All backend customisation happens in this directory.
These files required:
1: File: authentication.config.js
If you use provided LDAP-Authentication, you need this file:
const parameters = {
URL_LDAP: "ldap://",
SERVER_PORT: "4166",
GROUP: "LDAP Group DN, if being in a group ist required to get access to dashboard"
module.exports = parameters
2: File (optional): resend-users.config.js
Array of user-names in capital letters who may resend messages. If not given, all authenticated users can resend messages.
module.exports = []
3: File: authenticationImplementation.js
Redirect to provided LDAP-Authentication-Implementation:
const auth = require('../backend-auth/ldap/ldapAuthentication')
module.exports = {
getDN: auth.getDN,
checkLogin: auth.checkLogin,
config: auth.config
or create your own by implementing getDN and checkLogin. The export of config is just for showing in console, could be empty object.
1: File: jobs.config.js
const parameters = {
JOB_PATH: "C:/Dashboard",
MODEL_PATH: "C:/DashboardModel",
SERVER_PORT: "4000",
module.exports = parameters