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MongoDB User Guide Eng
Date : 17 Aug 2013 Written : HyunJong Cho(hangum@gmail.com)
Welcome to Tadpole! This is a web-based DB Query tool. You can connect variety DB in web browser and can control function for each users(user or admin or dba and so on). The goal is a DB HUB for all DB.
- Homepage : https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki
- License : Lesser General Public License(LGPL)
- Donate with paypal it’s easy to give with PayPal for Tadpole. Detail see - https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/Donor-List
- Contact : TADPOLE(adi.tadpole@gmail.com)
Now we are supporting - Amazon RDS, CUBRID, MarisDB, Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB. Tadpole lets you creatively focus on your project by simply the amount of work needed for a given task.
List of tested
- Amazon RDS : aws-java-sdk-1.4.7
- CUBRID : 8.4.x ~
- Oracle : 10g ~
- MySQL : 5.4.x ~
- MariaDB : 5.5.x ~
- MSSQL : 2000 ~
- PostgreSQL : 9.1.x ~
- SQLite : 3.7.2 ~
- MongoDB : 2.0.5 ~
This is explain for MongoDB
- Install
- Getting started
- Standalone
- Tomcat
- Login
- Authority
- The whole view of Tadpole
- Toolbar
- Database List
- Object Explorer
- Dataabase Information Editor
- Find Collection
- GridFS
- Profiling
- Import
- Session List
- User Management
- JAVA 1.6.x(Mac 1.7.x)
- Linux, Mac, Windows, Tomcat 6.x (If you want to user the other O.S, connect me : adi.tadpole@gmail.com)
- Download : https://code.google.com/p/tadpole-for-db-tools/downloads/list
- Reference more : https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/issues?direction=desc&sort=created&state=open
- Execute TadpoleDBHub-1.x.x\tadpole-standalone.exe
- After install, automatically run a web-browser(OR you can install the TadpoleForDBToolsStartup by double click). It will happen to you when you first start that you can't find the page to the web-browser cause engine is starting. Don't freak out. Let's click F5(Refresh)button.
- Open the web-browser and start '' ps) Tadpole DB is TadpoleDBHub-1.x.x/configuration/tadpole/db/tadpole-system.db. Please install new version and backup.
- Did you have installed Tadpole before? OK. Please backup a apache-tomcat-6.x.x/work/Catalina/localhost/tadpole/eclipse/configuration/tadpole/db/tadpole-system.db file. And delete apache-tomcat-6.x.x/work directory.
- Change war name to tadpole.war from TadpoleDBHub1.x.x-tadpole.war.
- The WAR file should be in the webapp directory path. And Tomcat should be installed and running.
- If the context root is tadpole, start in the web-browser.
- If you upgrade to data of old data, copy to tadpole-system.db from a backup file(number1. apache-tomcat-6.x.x/work/Catalina/localhost/tadpole/eclipse/configuration/tadpole/db/tadpole-system.db) in same directory.
- Test mode window.
- Tadpole has Admin, Manager, User(Developer). First DEFAULT USER made.
- Let's login as a Admin(adi.tadpole@gmail.com/admin), Manager(manager.tadpole@gmail.com/manager), User(guest.tadpole@gmail.com/guest).
- If you want to try test mode, you don't need to EMAIL ADDRESS, PASSWORD. We supported 'admin login/user login' for test mode.
- Add new user : ((https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/RDB-User-Guide-Kor#%EC%8B%A0%EA%B7%9C-%EC%9C%A0%EC%A0%80-%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D)
- Role of database administrator managing all DB(except password) and user created system.
- Admin managing user groups. Sharing and using DB and resources with users. If you create a user administrator for the first time, you will need to provide administrator permission to add project group. It is possible create / remove DB. User role can't add DB.
- DBA can see user list and db, managing executed query by users.
- User is current using account. Users must have specific roles within a user group, and they can login after provide administrator permission. Then they can use added db by administrator and can share query with the other users.
- Toolbar : Connection DB, save, authority(if it is a 'manager' or an 'admin' user), environment and so on.
- Database List : New create DB, delete, shared user's data.
- Object Explorer : Show the Object(Table, View)' list of selected to the Database List.
- Main UI : Show the DB Query editor, MongoDB profile viewer and main job viewer.
A toolbar is a GUI widget on which on-screen buttons, icons, menu, or other input or output elements are placed. And limited permission. 'Manager' can use all function, 'User' can't create DB, delete, profile functions.
- Show connection DB window.
- Save data in current SQL Editor.
- Show SQL Editor selected 'Database List' window.
- Show ERD Editor selected 'Database List' window.
- Delete shared resources selected 'Database List' window.
- Show user, db information.
- Show history information all DB.
- Show environment information.
- Show bug, request issues.(need to Github account)
- Show system preferences.
- Close button.(If standalone, program shutdown, or run Tomcat, logout)
Display DB list which do allow the connections. Use shared connection information to user in same groups.
Only Manager permission user can add DB.
- DB List for connection
- System preference to management Tadpole
- Server type : Input DB of server type
- Server type -> Production Server : You are able to add a new admin user directly to the database. IF generate user can't delete Collection in admin DB.
- Server type -> Developer Server : This is development DB and you can do all thing for except permission.
- Server type -> Others Server : This is add other uses of a DB and you can do all thing for except permission.
- Group : DB group to add connection information. If you want to manage group by DB, it is a good tip. And you can use group name by your job name or purpose of a database.
- Name : DB name for Database List.
- Input database information selected no.1.
- Additional information connected no.2.
- Readonly Connection : Can't delete, update and so on connected DB. Only SELECT statements is possible in SQL Editor.
- Table Filters : The filter is hidden and shown in the 'Object Explore'.
- Show Tables : Setup display table list of 'Object Explore'. When tables are more than 1000, it is good tip.
- Test, Save, Cancel to saved DB.
- Test Connection : Display the information, when it is possible for a connection to input information of no.2.
- Confirm : Add DB.
- Cancel : Cancel add DB.
If you add DB in the 'Database List', display in the group.
- Display 'DB icon [D] add name (account information)'.
- First : DB list
- [D] : acronym of Developer Server. Production Server is [P], Others Server is [O].
- Added name.
- Added account DB information. (Normal user can't see).
- If you select DB, display Object(For example, selected Collections of DB, Indexes, JavaScript) to 'Object explore'.
- If you double-click DB, open instance information of DB, summary Collection, DB rock, a replica set, sharding information.
- If it is a SELECT DB after, right-click on this mouse, display action for execute as user permission.
- Refresh : Search again from the 'Database List' for the newest.
- Web console : open MongoDB WebConsole.
- Server Status : Displaying DB process user info dialog.
- GridFS : Displaying dialog of result by GridFS.
- Top : Open DB used information dialog.
- ERD -> All Table ERD : Displaying relationship by referential integrity.
- ERD -> Create ERD : Displaying window to draw ERD, drag and drop tables to 'Object Explore'.
- Administer -> Profile : Displaying executed SQL query information in DB.
- Administer -> User management : Open dialog DB user management.
- Administer -> DB Information : Displaying Object(For examplem, selectted Collections of DB, Indexes, JavaScript) in 'Object Explore'.
- Administer -> Session List : Displaying Session list running DB.
- Administer -> Import : Get data to MongoDB connected DB in tadpole db hub.
- Administer -> Delete Database : Remove DB. Notice! DROP database drops all tables in the database and deletes the database and connected DB information.
If database selected in the 'Database List', displaying Collections, Indexes, JavaScript.
Filter : Search Collection.
- Double click Table name -> display select query in SQL Editor.
- Display comments on table name Table to mouseover event.
- If you selected Collection, displaying field information of Collection.
- If you double click Collection, displaying selected Collection window.
- If you select Collection, and right-clicking, displaying popup menu.
- Create Collection : Create the Collection.
- Drop Collection : Drop the Collection.
- Refresh Collection : Refresh from the current window for the newest.
- Generate Statement : Collection : Add new row in Collection.
- Rename Collection : Modify Collection name.
- ReIndex Collection : Reindex in Connection. Caution! If Collection had many data, think again.
Displaying connected MongoDB of all Connection information. You can see this editor to Connection Manager by double-click db.
- Name Filter : Filtering by Collection name.
- If you select Collection, displaying field information of the Collection.
- If you double-click Collection, moving to search window of the Collection.
- Displaying summary information of DB in bottom.
Searching Collection information. There is search window by JSON. Displaying search results in Tree(and Table) view. And if you click Ctrl + Space in editor, displaying Field information.
- Collection Search window
- Input where command as below. If you search query = op field, see as below. {op : 'query'}
- Find : Input find information. For example, screen captured picture : find 'item_id = 7'
- Field : Displaying quantity of filed searched results in screen captured picture. If you want displaying all fields, you don't input anything.
- Sort : Search quantity DESC in in screen captured picture.
- Skip : Skip search results.
- Limit : Limit only 100 data selected result.
- Query plan : Open dialog query explain information of where command.
- Server message : Open the search server log dialog.
- Search: Starting search.
- Displaying search result.
- Tree View : Displaying search results in Tree view. You can modify value by click Value.
- Table View : Displaying search results in Table view. If you double-click result, it will change in Tree view.
- Tadpole Message : Displaying search failed information.
- Executing command line by select results.
Upload files or download files to MongoDB GridFS.
- bucket : Search bucket name
- File Name : Search file name
- Skip : Skip count search result
- Limit : Limit count search result
- Search Button : Search result
- Insert Button : Input dialog
- Delete Button : Delete button after select file
- Download Button : file download
If you click Insert button, open a window. See!
- Bucket Name : Input bucket name for save.
- Select File button : Select a file to upload.
- Upload button : Selected a file to upload from Select File.
- OK button : Save.
The database profiler collects fine grained data about MongoDB write operations, cursors, database commands on a running mongodb instance.
- Start Profiling button : If you never start profile in mongoDB, click the button to start profile.
- Stop Profiling button : Stop profile mongoDB.
- Remove Profile Data button : Remove profile data.
- Display text: Refresh view
- Great then(millis) text: Query execution time
- Limit text: Limit the number of results from this query.
- Start Refresh : Starting search Great then, limit.
- Stop Refresh : Stoping search.
Query가 있는 검색 조건의 경우 쿼리를 튜닝 할 수 있습니다. 튜닝이 필요한 행을 더블 클릭하거나, Show Detail 버튼을 클릭하면 튜닝 화면이 오픈 됩니다.
몽고디비의 컬랙션 정보를 읽어서 다이어그램 형태로 보여집니다. Connection Manager에서 All Table ERD를 클릭하면, 디비의 모든 Collection 를 diagram으로 표현 합니다. Create ERD Diagram을 클릭하면 Object Explorer에서 사용자가 원하는 Collection만 출력 할 수 있습니다.
This import to mongoDB from connected tadpole db data. You can input a whole table or query to import in mongoDB.
If you get tables data, the table name is RDB in tadpole DB. Or getting collection names with mongoDB
You can use query information for import data.
MariaDB, MySQL can see Session List.
Session List is displayed Session list executed in the DB. And you can close Long time to execute or shutdown query.
- Collection shortcuts of Session List.
- Display current SQL statements.
- If you select query of number ②, display SQL statements executed query.
User list of group, manage db list and add a user, change stop use. Or select executed query list of user, but only administrator and DBA can be use.
Display all user list, if you double-click user, displaying 'Executed SQL Management'. This is executed previously is executed again on the viewer.