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Tutorial: Creating time annotations

This tutorial provides a step by step guide about how to write QTA timing annotations for binary programs. The examples in this tutorial are targeted at RISC-V, but the general process is independent of the target architecture.

Let us start with a very minimalistic example.

Tutorial 1: A minimal program

The following listing shows the disassembly of the a minimalistic RISC-V program in ./tests/riscv32/program01.elf, which consists only of the two basic blocks _start at 0x8000000 and end at 0x8000000C.

program01.elf:     file format elf32-littleriscv

Disassembly of section .init:

20400000 <_start>:
20400000:	00200093          	li	ra,2
20400004:	00300113          	li	sp,3
20400008:	002081b3          	add	gp,ra,sp

2040000c <end>:
2040000c:	0000006f          	j	2040000c <end>

The Control Flow Graph

Let us assume that we want to annotate the execution time of block _start with 42 clock cycles. For this we have to specify a CFG (Control Flow Graph) with both basic blocks _startand end and annotate the edge between both with the value 42. Thus, the time-annotated CFG should look like this:

Control Flow Graph for Program 01

The QTA Timing Database

The blocks of the CFG are defined with <Block ... /> tags. They must have unique id and address attributes.

<Block address="0x20400000" blocktype="start" id="_start" />
<Block address="0x20400000" id="b0"/>
<Block address="0x2040000c" id="_end"/>

Edges of the CFG are defined with <Edge ... /> tags and range from the block referenced by source to the block referenced by target.

<Edge cycles="0" source="_start" source_context="" target="b0" target_context=""/>
<Edge cycles="42" source="b0" source_context="" target="_end" target_context=""/>

Note: The context attributes allow to specify CFG edge timing for different execution contexts. This can become useful for specifying

  • loop iterations and/or recursive functions calls
  • function calls that occur in different call stacks

The first two tutorials do not specify context-dependent timing. Thus we leave the source_contextand target_context attributes empty. We will come back to contexts in the third tutorial program, where we will show how to import time-annotated CFGs from the WCET (Worst Case Execution Time) analysis tool aiT from AbsInt GmbH.

Finally, we have to specify at which block and in which execution context the time simulation should be started. This is done with the two attributes startBlock and startContext of the root element qta:TimingAnnotation. In this example, we set the start block to _start and, since we do not use contexts in this example, we set the start context to the empty string.

The following listing shows the complete QTA timing database (.qtdb):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation=" qta.xsd"
     <Block address="0x20400000" blocktype="start" id="_start" />
     <Block address="0x20400000" id="b0"/>
     <Block address="0x2040000c" id="_end"/>
     <Edge cycles="0" source="_start" source_context="" target="b0" target_context=""/>
     <Edge cycles="42" source="b0" source_context="" target="_end" target_context=""/>

Run the time simulation

From inside the folder tests/riscv32, this example can be simulated with the following command:

../../qemu/bin/qemu-system-riscv32 -M sifive_e -nographic -kernel program01.elf -plugin ../../,arg=./program01.qtdb

Tutorial 2: A simple loop

The second tutorial is based on the program ./tests/riscv32/program02.elf, which contains a loop that is executed 5 times in a row.

The following listing shows the corresponding disassembly:

program02.elf:     file format elf32-littleriscv

Disassembly of section .init:

20400000 <_start>:
20400000:	00200293          	li	t0,5

20400004 <loop>:
20400004:	fff28293          	addi	t0,t0,-1
20400008:	fe029ee3          	bnez	t0,20400004 <loop>

2040000c <end>:
2040000c:	0000006f          	j	2040000c <end>

The Control Flow Graph

In this example, the execution of b0 block takes 13 cycles. It includes the first loop iteration. The remaing 4 loop iterations, which are represented by block b1, take 5 cycles each. The program flow from b1 to end shall need additional 2 cycles, resulting in a total of 13 + (4*5) + 2 = 35 cycles. Thus, the time-annotated CFG should look like this:

Control Flow Graph for Program 02

The QTA Timing Database

The following blocks have been defined:

<Block address="0x20400000" blocktype="start" id="_start"/>
<Block address="0x20400000" last_instruction="0x20400008" id="b0"/>
<Block address="0x20400004" last_instruction="0x20400008" id="b1"/>
<Block address="0x2040000c" blocktype="end" id="end"/>

In contrast to the first tutorial, this example now introduces branches. Here, the block loop is executed exactly 5 times before the loop exit condition is true.

<Edge cycles="0" source="_start" source_context="" target="b0" target_context=""/>
<Edge cycles="13" source="b0" source_context="" target="b1" target_context=""/>
<Edge cycles="5" source="b1" source_context="" target="b1" target_context=""/>
<Edge cycles="2" source="b1" source_context="" target="end" target_context=""/>

Like in the first tutorial, the start block is set to _start and all contexts are the empty string.

The following listing shows the complete QTA timing database (.qtdb):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation=" qta.xsd"
    <Block address="0x20400000" blocktype="start" id="_start"/>
    <Block address="0x20400000" last_instruction="0x20400008" id="b0"/>
    <Block address="0x20400004" last_instruction="0x20400008" id="b1"/>
    <Block address="0x2040000c" blocktype="end" id="end"/>
    <Edge cycles="0" source="_start" source_context="" target="b0" target_context=""/>
    <Edge cycles="13" source="b0" source_context="" target="b1" target_context=""/>
    <Edge cycles="5" source="b1" source_context="" target="b1" target_context=""/>
    <Edge cycles="2" source="b1" source_context="" target="end" target_context=""/>

Run the time simulation

From inside the tests/riscv32 tutorial, this example can be simulated with the following command:

../../qemu/bin/qemu-system-riscv32 -M sifive_e -nographic -kernel program02.elf -plugin ../../,arg=./program02.qtdb

Tutorial 3: Import WCET time behavior from AbsInt aiT

We have provided the tool ait2qta that automatically generates a QTA Timing Database from a timing analyis report from the WCET timing analysis tool aiT from AnsInt GmbH. It always takes the analysis with the -i option. The -o option tells ait2qta where to put the new QTA timing database file. The third option -g will not write the timing database but plot the extracted aiT control flow graph instead.

Generate the QTDB from an aiT report file

The third tutorial program was intended to demonstrate ait2qta. Head over to the folder tests/arm and run

../../util/ait2qta -i program03.a3report -o program03.qtdb
../../util/ait2qta -i program03.a3report -g program03.pdf

Run the time simulation

From inside the folder tests/arm, this example can be simulated with the following command:

../../qemu/bin/qemu-system-arm -M netduino2 -nographic -kernel program03.elf -plugin ../../,arg=./program03.qtdb

Additional information

For more information, please refer to the XSD schema file qta.xsd that describes the QTA TimingDatabase format in full detail.