This data set contains information about our great solar system:
- 1 star
- 9 planets
This data set does not concern itself with the definition of a planet vs. a dwarf planet. Sufficient discussion and disagreement is still ongoing in the International Astronomical Union (IAU) about its 2006 definition of planets and what it applies to and what not, that no purpose is served for this data set to try to adhere to that definition. Therefore, this data set just includes on table "planets" with the intention to be generic enough for users to be able to store any kind of planet (dwarf, exo, rouge, etc.) in it.
Note that all files are UTF-8 encoded!
Table: metadata
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| metadata_id | numeric | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| table_name | varchar(13) | NO | | NULL | |
| column_name | varchar(52) | NO | | NULL | |
| meaning | varchar(4000) | YES | | NULL | |
Table: stars
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| star_id | numeric | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| name | varchar(50) | NO | | NULL | |
| discoverer | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |
| dicovery_date | date | YES | | NULL | |
| mass_10_exp_24_kg | real | YES | | NULL | |
| gm_10_exp_6_km_exp_3_per_s_exp_2 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| volume_10_exp_12_km_exp_3 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_volumetric_radius_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_density_kg_per_m_exp_3 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| gravity_m_per_s_exp_2 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| escape_velocity_km_per_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| ellipticity | real | YES | | NULL | |
| moment_of_inertia_per_mass_radius_exp_2 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| vband_magnitude | real | YES | | NULL | |
| absolute_magnitude | real | YES | | NULL | |
| luminosity_10_exp_24_J_per_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mass_conversion_rate_10_exp_6_kg_per_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_energy_production_10_exp_minus_3_J_per_kg_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| surface_emission_10_exp_6_J_per_m_exp_2_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| spectral_type | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| central_pressure_10_exp_11_bar | real | YES | | NULL | |
| central_temperature_10_exp_7_K | real | YES | | NULL | |
| central_density_10_exp_5_kg_per_m_exp_3 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| sidereal_rotation_period_hrs | real | YES | | NULL | |
| obliquity_to_ecliptic_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| speed_relative_to_nearby_stars_km_per_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| north_pole_of_rotation_right_ascension | real | YES | | NULL | |
| north_pole_of_rotation_declination | real | YES | | NULL | |
| north_pole_of_rotation_reference_date | varchar(35) | YES | | NULL | |
| apparent_diameter_from_earth_at_1_AU_s_of_arc | real | YES | | NULL | |
| max_apparent_diameter_from_earth_s_of_arc | real | YES | | NULL | |
| min_apparent_diameter_from_earth_s_of_arc | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_distance_from_earth_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| min_distance_from_earth_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| max_distance_from_earth_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| min_magentic_field_strength_polar_field_gauss | real | YES | | NULL | |
| max_magentic_field_strength_polar_field_gauss | real | YES | | NULL | |
| magentic_strength_sunspots_gauss | real | YES | | NULL | |
| min_magentic_strength_prominences_gauss | real | YES | | NULL | |
| max_magentic_strength_prominences_gauss | real | YES | | NULL | |
| magentic_strength_chromospheric_plages_gauss | real | YES | | NULL | |
| magentic_strength_bright_chromospheric_network_gauss | real | YES | | NULL | |
| magentic_strength_ephemeral_active_regions_gauss | real | YES | | NULL | |
| surface_gas_pressure_top_of_photosphere_mb | real | YES | | NULL | |
| surface_gas_pressure_bottom_of_photosphere_mb | real | YES | | NULL | |
| effective_temperature_K | real | YES | | NULL | |
| temperature_at_top_of_photosphere_K | real | YES | | NULL | |
| temperature_at_bottom_of_photosphere_K | real | YES | | NULL | |
| temperature_at_top_of_chromosphere_K | real | YES | | NULL | |
| photosphere_thickness_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| chromosphere_thickness_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| sun_spot_cycle_yrs | real | YES | | NULL | |
| photosphere_composition | varchar(1000) | YES | | NULL | |
See metadata
table contents.
Table: planets
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| planet_id | numeric | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| name | varchar(50) | NO | | NULL | |
| star_id | numeric | YES | MUL | NULL | Foreign key to stars.star_id |
| discoverer | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |
| discovery_date | date | YES | | NULL | |
| mass_10_exp_24_kg | real | YES | | NULL | |
| volume_10_exp_10_km_exp_3 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| equatorial_radius_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| core_radius_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| polar_radius_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_volumetric_radius_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| diameter_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| number_of_moons | numeric(3,0) | YES | | NULL | |
| has_ring_system | char(1) | YES | | NULL | Allowed values ('Y','N') |
| has_global_magnetic_field | char(1) | YES | | NULL | Allowed values ('Y','N') |
| rotation_period_hrs | real | YES | | NULL | |
| length_of_day_hrs | real | YES | | NULL | |
| ellipticity | real | YES | | NULL | |
| distance_from_sun_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_distance_from_earth_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| min_distance_from_earth_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| max_distance_from_earth_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_density_kg_per_m_exp_3 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| gravity_m_per_s_exp_2 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| acceleration_m_per_s_exp_2 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| escape_velocity_km_per_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_temperature_K | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_temperature_C | real | YES | | NULL | |
| surface_pressure_bars | real | YES | | NULL | |
| gm_10_exp_6_km_exp_3_per_s_exp_2 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| bond_albedo | real | YES | | NULL | |
| geometric_albedo | real | YES | | NULL | |
| vband_magnitude | real | YES | | NULL | |
| solar_irradiance_W_m_exp_2 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| black_body_temperature_K | real | YES | | NULL | |
| topographic_range_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| moment_of_inertia_I_per_MR_exp_2 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| J_2_10_exp_minus_6 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| semimajor_axis_au | real | YES | | NULL | |
| semimajor_axis_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| sidereal_orbit_period_days | real | YES | | NULL | |
| tropical_orbit_period_days | real | YES | | NULL | |
| perihelion_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| aphelion_10_exp_6_km | real | YES | | NULL | |
| synodic_period_days | real | YES | | NULL | |
| orbital_period_days | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_orbital_velocity_km_per_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| max_orbital_velocity_km_per_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| min_orbital_velocity_km_per_s | real | YES | | NULL | |
| orbital_inclination_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| orbital_eccentricity | real | YES | | NULL | |
| sidereal_rotation_period_hrs | real | YES | | NULL | |
| obliquity_to_orbit_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| inclination_of_equator_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| apparent_diameter_from_earth_at_1_AU_s_of_arc | real | YES | | NULL | |
| max_apparent_diameter_from_earth_s_of_arc | real | YES | | NULL | |
| min_apparent_diameter_from_earth_s_of_arc | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_apparent_diameter_from_earth_s_of_arc | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_apparent_visual_magnitude_from_earth | real | YES | | NULL | |
| max_visual_magnitude | real | YES | | NULL | |
| longitude_of_ascending_node_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| longitude_of_perihelion_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| mean_longitude_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| north_pole_of_rotation_right_ascension | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | |
| north_pole_of_rotation_declination | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | |
| north_pole_of_rotation_reference_date | varchar(35) | YES | | NULL | |
| magnetosphere_model | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | |
| dipole_field_strength_gauss_R_exp_3 | real | YES | | NULL | |
| dipole_tilt_to_rotational_axis_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| longitude_of_tilt_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| dipole_offset_R | real | YES | | NULL | |
| surface_field_strength_1_R_gauss | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | |
| geomagnetic_poles_model | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | |
| latitude_geocentric_dipole_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| longitude_geocentric_dipole_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| latitude_magnetic_north_pole_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| longitude_magnetic_north_pole_degrees | real | YES | | NULL | |
| atmospheric_details | varchar(1000) | YES | | NULL | |
See metadata
table contents.
File name | Description |
---|---| | SQL file to install this data set in an Oracle database. |
install.sql | SQL file to install this data set in a database. |
metadata.csv | Comma separated file with metadata. |
planets.csv | Comma separated file with planet data. |
stars.csv | Comma separated file with star data. |
uninstall.sql | SQL file to uninstall this data set from a database. |
Connect to your database of choice via the command prompt and execute the install.sql
Note: there is a separate file for Oracle
Please make sure that your connections is using the utf8mb4
character set.
You can do so by passing on the --default-character-set=utf8mb4
option to the command line, e.g.: mysql --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -u <your user> -p<your password> -D <your database>
mysql> source install.sql
db=> \i install.sql
1> :r install.sql
2> go
$ db2 -tvmf install.sql
Connect to your database of choice via the command prompt and execute the uninstall.sql
mysql> source uninstall.sql
db=> \i uninstall.sql
SQL> @uninstall.sql
1> :r uninstall.sql
2> go
$ db2 -tvmf uninstall.sql
Note that there is still uncertainty and minor disagreements on some of the measurements of our solar system. You will find other numbers out there that are different from the ones provided in the NSSDCA/NASA Planetary Fact Sheets.
The data source for this data set is: