All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #897 switching from online to online
- #901 stop propagation for key events
- #894 define sasl mechanisms
- #896 minimized audio call
- #904 call freeze on iphone
- nextcloud/jsxc.nextcloud#148 turn lock green if all omemo devices are verified
- #909 play ringtone on incoming calls
- #915 remove DTMF jingle messages
- update dependencies
- wait 2 sec before marking msg as read
- mark message only as read if client is visible
- include jquery in build
- #871 add minimize button to video dialog
- show only chat messages in roster, no system messages
- sort roster by last message
- implement partially xmpp uri scheme, message and join
- multi account support
- improve new device handling (omemo)
- mark messages as not transferred
- encrypt file transfer (omemo)
- show file transfer progress
- #683 add plugin meta data
- show avatar placeholder while offline
- add audio stream to screen sharing call
- #745 implemented chat markers (XEP-0333)
- fix republishing of lost device id (omemo)
- fix bundle structure (omemo)
- xmpp attach failure results in start failure
- disable video handler for rooms
- fix support for anonymous accounts
- ui init for accounts without contacts
- room member list (muc)
- sound imports
- chat history flickering
- fix interface for disco info repo
- fix undefined error (me-command)
- fix some custom emoticons
- html escaping in remove dialog
- #865 disappearing muc sender name
- show avatar for historical muc msg
- mark chat windows with partial subscription
- fix fullscreen button
- bump max supported version for all plugins
- suppress chat state msg for unknown sender
- fix dialog for message from unknown sender
- restore notices on reload
- unread message sync
- remove mailto prefix from mail link
- fix roster badge on fullscreen
- handle failed RTC peer config request
- show notifications only for incoming messages
- show notifications for group messages
- do not overwrite trust level (omemo)
- show webpack progress
- update locales
- use eval source map for dev
- update dependencies
- enhance release process
- improve pre commit hook
- remove unused code
- remove unused roster functions
- update travis script
- enhance muc member badge
- change color of messages
- improve fullscreen layout
- highlight unknown device in list (omemo)
- OMEMO (XEP-0384)
- MUC invitation
- #6 voice-only call
- #501 JID escaping (XEP-0106)
- #178 add in-band password change (XEP-0077)
- #178 add in-band registration (XEP-0077)
- send file via file drop
- insert emoticon at cursor position
- MUC subject in window header
- full screen layout
- display presence messages
- option to disable all plugins
- highlight quotations
- show notice if offline contacts are hidden
- show notice if contact list is empty
- prepared multi account support (still experimental)
- #512 add option to specify storage backend
- show MUC avatars
- show mute icon in roster if notifications are muted
- support unicode emoticons
- show spinner while enabling encrypted transfer
- call all available resources at once
- add simple webcam test
- #656 support multiple incoming calls at once
- use sender avatar color as background color for group chat messages
- #841 add support for RTL messages
- video calls can now be initiated from any tab
- #328 MUC joining from any tab
- fix and improve emoticon insertion
- remove non-persistent contacts after login
- translate OTR status messages
- enhance roster insertion
- #608 reset window size if browser gets resized
- use Consistent Color Generation (XEP-0392)
- use more natural bounce animation for notice icon
- use object based public API
- use custom resource with jsxc prefix as default resource
- Typescript, Webpack, Handlebars, Karma, Mocha, Chai and Sinon
- removed
folder, git submodules, bower and grunt - share one XMPP connection across all tabs
- add plugin API
- form watcher instead of form option
- API to add roster menu entries (
) - API to test BOSH server (
) - use [SASS guidelines] and [BEM]-like style syntax
- add commit lint and require Conventional Commits
- Jingle file transfer
- bookmarks
- fix path to dependencies
- add application states
- #393 add the /me command (XEP-0245)
- #422 add multiline message support
- #431 add Chat State Notifications (XEP-0085)
- #426 add HTTP File Upload (XEP-0363)
- add Turkish
- #438 add desktop sharing
- add Nextcloud emoticon
- #301 add close all button for notices
- #344 support messages of type
- add icon to notices
- fix login form submission
- fix display of MUC warning
- #391 fix MUC initialisation after relogin
- #394 disable OTR for MUC conversations
- #399 prompt for MUC password if required
- #435 fix list of user name suggestions
- #433 fix i18n interpolation pattern
- fix minor WebRTC issues
- #440 prevent original login form submission
- #441 remove console.trace
- #409 fix presence after accepting contact request
- fix template system
- fix path to strophe.bookmarks (regression)
- fix disabled login form
- fix carbon copy impersonation vulnerability (CVE-2017-5589+)
- ignore malicious roster updates (similar to CVE-2014-0364)
- prevent double insertion of MUC setting
- update dependencies
- #385 update i18next
- improve initial focus for login box
- add large emoticons
- #421 make MUC server field editable
- system message style
- disable sending of OTR whitespace tag by default
- enable carbon copies by default
- remove border radius from dialog
- exclude dev dependencies from build
- move jquery library to example folder
- omit unreadable OTR messages
- add room configuration in master tab
- improve muc multi tab support
- update/add languages: zh, pt, hu, pl, en, pt
- use user preferred browser languages
- remove inline styles
- fix multi-tab support
- fix uncaught type error on login
- fix second call issue
- fix option retrieval
- fix auto-accept
- fix the answer to anything
- fix boolean muc configurations
- allow selector for options.logoutElement
- attach also with parameters from options.xmpp
- responsive material-like design
- refactoring settings dialog
- over 1600 emoticons from emojione
- support mobile devices
- new video call interface
- status usable for daltonian
- use css for animations
- file transfer via WebRTC
- previews
- show progress
- use local date and time format
- add no-video-call-possible icon
- add disabled OTR icon
- add padlock icon to message
- display line breaks in chat messages
- hide avatar for connected messages (MUC)
- auto approve incoming contact request (if contact is already in our roster)
- use crendential when performing turn credential ajax crossdomain call
- update favico.js
- update strophe.js
- update strophe.jinglejs
- improve otr verification
- update locales
- reset unread counter on logout
- fix blank video
- fix hang up video call
- fix debug information
- fix muc message without id
- fix type error in jingle error
- remove "develop" branch and use instead "master" branch
- Makefile for setup developer environment
- remove loginTimeout option
- add new jsxc.start function to start chat with password or sid/rid
- add new option loginForm.ifFound (deprecates loginForm.attachIfFound)
- add named dialogs
- new message object
- remove outdated stuff
- merge jsxc.webrtc.css into jsxc.css
- Reset TURN credentials on login
- Fix IE<11 textfield
- remove leading at sign from comments in build file
- fix bookmark loading
- show unread notifications only if the chat window has no focus
- update grunt-sass (fix invalid css)
- update strophe.jingle (fix login with Safari and older versions of IE, FF, Chrome)
- update favico.js
- fix undefined error variable in IE
- fix handling of escaped JIDs (e.g. used in transports)
- fix placeholder replacement
- rearrange bootstrap import
- add option for custom online user manual
add bookmark feature for rooms (XEP-0048)
add reserved room feature for muc (XEP-0045#10.1.3)
add counter of unread messages to roster, window and favicon
add join as URI query type
add ru language
add roster resize hint
make dialog responsive
allow messages to persons without valid friendship
replace video library for more stable connection
fix DSA key generation in Chrome > 42
fix minor roster UI issues
add jsbeautifier and prettysass
improve example
extract templates to single files
replace colorbox with magnific popup
use parts of bootstrap
replace strophe.jingle with strophe.jinglejs (jingle.js)
concatenate strings for better translatability
add new option attach if login form was found
add new option loginForm.startMinimized
add new option loginForm.enable (deprecates xmpp.onlogin)
add new option RTCPeerConfig.url (deprecates turnCredentialsPath)
ICE servers can now be passed as init option
loadSettings option is no longer required and supports now async requests
- improve login box
- fix browsers without CSPRNG generator
- fix AJAX login after credential failure
- fix some WebRTC issues
- fix login with different username after dirty logout
- remove IE (<11) gradient
- remove broken MITM detection
- fix temporary template 404
- fix login option
- add connecting event
- add multi-user chat (XEP-0045)
- add window resize handle
- add username autocomplete
- add offline state
- add Italian, French, Polish, Portuguese/Brazil
- use user avatar as notification icon
- show notifications if tabs has no focus
- split files into namespaces
- SASS improvements
- replace own translation engine with i18next
- fix login from login box
- fix selection of chat messages
- fix video calls
- fix emoticons
- fix duplicated roster items
- fix notification request
- fix logout
- fix CSS URL path
- move from plain CSS to SASS
- show avatar also by EXTVAL (URL), not only by BINVAL
- add XEP-0280 (Message Carbons)
- add XEP-0297 (Stanza Forwarding)
- add option to disable OTR
- add timestamp to messages
- add AJAX/prebind login
- fix offline subscription request
- fix hide offline contacts
- fix error with multiple own resources
- fix avatars with newlines
- add unread flag to roster and scroll to target window
- add XEP-0147 URI Scheme Query support
- add has-come-online notification
- add silent notification request
- add more information in vCard view
- add resizable function to chat window
- add vertical scrollbar to window list
- add call information to chat window
- add concatenated and uglified files
- add translations
- minor video call improvements
- minor style improvements
- generate DSA key complete in background
- update caps node property to
- update strophe.jingle
- update OTR
- fix wrong avatars
- fix minor message delivery errors
- fix FF snapshot security error
- fix case sensitive resource handling
- fix non-square avatars
- fix several video issues
- fix messages from unknown (not in roster) jid
- fix vCard retrieval from unknown (not in roster) jid
- fix vCard in second tab
- fix JIDs with non-word characters (replace user identifier)
- improve video window design
- improve user info
- improve login box
- improve SMP user interaction
- improve notifications (sync sound/message, icon)
- minor chat window improvements
- detect email in message
- detect URI scheme in message
- end all private conversations on logout
- remove email pattern from contact dialog
- disable video on second tab
- add/require DISCO DTLS feature for WebRTC
- move emoticons to CSS
- handle loadSettings failure
- change cursor for some elements
- prevent event bubbling for dialog
- fix use of custom username
- write to console only if debug flag is set
- allow string|boolean as config param
- add translations
- add user-defined xmpp options
- fix login form without id submit
- add spanish translation
- add vCard view
- add more emoticons
- add grayscale to buddies without subscription
- add settings for priorities
- add hint if roster is empty
- add sound files
- new chat window design
- enhanced roster design
- fix emoticon replacement (XEP-0038)
- fix some UI issues (explanations,...)
- fix issue with password only field
- fix login issue
- fix different dialogs
- fix Safari mobile bug
- fix webworker debugging
- fix issue with Prosody
- fix submodule state
- add debug flag
- add icon for video calls
- add general stylesheet + vector images
- add multiple translations
- add link to online help
- handle webworker security error
- remove outline glow
- reduce tooltip delay
- remove already confirmed friendship request from notice stack
- minor style fixes
- move complete to new notification api
- fix emoticons
- fix unique message id
- add sound notifications
- add support for custom default avatars
- add support for XEP-0184 (Message Delivery Receipts)
- update & extend hover info
- handle presence of type unsubscribed
- remove roster footer if offline
- enhance OTR error handling
- enhance translations
- reduce initial timeout
- fix notices
- fix friendship response dialog
- fix shared roster item removel
- fix debug function
- fix WebRTC bug
- fix storage check
- fix Firefox fullscreen
- add notice stack (for e.g. friendship requests)
- add option to change presence
- support all available presence states
- display own avatar
- fix issue with Prosody
- fix multi-tab support
- fix Chrome notifications
- fix OTR error handling
- fix WebRTC bug
- update strophe.js to v1.1.3
- fix debug function (fix initial presence)
- add debug log window
- add warn|error debug functions
- fix chat window after call
- fix NULL pointer and context in WebRTC
- handle already attached submit events on login form
- style changes
- fix WebRTC startup
- don't block application on DSA key generation