz ZigBee", - "es": "deConz ZigBee", - "pl": "deConz ZigBee", - "uk": "deConz ZigBee", - "zh-cn": "deConz ZigBee" + "en": "Nuki Smart Lock", + "de": "Nuki Smart Lock", + "ru": "Нуки Умный Замок", + "pt": "Nuki Smart Lock", + "nl": "Nuki Smart Lock", + "fr": "Nuki De Verrouillage Intelligent", + "it": "Nuki Smart Lock", + "es": "Nuki Bloqueo Inteligente", + "pl": "Нуки Inteligentny Zamek", + "zh-cn": "Nuki智能锁定", + "uk": "Nuki Smart Lock" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.deconz", - "installs": 5907, - "weekDownloads": 1534, - "stars": 200, - "issues": 36, + "github": "https://github.com/smaragdschlange/ioBroker.nuki", + "installs": 1483, + "weekDownloads": 42, + "stars": 28, + "issues": 30, "score": 1 }, - "oilfox": { + "omron-fins": { "title": { - "de": "oilfox", - "en": "oilfox", - "ru": "oilfox", - "zh-cn": "oilfox" + "de": "omron-fins", + "en": "omron-fins", + "ru": "omron-fins", + "zh-cn": "omron-fins" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.oilfox/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.oilfox/oilfox.png", - "keywords": "oilfox", - "authors": "jochen kuehner ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.omron-fins/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.omron-fins/omron-fins.png", + "keywords": "SPS, FINS, Omron", + "authors": "thebam ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-01-07T20:32:56.478Z", - "version": "4.3.1", - "latestVersion": "4.3.1", + "published": "2021-01-01T20:12:37.861Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.0.2", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "iobroker adapter for oilfox oil sensor", - "de": "Iobroker-Adapter für Oilfox-Ölsensor", - "ru": "адаптер iobroker для датчика масла oilfox", - "pt": "Adaptador iobroker para sensor de óleo oilfox", - "nl": "iobroker-adapter voor oliefox-oliesensor", - "fr": "adaptateur iobroker pour capteur d'huile oilfox", - "it": "adattatore iobroker per sensore olio oilfox", - "es": "Adaptador iobroker para sensor de aceite oilfox", - "pl": "Adapter iobroker do czujnika oleju ropnego", - "zh-cn": "用于oilfox油传感器的iobroker适配器", - "uk": "адаптер iobroker для датчика масла oilfox" + "en": "Anbindung für Omron SPS mittels FINS Protokoll", + "de": "Anbindung für Omron SPS mittels FINS Protokoll", + "ru": "Защитные перчатки Omron SPS FINS Protokoll", + "pt": "Anbindung für Omron SPS mittels FINS Protokoll", + "nl": "Anbindung für Omron SPS wanten FINS Protokoll", + "fr": "Anbindung für Omron SPS moufles FINS Protokoll", + "it": "Anbindung für Omron SPS mittels FINS Protokoll", + "es": "Anbindung für Omron SPS mittels ALETAS Protokoll", + "pl": "Anbindung für Omron Rękawice jednopalcowe SPS FINS Protokoll", + "zh-cn": "AnbindungfürOmron SPS手套FINS Protokoll" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Oilfox", - "de": "Oilfox", - "ru": "Oilfox", - "pt": "Oilfox", - "nl": "Oilfox", - "fr": "Oilfox", - "it": "Oilfox", - "es": "Oilfox", - "pl": "Oilfox", - "zh-cn": "Oilfox", - "uk": "Oilfox" + "en": "Omron-ins", + "de": "Omron-FINS", + "ru": "Омрон-плавники", + "pt": "Omron-barbatanas", + "nl": "Omron-vinnen", + "fr": "Omron-ailerons", + "it": "Omron-pinne", + "es": "Aletas Omron", + "pl": "Płetwy Omron", + "zh-cn": "欧姆龙鳍" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.oilfox", - "installs": 356, - "weekDownloads": 22, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 7, + "github": "https://github.com/TheBam1990/ioBroker.omron-fins", + "installs": 3, + "weekDownloads": 8, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 15, "score": 1 }, - "noolitef": { + "hp-ilo": { "title": { - "de": "noolitef", - "en": "noolitef", - "ru": "noolitef", - "zh-cn": "noolitef" + "de": "hp-ilo", + "en": "hp-ilo", + "ru": "hp-ilo", + "zh-cn": "hp-ilo" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.noolitef/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.noolitef/noolitef.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", - "authors": "Pavel Tsytovich ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.hp-ilo/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.hp-ilo/hp-ilo.png", + "keywords": "hp-ilo, HP, Hewlett-Packard, Hewlett, Packard, ILO, Integrated, Lights-out", + "authors": "Sebastian Schultz ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-01-23T10:33:27.582Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.4", + "published": "2018-04-12T00:00:39.833Z", + "version": "1.0.6", + "latestVersion": "1.0.6", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter integrated Noolite-F device into iobroker", - "de": "Dieser Adapter hat das Noolite-F-Gerät in den Iobroker integriert", - "ru": "Этот адаптер интегрировал устройство Noolite-F в iobroker", - "pt": "Este adaptador integrou o dispositivo Noolite-F ao iobroker", - "nl": "Dit in de adapter geïntegreerde Noolite-F-apparaat in iobroker", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur a intégré le périphérique Noolite-F à iobroker", - "it": "Questo adattatore ha integrato il dispositivo Noolite-F in iobroker", - "es": "Este adaptador integró el dispositivo Noolite-F en iobroker", - "pl": "Ten adapter zintegrował urządzenie Noolite-F z iobroker", - "zh-cn": "该适配器将Noolite-F设备集成到iobroker中" + "en": "Reads temperature data of Hewlett-Packard servers with Integrated Lights-out (ILO)", + "de": "Liest Temperaturdaten von Hewlett-Packard Servern mit Integrated Lights-out (ILO) aus", + "ru": "Reads temperature data of Hewlett-Packard servers with Integrated Lights-out (ILO)" }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Noolite-F device protocol support", - "de": "Unterstützung des Noolite-F-Geräteprotokolls", - "ru": "Поддержка протокола устройства Noolite-F", - "pt": "Suporte ao protocolo de dispositivo Noolite-F", - "nl": "Noolite-F apparaatprotocolondersteuning", - "fr": "Prise en charge du protocole d'appareil Noolite-F", - "it": "Supporto del protocollo per dispositivi Noolite-F", - "es": "Soporte de protocolo del dispositivo Noolite-F", - "pl": "Obsługa protokołu urządzeń Noolite-F", - "zh-cn": "Noolite-F设备协议支持" + "titleFull": "HP ILO", + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/SebastianSchultz/iobroker.hp-ilo", + "installs": 172, + "weekDownloads": 16, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 5, + "score": 1 + }, + "megad": { + "title": { + "de": "megad", + "en": "megad", + "ru": "megad", + "zh-cn": "megad" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.megad/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.megad/megad.png", + "keywords": "Mega-D, communication", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2015-03-20T23:02:25.119Z", + "version": "1.2.1", + "latestVersion": "1.2.1", + "description": { + "en": "Lets control the MegaD-328 over ethernet/internet (http://www.ab-log.ru/smart-house/ethernet/megad-328)", + "de": "Ermöglicht die steuerung von MegaD-328 über Ethernet/Internet (http://www.ab-log.ru/smart-house/ethernet/megad-328)", + "ru": "Позволяет управлять MegaD-328 через ethernet/интернет (http://www.ab-log.ru/smart-house/ethernet/megad-328)" }, + "titleFull": "Mega-D Adapter", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/paveltsytovich/ioBroker.noolitef", - "installs": 2, - "weekDownloads": 3, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 20, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.megad", + "installs": 22, + "weekDownloads": 18, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 15, "score": 1 }, - "lametric": { + "megaesp": { "title": { - "de": "lametric", - "en": "lametric", - "ru": "lametric", - "zh-cn": "lametric" + "de": "megaesp", + "en": "megaesp", + "ru": "megaesp", + "zh-cn": "megaesp" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lametric/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lametric/lametric.png", - "keywords": "lametric, hardware, clock, message, notification", - "authors": "Matthias Kleine ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.megaesp/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.megaesp/megad.png", + "keywords": "Mega-ESP, communication", + "authors": "aushaus ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-05-15T11:01:09.848Z", - "version": "3.4.1", - "latestVersion": "3.4.1", - "compact": true, + "published": "2017-03-16T07:01:19.216Z", + "version": "0.1.0", + "latestVersion": "0.1.0", "description": { - "en": "Control and manage your LaMetric device", - "de": "Steuerung und Verwaltung Deines LaMetric Geräts", - "ru": "Управление и управление вашим LaMetric устройством", - "pt": "Controlar e gerenciar seu dispositivo LaMetric", - "nl": "Uw LaMetric-apparaat bedienen en beheren", - "fr": "Contrôlez et gérez votre appareil LaMetric", - "it": "Controllare e gestire il dispositivo LaMetric", - "es": "Controla y gestiona tu dispositivo LaMetric", - "pl": "Sterowanie urządzeniem LaMetric i zarządzanie nim", - "uk": "Управління та управління пристроєм LaMetric", - "zh-cn": "控制并管理您的 LaMetric 设备" + "en": "Lets control the Mega-ESP over ethernet/internet (http://www.ab-log.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1130)", + "de": "Ermöglicht die steuerung von Mega-ESP über Ethernet/Internet (http://www.ab-log.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1130)", + "ru": "Позволяет управлять Mega-ESP через ethernet/интернет (http://www.ab-log.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1130)" + }, + "titleFull": "Mega-ESP Adapter", + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ausHaus/ioBroker.megaesp", + "installs": 150, + "weekDownloads": 11, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 10, + "score": 1 + }, + "nut": { + "title": { + "de": "nut", + "en": "nut", + "ru": "nut", + "zh-cn": "nut" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nut/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nut/nut.png", + "keywords": "iobroker, nut, ups, usv", + "authors": "Apollon77 ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2016-07-06T10:12:46.812Z", + "version": "1.6.0", + "latestVersion": "1.6.0", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Read all data from your UPS/USV via nut protocol", + "de": "Lesen Sie alle Daten von Ihrer USV / USV über das Mutterprotokoll", + "ru": "Считайте все данные с вашего UPS / USV по протоколу Nut", + "pt": "Leia todos os dados do seu UPS / USV via protocolo nut", + "nl": "Lees alle gegevens van uw UPS / USV via een moer-protocol", + "fr": "Lisez toutes les données de votre UPS / USV via le protocole d'écrou", + "it": "Leggi tutti i dati dal tuo UPS / USV tramite protocollo dado", + "es": "Lea todos los datos de su UPS / USV a través del protocolo de tuerca", + "pl": "Odczytaj wszystkie dane z UPS / USV za pomocą protokołu NUT", + "zh-cn": "通过螺母协议从UPS / USV读取所有数据" }, "titleFull": { - 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"fr": "d'onduleur SMA (sbfspot)", - "it": "Inverter SMA (sbfspot)", - "es": "Inversor SMA (sbfspot)", - "pl": "Falownika SMA (sbfspot)", - "zh-cn": "SMA逆变器(sbfspot)", - "uk": "SMA інвертор (sbfspot)" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.sbfspot", - "installs": 721, - "weekDownloads": 123, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 9, - "score": 1 - }, - "klf200": { + "linux-control": { "title": { - "de": "klf200", - "en": "klf200", - "ru": "klf200", - "zh-cn": "klf200" + "de": "linux-control", + "en": "linux-control", + "ru": "linux-control", + "zh-cn": "linux-control" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.klf200/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.klf200/klf200.png", - "keywords": "KLF-200, VELUX", - "authors": "Michael Schroeder ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-08-05T19:05:55.098Z", - "version": "1.3.5", - "latestVersion": "1.3.5", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Controls products and scenes connected to a KLF-200 interface", - 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"version": "6.3.0", - "latestVersion": "6.3.0", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.kecontact/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.kecontact/kecontact.png", + "keywords": "KeContact, P30, P20, BMW, KEBA, wallbox, emobility, e-mobility", + "authors": "UncleSamSwiss , Volker Sengler ", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "published": "2017-06-11T17:00:43.355Z", + "version": "2.3.0", + "latestVersion": "2.3.0", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Ring Adapter", - "de": "Ring Adapter", - "ru": "Кольцо адаптер", - "pt": "Adaptador de anel", - "nl": "Ring Adapter", - "fr": "Adaptateur de réglage", - "it": "Adattatore di anelli", - "es": "Adaptador de anillos", - "pl": "Pierścień", - "uk": "Кільковий адаптер", - "zh-cn": "导 言" + "en": "Control your charging station and use automatic regulation e.g. to charge your vehicle by photovoltaic surplus", + "de": "Steuern Sie Ihre Ladestation und nutzen Sie die automatische Regelung z.B. ", + "ru": "Управляйте своей зарядной станцией и используйте автоматическое регулирование, например ", + "pt": "Controle sua estação de carregamento e use a regulação automática, por exemplo ", + "nl": "Bedien uw laadstation en gebruik automatische regeling, b.v. ", + "fr": "Contrôlez votre borne de recharge et utilisez la régulation automatique, par ex. ", + "it": "Controlla la tua stazione di ricarica e usa la regolazione automatica, ad es. ", + "es": "Controle su estación de carga y utilice la regulación automática, p. Ej. ", + "pl": "Kontroluj swoją stację ładowania i korzystaj z automatycznej regulacji m.in. ", + "zh-cn": "控制您的充电站并使用自动调节,例如", + "uk": "Керуйте своєю зарядною станцією та використовуйте автоматичне регулювання, напр. щоб зарядити свій автомобіль від надлишку фотоелектричної енергії" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "ring", - "de": "ring", - "ru": "ring", - "pt": "ring", - "nl": "ring", - "fr": "ring", - "it": "ring", - "es": "ring", - "pl": "ring", - "uk": "ring", - "zh-cn": "环 圈" + "en": "Control Keba KeContact P20 or P30 or BMW i wallbox", + "de": "Keba KeContact P20 oder P30 oder BMW i Wallbox steuern", + "ru": "Управление Keba KeContact P20 или P30 или настенный ящик BMW i", + "pt": "Controle Keba KeContact P20 ou P30 ou caixa de embutir BMW i", + "nl": "Bedien Keba KeContact P20 of P30 of BMW i wallbox", + "fr": "Commande Keba KeContact P20 ou P30 ou BMW i wallbox", + "it": "Controlla Keba KeContact P20 o P30 o BMW i wallbox", + "es": "Control Keba KeContact P20 o P30 o caja de empotrar BMW i", + "pl": "Sterowanie Keba KeContact P20 lub P30 lub BMW i wallbox", + "zh-cn": "控制 Keba KeContact P20 或 P30 或 BMW i wallbox", + "uk": "Керуйте Keba KeContact P20 або P30 або BMW i wallbox" }, "branch": "master", - 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"latestVersion": "6.0.0", + "published": "2018-12-08T23:32:27.551Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.2.5", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Manage your OctoPrint instance", - "de": "Verwalte Deine OctoPrint-Instanz", - "ru": "Управляйте своим экземпляром OctoPrint", - "pt": "Gerenciar sua instância OctoPrint", - "nl": "Beheer uw OctoPrint-instantie", - "fr": "Gérez votre instance OctoPrint", - "it": "Gestisci la tua istanza OctoPrint", - "es": "Administre su instancia de OctoPrint", - "pl": "Zarządzaj instancją OctoPrint", - "uk": "Керуйте своїм екземпляром OctoPrint", - "zh-cn": "管理您的 OctoPrint 实例" + "en": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "de": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "ru": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "pt": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "nl": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "fr": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "it": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "es": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "pl": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", + "zh-cn": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway" }, "titleFull": { - 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"content": "adapterref/iobroker.piface/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.piface/piface.png", - "keywords": "piface, raspberry, addon", - "authors": "Lars Weimar ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.klf200/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.klf200/klf200.png", + "keywords": "KLF-200, VELUX", + "authors": "Michael Schroeder ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-04-29T12:31:59.913Z", - "version": "1.0.0", - "latestVersion": "1.0.0", - "description": "Control PiFace Board", - "titleFull": "PiFace addon", + "published": "2018-08-05T19:05:55.098Z", + "version": "1.3.5", + "latestVersion": "1.3.5", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Controls products and scenes connected to a KLF-200 interface", + "de": "Steuert Produkte und Szenen, die an eine KLF-200-Schnittstelle angeschlossen sind", + "ru": "Управляет продуктами и сценами, подключенными к интерфейсу KLF-200", + "pt": "Controla produtos e cenas conectadas a uma interface KLF-200", + "nl": "Bestuurt producten en scènes die zijn aangesloten op een KLF-200-interface", + "fr": "Contrôle des produits et des scènes connectés à une interface KLF-200", + "it": "Controlla i prodotti e le scene connesse a un'interfaccia KLF-200", + "es": "Controla productos y escenas conectadas a una interfaz KLF-200", + "pl": "Kontroluje produkty i sceny podłączone do interfejsu KLF-200", + "zh-cn": "控制连接到KLF-200接口的产品和场景", + "uk": "Керує продуктами та сценами, підключеними до інтерфейсу KLF-200" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "KLF-200", + "de": "KLF-200", + "ru": "KLF-200", + "pt": "KLF-200", + "nl": "KLF-200", + "fr": "KLF-200", + "it": "KLF-200", + "es": "KLF-200", + "pl": "KLF-200", + "zh-cn": "KLF-200", + "uk": "КЛФ-200" + }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/eisbaeeer/iobroker.piface", - "installs": 9, - "weekDownloads": 8, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 15, + "github": "https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200", + "installs": 919, + "weekDownloads": 74, + "stars": 16, + "issues": 10, "score": 1 }, - "linux-control": { + "sbfspot": { "title": { - "de": "linux-control", - "en": "linux-control", - "ru": "linux-control", - "zh-cn": "linux-control" + "de": "sbfspot", + "en": "sbfspot", + "ru": "sbfspot", + "zh-cn": "sbfspot" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.linux-control/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.linux-control/linux-control.png", - "keywords": "linux, control, ssh, remote", - "authors": "Scrounger ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sbfspot/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sbfspot/sbfspot.png", + "keywords": "sbfspot", + "authors": "René G. ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-05-15T20:33:21.015Z", - "version": "1.1.5", - "latestVersion": "1.1.5", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2017-06-03T14:49:48.110Z", + "version": "4.4.1", + "latestVersion": "4.4.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Controlling Linux devices and information about your system", - "de": "Steuern von Linux-Geräten und Informationen zu Ihrem System", - "ru": "Управление устройствами Linux и информацией о вашей системе", - "pt": "Controlando dispositivos Linux e informações sobre seu sistema", - "nl": "Controle van Linux-apparaten en informatie over uw systeem", - "fr": "Contrôle des périphériques Linux et des informations sur votre système", - "it": "Controllo dei dispositivi Linux e informazioni sul sistema", - "es": "Control de dispositivos Linux e información sobre su sistema", - "pl": "Kontrolowanie urządzeń z systemem Linux i informacji o systemie", - "zh-cn": "控制Linux设备和有关系统的信息" + "en": "SMA inverter (sbfspot) Adapter with vis widget", + "de": "SMA-Wechselrichter (sbfspot) Adapter mit Vis-Widget", + "ru": "Преобразователь SMA (sbfspot) с vis-виджетами", + "pt": "Inversor SMA (sbfspot) Adaptador com vis widget", + "nl": "SMA-omvormer (sbfspot) Adapter met vis-widget", + "fr": "SMA inverter (sbfspot) Adaptateur avec vis widget", + "it": "Adattatore SMA (sbfspot) Adattatore con widget vis", + "es": "Adaptador de inversor SMA (sbfspot) con widget de vis", + "pl": "Adapter falownika SMA (sbfspot) z wid?etem vis", + "zh-cn": "带有vis小部件的SMA逆变器(sbfspot)适配器", + "uk": "Адаптер інвертора SMA (sbfspot) із віджетом vis" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Linux Control", - "de": "Linux Control", - "ru": "Linux Control", - "pt": "Linux Control", - "nl": "Linux Control", - "fr": "Linux Control", - "it": "Linux Control", - "es": "Linux Control", - "pl": "Linux Control", - "zh-cn": "Linux Control" + "en": "SMA inverter (sbfspot)", + "de": "SMA Wechselrichter (sbfspot)", + "ru": "Преобразователь SMA (sbfspot)", + "pt": "SMA inversor (sbfspot)", + "nl": "SMA-omvormer (sbfspot)", + "fr": "d'onduleur SMA (sbfspot)", + "it": "Inverter SMA (sbfspot)", + "es": "Inversor SMA (sbfspot)", + "pl": "Falownika SMA (sbfspot)", + "zh-cn": "SMA逆变器(sbfspot)", + "uk": "SMA інвертор (sbfspot)" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Scrounger/ioBroker.linux-control", - "installs": 2222, - "weekDownloads": 101, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 18, + "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.sbfspot", + "installs": 732, + "weekDownloads": 98, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 9, "score": 1 }, "srm": { @@ -10902,113 +11027,14 @@ "es": "Enrutador Synology", "pl": "Router Synology", "uk": "Маршрутизатор Synology", - "zh-cn": "Synology 路由器" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.srm", - "installs": 12, - "weekDownloads": 10, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 8, - "score": 1 - }, - "pixelit": { - "title": { - "de": "pixelit", - "en": "pixelit", - "ru": "pixelit", - "zh-cn": "pixelit" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pixelit/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pixelit/pixelit.png", - "keywords": "pixelit, dot matix, matrix array", - "authors": "Dennis Rathjen ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-09-16T18:40:43.305Z", - "version": "1.1.4", - "latestVersion": "1.1.4", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "With this adapter, the Pixel It LED matrix displays can be addressed directly./nThe installed sensors are also queried and stored in ioBroker.", - "de": "Mit diesen Adapter kann das Pixel It LED Matrix Displays direkt angesprochen werden./nAuch die Verbauten Sensoren werden abgefragt und in ioBroker gespeichert.", - "ru": "С помощью этого адаптера можно напрямую обращаться к матричным светодиодным дисплеям Pixel It./nКроме того, установленные датчики опрашиваются и сохраняются в ioBroker.", - "pt": "Com este adaptador os Ecrãs Matriciais Pixel It LED podem ser endereçados directamente./nTambém os sensores instalados são consultados e armazenados no ioBroker.", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen de Pixel It LED Matrix Displays direct worden aangesproken./nOok de geïnstalleerde sensoren worden opgevraagd en opgeslagen in ioBroker.", - "fr": "Avec cet adaptateur, les écrans matriciels LED Pixel It peuvent être adressés directement./nLes capteurs installés sont également interrogés et stockés dans ioBroker.", - "it": "Con questo adattatore i Pixel It LED Matrix Display possono essere indirizzati direttamente./nAnche i sensori installati vengono interrogati e memorizzati in ioBroker.", - "es": "Con este adaptador se pueden direccionar directamente las pantallas matriciales LED de Pixel It./nTambién se consultan los sensores instalados y se almacenan en ioBroker.", - "pl": "Za pomocą tego adaptera można bezpośrednio adresować wyświetlacze matrycowe Pixel It LED./nRównież zainstalowane czujniki są odpytywane i zapisywane w ioBroker.", - "zh-cn": "使用此适配器,可以直接寻址Pixel It LED矩阵显示器。/n还可以查询已安装的传感器并将其存储在ioBroker中。", - "uk": "За допомогою цього адаптера можна адресувати напряму світлодіодні дисплеї Pixel It./nУстановлені датчики також запитуються та зберігаються в ioBroker." - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Pixel It", - "de": "Pixel It", - "ru": "Pixel It", - "pt": "Pixel It", - "nl": "Pixel It", - "fr": "Pixel It", - "it": "Pixel It", - "es": "Pixel It", - "pl": "Pixel It", - "zh-cn": "像素化", - "uk": "Pixel It" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/pixelit-project/ioBroker.pixelit", - "installs": 119, - "weekDownloads": 16, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 1, - "score": 1 - }, - "opentherm": { - "title": { - "de": "opentherm", - "en": "opentherm", - "ru": "opentherm", - "zh-cn": "opentherm" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.opentherm/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.opentherm/opentherm.png", - "keywords": "heating, opentherm", - "authors": "DutchmanNL ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-12-08T23:32:27.551Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.2.5", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "de": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "ru": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "pt": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "nl": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "fr": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "it": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "es": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "pl": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway", - "zh-cn": "Controlling the central heating system by OpenTherm Gateway" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "de": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "ru": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "pt": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "nl": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "fr": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "it": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "es": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "pl": "OpenTherm Gateway", - "zh-cn": "OpenTherm Gateway" + "zh-cn": "Synology 路由器" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.opentherm", - "installs": 15, - "weekDownloads": 8, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 26, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.srm", + "installs": 12, + "weekDownloads": 22, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 8, "score": 1 }, "rpi2": { @@ -11024,7 +11050,7 @@ "authors": "Christian Baumgartner, husky-koglhof , Garfonso ", "license": "MIT", "published": "2016-10-23T14:16:37.202Z", - "version": "2.2.1", + "version": "2.3.1", "latestVersion": "2.3.1", "compact": true, "description": { @@ -11055,59 +11081,135 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.rpi2", - "installs": 10070, - "weekDownloads": 480, + "installs": 9964, + "weekDownloads": 2222, "stars": 1, "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "owfs": { + "ring": { "title": { - "de": "owfs", - "en": "owfs", - "ru": "owfs", - "zh-cn": "owfs" + "de": "ring", + "en": "ring", + "ru": "ring", + "zh-cn": "ring" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.owfs/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.owfs/owfs.png", - "keywords": "owfs, one wire, 1wire", - "authors": "bluefox ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ring/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ring/ring.png", + "keywords": "Ring, Camera, Doorbell", + "authors": "Thorsten Stueben ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-04-16T21:20:18.623Z", - "version": "0.7.0", - "latestVersion": "0.7.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2018-12-14T13:36:22.039Z", + "version": "6.3.0", + "latestVersion": "6.3.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Allows to read 1wire sensors", - "de": "Ermöglicht das Lesen von 1-Draht-Sensoren", - "ru": "Позволяет читать 1-проводные датчики", - "pt": "Permite ler sensores de 1 fio", - "nl": "Maakt het mogelijk om 1wire-sensoren te lezen", - "fr": "Permet de lire les capteurs 1wire", - "it": "Permette di leggere i sensori 1wire", - "es": "Permite leer 1 sensores de cable", - "pl": "Umożliwia odczyt 1 czujników przewodowych", - "zh-cn": "允许读取1wire传感器" + "en": "Ring Adapter", + "de": "Ring Adapter", + "ru": "Кольцо адаптер", + "pt": "Adaptador de anel", + "nl": "Ring Adapter", + "fr": "Adaptateur de réglage", + "it": "Adattatore di anelli", + "es": "Adaptador de anillos", + "pl": "Pierścień", + "uk": "Кільковий адаптер", + "zh-cn": "导 言" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "1Wire OWFS", - "de": "1Wire-OWFS", - "ru": "1Wire OWFS", - "pt": "1 Fio OWFS", - "nl": "1Draad OWFS", - "fr": "OWFS à 1 fil", - "it": "1 filo OWFS", - "es": "1 cable OWFS", - "pl": "1Wire OWFS", - "zh-cn": "1Wire OWFS" + "en": "ring", + "de": "ring", + "ru": "ring", + "pt": "ring", + "nl": "ring", + "fr": "ring", + "it": "ring", + "es": "ring", + "pl": "ring", + "uk": "ring", + "zh-cn": "环 圈" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.owfs", - "installs": 485, 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"adapterref/iobroker.octoprint/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.octoprint/octoprint.png", + "keywords": "octoprint, 3d printing, hardware, drucker, gcode", + "authors": "Matthias Kleine ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2018-05-15T11:00:52.453Z", + "version": "5.1.0", + "latestVersion": "6.0.0", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Manage your OctoPrint instance", + "de": "Verwalte Deine OctoPrint-Instanz", + "ru": "Управляйте своим экземпляром OctoPrint", + "pt": "Gerenciar sua instância OctoPrint", + "nl": "Beheer uw OctoPrint-instantie", + "fr": "Gérez votre instance OctoPrint", + "it": "Gestisci la tua istanza OctoPrint", + "es": "Administre su instancia de OctoPrint", + "pl": "Zarządzaj instancją OctoPrint", + "uk": "Керуйте своїм екземпляром OctoPrint", + "zh-cn": "管理您的 OctoPrint 实例" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "OctoPrint", + "de": "OctoPrint", + "ru": "OctoPrint", + "pt": "OctoPrint", + "nl": "OctoPrint", + "fr": "OctoPrint", + "it": "OctoPrint", + 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"TiNo", + "de": "TiNo", + "ru": "TiNo", + "pt": "TiNo", + "nl": "TiNo", + "fr": "TiNo", + "it": "TiNo", + "es": "TiNo", + "pl": "TiNo" + }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/bondrogeen/iobroker.paw", - "installs": 426, - "weekDownloads": 25, - "stars": 14, - "issues": 15, + "github": "https://github.com/bowao/ioBroker.tino", + "installs": 6, + "weekDownloads": 13, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "ds18b20": { + "wallpanel": { "title": { - "de": "ds18b20", - "en": "ds18b20", - "ru": "ds18b20", - "zh-cn": "ds18b20" + "de": "wallpanel", + "en": "wallpanel", + "ru": "wallpanel", + "zh-cn": "wallpanel" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ds18b20/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ds18b20/ds18b20.png", - "keywords": "ds18b20, ds1820, 1wire, temperature", - "authors": "Peter Müller ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.wallpanel/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.wallpanel/wallpanel.png", + "keywords": "Wallpanel, browser, Tablet", + "authors": "xXBJXx ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-10-01T13:43:29.789Z", - "version": "3.0.1", - "latestVersion": "3.0.1", + "published": "2020-09-05T11:11:56.849Z", + "version": "0.3.11", + "latestVersion": "0.3.11", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Integration of DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensors", - "de": "Integration von DS18B20 1-Wire-Temperatursensoren", - "ru": "Интеграция датчиков температуры DS18B20 1-wire", - "pt": "Integração de sensores de temperatura de 1 fio DS18B20", - "nl": "Integratie van DS18B20 1-draads temperatuursensoren", - "fr": "Intégration des capteurs de température 1 fil DS18B20", - "it": "Integrazione di sensori di temperatura a 1 filo DS18B20", - "es": "Integración de sensores de temperatura de 1 hilo DS18B20", - "pl": "Integracja czujników temperatury DS18B20 1-wire", - "uk": "Інтеграція 1-провідних датчиків температури DS18B20", - "zh-cn": "集成 DS18B20 1 线温度传感器" + "en": "Wallpanel is a slim Android browser that still provides some information from the tablet via Http and Mqtt.", + "de": "Wallpanel ist ein schlanker Android Browser, der noch ein paar Informationen vom Tablet per Http und Mqtt zur Verfügung stellt.", + "ru": "Wallpanel - это строгий браузер Android, который все еще предоставляет некоторую информацию о планшете через Http и Mqtt.", + "pt": "Wallpanel é um navegador Android slim que ainda fornece algumas informações da mesa via Http e Mqtt.", + "nl": "Wallpanel is een slim Android browser die nog steeds enkele informatie van de tablet via Http en Mqtt biedt.", + "fr": "Wallpanel est un navigateur Android léger qui encore fournit quelques informations de la tablette via Http et Mqtt.", + "it": "Wallpanel è un browser Android leggero che ancora fornisce qualche informazione dalla tablet via Http e Mqtt.", + "es": "Wallpanel es un navegador Android ligera que aún proporciona algunas informaciones de la tablet via Http y Mqtt.", + "pl": "Wallpanel jest prosty przeglądarka Android, który nadal dostarcza niektóre informacje o tabletce za pośrednictwem Http i Mqtt.", + "zh-cn": "Wallpanel 是一个轻量级的 Android 浏览器,它仍然提供了一些信息来自平板的 Http 和 Mqtt。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "DS18B20", - "de": "DS18B20", - "ru": "DS18B20", - "pt": "DS18B20", - "nl": "DS18B20", - "fr": "DS18B20", - "it": "DS18B20", - "es": "DS18B20", - "pl": "DS18B20", - "zh-cn": "DS18B20", - "uk": "DS18B20" + "en": "Wallpanel", + "de": "Wallpanel", + "ru": "Wallpanel", + "pt": "Wallpanel", + "nl": "Wallpanel", + "fr": "Wallpanel", + "it": "Wallpanel", + "es": "Wallpanel", + "pl": "Wallpanel", + "zh-cn": "Wallpanel" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/crycode-de/ioBroker.ds18b20", - "installs": 923, - "weekDownloads": 70, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 1, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/xXBJXx/ioBroker.wallpanel", + "installs": 276, + "weekDownloads": 23, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, "mywallbox": { @@ -11235,8 +11430,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": 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"Monitoramento de SinkerBoard", - "nl": "Controle TinkerBoard", - "fr": "Surveillance de TinkerBoard", - "it": "TinkerBoard Monitoraggio", - "es": "TinkerBoard Monitoring", - "pl": "TinkerBoard Monitoring", - "uk": "TinkerBoard Моніторинг", - "zh-cn": "小叮当监测" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/simatec/ioBroker.tinker", - "installs": 56, - "weekDownloads": 21, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 0, - "score": 1 - }, - "tedee": { - "title": { - "de": "tedee", - "en": "tedee", - "ru": "tedee", - "zh-cn": "tedee" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tedee/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tedee/tedee.png", - "keywords": "tedee", - "authors": "TA2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-12-16T01:01:13.956Z", - "version": "0.3.2", - "latestVersion": "0.3.2", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for Tedee Locks", - "de": "Adapter für Tedee-Schlösser", - "ru": "Адаптер для замков Tedee", - "pt": "Adaptador para fechaduras Tedee", - "nl": "Adapter voor Tedee-sloten", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour serrures Tedee", - "it": "Adattatore per serrature Tedee", - "es": "Adaptador para cerraduras Tedee", - "pl": "Adapter do zamków Tedee", - "uk": "Адаптер для замків Tedee", - "zh-cn": "Tedee 锁适配器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Tedee", - "de": "Tedee", - "ru": "Теди", - "pt": "Tedee", - "nl": "Tedee", - "fr": "Tédée", - "it": "Tedee", - "es": "tedée", - "pl": "Tedee", - "uk": "Теді", - "zh-cn": "泰迪" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.tedee", - "installs": 98, - "weekDownloads": 2, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 2, - "score": 1 - }, - "zigbee": { - "title": { - "de": "zigbee", - "en": "zigbee", - "ru": "zigbee", - "zh-cn": "zigbee" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.zigbee/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.zigbee/zigbee.png", - "keywords": "zigbee, xiaomi, cc2531, cc2530, cc2538, cc2652, deconz, conbee, raspbee", - "authors": "Kirov Ilya", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-06-08T19:33:19.576Z", - "version": "1.10.14", - "latestVersion": "1.10.14", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Zigbee adapter for Xiaomi (and other) devices via Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "uk": "Zigbee adapter for Xiaomi (and other) devices via Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "ru": "Zigbee адаптер для Xiaomi (и других) устройств через Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "de": "ZigBee-Adapter für Xiaomi (und andere) Geräte über Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "pt": "Adaptador Zigbee para dispositivos Xiaomi (e outros) via Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "nl": "Zigbee-adapter voor Xiaomi (en andere) apparaten via Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "fr": "Adaptateur Zigbee pour périphériques Xiaomi (et autres) Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "it": "Adattatore Zigbee per dispositivi Xiaomi (e altri) tramite Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "es": "Adaptador Zigbee para dispositivos Xiaomi (y otros) a través de Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "pl": "Adapter Zigbee do urządzeń Xiaomi (i innych) za pośrednictwem Chip cc26xx/cc25xx", - "zh-cn": "适用于小米(和其他)设备的Zigbee适配器,通过Chip cc26xx/cc25xx" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Zigbee", - "uk": "Zigbee", - "ru": "Zigbee", - "de": "ZigBee", - "pt": "Zigbee", - "nl": "Zigbee", - "fr": "Zigbee", - "it": "Zigbee", - "es": "zigbee", - "pl": "Zigbee", - "zh-cn": "Zigbee" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee", - "installs": 14348, - "weekDownloads": 1389, - "stars": 299, - "issues": 54, - "score": 1 - }, - "zigbee2mqtt": { - "title": { - "de": "zigbee2mqtt", - "en": "zigbee2mqtt", - "ru": "zigbee2mqtt", - "zh-cn": "zigbee2mqtt" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.zigbee2mqtt/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt.png", - "keywords": "zigbee, zigbee2mqtt, hue, tradfri, aqara, tuya", - "authors": "arteck , Dennis Rathjen ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-09-29T21:25:30.654Z", - "version": "3.0.2", - "latestVersion": "3.0.2", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Zigbee2MQTT adapter for ioBroker", 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Mqtt zur Verfügung stellt.", - "ru": "Wallpanel - это строгий браузер Android, который все еще предоставляет некоторую информацию о планшете через Http и Mqtt.", - "pt": "Wallpanel é um navegador Android slim que ainda fornece algumas informações da mesa via Http e Mqtt.", - "nl": "Wallpanel is een slim Android browser die nog steeds enkele informatie van de tablet via Http en Mqtt biedt.", - "fr": "Wallpanel est un navigateur Android léger qui encore fournit quelques informations de la tablette via Http et Mqtt.", - "it": "Wallpanel è un browser Android leggero che ancora fornisce qualche informazione dalla tablet via Http e Mqtt.", - "es": "Wallpanel es un navegador Android ligera que aún proporciona algunas informaciones de la tablet via Http y Mqtt.", - "pl": "Wallpanel jest prosty przeglądarka Android, który nadal dostarcza niektóre informacje o tabletce za pośrednictwem Http i Mqtt.", - "zh-cn": "Wallpanel 是一个轻量级的 Android 浏览器,它仍然提供了一些信息来自平板的 Http 和 Mqtt。" + "en": "With this adapter, the Pixel It LED matrix displays can be addressed directly./nThe installed sensors are also queried and stored in ioBroker.", + "de": "Mit diesen Adapter kann das Pixel It LED Matrix Displays direkt angesprochen werden./nAuch die Verbauten Sensoren werden abgefragt und in ioBroker gespeichert.", + "ru": "С помощью этого адаптера можно напрямую обращаться к матричным светодиодным дисплеям Pixel It./nКроме того, установленные датчики опрашиваются и сохраняются в ioBroker.", + "pt": "Com este adaptador os Ecrãs Matriciais Pixel It LED podem ser endereçados directamente./nTambém os sensores instalados são consultados e armazenados no ioBroker.", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen de Pixel It LED Matrix Displays direct worden aangesproken./nOok de geïnstalleerde sensoren worden opgevraagd en opgeslagen in ioBroker.", + "fr": "Avec cet adaptateur, les écrans matriciels LED Pixel It peuvent être adressés directement./nLes capteurs installés sont également interrogés et stockés dans ioBroker.", + "it": "Con questo adattatore i Pixel It LED Matrix Display possono essere indirizzati direttamente./nAnche i sensori installati vengono interrogati e memorizzati in ioBroker.", + "es": "Con este adaptador se pueden direccionar directamente las pantallas matriciales LED de Pixel It./nTambién se consultan los sensores instalados y se almacenan en ioBroker.", + "pl": "Za pomocą tego adaptera można bezpośrednio adresować wyświetlacze matrycowe Pixel It LED./nRównież zainstalowane czujniki są odpytywane i zapisywane w ioBroker.", + "zh-cn": "使用此适配器,可以直接寻址Pixel It LED矩阵显示器。/n还可以查询已安装的传感器并将其存储在ioBroker中。", + "uk": "За допомогою цього адаптера можна адресувати напряму світлодіодні дисплеї Pixel It./nУстановлені датчики також запитуються та зберігаються в ioBroker." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Wallpanel", - "de": "Wallpanel", - "ru": "Wallpanel", - "pt": "Wallpanel", - "nl": "Wallpanel", - "fr": "Wallpanel", - "it": "Wallpanel", - "es": "Wallpanel", - "pl": "Wallpanel", - "zh-cn": 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hoover", + "nl": "Adapter voor hoover-apparaten", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour appareils aspirateur", + "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi di aspirapolvere", + "es": "Adaptador para aspiradoras", + "pl": "Adapter do odkurzaczy", + "zh-cn": "胡佛设备适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Smarter iKettle 2.0", - "de": "Smarter iKettle 2.0", - "ru": "Умнее iKettle 2.0", - "pt": "IKettle 2.0 mais inteligente", - "nl": "Slimmere iKettle 2.0", - "fr": "Plus intelligent iKettle 2.0", - "it": "IKettle 2.0 più intelligente", - "es": "IKettle 2.0 más inteligente", - "pl": "Inteligentniejszy iKettle 2.0", - "zh-cn": "更智能的iKettle 2.0", - "uk": "Smarter iKettle 2.0" + "en": "Hoover", + "de": "Hoover", + "ru": "Пылесос", + "pt": "Hoover", + "nl": "Hoover", + "fr": "Hoover", + "it": "Hoover", + "es": "Hoover", + "pl": "Hoover", + "zh-cn": "胡佛" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.ikettle2", + "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.hoover", + "installs": 239, + "weekDownloads": 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aspirador Xiaomi/Roborock", + "nl": "Bediening van Xiaomi/Roborock stofzuiger", + "fr": "Contrôle de l'aspirateur Xiaomi/Roborock", + "it": "Controllo dell'aspirapolvere Xiaomi/Roborock", + "es": "Control de la aspiradora Xiaomi/Roborock", + "pl": "Kontrola odkurzacza Xiaomi/Roborock", + "uk": "Керування пилососом Xiaomi/Roborock", + "zh-cn": "小米/罗伯克吸尘器的控制" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.roomba", - "installs": 1299, - "weekDownloads": 39, - "stars": 13, - "issues": 6, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.mihome-vacuum", + "installs": 5540, + "weekDownloads": 374, + "stars": 108, + "issues": 37, "score": 1 }, - "mielecloudservice": { + "philips-air": { "title": { - "de": "mielecloudservice", - "en": "mielecloudservice", - "ru": "mielecloudservice", - "zh-cn": "mielecloudservice" + "de": "philips-air", + "en": "philips-air", + "ru": "philips-air", + "zh-cn": "philips-air" }, - "content": 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"weekDownloads": 74, + "stars": 19, + "issues": 19, + "score": 1 + }, "vr200": { "title": { "de": "vr200", @@ -13437,61 +13638,12 @@ "titleFull": "Vorwerk VR200 Adapter", "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/Eisbaeeer/ioBroker.vr200", - "installs": 276, - "weekDownloads": 8, + "installs": 274, + "weekDownloads": 7, "stars": 3, "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "velux": { - "title": { - "de": "velux", - "en": "velux", - "ru": "velux", - "zh-cn": "velux" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.velux/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.velux/velux.png", - "keywords": "velux, KIX 300", - "authors": "ta2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-11-20T21:29:07.046Z", - "version": "0.0.8", - "latestVersion": "0.0.8", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for Velux", - "de": "Adapter für Velux", - "ru": "Адаптер для Velux", - "pt": "Adaptador para Velux", - "nl": "Adapter voor Velux", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour Velux", - "it": "Adattatore per Velux", - "es": "Adaptador para Velux", - "pl": "Adapter do Velux", - "zh-cn": "Velux适配器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Velux", - "de": "Velux", - "ru": "Velux", - "pt": "Velux", - "nl": "Velux", - "fr": "Velux", - "it": "Velux", - "es": "Velux", - "pl": "Velux", - "zh-cn": "威乐士" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.velux", - "installs": 559, - "weekDownloads": 14, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 6, - "score": 1 - }, "wlanthermo-nano": { "title": { "de": "wlanthermo-nano", @@ -13535,8 +13687,8 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.wlanthermo-nano", - "installs": 132, - "weekDownloads": 9, + "installs": 134, + "weekDownloads": 13, "stars": 3, "issues": 22, "score": 1 @@ -13556,55 +13708,6 @@ "pl": "Infrastruktura" }, "pages": { - "fritzbox": { - "title": { - "de": "fritzbox", - "en": "fritzbox", - "ru": "fritzbox", - "zh-cn": "fritzbox" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fritzbox/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fritzbox/fritzbox.png", - "keywords": "fritzbox, cdr, callmonitor", - "authors": "ruhr , UncleSam ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-07-04T18:44:53.023Z", - "version": "0.6.0", - "latestVersion": "0.6.0", - "compact": false, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter monitors the call information from Fritzbox via tcp, Port 1012 (Activate call monitor in the Fritzbox with #96*5*)", - "de": "Adapter überwacht die Anrufinformationen von Fritzbox über TCP, Port 1012 (Anrufüberwachung in der Fritzbox mit #96*5* aktivieren)", - "ru": "Адаптер отслеживает информацию о звонках из Fritzbox через tcp, порт 1012 (активируйте монитор звонков в Fritzbox с помощью #96*5*)", - "pt": "O adaptador monitora as informações de chamadas do Fritzbox via tcp, porta 1012 (Ative o monitor de chamadas no Fritzbox com #96*5*)", - "nl": "Adapter bewaakt de oproepinformatie van Fritzbox via tcp, poort 1012 (Activeer oproepmonitor in de Fritzbox met #96*5*)", - "fr": "L'adaptateur surveille les informations d'appel de Fritzbox via tcp, port 1012 (activez le moniteur d'appel dans la Fritzbox avec #96*5*)", - "it": "L'adattatore monitora le informazioni sulle chiamate da Fritzbox tramite TCP, Port 1012 (Attiva il monitoraggio delle chiamate nel Fritzbox con #96*5*)", - "es": "El adaptador monitorea la información de llamadas de Fritzbox a través de tcp, Puerto 1012 (Activar el monitor de llamadas en Fritzbox con #96*5*)", - "pl": "Adapter monitoruje informacje o połączeniach z Fritzbox przez tcp, Port 1012 (Aktywuj monitor połączeń we Fritzbox za pomocą #96*5*)", - "zh-cn": "适配器通过 tcp 端口 1012 监控 Fritzbox 的呼叫信息(使用 #96*5* 激活 Fritzbox 中的呼叫监控器)" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "FRITZ!Box", - "de": "FRITZ!Box", - "ru": "FRITZ!Box", - "pt": "FRITZ!Box", - "nl": "FRITZ!Box", - "fr": "FRITZ!Box", - "it": "FRITZ!Box", - "es": "FRITZ!Box", - "pl": "FRITZ!Box", - "uk": "FRITZ!Box", - "zh-cn": "FRITZ!Box" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.fritzbox", - "installs": 3156, - "weekDownloads": 64, - "stars": 18, - "issues": 17, - "score": 1 - }, "fb-checkpresence": { "title": { "de": "fb-checkpresence", @@ -13649,62 +13752,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/afuerhoff/ioBroker.fb-checkpresence", - "installs": 5394, - "weekDownloads": 272, + "installs": 5357, + "weekDownloads": 184, "stars": 23, "issues": 12, "score": 1 }, - "epson_ecotank_et_2750": { - "title": { - "de": "epson_ecotank_et_2750", - "en": "epson_ecotank_et_2750", - "ru": "epson_ecotank_et_2750", - "zh-cn": "epson_ecotank_et_2750" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.epson_ecotank_et_2750/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.epson_ecotank_et_2750/epson_ecotank_et_2750.png", - "keywords": "printer, ink, Epson, Tinte, Drucker, pix, office", - "authors": "Dennis Rathjen , Iobroker Community", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-01-14T21:29:07.152Z", - "version": "1.0.1", - "latestVersion": "1.0.1", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter read tank level and other information from EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 and store in ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "de": "Dieser Adapter liest den Tankfüllstand und andere Informationen aus dem EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 und speichert ihn in ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "ru": "Этот адаптер считывает уровень в резервуаре и другую информацию из EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 и сохраняет в ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "pt": "Este adaptador lê o nível do tanque e outras informações do EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 e armazena no ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "nl": "Deze adapter leest het tankniveau en andere informatie van de EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 en slaat deze op in ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur lit le niveau du réservoir et d'autres informations d'EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 et stocke dans ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "it": "Questo adattatore legge il livello del serbatoio e altre informazioni da EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 e memorizza in ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "es": "Este adaptador lee el nivel del tanque y otra información de EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 y lo almacena en ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "pl": "Ten adapter odczytuje poziom w zbiorniku i inne informacje z EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 i zapisuje w ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", - "zh-cn": "该适配器从EPSON EcoTank ET-2750读取水箱液位和其他信息,并存储在ioBroker中。\n ", - "uk": "Цей адаптер зчитує рівень бака та іншу інформацію з EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 і зберігає в ioBroker.\n Також підтримується EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 (перевірено Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 також підтримується (перевірено christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 також підтримується (перевірено mikepiko)" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "de": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "ru": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "pt": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "nl": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "fr": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "it": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "es": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "pl": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", - "zh-cn": "爱普生EcoTank ET-2750", - "uk": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.epson_ecotank_et_2750", - "installs": 212, - "weekDownloads": 22, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 1, - "score": 1 - }, "cloudflare": { "title": { "de": "cloudflare", @@ -13750,11 +13803,61 @@ "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/Marco15453/ioBroker.cloudflare", "installs": 51, - "weekDownloads": 19, + "weekDownloads": 33, "stars": -1, "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, + "epson_ecotank_et_2750": { + "title": { + "de": "epson_ecotank_et_2750", + "en": "epson_ecotank_et_2750", + "ru": "epson_ecotank_et_2750", + "zh-cn": "epson_ecotank_et_2750" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.epson_ecotank_et_2750/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.epson_ecotank_et_2750/epson_ecotank_et_2750.png", + "keywords": "printer, ink, Epson, Tinte, Drucker, pix, office", + "authors": "Dennis Rathjen , Iobroker Community", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2021-01-14T21:29:07.152Z", + "version": "1.0.1", + "latestVersion": "1.0.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter read tank level and other information from EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 and store in ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "de": "Dieser Adapter liest den Tankfüllstand und andere Informationen aus dem EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 und speichert ihn in ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "ru": "Этот адаптер считывает уровень в резервуаре и другую информацию из EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 и сохраняет в ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "pt": "Este adaptador lê o nível do tanque e outras informações do EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 e armazena no ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "nl": "Deze adapter leest het tankniveau en andere informatie van de EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 en slaat deze op in ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur lit le niveau du réservoir et d'autres informations d'EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 et stocke dans ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "it": "Questo adattatore legge il livello del serbatoio e altre informazioni da EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 e memorizza in ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "es": "Este adaptador lee el nivel del tanque y otra información de EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 y lo almacena en ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "pl": "Ten adapter odczytuje poziom w zbiorniku i inne informacje z EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 i zapisuje w ioBroker.\n EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 is also supported (tested by Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 is also supported (tested by christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 is also supported (tested by mikepiko)", + "zh-cn": "该适配器从EPSON EcoTank ET-2750读取水箱液位和其他信息,并存储在ioBroker中。\n ", + "uk": "Цей адаптер зчитує рівень бака та іншу інформацію з EPSON EcoTank ET-2750 і зберігає в ioBroker.\n Також підтримується EPSON EcoTank ET-4750 (перевірено Homoran)\n EPSON EcoTank ET-3750 також підтримується (перевірено christofkac)\nEPSON EcoTank ET-2721 також підтримується (перевірено mikepiko)" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "de": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "ru": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "pt": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "nl": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "fr": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "it": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "es": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "pl": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750", + "zh-cn": "爱普生EcoTank ET-2750", + "uk": "EPSON EcoTank ET-2750" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.epson_ecotank_et_2750", + "installs": 210, + "weekDownloads": 21, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 1, + "score": 1 + }, "epson_stylus_px830": { "title": { "de": "epson_stylus_px830", @@ -13794,12 +13897,61 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.epson_stylus_px830", - "installs": 24, - "weekDownloads": 17, + "installs": 25, + "weekDownloads": 15, "stars": 19, "issues": 9, "score": 1 }, + "fritzbox": { + "title": { + "de": "fritzbox", + "en": "fritzbox", + "ru": "fritzbox", + "zh-cn": "fritzbox" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fritzbox/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fritzbox/fritzbox.png", + "keywords": "fritzbox, cdr, callmonitor", + "authors": "ruhr , UncleSam ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2015-07-04T18:44:53.023Z", + "version": "0.6.0", + "latestVersion": "0.6.0", + "compact": false, + "description": { + "en": "Adapter monitors the call information from Fritzbox via tcp, Port 1012 (Activate call monitor in the Fritzbox with #96*5*)", + "de": "Adapter überwacht die Anrufinformationen von Fritzbox über TCP, Port 1012 (Anrufüberwachung in der Fritzbox mit #96*5* aktivieren)", + "ru": "Адаптер отслеживает информацию о звонках из Fritzbox через tcp, порт 1012 (активируйте монитор звонков в Fritzbox с помощью #96*5*)", + "pt": "O adaptador monitora as informações de chamadas do Fritzbox via tcp, porta 1012 (Ative o monitor de chamadas no Fritzbox com #96*5*)", + "nl": "Adapter bewaakt de oproepinformatie van Fritzbox via tcp, poort 1012 (Activeer oproepmonitor in de Fritzbox met #96*5*)", + "fr": "L'adaptateur surveille les informations d'appel de Fritzbox via tcp, port 1012 (activez le moniteur d'appel dans la Fritzbox avec #96*5*)", + "it": "L'adattatore monitora le informazioni sulle chiamate da Fritzbox tramite TCP, Port 1012 (Attiva il monitoraggio delle chiamate nel Fritzbox con #96*5*)", + "es": "El adaptador monitorea la información de llamadas de Fritzbox a través de tcp, Puerto 1012 (Activar el monitor de llamadas en Fritzbox con #96*5*)", + "pl": "Adapter monitoruje informacje o połączeniach z Fritzbox przez tcp, Port 1012 (Aktywuj monitor połączeń we Fritzbox za pomocą #96*5*)", + "zh-cn": "适配器通过 tcp 端口 1012 监控 Fritzbox 的呼叫信息(使用 #96*5* 激活 Fritzbox 中的呼叫监控器)" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "FRITZ!Box", + "de": "FRITZ!Box", + "ru": "FRITZ!Box", + "pt": "FRITZ!Box", + "nl": "FRITZ!Box", + "fr": "FRITZ!Box", + "it": "FRITZ!Box", + "es": "FRITZ!Box", + "pl": "FRITZ!Box", + "uk": "FRITZ!Box", + "zh-cn": "FRITZ!Box" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.fritzbox", + "installs": 3113, + "weekDownloads": 84, + "stars": 18, + "issues": 17, + "score": 1 + }, "nsclient": { "title": { "de": "nsclient", @@ -13844,8 +13996,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/mcm4iob/ioBroker.nsclient", - "installs": 15, - "weekDownloads": 25, + "installs": 16, + "weekDownloads": 16, "stars": 2, "issues": 7, "score": 1 @@ -13895,73 +14047,59 @@ "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/Hans-Wurst-21/ioBroker.mempool-space", "installs": 6, - "weekDownloads": 26, + "weekDownloads": 22, "stars": 1, "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "speedport": { + "proxmox": { "title": { - "de": "speedport", - "en": "speedport", - "ru": "speedport", - "zh-cn": "speedport" + "de": "proxmox", + "en": "proxmox", + "ru": "proxmox", + "zh-cn": "proxmox" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.speedport/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.speedport/speedport.png", - "keywords": "speedport telekom", - "authors": "hacki11 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.proxmox/proxmox.png", + "keywords": "proxmox, vm, virtual machine, lxc, container", + "authors": "MeisterTR , Matthias Kleine ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-03-18T17:46:40.888Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.3", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2018-04-29T03:45:07.786Z", + "version": "2.3.0", + "latestVersion": "2.4.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Fetches data from Telekom Speedport Router", - "de": "Ruft Daten vom Telekom Speedport Router ab", - "ru": "Получает данные из Telekom Speedport Router", - "pt": "Coleta dados do Telekom Speedport Router", - "nl": "Haalt gegevens op van Telekom Speedport Router", - "fr": "Récupère les données du routeur Telekom Speedport", - "it": "Recupera i dati da Telekom Speedport Router", - "es": "Obtiene datos del enrutador Telekom Speedport", - "pl": "Pobiera dane z routera Telekom Speedport", - "zh-cn": "从Telekom Speedport Router获取数据" + "en": "iobroker proxmox adapter", + "de": "iobroker Proxmox Adapter", + "ru": "iobroker proxmox adapter", + "pt": "adaptador proxmox iobroker", + "nl": "iobroker proxmox-adapter", + "fr": "adaptateur iobroker proxmox", + "it": "adattatore iobroker proxmox", + "es": "adaptador iobroker proxmox", + "pl": "Adapter iobroker proxmox", + "zh-cn": "iobroker proxmox适配器", + "uk": "адаптер iobroker proxmox" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Speedport", - "de": "Speedport", - "ru": "Speedport", - "pt": "Speedport", - "nl": "Speedport", - "fr": "Speedport", - "it": "Speedport", - "es": "Speedport", - "pl": "Speedport", - "zh-cn": "赛车场" + "en": "Proxmox", + "de": "Proxmox", + "ru": "Proxmox", + "pt": "Proxmox", + "nl": "Proxmox", + "fr": "Proxmox", + "it": "Proxmox", + "es": "Proxmox", + "pl": "Proxmox", + "zh-cn": "Proxmox", + "uk": "Проксмокс" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/hacki11/ioBroker.speedport", - 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"keywords": "Jung, Gira, eNet", - "authors": "SebastianSchultz , Stoffel7 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.g-homa/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.g-homa/g-homa.png", + "keywords": "g-homa", + "authors": "AlCalzone ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-01-08T12:46:49.219Z", - "version": "1.0.1", - "latestVersion": "1.0.1", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2017-08-23T11:28:42.347Z", + "version": "0.5.3", + "latestVersion": "0.5.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Controls Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome devices through the eNet Mobile Gate Wireless IP gateway or the eNet Smart Home Server", - "de": "Steuert Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome-Geräte über das eNet Mobile Gate Funk IP Gateway oder dem eNet Smart Home Server", - "ru": "Controls Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome devices through the eNet Mobile Gate Wireless IP gateway or the eNet Smart Home Server", - "pt": "Controls Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome devices through the eNet Mobile Gate Wireless IP gateway or the eNet Smart Home Server", - "fr": "Controls Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome devices through eNet Mobile Gate Wireless IP gateway or the eNet Smart Home Server", - "nl": "Controls Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome devices through eNet Mobile Gate Wireless IP gateway or the eNet Smart Home Server", - "it": "Controls Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome devices through eNet Mobile Gate Wireless IP gateway or the eNet Smart Home Server", - "es": "Controls Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome devices through eNet Mobile Gate Wireless IP gateway or the eNet Smart Home Server" - }, - "titleFull": { - "de": "Steuert Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome-Geräte über das eNet Mobile Gate Funk IP Gateway oder dem eNet Smart Home Server", - "en": "Steuert Jung/Gira eNet Smarthome-Geräte über das eNet Mobile Gate Funk IP Gateway oder dem eNet Smart Home Server" + "en": "Control G-Homa WiFi plugs", + "de": "Steuerung von G-Homa WLAN-Steckdosen", + "ru": "Контрольные вилки G-Homa WiFi", + "pt": "Controle os plugues WiFi G-Homa", + "nl": "Bedien G-Homa WiFi-stekkers", + "fr": "Contrôler les prises WiFi G-Homa", + "it": "Controlla le prese WiFi G-Homa", + "es": "Controla los enchufes WiFi G-Homa", + "pl": "Kontroluj wtyczki G-Homa WiFi", + "zh-cn": "控制G-Homa WiFi插头" }, + "titleFull": "G-Homa WiFi plugs", "branch": "master", - 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"published": "2015-01-02T23:35:36.140Z", - "version": "2.0.2", - "latestVersion": "2.0.2", + "published": "2022-04-05T19:41:36.407Z", + "version": "0.5.2", + "latestVersion": "0.5.2", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Connects HomeMatic Interface-Processes (BidCos-Services, Homegear and CUxD) via XML-RPC or BIN-RPC to ioBroker", - "de": "Verbindet HomeMatic Interface-Prozesse (BidCos-Services, Homegear und CUxD) via XML-RPC oder BIN-RPC mit ioBroker", - "ru": "Подключает HomeMatic интерфейсы (BidCos-сервисы, Homegear и CUxD) через XML-RPC или BIN-RPC к ioBroker", - "pt": "Conecta HomeMatic Interface-Processes (BidCos-Services, Homegear e CUxD) via XML-RPC ou BIN-RPC para ioBroker", - "nl": "Verbindt HomeMatic Interface-processen (BidCos-Services, Homegear en CUxD) via XML-RPC of BIN-RPC met ioBroker", - "fr": "Connecte les processus d'interface HomeMatic (BidCos-Services, Homegear et CUxD) via XML-RPC ou BIN-RPC à ioBroker", - "it": "Collega l'interfaccia HomeMatic: i processi (BidCos-Services, Homegear e CUxD) tramite XML-RPC o BIN-RPC su ioBroker", - "es": "Conecta los Procesos de Interfaz HomeMatic (BidCos-Services, Homegear y CUxD) a través de XML-RPC o BIN-RPC a ioBroker", - "pl": "Łączy procesy HomeMatic-Interface (BidCos-Services, Homegear i CUxD) za pośrednictwem XML-RPC lub BIN-RPC z ioBroker", - "uk": "Підключає HomeMatic інтерфейси (BidCos-сервіси, Homegear і CUxD) через XML-RPC або BIN-RPC до ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "通过 XML-RPC 或 BIN-RPC 将 HomeMatic 接口进程(BidCos-Services、Homegear 和 CUxD)连接到 ioBroker" + "en": "Adapter to control Elero devices.", + "de": "Adapter zur Steuerung von Elero-Geräten.", + "ru": "Адаптер для управления устройствами Elero.", + "pt": "Adaptador para controlar dispositivos Elero.", + "nl": "Adapter om Elero-apparaten te bedienen.", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour contrôler les appareils Elero.", + "it": "Adattatore per controllare i dispositivi Elero.", + "es": "Adaptador para controlar dispositivos Elero.", + "pl": "Adapter do sterowania urządzeniami Elero.", + "zh-cn": "用于控制 Elero 设备的适配器。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "HomeMatic RPC", - "de": "HomeMatic RPC", - "ru": "HomeMatic RPC", - "pt": "HomeMatic RPC", - "nl": "HomeMatic RPC", - "fr": "HomeMatic RPC", - "it": "HomeMatic RPC", - "es": "HomeMatic RPC", - "pl": "HomeMatic RPC", - "uk": "HomeMatic RPC", - "zh-cn": "HomeMatic RPC" + "en": "Elero USB Transmitter", + "de": "Elero USB-Sender", + "ru": "USB-передатчик Elero", + "pt": "Transmissor Elero USB", + "nl": "Elero USB-zender", + "fr": "Émetteur USB Elero", + "it": "Trasmettitore USB Elero", + "es": "Transmisor USB Elero", + "pl": "Nadajnik Elero USB", + "zh-cn": "Elero USB 发射器" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.hm-rpc", - "installs": 16817, - "weekDownloads": 632, - "stars": 60, - "issues": 46, + "github": "https://github.com/marc2016/ioBroker.elero-usb-transmitter", + "installs": 23, + "weekDownloads": 13, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, - "innoxel": { + "haassohn": { "title": { - "de": "innoxel", - "en": "innoxel", - "ru": "innoxel", - "zh-cn": "innoxel" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.innoxel/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.innoxel/innoxel.png", - "keywords": "innoxel", - "authors": "matthsc ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-12-30T21:33:44.968Z", - "version": "1.0.1", - "latestVersion": "1.0.1", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for Innoxel Master 3", - "de": "Adapter für Innoxel Master 3", - "ru": "Адаптер для Innoxel Master 3", - "pt": "Adaptador para Innoxel Master 3", - "nl": "Adapter voor Innoxel Master 3", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour Innoxel Master 3", - "it": "Adattatore per Innoxel Master 3", - "es": "Adaptador para Innoxel Master 3", - "pl": "Adapter do Innoxel Master 3", - "uk": "Адаптер для Innoxel Master 3", - "zh-cn": "Inoxel Master 3 适配器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Innoxel", - "de": "Innoxel", - "ru": "Инноксель", - "pt": "Innoxel", - "nl": "Innoxel", - "fr": "Innoxel", - "it": "Innoxel", - "es": "Innoxel", - "pl": "Innoxel", - "uk": "Innoxel", - "zh-cn": "英诺赛尔" + "de": "haassohn", + "en": "haassohn", + "ru": "haassohn", + "zh-cn": "haassohn" }, - 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"en": "Control max! devices over CUL stick", - "de": "Steuere max! Geräte mit CUL stick", - "ru": "Управляет устройствами max! при помощи CUL", - "pt": "Controle máximo! dispositivos sobre o stick CUL", - "nl": "Controle max! apparaten boven CUL-stick", - "fr": "Contrôle max! appareils sur bâton CUL", - "it": "Controllo max! dispositivi su CUL stick", - "es": "Control max! dispositivos sobre CUL stick", - "pl": "Kontrola max! urządzenia na sztyfcie CUL" + "en": "Home Assistant connection for ioBroker", + "de": "Home Assistant Verbindung für ioBroker", + "ru": "Подключение Home Assistant для ioBroker", + "pt": "Conexão do Home Assistant para ioBroker", + "nl": "Home Assistant-verbinding voor ioBroker", + "fr": "Connexion Home Assistant pour ioBroker", + "it": "Connessione Home Assistant per ioBroker", + "es": "Conexión de Home Assistant para ioBroker", + "pl": "Połączenie Home Assistant dla ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker 的家庭助理连接", + "uk": "Підключення Home Assistant для ioBroker" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Home Assistant", + "de": "Home-Assistent", + "ru": "Домашний помощник", + "pt": "Home Assistant", + "nl": "Thuisassistent", + "fr": "Assistante à domicile", + "it": "Assistente domiciliare", + "es": "Asistente de hogar", + "pl": "Asystent domowy", + "zh-cn": "家庭助理", + "uk": "Домашній помічник" }, - "titleFull": "max! CUL", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.maxcul", - "installs": 206, - "weekDownloads": 23, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 4, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.hass", + "installs": 3091, + "weekDownloads": 92, + "stars": 21, + "issues": 12, "score": 1 }, - "blebox": { + "hass-mqtt": { "title": { - "de": "blebox", - "en": "blebox", - "ru": "blebox", - "zh-cn": "blebox" + "de": "hass-mqtt", + "en": "hass-mqtt", + "ru": "hass-mqtt", + "zh-cn": "hass-mqtt" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.blebox/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.blebox/blebox.png", - "keywords": "blebox", - "authors": "Kai van Nuis ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.hass-mqtt/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.hass-mqtt/hass-mqtt.png", + "keywords": "mqtt, hass, homeassistant, discover", + "authors": "SchumyHao ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-01-16T11:53:23.457Z", - "version": "2.1.0", - "latestVersion": "2.2.1", + "published": "2019-05-06T05:34:29.685Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.0.7", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - 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"en": "Blebox", - "de": "Blebox", - "ru": "блебокс", - "pt": "Blebox", - "nl": "Blebox", - "fr": "Blébox", - "it": "Blebox", - "es": "Blebox", - "pl": "Blebox", - "zh-cn": "盲盒", - "uk": "Blebox" + "en": "hass-mqtt", + "de": "hass-mqtt", + "ru": "Хасс-MQTT", + "pt": "hass-mqtt", + "nl": "hass-mqtt", + "fr": "hass-mqtt", + "it": "Hass-MQTT", + "es": "hass-mqtt", + "pl": "hass-mqtt", + "zh-cn": "HASS-MQTT" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ka-vaNu/ioBroker.blebox", - "installs": 98, - "weekDownloads": 5, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 9, + "github": "https://github.com/smarthomefans/ioBroker.hass-mqtt", + "installs": 111, + "weekDownloads": 8, + "stars": 7, + "issues": 21, "score": 1 }, - "doorbird": { + "ham-wemo": { "title": { - "de": "doorbird", - "en": "doorbird", - "ru": "doorbird", - "zh-cn": "doorbird" + "de": "ham-wemo", + "en": "ham-wemo", + "ru": "ham-wemo", + "zh-cn": "ham-wemo" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.doorbird/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.doorbird/doorbird.png", - "keywords": "doorbird, VIS, GUI", - "authors": "BuZZy1337 , Schmakus ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ham-wemo/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ham-wemo/ham-wemo.png", + "keywords": "homebridge, wemo", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-06-26T19:02:07.676Z", - "version": "2.0.0", - "latestVersion": "2.0.0", - "compact": true, + "published": "2018-06-22T21:13:14.043Z", + "version": "3.0.2", + "latestVersion": "3.0.2", + "materialize": true, "description": { - "en": "Connects DoorBird doorbells to ioBroker", - "de": "Verbindet DoorBird-Türklingeln mit ioBroker", - "ru": "Подключает дверные звонки DoorBird к ioBroker", - "pt": "Conecta as campainhas DoorBird ao ioBroker", - "nl": "Verbindt DoorBird deurbellen met ioBroker", - "fr": "Connecte les sonnettes DoorBird à ioBroker", - "it": "Collega i campanelli DoorBird a ioBroker", - "es": "Conecta los timbres DoorBird a ioBroker", - "pl": "Łączy dzwonki DoorBird z ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "将 DoorBird 门铃连接到 ioBroker", - "uk": "Підключає дверні дзвінки DoorBird до ioBroker" + "en": "ioBroker Homebridge Adapter Belkin Wemo", + "de": "ioBroker Homebridge Adapter Belkin Wemo", + "ru": "ioBroker Homebridge драйвер Belkin Wemo", + "pt": "Modelo de Homebridge para o ioBroker Belkin Wemo", + "fr": "ioBroker Homebridge modèle Belkin Wemo", + "nl": "ioBroker Homebridge Adapter Belkin Wemo", + "it": "Adattatore Homebridge ioBroker Belkin Wemo", + "es": "Adaptador Homebridge ioBroker Belkin Wemo", + "pl": "ioBroker Homebridge Adapter Belkin Wemo", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker Homebridge 适配器 Belkin Wemo" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "DoorBird", - "de": "DoorBird", - "ru": "DoorBird", - "pt": "DoorBird", - "nl": "DoorBird", - "fr": "DoorBird", - "it": "DoorBird", - "es": "DoorBird", - "pl": "DoorBird", - "zh-cn": "DoorBird", - "uk": "DoorBird" + "en": "Belkin Wemo plugin", + "de": "Belkin Wemo plugin", + "ru": "Belkin Wemo plugin", + "pt": "Belkin Wemo plugin", + "nl": "Belkin Wemo plugin", + "fr": "Belkin Wemo plugin", + "it": "Belkin Wemo plugin", + "es": "Belkin Wemo plugin", + "pl": "Wtyczka Belkin Wemo", + "zh-cn": "贝尔金 Wemo 插件" }, "branch": "master", - 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"en": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "de": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "ru": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "pt": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "nl": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "fr": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "it": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "es": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "pl": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "uk": "LCN - Local Control Network", - "zh-cn": "LCN - Local Control Network" + "en": "This adapter controls devices which followed miIO protocol.", + "de": "Dieser Adapter steuert Geräte, die dem miIO-Protokoll folgen.", + "ru": "Этот адаптер управляет устройствами, которые следуют протоколу miIO.", + "pt": "Este adaptador controla dispositivos que seguiram o protocolo miIO.", + "nl": "Deze adapter bestuurt apparaten die het miIO-protocol volgden.", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur contrôle les périphériques qui ont suivi le protocole miIO.", + "it": "Questo adattatore controlla i dispositivi che seguono il protocollo miIO.", + "es": "Este adaptador controla dispositivos que siguieron el protocolo miIO.", + "pl": "Ten adapter steruje urządzeniami, które następują po protokole miIO.", + "zh-cn": "该适配器控制遵循miIO协议的设备。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "LCN connection", - "de": "LCN Verbindung", - "ru": "Подключение LCN", - "pt": "Conexão LCN", - "nl": "LCN-verbinding", - "fr": "Connexion LCN", - "it": "Connessione LCN", - "es": "Conexión LCN", - "pl": "Połączenie LCN", - "uk": "Підключення LCN", - "zh-cn": "LCN 连接" + "en": "Xiaomi miIO protocol device", + "de": "Xiaomi miIO Protokollgerät", + "ru": "Протокол протокола Xiaomi miIO", + "pt": "Dispositivo de protocolo miIO Xiaomi", + "nl": "Xiaomi miIO-protocolapparaat", + "fr": "Périphérique de protocole Xiaomi miIO", + "it": "Dispositivo protocollo Xiaomi miIO", + "es": "Dispositivo de protocolo Xiaomi miIO", + "pl": "Urządzenie protokołu Xiaomi miIO", + "zh-cn": "小米miIO协议设备" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.lcn", - "installs": 89, - "weekDownloads": 8, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 14, + "github": "https://github.com/smarthomefans/ioBroker.miio", + "installs": 148, + "weekDownloads": 16, + "stars": 19, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "loxone": { + "openknx": { "title": { - 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"nl": "Communiceert met een Loxone Miniserver.", - "fr": "Communique avec un Loxone Miniserver.", - "it": "Comunica con un Loxone Miniserver.", - "es": "Se comunica con un miniserver Loxone.", - "pl": "Komunikuje się z Loxone Miniserver.", - "zh-cn": "与Loxone小型服务器通信。" + "en": "full featured open-source adapter for KNX", + "de": "Kostenloser Open-Source-Adapter, der die KNX Kommunikation über ein IP Gateway ermöglicht.", + "ru": "новый бесплатный open-source-адаптер для KNX", + "pt": "novo adaptador de código aberto gratuito para KNX", + "nl": "nieuwe gratis open-source-adapter voor KNX", + "fr": "nouvel adaptateur open-source gratuit pour KNX", + "it": "nuovo adattatore open source gratuito per KNX", + "es": "nuevo adaptador de código abierto gratuito para KNX", + "pl": "nowy darmowy adapter open-source dla KNX", + "zh-cn": "用于 KNX 的新免费开源适配器", + "uk": "повнофункціональний адаптер з відкритим кодом для KNX" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Loxone Miniserver", - "de": "Loxone Miniserver", - "ru": "Loxone Miniserver", - 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Vitocal, Vitocharge, Energiezähler E380CA und E3100CB", - "ru": "Сбор данных по шине CAN для устройств Viessmann E3, например. Vitocal, Vitocharge, Счетчик энергии E380CA, E3100CB", - "pt": "Colete dados no barramento CAN para dispositivos Viessmann E3, por ex. Vitocal, Vitocharge, medidor de energia E380CA, E3100CB", - "nl": "Verzamel gegevens op de CAN-bus voor Viessmann E3-apparaten, b.v. Vitocal, Vitocharge, Energiemeter E380CA, E3100CB", - "fr": "Collectez des données sur le bus CAN pour les appareils Viessmann E3, par ex. Vitocal, Vitocharge, Compteur d'énergie E380CA, E3100CB", - "it": "Raccogliere dati sul bus CAN per dispositivi Viessmann E3, ad es. Vitocal, Vitocharge, Contatore di energia E380CA, E3100CB", - "es": "Recopilar datos en el bus CAN para dispositivos Viessmann E3, p. 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Vitocal, Vitocharge, Енерголічильник E380CA, E3100CB", - "zh-cn": "收集 Viessmann E3 设备 CAN 总线上的数据,例如Vitocal、Vitocharge、能量计 E380CA, E3100CB" + "en": "support for Meross Wifi devices", + "de": "Unterstützung für Meross Wifi-Geräte", + "ru": "поддержка устройств Meross Wifi", + "pt": "suporte para dispositivos Wifi Meross", + "nl": "ondersteuning voor Meross Wifi-apparaten", + "fr": "support pour les appareils Meross Wifi", + "it": "supporto per i dispositivi Meross Wifi", + "es": "soporte para dispositivos wifi Meross", + "pl": "obsługa urządzeń Wi-Fi firmy Meross", + "zh-cn": "支持Meross Wifi设备", + "uk": "підтримка пристроїв Meross Wifi" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Viessmann E3 CAN do", - "de": "Viessmann E3 CAN do", - "ru": "CAN-прослушиватель серии Viessmann E3", - "pt": "Ouvinte CAN da série Viessmann E3", - "nl": "Viessmann E3-serie CAN-luisteraar", - "fr": "Écouteur CAN Viessmann série E3", - "it": "Ascoltatore CAN Viessmann serie E3", - "es": "Oyente CAN serie Viessmann E3", - "pl": "Odbiornik CAN firmy Viessmann serii E3", - 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"pl": "Innogy Smarthome", - "zh-cn": "英诺智能家居", - "uk": "Innogy Smarthome" + "en": "CUL/culfw", + "de": "CUL/culfw", + "ru": "CUL/культура", + "pt": "CUL/culfw", + "nl": "CUL/culfw", + "fr": "CUL/culfw", + "it": "CUL/culf", + "es": "CUL/culfw", + "pl": "KUL/zapas", + "zh-cn": "CUL/culfw" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/PArns/ioBroker.innogy-smarthome", - "installs": 589, - "weekDownloads": 83, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 12, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.cul", + "installs": 644, + "weekDownloads": 26, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 5, "score": 1 }, - "hass-mqtt": { + "homepilot": { "title": { - "de": "hass-mqtt", - "en": "hass-mqtt", - "ru": "hass-mqtt", - "zh-cn": "hass-mqtt" + "de": "homepilot", + "en": "homepilot", + "ru": "homepilot", + "zh-cn": "homepilot" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.hass-mqtt/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.hass-mqtt/hass-mqtt.png", - "keywords": "mqtt, hass, homeassistant, discover", - "authors": "SchumyHao ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.homepilot/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.homepilot/homepilot.png", + "keywords": "blinds, jalousien, homepilot, duofern, rademacher, rollladen, rollos, pix", + "authors": "Pix", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-05-06T05:34:29.685Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.7", + "published": "2016-07-09T11:17:48.404Z", + "version": "1.2.3", + "latestVersion": "1.2.3", "materialize": true, - "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter can discover devices followed hass mqtt discover protocol", - "de": "Dieser Adapter kann Geräte erkennen, denen das Protokoll mqtt discover folgt", - "ru": "Этот адаптер может обнаруживать устройства в соответствии с протоколом hass mqtt Discover", - "pt": "Este adaptador pode descobrir dispositivos seguidos pelo método hass mqtt discover", - "nl": "Deze adapter kan zoeken naar apparaten gevolgd hass mqtt discover-protocol", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur peut détecter les périphériques suivis par le protocole de découverte hass mqtt", - "it": "Questo adattatore può scoprire i dispositivi seguiti dal protocollo di rilevamento mqtt di hass", - "es": "Este adaptador puede descubrir dispositivos seguidos hass mqtt descubrir protocolo", - "pl": "Ten adapter może wykrywać urządzenia po protokole wykrywania hass mqtt", - "zh-cn": "该适配器可以发现遵循hass mqtt discover协议的设备" + "en": "control Homepilot Duofern Devices with ioBroker", + "de": "verbindet Rademacher Homepilot Duofern Geräte mit ioBroker", + "ru": "контроль Homepilot Duofern Devices с ioBroker", + "pt": "Control Homepilot Duofern Devices com ioBroker", + "nl": "controle Homepilot Duofern-apparaten met ioBroker", + "fr": "contrôle Homepilot Duofern Devices avec ioBroker", + "it": "controlla i dispositivi Homepilot Duofern con ioBroker", + "es": "controlar dispositivos Homepilot Duofern con ioBroker", + "pl": "kontroluj urządzenia Homofilot Duofern z ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "使用ioBroker控制Homepilot Duofern设备" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "hass-mqtt", - "de": "hass-mqtt", - "ru": "Хасс-MQTT", - "pt": "hass-mqtt", - "nl": "hass-mqtt", - "fr": "hass-mqtt", - "it": "Hass-MQTT", - "es": "hass-mqtt", - "pl": "hass-mqtt", - "zh-cn": "HASS-MQTT" + "en": "Homepilot", + "de": "Homepilot", + "ru": "Homepilot", + "pt": "Homepilot", + "nl": "Homepilot", + "fr": "Homepilot", + "it": "Homepilot", + "es": "Homepilot", + "pl": "Homepilot", + "zh-cn": "Homepilot" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/smarthomefans/ioBroker.hass-mqtt", - "installs": 109, - "weekDownloads": 11, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 21, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.homepilot", + "installs": 287, + "weekDownloads": 24, + "stars": 23, + "issues": 10, "score": 1 }, - "knx": { + "myq": { "title": { - "de": "knx", - "en": "knx", - "ru": "knx", - "zh-cn": "knx" + "de": "myq", + "en": "myq", + "ru": "myq", + "zh-cn": "myq" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.knx/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.knx/knx.png", - "keywords": "knx, vis, GUI, graphical, scada", - "authors": "K.Ringmann ", - "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", - "published": "2015-09-27T07:32:43.557Z", - "version": "2.0.28", - "latestVersion": "2.0.30", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.myq/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.myq/myq-q.png", + "keywords": "myq, garage, door, chamberlain, liftmaster", + "authors": "Marius Burkard ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-01-16T15:47:59.274Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.3.1", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to import KNX projects from ETS and communicate with devices via KNX IP Gateway", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht den Import von KNX-Projekten aus der ETS und die Kommunikation mit Geräten über das KNX IP Gateway", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет импортировать проекты KNX из ETS и связываться с устройствами через KNX IP Gateway", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite importar projetos KNX da ETS e se comunicar com dispositivos via KNX IP Gateway", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u KNX-projecten van ETS importeren en met apparaten communiceren via KNX IP Gateway", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'importer des projets KNX depuis ETS et de communiquer avec des appareils via la passerelle IP KNX", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di importare progetti KNX da ETS e comunicare con dispositivi tramite KNX IP Gateway", - "es": "Este adaptador permite importar proyectos KNX desde ETS y comunicarse con dispositivos a través de KNX IP Gateway", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia import projektów KNX z ETS i komunikację z urządzeniami za pośrednictwem bramy KNX IP" + "en": "Adapter to communicate with MyQ (Chamberlain/Liftmaster)", + "de": "Adapter zur Kommunikation mit MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", + "ru": "Адаптер для связи с MyQ (Чемберлен / Лифтмастер)", + "pt": "Adaptador para se comunicar com MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", + "nl": "Adapter om te communiceren met MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour communiquer avec MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", + "it": "Adattatore per comunicare con MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", + "es": "Adaptador para comunicarse con MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", + "pl": "Adapter do komunikacji z MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", + "zh-cn": "与MyQ通信的适配器(Chamberlain / Liftmaster)" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "KNX" + "en": "MyQ" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.knx", - "installs": 2986, - "weekDownloads": 95, - "stars": 50, - "issues": 49, + "github": "https://github.com/StrathCole/ioBroker.myq", + "installs": 43, + "weekDownloads": 5, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, - "digitalstrom": { + "hm-rega": { "title": { - "de": "digitalstrom", - "en": "digitalstrom", - "ru": "digitalstrom", - "zh-cn": "digitalstrom" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.digitalstrom/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.digitalstrom/digitalstrom.png", - "keywords": "digitalstrom, iot, iobroker", - "authors": "Apollon77 ", + "de": "hm-rega", + "en": "hm-rega", + "ru": "hm-rega", + "zh-cn": "hm-rega" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.hm-rega/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.hm-rega/homematic.png", + "keywords": "homematic, eq3, regahss, ccu1, ccu2", + "authors": "hobbyquaker , bluefox , Moritz Heusinger ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-01-17T10:48:55.485Z", - "version": "2.3.0", - "latestVersion": "2.3.0", + "published": "2015-01-02T23:31:13.087Z", + "version": "5.1.0", + "latestVersion": "5.1.0", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Support for Digitalstrom devices via DSS", - "de": "Unterstützung für Digitalstrom-Geräte über DSS", - "ru": "Поддержка устройств Digitalstrom через DSS", - "pt": "Suporte para dispositivos Digitalstrom via DSS", - "nl": "Ondersteuning voor Digitalstrom-apparaten via DSS", - "fr": "Prise en charge des appareils Digitalstrom via DSS", - "it": "Supporto per dispositivi Digitalstrom tramite DSS", - "es": "Soporte para dispositivos Digitalstrom a través de DSS", - "pl": "Obsługa urządzeń Digitalstrom za pośrednictwem DSS", - "zh-cn": "通过DSS支持Digitalstrom设备" + "en": "Connects HomeMatic CCU \"Logic Layer\" (\"ReGaHSS\") to ioBroker", + "de": "Verbindet die Logikschicht einer HomeMatic CCU (\"ReGaHSS\") mit ioBroker", + "ru": "Соединяет модуль логики системы Homematic CCU (\"ReGaHSS\") с ioBroker", + "pt": "Conecta o HomeMatic CCU \"Layer Lógica\" (\"ReGaHSS\") para ioBroker", + "nl": "Verbindt HomeMatic CCU \"Logic Layer\" (\"ReGaHSS \") met ioBroker", + "fr": "Connecte HomeMatic CCU \"Logic Layer\" (\"ReGaHSS\") à ioBroker", + "it": "Collega HomeMatic CCU \"Logic Layer\" (\"ReGaHSS\") a ioBroker", + "es": "Conecta CCU HomeMatic \"Capa lógica\" (\"ReGaHSS\") a ioBroker", + "pl": "Łączy HomeMatic CCU \"Logic Layer\" (\"ReGaHSS\") z ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "将 HomeMatic CCU“逻辑层”(“ReGaHSS”)连接到 ioBroker" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Digitalstrom", - "de": "Digitalstrom", - "ru": "Digitalstrom", - "pt": "Digitalstrom", - "nl": "Digitalstrom", - "fr": "Digitalstrom", - "it": "Digitalstrom", - "es": "Digitalstrom", - "pl": "Digitalstrom", - "zh-cn": "Digitalstrom" + "en": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS", + "de": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS", + "ru": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS", + "pt": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS", + "nl": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS", + "fr": "AccueilMatic ReGaHSS", + "it": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS", + "es": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS", + "pl": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS", + "zh-cn": "HomeMatic ReGaHSS" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.digitalstrom", - "installs": 175, - "weekDownloads": 24, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 30, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.hm-rega", + "installs": 15619, + "weekDownloads": 398, + "stars": 43, + "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, - "s7": { + "loxone": { "title": { - "de": "s7", - "en": "s7", - "ru": "s7", - "zh-cn": "s7" + "de": "loxone", + "en": "loxone", + "ru": "loxone", + "zh-cn": "loxone" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.s7/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.s7/s7.png", - "keywords": "S7, SPS", - "authors": "smiling_Jack , bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-04-20T18:35:15.020Z", - "version": "1.4.3", - "latestVersion": "1.4.3", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.loxone/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.loxone/loxone.png", + "keywords": "loxone, miniserver, smarthome", + "authors": "UncleSamSwiss ", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "published": "2017-04-24T19:18:46.399Z", + "version": "3.0.1", + "latestVersion": "3.0.1", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Siemens SIMATIC S7 connection via Snap7", - "de": "Siemens SIMATIC S7-Anbindung über Snap7", - "ru": "Подключение Siemens SIMATIC S7 через Snap7", - "pt": "Conexão Siemens SIMATIC S7 via Snap7", - "nl": "Siemens SIMATIC S7-verbinding via Snap7", - "fr": "Connexion Siemens SIMATIC S7 via Snap7", - "it": "Collegamento Siemens SIMATIC S7 tramite Snap7", - "es": "Conexión Siemens SIMATIC S7 a través de Snap7", - "pl": "Połączenie Siemens SIMATIC S7 za pomocą Snap7", - "zh-cn": "通过Snap7的西门子SIMATIC S7连接" + "en": "Communicates with a Loxone Miniserver.", + "de": "Kommuniziert mit einem Loxone Miniserver.", + "ru": "Обменивается данными с Loxone Miniserver.", + "pt": "Comunica-se com um Miniserver Loxone.", + "nl": "Communiceert met een Loxone Miniserver.", + "fr": "Communique avec un Loxone Miniserver.", + "it": "Comunica con un Loxone Miniserver.", + "es": "Se comunica con un miniserver Loxone.", + "pl": "Komunikuje się z Loxone Miniserver.", + "zh-cn": "与Loxone小型服务器通信。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Siemens Simatic S7" + "en": "Loxone Miniserver", + "de": "Loxone Miniserver", + "ru": "Loxone Miniserver", + "pt": "Loxone Miniserver", + "nl": "Loxone Miniserver", + "fr": "Loxone Miniserver", + "it": "Loxone Miniserver", + "es": "Miniserver de Loxone", + "pl": "Loxone Miniserver", + "zh-cn": "Loxone迷你服务器" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.s7", - "installs": 2174, - "weekDownloads": 57, - "stars": 16, - "issues": 18, + "github": "https://github.com/UncleSamSwiss/ioBroker.loxone", + "installs": 1893, + "weekDownloads": 55, + "stars": 27, + "issues": 42, "score": 1 }, "mydlink": { @@ -15655,49 +15893,188 @@ "zh-cn": "mydlink" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.mydlink", - "installs": 111, - "weekDownloads": 19, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 18, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.mydlink", + "installs": 106, + "weekDownloads": 18, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 18, + "score": 1 + }, + "lcn": { + "title": { + "de": "lcn", + "en": "lcn", + "ru": "lcn", + "zh-cn": "lcn" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lcn/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lcn/lcn.png", + "keywords": "LCN", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", + "published": "2018-11-05T22:11:40.853Z", + "version": "2.0.3", + "latestVersion": "2.0.3", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "de": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "ru": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "pt": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "nl": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "fr": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "it": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "es": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "pl": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "uk": "LCN - Local Control Network", + "zh-cn": "LCN - Local Control Network" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "LCN connection", + "de": "LCN Verbindung", + "ru": "Подключение LCN", + "pt": "Conexão LCN", + "nl": "LCN-verbinding", + "fr": "Connexion LCN", + "it": "Connessione LCN", + "es": "Conexión LCN", + "pl": "Połączenie LCN", + "uk": "Підключення LCN", + "zh-cn": "LCN 连接" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.lcn", + "installs": 89, + "weekDownloads": 20, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 14, + "score": 1 + }, + "maxcul": { + "title": { + "de": "maxcul", + "en": "maxcul", + "ru": "maxcul", + "zh-cn": "maxcul" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.maxcul/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.maxcul/maxcul.png", + "keywords": "cul, MAX!, 868, busware", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "license": "GPL-2.0-only", + "published": "2017-04-10T20:26:24.569Z", + "version": "1.3.1", + "latestVersion": "1.3.1", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Control max! devices over CUL stick", + "de": "Steuere max! Geräte mit CUL stick", + "ru": "Управляет устройствами max! при помощи CUL", + "pt": "Controle máximo! dispositivos sobre o stick CUL", + "nl": "Controle max! apparaten boven CUL-stick", + "fr": "Contrôle max! appareils sur bâton CUL", + "it": "Controllo max! dispositivi su CUL stick", + "es": "Control max! dispositivos sobre CUL stick", + "pl": "Kontrola max! urządzenia na sztyfcie CUL" + }, + "titleFull": "max! CUL", + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.maxcul", + "installs": 203, + "weekDownloads": 22, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 4, + "score": 1 + }, + "hm-rpc": { + "title": { + "de": "hm-rpc", + "en": "hm-rpc", + "ru": "hm-rpc", + "zh-cn": "hm-rpc" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.hm-rpc/homematic.png", + "keywords": "homematic, bidcos, eq3, ELV, CCU, CCU1, CCU2, rpc, xmlrpc, homegear, binrpc, CUxD, FS20, FHT, HMS, EnOcean", + "authors": "hobbyquaker , Moritz Heusinger ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2015-01-02T23:35:36.140Z", + "version": "2.0.2", + "latestVersion": "2.0.2", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Connects HomeMatic Interface-Processes (BidCos-Services, Homegear and CUxD) via XML-RPC or BIN-RPC to ioBroker", + "de": "Verbindet HomeMatic Interface-Prozesse (BidCos-Services, Homegear und CUxD) via XML-RPC oder BIN-RPC mit ioBroker", + "ru": "Подключает HomeMatic интерфейсы (BidCos-сервисы, Homegear и CUxD) через XML-RPC или BIN-RPC к ioBroker", + "pt": "Conecta HomeMatic Interface-Processes (BidCos-Services, Homegear e CUxD) via XML-RPC ou BIN-RPC para ioBroker", + "nl": "Verbindt HomeMatic Interface-processen (BidCos-Services, Homegear en CUxD) via XML-RPC of BIN-RPC met ioBroker", + "fr": "Connecte les processus d'interface HomeMatic (BidCos-Services, Homegear et CUxD) via XML-RPC ou BIN-RPC à ioBroker", + "it": "Collega l'interfaccia HomeMatic: i processi (BidCos-Services, Homegear e CUxD) tramite XML-RPC o BIN-RPC su ioBroker", + "es": "Conecta los Procesos de Interfaz HomeMatic (BidCos-Services, Homegear y CUxD) a través de XML-RPC o BIN-RPC a ioBroker", + "pl": "Łączy procesy HomeMatic-Interface (BidCos-Services, Homegear i CUxD) za pośrednictwem XML-RPC lub BIN-RPC z ioBroker", + "uk": "Підключає HomeMatic інтерфейси (BidCos-сервіси, Homegear і CUxD) через XML-RPC або BIN-RPC до ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "通过 XML-RPC 或 BIN-RPC 将 HomeMatic 接口进程(BidCos-Services、Homegear 和 CUxD)连接到 ioBroker" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "HomeMatic RPC", + "de": "HomeMatic RPC", + "ru": "HomeMatic RPC", + "pt": "HomeMatic RPC", + "nl": "HomeMatic RPC", + "fr": "HomeMatic RPC", + "it": "HomeMatic RPC", + "es": "HomeMatic RPC", + "pl": "HomeMatic RPC", + "uk": "HomeMatic RPC", + "zh-cn": "HomeMatic RPC" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.hm-rpc", + "installs": 16623, + "weekDownloads": 504, + "stars": 60, + "issues": 46, "score": 1 }, - "pimatic": { + "knx": { "title": { - "de": "pimatic", - "en": "pimatic", - "ru": "pimatic", - "zh-cn": "pimatic" + "de": "knx", + "en": "knx", + "ru": "knx", + "zh-cn": "knx" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pimatic/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pimatic/pimatic.png", - "keywords": "pimatic", - "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-03-15T21:26:19.592Z", - "version": "0.3.2", - "latestVersion": "0.3.2", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.knx/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.knx/knx.png", + "keywords": "knx, vis, GUI, graphical, scada", + "authors": "K.Ringmann ", + "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", + "published": "2015-09-27T07:32:43.557Z", + "version": "2.0.30", + "latestVersion": "2.0.30", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Exports devices and groups from pimatic and then monitors updates of variables", - "de": "Exportiert Geräte und Gruppen aus pimatic und überwacht dann Aktualisierungen von Variablen", - "ru": "Экспортирует устройства и группы из pimatic, а затем следит за обновлениями переменных", - "pt": "Exporta dispositivos e grupos do pimatic e monitora atualizações de variáveis", - "nl": "Exporteert apparaten en groepen uit Pimatic en controleert vervolgens updates van variabelen", - "fr": "Exporte les appareils et les groupes de pimatic, puis surveille les mises à jour des variables", - "it": "Esporta dispositivi e gruppi da pimatic e quindi monitora gli aggiornamenti delle variabili", - "es": "Exporta dispositivos y grupos desde pimatic y luego monitorea actualizaciones de variables", - "pl": "Eksportuje urządzenia i grupy z pimatic, a następnie monitoruje aktualizacje zmiennych", - "zh-cn": "从pimatic导出设备和组,然后监视变量的更新" + "en": "This adapter allows to import KNX projects from ETS and communicate with devices via KNX IP Gateway", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht den Import von KNX-Projekten aus der ETS und die Kommunikation mit Geräten über das KNX IP Gateway", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет импортировать проекты KNX из ETS и связываться с устройствами через KNX IP Gateway", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite importar projetos KNX da ETS e se comunicar com dispositivos via KNX IP Gateway", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u KNX-projecten van ETS importeren en met apparaten communiceren via KNX IP Gateway", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'importer des projets KNX depuis ETS et de communiquer avec des appareils via la passerelle IP KNX", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di importare progetti KNX da ETS e comunicare con dispositivi tramite KNX IP Gateway", + "es": "Este adaptador permite importar proyectos KNX desde ETS y comunicarse con dispositivos a través de KNX IP Gateway", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia import projektów KNX z ETS i komunikację z urządzeniami za pośrednictwem bramy KNX IP" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "KNX" }, - "titleFull": "pimatic", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.pimatic", - "installs": 39, - "weekDownloads": 1, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 13, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.knx", + "installs": 2954, + "weekDownloads": 493, + "stars": 50, + "issues": 49, "score": 1 }, "mihome": { @@ -15737,306 +16114,116 @@ "nl": "Xiaomi MiHome-gateway", "fr": "Passerelle Xiaomi MiHome", "it": "Xiaomi MiHome Gateway", - "es": "Puerta de enlace Xiaomi MiHome", - "pl": "Bramka Xiaomi MiHome", - "zh-cn": "小米米家网关" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.mihome", - "installs": 2296, - "weekDownloads": 80, - "stars": 109, - "issues": 33, - "score": 1 - }, - "selverf": { - "title": { - "de": "selverf", - "en": "selverf", - "ru": "selverf", - "zh-cn": "selverf" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.selverf/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.selverf/selverf.png", - "keywords": "Gateway, Selve, Rollershutter", - "authors": "Rintrium ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-07-10T20:00:49.328Z", - "version": "0.7.0", - "latestVersion": "0.7.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "de": "Verbindung zu Selve Geräten mittels USB-Gateway", - "ru": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "pt": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "nl": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "fr": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "it": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "es": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "pl": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "zh-cn": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", - "uk": "Підключення до актуаторів і датчиків Selve через USB-шлюз" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "SelveRF", - "de": "SelveRF", - "ru": "SelveRF", - "pt": "SelveRF", - "nl": "SelveRF", - "fr": "SelveRF", - "it": "SelveRF", - "es": "SelveRF", - "pl": "SelveRF", - "zh-cn": "SelveRF", - "uk": "SelveRF" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Rintrium/ioBroker.selverf", - "installs": 45, - "weekDownloads": 5, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 10, - "score": 1 - }, - "snips": { - "title": { - "de": "snips", - "en": "snips", - "ru": "snips", - "zh-cn": "snips" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.snips/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.snips/snips.png", - "keywords": "snips, GUI, graphical, scada", - "authors": "Walter Zengel , Michael Schuster , bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-09-16T18:57:14.909Z", - "version": "1.5.1", - "latestVersion": "1.5.1", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "ioBroker snips", - "de": "ioBroker Snips", - "ru": "ioBroker Snips как образец" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Snips-Offline speech2text", - "de": "Snips-Offline Speech2Text" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/unltdnetworx/ioBroker.snips", - "installs": 77, - "weekDownloads": 34, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 14, - "score": 1 - }, - "haassohn": { - "title": { - "de": "haassohn", - "en": "haassohn", - "ru": "haassohn", - "zh-cn": "haassohn" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.haassohn/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.haassohn/haassohn.png", - "installs": 83, - "weekDownloads": 15, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 6, - "score": 1 - }, - "myq": { - "title": { - "de": "myq", - "en": "myq", - "ru": "myq", - "zh-cn": "myq" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.myq/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.myq/myq-q.png", - "keywords": "myq, garage, door, chamberlain, liftmaster", - "authors": "Marius Burkard ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-01-16T15:47:59.274Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.3.1", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter to communicate with MyQ (Chamberlain/Liftmaster)", - "de": "Adapter zur Kommunikation mit MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", - "ru": "Адаптер для связи с MyQ (Чемберлен / Лифтмастер)", - "pt": "Adaptador para se comunicar com MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", - "nl": "Adapter om te communiceren met MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour communiquer avec MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", - "it": "Adattatore per comunicare con MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", - "es": "Adaptador para comunicarse con MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", - "pl": "Adapter do komunikacji z MyQ (Chamberlain / Liftmaster)", - "zh-cn": "与MyQ通信的适配器(Chamberlain / Liftmaster)" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "MyQ" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/StrathCole/ioBroker.myq", - "installs": 43, - "weekDownloads": 8, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 16, - "score": 1 - }, - "procon-ip": { - "title": { - "de": "procon-ip", - "en": "procon-ip", - "ru": "procon-ip", - "zh-cn": "procon-ip" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.procon-ip/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.procon-ip/procon-ip.png", - "keywords": "ProCon.IP, procon, pool-digital, swimming, pool", - "authors": "Yannic Labonte ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-06-26T01:17:59.158Z", - "version": "1.6.0", - "latestVersion": "1.6.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "ioBroker adapter for basic support of the ProCon.IP swimming pool control unit. It is intended for integration with your ioBroker home automation, eg. to build logic that involves other devices or simply to be paired with your favorit voice assistant(s).", - "de": "ioBroker-Adapter zur grundlegenden Unterstützung der ProCon.IP-Schwimmbadsteuereinheit. Es ist für die Integration in Ihre ioBroker-Hausautomation vorgesehen, z. um eine Logik zu erstellen, an der andere Geräte beteiligt sind, oder um einfach mit Ihren bevorzugten Sprachassistenten gekoppelt zu werden.", - "ru": "Адаптер ioBroker для базовой поддержки блока управления бассейном ProCon.IP. Он предназначен для интеграции с домашней системой автоматизации ioBroker, например. создать логику, которая включает в себя другие устройства или просто быть в паре с вашим голосовым помощником.", - "pt": "Adaptador ioBroker para suporte básico da unidade de controle de piscinas ProCon.IP. Ele se destina à integração com sua automação residencial ioBroker, por exemplo. para criar lógica que envolva outros dispositivos ou simplesmente para emparelhar-se com seus assistentes de voz favoritos.", - "nl": "ioBroker-adapter voor basisondersteuning van de ProCon.IP zwembadbesturing. Het is bedoeld voor integratie met uw ioBroker-domotica, bijv. om logica op te bouwen die andere apparaten omvat of gewoon om te worden gekoppeld aan uw favoriete stemassistent (en).", - "fr": "Adaptateur ioBroker pour le support de base de l'unité de contrôle de piscine ProCon.IP. Il est destiné à être intégré à votre domotique ioBroker, par exemple. pour construire une logique qui implique d'autres appareils ou simplement pour être jumelé avec vos assistants vocaux préférés.", - "it": "adattatore ioBroker per il supporto di base dell'unità di controllo della piscina ProCon.IP. È destinato all'integrazione con l'automazione domestica ioBroker, ad es. per costruire una logica che coinvolga altri dispositivi o semplicemente per essere accoppiato con i tuoi assistenti vocali preferiti.", - "es": "Adaptador ioBroker para soporte básico de la unidad de control de piscina ProCon.IP. Está destinado a la integración con su domótica ioBroker, por ejemplo. para construir una lógica que involucre otros dispositivos o simplemente para que se vincule con su (s) asistente (s) de voz favorito (s).", - "pl": "Adapter ioBroker do podstawowej obsługi jednostki sterującej basenu ProCon.IP. Jest przeznaczony do integracji z automatyką domową ioBroker, np. zbudować logikę, która obejmuje inne urządzenia lub po prostu sparować ze swoimi ulubionymi asystentami głosowymi.", - "zh-cn": "ioBroker适配器,用于ProCon.IP游泳池控制单元的基本支持。它旨在与您的ioBroker家庭自动化集成,例如。建立涉及其他设备的逻辑,或者仅与您喜欢的语音助手配对。", - "uk": "Адаптер ioBroker для базової підтримки блоку керування басейном ProCon.IP. Він призначений для інтеграції з системою домашньої автоматизації ioBroker, наприклад. створювати логіку, яка залучає інші пристрої, або просто бути в парі з вашим улюбленим голосовим помічником(ами)." - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "ProCon.IP Pool Control", - "de": "ProCon.IP Poolsteuerung", - "ru": "ProCon.IP управления бассейном", - "pt": "ProCon.IP controle de piscina", - "nl": "ProCon.IP zwembadregeling", - "fr": "ProCon.IP le contrôle de la piscine", - "it": "ProCon.IP controllo piscina", - "es": "ProCon.IP control de la piscina", - "pl": "ProCon.IP sterowanie basenem", - "zh-cn": "ProCon.IP 池控制", - "uk": "Контроль пулу ProCon.IP" + "es": "Puerta de enlace Xiaomi MiHome", + "pl": "Bramka Xiaomi MiHome", + "zh-cn": "小米米家网关" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ylabonte/ioBroker.procon-ip", - "installs": 85, - "weekDownloads": 12, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 0, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.mihome", + "installs": 2265, + "weekDownloads": 52, + "stars": 109, + "issues": 33, "score": 1 }, - "bshb": { + "innoxel": { "title": { - "de": "bshb", - "en": "bshb", - "ru": "bshb", - "zh-cn": "bshb" + "de": "innoxel", + "en": "innoxel", + "ru": "innoxel", + "zh-cn": "innoxel" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bshb/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bshb/bshb-logo.jpg", - "keywords": "Bosch", - "authors": "Christopher Holomek ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.innoxel/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.innoxel/innoxel.png", + "keywords": "innoxel", + "authors": "matthsc ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-10-21T19:09:47.939Z", - "version": "0.3.0", - "latestVersion": "0.4.1", + "published": "2021-12-30T21:33:44.968Z", + "version": "1.0.1", + "latestVersion": "1.0.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Integration of Bosch Smart Home devices", - "de": "Einbinden von Bosch Smart Home Geräten", - "ru": "Интеграция устройств Bosch Smart Home", - "pt": "Integração de dispositivos Bosch Smart Home", - "nl": "Integratie van Bosch Smart Home apparaten", - "fr": "Intégration des appareils Bosch Smart Home", - "it": "Integrazione dei dispositivi Smart Home Bosch", - "es": "Integración de los dispositivos Smart Home de Bosch", - "pl": "Integracja inteligentnych urządzeń domowych firmy Bosch", - "uk": "Інтеграція пристроїв Bosch для розумного дому", - "zh-cn": "集成博世智能家居设备" + "en": "Adapter for Innoxel Master 3", + "de": "Adapter für Innoxel Master 3", + "ru": "Адаптер для Innoxel Master 3", + "pt": "Adaptador para Innoxel Master 3", + "nl": "Adapter voor Innoxel Master 3", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour Innoxel Master 3", + "it": "Adattatore per Innoxel Master 3", + "es": "Adaptador para Innoxel Master 3", + "pl": "Adapter do Innoxel Master 3", + "uk": "Адаптер для Innoxel Master 3", + "zh-cn": "Inoxel Master 3 适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "de": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "ru": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "pt": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "nl": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "fr": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "it": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "es": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "pl": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "uk": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge", - "zh-cn": "Bosch Smart Home Bridge" + "en": "Innoxel", + "de": "Innoxel", + "ru": "Инноксель", + "pt": "Innoxel", + "nl": "Innoxel", + "fr": "Innoxel", + "it": "Innoxel", + "es": "Innoxel", + "pl": "Innoxel", + "uk": "Innoxel", + "zh-cn": "英诺赛尔" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/holomekc/ioBroker.bshb", - "installs": 1857, - "weekDownloads": 191, - "stars": 19, - "issues": 2, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/matthsc/ioBroker.innoxel", + "installs": 5, + "weekDownloads": 13, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 4, "score": 1 }, - "meross": { + "sureflap": { "title": { - "de": "meross", - "en": "meross", - "ru": "meross", - "zh-cn": "meross" + "de": "sureflap", + "en": "sureflap", + "ru": "sureflap", + "zh-cn": "sureflap" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.meross/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.meross/meross.png", - "keywords": "Meross", - "authors": "Apollon77 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sureflap/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sureflap/sureflap.png", + "keywords": "sureflap, surepetcare, petcare, cat, pet, flap, surefeed, feeder, felaqua", + "authors": "Sickboy78 ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-11-16T07:37:51.768Z", - "version": "1.17.0", - "latestVersion": "1.17.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2021-02-21T17:20:42.822Z", + "version": "2.3.2", + "latestVersion": "3.0.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "support for Meross Wifi devices", - "de": "Unterstützung für Meross Wifi-Geräte", - "ru": "поддержка устройств Meross Wifi", - "pt": "suporte para dispositivos Wifi Meross", - "nl": "ondersteuning voor Meross Wifi-apparaten", - "fr": "support pour les appareils Meross Wifi", - "it": "supporto per i dispositivi Meross Wifi", - "es": "soporte para dispositivos wifi Meross", - "pl": "obsługa urządzeń Wi-Fi firmy Meross", - "zh-cn": "支持Meross Wifi设备", - "uk": "підтримка пристроїв Meross Wifi" + "en": "Adapter for smart pet devices from Sure Petcare", + "de": "Adpater für smarte Haustiergeräte von Sure Petcare", + "ru": "Адаптер для интеллектуальных устройств для домашних животных от Sure Petcare", + "pt": "Adaptador para dispositivos inteligentes para animais de estimação da Sure Petcare", + "nl": "Adapter voor slimme huisdierapparaten van Sure Petcare", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour dispositifs intelligents pour animaux de compagnie de Sure Petcare", + "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi intelligenti per animali domestici di Sure Petcare", + "es": "Adaptador para dispositivos inteligentes para mascotas de Sure Petcare", + "pl": "Adapter do inteligentnych urządzeń dla zwierząt domowych Sure Petcare", + "uk": "Адаптер для розумних пристроїв для домашніх улюбленців від Sure Petcare", + "zh-cn": "用于 Sure Petcare 公司智能宠物设备的适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Meross Cloud", - "de": "Meross Cloud", - "ru": "Meross Cloud", - "pt": "Meross Cloud", - "nl": "Meross Cloud", - "fr": "Meross Cloud", - "it": "Meross Cloud", - "es": "Meross Cloud", - "pl": "Meross Cloud", - "zh-cn": "美洛斯云", - "uk": "Хмара Меросса" + "en": "Sure Flap", + "de": "Sure Flap", + "ru": "Sure Flap", + "pt": "Sure Flap", + "nl": "Sure Flap", + "fr": "Sure Flap", + "it": "Sure Flap", + "es": "Sure Flap", + "pl": "Sure Flap", + "uk": "Sure Flap", + "zh-cn": "Sure Flap" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Apollon77/ioBroker.meross", - "installs": 2604, - "weekDownloads": 54, - "stars": 22, - "issues": 10, + "github": "https://github.com/Sickboy78/ioBroker.sureflap", + "installs": 267, + "weekDownloads": 147, + "stars": 13, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, "hausbus_de": { @@ -16082,775 +16269,787 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/hausbus/ioBroker.hausbus_de", - "installs": 41, - "weekDownloads": 4, + "installs": 40, + "weekDownloads": 20, "stars": 1, "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "shelly": { + "link2home": { "title": { - "de": "shelly", - "en": "shelly", - "ru": "shelly", - "zh-cn": "shelly" + "de": "link2home", + "en": "link2home", + "ru": "link2home", + "zh-cn": "link2home" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.shelly/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.shelly/shelly.png", - "keywords": "Shelly, IoT, CoAP, CoIoT, MQTT", - "authors": "Thorsten Stueben , Apollon77 , Matthias Kleine ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.link2home/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.link2home/link2home.png", + "keywords": "link2home, rev", + "authors": "TA2k ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-09-03T18:00:52.255Z", - "version": "8.5.1", - "latestVersion": "8.5.1", + "published": "2022-12-05T07:59:20.236Z", + "version": "0.0.1", + "latestVersion": "0.0.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Integrate Shelly devices via CoAP or MQTT", - "de": "Shelly-Geräte über CoAP oder MQTT integrieren", - "ru": "Интеграция Shelly устройств через CoAP или MQTT", - "pt": "Integrar dispositivos Shelly via CoAP ou MQTT", - "nl": "Integrate Shelly apparatuur via CoAP of MQT", - "fr": "Dispositifs Shelly intégrés via CoAP ou MQTT", - "it": "Integrare i dispositivi Shelly tramite CoAP o MQTT", - "es": "Integrar dispositivos Shelly a través de CoAP o MQTT", - "pl": "Integracja Shelly poprzez CoAP lub MQTT", - "uk": "Інтегруйте пристрої Shelly через CoAP або MQTT", - "zh-cn": "通过联合方案或技合中心将全套装置纳入" + "en": "Adapter for Link2Home devices", + "de": "Adapter für Link2Home-Geräte", + "ru": "Адаптер для устройств Link2Home", + "pt": "Adaptador para dispositivos Link2Home", + "nl": "Adapter voor Link2Home-apparaten", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour appareils Link2Home", + "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi Link2Home", + "es": "Adaptador para dispositivos Link2Home", + "pl": "Adapter do urządzeń Link2Home", + "zh-cn": "Link2Home 设备适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Shelly", - "de": "Shelly", - "ru": "Shelly", - "pt": "Shelly", - "nl": "Shelly", - "fr": "Shelly", - "it": "Shelly", - "es": "Shelly", - "pl": "Shelly", - "uk": "Shelly", - "zh-cn": "Shelly" + "en": "Link2Home", + "de": "Link2Home", + "ru": "Link2Главная", + "pt": "Link2Home", + "nl": "Link2Home", + "fr": "Link2Home", + "it": "Link2Home", + "es": "Link2Inicio", + "pl": "Link2Home", + "zh-cn": "Link2Home" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.shelly", - "installs": 29013, - "weekDownloads": 2966, - "stars": 145, - "issues": 35, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.link2home", + "installs": 54, + "weekDownloads": 6, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "homepilot": { + "snips": { "title": { - "de": "homepilot", - "en": "homepilot", - "ru": "homepilot", - "zh-cn": "homepilot" + "de": "snips", + "en": "snips", + "ru": "snips", + "zh-cn": "snips" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.homepilot/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.homepilot/homepilot.png", - "keywords": "blinds, jalousien, homepilot, duofern, rademacher, rollladen, rollos, pix", - "authors": "Pix", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.snips/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.snips/snips.png", + "keywords": "snips, GUI, graphical, scada", + "authors": "Walter Zengel , Michael Schuster , bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-07-09T11:17:48.404Z", - "version": "1.2.3", - "latestVersion": "1.2.3", + "published": "2018-09-16T18:57:14.909Z", + "version": "1.5.1", + "latestVersion": "1.5.1", "materialize": true, + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "control Homepilot Duofern Devices with ioBroker", - "de": "verbindet Rademacher Homepilot Duofern Geräte mit ioBroker", - "ru": "контроль Homepilot Duofern Devices с ioBroker", - "pt": "Control Homepilot Duofern Devices com ioBroker", - "nl": "controle Homepilot Duofern-apparaten met ioBroker", - "fr": "contrôle Homepilot Duofern Devices avec ioBroker", - "it": "controlla i dispositivi Homepilot Duofern con ioBroker", - "es": "controlar dispositivos Homepilot Duofern con ioBroker", - "pl": "kontroluj urządzenia Homofilot Duofern z ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "使用ioBroker控制Homepilot Duofern设备" + "en": "ioBroker snips", + "de": "ioBroker Snips", + "ru": "ioBroker Snips как образец" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Homepilot", - "de": "Homepilot", - "ru": "Homepilot", - 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"published": "2022-12-05T08:14:41.199Z", - "version": "0.1.0", - "latestVersion": "0.1.1", + "published": "2020-01-16T15:58:39.932Z", + "version": "0.10.4", + "latestVersion": "0.10.4", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for all MiHome Cloud devices", - "de": "Adapter für alle MiHome Cloud-Geräte", - "ru": "Адаптер для устройств MiHome Cloud", - "pt": "Adaptador para dispositivos MiHome Cloud", - "nl": "Adapter voor MiHome Cloud-apparaten", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour appareils MiHome Cloud", - "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi MiHome Cloud", - "es": "Adaptador para dispositivos MiHome Cloud", - "pl": "Adapter do urządzeń MiHome Cloud", - "zh-cn": "小米家庭云设备适配器" + "en": "Adapter to communicate with Somfy Tahoma", + "de": "Adapter zur Kommunikation mit Somfy Tahoma", + "ru": "Адаптер для общения с Somfy Tahoma", + "pt": "Adaptador para se comunicar com Somfy Tahoma", + "nl": "Adapter om te communiceren met Somfy Tahoma", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour communiquer avec Somfy Tahoma", + "it": "Adattatore per comunicare con Somfy Tahoma", + "es": "Adaptador para comunicarse con Somfy Tahoma", + "pl": "Połącz do Somfy Tahoma", + "uk": "Адаптер для спілкування з Somfy Tahoma", + "zh-cn": "与Somfy Tahoma联系的道歉" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "MiHome Cloud", - "de": "MiHome-Cloud", - "ru": "Ми Домашнее Облако", - "pt": "MiHome Cloud", - "nl": "MiHome Cloud", - "fr": "Mi Maison Cloud", - "it": "La mia nuvola domestica", - "es": "Mi hogar en la nube", - "pl": "Chmura domowa Mi", - "zh-cn": "米家云" + "en": "Somfy Tahoma", + "de": "Somfy Tahoma", + "ru": "Сомфи Тахома", + "pt": "Somfy Tahoma", + "nl": "Somfy Tahoma", + "fr": "Somfy Tahoma", + "it": "Somfy Tahoma", + "es": "Somfy Tahoma", + "pl": "Somfy Tahoma", + "uk": "Сомфія Тагома", + "zh-cn": "Somfy Tahoma" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.mihome-cloud", - "installs": 652, - "weekDownloads": 24, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 8, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/Excodibur/ioBroker.tahoma", + "installs": 1308, + "weekDownloads": 63, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "rflink": { + "pimatic": { "title": { - "de": "rflink", - "en": "rflink", - "ru": "rflink", - "zh-cn": "rflink" + "de": "pimatic", + "en": "pimatic", + "ru": "pimatic", + "zh-cn": "pimatic" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.rflink/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.rflink/rflink.png", - "keywords": "RFLink, arduino mega", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pimatic/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pimatic/pimatic.png", + "keywords": "pimatic", "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-10-16T10:42:10.989Z", - "version": "2.1.12", - "latestVersion": "2.1.12", + "published": "2017-03-15T21:26:19.592Z", + "version": "0.3.2", + "latestVersion": "0.3.2", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Support of RFLink stick, that enables 433/868Mhz communication", - "de": "ioBroker RFLink", - "ru": "ioBroker RFLink 433/868" + "en": "Exports devices and groups from pimatic and then monitors updates of variables", + "de": "Exportiert Geräte und Gruppen aus pimatic und überwacht dann Aktualisierungen von Variablen", + "ru": "Экспортирует устройства и группы из pimatic, а затем следит за обновлениями переменных", + "pt": "Exporta dispositivos e grupos do pimatic e monitora atualizações de variáveis", + "nl": "Exporteert apparaten en groepen uit Pimatic en controleert vervolgens updates van variabelen", + "fr": "Exporte les appareils et les groupes de pimatic, puis surveille les mises à jour des variables", + "it": "Esporta dispositivi e gruppi da pimatic e quindi monitora gli aggiornamenti delle variabili", + "es": "Exporta dispositivos y grupos desde pimatic y luego monitorea actualizaciones de variables", + "pl": "Eksportuje urządzenia i grupy z pimatic, a następnie monitoruje aktualizacje zmiennych", + "zh-cn": "从pimatic导出设备和组,然后监视变量的更新" }, - "titleFull": "RFLink", + "titleFull": "pimatic", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.rflink", - "installs": 364, - "weekDownloads": 32, - "stars": 11, - "issues": 24, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.pimatic", + "installs": 38, + "weekDownloads": 12, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 13, "score": 1 }, - "elero-usb-transmitter": { + "selverf": { "title": { - "de": "elero-usb-transmitter", - "en": "elero-usb-transmitter", - "ru": "elero-usb-transmitter", - "zh-cn": "elero-usb-transmitter" + "de": "selverf", + "en": "selverf", + "ru": "selverf", + "zh-cn": "selverf" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.elero-usb-transmitter/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.elero-usb-transmitter/elero-usb-transmitter.png", - "keywords": "elero, shutters", - "authors": "Marc ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.selverf/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.selverf/selverf.png", + "keywords": "Gateway, Selve, Rollershutter", + "authors": "Rintrium ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-04-05T19:41:36.407Z", - "version": "0.5.2", - "latestVersion": "0.5.2", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2021-07-10T20:00:49.328Z", + "version": "0.7.0", + "latestVersion": "0.7.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter to control Elero devices.", - "de": "Adapter zur Steuerung von Elero-Geräten.", - "ru": "Адаптер для управления устройствами Elero.", - "pt": "Adaptador para controlar dispositivos Elero.", - "nl": "Adapter om Elero-apparaten te bedienen.", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour contrôler les appareils Elero.", - "it": "Adattatore per controllare i dispositivi Elero.", - "es": "Adaptador para controlar dispositivos Elero.", - "pl": "Adapter do sterowania urządzeniami Elero.", - "zh-cn": "用于控制 Elero 设备的适配器。" + "en": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "de": "Verbindung zu Selve Geräten mittels USB-Gateway", + "ru": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "pt": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "nl": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "fr": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "it": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "es": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "pl": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "zh-cn": "Connection with Selve actuators and sensors through USB-Gateway", + "uk": "Підключення до актуаторів і датчиків Selve через USB-шлюз" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "SelveRF", + "de": "SelveRF", + "ru": "SelveRF", + "pt": "SelveRF", + "nl": "SelveRF", + "fr": "SelveRF", + "it": "SelveRF", + "es": "SelveRF", + "pl": "SelveRF", + "zh-cn": "SelveRF", + "uk": "SelveRF" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/Rintrium/ioBroker.selverf", + "installs": 45, + "weekDownloads": 53, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 10, + "score": 1 + }, + "s7": { + "title": { + "de": "s7", + "en": "s7", + "ru": "s7", + "zh-cn": "s7" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.s7/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.s7/s7.png", + "keywords": "S7, SPS", + "authors": "smiling_Jack , bluefox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2015-04-20T18:35:15.020Z", + "version": "1.4.3", + "latestVersion": "1.4.3", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Siemens SIMATIC S7 connection via Snap7", + "de": "Siemens SIMATIC S7-Anbindung über Snap7", + "ru": "Подключение Siemens SIMATIC S7 через Snap7", + "pt": "Conexão Siemens SIMATIC S7 via Snap7", + "nl": "Siemens SIMATIC S7-verbinding via Snap7", + "fr": "Connexion Siemens SIMATIC S7 via Snap7", + "it": "Collegamento Siemens SIMATIC S7 tramite Snap7", + "es": "Conexión Siemens SIMATIC S7 a través de Snap7", + "pl": "Połączenie Siemens SIMATIC S7 za pomocą Snap7", + "zh-cn": "通过Snap7的西门子SIMATIC S7连接" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Elero USB Transmitter", - "de": "Elero USB-Sender", - "ru": "USB-передатчик Elero", - "pt": "Transmissor Elero USB", - "nl": "Elero USB-zender", - "fr": "Émetteur USB Elero", - "it": "Trasmettitore USB Elero", - "es": "Transmisor USB Elero", - "pl": "Nadajnik Elero USB", - "zh-cn": "Elero USB 发射器" + "en": "Siemens Simatic S7" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/marc2016/ioBroker.elero-usb-transmitter", - "installs": 22, - "weekDownloads": 13, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 2, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.s7", + "installs": 2186, + "weekDownloads": 114, + "stars": 16, + "issues": 18, "score": 1 }, - "miio": { + "homekit-controller": { "title": { - "de": "miio", - "en": "miio", - "ru": "miio", - "zh-cn": "miio" + "de": "homekit-controller", + "en": "homekit-controller", + "ru": "homekit-controller", + "zh-cn": "homekit-controller" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.miio/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.miio/miio.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation, xiaomi, miio, mijia", - "authors": "SchumyHao ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.homekit-controller/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.homekit-controller/homekit-controller.png", + "keywords": "homekit, hap", + "authors": "Ingo Fischer ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-03-15T03:29:46.218Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.13", + "published": "2021-10-19T06:12:29.636Z", + "version": "0.5.11", + "latestVersion": "0.5.11", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter controls devices which followed miIO protocol.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter steuert Geräte, die dem miIO-Protokoll folgen.", - "ru": "Этот адаптер управляет устройствами, которые следуют протоколу miIO.", - "pt": "Este adaptador controla dispositivos que seguiram o protocolo miIO.", - "nl": "Deze adapter bestuurt apparaten die het miIO-protocol volgden.", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur contrôle les périphériques qui ont suivi le protocole miIO.", - "it": "Questo adattatore controlla i dispositivi che seguono il protocollo miIO.", - "es": "Este adaptador controla dispositivos que siguieron el protocolo miIO.", - "pl": "Ten adapter steruje urządzeniami, które następują po protokole miIO.", - "zh-cn": "该适配器控制遵循miIO协议的设备。" + "en": "Pair and control HomeKit devices directly", + "de": "HomeKit-Geräte direkt koppeln und steuern", + "ru": "Сопряжение и управление устройствами HomeKit напрямую", + "pt": "Emparelhe e controle dispositivos HomeKit diretamente", + "nl": "Koppel en bedien HomeKit-apparaten rechtstreeks", + "fr": "Associez et contrôlez directement les appareils HomeKit", + "it": "Associa e controlla direttamente i dispositivi HomeKit", + "es": "Empareje y controle los dispositivos HomeKit directamente", + "pl": "Paruj i steruj bezpośrednio urządzeniami HomeKit", + "zh-cn": "直接配对和控制 HomeKit 设备", + "uk": "Створюйте пару та керуйте пристроями HomeKit безпосередньо" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Xiaomi miIO protocol device", - "de": "Xiaomi miIO Protokollgerät", - "ru": "Протокол протокола Xiaomi miIO", - "pt": "Dispositivo de protocolo miIO Xiaomi", - "nl": "Xiaomi miIO-protocolapparaat", - "fr": "Périphérique de protocole Xiaomi miIO", - "it": "Dispositivo protocollo Xiaomi miIO", - "es": "Dispositivo de protocolo Xiaomi miIO", - "pl": "Urządzenie protokołu Xiaomi miIO", - "zh-cn": "小米miIO协议设备" + "en": "HomeKit Controller", + "de": "HomeKit-Controller", + "ru": "Контроллер HomeKit", + "pt": "Controlador HomeKit", + "nl": "HomeKit-controller", + "fr": "Contrôleur HomeKit", + "it": "Controller HomeKit", + "es": "Controlador HomeKit", + "pl": "Kontroler HomeKit", + "zh-cn": "HomeKit 控制器", + "uk": "Контролер HomeKit" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/smarthomefans/ioBroker.miio", - "installs": 146, - "weekDownloads": 13, - "stars": 19, - "issues": 6, + "github": "https://github.com/Apollon77/ioBroker.homekit-controller", + "installs": 2354, + "weekDownloads": 71, + "stars": 15, + "issues": 9, "score": 1 }, - "openhab": { + "procon-ip": { "title": { - "de": "openhab", - "en": "openhab", - "ru": "openhab", - "zh-cn": "openhab" + "de": "procon-ip", + "en": "procon-ip", + "ru": "procon-ip", + "zh-cn": "procon-ip" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.openhab/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.openhab/openhab.png", - "keywords": "openhab", - "authors": "bluefox ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.procon-ip/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.procon-ip/procon-ip.png", + "keywords": "ProCon.IP, procon, pool-digital, swimming, pool", + "authors": "Yannic Labonte ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-05-09T21:14:27.652Z", - "version": "1.2.0", - "latestVersion": "1.2.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2019-06-26T01:17:59.158Z", + "version": "1.6.0", + "latestVersion": "1.6.0", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Connects ioBroker with OpenHAB", - "de": "Verbindet ioBroker mit OpenHAB", - "ru": "Соединяет ioBroker с OpenHAB", - "pt": "Conecta o ioBroker com o OpenHAB", - "nl": "Verbindt ioBroker met OpenHAB", - "fr": "Connecte ioBroker à OpenHAB", - "it": "Collega ioBroker con OpenHAB", - "es": "Conecta ioBroker con OpenHAB", - "pl": "Łączy oprogramowanie ioBroker z OpenHAB", - "zh-cn": "将ioBroker与OpenHAB连接" + "en": "ioBroker adapter for basic support of the ProCon.IP swimming pool control unit. It is intended for integration with your ioBroker home automation, eg. to build logic that involves other devices or simply to be paired with your favorit voice assistant(s).", + "de": "ioBroker-Adapter zur grundlegenden Unterstützung der ProCon.IP-Schwimmbadsteuereinheit. Es ist für die Integration in Ihre ioBroker-Hausautomation vorgesehen, z. um eine Logik zu erstellen, an der andere Geräte beteiligt sind, oder um einfach mit Ihren bevorzugten Sprachassistenten gekoppelt zu werden.", + "ru": "Адаптер ioBroker для базовой поддержки блока управления бассейном ProCon.IP. Он предназначен для интеграции с домашней системой автоматизации ioBroker, например. создать логику, которая включает в себя другие устройства или просто быть в паре с вашим голосовым помощником.", + "pt": "Adaptador ioBroker para suporte básico da unidade de controle de piscinas ProCon.IP. Ele se destina à integração com sua automação residencial ioBroker, por exemplo. para criar lógica que envolva outros dispositivos ou simplesmente para emparelhar-se com seus assistentes de voz favoritos.", + "nl": "ioBroker-adapter voor basisondersteuning van de ProCon.IP zwembadbesturing. Het is bedoeld voor integratie met uw ioBroker-domotica, bijv. om logica op te bouwen die andere apparaten omvat of gewoon om te worden gekoppeld aan uw favoriete stemassistent (en).", + "fr": "Adaptateur ioBroker pour le support de base de l'unité de contrôle de piscine ProCon.IP. Il est destiné à être intégré à votre domotique ioBroker, par exemple. pour construire une logique qui implique d'autres appareils ou simplement pour être jumelé avec vos assistants vocaux préférés.", + "it": "adattatore ioBroker per il supporto di base dell'unità di controllo della piscina ProCon.IP. È destinato all'integrazione con l'automazione domestica ioBroker, ad es. per costruire una logica che coinvolga altri dispositivi o semplicemente per essere accoppiato con i tuoi assistenti vocali preferiti.", + "es": "Adaptador ioBroker para soporte básico de la unidad de control de piscina ProCon.IP. Está destinado a la integración con su domótica ioBroker, por ejemplo. para construir una lógica que involucre otros dispositivos o simplemente para que se vincule con su (s) asistente (s) de voz favorito (s).", + "pl": "Adapter ioBroker do podstawowej obsługi jednostki sterującej basenu ProCon.IP. Jest przeznaczony do integracji z automatyką domową ioBroker, np. zbudować logikę, która obejmuje inne urządzenia lub po prostu sparować ze swoimi ulubionymi asystentami głosowymi.", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker适配器,用于ProCon.IP游泳池控制单元的基本支持。它旨在与您的ioBroker家庭自动化集成,例如。建立涉及其他设备的逻辑,或者仅与您喜欢的语音助手配对。", + "uk": "Адаптер ioBroker для базової підтримки блоку керування басейном ProCon.IP. Він призначений для інтеграції з системою домашньої автоматизації ioBroker, наприклад. створювати логіку, яка залучає інші пристрої, або просто бути в парі з вашим улюбленим голосовим помічником(ами)." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "OpenHAB", - "de": "OpenHAB", - "ru": "OpenHAB", - "pt": "OpenHAB", - "nl": "OpenHAB", - "fr": "OpenHAB", - "it": "OpenHAB", - "es": "OpenHAB", - "pl": "OpenHAB", - "uk": "АКЦІЇ", - "zh-cn": "打开HAB" + "en": "ProCon.IP Pool Control", + "de": "ProCon.IP Poolsteuerung", + "ru": "ProCon.IP управления бассейном", + "pt": "ProCon.IP controle de piscina", + "nl": "ProCon.IP zwembadregeling", + "fr": "ProCon.IP le contrôle de la piscine", + "it": "ProCon.IP controllo piscina", + "es": "ProCon.IP control de la piscina", + "pl": "ProCon.IP sterowanie basenem", + "zh-cn": "ProCon.IP 池控制", + "uk": "Контроль пулу ProCon.IP" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.openhab", - "installs": 647, - "weekDownloads": 57, - "stars": 90, - 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"es": "Empareje y controle los dispositivos HomeKit directamente", - "pl": "Paruj i steruj bezpośrednio urządzeniami HomeKit", - "zh-cn": "直接配对和控制 HomeKit 设备", - "uk": "Створюйте пару та керуйте пристроями HomeKit безпосередньо" + "en": "Integrate Shelly devices via CoAP or MQTT", + "de": "Shelly-Geräte über CoAP oder MQTT integrieren", + "ru": "Интеграция Shelly устройств через CoAP или MQTT", + "pt": "Integrar dispositivos Shelly via CoAP ou MQTT", + "nl": "Integrate Shelly apparatuur via CoAP of MQT", + "fr": "Dispositifs Shelly intégrés via CoAP ou MQTT", + "it": "Integrare i dispositivi Shelly tramite CoAP o MQTT", + "es": "Integrar dispositivos Shelly a través de CoAP o MQTT", + "pl": "Integracja Shelly poprzez CoAP lub MQTT", + "uk": "Інтегруйте пристрої Shelly через CoAP або MQTT", + "zh-cn": "通过联合方案或技合中心将全套装置纳入" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "HomeKit Controller", - "de": "HomeKit-Controller", - "ru": "Контроллер HomeKit", - "pt": "Controlador HomeKit", - "nl": "HomeKit-controller", - 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"it": "Collega lampadine LED Philips Hue, lampade e strisce LED Friends of Hue e altri dispositivi compatibili SmartLink (LivingWhite, alcuni LivingColors) tramite Philips Hue Bridges con ioBroker", - "es": "Conecta bombillas LED Philips Hue, lámparas y rayas LED Friends of Hue y otros dispositivos compatibles con SmartLink (LivingWhites, algunos LivingColors) a través de Philips Hue Bridges con ioBroker", - "pl": "Łączy żarówki Philips Hue LED, lampy i paski Friends of Hue oraz inne urządzenia z funkcją SmartLink (LivingWhites, niektóre kolory LivingColors) za pośrednictwem Philips Hue Bridges z ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "通过飞利浦 Hue 桥接器与 ioBroker 连接飞利浦 Hue LED 灯泡、Hue LED 灯和条纹之友以及其他支持 SmartLink 的设备(LivingWhites、一些 LivingColors)" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Philips Hue Bridge", - "de": "Philips Hue-Bridge", - "ru": "Philips Hue Bridge", - "pt": "Philips Hue Bridge", - "nl": "Philips Hue Bridge", - "fr": "Philips Hue Bridge", - "it": "Philips Hue Bridge", - "es": "Philips Hue Bridge", - "pl": "Philips Hue Bridge", - "zh-cn": "飞利浦 Hue 桥" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.hue", - "installs": 11736, - "weekDownloads": 553, - "stars": 43, - "issues": 34, - "score": 1 - }, - "artnet-recorder": { + "artnet": { "title": { - "de": "artnet-recorder", - "en": "artnet-recorder", - "ru": "artnet-recorder", - "zh-cn": "artnet-recorder" + "de": "artnet", + "en": "artnet", + "ru": "artnet", + "zh-cn": "artnet" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.artnet-recorder/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.artnet-recorder/artnet-recorder.png", - "keywords": "art-net", - "authors": "Bannsaenger ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.artnet/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.artnet/artnet.png", + "keywords": "Art-Net, artnet, DMX512, IoT, Stage Lighting, LED, RGB", + "authors": "hobbyquaker ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-06-13T21:19:03.265Z", - "version": "0.0.5", - "latestVersion": "0.0.5", + "published": "2016-10-13T18:11:08.868Z", + "version": "1.2.2", + "latestVersion": "1.2.2", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Record Art-Net data to a file for later playback", - "de": "Art-Net-Daten zur späteren Wiedergabe in einer Datei aufzeichnen", - "ru": "Запишите данные Art-Net в файл для последующего воспроизведения", - "pt": "Grave dados Art-Net em um arquivo para reprodução posterior", - "nl": "Art-Net-gegevens opnemen in een bestand om later af te spelen", - "fr": "Enregistrez les données Art-Net dans un fichier pour une lecture ultérieure", - "it": "Registra i dati Art-Net in un file per la riproduzione successiva", - "es": "Grabe los datos de Art-Net en un archivo para su posterior reproducción", - "pl": "Nagraj dane Art-Net do pliku w celu późniejszego odtworzenia", - "zh-cn": "将 Art-Net 数据记录到文件中供以后播放", - "uk": "Запишіть дані Art-Net у файл для подальшого відтворення" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Art-Net Recorder and Player", - "de": "Art-Net Recorder und Player", - "ru": "Рекордер и плеер Art-Net", - "pt": "Gravador e reprodutor Art-Net", - "nl": "Art-Net-recorder en speler", - "fr": "Enregistreur et lecteur Art-Net", - "it": "Registratore e lettore Art-Net", - "es": "Grabador y reproductor Art-Net", - "pl": "Rejestrator i odtwarzacz Art-Net", - "zh-cn": "Art-Net 录音机和播放器", - "uk": "Запис і програвач Art-Net" + "en": "Control DMX512 Devices via an Art-Net node", + "de": "Steuert DMX512 Geräte über einen Art-Net Node", + "ru": "Управляет DMX512 устройствами через Art-Net", + "pt": "Controlar dispositivos DMX512 através de um nó Art-Net", + "nl": "Bedien DMX512-apparaten via een Art-Net-knooppunt", + "fr": "Contrôler les appareils DMX512 via un noeud Art-Net", + "it": "Controlla i dispositivi DMX512 tramite un nodo Art-Net", + "es": "Controle los dispositivos DMX512 a través de un nodo Art-Net", + "pl": "Steruj urządzeniami DMX512 za pośrednictwem węzła Art-Net", + "zh-cn": "通过Art-Net节点控制DMX512设备" }, + "titleFull": "DMX512 Art-Net", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Bannsaenger/ioBroker.artnet-recorder", - "installs": 16, - "weekDownloads": 8, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 0, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/iobroker.artnet", + "installs": 306, + "weekDownloads": 17, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 9, "score": 1 }, - "govee-local": { + "elgato-key-light": { "title": { - "de": "govee-local", - "en": "govee-local", - "ru": "govee-local", - "zh-cn": "govee-local" + "de": "elgato-key-light", + "en": "elgato-key-light", + "ru": "elgato-key-light", + "zh-cn": "elgato-key-light" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.govee-local/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.govee-local/govee-local.png", - "keywords": "govee, light, local", - "authors": "Børge Grunicke ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.elgato-key-light/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.elgato-key-light/elgato-key-light.png", + "keywords": "Elgato, Light, Elgato Key Light", + "authors": "xXBJXx , iobroker-community-adapters ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-04-01T14:08:41.148Z", - "version": "0.2.7", - "latestVersion": "0.2.7", + "published": "2023-01-22T02:29:57.293Z", + "version": "1.1.0", + "latestVersion": "1.1.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control Govee devices via local access (no cloud)", - "de": "Steuerung von Govee-Geräten über lokalen Zugriff (keine Cloud)", - "ru": "Управляйте устройствами Govee через локальный доступ (без облака)", - "pt": "Controle os dispositivos Govee via acesso local (sem nuvem)", - "nl": "Bedien Govee-apparaten via lokale toegang (geen cloud)", - "fr": "Contrôlez les appareils Govee via un accès local (pas de cloud)", - "it": "Controlla i dispositivi Govee tramite accesso locale (no cloud)", - "es": "Controle los dispositivos Govee a través del acceso local (sin nube)", - "pl": "Steruj urządzeniami Govee przez dostęp lokalny (bez chmury)", - "zh-cn": "通过本地访问控制 Govee 设备(无云)", - "uk": "Керуйте пристроями Govee через локальний доступ (без хмари)" + "en": "With the Elgato Key Light Adapter you can query and control Elgato lamps like Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", + "de": "Mit dem Elgato Key Light Adapter können Sie Elgato-Lampen wie Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air abfragen und steuern.", + "ru": "С помощью адаптера Elgato Key Light Adapter вы можете запрашивать и управлять лампами Elgato, такими как Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", + "pt": "Com o Adaptador de luz chave Elgato, pode consultar e controlar lâmpadas Elgato como a Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", + "nl": "Met de Elgato Key Light Adapter kunt u Elgato lampen zoals Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air opvragen en bedienen.", + "fr": "L'adaptateur Key Light Elgato permet d'interroger et de contrôler les lampes Elgato telles que Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", + "it": "Con l'adattatore Elgato Key Light Adapter è possibile interrogare e controllare le lampade Elgato come Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", + "es": "Con el adaptador Elgato Key Light, puedes consultar y controlar lámparas Elgato como Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", + "pl": "Dzięki Elgato Key Light Adapter, możesz zapytać i kontrolować lampy Elgato, takie jak Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", + "uk": "За допомогою адаптера Elgato Key Light Adapter ви можете запитувати та керувати лампами Elgato, такими як Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", + "zh-cn": "使用Elgato钥匙灯适配器,你可以查询和控制Elgato灯具,如Elgato钥匙灯/Elgato钥匙灯空气。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Govee local", - "de": "Govee local", - "ru": "Govee местный", - "pt": "Govee local", - "nl": "Govee lokaal", - "fr": "Govee local", - "it": "Govee local", - "es": "Govee Local", - "pl": "Lokalny Govee", - "uk": "Govee місцевий", - "zh-cn": "Govee Local" + "en": "Elgato Key Light", + "de": "Elgato Key Light", + "ru": "Elgato Key Light", + "pt": "Elgato Key Light", + "nl": "Elgato Key Light", + "fr": "Elgato Key Light", + "it": "Elgato Key Light", + "es": "Elgato Key Light", + "pl": "Elgato Key Light", + "uk": "Elgato Key Light", + "zh-cn": "Elgato Key Light" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/boergegrunicke/ioBroker.govee-local", - "installs": 1288, - "weekDownloads": 63, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 6, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.elgato-key-light", + "installs": 43, + "weekDownloads": 14, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, "hyperion_ng": { @@ -17294,12 +17436,62 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/felixganzer/ioBroker.hyperion_ng", - 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"ru": "Управляет DMX512 устройствами через Art-Net", - "pt": "Controlar dispositivos DMX512 através de um nó Art-Net", - "nl": "Bedien DMX512-apparaten via een Art-Net-knooppunt", - "fr": "Contrôler les appareils DMX512 via un noeud Art-Net", - "it": "Controlla i dispositivi DMX512 tramite un nodo Art-Net", - "es": "Controle los dispositivos DMX512 a través de un nodo Art-Net", - "pl": "Steruj urządzeniami DMX512 za pośrednictwem węzła Art-Net", - "zh-cn": "通过Art-Net节点控制DMX512设备" + "en": "lifx lamp adaptor", + "de": "Lifx-Lampenadapter", + "ru": "адаптер светильника lifx", + "pt": "adaptador de lâmpada lifx", + "nl": "lifx-lampadapter", + "fr": "adaptateur de lampe lifx", + "it": "adattatore per lampada lifx", + "es": "adaptador de lámpara lifx", + "pl": "adapter lampy Lifx", + "zh-cn": "lifx灯适配器", + "uk": "адаптер для лампи lifx" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "lifx lamps", + "de": "lifx-Lampen", + "ru": "лифкс лампы", + "pt": "lâmpadas lifx", + "nl": "lifx lampen", + "fr": "lampes lifx", + "it": "lampade a lume di candela", + "es": "lámparas lifx", + "pl": "lampy lifx", + "zh-cn": "升降灯", + "uk": "лампи lifx" }, - 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"en": "With the Elgato Key Light Adapter you can query and control Elgato lamps like Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", - "de": "Mit dem Elgato Key Light Adapter können Sie Elgato-Lampen wie Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air abfragen und steuern.", - "ru": "С помощью адаптера Elgato Key Light Adapter вы можете запрашивать и управлять лампами Elgato, такими как Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", - "pt": "Com o Adaptador de luz chave Elgato, pode consultar e controlar lâmpadas Elgato como a Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", - "nl": "Met de Elgato Key Light Adapter kunt u Elgato lampen zoals Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air opvragen en bedienen.", - "fr": "L'adaptateur Key Light Elgato permet d'interroger et de contrôler les lampes Elgato telles que Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", - "it": "Con l'adattatore Elgato Key Light Adapter è possibile interrogare e controllare le lampade Elgato come Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", - "es": "Con el adaptador Elgato Key Light, puedes consultar y controlar lámparas Elgato como Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", - "pl": "Dzięki Elgato Key Light Adapter, możesz zapytać i kontrolować lampy Elgato, takie jak Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", - "uk": "За допомогою адаптера Elgato Key Light Adapter ви можете запитувати та керувати лампами Elgato, такими як Elgato Key Light / Elgato Key Light Air.", - "zh-cn": "使用Elgato钥匙灯适配器,你可以查询和控制Elgato灯具,如Elgato钥匙灯/Elgato钥匙灯空气。" + "en": "Connects Philips Hue LED Bulbs, Friends of Hue LED Lamps and Stripes and other SmartLink capable Devices (LivingWhites, some LivingColors) via Philips Hue Bridges with ioBroker", + "de": "Verbinden Sie Philips Hue LED Birnen, Friends of Hue LED Lampen und Streifen und andere SmartLink fähige Geräte (LivingWhites, einige LivingColors) über Philips Hue Bridges mit ioBroker", + "ru": "Соединяет светодиодные лампы Philips Hue, светодиодные лампы и ленты Friends of Hue и другие устройства, поддерживающие SmartLink (LivingWhites, некоторые LivingColors) через Philips Hue Bridges", + "pt": "Conecta Lâmpadas LED Philips Hue, Lâmpadas LED e Listras Friends of Hue e outros Dispositivos com capacidade para SmartLink (LivingWhites, alguns LivingColors) via Philips Hue Bridges com ioBroker", + "nl": "Verbindt Philips Hue LED-lampen, Friends of Hue LED-lampen en -stroken en andere SmartLink-compatibele apparaten (LivingWhites, sommige LivingColors) via Philips Hue Bridges met ioBroker", + "fr": "Permet de connecter les ampoules LED Philips Hue, les lampes et les bandes LED Friends of Hue et d'autres périphériques compatibles SmartLink (LivingWhites, certains LivingColors) via Philips Hue Bridges avec ioBroker", + "it": "Collega lampadine LED Philips Hue, lampade e strisce LED Friends of Hue e altri dispositivi compatibili SmartLink (LivingWhite, alcuni LivingColors) tramite Philips Hue Bridges con ioBroker", + "es": "Conecta bombillas LED Philips Hue, lámparas y rayas LED Friends of Hue y otros dispositivos compatibles con SmartLink (LivingWhites, algunos LivingColors) a través de Philips Hue Bridges con ioBroker", + "pl": "Łączy żarówki Philips Hue LED, lampy i paski Friends of Hue oraz inne urządzenia z funkcją SmartLink (LivingWhites, niektóre kolory LivingColors) za pośrednictwem Philips Hue Bridges z ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "通过飞利浦 Hue 桥接器与 ioBroker 连接飞利浦 Hue LED 灯泡、Hue LED 灯和条纹之友以及其他支持 SmartLink 的设备(LivingWhites、一些 LivingColors)" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Elgato Key Light", - "de": "Elgato Key Light", - "ru": "Elgato Key Light", - "pt": "Elgato Key Light", - "nl": "Elgato Key Light", - "fr": "Elgato Key Light", - "it": "Elgato Key Light", - "es": "Elgato Key Light", - "pl": "Elgato Key Light", - "uk": "Elgato Key Light", - "zh-cn": "Elgato Key Light" + "en": "Philips Hue Bridge", + "de": "Philips Hue-Bridge", + "ru": "Philips Hue Bridge", + "pt": "Philips Hue Bridge", + "nl": "Philips Hue Bridge", + "fr": "Philips Hue Bridge", + "it": "Philips Hue Bridge", + "es": "Philips Hue Bridge", + "pl": "Philips Hue Bridge", + "zh-cn": "飞利浦 Hue 桥" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.elgato-key-light", - "installs": 44, - "weekDownloads": 15, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 2, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.hue", + "installs": 11581, + "weekDownloads": 442, + "stars": 43, + "issues": 34, "score": 1 }, - "mclighting": { + "govee-local": { "title": { - "de": "mclighting", - "en": "mclighting", - "ru": "mclighting", - "zh-cn": "mclighting" + "de": "govee-local", + "en": "govee-local", + "ru": "govee-local", + "zh-cn": "govee-local" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mclighting/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mclighting/mclighting.png", - "keywords": "mclighting, rgb, light, ws2812, esp8266", - "authors": "instalator ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.govee-local/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.govee-local/govee-local.png", + "keywords": "govee, light, local", + "authors": "Børge Grunicke ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-03-24T09:36:03.416Z", - "version": "0.2.0", - "latestVersion": "0.2.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2023-04-01T14:08:41.148Z", + "version": "0.2.7", + "latestVersion": "0.2.7", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control the ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget", - "de": "Steuern Sie das ESP8266-basierte Multi-Client-Beleuchtungs-Gadget", - "ru": "Control the ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget", - "pt": "Controlar o gadget de iluminação para múltiplos clientes baseado no ESP8266", - "fr": "Contrôlez le gadget d'éclairage multi-client ESP8266", - "nl": "Bedien de op ESP8266 gebaseerde multi-client verlichtingsgadget", - "it": "Controlla il gadget di illuminazione multi-cliente basato su ESP8266", - "es": "Controle el dispositivo de iluminación multi-cliente basado en ESP8266" + "en": "Control Govee devices via local access (no cloud)", + "de": "Steuerung von Govee-Geräten über lokalen Zugriff (keine Cloud)", + "ru": "Управляйте устройствами Govee через локальный доступ (без облака)", + "pt": "Controle os dispositivos Govee via acesso local (sem nuvem)", + "nl": "Bedien Govee-apparaten via lokale toegang (geen cloud)", + "fr": "Contrôlez les appareils Govee via un accès local (pas de cloud)", + "it": "Controlla i dispositivi Govee tramite accesso locale (no cloud)", + "es": "Controle los dispositivos Govee a través del acceso local (sin nube)", + "pl": "Steruj urządzeniami Govee przez dostęp lokalny (bez chmury)", + "zh-cn": "通过本地访问控制 Govee 设备(无云)", + "uk": "Керуйте пристроями Govee через локальний доступ (без хмари)" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "McLighting interface", - "de": "McLighting Interface", - "ru": "McLighting адаптер", - "pt": "Adaptador de McLighting", - "nl": "McLighting interface", - "fr": "McLighting interface", - "it": "McLighting interface", - "es": "McLighting interface" + "en": "Govee local", + "de": "Govee local", + "ru": "Govee местный", + "pt": "Govee local", + "nl": "Govee lokaal", + "fr": "Govee local", + "it": "Govee local", + "es": "Govee Local", + "pl": "Lokalny Govee", + "uk": "Govee місцевий", + "zh-cn": "Govee Local" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.mclighting", - "installs": 288, - "weekDownloads": 31, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 0, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/boergegrunicke/ioBroker.govee-local", + "installs": 1309, + "weekDownloads": 57, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "milight": { + "nanoleaf-lightpanels": { "title": { - "de": "milight", - "en": "milight", - "ru": "milight", - "zh-cn": "milight" + "de": "nanoleaf-lightpanels", + "en": "nanoleaf-lightpanels", + "ru": "nanoleaf-lightpanels", + "zh-cn": "nanoleaf-lightpanels" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.milight/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.milight/easybulb_logo.png", - "keywords": "milight, easybulb, rgb, limitlessLED", - "authors": "foxthefox , bluefox ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nanoleaf-lightpanels/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nanoleaf-lightpanels/nanoleaf-lightpanels.png", + "keywords": "nanoleaf, light panels, canvas, shapes, aurora, light, led, rgb", + "authors": "daniel_2k ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-01-28T00:02:47.304Z", - "version": "0.4.0", - "latestVersion": "0.4.0", + "published": "2018-05-03T18:41:42.916Z", + "version": "1.4.0", + "latestVersion": "1.5.0", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "milight lamp adaptor", - "de": "milight lampenadapter", - "ru": "адаптер для лампы", - "pt": "adaptador de lâmpada milight", - "nl": "licht lamp adapter", - "fr": "adaptateur de lampe milight", - "it": "adattatore della lampada del milight", - "es": "adaptador de lámpara milight", - "pl": "adapter lampy Milight", - "zh-cn": "milight灯适配器" + "en": "Controlling the nanoleaf devices in ioBroker", + "de": "Steuerung von nanoleaf-Geräten in ioBroker", + "ru": "Управление устройствами нанолейфа в ioBroker", + "pt": "Controlando os dispositivos nanoleaf no ioBroker", + "nl": "Controleren van de nanoleaf apparatuur in ioBroker", + "fr": "Contrôle des appareils nanoléaf en ioBroker", + "it": "Controllo dei dispositivi nanoleaf in ioBroker", + "es": "Controlar los dispositivos nanoleaf en ioBroker", + "pl": "Kontrolując nanoliściowe urządzenia w ioBroker", + "uk": "Контроль нанолистових пристроїв в ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "A. 控制OioBroker的纳米传装置" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "milight", - "de": "Milight", - "ru": "переходник", - "pt": "milight", - "nl": "milight", - "fr": "milight", - "it": "milight", - "es": "Milight", - "pl": "milowy" + "en": "nanoleaf", + "de": "nanoleaf", + "ru": "nanoleaf", + "pt": "nanoleaf", + "nl": "nanoleaf", + "fr": "nanoleaf", + "it": "nanoleaf", + "es": "nanoleaf", + "pl": "nanoleaf", + "uk": "nanoleaf", + "zh-cn": "nanoleaf" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/foxthefox/ioBroker.milight", - "installs": 484, - "weekDownloads": 21, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 24, + "github": "https://github.com/daniel-2k/ioBroker.nanoleaf-lightpanels", + "installs": 653, + "weekDownloads": 32, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, "lightify": { @@ -17555,111 +17765,12 @@ "titleFull": "OSRAM Lightify", "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/soef/iobroker.lightify", - "installs": 320, - "weekDownloads": 39, + "installs": 307, + "weekDownloads": 125, "stars": 4, "issues": 13, "score": 1 }, - "sonoff": { - "title": { - "de": "sonoff", - "en": "sonoff", - "ru": "sonoff", - "zh-cn": "sonoff" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sonoff/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sonoff/sonoff.png", - "keywords": "ITEAD, MQTT, Sonoff, Tasmota", - "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-10-05T18:49:38.731Z", - "version": "3.1.2", - "latestVersion": "3.2.1", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to connect sonoff components via MQTT", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht den Anschluss von Sonoff-Komponenten über MQTT", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет подключать компоненты Sonoff через MQTT", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite conectar os componentes do sonoff via MQTT", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen sonoff-componenten via MQTT worden aangesloten", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de connecter des composants sonoff via MQTT", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di collegare i componenti Sonoff via MQTT", - "es": "Este adaptador permite conectar componentes de sonof a través de MQTT", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia łączenie komponentów sonoff za pośrednictwem MQTT", - "zh-cn": "该适配器允许通过MQTT连接Sonoff组件", - "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє підключати компоненти sonoff через MQTT" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Sonoff", - "de": "Sonoff", - "ru": "Sonoff", - "pt": "Sonoff", - "nl": "Sonoff", - "fr": "Sonoff", - "it": "Sonoff", - "es": "Sonoff", - "pl": "Sonoff", - "zh-cn": "索诺夫", - "uk": "Сонофф" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.sonoff", - "installs": 18756, - "weekDownloads": 490, - "stars": 37, - "issues": 19, - "score": 1 - }, - "milight-smart-light": { - "title": { - "de": "milight-smart-light", - "en": "milight-smart-light", - "ru": "milight-smart-light", - "zh-cn": "milight-smart-light" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.milight-smart-light/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.milight-smart-light/milight-smart-light.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", - "authors": "Steiger04 ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-08-29T11:37:57.432Z", - "version": "1.2.2", - "latestVersion": "1.2.2", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "The adapter controls the Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 and Legacy.", - "de": "Der Adapter steuert die Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 und Legacy.", - "ru": "Адаптер управляет Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 и Legacy.", - "pt": "O adaptador controla o Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 e Legacy.", - "nl": "De adapter stuurt de Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 en Legacy aan.", - "fr": "L'adaptateur contrôle les Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 et Legacy.", - "it": "L'adattatore controlla Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 e Legacy.", - "es": "El adaptador controla Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 y Legacy.", - "pl": "Adapter steruje Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 i Legacy.", - "zh-cn": "适配器控制Milight-Bridges iBox1,iBox2和Legacy。" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "milight-smart-light for Milight-Bridges", - "de": "milight-smart-light für Milight-Bridges", - "ru": "milight-smart-light для Milight-Bridges", - "pt": "milight-smart-light para Milight-Bridges", - "nl": "milight-smart-light voor Milight-Bridges", - "fr": "milight-smart-light pour Milight-Bridges", - "it": "milight-smart-light per Milight-Bridges", - "es": "milight-smart-light para Milight-Bridges", - "pl": "milight-smart-light dla Milight-Bridges", - "zh-cn": "适用于Milight-Bridges的milight-smart-light" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Steiger04/ioBroker.milight-smart-light", - "installs": 463, - "weekDownloads": 43, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 9, - "score": 1 - }, "lightcontrol": { "title": { "de": "lightcontrol", @@ -17682,133 +17793,81 @@ "ru": "Управление светом светильников различных производителей", "pt": "Controle de luz de lâmpadas de vários fabricantes", "nl": "Lichtregeling van lampen van diverse fabrikanten", - "fr": "Contrôle de la lumière des lampes de différents fabricants", - "it": "Controllo della luce di lampade di vari produttori", - "es": "Control de luz de lámparas de varios fabricantes.", - "pl": "Sterowanie oświetleniem lamp różnych producentów", - "zh-cn": "各厂家灯具的光控", - "uk": "Контроль світла ламп різних виробників" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "LightControl", - "de": "LightControl", - "ru": "LightControl", - "pt": "LightControl", - "nl": "LightControl", - "fr": "LightControl", - "it": "LightControl", - "es": "LightControl", - "pl": "LightControl", - "uk": "Управління", - "zh-cn": "A. 灯 律" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/Schmakus/ioBroker.lightcontrol", - "installs": 326, - "weekDownloads": 15, - "stars": 16, - "issues": 2, - "score": 1 - }, - "nanoleaf-lightpanels": { - "title": { - "de": "nanoleaf-lightpanels", - "en": "nanoleaf-lightpanels", - "ru": "nanoleaf-lightpanels", - "zh-cn": "nanoleaf-lightpanels" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nanoleaf-lightpanels/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nanoleaf-lightpanels/nanoleaf-lightpanels.png", - "keywords": "nanoleaf, light panels, canvas, shapes, aurora, light, led, rgb", - "authors": "daniel_2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-05-03T18:41:42.916Z", - "version": "1.4.0", - "latestVersion": "1.5.0", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Controlling the nanoleaf devices in ioBroker", - "de": "Steuerung von nanoleaf-Geräten in ioBroker", - "ru": "Управление устройствами нанолейфа в ioBroker", - "pt": "Controlando os dispositivos nanoleaf no ioBroker", - "nl": "Controleren van de nanoleaf apparatuur in ioBroker", - "fr": "Contrôle des appareils nanoléaf en ioBroker", - "it": "Controllo dei dispositivi nanoleaf in ioBroker", - "es": "Controlar los dispositivos nanoleaf en ioBroker", - "pl": "Kontrolując nanoliściowe urządzenia w ioBroker", - "uk": "Контроль нанолистових пристроїв в ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "A. 控制OioBroker的纳米传装置" + "fr": "Contrôle de la lumière des lampes de différents fabricants", + "it": "Controllo della luce di lampade di vari produttori", + "es": "Control de luz de lámparas de varios fabricantes.", + "pl": "Sterowanie oświetleniem lamp różnych producentów", + "zh-cn": "各厂家灯具的光控", + "uk": "Контроль світла ламп різних виробників" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "nanoleaf", - "de": "nanoleaf", - "ru": "nanoleaf", - "pt": "nanoleaf", - "nl": "nanoleaf", - "fr": "nanoleaf", - "it": "nanoleaf", - "es": "nanoleaf", - "pl": "nanoleaf", - "uk": "nanoleaf", - "zh-cn": "nanoleaf" + "en": "LightControl", + "de": "LightControl", + "ru": "LightControl", + "pt": "LightControl", + "nl": "LightControl", + "fr": "LightControl", + "it": "LightControl", + "es": "LightControl", + "pl": "LightControl", + "uk": "Управління", + "zh-cn": "A. 灯 律" }, - 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"version": "1.0.7", - "latestVersion": "1.0.7", + "published": "2017-08-29T11:37:57.432Z", + "version": "1.2.2", + "latestVersion": "1.2.2", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "lifx lamp adaptor", - "de": "Lifx-Lampenadapter", - "ru": "адаптер светильника lifx", - "pt": "adaptador de lâmpada lifx", - "nl": "lifx-lampadapter", - "fr": "adaptateur de lampe lifx", - "it": "adattatore per lampada lifx", - "es": "adaptador de lámpara lifx", - "pl": "adapter lampy Lifx", - "zh-cn": "lifx灯适配器", - "uk": "адаптер для лампи lifx" + "en": "The adapter controls the Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 and Legacy.", + "de": "Der Adapter steuert die Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 und Legacy.", + "ru": "Адаптер управляет Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 и Legacy.", + "pt": "O adaptador controla o Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 e Legacy.", + "nl": "De adapter stuurt de Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 en Legacy aan.", + "fr": "L'adaptateur contrôle les Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 et Legacy.", + "it": "L'adattatore controlla Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 e Legacy.", + "es": "El adaptador controla Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 y Legacy.", + "pl": "Adapter steruje Milight-Bridges iBox1, iBox2 i Legacy.", + "zh-cn": "适配器控制Milight-Bridges iBox1,iBox2和Legacy。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "lifx lamps", - "de": "lifx-Lampen", - "ru": "лифкс лампы", - "pt": "lâmpadas lifx", - "nl": "lifx lampen", - "fr": "lampes lifx", - "it": "lampade a lume di candela", - "es": "lámparas lifx", - "pl": "lampy lifx", - "zh-cn": "升降灯", - "uk": "лампи lifx" + "en": "milight-smart-light for Milight-Bridges", + "de": "milight-smart-light für Milight-Bridges", + "ru": "milight-smart-light для Milight-Bridges", + "pt": "milight-smart-light para Milight-Bridges", + "nl": "milight-smart-light voor Milight-Bridges", + "fr": "milight-smart-light pour Milight-Bridges", + "it": "milight-smart-light per Milight-Bridges", + "es": "milight-smart-light para Milight-Bridges", + "pl": "milight-smart-light dla Milight-Bridges", + "zh-cn": "适用于Milight-Bridges的milight-smart-light" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/foxthefox/ioBroker.lifx", - "installs": 78, - "weekDownloads": 2, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 5, + "github": "https://github.com/Steiger04/ioBroker.milight-smart-light", + "installs": 454, + "weekDownloads": 36, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 9, "score": 1 }, "mihome-lamp": { @@ -17850,11 +17909,154 @@ "pl": "Sterowanie lampą biurkową Xiaomi (Wifi)" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/MeisterTR/ioBroker.mihome-lamp", - "installs": 94, - "weekDownloads": 12, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 11, + "github": "https://github.com/MeisterTR/ioBroker.mihome-lamp", + "installs": 89, + "weekDownloads": 7, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 11, + "score": 1 + }, + "mclighting": { + "title": { + "de": "mclighting", + "en": "mclighting", + "ru": "mclighting", + "zh-cn": "mclighting" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mclighting/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mclighting/mclighting.png", + "keywords": "mclighting, rgb, light, ws2812, esp8266", + "authors": "instalator ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2018-03-24T09:36:03.416Z", + "version": "0.2.0", + "latestVersion": "0.2.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Control the ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget", + "de": "Steuern Sie das ESP8266-basierte Multi-Client-Beleuchtungs-Gadget", + "ru": "Control the ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget", + "pt": "Controlar o gadget de iluminação para múltiplos clientes baseado no ESP8266", + "fr": "Contrôlez le gadget d'éclairage multi-client ESP8266", + "nl": "Bedien de op ESP8266 gebaseerde multi-client verlichtingsgadget", + "it": "Controlla il gadget di illuminazione multi-cliente basato su ESP8266", + "es": "Controle el dispositivo de iluminación multi-cliente basado en ESP8266" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "McLighting interface", + "de": "McLighting Interface", + "ru": "McLighting адаптер", + "pt": "Adaptador de McLighting", + "nl": "McLighting interface", + "fr": "McLighting interface", + "it": "McLighting interface", + "es": "McLighting interface" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.mclighting", + "installs": 284, + "weekDownloads": 22, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 0, + "score": 1 + }, + "milight": { + "title": { + "de": "milight", + "en": "milight", + "ru": "milight", + "zh-cn": "milight" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.milight/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.milight/easybulb_logo.png", + "keywords": "milight, easybulb, rgb, limitlessLED", + "authors": "foxthefox , bluefox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2017-01-28T00:02:47.304Z", + "version": "0.4.0", + "latestVersion": "0.4.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "milight lamp adaptor", + "de": "milight lampenadapter", + "ru": "адаптер для лампы", + "pt": "adaptador de lâmpada milight", + "nl": "licht lamp adapter", + "fr": "adaptateur de lampe milight", + "it": "adattatore della lampada del milight", + "es": "adaptador de lámpara milight", + "pl": "adapter lampy Milight", + "zh-cn": "milight灯适配器" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "milight", + "de": "Milight", + "ru": "переходник", + "pt": "milight", + "nl": "milight", + "fr": "milight", + "it": "milight", + "es": "Milight", + "pl": "milowy" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/foxthefox/ioBroker.milight", + "installs": 475, + "weekDownloads": 17, + "stars": 5, + "issues": 24, + "score": 1 + }, + "sonoff": { + "title": { + "de": "sonoff", + "en": "sonoff", + "ru": "sonoff", + "zh-cn": "sonoff" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sonoff/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sonoff/sonoff.png", + "keywords": "ITEAD, MQTT, Sonoff, Tasmota", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2017-10-05T18:49:38.731Z", + "version": "3.1.2", + "latestVersion": "3.2.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter allows to connect sonoff components via MQTT", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht den Anschluss von Sonoff-Komponenten über MQTT", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет подключать компоненты Sonoff через MQTT", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite conectar os componentes do sonoff via MQTT", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen sonoff-componenten via MQTT worden aangesloten", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de connecter des composants sonoff via MQTT", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di collegare i componenti Sonoff via MQTT", + "es": "Este adaptador permite conectar componentes de sonof a través de MQTT", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia łączenie komponentów sonoff za pośrednictwem MQTT", + "zh-cn": "该适配器允许通过MQTT连接Sonoff组件", + "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє підключати компоненти sonoff через MQTT" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Sonoff", + "de": "Sonoff", + "ru": "Sonoff", + "pt": "Sonoff", + "nl": "Sonoff", + "fr": "Sonoff", + "it": "Sonoff", + "es": "Sonoff", + "pl": "Sonoff", + "zh-cn": "索诺夫", + "uk": "Сонофф" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.sonoff", + "installs": 18635, + "weekDownloads": 406, + "stars": 37, + "issues": 19, "score": 1 }, "signifylights": { @@ -17901,8 +18103,8 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/disaster123/ioBroker.signifylights", - "installs": 186, - "weekDownloads": 21, + "installs": 185, + "weekDownloads": 22, "stars": 3, "issues": 0, "score": 1 @@ -17950,8 +18152,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/AlCalzone/ioBroker.tradfri", - "installs": 2235, - "weekDownloads": 162, + "installs": 2232, + "weekDownloads": 83, "stars": 29, "issues": 15, "score": 1 @@ -18000,8 +18202,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/patrickbs96/ioBroker.twinkly", - "installs": 442, - "weekDownloads": 22, + "installs": 439, + "weekDownloads": 42, "stars": 8, "issues": 4, "score": 1 @@ -18020,7 +18222,7 @@ "license": "MIT", "published": "2016-09-28T09:50:23.697Z", "version": "1.2.2", - "latestVersion": "2.0.1", + "latestVersion": "2.0.3", "compact": true, "description": { "en": "WiFi Light Devices", @@ -18050,8 +18252,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.wifilight", - "installs": 1995, - "weekDownloads": 81, + "installs": 1967, + "weekDownloads": 176, "stars": 9, "issues": 20, "score": 1 @@ -18100,8 +18302,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.yeelight-2", - "installs": 1331, - "weekDownloads": 50, + "installs": 1315, + "weekDownloads": 33, "stars": 15, "issues": 13, "score": 1 @@ -18150,8 +18352,8 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.wled", - "installs": 4887, - "weekDownloads": 155, + "installs": 4878, + "weekDownloads": 109, "stars": 25, "issues": 19, "score": 1 @@ -18171,6 +18373,170 @@ "pl": "Logika" }, "pages": { + "device-reminder": { + "title": { + "de": "device-reminder", + "en": "device-reminder", + "ru": "device-reminder", + "zh-cn": "device-reminder" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.device-reminder/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.device-reminder/device-reminder.png", + "installs": 4520, + "weekDownloads": 117, + "stars": 27, + "issues": 10, + "score": 1 + }, + "ai-toolbox": { + "title": { + "de": "ai-toolbox", + "en": "ai-toolbox", + "ru": "ai-toolbox", + "zh-cn": "ai-toolbox" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ai-toolbox/ai-toolbox.png", + "keywords": "AI, KI, OpenAI, ChatGPT, Anthropic, Openrouter, Perplexity, LM Studio, Chatbot, Bot", + "authors": "ToGe3688 ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2024-12-26T23:22:17.623Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.1.3", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "The ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter is a powerful integration that enables users to create and manage custom AI tools within their ioBroker smart home environment. This versatile adapter supports multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) and provides a flexible framework for AI-based automation and interaction.", + "de": "Der ioBroker AI Toolbox-Adapter ist eine leistungsstarke Integration, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, benutzerdefinierte KI-Tools innerhalb ihrer ioBroker-Smart-Home-Umgebung zu erstellen und zu verwalten. Dieser vielseitige Adapter unterstützt mehrere Large Language Models (LLMs) und bietet ein flexibles Framework für KI-basierte Automatisierung und Interaktion.", + "ru": "Адаптер ioBroker AI Toolbox — это мощная интеграция, которая позволяет пользователям создавать собственные инструменты искусственного интеллекта и управлять ими в среде умного дома ioBroker. Этот универсальный адаптер поддерживает несколько моделей больших языков (LLM) и обеспечивает гибкую основу для автоматизации и взаимодействия на основе искусственного интеллекта.", + "pt": "O adaptador ioBroker AI Toolbox é uma integração poderosa que permite aos usuários criar e gerenciar ferramentas de IA personalizadas em seu ambiente doméstico inteligente ioBroker. Este adaptador versátil oferece suporte a vários modelos de linguagem grande (LLMs) e fornece uma estrutura flexível para automação e interação baseadas em IA.", + "nl": "De ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter is een krachtige integratie waarmee gebruikers aangepaste AI-tools kunnen creëren en beheren binnen hun ioBroker smart home-omgeving. Deze veelzijdige adapter ondersteunt meerdere Large Language Models (LLM's) en biedt een flexibel raamwerk voor op AI gebaseerde automatisering en interactie.", + "fr": "L'adaptateur ioBroker AI Toolbox est une intégration puissante qui permet aux utilisateurs de créer et de gérer des outils d'IA personnalisés dans leur environnement de maison intelligente ioBroker. Cet adaptateur polyvalent prend en charge plusieurs grands modèles de langage (LLM) et fournit un cadre flexible pour l'automatisation et l'interaction basées sur l'IA.", + "it": "L'adattatore AI Toolbox ioBroker è una potente integrazione che consente agli utenti di creare e gestire strumenti AI personalizzati all'interno del loro ambiente di casa intelligente ioBroker. Questo versatile adattatore supporta più Large Language Models (LLM) e fornisce un framework flessibile per l'automazione e l'interazione basate sull'intelligenza artificiale.", + "es": "El adaptador ioBroker AI Toolbox es una poderosa integración que permite a los usuarios crear y administrar herramientas de IA personalizadas dentro de su entorno doméstico inteligente ioBroker. Este adaptador versátil admite múltiples modelos de lenguajes grandes (LLM) y proporciona un marco flexible para la automatización e interacción basadas en IA.", + "pl": "Adapter ioBroker AI Toolbox to potężna integracja, która umożliwia użytkownikom tworzenie niestandardowych narzędzi AI i zarządzanie nimi w inteligentnym środowisku domowym ioBroker. Ten wszechstronny adapter obsługuje wiele modeli dużych języków (LLM) i zapewnia elastyczną platformę dla automatyzacji i interakcji opartej na sztucznej inteligencji.", + "uk": "Адаптер ioBroker AI Toolbox Adapter — це потужна інтеграція, яка дозволяє користувачам створювати спеціальні інструменти AI і керувати ними в середовищі розумного дому ioBroker. Цей універсальний адаптер підтримує кілька великих мовних моделей (LLM) і забезпечує гнучку структуру для автоматизації та взаємодії на основі ШІ.", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker AI Toolbox 适配器是一个功能强大的集成,使用户能够在其 ioBroker 智能家居环境中创建和管理自定义 AI 工具。这款多功能适配器支持多种大型语言模型 (LLM),并为基于 AI 的自动化和交互提供灵活的框架。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "A.I. Toolbox", + "de": "K.I. Werkzeugkasten", + "ru": "А.И. Ящик для инструментов", + "pt": "IA Caixa de ferramentas", + "nl": "AI Gereedschapskist", + "fr": "I.A. Boîte à outils", + "it": "A.I. Cassetta degli attrezzi", + "es": "AI. Caja de instrumento", + "pl": "sztuczna inteligencja Skrzynka narzędziowa", + "uk": "А.І. Ящик інструментів", + "zh-cn": "人工智能。工具箱" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-toolbox", + "installs": 20, + "weekDownloads": 60, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 3, + "score": 1 + }, + "alexa-shoppinglist": { + "title": { + "de": "alexa-shoppinglist", + "en": "alexa-shoppinglist", + "ru": "alexa-shoppinglist", + "zh-cn": "alexa-shoppinglist" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.alexa-shoppinglist/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.alexa-shoppinglist/alexa-shoppinglist.png", + "keywords": "Iobroker, Alexa, Shoppinglist, List, Smarthome", + "authors": "MiRo1310 ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2022-02-12T16:24:33.476Z", + "version": "1.0.3", + "latestVersion": "1.0.3", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Generates the Shoppinglist from Alexa", + "de": "Erzeugt die Einkaufsliste von Alexa", + "ru": "Генерирует список покупок из Alexa", + "pt": "Gera a lista de compras do Alexa", + "nl": "Genereert de boodschappenlijst van Alexa", + "fr": "Génère la liste de courses d'Alexa", + "it": "Genera la lista della spesa da Alexa", + "es": "Genera la lista de la compra desde Alexa", + "pl": "Generuje listę zakupów z Alexa", + "zh-cn": "从 Alexa 生成购物清单", + "uk": "Створює список покупок з Alexa" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Alexa Shoppinglist", + "de": "Alexa Einkaufsliste", + "ru": "Алекса список покупок", + "pt": "Lista de compras Alexa", + "nl": "Alexa-boodschappenlijst", + "fr": "Liste de courses Alexa", + "it": "Lista della spesa di Alexa", + "es": "Lista de la compra de Alexa", + "pl": "Lista zakupów Alexa", + "zh-cn": "Alexa购物清单", + "uk": "Список покупок Alexa" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/MiRo1310/ioBroker.alexa-shoppinglist", + "installs": 469, + "weekDownloads": 46, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 0, + "score": 1 + }, + "consumption": { + "title": { + "de": "consumption", + "en": "consumption", + "ru": "consumption", + "zh-cn": "consumption" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.consumption/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.consumption/consumption.png", + "keywords": "statistics, consumption, resources, energy", + "authors": "ioBroker ", + "license": "LicenseRef-LICENSE", + "published": "2020-04-22T20:59:04.485Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "1.0.2", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Calculates consumption for defined sensors and resources", + "de": "Berechnet den Verbrauch für definierte Sensoren und Ressourcen", + "ru": "Рассчитывает потребление для определенных датчиков и ресурсов", + "pt": "Calcula o consumo de sensores e recursos definidos", + "nl": "Berekent het verbruik voor gedefinieerde sensoren en bronnen", + "fr": "Calcule la consommation de capteurs et de ressources définis", + "it": "Calcola il consumo per sensori e risorse definiti", + "es": "Calcula el consumo de sensores y recursos definidos.", + "pl": "Oblicza zużycie dla zdefiniowanych czujników i zasobów", + "zh-cn": "计算定义的传感器和资源的消耗" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Consumption statistics", + "de": "Verbrauchsstatistik", + "ru": "Статистика потребления", + "pt": "Estatísticas de consumo", + "nl": "Verbruiksstatistieken", + "fr": "Statistiques de consommation", + "it": "Statistiche sui consumi", + "es": "Estadísticas de consumo", + "pl": "Statystyka zużycia", + "zh-cn": "消费统计" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.consumption", + "installs": 75, + "weekDownloads": 89, + "stars": 16, + "issues": 2, + "score": 1 + }, "alexa-timer-vis": { "title": { "de": "alexa-timer-vis", @@ -18215,174 +18581,219 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/MiRo1310/ioBroker.alexa-timer-vis", - "installs": 660, - "weekDownloads": 78, + "installs": 666, + "weekDownloads": 51, "stars": 4, "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "consumption": { + "node-red": { "title": { - "de": "consumption", - "en": "consumption", - "ru": "consumption", - "zh-cn": "consumption" + "de": "node-red", + "en": "node-red", + "ru": "node-red", + "zh-cn": "node-red" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.consumption/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.consumption/consumption.png", - "keywords": "statistics, consumption, resources, energy", - "authors": "ioBroker ", - "license": "LicenseRef-LICENSE", - "published": "2020-04-22T20:59:04.485Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "1.0.2", - "materialize": true, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.node-red/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.node-red/node-red.png", + "keywords": "node-red, logic, script", + "authors": "bluefox , Matthias Kleine , Ingo Fischer ", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "published": "2015-01-02T21:28:03.378Z", + "version": "5.2.1", + "latestVersion": "6.0.5", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Calculates consumption for defined sensors and resources", - "de": "Berechnet den Verbrauch für definierte Sensoren und Ressourcen", - "ru": "Рассчитывает потребление для определенных датчиков и ресурсов", - "pt": "Calcula o consumo de sensores e recursos definidos", - "nl": "Berekent het verbruik voor gedefinieerde sensoren en bronnen", - "fr": "Calcule la consommation de capteurs et de ressources définis", - "it": "Calcola il consumo per sensori e risorse definiti", - "es": "Calcula el consumo de sensores y recursos definidos.", - "pl": "Oblicza zużycie dla zdefiniowanych czujników i zasobów", - "zh-cn": "计算定义的传感器和资源的消耗" + "en": "This adapter uses node-red as a service. No additional node-red instance required.", + "de": "Adapter benutzt node-red als Service. Kein zusätzliches node-red Programm nötig.", + "ru": "Драйвер создает node-red сервер и позволяет общаться с ним.", + "pt": "Este adaptador usa node-red como um serviço. Nenhuma instância node-red adicional é necessária.", + "nl": "Deze adapter gebruikt node-red als een service. Geen extra node-red exemplaar vereist.", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur utilise node-red en tant que service. Aucune instance node-red supplémentaire requise.", + "it": "Questo adattatore utilizza node-red come servizio. Nessuna istanza aggiuntiva node-red richiesta.", + "es": "Este adaptador usa node-red como un servicio. No se requiere ninguna instancia adicional de node-red.", + "pl": "Ten adapter używa node-red jako usługi. Żadna dodatkowa instancja node-red nie jest wymagana.", + "uk": "Цей адаптер використовує node-red як службу. Додатковий екземпляр node-red не потрібен.", + "zh-cn": "此适配器将node-red作为服务, 不需要额外安装node-red实例." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Consumption statistics", - "de": "Verbrauchsstatistik", - "ru": "Статистика потребления", - "pt": "Estatísticas de consumo", - "nl": "Verbruiksstatistieken", - "fr": "Statistiques de consommation", - "it": "Statistiche sui consumi", - "es": "Estadísticas de consumo", - "pl": "Statystyka zużycia", - "zh-cn": "消费统计" + "en": "Node-RED", + "de": "Node-RED", + "ru": "Node-RED", + "pt": "Node-RED", + "nl": "Node-RED", + "fr": "Node-RED", + "it": "Node-RED", + "es": "Node-RED", + "pl": "Node-RED", + "uk": "Node-RED", + "zh-cn": "Node-RED" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.node-red", + "installs": 13381, + "weekDownloads": 538, + "stars": 52, + "issues": 28, + "score": 1 + }, + "javascript": { + "title": { + "de": "javascript", + "en": "javascript", + "ru": "javascript", + "zh-cn": "javascript" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.javascript/javascript.png", + "keywords": "js, javascript, typescript, rules, automate, scriptengine, blockly, blokly", + "authors": "bluefox , hobbyquaker , Apollon77 , AlCalzone , Matthias Kleine ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2015-01-02T23:37:49.644Z", + "version": "8.8.3", + "latestVersion": "8.9.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Javascript/Blockly Script Engine for ioBroker", + "de": "Javascript/Blockly Skriptausführung für ioBroker", + "ru": "Выполнение Javascript/Blockly скриптов для ioBroker", + "pt": "Mecanismo Javascript/Blockly Script para ioBroker", + "nl": "Javascript/Blockly Script-engine voor ioBroker", + "fr": "Moteur de script Javascript/Blockly pour ioBroker", + "it": "Motore di script Javascript/Blockly per ioBroker", + "es": "Motor de secuencias de comandos Javascript/Blockly para ioBroker", + "pl": "Silnik skryptów JavaScript/Blockly dla ioBroker", + "uk": "Javascript/Blockly Script Engine для ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker 的 Javascript/Blockly 脚本引擎" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Script Engine", + "de": "Skriptausführung", + "ru": "Скрипты", + "pt": "Script Engine", + "nl": "Script-engine", + "fr": "Moteur de script", + "it": "Motore di script", + "es": "Motor de script", + "pl": "Silnik skryptowy", + "uk": "Механізм сценаріїв", + "zh-cn": "脚本引擎" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.consumption", - "installs": 78, - "weekDownloads": 11, - "stars": 16, - "issues": 2, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker/ioBroker.javascript", + "installs": 54276, + "weekDownloads": 4096, + "stars": 317, + "issues": 105, "score": 1 }, - "alexa-shoppinglist": { + "scheduler": { "title": { - "de": "alexa-shoppinglist", - "en": "alexa-shoppinglist", - "ru": "alexa-shoppinglist", - "zh-cn": "alexa-shoppinglist" + "de": "scheduler", + "en": "scheduler", + "ru": "scheduler", + "zh-cn": "scheduler" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.alexa-shoppinglist/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.alexa-shoppinglist/alexa-shoppinglist.png", - "keywords": "Iobroker, Alexa, Shoppinglist, List, Smarthome", - "authors": "MiRo1310 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.scheduler/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.scheduler/scheduler.png", + "keywords": "schedule, planner, calendar", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-02-12T16:24:33.476Z", - "version": "1.0.3", - "latestVersion": "1.0.3", + "published": "2021-09-15T18:29:59.552Z", + "version": "1.4.1", + "latestVersion": "1.4.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Generates the Shoppinglist from Alexa", - "de": "Erzeugt die Einkaufsliste von Alexa", - "ru": "Генерирует список покупок из Alexa", - "pt": "Gera a lista de compras do Alexa", - "nl": "Genereert de boodschappenlijst van Alexa", - "fr": "Génère la liste de courses d'Alexa", - "it": "Genera la lista della spesa da Alexa", - "es": "Genera la lista de la compra desde Alexa", - "pl": "Generuje listę zakupów z Alexa", - "zh-cn": "从 Alexa 生成购物清单", - "uk": "Створює список покупок з Alexa" + "en": "Creates schedule profiles and controls devices with it", + "de": "Erstellt Zeitplanprofile und steuert damit Geräte", + "ru": "Создает профили расписания и управляет устройствами с их помощью", + "pt": "Cria perfis de programação e controla dispositivos com ele", + "nl": "Maakt planningsprofielen aan en bestuurt er apparaten mee", + "fr": "Crée des profils de planification et contrôle les appareils avec", + "it": "Crea profili di pianificazione e controlla i dispositivi con esso", + "es": "Crea perfiles de programación y controla dispositivos con él", + "pl": "Tworzy profile harmonogramów i steruje nimi urządzeniami", + "zh-cn": "创建时间表配置文件并使用它控制设备" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Alexa Shoppinglist", - "de": "Alexa Einkaufsliste", - "ru": "Алекса список покупок", - "pt": "Lista de compras Alexa", - "nl": "Alexa-boodschappenlijst", - "fr": "Liste de courses Alexa", - "it": "Lista della spesa di Alexa", - "es": "Lista de la compra de Alexa", - "pl": "Lista zakupów Alexa", - "zh-cn": "Alexa购物清单", - "uk": "Список покупок Alexa" + "en": "Scheduler", + "de": "Planer", + "ru": "Планировщик", + "pt": "Agendador", + "nl": "Planner", + "fr": "Planificateur", + "it": "Scheduler", + "es": "Programador", + "pl": "Planista", + "zh-cn": "排程器" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/MiRo1310/ioBroker.alexa-shoppinglist", - "installs": 456, - "weekDownloads": 118, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 0, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.scheduler", + "installs": 645, + "weekDownloads": 77, + "stars": 12, + "issues": 19, "score": 1 }, - "device-reminder": { + "linkeddevices": { "title": { - "de": "device-reminder", - "en": "device-reminder", - "ru": "device-reminder", - "zh-cn": "device-reminder" + "de": "linkeddevices", + "en": "linkeddevices", + "ru": "linkeddevices", + "zh-cn": "linkeddevices" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.device-reminder/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.device-reminder/device-reminder.png", - "installs": 4548, - "weekDownloads": 83, - "stars": 27, - "issues": 10, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.linkeddevices/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.linkeddevices/linkeddevices.png", + "installs": 1865, + "weekDownloads": 61, + "stars": 18, + "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, - "residents": { + "scenes": { "title": { - "de": "residents", - "en": "residents", - "ru": "residents", - "zh-cn": "residents" + "de": "scenes", + "en": "scenes", + "ru": "scenes", + "zh-cn": "scenes" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.residents/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.residents/residents.svg", - "keywords": "residents, roommate, roomie, guest, pet, family, presence, activity, focus mode, bedtime, wakeup, Bewohner, Mitbewohner, Gast, Haustier, Familie, Anwesenheit, Aktivität, Fokus Modus, Siri Shortcuts, Schlafenszeit, Weckruf", - "authors": "Julian Pawlowski ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.scenes/scenes.png", + "keywords": "Scenes, Szenen, Сцены", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-01-02T17:07:06.439Z", - "version": "1.0.0", - "latestVersion": "1.0.0", + "published": "2015-08-09T09:01:54.033Z", + "version": "3.2.3", + "latestVersion": "4.0.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "The adapter helps to map the presence and activity status of individual residents to their digital self. This is used to create a logical overall status of all residents and their presence or current activity at home. Residents are represented by dedicated virtual devices with different types of roomie, guest, or pet.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter hilft dabei, den Anwesenheits- und Aktivitätsstatus der einzelnen Mitbewohner als ihr digitales Selbst abzubilden. Daraus wird ein logischer Gesamtstatus über alle Mitbewohner und deren Anwesenheit bzw. momentane Aktivität zu Hause gebildet. Die Bewohner werden durch eigene virtuelle Geräte vom Typ Mitbewohner, Gast, oder Haustier repräsentiert.", - "ru": "Адаптер помогает картировать состояние присутствия и активности отдельных жителей в их цифровой самовывоз. Это используется для создания логического общего статуса всех жителей и их присутствия или текущей деятельности дома. Резиденты представлены специализированными виртуальными устройствами с разными типами roomie, гостя или питомца.", - "pt": "O adaptador ajuda a mapear a presença e o estado de atividade de residentes individuais para o seu eu digital. Isso é usado para criar um status geral lógico de todos os moradores e sua presença ou atividade atual em casa. Os moradores são representados por dispositivos virtuais dedicados com diferentes tipos de quarto, hóspede ou animal de estimação.", - "nl": "De adapter helpt de aanwezigheid en activiteitsstatus van individuele bewoners in hun digitale zelf te kaarten. Dit wordt gebruikt om een logische status te creëren van alle bewoners en hun aanwezigheid of huidige activiteiten thuis. Huizen worden vertegenwoordigd door toegewijde virtuele apparaten met verschillende soorten kamergenoot, gast, of huisdier.", - "fr": "L'adaptateur permet de cartographier la présence et l'état d'activité des résidents individuels à leur auto numérique. Ceci est utilisé pour créer un statut global logique de tous les résidents et leur présence ou activité actuelle à la maison. Les résidents sont représentés par des appareils virtuels dédiés avec différents types de roomie, d'invité ou d'animaux.", - "it": "L'adattatore aiuta a mappare la presenza e lo stato di attività dei singoli residenti al loro auto digitale. Questo viene utilizzato per creare uno stato complessivo logico di tutti i residenti e la loro presenza o attività corrente a casa. I residenti sono rappresentati da dispositivi virtuali dedicati con diversi tipi di roomie, guest o animale domestico.", - "es": "El adaptador ayuda a mapear la presencia y el estado de actividad de los residentes individuales a su ser digital. Esto se utiliza para crear un estado general lógico de todos los residentes y su presencia o actividad actual en casa. Los residentes están representados por dispositivos virtuales dedicados con diferentes tipos de roomie, huésped o mascota.", - "pl": "Adaptator pomaga mapować obecność i status aktywności poszczególnych mieszkańców w ich cyfrowym samochodzie. Używa się tego do stworzenia logicznego ogólnego statusu wszystkich mieszkańców i ich obecności lub aktualnej aktywności w domu. Mieszkańcy są reprezentowani przez specjalne urządzenia z różnymi rodzajami pomieszczeń, gośćmi lub zwierzętami domowymi.", - "uk": "Перехідник допомагає на карті стану присутності та активності окремих мешканців до свого цифрового само. Це використовується для створення логічного загального стану всіх мешканців та їх наявності або поточної діяльності будинку. Жителі представлені спеціальними віртуальними пристроями з різними типами номерів, гостьовими або домашніми тваринами.", - "zh-cn": "适应者帮助绘制个别居民的生存和活动状况。 这是为了创造所有居民的合理总体地位及其在家里的存在或目前的活动。 驻地代表的是专门的虚拟设备,有不同的房间、客机或头寸。." + "en": "This adapter allows to create scenes from several datapoints.", + "de": "Adapter erlaubt die Szenen zu erzeugen und die zu aktivieren.", + "ru": "Позволяет создавать и активировать cцены.", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite criar cenas de vários pontos de dados", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen scènes van verschillende datapunten worden gemaakt", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de créer des scènes à partir de plusieurs points de données", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di creare scene da diversi datapoint", + "es": "Este adaptador permite crear escenas desde varios puntos de datos", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia tworzenie scen z kilku punktów danych" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Residents", - "de": "Bewohner", - "ru": "Жители", - "pt": "Moradores", - "nl": "Bewoners", - "fr": "Résidents", - "it": "Residenti", - "es": "Residentes", - "pl": "Mieszkańcy", - "uk": "Мешканці", - "zh-cn": "居民" + "en": "Scenes", + "de": "Szenen", + "ru": "Сцены", + "pt": "Cenários", + "nl": "scenario's", + "fr": "Scénarios", + "it": "scenari", + "es": "Escenarios", + "pl": "Scenariusze" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/jpawlowski/ioBroker.residents", - "installs": 576, - "weekDownloads": 29, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 7, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.scenes", + "installs": 9913, + "weekDownloads": 699, + "stars": 27, + "issues": 15, "score": 1 }, "smartcontrol": { @@ -18428,58 +18839,60 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.smartcontrol", - "installs": 1688, - "weekDownloads": 179, + "installs": 1675, + "weekDownloads": 273, "stars": 24, "issues": 68, "score": 1 }, - "scheduler": { + "parser": { "title": { - "de": "scheduler", - "en": "scheduler", - "ru": "scheduler", - "zh-cn": "scheduler" + "de": "parser", + "en": "parser", + "ru": "parser", + "zh-cn": "parser" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.scheduler/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.scheduler/scheduler.png", - "keywords": "schedule, planner, calendar", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.parser/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.parser/parser.png", + "keywords": "url, html, file, parser", "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-09-15T18:29:59.552Z", - "version": "1.4.1", - "latestVersion": "1.4.3", + "published": "2017-01-21T17:30:41.954Z", + "version": "2.2.4", + "latestVersion": "2.2.4", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Creates schedule profiles and controls devices with it", - "de": "Erstellt Zeitplanprofile und steuert damit Geräte", - "ru": "Создает профили расписания и управляет устройствами с их помощью", - "pt": "Cria perfis de programação e controla dispositivos com ele", - "nl": "Maakt planningsprofielen aan en bestuurt er apparaten mee", - "fr": "Crée des profils de planification et contrôle les appareils avec", - "it": "Crea profili di pianificazione e controlla i dispositivi con esso", - "es": "Crea perfiles de programación y controla dispositivos con él", - "pl": "Tworzy profile harmonogramów i steruje nimi urządzeniami", - "zh-cn": "创建时间表配置文件并使用它控制设备" + "en": "This adapter allows to extract values from HTTP URLs or from files", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht das Extrahieren von Werten aus HTTP-Seiten oder aus Dateien", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет извлекать значения из HTTP страниц или файлов", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite extrair valores de URLs HTTP ou de arquivos", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen waarden uit HTTP-URL's of uit bestanden worden geëxtraheerd", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'extraire des valeurs à partir d'URL HTTP ou de fichiers", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di estrarre valori da URL HTTP o da file", + "es": "Este adaptador permite extraer valores de URL HTTP o de archivos", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia wyodrębnianie wartości z adresów URL HTTP lub z plików", + "zh-cn": "这器允许提取价值从HTTP URLs或从文件", + "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє отримувати значення з URL-адрес HTTP або з файлів" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Scheduler", - "de": "Planer", - "ru": "Планировщик", - "pt": "Agendador", - "nl": "Planner", - "fr": "Planificateur", - "it": "Scheduler", - "es": "Programador", - "pl": "Planista", - "zh-cn": "排程器" + "en": "Parser", + "de": "Parser", + "ru": "Синтаксический анализатор", + "pt": "Analisador", + "nl": "Parser", + "fr": "Analyseur", + "it": "Parser", + "es": "Analizador", + "pl": "Analizator składni", + "zh-cn": "分析器", + "uk": "Парсер" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.scheduler", - "installs": 654, - "weekDownloads": 39, - "stars": 12, - "issues": 19, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.parser", + "installs": 3277, + "weekDownloads": 78, + "stars": 21, + "issues": 24, "score": 1 }, "seq": { @@ -18526,8 +18939,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/arteck/ioBroker.seq", - "installs": 43, - "weekDownloads": 2, + "installs": 42, + "weekDownloads": 24, "stars": 3, "issues": 5, "score": 1 @@ -18576,221 +18989,58 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.smoothed", - "installs": 76, - "weekDownloads": 15, + "installs": 78, + "weekDownloads": 14, "stars": -1, "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "scenes": { - "title": { - "de": "scenes", - "en": "scenes", - "ru": "scenes", - "zh-cn": "scenes" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.scenes/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.scenes/scenes.png", - "keywords": "Scenes, Szenen, Сцены", - "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-08-09T09:01:54.033Z", - "version": "3.2.3", - "latestVersion": "3.2.3", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to create scenes from several datapoints.", - "de": "Adapter erlaubt die Szenen zu erzeugen und die zu aktivieren.", - "ru": "Позволяет создавать и активировать cцены.", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite criar cenas de vários pontos de dados", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen scènes van verschillende datapunten worden gemaakt", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de créer des scènes à partir de plusieurs points de données", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di creare scene da diversi datapoint", - "es": "Este adaptador permite crear escenas desde varios puntos de datos", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia tworzenie scen z kilku punktów danych" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Scenes", - "de": "Szenen", - "ru": "Сцены", - "pt": "Cenários", - "nl": "scenario's", - "fr": "Scénarios", - "it": "scenari", - "es": "Escenarios", - "pl": "Scenariusze" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.scenes", - "installs": 9950, - "weekDownloads": 500, - "stars": 27, - "issues": 15, - "score": 1 - }, - "javascript": { - "title": { - "de": "javascript", - "en": "javascript", - "ru": "javascript", - "zh-cn": "javascript" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.javascript/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.javascript/javascript.png", - "keywords": "js, javascript, typescript, rules, automate, scriptengine, blockly, blokly", - "authors": "bluefox , hobbyquaker , Apollon77 , AlCalzone , Matthias Kleine ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-01-02T23:37:49.644Z", - "version": "8.8.3", - "latestVersion": "8.8.3", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Javascript/Blockly Script Engine for ioBroker", - "de": "Javascript/Blockly Skriptausführung für ioBroker", - "ru": "Выполнение Javascript/Blockly скриптов для ioBroker", - "pt": "Mecanismo Javascript/Blockly Script para ioBroker", - "nl": "Javascript/Blockly Script-engine voor ioBroker", - "fr": "Moteur de script Javascript/Blockly pour ioBroker", - "it": "Motore di script Javascript/Blockly per ioBroker", - "es": "Motor de secuencias de comandos Javascript/Blockly para ioBroker", - "pl": "Silnik skryptów JavaScript/Blockly dla ioBroker", - "uk": "Javascript/Blockly Script Engine для ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "ioBroker 的 Javascript/Blockly 脚本引擎" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Script Engine", - "de": "Skriptausführung", - "ru": "Скрипты", - "pt": "Script Engine", - "nl": "Script-engine", - "fr": "Moteur de script", - "it": "Motore di script", - "es": "Motor de script", - "pl": "Silnik skryptowy", - "uk": "Механізм сценаріїв", - "zh-cn": "脚本引擎" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker/ioBroker.javascript", - "installs": 54749, - "weekDownloads": 2151, - "stars": 317, - "issues": 105, - "score": 1 - }, - "parser": { + "text2command": { "title": { - "de": "parser", - "en": "parser", - "ru": "parser", - "zh-cn": "parser" + "de": "text2command", + "en": "text2command", + "ru": "text2command", + "zh-cn": "text2command" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.parser/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.parser/parser.png", - "keywords": "url, html, file, parser", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.text2command/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.text2command/text2command.png", + "keywords": "text, commands", "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-01-21T17:30:41.954Z", - "version": "2.2.4", - "latestVersion": "2.2.4", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to extract values from HTTP URLs or from files", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht das Extrahieren von Werten aus HTTP-Seiten oder aus Dateien", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет извлекать значения из HTTP страниц или файлов", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite extrair valores de URLs HTTP ou de arquivos", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen waarden uit HTTP-URL's of uit bestanden worden geëxtraheerd", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'extraire des valeurs à partir d'URL HTTP ou de fichiers", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di estrarre valori da URL HTTP o da file", - "es": "Este adaptador permite extraer valores de URL HTTP o de archivos", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia wyodrębnianie wartości z adresów URL HTTP lub z plików", - "zh-cn": "这器允许提取价值从HTTP URLs或从文件", - "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє отримувати значення з URL-адрес HTTP або з файлів" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Parser", - "de": "Parser", - "ru": "Синтаксический анализатор", - "pt": "Analisador", - "nl": "Parser", - "fr": "Analyseur", - "it": "Parser", - "es": "Analizador", - "pl": "Analizator składni", - "zh-cn": "分析器", - "uk": "Парсер" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.parser", - "installs": 3303, - "weekDownloads": 63, - "stars": 21, - "issues": 24, - "score": 1 - }, - "linkeddevices": { - "title": { - "de": "linkeddevices", - "en": "linkeddevices", - "ru": "linkeddevices", - "zh-cn": "linkeddevices" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.linkeddevices/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.linkeddevices/linkeddevices.png", - "installs": 1885, - "weekDownloads": 85, - "stars": 18, - "issues": 7, - "score": 1 - }, - "node-red": { - "title": { - "de": "node-red", - "en": "node-red", - "ru": "node-red", - "zh-cn": "node-red" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.node-red/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.node-red/node-red.png", - "keywords": "node-red, logic, script", - "authors": "bluefox , Matthias Kleine , Ingo Fischer ", - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "published": "2015-01-02T21:28:03.378Z", - "version": "5.2.1", - "latestVersion": "6.0.5", + "published": "2016-02-09T22:46:16.344Z", + "version": "3.0.3", + "latestVersion": "3.0.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter uses node-red as a service. No additional node-red instance required.", - "de": "Adapter benutzt node-red als Service. Kein zusätzliches node-red Programm nötig.", - "ru": "Драйвер создает node-red сервер и позволяет общаться с ним.", - "pt": "Este adaptador usa node-red como um serviço. Nenhuma instância node-red adicional é necessária.", - "nl": "Deze adapter gebruikt node-red als een service. Geen extra node-red exemplaar vereist.", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur utilise node-red en tant que service. Aucune instance node-red supplémentaire requise.", - "it": "Questo adattatore utilizza node-red come servizio. Nessuna istanza aggiuntiva node-red richiesta.", - "es": "Este adaptador usa node-red como un servicio. No se requiere ninguna instancia adicional de node-red.", - "pl": "Ten adapter używa node-red jako usługi. Żadna dodatkowa instancja node-red nie jest wymagana.", - "uk": "Цей адаптер використовує node-red як службу. Додатковий екземпляр node-red не потрібен.", - "zh-cn": "此适配器将node-red作为服务, 不需要额外安装node-red实例." + "en": "This adapter allows to convert text to commands", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht es, Text in Befehle zu konvertieren", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет преобразовывать текст в команды", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite converter texto em comandos", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u tekst converteren naar opdrachten", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de convertir du texte en commandes", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di convertire il testo in comandi", + "es": "Este adaptador permite convertir texto a comandos", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia konwertowanie tekstu na polecenia", + "zh-cn": "该适配器允许将文本转换为命令" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Node-RED", - "de": "Node-RED", - "ru": "Node-RED", - "pt": "Node-RED", - "nl": "Node-RED", - "fr": "Node-RED", - "it": "Node-RED", - "es": "Node-RED", - "pl": "Node-RED", - "uk": "Node-RED", - "zh-cn": "Node-RED" + "en": "Text to command", + "de": "Text zu Kommandos", + "ru": "Текст в команды", + "pt": "Texto para comando", + "nl": "Te besturen tekst", + "fr": "Texte à commander", + "it": "Testo da comandare", + "es": "Texto para mandar", + "pl": "Tekst do polecenia", + "zh-cn": "文字指令" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.node-red", - "installs": 13441, - "weekDownloads": 495, - "stars": 52, - "issues": 28, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.text2command", + "installs": 7741, + "weekDownloads": 143, + "stars": 29, + "issues": 30, "score": 1 }, "logparser": { @@ -18837,58 +19087,60 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.logparser", - "installs": 1365, - "weekDownloads": 63, + "installs": 1361, + "weekDownloads": 74, "stars": 6, "issues": 24, "score": 1 }, - "text2command": { + "residents": { "title": { - "de": "text2command", - "en": "text2command", - "ru": "text2command", - "zh-cn": "text2command" + "de": "residents", + "en": "residents", + "ru": "residents", + "zh-cn": "residents" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.text2command/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.text2command/text2command.png", - "keywords": "text, commands", - "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-02-09T22:46:16.344Z", - "version": "3.0.3", - "latestVersion": "3.0.3", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.residents/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.residents/residents.svg", + "keywords": "residents, roommate, roomie, guest, pet, family, presence, activity, focus mode, bedtime, wakeup, Bewohner, Mitbewohner, Gast, Haustier, Familie, Anwesenheit, Aktivität, Fokus Modus, Siri Shortcuts, Schlafenszeit, Weckruf", + "authors": "Julian Pawlowski ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2023-01-02T17:07:06.439Z", + "version": "1.0.0", + "latestVersion": "1.0.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to convert text to commands", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht es, Text in Befehle zu konvertieren", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет преобразовывать текст в команды", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite converter texto em comandos", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u tekst converteren naar opdrachten", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de convertir du texte en commandes", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di convertire il testo in comandi", - "es": "Este adaptador permite convertir texto a comandos", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia konwertowanie tekstu na polecenia", - "zh-cn": "该适配器允许将文本转换为命令" + "en": "The adapter helps to map the presence and activity status of individual residents to their digital self. This is used to create a logical overall status of all residents and their presence or current activity at home. Residents are represented by dedicated virtual devices with different types of roomie, guest, or pet.", + "de": "Dieser Adapter hilft dabei, den Anwesenheits- und Aktivitätsstatus der einzelnen Mitbewohner als ihr digitales Selbst abzubilden. Daraus wird ein logischer Gesamtstatus über alle Mitbewohner und deren Anwesenheit bzw. momentane Aktivität zu Hause gebildet. Die Bewohner werden durch eigene virtuelle Geräte vom Typ Mitbewohner, Gast, oder Haustier repräsentiert.", + "ru": "Адаптер помогает картировать состояние присутствия и активности отдельных жителей в их цифровой самовывоз. Это используется для создания логического общего статуса всех жителей и их присутствия или текущей деятельности дома. Резиденты представлены специализированными виртуальными устройствами с разными типами roomie, гостя или питомца.", + "pt": "O adaptador ajuda a mapear a presença e o estado de atividade de residentes individuais para o seu eu digital. Isso é usado para criar um status geral lógico de todos os moradores e sua presença ou atividade atual em casa. Os moradores são representados por dispositivos virtuais dedicados com diferentes tipos de quarto, hóspede ou animal de estimação.", + "nl": "De adapter helpt de aanwezigheid en activiteitsstatus van individuele bewoners in hun digitale zelf te kaarten. Dit wordt gebruikt om een logische status te creëren van alle bewoners en hun aanwezigheid of huidige activiteiten thuis. Huizen worden vertegenwoordigd door toegewijde virtuele apparaten met verschillende soorten kamergenoot, gast, of huisdier.", + "fr": "L'adaptateur permet de cartographier la présence et l'état d'activité des résidents individuels à leur auto numérique. Ceci est utilisé pour créer un statut global logique de tous les résidents et leur présence ou activité actuelle à la maison. Les résidents sont représentés par des appareils virtuels dédiés avec différents types de roomie, d'invité ou d'animaux.", + "it": "L'adattatore aiuta a mappare la presenza e lo stato di attività dei singoli residenti al loro auto digitale. Questo viene utilizzato per creare uno stato complessivo logico di tutti i residenti e la loro presenza o attività corrente a casa. I residenti sono rappresentati da dispositivi virtuali dedicati con diversi tipi di roomie, guest o animale domestico.", + "es": "El adaptador ayuda a mapear la presencia y el estado de actividad de los residentes individuales a su ser digital. Esto se utiliza para crear un estado general lógico de todos los residentes y su presencia o actividad actual en casa. Los residentes están representados por dispositivos virtuales dedicados con diferentes tipos de roomie, huésped o mascota.", + "pl": "Adaptator pomaga mapować obecność i status aktywności poszczególnych mieszkańców w ich cyfrowym samochodzie. Używa się tego do stworzenia logicznego ogólnego statusu wszystkich mieszkańców i ich obecności lub aktualnej aktywności w domu. Mieszkańcy są reprezentowani przez specjalne urządzenia z różnymi rodzajami pomieszczeń, gośćmi lub zwierzętami domowymi.", + "uk": "Перехідник допомагає на карті стану присутності та активності окремих мешканців до свого цифрового само. Це використовується для створення логічного загального стану всіх мешканців та їх наявності або поточної діяльності будинку. Жителі представлені спеціальними віртуальними пристроями з різними типами номерів, гостьовими або домашніми тваринами.", + "zh-cn": "适应者帮助绘制个别居民的生存和活动状况。 这是为了创造所有居民的合理总体地位及其在家里的存在或目前的活动。 驻地代表的是专门的虚拟设备,有不同的房间、客机或头寸。." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Text to command", - "de": "Text zu Kommandos", - "ru": "Текст в команды", - "pt": "Texto para comando", - "nl": "Te besturen tekst", - "fr": "Texte à commander", - "it": "Testo da comandare", - "es": "Texto para mandar", - "pl": "Tekst do polecenia", - "zh-cn": "文字指令" + "en": "Residents", + "de": "Bewohner", + "ru": "Жители", + "pt": "Moradores", + "nl": "Bewoners", + "fr": "Résidents", + "it": "Residenti", + "es": "Residentes", + "pl": "Mieszkańcy", + "uk": "Мешканці", + "zh-cn": "居民" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.text2command", - "installs": 7807, - "weekDownloads": 134, - "stars": 29, - "issues": 30, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/jpawlowski/ioBroker.residents", + "installs": 578, + "weekDownloads": 30, + "stars": 5, + "issues": 7, "score": 1 } } @@ -18906,104 +19158,154 @@ "pl": "Wiadomości" }, "pages": { - "gotify-ws": { + "ai-assistant": { "title": { - "de": "gotify-ws", - "en": "gotify-ws", - "ru": "gotify-ws", - "zh-cn": "gotify-ws" + "de": "ai-assistant", + "en": "ai-assistant", + "ru": "ai-assistant", + "zh-cn": "ai-assistant" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.gotify-ws/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.gotify-ws/gotify-ws.png", - "keywords": "Gotify, Websocket, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord, Mail, Pushover, Notification-Manager, Signal", - "authors": "simatec ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ai-assistant/ai-assistant.png", + "keywords": "chatgpt, assistant, openai, anthropic, openrouter, perplexity, bot, AI, KI", + "authors": "ToGe3688 ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2024-06-19T08:57:34.440Z", - "version": "0.1.11", - "latestVersion": "0.1.11", + "published": "2024-12-30T14:39:45.392Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.1.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "de": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "ru": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "pt": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "nl": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "fr": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "it": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "es": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "pl": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "zh-cn": "Gotify web socket for connection to various notification systems", - "uk": "Веб-сокет Gotify для підключення до різних систем сповіщень" + "en": "AI Assistant adapter allows you to control your ioBroker trought artifical intelligence based on LLMs", + "de": "Mit dem AI Assistant-Adapter können Sie Ihren ioBroker mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz auf Basis von LLMs steuern", + "ru": "Адаптер AI Assistant позволяет вам управлять вашим ioBroker с помощью искусственного интеллекта на основе LLM.", + "pt": "O adaptador AI Assistant permite que você controle seu ioBroker através de inteligência artificial baseada em LLMs", + "nl": "Met de AI Assistant-adapter kunt u uw ioBroker besturen via kunstmatige intelligentie op basis van LLM's", + "fr": "L'adaptateur AI Assistant vous permet de contrôler votre ioBroker grâce à l'intelligence artificielle basée sur les LLM", + "it": "L'adattatore AI Assistant ti consente di controllare il tuo ioBroker tramite l'intelligenza artificiale basata su LLM", + "es": "El adaptador AI Assistant le permite controlar su ioBroker a través de inteligencia artificial basada en LLM", + "pl": "Adapter AI Assistant pozwala kontrolować ioBrokera poprzez sztuczną inteligencję opartą na LLM", + "uk": "Адаптер AI Assistant дозволяє вам керувати вашим ioBroker за допомогою штучного інтелекту на основі LLMs", + "zh-cn": "AI Assistant 适配器允许您通过基于 LLM 的人工智能来控制您的 ioBroker" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "AI Assistant", + "de": "KI-Assistent", + "ru": "ИИ-помощник", + "pt": "Assistente de IA", + "nl": "AI-assistent", + "fr": "Assistant IA", + "it": "Assistente AI", + "es": "Asistente de IA", + "pl": "Asystent AI", + "uk": "ШІ помічник", + "zh-cn": "人工智能助手" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/ToGe3688/ioBroker.ai-assistant", + "installs": 14, + "weekDownloads": 70, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 6, + "score": 1 + }, + "discord": { + "title": { + "de": "discord", + "en": "discord", + "ru": "discord", + "zh-cn": "discord" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.discord/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.discord/discord.png", + "keywords": "bot, discord, message, notification", + "authors": "Peter Müller ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2022-05-13T15:40:33.375Z", + "version": "2.5.2", + "latestVersion": "2.5.2", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Discord bot integration", + "de": "Discord-Bot Integration", + "ru": "Интеграция с дискорд-ботом", + "pt": "Integração de bot do Discord", + "nl": "Discord bot-integratie", + "fr": "Intégration du robot Discord", + "it": "Integrazione del bot Discord", + "es": "Integración de bots de discordia", + "pl": "Integracja z botem Discord", + "uk": "Інтеграція бота Discord", + "zh-cn": "Discord 机器人集成" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Gotify web socket", - "de": "Gotify web socket", - "ru": "Gotify web socket", - "pt": "Gotify web socket", - "nl": "Gotify web socket", - "fr": "Gotify web socket", - "it": "Gotify web socket", - "es": "Gotify web socket", - "pl": "Gotify web socket", - "zh-cn": "Gotify web socket", - "uk": "Веб-сокет Gotify" + "en": "Discord", + "de": "Discord", + "ru": "Discord", + "pt": "Discord", + "nl": "Discord", + "fr": "Discord", + "it": "Discord", + "es": "Discord", + "pl": "Discord", + "uk": "Розбрат", + "zh-cn": "Discord" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/simatec/ioBroker.gotify-ws", - "installs": 42, - "weekDownloads": 25, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 1, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/crycode-de/ioBroker.discord", + "installs": 218, + "weekDownloads": 26, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "matrix-org": { + "email": { "title": { - "de": "matrix-org", - "en": "matrix-org", - "ru": "matrix-org", - "zh-cn": "matrix-org" + "de": "email", + "en": "email", + "ru": "email", + "zh-cn": "email" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.matrix-org/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.matrix-org/matrix-logo.png", - "keywords": "push, message, matrix", - "authors": "Christian Oelschlegel ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.email/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.email/email.png", + "keywords": "notification, email, message", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-06-26T21:37:34.925Z", - "version": "1.1.0", - "latestVersion": "1.1.0", + "published": "2015-01-02T23:50:13.927Z", + "version": "1.3.1", + "latestVersion": "1.3.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for matrix push messages", - "de": "Adapter für Matrix-Push-Nachrichten", - "ru": "Адаптер для матричных push-сообщений", - "pt": "Adaptador para mensagens push de matriz", - "nl": "Adapter voor matrix push-berichten", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour messages push matriciels", - "it": "Adattatore per messaggi push a matrice", - "es": "Adaptador para mensajes push de matriz", - "pl": "Adapter do matrycowych wiadomości push", - "zh-cn": "矩阵推送消息的适配器", - "uk": "Адаптер для матричних push-повідомлень" + "en": "This adapter allows to send emails from ioBroker", + "de": "Dient zum Versenden von eMails über ioBroker", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет отправлять электронные письма из ioBroker", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite enviar e-mails de ioBroker", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen e-mails van ioBroker worden verzonden", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'envoyer des emails de ioBroker", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di inviare e-mail da ioBroker", + "es": "Este adaptador permite enviar correos electrónicos desde ioBroker", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia wysyłanie wiadomości e-mail z oprogramowania ioBroker", + "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє відправляти електронні листи з ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "此适配器允许从ioBroker发送电子邮件" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "push messages to matrix", - "de": "Push-Nachrichten an Matrix", - "ru": "push-сообщения в матрицу", - "pt": "enviar mensagens para a matriz", - "nl": "push berichten naar matrix", - 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"nl": "SMS versturen en ontvangen met GSM-hardware", - "fr": "Envoyer et recevoir des SMS avec le matériel GSM", - "it": "Invia e ricevi SMS con hardware GSM", - "es": "Envíe y reciba SMS con hardware GSM", - "pl": "Wysyłaj i odbieraj SMS-y za pomocą sprzętu GSM", - "zh-cn": "使用 GSM 硬件发送和接收短信", - "uk": "Надсилайте та отримуйте SMS за допомогою GSM-апаратного забезпечення" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "GSM-SMS", - "de": "GSM-SMS", - "ru": "GSM-SMS", - "pt": "GSM-SMS", - "nl": "GSM-SMS", - "fr": "GSM-SMS", - "it": "GSM-SMS", - "es": "GSM-SMS", - "pl": "GSM-SMS", - "zh-cn": "GSM-短信", - "uk": "GSM-SMS" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.gsmsms", - "installs": 58, - "weekDownloads": 13, - "stars": 3, + "zh-cn": "推安全适配器" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.pushsafer", + "installs": 486, + "weekDownloads": 32, + "stars": 4, "issues": 4, "score": 1 }, @@ -19401,12 +19603,162 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/DNAngelX/ioBroker.notificationforandroidtv", - 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"installs": 201, - "weekDownloads": 80, + "installs": 196, + "weekDownloads": 19, "stars": 3, "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, + "synochat": { + "title": { + "de": "synochat", + "en": "synochat", + "ru": "synochat", + "zh-cn": "synochat" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.synochat/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.synochat/synochat.png", + "keywords": "Synology, Chat, message, incoming, outgoing, channel", + "authors": "phoeluga ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2022-04-05T13:30:08.515Z", + "version": "1.3.1", + "latestVersion": "1.3.3", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter provides an interface between the Synology Chat and ioBroker.", + "de": "Dieser Adapter bietet eine Schnittstelle zwischen dem Synology Chat und ioBroker.", + "ru": "Этот адаптер обеспечивает интерфейс между Synology Chat и ioBroker.", + "pt": "Este adaptador fornece uma interface entre o Synology Chat e ioBroker.", + "nl": "Deze adapter biedt een interface tussen de Synology Chat en ioBroker.", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur fournit une interface entre Synology Chat et ioBroker.", + "it": "Questo adattatore fornisce un'interfaccia tra Synology Chat e ioBroker.", + "es": "Este adaptador proporciona una interfaz entre el Chat de Sinología y el ioBroker.", + "pl": "Adapter ten zapewnia interfejs między czatem synologicznym a joBrokerem.", + "uk": "Цей адаптер надає інтерфейс між Синологічним чатом та ioBroker.", + "zh-cn": "这个适配器提供了Synology Chat和ioBroker之间的接口." + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Synology-Chat", + "de": "Synology-Chat", + "ru": "Синология-Чат", + "pt": "Synology-Chat", + "nl": "Synology-chat", + "fr": "Synology-Chat", + "it": "Synology-Chat", + "es": "Chat de Synology", + "pl": "Synology-Chat", + "uk": "Синологія-Чат", + "zh-cn": "语义-聊天" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/phoeluga/ioBroker.synochat", + "installs": 147, + "weekDownloads": 93, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 1, + "score": 1 + }, "signal-cmb": { "title": { "de": "signal-cmb", @@ -19499,12 +19901,62 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/derAlff/ioBroker.signal-cmb", - "installs": 1942, - "weekDownloads": 96, + "installs": 1979, + "weekDownloads": 67, "stars": 7, "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, + "telegram": { + "title": { + "de": "telegram", + "en": "telegram", + "ru": "telegram", + "zh-cn": "telegram" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.telegram/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.telegram/telegram.png", + "keywords": "notification, telegram, message", + "authors": "bluefox , apollon77 , Matthias Kleine ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2016-02-14T13:00:28.242Z", + "version": "4.0.0", + "latestVersion": "4.0.0", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter allows to send and receive telegram messages from ioBroker and to be a bot", + "de": "Adapter ermöglicht eine Kommunikation mit dem telegram app und ist selbst ein bot", + "ru": "Драйвер запускает Telegram бот, с которым можно общаться по App или через браузер", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite enviar e receber mensagens de telegramas de ioBroker e ser um bot", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u telegramberichten van ioBroker verzenden en ontvangen en een bot zijn", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages de télégrammes d'ioBroker et d'être un bot", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di inviare e ricevere messaggi di telegram da ioBroker e di essere un bot", + "es": "Este adaptador permite enviar y recibir mensajes de telegrama de ioBroker y ser un bot", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia wysyłanie i odbieranie wiadomości telegramów z ioBroker i bycie botem", + "zh-cn": "该适配器允许从ioBroker发送和接收电报消息并成为机器人", + "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє відправляти та отримувати телеграми від ioBroker і бути ботом" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Telegram", + "de": "Telegram", + "ru": "Telegram", + "pt": "Telegram", + "nl": "Telegram", + "fr": "Telegram", + "it": "Telegram", + "es": "Telegram", + "pl": "Telegram", + "zh-cn": "Telegram", + "uk": "Телеграма" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.telegram", + "installs": 17984, + "weekDownloads": 978, + "stars": 54, + "issues": 20, + "score": 1 + }, "todoist2": { "title": { "de": "todoist2", @@ -19548,62 +20000,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/rde-master/ioBroker.todoist2/master/README.md", - "installs": 87, - "weekDownloads": 31, + "installs": 85, + "weekDownloads": 13, "stars": 5, "issues": 15, "score": 1 }, - "synochat": { - "title": { - "de": "synochat", - "en": "synochat", - "ru": "synochat", - "zh-cn": "synochat" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.synochat/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.synochat/synochat.png", - "keywords": "Synology, Chat, message, incoming, outgoing, channel", - "authors": "phoeluga ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-04-05T13:30:08.515Z", - "version": "1.3.1", - "latestVersion": "1.3.2", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter provides an interface between the Synology Chat and ioBroker.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter bietet eine Schnittstelle zwischen dem Synology Chat und ioBroker.", - "ru": "Этот адаптер обеспечивает интерфейс между Synology Chat и ioBroker.", - "pt": "Este adaptador fornece uma interface entre o Synology Chat e ioBroker.", - "nl": "Deze adapter biedt een interface tussen de Synology Chat en ioBroker.", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur fournit une interface entre Synology Chat et ioBroker.", - "it": "Questo adattatore fornisce un'interfaccia tra Synology Chat e ioBroker.", - "es": "Este adaptador proporciona una interfaz entre el Chat de Sinología y el ioBroker.", - "pl": "Adapter ten zapewnia interfejs między czatem synologicznym a joBrokerem.", - "uk": "Цей адаптер надає інтерфейс між Синологічним чатом та ioBroker.", - "zh-cn": "这个适配器提供了Synology Chat和ioBroker之间的接口." - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Synology-Chat", - "de": "Synology-Chat", - "ru": "Синология-Чат", - "pt": "Synology-Chat", - "nl": "Synology-chat", - "fr": "Synology-Chat", - "it": "Synology-Chat", - "es": "Chat de Synology", - "pl": "Synology-Chat", - "uk": "Синологія-Чат", - "zh-cn": "语义-聊天" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/phoeluga/ioBroker.synochat", - "installs": 145, - "weekDownloads": 10, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 1, - "score": 1 - }, "whatsapp-cmb": { "title": { "de": "whatsapp-cmb", @@ -19641,221 +20043,27 @@ "pt": "WhatsApp CallMeBot", "nl": "WhatsApp CallMeBot", "fr": "Appel WhatsApp", - "it": "WhatsApp CallMeBot", - "es": "WhatsApp CallMeBot", - "pl": "WhatsApp CallMeBot", - "zh-cn": "WhatsApp的CallMeBot", - "uk": "WhatsApp CallMeBot" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.whatsapp-cmb", - "installs": 6124, - "weekDownloads": 154, - "stars": 11, - "issues": 17, - "score": 1 - }, - "telegram-menu": { - "title": { - "de": "telegram-menu", - "en": "telegram-menu", - "ru": "telegram-menu", - "zh-cn": "telegram-menu" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.telegram-menu/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.telegram-menu/telegram-menu.png", - "keywords": "telegram, menu", - "authors": "MiRo1310 ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-04-02T10:01:13.944Z", - "version": "2.1.7", - "latestVersion": "2.2.1", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Easily create Telegram Menus", - "de": "Erstellen Sie ganz einfach Telegrammenüs", - "ru": "Легко создавать меню Telegram", - "pt": "Crie facilmente menus de telegrama", - "nl": "Maak eenvoudig Telegram-menu's", - "fr": "Créez facilement des menus de télégramme", - "it": "Crea facilmente menu di Telegram", - "es": "Crea fácilmente menús de Telegram", - "pl": "Z łatwością twórz menu telegramu", - "zh-cn": "轻松创建电报菜单", - "uk": "Легко створюйте меню Telegram" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Telegram Menu", - "de": "Telegram-Menü", - "ru": "Меню телеграммы", - "pt": "Menu Telegram", - "nl": "Telegram-menu", - "fr": "Menu Télégramme", - "it": "Menù telegramma", - "es": "Menú de telegramas", - "pl": "menu telegramu", - "zh-cn": "电报菜单", - "uk": "Меню Telegram" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/MiRo1310/ioBroker.telegram-menu", - "installs": 918, - "weekDownloads": 119, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 5, - "score": 1 - }, - "telegram": { - "title": { - "de": "telegram", - "en": "telegram", - "ru": "telegram", - "zh-cn": "telegram" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.telegram/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.telegram/telegram.png", - "keywords": "notification, telegram, message", - "authors": "bluefox , apollon77 , Matthias Kleine ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-02-14T13:00:28.242Z", - "version": "3.9.0", - "latestVersion": "4.0.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to send and receive telegram messages from ioBroker and to be a bot", - "de": "Adapter ermöglicht eine Kommunikation mit dem telegram app und ist selbst ein bot", - "ru": "Драйвер запускает Telegram бот, с которым можно общаться по App или через браузер", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite enviar e receber mensagens de telegramas de ioBroker e ser um bot", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u telegramberichten van ioBroker verzenden en ontvangen en een bot zijn", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages de télégrammes d'ioBroker et d'être un bot", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di inviare e ricevere messaggi di telegram da ioBroker e di essere un bot", - "es": "Este adaptador permite enviar y recibir mensajes de telegrama de ioBroker y ser un bot", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia wysyłanie i odbieranie wiadomości telegramów z ioBroker i bycie botem", - "zh-cn": "该适配器允许从ioBroker发送和接收电报消息并成为机器人", - "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє відправляти та отримувати телеграми від ioBroker і бути ботом" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Telegram", - "de": "Telegram", - "ru": "Telegram", - "pt": "Telegram", - "nl": "Telegram", - "fr": "Telegram", - "it": "Telegram", - "es": "Telegram", - "pl": "Telegram", - "zh-cn": "Telegram", - "uk": "Телеграма" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.telegram", - "installs": 18118, - "weekDownloads": 1220, - "stars": 54, - "issues": 20, - "score": 1 - } - } - }, - "metering": { - "title": { - "en": "metering" - }, - "pages": { - "omnicomm-lls": { - "title": { - "de": "omnicomm-lls", - "en": "omnicomm-lls", - "ru": "omnicomm-lls", - "zh-cn": "omnicomm-lls" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.omnicomm-lls/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.omnicomm-lls/omnicomm-lls.png", - "keywords": "iobroker, omnicomm, sensors", - "authors": "instalator ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-06-11T12:17:20.775Z", - "version": "0.1.1", - "latestVersion": "0.1.1", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Get data omnicomm fuel sensors", - "de": "Holen Sie sich Daten omnicomm Kraftstoffsensoren", - "ru": "Получить данные датчиков топлива omnicomm", - "pt": "Obter sensores de combustível omnicomm de dados", - "nl": "Verkrijg data omnicomm brandstofsensoren", - "fr": "Obtenir des données de capteurs de carburant omnicomm", - "it": "Ottieni dati sui sensori di carburante omnicomm", - "es": "Obtenga sensores de combustible omnicomm de datos", - "pl": "Uzyskaj dane omnicomm czujników paliwa", - "zh-cn": "获取数据全向燃油传感器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Omnicomm Fuel Sensors", - "de": "Omnicomm Kraftstoffsensoren", - "ru": "Omnicomm Топливные датчики", - "pt": "Sensores de Combustível Omnicomm", - "nl": "Omnicomm brandstofsensoren", - "fr": "Capteurs de carburant Omnicomm", - "it": "Sensori di carburante Omnicomm", - "es": "Sensores de combustible Omnicomm", - "pl": "Czujniki paliwa Omnicomm", - "uk": "Датчики палива Omnicomm", - "zh-cn": "Omnicomm 燃料传感器" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.omnicomm-lls" - }, - "ico-cloud": { - "title": { - "de": "ico-cloud", - "en": "ico-cloud", - "ru": "ico-cloud", - "zh-cn": "ico-cloud" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ico-cloud/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ico-cloud/ico-cloud.png", - "keywords": "pool, ico, ondilo, spa, water", - "authors": "Garfonso ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-07-20T17:24:26.555Z", - "version": "1.1.0", - "latestVersion": "1.1.0", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "ICO Pool sensor allow to monitor the state and temperature of the water in your pool and recommends actions to take.", - "de": "Der ICO Poolsensor ermöglicht es, den Zustand und die Temperatur des Wassers in Ihrem Pool zu überwachen und empfiehlt Maßnahmen.", - "ru": "Датчик ICO Pool позволяет отслеживать состояние и температуру воды в вашем бассейне и рекомендует действия, которые необходимо предпринять.", - "pt": "O sensor ICO Pool permite monitorar o estado e a temperatura da água em sua piscina e recomenda ações a serem tomadas.", - "nl": "Met de ICO Pool-sensor kan de toestand en temperatuur van het water in uw zwembad worden gecontroleerd en worden acties aanbevolen.", - "fr": "Le capteur de piscine ICO permet de surveiller l'état et la température de l'eau de votre piscine et recommande les actions à entreprendre.", - "it": "Il sensore ICO Pool consente di monitorare lo stato e la temperatura dell'acqua nella piscina e consiglia le azioni da intraprendere.", - "es": "El sensor ICO Pool permite controlar el estado y la temperatura del agua de su piscina y recomienda acciones a tomar.", - "pl": "Czujnik ICO Pool pozwala monitorować stan i temperaturę wody w Twoim basenie oraz rekomendować działania.", - "zh-cn": "ICO 池传感器允许监控池中水的状态和温度,并建议采取的措施。" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "ICO Pool sensor", - "de": "ICO Poolsensor", - "ru": "Датчик пула ICO", - "pt": "Sensor ICO Pool", - "nl": "ICO Zwembadsensor", - "fr": "Capteur de piscine ICO", - "it": "Sensore piscina ICO", - "es": "Sensor de piscina ICO", - "pl": "Czujnik basenu ICO", - "zh-cn": "ICO池传感器" + "it": "WhatsApp CallMeBot", + "es": "WhatsApp CallMeBot", + "pl": "WhatsApp CallMeBot", + "zh-cn": "WhatsApp的CallMeBot", + "uk": "WhatsApp CallMeBot" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.ico-cloud", - "installs": 117, - "weekDownloads": 37, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 8, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.whatsapp-cmb", + "installs": 6080, + "weekDownloads": 126, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 17, "score": 1 - }, + } + } + }, + "metering": { + "title": { + "en": "metering" + }, + "pages": { "iopooleco": { "title": { "de": "iopooleco", @@ -19900,111 +20108,12 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/mule1972/ioBroker.iopooleco", - 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"en": "Countdown Adapter", - "de": "Countdown Adapter", - "ru": "Адаптер обратного отсчета", - "pt": "Adaptador de Contagem Regressiva", - "nl": "Afteladapter", - "fr": "Adaptateur compte à rebours", - "it": "Conto alla rovescia", - "es": "Adaptador de cuenta regresiva", - "pl": "Adapter do odliczania", - "uk": "Відлік адаптера", - "zh-cn": "倒计时适配器" + "en": "ICO Pool sensor allow to monitor the state and temperature of the water in your pool and recommends actions to take.", + "de": "Der ICO Poolsensor ermöglicht es, den Zustand und die Temperatur des Wassers in Ihrem Pool zu überwachen und empfiehlt Maßnahmen.", + "ru": "Датчик ICO Pool позволяет отслеживать состояние и температуру воды в вашем бассейне и рекомендует действия, которые необходимо предпринять.", + "pt": "O sensor ICO Pool permite monitorar o estado e a temperatura da água em sua piscina e recomenda ações a serem tomadas.", + "nl": "Met de ICO Pool-sensor kan de toestand en temperatuur van het water in uw zwembad worden gecontroleerd en worden acties aanbevolen.", + "fr": "Le capteur de piscine ICO permet de surveiller l'état et la température de l'eau de votre piscine et recommande les actions à entreprendre.", + "it": "Il sensore ICO Pool consente di monitorare lo stato e la temperatura dell'acqua nella piscina e consiglia le azioni da intraprendere.", + "es": "El sensor ICO Pool permite controlar el estado y la temperatura del agua de su piscina y recomienda acciones a tomar.", + "pl": "Czujnik ICO Pool pozwala monitorować stan i temperaturę wody w Twoim basenie oraz rekomendować działania.", + "zh-cn": "ICO 池传感器允许监控池中水的状态和温度,并建议采取的措施。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Countdown", - "de": "Countdown", - "ru": "обратный отсчет", - "pt": "Contagem regressiva", - "nl": "Countdown", - "fr": "Compte à rebours", - "it": "Conto alla rovescia", - "es": "cuenta regresiva", - "pl": "Odliczanie", - "uk": "Відправити", - "zh-cn": "倒数" + "en": "ICO Pool sensor", + "de": "ICO Poolsensor", + "ru": "Датчик пула ICO", + "pt": "Sensor ICO Pool", + "nl": "ICO Zwembadsensor", + "fr": "Capteur de piscine ICO", + "it": "Sensore piscina ICO", + "es": "Sensor de piscina ICO", + "pl": "Czujnik basenu ICO", + "zh-cn": "ICO池传感器" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/jack-blackson/ioBroker.countdown", - "installs": 865, - "weekDownloads": 37, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 9, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.ico-cloud", + "installs": 113, + "weekDownloads": 18, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 8, "score": 1 }, - "corrently": { + "omnicomm-lls": { "title": { - "de": "corrently", - "en": "corrently", - "ru": "corrently", - 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"es": "Leer índice de energía verde", - "pl": "Przeczytaj indeks zielonej energii", - "zh-cn": "阅读绿色能源指数" + "en": "Get data omnicomm fuel sensors", + "de": "Holen Sie sich Daten omnicomm Kraftstoffsensoren", + "ru": "Получить данные датчиков топлива omnicomm", + "pt": "Obter sensores de combustível omnicomm de dados", + "nl": "Verkrijg data omnicomm brandstofsensoren", + "fr": "Obtenir des données de capteurs de carburant omnicomm", + "it": "Ottieni dati sui sensori di carburante omnicomm", + "es": "Obtenga sensores de combustible omnicomm de datos", + "pl": "Uzyskaj dane omnicomm czujników paliwa", + "zh-cn": "获取数据全向燃油传感器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Corrently green energy index", - "de": "Corrently grüner Energieindex", - "ru": "Corrently индекс зеленой энергии", - "pt": "Corrently de energia verde", - "nl": "Corrently groene energie-index", - "fr": "Indice d'énergie verte Corrently", - "it": "Indice di energia verde Corrently", - "es": "Indice de energía verde Corrently", - "pl": "Corrently wskaźnik zielonej energii", - "zh-cn": "相应的绿色能源指数" + "en": "Omnicomm Fuel Sensors", + "de": "Omnicomm Kraftstoffsensoren", + "ru": "Omnicomm Топливные датчики", + "pt": "Sensores de Combustível Omnicomm", + "nl": "Omnicomm brandstofsensoren", + "fr": "Capteurs de carburant Omnicomm", + "it": "Sensori di carburante Omnicomm", + "es": "Sensores de combustible Omnicomm", + "pl": "Czujniki paliwa Omnicomm", + "uk": "Датчики палива Omnicomm", + "zh-cn": "Omnicomm 燃料传感器" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.corrently", - "installs": 12, - "weekDownloads": 6, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 9, - "score": 1 + "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.omnicomm-lls" }, - "contact": { + "operating-hours": { "title": { - "de": "contact", - "en": "contact", - "ru": "contact", - "zh-cn": "contact" + "de": "operating-hours", + "en": "operating-hours", + "ru": "operating-hours", + "zh-cn": "operating-hours" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.contact/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.contact/contact.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, contact, Smart Home, home automation", - "authors": "WLAN-Kabel wlan-kabel@outlook.de", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.operating-hours/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.operating-hours/operating-hours.png", + "keywords": "operating, hours, Betriebsstunden, Zähler, counter", + "authors": "BenAhrdt ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-12-17T19:03:28.952Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "1.1.3", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2022-08-17T17:27:55.681Z", + "version": "1.2.0", + "latestVersion": "1.2.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Connect to your google and nextcloud contacts", - "de": "Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zu Ihren Google- und NextCloud-Kontakten her", - "ru": "Подключитесь к своим контактам в Google и NextCloud", - "pt": "Conecte-se aos seus contatos do google e nextcloud", - "nl": "Maak verbinding met uw google- en nextcloud-contacten", - "fr": "Connectez-vous à vos contacts google et nextcloud", - "it": "Collegati ai tuoi contatti google e nextcloud", - "es": "Conéctese a sus contactos de google y nextcloud", - "pl": "Połącz się z kontaktami google i nextcloud", - "zh-cn": "连接到您的Google和nextcloud联系人" + "en": "counting the operationg hours of own created states", + "de": "Zählen der Betriebsstunden von selbst erstellten Zuständen", + "ru": "подсчет часов работы собственных созданных состояний", + "pt": "contando as horas de operação dos próprios estados criados", + "nl": "het tellen van de bedrijfsuren van eigen aangemaakte toestanden", + "fr": "compter les heures de fonctionnement des propres états créés", + "it": "contando le ore di funzionamento dei propri stati creati", + "es": "contando las horas de funcionamiento de los propios estados creados", + "pl": "zliczanie godzin pracy własnych utworzonych państw", + "zh-cn": "计算自己创建的状态的运行时间", + "uk": "підрахунок годин роботи власно створених станів" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "contact", - "de": "Kontakt", - "ru": "контакт", - "pt": "contato", - "nl": "contact", - "fr": "contact", - "it": "contatto", - 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"keywords": "lowpass, Tiefpass, Filter", - "authors": "BenAhrdt ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ph803w/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ph803w/ph803w_icon.png", + "keywords": "ph, chlor, redox, ph803-w", + "authors": "Ingo Fischer ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-05-04T20:22:31.737Z", - "version": "2.4.0", - "latestVersion": "2.4.1", + "published": "2021-06-09T08:07:20.478Z", + "version": "1.2.0", + "latestVersion": "1.2.0", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter enables a numeric data point to be filtered with a first-order low-pass filter.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht es, einen numerischen Datenpunkt mit einem Tiefpassfilter erster Ordnung zu filtern.", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет фильтровать числовые данные с фильтром первого порядка.", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite que um ponto de dados numérico seja filtrado com um filtro de baixa passagem de primeira ordem.", - "nl": "Deze adapter zorgt voor een numerieke data punt om gefilterd te worden met een filter.", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de filtrer un point de données numérique avec un filtre passe-bas de premier ordre.", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di filtrare un punto dati numerico con un filtro passa-basso di primo ordine.", - "es": "Este adaptador permite filtrar un punto de datos numérico con un filtro de paso bajo de primer orden.", - "pl": "Ta adapter umożliwia filtrowanie punktu danych numerycznych z filtrem pierwszego rzędu.", - "zh-cn": "这种适应者使一个数字数据点能够过上第一线低的过滤。.", - "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє фільтрувати числові дані за допомогою фільтра низьких частот першого порядку." + "en": "Query PH and Redox values from a PH803-W device", + "de": "Fragen Sie PH- und Redoxwerte von einem PH803-W-Gerät ab", + "ru": "Запросить значения pH и окислительно-восстановительного потенциала с устройства PH803-W", + "pt": "Consultar valores de PH e Redox de um dispositivo PH803-W", + "nl": "Vraag PH- en Redox-waarden op van een PH803-W-apparaat", + "fr": "Interroger les valeurs PH et Redox d'un appareil PH803-W", + "it": "Interroga i valori PH e Redox da un dispositivo PH803-W", + "es": "Consultar valores de PH y Redox desde un dispositivo PH803-W", + "pl": "Zapytanie o wartości PH i Redox z urządzenia PH803-W", + "zh-cn": "从PH803-W设备查询PH和Redox值" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "1st order low pass filter", - "de": "Tiefpassfilter 1. Ordnung", - "ru": "1-й заказ фильтр низкого прохода", - "pt": "filtro de baixa passagem de 1a ordem", - "nl": "1e orde laag", - "fr": "1ère commande filtre passe bas", - "it": "1 ° filtro passa basso ordine", - "es": "filtro de paso bajo de primer orden", - "pl": "niskopasmowy filtr przepustowy", - "zh-cn": "第1条 低通行证", - "uk": "Фільтр низьких частот 1-го порядку" + "en": "PH803-W PH and Redox", + "de": "PH803-W PH und Redox", + "ru": "PH803-W PH и окислительно-восстановительный потенциал", + "pt": "PH803-W PH e Redox", + "nl": "PH803-W PH en Redox", + "fr": "PH803-W PH et Redox", + "it": "PH803-W PH e Redox", + "es": "PH803-W PH y Redox", + "pl": "PH803-W PH i Redox", + "zh-cn": "PH803-W PH和氧化还原" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.lowpass-filter", - "installs": 56, - "weekDownloads": 33, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 0, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/Apollon77/ioBroker.ph803w", + "installs": 230, + "weekDownloads": 21, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 22, "score": 1 - 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"published": "2022-02-15T19:27:18.979Z", + "published": "2019-05-21T17:42:01.621Z", + "version": "2.3.0", + "latestVersion": "2.3.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Countdown Adapter", + "de": "Countdown Adapter", + "ru": "Адаптер обратного отсчета", + "pt": "Adaptador de Contagem Regressiva", + "nl": "Afteladapter", + "fr": "Adaptateur compte à rebours", + "it": "Conto alla rovescia", + "es": "Adaptador de cuenta regresiva", + "pl": "Adapter do odliczania", + "uk": "Відлік адаптера", + "zh-cn": "倒计时适配器" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Countdown", + "de": "Countdown", + "ru": "обратный отсчет", + "pt": "Contagem regressiva", + "nl": "Countdown", + "fr": "Compte à rebours", + "it": "Conto alla rovescia", + "es": "cuenta regresiva", + "pl": "Odliczanie", + "uk": "Відправити", + "zh-cn": "倒数" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/jack-blackson/ioBroker.countdown", + "installs": 857, + "weekDownloads": 40, + "stars": 5, + "issues": 9, + "score": 1 + }, + "contact": { + "title": { + "de": "contact", + "en": "contact", + "ru": "contact", + "zh-cn": "contact" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.contact/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.contact/contact.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, contact, Smart Home, home automation", + "authors": "WLAN-Kabel wlan-kabel@outlook.de", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-12-17T19:03:28.952Z", "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.2.10", + "latestVersion": "1.1.3", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Parcel tracking", - "de": "Paket Sendungsverfolgung", - "ru": "Отслеживание посылок", - "pt": "Rastreamento de encomendas", - "nl": "Pakket volgen", - "fr": "Suivi colis", - "it": "Tracciamento del pacco", - "es": "Seguimiento de paquetes", - "pl": "Śledzenie przesyłek", - "zh-cn": "包裹追踪" + "en": "Connect to your google and nextcloud contacts", + "de": "Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zu Ihren Google- und NextCloud-Kontakten her", + "ru": "Подключитесь к своим контактам в Google и NextCloud", + "pt": "Conecte-se aos seus contatos do google e nextcloud", + "nl": "Maak verbinding met uw google- en nextcloud-contacten", + "fr": "Connectez-vous à vos contacts google et nextcloud", + "it": "Collegati ai tuoi contatti google e nextcloud", + "es": "Conéctese a sus contactos de google y nextcloud", + "pl": "Połącz się z kontaktami google i nextcloud", + "zh-cn": "连接到您的Google和nextcloud联系人" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Parcel tracking", - "de": "Paket Sendungsverfolgung", - "ru": "Отслеживание посылок", - "pt": "Rastreamento de encomendas", - "nl": "Pakket volgen", - "fr": "Suivi colis", - "it": "Tracciamento del pacco", - "es": "Seguimiento de paquetes", - "pl": "Śledzenie przesyłek", - "zh-cn": "包裹追踪" + "en": "contact", + "de": "Kontakt", + "ru": "контакт", + "pt": "contato", + "nl": "contact", + "fr": "contact", + "it": "contatto", + "es": "contacto", + "pl": "kontakt", + "zh-cn": "联系" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.parcel", - "installs": 851, - "weekDownloads": 203, - "stars": 18, - "issues": 32, + "github": "https://github.com/WLAN-Kabel/ioBroker.contact", + "installs": 22, + "weekDownloads": 16, + "stars": 26, + "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, "device-watcher": { @@ -20460,62 +20565,209 @@ "uk": "Device-Watcher" }, "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.device-watcher", - "installs": 1903, - "weekDownloads": 79, - "stars": 19, - "issues": 13, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.device-watcher", + "installs": 1911, + "weekDownloads": 73, + "stars": 19, + "issues": 13, + "score": 1 + }, + "corrently": { + "title": { + "de": "corrently", + "en": "corrently", + "ru": "corrently", + "zh-cn": "corrently" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.corrently/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.corrently/corrently.png", + "keywords": "green energy, energy", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-02-07T22:41:34.432Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.1.1", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Read green energy index", + "de": "Lesen Sie den grünen Energieindex", + "ru": "Читать индекс зеленой энергии", + "pt": "Leia o índice de energia verde", + "nl": "Lees groene energie-index", + "fr": "Lire l'indice d'énergie verte", + "it": "Leggi l'indice di energia verde", + "es": "Leer índice de energía verde", + "pl": "Przeczytaj indeks zielonej energii", + "zh-cn": "阅读绿色能源指数" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Corrently green energy index", + "de": "Corrently grüner Energieindex", + "ru": "Corrently индекс зеленой энергии", + "pt": "Corrently de energia verde", + "nl": "Corrently groene energie-index", + "fr": "Indice d'énergie verte Corrently", + "it": "Indice di energia verde Corrently", + "es": "Indice de energía verde Corrently", + "pl": "Corrently wskaźnik zielonej energii", + "zh-cn": "相应的绿色能源指数" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.corrently", + "installs": 12, + "weekDownloads": 8, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 9, + "score": 1 + }, + "exchangerates": { + "title": { + "de": "exchangerates", + "en": "exchangerates", + "ru": "exchangerates", + "zh-cn": "exchangerates" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.exchangerates/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.exchangerates/exchangerates.png", + "keywords": "Exchange rates, currency", + "authors": "instalator ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-12-04T15:14:51.444Z", + "version": "0.1.0", + "latestVersion": "0.1.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Exchange rates", + "de": "Wechselkurse", + "ru": "Курсы валют", + "pt": "Taxas de câmbio", + "nl": "Wisselkoersen", + "fr": "Taux de change", + "it": "Tassi di cambio", + "es": "Tipos de cambio", + "pl": "Kursy walut", + "zh-cn": "貨幣匯率" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Exchange rates", + "de": "Wechselkurse", + "ru": "Курсы валют", + "pt": "Taxas de câmbio", + "nl": "Wisselkoersen", + "fr": "Taux d'échange", + "it": "Tassi di cambio", + "es": "Los tipos de cambio", + "pl": "Kurs wymiany", + "zh-cn": "汇率" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.exchangerates", + "installs": 117, + "weekDownloads": 15, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 4, + "score": 1 + }, + "drag-indicator": { + "title": { + "de": "drag-indicator", + "en": "drag-indicator", + "ru": "drag-indicator", + "zh-cn": "drag-indicator" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.drag-indicator/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.drag-indicator/drag-indicator.png", + "keywords": "drag-indicator, Schleppzeiger, min, max", + "authors": "BenAhrdt ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2022-05-04T18:57:14.416Z", + "version": "2.3.0", + "latestVersion": "2.3.0", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Shows the min and max of a selected value", + "de": "Zeigt das Minimum und Maximum eines ausgewählten Werts an", + "ru": "Показывает минимум и максимум выбранного значения", + "pt": "Mostra o mínimo e o máximo de um valor selecionado", + "nl": "Toont de min en max van een geselecteerde waarde", + "fr": "Affiche le min et le max d'une valeur sélectionnée", + "it": "Mostra il minimo e il massimo di un valore selezionato", + "es": "Muestra el mínimo y el máximo de un valor seleccionado", + "pl": "Pokazuje minimalną i maksymalną wartość wybranej wartości", + "zh-cn": "显示所选值的最小值和最大值", + "uk": "Показує мінімальне та максимальне значення вибраного значення" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Drag-Indicator", + "de": "Schleppzeiger", + "ru": "Индикатор перетаскивания", + "pt": "Indicador de arrastar", + "nl": "Sleep-indicator", + "fr": "Indicateur de traînée", + "it": "Indicatore di trascinamento", + "es": "Indicador de arrastre", + "pl": "Wskaźnik przeciągania", + "zh-cn": "拖动指示器", + "uk": "Drag-Індикатор" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.drag-indicator", + "installs": 424, + "weekDownloads": 31, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, - "roadtraffic": { + "lowpass-filter": { "title": { - "de": "roadtraffic", - "en": "roadtraffic", - "ru": "roadtraffic", - "zh-cn": "roadtraffic" + "de": "lowpass-filter", + "en": "lowpass-filter", + "ru": "lowpass-filter", + "zh-cn": "lowpass-filter" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.roadtraffic/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.roadtraffic/roadtraffic.png", - "keywords": "traffic, maps, route, trafficjam", - "authors": "BuZZy1337 , iobroker-community-adapters ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lowpass-filter/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lowpass-filter/lowpass-filter.png", + "keywords": "lowpass, Tiefpass, Filter", + "authors": "BenAhrdt ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-02-24T17:33:26.850Z", - "version": "1.2.0", - "latestVersion": "1.2.0", - "materialize": true, - "compact": false, + "published": "2022-05-04T20:22:31.737Z", + "version": "2.4.0", + "latestVersion": "2.4.1", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter to check actual traffic on the road and wake someone up in time to arrive at destination in time\n", - "de": "Adapter, um den tatsächlichen Verkehr auf der Straße zu überprüfen und um rechtzeitig geweckt zu werden, um pünktlich zum Ziel zu gelangen\n", - "ru": "Адаптер для проверки фактического трафика на дороге и просыпаться кто-то вовремя, чтобы прибыть в пункт назначения вовремя\n", - "pt": "Adaptador para verificar o tráfego real na estrada e acordar alguém no tempo para chegar ao destino no tempo\n", - "nl": "Adapter om het verkeer op de weg te controleren en iemand wakker te maken in de tijd om te arriveren in de tijd\n", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour vérifier le trafic réel sur la route et réveiller quelqu'un à temps pour arriver à destination à temps\n", - "it": "Adattatore per controllare il traffico effettivo sulla strada e svegliare qualcuno in tempo per arrivare a destinazione in tempo\n", - "es": "Adaptador para comprobar el tráfico real en la carretera y despertar a alguien a tiempo para llegar a destino en el tiempo\n", - "pl": "Adapter, aby sprawdzić rzeczywisty ruch na drodze i budzi kogoś w czasie, by przyjechać do miejsca\n", - "uk": "Перехідник для перевірки фактичного трафіку на дорозі і прокидати когось на час, щоб приїхати в пункт призначення\n", - "zh-cn": "检查公路的实际交通,并及时到达目的地的人\n" + "en": "This adapter enables a numeric data point to be filtered with a first-order low-pass filter.", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht es, einen numerischen Datenpunkt mit einem Tiefpassfilter erster Ordnung zu filtern.", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет фильтровать числовые данные с фильтром первого порядка.", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite que um ponto de dados numérico seja filtrado com um filtro de baixa passagem de primeira ordem.", + "nl": "Deze adapter zorgt voor een numerieke data punt om gefilterd te worden met een filter.", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de filtrer un point de données numérique avec un filtre passe-bas de premier ordre.", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di filtrare un punto dati numerico con un filtro passa-basso di primo ordine.", + "es": "Este adaptador permite filtrar un punto de datos numérico con un filtro de paso bajo de primer orden.", + "pl": "Ta adapter umożliwia filtrowanie punktu danych numerycznych z filtrem pierwszego rzędu.", + "zh-cn": "这种适应者使一个数字数据点能够过上第一线低的过滤。.", + "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє фільтрувати числові дані за допомогою фільтра низьких частот першого порядку." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "RoadTraffic", - "de": "RoadTraffic", - "ru": "RoadТраффик", - "pt": "RoadTraffic", - "nl": "RoadTraffic", - "fr": "RoadTraffic", - "it": "RoadTraffic", - "es": "RoadTraffic", - "pl": "RoadTraff", - "uk": "Дорожня дорога", - "zh-cn": "道路交通工具" + "en": "1st order low pass filter", + "de": "Tiefpassfilter 1. Ordnung", + "ru": "1-й заказ фильтр низкого прохода", + "pt": "filtro de baixa passagem de 1a ordem", + "nl": "1e orde laag", + "fr": "1ère commande filtre passe bas", + "it": "1 ° filtro passa basso ordine", + "es": "filtro de paso bajo de primer orden", + "pl": "niskopasmowy filtr przepustowy", + "zh-cn": "第1条 低通行证", + "uk": "Фільтр низьких частот 1-го порядку" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.roadtraffic", - "installs": 166, - "weekDownloads": 6, - "stars": 12, - "issues": 10, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.lowpass-filter", + "installs": 58, + "weekDownloads": 62, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, "nina": { @@ -20561,62 +20813,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.nina", - "installs": 2692, - "weekDownloads": 44, + "installs": 2661, + "weekDownloads": 52, "stars": 14, "issues": 19, "score": 1 }, - "openligadb": { - "title": { - "de": "openligadb", - "en": "openligadb", - "ru": "openligadb", - "zh-cn": "openligadb" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/openligadb_n.png", - "keywords": "home automation, openligadb, openliga, football, fussball, bundesliga", - "authors": "oweitman ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-01-30T23:18:21.954Z", - "version": "1.8.0", - "latestVersion": "1.8.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "OpenLigaDB", - "de": "OpenLigaDB", - "ru": "OpenLigaDB", - "pt": "OpenLigaDB", - "nl": "OpenLigaDB", - "fr": "OpenLigaDB", - "it": "OpenLigaDB", - "es": "OpenLigaDB", - "pl": "OpenLigaDB", - "zh-cn": "OpenLigaDB", - "uk": "OpenLigaDB" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "OpenLigaDB", - "de": "OpenLigaDB", - "ru": "OpenLigaDB", - "pt": "OpenLigaDB", - "nl": "OpenLigaDB", - "fr": "OpenLigaDB", - "it": "OpenLigaDB", - "es": "OpenLigaDB", - "pl": "OpenLigaDB", - "zh-cn": "OpenLigaDB", - "uk": "OpenLigaDB" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.openligadb", - "installs": 461, - "weekDownloads": 52, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 30, - "score": 1 - }, "odl": { "title": { "de": "odl", @@ -20661,12 +20863,111 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/crycode-de/ioBroker.odl", - "installs": 615, - "weekDownloads": 21, + "installs": 607, + "weekDownloads": 29, "stars": 2, "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, + "heizoel": { + "title": { + "de": "heizoel", + "en": "heizoel", + "ru": "heizoel", + "zh-cn": "heizoel" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.heizoel/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.heizoel/heizoel.png", + "keywords": "Heizöl", + "authors": "TA2k ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2021-08-08T07:30:41.234Z", + "version": "1.0.3", + "latestVersion": "1.0.3", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Adapter receives current heating oil prices", + "de": "Adapter holt aktuelle Heizölpreise", + "ru": "Адаптер получает текущие цены на мазут", + "pt": "Adaptador recebe preços atuais de óleo para aquecimento", + "nl": "Adapter ontvangt actuele stookolieprijzen", + "fr": "L'adaptateur reçoit les prix actuels du mazout de chauffage", + "it": "L'adattatore riceve i prezzi correnti del gasolio", + "es": "El adaptador recibe los precios actuales del gasóleo para calefacción", + "pl": "Adapter odbiera aktualne ceny oleju opałowego", + "zh-cn": "适配器接收当前取暖油价格" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "heating oil", + "de": "Heizöl", + "ru": "топочный мазут", + "pt": "óleo de aquecimento", + "nl": "olie verhitten", + "fr": "l'huile de chauffage", + "it": "olio bollente", + "es": "aceite de calefaccion", + "pl": "olej opałowy", + "zh-cn": "取暖油" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.heizoel", + "installs": 911, + "weekDownloads": 13, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 3, + "score": 1 + }, + "openligadb": { + "title": { + "de": "openligadb", + "en": "openligadb", + "ru": "openligadb", + "zh-cn": "openligadb" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.openligadb/openligadb_n.png", + "keywords": "home automation, openligadb, openliga, football, fussball, bundesliga", + "authors": "oweitman ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-01-30T23:18:21.954Z", + "version": "1.8.0", + "latestVersion": "1.8.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "OpenLigaDB", + "de": "OpenLigaDB", + "ru": "OpenLigaDB", + "pt": "OpenLigaDB", + "nl": "OpenLigaDB", + "fr": "OpenLigaDB", + "it": "OpenLigaDB", + "es": "OpenLigaDB", + "pl": "OpenLigaDB", + "zh-cn": "OpenLigaDB", + "uk": "OpenLigaDB" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "OpenLigaDB", + "de": "OpenLigaDB", + "ru": "OpenLigaDB", + "pt": "OpenLigaDB", + "nl": "OpenLigaDB", + "fr": "OpenLigaDB", + "it": "OpenLigaDB", + "es": "OpenLigaDB", + "pl": "OpenLigaDB", + "zh-cn": "OpenLigaDB", + "uk": "OpenLigaDB" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.openligadb", + "installs": 454, + "weekDownloads": 98, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 30, + "score": 1 + }, "rssfeed": { "title": { "de": "rssfeed", @@ -20681,7 +20982,7 @@ "license": "MIT", "published": "2020-03-31T21:07:58.157Z", "version": "3.2.0", - "latestVersion": "3.3.0", + "latestVersion": "3.3.1", "compact": true, "description": { "en": "Adapter and vis widget for rss feeds", @@ -20711,159 +21012,110 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.rssfeed", - "installs": 677, - "weekDownloads": 50, + "installs": 668, + "weekDownloads": 148, "stars": 9, "issues": 19, "score": 1 }, - "drag-indicator": { + "roadtraffic": { "title": { - "de": "drag-indicator", - "en": "drag-indicator", - "ru": "drag-indicator", - "zh-cn": "drag-indicator" + "de": "roadtraffic", + "en": "roadtraffic", + "ru": "roadtraffic", + "zh-cn": "roadtraffic" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.drag-indicator/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.drag-indicator/drag-indicator.png", - "keywords": "drag-indicator, Schleppzeiger, min, max", - "authors": "BenAhrdt ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.roadtraffic/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.roadtraffic/roadtraffic.png", + "keywords": "traffic, maps, route, trafficjam", + "authors": "BuZZy1337 , iobroker-community-adapters ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-05-04T18:57:14.416Z", - "version": "2.3.0", - "latestVersion": "2.3.0", - "compact": true, + "published": "2019-02-24T17:33:26.850Z", + "version": "1.2.0", + "latestVersion": "1.2.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": false, "description": { - "en": "Shows the min and max of a selected value", - "de": "Zeigt das Minimum und Maximum eines ausgewählten Werts an", - "ru": "Показывает минимум и максимум выбранного значения", - "pt": "Mostra o mínimo e o máximo de um valor selecionado", - "nl": "Toont de min en max van een geselecteerde waarde", - "fr": "Affiche le min et le max d'une valeur sélectionnée", - "it": "Mostra il minimo e il massimo di un valore selezionato", - "es": "Muestra el mínimo y el máximo de un valor seleccionado", - "pl": "Pokazuje minimalną i maksymalną wartość wybranej wartości", - "zh-cn": "显示所选值的最小值和最大值", - "uk": "Показує мінімальне та максимальне значення вибраного значення" + "en": "Adapter to check actual traffic on the road and wake someone up in time to arrive at destination in time\n", + "de": "Adapter, um den tatsächlichen Verkehr auf der Straße zu überprüfen und um rechtzeitig geweckt zu werden, um pünktlich zum Ziel zu gelangen\n", + "ru": "Адаптер для проверки фактического трафика на дороге и просыпаться кто-то вовремя, чтобы прибыть в пункт назначения вовремя\n", + "pt": "Adaptador para verificar o tráfego real na estrada e acordar alguém no tempo para chegar ao destino no tempo\n", + "nl": "Adapter om het verkeer op de weg te controleren en iemand wakker te maken in de tijd om te arriveren in de tijd\n", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour vérifier le trafic réel sur la route et réveiller quelqu'un à temps pour arriver à destination à temps\n", + "it": "Adattatore per controllare il traffico effettivo sulla strada e svegliare qualcuno in tempo per arrivare a destinazione in tempo\n", + "es": "Adaptador para comprobar el tráfico real en la carretera y despertar a alguien a tiempo para llegar a destino en el tiempo\n", + "pl": "Adapter, aby sprawdzić rzeczywisty ruch na drodze i budzi kogoś w czasie, by przyjechać do miejsca\n", + "uk": "Перехідник для перевірки фактичного трафіку на дорозі і прокидати когось на час, щоб приїхати в пункт призначення\n", + "zh-cn": "检查公路的实际交通,并及时到达目的地的人\n" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Drag-Indicator", - "de": "Schleppzeiger", - "ru": "Индикатор перетаскивания", - "pt": "Indicador de arrastar", - "nl": "Sleep-indicator", - "fr": "Indicateur de traînée", - "it": "Indicatore di trascinamento", - "es": "Indicador de arrastre", - "pl": "Wskaźnik przeciągania", - "zh-cn": "拖动指示器", - "uk": "Drag-Індикатор" + "en": "RoadTraffic", + "de": "RoadTraffic", + "ru": "RoadТраффик", + "pt": "RoadTraffic", + "nl": "RoadTraffic", + "fr": "RoadTraffic", + "it": "RoadTraffic", + "es": "RoadTraffic", + "pl": "RoadTraff", + "uk": "Дорожня дорога", + "zh-cn": "道路交通工具" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.drag-indicator", - "installs": 423, - "weekDownloads": 19, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 0, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.roadtraffic", + "installs": 168, + "weekDownloads": 36, + "stars": 12, + "issues": 10, "score": 1 }, - "heizoel": { + "parcel": { "title": { - "de": "heizoel", - "en": "heizoel", - "ru": "heizoel", - "zh-cn": "heizoel" + "de": "parcel", + "en": "parcel", + "ru": "parcel", + "zh-cn": "parcel" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.heizoel/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.heizoel/heizoel.png", - "keywords": "Heizöl", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.parcel/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.parcel/parcel.png", + "keywords": "parcel, tracking, paketverfolgung, sendungsverfolgung, dhl, gls, ups, hermes, paket, 17Track, Amazon, dpd, briefe", "authors": "TA2k ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-08-08T07:30:41.234Z", - "version": "1.0.3", - "latestVersion": "1.0.3", + "published": "2022-02-15T19:27:18.979Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.2.10", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter receives current heating oil prices", - "de": "Adapter holt aktuelle Heizölpreise", - "ru": "Адаптер получает текущие цены на мазут", - "pt": "Adaptador recebe preços atuais de óleo para aquecimento", - "nl": "Adapter ontvangt actuele stookolieprijzen", - "fr": "L'adaptateur reçoit les prix actuels du mazout de chauffage", - "it": "L'adattatore riceve i prezzi correnti del gasolio", - "es": "El adaptador recibe los precios actuales del gasóleo para calefacción", - "pl": "Adapter odbiera aktualne ceny oleju opałowego", - "zh-cn": "适配器接收当前取暖油价格" + "en": "Parcel tracking", + "de": "Paket Sendungsverfolgung", + "ru": "Отслеживание посылок", + "pt": "Rastreamento de encomendas", + "nl": "Pakket volgen", + "fr": "Suivi colis", + "it": "Tracciamento del pacco", + "es": "Seguimiento de paquetes", + "pl": "Śledzenie przesyłek", + "zh-cn": "包裹追踪" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "heating oil", - "de": "Heizöl", - "ru": "топочный мазут", - "pt": "óleo de aquecimento", - "nl": "olie verhitten", - "fr": "l'huile de chauffage", - "it": "olio bollente", - "es": "aceite de calefaccion", - "pl": "olej opałowy", - "zh-cn": "取暖油" + "en": "Parcel tracking", + "de": "Paket Sendungsverfolgung", + "ru": "Отслеживание посылок", + "pt": "Rastreamento de encomendas", + "nl": "Pakket volgen", + "fr": "Suivi colis", + "it": "Tracciamento del pacco", + "es": "Seguimiento de paquetes", + "pl": "Śledzenie przesyłek", + "zh-cn": "包裹追踪" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.heizoel", - "installs": 907, - "weekDownloads": 25, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 3, - "score": 1 - }, - "minuaru": { - "title": { - "de": "minuaru", - "en": "minuaru", - "ru": "minuaru", - "zh-cn": "minuaru" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.minuaru/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.minuaru/minuaru.png", - "keywords": "visualization, alarmsystem", - "authors": "svallant ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-01-29T14:13:46.457Z", - "version": "2.0.2", - "latestVersion": "2.0.2", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "alarmsystem for ioBroker and minuvis", - "de": "alarmanlage für ioBroker und minuvis", - "ru": "сигнализация для ioBroker и minuvis", - "pt": "sistema de alarme para ioBroker e minuvis", - "nl": "alarmsysteem voor ioBroker en minuvis", - "fr": "système d'alarme pour ioBroker et minuvis", - "it": "sistema di allarme per ioBroker e minuvis", - "es": "sistema de alarma para ioBroker y minuvis", - "pl": "alarm dla ioBrokera i minuvisa", - "uk": "система сигналізації для ioBroker та minuvis", - "zh-cn": "警觉系统" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "minuvis alarmsystem", - "de": "minuvis alarmsystem", - "ru": "minuvis сигнализация", - "pt": "sistema de alarme minuvis", - "nl": "minuvis alarmsystem", - "fr": "minuvis alarmsystem", - "it": "minuvis sistema di allarme", - "es": "minuvis alarmsystem", - "pl": "alarm alarm", - "uk": "система сигналізації", - "zh-cn": "震惊系统" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/minukodu/ioBroker.minuaru", - "installs": 9, - "weekDownloads": 11, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.parcel", + "installs": 845, + "weekDownloads": 73, + "stars": 18, + "issues": 32, "score": 1 }, "tvspielfilm": { @@ -20910,62 +21162,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.tvspielfilm", - "installs": 956, - "weekDownloads": 50, + "installs": 939, + "weekDownloads": 31, "stars": 7, "issues": 8, "score": 1 }, - "tvprogram": { - "title": { - "de": "tvprogram", - "en": "tvprogram", - "ru": "tvprogram", - "zh-cn": "tvprogram" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tvprogram/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tvprogram/tvprogram.png", - "keywords": "TV, programm", - "authors": "oweitman ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-02-16T15:57:20.438Z", - "version": "2.1.0", - "latestVersion": "3.0.5", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter polls information about the television program at regular intervals. The data can be displayed in various widgets", - "de": "Dieser Adapter fragt in regelmäßigen Abständen Informationen über das Fernsehprogramm ab. ", - "ru": "Этот адаптер регулярно запрашивает информацию о телевизионной программе. ", - "pt": "Este adaptador pesquisa informações sobre o programa de televisão em intervalos regulares. ", - "nl": "Deze adapter vraagt ​​regelmatig informatie over het televisieprogramma. ", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur interroge les informations sur le programme de télévision à intervalles réguliers. ", - "it": "Questo adattatore esegue il polling delle informazioni sul programma televisivo a intervalli regolari. ", - "es": "Este adaptador recopila información sobre el programa de televisión a intervalos regulares. ", - "pl": "Ten adapter odpytuje informacje o programie telewizyjnym w regularnych odstępach czasu. ", - "zh-cn": "该适配器定期轮询有关电视节目的信息。", - "uk": "Цей адаптер регулярно опитує інформацію про телевізійну програму. Дані можуть відображатися в різних віджетах" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "TV Programm", - "de": "Fernsehprogramm", - "ru": "Телепрограмма", - "pt": "Programa de TV", - "nl": "Tv-programma", - "fr": "Programme TV", - "it": "Programma TV", - "es": "Programa de televisión", - "pl": "Program telewizyjny", - "zh-cn": "电视节目", - "uk": "Телепрограма" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.tvprogram", - "installs": 551, - "weekDownloads": 152, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 29, - "score": 1 - }, "systeminfo": { "title": { "de": "systeminfo", @@ -21011,111 +21213,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.systeminfo", - "installs": 1982, - "weekDownloads": 81, + "installs": 1980, + "weekDownloads": 62, "stars": 10, "issues": 15, "score": 1 }, - "stockmarket": { - "title": { - "de": "stockmarket", - "en": "stockmarket", - "ru": "stockmarket", - "zh-cn": "stockmarket" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.stockmarket/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.stockmarket/stockmarket.png", - "keywords": "stock, stockmarket, iobroker", - "authors": "waoler ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-11-17T15:42:53.683Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.2", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Integrates the stock market in ioBroker", - "de": "Integriert die Börse in ioBroker", - "ru": "Интегрирует фондовый рынок в ioBroker", - "pt": "Integra o mercado de ações no ioBroker", - "nl": "Integreert de aandelenmarkt in ioBroker", - "fr": "Intègre le marché boursier dans ioBroker", - "it": "Integra il mercato azionario in ioBroker", - "es": "Integra el mercado de valores en ioBroker", - "pl": "Integruje giełdę w ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "在ioBroker中整合股票市场" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Stockmarket", - "de": "Aktienmarkt", - "ru": "Фондовый рынок", - "pt": "Mercado de ações", - "nl": "Beurs", - "fr": "Bourse", - "it": "Mercato azionario", - "es": "Bolsa de Valores", - "pl": "Giełda Papierów Wartościowych", - "zh-cn": "股票市场" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/waoler/ioBroker.stockmarket", - "installs": 82, - "weekDownloads": 7, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 24, - "score": 1 - }, - "valuetrackerovertime": { - "title": { - "de": "valuetrackerovertime", - "en": "valuetrackerovertime", - "ru": "valuetrackerovertime", - "zh-cn": "valuetrackerovertime" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.valuetrackerovertime/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.valuetrackerovertime/valuetrackerovertime.png", - "keywords": "Tracker, statistic, history, log data", - "authors": "Omega236 ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-12-30T10:04:17.959Z", - "version": "1.1.0", - "latestVersion": "1.1.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Tracks number-changes over timepsans like hours/days/years ...", - "de": "Verfolgen Sie Zahlenwechsel über Zeitgenossen wie Stunden/Tage/Jahre ...", - "ru": "Отслеживая число-изменения по времени, как часы/дни/годы ...", - "pt": "Rastreia as mudanças de número ao longo dos timepsans como horas / dias / anos ...", - "nl": "Tracks nummerwisselingen over timepsans zoals uren/days/ jaar...", - "fr": "Suivi des changements de nombre sur les timepsans comme les heures/jours/années ...", - "it": "Traccia i cambiamenti numerici nel corso di timepsans come ore / giorni / anni ...", - "es": "Rastrea el número de cambios en los timepsans como horas/días/años ...", - "pl": "Utwory zmieniają się w czasie, np. godziny/dzień..", - "uk": "Відстеження кількості змін за часом, як годин / днів / років ...", - "zh-cn": "如小时/日/年等时间变动数......" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "de": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "ru": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "pt": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "nl": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "fr": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "it": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "es": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "pl": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "uk": "ValueTrackerOverTime", - "zh-cn": "价值营商" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Omega236/ioBroker.valuetrackerovertime", - "installs": 689, - "weekDownloads": 53, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 1, - "score": 1 - }, "statistics": { "title": { "de": "statistics", @@ -21160,413 +21263,423 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.statistics", - "installs": 3184, - "weekDownloads": 56, + "installs": 3170, + "weekDownloads": 64, "stars": 19, "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "youtube": { + "tvprogram": { "title": { - "de": "youtube", - "en": "youtube", - "ru": "youtube", - "zh-cn": "youtube" + "de": "tvprogram", + "en": "tvprogram", + "ru": "tvprogram", + "zh-cn": "tvprogram" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.youtube/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.youtube/youtube.png", - "keywords": "youtube, social, video, web", - "authors": "Matthias Kleine ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tvprogram/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tvprogram/tvprogram.png", + "keywords": "TV, programm", + "authors": "oweitman ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-10-18T12:25:27.750Z", - "version": "5.1.1", - "latestVersion": "5.1.1", + "published": "2021-02-16T15:57:20.438Z", + "version": "2.1.0", + "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Statistics like views, subscribers and videos", - "de": "Statistiken wie Aufrufe, Abonnenten und Videos", - "ru": "Статистика, такая как просмотры, подписчики и видео", - "pt": "Estatísticas como visualizações, inscritos e vídeos", - "nl": "Statistieken zoals weergaven, abonnees en video's", - "fr": "Statistiques comme les vues, les abonnés et les vidéos", - "it": "Statistiche come visualizzazioni, iscritti e video", - "es": "Estadísticas como vistas, suscriptores y videos.", - "pl": "Statystyki, takie jak wyświetlenia, subskrybenci i filmy", - "uk": "Такі статистичні дані, як перегляди, підписки та відео", - "zh-cn": "观看次数、订阅者和视频等统计数据" + "en": "This adapter polls information about the television program at regular intervals. The data can be displayed in various widgets", + "de": "Dieser Adapter fragt in regelmäßigen Abständen Informationen über das Fernsehprogramm ab. ", + "ru": "Этот адаптер регулярно запрашивает информацию о телевизионной программе. ", + "pt": "Este adaptador pesquisa informações sobre o programa de televisão em intervalos regulares. ", + "nl": "Deze adapter vraagt ​​regelmatig informatie over het televisieprogramma. ", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur interroge les informations sur le programme de télévision à intervalles réguliers. ", + "it": "Questo adattatore esegue il polling delle informazioni sul programma televisivo a intervalli regolari. ", + "es": "Este adaptador recopila información sobre el programa de televisión a intervalos regulares. ", + "pl": "Ten adapter odpytuje informacje o programie telewizyjnym w regularnych odstępach czasu. ", + "zh-cn": "该适配器定期轮询有关电视节目的信息。", + "uk": "Цей адаптер регулярно опитує інформацію про телевізійну програму. Дані можуть відображатися в різних віджетах" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "YouTube", - "de": "Youtube", - "ru": "YouTube", - "pt": "YouTube", - "nl": "YouTube", - "fr": "Youtube", - "it": "Youtube", - "es": "Youtube", - "pl": "Youtube", - "uk": "YouTube", - "zh-cn": "YouTube" + "en": "TV Programm", + "de": "Fernsehprogramm", + "ru": "Телепрограмма", + "pt": "Programa de TV", + "nl": "Tv-programma", + "fr": "Programme TV", + "it": "Programma TV", + "es": "Programa de televisión", + "pl": "Program telewizyjny", + "zh-cn": "电视节目", + "uk": "Телепрограма" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/klein0r/ioBroker.youtube", - "installs": 235, - "weekDownloads": 14, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.tvprogram", + "installs": 524, + "weekDownloads": 99, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 29, "score": 1 }, - "yahoo-stock-market": { + "valuetrackerovertime": { "title": { - "de": "yahoo-stock-market", - "en": "yahoo-stock-market", - "ru": "yahoo-stock-market", - 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"es": "bolsa de Valores", - "pl": "Giełda Papierów Wartościowych", - "zh-cn": "股市" + "en": "Tracks number-changes over timepsans like hours/days/years ...", + "de": "Verfolgen Sie Zahlenwechsel über Zeitgenossen wie Stunden/Tage/Jahre ...", + "ru": "Отслеживая число-изменения по времени, как часы/дни/годы ...", + "pt": "Rastreia as mudanças de número ao longo dos timepsans como horas / dias / anos ...", + "nl": "Tracks nummerwisselingen over timepsans zoals uren/days/ jaar...", + "fr": "Suivi des changements de nombre sur les timepsans comme les heures/jours/années ...", + "it": "Traccia i cambiamenti numerici nel corso di timepsans come ore / giorni / anni ...", + "es": "Rastrea el número de cambios en los timepsans como horas/días/años ...", + "pl": "Utwory zmieniają się w czasie, np. godziny/dzień..", + "uk": "Відстеження кількості змін за часом, як годин / днів / років ...", + "zh-cn": "如小时/日/年等时间变动数......" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Stock Market", - "de": "Stock Market", - "ru": "Фондовый рынок", - "pt": "Stock Market", - "nl": "Stock Market", - "fr": "Stock Market", - "it": "Stock Market", - "es": "Bolsa de Valores", - "pl": "Giełda Papierów Wartościowych", - "zh-cn": "股市" + "en": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "de": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "ru": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "pt": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "nl": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "fr": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "it": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "es": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "pl": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "uk": "ValueTrackerOverTime", + "zh-cn": "价值营商" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/Newan/ioBroker.yahoo-stock-market", - "installs": 250, - "weekDownloads": 14, - "stars": 2, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/Omega236/ioBroker.valuetrackerovertime", + "installs": 707, + "weekDownloads": 65, + "stars": 4, "issues": 1, "score": 1 - } - } - }, - "multimedia": { - "title": { - "en": "Multimedia", - "de": "Multimedia", - "ru": "Мультимедиа", - "pt": "Multimídia", - "nl": "Multimedia", - "fr": "Multimédia", - "it": "Multimedia", - "es": "Multimedia", - "pl": "Multimedia" - }, - "pages": { - "bosesoundtouch": { + }, + "tagesschau": { "title": { - "de": "bosesoundtouch", - "en": "bosesoundtouch", - "ru": "bosesoundtouch", - "zh-cn": "bosesoundtouch" + "de": "tagesschau", + "en": "tagesschau", + "ru": "tagesschau", + "zh-cn": "tagesschau" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bosesoundtouch/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bosesoundtouch/bosesoundtouch.png", - "keywords": "bose, soundtouch", - "authors": "sven-s-ter ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tagesschau/tagesschau.png", + "keywords": "news, tagesschau, image", + "authors": "ticaki ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-12-22T15:15:44.610Z", - "version": "0.11.1", - "latestVersion": "0.11.1", + "published": "2025-01-04T16:06:47.137Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.5.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Controls Bose SoundTouch speakers over a socket connection and monitors the information sent from the speaker.", - "de": "Steuert Bose SoundTouch-Lautsprecher über eine Socket-Verbindung und überwacht die vom Lautsprecher gesendeten Informationen.", - "ru": "Управляет динамиками Bose SoundTouch через разъем и отслеживает информацию, отправляемую динамиком.", - "pt": "Controla os alto-falantes Bose SoundTouch por meio de uma conexão de soquete e monitora as informações enviadas do alto-falante.", - "nl": "Bestuurt Bose SoundTouch-luidsprekers via een stopcontact en controleert de informatie die door de luidspreker wordt verzonden.", - "fr": "Contrôle les haut-parleurs Bose SoundTouch via une connexion de prise et surveille les informations envoyées par le haut-parleur.", - "it": "Controlla gli altoparlanti Bose SoundTouch tramite una presa di connessione e monitora le informazioni inviate dall'altoparlante.", - "es": "Controla los altavoces Bose SoundTouch a través de una conexión de enchufe y supervisa la información enviada desde el altavoz.", - "pl": "Steruje głośnikami Bose SoundTouch przez połączenie gniazdowe i monitoruje informacje wysyłane z głośnika.", - "zh-cn": "通过插座连接控制 Bose SoundTouch 扬声器并监控扬声器发送的信息。" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Bose SoundTouch", - "de": "Bose SoundTouch", - "ru": "Bose SoundTouch", - "pt": "Bose SoundTouch", - "nl": "Bose SoundTouch", - "fr": "Bose SoundTouch", - "it": "Bose SoundTouch", - "es": "Bose SoundTouch", - "pl": "Bose SoundTouch", - "zh-cn": "Bose SoundTouch" + "en": "Request news from tagesschau", + "de": "Fordern Sie Neuigkeiten von der tagesschau an", + "ru": "Запросить новости от tagesschau", + "pt": "Solicite notícias do tagesschau", + "nl": "Vraag nieuws van Tagesschau aan", + "fr": "Demander des nouvelles de tagesschau", + "it": "Richiedi notizie da tagesschau", + "es": "Solicitar noticias de tagesschau", + "pl": "Zapytaj o wiadomości od Tagesschau", + "uk": "Запитати новини від tagesschau", + "zh-cn": "请求来自 tagesschau 的新闻" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Tagesschau", + "de": "Tagesschau", + "ru": "Тагесшау", + "pt": "Tagesschau", + "nl": "Tagesschau", + "fr": "Tagesschau", + "it": "Tagesschau", + "es": "Tagesschau", + "pl": "Tagesschau", + "uk": "Tagesschau", + "zh-cn": "塔格绍" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.bosesoundtouch", - "installs": 988, - "weekDownloads": 53, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 11, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/ticaki/ioBroker.tagesschau", + "installs": 21, + "weekDownloads": 218, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "frontier_silicon": { + "minuaru": { "title": { - "de": "frontier_silicon", - "en": "frontier_silicon", - "ru": "frontier_silicon", - "zh-cn": "frontier_silicon" + "de": "minuaru", + "en": "minuaru", + "ru": "minuaru", + "zh-cn": "minuaru" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/radio.png", - "keywords": "frontier silicon, media player, fsapi, internet radio, radio, music player", - "authors": "halloamt , pdbjjens ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.minuaru/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.minuaru/minuaru.png", + "keywords": "visualization, alarmsystem", + "authors": "svallant ", "license": "MIT", - 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"pl": "Zapewnia obsługę odtwarzaczy multimedialnych wyposażonych w chipset Frontier Silicon korzystających z FSAPI.", - "zh-cn": "为配备有使用FSAPI的Frontier Silicon芯片组的媒体播放器提供支持。", - "uk": "Забезпечує підтримку медіаплеєрів, оснащених чіпсетом Frontier Silicon, що використовує FSAPI." + "en": "alarmsystem for ioBroker and minuvis", + "de": "alarmanlage für ioBroker und minuvis", + "ru": "сигнализация для ioBroker и minuvis", + "pt": "sistema de alarme para ioBroker e minuvis", + "nl": "alarmsysteem voor ioBroker en minuvis", + "fr": "système d'alarme pour ioBroker et minuvis", + "it": "sistema di allarme per ioBroker e minuvis", + "es": "sistema de alarma para ioBroker y minuvis", + "pl": "alarm dla ioBrokera i minuvisa", + "uk": "система сигналізації для ioBroker та minuvis", + "zh-cn": "警觉系统" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Frontier Silicon", - "de": "Frontier Silicon", - "ru": "Frontier Silicon", - "pt": "Frontier Silicon", - "nl": "Frontier Silicium", - "fr": "Frontier Silicon", - "it": "Frontier Silicon", - "es": "Silicio de frontera", - "pl": "Frontier Silicon", - "zh-cn": "前沿硅", - "uk": "Frontier Silicon" + "en": "minuvis alarmsystem", + "de": "minuvis alarmsystem", + "ru": "minuvis сигнализация", + "pt": "sistema de alarme minuvis", + "nl": "minuvis alarmsystem", + "fr": "minuvis alarmsystem", + "it": "minuvis sistema di allarme", + "es": "minuvis alarmsystem", + "pl": "alarm alarm", + "uk": "система сигналізації", + "zh-cn": "震惊系统" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.frontier_silicon", - "installs": 631, - "weekDownloads": 34, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 41, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/minukodu/ioBroker.minuaru", + "installs": 9, + "weekDownloads": 10, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "foobar2000": { + "stockmarket": { "title": { - "de": "foobar2000", - "en": "foobar2000", - "ru": "foobar2000", - "zh-cn": "foobar2000" + "de": "stockmarket", + "en": "stockmarket", + "ru": "stockmarket", + "zh-cn": "stockmarket" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.foobar2000/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.foobar2000/foobar2000.png", - "keywords": "foobar2000, player", - "authors": "instalator, iobroker-community-adapters ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.stockmarket/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.stockmarket/stockmarket.png", + "keywords": "stock, stockmarket, iobroker", + "authors": "waoler ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-10-20T10:58:40.127Z", - "version": "2.2.0", - "latestVersion": "2.2.0", + "published": "2019-11-17T15:42:53.683Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.0.2", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control your foobar2000 player", - "de": "Steuern Sie Ihren foobar2000 Player", - "ru": "Контролируйте своего игрока foobar2000", - "pt": "Controle o seu jogador foobar2000", - "nl": "Controleer je foobar2000 speler", - "fr": "Contrôlez votre lecteur foobar2000", - "it": "Controlla il tuo lettore foobar2000", - "es": "Controle su jugador foobar2000", - "pl": "Kontrola nad foobar2000", - "uk": "Керуйте фобар2000", - "zh-cn": "控制你的野蛮2000年事件" + "en": "Integrates the stock market in ioBroker", + "de": "Integriert die Börse in ioBroker", + "ru": "Интегрирует фондовый рынок в ioBroker", + "pt": "Integra o mercado de ações no ioBroker", + "nl": "Integreert de aandelenmarkt in ioBroker", + "fr": "Intègre le marché boursier dans ioBroker", + "it": "Integra il mercato azionario in ioBroker", + "es": "Integra el mercado de valores en ioBroker", + "pl": "Integruje giełdę w ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "在ioBroker中整合股票市场" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Control foobar2000 player", - "de": "Steuerung foobar2000 Player", - "ru": "Управление foobar2000 игроком", - "pt": "Control foobar2000 jogador", - "nl": "Controle:", - "fr": "Contrôle du joueur de foobar2000", - "it": "Controllo del lettore foobar2000", - "es": "Control foobar2000 jugador", - "pl": "Foobar2000 player", - "uk": "Контроль фобар2000", - "zh-cn": "控制软禁2000年" + "en": "Stockmarket", + "de": "Aktienmarkt", + "ru": "Фондовый рынок", + "pt": "Mercado de ações", + "nl": "Beurs", + "fr": "Bourse", + "it": "Mercato azionario", + "es": "Bolsa de Valores", + "pl": "Giełda Papierów Wartościowych", + "zh-cn": "股票市场" }, "branch": "master", - 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"de": "cec2", - "en": "cec2", - "ru": "cec2", - "zh-cn": "cec2" + "de": "emby", + "en": "emby", + "ru": "emby", + "zh-cn": "emby" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.cec2/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.cec2/cec2.png", - "keywords": "multimedia, HDMI, CEC, TV", - "authors": "Garfonso ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.emby/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.emby/emby.png", + "keywords": "emby, server, media, video", + "authors": "thewhobox , iobroker-community-adapters ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-01-28T20:41:50.009Z", - "version": "0.1.3", - "latestVersion": "0.1.3", + "published": "2019-02-28T20:32:38.935Z", + "version": "1.2.0", + "latestVersion": "1.2.0", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Can be used to monitor / control multimedia devices using the HDMI CEC bus. Possible commands include power on/off, switch input (for TVs), volume up/donw", - "de": "Kann benutzt werden um Multimediageräte, die über den HDMI CEC Bus kommunizieren zu überwachen und zu kontrollieren. Mögliche Kommandos enthalten Standby an/aus, Eingang wählen (am TV), Lauter/Leiser.", - "ru": "Может использоваться для мониторинга/управления мультимедийными устройствами по шине HDMI CEC. Возможные команды включают в себя включение/выключение питания, переключение входа (для телевизоров), увеличение/уменьшение громкости.", - "pt": "Pode ser usado para monitorar/controlar dispositivos multimídia usando o barramento HDMI CEC. Os comandos possíveis incluem ligar/desligar, interruptor de entrada (para TVs), aumentar/diminuir volume", - "nl": "Kan worden gebruikt om multimedia-apparaten te bewaken / bedienen met behulp van de HDMI CEC-bus. Mogelijke commando's zijn onder meer aan/uit, schakelaaringang (voor tv's), volume omhoog/omlaag", - "fr": "Peut être utilisé pour surveiller/contrôler des appareils multimédias à l'aide du bus HDMI CEC. Les commandes possibles incluent la mise sous/hors tension, l'entrée de commutation (pour les téléviseurs), le volume haut/bas", - "it": "Può essere utilizzato per monitorare/controllare dispositivi multimediali utilizzando il bus HDMI CEC. Possibili comandi includono accensione/spegnimento, ingresso interruttore (per TV), volume su/giù", - "es": "Se puede usar para monitorear/controlar dispositivos multimedia usando el bus HDMI CEC. Los comandos posibles incluyen encendido/apagado, cambiar entrada (para televisores), subir/bajar volumen", - "pl": "Może być używany do monitorowania / sterowania urządzeniami multimedialnymi za pomocą magistrali HDMI CEC. Możliwe polecenia obejmują włączanie/wyłączanie zasilania, wejście przełącznika (dla telewizorów), zwiększanie/zmniejszanie głośności", - "uk": "Може використовуватися для моніторингу / керування мультимедійними пристроями за допомогою шини HDMI CEC. Серед можливих команд — увімкнути/вимкнути живлення, перемкнути вхід (для телевізорів), збільшити/зменшити гучність", - "zh-cn": "可用于监视/控制使用 HDMI CEC 总线的多媒体设备。可能的命令包括电源开/关、开关输入(用于电视)、音量增大/减小" + "en": "Control and visualise your Emby Server", + "de": "Kontrolliere und visualisiere deinen Emby Server", + "ru": "Контролируйте и визуализируйте свой Emby Server", + "pt": "Controle e visualize seu Emby Server", + "nl": "Contrôle en visualiseer uw Emby Server", + "fr": "Contrôlez et visualisez votre serveur Emby", + "it": "Controlla e visualizza il tuo server Emby", + "es": "Controla y visualiza tu servidor Emby.", + "pl": "Skomponuj i wizualizuj swój serwer Emby", + "uk": "Налаштування та налаштування сервера Emby", + "zh-cn": "控制和可视化您的Emby服务器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "HDMI CEC devices 2", - "de": "HDMI CEC Geräte 2", - "ru": "Устройства HDMI CEC 2", - "pt": "Dispositivos HDMI CEC 2", - "nl": "HDMI CEC-apparaten 2", - "fr": "Périphériques HDMI CEC 2", - "it": "Dispositivi HDMI CEC 2", - "es": "Dispositivos HDMI CEC 2", - "pl": "Urządzenia HDMI CEC 2", - "uk": "Пристрої HDMI CEC 2", - "zh-cn": "HDMI CEC 设备 2" + "en": "Emby", + "de": "Emby", + "ru": "Emby", + "pt": "Emby", + "nl": "Emby", + "fr": "Emby", + "it": "Emby", + "es": "Emby", + "pl": "Emby", + "uk": "Emby", + "zh-cn": "Emby" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.cec2", - "installs": 75, - "weekDownloads": 22, - "stars": 9, - "issues": 5, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.emby", + "installs": 209, + "weekDownloads": 13, + "stars": 7, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, "denon": { @@ -21598,117 +21711,67 @@ "pl": "Kontroluj swój odbiornik DENON lub Marantz AV", "zh-cn": "控制你的天龙马兰士或AV接收器" }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "DENON AVR", - "de": "DENON AVR" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/foxriver76/ioBroker.denon", - "installs": 2684, - "weekDownloads": 63, - "stars": 19, - "issues": 23, - "score": 1 - }, - "chromecast": { - "title": { - "de": "chromecast", - "en": "chromecast", - "ru": "chromecast", - "zh-cn": "chromecast" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.chromecast/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.chromecast/chromecast.png", - "keywords": "chromecast, Google, home, player, music", - "authors": "Vegetto ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-01-18T22:15:11.609Z", - "version": "4.0.0", - "latestVersion": "4.0.0", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Allows to monitor and play files to Google Home (Chromecast)", - "de": "Ermöglicht die Überwachung und Wiedergabe von Dateien in Google Home (Chromecast)", - "ru": "Позволяет контролировать и воспроизводить файлы в Google Домой (Chromecast)", - "pt": "Permite monitorar e reproduzir arquivos no Google Home (Chromecast)", - "nl": "Hiermee kunnen bestanden worden gecontroleerd en afgespeeld op Google Home (Chromecast)", - "fr": "Permet de surveiller et de lire des fichiers sur Google Home (Chromecast)", - "it": "Permette di monitorare e riprodurre file su Google Home (Chromecast)", - "es": "Permite monitorear y reproducir archivos en Google Home (Chromecast)", - "pl": "Umożliwia monitorowanie i odtwarzanie plików w Google Home (Chromecast)", - "uk": "Дозволяє відстежувати та відтворювати файли в Google Home (Chromecast)", - "zh-cn": "允许监控和播放文件到 Google Home (Chromecast)" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Google Home", - "de": "Google Home", - "ru": "Google Home", - "pt": "Google Home", - "nl": "Google Home", - "fr": "Google Home", - "it": "Google Home", - "es": "Google Home", - "pl": "Google Home", - "uk": "Google Home", - "zh-cn": "谷歌主页" + "titleFull": { + "en": "DENON AVR", + "de": "DENON AVR" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.chromecast", - "installs": 4434, - "weekDownloads": 179, - "stars": 21, - "issues": 24, + "github": "https://github.com/foxriver76/ioBroker.denon", + "installs": 2647, + "weekDownloads": 87, + "stars": 19, + "issues": 23, "score": 1 }, - "heos": { + "foobar2000": { "title": { - "de": "heos", - 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"fr": "L'adaptateur permet de contrôler HEOS depuis ioBroker", - "it": "L'adattatore consente di controllare HEOS da ioBroker", - "es": "El adaptador permite controlar HEOS desde ioBroker", - "pl": "Adapter umożliwia sterowanie HEOS z ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "该适配器可以从ioBroker控制HEOS", - "uk": "Адаптер дозволяє керувати HEOS з ioBroker" + "en": "Control your foobar2000 player", + "de": "Steuern Sie Ihren foobar2000 Player", + "ru": "Контролируйте своего игрока foobar2000", + "pt": "Controle o seu jogador foobar2000", + "nl": "Controleer je foobar2000 speler", + "fr": "Contrôlez votre lecteur foobar2000", + "it": "Controlla il tuo lettore foobar2000", + "es": "Controle su jugador foobar2000", + "pl": "Kontrola nad foobar2000", + "uk": "Керуйте фобар2000", + "zh-cn": "控制你的野蛮2000年事件" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "HEOS", - "de": "HEOS", - "ru": "HEOS", - "pt": "HEOS", - "nl": "HEOS", - "fr": "HEOS", - "it": "HEOS", - "es": "HEOS", - "pl": "HEOS", - "zh-cn": "HEOS", - "uk": "HEOS" + "en": "Control foobar2000 player", + "de": "Steuerung foobar2000 Player", + "ru": "Управление foobar2000 игроком", + "pt": "Control foobar2000 jogador", + "nl": "Controle:", + "fr": "Contrôle du joueur de foobar2000", + "it": "Controllo del lettore foobar2000", + "es": "Control foobar2000 jugador", + "pl": "Foobar2000 player", + "uk": "Контроль фобар2000", + "zh-cn": "控制软禁2000年" }, - 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"published": "2019-02-28T20:32:38.935Z", - "version": "1.2.0", - "latestVersion": "1.2.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2019-11-29T08:59:31.737Z", + "version": "2.2.3", + "latestVersion": "2.2.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control and visualise your Emby Server", - "de": "Kontrolliere und visualisiere deinen Emby Server", - "ru": "Контролируйте и визуализируйте свой Emby Server", - "pt": "Controle e visualize seu Emby Server", - "nl": "Contrôle en visualiseer uw Emby Server", - "fr": "Contrôlez et visualisez votre serveur Emby", - "it": "Controlla e visualizza il tuo server Emby", - "es": "Controla y visualiza tu servidor Emby.", - "pl": "Skomponuj i wizualizuj swój serwer Emby", - "uk": "Налаштування та налаштування сервера Emby", - "zh-cn": "控制和可视化您的Emby服务器" + "en": "enigma2 adapter for VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "de": "enigma2 Adapter für VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "ru": "enigma2 адаптер для VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "pt": "adaptador enigma2 para VU +, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "nl": "enigma2 adapter voor VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "fr": "adaptateur enigma2 pour VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "it": "adattatore enigma2 per VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "es": "adaptador enigma2 para VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "pl": "enigma2 adapter dla VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "uk": "адаптер enigma2 для VU+, Dreambox, EDISON...", + "zh-cn": "万国邮联+,Dream箱,EDISON..." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Emby", - "de": "Emby", - "ru": "Emby", - "pt": "Emby", - "nl": "Emby", - "fr": "Emby", - "it": "Emby", - "es": "Emby", - "pl": "Emby", - "uk": "Emby", - "zh-cn": "Emby" + "en": "enigma2", + "de": "enigma2", + "ru": "оригма2", + "pt": "enigma2", + "nl": "enigma2", + "fr": "enigma2", + "it": "enigma2", + "es": "enigma2", + "pl": "enigma2", + "uk": "ангел2", + "zh-cn": "enigma2" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.emby", - "installs": 207, - "weekDownloads": 21, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 2, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.enigma2", + "installs": 1051, + "weekDownloads": 92, + "stars": 15, + "issues": 3, "score": 1 }, - "firetv": { + "chromecast": { "title": { - "de": "firetv", - "en": "firetv", - "ru": "firetv", - "zh-cn": "firetv" + "de": "chromecast", + "en": "chromecast", + "ru": "chromecast", + "zh-cn": "chromecast" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.firetv/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.firetv/firetv.png", - "keywords": "firetv, fire tv, fire-tv, amazon fire tv", - "authors": "soef , mcm1957 ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-01-02T10:18:49.955Z", - "version": "2.1.0", - "latestVersion": "2.1.0", - "compact": false, + "published": "2016-01-18T22:15:11.609Z", + "version": "4.0.0", + "latestVersion": "4.0.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "control Amazon Fire TV", - "de": "steuert Amazon Fire TV", - "ru": "Amazon Fire TV", - "pt": "controlar Amazon Fire TV", - "nl": "Amazon Fire TV bedienen", - "fr": "contrôler Amazon Fire TV", - "it": "controlla Amazon Fire TV", - "es": "controlar Amazon Fire TV", - "pl": "sterować Amazon Fire TV", - "uk": "керуйте Amazon Fire TV", - "zh-cn": "控制亚马逊消防电视" + "en": "Allows to monitor and play files to Google Home (Chromecast)", + "de": "Ermöglicht die Überwachung und Wiedergabe von Dateien in Google Home (Chromecast)", + "ru": "Позволяет контролировать и воспроизводить файлы в Google Домой (Chromecast)", + "pt": "Permite monitorar e reproduzir arquivos no Google Home (Chromecast)", + "nl": "Hiermee kunnen bestanden worden gecontroleerd en afgespeeld op Google Home (Chromecast)", + "fr": "Permet de surveiller et de lire des fichiers sur Google Home (Chromecast)", + "it": "Permette di monitorare e riprodurre file su Google Home (Chromecast)", + "es": "Permite monitorear y reproducir archivos en Google Home (Chromecast)", + "pl": "Umożliwia monitorowanie i odtwarzanie plików w Google Home (Chromecast)", + "uk": "Дозволяє відстежувати та відтворювати файли в Google Home (Chromecast)", + "zh-cn": "允许监控和播放文件到 Google Home (Chromecast)" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Google Home", + "de": "Google Home", + "ru": "Google Home", + "pt": "Google Home", + "nl": "Google Home", + "fr": "Google Home", + "it": "Google Home", + "es": "Google Home", + "pl": "Google Home", + "uk": "Google Home", + "zh-cn": "谷歌主页" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.chromecast", + "installs": 4352, + "weekDownloads": 172, + "stars": 21, + "issues": 24, + "score": 1 + }, + "bosesoundtouch": { + "title": { + "de": "bosesoundtouch", + "en": "bosesoundtouch", + "ru": "bosesoundtouch", + "zh-cn": "bosesoundtouch" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bosesoundtouch/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bosesoundtouch/bosesoundtouch.png", + "keywords": "bose, soundtouch", + "authors": "sven-s-ter ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2017-12-22T15:15:44.610Z", + "version": "0.11.1", + "latestVersion": "0.11.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Controls Bose SoundTouch speakers over a socket connection and monitors the information sent from the speaker.", + "de": "Steuert Bose SoundTouch-Lautsprecher über eine Socket-Verbindung und überwacht die vom Lautsprecher gesendeten Informationen.", + "ru": "Управляет динамиками Bose SoundTouch через разъем и отслеживает информацию, отправляемую динамиком.", + "pt": "Controla os alto-falantes Bose SoundTouch por meio de uma conexão de soquete e monitora as informações enviadas do alto-falante.", + "nl": "Bestuurt Bose SoundTouch-luidsprekers via een stopcontact en controleert de informatie die door de luidspreker wordt verzonden.", + "fr": "Contrôle les haut-parleurs Bose SoundTouch via une connexion de prise et surveille les informations envoyées par le haut-parleur.", + "it": "Controlla gli altoparlanti Bose SoundTouch tramite una presa di connessione e monitora le informazioni inviate dall'altoparlante.", + "es": "Controla los altavoces Bose SoundTouch a través de una conexión de enchufe y supervisa la información enviada desde el altavoz.", + "pl": "Steruje głośnikami Bose SoundTouch przez połączenie gniazdowe i monitoruje informacje wysyłane z głośnika.", + "zh-cn": "通过插座连接控制 Bose SoundTouch 扬声器并监控扬声器发送的信息。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Fire TV", - "de": "Fire TV", - "ru": "Пожарное ТВ", - "pt": "Fire TV", - "nl": "Fire TV", - "fr": "Fire TV", - "it": "Fire TV", - "es": "Fire TV", - "pl": "Fire TV", - "uk": "Пожежне телебачення", - "zh-cn": "消防电视" + "en": "Bose SoundTouch", + "de": "Bose SoundTouch", + "ru": "Bose SoundTouch", + "pt": "Bose SoundTouch", + "nl": "Bose SoundTouch", + "fr": "Bose SoundTouch", + "it": "Bose SoundTouch", + "es": "Bose SoundTouch", + "pl": "Bose SoundTouch", + "zh-cn": "Bose SoundTouch" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.firetv", - "installs": 2114, - "weekDownloads": 67, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 16, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.bosesoundtouch", + "installs": 951, + "weekDownloads": 27, + "stars": 4, + "issues": 11, "score": 1 }, - "kodi": { + "bluesound": { "title": { - "de": "kodi", - "en": "kodi", - "ru": "kodi", - "zh-cn": "kodi" + "de": "bluesound", + "en": "bluesound", + "ru": "bluesound", + "zh-cn": "bluesound" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.kodi/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.kodi/kodi.png", - "keywords": "kodi, player, xbmc, vis", - "authors": "instalator", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bluesound/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bluesound/bluesound.png", + "keywords": "multimedia, control", + "authors": "Uwe Nagel ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-05-22T15:47:37.487Z", - "version": "3.1.0", - "latestVersion": "3.1.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2024-05-17T07:36:43.609Z", + "version": "1.1.4", + "latestVersion": "1.1.4", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Kodi Control Adapter", - "de": "Kodi Control Adapter", - "ru": "Адаптер для управления Kodi", - "pt": "Adaptador de controle Kodi", - "nl": "Kodi-besturingsadapter", - "fr": "Adaptateur de commande Kodi", - "it": "Adattatore di controllo Kodi", - "es": "Kodi juhtiadapter", - "pl": "Adapter sterowania Kodi", - "zh-cn": "Kodi控制適配器", - "uk": "Адаптер керування Kodi" + "en": "Adapter to control Bluesound devices", + "de": "Adapter zur Steuerung von Bluesound-Geräten", + "ru": "Адаптер для управления устройствами Bluesound", + "pt": "Adaptador para controlar dispositivos Bluesound", + "nl": "Adapter om Bluesound-apparaten te bedienen", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour contrôler les appareils Bluesound", + "it": "Adattatore per controllare i dispositivi Bluesound", + "es": "Adaptador para controlar dispositivos Bluesound", + "pl": "Adapter do sterowania urządzeniami Bluesound", + "uk": "Адаптер для управління пристроями Bluesound", + "zh-cn": "用于控制 Bluesound 设备的适配器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Kodi media player control", - "de": "Kodi Media Player-Steuerung", - "ru": "Управление медиаплеером Kodi", - "pt": "Controle do reprodutor de mídia Kodi", - "nl": "Kodi mediaspelerbediening", - "fr": "Contrôle du lecteur multimédia Kodi", - "it": "Controllo del lettore multimediale Kodi", - "es": "Control del reproductor multimedia Kodi", - "pl": "Sterowanie odtwarzaczem multimedialnym Kodi", - "zh-cn": "Kodi媒体播放器控件", - "uk": "Керування медіаплеєром Kodi" + "en": "Bluesound Control", + "de": "Bluesound-Steuerung", + "ru": "Управление Bluesound", + "pt": "Controle de som azul", + "nl": "Bluesound-controle", + "fr": "Contrôle du son bleu", + "it": "Controllo Bluesound", + "es": "Control de sonido azul", + "pl": "Sterowanie Bluesoundem", + "uk": "Управління Bluesound", + "zh-cn": "蓝声控制" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.kodi", - "installs": 986, - "weekDownloads": 53, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 0, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/Uwe1958/ioBroker.bluesound", + "installs": 19, + "weekDownloads": 20, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "lgtv11": { + "fakeroku": { "title": { - "de": "lgtv11", - "en": "lgtv11", - "ru": "lgtv11", - "zh-cn": "lgtv11" + "de": "fakeroku", + "en": "fakeroku", + "ru": "fakeroku", + "zh-cn": "fakeroku" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lgtv11/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lgtv11/lgtv2011.png", - "keywords": "lgtv, 2011, Smart, TV, LG", - "authors": "SebastianSchultz ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.fakeroku/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.fakeroku/fakeroku.png", + "keywords": "fakeroku, Harmony Hub", + "authors": "Pmant ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-04-16T21:15:50.327Z", - "version": "1.0.5", - "latestVersion": "1.0.5", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, + "published": "2017-02-05T13:08:56.966Z", + "version": "0.3.0", + "latestVersion": "0.3.0", "description": { - "en": "Controls 2011 LG SmartTVs", - "de": "Steuert LG SmartTV Modelle vor 2012", - "ru": "Controls 2011 SmartTVs" + "en": "Adapter emulates Roku-Devices to Harmony Hub", + "de": "Adapter simuliert Roku-Geräte für den Harmony Hub", + "ru": "ioBroker fakeroku драйвер как образец" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Fakeroku Emulator", + "de": "Fakeroku Emulator", + "ru": "Emulator Fakeroku", + "pt": "Emulador de Fakeroku", + "nl": "Fakeroku-emulator", + "fr": "Émulateur Fakeroku", + "it": "Emulatore Fakeroku", + "es": "Fakeroku Emulator", + "pl": "Fakeroku Emulator", + "uk": "Fakeroku Емулятор", + "zh-cn": "Fakeroku 模拟器" }, - "titleFull": "LG 2011 SmartTV", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/SMundt/iobroker.lgtv2011", - "installs": 300, - "weekDownloads": 23, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 3, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.fakeroku", + "installs": 580, + "weekDownloads": 14, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, - "lgtv-rs": { + "cec2": { "title": { - "de": "lgtv-rs", - "en": "lgtv-rs", - "ru": "lgtv-rs", - "zh-cn": "lgtv-rs" + "de": "cec2", + "en": "cec2", + "ru": "cec2", + "zh-cn": "cec2" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lgtv-rs/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lgtv-rs/lg.png", - "keywords": "lg, rs232, tv", - "authors": "instalator", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.cec2/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.cec2/cec2.png", + "keywords": "multimedia, HDMI, CEC, TV", + "authors": "Garfonso ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-09-07T14:22:57.452Z", - "version": "0.2.0", - "latestVersion": "0.2.0", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2020-01-28T20:41:50.009Z", + "version": "0.1.3", + "latestVersion": "0.1.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface", - "de": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface", - "ru": "Управление LG TV через интерфейс RS232.", - "pt": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface", - "fr": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface", - "nl": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface" + "en": "Can be used to monitor / control multimedia devices using the HDMI CEC bus. Possible commands include power on/off, switch input (for TVs), volume up/donw", + "de": "Kann benutzt werden um Multimediageräte, die über den HDMI CEC Bus kommunizieren zu überwachen und zu kontrollieren. Mögliche Kommandos enthalten Standby an/aus, Eingang wählen (am TV), Lauter/Leiser.", + "ru": "Может использоваться для мониторинга/управления мультимедийными устройствами по шине HDMI CEC. Возможные команды включают в себя включение/выключение питания, переключение входа (для телевизоров), увеличение/уменьшение громкости.", + "pt": "Pode ser usado para monitorar/controlar dispositivos multimídia usando o barramento HDMI CEC. Os comandos possíveis incluem ligar/desligar, interruptor de entrada (para TVs), aumentar/diminuir volume", + "nl": "Kan worden gebruikt om multimedia-apparaten te bewaken / bedienen met behulp van de HDMI CEC-bus. Mogelijke commando's zijn onder meer aan/uit, schakelaaringang (voor tv's), volume omhoog/omlaag", + "fr": "Peut être utilisé pour surveiller/contrôler des appareils multimédias à l'aide du bus HDMI CEC. Les commandes possibles incluent la mise sous/hors tension, l'entrée de commutation (pour les téléviseurs), le volume haut/bas", + "it": "Può essere utilizzato per monitorare/controllare dispositivi multimediali utilizzando il bus HDMI CEC. Possibili comandi includono accensione/spegnimento, ingresso interruttore (per TV), volume su/giù", + "es": "Se puede usar para monitorear/controlar dispositivos multimedia usando el bus HDMI CEC. Los comandos posibles incluyen encendido/apagado, cambiar entrada (para televisores), subir/bajar volumen", + "pl": "Może być używany do monitorowania / sterowania urządzeniami multimedialnymi za pomocą magistrali HDMI CEC. Możliwe polecenia obejmują włączanie/wyłączanie zasilania, wejście przełącznika (dla telewizorów), zwiększanie/zmniejszanie głośności", + "uk": "Може використовуватися для моніторингу / керування мультимедійними пристроями за допомогою шини HDMI CEC. Серед можливих команд — увімкнути/вимкнути живлення, перемкнути вхід (для телевізорів), збільшити/зменшити гучність", + "zh-cn": "可用于监视/控制使用 HDMI CEC 总线的多媒体设备。可能的命令包括电源开/关、开关输入(用于电视)、音量增大/减小" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "LG TV control over RS232 interface", - "de": "LG TV Steuerung über RS232 Schnittstelle", - "ru": "LG TV контроль над интерфейсом RS232", - "pt": "LG TV control sobre interface RS232", - "nl": "LG TV controle over RS232 interface", - "fr": "Contrôle TV LG sur l'interface RS232", - "it": "Controllo TV LG sull'interfaccia RS232", - "es": "Control de TV LG sobre interfaz RS232", - "pl": "LG TV kontroluje interfejs RS232", - "uk": "LG TV control інтерфейс RS232", - "zh-cn": "LG 对RS232接口的电视控制" + "en": "HDMI CEC devices 2", + "de": "HDMI CEC Geräte 2", + "ru": "Устройства HDMI CEC 2", + "pt": "Dispositivos HDMI CEC 2", + "nl": "HDMI CEC-apparaten 2", + "fr": "Périphériques HDMI CEC 2", + "it": "Dispositivi HDMI CEC 2", + "es": "Dispositivos HDMI CEC 2", + "pl": "Urządzenia HDMI CEC 2", + "uk": "Пристрої HDMI CEC 2", + "zh-cn": "HDMI CEC 设备 2" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/instalator/ioBroker.lgtv-rs", - "installs": 34, - "weekDownloads": 21, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.cec2", + "installs": 74, + "weekDownloads": 19, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 5, "score": 1 }, - "samsung": { + "frontier_silicon": { "title": { - "de": "samsung", - "en": "samsung", - "ru": "samsung", - "zh-cn": "samsung" + "de": "frontier_silicon", + "en": "frontier_silicon", + "ru": "frontier_silicon", + "zh-cn": "frontier_silicon" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.samsung/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.samsung/samsung.png", - "keywords": "samsung, samsung remote, samsung tv, home automation", - "authors": "soef ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.frontier_silicon/radio.png", + "keywords": "frontier silicon, media player, fsapi, internet radio, radio, music player", + "authors": "halloamt , pdbjjens ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-01-16T17:36:01.791Z", - "version": "0.6.1", - "latestVersion": "0.6.1", + "published": "2020-11-22T14:54:12.446Z", + "version": "0.3.0", + "latestVersion": "0.4.0", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control Samsung TV devices", - "de": "Steuert Samsung TV Geräte", - "ru": "Control Samsung TV devices", - "pt": "Controlar dispositivos de TV Samsung", - "nl": "Bedien Samsung TV-apparaten", - "fr": "Contrôler les appareils TV Samsung", - "it": "Controlla i dispositivi TV Samsung", - "es": "Controlar dispositivos de TV Samsung", - "pl": "Kontroluj urządzenia telewizyjne Samsung", - "uk": "Керуйте пристроями Samsung TV", - "zh-cn": "控制三星电视设备" + "en": "Provides support for media players equipped with a Frontier Silicon chipset using FSAPI.", + "de": "Bietet Unterstützung für Mediaplayer, die mit einem Frontier Silicon-Chipsatz mit FSAPI ausgestattet sind.", + "ru": "Обеспечивает поддержку медиаплееров, оснащенных чипсетом Frontier Silicon, с использованием FSAPI.", + "pt": "Fornece suporte para media players equipados com um chipset Frontier Silicon usando FSAPI.", + "nl": "Biedt ondersteuning voor mediaspelers die zijn uitgerust met een Frontier Silicon-chipset die FSAPI gebruikt.", + "fr": "Prend en charge les lecteurs multimédias équipés d'un chipset Frontier Silicon utilisant FSAPI.", + "it": "Fornisce supporto per lettori multimediali dotati di chipset Frontier Silicon utilizzando FSAPI.", + "es": "Brinda soporte para reproductores multimedia equipados con un chipset Frontier Silicon que usa FSAPI.", + "pl": "Zapewnia obsługę odtwarzaczy multimedialnych wyposażonych w chipset Frontier Silicon korzystających z FSAPI.", + "zh-cn": "为配备有使用FSAPI的Frontier Silicon芯片组的媒体播放器提供支持。", + "uk": "Забезпечує підтримку медіаплеєрів, оснащених чіпсетом Frontier Silicon, що використовує FSAPI." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Samsung TV", - "de": "Samsung-Fernseher", - "ru": "Телевизор Samsung", - "pt": "Samsung TV", - "nl": "Samsung-tv", - "fr": "Téléviseur Samsung", - "it": "TV Samsung", - "es": "Samsung TV", - "pl": "Telewizor Samsung", - "zh-cn": "三星电视", - "uk": "Телевізор Samsung" + "en": "Frontier Silicon", + "de": "Frontier Silicon", + "ru": "Frontier Silicon", + "pt": "Frontier Silicon", + "nl": "Frontier Silicium", + "fr": "Frontier Silicon", + "it": "Frontier Silicon", + "es": "Silicio de frontera", + "pl": "Frontier Silicon", + "zh-cn": "前沿硅", + "uk": "Frontier Silicon" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.samsung", - "installs": 3132, - "weekDownloads": 100, - "stars": 9, - "issues": 12, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.frontier_silicon", + "installs": 637, + "weekDownloads": 29, + "stars": 5, + "issues": 41, "score": 1 }, "harmony": { @@ -22083,260 +22208,387 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.harmony", - 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"de": "Samsung TizenOS TV Adapter zur Steuerung von Samsung tizenOS TVs (Modelljahr >= 2016)", - "ru": "Samsung TizenOS TV адаптер для управления Samsung tizenOS tvs (modellyear >= 2016)", - "pt": "Adaptador de TV Samsung TizenOS para controlar tvs samsung tizenOS (modellyear >= 2016)", - "nl": "Samsung TizenOS TV-adapter om samsungzenos TV TV TV TV te controleren", - "fr": "Samsung TizenOS adaptateur TV pour contrôler samsung tizenOS tvs (modellyear ACIA= 2016)", - "it": "Adattatore TV Samsung TizenOS per il controllo di samsung tizenOS tvs (modellyear >= 2016)", - "es": "Adaptador de TV Samsung TizenOS para controlar las televisiones samsung tizenOS (modellyear ю= 2016)", - "pl": "Samsung TizenOS TV adapter kontrolujący samsung tizenOS tvs (modelowo >= 2016)", - "uk": "Samsung TizenOS TV адаптер для управління samsung tizenOS tvs (модельляр >= 2016)", - "zh-cn": "Samsung TizenOSTV适应器,以控制Osmsung tizenOS tvs (Modell年-2016年)" + "en": "control Amazon Fire TV", + "de": "steuert Amazon Fire TV", + "ru": "Amazon Fire TV", + "pt": "controlar Amazon Fire TV", + "nl": "Amazon Fire TV bedienen", + "fr": "contrôler Amazon Fire TV", + "it": "controlla Amazon Fire TV", + "es": "controlar Amazon Fire TV", + "pl": "sterować Amazon Fire TV", + "uk": "керуйте Amazon Fire TV", + "zh-cn": "控制亚马逊消防电视" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Samsung TizenOS TVs\n", - "de": "Samsung TizenOS TVs\n", - "ru": "Samsung ТизенОС ТВ\n", - "pt": "Samsung TizenOS TVs\n", - "nl": "Samsung TizenOS TV\n", - "fr": "Samsung TizenOS TV\n", - "it": "Samsung TizenOS TVs\n", - "es": "Samsung TizenOS TVs\n", - "pl": "Samsung TizenOS TV\n", - "uk": "Samsung ТізенOS Телевізори\n", - "zh-cn": "Samsung TizenOS 电视\n" + "en": "Fire TV", + "de": "Fire TV", + "ru": "Пожарное ТВ", + "pt": "Fire TV", + "nl": "Fire TV", + "fr": "Fire TV", + "it": "Fire TV", + "es": "Fire TV", + "pl": "Fire TV", + "uk": "Пожежне телебачення", + "zh-cn": "消防电视" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.firetv", + "installs": 2049, + "weekDownloads": 59, + "stars": 8, + "issues": 16, + "score": 1 + }, + "cameras": { + "title": { + "de": "cameras", + "en": "cameras", + "ru": "cameras", + "zh-cn": "cameras" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.cameras/cameras.png", + "keywords": "ip-cam, web-cam, video", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-05-18T15:59:13.650Z", + "version": "2.1.2", + "latestVersion": "2.1.2", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Connect IP-cameras to iobroker", + "de": "Schließen Sie IP-Kameras an iobroker an", + "ru": "Подключите IP-камеры к iobroker", + "pt": "Conecte câmeras IP ao iobroker", + "nl": "Verbind IP-camera's met iobroker", + "fr": "Connectez des caméras IP à iobroker", + "it": "Collegare le telecamere IP a iobroker", + "es": "Conecte cámaras IP a iobroker", + "pl": "Podłącz kamery IP do iobroker", + "zh-cn": "将IP摄像机连接到iobroker" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "IP-Cameras", + "de": "IP-Kameras", + "ru": "IP-камера", + "pt": "Câmeras IP", + "nl": "IP-camera's", + "fr": "Caméras IP", + "it": "Telecamere IP", + "es": "Cámaras IP", + "pl": "Kamery IP", + "zh-cn": "IP摄像机" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.cameras", + "installs": 1453, + "weekDownloads": 78, + "stars": 13, + "issues": 29, + "score": 1 + }, + "lgtv": { + "title": { + "de": "lgtv", + "en": "lgtv", + "ru": "lgtv", + "zh-cn": "lgtv" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lgtv/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lgtv/lgtv.png", + "keywords": "lgtv, WebOS, Smart, TV, LG", + "authors": "SebastianSchultz , mcm1957 , iobroker-community-adapters ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2016-09-05T17:34:06.772Z", + "version": "2.4.0", + "latestVersion": "2.4.0", + "compact": false, + "description": { + "en": "Controls WebOS-based LG SmartTVs", + "de": "Steuert auf WebOS basierte LG SmartTVs", + "ru": "Управление WebOS на базе LG SmartTVs", + "pt": "Controles baseados em WebOS LG SmartTVs", + "nl": "Controle WebOS-gebaseerde LG SmartTV", + "fr": "Contrôles WebOS-based LG SmartTVs", + "it": "Controlli WebOS basati LG SmartTVs", + "es": "Controles LG SmartTVs basados en WebOS", + "pl": "Strona internetowa LG SmartTV", + "uk": "Контролери LG SmartTV", + "zh-cn": "A. 控制网络" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "LG WebOS SmartTV", + "de": "LG WebOS SmartTV", + "ru": "LG WebOS SmartTV", + "pt": "LG WebOS SmartTV", + "nl": "LG WebO SmartTV", + "fr": "LG WebOS SmartTV", + "it": "LG WebOS SmartTV", + "es": "LG WebOS SmartTV", + "pl": "Strona internetowa SmartTV", + "uk": "LG WebOS СмартTV", + "zh-cn": "LG网站" }, "branch": "master", - 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"pt": "Com este adaptador você pode controlar o ioBroker com voz em diversos idiomas", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u ioBroker met spraak in veel verschillende talen bedienen", - "fr": "Avec cet adaptateur, vous pouvez contrôler ioBroker avec la voix dans de nombreuses langues.", - "it": "Con questo adattatore puoi controllare ioBroker con la voce in molte lingue diverse", - "es": "Con este adaptador puede controlar ioBroker con voz en muchos idiomas diferentes", - "pl": "Dzięki temu adapterowi możesz sterować ioBroker głosem w wielu różnych językach", - "zh-cn": "使用此适配器,您可以使用多种语言的语音控制ioBroker" + "en": "Musiccast Adapter", + "de": "Musiccast Adapter", + "ru": "Адаптер Musiccast", + "pt": "Adaptador Musiccast", + "nl": "Musiccast-adapter", + "fr": "Adaptateur de Musiccast", + "it": "Adattatore Musiccast", + "es": "Adaptador de Musiccast", + "pl": "Adapter Musiccast", + "zh-cn": "雅马哈", + "uk": "Адаптер Musiccast" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Control your devices with voice", - "de": "Steuern Sie Ihre Geräte mit Sprache", - "ru": "Управляйте своими устройствами с помощью голоса", - "pt": "Controle seus dispositivos com voz", - "nl": "Bedien uw apparaten met spraak", - "fr": "Contrôlez vos appareils avec la voix", - "it": "Controlla i tuoi dispositivi con la voce", - "es": "Controla tus dispositivos con voz", - "pl": "Kontroluj swoje urządzenia za pomocą głosu", - "zh-cn": "用语音控制您的设备" + "en": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "de": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "ru": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "pt": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "nl": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "fr": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "it": "Yamaha MusicCastr", + "es": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "pl": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "zh-cn": "Yamaha MusicCast", + "uk": "Yamaha MusicCast" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.sonus", - "installs": 3, - "weekDownloads": 4, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 6, + "github": "https://github.com/foxthefox/ioBroker.musiccast", + "installs": 979, + "weekDownloads": 42, + "stars": 10, + "issues": 10, "score": 1 }, - "spotify-premium": { + "lgtv-rs": { "title": { - 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"fr": "contrôler les appareils Spotify", - "it": "controllare i dispositivi spotify", - "es": "controlar dispositivos spotify", - "pl": "kontroluj urządzenia spotify", - "uk": "управління точністю пристроїв", - "zh-cn": "控制spotify设备" + "en": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface", + "de": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface", + "ru": "Управление LG TV через интерфейс RS232.", + "pt": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface", + "fr": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface", + "nl": "Controls LG TV over RS232 interface" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Spotify (Premium)", - "de": "Spotify (Premium)", - "ru": "Спотифай (Премиум)", - "pt": "Spotify (Premium)", - "nl": "Spotify (Premium)", - "fr": "Spotify (Premium)", - "it": "Spotify (Premium)", - "es": "Spotify (premium)", - "pl": "Spotify (Premium)", - "uk": "Spotify (Premium)", - "zh-cn": "Spotify(高级)" + "en": "LG TV control over RS232 interface", + "de": "LG TV Steuerung über RS232 Schnittstelle", + "ru": "LG TV контроль над интерфейсом RS232", + "pt": "LG TV control sobre interface RS232", + "nl": "LG TV controle over RS232 interface", + "fr": "Contrôle TV LG sur l'interface RS232", + "it": "Controllo TV LG sull'interfaccia RS232", + "es": "Control de TV LG sobre interfaz RS232", + "pl": "LG TV kontroluje interfejs RS232", + "uk": "LG TV control інтерфейс RS232", + "zh-cn": "LG 对RS232接口的电视控制" }, "branch": "master", - 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"ru": "Музыкальный проигрыватель", - "pt": "Jogador de música daemon", - "nl": "Muziekspeler daemon", - "fr": "Démon du lecteur de musique", - "it": "Musicista daemon", - "es": "Music player daemon", - "pl": "Demon odtwarzacza muzyki", - "uk": "Музичний плеєр daemon", - "zh-cn": "音乐播放器守护进程" + "en": "Samsung TV", + "de": "Samsung-Fernseher", + "ru": "Телевизор Samsung", + "pt": "Samsung TV", + "nl": "Samsung-tv", + "fr": "Téléviseur Samsung", + "it": "TV Samsung", + "es": "Samsung TV", + "pl": "Telewizor Samsung", + "zh-cn": "三星电视", + "uk": "Телевізор Samsung" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.mpd", - "installs": 431, - "weekDownloads": 37, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 0, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/iobroker.samsung", + "installs": 3102, + "weekDownloads": 80, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 12, "score": 1 }, "sayit": { @@ -22605,24 +22928,123 @@ "uk": "Перетворення тексту в мовлення в хмарі або локально. Працює на Windows, Linux і OSX. Він також може відтворювати mp3/wav." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Text to speech", - "de": "Text zu Sprache", - "ru": "Текст в речь (Text to speech)", - "pt": "Texto para fala (Text to speech)", - "nl": "Tekst naar spraak (Text to speech)", - "fr": "Texte pour parler (Text to speech)", - "it": "Sintesi vocale (Text to speech)", - "es": "Texto a voz (Text to speech)", - "pl": "Tekst na mowę (Text to speech)", - "zh-cn": "文字到语音", - "uk": "Перетворення тексту на мовлення" + "en": "Text to speech", + "de": "Text zu Sprache", + "ru": "Текст в речь (Text to speech)", + "pt": "Texto para fala (Text to speech)", + "nl": "Tekst naar spraak (Text to speech)", + "fr": "Texte pour parler (Text to speech)", + "it": "Sintesi vocale (Text to speech)", + "es": "Texto a voz (Text to speech)", + "pl": "Tekst na mowę (Text to speech)", + "zh-cn": "文字到语音", + "uk": "Перетворення тексту на мовлення" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.sayit", + "installs": 3669, + "weekDownloads": 100, + "stars": 30, + "issues": 25, + "score": 1 + }, + "philips-tv": { + "title": { + "de": "philips-tv", + "en": "philips-tv", + "ru": "philips-tv", + "zh-cn": "philips-tv" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.philips-tv/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.philips-tv/philips-tv.png", + "keywords": "tv, philips, android", + "authors": "AlCalzone , Moritz Heusinger ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2017-11-26T16:53:52.106Z", + "version": "0.5.4", + "latestVersion": "0.5.4", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Adapter to control Philips TVs", + "de": "Adapter zur Steuerung von Philips TVs", + "ru": "Адаптер для управления телевизорами Philips", + "pt": "Adaptador para controlar Philips TVs", + "nl": "Adapter om Philips TV te controleren", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour contrôler Philips TV", + "it": "Adattatore per il controllo TV Philips", + "es": "Adaptador para controlar Philips TVs", + "pl": "Oficjalna strona Philips TV", + "zh-cn": "控制菲利普电视的道歉" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Philips TV", + "de": "Philips-Fernseher", + "ru": "Филипс ТВ", + "pt": "TV Philips", + "nl": "Philips-tv", + "fr": "Téléviseur Philips", + "it": "TV Philips", + "es": "Televisor philips", + "pl": "Telewizor Philips", + "zh-cn": "飞利浦电视" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/AlCalzone/ioBroker.philips-tv", + "installs": 799, + "weekDownloads": 29, + "stars": 21, + "issues": 12, + "score": 1 + }, + "spotify-premium": { + "title": { + "de": "spotify-premium", + "en": "spotify-premium", + "ru": "spotify-premium", + "zh-cn": "spotify-premium" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.spotify-premium/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.spotify-premium/spotify-premium.png", + "keywords": "spotify, player, media", + "authors": "Lucky, Alexander Kose, iobroker-community-adapters ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2018-02-16T08:58:22.449Z", + "version": "1.5.2", + "latestVersion": "1.5.2", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "control spotify devices", + "de": "Spotify-Geräte steuern", + "ru": "контрольные устройства", + "pt": "controlar dispositivos spotify", + "nl": "Spotify-apparaten bedienen", + "fr": "contrôler les appareils Spotify", + "it": "controllare i dispositivi spotify", + "es": "controlar dispositivos spotify", + "pl": "kontroluj urządzenia spotify", + "uk": "управління точністю пристроїв", + "zh-cn": "控制spotify设备" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Spotify (Premium)", + "de": "Spotify (Premium)", + "ru": "Спотифай (Премиум)", + "pt": "Spotify (Premium)", + "nl": "Spotify (Premium)", + "fr": "Spotify (Premium)", + "it": "Spotify (Premium)", + "es": "Spotify (premium)", + "pl": "Spotify (Premium)", + "uk": "Spotify (Premium)", + "zh-cn": "Spotify(高级)" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.sayit", - "installs": 3693, - "weekDownloads": 99, - "stars": 30, - "issues": 25, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.spotify-premium", + "installs": 2606, + "weekDownloads": 221, + "stars": 25, + "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, "panasonic-viera": { @@ -22670,329 +23092,159 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.panasonic-viera", - "installs": 638, - "weekDownloads": 29, + "installs": 626, + "weekDownloads": 24, "stars": 7, "issues": 23, "score": 1 }, - "sonos": { - "title": { - "de": "sonos", - "en": "sonos", - "ru": "sonos", - "zh-cn": "sonos" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sonos/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sonos/sonos.png", - "keywords": "sonos, player, music", - "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-01-02T21:25:03.373Z", - "version": "3.0.0", - "latestVersion": "3.0.0", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to monitor and control SONOS players from ioBroker", - "de": "Mit diesem Adapter können Sie SONOS-Player von ioBroker aus überwachen und steuern", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет контролировать и управлять SONOS-плеерами из ioBroker", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite monitorar e controlar os players do SONOS a partir do ioBroker", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen SONOS-spelers van ioBroker worden bewaakt en bestuurd", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de surveiller et de contrôler les lecteurs SONOS de ioBroker", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di monitorare e controllare i lettori SONOS da ioBroker", - "es": "Este adaptador permite monitorear y controlar los reproductores SONOS desde ioBroker", - "pl": "Ten adapter pozwala monitorować i kontrolować odtwarzacze SONOS z ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "此适配器允许从ioBroker监视和控制SONOS播放器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Sonos", - "de": "Sonos", - "ru": "Sonos", - "pt": "Sonos", - "nl": "Sonos", - "fr": "Sonos", - "it": "Sonos", - "es": "Sonos", - "pl": "Sonos", - "zh-cn": "Sonos" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.sonos", - "installs": 6220, - "weekDownloads": 124, - "stars": 36, - "issues": 37, - "score": 1 - }, - "plexconnect": { - "title": { - "de": "plexconnect", - "en": "plexconnect", - "ru": "plexconnect", - "zh-cn": "plexconnect" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.plexconnect/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.plexconnect/plexconnect.png", - "keywords": "plex media server, plex, addon", - "authors": "Lars Weimar , mdsv", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-10-09T13:54:21.007Z", - "version": "0.0.7", - "latestVersion": "0.0.7", - "description": "Plex connector", - "titleFull": "Plex Connect", - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/eisbaeeer/iobroker.plexconnect", - "installs": 157, - "weekDownloads": 8, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 7, - "score": 1 - }, - "cameras": { - "title": { - "de": "cameras", - "en": "cameras", - "ru": "cameras", - "zh-cn": "cameras" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.cameras/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.cameras/cameras.png", - "keywords": "ip-cam, web-cam, video", - "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-05-18T15:59:13.650Z", - "version": "2.1.2", - "latestVersion": "2.1.2", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Connect IP-cameras to iobroker", - "de": "Schließen Sie IP-Kameras an iobroker an", - "ru": "Подключите IP-камеры к iobroker", - "pt": "Conecte câmeras IP ao iobroker", - "nl": "Verbind IP-camera's met iobroker", - "fr": "Connectez des caméras IP à iobroker", - "it": "Collegare le telecamere IP a iobroker", - "es": "Conecte cámaras IP a iobroker", - "pl": "Podłącz kamery IP do iobroker", - "zh-cn": "将IP摄像机连接到iobroker" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "IP-Cameras", - "de": "IP-Kameras", - "ru": "IP-камера", - "pt": "Câmeras IP", - "nl": "IP-camera's", - "fr": "Caméras IP", - "it": "Telecamere IP", - "es": "Cámaras IP", - "pl": "Kamery IP", - "zh-cn": "IP摄像机" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.cameras", - "installs": 1446, - "weekDownloads": 68, - "stars": 13, - "issues": 29, - "score": 1 - }, - "onkyo": { + "kodi": { "title": { - "de": "onkyo", - "en": "onkyo", - "ru": "onkyo", - "zh-cn": "onkyo" + "de": "kodi", + "en": "kodi", + "ru": "kodi", + "zh-cn": "kodi" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.onkyo/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.onkyo/onkyo.png", - "keywords": "Onkyo, Pioneer, AVR, eiscp", - "authors": "Oliver Wagner , Lars Weimar ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.kodi/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.kodi/kodi.png", + "keywords": "kodi, player, xbmc, vis", + "authors": "instalator", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-03-22T15:08:19.799Z", - "version": "2.1.2", - "latestVersion": "2.1.2", + "published": "2016-05-22T15:47:37.487Z", + "version": "3.1.0", + "latestVersion": "3.1.0", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control Onkyo and Pioneer AVRs with EISCP protocol and VIS support", - "de": "Control Onkyo and Pioneer AVRs with EISCP protocol and VIS support", - "ru": "Управляйте AVR Onkyo и Pioneer с помощью протокола EISCP и поддержки VIS", - "pt": "Controle AVRs Onkyo e Pioneer com protocolo EISCP e suporte VIS", - "nl": "Bedien Onkyo en Pioneer AVR's met EISCP-protocol en VIS-ondersteuning", - "fr": "Contrôlez les AVR Onkyo et Pioneer avec le protocole EISCP et la prise en charge VIS", - "it": "Controlla gli AVR Onkyo e Pioneer con protocollo EISCP e supporto VIS", - "es": "Controle los AVR de Onkyo y Pioneer con el protocolo EISCP y compatibilidad con VIS", - "pl": "Kontroluj amplitunery Onkyo i Pioneer za pomocą protokołu EISCP i obsługi VIS", - "zh-cn": "使用 EISCP 协议和 VIS 支持控制 Onkyo 和 Pioneer AVR" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - VIS compatible", - "de": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - VIS kompatibel", - "ru": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - совместимый с VIS", - "pt": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - compatível com VIS", - "nl": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - VIS-compatibel", - "fr": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - Compatible VIS", - "it": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - compatibile con VIS", - "es": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - Compatible con VIS", - "pl": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - kompatybilny z VIS", - "zh-cn": "Onkyo Pioneer EISCP - 兼容 VIS" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.onkyo", - "installs": 1106, - "weekDownloads": 53, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 11, - "score": 1 - }, - "bluesound": { - "title": { - "de": "bluesound", - "en": "bluesound", - "ru": "bluesound", - "zh-cn": "bluesound" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bluesound/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bluesound/bluesound.png", - "keywords": "multimedia, control", - "authors": "Uwe Nagel ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2024-05-17T07:36:43.609Z", - "version": "1.1.4", - "latestVersion": "1.1.4", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter to control Bluesound devices", - "de": "Adapter zur Steuerung von Bluesound-Geräten", - "ru": "Адаптер для управления устройствами Bluesound", - "pt": "Adaptador para controlar dispositivos Bluesound", - "nl": "Adapter om Bluesound-apparaten te bedienen", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour contrôler les appareils Bluesound", - "it": "Adattatore per controllare i dispositivi Bluesound", - "es": "Adaptador para controlar dispositivos Bluesound", - "pl": "Adapter do sterowania urządzeniami Bluesound", - "uk": "Адаптер для управління пристроями Bluesound", - "zh-cn": "用于控制 Bluesound 设备的适配器" + "en": "Kodi Control Adapter", + "de": "Kodi Control Adapter", + "ru": "Адаптер для управления Kodi", + "pt": "Adaptador de controle Kodi", + "nl": "Kodi-besturingsadapter", + "fr": "Adaptateur de commande Kodi", + "it": "Adattatore di controllo Kodi", + "es": "Kodi juhtiadapter", + "pl": "Adapter sterowania Kodi", + "zh-cn": "Kodi控制適配器", + "uk": "Адаптер керування Kodi" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Bluesound Control", - "de": "Bluesound-Steuerung", - "ru": "Управление Bluesound", - "pt": "Controle de som azul", - "nl": "Bluesound-controle", - "fr": "Contrôle du son bleu", - "it": "Controllo Bluesound", - "es": "Control de sonido azul", - "pl": "Sterowanie Bluesoundem", - "uk": "Управління Bluesound", - "zh-cn": "蓝声控制" + "en": "Kodi media player control", + "de": "Kodi Media Player-Steuerung", + "ru": "Управление медиаплеером Kodi", + "pt": "Controle do reprodutor de mídia Kodi", + "nl": "Kodi mediaspelerbediening", + "fr": "Contrôle du lecteur multimédia Kodi", + "it": "Controllo del lettore multimediale Kodi", + "es": "Control del reproductor multimedia Kodi", + "pl": "Sterowanie odtwarzaczem multimedialnym Kodi", + "zh-cn": "Kodi媒体播放器控件", + "uk": "Керування медіаплеєром Kodi" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/Uwe1958/ioBroker.bluesound", - "installs": 15, - "weekDownloads": 4, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 1, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.kodi", + "installs": 973, + "weekDownloads": 36, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "sony-bravia": { + "sonus": { "title": { - "de": "sony-bravia", - "en": "sony-bravia", - "ru": "sony-bravia", - "zh-cn": "sony-bravia" + "de": "sonus", + "en": "sonus", + "ru": "sonus", + "zh-cn": "sonus" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sony-bravia/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sony-bravia/sony-bravia.png", - "keywords": "sony, bravia, smart-tv", - "authors": "ldittmar ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sonus/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sonus/sonus.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-09-17T21:26:41.970Z", - "version": "1.1.0", - "latestVersion": "1.1.0", + "published": "2019-05-12T17:53:01.335Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.1.1", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This is an ioBroker adapter for your Sony Bravia Smart-TV with Android OS. Tested with KD-65X8507C.", - "de": "Dies ist ein ioBroker-Adapter für Ihr Sony Bravia Smart-TV mit Android-Betriebssystem. Getestet mit KD-65X8507C.", - "ru": "Это адаптер ioBroker для вашего Sony Bravia Smart-TV с ОС Android. Протестировано с KD-65X8507C.", - "pt": "Este é um adaptador ioBroker para o seu Sony Bravia Smart-TV com sistema operacional Android. Testado com o KD-65X8507C.", - "fr": "Ceci est un adaptateur ioBroker pour votre Sony Bravia Smart-TV avec Android OS. Testé avec KD-65X8507C.", - "nl": "Dit is een ioBroker-adapter voor uw Sony Bravia Smart-TV met Android OS. Getest met KD-65X8507C.", - "it": "Questo è un adattatore ioBroker per il tuo Sony Bravia Smart-TV con sistema operativo Android. Testato con KD-65X8507C.", - "es": "Este es un adaptador ioBroker para su Sony Bravia Smart-TV con sistema operativo Android. Probado con KD-65X8507C.", - "pl": "Jest to adapter ioBroker do Twojego Sony Bravia Smart-TV z systemem operacyjnym Android. Testowane za pomocą KD-65X8507C.", - "zh-cn": "这是适用于Android OS索尼Bravia智能电视的ioBroker适配器。 用KD-65X8507C测试。" + "en": "With this adapter you can control ioBroker with voice in many different languages", + "de": "Mit diesem Adapter können Sie den ioBroker mit Voice in vielen verschiedenen Sprachen steuern", + "ru": "С помощью этого адаптера вы можете управлять ioBroker с помощью голоса на разных языках.", + "pt": "Com este adaptador você pode controlar o ioBroker com voz em diversos idiomas", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunt u ioBroker met spraak in veel verschillende talen bedienen", + "fr": "Avec cet adaptateur, vous pouvez contrôler ioBroker avec la voix dans de nombreuses langues.", + "it": "Con questo adattatore puoi controllare ioBroker con la voce in molte lingue diverse", + "es": "Con este adaptador puede controlar ioBroker con voz en muchos idiomas diferentes", + "pl": "Dzięki temu adapterowi możesz sterować ioBroker głosem w wielu różnych językach", + "zh-cn": "使用此适配器,您可以使用多种语言的语音控制ioBroker" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "de": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "ru": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "pt": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "fr": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "nl": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "it": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "es": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "pl": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", - "zh-cn": "索尼Bravia智能电视" + "en": "Control your devices with voice", + "de": "Steuern Sie Ihre Geräte mit Sprache", + "ru": "Управляйте своими устройствами с помощью голоса", + "pt": "Controle seus dispositivos com voz", + "nl": "Bedien uw apparaten met spraak", + "fr": "Contrôlez vos appareils avec la voix", + "it": "Controlla i tuoi dispositivi con la voce", + "es": "Controla tus dispositivos con voz", + "pl": "Kontroluj swoje urządzenia za pomocą głosu", + "zh-cn": "用语音控制您的设备" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.sony-bravia", - "installs": 1298, - "weekDownloads": 50, - "stars": 11, - "issues": 13, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.sonus", + "installs": 3, + "weekDownloads": 8, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "philips-tv": { + "sonos": { "title": { - "de": "philips-tv", - "en": "philips-tv", - "ru": "philips-tv", - "zh-cn": "philips-tv" + "de": "sonos", + "en": "sonos", + "ru": "sonos", + "zh-cn": "sonos" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.philips-tv/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.philips-tv/philips-tv.png", - "keywords": "tv, philips, android", - "authors": "AlCalzone , Moritz Heusinger ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sonos/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sonos/sonos.png", + "keywords": "sonos, player, music", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-11-26T16:53:52.106Z", - "version": "0.5.4", - "latestVersion": "0.5.4", + "published": "2015-01-02T21:25:03.373Z", + "version": "3.0.0", + "latestVersion": "3.0.0", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter to control Philips TVs", - "de": "Adapter zur Steuerung von Philips TVs", - "ru": "Адаптер для управления телевизорами Philips", - "pt": "Adaptador para controlar Philips TVs", - "nl": "Adapter om Philips TV te controleren", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour contrôler Philips TV", - "it": "Adattatore per il controllo TV Philips", - "es": "Adaptador para controlar Philips TVs", - "pl": "Oficjalna strona Philips TV", - "zh-cn": "控制菲利普电视的道歉" + "en": "This adapter allows to monitor and control SONOS players from ioBroker", + "de": "Mit diesem Adapter können Sie SONOS-Player von ioBroker aus überwachen und steuern", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет контролировать и управлять SONOS-плеерами из ioBroker", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite monitorar e controlar os players do SONOS a partir do ioBroker", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen SONOS-spelers van ioBroker worden bewaakt en bestuurd", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de surveiller et de contrôler les lecteurs SONOS de ioBroker", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di monitorare e controllare i lettori SONOS da ioBroker", + "es": "Este adaptador permite monitorear y controlar los reproductores SONOS desde ioBroker", + "pl": "Ten adapter pozwala monitorować i kontrolować odtwarzacze SONOS z ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "此适配器允许从ioBroker监视和控制SONOS播放器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Philips TV", - "de": "Philips-Fernseher", - "ru": "Филипс ТВ", - "pt": "TV Philips", - "nl": "Philips-tv", - "fr": "Téléviseur Philips", - "it": "TV Philips", - "es": "Televisor philips", - "pl": "Telewizor Philips", - "zh-cn": "飞利浦电视" + "en": "Sonos", + "de": "Sonos", + "ru": "Sonos", + "pt": "Sonos", + "nl": "Sonos", + "fr": "Sonos", + "it": "Sonos", + "es": "Sonos", + "pl": "Sonos", + "zh-cn": "Sonos" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/AlCalzone/ioBroker.philips-tv", - "installs": 803, - "weekDownloads": 29, - "stars": 21, - "issues": 12, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.sonos", + "installs": 6132, + "weekDownloads": 114, + "stars": 36, + "issues": 37, "score": 1 }, "squeezeboxrpc": { @@ -23008,7 +23260,7 @@ "authors": "oweitman ", "license": "MIT", "published": "2019-04-18T23:40:03.905Z", - "version": "1.5.1", + "version": "1.5.2", "latestVersion": "1.5.2", "compact": true, "description": { @@ -23025,24 +23277,124 @@ "uk": "SqueezeboxRPC: контролер для медіасервера Logitech через RPC-протокол" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controller for Logitech media Server over RPC-protokol", - "de": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controller für Logitech Media Server über RPC-Protokoll", - "ru": "SqueezeboxRPC: контроллер для медиасервера Logitech по протоколу RPC", - "pt": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controlador para Logitech Media Server sobre protocolo RPC", - "nl": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controller voor Logitech-mediaserver via RPC-protocol", - "fr": "SqueezeboxRPC : contrôleur pour serveur multimédia Logitech via protocole RPC", - "it": "SqueezeboxRPC: controller per Logitech media Server su protocollo RPC", - "es": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controlador para servidor de medios Logitech sobre protocolo RPC", - "pl": "SqueezeboxRPC: Kontroler serwera multimediów Logitech poprzez protokół RPC", - "uk": "SqueezeboxRPC: контролер для медіасервера Logitech через RPC-протокол", - "zh-cn": "SqueezeboxRPC:基于 RPC 协议的 Logitech 媒体服务器控制器" + "en": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controller for Logitech media Server over RPC-protokol", + "de": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controller für Logitech Media Server über RPC-Protokoll", + "ru": "SqueezeboxRPC: контроллер для медиасервера Logitech по протоколу RPC", + "pt": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controlador para Logitech Media Server sobre protocolo RPC", + "nl": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controller voor Logitech-mediaserver via RPC-protocol", + "fr": "SqueezeboxRPC : contrôleur pour serveur multimédia Logitech via protocole RPC", + "it": "SqueezeboxRPC: controller per Logitech media Server su protocollo RPC", + "es": "SqueezeboxRPC: Controlador para servidor de medios Logitech sobre protocolo RPC", + "pl": "SqueezeboxRPC: Kontroler serwera multimediów Logitech poprzez protokół RPC", + "uk": "SqueezeboxRPC: контролер для медіасервера Logitech через RPC-протокол", + "zh-cn": "SqueezeboxRPC:基于 RPC 协议的 Logitech 媒体服务器控制器" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.squeezeboxrpc", + "installs": 592, + "weekDownloads": 217, + "stars": 17, + "issues": 21, + "score": 1 + }, + "plex": { + "title": { + "de": "plex", + "en": "plex", + "ru": "plex", + "zh-cn": "plex" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.plex/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.plex/plex.jpg", + "keywords": "tautulli, plex, media", + "authors": "Zefau , ticaki ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-04-26T09:01:53.652Z", + "version": "1.1.5", + "latestVersion": "1.1.5", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "de": "Integration des Plex Media Servers und Tautulli", + "en": "Integration of your Plex Media Server and your Tautulli", + "es": "La integración de su Plex Media Server y / o su Tautulli", + "fr": "L'intégration de votre Plex Media Server et / ou votre Tautulli", + "it": "L'integrazione di Plex Media Server e / o il vostro Tautulli", + "nl": "Integratie van uw Plex Media Server en / of uw Tautulli", + "pl": "Integracja Plex media serwer i / lub Tautulli", + "pt": "A integração de suas Plex Media Server e / ou o seu Tautulli", + "ru": "Интеграция Plex медиа-сервер и / или Tautulli", + "uk": "Інтеграція медіасервера Plex і Tautulli", + "zh-cn": "融入你的丛媒体服务器以及/或者你Tautulli" + }, + "titleFull": { + "de": "Plex Media Server", + "en": "Plex Media Server", + "es": "Plex Media Server", + "fr": "Plex Media Server", + "it": "Plex Media Server", + "nl": "Plex Media Server", + "pl": "Plex Media Server", + "pt": "Plex Media Server", + "ru": "Plex Media Server", + "uk": "Медіасервер Plex", + "zh-cn": "Plex Media Server" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.plex", + "installs": 857, + "weekDownloads": 132, + "stars": 7, + "issues": 1, + "score": 1 + }, + "sony-bravia": { + "title": { + "de": "sony-bravia", + "en": "sony-bravia", + "ru": "sony-bravia", + "zh-cn": "sony-bravia" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sony-bravia/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sony-bravia/sony-bravia.png", + "keywords": "sony, bravia, smart-tv", + "authors": "ldittmar ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2017-09-17T21:26:41.970Z", + "version": "1.1.0", + "latestVersion": "1.1.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This is an ioBroker adapter for your Sony Bravia Smart-TV with Android OS. Tested with KD-65X8507C.", + "de": "Dies ist ein ioBroker-Adapter für Ihr Sony Bravia Smart-TV mit Android-Betriebssystem. Getestet mit KD-65X8507C.", + "ru": "Это адаптер ioBroker для вашего Sony Bravia Smart-TV с ОС Android. Протестировано с KD-65X8507C.", + "pt": "Este é um adaptador ioBroker para o seu Sony Bravia Smart-TV com sistema operacional Android. Testado com o KD-65X8507C.", + "fr": "Ceci est un adaptateur ioBroker pour votre Sony Bravia Smart-TV avec Android OS. Testé avec KD-65X8507C.", + "nl": "Dit is een ioBroker-adapter voor uw Sony Bravia Smart-TV met Android OS. Getest met KD-65X8507C.", + "it": "Questo è un adattatore ioBroker per il tuo Sony Bravia Smart-TV con sistema operativo Android. Testato con KD-65X8507C.", + "es": "Este es un adaptador ioBroker para su Sony Bravia Smart-TV con sistema operativo Android. Probado con KD-65X8507C.", + "pl": "Jest to adapter ioBroker do Twojego Sony Bravia Smart-TV z systemem operacyjnym Android. Testowane za pomocą KD-65X8507C.", + "zh-cn": "这是适用于Android OS索尼Bravia智能电视的ioBroker适配器。 用KD-65X8507C测试。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "de": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "ru": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "pt": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "fr": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "nl": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "it": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "es": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "pl": "Sony Bravia Smart-TV", + "zh-cn": "索尼Bravia智能电视" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.squeezeboxrpc", - "installs": 609, - "weekDownloads": 54, - "stars": 17, - "issues": 21, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.sony-bravia", + "installs": 1276, + "weekDownloads": 38, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 13, "score": 1 }, "trivum": { @@ -23089,54 +23441,59 @@ "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/TheBam1990/ioBroker.trivum", "installs": 14, - "weekDownloads": 7, + "weekDownloads": 16, "stars": 2, "issues": 13, "score": 1 }, - "vivitek": { + "yamaha": { "title": { - "de": "vivitek", - "en": "vivitek", - "ru": "vivitek", - "zh-cn": "vivitek" + "de": "yamaha", + "en": "yamaha", + "ru": "yamaha", + "zh-cn": "yamaha" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vivitek/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vivitek/vivitek.png", - "keywords": "vivitek projector", - "authors": "Bannsaenger ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.yamaha/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.yamaha/yamaha.png", + "keywords": "yamaha, avr, receiver", + "authors": "soef ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-01-09T18:54:56.534Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.2", + "published": "2016-01-16T17:39:17.385Z", + "version": "0.5.4", + "latestVersion": "0.5.4", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control a Vivitek Projector via Network (RS 232 commands via telnet)", - "de": "Steuern Sie einen Vivitek-Projektor über das Netzwerk (RS 232-Befehle über Telnet)", - "ru": "Управление проектором Vivitek по сети (команды RS 232 через telnet)", - "pt": "Controlar um projetor Vivitek via rede (comandos RS 232 via telnet)", - "nl": "Bedien een Vivitek-projector via netwerk (RS 232-opdrachten via telnet)", - "fr": "Contrôlez un projecteur Vivitek via le réseau (commandes RS 232 via telnet)", - "it": "Controlla un proiettore Vivitek tramite rete (comandi RS 232 tramite telnet)", - "es": "Controle un proyector Vivitek a través de la red (comandos RS 232 a través de telnet)", - "pl": "Sterowanie projektorem Vivitek przez sieć (polecenia RS 232 przez telnet)", - "zh-cn": "通过网络控制Vivitek投影仪(通过telnet的RS 232命令)" + "en": "Control Yamaha AV-Receivers via Network", + "de": "Steuern Sie Yamaha AV-Receiver über das Netzwerk", + "ru": "Управление AV-ресиверами Yamaha через сеть", + "pt": "Controle os receptores AV da Yamaha via rede", + "nl": "Bedien Yamaha AV-ontvangers via netwerk", + "fr": "Contrôlez les récepteurs AV Yamaha via le réseau", + "it": "Controlla i ricevitori AV Yamaha tramite la rete", + "es": "Controle los receptores AV de Yamaha a través de la red", + "pl": "Kontroluj odbiorniki AV Yamaha przez sieć", + "zh-cn": "通过网络控制Yamaha AV接收器" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Vivitek Projector Control", - "de": "Vivitek Projektorsteuerung", - "ru": "Управление проектором Vivitek", - "pt": "Vivitek Projector Control", - "nl": "Vivitek Projector Control", - "fr": "Contrôle du projecteur Vivitek", - "it": "Vivitek Projector Control", - "es": "Control del proyector Vivitek", - "pl": "Sterowanie projektorem Vivitek", - "zh-cn": "Vivitek投影仪控制" + "en": "Yamaha", + "de": "Yamaha", + "ru": "Yamaha", + "pt": "Yamaha", + "nl": "Yamaha", + "fr": "Yamaha", + "it": "Yamaha", + "es": "Yamaha", + "pl": "Yamaha", + "zh-cn": "雅马哈" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Bannsaenger/ioBroker.vivitek" + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.yamaha", + "installs": 1034, + "weekDownloads": 68, + "stars": 10, + "issues": 14, + "score": 1 }, "volumio": { "title": { @@ -23182,8 +23539,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/a-i-ks/ioBroker.volumio", - "installs": 230, - "weekDownloads": 17, + "installs": 231, + "weekDownloads": 11, "stars": 3, "issues": 7, "score": 1 @@ -23213,59 +23570,59 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/foxriver76/ioBroker.xbox", - "installs": 195, - "weekDownloads": 38, + "installs": 193, + "weekDownloads": 49, "stars": 11, "issues": 14, "score": 1 }, - "yamaha": { + "vivitek": { "title": { - "de": "yamaha", - "en": "yamaha", - "ru": "yamaha", - "zh-cn": "yamaha" + "de": "vivitek", + "en": "vivitek", + "ru": "vivitek", + "zh-cn": "vivitek" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.yamaha/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.yamaha/yamaha.png", - "keywords": "yamaha, avr, receiver", - "authors": "soef ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vivitek/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vivitek/vivitek.png", + "keywords": "vivitek projector", + "authors": "Bannsaenger ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-01-16T17:39:17.385Z", - "version": "0.5.4", - "latestVersion": "0.5.4", + "published": "2021-01-09T18:54:56.534Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.0.2", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Control Yamaha AV-Receivers via Network", - "de": "Steuern Sie Yamaha AV-Receiver über das Netzwerk", - "ru": "Управление AV-ресиверами Yamaha через сеть", - "pt": "Controle os receptores AV da Yamaha via rede", - "nl": "Bedien Yamaha AV-ontvangers via netwerk", - "fr": "Contrôlez les récepteurs AV Yamaha via le réseau", - "it": "Controlla i ricevitori AV Yamaha tramite la rete", - "es": "Controle los receptores AV de Yamaha a través de la red", - "pl": "Kontroluj odbiorniki AV Yamaha przez sieć", - "zh-cn": "通过网络控制Yamaha AV接收器" + "en": "Control a Vivitek Projector via Network (RS 232 commands via telnet)", + "de": "Steuern Sie einen Vivitek-Projektor über das Netzwerk (RS 232-Befehle über Telnet)", + "ru": "Управление проектором Vivitek по сети (команды RS 232 через telnet)", + "pt": "Controlar um projetor Vivitek via rede (comandos RS 232 via telnet)", + "nl": "Bedien een Vivitek-projector via netwerk (RS 232-opdrachten via telnet)", + "fr": "Contrôlez un projecteur Vivitek via le réseau (commandes RS 232 via telnet)", + "it": "Controlla un proiettore Vivitek tramite rete (comandi RS 232 tramite telnet)", + "es": "Controle un proyector Vivitek a través de la red (comandos RS 232 a través de telnet)", + "pl": "Sterowanie projektorem Vivitek przez sieć (polecenia RS 232 przez telnet)", + "zh-cn": "通过网络控制Vivitek投影仪(通过telnet的RS 232命令)" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Yamaha", - "de": "Yamaha", - "ru": "Yamaha", - "pt": "Yamaha", - "nl": "Yamaha", - "fr": "Yamaha", - "it": "Yamaha", - "es": "Yamaha", - "pl": "Yamaha", - "zh-cn": "雅马哈" + "en": "Vivitek Projector Control", + "de": "Vivitek Projektorsteuerung", + "ru": "Управление проектором Vivitek", + "pt": "Vivitek Projector Control", + "nl": "Vivitek Projector Control", + "fr": "Contrôle du projecteur Vivitek", + "it": "Vivitek Projector Control", + "es": "Control del proyector Vivitek", + "pl": "Sterowanie projektorem Vivitek", + "zh-cn": "Vivitek投影仪控制" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.yamaha", - "installs": 1034, - "weekDownloads": 166, - "stars": 10, - "issues": 14, + "github": "https://github.com/Bannsaenger/ioBroker.vivitek", + "installs": 3, + "weekDownloads": 2, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 } } @@ -23283,56 +23640,6 @@ "pl": "Sieć" }, "pages": { - "adguard": { - "title": { - "de": "adguard", - "en": "adguard", - "ru": "adguard", - "zh-cn": "adguard" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.adguard/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.adguard/adguard.png", - "keywords": "AdGuard, DNS, tracker-blocking, ad-blocking", - "authors": "Dennis Rathjen , Iobroker Community", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-07-11T20:08:59.423Z", - "version": "1.0.1", - "latestVersion": "1.0.1", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "AdGuard Home is a network-wide ad- and tracker-blocking DNS server with parental control (adult content blocking) capabilities. The AdGuard integration allows you to control and monitor your AdGuard Home instance in ioBroker.", - "de": "AdGuard Home ist ein netzwerkweiter DNS-Server zum Blockieren von Werbung und Trackern mit Funktionen zur Kindersicherung (Blockierung von Inhalten für Erwachsene). ", - "ru": "AdGuard Home - это общесетевой DNS-сервер, блокирующий рекламу и трекер, с возможностями родительского контроля (блокировка контента для взрослых). ", - "pt": "O AdGuard Home é um servidor DNS de bloqueio de rastreadores e anúncios em toda a rede com recursos de controle dos pais (bloqueio de conteúdo adulto). ", - "nl": "AdGuard Home is een netwerkbrede advertentie- en trackerblokkerende DNS-server met mogelijkheden voor ouderlijk toezicht (blokkering van inhoud voor volwassenen). ", - "fr": "AdGuard Home est un serveur DNS bloquant les publicités et les traqueurs à l'échelle du réseau avec des capacités de contrôle parental (blocage de contenu pour adultes). ", - "it": "AdGuard Home è un server DNS che blocca annunci e tracker su tutta la rete con funzionalità di controllo genitori (blocco dei contenuti per adulti). ", - "es": "AdGuard Home es un servidor DNS de bloqueo de rastreadores y anuncios en toda la red con capacidades de control parental (bloqueo de contenido para adultos). ", - "pl": "AdGuard Home to serwer DNS blokujący reklamy i moduły śledzące w całej sieci z funkcjami kontroli rodzicielskiej (blokowanie treści dla dorosłych). ", - "zh-cn": "AdGuard Home 是具有家长控制(成人内容阻止)功能的全网络广告和跟踪器阻止 DNS 服务器。 ", - "uk": "AdGuard Home — це мережевий DNS-сервер, який блокує рекламу та трекери з можливостями батьківського контролю (блокування вмісту для дорослих). Інтеграція AdGuard дозволяє контролювати та відстежувати свій екземпляр AdGuard Home в ioBroker." - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "AdGuard ", - "de": "AdGuard", - "ru": "AdGuard", - "pt": "AdGuard", - "nl": "AdGuard", - "fr": "AdGuard", - "it": "AdGuard", - "es": "AdGuard", - "pl": "AdGuard", - "zh-cn": "广告卫士", - "uk": "AdGuard" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.adguard", - "installs": 745, - "weekDownloads": 54, - "stars": 9, - "issues": 2, - "score": 1 - }, "contactid": { "title": { "de": "contactid", @@ -23346,8 +23653,8 @@ "authors": "Thorsten Stueben ", "license": "MIT", "published": "2018-05-12T17:59:52.182Z", - "version": "1.0.2", - "latestVersion": "2.0.0", + "version": "2.0.0", + "latestVersion": "2.0.1", "compact": true, "description": { "en": "The protocol Contact ID used by alarm systems to communicate with central stations", @@ -23377,109 +23684,109 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/schmupu/ioBroker.contactid", - "installs": 54, - "weekDownloads": 91, + "installs": 53, + "weekDownloads": 41, "stars": 26, "issues": 16, "score": 1 }, - "net-tools": { + "adguard": { "title": { - "de": "net-tools", - "en": "net-tools", - "ru": "net-tools", - "zh-cn": "net-tools" + "de": "adguard", + "en": "adguard", + "ru": "adguard", + "zh-cn": "adguard" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.net-tools/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.net-tools/net-tools.png", - "keywords": "poll, ping, ip, wake-on-lan, port scan", - "authors": "Jey Cee ", - "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", - "published": "2020-09-14T14:21:30.581Z", - "version": "1.0.11", - "latestVersion": "1.0.11", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.adguard/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.adguard/adguard.png", + "keywords": "AdGuard, DNS, tracker-blocking, ad-blocking", + "authors": "Dennis Rathjen , Iobroker Community", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2021-07-11T20:08:59.423Z", + "version": "1.0.1", + "latestVersion": "1.0.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter cyclic polls configured IPs, can send wake-on-lan packages and scan for open ports.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter fragt zyklisch konfigurierte IPs ab, kann Wake-on-Lan-Pakete senden und nach offenen Ports suchen.", - "ru": "Этот адаптер циклически опрашивает настроенные IP-адреса, может отправлять пакеты пробуждения по локальной сети и сканировать открытые порты.", - "pt": "Este adaptador pesquisa cíclicamente os IPs configurados, pode enviar pacotes wake-on-lan e procurar portas abertas.", - "nl": "Deze adapter peilt cyclisch geconfigureerde IP's, kan wake-on-lan-pakketten verzenden en scannen op open poorten.", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur interroge cycliquement les adresses IP configurées, peut envoyer des packages wake-on-lan et rechercher les ports ouverts.", - "it": "Questo adattatore esegue il polling ciclico degli IP configurati, può inviare pacchetti wake-on-lan ed eseguire la scansione delle porte aperte.", - "es": "Este adaptador sondea cíclicamente las IP configuradas, puede enviar paquetes Wake-on-LAN y buscar puertos abiertos.", - "pl": "Ten adapter cyklicznie odpytuje skonfigurowane adresy IP, może wysyłać pakiety wake-on-lan i skanować w poszukiwaniu otwartych portów.", - "uk": "Цей адаптер циклічно опитує налаштовані IP-адреси, може надсилати пакети wake-on-lan і сканувати відкриті порти.", - "zh-cn": "该适配器循环轮询配置的 IP,可以发送 LAN 唤醒包并扫描开放端口。" + "en": "AdGuard Home is a network-wide ad- and tracker-blocking DNS server with parental control (adult content blocking) capabilities. The AdGuard integration allows you to control and monitor your AdGuard Home instance in ioBroker.", + "de": "AdGuard Home ist ein netzwerkweiter DNS-Server zum Blockieren von Werbung und Trackern mit Funktionen zur Kindersicherung (Blockierung von Inhalten für Erwachsene). ", + "ru": "AdGuard Home - это общесетевой DNS-сервер, блокирующий рекламу и трекер, с возможностями родительского контроля (блокировка контента для взрослых). ", + "pt": "O AdGuard Home é um servidor DNS de bloqueio de rastreadores e anúncios em toda a rede com recursos de controle dos pais (bloqueio de conteúdo adulto). ", + "nl": "AdGuard Home is een netwerkbrede advertentie- en trackerblokkerende DNS-server met mogelijkheden voor ouderlijk toezicht (blokkering van inhoud voor volwassenen). ", + "fr": "AdGuard Home est un serveur DNS bloquant les publicités et les traqueurs à l'échelle du réseau avec des capacités de contrôle parental (blocage de contenu pour adultes). ", + "it": "AdGuard Home è un server DNS che blocca annunci e tracker su tutta la rete con funzionalità di controllo genitori (blocco dei contenuti per adulti). ", + "es": "AdGuard Home es un servidor DNS de bloqueo de rastreadores y anuncios en toda la red con capacidades de control parental (bloqueo de contenido para adultos). ", + "pl": "AdGuard Home to serwer DNS blokujący reklamy i moduły śledzące w całej sieci z funkcjami kontroli rodzicielskiej (blokowanie treści dla dorosłych). ", + "zh-cn": "AdGuard Home 是具有家长控制(成人内容阻止)功能的全网络广告和跟踪器阻止 DNS 服务器。 ", + "uk": "AdGuard Home — це мережевий DNS-сервер, який блокує рекламу та трекери з можливостями батьківського контролю (блокування вмісту для дорослих). Інтеграція AdGuard дозволяє контролювати та відстежувати свій екземпляр AdGuard Home в ioBroker." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Net tools", - "de": "Netzwerk Werkzeuge", - "ru": "Чистые инструменты", - "pt": "Ferramentas de rede", - "nl": "Netto hulpmiddelen", - "fr": "Outils Internet", - "it": "Strumenti della rete", - "es": "herramientas netas", - "pl": "Narzędzia sieciowe", - "uk": "Чистий інструмент", - "zh-cn": "网络工具" + "en": "AdGuard ", + "de": "AdGuard", + "ru": "AdGuard", + "pt": "AdGuard", + "nl": "AdGuard", + "fr": "AdGuard", + "it": "AdGuard", + "es": "AdGuard", + "pl": "AdGuard", + "zh-cn": "广告卫士", + "uk": "AdGuard" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.net-tools", - "installs": 7825, - "weekDownloads": 113, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 8, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.adguard", + "installs": 740, + "weekDownloads": 51, + "stars": 9, + "issues": 2, "score": 1 }, - "pi-hole": { + "multicast": { "title": { - "de": "pi-hole", - "en": "pi-hole", - "ru": "pi-hole", - "zh-cn": "pi-hole" + "de": "multicast", + "en": "multicast", + "ru": "multicast", + "zh-cn": "multicast" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pi-hole/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pi-hole/pi-hole.png", - "keywords": "pi-hole, ad-filter", - "authors": "Michael Schuster ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.multicast/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.multicast/multicast.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", + "authors": "DutchmanNL ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-05-25T20:04:51.558Z", - "version": "1.3.6", - "latestVersion": "1.3.6", + "published": "2019-08-06T21:18:25.285Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.1.6", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "manage a pi-hole installation", - "de": "Verwalten einer Pi-Hole-Installation", - "ru": "управлять установкой", - "pt": "gerenciar uma instalação pi-hole", - "nl": "een pi-hole-installatie beheren", - "fr": "gérer une installation de pi-trous", - "it": "gestire un'installazione pi-hole", - "es": "administrar una instalación de agujero pi", - "pl": "zarządzaj instalacją pi-hole", - "zh-cn": "管理一个pi-hole安装" + "en": "Receive and sent multicast information", + "de": "Empfangen und Senden von Multicast-Informationen", + "ru": "Получать и отправлять многоадресную информацию", + "pt": "Receber e enviar informações multicast", + "nl": "Multicast-informatie ontvangen en verzonden", + "fr": "Recevoir et envoyer des informations de multidiffusion", + "it": "Ricevi e invia informazioni multicast", + "es": "Recibir y enviar información multicast.", + "pl": "Odbieranie i wysyłanie informacji o multiemisji", + "zh-cn": "接收和发送多播信息" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "pi-hole", - "de": "Pi-hole", - "ru": "пи-дыра", - "pt": "pi-hole", - "nl": "pi-hole", - "fr": "pi-trou", - "it": "pi-hole", - "es": "agujero pi", - "pl": "pi-hole", - "zh-cn": "PI-孔" + "en": "Multicast", + "de": "Multicast", + "ru": "Multicast", + "pt": "Multicast", + "nl": "multicast", + "fr": "Multidiffusion", + "it": "Multicast", + "es": "Multidifusión", + "pl": "Multicast", + "zh-cn": "组播" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/unltdnetworx/ioBroker.pi-hole", - "installs": 2124, - "weekDownloads": 28, - "stars": 12, - "issues": 7, + "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.multicast", + "installs": 28, + "weekDownloads": 22, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 17, "score": 1 }, "ping": { @@ -23526,156 +23833,160 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.ping", - "installs": 21656, - "weekDownloads": 523, + "installs": 21393, + "weekDownloads": 419, "stars": 21, "issues": 12, "score": 1 }, - "proxy": { + "net-tools": { "title": { - "de": "proxy", - "en": "proxy", - "ru": "proxy", - "zh-cn": "proxy" + "de": "net-tools", + "en": "net-tools", + "ru": "net-tools", + "zh-cn": "net-tools" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.proxy/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.proxy/proxy.png", - "keywords": "web, proxy, communication", - "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2017-03-11T23:57:45.008Z", - "version": "1.3.2", - "latestVersion": "1.3.2", - "materialize": true, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.net-tools/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.net-tools/net-tools.png", + "keywords": "poll, ping, ip, wake-on-lan, port scan", + "authors": "Jey Cee ", + "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", + "published": "2020-09-14T14:21:30.581Z", + "version": "1.0.11", + "latestVersion": "1.1.0", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to reach other HTTP servers (like WEB CAM) in the same web server", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht es, andere HTTP-Server (wie WEB CAM) auf demselben Webserver zu erreichen", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет опрашивать другие HTTP-серверы (например, WEB CAM) на одном и том же веб-сервере", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite alcançar outros servidores HTTP (como WEB CAM) no mesmo servidor web", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen andere HTTP-servers (zoals WEB CAM) op dezelfde webserver worden bereikt", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'atteindre d'autres serveurs HTTP (comme WEB CAM) sur le même serveur web", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di raggiungere altri server HTTP (come WEB CAM) nello stesso server web", - "es": "Este adaptador permite llegar a otros servidores HTTP (como WEB CAM) en el mismo servidor web", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia dotarcie do innych serwerów HTTP (takich jak WEB CAM) na tym samym serwerze internetowym", - "zh-cn": "此适配器允许访问同一Web服务器中的其他HTTP服务器(例如WEB CAM)" + "en": "This adapter cyclic polls configured IPs, can send wake-on-lan packages and scan for open ports.", + "de": "Dieser Adapter fragt zyklisch konfigurierte IPs ab, kann Wake-on-Lan-Pakete senden und nach offenen Ports suchen.", + "ru": "Этот адаптер циклически опрашивает настроенные IP-адреса, может отправлять пакеты пробуждения по локальной сети и сканировать открытые порты.", + "pt": "Este adaptador pesquisa cíclicamente os IPs configurados, pode enviar pacotes wake-on-lan e procurar portas abertas.", + "nl": "Deze adapter peilt cyclisch geconfigureerde IP's, kan wake-on-lan-pakketten verzenden en scannen op open poorten.", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur interroge cycliquement les adresses IP configurées, peut envoyer des packages wake-on-lan et rechercher les ports ouverts.", + "it": "Questo adattatore esegue il polling ciclico degli IP configurati, può inviare pacchetti wake-on-lan ed eseguire la scansione delle porte aperte.", + "es": "Este adaptador sondea cíclicamente las IP configuradas, puede enviar paquetes Wake-on-LAN y buscar puertos abiertos.", + "pl": "Ten adapter cyklicznie odpytuje skonfigurowane adresy IP, może wysyłać pakiety wake-on-lan i skanować w poszukiwaniu otwartych portów.", + "uk": "Цей адаптер циклічно опитує налаштовані IP-адреси, може надсилати пакети wake-on-lan і сканувати відкриті порти.", + "zh-cn": "该适配器循环轮询配置的 IP,可以发送 LAN 唤醒包并扫描开放端口。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Proxy", - "de": "Proxy", - "ru": "Прокси", - "pt": "Procuração", - "nl": "Volmacht", - "fr": "Procuration", - "it": "procuratore", - "es": "Apoderado", - "pl": "Pełnomocnik", - "zh-cn": "代理人" + "en": "Net tools", + "de": "Netzwerk Werkzeuge", + "ru": "Чистые инструменты", + "pt": "Ferramentas de rede", + "nl": "Netto hulpmiddelen", + "fr": "Outils Internet", + "it": "Strumenti della rete", + "es": "herramientas netas", + "pl": "Narzędzia sieciowe", + "uk": "Чистий інструмент", + "zh-cn": "网络工具" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.proxy", - "installs": 624, - "weekDownloads": 30, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 6, + "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.net-tools", + "installs": 7644, + "weekDownloads": 93, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 8, "score": 1 }, - "multicast": { + "pi-hole": { "title": { - "de": "multicast", - "en": "multicast", - "ru": "multicast", - "zh-cn": "multicast" + "de": "pi-hole", + "en": "pi-hole", + "ru": "pi-hole", + "zh-cn": "pi-hole" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.multicast/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.multicast/multicast.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", - "authors": "DutchmanNL ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pi-hole/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pi-hole/pi-hole.png", + "keywords": "pi-hole, ad-filter", + "authors": "Michael Schuster ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-08-06T21:18:25.285Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.1.6", + "published": "2019-05-25T20:04:51.558Z", + "version": "1.3.6", + "latestVersion": "1.3.6", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Receive and sent multicast information", - "de": "Empfangen und Senden von Multicast-Informationen", - "ru": "Получать и отправлять многоадресную информацию", - "pt": "Receber e enviar informações multicast", - "nl": "Multicast-informatie ontvangen en verzonden", - "fr": "Recevoir et envoyer des informations de multidiffusion", - "it": "Ricevi e invia informazioni multicast", - "es": "Recibir y enviar información multicast.", - "pl": "Odbieranie i wysyłanie informacji o multiemisji", - "zh-cn": "接收和发送多播信息" + "en": "manage a pi-hole installation", + "de": "Verwalten einer Pi-Hole-Installation", + "ru": "управлять установкой", + "pt": "gerenciar uma instalação pi-hole", + "nl": "een pi-hole-installatie beheren", + "fr": "gérer une installation de pi-trous", + "it": "gestire un'installazione pi-hole", + "es": "administrar una instalación de agujero pi", + "pl": "zarządzaj instalacją pi-hole", + "zh-cn": "管理一个pi-hole安装" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Multicast", - "de": "Multicast", - "ru": "Multicast", - "pt": "Multicast", - "nl": "multicast", - "fr": "Multidiffusion", - "it": "Multicast", - "es": "Multidifusión", - "pl": "Multicast", - "zh-cn": "组播" + "en": "pi-hole", + "de": "Pi-hole", + "ru": "пи-дыра", + "pt": "pi-hole", + "nl": "pi-hole", + "fr": "pi-trou", + "it": "pi-hole", + "es": "agujero pi", + "pl": "pi-hole", + "zh-cn": "PI-孔" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.multicast", - "installs": 30, - "weekDownloads": 6, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 17, + "github": "https://github.com/unltdnetworx/ioBroker.pi-hole", + "installs": 2109, + "weekDownloads": 49, + "stars": 12, + "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, - "radar2": { + "upnp": { "title": { - "de": "radar2", - "en": "radar2", - "ru": "radar2", - "zh-cn": "radar2" + "de": "upnp", + "en": "upnp", + "ru": "upnp", + "zh-cn": "upnp" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.radar2/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.radar2/radar2.png", - "keywords": "ping, ip, mac, bluetooth, radar, UWZ, ECB, printer, HP, Ink", - "authors": "iobroker-community-adapters , frankjoke ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.upnp/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.upnp/upnp.png", + "keywords": "upnp", + "authors": "Jey Cee ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-02-09T00:21:03.035Z", - "version": "2.2.0", - "latestVersion": "2.2.0", + "published": "2016-10-31T18:40:22.374Z", + "version": "1.1.0", + "latestVersion": "1.1.0", "materialize": true, "compact": false, "description": { - "en": "This adapter can scan IP and bluetooth addresses for availability/in reach and also get exchange rates from European Central Bank, Weather warning from UWZ and get ink fill from HP printers", - "de": "Dieser Adapter überprüft IP-Adressen und Bluetooth-Adressen auf Verfügbarkeit/Anwesenheit. Er kann auch Wechselkurse der ECB, Unwetterwarnungen der UWZ und Tintenfüllstände für HP anzeigen", - "ru": "Этот адаптер может проверять IP-адреса и Bluetooth для доступности в пределах досягаемости, а также получить курсы от Европейского центрального банка, погодные предупреждения от найти и достать чернил заправить от принтеров HP", - "pt": "Este adaptador pode verificar IP e bluetooth endereços para disponibilidade/reach e também obter taxas de câmbio do Banco Central Europeu, o Tempo de aviso de UWZ e obter a tinta a preencher de impressoras HP", - "nl": "Deze adapter kunt scannen van IP-en bluetooth-adressen voor beschikbaarheid/in bereik en ook de wisselkoersen van de Europese Centrale Bank, Weer een waarschuwing van UWZ en krijgen inkt vullen van de HP-printers", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur peut scanner IP et des adresses bluetooth pour la disponibilité/reach, et également obtenir les taux de change de la Banque Centrale Européenne, d'alerte Météo de UWZ et obtenir d'encre de remplissage à partir d'imprimantes HP", - "it": "Questo adattatore è possibile eseguire la scansione IP e indirizzi bluetooth per la disponibilità/a raggiungere e anche ottenere tassi di cambio della Banca Centrale Europea, allerta Meteo da UWZ e ottenere riempire di inchiostro HP stampanti", - "es": "Este adaptador puede escanear IP y bluetooth direcciones de disponibilidad/en llegar y también obtener los tipos de cambio del Banco Central Europeo, el Tiempo de advertencia de UWZ y obtener de relleno de tinta de impresoras HP", - "pl": "Ten adapter może sprawdzić adresy IP i Bluetooth dla atrakcji w zasięgu ręki, a także uzyskać kursy od Europejskiego banku centralnego, ostrzeżenia pogodowe od znaleźć i zdobyć atramentu zatankować od drukarek HP", - "zh-cn": "这器可以扫描权和蓝牙地址可用性/在达和也得到的汇率从欧洲中央银行、天气预警,从UWZ,并得到墨水填写自惠普的打印机" + "en": "Discover and control devices that support UPnP", + "ru": "Обнаружение и управление устройствами, поддерживающих UPnP", + "de": "Ermitteln und steuern die Geräte, die UPnP unterstützen", + "pt": "Descubra e controle dispositivos que suportam UPnP", + "fr": "Découverte et contrôle des périphériques prenant en charge UPnP", + "nl": "Apparaten ontdekken en bedienen die UPnP ondersteunen", + "es": "Descubrir y controlar dispositivos compatibles con UPnP.", + "it": "Scopri e controlla i dispositivi che supportano UPnP", + "pl": "Odkrywaj i kontroluj urządzenia obsługujące UPnP", + "zh-cn": "发现和控制支持UPnP的设备", + "uk": "Знаходьте пристрої з підтримкою UPnP та керуйте ними" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Radar2 for IP & Bluetooth devices and infos mfrom UWZ, ECB and HP-Printers", - "de": "Radar2 für IP & Bluetooth-Geräte und infos mfrom UWZ, EZB und HP-Drucker", - "ru": "Radar2 для IP-устройств Bluetooth и М инфос найти, ЕЦБ и HP-принтеры", - "pt": "Radar2 para IP e dispositivos Bluetooth e infos mfrom UWZ, do BCE e do PS-Impressoras", - "nl": "Radar2 voor IP & Bluetooth-apparaten en info mfrom UWZ, ECB en HP-Printers", - "fr": "Radar2 de la propriété intellectuelle et les périphériques Bluetooth et les infos mfrom UWZ, de la BCE et HP Imprimantes", - "it": "Radar2 per IP e dispositivi Bluetooth e informazioni metri UWZ, BCE e HP-Stampanti", - "es": "Radar2 para la propiedad intelectual y los dispositivos Bluetooth y infos mfrom UWZ, el BCE y el HP-Impresoras", - "pl": "Radar2 IP urządzeń Bluetooth i M инфос znaleźć, EBC i HP-drukarki", - "zh-cn": "Radar2用于知识产权和蓝牙设备和相关信息mfrom UWZ,欧洲央行和HP-打印机" + "en": "UPnP", + "de": "UPnP", + "ru": "UPnP", + "pt": "UPnP", + "nl": "UPnP", + "fr": "UPnP", + "it": "UPnP", + "es": "UPnP", + "pl": "UPnP", + "uk": "UPnP", + "zh-cn": "UPnP" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.radar2", - "installs": 2382, - "weekDownloads": 89, - "stars": 11, - "issues": 6, + "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.upnp", + "installs": 2620, + "weekDownloads": 83, + "stars": 10, + "issues": 4, "score": 1 }, "vbus-gw": { @@ -23692,7 +24003,7 @@ "license": "MIT", "published": "2023-09-21T14:51:20.059Z", "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.1.0", + "latestVersion": "0.2.0", "compact": true, "description": { "en": "Allows TCP access to serial port based VBus devices", @@ -23723,9 +24034,57 @@ "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/pdbjjens/ioBroker.vbus-gw", "installs": 2, - "weekDownloads": 0, + "weekDownloads": 66, "stars": -1, - "issues": 8, + "issues": 1, + "score": 1 + }, + "proxy": { + "title": { + "de": "proxy", + "en": "proxy", + "ru": "proxy", + "zh-cn": "proxy" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.proxy/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.proxy/proxy.png", + "keywords": "web, proxy, communication", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2017-03-11T23:57:45.008Z", + "version": "1.3.2", + "latestVersion": "1.3.2", + "materialize": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter allows to reach other HTTP servers (like WEB CAM) in the same web server", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht es, andere HTTP-Server (wie WEB CAM) auf demselben Webserver zu erreichen", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет опрашивать другие HTTP-серверы (например, WEB CAM) на одном и том же веб-сервере", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite alcançar outros servidores HTTP (como WEB CAM) no mesmo servidor web", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen andere HTTP-servers (zoals WEB CAM) op dezelfde webserver worden bereikt", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'atteindre d'autres serveurs HTTP (comme WEB CAM) sur le même serveur web", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di raggiungere altri server HTTP (come WEB CAM) nello stesso server web", + "es": "Este adaptador permite llegar a otros servidores HTTP (como WEB CAM) en el mismo servidor web", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia dotarcie do innych serwerów HTTP (takich jak WEB CAM) na tym samym serwerze internetowym", + "zh-cn": "此适配器允许访问同一Web服务器中的其他HTTP服务器(例如WEB CAM)" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Proxy", + "de": "Proxy", + "ru": "Прокси", + "pt": "Procuração", + "nl": "Volmacht", + "fr": "Procuration", + "it": "procuratore", + "es": "Apoderado", + "pl": "Pełnomocnik", + "zh-cn": "代理人" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.proxy", + "installs": 623, + "weekDownloads": 21, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, "unifi": { @@ -23770,62 +24129,160 @@ "zh-cn": "UniFi 网络" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.unifi", - "installs": 4440, - "weekDownloads": 97, - "stars": 73, - "issues": 29, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.unifi", + "installs": 4390, + "weekDownloads": 98, + "stars": 73, + "issues": 29, + "score": 1 + }, + "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater": { + "title": { + "de": "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater", + "en": "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater", + "ru": "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater", + "zh-cn": "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater/tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater.png", + "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", + "authors": "PowerPan ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-04-13T19:53:31.886Z", + "version": "0.0.1", + "latestVersion": "0.0.1", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Updates your Dynamic Public IPv4 Address on tunnel broker.net", + "de": "Aktualisiert Ihre Dynamic Public IPv4-Adresse auf tunnel broker.net", + "ru": "Обновляет ваш динамический публичный IPv4-адрес на tunnel broker.net", + "pt": "Atualiza seu endereço IPv4 público dinâmico no túnel broker.net", + "nl": "Werkt uw Dynamic Public IPv4-adres bij op tunnelbroker.net", + "fr": "Met à jour votre adresse IPv4 publique dynamique sur tunnel broker.net", + "it": "Aggiorna il tuo indirizzo IPv4 pubblico dinamico su tunnel broker.net", + "es": "Actualiza su dirección IPv4 pública dinámica en tunnel broker.net", + "pl": "Aktualizuje dynamiczny publiczny adres IPv4 w broker.net tunelu", + "zh-cn": "在tunnel broker.net上更新您的动态公共IPv4地址" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", + "de": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", + "ru": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", + "pt": "Atualizador de Endpoint da Tunnelbroker", + "nl": "HE Tunnelbroker eindpuntupdater", + "fr": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", + "it": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", + "es": "Actualizador de punto final de corredor de túneles HE", + "pl": "HE Aktualizator punktu końcowego Tunnelbroker", + "zh-cn": "HE Tunnelbroker端点更新程序" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/PowerPan/ioBroker.tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater", + "installs": 5, + "weekDownloads": 3, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 17, + "score": 1 + }, + "radar2": { + "title": { + "de": "radar2", + "en": "radar2", + "ru": "radar2", + "zh-cn": "radar2" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.radar2/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.radar2/radar2.png", + "keywords": "ping, ip, mac, bluetooth, radar, UWZ, ECB, printer, HP, Ink", + "authors": "iobroker-community-adapters , frankjoke ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2019-02-09T00:21:03.035Z", + "version": "2.2.0", + "latestVersion": "2.2.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": false, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter can scan IP and bluetooth addresses for availability/in reach and also get exchange rates from European Central Bank, Weather warning from UWZ and get ink fill from HP printers", + "de": "Dieser Adapter überprüft IP-Adressen und Bluetooth-Adressen auf Verfügbarkeit/Anwesenheit. Er kann auch Wechselkurse der ECB, Unwetterwarnungen der UWZ und Tintenfüllstände für HP anzeigen", + "ru": "Этот адаптер может проверять IP-адреса и Bluetooth для доступности в пределах досягаемости, а также получить курсы от Европейского центрального банка, погодные предупреждения от найти и достать чернил заправить от принтеров HP", + "pt": "Este adaptador pode verificar IP e bluetooth endereços para disponibilidade/reach e também obter taxas de câmbio do Banco Central Europeu, o Tempo de aviso de UWZ e obter a tinta a preencher de impressoras HP", + "nl": "Deze adapter kunt scannen van IP-en bluetooth-adressen voor beschikbaarheid/in bereik en ook de wisselkoersen van de Europese Centrale Bank, Weer een waarschuwing van UWZ en krijgen inkt vullen van de HP-printers", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur peut scanner IP et des adresses bluetooth pour la disponibilité/reach, et également obtenir les taux de change de la Banque Centrale Européenne, d'alerte Météo de UWZ et obtenir d'encre de remplissage à partir d'imprimantes HP", + "it": "Questo adattatore è possibile eseguire la scansione IP e indirizzi bluetooth per la disponibilità/a raggiungere e anche ottenere tassi di cambio della Banca Centrale Europea, allerta Meteo da UWZ e ottenere riempire di inchiostro HP stampanti", + "es": "Este adaptador puede escanear IP y bluetooth direcciones de disponibilidad/en llegar y también obtener los tipos de cambio del Banco Central Europeo, el Tiempo de advertencia de UWZ y obtener de relleno de tinta de impresoras HP", + "pl": "Ten adapter może sprawdzić adresy IP i Bluetooth dla atrakcji w zasięgu ręki, a także uzyskać kursy od Europejskiego banku centralnego, ostrzeżenia pogodowe od znaleźć i zdobyć atramentu zatankować od drukarek HP", + "zh-cn": "这器可以扫描权和蓝牙地址可用性/在达和也得到的汇率从欧洲中央银行、天气预警,从UWZ,并得到墨水填写自惠普的打印机" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Radar2 for IP & Bluetooth devices and infos mfrom UWZ, ECB and HP-Printers", + "de": "Radar2 für IP & Bluetooth-Geräte und infos mfrom UWZ, EZB und HP-Drucker", + "ru": "Radar2 для IP-устройств Bluetooth и М инфос найти, ЕЦБ и HP-принтеры", + "pt": "Radar2 para IP e dispositivos Bluetooth e infos mfrom UWZ, do BCE e do PS-Impressoras", + "nl": "Radar2 voor IP & Bluetooth-apparaten en info mfrom UWZ, ECB en HP-Printers", + "fr": "Radar2 de la propriété intellectuelle et les périphériques Bluetooth et les infos mfrom UWZ, de la BCE et HP Imprimantes", + "it": "Radar2 per IP e dispositivi Bluetooth e informazioni metri UWZ, BCE e HP-Stampanti", + "es": "Radar2 para la propiedad intelectual y los dispositivos Bluetooth y infos mfrom UWZ, el BCE y el HP-Impresoras", + "pl": "Radar2 IP urządzeń Bluetooth i M инфос znaleźć, EBC i HP-drukarki", + "zh-cn": "Radar2用于知识产权和蓝牙设备和相关信息mfrom UWZ,欧洲央行和HP-打印机" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.radar2", + "installs": 2347, + "weekDownloads": 54, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "upnp": { + "wireless-settings": { "title": { - "de": "upnp", - "en": "upnp", - "ru": "upnp", - "zh-cn": "upnp" + "de": "wireless-settings", + "en": "wireless-settings", + "ru": "wireless-settings", + "zh-cn": "wireless-settings" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.upnp/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.upnp/upnp.png", - "keywords": "upnp", - "authors": "Jey Cee ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.wireless-settings/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.wireless-settings/wireless-settings.png", + "keywords": "network, wireless, wlan, raspberry, pi", + "authors": "ioBroker ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-10-31T18:40:22.374Z", - "version": "1.1.0", - "latestVersion": "1.1.0", + "published": "2024-10-04T05:44:18.109Z", + "version": "1.0.2", + "latestVersion": "1.0.2", "materialize": true, - "compact": false, + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Discover and control devices that support UPnP", - "ru": "Обнаружение и управление устройствами, поддерживающих UPnP", - "de": "Ermitteln und steuern die Geräte, die UPnP unterstützen", - "pt": "Descubra e controle dispositivos que suportam UPnP", - "fr": "Découverte et contrôle des périphériques prenant en charge UPnP", - "nl": "Apparaten ontdekken en bedienen die UPnP ondersteunen", - "es": "Descubrir y controlar dispositivos compatibles con UPnP.", - "it": "Scopri e controlla i dispositivi che supportano UPnP", - "pl": "Odkrywaj i kontroluj urządzenia obsługujące UPnP", - "zh-cn": "发现和控制支持UPnP的设备", - "uk": "Знаходьте пристрої з підтримкою UPnP та керуйте ними" + "en": "Wireless settings for Raspberry Pi", + "de": "WLAN-Einstellungen für Raspberry Pi", + "ru": "Настройки беспроводной связи для Raspberry Pi", + "pt": "Configurações sem fio para Raspberry Pi", + "nl": "Draadloze instellingen voor Raspberry Pi", + "fr": "Paramètres sans fil pour Raspberry Pi", + "it": "Impostazioni wireless per Raspberry Pi", + "es": "Configuración inalámbrica para Raspberry Pi", + "pl": "Ustawienia bezprzewodowe dla Raspberry Pi", + "uk": "Налаштування бездротового зв'язку для Raspberry Pi", + "zh-cn": "树莓派的无线设置" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "UPnP", - "de": "UPnP", - "ru": "UPnP", - "pt": "UPnP", - "nl": "UPnP", - "fr": "UPnP", - "it": "UPnP", - "es": "UPnP", - "pl": "UPnP", - "uk": "UPnP", - "zh-cn": "UPnP" + "en": "Wireless settings", + "de": "WLAN-Einstellungen", + "ru": "Настройки беспроводной связи", + "pt": "Configurações sem fio", + "nl": "Draadloze instellingen", + "fr": "Paramètres sans fil", + "it": "Impostazioni wireless", + "es": "Configuración inalámbrica", + "pl": "Ustawienia bezprzewodowe", + "uk": "Бездротові налаштування", + "zh-cn": "无线设置" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Jey-Cee/ioBroker.upnp", - "installs": 2640, - "weekDownloads": 89, - "stars": 10, - "issues": 4, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.wireless-settings", + "installs": 420, + "weekDownloads": 14, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 5, "score": 1 }, "vofo-speedtest": { @@ -23872,8 +24329,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.vofo-speedtest", - "installs": 136, - "weekDownloads": 17, + "installs": 140, + "weekDownloads": 14, "stars": 5, "issues": 20, "score": 1 @@ -23921,111 +24378,11 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.web-speedy", - "installs": 425, - "weekDownloads": 7, + "installs": 415, + "weekDownloads": 27, "stars": 13, "issues": 28, "score": 1 - }, - "wireless-settings": { - "title": { - "de": "wireless-settings", - "en": "wireless-settings", - "ru": "wireless-settings", - "zh-cn": "wireless-settings" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.wireless-settings/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.wireless-settings/wireless-settings.png", - "keywords": "network, wireless, wlan, raspberry, pi", - "authors": "ioBroker ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2024-10-04T05:44:18.109Z", - "version": "1.0.2", - "latestVersion": "1.0.2", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Wireless settings for Raspberry Pi", - "de": "WLAN-Einstellungen für Raspberry Pi", - "ru": "Настройки беспроводной связи для Raspberry Pi", - "pt": "Configurações sem fio para Raspberry Pi", - "nl": "Draadloze instellingen voor Raspberry Pi", - "fr": "Paramètres sans fil pour Raspberry Pi", - "it": "Impostazioni wireless per Raspberry Pi", - "es": "Configuración inalámbrica para Raspberry Pi", - "pl": "Ustawienia bezprzewodowe dla Raspberry Pi", - "uk": "Налаштування бездротового зв'язку для Raspberry Pi", - "zh-cn": "树莓派的无线设置" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Wireless settings", - "de": "WLAN-Einstellungen", - "ru": "Настройки беспроводной связи", - "pt": "Configurações sem fio", - "nl": "Draadloze instellingen", - "fr": "Paramètres sans fil", - "it": "Impostazioni wireless", - "es": "Configuración inalámbrica", - "pl": "Ustawienia bezprzewodowe", - "uk": "Бездротові налаштування", - "zh-cn": "无线设置" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.wireless-settings", - "installs": 417, - "weekDownloads": 6, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 5, - "score": 1 - }, - "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater": { - "title": { - "de": "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater", - "en": "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater", - "ru": "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater", - "zh-cn": "tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater/tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater.png", - "keywords": "ioBroker, template, Smart Home, home automation", - "authors": "PowerPan ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-04-13T19:53:31.886Z", - "version": "0.0.1", - "latestVersion": "0.0.1", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Updates your Dynamic Public IPv4 Address on tunnel broker.net", - "de": "Aktualisiert Ihre Dynamic Public IPv4-Adresse auf tunnel broker.net", - "ru": "Обновляет ваш динамический публичный IPv4-адрес на tunnel broker.net", - "pt": "Atualiza seu endereço IPv4 público dinâmico no túnel broker.net", - "nl": "Werkt uw Dynamic Public IPv4-adres bij op tunnelbroker.net", - "fr": "Met à jour votre adresse IPv4 publique dynamique sur tunnel broker.net", - "it": "Aggiorna il tuo indirizzo IPv4 pubblico dinamico su tunnel broker.net", - "es": "Actualiza su dirección IPv4 pública dinámica en tunnel broker.net", - "pl": "Aktualizuje dynamiczny publiczny adres IPv4 w broker.net tunelu", - "zh-cn": "在tunnel broker.net上更新您的动态公共IPv4地址" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", - "de": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", - "ru": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", - "pt": "Atualizador de Endpoint da Tunnelbroker", - "nl": "HE Tunnelbroker eindpuntupdater", - "fr": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", - "it": "HE Tunnelbroker Endpoint Updater", - "es": "Actualizador de punto final de corredor de túneles HE", - "pl": "HE Aktualizator punktu końcowego Tunnelbroker", - "zh-cn": "HE Tunnelbroker端点更新程序" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/PowerPan/ioBroker.tunnelbroker-endpoint-updater", - "installs": 7, - "weekDownloads": 2, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 17, - "score": 1 } } }, @@ -24057,54 +24414,54 @@ "pl": "Protokoły" }, "pages": { - "nmea": { + "lorawan": { "title": { - "de": "nmea", - "en": "nmea", - "ru": "nmea", - "zh-cn": "nmea" + "de": "lorawan", + "en": "lorawan", + "ru": "lorawan", + "zh-cn": "lorawan" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nmea/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nmea/nmea.png", - "keywords": "notification, MQTT, message", - "authors": "bluefox ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lorawan/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lorawan/lorawan.png", + "keywords": "LoRaWAN", + "authors": "BenAhrdt ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2024-03-12T13:08:34.263Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.2.2", + "published": "2024-01-12T15:50:50.643Z", + "version": "1.6.0", + "latestVersion": "1.6.6", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter allows to connect your NMEA 2000 devices on the boat to ioBroker", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht es, Ihre NMEA 2000-Geräte auf dem Boot mit ioBroker zu verbinden", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет подключать ваши устройства NMEA 2000 на лодке к ioBroker", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite conectar seus dispositivos NMEA 2000 no barco ao ioBroker", - "nl": "Deze adapter maakt het mogelijk om uw NMEA 2000-apparaten op de boot aan te sluiten op ioBroker", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de connecter vos appareils NMEA 2000 sur le bateau à ioBroker", - "it": "Questo adattatore consente di collegare i dispositivi NMEA 2000 sulla barca a ioBroker", - "es": "Este adaptador permite conectar sus dispositivos NMEA 2000 en el barco a ioBroker", - "pl": "Ten adapter pozwala podłączyć urządzenia NMEA 2000 na łodzi do ioBroker", - "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє підключати ваші пристрої NMEA 2000 на човні до ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "此适配器允许将船上的NMEA 2000设备连接到ioBroker" + "en": "converts the desired lora gateway data to a ioBroker structure", + "de": "wandelt die gewünschten Lora-Gateway-Daten in eine ioBroker-Struktur um", + "ru": "преобразует нужные данные шлюза Lora в структуру ioBroker", + "pt": "converte os dados desejados do gateway lora em uma estrutura ioBroker", + "nl": "converteert de gewenste Lora-gatewaygegevens naar een ioBroker-structuur", + "fr": "convertit les données de la passerelle Lora souhaitées en une structure ioBroker", + "it": "converte i dati del gateway lora desiderati in una struttura ioBroker", + "es": "convierte los datos de la puerta de enlace lora deseada a una estructura ioBroker", + "pl": "konwertuje żądane dane bramy Lora do struktury ioBroker", + "uk": "перетворює потрібні дані lora gateway на структуру ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "将所需的lora网关数据转换为ioBroker结构" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "NMEA 2000 - connect boat", - "de": "NMEA 2000 - Boot verbinden", - "ru": "NMEA 2000 - подключить лодку", - "pt": "NMEA 2000 - conectar barco", - "nl": "NMEA 2000 - boot verbinden", - "fr": "NMEA 2000 - connecter le bateau", - "it": "NMEA 2000 - collegare la barca", - "es": "NMEA 2000 - conectar barco", - "pl": "NMEA 2000 - połącz łódź", - "uk": "NMEA 2000 - підключити човен", - "zh-cn": "NMEA 2000 - 连接船" + "en": "LoRaWAN", + "de": "LoRaWAN", + "ru": "ЛоРаВАН", + "pt": "LoRaWAN", + "nl": "LoRaWAN", + "fr": "LoRaWAN", + "it": "LoRaWAN", + "es": "LoRaWAN", + "pl": "LoRaWAN", + "uk": "LoRaWAN", + "zh-cn": "洛拉万" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.nmea", - "installs": 11, - "weekDownloads": 2, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 36, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.lorawan", + "installs": 189, + "weekDownloads": 322, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, "opcua": { @@ -24152,59 +24509,60 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.opcua", - "installs": 113, - "weekDownloads": 38, + "installs": 126, + "weekDownloads": 30, "stars": 6, "issues": 7, "score": 1 }, - "modbus": { + "nmea": { "title": { - "de": "modbus", - "en": "modbus", - "ru": "modbus", - "zh-cn": "modbus" + "de": "nmea", + "en": "nmea", + "ru": "nmea", + "zh-cn": "nmea" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.modbus/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.modbus/modbus.png", - "keywords": "ModBus", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.nmea/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.nmea/nmea.png", + "keywords": "notification, MQTT, message", "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-10-14T20:14:18.945Z", - "version": "6.3.2", - "latestVersion": "6.4.0", + "published": "2024-03-12T13:08:34.263Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.2.2", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "ModBus connection Slave or Master", - "de": "ModBus Verbindung Slave oder Master", - "ru": "ModBus соединение Slave или Master", - "pt": "Conexão ModBus Escravo ou Mestre", - "nl": "ModBus-verbinding Slave of Master", - "fr": "Connexion ModBus Esclave ou Maître", - "it": "Connessione ModBus Slave o Master", - "es": "Conexión ModBus Slave o Master", - "pl": "Połączenie ModBus Slave lub Master", - "zh-cn": "ModBus连接从站或主站" + "en": "This adapter allows to connect your NMEA 2000 devices on the boat to ioBroker", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht es, Ihre NMEA 2000-Geräte auf dem Boot mit ioBroker zu verbinden", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет подключать ваши устройства NMEA 2000 на лодке к ioBroker", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite conectar seus dispositivos NMEA 2000 no barco ao ioBroker", + "nl": "Deze adapter maakt het mogelijk om uw NMEA 2000-apparaten op de boot aan te sluiten op ioBroker", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet de connecter vos appareils NMEA 2000 sur le bateau à ioBroker", + "it": "Questo adattatore consente di collegare i dispositivi NMEA 2000 sulla barca a ioBroker", + "es": "Este adaptador permite conectar sus dispositivos NMEA 2000 en el barco a ioBroker", + "pl": "Ten adapter pozwala podłączyć urządzenia NMEA 2000 na łodzi do ioBroker", + "uk": "Цей адаптер дозволяє підключати ваші пристрої NMEA 2000 на човні до ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "此适配器允许将船上的NMEA 2000设备连接到ioBroker" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "ModBus", - "de": "ModBus", - "ru": "ModBus", - "pt": "ModBus", - "nl": "ModBus", - "fr": "ModBus", - "it": "ModBus", - "es": "ModBus", - "pl": "ModBus", - "uk": "ModBus", - "zh-cn": "ModBus" + "en": "NMEA 2000 - connect boat", + "de": "NMEA 2000 - Boot verbinden", + "ru": "NMEA 2000 - подключить лодку", + "pt": "NMEA 2000 - conectar barco", + "nl": "NMEA 2000 - boot verbinden", + "fr": "NMEA 2000 - connecter le bateau", + "it": "NMEA 2000 - collegare la barca", + "es": "NMEA 2000 - conectar barco", + "pl": "NMEA 2000 - połącz łódź", + "uk": "NMEA 2000 - підключити човен", + "zh-cn": "NMEA 2000 - 连接船" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.modbus", - "installs": 14972, - "weekDownloads": 429, - "stars": 49, - "issues": 54, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.nmea", + "installs": 11, + "weekDownloads": 11, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 36, "score": 1 }, "mqtt": { @@ -24251,61 +24609,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.mqtt", - "installs": 26934, - "weekDownloads": 850, + "installs": 26834, + "weekDownloads": 709, "stars": 49, "issues": 39, "score": 1 }, - "radiohead": { - "title": { - "de": "radiohead", - "en": "radiohead", - "ru": "radiohead", - "zh-cn": "radiohead" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.radiohead/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.radiohead/radiohead.png", - "keywords": "radiohead, serial, wireless, RHSerial, RHDatagram, RHReliableDatagram", - "authors": "Peter Müller ", - "license": "GPL-2.0-only", - "published": "2019-07-28T10:54:06.773Z", - "version": "1.3.0", - "latestVersion": "1.3.0", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "This is an ioBroker-Adapter to integrate a RadioHead network using a serial interface.", - "de": "Dies ist ein ioBroker-Adapter zur Integration eines RadioHead-Netzwerks über eine serielle Schnittstelle.", - "ru": "Это адаптер ioBroker для интеграции сети RadioHead с использованием последовательного интерфейса.", - "pt": "Este é um adaptador ioBroker para integrar uma rede RadioHead usando uma interface serial.", - "nl": "Dit is een ioBroker-adapter om een ​​RadioHead-netwerk te integreren met behulp van een seriële interface.", - "fr": "Il s'agit d'un adaptateur ioBroker permettant d'intégrer un réseau RadioHead utilisant une interface série.", - "it": "Questo è un adattatore ioBroker per integrare una rete RadioHead utilizzando un'interfaccia seriale.", - "es": "Este es un ioBroker-Adapter para integrar una red RadioHead usando una interfaz serial.", - "pl": "Jest to adapter ioBroker do integracji sieci RadioHead za pomocą interfejsu szeregowego.", - "zh-cn": "这是一个使用串行接口集成RadioHead网络的ioBroker-Adapter。" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "RadioHead", - "de": "RadioHead", - "ru": "RadioHead", - "pt": "RadioHead", - "nl": "RadioHead", - "fr": "RadioHead", - "it": "RadioHead", - "es": "RadioHead", - "pl": "RadioHead", - "zh-cn": "RadioHead" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/crycode-de/ioBroker.radiohead", - "installs": 27, - "weekDownloads": 13, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 1, - "score": 1 - }, "mqtt-client": { "title": { "de": "mqtt-client", @@ -24320,7 +24629,7 @@ "license": "MIT", "published": "2016-06-19T20:44:36.935Z", "version": "2.1.0", - "latestVersion": "2.1.0", + "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "compact": true, "description": { "en": "Syncing with MQTT Brokers", @@ -24350,110 +24659,158 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.mqtt-client", - "installs": 6506, - "weekDownloads": 290, + "installs": 6446, + "weekDownloads": 416, "stars": 49, "issues": 39, "score": 1 }, - "lorawan": { + "tinymqttbroker": { "title": { - "de": "lorawan", - "en": "lorawan", - "ru": "lorawan", - "zh-cn": "lorawan" + "de": "tinymqttbroker", + "en": "tinymqttbroker", + "ru": "tinymqttbroker", + "zh-cn": "tinymqttbroker" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.lorawan/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.lorawan/lorawan.png", - "keywords": "LoRaWAN", - "authors": "BenAhrdt ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tinymqttbroker/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tinymqttbroker/tinymqttbroker.png", + "keywords": "mqtt, broker", + "authors": "HGlab01 ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2024-01-12T15:50:50.643Z", - "version": "1.6.0", - "latestVersion": "1.6.3", + "published": "2023-06-18T09:50:27.902Z", + "version": "0.1.3", + "latestVersion": "0.1.3", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "converts the desired lora gateway data to a ioBroker structure", - "de": "wandelt die gewünschten Lora-Gateway-Daten in eine ioBroker-Struktur um", - "ru": "преобразует нужные данные шлюза Lora в структуру ioBroker", - "pt": "converte os dados desejados do gateway lora em uma estrutura ioBroker", - "nl": "converteert de gewenste Lora-gatewaygegevens naar een ioBroker-structuur", - "fr": "convertit les données de la passerelle Lora souhaitées en une structure ioBroker", - "it": "converte i dati del gateway lora desiderati in una struttura ioBroker", - "es": "convierte los datos de la puerta de enlace lora deseada a una estructura ioBroker", - "pl": "konwertuje żądane dane bramy Lora do struktury ioBroker", - "uk": "перетворює потрібні дані lora gateway на структуру ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "将所需的lora网关数据转换为ioBroker结构" + "en": "This is very tiny MQTT broker which is not managing any objects/states in iobroker but offers a central MQTT broker instance to publish an subscribe topics as MQTT client. Very helpful to let several devices to talk with one broker and interact on iobroker with a MQTT client javascript.", + "de": "tinymqttbroker", + "ru": "Tinymqttbroker", + "pt": "tinymqttbroker", + "nl": "tinymqttmakelaar", + "fr": "courtier minusculemqtt", + "it": "tinymqttbroker", + "es": "tinymqttbroker", + "pl": "malutkimqttbroker", + "zh-cn": "tinymqttbroker", + "uk": "tinymqttbroker" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "LoRaWAN", - "de": "LoRaWAN", - "ru": "ЛоРаВАН", - "pt": "LoRaWAN", - "nl": "LoRaWAN", - "fr": "LoRaWAN", - "it": "LoRaWAN", - "es": "LoRaWAN", - "pl": "LoRaWAN", - "uk": "LoRaWAN", - "zh-cn": "洛拉万" + "en": "Tiny MQTT broker", + "de": "Tiny MQTT-Broker", + "ru": "Крошечный MQTT-брокер", + "pt": "Pequeno corretor MQTT", + "nl": "Kleine MQTT-makelaar", + "fr": "Petit courtier MQTT", + "it": "Piccolo broker MQTT", + "es": "Pequeño bróker MQTT", + "pl": "Mały broker MQTT", + "zh-cn": "微型 MQTT 代理", + "uk": "Крихітний брокер MQTT" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/HGlab01/ioBroker.tinymqttbroker", + "installs": 313, + "weekDownloads": 30, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 5, + "score": 1 + }, + "radiohead": { + "title": { + "de": "radiohead", + "en": "radiohead", + "ru": "radiohead", + "zh-cn": "radiohead" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.radiohead/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.radiohead/radiohead.png", + "keywords": "radiohead, serial, wireless, RHSerial, RHDatagram, RHReliableDatagram", + "authors": "Peter Müller ", + "license": "GPL-2.0-only", + "published": "2019-07-28T10:54:06.773Z", + "version": "1.3.0", + "latestVersion": "1.3.0", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This is an ioBroker-Adapter to integrate a RadioHead network using a serial interface.", + "de": "Dies ist ein ioBroker-Adapter zur Integration eines RadioHead-Netzwerks über eine serielle Schnittstelle.", + "ru": "Это адаптер ioBroker для интеграции сети RadioHead с использованием последовательного интерфейса.", + "pt": "Este é um adaptador ioBroker para integrar uma rede RadioHead usando uma interface serial.", + "nl": "Dit is een ioBroker-adapter om een ​​RadioHead-netwerk te integreren met behulp van een seriële interface.", + "fr": "Il s'agit d'un adaptateur ioBroker permettant d'intégrer un réseau RadioHead utilisant une interface série.", + "it": "Questo è un adattatore ioBroker per integrare una rete RadioHead utilizzando un'interfaccia seriale.", + "es": "Este es un ioBroker-Adapter para integrar una red RadioHead usando una interfaz serial.", + "pl": "Jest to adapter ioBroker do integracji sieci RadioHead za pomocą interfejsu szeregowego.", + "zh-cn": "这是一个使用串行接口集成RadioHead网络的ioBroker-Adapter。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "RadioHead", + "de": "RadioHead", + "ru": "RadioHead", + "pt": "RadioHead", + "nl": "RadioHead", + "fr": "RadioHead", + "it": "RadioHead", + "es": "RadioHead", + "pl": "RadioHead", + "zh-cn": "RadioHead" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/BenAhrdt/ioBroker.lorawan", - "installs": 188, - "weekDownloads": 200, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 0, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/crycode-de/ioBroker.radiohead", + "installs": 26, + "weekDownloads": 13, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "tinymqttbroker": { + "modbus": { "title": { - "de": "tinymqttbroker", - "en": "tinymqttbroker", - "ru": "tinymqttbroker", - "zh-cn": "tinymqttbroker" + "de": "modbus", + "en": "modbus", + "ru": "modbus", + "zh-cn": "modbus" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tinymqttbroker/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tinymqttbroker/tinymqttbroker.png", - "keywords": "mqtt, broker", - "authors": "HGlab01 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.modbus/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.modbus/modbus.png", + "keywords": "ModBus", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-06-18T09:50:27.902Z", - "version": "0.1.3", - "latestVersion": "0.1.3", + "published": "2015-10-14T20:14:18.945Z", + "version": "6.3.2", + "latestVersion": "6.4.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This is very tiny MQTT broker which is not managing any objects/states in iobroker but offers a central MQTT broker instance to publish an subscribe topics as MQTT client. Very helpful to let several devices to talk with one broker and interact on iobroker with a MQTT client javascript.", - "de": "tinymqttbroker", - "ru": "Tinymqttbroker", - "pt": "tinymqttbroker", - "nl": "tinymqttmakelaar", - "fr": "courtier minusculemqtt", - "it": "tinymqttbroker", - "es": "tinymqttbroker", - "pl": "malutkimqttbroker", - "zh-cn": "tinymqttbroker", - "uk": "tinymqttbroker" + "en": "ModBus connection Slave or Master", + "de": "ModBus Verbindung Slave oder Master", + "ru": "ModBus соединение Slave или Master", + "pt": "Conexão ModBus Escravo ou Mestre", + "nl": "ModBus-verbinding Slave of Master", + "fr": "Connexion ModBus Esclave ou Maître", + "it": "Connessione ModBus Slave o Master", + "es": "Conexión ModBus Slave o Master", + "pl": "Połączenie ModBus Slave lub Master", + "zh-cn": "ModBus连接从站或主站" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Tiny MQTT broker", - "de": "Tiny MQTT-Broker", - "ru": "Крошечный MQTT-брокер", - "pt": "Pequeno corretor MQTT", - "nl": "Kleine MQTT-makelaar", - 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"en": "This adapter allows to execute shell commands on ioBroker host.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht die Ausführung von Shell-Befehlen auf dem ioBroker-Host.", - "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет выполнять команды оболочки на хосте ioBroker.", - "pt": "Este adaptador permite executar comandos shell no host ioBroker.", - "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen shell-opdrachten op de ioBroker-host worden uitgevoerd.", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'exécuter des commandes shell sur l'hôte ioBroker.", - "it": "Questo adattatore permette di eseguire comandi shell sull'host ioBroker.", - "es": "Este adaptador permite ejecutar comandos de shell en el host ioBroker.", - "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia wykonywanie poleceń powłoki na hoście ioBroker.", - "zh-cn": "该适配器允许在 ioBroker 主机上执行 shell 命令。" + "en": "Login on webserver via your Google Account", + "de": "Melde dich über dein Google-Konto auf dem Webserver an", + "ru": "Войдите на веб-сервер через свою учетную запись Google", + "pt": "Faça login no servidor da web por meio da sua conta do Google", + "nl": "Log in op de webserver via uw Google-account", + "fr": "Connectez-vous sur le serveur Web via votre compte Google", + "it": "Accedi al server web tramite il tuo account Google", + "es": "Inicie sesión en el servidor web a través de su cuenta de Google", + "pl": "Zaloguj się na serwerze internetowym za pośrednictwem swojego konta Google", + "zh-cn": "通过您的Google帐户在网络服务器上登录" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Shell console XTerm", - "de": "Shell-Konsole XTerm", - "ru": "Консоль shell XTerm", - "pt": "Console shell XTerm", - "nl": "Shell-console XTerm", - "fr": "Console coque XTerm", - "it": "Console shell XTerm", - "es": "Consola de Shell XTerm", - "pl": "Konsola powłoki XTerm", - "zh-cn": "外壳控制台 XTerm" + "en": "Google Authentication", + "de": "Google-Authentifizierung", + "ru": "Google аутентификация", + "pt": "Autenticação Google", + "nl": "Google-verificatie", + "fr": "Authentification Google", + "it": "Autenticazione di Google", + "es": "Autenticación de Google", + "pl": "Uwierzytelnianie Google", + "zh-cn": "Google认证" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.xterm", - "installs": 522, - "weekDownloads": 12, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 4, + "github": "https://github.com/Vertumnus/ioBroker.googleauth/master/README.md", + "installs": 9, + "weekDownloads": 10, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 8, "score": 1 }, "weblogin": { @@ -25254,56 +25610,57 @@ "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/Vertumnus/ioBroker.weblogin/master/README.md", "installs": 24, - "weekDownloads": 5, + "weekDownloads": 4, "stars": 1, "issues": 5, "score": 1 }, - "terminal": { + "xterm": { "title": { - "de": "terminal", - "en": "terminal", - "ru": "terminal", - "zh-cn": "terminal" + "de": "xterm", + "en": "xterm", + "ru": "xterm", + "zh-cn": "xterm" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.terminal/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.terminal/terminal.png", - "keywords": "terminal, server, www, express", - "authors": "bluefox ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.xterm/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.xterm/xterm.png", + "keywords": "terminal, ssh", + "authors": "ioBroker ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-08-25T19:09:39.972Z", - "version": "1.0.0", - "latestVersion": "1.0.0", + "published": "2021-09-16T11:48:31.250Z", + "version": "2.0.1", + "latestVersion": "2.0.1", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "opens a terminal server for the ioBroker", - "de": "öffnet einen Terminalserver für den ioBroker", - "ru": "открывает терминальный сервер для ioBroker", - "pt": "abre um servidor de terminal para o ioBroker", - "nl": "opent een terminalserver voor de ioBroker", - "fr": "ouvre un serveur de terminaux pour l'ioBroker", - "it": "apre un server terminal per ioBroker", - "es": "abre un servidor de terminal para el ioBroker", - "pl": "otwiera serwer terminali dla ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "为 ioBroker 打开终端服务器" + "en": "This adapter allows to execute shell commands on ioBroker host.", + "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht die Ausführung von Shell-Befehlen auf dem ioBroker-Host.", + "ru": "Этот адаптер позволяет выполнять команды оболочки на хосте ioBroker.", + "pt": "Este adaptador permite executar comandos shell no host ioBroker.", + "nl": "Met deze adapter kunnen shell-opdrachten op de ioBroker-host worden uitgevoerd.", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet d'exécuter des commandes shell sur l'hôte ioBroker.", + "it": "Questo adattatore permette di eseguire comandi shell sull'host ioBroker.", + "es": "Este adaptador permite ejecutar comandos de shell en el host ioBroker.", + "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia wykonywanie poleceń powłoki na hoście ioBroker.", + "zh-cn": "该适配器允许在 ioBroker 主机上执行 shell 命令。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "ioBroker simple terminal", - "de": "ioBroker einfaches Terminal", - "ru": "простой терминал ioBroker", - "pt": "terminal simples ioBroker", - "nl": "ioBroker eenvoudige terminal", - "fr": "Terminal simple ioBroker", - "it": "terminale semplice ioBroker", - "es": "Terminal simple de ioBroker", - "pl": "Prosty terminal ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "ioBroker 简单终端" + "en": "Shell console XTerm", + "de": "Shell-Konsole XTerm", + "ru": "Консоль shell XTerm", + "pt": "Console shell XTerm", + "nl": "Shell-console XTerm", + "fr": "Console coque XTerm", + "it": "Console shell XTerm", + "es": "Consola de Shell XTerm", + "pl": "Konsola powłoki XTerm", + "zh-cn": "外壳控制台 XTerm" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.terminal", - "installs": 4352, - "weekDownloads": 105, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 9, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.xterm", + "installs": 527, + "weekDownloads": 25, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 4, "score": 1 } } @@ -25322,6 +25679,107 @@ "zh-cn": "车辆" }, "pages": { + "go-e": { + "title": { + "de": "go-e", + "en": "go-e", + "ru": "go-e", + "zh-cn": "go-e" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.go-e/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.go-e/go-echarger.png", + "keywords": "wallbox, ladestation, go-eCharger, go-e", + "authors": "MK-2001 ", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "published": "2020-07-14T05:29:07.216Z", + "version": "1.0.41", + "latestVersion": "1.0.41", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "go-e is an invitation to move electrically. E-mobility is our drive, whereby our core competence is the charging technology for electric cars. From the individual charging station for e-cars to photovoltaic connections to load management of entire buildings, we are providers of holistic system solutions for all requirements of modern e-mobility.", + "de": "go-e ist die Aufforderung, sich elektrisch zu bewegen. e-Mobilität ist unser Antrieb, wobei unsere Kernkompetenz die Ladetechnik für Elektroautos ist. Von der einzelnen Ladestation für e-Autos über Photovoltaik-Anbindung bis hin zum Lastmanagement von ganzen Gebäuden, sind wir Anbieter gesamtheitlicher Systemlösungen für sämtliche Anforderungen der modernen e-Mobilität.", + "ru": "go-e - это приглашение двигаться электрически. Электронная мобильность - это наш двигатель, поэтому нашей основной компетенцией является технология зарядки электромобилей. От индивидуальной зарядной станции для электронных автомобилей до фотоэлектрических подключений и управления нагрузкой на целые здания, мы являемся поставщиками комплексных системных решений для всех требований современной электронной мобильности.", + "pt": "go-e é um convite para mudar eletricamente. A mobilidade eletrônica é a nossa motivação, por meio da qual nossa principal competência é a tecnologia de carregamento de carros elétricos. Desde a estação de carregamento individual de carros elétricos, as conexões fotovoltaicas e o gerenciamento de carga de edifícios inteiros, somos fornecedores de soluções holísticas de sistema para todos os requisitos da moderna mobilidade eletrônica.", + "nl": "go-e is een uitnodiging om elektrisch te bewegen. E-mobiliteit is onze drijfveer, waarbij onze kerncompetentie de oplaadtechnologie voor elektrische auto's is. Van het individuele laadstation voor e-auto's tot fotovoltaïsche verbindingen tot laadbeheer van hele gebouwen, wij zijn leveranciers van holistische systeemoplossingen voor alle vereisten van moderne e-mobiliteit.", + "fr": "go-e est une invitation à se déplacer électriquement. La mobilité électrique est notre moteur, notre compétence principale étant la technologie de charge pour les voitures électriques. De la borne de recharge individuelle pour voitures électriques aux connexions photovoltaïques en passant par la gestion de la charge de bâtiments entiers, nous sommes des fournisseurs de solutions de systèmes holistiques pour toutes les exigences de la mobilité électrique moderne.", + "it": "go-e è un invito a muoversi elettricamente. La mobilità elettrica è la nostra spinta, per cui la nostra competenza principale è la tecnologia di ricarica per le auto elettriche. Dalla singola stazione di ricarica per auto elettriche alle connessioni fotovoltaiche alla gestione del carico di interi edifici, siamo fornitori di soluzioni di sistema olistiche per tutti i requisiti della moderna mobilità elettrica.", + "es": "go-e es una invitación para moverse eléctricamente. La movilidad eléctrica es nuestro motor, por lo que nuestra competencia principal es la tecnología de carga para automóviles eléctricos. Desde la estación de carga individual para automóviles electrónicos hasta conexiones fotovoltaicas y la gestión de carga de edificios completos, somos proveedores de soluciones de sistemas holísticos para todos los requisitos de la movilidad eléctrica moderna.", + "pl": "go-e to zaproszenie do poruszania się elektrycznie. E-mobilność jest naszą siłą napędową, a naszą podstawową kompetencją jest technologia ładowania samochodów elektrycznych. Od indywidualnej stacji ładowania samochodów elektrycznych po połączenia fotowoltaiczne i zarządzanie obciążeniem całych budynków - jesteśmy dostawcami kompleksowych rozwiązań systemowych dla wszystkich wymagań nowoczesnej e-mobilności.", + "uk": "go-e запрошення на переміщення електрично. E-mobility - наш привід, де наша основна компетентність - технологія зарядки електромобілів. Від індивідуальної станції зарядки для електронних вагонів до фотоелектричних з'єднань для управління навантаженнями всіх будівель, ми є постачальниками системних рішень для всіх вимог сучасної рівноваги.", + "zh-cn": "go-e是電動移動的邀請。 電動汽車是我們的動力,而我們的核心競爭力是電動汽車的充電技術。 從用於電動汽車的單個充電站到光伏連接,再到整個建築物的負載管理,我們都是滿足現代電動汽車所有要求的整體系統解決方案提供商。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "go-eCharger wallbox integration", + "de": "go-eCharger Wallbox Integration", + "ru": "go-eCharger интеграция настенных коробок", + "pt": "integração da caixa de parede do go-eCharger", + "nl": "charger muur integratie", + "fr": "intégration des boîtes murales", + "it": "integrazione di go-eCharger wallbox", + "es": "go-eCharger wallbox integration", + "pl": "goeCharger ściana", + "uk": "інтеграція з скринькою go-eCharger", + "zh-cn": "隔离墙的整合" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/MK-2001/ioBroker.go-e", + "installs": 1954, + "weekDownloads": 62, + "stars": 16, + "issues": 13, + "score": 1 + }, + "bluelink": { + "title": { + "de": "bluelink", + "en": "bluelink", + "ru": "bluelink", + "zh-cn": "bluelink" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bluelink/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bluelink/bluelink.png", + "keywords": "Kia, Hyundai, Bluelink", + "authors": "Newan , TA2k ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2021-03-28T06:34:00.940Z", + "version": "2.3.6", + "latestVersion": "3.1.1", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Adapter to control Hyundai or Kia vehicles", + "uk": "Adapter to control Hyundai or Kia vehicles", + "de": "Adapter zur Steuerung von Hyundai- oder Kia-Fahrzeugen", + "ru": "Адаптер для управления автомобилями Hyundai или Kia", + "pt": "Adaptador para controlar veículos Hyundai ou Kia", + "nl": "Adapter om Hyundai- of Kia-voertuigen te besturen", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour contrôler les véhicules Hyundai ou Kia", + "it": "Adattatore per controllare veicoli Hyundai o Kia", + "es": "Adaptador para controlar vehículos Hyundai o Kia", + "pl": "Adapter do sterowania pojazdami Hyundai lub Kia", + "zh-cn": "控制现代或起亚汽车的适配器" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Controll Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO) vehicles", + "uk": "Controll Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO) vehicles", + "de": "Steuern Sie Fahrzeuge von Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", + "ru": "Контрольные автомобили Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", + "pt": "Controlar veículos Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", + "nl": "Controle van Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO) voertuigen", + "fr": "Contrôler les véhicules Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", + "it": "Controllare i veicoli Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", + "es": "Control de vehículos Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", + "pl": "Kontroluj pojazdy Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", + "zh-cn": "控制现代(Bluelink)/起亚(UVO)车辆" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/Newan/ioBroker.bluelink", + "installs": 851, + "weekDownloads": 44, + "stars": 14, + "issues": 2, + "score": 1 + }, "bmw": { "title": { "de": "bmw", @@ -25336,7 +25794,7 @@ "license": "MIT", "published": "2017-09-02T11:56:25.197Z", "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "2.9.0", + "latestVersion": "2.9.3", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { @@ -25367,61 +25825,12 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.bmw", - "installs": 1321, - "weekDownloads": 30, + "installs": 1309, + "weekDownloads": 304, "stars": 12, "issues": 17, "score": 1 }, - "ford": { - "title": { - "de": "ford", - "en": "ford", - "ru": "ford", - "zh-cn": "ford" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.ford/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.ford/ford.png", - "keywords": "ford, FordPass", - "authors": "TA2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-09-08T14:13:25.648Z", - "version": "1.0.4", - "latestVersion": "1.0.4", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for FordPass", - "de": "Adapter für FordPass", - "ru": "Адаптер для FordPass", - "pt": "Adaptador para FordPass", - "nl": "Adapter voor FordPass", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour FordPass", - "it": "Adattatore per FordPass", - "es": "Adaptador para FordPass", - "pl": "Adapter do FordPass", - "zh-cn": "FordPass 适配器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Ford", - "de": "Ford", - "ru": "Форд", - "pt": "Ford", - "nl": "Ford", - "fr": "Gué", - "it": "Guado", - "es": "Vado", - "pl": "Bród", - "zh-cn": "福特" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.ford", - "installs": 421, - "weekDownloads": 14, - "stars": 5, - "issues": 9, - "score": 1 - }, "fuelpricemonitor": { "title": { "de": "fuelpricemonitor", @@ -25466,62 +25875,12 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/HGlab01/ioBroker.fuelpricemonitor", - "installs": 401, - "weekDownloads": 49, + "installs": 403, + "weekDownloads": 27, "stars": 7, "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "bluelink": { - "title": { - "de": "bluelink", - "en": "bluelink", - "ru": "bluelink", - "zh-cn": "bluelink" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bluelink/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bluelink/bluelink.png", - "keywords": "Kia, Hyundai, Bluelink", - "authors": "Newan , TA2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-03-28T06:34:00.940Z", - "version": "2.3.6", - "latestVersion": "3.1.1", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter to control Hyundai or Kia vehicles", - "uk": "Adapter to control Hyundai or Kia vehicles", - "de": "Adapter zur Steuerung von Hyundai- oder Kia-Fahrzeugen", - "ru": "Адаптер для управления автомобилями Hyundai или Kia", - "pt": "Adaptador para controlar veículos Hyundai ou Kia", - "nl": "Adapter om Hyundai- of Kia-voertuigen te besturen", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour contrôler les véhicules Hyundai ou Kia", - "it": "Adattatore per controllare veicoli Hyundai o Kia", - "es": "Adaptador para controlar vehículos Hyundai o Kia", - "pl": "Adapter do sterowania pojazdami Hyundai lub Kia", - "zh-cn": "控制现代或起亚汽车的适配器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Controll Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO) vehicles", - "uk": "Controll Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO) vehicles", - "de": "Steuern Sie Fahrzeuge von Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", - "ru": "Контрольные автомобили Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", - "pt": "Controlar veículos Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", - "nl": "Controle van Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO) voertuigen", - "fr": "Contrôler les véhicules Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", - "it": "Controllare i veicoli Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", - "es": "Control de vehículos Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", - "pl": "Kontroluj pojazdy Hyundai (Bluelink) / Kia (UVO)", - "zh-cn": "控制现代(Bluelink)/起亚(UVO)车辆" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Newan/ioBroker.bluelink", - "installs": 853, - "weekDownloads": 51, - "stars": 14, - "issues": 2, - "score": 1 - }, "fiat": { "title": { "de": "fiat", @@ -25565,159 +25924,10 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.fiat", - "installs": 309, - "weekDownloads": 26, - "stars": 14, - "issues": 6, - "score": 1 - }, - "go-e": { - "title": { - "de": "go-e", - "en": "go-e", - "ru": "go-e", - "zh-cn": "go-e" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.go-e/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.go-e/go-echarger.png", - "keywords": "wallbox, ladestation, go-eCharger, go-e", - "authors": "MK-2001 ", - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "published": "2020-07-14T05:29:07.216Z", - "version": "1.0.41", - "latestVersion": "1.0.41", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "go-e is an invitation to move electrically. E-mobility is our drive, whereby our core competence is the charging technology for electric cars. From the individual charging station for e-cars to photovoltaic connections to load management of entire buildings, we are providers of holistic system solutions for all requirements of modern e-mobility.", - "de": "go-e ist die Aufforderung, sich elektrisch zu bewegen. e-Mobilität ist unser Antrieb, wobei unsere Kernkompetenz die Ladetechnik für Elektroautos ist. Von der einzelnen Ladestation für e-Autos über Photovoltaik-Anbindung bis hin zum Lastmanagement von ganzen Gebäuden, sind wir Anbieter gesamtheitlicher Systemlösungen für sämtliche Anforderungen der modernen e-Mobilität.", - "ru": "go-e - это приглашение двигаться электрически. Электронная мобильность - это наш двигатель, поэтому нашей основной компетенцией является технология зарядки электромобилей. От индивидуальной зарядной станции для электронных автомобилей до фотоэлектрических подключений и управления нагрузкой на целые здания, мы являемся поставщиками комплексных системных решений для всех требований современной электронной мобильности.", - "pt": "go-e é um convite para mudar eletricamente. A mobilidade eletrônica é a nossa motivação, por meio da qual nossa principal competência é a tecnologia de carregamento de carros elétricos. Desde a estação de carregamento individual de carros elétricos, as conexões fotovoltaicas e o gerenciamento de carga de edifícios inteiros, somos fornecedores de soluções holísticas de sistema para todos os requisitos da moderna mobilidade eletrônica.", - "nl": "go-e is een uitnodiging om elektrisch te bewegen. E-mobiliteit is onze drijfveer, waarbij onze kerncompetentie de oplaadtechnologie voor elektrische auto's is. Van het individuele laadstation voor e-auto's tot fotovoltaïsche verbindingen tot laadbeheer van hele gebouwen, wij zijn leveranciers van holistische systeemoplossingen voor alle vereisten van moderne e-mobiliteit.", - "fr": "go-e est une invitation à se déplacer électriquement. La mobilité électrique est notre moteur, notre compétence principale étant la technologie de charge pour les voitures électriques. De la borne de recharge individuelle pour voitures électriques aux connexions photovoltaïques en passant par la gestion de la charge de bâtiments entiers, nous sommes des fournisseurs de solutions de systèmes holistiques pour toutes les exigences de la mobilité électrique moderne.", - "it": "go-e è un invito a muoversi elettricamente. La mobilità elettrica è la nostra spinta, per cui la nostra competenza principale è la tecnologia di ricarica per le auto elettriche. Dalla singola stazione di ricarica per auto elettriche alle connessioni fotovoltaiche alla gestione del carico di interi edifici, siamo fornitori di soluzioni di sistema olistiche per tutti i requisiti della moderna mobilità elettrica.", - "es": "go-e es una invitación para moverse eléctricamente. La movilidad eléctrica es nuestro motor, por lo que nuestra competencia principal es la tecnología de carga para automóviles eléctricos. Desde la estación de carga individual para automóviles electrónicos hasta conexiones fotovoltaicas y la gestión de carga de edificios completos, somos proveedores de soluciones de sistemas holísticos para todos los requisitos de la movilidad eléctrica moderna.", - "pl": "go-e to zaproszenie do poruszania się elektrycznie. E-mobilność jest naszą siłą napędową, a naszą podstawową kompetencją jest technologia ładowania samochodów elektrycznych. Od indywidualnej stacji ładowania samochodów elektrycznych po połączenia fotowoltaiczne i zarządzanie obciążeniem całych budynków - jesteśmy dostawcami kompleksowych rozwiązań systemowych dla wszystkich wymagań nowoczesnej e-mobilności.", - "uk": "go-e запрошення на переміщення електрично. E-mobility - наш привід, де наша основна компетентність - технологія зарядки електромобілів. Від індивідуальної станції зарядки для електронних вагонів до фотоелектричних з'єднань для управління навантаженнями всіх будівель, ми є постачальниками системних рішень для всіх вимог сучасної рівноваги.", - "zh-cn": "go-e是電動移動的邀請。 電動汽車是我們的動力,而我們的核心競爭力是電動汽車的充電技術。 從用於電動汽車的單個充電站到光伏連接,再到整個建築物的負載管理,我們都是滿足現代電動汽車所有要求的整體系統解決方案提供商。" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "go-eCharger wallbox integration", - "de": "go-eCharger Wallbox Integration", - "ru": "go-eCharger интеграция настенных коробок", - "pt": "integração da caixa de parede do go-eCharger", - "nl": "charger muur integratie", - "fr": "intégration des boîtes murales", - "it": "integrazione di go-eCharger wallbox", - "es": "go-eCharger wallbox integration", - "pl": "goeCharger ściana", - "uk": "інтеграція з скринькою go-eCharger", - "zh-cn": "隔离墙的整合" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/MK-2001/ioBroker.go-e", - "installs": 1958, - "weekDownloads": 105, - "stars": 16, - "issues": 13, - "score": 1 - }, - "niu": { - "title": { - "de": "niu", - "en": "niu", - "ru": "niu", - "zh-cn": "niu" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.niu/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.niu/niu.png", - "keywords": "niu, e-scooter", - "authors": "TA2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-05-09T14:35:16.074Z", - "version": "0.0.3", - "latestVersion": "0.0.3", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for NIU E-Scooter", - "de": "Adapter für NIU E-Scooter", - "ru": "Адаптер для электронного скутера NIU", - "pt": "Adaptador para NIU E-Scooter", - "nl": "Adapter voor NIU E-Scooter", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour scooter électrique NIU", - "it": "Adattatore per scooter elettrico NIU", - "es": "Adaptador para patinete eléctrico NIU", - "pl": "Adapter do hulajnogi elektrycznej NIU", - "zh-cn": "NIU E-Scooter 适配器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Niu", - "de": "Niu", - "ru": "Ниу", - "pt": "Niu", - "nl": "Niu", - "fr": "Niu", - "it": "Niu", - "es": "niu", - "pl": "Niu", - "zh-cn": "牛" - }, - "branch": "master", - 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"version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.1.11", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for Bosch eBike", - "de": "Adapter für Bosch eBike", - "ru": "Адаптер для Bosch eBike", - "pt": "Adaptador para Bosch eBike", - "nl": "Adapter voor Bosch eBike", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour Bosch eBike", - "it": "Adattatore per Bosch eBike", - "es": "Adaptador para Bosch eBike", - "pl": "Adapter do Bosch eBike", - "zh-cn": "Bosch eBike 适配器" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Bosch eBike", - "de": "Bosch eBike", - "ru": "Bosch eBike", - "pt": "Bosch eBike", - "nl": "Bosch eBike", - "fr": "Connexion VAE Bosch", - "it": "Bosch eBike", - "es": "Bosch eBike", - "pl": "Bosch eBike", - "zh-cn": "博世电动自行车连接" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.bosch-ebike", - "installs": 596, - "weekDownloads": 14, - "stars": 1, - "issues": 9, - "score": 1 - }, "easee": { "title": { "de": "easee", @@ -25829,13 +25990,12 @@ }, "content": "adapterref/iobroker.easee/README.md", "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.easee/easee.png", - "keywords": "wallbox easee", + "keywords": "wallbox, easee, ioBroker", "authors": "Newan ", "license": "MIT", "published": "2021-02-18T19:49:28.503Z", "version": "1.0.10", "latestVersion": "1.0.10", - "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { "en": "Communicates with the Easee Wallbox API", @@ -25865,108 +26025,59 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/Newan/ioBroker.easee", - "installs": 820, - "weekDownloads": 20, + "installs": 809, + "weekDownloads": 28, "stars": 20, "issues": 11, "score": 1 }, - "renault": { - "title": { - "de": "renault", - "en": "renault", - "ru": "renault", - "zh-cn": "renault" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.renault/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.renault/renault.png", - "keywords": "renault, Renault", - "authors": "TA2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-10-04T06:55:36.819Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.22", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Adapter for Renault cars for example Zoe", - 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Zoe", - "zh-cn": "雷诺汽车的适配器,例如 Zoe" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Renault", - "de": "Renault", - "ru": "Рено", - "pt": "Renault", - "nl": "Renault", - "fr": "Renault", - "it": "Renault", - "es": "Renault", - "pl": "Renault ", - "zh-cn": "雷诺和佐伊" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.renault", - "installs": 576, - "weekDownloads": 13, - "stars": 14, - "issues": 10, - "score": 1 - }, - "mercedesme": { + "bosch-ebike": { "title": { - "de": "mercedesme", - "en": "mercedesme", - "ru": "mercedesme", - "zh-cn": "mercedesme" + "de": "bosch-ebike", + "en": "bosch-ebike", + "ru": "bosch-ebike", + "zh-cn": "bosch-ebike" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mercedesme/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mercedesme/mercedesme.png", - "keywords": "mercedes, mercedes me, mercedes benz, daimler", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.bosch-ebike/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.bosch-ebike/bosch-ebike.png", + "keywords": "bosch, ebike, ebike connect", "authors": "TA2k ", "license": "MIT", - 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"es": "Adaptador para Smart EQ", - "pl": "Adapter do Smart EQ", - "zh-cn": "智能均衡器适配器" + "en": "Adapter for FordPass", + "de": "Adapter für FordPass", + "ru": "Адаптер для FordPass", + "pt": "Adaptador para FordPass", + "nl": "Adapter voor FordPass", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour FordPass", + "it": "Adattatore per FordPass", + "es": "Adaptador para FordPass", + "pl": "Adapter do FordPass", + "zh-cn": "FordPass 适配器" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Ford", + "de": "Ford", + "ru": "Форд", + "pt": "Ford", + "nl": "Ford", + "fr": "Gué", + "it": "Guado", + "es": "Vado", + "pl": "Bród", + "zh-cn": "福特" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.ford", + "installs": 421, + "weekDownloads": 20, + "stars": 5, + "issues": 9, + "score": 1 + }, + "niu": { + "title": { + "de": "niu", + "en": "niu", + "ru": "niu", + "zh-cn": "niu" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.niu/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.niu/niu.png", + "keywords": "niu, e-scooter", + "authors": "TA2k ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2022-05-09T14:35:16.074Z", + "version": "0.0.3", + "latestVersion": "0.0.3", + "materialize": true, + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Adapter for NIU E-Scooter", + "de": "Adapter für NIU E-Scooter", + "ru": "Адаптер для электронного скутера NIU", + "pt": "Adaptador para NIU E-Scooter", + "nl": "Adapter voor NIU E-Scooter", + "fr": "Adaptateur pour scooter électrique NIU", + "it": "Adattatore per scooter elettrico NIU", + "es": "Adaptador para patinete eléctrico NIU", + "pl": "Adapter do hulajnogi elektrycznej NIU", + "zh-cn": "NIU E-Scooter 适配器" }, "titleFull": { - 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"ru": "Позволяет получать данные об автомобиле от Audi, BMW, Citroen, Cupra, DS, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, MINI, Mercedes, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Smart, Tesla, Vauxhall и Volkswagen.", - "pt": "Permite obter dados de veículos da Audi, BMW, Citroen, Cupra, DS, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, MINI, Mercedes, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Smart, Tesla, Vauxhall e Volkswagen", - "nl": "Hiermee kunt u voertuiggegevens opvragen van Audi, BMW, Citroen, Cupra, DS, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, MINI, Mercedes, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Smart, Tesla, Vauxhall en Volkswagen", - "fr": "Vous permet d'obtenir des données sur les véhicules d'Audi, BMW, Citroën, Cupra, DS, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, MINI, Mercedes, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Smart, Tesla, Vauxhall et Volkswagen", - "it": "Consente di ottenere i dati del veicolo da Audi, BMW, Citroen, Cupra, DS, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, MINI, Mercedes, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Smart, Tesla, Vauxhall e Volkswagen", - 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"vw-connect": { + "flexcharts": { "title": { - "de": "vw-connect", - "en": "vw-connect", - "ru": "vw-connect", - "zh-cn": "vw-connect" + "de": "flexcharts", + "en": "flexcharts", + "ru": "flexcharts", + "zh-cn": "flexcharts" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vw-connect/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vw-connect/vw-connect.png", - "keywords": "VW, Connect, Audi, myAudi, Skoda, Skoda Connect, VW Connect, VW Connect ID, ID.3, VW Connect Go, Seat", - "authors": "ta2k , Sneak-L8 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.flexcharts/flexcharts-icon.png", + "keywords": "visualization, chart, charts, echarts", + "authors": "MyHomeMyData ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-11-21T09:21:48.763Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.6.1", - "materialize": true, + "published": "2024-08-05T13:29:03.417Z", + "version": "0.3.0", + "latestVersion": "0.3.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for VW Connect", - "de": "Adapter für VW Connect", - "ru": "Адаптер для VW Connect", - "pt": "Adaptador para VW Connect", - "nl": "Adapter voor VW Connect", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour VW Connect", - "it": "Adattatore per VW Connect", - "es": "Adaptador para VW Connect", - "pl": "Adapter do VW Connect", - "zh-cn": "大众我们连接的适配器" + "en": "Use all available features of Apache eCharts within ioBroker", + "de": "Verwenden Sie alle verfügbaren Funktionen von Apache eCharts innerhalb von ioBroker", + "ru": "Используйте все доступные функции Apache eCharts в ioBroker", + "pt": "Use todas as características disponíveis de Apache eCharts dentro ioBroker", + "nl": "Gebruik alle beschikbare functies van Apache eCharts binnen ioBroker", + "fr": "Utilisez toutes les fonctionnalités disponibles de Apache eCharts dans ioBroker", + "it": "Utilizzare tutte le funzionalità disponibili di eCharts Apache all'interno ioBroker", + "es": "Utilice todas las características disponibles de Apache eCharts dentro de ioBroker", + "pl": "Użyj wszystkich dostępnych funkcji eCharts Apache w jOBroker", + "uk": "Використовуйте всі доступні функції Apache eCharts в ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "使用 ioBroker 内 Apache 电子图的所有可用特性" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "VW Connect", - "de": "VW Connect", - "ru": "VW мы соединяемся", - "pt": "VW Connect", - "nl": "VW Connect", - "fr": "VW Connect", - "it": "VW Connect", - "es": "VW Connect", - "pl": "VW Connect", - "zh-cn": "大众我们连接" + "en": "Fully featured eCharts", + "de": "Alle Möglichkeiten von eCharts nutzen", + "ru": "Полностью представлен eCharts", + "pt": "ECharts totalmente caracterizados", + "nl": "Volledig uitgeruste eCharts", + "fr": "EChartes entièrement présentées", + "it": "Fully eCharts", + "es": "Fully eCharts", + "pl": "W pełni wyposażone eCharts", + "uk": "Повністю показані eCharts", + "zh-cn": "完整功能图" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ta2k/ioBroker.vw-connect", - "installs": 3305, - "weekDownloads": 87, - "stars": 81, - "issues": 74, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/MyHomeMyData/ioBroker.flexcharts", + "installs": 120, + "weekDownloads": 50, + "stars": 1, + "issues": 4, + "score": 1 + }, + "energiefluss-erweitert": { + "title": { + "de": "energiefluss-erweitert", + "en": "energiefluss-erweitert", + "ru": "energiefluss-erweitert", + "zh-cn": "energiefluss-erweitert" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.energiefluss-erweitert/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.energiefluss-erweitert/energiefluss-erweitert.png", + "keywords": "energy, energy-flow, energie, energiefluss, energiefluss-erweitert, photovoltaics, Photovoltaik, Solar", + "authors": "SKB ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2023-07-27T09:56:20.680Z", + "version": "0.6.2", + "latestVersion": "0.6.2", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "de": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss fuer alle Elemente, die Du anlegst an. Dies kann sein: Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung (Netzbezug), Auto-Ladung usw.", + "ru": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "pt": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "nl": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "fr": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "it": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "es": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "pl": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "zh-cn": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", + "uk": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc." + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "de": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "ru": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "pt": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "nl": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "fr": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "it": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "es": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "pl": "Energiefluss - erweitert", + "zh-cn": "Energiefluss-erweitert", + "uk": "Energiefluss - erweitert" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/SKB-CGN/ioBroker.energiefluss-erweitert", + "installs": 3900, + "weekDownloads": 229, + "stars": 27, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "volvo": { + "echarts": { "title": { - "de": "volvo", - "en": "volvo", - "ru": "volvo", - "zh-cn": "volvo" + "de": "echarts", + "en": "echarts", + "ru": "echarts", + "zh-cn": "echarts" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.volvo/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.volvo/volvo.png", - "keywords": "volvo, volvo on call", - "authors": "TA2k ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-02-27T12:37:03.045Z", - "version": "0.1.2", - "latestVersion": "0.1.2", - "materialize": true, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.echarts/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.echarts/echarts.png", + "keywords": "charts, diagram", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "published": "2020-10-18T19:43:12.055Z", + "version": "1.9.2", + "latestVersion": "2.0.6", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Volvo On Call Adapter", - "de": "Volvo On Call Adapter", - "ru": "Volvo On Call Адаптер", - "pt": "Adaptador Volvo On Call", - "nl": "Volvo On Call adapter", - "fr": "Adaptateur Volvo On Call", - "it": "Adattatore Volvo On Call", - "es": "Adaptador Volvo On Call", - "pl": "Adapter Volvo On Call", - "zh-cn": "沃尔沃随车转接器" + "en": "Build useful charts in ioBroker", + "de": "Nützliche Diagramme in ioBroker erstellen", + "ru": "Создавайте полезные графики в ioBroker", + "pt": "Crie gráficos úteis no ioBroker", + "nl": "Bouw handige grafieken in ioBroker", + "fr": "Construire des graphiques utiles dans ioBroker", + "it": "Crea grafici utili in ioBroker", + "es": "Cree gráficos útiles en ioBroker", + "pl": "Twórz przydatne wykresy w ioBroker", + "uk": "Створюйте корисні діаграми в ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "在ioBroker中建立有用的图表" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Volvo On Call", - "de": "Volvo On Call", - "ru": "Volvo On Call", - "pt": "Volvo On Call", - "nl": "Volvo On Call", - "fr": "Volvo On Call", - "it": "Volvo On Call", - "es": "Volvo On Call", - "pl": "Volvo On Call", - "zh-cn": "沃尔沃待命" + "en": "E-Charts", + "de": "E-Charts", + "ru": "E-Charts", + "pt": "E-Charts", + "nl": "E-Charts", + "fr": "E-Charts", + "it": "E-Charts", + "es": "E-Charts", + "pl": "E-Charts", + "uk": "E-Charts", + "zh-cn": "E-Charts" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/TA2k/ioBroker.volvo", - "installs": 261, - "weekDownloads": 13, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 12, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.echarts", + "installs": 9719, + "weekDownloads": 496, + "stars": 17, + "issues": 78, "score": 1 - } - } - }, - "visualization": { - "title": { - "en": "Visualisation", - "de": "Visualisierung", - "ru": "Визуализация", - "pt": "Visualização", - "nl": "Visualisatie", - "fr": "Visualisation", - "it": "visualizzazione", - "es": "Visualización", - "pl": "Wyobrażanie sobie" - }, - "pages": { - "flot": { + }, + "energiefluss": { "title": { - "de": "flot", - "en": "flot", - "ru": "flot", - "zh-cn": "flot" + "de": "energiefluss", + "en": "energiefluss", + "ru": "energiefluss", + "zh-cn": "energiefluss" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.flot/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.flot/flot.png", - "keywords": "charts, graphics, grafiken", - "authors": "bluefox ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.energiefluss/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.energiefluss/energiefluss.png", + "keywords": "energy, energy-flow, energie, energiefluss", + "authors": "SKB ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-06-10T19:35:14.599Z", - "version": "1.12.0", - "latestVersion": "1.12.0", + "published": "2022-06-17T13:00:08.321Z", + "version": "3.6.2", + "latestVersion": "3.6.2", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "This adapter draws charts with Flot in ioBroker.", - "de": "Dieser Adapter zeichnet Diagramme mit Flot in ioBroker.", - "ru": "Драйвер строит графики с помощью Flot", - "nl": "Deze adapter tekent grafieken met Flot in ioBroker", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur dessine des graphiques avec Flot dans ioBroker", - "pt": "Este adaptador desenha gráficos com o Flot no ioBroker", - "it": "Questo adattatore disegna i grafici con Flot in ioBroker.", - "es": "Este adaptador dibuja tablas con Flot en ioBroker", - "pl": "Ten adapter rysuje wykresy za pomocą Flot w programie ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "这器绘制图表,与海军报在ioBroker的。" + "en": "It provides an animated energy-flow for solar-panels, battery-charging, house-consumption, grid feed-in and car-charging.", + "de": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", + "ru": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", + "pt": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", + "nl": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung en Auto-Ladung bereit.", + "fr": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", + "it": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung beit.", + "es": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", + "pl": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", + "zh-cn": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit。", + "uk": "Він забезпечує анімований потік енергії для сонячних панелей, заряджання акумулятора, домашнього споживання, підключення до мережі та заряджання автомобіля." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Flot Charts", - "de": "Flot-Diagramme", - "ru": "Графики c Flot", - "pt": "Flot Charts", - "nl": "Flot charts", - "fr": "Graphiques des Flot", - "it": "Grafici Flot", - "es": "Gráficos de Flot", - "pl": "Wykresy Flot", - "zh-cn": "海军报表" + "en": "Energiefluss", + "de": "Energiefluss", + "ru": "Энергифлусс", + "pt": "Energiefluss", + "nl": "Energiefluss", + "fr": "Energiefluss", + "it": "Flusso di energia", + "es": "Energiefluss", + "pl": "Energiefluss", + "zh-cn": "精力充沛", + "uk": "Енергієзлив" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.flot", - "installs": 15589, - "weekDownloads": 291, - "stars": 22, - "issues": 17, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/SKB-CGN/ioBroker.energiefluss", + "installs": 4788, + "weekDownloads": 213, + "stars": 39, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, "eventlist": { @@ -26749,12 +27305,62 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.eventlist", - "installs": 607, - "weekDownloads": 12, + "installs": 616, + "weekDownloads": 70, "stars": 6, "issues": 20, "score": 1 }, + "mytime": { + "title": { + "de": "mytime", + "en": "mytime", + "ru": "mytime", + "zh-cn": "mytime" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.mytime/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.mytime/mytime.png", + "keywords": "mytime, timeseries, countdown timer", + "authors": "oweitman ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2020-11-17T20:43:36.159Z", + "version": "1.4.0", + "latestVersion": "1.4.0", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "de": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "ru": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "pt": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "nl": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "fr": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "it": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "es": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "pl": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "zh-cn": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", + "uk": "Цей адаптер обробляє час (наприклад, зворотній відлік тощо)" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "MyTime", + "de": "MyTime", + "ru": "MyTime", + "pt": "MyTime", + "nl": "MyTime", + "fr": "MyTime", + "it": "MyTime", + "es": "MyTime", + "pl": "MyTime", + "zh-cn": "MyTime", + "uk": "MyTime" + }, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.mytime", + "installs": 511, + "weekDownloads": 177, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 32, + "score": 1 + }, "hiob": { "title": { "de": "hiob", @@ -26800,60 +27406,59 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/moba15/ioBroker.hiob", - 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"en": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "uk": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "de": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "ru": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "pt": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "nl": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "fr": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "it": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "es": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "pl": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis", - "zh-cn": "jarvis - just another remarkable vis" + "en": "Fast Web-App for Visualization", + "de": "Schnelle Web-App zur Visualisierung", + "ru": "Быстрое веб-приложение для визуализации", + "pt": "Fast Web-App para visualização", + "nl": "Snelle web-app voor visualisatie", + "fr": "Web-App rapide pour la visualisation", + "it": "App Web veloce per visualizzazione", + "es": "Rápida aplicación web para visualización", + "pl": "Szybka aplikacja internetowa do wizualizacji", + "zh-cn": "用于可视化的快速Web应用程序" }, "titleFull": { - 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"installs": 5018, - "weekDownloads": 233, + "installs": 4967, + "weekDownloads": 139, "stars": 1, "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "echarts": { + "material": { "title": { - "de": "echarts", - "en": "echarts", - "ru": "echarts", - "zh-cn": "echarts" + "de": "material", + "en": "material", + "ru": "material", + "zh-cn": "material" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.echarts/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.echarts/echarts.png", - "keywords": "charts, diagram", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.material/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.material/material.png", + "keywords": "user, interface, webapp, jquerymobile, ui", "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "published": "2020-10-18T19:43:12.055Z", - "version": "1.9.2", - "latestVersion": "2.0.4", + "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", + "published": "2017-06-26T21:15:39.259Z", + "version": "1.3.1", + "latestVersion": "1.3.1", + "description": { + "en": "Material UI based ioBroker user interface", + "de": "ioBroker GUI für mobile Geräte auf dem Basis von Material UI", + "ru": "ioBroker визуализация для мобильных устройств на Material UI", + "pt": "Interface de usuário ioBroker baseada em UI de material", + "nl": "Materiaal UI gebaseerde gebruikersinterface van ioBroker", + "fr": "Interface utilisateur ioBroker basée sur l'interface utilisateur matérielle", + "it": "Interfaccia utente ioBroker basata su UI materiale", + "es": "Interfaz de usuario ioBroker basada en IU de material", + "pl": "Interfejs użytkownika ioBroker oparty na interfejsie użytkownika", + "zh-cn": "基于Material UI的ioBroker用户界面" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Material UI" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.material", + "installs": 2666, + "weekDownloads": 61, + "stars": 59, + "issues": 82, + "score": 1 + }, + "jarvis": { + "title": { + "de": "jarvis", + "en": "jarvis", + "ru": "jarvis", + "zh-cn": "jarvis" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.jarvis/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.jarvis/jarvis.png", + "keywords": "vis, visualization, modern, material, gui, ui, jarvis, interface, webapp, smarthome, home, assistant, control, react, vue, lovelace", + "authors": "Zefau ", + "license": "CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0", + "published": "2020-02-21T23:54:54.014Z", + "version": "3.1.8", + "latestVersion": "3.2.0-rc.5", "compact": true, "description": { - 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"pl": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", - "zh-cn": "This adapter handle Time (eg: countdown,etc.)", - "uk": "Цей адаптер обробляє час (наприклад, зворотній відлік тощо)" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "MyTime", - "de": "MyTime", - "ru": "MyTime", - "pt": "MyTime", - "nl": "MyTime", - "fr": "MyTime", - "it": "MyTime", - "es": "MyTime", - "pl": "MyTime", - "zh-cn": "MyTime", - "uk": "MyTime" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/oweitman/ioBroker.mytime", - "installs": 508, - "weekDownloads": 62, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 32, - "score": 1 - }, - "energiefluss-erweitert": { + "tileboard": { "title": { - "de": "energiefluss-erweitert", - "en": "energiefluss-erweitert", - "ru": "energiefluss-erweitert", - "zh-cn": "energiefluss-erweitert" + "de": "tileboard", + "en": "tileboard", + "ru": "tileboard", + "zh-cn": "tileboard" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.energiefluss-erweitert/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.energiefluss-erweitert/energiefluss-erweitert.png", - "keywords": "energy, energy-flow, energie, energiefluss, energiefluss-erweitert, photovoltaics, Photovoltaik, Solar", - "authors": "SKB ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.tileboard/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.tileboard/tileboard.png", + "keywords": "DashUI, GUI, graphical, scada", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-07-27T09:56:20.680Z", - "version": "0.6.2", - "latestVersion": "0.6.2", - "compact": true, + "published": "2019-02-13T17:29:34.659Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.3.1", + "materialize": true, "description": { - "en": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "de": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss fuer alle Elemente, die Du anlegst an. Dies kann sein: Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung (Netzbezug), Auto-Ladung usw.", - "ru": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "pt": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "nl": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "fr": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "it": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "es": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "pl": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "zh-cn": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc.", - "uk": "It provides an animated energyflow for all elements, you add. This could be: photovoltaics, battery, house-consumption, grid-feed-in (grid-consumption), car charge etc." + "en": "TileBoard for visualisation in ioBroker", + "de": "TileBoard zur Visualisierung in ioBroker", + "ru": "TileBoard для визуализации в ioBroker", + "pt": "TileBoard para visualização no ioBroker", + "nl": "TileBoard voor visualisatie in ioBroker", + "fr": "TileBoard pour la visualisation dans ioBroker", + "it": "TileBoard per la visualizzazione in ioBroker", + "es": "TileBoard para visualización en ioBroker", + "pl": "TileBoard do wizualizacji w ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "TileBoard用于ioBroker中的可视化" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "de": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "ru": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "pt": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "nl": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "fr": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "it": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "es": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "pl": "Energiefluss - erweitert", - "zh-cn": "Energiefluss-erweitert", - "uk": "Energiefluss - erweitert" + "en": "Visualisation with TileBoard", + "de": "Visualisierung mit TileBoard", + "ru": "Визуализация с TileBoard", + "pt": "Visualização com o TileBoard", + "nl": "Visualisatie met TileBoard", + "fr": "Visualisation avec TileBoard", + "it": "Visualizzazione con TileBoard", + "es": "Visualización con TileBoard", + "pl": "Wizualizacja za pomocą TileBoard", + "zh-cn": "使用TileBoard进行可视化" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/SKB-CGN/ioBroker.energiefluss-erweitert", - "installs": 3817, - "weekDownloads": 339, - "stars": 27, - "issues": 1, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker/ioBroker.tileboard", + "installs": 65, + "weekDownloads": 7, + "stars": 10, + "issues": 8, "score": 1 }, "rickshaw": { @@ -27141,197 +27732,110 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.rickshaw", - "installs": 986, - "weekDownloads": 26, + "installs": 979, + "weekDownloads": 24, "stars": 4, "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "slideshow": { - "title": { - "de": "slideshow", - "en": "slideshow", - "ru": "slideshow", - "zh-cn": "slideshow" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.slideshow/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.slideshow/slideshow.png", - "keywords": "slideshow, slide show, diashow", - "authors": "Gaudes ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2021-03-08T22:41:03.730Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.2.1", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Slideshow for VIS from different sources", - "de": "Diashow für VIS aus verschiedenen Quellen", - "ru": "Слайд-шоу для ВИС из разных источников", - "pt": "Apresentação de slides para VIS de diferentes fontes", - "nl": "Diavoorstelling voor VIS uit verschillende bronnen", - "fr": "Diaporama pour VIS de différentes sources", - "it": "Presentazione per VIS da diverse fonti", - "es": "Presentación de diapositivas para VIS de diferentes fuentes", - "pl": "Pokaz slajdów dla VIS z różnych źródeł", - "zh-cn": "来自不同来源的VIS幻灯片", - "uk": "Слайд-шоу для VIS з різних джерел" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Slideshow", - "de": "Slideshow", - "ru": "Slideshow", - "pt": "Slideshow", - "nl": "Slideshow", - "fr": "Slideshow", - "it": "Slideshow", - "es": "Slideshow", - "pl": "Slideshow", - "zh-cn": "Slideshow", - "uk": "Слайд-шоу" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/gaudes/ioBroker.slideshow", - "installs": 242, - "weekDownloads": 12, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 15, - "score": 1 - }, - "iqontrol": { + "vis": { "title": { - "de": "iqontrol", - "en": "iqontrol", - "ru": "iqontrol", - "zh-cn": "iqontrol" + "de": "vis", + "en": "vis", + "ru": "vis", + "zh-cn": "vis" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.iqontrol/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.iqontrol/iqontrol.png", - "keywords": "visualization, user, interface, webapp, ui", - "authors": "Sebastian Bormann , Iobroker Community", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-04-25T19:54:15.696Z", - "version": "3.0.0", - "latestVersion": "3.0.0", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vis/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vis/vis.png", + "keywords": "DashUI, GUI, graphical, scada", + "authors": "bluefox ", + "published": "2015-01-03T16:36:01.398Z", + "version": "1.5.6", + "latestVersion": "1.5.6", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Fast Web-App for Visualization", - "de": "Schnelle Web-App zur Visualisierung", - "ru": "Быстрое веб-приложение для визуализации", - "pt": "Fast Web-App para visualização", - "nl": "Snelle web-app voor visualisatie", - "fr": "Web-App rapide pour la visualisation", - "it": "App Web veloce per visualizzazione", - "es": "Rápida aplicación web para visualización", - "pl": "Szybka aplikacja internetowa do wizualizacji", - "zh-cn": "用于可视化的快速Web应用程序" + "en": "Graphical user interface for iobroker", + "de": "Grafische Benutzeroberfläche für iobroker", + "ru": "Графический пользовательский интерфейс для iobroker", + "pt": "Interface gráfica do usuário para iobroker", + "nl": "Grafische gebruikersinterface voor iobroker", + "fr": "Interface utilisateur graphique pour iobroker", + "it": "Interfaccia utente grafica per iobroker", + "es": "Interfaz gráfica de usuario para iobroker", + "pl": "Graficzny interfejs użytkownika dla iobroker", + "uk": "Графічний інтерфейс користувача для iobroker", + "zh-cn": "iobroker的图形化用户界面" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "iQontrol Vis", - "de": "iQontrol Vis", - "ru": "iQontrol Vis", - "pt": "iQontrol Vis", - "nl": "iQontrol Vis", - "fr": "iQontrol Vis", - "it": "iQontrol Vis", - "es": "iQontrol Vis", - "pl": "iQontrol Vis", - "zh-cn": "iQontrol Vis" + "en": "Visualisation", + "de": "Visualisierung", + "ru": "Визуализация", + "pt": "Visualização", + "nl": "Visualisatie", + "fr": "Visualisation", + "it": "Visualizzazione", + "es": "Visualización", + "pl": "Wizualizacja", + "uk": "Візуалізація", + "zh-cn": "可视化" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.iqontrol", - "installs": 8803, - "weekDownloads": 470, - "stars": 65, - "issues": 32, - "score": 1 - }, - "energiefluss": { - "title": { - "de": "energiefluss", - "en": "energiefluss", - "ru": "energiefluss", - "zh-cn": "energiefluss" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.energiefluss/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.energiefluss/energiefluss.png", - "keywords": "energy, energy-flow, energie, energiefluss", - "authors": "SKB ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-06-17T13:00:08.321Z", - "version": "3.6.2", - "latestVersion": "3.6.2", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "It provides an animated energy-flow for solar-panels, battery-charging, house-consumption, grid feed-in and car-charging.", - "de": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", - "ru": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", - "pt": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", - "nl": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung en Auto-Ladung bereit.", - "fr": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", - "it": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung beit.", - "es": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", - "pl": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit.", - "zh-cn": "Es stellt einen animierten Energiefluss für Photovoltaik, Batterie, Hausverbrauch, Einspeisung und Auto-Ladung bereit。", - "uk": "Він забезпечує анімований потік енергії для сонячних панелей, заряджання акумулятора, домашнього споживання, підключення до мережі та заряджання автомобіля." - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Energiefluss", - "de": "Energiefluss", - "ru": "Энергифлусс", - "pt": "Energiefluss", - "nl": "Energiefluss", - "fr": "Energiefluss", - "it": "Flusso di energia", - "es": "Energiefluss", - "pl": "Energiefluss", - "zh-cn": "精力充沛", - "uk": "Енергієзлив" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/SKB-CGN/ioBroker.energiefluss", - "installs": 4827, - "weekDownloads": 323, - "stars": 39, - "issues": 1, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker/iobroker.vis", + "installs": 37425, + "weekDownloads": 735, + "stars": 56, + "issues": 12, "score": 1 }, - "material": { + "vis-2": { "title": { - "de": "material", - "en": "material", - "ru": "material", - "zh-cn": "material" + "de": "vis-2", + "en": "vis-2", + "ru": "vis-2", + "zh-cn": "vis-2" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.material/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.material/material.png", - "keywords": "user, interface, webapp, jquerymobile, ui", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-2/vis-2.png", + "keywords": "DashUI, GUI, graphical, scada", "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", - "published": "2017-06-26T21:15:39.259Z", - "version": "1.3.1", - "latestVersion": "1.3.1", + "published": "2023-07-28T07:26:28.474Z", + "version": "2.9.64", + "latestVersion": "2.11.2", + "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Material UI based ioBroker user interface", - "de": "ioBroker GUI für mobile Geräte auf dem Basis von Material UI", - "ru": "ioBroker визуализация для мобильных устройств на Material UI", - "pt": "Interface de usuário ioBroker baseada em UI de material", - "nl": "Materiaal UI gebaseerde gebruikersinterface van ioBroker", - "fr": "Interface utilisateur ioBroker basée sur l'interface utilisateur matérielle", - "it": "Interfaccia utente ioBroker basata su UI materiale", - "es": "Interfaz de usuario ioBroker basada en IU de material", - "pl": "Interfejs użytkownika ioBroker oparty na interfejsie użytkownika", - "zh-cn": "基于Material UI的ioBroker用户界面" + "en": "Extended GUI for ioBroker", + "de": "Erweiterte GUI für ioBroker", + "ru": "Расширенный GUI для ioBroker", + "pt": "GUI estendido para ioBroker", + "nl": "Uitgebreide GUI voor ioBroker", + "fr": "Interface graphique étendue pour ioBroker", + "it": "Interfaccia grafica estesa per ioBroker", + "es": "Interfaz gráfica extendida para ioBroker", + "pl": "Rozszerzone GUI dla ioBroker", + "uk": "Розширений GUI для ioBroker", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker的扩展GUI" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Material UI" + "en": "Visualisation Next Generation", + "de": "Visualisierung Next Generation", + "ru": "Визуализация Next Generation", + "pt": "Visualização Next Generation", + "nl": "Visualisatie Next Generation", + "fr": "Visualisation Next Generation", + "it": "Visualizzazione Next Generation", + "es": "Visualización Next Generation", + "pl": "Wizualizacja Next Generation", + "uk": "Візуалізація Next Generation", + "zh-cn": "可视化 Next Generation" }, "branch": "master", - 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"published": "2024-08-05T13:29:03.417Z", - "version": "0.3.0", - "latestVersion": "0.3.0", + "published": "2020-05-05T18:02:17.072Z", + "version": "2.3.3", + "latestVersion": "2.3.3", + "description": { + "en": "Visualization for all devices", + "de": "Visualisierung für alle Geräte", + "ru": "Визуализация для всех устройств", + "pt": "Visualização para todos os dispositivos", + "nl": "Visualisatie voor alle apparaten", + "fr": "Visualisation pour tous les appareils", + "it": "Visualizzazione per tutti i dispositivi", + "es": "Visualización para todos los dispositivos.", + "pl": "Wizualizacja dla wszystkich urządzeń", + "zh-cn": "可视化所有设备" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "minuVis", + "de": "minuVis", + "ru": "minuVis", + "pt": "minuVis", + "nl": "minivis", + "fr": "minuVis", + "it": "minuVis", + "es": "minuVis", + "pl": "minuVis", + "zh-cn": "minuVis" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/minukodu/ioBroker.minuvis", + "installs": 720, + "weekDownloads": 34, + "stars": 11, + "issues": 16, + "score": 1 + }, + "webui": { + "title": { + "de": "webui", + "en": "webui", + "ru": "webui", + "zh-cn": "webui" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.webui/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.webui/logo.png", + "keywords": "GUI, graphical, scada, webcompoents, HTML", + "authors": "jogibear9988 ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2021-12-17T00:30:13.217Z", + "version": "1.19.4", + "latestVersion": "1.25.1", + "materialize": true, + "compact": false, + "description": { + "en": "Graphical user interface for iobroker using Webcomponents", + "de": "Grafische Benutzeroberfläche für iobroker mit Webkomponenten", + "ru": "Графический пользовательский интерфейс для iobroker с использованием Webcomponents", + "pt": "Interface gráfica do usuário para iobroker usando Webcomponents", + "nl": "Grafische gebruiker interface voor iobroker met webcomponenten", + "fr": "Interface utilisateur graphique pour iobroker en utilisant Webcomponents", + "it": "Interfaccia utente grafica per iobroker utilizzando Webcomponents", + "es": "Interfaz de usuario gráfica para iobroker utilizando Webcomponents", + "pl": "Graphical user interface for iobroker (ang.)", + "uk": "Графічний інтерфейс користувача для iobroker за допомогою Webcomponents", + "zh-cn": "使用万维网传送器的高锰用户接口" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "webui", + "de": "webui", + "ru": "webui", + "pt": "webui", + "nl": "webui", + "fr": "webui", + "it": "webui", + "es": "webui", + "pl": "webui", + "uk": "webui", + "zh-cn": "webui" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.webui", + "installs": 379, + "weekDownloads": 469, + "stars": 13, + "issues": 5, + "score": 1 + }, + "slideshow": { + "title": { + "de": "slideshow", + "en": "slideshow", + "ru": "slideshow", + "zh-cn": "slideshow" + }, + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.slideshow/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.slideshow/slideshow.png", + "keywords": "slideshow, slide show, diashow", + "authors": "Gaudes ", + "license": "MIT", + "published": "2021-03-08T22:41:03.730Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.2.1", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Use all available features of Apache eCharts within ioBroker", - "de": "Verwenden Sie alle verfügbaren Funktionen von Apache eCharts innerhalb von ioBroker", - "ru": "Используйте все доступные функции Apache eCharts в ioBroker", - "pt": "Use todas as características disponíveis de Apache eCharts dentro ioBroker", - "nl": "Gebruik alle beschikbare functies van Apache eCharts binnen ioBroker", - "fr": "Utilisez toutes les fonctionnalités disponibles de Apache eCharts dans ioBroker", - "it": "Utilizzare tutte le funzionalità disponibili di eCharts Apache all'interno ioBroker", - "es": "Utilice todas las características disponibles de Apache eCharts dentro de ioBroker", - "pl": "Użyj wszystkich dostępnych funkcji eCharts Apache w jOBroker", - "uk": "Використовуйте всі доступні функції Apache eCharts в ioBroker", - "zh-cn": "使用 ioBroker 内 Apache 电子图的所有可用特性" + "en": "Slideshow for VIS from different sources", + "de": "Diashow für VIS aus verschiedenen Quellen", + "ru": "Слайд-шоу для ВИС из разных источников", + "pt": "Apresentação de slides para VIS de diferentes fontes", + "nl": "Diavoorstelling voor VIS uit verschillende bronnen", + "fr": "Diaporama pour VIS de différentes sources", + "it": "Presentazione per VIS da diverse fonti", + "es": "Presentación de diapositivas para VIS de diferentes fuentes", + "pl": "Pokaz slajdów dla VIS z różnych źródeł", + "zh-cn": "来自不同来源的VIS幻灯片", + "uk": "Слайд-шоу для VIS з різних джерел" }, "titleFull": { - 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Lots of different predifined widgets", + "de": "Dieser Adapter bietet standardisierte Widgets für vis in ioBroker. ", + "ru": "Этот адаптер предоставляет стандартизированные виджеты для vis в ioBroker. ", + "pt": "Este adaptador fornece Widgets padronizados para visualização no ioBroker. ", + "nl": "Deze adapter biedt gestandaardiseerde widgets voor vis in ioBroker. ", + "fr": "Cet adaptateur fournit des widgets standardisés pour la visibilité dans ioBroker. ", + "it": "Questo adattatore fornisce widget standardizzati per vis in ioBroker. ", + "es": "Este adaptador proporciona widgets estandarizados para vis in ioBroker. ", + "pl": "Ten adapter zapewnia ustandaryzowane widżety dla vis w ioBroker. ", + "zh-cn": "该适配器为ioBroker中的vis提供了标准化的小部件。" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "Material Advanced", + "de": "Material Advanced", + "ru": "Расширенный материал", + "pt": "Material Avançado", + "nl": "Materiaal geavanceerd", + "fr": "Matériel avancé", + "it": "Materiale avanzato", + "es": "Material avanzado", + "pl": "Materiał zaawansowany", + "zh-cn": "材料先进" }, - "titleFull": "ioBroker Visualisation - fancyswitch style Widgets", "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.vis-fancyswitch", - "installs": 8213, - "weekDownloads": 135, - "stars": 7, - "issues": 4, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.vis-material-advanced", + "installs": 7175, + "weekDownloads": 315, + "stars": 2, + "issues": 20, "score": 1 }, - "vis-keyboard": { + "vis-plumb": { "title": { - "de": "vis-keyboard", - "en": "vis-keyboard", - "ru": "vis-keyboard", - "zh-cn": "vis-keyboard" + "de": "vis-plumb", + "en": "vis-plumb", + "ru": "vis-plumb", + "zh-cn": "vis-plumb" }, - 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"uk": "justGage Віджети для ioBroker.vis\n", - "zh-cn": "ioBroker.vis的justGage小部件" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "justGage Widgets", - "de": "justGage Widgets", - "ru": "justGage Виджеты", - "pt": "apenas gerar Widgets", - "nl": "gage Widgets", - "fr": "justeGage Widgets", - "it": "justGage Widgets", - "es": "justGage Widgets", - "pl": "gage Widget", - "uk": "justGage Віджети", - "zh-cn": "公正的Gage Widget" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.vis-justgage", - "installs": 8186, - "weekDownloads": 197, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 4, - "score": 1 - }, - "vis-history": { - "title": { - "de": "vis-history", - "en": "vis-history", - "ru": "vis-history", - "zh-cn": "vis-history" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-history/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-history/vis-history.png", - "keywords": "history, vis, GUI, graphical, scada", - "authors": "Pmant ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-06-13T20:51:31.454Z", - 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The adapter uses different libraries (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", + "de": "Material Design Widgets basieren auf den Google-Richtlinien für das Material Design. Dabei verwendet der Adapter verschiedene Bibliothek (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", + "ru": "Виджеты для проектирования материалов основаны на руководстве Google по проектированию материалов. Адаптер использует различные библиотеки (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, и т.д.).", + "pt": "Os Widgets de design de materiais são baseados nas diretrizes de design de materiais do Google. O adaptador usa bibliotecas diferentes (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", + "nl": "Material Design Widgets zijn gebaseerd op de materiaalontwerprichtlijnen van Google. De adapter maakt gebruik van verschillende bibliotheken (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", + "fr": "Les Widgets de conception de matériaux sont basés sur les directives de conception de matériaux de Google. L'adaptateur utilise différentes bibliothèques (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", + "it": "I widget per il design dei materiali si basano sulle linee guida per il design dei materiali di Google. L'adattatore utilizza diverse librerie (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, ecc.)", + "es": "Los Widgets de diseño de materiales se basan en las directrices de diseño de materiales de Google. El adaptador utiliza diferentes librerías (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", + "pl": "Widgety do projektowania materiałów oparte są na wytycznych Google dotyczących projektowania materiałów. Adapter wykorzystuje różne biblioteki (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, itp.)", + "zh-cn": "Material Design Widgets基于Google的Material Design准则。适配器使用不同的库(材料组件Web库,vuetify,chartjs等)。" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "lcars style Widgets" + "en": "Material Design Widgets", + "de": "Material Design Widgets", + "ru": "Material Design Widgets", + "pt": "Material Design Widgets", + "nl": "Material Design Widgets", + "fr": "Material Design Widgets", + "it": "Material Design Widgets", + "es": "Material Design Widgets", + "pl": "Material Design Widgets", + "zh-cn": "Material Design Widgets" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.vis-lcars", - "installs": 2628, - "weekDownloads": 56, - "stars": 8, - "issues": 3, + "github": "https://github.com/Scrounger/ioBroker.vis-materialdesign", + "installs": 7461, + "weekDownloads": 153, + "stars": 59, + "issues": 82, "score": 1 }, "vis-2-widgets-gauges": { @@ -28775,412 +29283,193 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.vis-2-widgets-gauges", - "installs": 3876, - "weekDownloads": 127, + "installs": 3899, + "weekDownloads": 115, "stars": 6, "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "vis-map": { - "title": { - "de": "vis-map", - "en": "vis-map", - "ru": "vis-map", - "zh-cn": "vis-map" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-map/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-map/vis-map.png", - "keywords": "map, vis, GUI, graphical, scada", - "authors": "Pmant ", - "published": "2016-07-09T06:35:25.570Z", - "version": "1.1.2", - "latestVersion": "1.1.2", - "materialize": true, - "description": { - "en": "Map Widgets for ioBroker.vis", - "de": "Map Widgets für ioBroker.vis", - "ru": "Виджеты карт для ioBroker.vis", - "pt": "Map Widgets para ioBroker.vis", - "nl": "Kaartwidgets voor ioBroker.vis", - "fr": "Widgets cartographiques pour ioBroker.vis", - "it": "Widget mappa per ioBroker.vis", - "es": "Widgets del mapa para ioBroker.vis", - "pl": "Widgety map dla ioBroker.vis" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "vis map Widgets", - "de": "vis-Kartenwidgets", - "ru": "vis виджеты карт", - "pt": "vis map Widgets", - "nl": "vis map Widgets", - "fr": "vis carte Widgets", - "it": "vis mappa Widget", - "es": "vis map Widgets", - "pl": "vis map Widgets" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.vis-map", - "installs": 3891, - "weekDownloads": 83, - "stars": 11, - "issues": 12, - "score": 1 - }, - "vis-hqwidgets": { + "vis-2-widgets-material": { "title": { - "de": "vis-hqwidgets", - "en": "vis-hqwidgets", - "ru": "vis-hqwidgets", - "zh-cn": "vis-hqwidgets" + "de": "vis-2-widgets-material", + "en": "vis-2-widgets-material", + "ru": "vis-2-widgets-material", + "zh-cn": "vis-2-widgets-material" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-hqwidgets/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-hqwidgets/hqwidgets.png", - "keywords": "hqwidgets, vis, GUI, graphical, scada", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-material/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-2-widgets-material/vis-2-widgets-material.png", + "keywords": "vis-2-widgets-material", "authors": "bluefox ", - "published": "2015-07-19T16:00:19.063Z", - "version": "1.5.1", - "latestVersion": "1.5.1", - "description": { - "en": "High quality Widgets for ioBroker.vis", - "de": "Hochwertige (High quality) Widgets für ioBroker.vis", - "ru": "Высококачественные виджеты (High quality) для ioBroker.vis", - "pt": "Widgets de alta qualidade para ioBroker.vis", - "nl": "Hoge kwaliteit (High quality) Widgets voor ioBroker.vis", - "fr": "Widgets de haute qualité (High quality) pour ioBroker.vis", - "it": "Widget di alta qualità (High quality) per ioBroker.vis", - "es": "Widgets de alta calidad (High quality) para ioBroker.vis", - "pl": "Wysokiej jakości widżety (High quality) dla ioBroker.vis" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "High quality Widgets", - "de": "Hochwertige Widgets", - "ru": "Виджеты высокого качества", - "pt": "Widgets de alta qualidade", - "nl": "Widgets van hoge kwaliteit", - "fr": "Widgets de haute qualité", - "it": "Widget di alta qualità", - "es": "Widgets de alta calidad", - "pl": "Widżety wysokiej jakości", - "zh-cn": "高品质的小工具" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.vis-hqwidgets", - "installs": 18384, - "weekDownloads": 364, - "stars": 18, - "issues": 11, - "score": 1 - }, - "vis-material-advanced": { - "title": { - "de": "vis-material-advanced", - "en": "vis-material-advanced", - "ru": "vis-material-advanced", - "zh-cn": "vis-material-advanced" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-material-advanced/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-material-advanced/vis-material-advanced.png", - "keywords": "vis, material, widget, iobroker", - "authors": "EdgarM73 ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-08-27T11:38:20.888Z", - "version": "1.7.4", - "latestVersion": "1.7.4", - "description": { - "en": "This Adapter provides standardized Widgets for vis in ioBroker. Lots of different predifined widgets", - "de": "Dieser Adapter bietet standardisierte Widgets für vis in ioBroker. ", - "ru": "Этот адаптер предоставляет стандартизированные виджеты для vis в ioBroker. ", - "pt": "Este adaptador fornece Widgets padronizados para visualização no ioBroker. ", - "nl": "Deze adapter biedt gestandaardiseerde widgets voor vis in ioBroker. ", - "fr": "Cet adaptateur fournit des widgets standardisés pour la visibilité dans ioBroker. ", - "it": "Questo adattatore fornisce widget standardizzati per vis in ioBroker. ", - "es": "Este adaptador proporciona widgets estandarizados para vis in ioBroker. ", - "pl": "Ten adapter zapewnia ustandaryzowane widżety dla vis w ioBroker. ", - "zh-cn": "该适配器为ioBroker中的vis提供了标准化的小部件。" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Material Advanced", - "de": "Material Advanced", - "ru": "Расширенный материал", - "pt": "Material Avançado", - "nl": "Materiaal geavanceerd", - "fr": "Matériel avancé", - "it": "Materiale avanzato", - "es": "Material avanzado", - "pl": "Materiał zaawansowany", - "zh-cn": "材料先进" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.vis-material-advanced", - "installs": 7241, - "weekDownloads": 127, - "stars": 2, - "issues": 20, - "score": 1 - }, - "vis-material": { - "title": { - "de": "vis-material", - "en": "vis-material", - "ru": "vis-material", - "zh-cn": "vis-material" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-material/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.vis-material/material.png", - "keywords": "material, vis, GUI, graphical, scada", - "authors": "nisiode , iobroker-community-adapters ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-01-10T20:55:37.228Z", - "version": "0.1.3", - 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The adapter uses different libraries (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", - "de": "Material Design Widgets basieren auf den Google-Richtlinien für das Material Design. Dabei verwendet der Adapter verschiedene Bibliothek (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", - "ru": "Виджеты для проектирования материалов основаны на руководстве Google по проектированию материалов. Адаптер использует различные библиотеки (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, и т.д.).", - "pt": "Os Widgets de design de materiais são baseados nas diretrizes de design de materiais do Google. O adaptador usa bibliotecas diferentes (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", - "nl": "Material Design Widgets zijn gebaseerd op de materiaalontwerprichtlijnen van Google. De adapter maakt gebruik van verschillende bibliotheken (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", - "fr": "Les Widgets de conception de matériaux sont basés sur les directives de conception de matériaux de Google. L'adaptateur utilise différentes bibliothèques (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", - "it": "I widget per il design dei materiali si basano sulle linee guida per il design dei materiali di Google. L'adattatore utilizza diverse librerie (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, ecc.)", - "es": "Los Widgets de diseño de materiales se basan en las directrices de diseño de materiales de Google. El adaptador utiliza diferentes librerías (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, etc.).", - "pl": "Widgety do projektowania materiałów oparte są na wytycznych Google dotyczących projektowania materiałów. Adapter wykorzystuje różne biblioteki (material components web library, vuetify, chartjs, itp.)", - "zh-cn": "Material Design Widgets基于Google的Material Design准则。适配器使用不同的库(材料组件Web库,vuetify,chartjs等)。" + "en": "justGage Widgets for ioBroker.vis", + "de": "justGage Widgets für ioBroker.vis", + "ru": "Виджеты justGage для ioBroker.vis", + "pt": "Widgets justGage para ioBroker.vis", + "nl": "justGage Widgets voor ioBroker.vis", + "fr": "justGage Widgets pour ioBroker.vis", + "it": "Widget di justGage per ioBroker.vis", + "es": "JustGage Widgets para ioBroker.vis", + "pl": "Widżety justGage dla ioBroker.vis", + "uk": "justGage Віджети для ioBroker.vis\n", + "zh-cn": "ioBroker.vis的justGage小部件" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Material Design Widgets", - "de": "Material Design Widgets", - "ru": "Material Design Widgets", - "pt": "Material Design Widgets", - "nl": "Material Design Widgets", - "fr": "Material Design Widgets", - "it": "Material Design Widgets", - "es": "Material Design Widgets", - "pl": "Material Design Widgets", - 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"uk": "Netatmo" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Netatmo", - "de": "Netatmo", - "ru": "Нетатмо", - "pt": "Netatmo", - "nl": "Netatmo", - "fr": "Netatmo", - "it": "Nettmo", - "es": "Netatmo", - "pl": "Netatmo", - "zh-cn": "内塔莫", - "uk": "Netatmo" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/PArns/ioBroker.netatmo", - "installs": 3491, - "weekDownloads": 117, - "stars": 26, - "issues": 12, - "score": 1 - }, - "knmi-weather": { + "dwd": { "title": { - "de": "knmi-weather", - "en": "knmi-weather", - "ru": "knmi-weather", - "zh-cn": "knmi-weather" + "de": "dwd", + "en": "dwd", + "ru": "dwd", + "zh-cn": "dwd" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.knmi-weather/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.knmi-weather/knmi-weather.png", - "keywords": "Weather, Alarm, Netherlands", - "authors": "DutchmanNL ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.dwd/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.dwd/dwd.png", + "keywords": "weather, Wetter, warning, Warnung, forecast, Vorhersage, rain, Regen, wind", + "authors": "bluefox ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-04-20T06:53:08.529Z", - "version": "1.0.2", - "latestVersion": "1.0.2", + "published": "2015-01-02T17:23:09.173Z", + "version": "2.8.5", + "latestVersion": "2.8.5", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Current weather data from the KNMI (Netherlands)", - "de": "Das aktuelle Wetter Daten von der KNMI (Niederlande)", - "ru": "Текущие погодные данные из КНМИ (Нидерланды)", - "pt": "Dados do tempo actual do KNMI (países baixos)", - "nl": "De actuele weergegevens van het KNMI (Nederland)", - "fr": "Données météo actuelles à partir du KNMI (pays-bas)", - "it": "Dati meteo dalle KNMI (paesi Bassi)", - "es": "Actual de los datos meteorológicos de la KNMI (países Bajos)", - "pl": "Aktualne dane pogodowe z KNMI (Holandia)", - "zh-cn": "当前的气象数据的反演(荷兰)" + "en": "Weather Warnings from German Weather Service (DWD)", + "de": "Wetterwarnungen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD)", + "ru": "Погодные предупреждения от немецкого сервиса German Weather Service (DWD)", + "pt": "Avisos Meteorológicos do Serviço Meteorológico Alemão (DWD)", + "nl": "Weerwaarschuwingen van Duitse Weer Service (DWD)", + "fr": "Avertissements météorologiques du service météorologique allemand (DWD)", + "it": "Avvertenze meteorologiche dal servizio meteo tedesco (DWD)", + "es": "Advertencias meteorológicas del Servicio meteorológico alemán (DWD)", + "pl": "Ostrzeżenia pogodowe od niemieckiego serwisu pogodowego (DWD)", + "zh-cn": "德国气象局 (DWD) 的天气警告" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "KNMI-Weather", - "de": "KNMI-Weather", - "ru": "KNMI-Weather", - "pt": "KNMI-Weather", - "nl": "KNMI-Weather", - "fr": "KNMI-Weather", - "it": "KNMI-Weather", - "es": "KNMI-Weather", - "pl": "KNMI-Weather", - "zh-cn": "KNMI-Weather" + "en": "DWD", + "de": "DWD", + "ru": "DWD", + "pt": "DWD", + "nl": "DWD", + "fr": "DWD", + "it": "DWD", + "es": "DWD", + "pl": "DWD", + "zh-cn": "DWD" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.knmi-weather", - "installs": 75, - "weekDownloads": 13, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 11, + "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.dwd", + "installs": 9817, + "weekDownloads": 176, + "stars": 22, + "issues": 10, "score": 1 }, - "meteoalarm": { + "daswetter": { "title": { - "de": "meteoalarm", - "en": "meteoalarm", - "ru": "meteoalarm", - "zh-cn": "meteoalarm" + "de": "daswetter", + "en": "daswetter", + "ru": "daswetter", + "zh-cn": "daswetter" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.meteoalarm/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.meteoalarm/meteoalarm.png", - "keywords": "meteoalarm", - "authors": "Jack ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.daswetter/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.daswetter/daswettercom.png", + "keywords": "weather, forecast, DasWetter", + "authors": "René G. 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Different forecast models are available.", + "de": "liest Wettervorhersagedaten von DasWetter.com. Es stehen verschiedene Prognosemodelle zur Verfügung.", + "ru": "читает данные прогноза погоды от DasWetter.com. Доступны разные модели прогноза.", + "pt": "lê dados de previsão meteorológica do DasWetter.com. Diferentes modelos de previsão estão disponíveis.", + "nl": "leest weersvoorspellingsgegevens van DasWetter.com. Verschillende voorspellingsmodellen zijn beschikbaar.", + "fr": "lit les données météorologiques de DasWetter.com. Différents modèles de prévision sont disponibles.", + "it": "legge i dati delle previsioni del tempo da DasWetter.com. Sono disponibili diversi modelli di previsione.", + "es": "lee los datos del pronóstico del tiempo de DasWetter.com. Existen diferentes modelos de pronóstico disponibles.", + "pl": "czyta prognozy pogody z DasWetter.com. Dostępne są różne modele prognoz.", + "zh-cn": "从DasWetter.com读取天气预报数据。", + "uk": "читає дані прогнозу погоди з DasWetter.com. Доступні різні моделі прогнозу." }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Meteoalarm", - "de": "Meteoalarm", - "ru": "Meteoalarm", - "pt": "Meteoalarm", - "nl": "Meteoalarm", - "fr": "Meteoalarm", - "it": "Meteoalarm", - "es": "Meteoalarm", - "pl": "Meteoalarm", - "uk": "Meteoalarm", - "zh-cn": "Meteoalarm" + "en": "DasWetter.com", + "de": "DasWetter.com", + "ru": "DasWetter.com", + "pt": "DasWetter.com", + "nl": "DasWetter.com", + "fr": "DasWetter.com", + "it": "DasWetter.com", + "es": "DasWetter.com", + "pl": "DasWetter.com", + "zh-cn": "DasWetter.com", + "uk": "DasWetter.com" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/jack-blackson/ioBroker.meteoalarm", - "installs": 683, - "weekDownloads": 31, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 4, + "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.daswetter", + "installs": 11689, + "weekDownloads": 520, + "stars": 19, + "issues": 8, "score": 1 }, "airquality": { @@ -29910,9 +30314,11 @@ }, "branch": "main", "github": "https://github.com/raschy/ioBroker.airquality", - "installs": 5, - "weekDownloads": 4, - "stars": -1 + "installs": 6, + "weekDownloads": 16, + "stars": -1, + "issues": 5, + "score": 1 }, "iceroad": { "title": { @@ -29942,445 +30348,227 @@ "es": "predicción de alerta de hielo", "pl": "lód", "uk": "прогноз попередження льоду", - "zh-cn": "警告预报" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Ice warning", - "de": "Eiswarnung", - "ru": "Предупреждение о льду", - "pt": "Aviso de gelo", - "nl": "IJs waarschuwing", - "fr": "Avertissement de glace", - "it": "Avviso di ghiaccio", - "es": "Alerta de hielo", - "pl": "Iced", - "uk": "Попередження льоду", - "zh-cn": "警告" - }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.iceroad", - "installs": 228, - "weekDownloads": 22, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 0, - "score": 1 - }, - "daswetter": { - "title": { - "de": "daswetter", - "en": "daswetter", - "ru": "daswetter", - "zh-cn": "daswetter" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.daswetter/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.daswetter/daswettercom.png", - "keywords": "weather, forecast, DasWetter", - "authors": "René G. 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Existen diferentes modelos de pronóstico disponibles.", - "pl": "czyta prognozy pogody z DasWetter.com. Dostępne są różne modele prognoz.", - "zh-cn": "从DasWetter.com读取天气预报数据。", - "uk": "читає дані прогнозу погоди з DasWetter.com. Доступні різні моделі прогнозу." - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "DasWetter.com", - "de": "DasWetter.com", - "ru": "DasWetter.com", - "pt": "DasWetter.com", - "nl": "DasWetter.com", - "fr": "DasWetter.com", - "it": "DasWetter.com", - "es": "DasWetter.com", - "pl": "DasWetter.com", - "zh-cn": "DasWetter.com", - "uk": "DasWetter.com" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/rg-engineering/ioBroker.daswetter", - "installs": 11801, - "weekDownloads": 644, - "stars": 19, - "issues": 8, - "score": 1 - }, - "pollenflug": { - "title": { - "de": "pollenflug", - "en": "pollenflug", - "ru": "pollenflug", - "zh-cn": "pollenflug" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pollenflug/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pollenflug/pollenflug.png", - "keywords": "pollenflug, pollen count", - "authors": "Thorsten Stueben , mcm1957 ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2019-02-19T14:46:17.540Z", - "version": "2.0.0", - "latestVersion": "2.0.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Pollen flight risk index", - "de": "Pollenflug Gefahrenindex", - "ru": "Индекс риска перелета пыльцы", - "pt": "Índice de risco de vôo de pólen", - "nl": "Stuifmeelvluchtrisico-index", - "fr": "Indice de risque de vol de pollen", - "it": "Indice di rischio di volo pollinico", - "es": "Índice de riesgo de fuga de polen", - "pl": "Wskaźnik ryzyka lotu pyłkowego", - "zh-cn": "花粉飞行风险指数", - "uk": "Індекс ризику польоту пилку" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Pollen flight risk index", - "de": "Pollenflug Gefahrenindex", - "ru": "Индекс риска перелета пыльцы", - "pt": "Índice de risco de vôo de pólen", - "nl": "Stuifmeelvluchtrisico-index", - "fr": "Indice de risque de vol de pollen", - "it": "Indice di rischio di volo pollinico", - "es": "Índice de riesgo de fuga de polen", - "pl": "Wskaźnik ryzyka lotu pyłkowego", - "zh-cn": "花粉飞行风险指数", - "uk": "Індекс ризику польоту пилку" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.pollenflug", - "installs": 2679, - "weekDownloads": 65, - "stars": 6, - "issues": 26, - "score": 1 - }, - "luftdaten": { - "title": { - "de": "luftdaten", - "en": "luftdaten", - "ru": "luftdaten", - "zh-cn": "luftdaten" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.luftdaten/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.luftdaten/luftdaten.png", - "keywords": "web, weather, air, quality", - "authors": "Matthias Kleine ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2018-05-14T13:52:35.278Z", - "version": "4.0.0", - "latestVersion": "4.0.0", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Loads current air quality data from a local or remote sensor", - "de": "Lädt aktuelle Luftqualitätsdaten eines lokalen oder Cloud-Sensors", - "ru": "Загружает текущие данные о качестве воздуха с местного или удаленного датчика", - "pt": "Carrega dados atuais de qualidade do ar de um sensor local ou remoto", - "nl": "Laadt huidige luchtkwaliteitsgegevens van een lokale of externe sensor", - "fr": "Charge les données actuelles sur la qualité de l'air à partir d'un capteur local ou distant", - "it": "Carica i dati attuali sulla qualità dell'aria da un sensore locale o remoto", - "es": "Carga datos actuales de la calidad del aire desde un sensor local o remoto", - "pl": "Ładuje aktualne dane o jakości powietrza z lokalnego lub zdalnego czujnika", - "zh-cn": "从本地或远程传感器加载当前的空气质量数据", - "uk": "Завантажує поточні дані про якість повітря з локального або дистанційного датчика" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "Luftdaten", - "de": "Luftdaten", - "ru": "Luftdaten", - "pt": "Luftdaten", - "nl": "Luftdaten", - "fr": "Luftdaten", - "it": "Luftdaten", - "es": "Luftdaten", - "pl": "Luftdaten", - "zh-cn": "Luftdaten", - "uk": "Luftdaten" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/klein0r/ioBroker.luftdaten", - "installs": 1324, - "weekDownloads": 28, - "stars": 22, - "issues": 1, - "score": 1 - }, - "opensmartcity": { - "title": { - "de": "opensmartcity", - "en": "opensmartcity", - "ru": "opensmartcity", - "zh-cn": "opensmartcity" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.opensmartcity/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.opensmartcity/opensmartcity.png", - "keywords": "opensmartcity, Google, home, player, music", - "authors": "Vegetto ", - "published": "2023-11-24T09:39:27.502Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.2.2", - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Provides the data from german city", - "de": "Stellt die Daten von deutschen Städten bereit", - "ru": "Предоставляет данные от немецких городов", - "pt": "Fornece os dados da cidade alemã", - "nl": "Biedt de gegevens van de Duitse stad", - "fr": "Fournit les données de la ville allemande", - "it": "Fornisce i dati della città tedesca", - "es": "Proporciona los datos de la ciudad alemana", - "pl": "Zapewnia dane z niemieckiego miasta", - "zh-cn": "提供德国城市的数据", - "uk": "Надає дані німецького міста" - }, - "titleFull": { - "en": "OpenSmartCity FROST" - }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker/ioBroker.opensmartcity", - "installs": 11, - "weekDownloads": 3, - "stars": 3, - "issues": 6, - "score": 1 - }, - "dwd": { - "title": { - "de": "dwd", - "en": "dwd", - "ru": "dwd", - "zh-cn": "dwd" - }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.dwd/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.dwd/dwd.png", - "keywords": "weather, Wetter, warning, Warnung, forecast, Vorhersage, rain, Regen, wind", - "authors": "bluefox ", - "license": "MIT", - "published": "2015-01-02T17:23:09.173Z", - "version": "2.8.5", - "latestVersion": "2.8.5", - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "description": { - "en": "Weather Warnings from German Weather Service (DWD)", - "de": "Wetterwarnungen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD)", - "ru": "Погодные предупреждения от немецкого сервиса German Weather Service (DWD)", - "pt": "Avisos Meteorológicos do Serviço Meteorológico Alemão (DWD)", - "nl": "Weerwaarschuwingen van Duitse Weer Service (DWD)", - "fr": "Avertissements météorologiques du service météorologique allemand (DWD)", - "it": "Avvertenze meteorologiche dal servizio meteo tedesco (DWD)", - "es": "Advertencias meteorológicas del Servicio meteorológico alemán (DWD)", - "pl": "Ostrzeżenia pogodowe od niemieckiego serwisu pogodowego (DWD)", - "zh-cn": "德国气象局 (DWD) 的天气警告" + "zh-cn": "警告预报" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "DWD", - "de": "DWD", - "ru": "DWD", - "pt": "DWD", - "nl": "DWD", - "fr": "DWD", - "it": "DWD", - "es": "DWD", - "pl": "DWD", - "zh-cn": "DWD" + "en": "Ice warning", + "de": "Eiswarnung", + "ru": "Предупреждение о льду", + "pt": "Aviso de gelo", + "nl": "IJs waarschuwing", + "fr": "Avertissement de glace", + "it": "Avviso di ghiaccio", + "es": "Alerta de hielo", + "pl": "Iced", + "uk": "Попередження льоду", + "zh-cn": "警告" }, - "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.dwd", - "installs": 9884, - "weekDownloads": 177, - "stars": 22, - "issues": 10, + "branch": "main", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.iceroad", + "installs": 226, + "weekDownloads": 25, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 0, "score": 1 }, - "sensebox": { + "knmi-weather": { "title": { - "de": "sensebox", - "en": "sensebox", - "ru": "sensebox", - "zh-cn": "sensebox" + "de": "knmi-weather", + "en": "knmi-weather", + "ru": "knmi-weather", + "zh-cn": "knmi-weather" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sensebox/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sensebox/sensebox.svg", - "keywords": "senseBox, openSenseMap, Luftdaten, Sensor", - "authors": "AlCalzone ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.knmi-weather/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.knmi-weather/knmi-weather.png", + "keywords": "Weather, Alarm, Netherlands", + "authors": "DutchmanNL ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2022-08-15T11:48:40.340Z", - "version": "-.-.-", - "latestVersion": "0.0.2", + "published": "2019-04-20T06:53:08.529Z", + "version": "1.0.2", + "latestVersion": "1.0.2", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Import sensor data from openSenseMap.org", - "de": "Importieren Sie Sensordaten von openSenseMap.org", - "ru": "Импорт данных датчиков с openSenseMap.org", - "pt": "Importar dados do sensor do openSenseMap.org", - "nl": "Sensorgegevens importeren van openSenseMap.org", - "fr": "Importer des données de capteur depuis openSenseMap.org", - "it": "Importa i dati del sensore da openSenseMap.org", - "es": "Importar datos de sensores de openSenseMap.org", - "pl": "Importuj dane z czujników z openSenseMap.org", - "zh-cn": "从 openSenseMap.org 导入传感器数据" + "en": "Current weather data from the KNMI (Netherlands)", + "de": "Das aktuelle Wetter Daten von der KNMI (Niederlande)", + "ru": "Текущие погодные данные из КНМИ (Нидерланды)", + "pt": "Dados do tempo actual do KNMI (países baixos)", + "nl": "De actuele weergegevens van het KNMI (Nederland)", + "fr": "Données météo actuelles à partir du KNMI (pays-bas)", + "it": "Dati meteo dalle KNMI (paesi Bassi)", + "es": "Actual de los datos meteorológicos de la KNMI (países Bajos)", + "pl": "Aktualne dane pogodowe z KNMI (Holandia)", + "zh-cn": "当前的气象数据的反演(荷兰)" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "senseBox", - "de": "senseBox", - "ru": "senseBox", - "pt": "senseBox", - "nl": "senseBox", - "fr": "SenseBox", - "it": "senseBox", - "es": "senseBox", - "pl": "senseBox", - "zh-cn": "senseBox" + "en": "KNMI-Weather", + "de": "KNMI-Weather", + "ru": "KNMI-Weather", + "pt": "KNMI-Weather", + "nl": "KNMI-Weather", + "fr": "KNMI-Weather", + "it": "KNMI-Weather", + "es": "KNMI-Weather", + "pl": "KNMI-Weather", + "zh-cn": "KNMI-Weather" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/AlCalzone/ioBroker.sensebox", - "installs": 24, - "weekDownloads": 5, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 15, + "github": "https://github.com/DrozmotiX/ioBroker.knmi-weather", + "installs": 75, + "weekDownloads": 14, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 11, "score": 1 }, - "solarwetter": { + "luftdaten": { "title": { - "de": "solarwetter", - "en": "solarwetter", - "ru": "solarwetter", - "zh-cn": "solarwetter" + "de": "luftdaten", + "en": "luftdaten", + "ru": "luftdaten", + "zh-cn": "luftdaten" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.solarwetter/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.solarwetter/solarwetter.png", - "keywords": "solar, solar-wetter, energy, parse, pix, weather", - "authors": "Pix", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.luftdaten/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.luftdaten/luftdaten.png", + "keywords": "web, weather, air, quality", + "authors": "Matthias Kleine ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2016-06-01T10:34:25.177Z", - "version": "1.2.0", - "latestVersion": "1.2.0", + "published": "2018-05-14T13:52:35.278Z", + "version": "4.0.0", + "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", - "de": "Solar Power Forecast solar-wetter.com", - "ru": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com - translate to russian, please", - "pt": "prognóstico Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", - "nl": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", - "fr": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", - "it": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", - "es": "pronosticador Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", - "pl": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", - "uk": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", - "zh-cn": "预测 Solarstrom Tagesertrag Solar-wetter.com" + "en": "Loads current air quality data from a local or remote sensor", + "de": "Lädt aktuelle Luftqualitätsdaten eines lokalen oder Cloud-Sensors", + "ru": "Загружает текущие данные о качестве воздуха с местного или удаленного датчика", + "pt": "Carrega dados atuais de qualidade do ar de um sensor local ou remoto", + "nl": "Laadt huidige luchtkwaliteitsgegevens van een lokale of externe sensor", + "fr": "Charge les données actuelles sur la qualité de l'air à partir d'un capteur local ou distant", + "it": "Carica i dati attuali sulla qualità dell'aria da un sensore locale o remoto", + "es": "Carga datos actuales de la calidad del aire desde un sensor local o remoto", + "pl": "Ładuje aktualne dane o jakości powietrza z lokalnego lub zdalnego czujnika", + "zh-cn": "从本地或远程传感器加载当前的空气质量数据", + "uk": "Завантажує поточні дані про якість повітря з локального або дистанційного датчика" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Solarwetter", - "de": "Solarwetter", - "ru": "Solarwetter", - "pt": "Solarwetter", - "nl": "Zonnewetter", - "fr": "Solaire plus humide", - "it": "Solarwetter", - "es": "mojador solar", - "pl": "Słonecznie", - "uk": "Solarwetter", - "zh-cn": "太阳能湿润剂" + "en": "Luftdaten", + "de": "Luftdaten", + "ru": "Luftdaten", + "pt": "Luftdaten", + "nl": "Luftdaten", + "fr": "Luftdaten", + "it": "Luftdaten", + "es": "Luftdaten", + "pl": "Luftdaten", + "zh-cn": "Luftdaten", + "uk": "Luftdaten" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.solarwetter", - "installs": 1310, - "weekDownloads": 38, - "stars": 4, - "issues": 7, + "github": "https://github.com/klein0r/ioBroker.luftdaten", + "installs": 1309, + "weekDownloads": 44, + "stars": 22, + "issues": 1, "score": 1 }, - "sainlogic": { + "pollenflug": { "title": { - "de": "sainlogic", - "en": "sainlogic", - "ru": "sainlogic", - "zh-cn": "sainlogic" + "de": "pollenflug", + "en": "pollenflug", + "ru": "pollenflug", + "zh-cn": "pollenflug" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.sainlogic/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.sainlogic/sainlogic.png", - "keywords": "weather, sainlogic", - "authors": "Fogg ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.pollenflug/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.pollenflug/pollenflug.png", + "keywords": "pollenflug, pollen count", + "authors": "Thorsten Stueben , mcm1957 ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-05-02T10:04:02.375Z", - "version": "0.11.5", - "latestVersion": "0.11.5", + "published": "2019-02-19T14:46:17.540Z", + "version": "2.0.0", + "latestVersion": "2.0.0", "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Read data from a sainlogic based weather station", - "de": "Read data from a sainlogic based weather station" + "en": "Pollen flight risk index", + "de": "Pollenflug Gefahrenindex", + "ru": "Индекс риска перелета пыльцы", + "pt": "Índice de risco de vôo de pólen", + "nl": "Stuifmeelvluchtrisico-index", + "fr": "Indice de risque de vol de pollen", + "it": "Indice di rischio di volo pollinico", + "es": "Índice de riesgo de fuga de polen", + "pl": "Wskaźnik ryzyka lotu pyłkowego", + "zh-cn": "花粉飞行风险指数", + "uk": "Індекс ризику польоту пилку" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Sainlogic Weatherstation", - "de": "Sainlogic Weatherstation" + "en": "Pollen flight risk index", + "de": "Pollenflug Gefahrenindex", + "ru": "Индекс риска перелета пыльцы", + "pt": "Índice de risco de vôo de pólen", + "nl": "Stuifmeelvluchtrisico-index", + "fr": "Indice de risque de vol de pollen", + "it": "Indice di rischio di volo pollinico", + "es": "Índice de riesgo de fuga de polen", + "pl": "Wskaźnik ryzyka lotu pyłkowego", + "zh-cn": "花粉飞行风险指数", + "uk": "Індекс ризику польоту пилку" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/phifogg/ioBroker.sainlogic", - "installs": 1177, - "weekDownloads": 410, - "stars": 17, - "issues": 15, + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.pollenflug", + "installs": 2651, + "weekDownloads": 67, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 26, "score": 1 }, - "netatmo-crawler": { + "meteoalarm": { "title": { - "de": "netatmo-crawler", - "en": "netatmo-crawler", - "ru": "netatmo-crawler", - "zh-cn": "netatmo-crawler" + "de": "meteoalarm", + "en": "meteoalarm", + "ru": "meteoalarm", + "zh-cn": "meteoalarm" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-crawler/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-crawler/netatmo-crawler.png", - "keywords": "netatmo, crawler, temperature, weather", - "authors": "Bart19 , Backfisch88 ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.meteoalarm/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.meteoalarm/meteoalarm.png", + "keywords": "meteoalarm", + "authors": "Jack ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2020-06-30T14:49:49.625Z", - "version": "0.8.1", - "latestVersion": "0.8.1", + "published": "2019-07-12T13:55:53.557Z", + "version": "3.0.3", + "latestVersion": "3.0.3", "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Crawls information from public netatmo stations", - "de": "Crawlt Informationen von öffentlichen Netatmo-Stationen", - "ru": "Сканирует информацию с общественных станций Netatmo", - "pt": "Rastreia informações de estações públicas de netatmo", - "nl": "Kruipt informatie van openbare netatmo-stations", - "fr": "Analyse les informations des stations Netatmo publiques", - "it": "Esegue la scansione delle informazioni dalle stazioni pubbliche netatmo", - "es": "Rastrea información de estaciones públicas de netatmo", - "pl": "Przeszukuje informacje z publicznych stacji netatmo", - "zh-cn": "从Netatmo公用站检索信息" + "en": "Extreme weather warnings for all european countries from meteoalarm.org", + "de": "Extremwetterwarnungen für alle europäischen Länder von meteoalarm.org", + "ru": "Экстремальные предупреждения о погоде для всех европейских стран от Frankfurtalarm.org", + "pt": "Avisos meteorológicos extremos para todos os países europeus de meteoalarm.org", + "nl": "Extreme weer waarschuwingen voor alle Europese landen van meteoalarm.org", + "fr": "Avertissements météorologiques extrêmes pour tous les pays européens de metealarm.org", + "it": "Avvertenze meteorologiche estreme per tutti i paesi europei da meteoalarm.org", + "es": "Extremas advertencias meteorológicas para todos los países europeos desde meteoalarm.org", + "pl": "Ekstremalne ostrzeżenia pogodowe dla wszystkich krajów europejskich z meteoalarm.org", + "uk": "Екстремальні погодні попередження для всіх країн Європи з метеоризмом.org", + "zh-cn": "欧洲所有国家的极端天气警报来自meteoalarm.org" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "Netatmo Crawler", - "de": "Netatmo Crawler", - "ru": "Нетатмо Краулер", - "pt": "Netatmo Crawler", - "nl": "Netatmo Crawler", - "fr": "Netatmo Crawler", - "it": "Netatmo Crawler", - "es": "Netatmo Crawler", - "pl": "Netatmo Crawler", - "zh-cn": "内塔特莫履带" + "en": "Meteoalarm", + "de": "Meteoalarm", + "ru": "Meteoalarm", + "pt": "Meteoalarm", + "nl": "Meteoalarm", + "fr": "Meteoalarm", + "it": "Meteoalarm", + "es": "Meteoalarm", + "pl": "Meteoalarm", + "uk": "Meteoalarm", + "zh-cn": "Meteoalarm" }, "branch": "master", - "github": "https://github.com/Bart1909/ioBroker.netatmo-crawler", - "installs": 1814, - "weekDownloads": 58, - "stars": 10, - "issues": 13, + "github": "https://github.com/jack-blackson/ioBroker.meteoalarm", + "installs": 672, + "weekDownloads": 36, + "stars": 6, + "issues": 4, "score": 1 }, "openweathermap": { @@ -30425,8 +30613,8 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.openweathermap", - "installs": 6409, - "weekDownloads": 143, + "installs": 6375, + "weekDownloads": 148, "stars": 9, "issues": 22, "score": 1 @@ -30444,7 +30632,7 @@ "authors": "simatec ", "license": "MIT", "published": "2020-08-10T11:15:14.886Z", - "version": "1.3.6", + "version": "1.3.7", "latestVersion": "1.3.7", "compact": true, "description": { @@ -30475,110 +30663,198 @@ }, "branch": "master", "github": "https://github.com/simatec/ioBroker.pegelalarm", - "installs": 630, - "weekDownloads": 52, + "installs": 620, + "weekDownloads": 304, "stars": 1, "issues": 6, "score": 1 }, - "air-q": { + "netatmo-crawler": { "title": { - "de": "air-q", - "en": "air-q", - "ru": "air-q", - "zh-cn": "air-q" + "de": "netatmo-crawler", + "en": "netatmo-crawler", + "ru": "netatmo-crawler", + "zh-cn": "netatmo-crawler" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.air-q/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.air-q/air-q.png", - "keywords": "air-q, airq, air quality, AirQ, air-Q", - "authors": "Katharina K. ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-crawler/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.netatmo-crawler/netatmo-crawler.png", + "keywords": "netatmo, crawler, temperature, weather", + "authors": "Bart19 , Backfisch88 ", "license": "MIT", - "published": "2023-11-07T12:29:19.573Z", - "version": "1.0.4", - "latestVersion": "1.0.5", + "published": "2020-06-30T14:49:49.625Z", + "version": "0.8.1", + "latestVersion": "0.8.1", + "materialize": true, "compact": true, "description": { - "en": "Adapter for air-Q devices", - "de": "Adapter für Air-Q-Geräte", - "ru": "Адаптер для устройств air-Q", - "pt": "Adaptador para dispositivos air-Q", - "nl": "Adapter voor air-Q-apparaten", - "fr": "Adaptateur pour appareils air-Q", - "it": "Adattatore per dispositivi air-Q", - "es": "Adaptador para dispositivos air-Q", - "pl": "Adapter do urządzeń air-Q", - "uk": "Адаптер для пристроїв air-Q", - "zh-cn": "Air-Q 设备适配器" + "en": "Crawls information from public netatmo stations", + "de": "Crawlt Informationen von öffentlichen Netatmo-Stationen", + "ru": "Сканирует информацию с общественных станций Netatmo", + "pt": "Rastreia informações de estações públicas de netatmo", + "nl": "Kruipt informatie van openbare netatmo-stations", + "fr": "Analyse les informations des stations Netatmo publiques", + "it": "Esegue la scansione delle informazioni dalle stazioni pubbliche netatmo", + "es": "Rastrea información de estaciones públicas de netatmo", + "pl": "Przeszukuje informacje z publicznych stacji netatmo", + "zh-cn": "从Netatmo公用站检索信息" }, "titleFull": { - "en": "air-Q", - "de": "air-Q", - "ru": "air-Q", - "pt": "air-Q", - "nl": "air-Q", - "fr": "air-Q", - "it": "air-Q", - "es": "air-Q", - "pl": "air-Q", - "uk": "air-Q", - "zh-cn": "air-Q" + "en": "Netatmo Crawler", + "de": "Netatmo Crawler", + "ru": "Нетатмо Краулер", + "pt": "Netatmo Crawler", + "nl": "Netatmo Crawler", + "fr": "Netatmo Crawler", + "it": "Netatmo Crawler", + "es": "Netatmo Crawler", + "pl": "Netatmo Crawler", + "zh-cn": "内塔特莫履带" }, - "branch": "main", - "github": "https://github.com/CorantGmbH/ioBroker.air-q", - "installs": 31, - "weekDownloads": 4, - "stars": -1, - "issues": 9, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/Bart1909/ioBroker.netatmo-crawler", + "installs": 1815, + "weekDownloads": 61, + "stars": 10, + "issues": 13, "score": 1 }, - "swiss-weather-api": { + "opensmartcity": { "title": { - "de": "swiss-weather-api", - "en": "swiss-weather-api", - "ru": "swiss-weather-api", - "zh-cn": "swiss-weather-api" + "de": "opensmartcity", + "en": "opensmartcity", + "ru": "opensmartcity", + "zh-cn": "opensmartcity" }, - "content": "adapterref/iobroker.swiss-weather-api/README.md", - "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.swiss-weather-api/swiss-weather-api.png", - "keywords": "SRG-SSR, Weather API, SRF Weather", - "authors": "baerengraben ", + "content": "adapterref/iobroker.opensmartcity/README.md", + "icon": "adapterref/iobroker.opensmartcity/opensmartcity.png", + "keywords": "opensmartcity, Google, home, player, music", + "authors": "Vegetto ", + "published": "2023-11-24T09:39:27.502Z", + "version": "-.-.-", + "latestVersion": "0.2.2", + "compact": true, + "description": { + "en": "Provides the data from german city", + "de": "Stellt die Daten von deutschen Städten bereit", + "ru": "Предоставляет данные от немецких городов", + "pt": "Fornece os dados da cidade alemã", + "nl": "Biedt de gegevens van de Duitse stad", + "fr": "Fournit les données de la ville allemande", + "it": "Fornisce i dati della città tedesca", + "es": "Proporciona los datos de la ciudad alemana", + "pl": "Zapewnia dane z niemieckiego miasta", + "zh-cn": "提供德国城市的数据", + "uk": "Надає дані німецького міста" + }, + "titleFull": { + "en": "OpenSmartCity FROST" + }, + "branch": "master", + "github": "https://github.com/iobroker/ioBroker.opensmartcity", + "installs": 11, + "weekDownloads": 9, + "stars": 3, + "issues": 6, + "score": 1 + }, + "solarwetter": { + "title": { + "de": "solarwetter", + 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l'API Météo SRF (https://developer.srgssr.ch/apis/srf-weather)", - "it": "Si collega all'API Weather SRF (https://developer.srgssr.ch/apis/srf-weather)", - "es": "Se conecta a la API meteorológica de SRF (https://developer.srgssr.ch/apis/srf-weather)", - "pl": "Łączy się z SRF Weather API (https://developer.srgssr.ch/apis/srf-weather)", - "zh-cn": "连接到SRF Weather API(https://developer.srgssr.ch/apis/srf-weather)", - "uk": "Підключається до SRF Weather API (https://developer.srgssr.ch/apis/srf-weather)" + "en": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", + "de": "Solar Power Forecast solar-wetter.com", + "ru": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com - translate to russian, please", + "pt": "prognóstico Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", + "nl": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", + "fr": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", + "it": "prognostizierter Solarstrom Tagesertrag solar-wetter.com", + "es": 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