Roles and Dockerfiles to install the Ambertools v16
The repository contains ansible-roles that are published in ansible galaxy:
The directories docker are linked to dockerhub with automatic build of image.
No aditional requirements
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.
- ambertools_url: Ambertools tarball URL
- amber_home: Ambertools installation directory
None for now
To install the role:
$ ansible-galaxy install indigo-dc.ambertools
An example of playbook to deploy ambertools:
- hosts: localhost
- { role: indigo-dc.ambertools }
Or execute:
$ ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/roles/indigo-dc.ambertools/tests/ambertools.yml
The example can be run as follows:
# export AMBERHOME=/usr/local/amber16
# export PATH=$PATH:$AMBERHOME/bin
# source $AMBERHOME/
# cd $AMBERHOME/AmberTools/benchmarks/nab
# time ./bench_amber gcn4p1
Apache v2
Mario David: [email protected]
LIP Lisbon:
Indigo DataCloud:
Amber and AmberTools are the work of: D.A. Case, J.T. Berryman, R.M. Betz, D.S. Cerutti, T.E. Cheatham, III, T.A. Darden, R.E. Duke, T.J. Giese, H. Gohlke, A.W. Goetz, N. Homeyer, S. Izadi, P. Janowski, J. Kaus, A. Kovalenko, T.S. Lee, S. LeGrand, P. Li, T. Luchko, R. Luo, B. Madej, K.M. Merz, G. Monard, P. Needham, H. Nguyen, H.T. Nguyen, I. Omelyan, A. Onufriev, D.R. Roe, A. Roitberg, R. Salomon-Ferrer, C.L. Simmerling, W. Smith, J. Swails, R.C. Walker, J. Wang, R.M. Wolf, X. Wu, D.M. York and P.A. Kollman (2015), AMBER 2015, University of California, San Francisco.