diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 680a48ec..cf0c33eb 100755
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -1852,7 +1852,7 @@ The handedness attribute describes whic
The targetRayMode attribute describes the method used to produce the target ray, and indicates how the application should present the target ray to the user if desired.
- gaze indicates the target ray will originate at the viewer and follow the direction it is facing. (This is commonly referred to as a "gaze input" device in the context of head-mounted displays.)
- - tracked-pointer indicates that the target ray originates from either a handheld device or other hand-tracking mechanism and represents that the user is using their hands or the held device for pointing. The orientation of the target ray relative to the tracked object MUST follow platform-specific ergonomics guidelines when available. In the absence of platform-specific guidance, the target ray SHOULD point in the same direction as the user's index finger if it was outstretched.
+ - tracked-pointer indicates that the target ray originates from either a handheld device or other hand-tracking mechanism and represents that the user is using their hands or the held device for pointing. The orientation of the target ray relative to the tracked object MUST follow platform-specific ergonomics guidelines when available. In the absence of platform-specific guidance, the target ray SHOULD point in the same direction as the user's index finger if it was outstretched. If the {{XRSystem}} determines that part of the handheld device is or becomes intended to contact real-world surfaces (such as a pen tip), the target ray MUST originate at that point.
- screen indicates that the input source was an interaction with the canvas element associated with an inline session's output context, such as a mouse click or touch event.
- transient-pointer indicates that the input source was generated as part of an operating system interaction intent rather than a specific piece of hardware. Some examples are user intents based on information too sensitive to expose directly such as gaze, synthesised inputs from web driver or inputs generated by assistive technologies. This should only be used for assistive technologies if it is also used as a primary input so as to not inadvertently indicate that assistive technology is being used as per the W3C design principals.