This Repo Contains the code for a microservice application comprising of several components communicating to each other. In other words, this is an example of microservice. These microservices are written in different languages.
The app itself is a simple TODO app that additionally authenticates users.
- Frontend part is a Javascript application, provides UI. Created with VueJS
- Auth API is written in Go and provides authorization functionality. Generates JWT tokens to be used with other APIs.
- TODOs API is written with NodeJS, provides CRUD functionality ove user's todo records. Also, it logs "create" and "delete" operations to Redis queue, so they can be later processed by Log Message Processor.
- Users API is a Spring Boot project written in Java. Provides user profiles. Does not provide full CRUD for simplicity, just getting a single user and all users.
- Log Message Processor is a very short queue processor written in Python. It's sole purpose is to read messages from Redis queue and print them to stdout
The diagram describes the various components and their interactions.
Note: 3 different login details are provided in the .env file