diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a2fe55c..e475a70 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,145 +1,1160 @@ - -
Indian Institute of Technology, Indore
Computer Science & Engineering
CS 257: Lab Assignment on Case Study
Music Player & Music Management System
Submitted By:
Kunal Gupta 150001015
Punit Lakshwani 150001025
Shivam Tayal 150001034
Track – Songs that will played in the Music Player.
Artist – Artists of the songs in the track entity.
Album – Album of the songs in track entity.
Playlist – Playlists created by user.
Directories – Location of folder where tracks are located.
2.Modeling Attributes and Keys:
Primary key: (TrackId)
Tracks are the songs and music files in the system. Each track will be given unique TrackID.
TrackId : Track ID of the track.
Trackname : Track name of the track.
Location : Location of track in the system.
Genre : Genre of the track (like pop, dance, jazz, etc.).
DateAdded : The date on which the track was added to the database.
Favourite : Boolean flag which is true if song is added to favourites else false.
Primary key: (ArtistId)
Artist entity contains the different artist ids and artist names.
ArtistId : Unique Id given to the artist.
Artistname : Name of the Artist.
Primary key: (AlbumId)
Album entity contains the different album names and their unique ids.
AlbumId : Unique id given to a album.
Albumname : Name of the Album.
Primary key: (PlaylistId)
Playlist entity contains the all the playlists created by users.
PlaylistId : Unique id given to each playlist.
Playlistname : Name of the playlist given by user.
Primary key: (FolderLocation)
Directories contains the address of the the select directories.
FolderLocation : Location of the directory.
3. Identification of Relationships:
Track, Artist and Album are related to each other. TrackInfo contains the artist and album of each track.
PlayList and Track are related to each other. PlayListInfo contains the track and playlist ids along with the order of track in playlist.
Directories contains tracks. TrackLocation relates track to its directory.
S.No. | Relationship | Entity Sets |
1 | TrackInfo | Track, Artist, Album |
4 | PlaylistInfo | Playlist, Track |
5 | TrackLocation | Directories,Track |
A.TrackInfo : (Track, Artist, Album)
Type : Ternary Relationship
Mapping cardinality
Track Artist : (m : 1)
Track Album : (m : 1)
Artist Album : (1 : m)
Track : Total participation
Artist : Total participation
Album : Total participation
B.PlaylistInfo : (PlayList, Track)
Type : Binary Relationship
Mapping cardinality : (m : n)
Playlist : Total participation
Track : Partial participation
C.TrackLocation : (Directories, Track)
Type : Binary Relationship
Mapping cardinality : (1 : m)
Directories : Partial participation
Track : Total participation
Entity sets into tables :
1)Track :
Trackname varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Location varchar(500) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
DateAdded timestamp CURRENTTIMESTAMP,
Genre varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Favourite boolean DEFAULT (0)
2)Artist :
Artistname varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE
3)Album :
Albumname varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE
4)Playlist :
Playlistname varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE
5)Directories :
FolderLocation varchar(500) NOT NULL UNIQUE
Relationships into tables :
1)TrackInfo :
Primary Key (TrackId)
Foriegn Key (ArtistId, AlbumId)
Primary Key (PlayListId, TrackId)
Trackorder int NOT NULL
Primary Key (Track.Location)
Foriegn Key (FolderLocation)
1) Search for a artist
CREATE FUNCTION searchartist (name varchar(50)) RETURNS int(11)
declare id int;
set id = (select artistid from artist where artistname = name);
if (id > 0) then
return id;
end if;
2) Search for a album
CREATE FUNCTION searchalbum (name varchar(50)) RETURNS int(11)
declare id int;
set id = (select albumid from artist where albumname = name);
if (id > 0) then
return id;
end if;
1)Adding a Directory
CREATE PROCEDURE adddirectory (in location varchar(500))
insert into directories values (location);
2)Adding a Track
CREATE PROCEDURE addtrack(in trackname varchar(50),in artistname varchar(50),in albumname varchar(100),in location varchar(500),in genre varchar(30))
declare artistid int;
declare albumid int;
declare trackid int;
set trackid = (select newid from id);
set artistid = searchartist(artistname);
set albumid = searchalbum(albumname);
insert into track(trackid,trackname,location,genre) values(trackid, trackname, location, genre);
if (artistid = -1) then
set artistid = (select newid from id);
insert into artist values (artistid, artistname);
end if;
if (albumid = -1) then
set albumid = (select newid from id);
insert into album values (albumid, albumname);
end if;
insert into trackinfo values (trackid, artistid, albumid);
3) Adding a Track to a Playlist
CREATE PROCEDURE addtracktoplaylist (in pid int,in tid int)
declare torder int;
set torder = (select count(*) from playlistinfo where playlistid=pid);
set torder = torder + 1;
insert into playlistinfo values(pid,tid,torder);
4) Creating a PlayList
CREATE PROCEDURE createplaylist (in PlaylistName varchar(100))
declare pid int;
set pid = (select playlistid from id);
insert into playlist values(pid,PlaylistName);
5) Deleting a Directory
CREATE PROCEDURE deletedirectory (in location varchar(500))
declare tid int;
declare trackids cursor for select trackid from track where track.location like concat(location, '%'); delete from directories where folderlocation = location;
open trackids;
get_trackid : LOOP
fetch trackids into tid;
call deletetrack(tid);
end loop get_trackid;
close trackids;
6) Deleting a track from a playlist
CREATE PROCEDURE deletefromplaylist (in pid int,in tid int)
declare torder int;
set torder=(select trackorder from playlistinfo where playlistid=pid and trackid=tid);
delete from playlistinfo where playlistid=pid and trackid=tid;
update playlistinfo set trackorder=trackorder-1 where playlistid=pid and trackorder>torder;
7) Deleting a playlist
CREATE PROCEDURE deleteplaylist (in pid int)
delete from playlist where playlistid=pid;
delete from playlistinfo where playlistid=pid;
8) Deleting a track
CREATE PROCEDURE deletetrack (in TrackId int)
delete from track where track.trackid=TrackId;
delete from trackinfo where trackinfo.trackid=TrackId;
delete from playlistinfo where playlistinfo.trackid=TrackId;
9) Adding a track to Favourites
CREATE PROCEDURE favourite (in TrackId int)
update track set favourite=True where track.trackid=TrackId;
10) Moving a track in playlist (up or down)
CREATE PROCEDURE movetrack (in pid int, in tid int, in direction int)
declare swaptid int;
declare torder int;
set torder = (select trackorder from playlistinfo where playlistid = pid and trackid = tid);
if(direction = 0) then
set swaptid = (select trackid from playlistinfo where playlistid = pid and trackorder = torder - 1);
update playlistinfo set trackorder = torder where playlistid = pid and trackid = swaptid;
update playlistinfo set trackorder = torder - 1 where playlistid = pid and trackid = tid;
set swaptid = (select trackid from playlistinfo where playlistid = pid and trackorder = torder + 1);
update playlistinfo set trackorder = torder where playlistid = pid and trackid = swaptid;
update playlistinfo set trackorder = torder + 1 where playlistid = pid and trackid = tid;
end if;
11) Removing a track from Favourites
CREATE PROCEDURE unfavourite (in TrackId int)
update track set favourite=false where track.trackid=TrackId;
12) Update a playlist name
CREATE PROCEDURE updateplaylist (in pid int, in newname varchar(50))
update playlist set playlistname = newname where playlistid = pid;
13) Updating a track information
CREATE PROCEDURE updatetrack (in TrackId int,in newtrack varchar(50),in newartist varchar(50),in newalbum varchar(100),in newgenre varchar(30))
declare ArtistId int;
declare AlbumId int;
update track set trackname = newtrack, genre = newgenre where track.trackid = TrackId;
set ArtistId=searchartist(newartist);
set AlbumId=searchalbum(newalbum);
if (ArtistId = -1) then
set ArtistId=(select newid from id);
insert into artist values (ArtistId,newartist);
end if;
if (AlbumId = -1) then
set AlbumId = (select newid from id);
insert into album values (AlbumId,newalbum);
end if;
update trackinfo set artistid=ArtistId, albumid=AlbumId where trackinfo.trackid = TrackId;
1) Refresh artist and album after delete in trackinfo
CREATE TRIGGER deleterefresh AFTER DELETE ON trackinfo
DELETE FROM album WHERE albumid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT albumid FROM trackinfo);
DELETE FROM artist WHERE artistid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT artistid FROM trackinfo);
2) Refresh artist and album after update in trackinfo
CREATE TRIGGER deleterefresh AFTER UPDATE ON trackinfo
DELETE FROM album WHERE albumid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT albumid FROM trackinfo);
DELETE FROM artist WHERE artistid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT artistid FROM trackinfo);
\ No newline at end of file +
+ +
++ Indian Institute of Technology, Indore +
++ Computer Science & Engineering +
++ CS 257: Lab Assignment on Case Study +
++ Music Player & Music Management System +
++ Submitted By: +
++ Kunal Gupta 150001015 +
++ Punit Lakshwani 150001025 +
++ Shivam Tayal 150001034 +
++ Track – Songs that will played in the Music Player. +
++ Artist – Artists of the songs in the track entity. +
++ Album – Album of the songs in track entity. +
++ Playlist – Playlists created by user. +
++ Directories – Location of folder where tracks are located. +
++ 2.Modeling Attributes and Keys: +
++ Track: +
++ TrackId +
++ Trackname +
++ Location +
++ Genre +
++ DateAdded +
++ Favourite +
++ Primary key: + (TrackId) +
++ Tracks are the songs and music files in the system. Each track will be given unique TrackID. +
++ TrackId : Track ID of the track. +
++ Trackname : Track name of the track. +
++ Location : Location of track in the system. +
++ Genre : Genre of the track (like pop, dance, jazz, etc.). +
++ DateAdded : The date on which the track was added to the database. +
++ Favourite : Boolean flag which is true if song is added to favourites else false. +
++ Artist: +
++ ArtistId +
++ Artistname +
++ Primary key: + (ArtistId) +
++ Artist entity contains the different artist ids and artist names. +
++ ArtistId : Unique Id given to the artist. +
++ Artistname : Name of the Artist. +
++ Album: +
++ AlbumId +
++ Albumname +
++ Primary key: + (AlbumId) +
++ Album entity contains the different album names and their unique ids. +
++ AlbumId : Unique id given to a album. +
++ Albumname : Name of the Album. +
++ Playlist: +
++ PlaylistId +
++ Playlistname +
++ Primary key: + (PlaylistId) +
++ Playlist entity contains the all the playlists created by users. +
++ PlaylistId : Unique id given to each playlist. +
++ Playlistname : Name of the playlist given by user. +
++ Directories: +
++ FolderLocation +
++ Primary key: + (FolderLocation) +
++ Directories contains the address of the the select directories. +
++ FolderLocation : Location of the directory. +
++ 3. Identification of Relationships: +
++ Track, Artist and Album are related to each other. TrackInfo contains the artist and album of each track. +
++ PlayList and Track are related to each other. PlayListInfo contains the track and playlist ids along with the order of track in playlist. +
++ Directories contains tracks. TrackLocation relates track to its directory. +
+ + S.No. + + |
+ + Relationship + + |
+ + Entity Sets + + |
+ + 1 + + |
+ + TrackInfo + + |
+ + Track, Artist, Album + + |
+ + 4 + + |
+ + PlaylistInfo + + |
+ + Playlist, Track + + |
+ + 5 + + |
+ + TrackLocation + + |
+ + Directories,Track + + |
+ TrackInfo + : (Track, Artist, Album) +
++ Type + : Ternary Relationship +
++ Mapping cardinality +
++ Track Artist : (m : 1) +
++ Track Album : (m : 1) +
++ Artist Album : (1 : m) +
++ Track : Total participation +
++ Artist : Total participation +
++ Album : Total participation +
++ PlaylistInfo + : (PlayList, Track) +
++ Type + : Binary Relationship +
++ Mapping cardinality : (m : n) +
++ Playlist : Total participation +
++ Track : Partial participation +
++ TrackLocation + : (Directories, Track) +
++ Type + : Binary Relationship +
++ Mapping cardinality : (1 : m) +
++ Directories : Partial participation +
++ Track : Total participation +
++ Entity sets into tables : +
++ Track : +
++ TrackId int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, +
++ Trackname varchar(50) NOT NULL, +
++ Location varchar(500) NOT NULL UNIQUE, +
++ DateAdded timestamp CURRENTTIMESTAMP, +
++ Genre varchar(30) NOT NULL, +
++ Favourite boolean DEFAULT (0) +
++ Artist : +
++ ArtistId int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, +
++ Artistname varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE +
++ Album : +
++ AlbumId int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, +
++ Albumname varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE +
++ Playlist : +
++ PlaylistId int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, +
++ Playlistname varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE +
++ Directories : +
++ FolderLocation varchar(500) NOT NULL UNIQUE +
++ Relationships into tables : +
++ TrackInfo : +
++ Primary Key (TrackId) +
++ Foriegn Key (ArtistId, AlbumId) +
++ PlayListInfo: +
++ Primary Key (PlayListId, TrackId) +
++ Trackorder int NOT NULL +
++ TrackLocation: +
++ Primary Key (Track.Location) +
++ Foriegn Key (FolderLocation) +
++ 1) Search for a artist +
++ CREATE FUNCTION searchartist (name varchar(50)) RETURNS int(11) +
++ BEGIN +
++ declare id int; +
++ set id = (select artistid from artist where artistname = name); +
++ if (id > 0) then +
++ return id; +
++ end if; +
++ RETURN -1; +
++ END +
++ 2) Search for a album +
++ CREATE FUNCTION searchalbum (name varchar(50)) RETURNS int(11) +
++ BEGIN +
++ declare id int; +
++ set id = (select albumid from artist where albumname = name); +
++ if (id > 0) then +
++ return id; +
++ end if; +
++ RETURN -1; +
++ END +
++ Adding a Directory +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE adddirectory (in location varchar(500)) +
++ BEGIN +
++ insert into directories values (location); +
++ END +
++ Adding a Track +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE addtrack(in trackname varchar(50),in artistname varchar(50),in albumname varchar(100),in location varchar(500),in genre varchar(30)) +
++ Begin +
++ declare artistid int; +
++ declare albumid int; +
++ declare trackid int; +
++ set trackid = (select newid from id); +
++ set artistid = searchartist(artistname); +
++ set albumid = searchalbum(albumname); +
++ insert into track(trackid,trackname,location,genre) values(trackid, trackname, location, genre); +
++ if (artistid = -1) then +
++ set artistid = (select newid from id); +
++ insert into artist values (artistid, artistname); +
++ end if; +
++ if (albumid = -1) then +
++ set albumid = (select newid from id); +
++ insert into album values (albumid, albumname); +
++ end if; +
++ insert into trackinfo values (trackid, artistid, albumid); +
++ end +
++ 3) Adding a Track to a Playlist +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE addtracktoplaylist (in pid int,in tid int) +
++ BEGIN +
++ declare torder int; +
++ set torder = (select count(*) from playlistinfo where playlistid=pid); +
++ set torder = torder + 1; +
++ insert into playlistinfo values(pid,tid,torder); +
++ END +
++ 4) Creating a PlayList +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE createplaylist (in PlaylistName varchar(100)) +
++ BEGIN +
++ declare pid int; +
++ set pid = (select playlistid from id); +
++ insert into playlist values(pid,PlaylistName); +
++ END +
++ 5) Deleting a Directory +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE deletedirectory (in location varchar(500)) +
++ BEGIN +
++ declare tid int; +
++ declare trackids cursor for select trackid from track where track.location like concat(location, '%'); delete from directories where folderlocation = + location; +
++ open trackids; +
++ get_trackid : LOOP +
++ fetch trackids into tid; +
++ call deletetrack(tid); +
++ end loop get_trackid; +
++ close trackids; +
++ END +
++ 6) Deleting a track from a playlist +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE deletefromplaylist (in pid int,in tid int) +
++ BEGIN +
++ declare torder int; +
++ set torder=(select trackorder from playlistinfo where playlistid=pid and trackid=tid); +
++ delete from playlistinfo where playlistid=pid and trackid=tid; +
++ update playlistinfo set trackorder=trackorder-1 where playlistid=pid and trackorder>torder; +
++ END +
++ 7) Deleting a playlist +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE deleteplaylist (in pid int) +
++ BEGIN +
++ delete from playlist where playlistid=pid; +
++ delete from playlistinfo where playlistid=pid; +
++ END +
++ 8) Deleting a track +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE deletetrack (in TrackId int) +
++ BEGIN +
++ delete from track where track.trackid=TrackId; +
++ delete from trackinfo where trackinfo.trackid=TrackId; +
++ delete from playlistinfo where playlistinfo.trackid=TrackId; +
++ END +
++ 9) Adding a track to Favourites +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE favourite (in TrackId int) +
++ BEGIN +
++ update track set favourite=True where track.trackid=TrackId; +
++ END +
++ 10) Moving a track in playlist (up or down) +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE movetrack (in pid int, in tid int, in direction int) +
++ BEGIN +
++ declare swaptid int; +
++ declare torder int; +
++ set torder = (select trackorder from playlistinfo where playlistid = pid and trackid = tid); +
++ if(direction = 0) then +
++ set swaptid = (select trackid from playlistinfo where playlistid = pid and trackorder = torder - 1); +
++ update playlistinfo set trackorder = torder where playlistid = pid and trackid = swaptid; +
++ update playlistinfo set trackorder = torder - 1 where playlistid = pid and trackid = tid; +
++ else +
++ set swaptid = (select trackid from playlistinfo where playlistid = pid and trackorder = torder + 1); +
++ update playlistinfo set trackorder = torder where playlistid = pid and trackid = swaptid; +
++ update playlistinfo set trackorder = torder + 1 where playlistid = pid and trackid = tid; +
++ end if; +
++ END +
++ 11) Removing a track from Favourites +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE unfavourite (in TrackId int) +
++ BEGIN +
++ update track set favourite=false where track.trackid=TrackId; +
++ END +
++ 12) Update a playlist name +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE updateplaylist (in pid int, in newname varchar(50)) +
++ BEGIN +
++ update playlist set playlistname = newname where playlistid = pid; +
++ END +
++ 13) Updating a track information +
++ CREATE PROCEDURE updatetrack (in TrackId int,in newtrack varchar(50),in newartist varchar(50),in newalbum varchar(100),in newgenre varchar(30)) +
++ BEGIN +
++ declare ArtistId int; +
++ declare AlbumId int; +
++ update track set trackname = newtrack, genre = newgenre where track.trackid = TrackId; +
++ set ArtistId=searchartist(newartist); +
++ set AlbumId=searchalbum(newalbum); +
++ if (ArtistId = -1) then +
++ set ArtistId=(select newid from id); +
++ insert into artist values (ArtistId,newartist); +
++ end if; +
++ if (AlbumId = -1) then +
++ set AlbumId = (select newid from id); +
++ insert into album values (AlbumId,newalbum); +
++ end if; +
++ update trackinfo set artistid=ArtistId, albumid=AlbumId where trackinfo.trackid = TrackId; +
++ END +
++ 1) Refresh artist and album after delete in trackinfo +
++ CREATE TRIGGER deleterefresh AFTER DELETE ON trackinfo +
++ BEGIN +
++ DELETE FROM album WHERE albumid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT albumid FROM trackinfo); +
++ DELETE FROM artist WHERE artistid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT artistid FROM trackinfo); +
++ END +
++ 2) Refresh artist and album after update in trackinfo +
++ CREATE TRIGGER deleterefresh AFTER UPDATE ON trackinfo +
++ BEGIN +
++ DELETE FROM album WHERE albumid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT albumid FROM trackinfo); +
++ DELETE FROM artist WHERE artistid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT artistid FROM trackinfo); +
++ END +