This glossary is intended to provide a single refernce to be reused across multiple projects - and design artifacts. Defining localized/specialized terms may then be limited to being addressed in specific design artifacts. The intent is to avoid duplication of a large corpus of glossary entries, in many places.
Term | Definition |
__ | |
2FA | Two-Factor Authentication |
3LOD | Three Lines of Defence Model (Codified by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in its 2011 Principles for the sound management of operational risk) |
3PL | Third-Party Logistics providers |
4+1 | 4+1 Architecture View Model |
7 Rs | Refactor, Replatform, Repurchase, Rehost, Relocate, Retain, Retire - Re: AWS Migration Readiness |
A__ | |
A11y | Accessibility [see: Mozzila, W3C] |
A2C | Advantage Actor-Critic (e.g., Deep Reinforcement Learning agent) |
AA | Agile Alliance |
AA | Alternatives Analysis |
AA | Architecture Advisory (~ ARB) |
AAD | Average absolution deviation |
AAD | Azure Active Directory |
ABAC | Attribute-Based Access Control (see CBAC, PBAC) |
ABC | Activity Based Costing |
ABC | Area of Business Concern |
ABNF | Augmented Backus-Naur Form (see RFC-5234) |
ABS | As Built Section |
AC | Axiom of Choice |
ACE | Access Control Entry |
ACG | Automatic Code Generators |
ACH | Automated Clearing House |
ACI | Artificial Capable Intelligence |
ACID | Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability |
ACK | Acknowledgement |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACL | Anti-Corruption Layer |
ACM | Access Control Mechanism |
ACME | Automatic Certificate Management Environment, also see RFC 8555 |
ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface |
ACPT | Access Control Policy Tool |
ACR | Access Control Rule |
ACS | Azure Communication Service |
ACT | Automated Combinatorial Testing |
ACTS | Automated Combinatorial Testing for Software |
ACV | Annual Contract Value |
ACVP | Automated Cryptographic Validation Protocol |
ACVTS | Automated Cryptographic Validation Test System |
AD | Active Directory |
AD | Application Delivery |
AD | Architecture Decision |
ADA | Advanced Data Analysis |
ADA | The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or ADA (42 U.S.C. § 12101) |
ADAL | Active Directory Authentication Library |
ADCS | Active Directory Certificate Services |
ADDIE | (analyze, design, development, implement, evaluate) a methodology developed by Florida State University for the U.S. Army as a repeatable and standard set of tasks to create training. Wikipedia Article |
ADDS | Active Directory Domain Service(s) |
ADOMS | Adapting, Defining, Operating, Managing and Supporting |
ADR | Address Resolution Protocol |
ADSL | Asymmetric digital subscriber line |
ADT | Algebraic Data Type |
AE | Authenticated Encryption |
AEA | Adaptive Enterprise Architecture |
AEAD | Authentication Encryption with Associated Data |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AFCE | Authorization for Capital Expenditure |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AKA | Also Known As |
AKA | Authentication and Key Agreement |
AKI | Amazon Kernel Image |
AKM | Authentication and Key Management |
AKP | Advanced Key Processor |
AKS | Azure Kubernetes Service |
ALM | Application Lifecycle Management |
ALM | Audio Language Models |
AMASS | Autonomous Multi-Domain Adaptive Swarms-of-Swarms |
AMI | Advanced Machine Intelligence |
AMI | Amazon Machine Image |
AML | Anti-Money Laundering |
AMMERSE | Agile, Minimal, Maintainable, Environmental, Reachable, Solvable, Extensible |
AMMS | Autonomous Mobility Management System: |
AMS | Application Managed Service |
AMQP | Advanced Message Queuing Protocol |
ANC | Adaptive Network Control |
ANM | Additive Noise Model |
ANN | Approximate Nearest Neighbor |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
ANOVA | Analysis of Variance |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AOD | Architecture Overview Document |
AOL | Attorney Opinion Letters |
AOP | Aspect-Oriented Programming |
AOT | Ahead of Time (i.e. compiled ahead of time) |
AP | Access Point |
AP | Average Precision |
aPaaS | Application Platform as a Service |
APAC | Asia/Pacfic |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APM | Application Portfolio Management |
APM | Application Performance Management |
APM | Application Performance Monitoring |
APNIC | Asia Pacific Network Information Centre |
APNS | Apple Push Notification service |
APO | Automatic Prompt Optimization |
APT | Advanced Persistent Threat |
AP@N | Average Precision |
ARB | Architecture Review Board (aka ARC) |
ARC | Architecture Review Committee, or Council (aka ARB) |
ARHR | Average Reciprocal Hit Ratio |
ARI | Amazon Ramdisk Image |
ARIMA | Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average |
ARM | Architectural Reference Model |
ARM | Azure Resource Manager |
ARN | Amazon Resource Name |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ARPA | Average Revenue Per Account |
ARPU | Average Revenue Per User |
ARR | Annual Recurring Revenue |
ART | Agile Release Train (re: Scaled Agile Framework, SAFe) |
AS | Authoritative Source |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASI | Artificial Super Intelligence |
ASN | Advanced Shipment Notification |
ASN | Application Service Name |
ASN | Autonomous System Number |
ASP | Application Service Provider |
ASPM | Application Security Posture Management |
ASR | Automatic Speech Recognition |
AST | Application Security Testing |
ATDD | Acceptance-Test-Driven-Development |
ATE | Averate Treatment Effect |
ATF | Automated Test Framework |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
AUC | Area Under the Curve |
AUC-ROC | Area Under Curve – Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve |
AUP | Acceptable Use Policy |
AUROC | Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve |
AVD | Azure Virtual Desktop |
AWM | Agent Workflow Memory |
AZ | Availability Zone |
B__ | |
B2B | Business-to-Business |
B2C | Business-to-Consumer |
BA | Business Analyst |
BAA | Business Associate Agreement |
BaaS | Backup as a Service |
BACM | Business Architecture Core Metamodel (re: |
BAFO | Best And Final Offer (e.g., RFP negotiations) |
BAIR | Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research |
BASE | Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency |
BAU | Business As Usual |
BC | Business Continuity |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal |
BCDR | Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery |
BCM | Business Continuity Management |
BCP | Best Current Practice |
BCP | Business Continuity Planning (or Plan) |
BDAM | IBM Basic Direct Access Method |
BDB | Biometric Data Block |
BDD | Behavior-Driven Development |
BDFL | Benevolent Dictator For Life |
BDR | Business Development Resources |
BDR | Business Development Representative |
BDS ` | Boot Device Selection |
BDUF | Big Design Up Front |
BEC | Business Email Compromise |
BEC | Business Executive Committee |
BFT | Byzantine Fault Tolerant |
BFO | Basic Formal Ontology |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
BHAG | Big Hairy Audacious Goal |
BI | Business Intelligence |
BIA | Business Impact Analysis |
BIAN | Banking Industry Architecture Network |
BIND | Berkeley Internet Name Domain |
BIMI | Brand Indicators for Message Identification |
BIOS | Basic Input-Output System |
BISO | Business Information Security Officer |
BLOB | Binary Large Object |
BLSR | Baseline Security Requirement |
BMA | Business Mission Area |
BNA | Business Needs Analysis |
BNF | Backus-Naur Form |
BNS | Business Needs Statement |
BOD | Binding Operational Directive |
BOE | Basis of Estimate |
BOF | Buffer Overflow |
BoK | Body of Knowledge |
BOM | Basic Order of Magntitude |
BOM | Bill of Matrials |
BOOTP | Bootstrap Protocol |
BOSS | Business Operation Support Services |
BPF | Berkeley Packet Filter - see eBPF |
BPM | Business Process Management |
BPM | Business Process Model |
BPML | Business Process Markup Language |
BPS | Bits Per Second |
BPSS | Business Process Specification Schema |
BR | Business Rules |
BRD | Business Requirements Document |
BRM | Business Reference Model |
BRS | Business Requirements Specification |
BSA | Bank Secrecy Act |
BSD | Berkeley Software Distribution |
BSI | British Sandards Institution |
BTC | Bitcoin |
BtoS | Business-to-Society |
BU | Business Unit |
BYO | Bring Your Own |
BYOD | Bring Your Own Device |
C__ | |
C | Confidential |
C-V2X | Celluar-vehicle-to-everything |
C2 | Command and Control |
C4 | C4 Model viewpoints: Context, Container, Component, Code |
C5 | Command, Control, Computers, Communications and Cyber |
C&A | Certification & Accreditation |
CA | Certificate Authority |
CAAS | Container as a Service |
CAB | Change-Advisory Board |
CaC | Compliance as Code |
CAC | Customer Acquisition Cost |
CAF | Cloud Adoption Framework (Azure) |
CAG | Cache-Augmented Generation |
CAGR | Compound Annual Growth Rate |
CALM | Communications Access for Land Mobiles |
CAP | Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance |
CapEx | Capital Expenditure |
CAS | [Compare-And-Swap |
CASE | Connected, Autonomous / Automated, Shared, and Electric |
CAT | Customer Advisory Team |
CatB | The Cathedral and the Bazaar |
CATEs | Conditional Average Treatment Effects |
CBA | Cost Benefit Analysis |
CBAC | Claim-Based Attirbute Control (see ABAC,PBAC) |
CBFR | Commenting For Better Reach |
CBR | Change Blast Radius |
CBS | Critical Business System |
CCaaS | Contact Center as a Service |
CCANM | Cascade Nonlinear Additive Noise Models |
CCB | Change Control Board, or Change Configuration Board |
CCC | FINOS: Common Cloud Controls Project |
CCD | Conceptual Design Document |
CCPOLDAT | Customer, Channel, Process, Organisation, Location, Data, Application and Technology (see POLDAT) |
CCoE | Cloud Center of Excellence |
CCO | Chief Commercial Officer |
CCO | Client Change Order |
CCO | Cloud Control Objectives |
CCPA | California Consumer Privacy Act |
CCPM | Critical Chain Project Management |
CD | Candidate Recommendation |
CD | Continuous Delivery |
CDC | Change Data Capture |
CDD | Customer Due Dilligence (also see KYC) |
CDE | Cardholder Data Environment |
CDE | Cloud Development Environment |
CDE | Collaborative Development Environment |
CDE | Common Desktop Environment |
CDE | Critical Data Element |
CDF | Cumulative Distribution Function |
CDI | Contexts and Dependency Injection |
CDK | Cloud Development Kit |
CDM | Common Data Model |
CDN | Content Distribution Network |
CDO | Chief Data Officer |
CDO | Care Delivery Organizatoin |
CDP | Customer Data Platform |
CE | Community Edition |
CEA | Cost Effectiveness Analysis |
CEAF | California Enterprise Architecture Framework |
CEB | Corporate Executive Board |
CEH | Certified Ethical Hacker |
CEP | Complex Event Processing |
CER | Control Exception Request |
CERN | European Organization for Nuclear Research, French: Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire |
CESGA | Galician Supercomputing Center |
CIFAR | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research |
CFBR | Commenting For Better Reach |
CFR | Change Failure Rate |
CFS | Completely Fair Scheduler |
CFT | Cross-Functional Team |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface |
CHAP | Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol |
ChatGPT | Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer |
CHF | Cryptographic Hash Function |
CI | Configuration Item (i.e. in a CMDB, such as ServiceNow) |
CI | Continuous Improvement |
CI | Continuous Integration |
CI/CD | Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (or, Continous Deployment) |
CIA | Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability |
CIAM | Customer Identity and Access Management |
CICS | IBM ustomer Information Control System |
CID | Command Identifier |
CIF | Customer Information File |
CIFS | Common Internet File System |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CIP | Critical Infrastructure Protection |
CIP | Customer Identification Program |
CIPP | Certified Information Privacy Professional |
CISA | Certified Information Systems Auditor |
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency |
CISC | Complex Instruction Set Computer |
CISM | Certified Information Security Manager |
CISO | Chief Information Security Officer |
CISSP | Certified Information Systems Security Professionals |
CL | Change List |
CLI | Command Line Interface |
CLT | Central Limit Theorem |
CMDB | Configuration Management Database |
CMOS | omplementary Metal Oxide Silicon |
CMF | Content Monitoring and Filtering (see DLP) |
CMGR | Compounded Monthly Growth Rate |
CMK | Customer Managed Keys |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model |
CMMC | Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification |
CMOS | Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor |
cn | Common Name, re: LDAP |
CNAB | Cloud Native Application Bundles |
CNAPP | Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform |
CNCF | Cloud Native Computing Foundation |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
COBIT | Control Objectives for Information and related Technology |
CoE | Center of Excellence |
COI | Community of Interest |
CoLA | Cognitive Architectures for Language Agents |
COLO | Co-Location / Colocation |
COOP | Continuity of Operations Plan |
CoP | Community of Practice |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
CORS | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
COSS | Commercial Open Source Software |
CoT | Chain-of-Thought |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf |
CPC | Cost Per Click |
CPG | Consumer Packaged Goods (e.g. industry) |
CPL | Cost Per Lead |
CPM | Capability Portfolio Management |
CPM | Critical Path Method |
CPU | entral Processing Unit |
CP-ABE | Cipher Policy — Attributed-Based Encryption |
CQRS | Command Query Responsibility Segregation |
CR | Conversion Rate |
CRC | Class Responsibility Collaboration (i.e., usually captured in a form known as "cards", see original OOPSLA 1989 paper) |
CRCQs | Cryptanalytically-Relevant Quantum Computers |
CRD | Custom Resource Definitions (e.g., Kubernetes) |
CRDT | Conflict-Free Replicated Data Type |
CRF | Conditional Random Fields |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management |
CRO | Chief Risk Officer |
CRUD | Create, Read, Update, Delete |
CSA | Cloud Security Alliance |
CSA | Cloud Service Appliance |
CSAT | Customer Satisfaction |
CSB | Cloud Service Broker |
CSD | Consolidated Service Desk |
CSF | Critical Success Factors |
CSDM | Common Service Data Model (re: ServiceNow) |
CSET | Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) |
CSF | Common Security Framework |
CSF | Critical Success Factors |
CSI | Cloud Service Integrator |
CSI | Container Storage Interface (e.g. Kubernetes) |
CSIA | Cost/Schedule Impact Analysis |
CSM | Customer Service Management |
CSM | Customer Success Manager |
CSNS | Cloud Service Network Security |
CSO | Cloud Service Offering |
CSP | Cloud Service Provider |
CSP | Content Security Policy |
CSR | Customer Service Representative |
CSR | Certificate Signing Request |
CSRB | Cyber Safety Review Board |
CSRF | Cross-Site Request Forgery |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets |
CTB | Change The Business |
CTE | Commono Table Expressions (re: SQL) |
CTI | Cyber Threat Intelligence |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer |
CTR | Click-Through-Rate |
CUI | Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), as defined by Executive Order 13556 (2010) |
CUSO | Combined U.S. Operations |
CV | Cost Variance |
CV | Cross-Validation |
CVD | Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure |
CVE | Critical Vulnerabilities and Exposures |
CVS | Concurrent Version System |
CWE | Critical Weakness Enumeration (also see: Wikipedia |
CX | Customer Experience |
CXN | Customer Experience Network |
D__ | |
DA | Data Architecture |
DaaS | Data as a Service |
DAC | Discretionary Access Control |
DAG | Directed Acyclic Graph |
DAIR | Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (DAIR) |
DAN | Device Account Number |
DAO | Data Access Object |
DAO | Decentralised Autonomous Organization |
DAP | Directory Access Protocol (X.500) |
DAR | Decision Analysis and Resolution technique |
DARQ | Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR), Quantum Computing ~ re: Accenture |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DART | Detection and Response Team |
DAS | Direct Attached Storage |
DASD | Direct-Access Storage Device |
DAST | Dynamic Application Security Testing |
DAU | Daily Active Users |
DB | Database |
DBA | Database Administrator |
DBMS | Database Management System |
DBR | Drum-Buffer-Rope (re: see TOC, also see #1) |
dc | Domain Component, re: LDAP |
DC | Data Center |
DCAM | Data Management Capability Assessment Model |
DCCP | Datagram Congestion Control Protocol |
DCE | Distributed Computing Environment |
DCF | Discounted Cash Flow |
DCG | Discounted Cumulative Gain |
DCI | Director of Central Intelligence |
DCL | Data Classification & Labeling |
DD | Data Dictionary |
DDA | Data Design Authority |
DDoS | Distributed Denial-of-Service (i.e. a network traffic attack) |
DDS | Detailed Design Section |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation |
DEIB | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging |
DER | Distinguished Encoding Rules |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DFIR | Digital Forensics, Incident Response |
DGB | Data Governance Board (aka DGC) |
DGC | Data Governance Council, or Committee (aka DGB) |
DGP | Data Governance Policy |
DGS | Domain Graph Services |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DHT | Distributed Hash Table |
DIM | Domain Information Model |
DJIA | Dow Jones Industrial Average |
DKG | Distributed Key Generation |
DLD | Detail-Level Design |
DLM | Database Lifecycle Management |
DLP | Data Loss Prevention |
DLT | Distributed Ledger Technology |
DKIM | Domain Keys Identified Mail |
DMAIC | Define, Measure, Analayze, Improve, Control (re: Six Sigma) |
DMARC | Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance |
DML | Double Machine Learning |
DMN | Demand |
DMO | Data Management Office |
DMP | Data Management Platform |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone - aka perimeter network or screened subnet |
DN | Distinguished Name, re: LDAP |
DNAT | Destination network address translation |
DNS | Domain Name System |
DoDAF | Department of Defense Architecture Framework |
DORA | DevOps Research and Assessment (re: metrics: deployment frequency, lead time for changes) |
DORA | Digital Operational Resilience Act, re: Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector |
DoS | Denial of Service |
DOS | Disk Operating System |
DP | Dynamic Programming |
DPC | Discrete Process Control |
DPO | Direct Preference Optimization (re: LLMs, tuning algorithm) |
DPoP | Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession |
DR | Disaster Recovery |
DRaaS | Disaster Recovery as a Service |
DRB | Design Review Board |
DRBG | Deterministic Random Bit Generator - also see PRNG |
DRI | Directly Responsible Individual |
DRL | Deep Reinforcement Learning |
DRP | Disaster Recovery Plan |
DRY | Don't Repeat Yourself (also see WET) |
DSA | Data Structures and Algorithms |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm |
DSL | Digital subscriber line |
DSL | Domain Specific Language |
DSLAM | Digital subscriber line access multiplexer |
DSML | Data Science and Machine Learning |
DSN | Data Source Name |
DSPM | Data Security Posture Management |
DSRC | Dedicated short-range communications |
DSRP | Distinctions, Systems, Relationships, and Perspectives |
DSS | Data Security Standard |
DTAP | Development, Test, Acceptance, Production (i.e, typical deployment environment types) |
DTC | direct-to-consumer |
DTD | Document Type Definition |
DTO | Data Transfer Object |
DTSTTCPW | Do The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work |
DVI | Device Independent file format |
DVR | Distributed Virtual Router |
DW | Data Warehouse (also see DWH, EDW) |
DWH | Data Warehouse (also see DW, EDW) |
DX | Developer Experience |
DXP | Digital Experience Platform |
E__ | |
EA | Enterprise Architecture |
EAC | Estimate at Completion |
EAI | Enterprise Application Integration |
EAMS | Enterprise Architecture Management Suite |
EAP | Extensible Authentication Protocol |
EAR | Export Administration Regulations |
EAR | Enterprise Application aRchive (file format) |
EARS | Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax (re: Alistair Mavin, Rolls Royce) |
EBA | Enterprise Business Architecture |
EBA | Experience-Based Acceleration |
EBS | Amazon Elastic Block Storage |
EBV | Equiangular-Basis-Vectors |
EBCIDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code |
EBIT | Earnings Before Interest & Tax |
EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization |
eBPF | extended Berkeley Packet Filter - see BPF |
EBS | Elastic Block Storage (AWS) |
EC | European Commission |
EC2 | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud |
ECA | Embodied Conversational Agent(s) |
ECAB | Emergency Change-Advisory Board |
ECC | Elliptic-Curve Cryptography |
ECDH | Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman |
ECDSA | Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm |
eCF or e-CF | European e-Competence Framework |
EDA | Enterprise Data Architecture |
EDA | Event-Driven Architecture |
EDA | Exploratory Data Analysis |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDIFECT | Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport |
EDM | Enterprise Data Model |
EDMC | Enterprise Data Management Council |
EDR | Endpoint Detection and Response (i.e., cybersecurity security software) |
EDW | Enterprise Data Warehouse (also see DW, DWH) |
EEA | European Economic Area |
EFF | Electronic Frontier Foundation |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association |
EHR | Electronic Health Record |
EIA | Enterprise Information Architecture |
EIP | Enterprise Integration Patterns, re: Hophe's EIP Messaging Patterns |
EJB | Enterprise Java Bean |
EKG | Enterprise Knowledge Graphs |
EKS | Amazon Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service |
EL | Enterprise Linux |
ELF | Executable and Linkable Format |
ELT | Executive Leadership Team |
ELT | Extract, Load, Transform |
EM | Expectation Management algorithm (re: Machine Learning) |
EME | Encrypted Media Extensions, re: W3C HTML5 recommendations |
EMEA | Europe, the Middle East, and Africa |
EMM | Enterprise Mobility Management |
EMR | Elastic MapReduce (e.g., AWS) |
EMR | Electronic Medical Record |
EMS | Execution Management System |
ENA | Elastic Network Adapter |
ENI | Elastic Network Interface (re: AWS) |
ENs | European Standards |
EOL | End of Line |
EOL | End of Life |
EOLD | End of Life Date |
EOS | Exactly Once Semantics |
EOSL | End of Service Life Date |
EPC | Electronic Product Code |
EPD | Engineering, Product management, and Design |
ePHI | Electronically Protected Health Information |
EPLC | Enterprise Performance Life Cycle |
EPM | Enterprise Performance Management |
EPM | Enterprise Program Management |
EPR | Electronic Patient Record |
EPS | Extrusion Prevention System (see DLP) |
ERD | Entity Relationship Diagram |
ERM | Enterprise Risk Management |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
ES | ECMAScript (aka JavaScript) |
ESA | Enterprise Solutions Architecture |
ESG | Environmental, Social, and Governance |
ESO | European Standards Organization |
ESCO | Enterprise Security Operations Center |
ESOP | Employment Stock Ownership Plan |
ESP | Event Stream Processing |
ESPP | Employee Stock Purchase Plan |
ETA | Enterprise Technical Architecture |
ETC | Estimate to Complete |
ETL | Extract, Transform, Load |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
EU | European Union |
EUC | End-User Computing |
EUDA | End-User Developed Application |
EVM | Earned Value Management |
F__ | |
FaaS | Function as a Service |
FAIL | First Attempt In Learning (i.e. agile) |
FAIR | Facebook/Meta AI Research |
FAIR | Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable |
FAME | Fast Attribute-based Message Encryption |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulation |
FASB | Financial Accounting Standards Board |
FAT | File Allocation Table |
FATF | Financial Action Task Force |
FBA | Fixed-Block Architecture |
FBDI | File-Based Data Import |
FC | Fulfillment Center, i.e., a third-party logics (3PL) warehouse |
FCI | Fast Causal Inference algorithm |
FCF | Free Cash Flow |
FCFO | Free Cash Flow From Operations |
FCM | Firebase Cloud Messaging |
FCoE | Fibre Channel over Ethernet |
FCP | First Contentful Paint |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
FDL | (GNU) Free Documentation License |
FedRAMP | Federal Risk Authorization Management Program |
FFT | Full Fine-Tuning |
FFW | Feedforward |
FHE | Fully Homomorphic Encryption (e.g., IBM) |
FHIR | Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources |
FIBO | Financial Industry Business Ontology |
FIDO | Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) |
FinCEN | Financial Crimes Enforcement Network |
FHIR | Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (a draft standard describing data formats and elements and an application programming interface for exchanging electronic health records) |
FIDO | Fast Identity Online |
FINRA | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standard, re: FIPS PUB 140-2 |
FIRST | Fast Independent Repeatable Self-Validating Timely (source) |
FISMA | Federal Information Security Management Act |
FLOPS | Floating Point Operations Per Second |
FMEA | Failure Mode and Effects Analysis |
fMRI | functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
FoS | Families of Systems |
FOSS | Free and Open Source Software |
FOSSA | Free Open Source Software Analysis |
FP | Functional Programming |
FPGA | Field-Programmable Gate Arrays |
FPR | False Positive Rate |
FNR | False Negative Rate |
FQL | Flows Query Language |
FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Name |
FQHE | Fractional Quantum Hall Effect |
FRC | First Robot Competition |
FRS | Fello of the Royal Society |
FSC | Financial Size Categories |
FSDG | (GNU) Free System Distribution Guidelines |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FUSE | Filesystem in Userspace |
FWaaS | FireWall-as-a-Service |
G__ | |
GA | Google Analytics |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GADTs | Generalized Algebraic Data Types |
GAM | Global Asset Management |
GAT | Generic Associated Types (e.g. introduced in Rust 1.65 |
GB | Gigabyte |
GCC | Government Community |
GCHQ | British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters |
GCP | Google Cloud Platfrom |
GDG | Generation Date Group |
GDPR | Genera Data Protection Regulation (re: EU) |
GFCI | Greedy Fast Causal Interference (GFCI) Algorithm |
GHAS | GitHub Advanced Security |
GIL | Global Interpreter Lock |
GIN | Generalized Inverted Index |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GIST | Generalized Search Tree |
GJXDM | Global Justice XML Data Model |
GL | General Ledger |
GLBA | Gramm Leach Bliley Act |
GLLMM | Generative Large Language Multi-Modal Model |
GML | Graph Machine Learning |
gMSA | Group Managed Service Accounts (e.g. for Swarm) |
GMV | Gross Merchandise Value |
GNS | GNU Name System |
GNU | GNU's Not Unix! (a recursive acronym) |
GOLAP | Graph OLAP |
GOST | Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Tactics |
GPAI | General-Purpose AI |
GPG | GNU Privacy Guard |
GPT | Generative Pretrained Transformer |
GPT | GUID Partition Table |
GPU | Graphics Processing Uni |
GQA | Grouped-Query Attention |
GQL | Graph Query Language ISO/IEC 39075:2024 |
GQM | Goal, Question, Metric |
GRC | Governance, Risk, and Compliance |
GRE | Generic Routing Encapsulation |
GRO | Generic Receive Offload |
GRU | Gated Recurrent Unit |
GSA | General Services Administration |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
GTM | Go-To-Market (re: strategy) |
GUC | Global User Configuration |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier - see UUID |
GWP | Gross Written Premium (insurance industry) |
H__ | |
HA | High Availability |
HAI | Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence |
HATEOAS | Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State |
HBM | High-Bandwidth Memory |
HCI | Human-Computer Interaction |
HCL | HashiCorp Configuration Language |
HDA | Headless Data Architecture |
HDD | Hard Disk Drive |
HDFS | Hadoop Distributed File System |
HDLC | High-Level Data Link Control |
HE | Homomorphic Encryption |
HEF | Human Error Factor |
HICP | High Impact Control Plane |
HIPPA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 |
HiPPO | Highly Paid Person's Opinion |
Hipster | Health IoT Privacy and Security Transferred to Engineering Requirements |
HITRUST | Health Information Trust Alliance |
HLD | High-Level Design |
HLP | Human Level Performance (re: Machine Learning) |
HLS | High-Level Section |
HMAC | Hash-based Message Authentication Code |
HMM | Hidden Markov Models |
HNSW | Hierarchical Navigable Small World |
HOLAP | Hybrid OLAP |
HOT | Heap Oriented Tuples |
HPC | Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (Kubernetes) |
HRAA | Highly Restricted Access Area |
HSM | Hardware Security Module |
HSPI | Highly Sensitive Protected Information |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure |
HUD | Head-Up Display |
HVA | High Value Asset |
HVCI | HyperVisor-enforced Code Integrity (i.e., introduced in Windows 11) |
HW | Hardware |
I__ | |
IA | Information Assurance |
IA | Internal Audit |
IaaS | Infrastructure as a Service |
IaC | Infrastructure as Code |
IAM | Identity and Access Management |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
IAS | International Accounting Standard |
IAST | Integrated Application Security Testing |
IBC | Investment Business Case |
IC | Individual Contributor |
IC | United States IntelligenceCommunity |
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers |
ICAP | Internet Content Adaptation Protocol |
ICML | International Conference on Machine Learning |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICP | Ideal Customer Profile |
ICS | Incident Command System |
ICS | Industrial Control Systems |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
iDaaS | Identity as a Service |
IdAM | See IAM |
IDCG | Ideal Discounted Cumulative Gain |
IDD | Infrastructure Design Document |
IDDFS | Iterative Deepening Depth First Search |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment |
IDEA | Imagine, Decide, Execute, Assess |
IDL | [Interface {Definition |
IdM | Identity Management, also see IAM |
IdP | Identity Provider |
IDP | Individual Development Plan |
IDP | Internal Developer Platform (or Portal) |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System |
IE | Information Extraction, re: NER, DL, ML, NLP |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IFB | Invitation for Bids |
IG | Information Gain (decision tree) |
IGA | Identity Governance and Administration, see IAM |
ILDP | Information Leak Detection and Prevention (see DLP) |
ILM | Information Lifecycle Management |
IM | Incident Management |
IM | Information Model |
IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
IMEI | International Mobile Equipment Identity |
IMO | Integration Management Office (i.e., during Mergers & Acquisitions) |
IMSI | International Mobile Subscriber Identity |
INCOSE | International Council on Systems Engineering |
IND | Inverse Neighbor Discovery |
INVEST | Independent Negotiable Valuable Estimable Small Testable (source) |
IoA | Indicator of Attack |
IoC | Indicator of Compromise |
IOF | Industrial Ontologies Foundry |
IOPS | Input/Output Operations Per Second |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IP | Internet Protocol |
iPaaS | Infrastructure Platform as a Service |
iPaaS | Integration Platform as a Service |
IPAM | IP Address Management |
IPC | Information Proteciton and Control (see DLP) |
IPC | Inter-Process Communication |
IPMI | Intelligent Platform Management Interface |
IPS | Intrusion Prevention System |
IPSec | Internet Protocol Security |
IPv4 | Internet Protocol version 4 |
IPv6 | Internet Protocol version 6 |
IPW | Inverse Probability Weighting |
IPX | Internetwork Packet Exchange |
IR | Incident Response |
IR | Information Retrieval |
IR35 | Off-payroll working rules for clients, workers (contractors) and their intermediaries (UK) |
IRC | Incident Response Capability |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat |
IRM | Incident Response Management |
IRM | Individual Rights Management |
IRM | Information Risk Management |
IRM | Integrated Risk Management |
IRP | I/O Request Packet [re: Windows Kernel Programming] |
IRR | Internal Rate of Return |
IRSA | IAM Roles for Service Accounts re: AWS EKS |
IRT | Incident Response Team |
IS | Information Security |
ISA | Information Security Agreement |
ISA | Information Security Architecture |
ISA | Instruction Set Architecture |
ISAM | Indexed Sequential Access Method |
ISAP | Information Security Automation Program |
iSCI | Internet Small Computer System Interface |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISG | Industry Specification Group |
ISM | Industrial, Scientific and Medical |
ISM | Information Security Management |
ISMS | Information Security Management System |
ISO | Information Security Officer |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISOC | Internet Society |
ISP | Information Security Policy |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
ISPF | Interactive System Productivity Facility, re: IBM mainframe software product |
ISPs | Internet service providers |
ISRS | Information Storage and Retrieval System |
ISSAP | Information Systems Security Architecture Professional |
IT | Information Technology |
IT4IT | The IT4IT Reference Architecture, a standard of the Open Group, is a powerful tool for aligning and managing a Digital Enterprise |
ITAM | IT Asset Management |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
ITIL | Information Technology Infrastructure Library |
ITIM | Information Technology Investment Management |
ITIRB | Information Technology Investment Review Board |
ITRM | Information Technology Resource Management |
ITS | Intelligent Transportation System |
ITSM | Information Technlogy Service Management |
ITSP | IT Strategic Plan |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
IV&V | Independent Verification and Validation |
IX | Internet Exchange |
IXPs | Internet exchange points |
J__ | |
k8s | Kubernetes |
JAR | Java ARchive (file format) |
JCP | Java Community Process |
JDBC | Java Database Connectivity |
JDK | Java Development Kit |
JFR | Java Flight Recorder |
JIT | Just in Time |
JMS | Jakarta Messaging (formerly Java Messaging Service), re: JSR 343 |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
JRT | Java Routines and Types |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
JSONL | JSON Lines |
JSR | Java Specification Request |
JSR | JavaScript Remoting |
JTF | Joint Task Force |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine |
JVMS | Java Virtual Machine Specification |
JWKS | JSON Web Key Set |
JWT | JSON Web Token |
K__ | |
KAN | Kolmogorov–Arnold Network 1 |
KCL | Kinesis Client Library |
KCSA | Kubernetes and Cloud Security Associate (KCSA) certification, re: CNCF |
KDC | Key Distribution Center |
KEM | Key Encapsulation Mechanism |
kex | key exchange |
KMDF | Kernel-Mode Driver Framework |
KMS | Key Management {System |
KNN | K-nearest neibhbors (algorithm) |
KPI | Key Performance Indicators |
KQL | Kusto Query Language |
KT | Knowledge Transfer |
KVM | Kernel-based Virtual Machine (re: an open source virtualization technology built into Linux) |
KVM | keyboard, video and mouse |
KVS | Key-Value Storage |
Kwok | Kubernetes Without Kubelet |
KYC | Know Your Client |
L__ | |
LaMDA | Language Model for Dialogue Applications [re: Google] |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LASSO | Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (aka L1 regularization) |
LBA | Logical Block Addressing |
LBaaS | Load-Balancer-as-a-Service |
LCAP | Low-Code Application Platforms |
LCC | Lower Camel Case |
LCM | Life Cycle Management |
LCNC | Low-Code No-Code |
LDA | Latent Dirichlet Allocation |
LDA | Linear Discriminat Analysis |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LDIF | LDAP Data Interchange Format, RFC 2849 The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical Specification |
LEM | Law of Excluded Middle |
LeSS | Large Scale Scrum |
LFS | Late Finish Date |
LGPL | (GNU) Lesser General Public License |
LID | Language Identification |
LLaMA | Large Language Model Meta AI |
LLC | Logical Link Control |
LLM | Large Language Model |
LLRT | Low Latency Runtime (e.g., AWS) |
LOE | Level of Effort |
LOI | Letter of Intent |
LoRA | Low-Rank Adaptation (of Large Language Models) [see Microsoft github repo] |
LPU | Language Processing Unit |
LRM | Large Reasoning Model |
LS | Late Start Date |
LSA | Latent Semantic Analysis |
LSA | Local Service Agreement |
LSE | Large Scale Event |
LSH | Locality-Sensitive Hashing |
LSM | Log-Structured Merge-Tree |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
LTV | Lifetime Value |
LTV | Loan-to-Value |
LU | Logical Unit |
LVM | Logical Volume Manager |
L2TP | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol |
M__ | |
M&A | Mergers & Acquisitions |
MaaS | Mobility as a Service |
MAC | Machine Access Control |
MAC | Managed Application Consulting |
MAC | Mandatory Access Control |
MAC | [Medium |
MAC | Message Authentication Code |
MAD | Mean absolute deviation |
MAD | Median absolution deviation |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error |
MAM | Mobile Application Management |
MAMOS | Methods, Architecture, Management, Organization, Skills |
MANOVA | Multivariate Analysis of Variance |
MAO | Maximum Acceptable Outage |
MAP | Mean Average Precision |
MAPE | Mean Absolute Percentage Error |
MAPI | Messaging Application Programming Interface |
MAR | Missing At Random (re: systematically missing data) |
MAU | Monthly Active Users |
MAU | Multi-station Access Unit |
MBaaS | Mobile Back End as a Service |
MBCO | Minimum Business Continuity Objective |
MBR | Master Boot Record |
MBRE | Model-Based Requirement Engineering |
MBSE | Model-Based Systems Engineering |
MCAR | Missing Completely At Random (re: data quality/completeness) |
MCP | Model Context Protocol |
MCRA | Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures |
MD | Markdown Language |
MD5 | MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm |
MD6 | MD6 Message-Digest Algorithm |
MDA | Multi-Dimensional Analytical (i.e. queries) |
MDAP | Mobile Application Development Platform |
MDE | Minimum Detectable Effect |
MDM | Master Data Management |
MDM | Mobile Device Management |
MDR | Managed Detection and Response |
MDR | Marketing Development Representative |
MDS | Master Data Service |
MDSL | Microservice-Domain Specific Language |
ME | Maximum Entropy |
MEAN | MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js |
MEAP | Mobile Enterprise Application Platform |
MECE | Mutually Exclusive, Collectivelivey Exhaustive Principle |
MED | Management of External Data |
MEI | Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence |
MERN | MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js |
MFA | Micro Frontend Architecture |
MFA | Multi-Factor Authentication |
MFE | Micro-Frontends |
MFT | Master File Table |
MGF | Moment-generating function |
MIM | Major Incident Management |
MIMD | Multiple instruction streams, multiple data streams |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
MIMO | Multiple Input Multiple Output |
MIPS | Million of Instructions Per Second |
MIRT | Major Incident Response Team |
MISD | Multiple Instruction Streams, Single Data Stream |
MIT/LCS | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science |
ML | Machine Learning |
MLE | Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
MLLM | Multimodal Large Language Models |
MLP | Minimum Lovable Product |
MLP | Multi-Layer Perceptron |
MLS | Messaging Layer Security (RFC 9420) |
MMS | Massively Multilingual Speech |
MNAR | Missing Not At Random (re: data quality/completeness) |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MoE | Mixture of Experts |
MOJO | Maven plain Old Java Object |
MOLAP | Multidimensional OLAP |
MoM | Month-on-Month |
MOM | Message Oriented Middleware |
MOQ | Minimum Order Quantity |
MOTS | Modified Off-The-Shelf |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPL | Mozilla Public License |
MPLS | Multiprotocol Label Switching |
MPM | Manufacturing process management |
MQL | Marketing Qualified Lead |
MRA | Matters Requiring Attention |
MRC | Management Risk Committee |
MRD | Marketing Requitements Document |
MRM | Model Risk Management |
MRM | Most Responsible Moment |
MRR | Monthly Recurring Revenue |
MSA | Microservices Architecture |
MSA | Microsoft Services Account |
MSA | Master Service Agreement |
MSE | Mean Squared Error |
MSK | AWS Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka |
MSPF | Mobility Service Platform |
MSP | Managed Service Provider |
MSRC | Microsoft Security Response Center |
MSSP | Managed Security Service Provider |
MSTC | Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center |
MTA | Message Transfer Agent |
MTD | Maximum Tolerable Downtime |
MTD | Mobile Threat Defense |
MTDL | Maximum Tolerable Data Loss |
mTLS | Mutual Transport Layer Security (or, Mutually Authenticated TLS) |
MTPD | Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption |
MTS | Multidimensional Type Structure (e.g. Thomsen Diagrams) |
MTTD | Mean Time to Detect |
MTTR | Mean Time to Recovery |
MTTR | Mean Time to Repair |
MTTR | Mean Time to Remediate |
MTTR | Mean Time to Resolution |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit. Maximum frame or packet size for a particular network medium. |
MUA | Mail User Agent |
MUPS | Minimum Usable Products/Services |
MVC | Model-View-Controller |
MVCC | Multi Version Concurrency Control |
MVI | Model-View-Intent |
MVNO | Mobile Virtual Network Operator |
MVP | Minimal Viable Product |
MVS | IBM Multiple Virtual Storage |
MVVM | Model-View-ViewModel |
M&A | Mergers & Acquisitions |
N__ | |
NA | North America |
NA | Not Applicable |
NAF | NATO Architecture Framework |
NAK | Negative Acknolwedgement |
NAS | Network Attached Storage |
NAT | Network Address Translation |
NC | Non-Compliant |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputing Applications |
NCSC | National Cyber Security Centre |
NCT | .NET Community Toolkit |
ND | Neighbor Discovery |
NDA | Non-Disclosure Agreement |
NDCG | Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain |
NDP | Neighbor Discovery Protocol |
NDR | Network Detection and Response |
NER | Named Entity Recognition, re: ML |
NeRF | Neural Radiance Fields (re: Deep Learning, optimizing continuous volumetric scene function) |
NGAV | New-Generation Antivirus |
NIC | Network Interface Card |
NIDS | Network-based Intrusion Detection System |
NISQ | Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NFS | Network File System |
NFT | Non-Fungible Token |
NFV | Network Function Virtualization |
NIDS | Network Intrusion Detection System (see IDS) |
NIST | National Institute for Standards and Technology |
NISQ | Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers |
NLG | Natural Language Generation |
NLP | Natural Language Processing |
NLS | Natural Language Support |
NLU | Natural Language Understanding |
NMS | Network Management System |
NNS | Nearest neighbor search |
NOC | Network Operations Center |
NOPAT | Net Operating Profit After Tax |
NPI | Non-Public Personal Information (aka NPPI) |
NPM | Node Package Manager |
NPPI | Non-Public Personal Informaiton (aka NPI) |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NRD | Non-Record Disposal |
NRT | Near Real-Time |
NSA | National Security Agency |
NSG | Network Security Group |
NSH | Network Service Header |
NSN | nation-state notification |
NTE | Not To Exceed |
NTFC | No-Fee Terms and Conditions |
NTIA | National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce |
NTLM | NT LAN Manager |
NTP | Network Time Protocol |
NVD | National Vulnerability Database |
O__ | |
OASIS | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Systems |
OBS | Organizational Breakdown Structure |
OCF | Operating Cash Flow |
OCI | Open Container Initiative |
OCI | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure |
OCIO | Office of the Chief Information Officer |
OCM | Organizational Change Management |
OCP | OpenShift Container Platform (IBM, RedHat) |
OCTAVE | Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation |
OData | Open Data Protocol |
ODBC | Open Database Connectivity |
ODD | Observability Driven Development |
ODM | Object Data Modeling |
OFAC | Office of Foreign Assets Control |
OG | Open Graph, also see Open Graph Protocol |
OGL | Open Game License (re: Wizards of the Coast D&D public copyright license) |
OIA | Office of Intelligence and Analysis |
OIC | Oracle Integration Cloud (note: renamed in January 2019, to Oracle Integration) |
OID | Object Identifier |
OIDC | OpenID Connect |
OIDC | Oracle Identity Cloud Service |
OIDF | OpenID Foundation |
OKRs | Objectives and Key Results |
OLA | Operational-Level Agreement |
OLAP | Online Analytical Processing |
OLB | Object Language Bindings |
OLE | Object Linking and Embedding |
OLIN | Online Information Network |
OLTP | Online Transaction Processing |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OMG | Object Management Group |
OMS | Order Management System |
OO | Object Oriented |
OOA/D | Object Oriented Analysis and Design |
OOBE | Out-of-Box Experience |
OOD | Object Oriented Design |
OODA | Observe-Orient-Decide-Act |
OOP | Object Oriented Programming |
OOTB | Out Of The Box |
OPA | Open Policy Agent |
OPEA | Open Platform for Enterprise AI, (GitHub |
OpenELA | Open Enterprise Linux Association |
OpEx | Operational Expense |
OPS | Operations |
ORB | Object Request Broker |
ORC | Operational Risk Committee |
OSF | Open Software Foundation |
OSFI | Canadanian version of OFAC |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection model |
OSINT | Open-Source Intelligence |
OSQI | Open Source Quality Institutes - an idea by Tim Bray |
OSS | Open Source Software |
OSSF | Open Source Security Foundation |
OT | Operational Technology (re: computing systems that are used to manage industrial operations as opposed to administrative operations) |
OTC | Order-to-Cash |
OTP | One-Time Passcode |
ou | Organizational Unit, re: LDAP |
OWA | Outlook Web Access |
OWASP | Open Web Application Security Project |
OWL | Web Ontology Language |
P__ | |
P | Precision |
P&L | Profit and Loss |
PA | Policy Administrator |
PaaR | Platform as a Runtime |
PaaS | Platform as a Service, aka aPaaS (i.e., Application Platform as a Service) |
PaLM | Pathways Language Model |
PAM | Pluggable Authentication Modules |
PAM | Privileged Access Management |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
PAP | Policy Administration Point |
PAS | Publicly Available Specification |
PASETO | platform-agnostic security tokens |
PAT | Profit After Tax |
PBAC | Policy-Based Access Control (see ABAC, CBAC) |
PBC | Packaged Business Capability |
PBI | Product Backlog Item (i.e. Scrum) |
PBL | Product Backlog (i.e. Scrum) |
PBX | Private Branch Exchange |
PC | Percent Complete |
PCA | Principlal Component Analysis |
PCAP | Packet Capture |
PCD | Project Concept Document |
PCI DSS | Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association |
PCR | Policy Change Request |
PCR | Project Change Request |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistants |
PDCA | Plan-Do-Check-{Act |
PDH | Product Development Hub |
PDI | Personal Developer Instances |
PDK | Platform Development Kit |
PDM | Precedence Diagramming Method |
PDM | Product Data Management |
PDSA | Plan-Do-Study-Act |
PDP | Policy Decision Point |
PDP | Programmed Data Processor |
PDSA | Plan-Do-Stuy-Act |
PDU | Protocol data unit |
PE | Policy Engine |
PE | Private Equity |
PEAP | Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol |
PEER | Parameter Efficient Expert Retrieval |
PEFT | Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning |
PEM | Privacy Enhanced Mail |
PEP | Packet Exchange Protocol |
PEP | Policy Enforcement Point |
PERT | Program Evaluation and Review Technique |
PGM | Program |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy |
PHI | Protected Health Information (re: HIPPA) |
PI | Personal Information |
PI | Program Increment (re: Scaled Agile Framework, SAFe) |
PIA | Privacy Impact Assessment |
PIA | Project Initiation Approval |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PIN | Personal Identification Number |
PIP | Performance Improvement Plan |
PIR | Post Incident Review |
PIT | Platform Information Technology |
PITR | Point In Time Recovery |
PIU | Profits Interests Units [a form of equity compensation typically issued by limited liability companies (LLCs) and are popular with private equity investors as a way to incentivize management. PIUs are based on the company's future value and are awarded to employees for their services to the company.] |
PKCE | Proof Key for Code Exchange (pronounced "pixy"), re: RFC 7636 |
PKE | Precision Knowledge Editing |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PKM | Personal Knowledge Management |
PLC | Project Life Cycle |
PLCs | Programmable Logic Controllers |
PLM | Product Lifecycle Management |
PLSA | Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis |
PM | Program Manager |
PM | Project Management |
PM | Project Manager |
PMI | Project Management Institute |
PMO | Project Management Office |
PO | Product Owner |
PO | Purchase Order |
POC | Point of Contact |
POC | Proof-of-Concept |
POD | Point of Delivery |
PoE | Power-over-Ethernet |
POJO | Plain Old Java Object |
POLDAT | Process, Organization and Location (Business Architecture) and Data, Applications and Technology (Systems Architecture) |
POLO | Plain Old Language Objects |
PoLP | Principle of Least Privilege |
POOGI | Process Of Ongoing Improvement [see TOC, Theory of Constraints] |
PoP | Policy on Policies |
POP3 | Post Office Protocol version 3 |
POSA | Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface |
POTS | Plain old telephone service |
POV | Point of View |
PPC | Pay Per Click |
PPI | Protected Personal Information |
PPL | Policy & Procedure Library |
PPM | [Project Portfolio Management])( |
PPO | Proximal Policy Optimization (e.g., Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm) |
PPPoA | Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM |
PPPoE | Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol |
PQC | Post Quantum Cryptography |
PR | Peer Review |
PR | Production Ready |
PR | Proposed Recommendation |
PR | Pull Request |
PR | Purchase Request |
PRC | Product Review Committee |
PRD | Product Requirements Document |
PRJ | Project |
PRNG | Pseudorandom Number Generator |
PRM | Program |
PRR | Production Readiness Reviews |
PRT | Portfolio |
PSD2 | Payment Services Directive (Directive 2015/2366/EU of the European Parliament andof the Council of 23 December 2015) |
PSM | Persistent Stored Modules |
PSM | Propensity Score Matching |
PSTN | Public switched telephone network |
PTB | Permit To Build |
PTD | Permit to Deploy |
PTP | Procure-to-Pay |
PUP | PARC Universal Packet |
PV | Present Value |
PVA | Power Virtual Agents (re: Microsoft BOT platform) |
PvP | Player to Player |
PWA | Progressive Web Application |
P2P | Peer-to-peer |
Q__ | |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QAOA | Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm |
QAR | Quality Assurance Review |
QC | QUality Control |
QEC | Quantum Error Correction |
QFT | Quantum Field Theory |
QFT | Quantum Fourier Transform |
QI | Quality Improvement |
QIT | QUality Improvement Team |
QKD | Quantum Key Distribution |
QML | Quantum Machine Learning |
QMLM | Quantum Machine Learing Model |
QMP | Quality Managemenet Principles (e.g., see: ISO 9000) |
QMS | Quality Management System |
QMT | Quality Monitoring Team |
QNN | Quanvolutional Neural Network |
QoE | Quality of experience |
QoS | Quality of Service |
QRE | Quantum Resource Estimation |
QSA | Qualified Security Assessor |
QPS | Queries Per Second |
QSM | Quantitative Software Management |
QUIC | QUIC (pronounced "quick") is a general-purpose[2] transport layer[3] network protocol initially designed by Jim Roskind at Google |
R__ | |
R2 | R-Squared |
RA | Registration Authority |
RA | Risk Assessment |
RAA | Responsibility, Accountability, Authority |
RAC | Real Application Cluster |
RACF | IBM Resource Access Control Facility |
RACI | Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed |
RAD | Rapid Application Development |
RAG | Retrieval-Augmented Generation, (Wkipedia) |
RAG | Red, Amber (Yellow), Green (see: Traffic Light Rating System) |
RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RAM | Responsibility Assignment Matrix |
RAML | REST API Modeling Language |
RAPT | Reverse Address and Port Translation (see RAT) |
RAR | Roshal Archive (file format), re: archival |
RARP | Reverse Address Resolution Protocol |
RAS | Redundancy, Availability, Serviceability |
RASUI | Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Usability and Instability |
RAT | Reverse Address and Port Translation (see RAPT) |
RBA | Role-Based Authorization |
RBAC | Role Based Access Control |
RBFNN | Radial Basis Function Neural Network |
RCA | Root Cause Analysis |
RCE | Remote Code Execution |
RCG | Risk and Controls Group |
RCT | Randomized Controlled Trial |
RD | Remaining Duration |
RDB | Relational Database |
RDC | Remote Desktop Connection |
RDF | Resource Description Framework |
RDN | Relative Distinguished Name, re: LDAP |
RDP | Remote Desktop Protocol |
RDS | Amazon Relational Database Service |
RDS | Remote Desktop Services |
ReLU | Rectified Linear Activation |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
RFC | Request for Comments |
RFE | Recursive Feature Elimination |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
RFM | Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value |
RFO | Reason for Outage |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFQ | Request for Quote |
RFS | Request for Service (or, Solution) |
RHEL | Red Hat Enterprise Linux |
RIA | Rich Internet Application |
RICE | Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, and Enhancements |
RICE | Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort (re: a scoring model framework - used by product owners/managers) |
RIDAC | Risk, Issue, Decision, Action, and Request Changes records (re: ServiceNow) |
RION | Raw Internet Object Notation |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computer |
RITM | Request Item |
RL | Reinforcement Learning |
RLHF | Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback |
RMA | Return Merchandise Authorization |
RMA | Risk Management Administration |
RMAD | Rapid Mobile App Development |
RMF | Risk Management Framework |
RMI | Remote Method Invocation |
RMIS | Risk Management Information System |
RMS | Rights Management Service |
RMSE | Root Mean Squared Error |
ROC | Receiver Operating Characteristic |
ROCE | Return on Capital Employed |
ROE | Return on Equity |
ROI | Return on Investment |
ROIT | Return on Information Technology |
ROLAP | Relational OLAP |
ROM | Rough Order of Magnitude (also see SWAG), aka an estimate |
ROS | Robotic Operating System |
RP | Relying Party (re: OpenID Connect) |
RPA | Robotic Process Automation |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call |
RPM | Redhat Package Manager |
RPM | Requests Per Minute |
RPO | Recovery Point Objective |
RSVP | Resource Reservation Protocol |
RSA | Rivest–Shamir–Adleman, (re: one of the first public-key cryptosystems) |
RSG | Risk Strategy & Governance |
RSU | Restricted Stock Units |
RTB | Run The Business |
RTCP | RTP Control Protocol |
RTE | Release Train Engineer |
RTF | Runtime Fabric (re: MuleSoft) |
RTFM | Read The Freaking Manual |
RTM | Requirements Traceability Matrix |
RTP | Real-time Transport Protocol |
RTR | Record-to-Report |
RTR | Right To Represent |
RTSP | Real Time Streaming Protocol |
RTT | Round-Trip Time |
RTO | Recovery Time Objective |
RTO | Return To Office |
RTUs | Remote Terminal Units |
RUM | Real User Measurements (or Monitoring) |
RUM | Resources Under Management |
RUP | Rational Unified Process |
RWKV | Receptance Weighted Key Value (an open-source model that modernizes Recurrent Neural Networks to match the performance of Transformer-based LLMs) |
S__ | |
S | Secret |
S&P | Strategy & Planning |
S-DBR | Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope |
SA | Solution Architect |
SaaS | Software as a Service |
SABSA | Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture |
SACM | Software Asset Configuration Management (an ITIL process) |
SAD | Solution Architecture Document |
SADS | Secure Application Development Standards |
SAF | Security Adoption Framework (Microsoft) |
SAFe | Scaled Agile Framework |
SAM | Segment Anything Model [re: A Foundation model for image segmentation, from FAIR] |
SAM | Serverless Application Model |
SAM | Serviceable Addressable Market |
SAM | Software Asset Management |
SAM | Successive Approximation Model, created by Allen Interactions |
SAML | Security Assertion Markup Language |
SAN | Storage Area Networks |
SANS | The SANS Institute (officially the Escal Institute of Advanced Technologies) |
SAP | Service Advertising Protocol |
SAR | Security Assessment Report |
SAR | Suspicious Activity Reporting |
SASE | Secure Access Service Edge |
SAST | Static Application Security Testing |
SATA | Seria AT Attachment |
SAW | Statement of Architecture Work |
SBE | Specification by Example |
SBI | Synthetic Biological Intelligence |
SBOM | Software Bill of Materials, re: Software Supply Chain - also see VEX |
SCA | Security Composition Analysis |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition |
SCAP | Security Content Automation Protocol |
SCC | Strongly Connected Components (re: Parsel AI framework |
SCD | Slowly Changing Dimension |
SCI | Sensitive Compartmented Information |
SCIM | System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (re: RFC7644) |
SCIP | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs |
SCP | Service Control Policy |
SCSI | Small Computer System Interface |
SCTP | Stream Control Transmission Protocol |
SD | Service Desk |
SDF | System Data Flow |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goals |
SDI | Software Defined Infrastructure |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SDL | Secure Development Lifecycle |
SDLC | Software Development Life-cycle (aka Software Development Process) |
SDLC | Synchronous Data Link Control |
SDLP | Systems Development Lifecycle Process |
SDN | Software Defined Networking |
SDN | Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List |
SDO | Standards Development Organization |
SDP | Safe Deployment Practices |
SDP | Software Defined Perimeter (also see VPN) |
SDR | Sales Development Representative |
SDSL | Symmetric digital subscriber line |
SE | Standard Edition |
SE | Systems Engineering |
SEBoK | Systems Engineering Book of Knowledge - wiki |
SEC | U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization |
SERC | Systems Engineering Research Council |
SFCC | Salesforce Commerce Cloud |
SFDC | SalesForce DotCom |
SFIA | Skills Framework for the Information Age |
SFRA | Storefront Reference Architecture (i.e., Salesforce B2C Commerce) |
SFTP | Secure File Transfer Protocol |
SFPF | Senior Foreign Political Figures |
SHA-2 | Secure Hash Algorithm 2 |
SHA-3 | Secure Hash Algorithm 3 - also see NIST/FIPS 202 |
SHAP | SHapley Additive exPlanations |
SHIR | Self-Hosted Integration Runtime |
SI | System Integrator |
SIAM | Service Integration & Management |
SII | Self-Identified Issue |
SIAM | Service Integration and Management |
SIEM | Security Information and Event Management |
SIKE | Supersingular Isogeny Key Exchange |
SIMD | Single InstructionStream, Multiple Data Streams |
SIP | Session Initiation Protocol |
SIPOC | Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer |
SIRT | Security Intelligence Response Team |
SISD | Single Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream |
SIT | System Integration Testing |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SLES | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server |
SLI | Service Level Indicator - a quantifiable measure of service reliability |
SLIM | Software Lifecycle Management |
SLMs | Small Language Models |
SLO | Service Level Objectives - a reliability target for an SLI |
SLO | Single Log-out |
SLM | Service Level Management |
SLSA | Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts |
SM | System Maanger |
SMART | [Specific, Measurable, {Achievable |
SMART | SMART (Substitutable Medical Applications, Reusable Technologies) |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SMO | Service Management Office |
SMOTE | Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique |
SMS | Short Message Service |
SMT | Simultaneous Multithreading |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SMURFS | Specifically Marketable, Useful, Releasable Feature Sets (source |
sn | Surname, re: LDAP |
SN | abbreviation for ServiceNow |
SNA | {Service |
SNAFU | Situation Normal, All Fucked Up |
SNI | Server Name Indiciation |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SNOW | abbreviation for ServiceNow |
SO | Sales Order |
SOA | Service Oriented Architecture |
SOA | Start of Authority record, re: DNS |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SOAR | Security, Orchestration, Automation, and Response |
SOC | Security Operations Center |
SOC | System and Organization Controls |
SoE | System of Engagement |
SOLID | Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion |
SOM | Serviceable Obtainable Market |
SONET | Synchronous optical networking |
SOSC | Service Offerings and Support Center |
SOSL | Salesforce Object Search Language |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOR | System of Record |
SoS | Systems of Systems |
S.O.S. | Slower, Older, Smarter |
SOT | Souce of Truth |
SOW | Statement of Work |
SOX | Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2022 |
SP | Service Provider |
SPA | Securing Privileged Access |
SPA | Single-Page Application |
SPAC | Special Purpose Acquisition Company |
SPDX | Software Package Data Exchange, re: ISO/IEC 5962:2021 standard |
SPF | Sender Policy Framework, re: email auth |
SPICE | Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments |
SPIFFE | Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone |
SPII | Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information |
SPKI | Simple Public Key Infrastructure |
SPM | Service Portfolio Management |
SPOC | Single Point of Contact |
SPOF | Single Point of Failure |
SPOG | Single Pane of Glass |
SPOT | Single Point Of Truth |
SPP | Sequenced Packet Protocol |
SPX | Sequenced Packet Exchange |
SOX | Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 |
SQL | Sales Qualified Lead |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
SRA | Security Risk Assessment |
SRM | Service-Component Reference Model |
SRMA | Supplier Risk Management Assessment |
SRP | Single Responsibility Principle |
SRS | Secure and Reliable Systems |
SSADM | (structured systems analysis and design methodology) - developed by Tom DeMarco, Ed Yourdon, and Larry Constantine |
SSD | Solid-State Disk |
SSG | [Server-Side {Generating |
SSG | [Static Site {Generation |
SSH | Secure Shell |
SSIRP | Software and Services Incident Response Plan |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
SSML | Speech Synthesis Markup Language |
SSO | Single Sign-On |
SSOT | Single Source of Truth |
SSP | System Security Plan |
SSPI | Security Support Provider Interface |
SSR | Server-Side Rendering |
STaaS | Storage as a Service |
STAR | Security Trust Assurance and Risk |
STAR | Situation (20%), Task (10%), Action (60%), Result (10%) [re: method] |
STM-1 | Synchronous Transport Module level-1 |
STS | Security Token Service |
SuD | System Under Discussion (re, see book: Writing Effective Use Cases) |
SUTVA | Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption |
SV | Schedule Variance |
SVD | Single Value Decomposition |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics |
SW | Software |
SWA | Azure Static Web Apps (github) |
SWAG | Silly Wild-Ass Guess (also see ROM), aka an estimate |
SWE | [Software Engineer |
SWG | Secure Web Gateway |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats |
T__ | |
T2R2 | Transparent, Traceable, Replicable and Reproducible |
t-SNE | t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding |
TA | Throughput Accounting |
TAG | Technical Advisory Group |
TAM | Technical Account Manager |
TAM | Total Addressable Market |
TAOC | The Art of Computer Programming (re: by Donald Knuth) |
TAR | Tape Archive (file format). Aka tarball |
TB | Terabyte |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TBM | Technolog Business Management |
TBM | Technology Business Management Council |
TBT | Total Blocking Time |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership (see TOC) |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TCP/IP | Internet protocol suite |
TCV | Total Contract Value (TCV) |
TDD | Test-Driven Development |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
TFI | Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence |
TFP | Total Factor Productivity |
TGB | Technology Governance Board |
THIRA | Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment |
TIME | Tolerate. Invest. Migrate. Eliminate. (re: Gartner categorization) |
TLA | Three Letter Acronym |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
TM | Topic Model, re: NER, NLP, DL, ML |
TNR | True Negative Rate |
TOC | Theory of Constraints |
TOC | Total Ownership Cost (see TCO) |
ToM | Theory of Mind |
TOM | Target Operating Model |
TOML | Tom's Obvious Minimal Language |
ToRA | Task-Oriented Reasoning and Action |
TP | Third-Party |
TPLC | Total Product Life Cycle |
TPM | Trusted Platform Module |
TPR | True Positive Rate |
TPS | Toyota Production System |
TPU | Tensor Processing Unit(s) |
TRACTOR | TRanslating All C TO Rust (DARPA project) |
TRM | Technical Reference Model |
TRPM | Third-Party Risk Management |
TS | Top Secret |
TSD | Technical Specification Document |
TSO | Time Sharing Option, re: IBM mainframe interactive time-sharing environment |
TSP | Trust Service Provider |
TSS | Time Sharing Operating System, re: IBM |
TSS | Technical Security Standards |
TTFB | Time to First Byte |
TTI | Time to Interactive |
TTL | Time To Live |
TTM | Time-To-Market |
TTP | Trusted Third Party |
TTPs | Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures |
TTS | Text-To-Speech |
TWh | Terawatt-hours |
TXN | Transaction |
U__ | |
U | Unclassified |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing |
UBA | User Behavior Analytics |
UCaaS | Unified Communications as a Service |
UCP | Universal Control-Plane |
UDDI | Universal Description, Discovery, & Integration |
UDEF | Universal Data Element Framework |
UDEM | Unified Endpoint Management |
UDF | User Defined File |
UDF | User Defined Function |
UDN | Unbounded Depth Neural Network |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
UDR | User-Defined Routes |
UDS | Unix Domain Socket |
UEBA | User and Entity Behavior Analytics |
UEFI | Unified Extensible Firmware Interface |
UGC | User Generated Content |
UI | User Interface |
UIMA | Unstructured Information Management Architecture |
ULID | Universally unique Lexicographically sortable IDentifier |
UMB | Ultra Mobile Broadband |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
UPC | Universal Product Code |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
US-NII | Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure bands |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USD | Universal Scene Description |
USL | Universal Scalability Law ~ Neil J. Gunther |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
UUID | Universal Unique Identifier - also GUID |
UVP | Unique Value Proposition |
UX | User Experience |
V__ | |
V2B | Vehicle-to-Building |
V2C | Vehcile-to-Cloud |
V2D | Vehicle-to-Device |
V2G | Vehicle-to-Grid |
V2I | Vehicle-to-Infrastructure |
V2V | Vehicle ad hock netowrk, or vehicle-to-vehicle |
V2X | Vehicle-to-Everything |
VA | Validation Authority |
VAE | Variational Autoencoders |
VAPT | Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing |
VAX | Virtual Address eXtension |
VAS | Value-Added Services |
VBS | Virtualization-based Security (i.e., introduced in Windows 11) |
VC | Venture Capital |
VCF | VMware Cloud Foundation |
vCPU | Virtual Central Processing Unit |
VDBMS | Vector Database Danagement System, aka vector data, or vector store |
VDI | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure |
VEX | Software-Exploitability eXchange |
VHD | Virtual Hard Disk |
VIF ??? | Virtual Network InterFace |
VIF | Variance Inflation Factor |
VII | ehicle Infrasture Integration |
VIP | Virtual IP address |
VISP | Virtual ISP |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network |
VM | Virtual Machine |
VMI | Virtual Machine Image |
VNC | Virtual Network Computing |
VNet | Virtual Network |
VNI ??? | Virtual Network Interface |
VoIP | Voice over Internet Protocol |
VPDA | Versioning, Packaging, Dependency Management, Artifact Management |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VPS | Virtual Private Server |
VQF | Variational Quantum Factoring |
VR | Virtual Reality |
VRM | Value Realization Model |
VRM | Vendor Relationship Manager (aka VRO) |
VRO | Vendor Relationship Owner (aka VRM) |
VSA | Vertical Slice Architecture |
VSAM | Virtual Storage Access Method |
VSM | Value Stream Mapping |
VSM | Value Stream Management |
VSMP | Value Stream Management Platform |
VSOC | Virtual Security Operations Center |
VTOC | Volume Table of Contents, re: IBM |
VUCA | Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity - origin: The U.S. Army War College |
VXLAN | Virtual Extensible LAN |
W__ | |
W3 | World Wide Web (i.e. WWW) |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
WaaS | Workers as a Service |
WADL | Web Application Description Language |
WAF | Web Application Firewall |
WAFS | Wide Area File Services |
WAI | Web Accessibility Initiative |
WAL | Write-ahead Logging |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Access Point |
WAR | Web Application Resource (or, Web application ARchival |
WASI | WebAssembly System Interface |
wasm | WebAssembly wikipedia |
WATG | Web Accessibility and Training Guide |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure |
WCAG | Web Content Accessibility Guidelines |
WCCP | Web Cache Communication Protocol |
WCDMA | Wide-band Code-Division Multiple Access |
WCET | Worst-Case Execution Time |
WCT | Windows Community Toolkit |
WD | Working Draft |
WDM | Windows Driver Model |
WET | Write Everything Twice (also see DRY) |
WFH | Work-From-Home |
WFM | Windows Filtering Platform |
Wi-Fi | Wireless Fidelity |
WLIF | Workload Identity Federation |
WIP | Work in Progress |
WISP | Wireless Internet service provider |
WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
WLM | Work Lifecycle Management |
WMS | Warehouse Management System |
WOC | WAN optimization controller |
WoT | Web of Trust |
WORM | Write-Once-Read-Many |
WPA | Wi-Fi Protected Access |
WPA | Wi-Fi Protected Access II |
WPA | Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 |
WPS | Wi-Fi Protected Setup |
WRT | Work Recovery Time |
WSDL | Web Service Description Language |
WSJF | Weighted Shortest Job First (re: Scaled Agile Framework, SAFe) |
WWW | World Wide Web |
X__ | |
XA | EXtended Architecture |
XDR | Extended Detection and Response |
XID | Transaction Identifier |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XNS | Xerox Network Systems |
XP | eXtreme Programming |
XR | Extended Reality |
XSL | XML Style Language |
XSLT | eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations |
XSS | Cross-Site Scripting |
Y__ | |
YAGNI | You Aren't Gonna Need It |
YAS | Yet Another Silo |
YB | Yottabyte |
YBIYRI | You-build-it-you-run-it |
YBYO | You Build, You Own (alternatively: You Buid It, You Own It) |
Z__ | |
ZB | Zettabyte |
ZBB | Zero-Based Budgeting |
zkEVM | zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine |
ZKP | Zero Knowledge Proof |
ZSP | Zero Standing Privilege |
ZT | Zero Trust |
ZTA | Zero Trust Architecture |
ZTDNS | Zero Trust DNS |
ZTNA | Zero Trust Network Access |