From ca37c0ddd0e5e92300b137c15cbdb25f3831ff39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: WestLangley Importable Examples
Note: When using code from the examples directory, it's important that all files match the version of - your three.js main file. For example it's no good approach to use *GLTFLoader* and *OrbitControls* from R96 together + your three.js main file. For example, it's not acceptable to use *GLTFLoader* and *OrbitControls* from R96 together with three.js R103. You can easily keep your files in sync by using the modules from the JSM directory. If the file is not available as a module, you can still use third-party npm packages or convert the file to a module by yourself. In both cases, ensure the code is compatible with your three.js main file.