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Releases: ihmwg/python-modelcif

python-modelcif 0.3 release

21 Mar 22:32
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  • Add a package to conda-forge so the library can be installed using conda install -c conda-forge modelcif
  • modelcif.Template now takes a strand_id argument which can be used to provide the author-provided (e.g. PDB) chain ID.
  • Non-polymers can now be used as templates.

python-modelcif 0.2 release

28 Jan 00:24
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  • Minor packaging and documentation improvements.
  • Add a basic "theoretical model" exptl category to output files.
  • Bugfix: fix output of alignments with an empty list of pairs.

python-modelcif 0.1 release

27 Jan 01:50
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First stable release. This provides support for single-chain single-template models using the ModelCIF extension dictionary, and will read and write mmCIF and BinaryCIF files that are compliant with the PDBx and ModelCIF dictionaries.