diff --git a/payloads/library/general/Multi_HID_Pebbles/pebbles.txt b/payloads/library/general/Multi_HID_Pebbles/pebbles.txt
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index 0000000..e89ee2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/payloads/library/general/Multi_HID_Pebbles/pebbles.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Title: Pebbles
+# Description: Pebbles a game based off of Nim. Nim is a mathematical game of strategy in which two players take turns removing (or "nimming") objects from distinct heaps or piles. On each turn, a player must remove at least one object, and may remove upto 3 of objects off of the pile. The goal of the game is to avoid taking the last object.
+# Author: Cribbit
+# Version: 1.0
+# Category: General
+# Prop: Dragorn for his help with bash arrays and Bert van Dam's book on AI
+# Thanks: To Hak5 for their 20 year of passing knowledge out into the world and the Hak5 discord members for their friendship, knowledge and support.
+## Matches
+MATCH pebbles
+MATCH resetbrain
+## Fixed variables
+# location of charlog
+# where the array (it knowledge) is stored when not running
+# array of decisions
+# basiclly if it has a one it can choose this move.
+# because bash does not have a multi dimensional array we cheat a little and have 3 (largest number of pebbles that can be taken) times the total number of pebbles (21)
+# so 21 * 3 = 63 => [0..62]
+brainArray=( 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )
+save_tofile () {
+ printf "%s\n" "${brainArray[@]}" > $brainFile
+# check for brain file. if it exist loads
+# else save current
+if [ -e $brainFile ] && [[ "$LOOT" == "pebbles" ]]; then
+ mapfile -t brainArray < $brainFile
+ save_tofile
+quack_line () {
+ if [[ $2 -eq 1 ]]; then
+ fi
+quack_cmds () {
+ quack_line "Please take 1, 2 or 3 pebbles" 1
+wait_input () {
+ # echo waiting
+ cnt=$(wc -m "$char" | awk {'print $1'})
+ while : ; do
+ cnt2=$(wc -m "$char" | awk {'print $1'})
+ if [ "$cnt" -ne "$cnt2" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep .5
+ done
+ tail -c 1 "$char"
+ while true; do
+ command=$( wait_input )
+ case $command in
+ 1 | 2 | 3 ) takken=$command
+ break ;;
+ q ) good_bye ;;
+ * ) quack_cmds ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ quack_line "Do you want another game (y/n)?" 1
+ while true; do
+ command=$( wait_input )
+ case $command in
+ y )
+ running=true
+ pebbles=$max
+ lastpos=0
+ break
+ ;;
+ * ) good_bye ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ quack_line "pebbles left: $pebbles" 1
+good_bye () {
+ quack_line "Good Bye" 1
+ exit
+run ()
+ check_input
+ if [ "$pebbles" -le "$takken" ]; then
+ quack_line "I have won!" 1
+ quack_line "Commiserations better luck next time."
+ running=false
+ else
+ pebbles=$(($pebbles-$takken))
+ pebbles_left
+ move=0
+ for i in {1..3}
+ do
+ pos=$(((((i-1)*max)+pebbles)-1))
+ if [[ ${brainArray[$pos]} -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ move=$i
+ lastpos=$pos
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ "$move" -eq 0 || $(($pebbles - $move)) -le 0 ]] ; then
+ quack_line "Congratulations you have won!" 1
+ quack_line "I will learn from my mistake."
+ brainArray[$lastpos]=0
+ save_tofile
+ running=false
+ else
+ pebbles=$(($pebbles - $move))
+ quack_line "I take: $move"
+ pebbles_left
+ fi
+ fi
+ while true; do
+ quack_line "Welcome to the game of pebbles base off of the game NIM" 1
+ quack_line "You vs Me"
+ quack_line "You move first, the object of the game is not to take the last pebble"
+ pebbles_left
+ quack_cmds
+ while [ "$running" == true ]; do
+ run
+ done
+ another_game
+ done
diff --git a/payloads/library/general/Multi_HID_Pebbles/readme.md b/payloads/library/general/Multi_HID_Pebbles/readme.md
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index 0000000..572cd28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/payloads/library/general/Multi_HID_Pebbles/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# :gem: Pebbles
+- Author: Cribbit
+- Version: 1.0
+- Target: Mutli OS (GUI based text editior)
+- Category: General
+- Attackmode: HID
+- Props: Dragorn for his help with bash arrays and Bert van Dam's book on AI
+## :mag: Match
+## :book: Description
+Welcome to the game of pebbles base off of the game NIM.
+You vs the Croc.
+You move first, the object of the game is not to take the last pebble.
+So after loading onto your croc. Open up a text editor and type `pebbles`
+The more games you play the smarter the croc will seem to get as it builds up knowledge.
+## :mag: Match
+resetbrain (play the game but resets any knowledge it has built up)
+## :placard: Change Log
+| Version | Changes |
+| ------- | --------------- |
+| 1.0 | Initial release |
\ No newline at end of file