and MyGordon
databases exist in:
- The development/testing database
- The live production database server.
EF Core Power Tools is a Visual Studio extension that adds a User Interface and some helpful reverse-engineering niceties on top of EF Core. Read more
In order to utilize this extension:
This might need to be done: On to the top tab of Visual Studio
Navigate on Solution Explorer to
\Models\{database name}\Context\
- right-click
efpt.{database name}.config.json
- select
EF Core Power Tools - edit
- select the appropriate Database. IF THERE ARE NO OPTIONS HERE, PLEASE RETURN TO STEP 0
- press
- select new database objects that you are trying to add
- press
after you're done selecting, then pressok
on the next window -
At this point, Git Changes should reflect changes to the API codebase of which there should be expected and unexpected changes.
At this point is is very important to note the changes that you expect and to revert all unexpected changes
Only keep these changes:
- your expected changes
efpt.[database name].config.json
It is possible that reverting all other files will still prevent the API from deploying/compiling. This is usually due to unexpected changes. The common suspects are:
- Other changes in
where you would have to comb through and revert unexpected changes - Not reverting
- Other changes in
If you have lost track of expected changes, do not panic! Revert all changes and start again and keep track again.
All the tables were created from scratch by our team.
Misc Information:
- Apart from a few exceptions, the tables don't make use of foreign key constraints. This is because the relevant primary keys are in the tables referenced by Views. Unfortunately, one cannot make foreign keys that reference Views.
A record in this table stores:
- ACT_CDE - The short code for the activity.
- ACT_DESC - The name of the activity.
- ACT_BLURB - A short description of what the activity is about. This will be filled out by a leader.
- ACT_URL - URL to the website for the club/organization (if they have one).
- ACT_IMAGE_PATH - Path to where the activity logo is stored in the browseable folder.
- ACT_TYPE - Short code for the type of the activity
- ACT_TYPE_DESC - Full name of the type of the activity
You might notice that this table is an extension of the ACT_CLUB_DEF view. It contains extra information that the view does not have, but that we need. This is clearly a case of Information Duplication; information is available in two places and can easily fall out of sync. To remedy this, the stored procedure UPDATE_ACT_INFO was made.
A record in this table stores:
- ID_NUM - The gordon id number of the administrator
- USER_NAME - The administrator's username
- EMAIL - The administrator's email.
- SUPER_ADMIN - Whether or not the admin has super admin privilege
To make someone an admin, simply insert a record into this table through MSSQL Studio.
A record in this table stores:
- username - The gordon username of the current user (firstname.lastname)
- facebook - The URL of the user's facebook without its domain name
- twitter - The URL of the user's twitter without its domain name
- instagram - The URL of the user's instagram without its domain name
- linkedin - The URL of the user's linkedin without its domain name
- handshake - The URL of the user's handshake without its domain name (just user id)
Users don't exist in the table unless they add/edit their social media links on 360 site. Once a user adds any links, the user will be added to the table. This logic is done so that there won't be unused users in the table which can possibly slow down the website.
A record in this table stores:
- EVENT_ID - The event id number of this schedule (always has to be above 1000, to differentiate between a course schedule)
- GORDON_ID - The gordon id number of the user having this event
- LOCATION - The location of the event
- DESCRIPTION - The description of the event
- MON_CDE - Whether or not the event is in monday ('M')
- TUE_CDE - Whether or not the event is in tuesday ('T')
- WED_CDE - Whether or not the event is in wednesday ('W')
- THU_CDE - Whether or not the event is in thursday ('R')
- FRI_CDE - Whether or not the event is in friday ('F')
- SAT_CDE - Whether or not the event is in saturday ('S')
- SUN_CDE - Whether or not the event is in sunday ('N')
- IS_ALLDAY - Whether or not the event is happening for all day '0' for no and '1' for all day.
- BEGIN_TIME - The start time of the event in Timespan format
- END_TIME - The end time of the event in Timespan format
Myschedules doesn't exist in the table unless a user add/edit myschedule on 360 site. Once a user adds any customized event, the event will be added to the table. The structure is adopted from the course schedule format stored in other database. There are two primary keys - EVENT_ID and GORDON_ID. They have to match together to get any event schedule
A record in this table stores:
- IsSchedulePrivate - Whether or not the schedule is private (only applied to students and their course schedule. FacStaff and mySchedule won't be affected)
- ModifiedTimeStamp - The last time when the user modified the event or description
- Description - The schedule description for additional links
- gordon_id - The gordon id number of the current user
Schedule Controls also don't exist in the table unless a user add/edit their settings on 360 site.
A record in this table stores all the same fields as an Activity table in Jenzabar would. The goal of this table was to contain membership information that was to be moved to Jenzabar. To do this, one would use the stored procedure UPDATE_JNZB_ACTIVITIES.
A record in this table stores:
- ACT_CDE - The short code for the activity.
- SESS_CDE - The short code for the session when this membership took place.
- ID_NUM - The gordon id number of the member.
- PART_CDE - The short code for the participation level of the member.
- BEGIN_DTE - The date the membership began
- END_DTE - The date the membership ended
- COMMENT_TXT - Comment about the membership
- GRP_ADMIN - A boolean indicating whether or not this member has group admin privileges, allowing them to edit the group's page on the site
The other three fields (USER_NAME, JOB_NAME and JOB_TIME) where meant to be administrative fields to store data about who inserted records and when they did it. We ended up not using them. We kept them because they have good potential use.
A record in this table stores:
- SESS_CDE - The short code for the session they are requesting to join.
- ACT_CDE - The short code of the activity they are requesting to join.
- ID_NUM - The gordon id number of the potential member.
- PART_CDE - The short code for the participation level they want to join as.
- DATE_SENT - The date the request was made.
- COMMENT_TXT - Comments to accompany the request.
- STATUS - Status of the request. Should be either Pending, Approved or Denied.\
A record in this table stores
- ACT_CDE - The activity short code.
- ACT_DESC - The name of the activity.
This table is an exact duplicate of the JENZ_ACT_CLUB_DEF view. It is periodically updated by making sure what is in it corresponds to what is in JENZ_ACT_CLUB_DEF. When a new activity is found in JENZ_ACT_CLUB_DEF, it is inserted into ACT_CLUB_DEF and the stored procedure UPDATE_ACT_INFO is run.
These are just the MyGordon tables used by 360. They were originally not made for this site.
A record in this table stores
- SNID - unique integer identifier for a news entry
- ADUN - username (first.last) of the person who posted the entry
- categoryID - foreign key that links this entry to its category
- Subject - subject, written by the poster, of the news entry
- Body - the actual text of the news entry, written by the poster
- Image - the path to the image (if there is one) associated with the news item
- Accepted - whether this entry has been approved to be shown publicly
- Sent - whether the item has been sent
- thisPastMailing - whether it belongs to this past mailing
- Entered - when, in datetime format, the post was submitted by the poster
- fname - not used (NULL)
- lname - not used (NULL)
- ManualExpirationDate - given by the poster, the last day on which this entry should be displayed publicly
A record in this table stores
- categoryID - a unique integer identifier
- categoryName - the name of a category, ex. "Found Items"
- SortOrder - an integer representing the category's placement in the preferred display order
We got access to these views through CTS. They are a direct live feed from the tables they represent. As mentioned earlier, we cannot use primary keys in the views to make foreign keys in other tables.
Account information for all the members of gordon college.
The Alumni information. Includes their information the same way as students.
Descriptions of the different codes for buildings around campus.
Information on chapel attendance for every student
The Activity information. Includes short codes and what they represent.
Descriptions of different codes for countries.
The Session information. Includes short codes, the session they represent, and the physical dates spanned by the session.
A subset of ACCOUNT
that has only faculty and staff member records.
Descriptions of the different codes for majors.
Pulls firstname, lastname, category (student, staff, faculty), and AD_Username (if it exists!) and then makes a concatenated string to be searched through
Definitions of the different participation levels for someone in an activity.
A list of IDs that are identified as gordon police.
A subset of ACCOUNT
that has only student records.
Content (images, captions, and links) for the slider on the dashboard page.
Stored procedures have been written to make some database accesses and administrative tasks easier. Here are the most important ones.
Returns all events which a student has attended based upon their AD_Username
Pulls firstname, lastname, category (student, staff, faculty), and AD_Username (if it exists!) and then makes a concatenated string to be searched through
This stored procedures is simple. It returns separate advisor(s) ID (Max is 3, Advisor1, Advisor2, and Advisor 3) for a particular student based upon their ID.
This keeps the ACT_CLUB_DEF table in sync with the JENZ_ACT_CLUB_DEF view. It should be run periodically.
Because ACT_INFO is basically a duplicate of ACT_CLUB_DEF, this stored procedure tries to keep them synced. Ideally it should be run automatically anytime ACT_CLUB_DEF changes.
In non-sql terms, this procedure makes sure all the activities defined in ACT_CLUB_DEF are also present in ACT_INFO. If something has been added/removed to ACT_CLUB_DEF but not in ACT_INFO, it adds/removes the corresponding record to ACT_INFO.
This stored procedures is pretty simple. It moves all the relevant information from the MEMBERSHIP table and puts it in the JNZB_ACTIVITIES table. To prevent duplication, it will only add records that are present in the MEMBERSHIP table, but missing the JNZB_ACTIVITIES table.
Every time a record is inserted into the ACT_CLUB_DEF table, this trigger runs the UPDATE_ACT_INFO stored procedure. Although not clear in the name, this trigger also runs whenever a row is deleted from ACT_CLUB_DEF.
It's sometimes useful to look at the database directly, to see the schema or check data. Here is how.
Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Connect to "ADMINTRAINSQL" database server (or "ADMINPRODSQL")
Expand "Databases" then "CCT" (primary database), "MyGordon", "StudentTimesheets", or "TmsEPrd" then "Views" or "Tables"
To see schemas, expand "dbo." entries and their "columns"
To see data, right-click a view and select "Select top 1000 rows"