Lua is
- well-designed,
- it provides a nice C API,
- embeddable with a small footprint, and
- the default when extensibility is desired.
- Redis, Apache, lighttpd, nginx, varnish, prosody,
- many, many games and game engines (e.g., Angry Birds, Civilization VI, SimCity 4, the Witcher, World of Warcraft),
- NetBSD, Damn Small Linux,
- VLC, mpv, awesome, celestia, darktable, WeeChat,
- wireshark, nmap, snort, flame, and
- pandoc.
function fib(n)
local a, b = 0, 1
for i = 0, (n - 1) do
a, b = b, a + b
return a
function map(fn, tbl)
local new = {}
for k, v in pairs(tbl) do new[k] = fn(v) end
return new
print(table.concat(map(fib, {2, 3, 5, 7}), " "))
-- 1 2 5 13
main = runLua $ do
getglobal "print"
pushstring "Hello from"
getglobal "_VERSION"
call 2 0
→ Hello from Lua 5.3
Pushing a tuple
push ("Hello", True, [40..42])
will result in a lua table
{"Hello", true, {40, 41, 42}}
-- define a function in lua:
function greet(greeting)
return greeting .. " " .. os.getenv("USER")
-- fnName argument
user <- callFunc "greet" "Hello"
-- output: Hello Albert
Progress happens by scratching an itch:
- Initially developed by Gracjan Polak.
- Improved and maintained by Ömer Sinan Ağacan.
- Now maintained by that guy in front.
-- Define new function lua_pushinteger
foreign import ccall "lua.h lua_pushinteger"
lua_pushinteger :: LuaState -> LuaInteger -> IO ()
-- call lua_pushinteger as haskell function
lua_pushinteger l i
Excellent support for working with pointers and the usual C data types:
- pointer data types
Ptr a
,FunPtr a
, type casting:castPtr :: Ptr a -> Ptr b
(type alias forPtr CChar
),- conversion of strings via
withCString :: String -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
- etc.
Newtypes can be used
- to mimic
definitions; - in FFI declarations:
foreign import ccall "lua.h lua_tointeger" lua_tointeger :: LuaState -- Ptr () -> StackIndex -- CInt -> IO LuaInteger -- CInt
/* In C */
typedef int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *L);
-- equivalent in Haskell
type CFunction = FunPtr (LuaState -> IO CInt)
newtype StackIndex = StackIndex { fromStackIndex :: CInt }
deriving (Enum, Eq, Num, Ord, Show)
foreign import ccall "lua.h lua_tointeger"
lua_tointeger :: LuaState -> StackIndex -> IO LuaInteger
Functions not calling back into Haskell can be marked unsafe
-- Improves performance
-- considerably
-- |
foreign import ccall unsafe "lua.h lua_tointeger"
lua_tointeger :: LuaState -> StackIndex -> IO LuaInteger
\pause{} Has the potential to cause bugs due to GC and finalizers.
- Both, Lua and Haskell, have garbage collectors:
→ everything must be copied, especially strings. - Supported Lua versions differ in their C API:
→ wrappers and CPP directives. - Error handling with
plays poorly with RTS:
→ C wrappers must be used for error handling. - Coroutines work via
, which is problematic:
→ currently unsupported, better solution yet to be implemented.
- Haskell’s FFI allows calling C.
- Newtypes are awesome.
- Lua is great to make your program extensible.
- HsLua makes Lua useable with Haskell.
- Main repo:
- GitHub organisation:
- Project hslua-aeson: push and receive JSON-serializable data to and from Lua;
- Project hslua-examples: example code.