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Instructions on how to publish extension

To publish hardhat-solidity you need to do next steps:

  1. git fetch, Checkout out development, then ensure your branch is up to date git pull --ff-only

  2. Perform a clean install and build (will lose all uncommitted changes):

    git clean -fdx .
    npm install
    npm run build
  3. Run a full check, stopping on failure: npm run fullcheck, optionally you can check that each commit meets our build requirements with: git rebase main --exec "npm install && npm run fullcheck"

  4. Confirm the commits represent the features for the release

  5. Branch into a release branch named for the current date: git checkout -b release/yyyy-mm-dd

  6. Update the version based on semver, ensure it is updated in:

    • The client package version in ./client/package.json
    • The language server package version in ./server/package.json
    • The coc extension package version in ./coc/package.json
      • Its @nomicfoundation/solidity-language-server dependency version.
  7. Update the changelog in ./client/ by adding a new entry for the new version based on Keep a Changelog

  8. Commit the package version and changelog change as a version bump commit:

    chore: bump version to v0.x.x
    Update the package version and changelog for the `0.x.x - yyyy-mm-dd` release.
  9. Push the release branch and open a pull request against main using the new changelog entry as the PR description

  10. Ensure .env file is populated with GA and Sentry secrets before packaging (see ./env.example)

  11. Generate a release candidate vsix file with npm run package, the vsix file should appear in the ./client folder with the new version number

  12. Manually run smoke tests on the new features across all supported platforms, using contracts from

    • mac os x
    • windows
    • linux (vscode running against docker)
  13. On a successful check, rebase merge the PR into main branch.

  14. Switch to main branch and pull the latest changes

  15. Git tag the version, git tag -a v0.x.x -m "v0.x.x" and push the tag git push --follow-tags

  16. Publish the language server npm package, cd ./server && npm publish

  17. Publish the coc extension, cd ./coc && npm publish --non-interactive

  18. Upload the vsix file to the microsoft marketplace: npx vsce publish -p $VSCE_TOKEN --packagePath client/hardhat-solidity-0.X.X.vsix

  19. Upload the vsix file to openvsx, npx ovsx publish client/hardhat-solidity-0.X.X.vsix -p $OVSX_TOKEN

  20. Create a release on github off of the pushed tag:

    • use the added changelog section as the body of the release
    • upload the vsix file as an asset.
    • append the Nomic is Hiring section to the end of the release note:
    > 💡 **The Nomic Foundation is hiring! Check [our open positions](**
  21. Rebase development onto main, and force push back to github

  22. Update the discord announcements channel

    • link to the release entry on github (i.e.
    • give a few sentences of description of why users should be excited about this release
  23. After 24 hours, to make sure users had time to update to the new release, ensure that metrics are reported correctly to:

    • Google Analytics
    • Sentry