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File metadata and controls

32 lines (26 loc) · 3.28 KB


To just use the sheet directly from Google, go:

User documentation is here.

Install is more "import", but there's some fixup required because of a Sheets bug I haven't got a workaround for as yet.

There's a binary sheet attached to the releases, suitable for import into Google Sheets, and a version suitable for Excel.

  1. Download the latest binary sheet
  2. Create a new Google Sheet - open this in new window
  3. Go to File->Import->Upload->Browse - this will open a system file selection box. Select the downloaded sheet.
  4. Choose Replace Spreadsheet, and select Import data
  5. FIXUP: there's a Sheets import bug (#30) that drops the checkbox validation from Use for fraction column in ESPP and RSU sheets:
    1. Menu Data->Data validation, then Add rule at the bottom of the right side pane that opens.
    2. Set Apply to range to ESPP!N7:N26, Criteria to Tick box. Click Done.
    3. Repeat (2) but with Apply to range as RSU!J7:J84
    4. If ESPP!N5 is displaying #REF!, replace the cell formula with =COUNTIF(N7:N, TRUE)
    5. Repeat (4) but for RSU!J5, replacing with =COUNTIF(J7:J, TRUE)
    6. (the bottom sums are just for convenience and because people expect totals at the bottom - fix them up with the same formula if you care)
  6. Import the AppScript (needed for running lot optimization)
    1. In the sheet, Extensions->App Scripts and copy the .gs files from the repo worksheet directory.
    2. Either reload the spreadsheet, or run the function using the AppScript UI
    3. Menu Custom Functions->All balance to trigger auth prompts
    4. Accept the authorization prompts - like self-signed website certs, you need to look at the small links below the main warning and text to proceed.
  7. Run the Custom Functions->Optimize per-lot (avgo basis) function - you'll be
    1. This sets the preference for each lot to cash or shares and you'll see the impact if choosing manual per-lot ratio in the Tweaks.
    2. If you want to make changes to the sheet, then export those changes for a PR, use the Custom Functions->Export Workbook (Censored). This will write json to a Google Drive location and is the mechanism I use to construct the json in the repo. These are intended for easy visual review of diffs. Well, easy compared to doing it as a spreadsheet.