The calculations of DAI price in StableOracleDAI.sol:getPriceUSD()
are incorrect.
calculates DAI price as follows:
is the WETH/DAI rate.
is the WETH/USD rate.
is the DAI/ETH rate.
The price of DAI is calculated with the following operation
(wethPriceUSD * 1e18) / ((DAIWethPrice + uint256(price) * 1e10) / 2);
Which does not result in the USD/DAI price.
will mint an incorrect amount of USSD tokens.
The rebalance functionality will not work as expected, as the amounts to be swapped in USSDRebalancer.sol:SellUSSDBuyCollateral()
and USSDRebalancer.sol:BuyUSSDSellCollateral()
will be incorrect.
Foundry test
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract USSDTest is Test {
function testGetDAIPriceUSD() public {
// address[] memory pools = new address[](1);
// pools[0] = 0x60594a405d53811d3BC4766596EFD80fd545A270;
// uint256 DAIWethPrice = DAIEthOracle.quoteSpecificPoolsWithTimePeriod(
// 1000000000000000000, // 1 Eth
// 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2, // WETH (base token)
// 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F, // DAI (quote token)
// pools, // DAI/WETH pool uni v3
// 600 // period
// );
uint256 DAIWethPrice = 1815_878751276116508416; // Value returned by a call with the above data to the static orcacle 0xb210ce856631eeeb767efa666ec7c1c57738d438 in Ethereum mainnet
uint256 wethPriceUSD = getWethPriceUSD();
int256 price = 551720649183640; // Value returned by a call with the above data to the chainlink oracle 0x773616E4d11A78F511299002da57A0a94577F1f4 in Ethereum mainnet
uint DAIPriceUSD = (wethPriceUSD * 1e18) / ((DAIWethPrice + uint256(price) * 1e10) / 2);
console.log("DAIPriceUSD: %s", DAIPriceUSD);
function getWethPriceUSD() private returns (uint256) {
// From StableOracleWETH.sol:getPriceUSD() code
int256 price = 1814_99350000; // Value returned by a call with the above data to the chainlink oracle 0x5f4eC3Df9cbd43714FE2740f5E3616155c5b8419 in Ethereum mainnet
return uint256(price) * 1e10;
Console output
DAIPriceUSD: 657722827750283
Use directly the DAI/USD Chainlink aggregator contract to calculate the DAI price.