Rebalancing begins by fetching USSD's spot price relative to DAI from its Uniswap pool. Anyone can imbalance the pool through a flash loan before rebalancing begins which leads to a wrong USSD price. This results in incorrect rebalancing, even more so because of the fact that rebalance()
function can be called by anyone.
calls getOwnValuation()
to determine USSD price relative to DAI:
function getOwnValuation() public view returns (uint256 price) {
(uint160 sqrtPriceX96,,,,,,) = uniPool.slot0();
if(uniPool.token0() == USSD) {
price = uint(sqrtPriceX96)*(uint(sqrtPriceX96))/(1e6) >> (96 * 2);
} else {
price = uint(sqrtPriceX96)*(uint(sqrtPriceX96))*(1e18 /* 1e12 + 1e6 decimal representation */) >> (96 * 2);
// flip the fraction
price = (1e24 / price) / 1e12;
returns the spot price's square root which is susceptible to flash loan attack as explained above.
High. Almost all rebalancing transactions will result in loss for the protocol.
function getOwnValuation() public view returns (uint256 price) {
(uint160 sqrtPriceX96,,,,,,) = uniPool.slot0();
if(uniPool.token0() == USSD) {
price = uint(sqrtPriceX96)*(uint(sqrtPriceX96))/(1e6) >> (96 * 2);
} else {
price = uint(sqrtPriceX96)*(uint(sqrtPriceX96))*(1e18 /* 1e12 + 1e6 decimal representation */) >> (96 * 2);
// flip the fraction
price = (1e24 / price) / 1e12;
Manual Review
Use a TWAP price which will result in inaccurate price (due to being an average over time) but more resistant towards price manipulation.