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File metadata and controls

105 lines (83 loc) · 6.22 KB
  • Data Types Teerminology

  • Nominal data, categorical

  • Binary data, 0 & 1 categorical

  • Ordinal data, values with meaningful order or ranking. (eg. small, medium, large; dissatisfied, neural, satisfied, very satisfied)

  • The central tendency of ordinal data can be defined by mode or median, no mean for this data type

  • Numerical data

  • Central Tendency

  • Positive skewed: x of mode < x of median

  • Negative skewed: x of mode > x of median

  • Measures of Data Dispersion

  • Range: min ~ max

  • Quantile, dividing into equal size of consecutive sets

  • Percentile, 100-quantiles

  • Q1 (the median of lower half), First Quantile, lowest 25%; Q3 (the median of higher half), Third Quantile, lowest 75%; Q2, Second Quantile = median, 50%

  • IQR, Interquartile Range, IQR = Q3 - Q1

  • Rule of thumb for identifying suspected outliers is to single out values falling at least 1.5*IQR above Q3 or below Q1

  • Five Number Summary: min, Q1, Q2 (median), Q3, max

  • VISUALIZATION Boxplot - outliers:

    1. The median is marked by the line in boxplot
    2. The length of the box is IQR, since the ends of it are at quantiles
    3. 2 lines (whiskers) out of the box reaches to min, max
    4. If we extend whiskers to 1.5*IQR higher than Q3 and lower than Q1, those individual dots will be the potential outliers
  • Standard Deviation: a low standard deviation means the data tends to be close to the mean; a high standard deviation indicates that the data spread out over a large range of values

  • VISUALIZATION Scatter Plot, Scatter Plot Matrix - correlation: when y increases with X, positive correlation; y decreases when X increases, negative correlation

  • VISUALIZATION Histogram - distribution

  • VISUALIZATION Pixel Visualization - reflect trends of multiple features at the same time: smaller the values, lighter the shading

  • Dealing with Missing Data

  • When you are using central tendency (mean or median), if the distribution of the data is skewed, median is better; for normal (symmetric) data, mean is better.

  • A popular way is to predict missing data with methods such as decison trees, bayesian inference and regression

  • Dealing with Noisy Data

    • Binning: Put data into bins and perform LOCAL SMOOTHING. Smoothing by bin means; Smoothing by bin medians, smoothing by bin boundries (min, max). Bins maybe equal width, where the interval range of values in each bin is constant.
    • Binning can also be used in data resudtion for data that has too many distinct values
    • Regression: Conform data values to a function, to find the best line fits the variables, so that n-1 variables can predict the nth variable.
    • Clustering: Outliers detection
  • Discrepancy Detection

  • Is the variable symmetric or skewed? Do all Values fall within acceptable range? Are there any KNOWN dependency between variables?

  • Values more than 2 standard deiation away from the mean can be potential outliers.

  • Deal with data inconssitency/errors

  • Standardize data format

  • While doing data transformation to improve data quality, some transformation may bring in more data discrepancy, some may only be solved after others have been solved

  • Publick Tools that integrates discrepency detectio and data transformation, Potter's Wheel:

  • Potter's Wheel paper:

  • Dealing with Data Redundancy

    • Correlation Analysis - for norminal data, chi-square test
    • Correlation Analysis - for numerical data, correlation co-efficient and covariance
    • chi-square hypothesis: variables are independent (no correlation between them), if this hypothesis can be rejected, the variables are correlated
    • Cells that contributes the most to chi-square value are those for which the actual count is very different from that expected
    • Correlation Coefficient or Covariance (similar measures): > 0, positive correlated; = 0, independent; < 0 negative correlated
  • Data Reduction

    • Dimensional Reduction: reducing number of variables under consideration. Wavelet transforms, Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
    • Numerosity Reduction: replace original data volume with smaller forms, parametric and non-parametric methods
    • Data Compression: lossless or lossy, limited data manipulation
    • Wavelet Transform (DWT) - tends to save more space and provide more accurate approximation of the orginal data. Works well on sparse or skewed data and on data with ordered variables
    • PCA - can be applied to both ordered and unordered variables, can handle sparse and skewed data. But for multidimensional data with more than 2 domwnsions, need to reduce the problem into 2 dimensions first
    • PCA vs. DWT: PCA works better on sparse data while DWT works on high domensional data
    • Attribute subset selection - find a minimum set of attributes such that the resulting probability distribution of the data classees is as close as possible to the original distribution using all the data. Heuristic methods are popular.
    • Regression, Log-Linear Models
    • Histogram, simple and highly efficient for sparse/dense data, highly skewed data, uniformed data. Equal width; Equal frequency
    • Clustering
    • Sampling
  • Data Transformation Strategy Summary

    1. Remove Noisy Data
    2. Feature Engineering
    3. Feature Aggregation
    4. Data Normalization
    5. Discretization - raw values of numerical feature are replaced by interval labels (eg. 1-10, 11-20) or conceptual labels (youth, adult, senior)
    6. Concept hierarchy generation for nominal data
  • Data Preprocessing Strategy Sumary

    1. Check Data Quality
    2. Initial Data Cleaning: missing data, deal with outliers/data errors, etc
    3. Data Integration
    4. Data Reduction
    5. Data Transformation
  • Data Normalization

  • Attempts to give features equal weight. Especially help NN and distance measurements based algorithms such as clustering, KNN

  • min-max normaliation

  • z-score normalization: works when min, max are unknown or when there are outliers that dominate min-max normalization

  • decimal scaling

  • Discretization

  • Clustering, popular

  • Decision trees with Entropy, top-down splitting strategy

  • Measure of Correlation, ChiMerge, bottom-up splitting strategy